Y Roll_31 Part 2Special Session, March 21st, 1947 jl Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Petition of Joseph Gorman et al advising that they do not object to the rezoning of the one hundred and two hundred blocks on South- ern Avenue for the purpose of building a bake shop, presented and read Councilman Thompson moved that the petition, together with the previous recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission on this same subject, be referred to the Planning and Zoning Com- mission for their further considera- tion and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Murphy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Resolution No. 25.47 Resolution and application for permanent transfer of funds. Whereas, during the current fiscal year Improvement Bonds in the amount of $40,000.00 matured and Improvement Bond Interest in the amount of $881.25 became due and payable: and Whereas, there is now in the hands of the City Treasurer and credited to the Water Works Gene- ral Fund the sum of $137,882.04; and Whereas, No water works bonds are outstanding and therefore the requirements of Section 397.38 of the Code of Iowa have been fully met; and Whereas, In order to provide for the payment of the obligations it is necessary to make transfer of $15,000.00 from Water Works Gene- ral Fund to the Consolidated Fund which embraces the Improvement Fund: and Whereas, Before any transfer can be made from the Water Works General Fund to any other fund, an application must be made to the State Comptroller for authority to make the transfer and his approval secured thereon; Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that, subject to the approval of the State Comptroller, there be and there is hereby transferred from the Water Works General Fund to the Con. solidated Fund the sum of $15,000.00 and the State Comptroller is hereby petitioned to authorize and approve such transfer; and Be It Further Resolved that upon the approval of such transfer the Auditor of the City of Dubuque is directed to adjust his accounts ac. cordingly and to notify the Treas- urer of such transfer and such notification shall be accompanied by a copy of this resolution and the record of its adoption. The resolution was p a s s e d, adopted and approved by unani- mous action of the City Council on the 14th day of March, 1947 and all members thereof signed their names thereto. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. The foregoing resolution and ap- plication having been filed with the State Comptroller, the transfer re- quested is approved this 18th day of March, 1947. C. Fred Porter. State Comptroller. Councilman Murphy moved that the Approval of State Comptroller C. Fred Porter, of Resolution No. 25-47 be received and made a mat- ter of record. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. March 17, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Department, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of Feb. ruary, 1947. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. 52 Special Session, March 21st, 1947 Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. March 21, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have ap- proved the following policies and desire to have your approval on same for filing: Taxi -Cab City Cab Company, Policy No. 14 P 101908. 3rd and Main Streets, American Casualty Co. Excavation Seubert & Fesler, Policy No. 332976, 1603 Central Avenue, Em- ployers Mutual Casualty Co. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Bonds be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- Ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. March 21, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of February 24, 1947 the offer of $200.00 made by Anton Zwack, Inc. for Lot 34 in Taylor and Cooley's Sub. was re- ferred to the council to view the grounds. The council having examined the property decided to accept the offer. I recommend that the action Of the council be confirmed by the adoption of the attached reso. lution. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Resolution No. 27-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that it is deemed advisible to sell Lot 34 of Taylor and Cooley's Sub- division in the City of Dubuque, Iowa to Anton Zwack, Inc. for the sum of Two Hundred and no/100 (200.00) Dollars and to execute a quit claim deed of said premises to said grantee and deliver the same to him upon the payment of said purchase price. Be It Further Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk of said City of Dubuque be, and they are hereby authorized to execute said deed on behalf of the City of Dubuque and to affix thereto the official seal of said City. Passed, adopted and approved this 21st day of March, 1947. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. March 21, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of March 14, 1947 the petition of Robert Grant and Edgar Dykeman requesting a lease on City -owned Lot 319 in Ham's Addition was referred to the City Manager and Water Superintendant for report and recommendation. We have considered the matter and find that this lot, which was Purchased by the Water Depart- ment, is needed for the storage of :ast iron water pipe now enroute Special Session, March 21st, 1947 53 to Dubuque. Therefore, we reco- mmend that the petition be denied. Respectfully submitted, A. A Rhomberg, City Manager. J. J. Hail Water Superintendant. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg and Water Superintendent Hail be approved. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays --None. March 21, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of February 24, 1947, a proposed transmission line easement grant by the City to the Interstate Power Company was re- ferred to the City Manager and Solicitor for report and recommen- dation. We have looked into the matter, examined the attached location map and find that the location shown would not interfere with the proper use of public property. How- ever, the easement as drawn is in general terms as to location over the various public properties. Therefore, we recommend that an easement in which the center line location of the proposed transmis- sion line is described by metes and bounds as shown on the attached plat be granted to the Interstate Power Company and further that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute such easement. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. John J. Kintzinger, City Solicitor. March 21, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instructions I have conferred with Mr. C. E. Dove of the Interstate Power Company regarding the rfe-routing of the East Dubuque bus. Agreement was reached that the East Dubuque bus route be changed to the following: "Commencing on Eighth Avenue at Main Street; thence east on Eighth Avenue to Central; thence south on Central Avenue to Fourth Street; thence west on Fourth Street to Iowa Street; thence south on Iowa Street to Second Street; thence west on Second Street to Locust Street; thence south on Locust Street to the East Dubuque Bridge; returning from East Du- buque Bridge on Locust Street north to Eighth Avenue; thence east on Eighth Avenue to Main Street, the place of beginning." It was further agreed that bus stops in the congested area of Lo- cust Street be designated as fol- lows: On the south east corner of Locust and West Fourth Streets; on the south east corner of Locust and West Sixth Streets, and on the south east corner of Locust Street and Eighth Avenue, I recommend that the above changes be adopted by the passage of an ordinance. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg City Manager. Councilman Murphy moved that the recommendation of City Mana- ger Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Councilman Murphy moved that the recommendation of City Mana- ger Rhomberg and City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 8-47 An Ordinance amending ordi- nance No. 12.38, ordinance No. 10- 43, and ordinance No. 8.44, "Auth- orizing Interstate Power Company, its successors and assigns to sub- stitute motor bus transportation for street railway transportation; des- ignating motor bus routes, etc." by changing certain defined bus routes, providing for certain bus stops, and by repealing ordinances 54 Special Session, March 21st, 1947 In conflict herewith, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays --None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 9-47 An ordinance amending ordi- nance No. 10-37, being an ordinance designated as "traffic code of the City of Dubuque" being in relation to turning of vehicles at intersec- tions, presented and read. Council- man Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first rearing of the ordinance Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. NaYs—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be. fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. March 20, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Herewith submitted is a detailed distribution of proposed expendi- tures of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1947, and ending March 31, 1948. I recommend this distribution to the Council for adoption as the basis for making appropriations for the ensuing fiscal year. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg City Manager. Councilman Murphy moved that the recommendation of City Mana- ger Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Special Session, March 21st, 1947 jj DETAILED DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENDITURES ... for... CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA For the Fiscal Year 1947- 1948 SOURCES OF REVENUE FOR 1947.48 FISCAL OPERATION A—From Taxes Levy in Fund Mille Tax Consolidated.............................................................................. 9.640 $351,000 Fire Maintenance................................................................4.000 148,049 FireEquipment......................................................................0.875 13,411 Library.......................................................................................1.125 40,288 Park..............................................................................................0.625 22,361 Playground and Swimming Pool .................................... 0.500 17,881 Police Pension........................................................................0.514 18,882 Fire Pension............................................................................0.690 24,676 Police Retirement................................................................0.250 8,941 Fire Retirement....................................................................0.861 12,910 General Bonds........................................................................1.743 62,534 Dock.............................................................................................. 0.500 17,881 Airport........................................................................................1.500 53,648 Parking Lot............................................................................0.600 17,881 Emergency................................................................................0.671 23,996 23.194 $829,469 Moneys and Credits Tax (Consolidated Fund) ............................ 16,806 Road Tax on Agricultural Lands (Consolidated Fund) ...... 109 Library Tax on Agricultural Lands (Library Fund) .......... 98 GRAND TOTAL FROM TAXES LEVIED AUGUST 1946........$846,572 The above estimate is based on a revised taxable value of $85,762,229 which is the assessed value for 1947.48 operation as obtained from the County Auditor. The millage for 1946-47 operation was 22.265 mills on a taxable valuation of $35,741,396 which with moneys and credits tax of $14,791 plus taxes on agricultural lands of $206 totalled $810,779. B—From Miscellaneous Sources General Misel. Revenues BusinessLicenses...............................................................................$ 4,000.00 DogLicensee.......................................................................................... 600.00 BuildingPermits................................................................................ 3,000.00 PlumbingPermits................................................................................ 2,600.00 ElectricalPermits................................................................................ 2,500.00 Police Court Fines and Costs.......................................................... 20,000.00 BeerPermits ......................... ......I .................................. ..................... 26,000.00 CigarettePermits.................................................................................... 23,000.00 Garage Receipts 600.00 Street and ........................................................ 250.00 DietingPrisoners.................................................................................... 700.00 MiscellaneousRents.............................................................................. 705.00 MiscellaneousSales.............................................................................. S50.00 ScaleReceipts.......................................................................................... 8,000.00 AmbulanceReceipts.............................................................................. 600.00 HealthDept. Receipts...................................................................... 4,500.00 MilkInspection Fees.......................................................................... 600.00 BicycleRegistration ........................................... I................................ 1,000.00 Saleof Real Property........................................................................ 2,295.00 State Highway Maintenance............................................................ Total$96,000.00 .................................................................................................... AIRPORT FUND EstimatedUnencumbered Balance..............................................$6 0,000.00 ""' 2'000'00 Airport Returns .............................. Total$62,000.00 .................................................................................................... CONSOLIDATED FUND$� 000 .00 Estimated Unencumbered Balance ............................. FIRE MAINTENANCE FUND$18,00000 Estimated Unencumbered Balance ................... 860 00 Outside Fire Protection Contracts .......................................... Total$18,650.00 .................................................................................................... FIRE EQUIPMENT FUND00 Estimated Unencumbered Balance .............................. _................ LIBRARY FUND $125000 Estimated Unencumbered Balance ................................................. 2 ,000.00 ............................... Book Rentals and Fines ••••^•-^""""""'""""""" Total$3,250.00 ........................................................................................................ 56 Special Session, March 21st, 1947 PARKING LOT FUND EstimatedRevenue..................................................................................$2,000.00 PARK FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance ...................................................$3,000,00 Conceesions................................................................................................ 300.00 Miscellaneous Collections.................................................................... 400.00 Total.................................................................................._....................$3,700.00 PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING POOL FUND EstimatedUnencumbered Balance ................................................$2,000.00 Swimming Pool Receipts.................................................................... 3,500.00 SkatingReceipts.................................................................................... 250.00 Miscellaneous Receipts........................................................................ 75.00 Total.......... I .................... :..................................................................$5,826.00 POLICE PENSION FUND 1% Salary Deduction from Members ................................................$450.00 FIRE PENSION FUND I% Salary Deduction from Members ................................................$650.00 DOCK FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance .................................................$ 3,000.00 OilTerminal Lease.............................................................................. 1,800.00 Virginia -Carolina Lease...................................................................... 2,100.00 WharfageFees ..... .................................................................................... 2,000.00 DockHouse Lease.............................................................................. 1,232.00 Total....................................................................................................$10,132.00 DOCK BOND FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance ....................................................$5,200.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance ..............................................$ 88,000.00 Receipts from State Gas Tax .......................................................... 46 000.00 Total.................................................................................................... $110,000.00 STATE LIQUOR FUND EstimatedCity Share....................................................................$ Total Estimated Misc. Revenues and Unencumbered 33,000.00 Balances....................................................................................... Total Estimated Receipts from Tares 464,857.00 ...................................... 848,572.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY REVENUES ....................$1,311,429.00 WATER WORKS DIVISION Su Estimated Unencumbered(Self Balanceporting) ........."""""""""""""""""..179,000,00 Estimated Water Revenue .............................................................. 179,185.00 Total.................................................................................................. $429,185.00 ESTIMATED GRAND TOTAL CITY AND WATER WORKS DIVISION REVENUES............................................................$1,740,594.00 DETAILED DISTRIBUTION OF PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1947-48 GROUP 1—GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (Consolidated Fund) Item 101—City Council 1948.47 1947.48 A. Salaries Appropriations Appropriations ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, B. Travel .•...•..•. . $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 ................................................................. 175.00 J. Miscellaneous 175.00 .................................................... 26.00 26.00 Total............... _.... ,.............. .............................. $ 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00 Item 102—City Manager's Office A. Salary City Manager ........................ $ 8,393.00 `$ A. Salary Secretary 8,714.00 ......•••• A. Salary Stenographer """"" 2,897.00 2,832,00 .. B, Travel 1,914.00 ................................................................ 2,004.00 C. Office...100.00 250.00 ......................................................... 126.00 D. Printing 126.00 ..................... F. Maintenance """"' 15.00 75.00 G• Materlal and Supplies 200.00 200.00 ............................... 825.00 825.00 Total............................................................... $ 11,769.00 Item 103—City Clerk's OfficeA. $ 12,626,00 Clerk .... A. Salary Ei.........xtra Help ......................... .....$ 3,289.00 $ 3,468.00 G. bleterial and 9uppliee ..........""""""' 150.00 150.00 ...... 75.00 75.00 Total .......... ........................... .............................$ 8,514.00 $ Item 104—City Auditor's 3,881.00 Office A. Salary City Auditor FMaintenance ....................................`$ 2,420.00 "$ 2,547.00 G• ..,,,,,,,,,, • Material and Supplies ..................................... 5000 50.00 50.00 .................................. 100.00 Total 200.00 .......................................... -...$ 2,570.00 $ 2,797.00 Special Session, March 21st, 1947 57 Item 105 -City Treasurer's Office A. Salary City Treasurer ................................*$ 2,376.00 *$ 2,502.00 D. Printing and Advertising ............................ 25.00 26.00 F. Maintenance...............T..................................... 25.00 25.00 G. Material and Supplies ................................ 150.00 150.00 I. Surety Bond ....................................................... 60.00 100.00 Total..........................:...........................................$ 2,628.00 $ 2,802.00 (Note: 25% of salaries of City Manager, City Auditor and Treasurer are paid by Water Dept.) 1046.47 1947.48 Appropriations Appropriations Item 106 -City Solicitor's Office A. Salary City Solicitor (fart Time) ..........$ 4,972.00 $ 5,220.00 B. Travel.................................................................... 40.00 40.00 C. Ofice..................... /......................................... _... 40.00 40.00 G. Material and Supplies .................................. 85.00 85.00 Total....................................................................$ 6,137.00 $ 5,385.00 Item 108 -City Assessor's Office A. Salary City Assessor ......................................$ 1,716.00 $ 1,800.00 A. Salaries Deputies (3) ................................ 2,772.00 2,916.00 G. Material and Supplies ................................ 25.00 25.00 J. Board of Review ............................................ 1,200.00 600.00 Total......................................................................$ 5,713.00 $ 5,341.00 Item 109 -Civil Enalneer's Office A. Salary Engineer ................................................$ 8,630.00 $ 3,900.00 A. Salary Assistant .................................................. 2,772.00 3,156.00 A. Salaries Rodmen.......................................... 3,960.00 8,400.00 C. Office...................................................................... 100.00 100.00 E. Equipment .............. a........................................ 200.00 200.00 F. Maintenance ..... . ................................................. 500.00 500.00 0. Material and Supplies .................................... 500.00 500.00 Total......................................................................$ 11,662.00 $ 16,756.00 Item 113 -City Elections600.00 $ 500.00 A. Salaries Clerks, Etc•.................................... .................................. $ G. Material and Supplies .................................... 400.00 400.00 J. Rents.................................................................... 50.00 50.00 Total....,.... . .........................................................$ 95Q.0O $ 960.00 Item 114 -City Buildings 280000 $ 4,500.00 A. Salaries Janitors ..............................................$ 1,800.00 1,000.00 E. Equipment.......................................................... F. Maintenance and Repairs ............................ 2,552.00 2,500.00 G. Material and Supplies .................................... 1,300.00 1,000.00 H. Heat and Light ............................................ 1.800.00 1.800.00 Total$ 9,452.00 $ 10,800.00 ...................................................................... Item 115 -Police Court 47.00 $ 2,052.00 1,9 A. Salary Police Judge .....................................$ 15.00 15.00 G. Material and Supplies .................................. Total$ 1,962.00 $ 2,067.00 ...................................................................... Item 116 -Civil Service Commission 10000 $ 100.00 G. Material and Supplies .................................$ J. Miscellaneous................r..............................: 100.00 100.00 Total 200.00 $ 200.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP I -GENERAL ADMINJS•$ 57,255.00 $ 66,004.00 TRATION........................................................... GROUP II -PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY Item 118 -Police Department (Consolidated Fund) 1 1946.47 947.48 Appropriations Appropriations A. Salary Chief of Police ................................ 8,644.00 $ 3,720.00 ................................... 2,377.00 3,024.0{ A. Salary Senior Captain b 304.00 6,589.00 A. Salaries Captains (2) ................................ 7,848.00 8,244.00 A. Salaries Desk Sergeants (8) 10,820.00 16,848.00 A. Salaries Detectives (4) •••••••••••••••••• 6,018.00 6,280.00 A. Salaries Motorcyclists (2) ............................ A. Salaries Patrolmen (after 3 yrs.) (22).... 53,692.00 58,232.00 A. Salaries Patrolmen (before 9 yrs.) (2).... 207900 6,652.00 A. Salaries Patrolmen (during 1st yr.) (8) 416800 4,308.00 A. Salaries Matrons (2) .................................. 00.00 100.00 A. Salaries Special Officers .......................... 501.00 60.00 B. Travel ......... ............. ►.... ..................................... 275.00 275.00 C. Office..................................................................... 150.00 150.00 D. Printing........................................................... 2,000.00 8,600.00 E. Equipment.......................................................... 2,800.00 2,600.00 F. Maintenance..._................................................... 2,000.00 2.000.00 G. Material and Supplies 00 1,500.00 1 300.00 500.00 J-1. Feeding Prisoners ........................................... J-2. Miscellaneous (Injuries) ......•••• ....................................$108,509.00 $119,335.00 Total .................................. Fund Transfer - (Consolidated Tax -$95,899.00; Emergency $23,996.00) 58 Special Session, March 21st, 1947 Item 119A -Fire Department Maintenance Fund 1946-47 Salary Director (Part Time) Appropriations A. Salary Fire Chief ..........................................$ 8,544.00 $ 8,720.00 A. Salaries Senior Captains (2) ................... 5,598.00 6,048.00 A. Salaries Captains (5) .................................. 13,260.00 18,920.00 A. Salaries Lieutenants (7) .......................... 17,556.00 18,480,00 A. Salaries Engineers (4) ...... _...................... 10,032.00 10,600.00 A. Salaries Firemen (after 3 yrs.) (30) ...... 73,080.00 76,680.00 A. Salaries Firemen (during 8 yrs.) (7) .... 16,086.00 16,884.00 A. Salaries Firemen (during 1st yr.) (8) .... 2,079,00 0,552.00 B. Travel.................................................................... 50.00 50.00 C. Office.................................................................... 650.00 650.00 D. Printing ............................ I................................. 35.00 85.00 F-1. Maintenance..................................................... 3,750.00 8,750.00 F•2. Repairs to Buildings ................................ 8,000.00 81000.00 0. Material and Supplies .................................. 2,700.00 2,700.00 H. Heat and Light ............................................ 3,000.00 81000.00 I. Insurance ...+..... -...i ....... ................... ............. 40010(1 400.00 J-1. Miscellaneous (Injuries) .............................. 900,00 900.00 J-2. Interest on Warrants ...................................... 60.00 00.00 J-3. Reserve for Emergency .............................. 871.00 600.00 Total......................................................................$168,151.00 $187,989.00 (Fire Maintenance Tax -$148,049.00; Balance and Misc. Rev. enue $13,650.00; State Liquor Fund -$11,290.00) 1948.47 1947.48 Item 1198 -Fire Equipment Fund 1946-47 Salary Director (Part Time) Appropriations E. Equipment........................................................$ 67,474.00 $ 78,411.00 (Fire Equipment Tax -$18,411.00; Unencumbered Balance - $60,000.00) 2,424,00 Item 120 --Fire and Police Atum (Consolidated Fund) Salary Clerk and Registrar Salary Restaurant Inspector ....•••.. A. Salary City Electrician ..............................$ 2,442.00 $ 2,568.00 A. Salary Extra Help ........................................ 100.00 2,100.00 C. Office.................................................................... 100.00 E. Equipment 100.00 .......................................................... 150.00 F. Maintenance...................................................... 150.00 150.00 150.00 G. Material and Supplies .................................. 200.00 200.00 H. Heat, Light and Power .................................. 100.00 100.00 Total.....................•..............................................$ 8,2y2.00 $ 5,360.00 Item 121 -Building Commissioner's Office (Consolidated Fund) Oft.ic•e ............................... .......................................... Printing .............• A. Salary Building Commissioner ..................$ 8,630.00 $ O. Office 3,630.00 ............ ........................................................ 25.00 F. Maintenance ................. G. Material and Su]ie.................................... 150.00 26.00 160.00 PP ..................... 100.00 100.00 Total......................................................................$ 8,905.00 $ 8,905.00 Item 122 -Plumbing Inspector's Office (Consolidated Fund) 80.00 A. Salary Plumbing Inspector ........................$ 2,880.00 $ 0. Office 8,024.00 ...................... «........�................ 25.00 D. Printing """' ............................................................. 26.00 15.00 O. Material and Supplies 15.00 ................................... 50,00 J. Plumbing Board 50,00 .............................................. 180.00 180.00 Total......................................................................$ 8,150.00 $ 8,294.00 Item 123 --Electrical Inspector's Office (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary Electrical Inspector ........................$ 2,880.00 $ C. Office ......... 8,024.00 ........................ 26.0 D. Printing .................._...._......................... 16.00 .................................... 26(,00 F. Maintenance 16.00 0. Material and Supplies .................................. 075.00 175.00 ............................... 100.00 100.00 Total..................................................................$ 8,196.00 $ 8,889.00 Item 124 -Dog Pound (Consolidated Fund) 1,200.00 J. Enforcement Dog Ordinance .................... $ 160.00 $ SUBTOTALS GROUP II; PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY 160.00 ................................$845,776.00 $876,791.00 GROUP III -HEALTH AND SANITATION Item 125 -Health Department (Consolidated Fund) A. 1946-47 Salary Director (Part Time) Appropriations 1947.48 Appropriations A. Salary Sanita" """"" ry Inspector ""$ 2'310.00 $ 2,424,00 A. A. Salary Clerk and Registrar Salary Restaurant Inspector ....•••.. 2,019.00 1'860' 2,112.00 1'950.00 A. A. Salaries Nurses (4) """""......••• 1.672.00 1,658.00 B. Extra Help ...................................................... 01906.00 9,480.00 Travel 1,820.00 1,584.00 C. D. Oft.ic•e ............................... .......................................... Printing .............• 50(00 IM00 50.00 15q.00 E. F. Equipment........._.................................................. ......................................................... 60.00 60.00 G. Maintenance 50.00 80.00 J•1. Material and Supplies Laboratory 800.00 800.00 Expense """"""•• 300.00 300.00 ,,................... 400.00 400.00 Total Item ........................................ . 1 Diseas^ $ 17,687.00 $ 2b --Control 20.812.00 J. of Contagious Diseases Control of Contagious Diseases .........,,_. $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Special Session, March 21st, 1947 ;9 Item 127 -Sewer Maintenance A. Wages .................... a................. _........................ $ 14,400.00 $ 15,500.00 E. Equipment.......................................................... 700.00 700.00 F. Maintenance ................. _................................... 1,200.00 1,^_00.00 G. Material and Supplies ................................ 600.00 600.00 H. Power for Sewer Pumps ............................ 800.00 1,600.00' Total ...................... ....................... ...................... $I 17,700.00 $ 19,500.00 Item 128 -Garbage Disposal J. Contract for Garbage Collection and Disposal ..............................................................$ 16,800.00 $ 18,000.00 Item 129 -Milk Inspection A. Salary Milk Inspector ..................................$ 2,772.00 $ 2,928.00 A. Salary Assistant ............................................ 2,400.00 2,520.00 E. Equipment............................................................ 160.00 160.00 G. Material and Supplies .................................... 100.00 100.00 Total...................................................................$ 5,433.00 $ 5,708.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP III -HEALTH AND SANITATION.....................................................$ 58,719.00 $ 65,220.00 GROUP IV -HIGHWAYS AND STREETS Item 131 -Highways Administration (Consolidated Fund) 1946.47 1947.48 Appropriations Appropriations A. Salary Timekeeper .........................................$ 2,880.00 $ 3,024.00 A. Maintenance...................................................... 100.00 100.OD G. Materials and Supplies .................................. 150.00 150.00 Total......................................................................$ 3,130.00 $ 8,274.00 Item 132 -Street Repairing and Grading (Consolidated Fund) A. Wages Laborers ..............................................$ 26,001.00 $ 27,500,00 E. Equipment..........................4.............................. 6,000.00 6,000.00 F. Maintenance...................................................... 6,000.00 5,000.00 G. Material and Supplies .................................... 10,000.00 10,000.00 J. Grading............................................................. 10,000.0£1 5,000.00 Total........................................................................$ 57,000.00 $ 53,500.00 Item 135 -Street Construction Fund J. Street Construction ....................................$ 66,000.00 $110,000.00 Item 133 -City Garage (Conllolidated Fund) A. Salaries Mechanics ..........................................$ 9,750.00 $ 10,000,00 C. Office...................................................................... 75.00 75.00 E. Equipment.......................................................... 500.00 500.00 F. Maintenance...................................................... 400.00 400.00 G. Material and Supplies .................................... 825.00 325.00 H. Heat, Light and Power 2,000.00 2,000.00 I. Insurance.............................................................. 50.00 50.00 Total.......................................................................$ 13,100.00 $ 18,350.00 Item 134 -Ash and Can Collections (Consolidated Fund) A. Wages Drivers and Laborers ....................$ 14,000.00 $ 16,000.00 F. Maintenance ..... .......... _..... ........ ..... r............. 1,400.00 1,40MOO G. Material and Supplies .................................... 500.00 500.00 Total$ 15,900.00 $ 17,900.(x1 ...................................................................... Item 138 -Street and Traffic Signal Lighting (Consolidated a 40Fun 0 H. Street Lighting and •Irai'fic Signals .....$,500 Item 140 -Street Cleaning (Consolidated Fund) A. Wages Drivers and Laborers ....................$ 13,750.00 $ 14,000.00 E. Equipmelnt.........j............................................. 600.00 500.00 F. Maintenance .... ............................................. 9,500.00 9.800.00 ., G. Material and Supplies .................................... 800.00 800.00 Total,...................................................................$ 18,550.00 $ 18,800.00 Item 141 -Snow Removal (Consolidated Fund) 6,00000 $ 7,000.00 A. Labor................................................................... 800.00 800.00 E. Equipment.......................................................... 1,600.00 1,600.00 F. Maintenance........................................................ 550.00 6fi0.00 G. Material and Supplies ............................ ' I 8,950.00 $ 9,950.00 Total................................................................ SUBTOTALS GROUP IV -HIGHWAYS AND 229,130.IX1 $287,274.00 RESTETS......................................................... GROUP V -LIBRARY Item 143A -Library Fund and Misc. Library 47Revenue 194748 Appropriations .Appmpriatimis A. Salary Librarian...................l.................. (,..$ 3,000.00 $ 3,156.00 2,340.00 2,460.(x1 A. Salary Reference Librarian 2,142.110 2,256.10 A. Salary Cataloguer 2,010.00 2,124.00 A. Salary Juvenile Librarian .....................••••• 1,137.1)11 1,969.110 A. Salary Circulation Ileal 1,866.00 1,£)6.4.011 A. Sulaty School Librarian 1,866.00 1,968.1x1 A. Salary Asst. of Circulation Head 4'86000 5,100.00 A. Salaries General Assistants (3) ......•••••• FSO Special Session, March 21st, 1947 A. Salary Caretaker ............................................ 2,130.00 2,282,00 A. Salary Extra Help 8,649.00 1,761.00 B. Travel Expense .............................................. 100.00 100.00 C. Office Expense ................................................ 150.00 150.00 D. Printing................................................................ 50.00 50.00 E. Books & Periodicals ........................................ 6,780.00 6,780.00 F. Binding...............«................A........................... 1,000.00 1,900.00 F-1. Building Repairs .......................................... 5,000.00 51000.00 0. Material and Supplies .................................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 H. Heat, Light and Water 2,500.00 2,500.00 I. Insurance .......................... :............................... 408.00 408.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP VI -PARK FUND ..........$ Total........................................................................$ 48,588.00 $ 43,581.00 -$8,700) (Library Tax -$40,233.00; Library Tax Agriculutral Land - $98.00; Misc. Library Revenue -$2,000.00; Balance -$1,250.00) FUND GROUP VI -PARK FUND Item 144A -Park Administration A. 8uIlry Superintendent ................................$ 2,580.00 $ 2,976.00 B. Travel.................................................................... 50.00 50.00 C. Office.................................................................... 100.00 100.00 D. Printing and Advertising .............................. 60.00 60.00 J. Miscellaneous...................................................... 15.00 15.00 Total............................................ .......................... T 2,805.00 $ 3,201.00 Item 1448 -Park Areas, Buildings, Etc. A. Wages of Laborers .........................................$ 15,300.00 $ 16,000.00 C. Forestry................................................................ E. Equipment 400.00 400.00 .......................................................... F. Maintenance........................................................ 600.00 1,400.00 600.00 1,400.00 G. Material and Supplies .................................... H. 1,800.00 1,800.00 Heat, Light, Water and Telephone ........ 1,800.00 1,500.00 I. Ineurnnce.........«................................................. J-1. Renovations and Replacements ................ 700.00 100.00 700.00 100.00 J-2. Interest, Reserves and Assessments ,...,... 62.00 50.00 Total......................................................................$ 22,162.00 $ 22,850.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP VI -PARK FUND ..........$ 24,967.00 $ 26,051.00 (Park Tax -$22,351.00; Misc. Park Revenues -$8,700) GROUP VII -PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING POOL FUND Item 145A -Recreation Administration 1946.47 1947.48 A. Salary Director Appropriations Appropriations A. Salary OPPice Help ...... .........................'•••"'•$ 2,640.00 $ 2,772.00 B. Travel ......................................... 1,056.00 1,200.00 ............................................. C. Office ............... :0.00 b0.00 F. Maintenance oP Car 120.00 120.00 .......................................... G. Material and Supplies 360.00 860.00 .................................... 250.00 250.00 Total.....................................................................$ 4,476.00 $ 4,752.00 Item 1458 -Outdoor Recreation A. Salaries Supervisors, Directors, Etc, ......$ A. Wages of Laborers 6,250.00 $ 8,500.00 .......................................... E. Equipment ........................................................... 7�•� 750.00 F. Maintenance .8 ....................................• 1,100.00 700.00 750.00 G. Material and P. e-. 500.00 .................................. Light .................................................... 700.00 b00.00 IIl. . Insurance """"""""' 600.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 Total ......................................................................$ 10.600.00 $ 6,750.00 Item 14513 -Indoor Recreation A. Wages.....................................................................$ C. Office ................. 900.00 $ 600.00 ...............................I.................. 25.00 25.00 F. Maintenance........................................................... 300.00 300.00 G. Material and Supplies 500.00 500.00 H. I[eat and Light.............00 .................................... 400.00 400.00 Total .............................................................$ 2,525.00 $ 2,225.00 Item 145E -Swimming pool A. SalarySuperintendent ................................ A. Salaries Guards (4) $ 450.00 $ 450.00 A, Salaries Attendants • ...............................900.00 F• 900.00 Maintenance 1,300.00 1,300.00 0• Material and Supplies .."""""""" 450.00 450.00 H. Light and Power ........"""""""""""'••• I. ............................... w.00 350.00 Insurance 5U0.00 300.00 .............................................. 259.00 229.00 Total ............................ ............................. ..............$ 4,009.00 $ 9,979.00 Item 146 -Improvement and Care tof Grounds F. Maintenance.......................:. J. Improvement of Grounds $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Total...................................................................... 61000.00 5,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 6,000.00 Special Session, March 21st, 1947 ' 61 SUBTOTALS GROUP VII -PLAYGROUNDS AND SWIMMING POOL ..............................$ 28,610.00 $ 28,706.00 (Playground and Swimming Pool Tax -$17,881.00; Swimming Pool Receipts -$8,500.00; Skating Receipts -$250.00; Misc. Be. ceipts-$75.00; Balance on Hand -$2,000.00) GROUP VIII -MISCELLANEOUS Item 147 -Planning and Zoning (Consolidated Fund) 1946-47 1947.48 Appropriations Appropriations J. Miscellaneous ....................................................$ 25.00 $ 7,500.00 Item 148E -Ambulance A. Salaries Drivers (2) ..........................................$ 4,872.00 $ 5,112.00 F. Maintenance...................................................... 280.00 280.00 G. Material and Supplies .................................. 850.00 350.00 I. Insurance.............................................................. 225.00 225.00 Total......................................................................$ 5,727.00 $ 5,967.00 Item 148C -Other Miscellaneous J-1. Iowa League of Municipalities ..............$ 80.00 $ 80.00 J-2. Damages.........................:.................................... 8,800.00 3,800.00 J-3. Printing Council Proceedings .................. 2,700.00 2,700.00 J-5. State Examiners .............................................. 2,000.00 2,000.00 J-6. Repairs to 'Town Clock .............................. 500.00 500.00 J-7. Misc. Unclassified..........................................'100-00 31100.00 J-8. Workmen's Compensation Insurance .... 1,500.00 2,500.00 J-9. Interest on Warrants ...................................... 125.00 125.00 Total......................................................................$ 13,305.00 $ 14,305.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP VIII -MISCELLANEOUS$ 19,057.00 $ 27,772.00 GROUP IX -MARKETS AND PUBLIC SCALES (Consolidated Fund) Item 152 -Market Master 1,969.00 $ 2,062.00 A. Salary Market Master ..................................$ F. Maintenance...................................................... 20.00 20.00 0. Material and Supplies .................................. 65.00 65.00 J. Miscellaneous...................................................... 20.00 20.00 Total......................................................................$ 2,064.00 $ 2,157.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP IX -MARKETS AND PUBLIC SCALES ..............................................$ 2,064.00 $ 2,157.00 GROUP X-MUNCIPAL IMPROVEMENTS (Consolidated Fund) Item 160 -Post War Improvements $ 8200000 $ 32,000.00 J. Post War Projects ................... Item 161 -Bridge Construction28,718.00 $ 53,628.00 J. Bridge and Viaduct Work ..........................$ Item 162 -Assessments and Sewers J-1. C'ity's Share of Special Assessments ......$ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 J-2. Main Sewers and Inlets $ 20,284.00 $ 25,000.00 Total $ 26,284.00 $ 31,000.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP Y-MUNCIPAL IM- PR'OVEMENTS....................................................$115,000.00 $116,628.00 (Consolidated Tax -$91,918.00; State Liquor Fund -421,710.00) EMERGENCY AND RESERVE Reserve in General Misc. Revenues ......................$ 111.00 $ 165.00 GROUP XI -PENSION FUNDS Item 154 -Police Pensions 1946.47 1947-48 Appropriations Appropriations J-1. Police Pensions ................................................ $ 16,641.00 $ 18,832.00 J-2. Police Retirement System 5.611.00 8,941.00 Total........................................................................ $ 22,252.00 $ 27,773.00 (Police Pension Tax -$18,882.00; Balance on Hand and Pay Deductions from Alembers-$450.00) (Police Retirement Tax -$8,941.00) Item 155 -Fire Penslons $ 23,203.00 $ 25,326.00 ...................................................... J-1. Fire pensions ................................ 8,721.00 12,910. 00 J-2. Fire Retirement System $ 924.00 $188,238.00 Total...................4.............................................. Dedu atione Pension Tax-$;94L6$766-00.000) $650.00) Balance on Hand and Pay (Fire Retirement Tax -$12,910.00)54,176.00 $x•009.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP Xl--1'F'NSIONS $ 62 Special Session, March 21st, 1947 GROUP XII -DEBT SERVICE Item 161J.1 -City Bonds and Interest A.I. Interest on Bonds ............................................$ 8,008.0 $ 5,789.0 A.S. Sewer Bond Redemption .............................. 35,00.0 11,00.0 A-4. Improvement Bond Redemption .............. 40,00.0 ................ A-5. Funding Bond Redemption ........................ 10,00.0 45,00.0 A-8. Reserve.................................................................. 5,857.0 645.0 Total ................... _..,............................................ $ 98,8115.0 $ 02,884.0 (General Bond Fund -$02,334.0) Item 161J -2 -Dock Bonds and Interest A-1. Interest on Dock Bonds ..................................$ 895.0 $ 20.0 A-2. Dock Bond Redemption ................................ 27,00.0 5,00.00 A-3. Reiserve........4...........4........................................ 984.0 ...........«. Total......................................................................$ 28,879.0 $ 5,20.0 (Balance on Hand -$6,20.0) Item 163J•2 -Airport Bonds and Interest A-1. Interest on Airport Bonds ..........................$ 705.0 $ 570.0 A-2. Airport Bond Redemption ............................ 18,00.0 19,00.0 Tntal......................................................................$ 18,705.0 $ 19,570.0 (Airport Fund -$19,570.0) SUBTOTALS GROUP XII -DEBT SERVICE ..$145,949.0 $ 87,104.0 GROUP XIII -DOCKS Item 153A -Dock Operation 1946-47 1947.48 .4. Salary Engineer ........................ Appropriations Appropriations 420.0 .......................$ B. Travel.................................................................... 20.0 $ 420.0 200.0 F. Maintenance........................................................ 10.0 G. Material and Supplies .................................. 75.0 50.0 I. Insurancse.............................«....................«... 90.0 J•1. Traffic Association Service 50.0 70.0 .......................... 80.0 J-2. Improvements ............................... ......... _........ 1,00.0 300.00 40.0 J-3. Miscellaneous.................................................... 70.0 40.0 Total................................... Item 15313 -Dredge Operation ..................................$ 8,89b.0 $ 2,620.0 A. Salary Engineer .......................... $ 180.0 A. Salaries 0 erators ..................... 7,0 0.0 $ 180.0 9,60.0 A. Wages La orere ................ 4,50.0 F. Maintenance and Repairs 4,50.0 ............................ 2,00.00 0. Material and Supplies 1,500.00 .................................... 1,50.0 H. Electric Power 2,00.0 ................................................ 5,00.0 I. Marine Insurance ............ .......... 729.0 1. 4,50.0 703.0 Workmen's Compensation Insurance J. Miscellaneous "" �•0 00.0 ................................................... 824.0 150.0 Total..............................•.......................................$ 21,833.0 Item 153C -River Front Improvement $ 23,793.0 Wages EA. Wages...................................................................$ 50.0 . Trucking .................................................... $ 50.00 E. Equipment 50.0 250.0 ......•••• ........................................................... 1,00.0 E. Toole 850.0 ...s..........«.....lies 20.0 G. Material and Supplies ................................. 1,70.0 100.0 50.0 Total ........................... ......$ 3,90.0 SUBTOTALS $ 1,70.0 GROUP XIII -DOCKS 24 8,018.0 (Dock Tax -$17,681.00; Misc. Dock Revenues --'$10,132.00) Item 157 -Airport Fu dOUP XIV -AIRPORT IF. Maintenance...............«...................................$ 2,50.0 $ 2,500.00 . Insurance .................._..................................... 500.00 J• Airport Development.00 ...................... 58,728.00 93,073. 0 ................ Total.................................... (Airport Tax -$34,073.00; Airport Balance $62,0 l and OenRevues - 0.0) GROUP XV -PARKING LOTS Item 170 -Parking Lot Fund J. Parking Lots .............................................. (Pilrkiug Lot 'Pax -.. ..$17,,,1.00; F]stimated Revenue --$2,000.00) GROUP $_,000.00) GROUP XVI -WATER WORKS e Estimated Balance on Hand April ) 1, 1940 ........$250,00.00 $250,000.00 1940.47 1947-48 Estimated Meter Sales AN'ropriations Appropriations Estimated Flat Rnte Sales ....................."""""""".. 155,00.0 170,000.00 Estimated Fire Protection Service...................."' "" 250.00 750.00 Estimated Non -Operation Service _,250.0 2,500.00 Estimated Sales Tax Collections 2.50.00 2,500.0 3,200.0 3,415.00 ...............x.................$413,200.0 $420,165.00 Special Session, March 21st, 1947 DISBURSEMENTS Item 149A -Administration City Operation, Group I to IX, 808,10.0 $ 897,668.0 A. Salary Field Engineer ....................................$ 1948.47 1947.48 A. Appropriations Appropriations Salary Superintendent and Cashier ........$ 4,400.00 $ 4,620.00 A. Salary Accountant .......................................... 2,886.0 8,086.00 A. Salary Stenographer and Clerk .............. 2,292.0 2,184.0 A. Salary Clerk .................................................... 1,854.0 2,184.0 A. Salary Clerk ........................................................ .............. 1,872.0 A. Salary City Manager (25%) .................... 2,182.0 2,288.0 A. Salary City Auditor (25%) .................... 808.0 840.0 A. Salary City Treasurer (25%) .••••. ......... 792.0 834.0 B. Travel.................................................................... 125.0 125.0 C. Office Expense and Postage ........................ 1,20.0 1,50.0 D. Printing and Advertising ............................ 40.0 40.00 E. Equipment.......................................................... 1,150.0 1,150.0 F. Maintenance...................................................... 80.00 300.0 G. Material and Supplies .................................... 800.0 50.0 I. Insurance.............................................................. 75.00 75.0 J-1. Post -War Projects ............................................ 245,000.00 .......... J-2. Miscellaneous ..................... I ........................ ...... 840.0 340.00 J-8. State Sales Tax ................................................ 3,20.0 8,415.0 Total......................................................................$267,754.0 $ 25,622.00 Item 149B -Water Operation City Operation, Group I to IX, 808,10.0 $ 897,668.0 A. Salary Field Engineer ....................................$ 3,306.0 $ 3,480.0 A. Salary Plant Chief Engineer .................... 3,018.0 3,168.0 A. Salaries Plant Engineers (6) .................. 15,480.00 16,272.00 A. Wages Extra Station Labor ...................... 3,00.0 8,00.0 A. Salary Tapper and Hyrdant Man ............ 2,580.0 2,712.0 A. Salary Meter Service Man ........................ 2,292.00 2,412.00 A. Salary Meter Repair Man ............................ 2,652.0 2,784.0 A. Salary Meter Reader .................................. 2,292.0 2,412.00 A. Salary Meter Inspector ................................ .............. 2,148.0 A. Salary Asst. Meter Repairer .................. 2,364.00 2,484.00 A. Salary General Foreman .............................. 3,126.0 8,288.0 A. Salary Asst. Foreman .................................. 2,486.0 2,566.00 A. Wages Laborers ............................................... 11,280.0 11,280.00 E. Equipment........a................1............................ 10,000:0 10,00.0 F. Maintenance......................................................$ 12,00.0 $ 12,00.00 G. Material and Supplies .................................. 2,000.00 2,000.0 H. Heat, Light and Power ................................ 25,00.0 85,00.00 I. Insurance............................................................ 1,500.00 5,500.00 J-1. Water Main Material .................................... 10,00.0 25,00.0 J-2. Other Betterments ............................................ 11,295.0 251,222.00 J-8. Store Reserve .................................................... 3,00.0 1,00.0 3,00.0 1,00.0 J-4. Miscellaneous.................................................... Total........................................................................$120,621.00 $402,718.00 GRAND TOTAL NATER WORKS APPROPRIA. TIONS$397,375.0 $428,340.00 NON .................................................................... -APPROPRIATIONS RESERVE ....................$ 825.0 $ 825.00 TRANSFER TO CITY INDEBTEDNESS ..........$ 15,000.0 Total......................................................................$413,20.00 $429,186.0 RECAPITULATION OF RESETAL RVES APPROPRIATIONS AND (a) City Operation, Group I to IX, 808,10.0 $ 897,668.0 (b) Inclusive........................................................$ Municipal Improvements, Group X ...... 115,00.0 118,828,0 111.0 105.00 (c) Reserve in Gen, Misc. Revenues XI ...... 54,176.0 88,000.0 (d) (e) Pensions, Group .............................. Debt Service Group XII ...................... 145,949.0 b7,104.0 28,013.00 (t) (g) D29,428.00 ocks, Group XIII ......... ................. .... Airport, Group XIV ............................. ... _.. 81,7 80 96,078. 0 19,881.0 (h) (i) Parking Lots, Group '0 ........1 .............••• Water Works, Group XN'I ........................ ............. ' 397,375.0 428,340.0 826.0 Water Works Reserve 826.0 $1,740,594.00 Total................................................................$1,807,758.0 810,779.00 $ 846,572.0 Tax Mise. Revenues...................................1....................$ Revenues and Estimated Balance 383,770.0 $ 484,&57.0 April1, 1947 ............................................... Water Works Revenue and Balance on Hand $ 413,200.0 $ 429,165.0 April 1, 1947 .................................. $1,740,594.0 Total..............................................................$1,07,758.00 63 64 Special Session, March 21st, 1947 Resolution No. 28-47 Whereas, a detailed distribution of proposed expenditures of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1947 and ending March by the City has been duly pre. Manager and pared by submitted to this Council for ap- proval; and Whereas, this Council has ex- amined the detailed distribution of proposed expenditures, wherein es- timates of the expenses of the de- partments and purposes are shown, including the estimates for which the consolidated tax levy and all other levies heretofore made, re- ceipts from moneys and credits and miscellaneous sources are to be used, and said distribution shows all of the proposed expendi- tures for the ensuing fiscal year; Now Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that said detailed distribution of proposed expenditures for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1947 and ending March 31, 1948 as heretofore pre. pared, be and the same is hereby adopted and approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 21st day of March, 1947 ALBERT WHARTON Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 10-47 Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays --None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. An Ordinance making appropria- tions for the expenditures of city government of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1947 and ending March 31, 1948, presented and read. Council- man Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Sec• onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car• ried by the following vote: Resolution No. 26-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa that the Mayor and Clerk of said city, be, and they are hereby auth- orized to enter into contract with Aviation Services Company for the furnishing of aviation consulting service in the development and maintenance -of the municipal airport in accordance with the terms of the Contract attached hereto and made a part hereof. Approved and placed on file for public inspection for a period of at least one week this 14th day of March, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved this 21st day of March, 1947, ALBERT WHARTON Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote. Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Special Session, March 21st, 1947 65 Resolution No. 29-47 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. Class "B" Permit Name Address Ione Conner and Ray E. Conner, 1322 Central Avenue. Richard J. Alderson, 399 East 20th Street. Joseph F. Walsh and Adele Walsh, 21 West 7th Street. Class "C" Permit George E. Duscher, 2831 Central Avenue. Paul C. Wright, 2987 Jackson Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 21st day of March, 1947. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON GEO R. MURPHY W W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays --None. Resolution No. 30.47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Mana- ger be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. Class "B" Permit Name Address Ione Conner and Ray E. Conner, 1322 Central Avenue. Richard J. Alderson, 399 East 20th Street. Joseph F. Walsh and Adele Walsh, 21 West 7th Street. Class "C" Permit George E. Duscher, 2831 Central Avenue. Paul C. Wright, 2987 Jackson Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 21st day of March, 1947. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON GEO R. MURPHY W W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Murphy moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. �.7 1947 �.7 1947 (:........i-_ Council//men'' ••••••••• (�%� -- Attest:Ci .... • '*" •�A"'��"."'. ty Clerk. Special Session, March 28th, 1947 City Council (Official) Special Session, March 28th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Van Duelman and Thomp- son. Mayor Wharton read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the proposal to amend the Budget Esti- mate of Expenditures of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year 1947.48 and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of official notice of the hearing on the proposal to amend the Budget Estimate of Ex- penditures of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1947 and ending March 31, 1948, presented and read. No writ- ten objections filed and no objectors present in the Council Chamber at the time set for the public hearing. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays -None. Ordinance No. 10-47 An Ordinance making appropria- tions for the expenditures of city government of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1947 and ending March 31, 1948, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on March 21st, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was pre- sented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 10-47 An Ordinance making appropriations for the expen- ditures of city government of the City ofDubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1947 and ending March 31, 1948, Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That there is hereby appropriated from the revenue and funds of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for Payment of the necessary expenditures of the city gov- ernment in the following amounts and for the purpose set forth in the ordinance to -wit: RECEIPTS $846,572 $370,572 $523,450 $56,996 $1,797,590 N Fund n foCd o �c E -F 09 52 M C: EF F Consolidated ......$368,905 $ 95,000 $ 60,000 $45,706 $ 569,611 Fire Maintenance .. 143,049 650 13,000 11,290 167,989 Fire Equipment 13,411 60,000 73,411 Library ................ 40,331 2,000 1,250 43,581 Park .................... 22,351 700 3,000 26,051 Playground and Swim. Pool .. 17,881 3,825 2,000 23,706 Police Pension 18,382 450 18,832 Fire Pension .... 24,676 650 25,326 Police Retirement 8,941 8,941 Fire Retirement 12,910 12,910 General Bonds .. 62,334 62,334 Dock Bonds ........ 5,200 5,200 Dock .................... 17,881 7,132 3,000 28,013 Airport ............. 53,643 2,000 60,000 115,643 Parking Lot ..... 17,881 2,000 19,881 Emergency ........ 23,996 23,994 Street Construction 44,000 66,000 110,000 State Liquor .. 33,000 33,000 Water Works .... 179,165 250,000 429,165 $846,572 $370,572 $523,450 $56,996 $1,797,590 Special Session, March 28th, 1947 67 EXPENDITURES GROUP I. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 101—City Council ................................................ $ 1,700.00 102—Office of City Manager ........... __....... _ .... 12,525.00 103—Office of City Clerk ................................. 3,681.00 104—Office of City Auditor ............................ 2,797.00 105—Office of City Treasurer _ _...._ .. ........ _ 2,802.00 106—Office of City Solicitor ...................... .. 5,385.00 108—City Assessor's Office ................................ 5,341.00 109—Office of Civil Engineer ..... ...... .__... .... _.. 16,756,00 113—Elections...................................... _.... ..... ..... .... _ .. 950.00 114—City Hall ...... ....... .... .... .... ....._ .___.. 10.800.00 115—Pollce Court .................................................. 2,067.00 116—Civil Service Commission ................................ 200.00 TOTAL GENERAL ADMINISTRATION $ 65,004.00 These appropriations shall be paid from the Consoli- dated Fund. GROUP II—PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY 118—Police Department ........................................... $119,335.00 This appropriation shall be paid $95,339.00 from the Consolidated Fund and $23,996.00 from Emergency Fund transfer. 119A—Fire Department Maintenance .................. $167,989.00 This appropriation shall be paid $156.699.00 from the Fire Maintenance Fund, and $11,- 290.00 from State Liquor Fund. 11913—Fire Equipment .........................................$ 73,411.On This appropriation shall be paid from the Fire Equipment Fund. 120—Fire and Police Alarm System .................. 5,369,nn 121—Office of Building Commissioner ................ 3,905.00 122—Office of Plumbing Inspector ....................... 3,294.on 123—Office of Electrical Inspector ............................ 3,339.00 124—Dog Pound ........................................................ 150.00 These appropriations shall be paid from the Consolidated Fund. TOTAL PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY..........................................................$376,791.00 GROUP III—HEALTH AND SANITATION 125—Health Department ............................................$ 20,812.00 126—Control of Contagious Diseases 1,200.00 127—Sewer Maintenance .............................................. 19.500.00 128—Garbage Disposal .................................................. 18,000.an 129—Milk Inspection ................................................. 5.708.00 TOTAL HEALTH AND SANITATION .,$ 65,220.00 These appropriations shall be paid from the Consolidated Fund. GROUP IV—HIGHWAYS AND STREETS 131—Highwav Administration I ....................$ 3,274.On 132—Street Repairing and Grading ...................... 53.500.00 These appropriations shall be paid from the Consolidated Fund. 110,000.00 135—Street Construction This appropriation shall be paid from Street Construction Fund. lq g50.no 133—CitY Garage .............................................. 134—Ash and Can Collections ................................. 17,900.00 138—Street and Traffic Signal Lighting ........ 40,500.00 140—StreetCleaning............................................... S8,8n0.nn 141—Snow Removal........................................................ 9,95o,nn TOTAL HIGHWAYS AND STREETS...... $267.274.00 These appropriations shall be paid from the Consolidated Fund. GROUP V—LIBRARY $ 43,581.00 143—Library Operation ................................... This appropriation shall he paid from bthe Library Fund. GROUP VI—PARKS $ 3.201.00 144A—Park Administration .. ............................ 144B—Park Areas, Buildings. Etc ............................ 22.850.On TOTAL PARRS.... .................. $ 26,051.00 ................. These appropriations shall be paid from the Park Fund. GROUP VII—RECREATION $ q 752.00 145A—Recreation Administration 14513—Outdoor Recreation 6.760.00 "" 2,225.00 145D—Tndoor Recreation .• ............ ........._ . 3,979. 145E—Swimming Pool .. 6,000.00 146 —Improvement and Care of Grounds TOTAL RECREATION ......$ 23,706.00 These appropriations shall be paid fron the Playground and Swimming Pool Fund. 68 Special Session, March 28th, 1947 GROUP VIII—MISCELLANEOUS 147 —Planning and Zoning .................................$ 7,500.00 148E—Ambulance........................................................... 5,967.00 148C—Other Miscellaneous ...................................... 14,305.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS .........................$ 27,772.00 These appropriations shall be paid from the Consolidated Fund. GROUP IX—MARKETS AND SCALES 152 —Office of Market Master ................................$ 2,157.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the Consolidated Fund. GROUP X—MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS 160J—Post-War Projects ..........................................$ 32,000.00 161 —Bridge Construction ..................................... 53,628.00 162J1—City's Share of Special Assessments ..... 6,000,00 162J2—Storm Sewers and Inlets 25,000.00 TOTAL MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. .$116,628.00 These appropriations shall be paid $91,- 918.00 from the Consolidated Fund and $21,710.00 from State Liquor Fund. EMERGENCY AND RESERVE Reserve in Consolidated Fund ................$ 165.00 GROUP XI—PENSIONS 15471—Police Pensions ...........................$ 18.832.00 This apprporiation shall be paid from the Police Pension Fund. 15472—Police Retirement System ........................... 8,941,00. This appropriation shall be paid from the Police Retirement Fund. 155J1—Fire Pensions .............................................. 25,326.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the Fire Pension Fund. 155J2—Fire Retirement System 12,910.00 Paid from Fire Retirement Fund. TOTAL PENSIONS .........$ 66,009.00 GROUP XII—DEBT SERVICE 161J1—Retirement of Bonds and Payment of Interest................................................................$ 62,334.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the General Bond Fund. 161J2—Dock Bonds and Interest .............................. 5,200.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the Dock Bond Fund. 163J2—Airport Bonds and Interest . 19,570.00 This a .... appropriation shall be paid from Airport Fund. TOTAL DEBT SERVICE .$ 87,104.00 GROUP XIII—DOCKS 153A—Dock Operation .....................................:.......$ 2.520.1„ 163B—Dredge Operation...23,793.00 153C—River Front Improvement ............................ 1,700.00 TOTAL DOCKS ..................................$ 23,013,00 These appropriations shall......be paid....from... the Dock Fund. GROUP XIV—AIRPORT 157 —Airport $ 96.073.00 Fund, This appropriation. shall be paid from the Airport GROUP XV—PARKING LOTS 1701—Parking Lots ....................................................$ 19,881.00 This appropriation shall be paid from the Parking Lot Fund GROUP XVI—WATER WORKS 149A—Administration .... ..... 149B—Operation ............................. $ 25,622.0^ Reserve .......... 402,718.00 .............................. 825.00 TOTAL WATER WORKS .$429,165.00 This department is operated from its receipts and Is not supported by the tax levy, hence no appropria- tions from taxes is made, These appropriations shall be paid from the Water Works Fund, Section 2, General Miscellaneous Revenues. General miscellaneous revenues which are collected during the fiscal year shall be allocated to the funds and purposes as Provided for herein and shall be used for the payment Special Session, March 28th, 1947 (0 of the expenses of such funds and purposes in the sums herein shown. Section 3. Surplus. Any surplus not specifically allocated for a definite purpose in the budget and which may exist in either the Consolidated Fund or the mis- mellaneous revenues account shall be and the same is hereby appropriated and set apart to be applied as con- tingencies arise or may be used for such proper pur- poses as the Council may determine upon. Any surplus not specifically distributed in the budget and remain- ing in funds created by the levy of special taxes shall be ana the same is hereby appropriated for any proper purpose incident to such funds. Any surplug remaining in any fund at the close of the fiscal year 1946-47 (except taxes which have been levied for special pur- poses) shall be transferred into and become a part of the Consolidated Fund. Nothing herein contained shall authorize the transfer of funds realized for special taxes to a fund or purpose for which any special tax levy has been made, except only with the approval of the State Comptroller. Section 4 Emergency Fund. Transfers of money may be made from the Emergency Fund to any other fund for the purpose of meeting deficiencies in any such fund arising from any cause; provided, however, that no such transfer shall be made except upon written approval of the State Comptroller and then only when such approval is unanimously requested by the City Council. Section 6. Delinquent Tax Collections. Delinquent prior years' tax collections shall be allocated to the respective funds entitled to the same when and as the same are received by' the City Treasurer, Section 6, Distribution. That the distribution and division of the within appropriations shall be made in accordance with the detailed distribution adopted by the City Council on March 21, 1947, which detailed dis- tribution is made a part of this ordinance by reference thereto and shall be so considered in connection with the expenditures of said appropriations. Section 7. Emergency Clause. This ordinance in the Interest of the preservation of public peace, health, safety and the general welfare of the City of Dubuque and the inhabitants thereof being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from tine City its Council Counciilaa passage, pulicatiion adoption provided rbyallaw, and the appropriations herein provided shall be available when transferred to their respective funds. Passed upon first reading this 21st day of March, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 28th day of March, 1947. ALBERT WHARTON. Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Published officially in The Telegraph -Herald news- paper this 31st day of March, J4SHEA, City Clerk. 3-31-1t 70 Special Session, March 28th, 1947 Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the following vote: yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Councilman Murphy moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing any one present In the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Mr Homer Golden addressed the Council in regard to bus service on Park Hill District and suggesting that Gay Street be cut down to meet Kane Street in order that Kaufmann Avenue be also served with bus route. Communication of Anna Bolling- er stating that she wants to go on record as approving the proposed bus routes on Park Hill District and Kaufmann Avenue and also the proposed extension of Gay Street to connect the Park Hill District with Kaufmann Avenue via Kane Street and that if bus service is granted to this district she does hereby offer to the City of Du- buque, without any charge what- ever, enough of the southern part of her property from its eastern bounds to the western bounds to make this extension of Gay Street possible and further stating that she wishes to voice her opinion on the subject of having a water main constructed in Kane Street so that the people living on Kane Street can enjoy fire protection, present- ed and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the communication be received and referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Mr. Russel Mulgrew, represent- ing the Junior Chamber of Com- merce, addressed the Council in re- gard to the question of Daylight Saving Time and presented for Council consideration the results of a poll taken in regard to Day- light Saving Time and also pre- sented petitions asking that.a Spec- ial Election be held as soon as the law permits on the question of Day. light Saving Time and also present- ed a communication from Henry W. Wormley, Special Assistant At- torney General, as to the inquiry submitted, namely "could the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, pass an ordinance fixing time other than standard time for the purpose of governing the business operations of the City?" Also Messrs F. Asch- enbrenner, Homer Golden, Dr. Harry Lange, Edward Gunter, J. P. Burroughs and Joe Eisbach ad• dressed the Council on the ques- tion of Daylight Saving Time. Af- ter a lengthy discussion on the question of Daylight Saving Time Councilman Moffatt moved that the former action of the City Council, adopted at the meeting of the City Council held February 24, 1947, on the question of Daylight Saving Tme, be sustained. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Communication of Otto W. Riedel in regard to giving a tag for over parking "Out of Town guests" and suggesting that they be given a Guest Tag instead of an over park- ing tag, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be referred to the Council Seconded by Coun- cilman Murphy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Petition of Eldon J. Fleege et al, property owners, requesting the City Council to take immediate ac- tion to pave Audubon Street, with concrete, this spring, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the petition be referred to the City Council to view the grounds. Sec- Special Session, March 28th, 1947 71 onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- rled by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Petition of Mrs. Mary Hier, re- ferred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, asking for a suspension of the 1946 tax on the North t/2 of Lot 374 Davis Farm Addition, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Communication o f Interstate Power Company in regard to the petitions submitted for bus service on both the Park Hill District and Kaufmann Avenue Dis- trict and suggesting that a survey be made by the City to determine if it would be feasible to improve a street from the westerly end of Primrose Street to intersect Kane Street then to Kaufmann Avenue and stating that the Interstate Pow- er Company would be pleased to further discuss this matter with the City Council at their conven- ience, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be r'e- ferr'ed to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None, Petition of Joe Eisbach et al, property owners in the Eagle Point Park District and within the City Limits of the City of Dubuque, re- questing that city water be made available to their property and in order to obtain the same, including fire protection which they do not have at present, that they will be willing to contribute a reasonable amount toward the cost of construe tion, presented and read. Messrs Joe Eisbach and Robert Clewell and Mrs. Chambers ad dressed the Council in support o their petition. Councilman Murphy moved that he petition be referred to the City Manager and Water Superinten- dent for their investigation and re- tort. Seconded by Councilman Mof- 'att. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—.Mayor Wharton, Council - nen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to 1y the publishers, of a statement 1f receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn Suring the month of February, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow - ng vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. ORDINANCE NO. 8-47 An Ordinance Amending Ordin- ance No. 12-38, Ordinance No. 10- 43, and Ordinance No. 8-44, "Author- izing Interstate Power Company, its Successors and Assigns to Sub- stitute Motor Bus Transportation for Street Railway Transportation; Designating Motor Bus Routes, etc." by Changing Certain Defined Bus Routes, Providing for Certain Bus Stops, and by Repealing Or- dinances in Conflict herewith, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on March 21st, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. ORDNANCE No. 8-47 AN ORDINANCE AMENDTNG ORD- INANCE NO. 12-38, ORDINANCE NO. 10-43, AND ORDINANCE NO. 8-44, "AUTHORIZING INTER- STATE POWER COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSInNS To SUBSTITUTE MOTOR B1'S TRANSPORTATION FOR ST11F FT RATLWAY T 1: A N SPORTATION: DE1310NATTV! 1T () T n 1: BITB ROITTES, I:T'." 1:1('IIAN(:IN(: CERTATN I I; I' I N 1:11 1: 1' S ROITTES, Plt()\[1l1N(: Flit (1191t- TAIN B17S ST )PS. AXI) BY Itl;- PEALTNC OI,[ N: 11` IN CON- FLICT 1111]RWIT11. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1That Section I of ordin- ance . -44 b same is hereby repealed and andthei.,, hereby substituted therefore the following: "Sec. 1 East Dubuque Bus Route: Commencing on Eighth Avenue at 72 Special Session, March 28th, 1947 Main Street; thence east on Eighth Avenue to Central Avenue; thence south on Central Avenue to Fourth Street; thence west on Fourth Street to Iowa Street; thence south on Iowa Street to Second Street; thence west on Second Street to Locust Sreet; thence south on Locust Street to the East Dubuque Bridge, returning from East Dubuque Bridge on Locust Street north to Eighth Avenue; thence east on Eighth Avenue to Main Street. the place of beginning." Section 2. That bus stops on said route between West Fourth Street and Eighth Avenue shall be as fol- lows: "On the south east corner of Lo- cust and West Fourth Streets; on the south east corner of Locust and West Sixth Streets, and on the south east corner of Locust Street and Eighth Avenue. Section 3. That any and all Ordin- ces or parts of Ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be In force and affect from and after Its final passage, adoption and ap- proval by the City Council and pub- lication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading March 21st, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 28th day of March, 1947. Albert Wharton, Mayor. Frank Van Duelman F. W. Thompson Geo. R. Murphy W. W. Moffatt, Attest: Councilmen J. J. Shea, City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 1st day of April, 1947. J. J. Shea, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec. onded by Councilman Murphy. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council. men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None Ordinance No, 9-47 An Ordinance Amending Ordin- ance No. 10-37, Being an Ordinance Designated As "Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque" Being In Relation to Turning of Vehicles at Intersec- tions, said ordinance having been Passed upon first reading on March 21st, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public Inspection for at least one week be. fore its final adoption, was present. ed for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 9.47 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORD- INANCE NO. 10-37, BEING AN ORDINANCE DESIGATED AS "TRAFFIC CODE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE" BEING IN RELA- TION TO TURNING OF VEHIC- LES AT INTERSECTIONS. Be It Ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 10-37 subdivision "XV -Miscellaneous" is hereby amended by adding thereto: "Rule (130), It shall be unlawful for any person to turn a vehicle right or left at the intersection at 8th and Main Streets." Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption, and ap- proval by the City Council and pub- lication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading March 21st, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 28th day of March 1947. Albert Wharton, Mayor Frank Van Duelman F. W. Thompson Geo. R. Murphy W. W. Moffatt, Attest: Councilmen. J. J. Shea, City Clerk Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this let day of April, 1947. J. J. Shea, 4-1-1t City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following Vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 11-47 An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No 1-39, being "An Ordinance regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque; designating the provisions hereof as the "Traffic Code" of said City; repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict here- with," by repealing (d) "Rule 108" Paragraph 736, Section 1, and en- acting a substitute therefor, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays --None. Special Session, March 28th, 1947 73 Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Council- man Murphy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays --None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Resolution No. 31.47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Naive Address Wm F. Barrington and Ann'Bar- rington, (effective 4-1.47), 250 West 1st Street. Clement B. Pelzer & Clarence J. Pfeiffer (effective 4-1-47), 1555 Cen- tral Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 28th day of March, 1947. ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, GEO. R. MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Resolution No. 32-47 WHEREAS, applications for Class "B" Beer Permits have been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the following applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. Class "B" Permit Name Address Wm, F. Barrington and Ann Bar- rington, 250 West First Street. Clement B. Pelzer and Clarence J. Pfeiffer, 1555 Central Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 28th day of March, 1947. ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, GEO. R. MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec. onded b3 Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Resolution No. 33.47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Class "B" Beer Permits were fled by the within named applicants and they have received the ap- proval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di. rected to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit, Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Class "B" Permit Name Address Wm. F, Barington and Ann Bar- rington, 250 West First Street. Clement B. Pelzer and Clarence J. Pfeiffer, 1555 Central Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be 74 Special Session, March 28th, 1947 and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 28th day of March, 1947. ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, GEO. R. MURPHY, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Whdrton, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Application of Navy Club of Du- buque, Ship No. 67 for a Class 'B" Beer Permit for Private Club, pre- sented and read Councilman Thompson moved that the application be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 37-46 An Ordinance amending Ordin. ance No. 12-38, Ordinance No. 16- 42 and Ordinance No. 10-43, being Ordinance and amendments thereto "Authorizing Interstate Power Com- pany, its successors and assigns to substitute motor bus transporta- tion for street railway transporta- tion; designating motor bus routes by changing certain defined bus routes and by repealing any and all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith," said ordinance having been passed upon first read- ing on November 4th, 1946 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. ORDINA An Ordinance ameCE n� ding Ordinance No. 12-38, Ordinance No. 16-42 and Ordinance No. 10-43, being Ordinance and amendments thereto "Authorizing Interstate Power Company, its suc- cessors and assigns to substitute mo- tor bus transportation for street rail- way transportation' designating motor bus routes by changing certain de- fined bus routes and by repealing any and all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: Sec. 1. That "PARAGRAPH 258— ROUTES—SECTION 12" Subdivision 4, "FREMONT AVENUE ROUTE" as amended by Sec. 1, Ordinance No. 16-42 and as amended by Sec. 1, Or- dinance No. 10-43 be, and the same Is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. That "PARAGRAUH 258— ROUTES—Section 9 — CLEVELAND AVENUE AND MOUNT CARMEL ROUTE" as amended by Sec. 4 of Ordinance No. 16-42, be, and the same Is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. That there is inserted in lieu of the above sections the follow- ing: "Sec. I. MT. CARMEL AND FREMONT ROUTE: Point of be- ginning, Eighth and Main, South on Main Street to Railroad Ave., West on Railroad Ave. to Southern Ave., West and South on Southern Ave., to Grandview Ave., East over Grandview Ave., to Mt. Carmel. Re- turn North over Grandview Ave., to Dodge St., over Dodge and Fre- mont to Wartburg Place, return over Fremont and Dodge to Grand- view, North on Grandview to Delhi, West on Delhi and University to Algona, East and North over Al- gona to Loras, East on Loras to Alta Vista, South on Alta Vista to Rose, East on Rose to Race, South on Race to W. 11th St., East on W. 11th to Prairie, North on Prairie to Loras, East on Loras to Main, South on Main to point of begin- ning." "Sec. 2. CLEVELAND AVENUE ROUTE: Point of beginning Ilth and Main Streets, South on Main to Jones, West on Jones to Bluff, South on Bluff to Dodge, West on Dodge to Grandview, South on Grandview to Bryant, East on Bry- ant to Rush, East on Rush to Moun- tain Lane, North on Mountain Lane to Cleveland, West on Cleveland to Bryant, North and East on Bry- ant to Dodge, East on Dodge to Bluff, North on Bluff to Jones, East on Jones to Main, North on Main to Tenth, East on Tenth to Iowa, North on Iowa to Eleventh, West on Eleventh to point of beginning." Sec. 4. That "PARAGRAPH 258— ROUTES—SECTION 7 — LINWOOD AVENUE ROUTE" as amended by Sec. 4 of Ordinance No. 10-43 be, and the same is hereby repealed, and there is enacted in lieu thereof the follow- ing: "Sec. 3. LINWOOD ROUTE: Point of beginning, Davis and Wind- sor, West over Davis Ave, to Sheri- dan, South on Sheridan to Edith, West on Edith to Burden, South on Burden to Windsor, South on Wind- sor to 22nd St., West on 22nd St. to Central Ave., South on Central Ave., to Seventh St., West on Seventh to Main, North on Main to Four- teenth St., East on Fourteenth St., to Jackson St., North on Jackson St., to 22nd St. East on 22nd St. to Windsor Ave.. North on Wind- sor Ave., to Davis Ave., point of be- ginning. Between the hours of 6:00 Special Session, March 28th, 1947 75 A. M.and 8:00 A. M. and 4:00 P. M. and 6:00 P. M. regular Linwood Bus does not turn West at 7th St., but continues South on Central Ave., to 4th St., then turns West on 4th to Main and follows regular Linwood route from that point." Sec. 5. That any and all ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption and approval by the City Council and publication as by law provided, and the rights hereunder shall accrue when the cost of publishing this Ordinance has been paid by the Interstate Power Com- pany. Passed upon first reading this 4th day of November, 1946. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 28th day of March, 1947. ALBERT WHARTON. Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN GEO. R. MURPHY W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this let day of April, 1947. J. J. SHEA, 4-1-1t. City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duel - man. Nays—Councilman Thompson. Verbal request of the represen- tative of the Hughes Oil Company, operator of the River Terminal Plant in Dubuque, asking for a building permit to erect two addi- tional 15,000 gallon tanks, south of their large tank, for the purpose of storing gasoline and fuel oil presented to the Council. Mr. John A. Kerper, President of the Dock Board addressed the Council in regard to request pre- sented by the Hughes Oil Company. Council advised the representative of the Hughes Oil Company that the verbal request, asking for a permit to erect two ,additional 15,- 000 gallon tanks, would be consid- ered by the Council and action de- ferred till the meeting of the Coun- cil to be held April 7th, 1947. Mr. Mark Gavin addressed the Council in regard to the use of Eagle Point Park for the holding of free band concerts during the summer months. There being no further business Councilman Murphy moved to ad. journ. Seconded by Councilman Thompson, Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council. men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman. Nays—None. Approved I Adopted Councilmen: Attest: .. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk 1...�7 1947 lL.�...�..[. 1947 —,(j Clerk. - Special Session, March 28th, 1947 Board of Health (Official) Special Session, March 28th, 1947. Board met at 9:30 p.m. Present—Chairman Albert Whar- ton, Messrs W. W. Moffatt, Geo. R. Murphy, F. W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman, City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called for the purpose of considering complaints on the low butterfat content and the high retail price of milk distributed in the City of Dubuque. Mille Inspector Chapman review- ed the entire milk picture in the City of Dubuque and after a lengthy discussion -of the milk situation Mr. Geo. R. Murphy moved that Milk Inspector Chapman be instructed to notify City Manager Rhomberg when butterfat and quality of milk show a decrease approaching the minimums required by ordinances, the City Manager in turn to arrange a meeting with the Board of Health to cope with the problem. Second- ed by Mr. W. W. Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Chariman Albert Wharton, Messrs W. W. Moffatt, Geo. R. Murphy, F. W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman. Nays—None There being no further business Mr. Geo. R. Murphy moved that the Board of Health meeting ad- journ. Seconded by Mr. W. W. Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Chairman Albert Wharton, Messrs W. W. Moffatt, Geo. R. Mur- phy, F. W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, Clerk, Board of Health Approved.. 1714,1947 Adopted 1#7 1947 Members of Board of Health Attest: ..... .� .., ,°� ...... rl Board of Health Regular Session, April 7th, 1947 77 City Council (OFFICIAL) Regular Session, April 7th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present—Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, City Manager Rhom- berg. Mayor Wharton stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council, also the first meeting of the fiscal year, for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting. City Clerk J. J. Shea swore in Messrs F. W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman and Albert Wharton as Councilmen for the term com- mencing the first Monday in April, 1947. Councilman Thompson moved that Councilman Murphy be elected Mayor for the ensuing fiscal year. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man. Nays --None. Councilman Murphy not voting. City Clerk J. J. Shea then swore in the new Mayor, whereupon Mayor Murphy took the Mayor's chair. City Assessor, Harry J. Hanover, bond $500.00. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of April, 1947. GEORGE R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON W. W. MOFFATT ALBERT WHARTON Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Resolution No. 34-47 A resolution providing for the appointment of officers of the City of Dubuque; prescribing their salaries and fixing their bonds. Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following officers be appointed, subject, however, to the right of the Council to declare such offices vacant or rempve the officers there- from at the pleasure of the Council with or without cause, and to be paid the compensation provided for in the budget, and the following bonds shall be provided by such officers at the expense of the in- dividual officer; City Manager, A. A. Rhomberg, bond $5,000.00; City Solicitor, John J. Kintzinger, bond $1,000.00; City Clerk, J. J. Shea, bond $1,000.00; Police Judge, John C. Oberhausen, bond $1,000.00; Mayor Murphy then swore in the newly appointed officers, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager, John J. Kintzinger, City Solicitor, J. J. Shea, City Clerk and Harry J. Han- over, City Assessor. April 7, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: As City Manager of the City of Dubuque, the undersigned begs to advise your Honorable Body that all officers and employees whom he has the power to appoint, who are now serving and acting in their respective capacities and assisting in the orderly administration of the City and of the various depart- ments thereof, said officers and employees being under my super- vision, direction and control and their appointments continuing at the pleasure of the Manager, shall be paid salaries in accordance with the budget approved by the City Council. Respectifully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication of City Manager Rhomberg be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Council- Yeas—Mayor Murphy' men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. iR Regular Session, April 7th, 1947 Resolution No. 3547 A resolution selecting the official newspaper of the City of Dubuque. Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the Telegraph-flerald, a daily news- paper of general circulation in the City of Dubuque, be and it is here- by designated and appointed the official newspaper of said City. Passed, adopted, and approved this 7th day of April, 1947. GEORGE R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON W. W. MOFFATT ALBERT WHARTON Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—Noue. Resolution No. 36.47 A resolution designating the de- positories for public funds of the City of Dubuque. Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following banks be appointed de- positories of the public funds, and the City Treasurer is hereby auth- orized to distribute such funds in such banks in amounts not to ex- ceed the following: First National Bank, $275,000.00; American Trust and Savings Bank, $250,000.00; Du- buque Bank and Trust Company, $225,000.00. Be It Further Resolved that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to file with the County Treasurer of Dubuque County, Iowa, a list of such depositories and to keep such list on file with such County Treasurer at all times. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of April, 1947. GEORGE R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON W• W. MOFFATT ALBERT WHARTON Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Thos. Hill sub- mitting application for appointment as a member of the Board of Re- view, presented and read. Council- man Thompson moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fat. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- man Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays ---None. Resolution No. 37-47 Resolution appointing the Board of Review and fixing the compen- sation of the members thereof. Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following named persons be ap- pointed the Board of Review of the City of Dubuque for the year 1947: CARL ZIEPPRECHT GEORGE POHL THOS. J. HILL Be It Further Resolved that each of the above named members of said Board of Review be paid the SUM of $200.00 in full compensation of all services to be rendered by them in the performance of their duties, said sum to be paid from the Consolidated Fund. Passed, adopted and approved this '7th day of April, 1947. GEORGE R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON W. W. MOFFATT ALBERT WHARTON Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- man Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. NayS—None. Regular Session, April 7th, 1947 79 Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- man Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Mr. H. W. Parker et al, residents and property owners on West Sixteenth Street, addressed the Council requesting that sewer and water mains be constructed in West Sixteenth Street to serve their property. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the verbal request of Mr. H. W. Parker et al asking that sewer and water mains be constructed in West Sixteenth Street be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Messrs George Helling and Harry Hutt addressed the Council in re- gard to acquiring City owned property on South Locust Street for the purpose of erecting a build- ing for amusement purposes. Coun- cil advised Mr. Helling and Mr. Hutt to confer with City Manager Rhomberg for the purpose of sub- mitting their proposal for the acquiring of the City owned prop- erty on South Locust Street. Hughes Oil Company representa- tive addressed the Council in re- gard to the decision of the Council upon their verbal request submitted asking for permission to erect two additional 15.000 barrel tanks at their River Terminal Plant. Coun- eliman Wharton moved that the verbal request of the Hughes Oil Company, for permission to erect two additional 15,000 barrel tanks at their River Terminal Plant, be granted, with the provision that at no time will there be stored in excess of the present capacity, namely, 2,000,000 gallons of gaso- iiue on the premises and the Build. ing Commissioner instructed ac. cordingly. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Orton. lu$yg Councilman Van Duelman. Communication of D u b u q u e. Junior Chamber of Commerce stat. Ing that in order to correct an erroneous impression that has re- sulted from certain publicity rela- tive to the recent daylight saving's time poll conducted by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. that they wish to advise that the organiza- tion conducted an impartial in- qury and neither advocated adop- tion of or rejection of the plan and that the activities of any indivdual, not a member of the Junor Cham- ber, inconsistent with this motive was without sanction of the officers, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communi- cation be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Perfection Oil Company in regard to the applica- tion of the Hughes Oil Company who have applied for permission to erect at their terminal at Dubuque additional storage capacity for handling additional lines of fuel oil, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communi- cation be received and filed. Sec. onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Rainbo Oil Company in regard to the applica- tion of the Hughes Oil Company for permission to install additional tanks at their local river terminal, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communi- cation be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. 80 RegularSessi,olri, APril 7th, 1947 April 3, 1947 Mr. A. A. Rhomberg, City Mana- ger City of Dubuque Dubuque, Iowa Dear Mr. Rhomberg: This company, on or about Jan. uary 3rd, 1947, issued a Surety Contract Bond on behalf of Vincent Kobida d/b/a Grey's Motor Service, 1335 University Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa, running to the City of Du- buque, Iowa in the amount of $10,- 728.66, contract in the amount of 4.85, covering u tion o tion of clearing, grubbing rbb ng and grad - tog of Wooten Street, McClain Street to west line of James Street and Peabody Street. We hereby consent to the con- signment of the above captioned bond and contract to Charles J. Wilson and Co., 7601 South Went- worth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Our bond in this instance remains n full force and effect and is valid in every respect. Very truly yours, Ellis P. Schmidt, Manager. the communication and Certificate of Compliance be received and placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays --None. Communication of Laymen's Na- tional Committee, by Rear Admiral Belknap, asking that the City of Dubuque join in the observance of National Sunday School Week of April 14th to 20th, inclusive, pre- sented and read. Councilman Whar- ton moved that the communication be referred to the Mayor. Second- ed by Council man Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of New York Casualty Company submitting for filing the Power of Attorney author- izing the execution of certain bonds and undertakings on behalf of the Company when signed by C. H. Sanner or M. P. Hogan, as Attorney in Fact, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication and Power of Attorney be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Adolph Heitz - man in the amount of $50.00 for injuries sustained in a fall on a defective brick sidewalk partly covered with ice at 1805 Madison Sta•eet, presented and read. Coun- cilman Moffatt moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following N Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of George Hutter in the amount of $22.00 for in. juries sustained and damage to merchandise in a fall on the ice on Woodworth Street, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Communication of Continental yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council - Casualty Company enclosing Certi- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ficate of Compliance showing that man, Wharton. the Continental Casualty Company Nays—None. has qualifled for the transaction of Fidelity and Surety business in the Notice of Claim of Catherine State of Iowa for the year ending Holz in the amount of $3,000.00 for March 31, 1948, presented and read, injuries sustained in a fall on icy Councilman Wharton moved that sidewalk on the north side of 25th Regular Session, April 7th, 1947 81 Street and easterly of the alley between Jackson and Washington Streets, at the Southwest corner where the alley ,and 25th Street intersects, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Harold J. Holly, Father and next friend of minor and Individually, in the amount of $750.00 for injuries sus- tained by his daughter, June Anna Holly, in a fall on an icy depression In the sidewalk about 150 feet south of the intersection of Rock and Spruce Streets, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Notice of Claim be re- ferred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Henrietta Blades in an unstated amount for injuries sustained in a fall on an icy sidewalk on Paul Street be- tween Lowell and Seminary Streets, presented and read. Coun- cilman Thompson moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Charles G. Jo -chum requesting permission to erect a General Timber Service, Inc., pre- fabricated house in the 1800 block on Garfield Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Mary Agard Tent D.U.V. requesting permission for the holding of a Flag Tag Day on Saturday, June 14, 1947, pre- sented and read. Councilman ',Niof. fatt moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Arthur C. Hoskins requesting the City Council to authorize that a grade be estab- lished in the alley in the rear of his property located at 2421 Roose- velt Street, Lot 4 of Jansen Sub. 3, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the request be granted and the City Manager instructed to have a grade pre- pared. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Jacob Hedrick re- questing a refund in the amount of $25.00 on his Cigarette Permit No. 17 as he has discontinued business on March 31, 1947, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $25.00 in favor of Jacob Hedrick to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 17. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due] - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Herman Reinker re- questfng a refund in the amount of $25.00 on his Cigarette Permit No. 77 as he has discontinued busi- ness on March 27, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $25.00 in favor of Herman Reinker to cover the amount of refund granted nn the unexpired portion 82 Regular Session, April 7th, 1947 of his Cigarette Permit No. 77. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Wm. F. Barrington and Clifford Calvert requesting a refund in the amount of $25.00 on their Cigarette Permit No. 206 as they have dissolved partnership on March 27, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $25.00 in favor of Wm. F. Barring- ton and Clifford Calvert to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of their Cigarette Permit No. 206. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Petition of William Kenyon et al requesting that a street light be Installed at the intersection of Mar- quette Place, Henry and Queen Streets, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the City Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 11.47 An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 1.39, being ''An Ordinance regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Duubque; designating the provisions hereof as the "Traffic Code" of said City; repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith," by repealing (d) "Rule 108" Para- graph 736, Section 1, and enacting a substitute therefor, said ordin- ance having been passed upon first reading on March 28th, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. Communication of Dubuque Pack- ing Company in regard to the va- cation of streets and alleys in the vicinity of Sixteenth Street and outlining certain terms and condi- tions in the exchange of property, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the City Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 11-47 An ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 1-39, being "An Ordi- nance regulating the use of vehi- cles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque; designating the pro- visions hereof as the "Traffic Code" of said City; repealing -all Ordi- nances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith," by repealing (d) "Rule 108" Paragraph 736, Section 1, and enacting a substitute therefor. Now, therefore, Be It Ordained By The City Council Of The City Of Dubuque: Sec. 1 That (d) Rule 108, Para- graph 736, Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1-39 be, and the same is hereby repealed, and the following is en- acted in lieu thereof. "(d) Rule 108. Vehicles shall not be parked between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M., Sundays and public holidays excluded, for a longer period of time than here. inafter designated. 1. For longer than one hour upon the following streets: a. Both sides of Main Street from Fourth Street to Fifth Street, and from Tenth Street to Loras Boulevard. b. Both sides of Iowa Street, from Fourth Street to Loras Boule- vard. c. Both sides of Locust Street, from Fourth Street to Fifth Street; from Fifth Street to Seventh Street on the west side thereof, and from Ninth Street to Tenth Street on the West Side thereof, both sides Regular Session, April 7th, 1947 43 of Locust from 10th Street to 12th Street. d. Both sides of Fifth Street, from Locust Street to Iowa Street where there are no parking meters. e. Both sides of Sixth Street from Bluff Street to Locust. f. Both sides of Seventh Street, from Bluff Street to Locust Street, and Iowa Street to Central Avenue. g. Both sides of Eighth Avenue, from Bluff Street to Locust Street and from Iowa Street to Central Avenue. h. Both sides of Ninth Street, from Bluff Street to Locust Street and from Iowa Street to Central Avenue. i. Both sides of Tenth Street, from Locust Street to Iowa Street where there are no parking meters. j. Both sides of Eleventh Street, from Locust Street to Iowa Street. Provided that such streets or portions thereof above designated shall first be marked by proper signs erected at intervals with the words "One Hour Parking 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.," thereon. 2. For longer than two hours upon the following Streets. a. Both sides of Bluff Street, from Fourth Street to Twelfth Street. b. Both sides of Central Avenue from Fourth Street to Twenty - Fourth Street. c. Both sides of Fourth Street, from Bluff Street to Central Ave. nue. d. Both sides of Fifth Street, from Bluff Street to Locust Street from Iowa Street to Central Avenue. e. Both sides of Sixth Street, from Iowa Street to Central Avenue. f. Both sides of Tenth Street from Bluff Street to Locust Street: from Iowa Street to Central Avenue. g. Both sides of Eleventh Street from Bluff Street to Locust: from Iowa Street to Central Avenue. h. Both sides of Twelfth Street from Bluff Street to Central Ave. nue. Provided that such streets or Portions thereof above designated shall first be marked by proper signs erected at intervals with the words. "Two Hour Parking, 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.," thereon. Sec. 2. The Chief of Police may issue to any person a special per- mit to park a vehicle on Iowa Street or Central Avenue between Eleventh :and Thirteenth Streets only for the purpose of selling produce upon the public market and upon such conditions as the chief shall prescribe. Such permit shall be either in the possession of the operator or on the vehicle at the time the vehicle is so parked. It shall be unlawful for any owner or operator to violate any of the special terms or con- ditions thereof and upon convic- tion shall be fined not exceeding $100.00 and costs, and in default of the payment of such fine shall be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days in jail. Sec. 3. Any or all ordinances, or parts, thereof, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be In force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption and ap- proval by the City Council, and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading March 28th, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 7th day of April, 1947. GEORGE R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON W. W. MOFFATT ALBERT WHARTON Councilmen. Attest: J.J. SHEA City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 9th day of April, 1947. J.T. Shea, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel" man, Wharton. Nays—None. 14 Regular Session, April 7th, 1947 April 2, 1947. Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In re: PETITION OF MRS. MARY HIER for suspen- sion of taxes on: North Half, Lot 374, Davis Farm Addition. From my investigation, I recom- mend the petition be approved and that notification of the approval by the City Council be given to the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County, Iowa. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City So- licitor Kintzinger be approved and the Board of Supervisors to be no- tified of Council's action. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by -the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, March 31, 1497. Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In reference to the claim of Paul Bardrick for $1,300.00 for damage for the dumping of clay on lots owned by him, and the driv- ing of heavy machinery over grass and soil thereon, from my investi- gation this was not done under the supervision or control of any city employee or agent, and if any dam- age has occurred the City is not liable therefor. I recommend that said claim be rejected. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City So- licitor Kintzinger be approved. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, March 31, 1947. Honorable Mayor and City Council Of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In reference to the claim of Thomas B. Roshek for damages to his airplane at the Is- land Airport on or about December 22, 1946, in the amount of $269.26, I have made an investigation of this matter and from my investiga- tion I am of the opinion that there is no liability on the part of the City and therefore, recommend the claim be rejected. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the recommendation of City So- licitor Kintzinger be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. April 2, 1947. Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to the application for Class "B" Beer Permit for Pri- vate Club filed by Navy Club of Du- buque, Iowa, "Ship No. 67, Du- buque, Iowa." After examination of the papers submitted to me, I am of the opinion that the application is in legal form. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER. Councilman Wharton moved that the opinion of City Solicitor Kint- zinger be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 38-47 Whereas, Application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: now, therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of :he City of Dubuque that the follow- ing application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B' PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB. Name. Address. Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, 2417.23 Rhomberg Avenue. Regular Session, April 7th, 1917 85 Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of April, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, W. W. MOFFATT, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. April 3, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: On January 25, 1947, the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion sent a communication to your Honorable Body recommending the granting of the petition of J. Bur- roughs requesting vacation of alley adjoining Lots 37 to 41 of Rose Hill Ad. "providing written consent of abutting property owners is ob- tained and filed with the Planning and Zoning Commission." This is to advise you that the consent of abutting property own- ers has been received, is now on file and a part of the Planning and Zoning Commission records. Respectfully submitted, DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. By Richard V. McKay, Secretary. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of the Planning and Zoning Commission be received and the City Solicitor instructed to prepare the proper proceedings. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. April 8, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The Planning and Zoning Commission has examined the revised petition of Charles J. Boyer et al, with the signatures of the majority of the property own, ers affected, and decided that the majority will should prevail. Thus, the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion respectfully recommends the establishment of a Local Business District on the southerly side of Southern Avenue, to include all of that area bounded by -the following: beginning at a point on the north westerly corner of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 3 of part of Mineral Lot 37, thence southerly along the northeasterly lot line of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 3 of part of Mineral Lot 37 -to the north- erly line of the Dubuque Cascade Road; thence south westerly along the northerly line of the Dubuque Cascade Road to the south westerly line of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 4, O'Con- nor's Sub.; thence northerly along the westerly line of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 4, O'Connor's Sub. to its inter. sections with the southerly line of Southern Avenue; thence north easterly along -the southerly line of Southern Avenue to the point of be- ginning. (All in the 200 and 300 numbered block on Southern Avenue.) Respectfully submitted, DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. By Richard V. McKay, Secretary. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission be approved and the City Solicitor instructed to prepare the proper proceedings. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. April 4, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Herewith submitted for your consideration is Proposed Dubuque Homes Subdivision No. 1 which has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Yours truly, DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. By R. V. McKay, Secretary. 86 Regular Session, April 7th, 1947 Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of the Planning and Zoning Commission, together with the proposed Dubuque Homes Subdivision No. 1 be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 39-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City, and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name. Address. Madelyn Olday, 703 Central Avenue. Wm. F. Barrington, 250 West First Street. Myrtle A. Chapman, 53 West 12th Street, Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of April, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, W. W. MOFFATT, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 40--47 Whereas, Applications for Class "B" Beer Permits have been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined; now, therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the follow. Ing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name. Address. Elias Mihalis and Ruby Mihalis, 574 East 16th Street. Wm. F. Barrington, 250 West First Street. Donald J. Fondell and Adele B. Fondell, 1902 Central Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of April, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, W. W. MOFFATT, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 41-47 Whereas, Heretofore applications for Class "B" Beer Permits were filed by the within named appli- cants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, The premises to be oc- *},pij1 ,-" by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond; now, therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue -to the following named ap- plicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT. Ellas Mihalis and Ruby Mihalis, 574 East 16th Street. Wm. F. Barrington, 250 West First Street. Donald J. Fondell and Adele B. Fondell, 1902 Central Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Regular Session, April 7th, 1947 87 Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of April, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, W. W. MOFFATT, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business, Councilman Moffatt moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Approve Adopted Councilme Attest J. J. SHEA, Regular Session, May 5th, 1947 V�) City Council (Official). Regular Session, May 5th, 1947. Council met. at 7:30 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom- berg. Mayor Murphy stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of ratting upon such business as may properly come before the meeting. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of E. F. Lewis et al, prop- erty owners, requesting that For- est Lane be improved by the pav- ing of the same, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa May 5th, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Council, City of Dubuque, Gentlemen: Please be advised that E. E. Frith Company has no objection to the vacation of the alley lying between Sycamore St. and Lynn Street. from the North line of East 15th Street to the South line of East 17th Street, and to the vacation of Lynn Street from the North line of East 15th Street to the South line of East 16th Street, and to the vacation of the East 32 feet of Lynn Street from the North Line of East 16th Street to a point 50 feet North of the North line of East 18th Street, also to the vacation of the streets and alleys East of Lynn Street from East 15th Street to East 19th Street, and, the conveying of said vacated areas to the Dubuque Pack- ing Company. Yours very truly, E. E. FRITH COMPANY E. T. Frith, President Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be receiv- ed and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Dnel- man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of O'Connor, Thomas R O'Connor, by E. Marshall Thomas, requesting that quit claim deeds be executed and delivered to the Interstate Power Company convey- ing vacated Seventh and Commer- cial Streets north and abutting Lot 15 in Block 13 and Market Street lying north of Commercial Street, all in Dubuque Harbor I1n- provement Company's Addition, and also conveying vacated Cedar Street lying between Eighth Street and the Alley between Seventh and Eighth Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa now described as Lots 16C in Block 13 and Lot 1D in Block 12, Dubuque Harbor Im- provement Company's Addition and Lot 1C in Block 12, Dubuque liar- bor improvement Company's Ad- dition, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—lalayor Murphy, Council- tnen. Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - mail, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of The Amvets Dubuque Post No. 3 requesting permission for the holding of a carnival on the local 4th Street Extension from June 16 to June 21 inclusive, 1917, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted with the provision that the requirements of City Ordinances be complied 90 Regular Session, May 5th, 1947 with. Seconded by Councilman Mot- fatt. Carried by the followingvote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Mrs. Tom O'Brien in an unstated amount for injuries sustained in a fall on a defective sidewalk on the South- west side of Seventh and Main Streets, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Clarence R. Sandry, for his wife Mrs. Cather. ine Sandry, in an unstated amount for injuries sustained in a fall on the icy sidewalk and curb at Sixth and Main Streets, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Eleventh Street between Main and Locust Streets, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Mrs. Annis Shaw in the amount of $2,000.00 for injuries sustained in .a fall on the unmarked crosswalk between the Northwest and Southwest cor- ners of the intersection of Arling- ton Street and Highland Place, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Mrs. Pearl Krueger in the amount of $500.00 for injuries sustained in a fall on an icy sidewalk located at .and near the Southeast corner of Rhomberg Avenue and Roosevelt Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Anna Ackerer In an unstated amount for injuries sustained in a fall on a defective curbing and sidewalk at the alley intersection on the North side of Notice of Claim of Anna Behnke in the amount of $70.29 for injuries sustained in a fall on a faulty ce- ment walk at 2252 Central Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of C. W. Patch in the amount of $7,500.00 for in- juries sustained in a fall on an icy sidewalk at a point in front of the Morrison Bros. Co., office on 24th Street and approximately 18 or 20 feet east of the Northeast corner of the alley between Wash- ington and Elm Streets, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Regular Session, May 5th, 1047 91 Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt; Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Aviation Ser- vices Company submitting under separate cover a prepared Avia- tion Guide which will serve as a reference manual and suggesting immediate steps to be taken into consideration with regard to this summer's development of the air- port, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication and Aviation Guide be referred to the City Coun- cil and City Manager for prompt consideration. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Iowa Aero- nautics Commission submitting two copies of information explaining the need of concurrence in airport location by highway officials and outlining the procedure to follow, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that City Manager Rhomberg be request- ed to prepare the proper papers for submission to the Board of Su- pervisors and to take all necessary steps in conjunction with the pro- ject. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Thompson moved that City Manager Rhomberg be authorized to confer with the board of Supervisors relative to planning for a combination Court House and City Hall building and to file a joint application with F.W.A. for planning funds in order to prepare the necessary plans and specifica- tions as a preliminary to the hold- ing of an election for authority to erect a combination Court House and City Hall building. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the fallowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt. Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the National Federation of the Blind requesting that the week of May 15 to 21 in- �lusive be declared White Cane Week, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Dudley P. Bowe, President, Star Spangled Banner Flag House Association, Inc., requesting that a proclama- tion be issued designating the in- terval between June 8 to 15, 1947 as National Flag Week, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the Mayor be authorized to issue a proclamation as requested. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Y jas--Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of G. D. Murray, Vice Admiral, U. S. Navy, Com- mandant, Ninth Naval District, ad- vising that the Congress of the United States has decided that Quonset but type Naval Reserve Training Centers will be erected in cities where sites have been pro- vided for such installation, present- ed and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of James Forres- tal, the Secretary of the Navy. Washington, D. C., in regard to a program for making available op- portunities and advantages to young Americans in the New Civil- ian Naval Reserve and submitting a folder with suggestions for or- 9'l Regular Session, May 5th, 1947 ganizing the program locally, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Mayor be authorized to issue a proclamation as suggestdd in the folder. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of G. D. Murray, Vice Admiral, U. S. Navy, Com- mandant, Ninth Naval District, in regard to a program to increase membership in the Naval Reserve and to establish a Reserve Organ- ization and asking the Mayor to act as Honorary Chairman of a local Civilian Committee to assist in the program, Operation Naval Reserve, which will be conducted the week of May 18 to 25, culminating the Naval Reserve Day, May 25th, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Mayor be requested to ap- point a local Civilian Committee. as requested. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Curried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of William Beutin stating that he is going to build on Lot 54 in Belmont Addition on the corner of Strauss and Blake Streets and that he would like to know if he could have the sewer and water run to this lot, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager for a report. Sec- onded by Mayor Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of James L. Mul- ligan submitting offer in the amount of $50.00 for the purchase of Lot 210 in Union Addition, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Dueiman moved that the communication be referred to the City Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due] - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Mayor Murphy stated that he would accept the Honorary Chair- manship and appointed the follow- ing named persons as members of the Civilian Committee: Mr. David Campbell, Mr. Arnold Noel, Mr. Wally Promhart, Mrs. King Heer, Mr. Harry Slichter and Mr. James Carpenter. Petition of Charles J. Wilson Co. requesting that the completion date on the contract for the clearing, grubbing and grading of Wooten Street be extended to May 16, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—:Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of George J. Cable submitting offer in the amount of $50.00 each for the pur- chase of Lots 4 and 6 of Rowan's Addition, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication be referred to the City Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of George W Helling submitting offer in the amount of 23 cents -per square foot fot• the purchase of City property on South Locust Street with a frontage of ninety feet and direct- ly soutii of the Armstrong property, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the offer be accepted and the nee essary proceedings ordered pre- pared. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Cbuncil- Regular Session, AIan ;t1l, 1947 93 men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of John Deere Dubuque Tractor Company requesting the extension of the jurisdiction of the Dubuque Fire Department to their property in accordance with the provisions of Section 368.30 of the 1946 Code of Iowa, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the City Council for further consideration. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Saint Columbkille's Parish Holy Name Society request- ing the installation of a street light on Rush Street between Bryant and Holly Streets, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the City Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Wm. F. and Anti Bar- rington requesting a refund in the amount of $150.00 on their Class "B" Beer Permit No. 2 as they have discontinued business on April 7, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $150.00 in favor of Wm. F. and Ann Bar- rington to cover the amount of re- fund granted on the unexpired por- tion of their Class "B" Beer Per- mit No. 2. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Mary F. Brandt re- questing suspension of the 1946 tax on the South 1/ of Lot 162 of East Dubuque Addition, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Petition of B. A. Schueller et al, owners of property within 200 feet of property hereinafter referred to, requesting the establishment of a local business district on the South- east and Southwest .corners of 30th Street and Central Avenue, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communications of Our Lady of Lourdes Home, Frank F. Hoynuin and J. E. McGraw setting forth their objections to the erection of sign board on the lot located at 1795 Central Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communications be re- ferred to the Board of Adjustment. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 12-47 An Ordinance providing for the vacation of the Alley first North- erly of Robin Street from the East- erly line of Lot 37 to the Westerly line of Lot 41 Rose Hill Addition in the City of Dubuque and con- veying said Alley to the prospec- tive abutting owners, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Couucil- man 'Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: 94 Regular Session, May 5th, 1947 Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man. Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of March, 1947, Presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of May Clark, Li- brarian, submitting annual reports of the Librarian and the Board Of Trustees of the Free Public Li- brary, Presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the annual reports of the Librarian and Board of Trustees of the Free Public Library be received and placed on file. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nnys—None. Com milli !action of J. A. Kerper, President, Board of Dock Commia- siouers, submitting annual report covering dock operations for the fiscal year April 1, 1946 to March 31. 1917, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the annual report of the Board of Dock Commissioners be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa April 22nd, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission conducted an entrance examination, as of April 9th, 1947, for those seeking positions on the Police De- partment. The following is a list of those who passed the mental and physi- cal examinations with an average of 70% or better. All appointments on the Police Department should be made from this list. Name Average Paul R. Sutton ....................82.00% Lowell R. Slaght .............. 74.75�Jr Respectfully submitted, E. B. Lyons, Chairman C. S. Harker, R. M. Benn, Commissioners J. J. SHEA, Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of April, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER Notary Public Councilman Wharton moved that the report be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa April 22nd, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commis- sion conducted an entrance ex- Regular Session, May 5th, 1947 q; amination, as of April 9th, 1947, for those seeking positions on the Fire Department. The following is a list of those who passed the mental and physical examinations with an average of 70%^ or better. All appointments on the Fire Department should be made from this list. Name Average Robert J. O'Brien ...........89.50%, ... 87.90%r John A. Herberger ..........78.00% 86.16^/x. Carl J. Winter. .................. 77.75%r Cyril J. O'Brien ..................75.00%r C. H. Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairman C. S. HARKER, R. M. BENN, Commissioners J. J. SHEA, Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of April, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public Councilman Moffatt moved that the report be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: YEpas—Mayor Murphy, CounIcil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa April 221ld, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission conducted a promotional examina- tion, as of April 10th, 1947, for those seeking promotions on the Police Department. The following are those who passed with the highest averages. All promotions on the Police De- partment should be made from this list. Name Average Hugh B. Callahan ............93.75r/r John Davis 93.25!' John J. Dolan ......................91.00' W. J. Andresen 90.001; Byrne O'Brien .................86.75' Percy Lucas.......... ............ H. H. Hodges .... _ 80.755 L. W. Kueper ...... .. 76.00';r Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairman R. M. BENN. C. S. HARKER, Commissioners J. J. SHEA, Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd clay of April, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public Councilman Wharton moved that the report be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duehnan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa April 24th, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission conducted a promotional exannina. tion, as of April 14th, 1947, for those seeking promotions on the Fire Department. The following are those who passed with the highest averages. All promotions on the Fire De- partment should be made from this list. CAPTAINS Name Average F. R. Henkels ........ ..... ... 87.90%r W. E. Blaser ...................... 86.16^/x. J. P. Schadle ..................83.00^/� Weber ........ ......... P. M. Casey ........................82.16^/, C. H. V. E. Klock _ __ ..76.33%r LIEUTENANTS Gerhard .... .._ _ ..... E. J. Flick ................88.32^/r B. J. O'Leary ...............86.16%r V. J. Weber ........ ......... 84.33r/( C. H. Kearney ...............84.00x/ E. L. Gerhard .... .._ _ ..... 83.00%r E. H. Strohmeyer ........... 80 33% M. J. CAHILL .... _ ._ 74.16% R. N. Dunphy 70.16x' ENGINEERS V. L. Phillips 82.40%r J. V. Reisner .. .._ 78.40% 96 Regular Session, May 5th, 1947 R. Slaght .........................77.80% L. J. Chambers ..... ...... .....75.60% Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairman, C. S. HARKER, R. M. BENN, Commissioners J. J. SHEA, Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of April, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public Councilman Moffatt moved that the report be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. April 28, 1947 Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of I--Aenrietta Blades, upon investigation I find that on or about March 10 she fell on a dangerous sidewalk covered with ice caused by water running there- on from the adjoining bank and she received injuries that required her to go to the hospital. That she Incurred hospital bill in the amount Of $62.10, broken glasses $21.00, Medical Associates $54.00, and damages to clothing in the amount of $4.75, total $141.75. She was confined to the hospital for one week and has been suffering from injuries received ever since. After conference with her, she has agreed to accept $100.00 for any and all claims she has against the City. I recommend that a warrant be issued payable to her order in the amount of $100.00 and delivered to he" upon the delivery to the City Of a release properly executed. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor I:intzinger be approved and the City auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 In favor of Henrietta Blades, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivlered upon receipt by the City of Du- buque of a properly executed re- lease. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- man Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - mar, Wharton. Nays—None. April 15, 1947 Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of John P. Buechele for his wife, Clementine Buechele, sub- mitted to me for investigation and report, from my investigation it appears that the accident hap- pened on January 15, 1947, in front of 2407 Windsor Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa. That the claim was filed in the office of the City -Clerk March 20, 1947. Our statute provides that these claims are to be filed 60 days from the happening of the accident. You have no jurisdiction of a claim filed after that time. For that rea. son I recommend that this claim be denied. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel. man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. April 15, 1947 Honorable Mayor land City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In reference to the claim of Adolph Heitzman for dam- ages because of injuries received on a brick sidewalk partly covered with ice on January 16, 1947, in front of 1805 Madison Street, from my investigation it appears that this accident happened on January 16, 1947; that the claim was filed April 5, 1947, more than 60 days after the happening of the acci- dent. Claims must be filed under the statute within 60 days and those filed thereafter, the Council has no Regular Sessi(m, 5th, 1947 97 jurisdiction over. I recommend that this claim be denied. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City So- licitor Kintzinger be appKoved. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. April 12, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit re- ports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Department for the month of March, 1947, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of March, 1947. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 2, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have approved the following bonds and desire 'to have your ap- roval on same for filing: PERSONAL. Albin A. Rhomberg, City, Man- ager; Continental Casualty Co. John J. Kintzinger, City Solicit- or; Massachusetts Bonding and In- surance Co. Otto F. Puls, City Treasurer; The Aetna Casualty and Surety Co. Robert P. Marshall, City Auditor; Massachusetts Bonding and Insur- ance. Co. ' J. J. Shea, City Clerk; Massa- chusetts Bonding and Insurance Co. Harry J. Hanover, City Assessor; U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. Geraldine L. Jenni, Secretary to City Manager; Continental Casulty Co. John C. Oberhausen, Police Judge; Continental Casualty Co. John A. Brady, Clerk of Police Court; Central Surety and Insur- ance Corp. R. J. Gallagher. City Engineer; National Surety Corp. C. J. McCarthy, Harbor and Mar- ket Master; Eagle Indemnity Co. of New York. Lavern Carl Norton, Electrical Inspector; The Century Indemnity Co. Daniel J. O'Leary, Plumbing In- spector; American Surety Co. Virgil Fay Chapman, Milk In- spector; Continental Casualty Co. Alae Agnes Moore, Clerk, Health Department; Hndemnity Insurance Co. of N. A. Hylda N. Luke, Recreational Di- rector; U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. Lucille Oster. Clerk, City Water Department; Massachusetts Bond- ing and IInsurance Co. John Joseph Hail, Superintendent and Cashier, City Water Depart- ment; Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Co. Edward M. Tschirgi, Accountant, (,ity Water Department: Massa- chum?,,ts Bonding and Insurance Co. Allen C. Bane, Clerk, Cit} Water Department; The Century tulounn- ity Co. Thomas Fitzpatrick, Clerk, City Water Department; AIassachu�e'ts Bonding and Insurance Co. Frank Jochum, Parking .ltet(T Service :Ulan; Continental Ca�41]alty Co. EXCAVATION. Davis Bros., Inc., Detroit, Alich.; Bond No. 28684, Fidelity and De- posit Co. Dubuque Plumbing and Heating Co., 1395 Washington Street; Policy No. CL 16148. Bituminous Casualty Corp. Black & White. y,.1low & Check- er Cab Co., In(-., 411) ISighth Avenue; Policy No. C.A. 5045, The Preferred Accident Insurance Co. of N. Y. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERC, City Manager. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the bonds be approved and 98 Regular Session, May 5th, 1947 placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 5,1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of February 24, 1947, the petition of Herbert J. Cadden and others re- questing the installation of a street light at West Fifth and Roberts Streets was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the site on April 13th decided to grant the request by ordering a street light on Roberts Street at the first bend north of West Fifth Street. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager.) Councilman Van Duelman moved that 'the recommendation of City Manager Rhontberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. mail, Wharton. Nays—None. May 5, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of April 7th the verbal request of H. W. Parker and others for the con- struction of sanitary sewer and water mains to serve the properties on West 16th Street from Catherine Street westerly was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the premises decided to have a plat and schedule prepared coveting the pro- posed work. I recommend that the decision of the Council be con- firmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhontberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the fo'.lowiug vot,: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 5, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the April 4th meeting the petition of Wm. Ken- yon and others requesting the in- stallation of a street light at the intersection of Marquette Place, Henry and Queen Streets was re- ferred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the location decided to grant the re- quest. I recommend that the deci- sion of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 5, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of March 28th the petition of Eldon J. Fleege and others requesting the paving of Audubon Street with con- crete this spring was referred to the Council to view the „rounds. The Council having examined the street decided to order a plat and schedule prepared for concrete pav- ing on Audubon Street from Loras Bou'evard to Dexter Street with as wide a roadway section as can be obtained. I recommend that the de- cision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhontberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel man, Wharton. Nays—None. Regular Session, May 5th, 1947 May 5, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. At the meeting of March 28th the offer of Anna Bolsinger to donate property for the extension of Gay Street to Kane Street was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the premises decided that the extension of Gay Street to Kane Street as outlined would result in an excess- ively steep grade and therefore a location farther north be sought for a street connecting the Park Hill area with Kane Street and Kauf- mann Avenue. Respectfully submitted. A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 5, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of April 7th, the communication of the Dubuque Packing Company regard- ing the vacation of certain streets and alleys in the vicinity of East 16th Street outlining certain terms and conditions in the exchange of property was referred to the Coun- cil to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the premises on April 13th, decided the proposal was not acceptable. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 5, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of May 17, 1946, the petiti,in of J. A. Wild requesting the vacation of the alley in the rear of Lots 32 and 33 of Littleton and Sawyer's Addition and offering $100.00 for the pur- chase of Lots 18 and 19 .of W. Blake's Addition was referred to the Council to view. Since that time the alley has been vacated and all things accom- plished except the matter of the sale of Lots 18 and 19 of W. Blake's Addition. This property has been examined by the Council and a deci- sion reached to reject the offer of $100.00 as being too low. I recom- mend that the decision of the Coun- cil be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 5. 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of March 14th the report of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission rec- ommending granting the petition of Earle J. Sowle for the vacation of a part of National Street west of Keokuk Street was referred to the Council for further consideration. The Council has since considered the matter and having viewed the site decided not to vacate the street since it may be needed in the fu- ture. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. April 19, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Herewith submitted for your consideration is proposed - Regular Session, May 5th, 1947 100 Court Subdivision which has amending the Master Plan of the Carole by the Planning and City of DubuqueIn accordance with been approved the hed ed by Jus - Zoning Commission. tin Hartzog. Yours truly, DUBUQUE PLANNING AND you will remember that we sub. ZONING COMMISSION. mitted to you some time ago, Mr. By R. V. McKAY, Secretary. Hartzog's report covering plans for Wharton moved that this general area. This proposal is Councilman of the Planning in furtherance of his recommenda- the communication and Zoning Commission together tions of that date. with the proposed Carole Court Subdivision be referred to the City Yours truly, DUBUQUE PLANNING AND Solicitor for investigation and re- ZONING COMMISSION. ZOR. port. Seconded by Councilman Mof- V. McKAY, Secretary. fatt. Carried by the following vote: Councilman Wharton moved that Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- the communication of the Planning men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- and Zoning Commission be referred to the City Manager and City So- man, Wharton. licitor for their recommendation Nays—None. May 3, 1947 and report and for to prepare the To the Honorable Mayor and proper proceedings. Seconded by City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the Gentlemen: In a communication following vote: to your honorable body dated Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council - March 3, 1947, in reference to the men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. widening of Ash Street in East Du- man, Wharton. buque Industrial District, the Plan- Nays—None. ning and Zoning Commission Resolution No. 42-47 recommended that to widen said Whereas, the Dubuque Planning Ash Street from 64' to 100' feet, the and Zoning Commission recom- additional 36 feet needed to be mended to the City Council that taken along the west side of Ash the following property being "Two Street. Family Residence District" classifi- After further study and as a mat- cation be changed to "Local Busi- ter of sound public interest, the ness District" classification: on Planning and Zoning Commission the southerly side of Southern Ave - wishes to amend it's recommenda- nue, to include all of that area tion of March 3, 1947, by substitut. bounded by the following: begin- ing a recommendation that in ob- ning at a point on the north west- taining the needed 36 additional erly corner of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 3 feet in width of Ash Street, 1S feet of part of Mineral Lot 37, thence be taken from each side of said southerly along the northeasterly Ash Street, lot line of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 3 of Respectfully submitted, part of Mineral Lot 37 to the north - Dubuque Planning & Zoning erly line of the Dubuque Cascade Commission Road; thence south westerly along R. V. McKAY, the northerly line of the Dubuque Secretary Cascade Road to the south westerly Councilman Wharton moved that line of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 4, O'Con- the recommendation of the Plan. nor's Sub; thence northerly along ning and Zoning Commission be the westerly line of Lot 1 of 2 of approved. Seconded by Councilman Lot 4, O'Connor's Sub., to its inter - Moffatt. Carried by the following sections with the southerly line of vote: Southern Avenue; thence north Peas—Mayor Murphy, Council- easterly along the southerly line of men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. Southern Avenue to the point of man, Wharton. beginning. (All in the 200 and 300 Nays—None, numbered block on Southern Ave - May 3, 1947, nue.) To the Honorable Mayor and And, Whereas, before the Zoning City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Map and the Zoning Ordinance of Gentlemen: The Planning and the City may be changed, it is nec- Zoning Commission respectfully essary that a public hearing be held recommends to your honorable body thereon. Regular Session, May 5th, 1947 101 Whereas, the City Council deems It advisable to hold such public hearing. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: That there should be a public hearing on the question of chang- ing the district hereinbefore de- scribed, from "Two Family Reel- dence" to "Local Business Dis- trict." That the time and place for said public hearing be and the same is hereby fixed for 7:30 o'clock p. in., on the 26th day of May, 1947, in the City Council Chamber, City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa; that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to cause to be published in the Telegraph -Herald, the official news- paper in the City of Dubuque, no- tice of such hearing, same to be so published so as to leave at least 15 days between the day of such publication and the day fixed for said hearing, that said notice shall contain, among others, the provis- ion that any and all parties in in- terest and any and. all citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of May, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 43--47 Whereas, on February 3, 1947, the City Solicitor requested that the City Council permit him to employ additional legal counsel in the pro- secution of the action of the City of Dubuque vs. Leo J. Meuser, County Treasurer, pending in the District Court of Dubuque County, Iowa, involving the question of the taxation of the new high bridge. And, Whereas, the said City Council granted the request of the City Solicitor and authorized him to employ whatever additional coun- sel he deemed necessary in said action at the expense of the City. And, Whereas, the said City So- licitor employed John K. Chalmers in the prosecution of said action, and said John K. Chalmers has as- sisted the City Solicitor in said case. And, Whereas, no written record has been made of the action of the Council and it is deemed advisable to make said action a matter of record. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Couucil of the City of Dubuque: That the action of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque on Feb- ruary 3, 1947, in authorizing and empowering the City Solicitor to employ additional legal counsel to assist him in the prosecution of the action of the City of Dubuque vs. Leo J. Meuser at the expense of the City be, and the same is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved. And, that the action of the City Solicitor In employing John 1i. Chalmers to assist him in prosecu- tion of the said action be, and the same is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved. And, that said John K. Chalmers shall be paid reasonable compensa- tion for his services in said action by the City of Dubuque. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of May, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANIi VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt. Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 44-47 Whereas, a plat has been filed by Dubuque' Homes, Inc., in which 102 Regular Session, Alay 5th, 1947 Lots 35, 36, 37 and 33, Simpson's Addition to Dubuque in the City of Dubuque, Iowa is platted as "DUBUQUE HOMES SCBDIVISION NO. 1," a subdivis- ion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; And, Whereas, said plat has been duly approved by the Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission, And, Whereas, said plat has been examined by the City Council and they find that the same confirms to the Statute and Ordinances relat- ing thereto. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque That the plat of: Lots 35, 36, 37 and 38, Simpson's Addition to Dubuque in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and which will hereafter be known as "Dubuque Homes Subdivision No. 1," con- taining Lots 1 to 11, inclusive, be and the same is hereby ap- proved and the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby directed to endorse the approval of the City of Dubuque upon said plat. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of May, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANI{ VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec. onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 45-47 Whereas, Heretofore application for ('lass "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named applicant ar.d it has received the approval of tliis Council; and �� h•'rt'as. The premises to be oc. cirp:ed by such applicant have been i.-sNect rd and found to comply with the adinanees of this City and a luoper bond has been filed. Now, TllerPforP, Be It R(Molved by the Council of the Cit'>' ul' 01'ruque that the IDlau- aer Ire ar.0 ire is hereby directed to issue to the following named ap. plicant a Beer Permit: CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name. address. Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, 2417-23 Rhomberg Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed by such applicant be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of May, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. See. onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 46-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City, and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name. Address. Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67. 2417-23 Rhomberg Avenue. National Tea Company, 1604 Cen- tral Avenue. Walter H. Beresford and Al. Neumeist•er, 731 Rhomberg Avenue. Merlyn L. Weber, 1904 Central Avenue. Frank M. Kelly and Francis E. Kelly, 1075 Dodge Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of May, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Regular Session, Alay 3th. 1947 1n; Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thompson, Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 47-47 Whereas, Applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name. Address. Harry N. Gantert and Lucile Gantert, 1301 Rhomberg Avenue. Frank Reis and Kathryn Reis, 509 Eighth Avenue. John Henkel and Alma Henkel, 241 Main Street. Robert J. Bowen, 1105 University Avenue. Merlyn L. Weber, 1904 Central Avenue. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB. Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, 290 West Fourth Street. Dubuque Golf Club, End of Ran- dall Place. CLASS "C" PERMIT. Carl Van Duelman, 590 Seminary Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of May, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUEI_11.AN, F. W. THOMPSON. ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 48-47 Whereas, Heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, The premises to be oc- cupied by such aPplicants have been inspected and found to coni - Ply ', ith the ordinances of this City and they have filed a Proper bond; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and lie is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Leer Permit: CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name. Address. Harry N. Gantert and Lucile Gantert, 1301 Rhomberg :kvonue. Frank Reis and Itathryu Reis. 509 Eighth Avenue. John Henkel and Alma Henkel, 241 Maiu Street. Robert J. Bowen, 1105 University Avenue. Merlyn L. Weber, 19ol C,�otral Avenue. CLASS "B•' PE1,.%IIT FOR PRIV.\TE Dubuque .111 -;al 'Trades Council Club, 290 �Vost Fourth Street. Dubuque Golf Club, End of Ra:i- dall Place. CLASS "('•• PE a:.AIIT. Carl Van Duelman• u90 Seudiiary Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by Stich ap)licautts be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of May, 1947. GEO. R. MURPIfY. Alaco;. FRANK VAN DUEL.11.\N, F. W. THOMPSON. ALBERT WHARTON. W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resohitiou. onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, ('ouncil- men Moffatt, Thompson,1)ucl- man , Wharton. Nays—Noce. May 5, 1917. To the Honorable \layor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Thea• i- pending be- fore you the aPPlicatiou cf George 1(9 Regular Session, May 5th, 1947 T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven for Class "B" Beer Permit at 605 Main Street. Attached hereto is a copy of the order of John W. Strohm, State Fire Marshal, under date of August 28, 1946, to Bradley & Maclay Real- ty Co., the owner of the building. This order has not been complied with. This matter is brought to your attention because the Building De- partment will be unable to sign the necessary inspection certificate un- til such time as the fire safety pro- visions on the premises are com- plied with. Respectfully submitted, DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication of Building In- spector Bandy be received and made a matter of record. Seconded Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None Application of George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven for a class "B" Beer Permit at 605 Main Street, Presented and read, Councilman Wharton moved that the application be referred to the City COmlcil for further considera- tion. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Teas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business, ('ouncih'uan Thompson moved to ad- jon•u. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yess—:Mayor Murphy, Council- men Iloffati. Thompson, Van Duel - man, AYharton. Nays --None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerl�. Councilmen L. Attest: ..4. �.� �p1 1,y47 119947 r City Clerk. Special Session, Xlav 9th. 1'4 ltlti City Council (Official) Special Session, May 9th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due]. man, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg, Meeting called by order of Mayor Murphy and Councilman Thomp- son. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of con- sidering an Ordinance for the vaca- tion of certain streets and alleys as requested by the Dubuque Pack- ing Company and acting oil any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Ordinance No. 13-47, An Ordi- nance vacating certain streets, parts of streets and alleys lying and situated in East Dubuque Addi- tion No. 2 and Railroad Addition ill the City of Dubuque, and provid- ing for the granting and conveying of the title thereto to the Dubuque Packing Company, and declaring an emergency, presented and react. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordi- nance. Seconded lw Councilman Wharton. Carried by thfr following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy. Council- men Moffatt, Thompson. k'an Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate (lays. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public Inspection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Thompsott. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy. ('ounca- men Moffatt. Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of O'Connor, Thomas A O'Connor, by E. Marshall Thoma<. requesting that quit claim deeds 1w executed and delivered to the 1:1- terstate Power Company co1lveyi11 vacated Seventh and Conuoerci;il Streets north and abutting Lot 15 in Block 13 and Market Strew ly- ing north of Commercial Street, all in Dubuque Harbor Improvennatt Company's Addition, and also (•on- veying vacated Cedar Street lying between Eighth Street and tho �kl- ley between Seventh and P,ightlt Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, now described as Lots 16C in Block 13 and Lot 1D in Block 12, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition and Lot 1(` in Block 12, Dubuque Harbor Improvf-- ment Company's kddition, pre- sented and read. City Solicitor Kintzhlger sub- mitted oral recommendation that the petition be approved and the resolution:, accompanying the peti- tion should be adopted. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the oral recoonneudatimt of City Solicitor Kin'zinger be ap- proved. Seconded by Counclluunl Wherton. Carried h} h1'oCowing vote: Yeas- .Mayor Murphy. Council- men Jlol'f:ut, Thompson. Van Duel - mall, \k'harton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 49-47. Whereas, The City of Dubuque, Iowa, did adopt a certain Ordinance on June 16. 1904, vacating Cedar Sheet from Eigfitb StrccI to the alley between S"Velith anti Eighth Streets in the ('ity of Dulmque, Iowa. being the ground lying be- tween Lot 33 in Block 12 and Lo: I ill Block 11 of Duh11(111!� Ilarho. Im- provement Comp;oiy',= :kdtlilion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. and Whereas, Said Ordinance pro- vided "the same is hereby vacated and annulled 111(1 the pp�ruianent U, -'e thereof is hereby graved to the Inion Electric Company and its succes ors and as>igns a� Part of ](lr; Spccial Session, May 9th, 1947 the ground to be used and occu- pied by said electric works and plant_" and Whereas, No conveyance was ever made by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, of said vacated street to said Union Electric Company, and Whereas, Interstate Power Com- pany, a Delaware Corporation, is the successor in interest to the said Union Electric Company and actually uses and occupies the above mentioned property, and Whereas, Said vacated street has been platted as Lot 1C, Block 12, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition to the City of Du. buque, Iowa. Now Therefore, Be and It is Hereby Resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and they are hereby authorized to make, execute and deliver a quit claim deed conveying to Interstate Power Company, a Delaware Corporation, the following described real estate. to -wit: "Lot 1C ill Block 12, Du- buque Harbor Improvement Cour pany's Addition." Approved this 9th day of May, A.D. 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DI F:I,Ii:\N F. W. TI-IOAIPSON ALBE'R 1' W. W. 'MOFFATT Members of City Couneil. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Comciimatt Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man• Wharton. Nays --None. Resolution No. 50-47 WIIPI'cas• the City of Dubuque, Iowa, adoptod a certain Ordinance dated March 2. 1896. vacating cer- tain sUoetr. in the City of Dubuque, 19nva. i iclyding the portions of S+'venth and Commercial Streets north and abutting Lot 15 it, Block 13 and al..o part of Market Street nni•th of Commercial Street, as in Dubuque harbor Improve. 111("'t ('oropanv's Additiot in the City of Ihtbuque. Iowa, and Whereas, said Ordinance pro- vided that said streets "are hereby vacated, annulled and abandoned as public highways in favor of owner or owners of lots or parcels of ground abutting thereon," and Whereas, no deeds were ever exo- cuted and dclivered by the City of Dubuque conveying said vacated streets to the abutting owners, and Whereas, Interstate Power Com- pany is now the present owner of the portions of Seventh and Com- mercial Streets north and abutting Lot 15 in Block 13 and a portion of the Westerly half of vacated Market Street north of Commercial Street, all in Dubuque Harbor Improve- ment Company's Addition ill the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and Whtereas, said vacated Streets now used and occupied by Inter- state Power Company have been platted as Lot 16C in Block 13 and Lot 1D in Block 12, all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company', Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and Whereas, Interstate Power Com - i -any now uses and occupies said vacated streets and Interstate Power Company and its predeces- sors have used and occupies the same for many ,years, Now Therefore, Be and It Is Hereby Resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, be and they are here- by authorized to make, execute and deliver a quit claim deed to Inter- state Power Company, a Delaware Corporation, the following described real estate, to -wit: "Lot 16C in Block 13 and Lot 1D in Block 12, all in Dubuque Harbor Improve- ment Company's Addition." Approved this 9th day of May, A.D. 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Members of City Council. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. carried by the following vote: Special Sess" ,n, MztN ')th, 194 Atli Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton, Nays—None. Resolution No. 36-47 A resolution designating the de. positories for public funds of the City of Dubuque. Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following banks be appointed de- positories of the public funds, and the City Treasurer is hereby auth- orized to distribute such funds in such banks in amounts not to exceed the following: First Natio- Pal Bank, $275,000.00, American Trust and Savings Bank,$250,000: 00; Dubuque Bank and Trust Com- pany, $225,000.00. Be It Further Resolved that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to file with the County Treasurer of Dubuque County, Iowa, a list of such depositories and to keep such list. on file with such County Treasurer at all times. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of April. 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUEL.AIAN F. W. THOMPSON W. W. MOFFATT ALBERT WHARTON Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Des Moines, Iowa May 1, 1947 The increases in maxinium de- lxosits authorized in this resolu- tion are hereby approved. J. M. Grimes, Treasurer of State Councilman Moffatt moved that the approval of Treasurer of State Grimes be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - mail, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Renewal of Government Lease under the provisions of Para- graph 5 of Government Lease cover- ing approximately 0.85 of an acre in Ham's Addition for a Naval Re- serve Armory for the period of one year front—,lad after June 30. 1947, presented and read. Cotutsihnan Wharton moved that the Notice of Renewal of GOverlltnent Lease be received and placed on file and receipt of same to be acknowledged. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried bythe following vote: Teas-2%fayor Jlurphy, Council- men Moffatt. Thompson. Vau Duel- mau. Wharton. Nay -,—None. Communication of Bradley and Maclay, by John H. Maclny-. advis- ing that an order lit, '4 hoen placed with E. J. Voggenthalor Company to install an outside metal stair- way on the building located at tho northwest corner of 6th and Main Streets, presented and read. Coun- cilman Thompson moved that the City Alanager be directed to confer with :\Ir. -Maclay in regard to the erection of the metal �Iairwav on the building located on :he north- west corner bf Sixth raid• Main Stroots. Seconded by Councilutan Van Duehnan. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Jlayor -Murphy-. Council- men .Moffatt, Thompson, A'an Duel - ma^. Wharton. Nays —None. Ccuncflman Wharton moved that. the rules be suspended for th- pur- pose of allowing any out pro.:ent in the Council Cliamber, who wi=lies to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the followin.e vote,: Yeas—Mayor Murphy. Council- men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Mr. Vrotsos addressed the Coun- cil requesting that he be granted a temporary permit for his Class "B" Beer Permit located fu the building at the northwest corner of Sixth and .Alain Streets and owned by Bradley and Maclay. Petition of Donald J. Fondell re- questing a refund fn the uuount of $150.00 on his Class "P" Beer Per- mit No. G as he ha,; discontinued busine.7s on May 7. 1917. w -seated and read. Councilman Ilolfatt moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a. warrant in th,, amount of `61511.00 108 Special Session, May 9th, 1947 in favor of Donald J. Fondell to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 6. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt., Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the Playground and Recreation Commission, by Leo F. McDonough, Secretary, requesting that in order to further the develop- ment of the Rafferty Field that the proceeds resulting from the sale of a ninety foot wide strip off the north- erly c-nd of Rafferty play area be made available to the Playground and Recreation Commission, pre- sented and read. Councilman Mof- fat moved that the petition be re- ferred to the Council for further consideration. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men ;Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 14-47 An Orlinance repealing "Ordi- nance No. 17-45, designating certain Parc-els of ground owned by the City of Dubuque for playground and recreation purposes," and des- ignating certain parcels of ground owned by the City of Dubuque for Playground and recreation pur- pose,, presented and read. Council- man Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the tint reading of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Jloffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. Man, \Vhan•tbn. Nays—None. ('ouncilnnan Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on thrte 901)', rate days. Seconded by ('ouncilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Y(:--;!;nyor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt. Thompson, Val, Wh u':on. Ni: Yrs --Noce. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt. Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 9, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In re: Petition of Mary H. Brandt and George H. Brandt for suspen- sion of 1946 taxes on: South Half of Lot 162 East Du- buque Addition. The petition is in conformity with the statute and I recommend that the same be approved and Notice thereof be given to the. Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County, Iowa. Yours truly, John J. Kintzinger Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the Board of Supervisors to be notified of the action of the City Council. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson,,Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 7, 1947 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim w George Hutter submitted to nw. Upon investigation I find that this accident happened in the latter part ' of January, the claim was filed April 4, 1947, more than 60 days after the happening of the accident and there- fore is outlawed. I recommend that the claim be denied. Yours truly, John J. Kintzinger Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: "Pecial Session, Mae 9th, P)47 II0 Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No, 51.47 Whereas, applications for Class "B" Beer Permits have been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same have been exainined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the follow- ing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with 1w terms of the ordinances of thi< city. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Dell Warren and Ralph Warren, 1700 Central Avenue. Martin Meyer and Vernon Meyer, 530 East 22nd Street. CLASS "P," PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Roel and Gun Club of Dubuque. Iowa, 1103 Iowa Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 9th day of .11a\y. 1947. GEO, R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. \\". THOI7PSON ALBERT \V"11.-ARTON \\ W. AIOFFATT Connc•ilnien. Attest: J. J. SFIEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas---Alayor Murphy. Council- men Moffatt. Thompson, Van Duel - man. \Vhartou. Nays--. None. Resolution No. 52-47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Cla;,s "B" Beer Permits were filed by the within named appli- cants and they have rec:,ived the approval of this Council: and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied b,ysuch applicants have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Nov\-. Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuuqe that Ili(, Alana- ger be and he is hereby di, �•c,ed to issue to the following motets applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Dell Warren and Ralph Warren, 1700 Central Avenue. Martin Meyer and Vernon AtCyvr, 530 East 22nd Street. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Rod and Gun Club of DubutluC, Iowa, 1103 Iowa Sheet. Be It Further Itosolv,Nj that the bonds filed by such apllicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed. adopted and approved this 9111 clay of Alay, 1917. CEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK \'AN IWELAI:\N F. W. THOAII'SON ALBA:It'I' W. W.-\IOFF:\TT Conncilnten. Attest: J. J. SI11:A, City Clerk, Councilman AlotTatt uun•cd the adoption of the resolution. 011ded by Counc•ilmau W11M oo. Carried by the following vote: yeas—:ldayor AIurph.y. Counc•il- nien .11offai!:. Thompson. Van Duel - man, N%1mr:o1l. Nays- - None. AIay 9, 1947 To the Honorable Alayor and Citv Council. Dubuque, lowu Geat' mt�u: Ac•conipanying o communication to your Honorable Iiody dated July :1L 1944, the Planning and 'Zoning Conutti.,�ion prcaeatvd at proposed -Towi=t a,ad Trailer Camp Ordi- nance.. rec•oniniending adoption of >aute as a vital need in Post•ACa r 1'lautnin:;. Thi.,ord:uauc•e pa.,-od first read - int; at it 11 Cetiug of the City Coun- cil dated .July 2:1. 19-15, but with the scarcity of building materials and labor for the c•onsu•uctiou of ,ucit camps there way no inuucdiat- problem at hand, and the matter ha, duce 1-4,11 held in abeyance. With snore normal conditions ahead. and application- being made to the City Authorities for p�•rnti=- siou to bui:d such canup<. aha groat 11() Special Session, May 9th, 1947 need of controling regulations for the protection of our hame areas is manifest. Therefore, the Planning and Zoning Commission respec- fully urges the necessity of definite actio:t on this "Tourist and Trailer Camp ordinance" if troublesome situations are to be avoided, and before ill -devised camps menace the health, sanitation, peace and beauty of our residential sections. Respectfully submitted, Dubuque Planning and Z011"ng Commission. Richard V. McKay, Secretary. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of the Planning and Zoning Commission be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- iiian. Wharton. Nays—None. before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Mofaftt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 15-47 An Ordinance Regulating The Parking and Location of Autom()- bile trailers and Regulating the Licensing, Location, Erection, Main- tenance and Conduct of Automobile Trailer Camps and Tourist Camps and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof, presented and read. Counciman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays None. May 9, 1947 Honorable Mayor and City Council, 46 Dubuque, Iowa,., Gentlemen: The Board of Adjustment on March 7, 1947, received an applica- tion from thQ-4Wf —txin ber Co. for permission to establish a Stone Quarry on property owned by them fronting Thirty -Second Street just west of Central Avenue. After careful consideration and viewing the grounds the Board feels that the ,property would be im- proved, the area would be bene- fited by this project, providing the Quarry is not allowed to operate below a specified distance above street level. However, we realize that v. i,h the conditions that go with a rock quarry; rock dust, blasting and so forth, that this ap- plication should also be submitted for your consideration and final ap- proval will be withheld until a statement can be had from your honorable body. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on thre,, separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the (ollowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Mofaftt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—Nottc. Councilman Van Duelman moved that th-c ordinance be placed on file with 1it; City Clerk for public t::specti, i for rt least one week Respectfully submitted, Board of Adjustment L. J. Streinz, Secretary. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of the Board of Adjustment be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- ouded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt. Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council - ,.mss..,. Special Session, 1\1a}. 9th, 1(4 111 men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. Shea City Clerk, Ac,�1 & ppi�pp Approved J + 4 7 .. n N ---41 Adopted b%�%yA�AY1iTti1L.A(% 1947 Councilmen:, :......:.::.........>.... Q.. a .......................:. Attest: ... .`k.�KJ �Y�-............. �1 City Clerk. Special session, Mat 16th, 1947 City council (Official) Special Session, May 16th, 1!, 1 ,. Council met at 7:30 P. M, Present—Mayor Murphy, Council - Men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton,,City Manager Rhotn- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Van Duclman and Thomp- son. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of consider- ing for final adoption Ordinance No. 12-47, Ordinance No. 13-47 and Ordinance No. 14.47 and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Ordinance No. 12-47 An Ordinance Providing for the Vacation of the Alley First North- erly of Robin Street from the East- erly Lille of Lot 37 to the Westerly Line of Lot 41 Rose Hill Addition in the City of Dubuque and Con- veying said Alley to the Prospec- tive Abutting Owners, said ordi- nance havitlg been passed upon first reading on May Lith, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at - least one R'oek before its final adoption, R'ns presented for final adoption. Ordinance No. 12-47 AN I11t[)IN.AN('I: I'RtIV•IDINII FOR A'AI':A'rluN Ill,' TIII: AI.LL•'1 I IItS'I' Ni VI'I'I I Iatl.l" (W fU1BIN �•I'Iu•;I:'r I� I;I I\I TIII: I::\�'rP:ItL\' l.iNli ,�I' Drr :1 '1'() I:M,Y I,INN ul� I,wll it L'11Rh Iu1,l..\Itlu'r11iN IN 'TIII: I'1'ry ul,, I,I'In'Irl f; :ANll I'll N V" E VINO S.\ 1 i , A I.I.I:), 'Irl t 'f l n: I1I:vS't'Ia.•- 1V*P; MU"I'TINII ti\vVI?I,,S. apl,licati,m has been filed tcii li t1w CoN Council for ill,- vacation Of til,• ;ill, first north arl, „f Ito in -I front the east,•rl� lilt(. of lot ""t"N'. lice ..f lot 41 RoseIlii) .\dditiOn in the Ciq• of Du- huiu(.. .1hd, wht-roas, said application hay to the Dubuque plan - Mid 'Zoning Comtnission. And, wh, roas, cone,•nt of all of the "hutting' Drop,"N ORVlters has been I` , ei�'••d :vat is now "I file R•ith the 1'I;u,nine ;uul %Onht, Commission. \ltd, "'htrens, tilt- Planning and /.,,hint• ('„unni-ion have, examined til• ndvis.,hilit> of •vacating said at. and n c,oton,•ndo'I to the l ounci n;u -u, It \'lo at ion be nulde. NOR,, Therefore: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: Sec. 1. That the alley first north- erly of Robin Street from the easter- ly line of lot 37 to the westerly line of lot 41 Rose Hill Addition in the City of Dubuque, be, and the same is hereby vacated. Sec. 2. That the applicant shall cause a plat to be made of said va- cated alley and filed for record wherein separate parts adjoining separate lots shall be given legal de- scriptions, whereupon the City of Du- buque will convey said lots to the ad- joining owners, and the Mayor and Clerk of said City are hereby author- ized to execute said deeds on behalf of the City of Dubuque. Sec. 3. That the City Clerk be, and I,; hereby directed to file for record a duly certified copy of this Ordinance in Lila. office of the County Recorder Of Dubuque County, Iowa. Sec. 4. That the Ordinance shall be in force and effect ten days from and after its final passage, adoption and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading May 5th, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved up- on final reading \lay 16, 1947. Geo. R. Murphy, \layor. Frank \'an Duelman, F. W. Thompson Albert Wharton, Moffatt, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. Shea, City Clerk Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 20th clay of \In>', 1947. J. J. Shea, City Clerk. 5-20-1t Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Na\'s—None. Ordinance No. 13-47 An Ordinance vacating certain streets, parts of streets and alleys lying and situated in East Dubuque Addition No. 2 and Railroad Addi- tion in the City of Dubuque, and providing for the granting and con- veying of the title thereto to the Dubuque Packing Company, and de- claring an emergency, said ordi- nance having been passed upon first reading on May 9th, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 13-47 Au Ordinance vacating certain streets, parts of streets and alleys lying and situated in East Dubuque Special Session, l�la�� 16th, 1947 11 Additlon No. 2 and Railroad Addition in the City of Dubuque, and provid- ing for the granting and conveying of the title thereto to the Dubuque tucking Company, and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommend- ed to the Council of the City of Du- buque, the vacation of certain streets, parts of streets and alleys lying and situated in East Dubuque Addition No. 2, and in Railroad Addition in the City of Dubuque, and the grant- ing and conveying of the title thereto to Dubuque Packing Company, upon condition that said Dubuque Packing Company conve>, to the City of Du- buque, for street and viaduct pur- poses, the enstorly 18 feet of Lots 534 to 548, both included, in East Du- butlue Addition No. 2, and the east- erly 18 feat of t.ot 2 of Nock 14 and of Lots 11 to 20, I �, �1 1, included, of Block 1': in Itniiroa,l -Addition to the City of Uulnnluo, and the westerly 18 feet of lots -,0 to 563, both includ- ed, in East Dubuque Addition No. 2, and of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 15, and of Lots 1 to 10, both included, of Block 16, in Railroad Addition, all in the City of Dubuque, said streets, parts of streets and alleys being as follows: Alley between Sycamore and Lynn Streets, from the north line of East 15th Street to the south line of East loth Street, and from the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East 17th Street; Lynn Street, from the north line of East 15th Street to the south line of East 16th Street: III(, easterly 32 feet of Lynn Streat, fruit the north line of East 16th �ucet to the south line of East 17111 Street, and from the north line of I,:nst 17th Street to the souh line of East 1Sth StFeet; alloy I„rtWeen Lynn and AsStreets, Iron, 1 11 e north line of East 1 nth St•—t to the south line of ]:ust lr,tll Str,et, and from the north lice of ISnst I6th Street to the south line of Fast 17th Street, and from the nm•tl, lino of East 17th Street to the south line of East 18th Street, and from the north line of East 18th Street to Ute soutn line of East 19th Street; alley be- tween Ash and Marsh Streets, from the north line of East 15th Street to the South line of East 16th Street, and from the north line of f:nst 1SIIt Street to the South line of hast 1701 Street, and from the north line of East 17th Street to the south line of East 18th Street, and from the north line of East 18th Street to the south line of East 19th Street; Marsh Street, from the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East 17th Street, and from the north line of East 17th Street to the south line of East 18th Street, and from the north line of East 1Sth Street to the south line of Fast 19th Street; alley between Marsh and Hickory Streets, from the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East 17th Street, and from the north line of Last 17th Street to the south line of East 18th Street, and from the north line of Fast 18th Street to the south line of East 19th Street; Hickory Street, from the north line of East 17th Street to the south line of East 18th Street, and from the north line Of East 18th Street to the south line of East 19th Street; the alley first east of Hickory Street, from the north line of East 18th Street to the south line of East 19th Street; East 17th Street, beginning at a point 32 feet westerly of the east line of Lynn Street easterly to a point 1S feet westerly of the west line of Ash Street, and beginning at it point 18 feet easterly of the east line of Ash Street, thence easterly to the easter- ly terminus of said street; and East Isth Street, beginning at a point 32 feet westerly of the East line of Lynn Street easterly to a point 1S feet westerly of the west line of Ash Street, and from a point 18 feet easterly of the east line of Ash Str,, t, thence easterly to the easterly terminus of said street; and NVIII:REAS, said recommendation of said Planning and Zoning Conhhnis- Sion is approved by this Council; and VVIII?REAS, said streets, parts of st•c•eI”Mid alleys are not needed or useful as Imhlic thoroughfares: NOW, THI?REb'()l;E, L'E IT t,I;It:`.INID by the Council of the City of Ihtlbuque, as follows: Section I. That the alley between Sycamore and Lynn Streets, from the north line of East 15th Streat to the south lice of Bast 16th Street, find from the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East lath Street, he and the same is hereby vacated. Section 2 That Lynn Street, from the north line of East 15th Street to the south line of East 16th Street, be and the same is hereby vacated. Section That the easterly 32 feet of I.ynn Street, from the north line of East loth Street to the south line of Gast 17th Sheet, and front the north line of East 17th Street to the south line of East 18th Street, and the east 32 feet of Lynn Street from the north line of East 18th Street to a point 50 feet northerly thereof, be and the same is hereby vacated. Section 4. That the nlloy between Lynn and Ash Streets, from the north line of East 15th Stre,-t to the south line of East 76th Str-1, and from the north line of bast 16th St•eot to the south line of 1•;ast 17th Street, :mid from the north line of East I7th Street to the south line of East 1>ih Street, and from the north line of Nast 10th Street to the south line of East 19th Street, be and the same is hcrehy vacated. Section 5. That the alley between Ash and Alarsh Streets, from the north line of P:ast 15th Street to the south ]tile of East 16th Sireet, and from the north line of Gast 16th Stre-t to the south lice of ISa.st 17th St•ret,and from the north lane of East 17th Street to the south line of blast 78th Street, and from the north line of East 18th Street to the south line of East 19th Street, he and the same is herehy vacated. Section f,. That Marsh Sheet, from the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East 17th Street, and from the north line of East 17th Street to the south line of E:,St 18th Street, and front the north line of East 18th Street to the south line of East 19th Street, be and the same is hereby vacated. 114 Special Session, May 16th, 1947 Gprtimt 7. That the alley between Starsh and Hlrkory Streets, from the north line of Fast. 16th Street to the frotnit tl re northof asline7tlof of 17 d to the south line of East 18th Street Street, and from the north line Of East 1Rth Street to the south line of Past 19th Street, be and the same is hereby vacated. Section s. That Hickory Street, frorn the north line of East 17th Sweet to the south line of East 18th Street, and from the north line of East IRth Street to the south line of East 19th Street, be and the same is hereby vacated. Section 9. That the alley first east of Hickory Street, from the north line of East 18th Street to the south line of East 19th Street, be and the same is hereby vacated. Section 10. That East 17th Street, beginning at a point 32 feet westerly of the east line of Lynn Street, east- erly to a point 18 feet westerly of the west II tie of Ash Street, and begin- ning at a point 18 feet easterly of the east line of Ash Street, thence east- erly to the easterly terminus of eaid street, be and the same is hereby vacated. Section 11. That East 13th Street, beginning at :i point :12 feet westerly of the cast line of Lynn Street, east- ta paint 1S feet westerly of the tc,••-I rile• of Ash Street, and from a Pint U icer easterlc of the east gine f :ash sweet, Ihcmw easterly to the eu::trrlN tcrotinus of said street, be ;unl the ';lite is hcn•hy vacated. buque Packing Company shall make, execute and deliver to the City of Dubuque, a deed conveying to said City the easterly 18 feet of Lots 534 to 5481 both included, in East Du- buque Addition No. 2, and the easter- ly 18 feet of Lot 2 of Block 14 and of Lots 11 to 20, both included, of Block 13 in Railroad addition to the City of Dubuque, and the westerly 18 feet of Lots 550 to 563, both included, in East Dubuque Addition No. 2, and of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 15, and of Lots 1 to 10, both included, of Block 16 in Railroad Addition, both of said additions being located within the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 14. Upon the final passage and adoption of this Ordinance, and the publication thereof, as provided by law, and the acceptance of its terms and provisions by Dubuque Packing Company, duly filed by said company with the City Clerk, sain be filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa. Sevitoo 12. That tithe to said v'a- rated streets, parts �4' streets and al- 1,•v� shall hr grant.•d and conveyed to lwhuuloe Packing Cnmp;uty in con- Fltieratinn of the granting and con- veying l'y said Duhnilue Packing Cnmpaoy in the City of Dubuque, the r;tsterIy L' feet of Lots 53-1 to 544, Doth hn•ludcd, to East liuhuque Ad- dition No,' e and thvasterly 18 I. -I nl' 1"'t ° of Rlock It and of Lots II t,, _a, 1-th inciwlc�'„ of Block 13 m I:nilr1,;ol Addiliou to the City of lhlLu�lnc, :unl the wcsteriy 18 feet of to 5W!, Lath included, in East Inihu�Ile .Addition No, 2. and of Lots I ;iml 2 of Iaorl: 15, :tud of Lots l to I•,. 1-11, hwhided, of Block 16, in :ni!ra,l Addition, all in the City of Iothtori,,, snoh portion of said lots I , 11-1 he the City of Dubuque -n. the vonsU•uotion and operation of a publtr thoroughfare thereon, tha same to consist of a street and via- (Im.t. Secelion 1:1. Dubuque Packing Com- pany shall cause said vacated streets, parts or streets and alleys to he plat- ted into lots having separate descrip- tions, and file such plat for record in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa and, thereupon, the City of ltuhuque shall execute and deliver to said ltabuque Parking Coniptnty a C,luit Claim Deed, conveying said plat- ted lots to said Dubuque Packing Company. as grantee, and the Mayor and 01erk of s -Yid City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said d vvl f,.r and on hehalf of said Cit> of Ituh,nlu,t. Simultaneously With the delivery of said deed to said I all a pl,• 1•tcking Company, said Du - Section 15. This Ordinance, being deemed urgent and in the interest of the general Nvelfare, shall be in force and effect frorn and after its final passage and adoption by the Council of the ('ity of Dubucow, ;md publica- tion, ;is provided 0, law, and upon acceptance Lv said Duhuque Packing CompatU', as herein provided, it being understood that said Dubuque Pack- ing Cmnpany shall pay the cost pnd expense of publishing said Ordinance. Passed upon first reading this 9th (lay of 'May, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 16th day of May, 1947. GFtr. R. MURPHY Mayor. FRANK `-AN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. \\,. moFFATT. Councilmen. ATTEST: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDINANCE NO. 13-47 Dubuque Packing Company does hereby accept the terms and pro- visions of Ordinance No. 13-47, en- titled: "An Ordinance vacating cer- tain streets, parts of streets and al- leys, lying and situated in East Du- buque Addition No. 2, and Railroad Addition, Dubuque, Iowa, and pro- viding for the granting and coivey- ing of the title thereto to Dubuque Packing Company, and declaring an ag emergency," and rees to abide by the terms thereof. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa this 1601 day of May, 1947. DUBUQUE PACKING COMPANY, By: H. W. WAHLERT, President. By: A. J. KISTING Secretary. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 20th day of May, 1947. J. J. SIiF.A, 5-20 it. City Clerk. Special Session, Slav 16th, 1947 11S Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. mail, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 14-47. An Ordi- nance repealing "Ordinance No. 17 —45, designating certain parcels of ground owned by the City of Du- buque for playground and recrea- tion purposes," and designating cer- tain parcels of ground owned by the City of Dubuque for playground and recreation purposes, said ordinance having been passed upon first read- ing on May 9th, 1947, and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. Ordinance No. 14-47 An Ordinance repealing "Ordinance No. 17-45, designating certain par- cels Of ground owned by the City of DtlhngUe for playground and recrea- tion purposes," and designating cer- t:iiil parcels of ground owned by the (•ity of Dubuque for playground and recreation purposes; now, Therefore. Be It Ordained by the Pity Council of Ill,- City of Dubuque: Sertion 1. That Ordinance No. 17 —45 Loin,, an Ordinance d,-signating certain parcels of ground oovnc,l by the City of Uuhugtte for I,L round purposes be. and the sane• is herelLy rclicaled. S-etion 2. That the follotving par- cels of ground owned by tho City of Dubuque be, and tlo- =tion ii, here- by designated as grounds -t apart for playground and pur- Poses under tlu� curs• :unl control of the Playground and I;ccn,ation Com- mission of the City of Dubuque: "The southerly Lil' of Lots 1 and 3 of Block D, Lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 of Bloek E and Lots 1-2-3 and 4 of Block F. all being parts of Industrial Sub- division." Stiction 3. This Ordinance shall be In force and effect ten days from and after its final passage, adoption and publication as by In%e provided. Passed upon first roading this 9th day of May. 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 16th day of May. 1947. Geo. R. Murphy, Mayor. Frank Van Duehnan, F. W. Thompson, Albert Wharton, W. W. Moffatt, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. Shea. City Clerk. Published officially in The Tel,,- 9-oph-Herald newspaper this eat day of May, 1947. J. J. Shea. City Clerk. 5-20-1t. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 53.47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa that it is deemed advisable to sell the Southerly 55.5 feet of Lots 2 and 4 and the Northerly 34.5 feet of Lots 1 and 3 all in Block D of Industrial Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa to George W. Helling for the sum of Seven Thous- and One Hundred Forty and no/100 Dollars ($7,140.00) and to execute a quit claim deed of said premises to said grantee and deliver the same to him upon the payment of said purchase price. Be It Further Resolved that the Mayor and Clerlt of said City of Dubuque, Iowa be, and they are hereby authorized to execute said deed on behalf of the City of Du- buque, Iowa and to afdx thereto the official seal of said City. Passed, adopted and approved this 1Gth day of May, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. HEADQUARTERS NINTH NAVAL DISTRICT GREAT LAKES, ILLINOIS 6 May 1947 The I-]onorable Albert Wharton, Mayor City Hall Dubuque, Iowa Dear Mayor: It is my pleasure to inform you that consideration of all bids sub- mitted to the Navy Department in 110 S,>eCi;tl Session, May 16th, 1947 connection with the proposed con- struction of One Division Naval Reserve Training Center in Du- buque, Iowa has been concluded. Notification of acceptance.of a bid in the amount of $152,000.00 is be- ing forwarded to the Gene Hurley Coll, truction Company, 235 East Arlon Street, West St. Paul, Min- nesota. This firm has been directed to proceed with the work pending execution of a formal Government contract. Construction is to be com- pleted within 240 days. The work will be performed un- der the direction and supervision of Captain 1-1. F. Hansford (CEC), USN, District Public Works Officer, Ninth Naval District, Great Lakes, Illinois, who will be the Officer -in - charge of Construction. I am confident the enthusiastic support of the City of Dubuque will contribute much to the success of the Naval Reserve Program in your area. Sincerely yours, G. D. Murray Vice Admiral, U. S. Navy Commandant, Ninth Naval District Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yca.�-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Communication of Mark W. Gavin tendering his resignation as a member of the Dubuque Dock Comutisaion to become effective im- ntediately, presented and read. Councilman Van Duehnan moved that :he resignation be accepted with regret. Seconded by Council- niau Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Peas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - mall. AWharton. N;o%< None. t'(nunnn,,catiou of D u b u q u e l'rtnl and Labor Congress, by El - I[. tirashorn, advising Council that the Dubuque Trades and Labor ('o`gt 's; have gone oil record as endorsing Mr. William Markey for IT -:1 NON Lmen t as a member of the Library hoard. presented and read. ('otluciiut:ut Moffatt moved that the k"11".I'll ic:ttion be referred to the Council. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Petition of Linwood Cemetery Association requesting permission to blast out tree stumps near the entrance in the cemetery, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request'be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Bond for blasting tree roots of the Linwood Cemetery Association Ili the amount of $5,000.00, pre- sented for approval. Councilman Wharton moved that the Bond be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Raymond Hirsch et al, taxpayers, renters and residents of Kane Street, requesting the instal- lation of water mains on Kane Street from Kaufmann Avenue to the end of Kane Street, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul- man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one pres- ent in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Special Session, May 16th, 1947 117 Mr. John Schuller et al addressed the Council, representing the Y.M. C.A. Industrial League, requesting permission to use the Athletic Field on Fourth Street Extension for the holding of their soft ball games. Councilman Moffatt moved that the verbal request of the represen- tatives of the Y.M.C.A. Industrial League for permission to use the Athletic Field on Fourth Street Extension for the holding of their soft ball games, be referred to a joint meeting of the City Council and Playground and Recreation Commission and that the represen- tatives of the Y.M.C.A. Industrial League be invited to be present at said meeting. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. May 16, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Since the parking meters have been installed in the business dis- trict and new parking regulations Put into effect surrounding the con- gested business area a hazardous condition has arisen in connection with parking cars on west 5th Street west of Bluff Street. Auto- mobiles are being parked on both sides of this narrow thoroughfare at the bottom of a very steep hill which involves sharp curves near the foot of the descent. In the in- terest of public safety I recommend that parking be prohibited on the southerly side of West 5th Street from the west line of Bluff Street to a point opposite the west line of Lot 12 of Corell's Dubuque and that parking be prohibited on the north- erly side of West 5th Street begin- nng at a point 196 feet west of the west line of Bluff Street and ex- tending thence, westerly to the west line of Lot 12 of Correll's Dubuque. I further recommend that a two hour parking limitation between the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Sundays and holidays excepted, be adopted for the northerly side of West 5th Street from the west line of Bluff Street westerly 196 feet. The adoption of these suggested amendments to the parking ordi- nace will eliminate a potential source of clanger to life, limb and property. Respectfully submitted, Joseph H. Strub Chief of Police. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendations of Chief of Police Strub be approved and that Proper amendments to the Traffic Code be prepared. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 16, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Department for the month of April, 1947, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of April, 1947. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yei�—Mayor Murphy, Council- men .\I,)Ifatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, \\"harton. Nan– \one. May 12, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Anna Behnke that was referred to me, from investigation I find that while walking toward the Hartig Drug Store at 24th and Central Avenue walking of the east side of the sidewalk there is a place in the sidewalk where there is a drop of from one to two inches, that she tripped on this drop, fell to the Hs Special Session, May 16th, 1947 sidewalk and sustained a broken. es and injuries'. Iam ofn eye gthe 4other opinion that there is a liability. She has agreed to settle for the actual amount of her expenses which are as follows: Finley Hospital ..................$20.00 American optical Co. .., .. 28.00 Dr. Thorson ..... 10.50 Dr. Irwinn ..... 5.00 ..................... Druggist . .... .................. 1.79 Nurse 5.00 Total....................................$70.29 I recommend that a warrent be issued payable to her order for $70.29 and the same be delivered to her upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed by her. Yours truly, John J. Kintzinger. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $70.29 in favor of Anna Behnke, as settle- ment in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon re- ceipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Hurphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. amount to $113.65. She claims dam- ages for pain and suffering and loss ,of time. After conference with her and her husband, she has agreed to accept $200.00 in full payment of her claim against the City. I recommend that her clam be alolwed in the sum of $200.00 and a warrant be issued payable to her order for $200.00 and delivered to her upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed by her. Yours truly, John J Iiintzinger. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $200.00 in favor 'of Anna Ackerer, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Sec- onded by -Councilman Wharton. Car- red by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. May 15, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Anna Ackerer that was referred to me for investigation, I find that on Itlarch 14, 1947, about 7:30 in the evening, while claimant was walk- ing in a westerly direction on the north side of 11th Street, that she attempted to step up on the west alley curb and stumbled on the sidewalk which protrudes about two inches above the curb, fell forward striking her head on the fire hydrant on the corner caus- ing her to receive injuries which requited hosirital and surgical care and attention. Th;s defect complained of is a dangm wt,o , uoe. Her arcual expenses May 16, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The term of Louis C. Stoffregen as a member of Board of Zoning Adjustment expired March 5, 1947. His term as a member of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission will expire on May 24, 1947. The term of J. H. Schiltz, as a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission will also expire on May 24, 1947. This matter is brought to the attention of the Council in order that you may take appropriate action. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that Mr. Louis C. Stoffregen be re- appointed as a member of the Board of Adjustment for the term ending March 5, 1952 and also that Mr. Louis C. Stoffregen be reap- pointed as a member of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission for the term ending May 24, 1952 and Special Session, May 16th, 1947 119 also that Mr. J. H. Schiltz be re- appointed as a member of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission for the term ending May 24, 1952, Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 16, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The contract for the clearing, grubbing and grading of Wooten Street extension from McClain Street to the west line of James and Peabody Streets, entered into with the Grey's Motor Service and later assigned to the Charles J, Wilson Company of Chicago, has been completed. The work has been done in ac- cordance with the plans, speefica- tions and stipulations of the con- tract and I, therefore, recommend its acceptance by the City Council. Respectfully submitted, R. J. Gallagher, City Engineer. Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City En- gineer Gallagher be approved. See-' onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 54.47 Whereas, application for Class "C" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the following application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "C" PERMIT Name Address Earl T. Avery, 1602 Lincoln Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of May, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 55-47 Whereas, Heretofore application for Class "C" Beer Permit was filed by the within named applicant and it has received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, The premises to be oc- cupied by such applicant have been inspected and' found to comply with the ordinances of this City and he has filed a proper bond; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named ap- plicant a Beer Permit: CLASS "C" PERMIT. Name. Address. Earl T. Avery, 1602 Lincoln Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed by such applicant be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of May, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays —None. 120 Special Session, May 16th, 1947 There being no further business, Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman fa Van Duelman. Carried by the ]owing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City Cl rk Approved 1947 Adopted Maq 1947 ►z,`�,� Aw-./maw Councilmen: Attest: ....�A.... . MV City Clerk ecial Session, May 19th, 1947 121 City Council (Official) Special Session, May 19th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Thompson and Van Duel - man. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of holding a joint meeting between the City Council and the Playground and Re- creation Commission to discuss the use of the Athletic Field on Fourth Street Extensian and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. The following members of the Playground and Recreation Com- mission were present: Mayor Geo. R. Murphy, City Manager A. A. Rhomberg, Miss Anna B. Lawther, Mrs. J. C. Loosbrock, Mr. Leo F. McDonough, Dr. V. B. Vanderloo and Mrs. Hylda N. Luke, Recrea- tion Director. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the rules be suspended for the Purpose of allowing any one pres- ent in the Council Chanibor, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt. Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. A lengthy discussion was held be- tween the members of the City Council, the members of the Play- ground and Recreation Commission and the interested parties who sponsor and play both hai'd ball and soft ball games, and it was de- cided that this question be referred to -the Playground and Recreation Commission to work out satisfac- tory arrangements for the playing Of both hard ball and soft ball games at the Athletic Field until such time as facilities for soft ball games are ready at Comiskey Field. Petition of Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, by Geo. McDon- ough, requesting permission to use the city lots on Fourth Street Ex- tension for the holding of a car- nival from July 28th through Au- gust 2nd, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 16-47. An Ordi. nance a.rmen�litig Ordinance No. 11 —47, being "An Ordinance amend- ing Ordinance No. 1-39, an Ordi- nance regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Du- buque, designating the provisions thereof as the "Traffic Code" of said City." by establishing parking regulations on West Fifth Street west of Bluff Street, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordi- nance. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man. \Vharion. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate clays. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. :Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with :he City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. 122 Special Session, May 19th, 1947 May 19, 1947. Councilman Wharton moved the To the Honorable Mayor and adoption of -the, ;resolution. Sec - City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Gentlemen: This is to inform you Carried by the following vote: that. I have this day, May 19, 1947, Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council - discharged Harold J. Wymer as then Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- s for for the City of man, Wharton. Restaurant Insp e Dubuque, Iowa. mi.. Wymer has been discharged for neglect of duty, disobedience of orders, misconduct and failure to properly perform his duties. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Council. Wharton moved that the action of City ManagerRhomberg In discharging Harold J. Wymer as Restaurant Inspector be affirmed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 56-47 Whereas, The City `Manager has discharged Harold J. Wymer, a Civil Service Employee, under his jurisdiction, from the position of Restaurant Inspector of the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, Such discharge has been reported by the City Manager to this Council as provided by law; and Whereas, This Council has con. sidered the facts and merits of the cause upon which ,such discharge was based and finds that the ac. :ion of the Manager in ordering such discharge was justified; Now Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Du- buque. Iowa, that the discharge of Harold J. Wymer as Restaurant In- spector by the City Manager be and the same is hereby approved and affirmed: and Be It Further Resolved that the city Clerk caused to be served up- im said Harold J. Wymer a copy of this resolution forthwith. Po.sst.d, adopted and approved tthi4 19ti, day of May. 1947. !;i:.U. R. MURPHY, Mayor. I -^x.,1.:1: VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, NV. W. MOFFATT, AIX—ItT WHARTON, Councilmen. J. SHL+'a. City Clerk. Nays—None. There being no further business, Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, Approved x►ylt-R/L.afY+19,47. Adopted A� . 1947. Councilmen Attest: City Cerk Special Session, May 26th, 1947 123 City Council (Official) Special Session, May 26th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Wharton and Moffatt. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of conduct- ing a public hearing upon the ques- tion of changing from "Two Fam- ily Residence District" classifica- tion to "Local Business District" classification all the area in the 201) and 300 numbered block on South- ern Avenueand acting on any oth- er business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Proof of publication, certified to by= the publisliers, of notice of pub- lic hearing upon the question of changing from "Two Family Rest- dence District" classification to "Local Business District" classifica- tion the area beginning at a point on the north westery corner of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 3 of part of Mineral Lot 37, thence southerly along the north easterly lot line of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 3 of part of Mineral Lot 37 to the northerly line of the Du- buque Cascade Road; thence south westerly along the northerly line of the Dubuque Cascade Road to the south westerly line of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 4, O'Connor's Sub; thence northerly along the westerly line of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 4, O'Connor's Sub., to its intersections with the south- erly line of Southern Avenue; thence northeasterly along the southerly line of Southern Avenue to the point of beginning. (All in the 200 and 300 numbered block on Southern Avenue), presented and read. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- ,K men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No, 17-47. An Ordi- nance amer ling and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance 3-34 designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change to "Local Business District" classification certain defined terri- tory now being delimited as "Two Family Residence District" classifi- cation, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordi- nance. Seconded by Counciman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of May M. Clark, Librarian, informing Council that the terms of Mrs. A. M. Hoffmann, Mr. M. H. Czizek and Mr. William Markey, as members of the Board of Library Trustees, expire Just 1st, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of The Key City Gas Company submitting attached 124 Sl)t•cial Session, Mav 26th, 1947 annual report for the calendar year 1946, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication and annual re- port be referred to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Aviation Ser- vices Company returning two copies of the amended Policy For Develop- ment and Operation of the Dubuque Municipal Airport and calling the attention of the City Council to the following three matters: First, we have to report an optimistic feeling both in Minneapolis and in Wash- ington regarding American Air- line's entry into the Twin Cities which route includes Dubuque as an intermediate stop; secondly, again calling the attention of the City Council to the access road from the highway to the airport and to the overall development of the building area; thirdly, again re- minding the City Council of the overall policy of leasing and con- tracting, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication and amended copies be referred to the Council and the City Manager requested to contact. the Iowa State Highway Commission in regard to the access road as referred to in the communi- cation. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Peas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. houses. It is apparent that requests for the erection of these Panel Houses will increase in number. I recommend that the City Coun- cil grant blanket approval for the erection of General Timber Panel Houses in the City of Dubuque and authorize the Building Inspector to issue permits for them. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Mana- ger Rhomberg be approved and the Building Inspector authorized to issue permits accordingly. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None May 26, 1947. To the honorable Mayor and 0ty council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Some months ago your Ilonorable Body gave permis- slon for the erection of a General Timber Service Panel House with the understanding that subsequent Pf'rulits would be issued if ,the type of 4-onstruction was in accordance With the statements of the manu- facturer, This has proved to be the case and you have since authorized -everal more of the same type of Communication of Arthur C. Tig- ges submitting application for a permit to erect a five room Du- buque General Timber Panel house on Gay Street on Lot 4 of Rebman's Sub., presented and read. Council- man Wharton moved that the com- munication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays —None. Communication of V. E. Bowlby submitting application for a permit to erect a General Timber Service Co. panel home on Lot 9 of Datis- man's Subdivision on Hale Street, just east of Algona Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Whar- ton moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of George J. Vogel et al requesting the installation of an additional street light at the corner of Windsor Avenue and Regent Street, presented and read. Council- man Wharton moved that the peti- tion be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Special Session, May 26th, 1947 12.; Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Reuben H. Childers, Chairman -Dubuque County Guidance Association, et al, asking perrnisson to create a "pole and line" fishing area and migratory bird refuge in all the sloughs and waters in and about the City Is- land, presented and read. Mr. Reu- ben H. Childers addressed the Coun- cil in support of the communication, Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication be referred to the Board of Dock Commissioners with Council's favorable recommenda- tion. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelnlan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy. Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of April, 1947. Presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the proof of Publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, Proof of publication, certified to by the publisher of The Telegraph - Herald, of the financial report of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1947, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelnlan moved that the proof of Publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 16-47 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 11-47, being "An Ordi- nance amending Ordinance No. 1- 39, an Ordinance regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque, designating the Provisions thereof as the "Traffic Code" of said City," by establishing parking regulations on West Fifth Street west of Bluff Street, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on May 19th, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City Cleric for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 16-47 An Ordinance amending Ordinance Nu. 11-47, being "An Ordinance auuauling Ordinance No. 1-39, an Or- i u:un•e regulating the use of ve- hi,+s upon the streets of the City of Dubuque, designating the provisions thereof as the "Traffic Code" of said City" by establishing parking regu- lati-ms on West Fifth Street west of liluft' Street. Now, Therefore, W: IT CWDAINI?h BY THE CITY Cul'NCI1. (W '1'111: PITY OF DO- RI'Q I'1?, R,•r. 1. Chat Ruction 1, Subdivision 2 r.1' Cn•dinance :Nu. 11-47 be amended by ;tdding after Subdivision "h" the following: "i, The northerly side of West Fifth Street from the west line of Bluff, westerly 196 feet." Ree. 2. That there be added after Reoti"n 1 immediately before See - 12 of Ordinance No. 11-47 the tollccing: "Sec. IA. That it shall be unlawful to park on the southerly side of West Fifth Street from the west line of Bluff Street to a point opposite the west line of Lot 1`l. of Corell's Du- buque, and on the northerly side of Vest Fifth Street beginning at a point 196 feet west of the west line ,f nluff Street and extending thence Westerly t,, west line of Lot 12 of ('orell s I)ubuque." provided that such space above des- ignated shall first be marked by proper signs erected at intervals with the words "No parking at any time." Sec 3. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption and approval by the City Council. and Publication ns provided by law. Passed upon first reading May 19th. 1114 7. passed, adopted and approved upon 126 Special Session, May 26th, 1947 final rradhtg this 26th day of May' 1947. Gcoj. R. Murphy, Mayor. Frank Thompsolnan, F. W. Albert Wharton, W. W. Moffatt, Councilmen. Attest .1. J• CityaClerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph-Flerald 19nnewspaper this 28th dal Or May, J. J. Shea, 5-28-1t. City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Dubuque, Iowa, May 21st, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions if the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission conducted an antrance examination on May 20th, 1947 for those seeking the position of Assistant Milk Inspector. We herewith submit our report showing the name of the one ap- plicant who passed the examina- tion with an average of 70% or better. Name Average Martin Joseph Fangman 82.50% Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS Chairman. C. S. HARKER R. M. BENN Commissioners. J. J. SHEA Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me a Notary Public this 21st day of May, 1947. Geraldine L. Demkier, Notary Public. Councilman Moffatt moved that the report of the Civil Service Commission be received a n d made a matter of iecord. Seconded by Councilman Vau Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Nloffatt, Thompson, Van Duel man, Wharton. Nays -None. Dubuque, Iowa, May 21st, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Counctr Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission con- ducted an entrance examination on May 20th, 1947 for those seeking the position of Public Health Nurse. We herewith submit our report showing the Names of those who passed the examination with an average of 70% or better. Name Average Isabelle A. Eischeid 94% Janann K. Benn 89% Grace M. Barron 80% Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS Chairman. C. S. HARKER R. M. BENN Commissioners. J. J. SHEA Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me a Notary Public this 21st day of May, 1947. Geraldine L. Demkier, Notary Public. Councilman Thompson moved that the report of the Civil Service Commission be received and made amatter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 26, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: We are attaching hereto applica- tions for Class "B" Beer Permit from George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven to operate at 605 Main Street. This is to advise that an inspec- tion has been made of this building by the Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspectors, the Fire Chief and the Assistant State Fire Mar- shall, Mr. Luberden, and it was was found that this building does not comply with the State Fire Regulations in regard to fire es- capes. Therefore an official order to construct and place a fire escape on this building has been served Special Session, May 26th, 1947 127 on Bradley and McClay Realty Co., Dubuque, Iowa, owners of said building. A time limit of sixty (60) days has been given to complete this installation. On May 23, 1947 an order was placed with the E. J. Voggenthaler Co. of Dubuque, Iowa to construct a fire escape on this building, and a copy of con- tract for above work is attached. Very truly yours, Donald J. Bandy, Building Inspector. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication of Building In- spector Bandy be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- red by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 57-47 Whereas, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the follow- ing application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address George T. V rotsos and Spiros D. Coven, 605 Main Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 26th day of May, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT. Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk, Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No 58-47 Whereas, heretofore application for Class "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named appli- cants and it has received the ap. proval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been Inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper bond: Now, There- fore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Mana- ger be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven, 605 Main Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bond ailed by such applicant be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 26th day of May, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFAT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man Wharton. Nays --None. There being no further business Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. Shea, City Clerk, a� ApprovedS0 0°�9. 947 Adopted9$... M-; 947 cftt .. Councilmen: f..y••••••••' 1 Y-Fl�a� ........Attest: ........ ItCl.... �� City Clerk. Regular Session, June 2nd, 1947 129 City Council (Official.) Regular Session, June 2nd, 1947. Council met 7:30 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom• berg. Mayor Murphy stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meet- ing. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petitions of the Chicago, Milwau- kee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company and of the Dubuque Pack- ing Company requesting the City to adopt the ordinance granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company the right to construct, maintain and op- erate an industry track over a por- tion of Lynn Street to serve the Dubuque Packing Company as shown upon the blue print attached thereto, presented and read. Attorney Robert Clewell address- ed the Council in support of the Petitions. Councilman Wharton moved that the petitions be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Curried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 18-1947 An Ordinance granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain, and operate an Industry Track over, along, and upon a portion of Lynn Street, and declaring an emergency, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con. sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duei- man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 22, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the attached petition of Mr. B. A. Schueller et al, requesting rezon- ing of his property at Central Av- enue and 30th Street to Local Busi- ness classification, the Planning and Zoning Commission respect- fully recommends denial of the petition, for the following reasons: (1) The request involves the re- zoning of a single piece of prop- erty which is illegal. (2) Undoubtedly the locating and operation of a bowling alley in a residential district is objectionable. The answer to the question, "If not personally interested, would you want it along side your home," Is unanimously and invariable "No." (3) There is already a Business District at 25th and Central and a Local Business District at 32nd and Central, which is ample for the present in accordance with sound zoning principles. (4) In deciding such a matter from a zoning standpoint, the merits of a bowling alley as such, 130 Regular Session, June 2nd, 1947 and the desirability for additional recreational facilities in the gen- eral area are not relevant matters. The effect on property values and the comfort and peace of adjacent owners are the primary considera- tions. Yours truly, The Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By Richard V. McKay, Secy Attorney Hal F. Reynolds ad- dressed the Council in support of the petition of B. A. Schueller et al requesting the rezoning of property located at Central Avenue and 30th Street to a Local Business classi- fication for the purpose of con- structing -a modern building for the housing and operation of bowling alleys and submitted for Council consideration petitions signed by approximately 2300 signers. Also Mr. Alonzo Murphy, Secretary of Dubuque Bowling League, and Mr. John Lagen, Commander of the Amvets, addressed the Council in support of the petition of B. A. Schueller et al. Attorney M. H. Czizek addressed the Council stating that he repre- sented the ladjacent property own- ers who are opposed to the grant- ing of the petition of B. A. Schuel- ler et al for the rezoning of prop- erty located at Central Avenue and 30th Street for the housing and operation of bowling alleys. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission be approved, this motion was de- clared lost on account of not receiv- ing a second. Councilman Moffatt moved that the matter of rezoning the property located at Central Avenue and 30th Street as requested in the petition of R. A. Schueller et al, together %N-ith the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, he referred to the Council for fur- ther consideration. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- Meu lk ffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Communication of Wm. Beutin in regard to his previous letter re- questing that the sewer be run one block west from Burden Avenue to Balke Street on Strauss Street, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Czizek & Czizek, by M. H. Czizek, requesting the City Council to adopt the attached reso- lution providing for the issuance of a Quit Claim Deed of Lots 1 and 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 20A of Oxford Heights by the City to James Alderson as embodied in an Ordinance adopted March 23, 1925 which provided for the vacating of a portion of Oxford Street and the conveyance of same, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 59-47 Whereas, under date of March 23, 1925, the Council of the City of Dubuque adopted an Ordinance en- titled: "An Ordinance vacating a portion of Oxford Street, and pro- viding for the conveyance of same for a valuable consideration" and, by the terms of said Ordinance, said vacated portion of Oxford Street was proposed to be granted and conveyed to Helen T. Buckley in exchange for what was described in said Ordinance as "Lot 2 of Lot 9 of Oxford Heights," as shown by a plat of the subdivision of said Lot 9; and Whereas, the Lot 9 referred to in said Ordinance and shown upon said plat, is not located in Oxford Heights but, instead, is located in Yale Court, an addition in the City .of Dubuque and, as a conse- quence, said plat is incorrect and does not properly show the Lot 2 of Regular Session, June 211d, 1947 1.31 Lot 9 intended to be conveyed to the City of Dubuque for street pur- poses; and Whereas, subsequent to the adop- tion of said vacation Ordinance, the City of Dubuque took posses- sion of Lot 2 of Lot 9 in Yale Court and has used and occupied it ever since said time, for street purposes, and said Helen T. Buck- ley took possession of the vacated portion of Oxford Street .and sub- sequently conveyed the same to James Alderson; and Whereas, said James Alderson has now platted said area into Lots 1 and 2 of Lot 20A of Oxford Heights, which plat is filed for rec- ord and recorded in Book of Plats 16, on Page 31 of Dubuque County Records; and Whereas, said Helen T. Buckley has prepared and filed for record a corrected plat of the subdivision of said Lot 9 in Yale Court, which plat is recorded in Book 16, on Page 67 of Dubuque County Records, de- scribing therein the portion of said Lot 9 to be conveyed to the City of Dubuque as Lot 2 of Lot 9 of Yale Court; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque and said Helen T. Buckley did not heretofore exchange deeds as pro- posed by said Ordinance; and Whereas, James Alderson is now the owner of said vacated portion of Oxford Street; and Whereas, to secure the City of Dubuque in its title to said Lot 2 of Lot 9 in Yale Court, said Helen T. Buckley, a widow and unmarried, has executed a Quit Claim Deed thereof to the City of Dubuque and has submitted said deed to this Council for acceptance; and Whereas, to secure said James Alderson in his title to the vacated Portion of Oxford Street, it is deem- ed advisable by this Council to con- vey, by Quit Claim Deed, Lots 1 and 2 of Lot 20A of Oxford Heights to said James Alderson: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, as fol- lows: Section 1. That the Quit Claim Deed of Helen T. Buckley convey- ing to the City of Dubuque, Lot 2 of Lot 9 of Yale Court be, and the same is hereby accepted. Section 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be, and they are hereby au- thorized and directed to execute. for and on behalf of the City of Dubuque, a Quit Claim Deed of Lots 1 and 2 of Lot 20A of Oxford Heights to James Alderson. Section 3. That the Clerk be. and he is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution for record in the office of the Re- corder of Dubuque County, Iowa, Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of City Island Develop- ment Committee of the Chamber of Commerce requesting that initial steps be taken by the City Admin- istration for the development of in- dustrial sites and that City Island and adjacent lands offer the great- est possibilities, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt. Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Frank Conlan request- ing the rezoning of Lot 7 of the Subdivision of Outlot 733, by John Fortune, from its present classifi- cation to a local business district cl: ssification, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved tluU the petition be referred to the 132 Regular Session, lune 2nd, 1947 Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of R. J. Ellis et al re- questing that a street light be in- stalled on the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Ann Street, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Whereas, the undersigned, Jacob- son Steel and Supply Company, is the record owner of title to prop- erty abutting on Twelfth Street; and Whereas, the undersigned is de- sirous of having a spur track con- structed and maintained across Twelfth Street: RELEASE AND WAIVER Know All Men By These Pres- ents: That, Whereas, on the 28th day of October, A.D. 1946, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, did pass an Ordinance known as Ordinance No. 35.46; and Whereas, Section 7 of said Or- dinance provides as follows: "Sec. 7, This Ordinance being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, shall become effective upon its passage, adoption and ap- proval by the City Council and pub- lication as provided by law and the rights herein granted shall ac- crue to said railroad company when this Ordinance has been accepted by said railroad company which acceptance shall be endorsed here- on, and when the costs and expense of publishing the same have been paid by said railroad company and when the injuries and damage to property abutting upon said street has been ascertained and compen- sated for, m• in lieu thereof, when the record owners of such property and record holders of liens and en- cumbrances thereon have filed with this Council their consent to the Construction and operation of such track and waivers and releases of any daninges which may be sus- tained by them on account of the construction and operation of the same." and Now, Therefore, the undersigned does hereby consent to the con- struction and operation of said spur track as provided in said Or- dinance and does hereby waive any claim against the City of Dubuque or the Chicago Great Westl'ern Railway Company on account of damages which it may have as abutting property owner by reason of the construction and operation of said track. This consent and waiver shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the under- signed. Signed at Dubuque, Iowa, this 24th day of April, A.D. 1947. JACOBSON STEEL AND SUPPLY COMPANY By David S. Jacobson, Its Pres. County of Dubuque J SS. State of Iowa on this 24th day of April, A. D. 1947, before me, A Notary Public, in and for the County of Dubuque, State of Iowa, appeared David S. Jacobson to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, diel say that he is the President of Jacobson Steel and Supply Com- pany, and that said instrument was signed in behalf of staid corporation by authority of its Board of Direc- tors, and said David S. Jacobson acknowledged the execution of said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Said corporation has no corporate seal. JESSIE RUFF, Notary Public within and for said County and State. Councilman Moffatt moved that the Release and Waiver be received and made a matter of record. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Regular Session, June 2nd. 1947 133 Ordinance No. 17.47. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance 3-34 designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change to "Local Business District" clas1ification certain de- fined territory now being delimited as "Two Family Residence Dis- trict" classification, said ordinance having been passed upon first read- ing on May 26th, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 17.47 An Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Du- buque as provided by Ordinance 3-34 designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change to "Local Business District" classifica- tion certain defined territory now be - Ing delimited as "Two Family Resi- dence District" classification Whereas, it is deemed advisable by the City Council to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- vided by Ordinance No. 3-34, desig- nated as "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change to "Local Business District" ^,lassifica- tion certain territory hereinafter de- scribed, now delimited as "Two Fam- ily Residence District" classification. And, Whereas, the Dubuque Plan- ning and Zoning Commission recom- mended such change. And, Whereas, Notice of such pro- posed change has been published as provided by law and an opportunity afforded to any anti all interested parties to object thereto at a public meeting held at 7:30 p. in., May 20th, 1947, in the Council Chamber in the City Hall. And, Whereas, no objections have been filed or made to the proposed change. Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: Sec. 1. That the Zoning Slap and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Du- i,uque be, and the same is hereby amended as follows: By changing from "Two Pandly Residence District" classification the area hereinafter described to "Local Business District" classification as follows: On the southerly side of Southern Avenue, to include all of that area bounded by the following: beginning at a point on the north westerly corner of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 3 of part Of Mineral Lot 37, thence southerly along the northeasterly lot line of Lot 1 of 2 of 4t 3 of part of Mineral Lot 37 to the northerly line of the 1-Nibuque Cascade Road; thence south westerly along the northerly line of the Dubuque Cascade Road to the south westerly line of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 4 O'Connor's Sub; thence north- erly along the westerly line of Lot 1 of 2 of lot 4 O'Connor's sub, to its intersections with the Southerly line Of Southern Avenue; thence north easterly along the southerly line of Southein Avenue to the point of be- ginning. (All In the 200 and 300 num- bered block on Southern Avenue.) Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect ten (10) days from and after its final passage, adoption and publication as provided by law. And when the cost of such publication has been paid by the applicant. Passed upon first reading this 20th day of May, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 2nd (lay of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBFRT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 4th day of June, 1947. J. J. SHEA. 6-4 it. City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa, May 29th, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The Local Board of Review appointed by your Honor- able Body to equalize the taxes for the year 1947 beg to advise that it has completed its work after being in session from the first Monday in May, 1947. We have made per- sonal investigation into each com- plaint received. Hereto attached you will please find all assessments which have been equalized by the Board. There being no further business for con- sideration the Board of Review has taken final adjournment. Respectfully submitted, C. W. ZIEPPRECHT, Chairman GEORGE POHL THOS. J. HILL, .Members, Board of Review Attest: J. J. SHEA, Clerk, Board of Review 134 Regular Session, June 2nd, 1947 Councilman Wharton moved that the report of the Board of Review for the year 1947 be received and placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Council- Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 26, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Mrs. Pearl Krueger that has been submitted to me for in- vestigation and report. I find that Mrs. Pearl Krueger slipped and fell on February 13, 1947 on a side- walk near the southeast corner of Rhomberg Avenue near Roosevelt Street on an accumulation of ice and snow, receiving injuries which required her to go to the hospital and compelled her to remain away from her work for at least three weeks. Her claim is for $500.00. Her ac- tual expenses are for the hospital $27.00 and doctor $10.00. She was away from work for three weeks and was earning $32.00 a week, making a total of $96.00. She has agreed to accept her actual ex- penses, plus one-half of her loss of services, making a total of $85.00. I recommend that a warrant be issued payable to her order for $85.00 and the same be delivered to her upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed by her. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Soli- citor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $85.00 in favor of Mrs. Pearl Krueger, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon recelpt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Sec onded by Councilman Aloffatt. Car ried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy. Council men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel man, Wharton. Nays— None. June 2, 194' To the Honorable Mayor and City ('-weil. Dubuque. Iowa. GeuLlemeu: This is to advise tha have approved the following bond end desire to have your approval to same for filing: EXCAVATION Leonard Valentine, ....Continental 7asualty Co. Respectfully submitted A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Moffatt moved that ,he Bond be approved and placed )n file. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 2, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of May 5, 1947 the petition of E. E. Lewis regarding the paving of For- est Lane was referred to the Coun- cil to view the grounds. The Coun- cil having viewed the grounds de- cided to have plats and schedules passed for the paving of Forrest Lane from Nevada Street to Delhi Street. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. June 2, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of May 5, 1947 the petition of St. Columbkille's Holy Name Society requesting the installation of a street light on Rush Street between Bryant and Holly Streets was re- ferred to the Council. The Council decided to order the installation of the street light as suggested and I therefore recom- mend that the decision of the Coun- cil be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Regular Session, June 2nd, 1947 135 Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Mofatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 2, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of May 26, 1947 the petition of George J. Vogel and others requesting a street light at the intersection of Windsor Avenue and Regent Street was referred to the Council. The Council having viewed the site de- cided to grant the request. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 2, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of May 5, 1947 the communication of James L. Mulligan offering fifty dollars ($50.00) for the purchase of Lot 2110 in Union Addition was re- ferred to the Council to inspect the property. The Council having viewed the premises decided to ac- cept the offer. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed by the adoption of the attached Resolution. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be confirmed. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 60-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa that it is deemed advisable to sell Lot 210 of Union Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa to James L. Mulligan for the sum of Fifty and no/100 ($50.00) Dollars and to exe. cute a quit claim deed of said Premises to said grantee and de. liver the same to him upon the Payment of said purchase price. Be It Further Resolved That the Mayor and Clerk of said City of Dubuque, be, and they are hereby authorized to execute said deed on behalf of the City of Dubuque, and to affix theretso the officinal seal of said City. Passed, .adopted and approved this 2nd day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 61-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the pi,ovisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address Mildred M. Schaller and Clara R. Schaller, 378 Main Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk 136 Regular Session, June 2nd, 1947 Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following voteCouncil- Yeas—Mayor Murphy, men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 62-47 Whereas, applications for Class "B" Beer Permits have been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the following applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Robert E. Chapman and Tillie Chapman, 601 Rhomberg Avenue. William F. Trimpler and Jean Trimpler, 1563 Central Avenue. Mildred M. Schaller and Clara R. Schaller, 378 Main Street. Steve Cole, 402 Main Street. Leo F. Link and Bernice Link, 1487 Central Avenue. Frank Kraus, 2412 Central Ave. CLASS ''B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB The Travelers Club, 75 East Fourth Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd clay of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays- None. Resolution No. 63-47 Where -as. heretofore applications for ('lass "il" Beer Permits were filed by the within named appli- cants and they have received the "Pl)"""l of this Council; and \\'hcreas. the• promises to be oc- cupied by s,tclt applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby direct- ed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Robert E. Chapman and Tillie Chapman, 601 Rhomberg Avenue. William F. Trimpler and Jean Trimpler, 1563 Central Avenue. Mildred M. Schaller and Clara R. Schaller, 378 Main Street, Steve Cole, 402 Main Street. Leo F. Link and Bernice Link, 1487 Central Avenue. Frank Kraus, 2412 Central Ave. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB The Travelers Club, 75 East Fourth Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, June 2, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: We are attaching hereto application for Class "B" Beer Permit from A. R. and Philo- tnena Uppinghouse to operate at 238-240 West 6th Street. This is to advise that an inspec- tion has been made of this building by the Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspectors, the Fire Chief and the Assistant Fire Mar- shall, Mr. Luberdon, and it was found that this building does not comply with the State Fire Regu- Regular Session, June 2nd, 1947 137 lations in regard to fire escapes. Therefore an official order to con. struct and place a fire escape on this building has been served on the Ryder Realty Company, Du- buque, Iowa, owners of said build- ing. A time limit of sixty (60) days has been given to complete this in. stallation. On May 22, 1947 an or- der was placed with E. J. Voggen. thaler Company of Dubuque, Iowa to construct a fire escape on this building and a copy of contract for above work is attached. Very truly yours, DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication of Building Inspector Bandy be received and made a matter of record. Second. ed by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - Man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 64.47 Whereas, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address A. R. Uppinghouse and Philo- mena Uppinghouse, 238-240 West 6th Street. Pased, adopted and approved this 2nd day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 65-47 Whereas, heretofore application for Class "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named appli- cants and it has received the ap- proval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named ap- plicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT A. R. Uppinghouse and Philo- mena Uppinghouse, 238.240 West 6th Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed by such applicants be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. May 9, 1947 Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The Board of Adjust- ment on March 7, 1947, received an application from the Huff Lum- ber Co, for permission to establish a Stone Quarry on property owned by them fronting Thirty -Second Street just west of Central Avenue. After careful consideration and viewing the grounds the Board feels that the property would be im- proved, the area would be benefit- ed by this project, providing the Quarry is not allowed to operate below a specified distance above street level. However, we realize that with the conditions that go with a rock quarry; rock dust, 138 Regular Session, June 2nd, 1947 blasting and so forth, that this ap- plication should also be submitted for' your consideration and final ap- proval will be withheld until a statement can be bad from your honorable body. Respectfully submitted, By, L. J. Streinz, Secretary Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of the Board of Adjustment be received and filed and that the Board of Adjustment be advised that the City Council is in favor of granting thi9 request providing that the rock quarry and the general use of the premises are so conducted as to cause no nuis- ance and that the property be level- ed so that no flood or other hazard will be maintained or created. Sec. onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Raymond Hirsch et al, tax payers, renters and residents on Kane Street, requesting the in- stallation of water mains on Kane Street from Kaufmann Avenue to end of Kane Street, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the petition be referred to the City Water Department to determine the possibility of co-ordinating the req'hest for water mains on Kane Street with the general plan of water extension in this area. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that Mr. Fred E. Neyens be ap- pointed as a member of the Board of Dock Commissioners to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Mark Gavin, recently resigned, said term expir- ing November 26th, 1948 and also tivit. Mr. A. Y. McDonald, Jr, be ap- pointed as a member of the Board of Dock Commissioners for the three year term expiring Novem. ber 26th, 1949 Seconded by Council - mail Moffatt. Carried by the follow. ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man. Wharton. Nay,—None. There being no further business .ouncilman Moffatt moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol - ,owing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. Shea, City Clerk. Approved 11 . .aq 1)47 Adopted Id a2.?, 1947 Councilmen Attest 1..... ..... .X.: C�,ity Clerk. . Special Session, June 5th, 1947 139 City Council (Official) Special Session, June 5th, 1947. Council met at 5:20 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Wharton and Thompson. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of making application for funds from the Federal Works Agency for planning a Court House -City Hall - Jail Building and adting on any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Resolution No. 66.47 Whereas, the City Hall in the City of Dubuque, Iowa is an obso- lete structure, inadequate and not properly arranged for present pub- lic service, the preservation of pub- lic records, the housing of prison- ers and the proper conduct of municipal affairs; and Whereas, the only feasible solu- tion of this pressing problem re- quires the planning for a new struc- ture; and Whereas, it is deemed the ad- visable, expedient and economical method that the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as the County seat, join with Dubuque County, Iowa in planning for a combination Court House - City Hall -Jail Building; and Whereas, the Federal Govern. ment has funds available for plan- ning which may be advanced to non-federal public agencies to make advance provision for the construc- tion of public works under an agreement providing for the re- payment of the interest-free ad- vance, if and when the construe - tion so planned is undertaken: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Bureau of Community Facilities of the Federal Works Agency pro. viding: (1) For an advance of $48,- 000.00 to the City of Dubuque for the advance planning of a com- bination Court House -City Hall -Jail Building; (2) Offering to complete such plan preparation; (3) Agree- ing to repay such advance when required in accordance with the regulations of the Bureau dated January 3, 1946. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of G. W. Travis, on behalf of Mrs. E. R. Travis, in the amount of $1.58 as a result of damages incurred upon an auto- mobile owned by Mrs. E. R. Travis due to the apparent settlement of a catch -basin at the northwest cor- ner of 13th Street and Central Av- enue, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers of The Dubuque Leader, of the Financial Report of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. 140 Special Session, June 5th, 1947 Blasting Bond of Conlon Con- struction Co. in the amount of ing " roots at the $5,000.0 for r tStrreet of13th presented for approval. Councilman Wharton and ed that the bond be approved on file. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Wharton moved to ad- journ. Seconded, by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City Cl%k. Approved zx:�tr• Adopted `` -194-7._ i /VUA, Councilmen: 1111......-1111..., 1111 Attest : ......V.-City Clerk. Special session, June 20th, 1947 141 City Council (Official) Special Session, June 20th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Wharton and Moffatt. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of con- sidering for final adoption Ordin- ance No. 18-1947. An Ordinance granting to the Chicago, Milwau- kee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, its successors and as- signs, the right to construct, main- tain, and operate an Industry Track over, along, -and upon a portion of Lynn Street, and declaring an emergency, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on June 2nd, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City CIerk for pub- lic inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was pre- sented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 18-1947. An t 1rdinance granting to the Chi- cago, NI ilwaukee, St. Paul and Pa- cific Raiiroad Company, its succes- sorsand assigns, the right to con- struct, maintain and operate an In- dustry Track over, along, and upon a portion of Lynn Street, and declar- ing an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: Section 1, That there be, and there Is hereby granted to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rail- road Company, its successors and as- signs, the right and authority to con- struct,maintain and operate an in- dustry Track over, along, and upon that portion of Lynn Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point 209 ft. northerly of the southwest corner of Block 13, Railroad Addition to the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, as measured along the westerly lino of said Block 13; thence on a ctn•Ve to the left having a radius of 367.26 ft., a distance of 87 ft, to n point on tangency; thence soutlwrl�' on it straight line, parallel to nod 12 ft. from the easterly lint, of L} nn Street, a distance of 72.5 ft; thence easterly at right angles, a distance Of 12 ft, to the easterly line of Lynn Street: thence northerly along the easterly line of Lynn Street 159 ft. to the point of beginning, and con- taining 1,529 sq. ft., said described Portion of Lynn Street being outlined in red on the plat marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Section 2. This Ordinance being deemed urgent and of immediate ne- cessity, shall be effective upon Its Passage, adoption and approval by the City Council and publication, as provided by law, and the rights here- in granted shall accrue to said Rail- road company only when the injury and damages to property abutting upon said portion of Lynn Street have been ascertained and compen- sated for, as provided by law, or in lieu thereof, when the record owners of such property and the record hold- ers of liens and encumbrances there- on have filed with this Council their consent to the construction and op- eration of such track and waivers and releases of any damages which may be sustained by them on account of the construction and operation of the same. Passed upon first reading this 2nd day of June, 1947. Passed adopted and approved this 20th day of June, 1947. GEO. R. 1IURPHY, Mayor. FRANI{ VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W.W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 23rd day of June, 1947, J. J. SHEA, 6-23-1t Cite Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nay,`Mone. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - mall, Wharton. Nays—None. May 22, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the attached Petition of Mr. B. A. Schueller et al requesting rezoning of his property at Central Ave. and 30th St. to Local Business classifi- cation, the Planning and Zoning Commisison respectfully recom- mends denial of the petition, for the following reasons: Q42 Special session, June 20th, 1947 ,0) The request involves the rezoning of a single piece of property which is illegal. (2) Undoubtedly the locating and operating of a bowling alley in a residential district is objectionable. The answer to the question, "If not person- ally interested, would you want it along side your home," is unanimously and invariable "No!" (3) There is already a Business District at 28th and Central and a Local Business District at 32nd and Central, which is ample for the present in ac. cordance with sound zoning principles. (4) In deciding such a matter from a zoning standpoint, the merits of a bowling alley as such, and the desirability for additional recreational facili- ties in the general area are not relevant matters. The ef- fect on property values and the comfort and peace of ad- jacent owners are the pri- mary considerations. Yours truly, The Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By Richard V. McKay, Secy Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission ,be approved. Seconded by Mayor Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. ,men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. .mail, Wharton. 'Nays—None. Communication of The J. M. Cleminshaw C o m p a n y advising Council that they specialize in the revaluation of real estate and per- sonal property of cities and coun- ties for local tax equalization pur- Pu:.e, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the eommunication be referred to the Council. Seconded by Council. morn Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: 'Seas—Ma; or Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, 'Van Duel - man. Nays—None. Communication of Carl W. Peter- sen calling the attention of the City Council to the condition of the bank south of St. Joseph at Algona Street, which bank has slid and caved in, and advising Council that the City of Dubuque will be held liable for any damages that may occur to his property through neglect of this condition, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Attorney Robert M. Czizek ad- dressed the Council in regard to the petition of Don A. Callahan, requesting that the storm water flow on Cummins Street be divert- ed to Loras Boulevard as the said storm water is flooding his prop- erty and causing damage to his property also in regard to the peti- tion of Albert Dolan requesting that the storm water flow on Shiras Street be -taken care of as said storm water is washing away his property and causing damage. At- torney Czizek was informed that both petitions were under consid- eration by the Council and would be given early attention. Communication of John B. Welp submitting offer in the amount of $25.00 for the parts of Lots 21 and 22 of Randall's Sub. 'No. 2 owned by the City of Dubuque, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the National Safety Council in regard to a safe- ty campaign to make Fourth of July .a day of safe celebration and asking the Mayor to make a brief statement to the press, requesting the people of the City of Dubuque to -enlist in this cauipaign, present- ed and read. Special session, June 20th, 1947 143 Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be referred to the Mayor. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the Volunteers of America requesting permission for the holding of their Annual Tag Day on Friday, June 27th, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the Veterans of For- eign Wars requesting permission for the holding of their V.F.W. Poppy Day on September 27th, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Petition of the Navy Club of the United States of America request- ing permission for the placing of all exhibit of one of their Mobile War Exhibits in Dubuque within the next 30 to 90 days, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Charles Howes et al requesting the installation of it street light on the corner of West and Gilliam Streets, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec. onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Francis R. Shaffer et al requesting the installation of a street light and the construction of a turn around at the end of Mt. Loretta Street, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of D. W. Miner et a1 requesting the installation of a street light at the corner of Far- ley Street and Lincoln Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-rMayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. ,Petition •of George McMahon et al requesting the rezoning of the prop- erty known as the McMahon prop- erty located on the Rockdale Road and South Grandview Avenue, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and re. port. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Charles J. Smith et al requesting the rezoning of the Southerly viz of Lot 2 of the Sub- division of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 67 to a local Business District, pre. sented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the petition be referred to the Plan. ning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote. 144 Spccial session, June 20th, 1947 .Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man. Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Ed Turnquist Com- pany requesting permission to con- struct and maintain a concrete loading dock on the westerly side of the alley between Central Av- enue and White Street in the rear of the building located at 1255 Cen- tral Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayo)' Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—Nbne. Petition of the Interstate Power Company requesting that Council amend Schedule No. 6, Ordinance No. 8-41 by adding the following clause: "Premium Rate for High Load Factor—When Customer's billing exceeds 1,000 KW, all en- ergy used in excess of 365 hours use of the billing demand will be billed at $.006 per Kwhr," present- ed and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the request be granted and the City Solicitor directed to prepare an amendment to Ordinance No. 8-41 as requested. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the Interstate Power Company requesting permission to make alterations and additions to the rear of their office building at 1000 Main Street as per blue prints attached, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved tht, petition be referred to the COU"Cil to view the grounds. See. onded by Counciluan Wharton. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas' Mayor Murphy, Cou)lcil- nusu Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man. \\'harton. Nuys—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement Of rOCPIptS and also a list of claims for which Warr,111N were drawn during the month of May, 1947, pre- sented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 19, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have approved the following bond and desire to have your approval on same for filing: EXCAVATION Geo. I. Beaves, 2531 Windsor Av- enue, Bond No. 218160 Western Surety Company. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Thompson moved that the. bond be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 16, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Harold J. Houy, as father and next friend of his daugh- ter, June Anna Houy, for $750.00 for damages because of a fall on a sidewalk about 150 feet south of the intersection of Rock and Spruce Streets on the west side of Spruce Street on or about February 5, 1947, upon a sidewalk that was claimed to be rough, rounded, an uneven mass of snow and ice in a depression caused by a water drain. That said June Anna Houy sus- tained damages in that when she fell a milk bottle which she was carrying broke and caused a severe laceration to her right thumb caus- ing her to be confined to the hos- Pital and requiring medical and surgical care and attention; that her actual damages are about $125.00. Special session, June 20th, 1947 141-1 I have had a consultation with her Attorney Mr. Karl Kenline and after conference they have agreed to accept $200.00 in full settlement of their claim. I recommend that the claim be allowed in the amount of $200.00, that a warrant be issued to Ken - line, Roedell, Hoffman & Reynolds for Harold J. Holly, father and next friend of June Anne Holly, and that the same be delivered upon delivery to the City of a release properly excuted. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $200.00 in favor of Kenline, Roedell, Hoff- mann & Reynolds for Harold J. Houy, father and next friend of June Anne Holly, as settlement in full of the claim, and that said warrent be delivered upon receipt by the City of Dubuque of a prop- erly executed release. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 10, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim filed by G. W. Travis, on be- half of Mrs. E. R. Travis for $1.55 as a result of damages incurred upon an automobile, owned by Mrs. E. R. Travis, on June 2, 1947, due to the settling of a catch -basin. located .at the northwest corner of 13th Street and Central Avenue, I have investigated this condition. From my investigation I am satis- fied that there is no liability. I recommend that the claim be denied. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. men, Wharton. Nays—None. June 7, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The Planning and Zoning Commission has given care- ful consideration to attached peti- tion of Frank Conlan 793 West Third St. and respectfully recom- mends to your Honorable Body denial of the petition for the fol- lowing reasons: (1) It involves the rezoning of a single piece of property, which is contrary to sound zoning principles and illegal according to existing court decisions, (2) A small grocery store, built before the passage of the present Zoning Ordinance, operates on a "Non -Conform- ing Use" status directly across the alley to the north. The Zoning Ordinance pro- hibits the etxension of any existing "No n -Conforming Use" area. The Planning and Zoning Com- mission feels that an effort should be made to eliminate the existing store which is a blemish to the neighborhood. (3) The general area is already well supplied with sufficient "Local Business Districts" facilities at the Hill St., Burch St.. West Fifth St. in- tersection, one block to the north. Respectfully submitted, The Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission By Richard V. McKay, Secy Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission be approved. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vete: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 7, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: :Messrs. Emil Gras- sel and Albert Burgmeier present- ed a communication to the Plan- 14; Special session, June 20th, 1947 ning and Zoning Commission re- questing the rezoning of a *trip of land approximately 400 feet in length along U. S. Highway 151 in what is known as I.ot 1 of J. C. Scully's Seb, so that they might construct what was described as first class one story apartment structure such as is commonly in use in the Southwest United States—the main, building all un- der one roof. it apeared to the Planning & Zoning Commission from the gen- eral description and assurances that such a structure with proper ground requirements satisfied might be built in a Multiple Resi- dence District. Therefore, the Planning and Zon- ing Commission respectfully recom- mends to your Honorable Body, the rezoning of part of J. C. Scully's Sub. being an area two hundred feet wide parallel to and on the easterly side of the Dubuque Cas- cade Road from the present Local Business District four hundred feet southerly, to Multiple Resi- dence Classification. Yours truly, The Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission By R. V. McKay, Secy Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission be ap- proved and the City Solicitor in- structed to prepare the proper pro- ceedings. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due] - man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 4, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Herewith submitted for your consideration is proposed Glenview Subdivision which has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, Yours truly, The Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission. BY R. V. McNay, Secy Councilman Wharton moved that the comma-deation and proposed Clenvicw :,u ,di;islou be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 67-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a per- mit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address Wallace Bros. Shows, East 4th Street Ext. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed with the application be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 20th day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 68-47 Whereas, applications for Class "B" Beer Permits have been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Wm. F. Barrington, 244 West 1st Street. (Transfer of address from 250 West 1st Street). Mrs. Josephine Burke, 1091 Main Street. Special session, June 20th, 1947 147 Passed, adopted and approved this 20th day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 69.47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Class "B" Beer Permits were filed by the within named appli- cants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Wm. F. Barrington, 244 West 1st Street. (Transfer of address from 250 West 1st Street.) Mrs. Josephine Burke, 1091 Main Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and appiroved this 20th day of June, 1947. CEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON. ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT. Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, . Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 70-47 Whereas, the City Hall in the City of Dubuque, Iowa is an obso. lete structure, inadequate and not properly arranged for present pub- lic service, the preservation of pub- lic records, the housing of prison- ers and the proper conduct of muni- cipal affairs; and Whereas, the feasible solution of this pressing problem requires the planning for a new structure; and Whereas, it is deemed the ad- visable, expedient and economical method that the City of Dubuque, Iowa, ,as the County seat, join with Dubuque County, Iowa in planning for a combination Court House - City Hall -Jail Building; and Whereas, the Federal Govern- ment has funds available for plan- uing which may be advanced to non-federal public agencies to make advance provision for the construc- tion of public works under an agree- ment providing for the repayment of the interest-free advance, if and when the construction so planned is undertaken: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Bureau of Community Facilities of the Federal Works Agency provid- ing: (1) For an advance of $120,- 000.00 to the City of Dubuque for the advance planning of a combina- tion Court House -City Hall -Jail Building; (2) Offering to complete such plan preparation; (3) Agree- ing to repay such advance when re- quired in accordance with the regu- lations of the Bureau dated January 3, 1940. Passed, adopted and approved this 20th day of June, 1947. CEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J J. SHEA, City Clerk I148 Special session, June 20th, 1947 Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 71-47 Whereas, by Resolution No. 47-46 adopted April 26, 1946 the City Council of the City of Dubuque au- thorized and directed the City Man- ager to enter into an agreement with the Bureau of Community Facilities of the Federal Works Agency providing: (1) For an ad- vance of $32,200.00 to the City of Dubuque for the advance planning of a system of storm relief sewers; (2) Offering to complete such plan preparation; (3) Agreeing to pay such advance when required in ac- cordance with the regulations of the Bureau dated January 3, 1946; and Whereas, final studies initiated under funds advanced by F.W.A. for the system of storm relief sew- ers has shown that the scope of the work must be increased to pro- vide adequate facilities for the re- moval of storm water and to elim- inate periodic flooding; and Whereas, additional funds are re- quired to complete the preparation of plans and specifications for the entire system of storm relief sew. ers: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa that the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Bureau of Community Facilities of the Federal Works Agency provid• ing: (1) For an advance of $47,• 000.00 (which is inclusive of the $32,200.00 already made available under application No. Ia:13-1?-5T, to the City of Dubuque for advance Planning of a complete system o: storm relief sewers; (2) Offerin€ to complete such plan Preparation, (3) Agreeing to repay such advance when required in accordance wit] the regulations of the Bureat dated January 3, 1946. Passed adopted and approved his 20th day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Wharton moved that Mr. R. D. Waller be re -appointed as a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the five year term expiring May 24th, 1951. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Thompson moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Approved .. aQQ 1947 Adopted 0�1.� 1947 Councilmen tu....-........-..................... Attest: .....-FhK.tA..... City Clerk. . A, Special Session, Tune 30th, 1947 149 City Council (Official) Special Session, June 30th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Thompson and Van Duel. man. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of con- sidering resolutions directing the issuance of beer and cigarette per- mits and acting on any other busi- ness as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Coun- cil. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing anyone present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Messrs. E. Tigges et al, residents and property owners on Central Avenue from Liebe Street to Thir- tieth Street, addressed the Council in regard to the overflow of storm water and mud condition on Cen- tral Avenue and requesting the City Council to take immediate ac- tion to remedy the conditions com- plained of. Councilman Wharton moved that the verbal complaints of the resi- dents and property owners on Cen- tral Avenue in Vgard to the over- flow of water and mud condition be referred to thAkCouncil to view the grounds. Seconded by Council- },uan Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Howard Havens et al, owners of real estate abutting on Gandolfo Street, requesting that gutters be constructed on both sides of Gandolfo Street and also that gas mains be installed in said street, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the City Manager be directed to have a plat and schedule ordered Prepared, showing the cost of con- struction of both curbs and gutters on both sides of Gandolfo Street. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt. Thompson, Van Duel - mail, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers asking Council to authorize the at- tendance of City Solicitor Kintzing- er at the Annual Conference to be held at Los Angeles, California on September 29 and 30, and October 1, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that City Solicitor Kintzinger be authorized to attend the conference, if he so desires, the expenses to be borne by the City of Dubuque. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- mau. Wharton. Nays—None. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY Bureau of Community Facilities Division Engineer, Division 5 700 Mutual Building Kansas City 6, Missouri Tune 27, 1947, Control Mr. A. A. Rhomberg City Manager. Dubuque, Iowa Subject: Advance Planning Appli- cation, Ia. 13-P-230 Dear Mr. Rhomberg: We have re- ceived your application for an ad- vance of funds in the amount of $47,000.00 for the preparation of plans for a relief storm sewer sys- tem. This application has been as- signed the number indicated above and any future correspondence should bear reference to this num- ber. The authority of the Federal \Works Administration to make planning advances under the War .Mobilization and Reconversion ACE A 150 Special Session, June 30th, 1947 of 1944 terminates on June 30, 1947. Your application was not received In time to permit complete pro- cessing and final action before that date but will be held pending the possibility of a further appropria- tion by Congress. Very truly yours, C. W. ANDERSON, Division Engineer Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Civil Aeronautics Administration June 27, 1947 215 Jewett Building 9th and Grand Avenue Des Moines 9, Iowa Honorable The Mayor Dubuque, Iowa My Dear Mayor Subject: Dubuque Municipal Air- port Final Approval The Federal Aid Highway Act of 1944, approved December 20, 1944, requires that the Public Roads Ad. ministration concur in the selec. tion of airport sites. Their concur- rence is desired particularly where roads will have to be relocated or where the location of the site might affect the local highway System. A policy has been adopted to secure concurrence in all airport locations. The Dubuque Municipal Airport loca!ion has been approved by the 1'11bl',c Roads Administration, the lowa Highway Commission, the State Aeronautics Commission, and thi, administration. A copy of this approval report is being submitted for your files. Very truly yours, PAUL V. ROBERTS 11-�ti iet Airport Engineer, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Public Roads Division 5 South State, Iowa Project No. Dubuque County Report on Dubuque, Iowa Municipal Airport Inspection made by W. G. White. Date Inspection made May 6, 1947. In company with R. G. Boyd, Asst Engineer, Iowa State High- way Commission. Location: The airport site is lo. cated in parts of Secs. 26, 27 and 34, T88N, R2E. It is also located between US Highways 61 and 151 with a portion of the easterly boundary adjacent to US Highway 61. The westerly boundary is ap- proximately 0.4 miles from US Highway 151. Access Route Description: The main access route follows US 61 from Dubuque to the proposed en- trance on this route. An auxiliary route extends from the junction of US Highways 61 and 151 approxi- mately 2 miles south of Dubuque and follows US 151 to a point north- west of the airport site, thence fol- lows a county road to the westerly boundary -of the airport site. The starting point for the main route was taken at the intersection of Locust and West Seventh St. in Dubuque, continues south on West Seventh St. to a point near the probable entrance on the easterly boundary of the airport site near the center of Sec. 26, T88N, R2E. Within the city limits the streets are paved to a width of 50 feet at the starting point and through suc- cessive width changes it is 18 ft. at the south city limits. From the city limits to the proposed airport entrance US Highway 61 is paved with concrete 18 ft. in width with 6 ft. shoulders. The length of the route 7.75 miles, of which 2.3 miles are within the city and 5.45 miles on the rural portion. The auxiliary route on US Highway 151 extends from the junction with US High- way 61 in a southwesterly direction for 3.50 miles, thence by a county local road for 0.440 mile to the west- erly boundary of this airport. The length of the auxiliary route from Special Session, June 30th, 1947 lil the junction with US 61 is 3.90 miles, of which 3.50 miles are on US Highway 151 and 0.40 mile on county road. U. S. Highway 151 has an 18 ft. concrete pavement with 6 ft. shoulders and the county road is graded to a 26 ft. width with 20 ft. crushed rock surfacing. Governmental Units Having Author- ity Over Access Roads: City streets—City of Dubuque US Hwys 61 & 151 outside city— Iowa State Highway Commission County Local roads — Dubuque County Municipal Center Involved: Du- buque with a population of 43,892 is the sponsor and the only munici- pality involved. Traffic: The annual average daily traffic on US Highway 61 is 1200 vehicles from the airport entrance to its junction with US Highway 151 from which point it increases to approximately 2900 vehicles at the south city limits. The traffic on US Highway 151 is approximate- ly 1200 vehicles, and on the county local under 50 vehicles per day. No available traffic data are avail- able within the city, but the volume materially increases as the route approaches the business section. Nature of Access Road Changes to Precede Site Development: None. Changes Recommended in Exist- ing Road or Street: None at this time. Ultimately it may be advis- able to day -light the backslopes of the cut on US Highway 61 to pro- vide better sight distance at the airport entrance. Also at some fu- ture time it may be advisable to regrade the county road from US Highway 151 to a probable entrance on the westerly side of the airport site. Plans for Additional Access facil- ities: The topography near the air- port site is quite hilly and it is prob- able that ultimately access roads within the airport site will need to be constructed to afford access to the administration building from both the east and the west. How- ever, it is believed that such access facilities should be constructed as a part of the sponsor's obligation. Cost Estimate: None. Remarks & Recommendations: The sight distance to the tempor- ary entrance on US Highway 61 is approximately 400 ft. in both direc- tions. By day -lighting the inside of horizontal curvature on US Highway 61 in both directions from the entrance, it is believed that the sight distance could be in- creased 200 to 300 ft. By moving the entrance south of the present temporary entrance improved sight distance might be obtained by be- ing near the crest of the hill. The sight distance at the junction with the county road and US Highway 151 is approximately 800 ft, in both directions. The location and construction of the proposed airport is deemed to be in the public interest and con- currence in the selection of the site shown on the attached loca- tion sketch is recommended. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication and re- port be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Certificate of Library Tax Levy determining and fixing the budget requirements and tax levy for the ensuing year for library purposes in the amount of $50,117.00, pre- sented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the certificate be referred to the Council for consideration at the time the tax levy is being consid- red. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vete: Teas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Certificate of Park Tax Levy de- termining and fixing the budget re- quirements and tax levy for the ensuing year for park purposes in the amount of $40,428.97, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the certificate be referred to the Council for consideration at the 152 Special Session, June 30th, 1947 time the tax levy is being consid- ered. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Thomas W. Moffatt et al, residents in the vicinity of Lombard and Gandolfo Streets, re- questing that a street light be in- stalled at the intersection of Lom- bard and Gandolfo Streets, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Geo. Schumacher et al requesting the installation of a street light on the corner of Roland and West Third Streets, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the ('ouucil to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Floyd Croft request- ing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on his Class "B" Beer Permit as he has discontinued business on June 20, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted ;and the City Auditor instructed to draw warrant in the amount of $50.00 ill favor of Floyd Croft to cover the amount of refund granted on tlfl unexpired portion of his Class Meer Permit No. 103. Seconded cilnran Thompson. Carried by the folluwiug vote: Yeas--Alayor Murphy, Council- men \:)ffatt, Thompson, Van Due] - man, A1'liarton. Nays --Nolle. Cmunnmication of Rev. S. V. Wil. "ams, .lit. Vernor, Iowa, stating that the Methodist Ministers had a grand time this week really ap. preciating Dubuque, and suggesting that Grandview Avenue be called a boulevard, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and a letter acknowledging receipt of the communication be forwarded to Rev. S. V. Williams. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 19-47 An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 3-41 being "An Ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of elec- tricity for residential, commercial, street lighting, power, and other uses," by amending the schedule rates for Large Industrial Power Service Users, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Special Session, June 30th, 1947 15 Dubuque, Iowa June 28th, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission conducted an entrance examination, as of May 20th, 1947, for those seeking the position of Police- woman. The following is a list of those who passed their physical exam- ination and also their written ex- amination with an average of 70% or better. All appointments to the position of Policewoman should be made from this list. Name Average Amy Zimmerman ....... .... ......... 94rfo Lucille Peschong ...................70% Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairman C. S. HARKER, R. M. BENN, Commissioners J. J. SHEA, Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of June, 1947. JOHN A. BRADY, Notary Public Councilman Moffatt moved that the report of the Civil Service com- mission be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa June 30, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission conducted an examination on June 25th, 1947, for the purpose of creat- ing an eligible list for the position Of Chief of the Fire Department. Only one application was filed with the Commission for this posi- tion. Below you will please find the report for this examination. Name Average Thomas C. Hickson ..... ....... .... 96% Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairman C. S. HARKER, R. M. BENN, Commissioners J. J. SHEA, Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of June, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public Councilman Van Duelman moved that the report of the Civil Service Commission be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 24, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Department for the month of May, 1947, also list of claims an21 list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of May, 1947. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Thompson moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Council- man Van Dueltttan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—.Mayor Murphy, Council- men 1Ioffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, NN'hai•ton. Nays --None. June 28, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and c%ty Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of June 211d the petition of R. J. Ellis and others requesting a street light at Lincoln Avenue and Ann Street and at the meeting of June 20th the petition of Charles Howes requesting a street light at West and Gilliam Streets together with 154 Special Session, June 30th, 1947 the petition of D. W. Miner request- ing a street light at Farley Street and Lincoln Avenue were referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the sites decided to grant the requests. I recommend that the decisions of the Council be confirmed and that street lights be installed at Lin- coln Avenue and Ann Street, West and Gilliam Streets and at Ann Street, West and Gilliam Streets and at Farley Street and Lincoln Avenue. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Managerr Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 28, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of June 20th the petition of Ed. Turn- quist Co. requesting permission to construct a concrete loading dock in the alley between Central Av- enue and White Street was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the premises decided to grant the re- quest. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed by the passage of the attached resolution. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Moffatt moved that the rec<:unnendation of City Mana- ger Rhomberg be approved. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men 1loffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - wan, Wharton. Nay; —None. Resolution No. 72.47 Whereas, F(I. Turnquist Company has tiled with Lila City Council a petition requesting permission tc a:ouFtruct and unalntain a concrete oading dock in the alley between 7entral Avenue and White Street n the rear of its store building .ocated on the North 1/2 of the mid - Ile 1/5 of City Lot 445 in the City if Dubuque And Whereas, said petition was referred to the City Council to view the grounds And Whereas, the City Council viewed the grounds and is of the opinion that said request should be granted; Now Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the Ed. Turnquist Company, its successors and as- signs, be, and it is hereby granted the right and authority to construct and maintain a concrete loading dock in the alley between Central Avenue and White Street and be- tween East 12th and East 13th Streets, said loading dock to be ad- jacent to the North 1/2 of the mid- dle 1/5 of City Lot 445 in the City of Dubuque and extending, not to exceed 3 feet and 6 inches into the alley for a linear distance of not to exceed 6 feet in length. Section 2. That such construction is to be done under the direction and supervision of the Building In- spector and City Manager, and un- der any rules and regulations they may prescribe. Section 3. That the right to con- struct and maintain said loading dock shall be subject to the con- tinuous control of the City Council, reserving the right to said City Council to impose restrictions and conditions upon the enjoyment thereof as may be reasonably nec- essary for the protection of the public interests, including the right to revoke and rescind the grant hereby made, if at any time tho Public interests should so require. Section 4. As a further considera- tion of the rights and privileges herein granted, said Ed. Turnquist Company, its successors and as- signs, assume -any liability for dam- ages to persons or property which may result from the copstruction and/or maintenance of said loading dock and said Ed. Turnquist Com- pany, its successors and assigns. SPecial Session, June 30th, 1947 155 at its own expense, agree to defend any and all claims or actions which may be made or brought against the City because of the construc- tion and/or maintenance of such loading dock and should the City be required to pay any sum -as dam- ages, said Ed. Turnquist Company, its successors and assigns, agree to fully reimburse the City there- for and to hold said City harmless from any damages. Section 5. Should the rights and privileges herein granted be re- scinded or revoked, said Ed. Turn- quist Company, its successors and assigns, at its own expense and upon receipt of notice by registered mail, agrees, with 30 days after re- ceipt of such notice, to remove the structure herein authorized and to restore the alley in as good condi- tion as it was before said con- struction. This Resolution shall become ef- fective and the rights hereunder shall accrue to Ed. Turnquist Com- pany, its successors and assigns, when this Resolution has been passed by the City Council and ac- cepted by said Ed. Turnquist Com- pany which acceptance shall be en- dorsed hereon. Passed, approved and adopted this 30th day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION NO. 72-47. Ed. Turnquist Company, having full knowledge and understanding of all the terms and conditions of Resolution No. 72-47, hereby accepts the same as adopted and agrees to comply with all the terms and con- ditions thereof. Signed this 28th day of August, 1947. By: Ed Turnquist Co. Inc. Ed. Turnquist, Pres. ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION NO. 72-47 Ruth Kleih, having full knowledge and understanding of all terms and conditions of Resolution No. 72-47, hereby accepts the same ;as adopted end agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions thereof. Signed this 4th day of September L947. By: Ruth M. Kleih, Owner. Councilean Van Duelm.an moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 28, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of June 20th the request of the Inter- state Power Company for permis- sion to construct a walk -way in the alley in the rear of the building at 1000 Main Street and also to build a canopy and stairway in the rear, was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the property decided to grant the petition. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed by the passage of the attached resolution. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 73-47 Whereas, the Interstate Power Company has filed with the City Council a petition requesting per- mission to construct a walk -way in the alley between Main and Iowa Streets -and also to build a protec- tive canopy over the alley doorway and to construct a stairway from the rear alley entrance to the first floor of the building located on City Lot 37 in the City of Dubuque, and Whereas, said petition was re- ferred to the City Council to view the grounds, and, Whereas, the City Council viewed the grounds and is of the opinion that said request should be granted; Now, Therefore. 156 Special Session, June 30th, 1947 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the Interstate Power Company, its successors and assigns, be, and it is hereby granted the right and authority to construct and maintain a walk -way, a pro- tective canopy over the alley door- way and a stairway from the alley surface to the first floor, all of which is in the alley between Main and Iowa Streets and between West 10th and West 11th Streets, adja- cent to City Lot 37 in the City of Dubuque and in accordance with the drawings attached to said petition. Section 2. That such construction is to be done under the direction and supervision of the Building In- spector and City Manager, and un- der any rules and regulations they may prescribe. Section 3. That the right to con- struct and maintain said walk -way, a protective canopy over the alley doorway and a stairway from the alley surface to the first floor, shall be subject to the continuous con- trol of the City Council, reserving the right to said City Council to impose restrictions and conditions upon the enjoyment thereof as may be reasonably necessary for the pro- tection of the public interests, in- cluding the right to revoke and re- scind the grant hereby made, if at any time the public interests should so require. Section 4. As a further considera- tion of the rights and privileges herein granted, said interstate Pow- er Company, its successors and as- signs, assume any liability for dam- ages to persons or property which may result from the construction and/or maintenance of -said walk- way, canopy and stairway and said Interstate Power Company, its suc. cessors and assigns, at its own ex- pense, agrees to defend any and all claims or actions which may be made or brought against the City because of the construction and/ot maintenance of such walk -way, can Opy and stairway and should the City he required to pay any suns a; damages. said interstate Powei Company, its successors and as signs, agree to fully reimburse tilt City therefor and to hold said Citi harullc<s from tory damages. Section 5. Should the rights ant privileges herein granted be re winded or revoked, said Interstate ?ower Company, its successors and issigns, at its own expense and up. )n receipt of notice by registered :nail, agrees, within 30 days after receipt of such notice, to remove the structure herein authorized and to restore the alley in as good con- 3ition as it was before .said con- struction. This Resolution shall become ef- fective and the rights hereunder shall accrue to Interstate Power Company, its successors and as- signs, when this Resolution has been passed by the City Council and accepted by said Interstate Power Company which acceptance shall be endorsed hereon. Passed, approved and adopted this 30th day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor F. W. THOMPSON, FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFAT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION NO. 73-47 Interstate Power Company hav- ing full knowledge and understand- ing of all the terns and conditions of Resolution No. 73-47, hereby accepts the same as adopted and agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions thereof. Signed this 2nd day of July, 1947. By: INTERSTATE POWER CO. B. F. PICKARD, President. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 30, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The opening of Woot- en Street and the increased traffic in the Mercy Hospital area is mak- ing new demands upon the street system in that area. It is now ap- parent that Solon Street should be Special Session, Tune 30th, 1947 157 opened up throughout its length from Hill Street to Booth Street. One of the bottle -necks is a twenty- five (25) foot width of the street east of Nevada Street. I recommend that the City Coun- cil authorize the purchase of the northerly twenty-five (25) feet of Lot 10 of Murphy's Subdivision which will provide for the widening of Solon Street at this point to the width of fifty (50) feet, in which width the balance of the street is platted. The passage of the attached reso- lution will provide for this perform- ance. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Mayor Murphy not voting. Resolution No. 74-47 Whereas, the opening of Solon Street is necessary for the accom- modation of traffic in the hill dis- trict, and Whereas, this Council is of the opinion that Solon Street be made to a fifty (50) foot right-of-way width throughout its length and Whereas, It is necessary that the northerly twenty-five (25) feet of Lot 10 of Murphys' subdivision be acquired for street purposes. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun• cil of the City of Dubuque that the City Manager be authorized and di- rected to purchase the northerly twenty-five (25) feet of Lot 10 01 Murphys' Subdivision and, Be It Furtber Resolved that there be, and there is hereby appro priated the sum of $500.00 from thi Street Construction Fund to pay fo. the above described purchase o real estate. Passed, adopted and approved his 30th day of June, 1947. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Mayor Murphy not voting. Resolution No. 75-47 Whereas, the Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission recom- mended to the City Council that the following property being "Single Family Residence District" classifl- cation be changed to "Multiple Resi- dence District" classification being part of J. C. Scully's Sub., an area two hundred feet wide parallel to and on the easterly side of the Du- buque Cascade Road from the pres- ent "Local Business District" four hundred feet southerly. And, Whereas, before the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City may be changed, it is neces- sary that a public hearing be held thereon. And, Whereas, the City Council deems it advisable to hold such pub- lic hearing. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: That there should be a public hearing on the question of chang- ing the district hereinbefore de- scribed, from "Single Family Resi- dence District" to "Multiple Resi- dence District." That the time and place for said public hearing be, and the same is hereby fixed for 7:30 o'clock p. m., on the 21st clay of July. 1917, in the City Council Chamber City Hall, Dubuque. Iowa; that the City Clerk he, and he is hereby directed to cause to be published in the Tele- graph -Herald, the official newspaper in the City of Dubuque, notice of such hearing. sante to be so pub- lished so a.; to leave at least 15 days between the day of such pub- lication and the clay fixed for said 153 Special Session, June 30th, 1947 hearing, that said notice shall con- tain, among others, the provision that any and all parties in interest and any and all citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. Passed, adopted and approved this 30th day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 76--47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name. Address. Alford Finch, 1347 Central Avenue. Mike Sand and Marie Sand, 2498 Central Avenue. Daniel McDonald, 216 West First Street. Vincent B. Schwartz, 1105 Walnut Street. Frank H. Berntgen, 2186 Central Avenue. John Glynn and Helen Glynn, 659 Central Avenue. Leo F. Link, 1487 Central Avenue. John J. Baumgartner and John M. Baumgartner, 1543 Central Avenue. Rod and Gun Club, 1103 Iowa Street. Levi J. Roach, 469 Main Street. Diamond s Grill. Inc., 900-910 Main Street. James M. Kane, 1205 Cleveland Avenue. Hay Levin and Paul Megonigle, 101 Main Street. Robert E. Chapman and Tillie Chapman, 601 Rhomberg Avenue. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., N.E. Cor. 13th and Iowa Streets. Merlyn L. Weber, 1904 Central Avenue. National Tea Company, 896-898 Main Street. Tenenbom's Super Market, Inc., 630 Locust Street. Mrs. Kate Capretz and Wm. Lembke, 2595 Rhomberg Avenue. Angela E. Martin, 280 Locust Street. Harold Cosley and William W. Cosley, 1121 University Avenue. A. R. Uppinghouse, 238-240 West 6th Street. Henry J. Scherr and James J. Scherr, 1198 White Street. John M. Thompson and Clarence T. Thompson, 210 West First Street. Dubuque Lodge No. 355, Loyal Order of Moose, 1379 Central Av- enue. Lawrence Schwartz, 500 Rhom- berg Avenue. Earl J. McNamara, 1046 Univer- sity Avenue. John J. Haley and Fay H. Haley, 1298 Main Street. John Schaetzle, 2162 Central Av- enue. Mrs. Agnes Clancy, Eagle Point Park. William F. Trimpler and Jean Trimpler, 1563 Central Avenue. Oasis Club, 998 Central Avenue. Walter Mengis, 1618 Central Av- enue. John Grutz and Clara Grutz, 2991 Central Avenue. Joseph A. Paradiso and Frank Paradiso, 1142 Iowa Street. Thomas F. McDonough and Ruth McDonough, 1052 University Av- enue. John E. Noel and June Noel, 2400 Central Avenue: Steve Koleopulos and Christ Kolens, 493 Main Street. Fraternal Order of Orioles, 1600 Central Avenue. Dubuque Cycle Club, 111 West 6th Street. Page Hotel Company, 73.75 East 4th Street. Nick Kramer and. Marie J. Kram- er, 2222 Central Avenue. Special Session, June 30th, 1947 159 American Veterans of World War II, Dubuque Post No. 3 (Amvets), 429 Main Street. Wm. E. Wodrich, 1101 Rhomberg Avenue. Joseph J. Weiner and Evelyn Weiner, 709 University Avenue. United Cigar -Whelan Stores Cor. poration, 805 Main Street. Paul J. Meyer, 532 East 22nd Street. Leo M. Sadler and Dorothy Sad- ler, 2600 Central Avenue. Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, Second and Main Streets. Thomas P. Sullivan, 620 So. Grandview Avenue. Gus L. Manternach, 1105 Loras Blvd. Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, 2417-23 Rhomberg Avenue. Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, 1201 Central Avenue. John L. Cahill and Robert E. Cahill, 2003 Washington Street. Millard Poquette and Clifford G. Harker, 951 Main Street. Millard Poquette and Raymond Syke, 923 Main Street. Wm. Van der Meulen and Sophie McMann, 2327 Central Avenue. William F. Keefe, 2700 Jackson Street. George Miller, 400 Central Av- enue. Andrew D. Karigan, 720 Main Street, Harry Grode and Viola Grode, 1638 Central Avenue. William Savary and Viola Savary. 827 Dodge Street. Morris B. Flick, 5 Eighth Avenue. Arthur Apel, 1176 Iowa Street. Roshek Brothers Company, 700- 798 Locust Street. George T. Vrotsos and Spires D. Coven, 605 Main Street. American Legion, Dubuque Post No. 6, 494 Main Street. Wm. C. Leik, 501 Rhomberg Av- enue. Frank Klein and Anna Klein, 600 Central Avenue. National Tea Company, 1604 Cen- tral Avenue. Alfred Hedley and Lillian Hedley, 579 Eighth Avenue. Walgreen Company, 813 Main Street. John Meisenburg and Carl E. Blosch, 450 West Locust Street. Charles Clancy and Marie Clancy, 1.77 Main Street. Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, 880 Locust Street. Vincent J. Hogan, 231 West Sec. ond Street. Sylvester Weiner and Dolores Weiner, 201 East 22nd Street. Arthur F. Herber and Theresa Herber, 2319 Prince Street. Albert G. Peryon, 257 Eighth Av- enue. Roy Brammer and Rex Brammer, 1306 Delhi Street. Wm. Wagner, 1501 Rhomberg Avenue. Mrs. Tillie Weber, 189 Locust Street. Arthur J. Trapp, 1266 Central Avenue. Ray N. Nicks, 521 East 22nd Street. Clarence J. Bowen and Robert L. Hanson, 1590 Elm Street. Iona Conner and Ray Conner, 1322 Central Avenue. George J. Zillig, 234 West 9th Street. Melvin B. McDonough, 305 Eighth Avenue. Joseph J. Siege, Jr. and Ferdin- and W. Kenniker, 2401 Windsor Avenue. George J. Scherer, 1187 Iowa Street. John Henkel and Alma Henkel, 241 Main Street. Clement B. Pelzer and Clarence J. Pfeiffer, 1555 Central Avenue. Joseph A. Kramer and Louis P. O'Connor, 55 East 7th Street. George Ragatz, Jr., 1996 Central Avenue. Fred C. Potterveld and Winifred S. Potterveld, 1687 Delhi Street. Hawkeye Lodge of City of Du- buque, Iowa. 1382 Central Avenue. Mrs. Anna Heiar, 1900 Washing- ton Street. Dubuque Packing Company, 16th and Sycamore Streets. George A. Nardin, 1255 Central Avenue. John C. Beck, 1501 Central Av. enue. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 568, 6th and Locust Streets. Victory Club, 9511/2 Main Street. N. J. Kopp, 253 East 21st Street. 160 Special Session, Pune 30th, 1947 Ernest W. Pfalzgraf, 1300 Central Avenue. William Hochberger, 1701 Asbury Street. Geo. Lanser and Helen Lanser, 3165 Central Avenue. Triangle Cafe, 926 Main Street. Merlin Apel, 1195 Dodge Street. Anthony Schmit, 1048 Main Street. R. D. Hughes and Anna Hughes, 1006 Central Avenue. North End Choral Club, 2774- 2776 Jackson Street. Clifford Steffen and Helen Stef- fen, 1046 Central Avenue. Wm. Horne, 400 Rhomberg Av- enue. B.P.O.E. Lodge No. 297, 7th and Locust Streets. Louis Anthoine, 119 West 6th Street, Gilbert J. Nicks and Josephine Nicks, 201 East 22nd Street. Frank J. Pusateri, 1296 Central Avenue. Phillip Mihalakis, 800 East 16th Street. William L. Johanningmeier, 1879 Central Avenue. Frederick Landolt, 690 West Lo- cust Street. Anton Fortuiann Company, 253 Main Street. Kermit Meyers and Thomas Lilly, 714 Main Street. Joseph Hillard and Bernice Hil. lard, 431 Rhomberg Avenue. John P. Manders, 2541 Central Avenue. Henry Torrey, 205 Kaufman Av- enue. A. J. Ender, 1703 Maple Street. A. J. Ender, 534 Rhomberg Av- enue, W. C. Crahan, Corner Dodge and Bluff Streets. George I'. Arvanitis, 1958 Cen- tral Avenue, George Kanavas and John G. Kanavas, 1639 Elm Street. George Westereamp, 1399 Jack- son Street, Jack Solomon, 555 Main Street. hell Warren and Ralph Warren, 1700 Central Avenue. Zeno A. Tranel, 598 Main Street. Charles Pochter and Ruth Poch. ter. 342 Eighth Avenue. Peter J. Apel, 265 West 1st Street. Martin Meyer and Vernon Meyer, 530 East 22nd Street. Roy A. Wright, 2600 Jackson Street. William Maas and Elizabeth Maas, 1401 Elm Street. Louis J. Winkler, 625 Central Avenue. Leonard P. Bertsch, 304-326 Main Street. Sidney H. Veaco, 2510 Central Avenue. Union League Club, 400 Iowa Street. Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, 290 West 4th Street. M. J. Ludwig, 1545 So. Grand- view Avenue. Myron C. Vincent, 1875 Univer- sity Avenue. Melvin C. Lynn, 424 West Locust Street. Loras College, 655 Loras Blvd. Amy Haley, 815 West 5th Street. Frank J. Paar, 1828 Central Avenue. Clarence C. Buelow, 1555 So. Grandview Avenue. Frank McLaughlin, 115 East 22nd Street. Robert J. Quinlan and Evelyn Quinlan, 1091 White Street. Robert McFarlane, 1798 Central Avenue. Leo M. Kraus, 1096 Central Avenue. Walter H. Beresford and Al Neu- meister, 731 Rhomberg Avenue. Mrs. Florence Helmer, 3203 Jack- son Street. Milton Fink, 3165 Central Avenue. Charles T. Snyder and Elsie Sny •der, 543 Eighth Avenue. Stanley Meis, 605 West Locust Street. Harold A. Casey, 655 Seminary Street. Harry N. Gantert, 1301 Rhomber3 Avenue. Orville P. Murphy, 435 Central Avenue. Myrtle A. Chapman, 53 West 12th Street. Leander W. May, 349 Eighth Avenue. Otto J. Dunbar, 2401 Jackson Street. Earl Avery, 1602 Lincoln Avenue. Joseph Walsh, 21 West 7th Street. Special Session, lune 30th, 1947 161 Charles Falkenhainer, 1097 Uni- versity Avenue. Russell G. Kissling, 1585 Delhi Street. Hartig Drug Co., Inc., 730 Main Street. Hartig Drug Co., Inc., 2376 Cen- tral Avenue. Hartig Drug Co., Inc., 97 Locust Street. Fred Herber and Annabelle Her- ber, 2108 Central Avenue. Paul C. Wright, 2987 Jackson Street. Mildred M. Schaller and Clara R. Schaller, 378 Main Street. Mrs. Rosemary Hird, 2220 Uni- versity Avenue. Melvin H. Maas, 700 East 16th Street. Geo. C. Kruse, 2418 Central Ave- nue. Louis Bournias and Rhea Bour- nias, 2284 University Avenue. Dale Duncan, 132 Eighth Avenue. Dale Duncan and LeRoy Bolen - der, 422 Main Street. Val J. Pins and Helen Pins, 892 Cleveland Avenue. Theodore T. Kies, 1362 Central Avenue, The Dubuque Club, 9th and Main • Streets. Dale Duncan and Louis Ring, 155 West 11th Street. Dale Duncan, Kenneth and Louis Ring, 1500 Central Avenue. Arthur W. Pins, 408 West Locust Street. Francis McCauley, 1040 Univer- sity Avenue. Richard J. Alderson, 399 East 20th Street. Joseph C. Schneider, 2900 Cen- tral Avenue. John M. Kane, 29 Eighth Avenue. Audrey L. Yarn -all, 332 Eighth Avenue. Irvin G. Hessel and William Pot- ter, 2678 Central Avenue. Hollywood Grill, 500 Main Street. Thos. R. Peed and Raymond G. Wunder, 236 West 7th Street. Eileen H. Kaiser, 1405 Dodge Street. Harry Kopple, 1098 University Avenue. Frank Kraus, 2412 Central Ave- nue. Fred H. Cooper and Leo V. Cun- ningham, 250 West 6th Street. Henry C. Braun, 1415 Rhomberg Avenue. Clarence Pregler, 2403 Central Avenue. Luxemburg Club of Dubuque, 1862 Central Avenue. John J. Rettenmaier and Marie Rettenmaier, 1100 Lincoln Avenue. Thomas E. Nacos, 1564 Central Avenue. Frank Sand and Elsie Sand, 2364 Washington Street. Ellas Mihalis, 574 East 16th Street. Harry Murphy and Dorothy Mur- phy, 1097 Jackson Street. Edmund N. Manders, 1001 Rhom- berg Avenue. John J. Ward, 1876 Central Ave- nue. Peter Petrakis, 140- Central Ave- nue. R'm. F. Barrington and Leon C. Barrington, 244 West 1st Street. Joe Harris, 2117 University Ave- nue. Bert Zelens, 401 Main Street. B. A. Ruegnitz, 629 Rhomberg Avenue. Frank M. Kelly and Francis E. Kelly, 1075 Dodge Street. Robert J. Bowen, 1105 University Avenue. Joseph L. Wingert, 678 Central Avenue. Eugene McGann, 802 Iowa Street. Arthur H. Eichman, 2119 Rhom- 1 erg Avenue. Mrs. Josephine Burke, 1091 Main Street. Daniel Webster Siebert, 701 Cen- tral Avenue. Cruso A. Alba, 2601 Jackson Street. Frank Reis, 509 Eighth Avenue. Steve Cole, 402 Main Street. Charles S. Dugan, 390 East 12th Street. Harry A. Rawson, 342 Main Street. Julius D. Jenkins and Frank J. Fitzpatrick, 576 Central Avenue. Anthony W. Moes and Donald C. .Moes, 698 Central Avenue. The Rex Club, 127 West 6th Street. Harry J. Smith, Sr., 2239 Univer. sity Avenue. Floyd G. Tschiggfrie, 553 Eighth Avenue. 162 Special Session, June 30th, 1947 Anna Hamilton, 1080 University Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 30th day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 77.47 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., Second and Main Streets. William Savary and Viola Savary, 827 Dodge Street. William E. Wodrich and Anna Wodrich, 1101 Rhomberg Avenue. Frank Klein and Anna Klein, 600 Central Avenue. Albert M. Meyer, 779 Iowa Street. Walter Mengis and Mathild�a Men. gis, 1618 Central Avenue. Leo M. Sadler and Dorothy Sad ler, 2600 Central Avenue. Steve Koleopulos and Christ Ko. leas, 493 Main Street. .Inhn J. Haley and Fay H. Haley, 1295 Main Street. Frink 11. Berntgen and Marion Berntgen, 2186 Central Avenue. Win. Van der Meulen and Sophie :M -Malin, 2327 Central Avenue. Harold A. Cossey and William W, :'21 1-uiver0ty Avenue. Mrs. Kate Capretz and Wm. Lembke, 2595 Rhomberg Avenue. Mike Sand and Marie Sand, 2493 Central Avenue. Daniel McDonald and Loretta McDonald, 216 West First Street. William Horne and Mary Horne, 400 Rhomberg Avenue. George Kanavas and John G. Kan•avas, 1689 Elm Street. George J. Scherer and Emma Scherer, 1187 Iowa Street. John Meisenburg and Carl E. Blosh, 450 West Locust Street. Andrew D. Karigan, 720 Main Street. Mrs. Tillie Weber, 189 Locust Street. R. D. Hughes and Anna M. Hughes, 1006 Central Avenue. George Westercamp, 1399 Jack- son Street. William Maas and Elizabeth Maas, 1401 Elm Street. Clifford Steffen and Helen Stef- fen, 1046 Central Avenue. John M. Thompson and Clarence E. Thompson, 210 West First Street. George Ralston, 2093 Washington Street. George Lanser and Helen Lanser, 3165 Central Avenue. Robert J. Quinlan and Evelyn Quinlan, 1091 White Street. Fred Herber and Annabelle Her- ber, 2108 Central Avenue. Charles Pochter and Ruth Poch - ter, 342 Eighth Avenue. Anton Fortmann Comprany, 253 Main Street. Frank McLaughlin -and Anna Mc- Laughlin, 115 East 22nd Street. George J. Zillig, 234 West 9th Street. Clarence C. Buelow and Adele Buelow, 1555 So. Grandview Ave- nue. Melvin H. Maas, 700 East 16th Street. Thomas R. Peed and Raymond G. Wunder, 236 West 7th Street. Audrey L. Yarnall, 332 Eighth Avenue, John M. Kane, 29 Eighth Avenue. Harvey L. Spielman, 185 Main Street. Charles S. Dugan and May E. Dugan, 390 East 12th Street. Frank Sand and Elsie Sand, 236.1 Washington Street. Special Session, June 30th, 1947 163 CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Name Address The Dubuque Club, 9th and Main Streets. The American Legion, Dubuque Post No. 6, 494 Main Street. .Leo A. Schwind Post No. 508, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Inc., 1201 Central Avenue. Dubuque Cycle Club, 111 West 6th Street. Fraternal Order of Orioles, 16th and Central Avenue. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Dubuque Lodge No. 297, N. W. Cor. 7th and Locust Streets Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 568, 6th and Locust Streets. CLASS "C" PERMIT Arthur W. Pins, 408 West Locust Street. Roshek Bros. Co., 700-798 Locust Street. Vincent J. Hogan, 231 West 2nd Street. Otto J. Dunbar, 2401 Jackson Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 30th day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 78-47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., Second and Main Streets. William Savary and Viola Sav- ary, 827 Dodge Street. William E. Wodrich and Anna Wodrich, 1101 Rhomberg Avenue. Frank Klein and Anna Klein, 600 Central Avenue. Albert M. Meyer, 799 Iowa Street. Walter Mengis and Mathilda Mengis, 1618 Central Avenue. Leo M. Sadler and Dorothy Sad- ler, 2600 Central Avenue. Steve Koleopulos and Christ Koleas, 493 Main Street. John J. Haley and Fay H. Haley, 1298 Main Street. Frank H. Berntgen and Marion Berntgen, 2186 Central Avenue. Wm. Van der Meulen and Sophie McMann, 2327 Central Avenue. Harold A. Cosley and William W. Cosley, 1121 University Avenue. Mrs. Kate Capretz and Wm. Lembke, 2595 Rhomberg Avenue. Mike Sand and Marie Sand, 2498 Central Avenue. Daniel McDonald and Loretta McDonald, 216 West First Street. William Horne and Mary Horne, 400 Rhomberg Avenue. George K•anavas and John G. Kanavas, 1689 Elm Street. George J. Scherer and Emma Scherer, 1187 Iowa Street. John Meisenburg and Carl E. Blosh, 450 West Locust Street. Andrew D. Karigan, 720 Main Street. Mrs. Tillie Weber, 189 Locust Street. R. D. Hughes and Anna M. Hughes, 1006 Central Avenue. George Westereamp, 1399 Jack- son Street. William Maas and Elizabeth Maas, 1401 Elm Street. Clifford Steffen and Helen Stef- fen, 1046 Central Avenue. John M. Thompson and Clarence E. Thompson, 210 West First Street. George Ralston, 2093 Washington street. George Lauser and Helen Lanser. 3165 Centrad Avenue. 164 Special Session, June 30th, 1947 Robert J. Quinlan and Evelyn Quinlan, 1091 White Street. Fred Herber and Annabelle Her- ber, 2108 Central Avenue. Charles Pochter and Ruth Poch - ter, 342 Eighth Avenue. Anton Fortmann Company, 253 Main Street. Frank McLaughlin and Anna Mc- Laughlin, 115 East 22nd Street. George J. Zillig, 234 West 9th Street. Clarence C. Buelow and Adele Buelow, 1555 So. Grandview Av enue. Alelvin H. Maas, 700 East 16th Street. Thomas R. Peed and Raymond G. Wunder, 236 West 7th Street. Audrey L. Yarnell, 332 Eighth Avenue. John M. Kane, 29 Eighth Avenue. Harvey L. Spielman, 185 Main Sheet. Charles S. Dugan and May E. Dugan, 390 East 12th Street. Frank Sand and Elsie Sand, 2364 Washington Street. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Name Address The Dubuque Club, 9th and Main Streets. The American Legion, Dubuque Post No. 6, 494 Main Street. Leo A. Schwind Post No. 508, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Inc., 1201 Central Avenue. Dubuque Cycle Club, 111 West 6th Street. Fraternal Order of Orioles, 16th and Central Avenue. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Dubuque Lodge No. 297, N.W. Cor. 7th and Locust Streets. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 568, 6th and Locust Streets. CLASS "C" PERMIT Arthur 1V. Pins, 408 West Locust Street. Rohek Bros. Co., 706-798 Locust Street. Vincent J. Hogan, 231 West 2nd Street. lhto J. Dunbar, 2,101 Jacksor Sheet. Be It Further Resolved that th, bonds filed by such applicants bt and the sante are hereby approved Passed, adopted and approved ,his 30th day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec• onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council, men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 25, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: We are attaching hereto applications for Class "B" Beer Permit from J. D. Jenkins and F. J. Fitzpatrick to operate at 576 Central Avenue. This is to advise that an inspec- tion has been made of this build- ing by the Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspectors, the Fire Chief and the assistant State Fire Marshall, Mr. Lubberden, and it was found that this building does not comply with the State Fire regulations in regard to fire es- capes. Therefore, an official order to construct and place a fire escape on this building has been served on George and William Schaff- hauser, owners of said building. A time limit of sixty (60) days had been given to complete this in- stallation. On June 2, 1947 an order was placed with P. L. Stonkas and Sons Construction Co. to enclose present inside stairway and on June 24, 1947 an order was placed with the E. J. Voggenthaler Co. to construct a fire escape on this building, and a copy of contracts for above worn is attached. Very truly yours, DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of Building Commission8r Bandy be received and made a matter of record. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Special Session, June 30th, 1947 163 Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man Wharton. Nays—None. June 26, 1947, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: We are attaching here hereto applications for Class "B" Beer Permit for private club from the Rex Club to operate at 127 West 6th Street. This is to advise that an inspec- tion has been made of this building by the Building Inspector and the Senior Captain of the Fire Depart- ment and it was found that this building is equipped with an old outside stairway that is dangerous and unsafe. After several confer- ences with Mr. J. J. Nagle, the owner of the building, he has agreed and attached hereto a con- tract with Joe Moloney dated June 25, 1947, for the construction and installation of a new inside stair- way to serve the second and third floors of this building and the re- moval of the present stairway and cellar entrance that now occupies part of the City Street. Very truly yours, DONALD J. BANDY, Building inspector. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of Building In- spector Bandy be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 79-47 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name Address J. D. Jenkins and F. J. Fitzpatrick, 576 Central Avenue. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB. The Rex Club, 127 West Sixth Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 30th day of June, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 80-47 Whereas. heretofore applications for. Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named ap- plicants a Beer Permit: CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address J. D. Jenkins and F. J. Fitz patrick, 576 Central Avenue. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB The Rex Club, 127 West Sixth Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adapted and approved this 30th day of June, 1947. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk 166 Special Session, June 30th, 1947. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. June 25, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: There is pending It fore you the application of Harry A. and Grace Rawson for Class "B" Beer Permit at 342 Main Street. Attached hereto is a copy of the order of John W. Strohm, State Fire Marshall, under date of August 21, 1946 to Mr. Harry Raw- son, the owner of the building. This order has not been complied with. This matter is brought to your attention because the Building De- partment will be unable to sign the necessary inspection certifi- cate until such time as the fire safe- ty provisions on the premises are complied with. Respectfully submitted, DONALD BANDY, Building Inspector Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication of Building In- spector Bandy be received and grade a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - matt, Wharton. Nays—None. June 25, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: There is pending be- fore you the application of Anthony W. and Donald C. Moes for Class "13" Beer Permit at 698 Central Avenue. Attached hereto is a copy of tite order of John W. Strohm, State Fire Marshall, under date of August 29, 1946 to Dr. A. M. Loes, Gle owner of the building. This order ha,s ,tot been complied with. This matter is brought to your atteniioq because the Building De- 1'artwent will be unable to sign than neces ary inspection certificate nutil such .itue as the fire safety provisions on the premises are complied with. Respectfully submitted, DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of Building in- spector Bandy be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Wharton moved that the City Solicitor be instructed, after a conference with the City Manager and Chief of Police, to prepare an ordinance to permit parking on only one side of the street on both Jefferson and Grove Terrace. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Wharton moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nay3—None. J. J. Shea, City Clerk G�p� Approved Gc1�l , b947 Adopted ........q, 1947 Attest: ....W 244" ity Clerk. .I.V., i..... 6. Regular Session, July- 7th, 1947 169 City Council (Off lciai) Regular Session, July 7th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman. Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Mayor Murphy stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meet- ing. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by. Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Messrs Leonard Koenig and Roy O'Hearn addressed the Council re- questing that curbs and gutters be constructed on Diamond Street. Councilman Wharton moved that a plat and schedule be prepared showing the cost of construction of curbs and gutters on Diamond Street as requested. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent --Councilman Moffatt. Petition of the officers represent- ing the members of the Dubuque Policemens Protective Association asking for -a forty per cent wage increase, time and a half for over time and a forty hour week, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the Council for further consideration. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Muryltf, L3ouneii- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Mr, Robert Dunphy, representing the members of the Fire Depart- ment, addressed the Council ask. ing for an increase in salaries for the members of the Fire Depart- ment comparable to the request submitted by the members of the Police Department. Councilman Thompson moved that the verbal request for an in- crease in salaries for the members of the Fire Department be referred to the Council for further considera- tion. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Communication of the Board of Dock Commissioners submitting at- tached dock budget estimate in the amount of $30,304.00 for the fiscal year 1948-1949, presented and read. Councilman Van Duleman moved that the communication and budget estimate be referred to the Council for consideration at the time that the tax levy is being considered. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Certificate of Fire Pension Levy determining and fixing the amount of $28,500.00 as the budget require- ments and tax levy for the ensuing year for fire pension purposes, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Certificate be referred to the Council fdk• consideration at the time that the tax levy is being con- sidered. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Coucil- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays ---None. \bsent— Councilman Moffatt. Certificate of Fire Retirement Levy determining and fixing the amount of $15.000.00 as the budget 170 Regular Session, July 7th; 1947 requirements and tax levy for the ensuing year for fire retirement purposes, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Certificate be referred to the Council for consideration at the time that the tax levy is being con- sidered. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman. Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Certificate of Police Pension Levy determining and fixing the amount of $19,950.00 as the budget requirements and tax levy for the ensuing year for police pension pur- poses, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Certifiate be referred to the Council for consideration at the time the tax levy is being con- sidered. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman. Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Certificate of Police Retirement Levy determining and fixing the amount of $11,000.00 as the budget requirements and tax levy for the ensuing year for police retirement purposes, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the Certificate be referred to the Council for consideration at the time the tax levy is being con- sidered. Seconded by Councilman 11-harton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman _-\Ioffatt. Certificate of Playground and Swimming Pool Levy determining and fixing the amount of $24,339.00 as the budget requirements and tax levy Lor the ensuing year for play- gi,ound and swinuning pool pur. Po -'s. presented and read. ('ouuCilman Thompson moved that the Certificate be referred to the Council for consideration at the time the tax levy is being con- sidered. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Communication of Chet B. Akers, Auditor of State, advising that the Iowa Municipal Accounting Officers Association, assisted by the State Auditor and Comptroller's offices and others, is holding a school of instruction for City and Town Ac- counting Officials and extending in- vitation to the City of Dubuque to be represented at the meetings to be held in Des Moines, Iowa, on July 16 -and 17, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Communication of Joseph H. Strub, Chief of Police, requesting that he be authorized to attend the International Association of Chiefh of Police Conference to be held during the week of September 21st at Duluth, Minnesota, present- ed and read. Councilman Thompson moved that Chief of Police Strub be au- thorized to attend the Conference of Chiefs of Police to be held dur- ing the week of September 21st at Duluth, Minnesota the expenses to be borne by the City of Dubuque. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men' Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Petition of William P. Collins re- questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on his Class "B" Beer Per- mit No. 130 as he has discontinued business on July 1, 1947, presented and read. Regular Session, July 7th, 1947 171 councilman Van -Duelman moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of William P. Collins to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 130. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Petition of Harold Chatfield re- questing a refund in the amount of $100.00 on his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 124 as he has discon- tinued business on July 1, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Harold Chatfield to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 124. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman, Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Ordinance No. 19-47 An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 3-41 being "An Ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of elec- tricity for residential, commercial, street lighting, power, and other uses," by amending the schedule rate for Large Industrial Power Service Users, said Ordinance hav- ing been passed upon first reading on June 30th, 1947, and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. was presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 19-47 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8-41 being "An Ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of electricity for residential, commercial, street light- ing, power, and other uses," by amend- ing the schedule rates for Large In- dustrial Power Service Users. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- 1>UQUE: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8-il being an Ordinance fixing and estab- lishing rates as aforesaid, Paragraph 909, SCHEDULE 6, Large Industrial Power Service, Paragraph entitled "Terms of Contract" be, and the same is hereby amended by adding after "Excess K. W. Hrs. used per month Oa $.0075 per K.W.H." the following: "Premium Rate for High Load Factor:—When Customer's bill - Ing demand exceeds 1,000 KW. all energy used in excess of 365 hours use of the billing demand will be billed at $.006 per Kwhr." Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect ten (10) days from and after Its final passage, adoption and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading this 30th day of ,June, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 7th day of July. 1947. Geo. R. Murphy. Mayor Frank Van Duehnan, F. W. Thompson, Albert Wharton. Councilmen. Attest: J. J. Shea City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 9th day of July, 1947. J. J. Shea. City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Magor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. July 5, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to plat "Carole Court," a subdivision in the City of Dubuque, referred to me, the petitioner has notified me that it desires to withdraw said plat and application, having sold the entire piece of property. I recommend that its request to withdraw the said plat and appli- cation be approved. Yours truly, JOHN J. K1NTZINGER Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays --None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. 172 hcgular Sessiml, July- 7th, 1947 July 7, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have approved the following bonds and desire to have your ap- proval on same for filing: EXCAVATION Linehan and Molo, Bond No. 28214-12-583-38, U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. W. J. Jordan, New York Casualty Co. Maurice Hill, Hawkeye Casualty Co. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Van Duelman moved that the bonds be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. July 7, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Herewith is the ap- plication of Farley and Loetscher Manufacturing Company for cer- tain rights and privileges involv- ing the public streets which are necessary in the development of their proposed power plant on the northeast corner of Eighth and Jackson Streets. I recommend that the necessary proceedings be instituted and the Council view the grounds so that the effect upon the street and un. der -surface structures can be de. termined at an early date. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Man - :Wer Rbomberg be approved. See. "'(10(l by t`o;uiciiman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wl"arion. Nays—None.. .1b:,c1't--Cou1'cil1nan Moffatt. July 7, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of June 30th the petition of George Schumacher and others requesting a street light at the corner of Ro- land and West Third Streets along with the petition of Thomas W. Moffatt and others requesting a, street light at the intersection of Lombard and Gandolfa Streets were referred to the Council to view the grounds. After the Council had seen the streets the following decisions were reached. That a street light be in- stalled at Roland and West Third Streets and that street lights be installed at St. Joseph and Gan- dolfa Streets and at Lombard and Gandolfa Streets and that the pres- ent street light on Gandolfa be re- moved. I recommend that the decisions of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A, RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. July 7, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of the City Council held June 30th it was moved that one side parking be put into effect on a number of city streets. It is my understanding that a list of the recommendations of such streets should be presented to your honorable body. In the in- terest of public safety and for the convenience of the traveling public, I recommend that parking be pro. hibited at all times on the following designated streets. West 11th Street, south side from Prairie to Race. Race Street, west side from West 11th to Rose. West 12th, south and west side from Bluff to Grove Terrace. Regular Session, July 7th, 1947 173 Grove Terrace, east side from West 12th to West 11th. Arlington, south side from Grove Terrace to Prairie. Jefferson Street, south side from Walnut to Olive. Summit Street, east side from West 6th to West 3rd. Algona Street, west side from University to Bennett. Walnut Street, east side from University to Loras Blvd. Sumner Street, east side from Lincoln to Rhomberg. Respectfully submitted, JOSEPH H. STRUB, Chief of Police Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of Chief of Police Strub be approved, with the additions of West Third Street, south side from Bluff to Burch Street -and Booth Street, east side from West Fifth Street to Univer- sity Avenue, and the City Solicitor instructed to prepare a proper or- dinance. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. July 7, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: It appears that the lighting on the new Municipal Air- port will be tested in the near fu- ture and thereafter the field turned over to the city to operate and further that the survey for the ac- cess road has been well advanced. Therefore steps should be taken to have a public hearing held on the subject of operating and leas- ing procedures upon the new field. I recommend that the City COW - cil fix a date for a public hearing to consider the leasing procedures on the new airport to which meet- ing any and all prospective fixed base operators, private fliers and all parties interested be invited. together with a representative of our consultors the Aviation Ser. vices Incorporated. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Managei Councilman Thompson moved .hat the recommendation of City Manager be approved and the date A hearing to be set as of August Ith, 1947, and the City Clerk direct- �d to publish notice of said hearing. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Resolution No. 81-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following. having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address J. F. Stampfer Company, 800 Alain Street. Frank W. Thompson and John F. Thompson. 250 West First Street. Bt It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN ALBERT WHARTON Councilmen, Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor :Murphy, Council- men Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Councilman Thompson not voting Resolution No. 82-47 Whereas. applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Couucil for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of th City of Dubuque that the follow- ing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the 174 1:cgular Session, July •7th, 1947 compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Anna Hamilton, 1080 University Avenue. Floyd Tschiggfrie, 553 Eighth Avenue. CLASS "C' PERMIT Frank W. Thompson and John F. Thompson, 250 West First Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN ALBERT WHARTON Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor• Murphy, Council- men Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None, Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Councilman Thompson not vot- ing. Resolution No. 83-47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com. Ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS ',B" PERMIT Nance Address Anna liamiliton, 1080 University Avenue. . i"h*(i Tschiggfrie, 553 Eighth avenue. CLASS "C" PERMIT Frank W. Thompson and John F. Thompson, 250 West First Street. Be it Furthe- Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be hurl the eiante are hereby approved Passed, adopted and approved :his 7th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN ALBERT WHARTON Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Councilman Thompson not vot- ing. July 7, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: We are attaching hereto application for Class "B" Beer Permit from Harry A. and Grace Rawson to operate at 342 Main Street. This is to advise that an inspec- tion has been made of this build- ing by the Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspectors, the Fire Chief and the Assistant State Fire Mar- shall, Mr. Lubberden, and it was found that this building does not comply with the State Fire Regu- lations in regard to fire escapes. Therefore, an official order to con- struct and place a fire escape on this building has been served on Harry A. Rawson, owner of said building. A time limit of sixty (60) days had been given to complete this installation. On July 7, 1947 an order was placed with E. J. Vog- genthaler Company to construct a fire escape on this building, and a copy of contract for above work is attached. Respectfully submitted, DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication of Building Inspector Bandy be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Regular Session, July 7th, 1947 175 Resolution No. 84-47 Whereas, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Harry A. Rawson and Grace Raw. son, 342 Main Street. Passed,' adopted and approved this 7th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelmau, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Resolution No. 85-47 Whereas, heretofore application for Class "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named applicants and it has received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected ,and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore. Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. ,CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Harry A. Rawson and Grace Raw- son, 342 Main Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed by such applicants be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted -and approved this 7th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON. Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. See. onded by Councilman Wharton. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman. Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffat. Mayor Murphy stated that on be- half of the City Council of the City of Dubuque that he wishes to thank Admiral Murray of the Great Lakes Naval Station for the pictures show- ing the New Naval Reserve Arm. ory, when completed in Dubuque. and that said pictures be turned over to Naval Reserve Unit to be hung in the New Naval Reserve Armory to aid in the recruiting of new members. Councilman Thompson moved that City Manager Rhomberg be directed to prepare a list of streets and alleys that are in need of pav- ing and that said streets and al- leys be paved this season if pos- sible. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Councilman Wharton moved that Council recess. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Moffatt. Council recessed at 5:10 P.M. and reconvened at 9:15 P.M. Councilman Moffatt entered the Council Chamber and took his seat at.9:15 P.M. Upon reconvening of the City Council Mayor Murphy stated that the members of the City Council 176 Regular Sessiun, July 7th, 1947 had decided to offer City Manager Rhomberg more money immediate- ly in order to induce him to remain as City Manager of Dubuque as he is familiar with the proposed plans for a new water softening plant, a new sewage disposal plant, a storm sewer system, airport development, a new city -county building, exten- sion of water and sanitary sewer mains and many other major pro- jects either under way or planned for the near future and that the City Council felt that Mr: Rhom- berg should remain until they are completed. Councilman Moffatt moved that the annual salary of City Manager A. A. Rhomberg be set at $12,000.00 starting July 16th, 1947. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car - by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Wharton moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City C'Ier4. Approved p` 1947 Adopte plq1947 Councilmen: Attest: ..QA .a8,�............. City Clerk. Special Session, July- 17th, 1947 !77 City Council (Official) Special Session, July 17th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van. Duelman, Wharton. Absent City Manager Rhomberg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Van Duelman and Thomp. son. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof h•ad been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of con- sidering applications for beer and cigarette permits and acting on any other business as may prop- erly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Communication of the Interna- tional City Managers' Association extending a cordial invitation to have the City of Dubuque represent- ed at the 33rd annual conference of the International City Managers' Association to be held in Coronada, California, October 5-9, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be referred to the City Council. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the Operating En- gineers of the Water Department requesting an increase in salary comparable to the amount agreed on in Washington by Management and Labor, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the City Council. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Leo Wanger request- ing a refund on the unexpired por- tion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 126 as he has discontinued business, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war- rant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Floyd Tschiggfrie, as re- quested in the petition of Leo Wanger, to cover the •amount of refund granted on the unexpired Portion of Class "B" Beer Permit No. 126. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Joseph D. Noel re- questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexperied portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 107 as lie has discontinued business on July 7. 1947, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of Joseph D. Noel to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class •'B" Beer Permit No. 107. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—:Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Mr, and Mrs. Leon Sanders et al requesting that the cottonwood tree at 2309 Roosevelt Street, property owned by Howard Loring, be removed, as it is a nuis- ance and very dangerous, presented and read. Councilman Th6mpson moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and City Sollel- tor for investigation and report.. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men .Moffatt. Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None Ordinance No. 20-47 An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 1-39, amending Ordinance No. 10-37 entitled "An Ordinance regnlating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque, designating the provisions thereof as the "Traffic Code" of said City," by establishing parking regulations 178 Special Session, July 17th, 1947 upon certain streets hereinafter with the City Clerk for public in - designated, presented and read. spection for at least one week be - Councilman Van Duelman moved fore its final adoption. Seconded that the reading just had be con- by Councilman Wharton. Carried ading of the by the following vote: sidered the first re by Council- Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. ordinance. Seconded man Moffatt. Carried by the fol- men Moffatt, an, Wharton. Thompson, Van Duel. ]owing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- Nays—None. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- months Council lof Proceedings Feb uarfor the and man. Wharton. Nays—None. March, 1947, presented for approval. Councilman Van Duelman moved Councilman Wharton moved that. that the rules be suspended requir- the Council Proceedings for the ing an ordinance to be read on months of February, 1947 and three separate days. Seconded by March, 1947 be approved as printed. Councilman Thompson. Carried by Seconded by Councilman Moffatt the following vote: Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duel- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved Resolution No. 86-47 that the ordinance be placed on Be It Resolved by the City Coun- file with the City Clerk for public cil of the City of Dubuque that inspection for at least one week the following, having complied with before its final adoption. Seconded the provisions of law relating to by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the sale of cigarettes within the the following vote: City of Dubuque, be granted a per- Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- snit to sell cigarettes and cigarette men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- papers within said City and the man, Wharton. Manager is directed to issue such Nays—None. permit on behalf of said City. Name Address Hazel Bradberry, 2026 Central Ordinance No. 21-47 An Ordinance to provide for the selection of a City Assessor and for the assessment of property under Chapter 405, Code of 1946, as provided by Chapter 240 of the Laws of the 52nd General Assem- bly, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yea: --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. N", s --None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the er.liaance he ,)laced on file Avenue. John G. Corbett, 908 Rhomberg Avenue. William H. Apel, 2616 Windsot Avenue. John F. Tench and Vincent Mescher, 1233 Rhomberg Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 17th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Special Session, July 17th, 1947 1711 July 17, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: We are attaching hereto application for Class "B" Beer Permit from Anthony W. and Donald C. Moes to operate at 698 Central Avenue. This is to advise that an inspec- tion has been made of this build- ing by the Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspectors, the Fire Chief and the Assistant State Fire Mar- shall, Mr. Lubberden, and it was found that this building does n•ot comply with the State Fire Regula- tions in regard to fire escapes. Therefore, an official order to con- struct and place a fire escape on this building has been served on Dr. A. M. Loes, owner of said build- ing. A time limit of sixty (60) days had been given to complete this in- stallation. On July 16, 1947 an or- der was placed with E. J. Voggen- thaler Company to construct a fire escape on this building, and a copy Of contract for above work is at- tached. Respectfully submitted, DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication of Building In- spector Bandy be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No, 87-47 Whereas, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the following application be granted -and the license is to be issued upon compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City, CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Anthony W. Moes and Donald C. Moes, 698 Central Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 17th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON. W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. Shea, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second ed by Councilman Thompson, Car ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Dnel man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 88.47 Whereas, heretofore application for Class "B" Beer Permit wa, filed by the within named appli cants and it has received the al) proval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such ,applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City -of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT , Name Address Anthony W. Moes and Donald C. Moes, 698 Central Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed by such applicants be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 17th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON. W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- lgp Special Session, July 17th, 1947 men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, C'ty Clerk D Approved. Pfgqq�.,947 Adopted_ a9, 1947 d't 1? Councilmen .......................... Attest: ...... .. . Jg ....+"�-......... a City Clerk. Special Session, July 21st, 1917 131 City Council (Official) Special Session, July 21st, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Van Duelman, Wharton. City Manager Rhomberg. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Wharton and Moffatt. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of conducting a public hearing upon. the question of changing from "Single Family Residence District" classification to "Multiple Residence District" clas- sification an area two hundred feet wide parallel to and on the easterly side of the Dubuque Cascade Road from the present "Local Business District" four hundred feet souther- ly, being part of J. C. Scully's Sub- division, and acting on any other business as may properly come be- fore a regular meeting of the City Council. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of a public hearing upon the question of changing from "Single Family Resi- dence District" classification to "Multiple Residence District" clas- sification an area two hundred feet wide parallel to and on the easter- ly side of the Dubuque Cascade Road from the present "Local Busi- ness District" four hundred feet southerly, being part of J. C. Scul- ly's Subdivision, presented and read. No written objections filed and no objectors present in the Council Chamber at the time set for said public hearing. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Ordinance No. 22-47. An Ordi- nance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change to "Multiple Residence Dis- trict" classification certain defined territory now being delimited as "Single Family Residence District" classification, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be consid- ered the first reading of the ordi- nance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Councilman Van Ibuelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by tire following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council-. men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. All- 'Richard V. Hansel addressed the Council requesting permission to erect a Butler Mfg. Co. Boule- vard Home of aluminum construc- tion in the City of Dubuque. Councilman Moffatt moved that the verbal request be referred to 182 Special ticss'jon, July 21st, 1947 the Council for consideration. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Communication of County Audi- tor Daykin advising that the Board of Supervisors have accepted an of- fer of $100.00 on Lot 7 of South .Avenue Addition made by Andrew J. Daughette, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Curried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy. Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman. Whar- ton. Nays --None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Communication of the Demo- cratic Central Committee of the City of Dubuque submitting at- tached resolution urging that the application of the police officers for adjustments of their salaries to meet increased living casts be given due consideration on its merits, and that the matter be discussed and decided at an open meeting of the City Council, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication and resolution Ile referred to the Council for con- sideration. No second received to the motion. Mayor Murphy directed that Council proceed with the reg- ular order of business. Petition of Mrs. Stella Klein et al, property owners of Mullin Road, Hillcrest Addition, requesting that Mullin Road be improved by the in- stallation of street curbing, gutter. ing and sidewalks and that said improvements be completed before the Fall of 1947, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that a plat and schedule be prepared showing the cost of construction against llie property owners for the curbing, guttering and sidewalks ou Nlu,lin Road as requested. See. onded by Councilman Vail Duel - "Lan. Carried by the following vote: Peas --Mayo• Murphy. Council. uiem Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton, Nays- None. .Ab?ea1t Councilrrurlr Thompson Petition of Thomas J. Mulgrew Co., by Thomas J. Mulgrew, requesting the vacation and conveyance of Camp Street from the east side of Water Street to the west side of Terminal Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Whar- ton moved that the petition be re- ferred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommenda- tion and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Wiwi- ton. hurton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Communication of the Iowa State Highway Commission submitting attached Primary Road Extension Contract in duplicate for the City of Dubuque, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication be received and the Contract approved and the Mayor authorized to execute the Coutract. on behalf of the City of Dubuque. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. CONTRACT County Dubuque City Dubuque PRIMARY ROAD EXTENSION MAINTENANCE This written duplicate memoran- da of agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Party of the First Part, and the Iowa State Highway Commission, Ames, Lowa, Party of the Second Part. WITNESSETH: In consideration of the perform- ance by the Party of the First Part, of maintenance work specified be- low during the period July 1, 1947 to June 30, 1948 Second Party agrees to pay First Party, the amounts stipulated herein. Party of the First Part agrees to perform for the Party of the Second Part, all routine mainten• ante operations .in the City of Du- buque on extensions of primary Special Scssion, July 21st, 1947 183 roads specifically described as fol- lows: All extensions of Primary Roads in the City of Dubuque ex- cept the south 0.49 miles of U. S. No. 61 and the west 0.65 miles of U. S. No. 20. Total miles 7.65 at $300.00 per mile. Total Routine Maintenance $2295.00. It is understood that "routine maintenance operations" shall in- clude surface maintenance, road bed repairs, repairs to bridges, cul- verts and guard rail, weed cutting. snow plowing, and other nnainten- ance usually performed on primary roads outside of cities and towns. Routine maintenance of paved streets shall extend from curb to curb. Snow plowing included in routine maintenance will apply to a width of approximately 30 feet. The hauling and disposal of the snow plowed from the 30 foot section is not included in this contract. Party of the First Part further agrees to perform special unain- ienauce work for the Party of the Second Part on the above desig- nated extensions. This special main- tenance, work is specifically de- scribed as follows: Snow removal and sanding of hills will be per- formed as routine maintenance. Any other special maintenance will be covered by supplementary contract. Total Special Maintenance—None. Total Contract Amount $2295.00. In Witness Whereof, the Parties hereto have set their hands, for the purposes herein expressed, on this 21st day of July, 1947. Recommended for Approval July 26, 1947. J. A. PAULSEN, Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa City By GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. First Party. Iowa State Highway Commission By SANFORD ZEIGLER, Second Party. Petition of City Employee's Local 228 requesting that civil service examinations be held to fill the two vacancies for foremen now existing in the street department, Presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the request be complied with. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel. man. Carried by the following vote. Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar. toil, Nays—None. Absent Councilman Thompson. Petition of Fred Landolt, OpeLa Lor and Manager, and Harold S Wagner, Property Owner, together with the petition of Harold S. Wag ner et al, requesting the re-zoninc cal' the property located at lhf Southeast corner of West Locus,, and Kirkwood Streets from its prey ent multiple family district classi ficat.ion to local business distric classification, presented and read Councihnan Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and re port. Seconded by Councilunan Mot fatt. Carried by the following vote Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council nnen Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar ton. Nays—None, Absent—Councilman Thompson. Petition of St. Joseph Mercy Hos- pital of Dubuque, by Kenline, Roc - dell, Hoffmann and Reynolds. Its Attorneys, asking the vacation and conveyance -of Peabody Street from the west line of former Augusta Street to the east line of James Street, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the petition be referred to the Plan- ning and Zoning Commissison for their recommendation and report. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote* Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Petition of Leo J. Clemens et al. property owners abutting Mount Loretta Avenue, requesting that Mount Loretta Avenue be paved this season, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that,a plat and schedule be prep- ared`showing the cost of construe. tion for the paving of Mount Lor- etta Avenue as requested. Second- 184 ,�pccial ticss1o1n1, July 21st, 1947 ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Councilman Thompson entered the Council Chamber and took his seat at 8:50 P.M. Communication of the Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress sub- mitting for Council consideration a resolution endorsing and sup- porting the request of the Dubuque Firemen and Policemen for a 40%n increase in salaries, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication and resolu- tion be referred to the Council for consideration. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. July 18, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor, City Council, and City Manager of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: The City of Dubuque and the City Water Department during the 1920',s and early 1930's succeeded in purchasing all the property east of the Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul & Pacific railroad tracks to the Mississippi River from Hawthorne to Sumner Streets for the expansion of the water works plant in future years. About 1935 the Dock Board pur- chased an electric driven dredging boat and were very anxious to op- erate same. As they were only al- lowed to fill city owned property and as this was the only spot avail. able to be filled at the time, they agreed to sand fill the city property east of the pumping station to the Present riprap. The City of Dubuque Recreation I)e partment was allowed about this same time to constrilet a swimming Pool at a river elevation of 19 feet on the Water Works property be. cause it was the only available Piece of city ground, according to W.P.A. engineers that was suitable for constructing a swimming' pool. Last year the Navy was leased an additional piece of our property for a N.R.O.T.C. building. This was the only site on the Mississippi River which they would accept. The swimming pool and the Navy building occupy over one-half of the property we had acquired for our expansion. We are now blocked on the north and will have to carry all connecting mains through the swimming pool property if we de- cide to build settling basins east of the plant. Two years ago when we asked the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion to approve the plans and speci- fications for a new building to house the equipment at No. 8 Well, which is located 325 feet in an easterly direction from the pool, they objected to us building a 10 foot x 16 foot fire proof brick build- ing which they considered unsight- ly. We cooperated and installed a submersible pumping unit which only required us to build a concrete pit. Within the past month, the Dock Commission has allowed Mr. M. P. Gauer, 1802 Lincoln Ave., to build a refreshment stand without a per- mit from the Building Inspector on 146 lineal feet of riprap. The build- ing is 16 foot x 26 foot and carries a rental fee of only $3.12 per year. This lease also allows Mr. Gauer to construct a gasoline tank and platform which is north of the re- freshment stand for a $1.42 yearly rental. This definitely creates a fire menace and should not be allowed to be built under any consideration. It is on City property which is nor- mally maintained by the Water De- partment and is within ten feet of the 12" waste sewer which has al- ready been constructed to discharge the lime sledge from the new pro- posed softening plant into, the Mississippi River. The Board of Dock Commission- ers also have agreed to lease the balance of the Eagle Point river front footage to Mr. Gauer, from the Atkinson property to the upper high bridge, excepting opposite the private property. The minimum rental to be 509x' of each minimum rental charge. The minimum rental charge is to be 50c per lin. foot for width of property occupied by VAN Special Session, July 21st, 1947 185 each float or boat, and the mini- mum rental for business or commer- cial use to be higher. Permission is not granted to Mr. Gauer to lease any shore area to others. This also includes boat and float space along the City property in Lake Peosta. Also exempted ,is the space to be used by the Naval Reserve unit. The provisions of this lease which became effective July 15th, 1947, is for one year with option to renew each year provided the terms of the lease are fully met by Mr. Gauer. This lease gives Mr. Gauer the right to lease property where four of the City of Dubuque sewers enter the Mississippi River, namely, the above mentioned waste water line from our plant, a sanitary sewer from the swimming pool, the wash water line from the swim- ming pool and the Hawthorne Street storm water sewer. The Dubuque Water Company built on the shores of the Missis- sippi River in about 1887 and 1888 and have occupied this location since that time for the past Go years and have also had access to the river at all times. In my per- sonal opinion it seems to me there should have been some provision giving the City of Dubuque and the City Water Department certain rights along the river front which they border. I am in favor of hav- ing boating and boat docks to take riders on the beautiful Mississippi but I see no reason why the Dock Board can lease ground to build a small wooden building and plat- forms on the shores of the Missis- sippi when we were requested not to construct a brick fireproof build- ing within 50 feet of the same lo- cation. I would like to be advised by the Mayor, City Council and City Man- ager, just what rights and privi- leges we have at the Eagle Point water front. We propose to curb and park this area east of the swimming pool as soon as we can obtain the necessary labor which will be when we catch up on our water main extensions and improve. ments. We parked the swimming Pool with Water Works Funds and if it had not been for the war, we would have completed this improve- ment. In closing I want to go on record as objecting to the infringement made on Water Works property at Eagle Point. I hope that your Hon- orable Body will take under advise- ment the necessity for retaining this property and allow our depart- ment to lease the Eagle Point water front adjacent to our property at 50c per lineal foot per year. It is not our intention to disallow boat landings or docks at this location but we do disapprove of the build- ing or construction of frame build- ings and gasoline tanks on our Property. We must abide by all the rules and regulations laid down by the National Board of Fire Un- derwriters and we are demerited for anything that is constructed within 250 feet adjoining our prop- erty. Yours very truly, CITY OF DUBUQUE WATER DEPARTMENT J. J. HAIL, Superintendent Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of Water Sup- erintendent Hail be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Thompson moved that the matter of jurisdiction at the Eagle Point water front be re- ferred to the City Manager, City Solicitor and Water Superinten- dent for conference with the Board of Dock Commissioners and to sub- mit their report back to the City Council. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. July 19, 1917 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The attached peti- tion of George McMahon et. al. is very vague and indefinite and fails to indicate the classification de- sired or the use to which the land is to be put. Consequently, the Planning and Zoning Commission 186 heci:il ticssion, Ju1N 21st, 1947 recommends to your honorable iwdy denial of the petition. Respectfully submitted, THE DUBUQUE PLANNINGAND ZONING COMMISSION By R. V. MCI{AY, Secy. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission be approved. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due]" mail, Wharton. Nays—None. July 21, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have approved the following bond and desire to have your approval on same for filing: EXCAVATION Lockhart Plumbing & Heating Co., Bond No. 251603, Western Surety Co. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Thompson moved that the bond be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - mail, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 89.47 Whereas, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been sub. mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council Of the C,y of Dubuque that the followine application be granted and the license is to be. issued upon the compliuu.:e with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT N-une .Address Tom J. dickey and John J. ilickey, 55 i,ocust Street. Dorothy Blum, 2412 Central Av- e111141. Passed, adopted and approved this 21st day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen k.ttest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec. onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that Mrs. Mable R. Hoffmann, Mr. M. H. Czizek and Mr. William Mar- key be re -appointed as members of the Board of Library Trustees for terms of six years each, said terms expiring July 1, 1953. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that City Solicitor Kintzinger be instructed to prepare an ordinance regulating the speed of freight trains within the limits of the City of Dubuque of not to exceed fifteen miles per hour and the speed of passenger trains within the limit•i of the City of Dubuque of not to ex- ceed twenty miles per hour. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- Special Session, July 21st, 1947 1.87 inen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA City Cler Approved Adopted. 1947 Councilmen: Attest: -441*44& ........... City Clerk. A� 188 Sj, , Mi Session, July 25th, 1047 City Council (Official) Special Session, July 25th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Van Duelman and Thompson. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of ap- proving the budget estimate of ex- penditures for the fiscal year be- ginning April 1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1949, as a basis for the tax levy for the year 1947, the same to be collected in the year 1948, and directing the City Cleric to publish a notice of the date of public hearing upon the same and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regu- lar meeting of the City Council. Resolution No. 90.47 RESOLUTION AND APPLICA- TION FOR APPROVAL TO LEVY AN EMERGENCY TAX Whereas, The revenue in certain funds of the municipality set out in the within application is inade- quate to meet the actual and neces- sary expenses which must be paid from said funds and any extraordin- ary or unforseen expense which may arise during the ensuing year; and Whereas, The inadequacy of the revenue referred to is deemed to constitute an emergency which re- quires the levy of an emergency tax; therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, that the State Comp- troller be and is hereby petitioned for approval to levy an emergency tax for the year 1947, in the sum of Twenty-seven Thousand, Eight Hundred Forty Seven Dollars ($27,- 847.00), (not exceeding one milli said tax to be used as set out be- low. The Consolidated Fund is to be benefited by the transfer of $27,- 847.00 from the Emergency Fund. This is necessary because of the greatly increased costs of salaries, wages and supplies already in ef- fect which may further be in- creased by any extraordinary or unforseen circumstances which may arise during the year 1948-49. Passed, adopted .and approved this 25th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Special Session, July 25th, 1947 189 BUDGET ESTIMATE AND RECORD OF FILING City Estimate NOTICE -The City Council of Duinulue of 1)ulPt1que County, Iowa, will meet. August 11, 1947, at 7:30 P. M., at the City Hall, Dubuque. Taxpayers will be heard for or against the following estimate of ex- penditures for the year beginning April 1, 1935. A detailed statement of re- ceipts and disbursements, both past and anticipated will be available at the hearing. 7-30-1t J. J. SHF.A, City Clerk. 1 1 5 6 Expenditures for FUNDS General ................$ 370,134 $ 336,120 $ 378,79e ............ .. r Grading .... ... __$ 10,000 9,843 10,000 ..................... ... I......... Improvement ...... 38,605 40,581 --. -••••--.__._... ............. Snow Removal 6,292 15,675 9 ! 1 i ,0 ..........-_....... oCity Bridge ... ... ................. ....... ........................ S.',6` S ......_............ . ..... ...... .... _.. °' Sewer r........................_. 17,053 34,106 30,000 .................... ..... ............... .... ........... .._. Main Sewer ___ 14,910 33,070 19,500 ..................' - Garbage N Disposal ...__. 33,852 33,918 36,,800 .... ...... _........ c Light ...__.................... o__.._......._.. 36,389 36,467 41;,500 ....._. _........ __.................. *Total Consoli- dated ..................$ 527,235 $ 590,080 $ 597,174 $ 25,000 $191,602 $380,572 Rater \\'orks ...._..$ 259,242 $ 269,257 329,365 140,000 189,365 ..............._... Fire 1laintenanee 133,01:1 159,706 153,325 5,000 11,245 167,080 Fire Equipment 22,319 4,229 63,923 50,000 ....._............... 13,923 Library ........... 38,602 43,201. 15,911 ..................... 2,500 46,411 Library, (.\_ri. Land) 90 94 110 ...._.... _..... ................. ... . 110 Park __ __ Jl.a 22,525 40,429 2.500 Soo 37,129 PlaYgrnnnd and Swimmiii Pool 1:-, 2;,949 21,359 2,000 3,525 15,564 Dock ........... 67 'x.782 ;0,304 3,000 8,740 18,564 Dock 1.1�,:u•d _............. _:.III 27,c!IG ........- .1......_..... ...... ....... .... .... ....... _.I -- Firemen'< Pension 7I.Iln °" 01 2s.a2 __ 600 27,920 Firenwn'� Retin•inout .._...... LO.^,$ I:,,UuO _.. ........ 15,000 Pulicenion'n Penxinn 11;. 17:1 19,980 .._._.... 150 19,530 Polieenuvi's I"clir,•nurut ..._.... :,1- 2.11, 11."_7 _..__ ._... ..... ......_. 11,027 Employe s Retirement _ o1.) 6,015 Emergence ..._.._ _ "7. 17 27,547 Assessment _ __ e. 21 10,248 Liquor Sales .__ n,nnn 60,000 ....._............ General Bonds ........ tn',,:, :: :: ,7I1 _.......... 52,352 Airport Levies ....... l:�,J-I�� _I,�;�',2 132,19u a11,110o 5,000 37,129 Road, (Agri. Land) ....................... 115 101 ]lo _.............. 110 Street Const. Fd. (Gas Tax) _............................ ._...._........ 180,000 1051000 75,000 ................... Parking Meters And Lots 57,800 :;,500 30,000 ............. TOTALS ... ........... $1,253,670 $1,291,655 $1,918,955 $450,300 $579,127 $889,531 Estimated Tales per $1,000.00 of assessed value $23,952 Taxable valuation (1946) ................... ........ ...._. ..__ __........................$:3.),162,229 Moneys and credits (1946) It 5 .hills .____ -.._..__...._.__........_ .$11,(149,830 Moneys and credits (19.16) 0 1 Mill __.. .. _.._........_........$ 1,069,782 11 190 Special Session, Jtily 25th, 1947 Resolution No. 91-47 Whereas, The Council of the City of Dubuque has, duly considered and caused to be prepared the budget estimate of expenditures for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1949 as a basis for the tax levy for the year 1947, the same to be collected the year 1948 and said budget hav- ing been duly approved by ,it: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that said budget estimate be and the same is hereby ordered filed in the office of the Clerk of Dubuque and the date of public hearing thereon is hereby fixed as the 11th day of August, 1947 at 7:30 o'clock P. M. in the Council Chamber in the City Hall. Be It Further Resolved, That said Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause said budget esti- mate of expenditures and proposed tax levy to be published in the of- ficial newspaper of the City of Du- buque and an official notice to be given of the time and place, when and where said budget estimate will be considered by said Council for final adoption, at which time and place taxpayers will be heard for :and against said estimate, said publication to be not less than ten (10) days before said date of hear- ing. Be It Further Resolved, That in lieu of all the separate annual levies for the General Fund, the Grading Fund, the Improvement Fund, the Sewer Fund, the Electric Lignt or Power Fund, the Snow Removal Fund, the Garbage Dis- posal Fund, the City Bridge Fund, and the Main Sewer Fund, there shall be levied one (1) tax which shall be designed as the "Consoli dated Fund.,, PaE'sed, adopted and approved this 25th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. July 25, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of law, as City Mana- ager, I have prepared an annual budget for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1949 based upon the estimated in- come and expenses of the various departments of the City of Du- buque. These departmental esti- mates show the appropriations for each department for the preceding year (1947-1948) and also the in- crease or decreases for the ensu- ing year (1948-1949). The budget has been filed with the City Clerk and will be pub- lished as required by law in order that objections thereto may be 'Wade before final action is taken in this budget. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Thompson moved that the communication of City Manager Rhomberg be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. OFFICIAL NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET PREPARED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR '1948-1949. X„Lirc, is he:a•by given that the City Manager of the �'iy of IhtlInyLLe has prepared a budget on the basis If estii titer; of the expenses of the various depart - 111('111,4 sari City- for the fiscal year beginning April ;uui ending March 31, 1949. Such departmental o�L un:u es ={�„�ti E°�hences of each department for the and the purpose for which the con - u lidat d c r� lei; , auU1nrized by Section 404.11 of the Special Session, July 25th, 1947 191 Code of Iowa 1946, as amended, Is to be used, and In addition thereto, the purpose for which all other tax levies are to be used, including the revenues from mis- cellaneous sources. The levy of a consolidated tax has heretofore been determined by said Council and incor- porated in a resolution for such purpose. The budget will be considered for final adoption by the City Coun- cil at a special meeting to be held in the Council Cham - her at the City Hall on the 11th day of August, 1947, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Any Interested party objecting thereto or protesting to the same, or to any item thereof or any omission therefrom, shall present his objections to said Council on or before that date. This notice is given pursuant to the direction of the Code of Iowa. J. J. SHEA, 7-30-1t City Clerk. ANALYSIS OF TAX LEVIES TO BE MADE IN AUGUST 1947 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1948-49 ESTIMATED ASSESSED VALUATION—$37,128,974 SOURCES OF REVENUE FOR 1948-49 FISCAL OPERATION A.—From Taxes Levy in Fund Mills Tax Consolidated ............................ ..... ........ .................... _........ 10.250 $380,572.00 Fire Maintenance ................. ....._............................ 4.500 167,080.00 Fire Equipment ............ ............................................ 0.375 13,923.00 Library ............... .... ....... ..._............. ................ ....... ............ 1.250 46,411.00 Park... .... ..... ......... _......... ............. _..... ............... . . ............. 1.000 37,129.00 Playground and Swimming Pool .......... 0.500 18,564.00 Fire Pension .. ........ ........ .................................. ...... :.......... 0.752 27,920.00 Fire Retirement .......... .................... _................ ......... _... 0.404 15,000.00 Police Pension ...... ._...................................._.... .._._ 0.526 19,530.00 Police Retirement ............._..... ......_.... ........................ 0.297 11,027.00 Employees Retirement ....................... ................. _ 0.162 6,015.00 Emergency.................................. ....... ....... ............... ..... 0.750 27,847.00 Dock.........................._ ._ _......__........._................................... 0.500 18,564.00 General Bonds ...... ....... ........... ..................._........._.._. 1.410 52,352.00 Airport.............._............._...............,..................... ....... ...._... 1.000 37,129.00 City Assessmen[............................... ... 0.276 10,248.00 Total ........ ....................... .... ...... .................. ...... ............... .23.952 $889,311.00 Road Tax on Agricultural Lands (Consolidated Fund)................................................._...................................................... 110.00 Library Tax on Agricultural Lands (Library Fund) ...... .......... ........ ........ ....... .... ... ........... ... ........ .................................. 110.00 Total Estimated Receipts From Taxes .......$889,531.00 B.—From Miscellaneous Sources General Mtscl. Revenues ...._............................................ Business Licenses.....-_..-----..-..--$ ,4,200.00 500.00 Dog Licenses .._........ 3,500.00 Building Permits __ 2,750.00 Plumbing Permit - -- 2,750.00 Electrical Pcrmit. _ . _.._ _ __ 30,000.00 Police Court Fines and ("'t - 30,000.00 Beer Permits ._. _. _... 23,000.00 Cigarette Permits .._ 3,000.00 Street and Garage Re, ­il,i,.............. ........... ................... 500.00 Dieting Prisoners _._ _ __._........... ................... ............. ....... 755.00 Miscellaneous Rents......_..._.........._._......................................... Miscellaneous Sales250.00 300.00 Scale Receipts ................................................. _......................... 3, 000.00 Ambulance Receipts - 500.00 Health Dept. Receipts .........._..._ ... .._................................ 5,000.0(1 Milk Inspection Fees .................................._._ ............ ................ 700.00 Bicycle Registration _......_ _ ........................... .............. I............ 1,000.00 Sale of Real Proporty 2,295.00 State Highway i\LLint,'nnn, a $114,000.00 Vital ................. �AIRPORT FUND Ittulan"c April I, 1948 $ 9-00 Estimated L'nencun,1„a'ed 5.000.00 Airport Returns $ 95,000.00 Total .. __ _ CONSOLIDATED FUND Estimated Unencu ��eA ll lj bLANCEi lFIUND948 $ 25,000.00 FIREM $ 1,000.00 Outside Fire Prutection Estimated Unencumbered l:al;uue. .\I" 1, 1948 5,000.00 _ _ ..$ 6,000.00 Total 192 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 FIRE EQUIPMENT FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1948 $ 50,000.00 LIBRARY FUND Hook Rentals and Pines .. ....... ........... ........ ............. .............. .... ...$ 2,500.00 . PARKING LOT FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1948 $ 17,800.00 PARKING METER FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1948 $ 10,000.00 Meter Collections _........_..___ ....__ ............ 30,000.00 ........................... Total ..._...._ ...................................... .. . _ .. __.. ._.. ............$ 40,000.00 PARK FUND Estimated Unencumbered I;nl:uirc .\Iwil 1, 1948$ 2,500.00 Concessions ................................. __..... .. 500.00 Miscellaneous Collections............................................................. 300.00 Total..... ..... ......... ....... ........... ........... ....... .... .............. .......................... .$ 3,300.00 PLAYGROUNDS AND SWIMMING POOL Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1948$ 2,000.00 Swimming Pool Receipts ......... ........ ..................................... ......3,500.00 SkatingReceipts ........... .......................................................................... 250.00 Miscellaneous Receipts ... .............. ... _....... ................ ............... - 75.00 Total .. ...............$ 5,825.00 POLICE PENSION FUND 1% Salary Dedwwiion fr,nn U,•mbery ..._.__._......... $ 450.00 FIRE PENSION FUND 1% Salary Deduciton from Member _._._..._...._........$ 600.00 DOCK FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1948 $ 3,000.00 OilTerminal Lease ...... ......................... ........................................... .... 2,250.00 Virginia -Carolina Lease.................................................................. 2,100.00 DockHouse Lease................................................................................. 1,890.00 HarborLease ..... .................. .... ...... .......... ... ....... ...... ....... _....... ......... 1,000.00 WharfageFees ...... ........ ...... .......... .... .... ............ ..... ............. .... ........ . 1,200.00 Miscellaneous Itec•eipts__...... ..................... -................................... 300.00 Total... ___................................................................................$ 11,740.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND Estimated Unew timbered Balance April 1, 1948 $105,000.00 Receipts from (Las Tax ...... ........................................................... 75,000.00 Total _ __ _ _ ...... _ - _.- ........ ............ .......... _..... ........ ... $180,000.00 LIQUOR SALES FUND Estimated Cite Sltare........ ... .............................. ................ ............ $ 60.000.00 Total Fstimatcd M h v. Revenues and Unen- encumhered 1:n1 . ............... _.... .... .... ....................................... $ 612,215.00 Total Fstimated Receipts from Taxes ........................ 889,531.00 TOTAL f,14TIMATED CITY REVENUE. ..............$1,501,746.00 WATER WORKS DIVISION (Self Supporting) Estimate,] 1'noneumbered Balance ...............................$ 140,000.00 Estinmh,! wat, r L:, eenu . .... ............................... 189,365.00 'I' is l _............... ....................$ 329,365.00 ER'I'IVI.NTEI) t;li:ANl) TOTAL CITY AND It \Cu1:1:5 DIVISION REV- ENI'l-'S _.._.. _... .................... ... ...... .......... ......$1,831,111.00 DETAILED DISTRIBUTION OF PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1948-49 GROUP I—GENERAL. ADMINISTRATION Item 101—City Council Proposed 1947-48 1948-49 Appropriations Appropriations A. Salaries ................................ $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 B. Tra\,I ...._.. ................ ............... ........._.......... 175.00 175.00 I. \Iisarllnueuus .................._........ 25.00 25.00 I'„htl............................. _ ..... ....$ 1,700.00 Item 102—City Manager's Offi0e $ 1,700.00 A.City' tlnnn cr .. _.............. *$ 6,714.00 A. *$ 9,600.00 �:,lury' �erroUu'y ............................... 2,832.00 2,004.00 2,832.00 2,004.00 It. 0Iri.,•l .. ...__... .__.....__.............._ 250.00 t'. td't'i�, - .. ° 250.00 I t .. _.......... 125.00 I'rii�tiu,•' 125.00 ..__.................................................... 75.00 F. Oweu:nw,.. 75.00 _............... ................ 200.00 �l: tend !nd Supplies ............. 325.00 200.00 325.00 1'„utl............. _......................$ 12,525.00 Item 103—City C!erk's Office $ 15,411.00 .A. �:,la,•r City Clerk ......... 3,456.00 $ 3,45.00 .........$ , �• 1 -._.. ..... . . 150.00 ilfttarinl :tint Supplies ............... 75.00 1500.00 75.00 1'„utl $ 3,681.00 $ 3,681.00 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 193 Item 104 -City Auditor's Office A. Salary City Auditor .... ........ ............•$ 2,547.00 •$ 2,709.00 F. Maintenance ......... ..... ................................ 50.00 50.00, G. Materials and Supplies .................... 200.00 200.00 Total........................................................................$ 2,797.00 $ 2,959.00 Item 105 -City Treasurer's Office A. A. Salary City Treasurer .... ............. +$ 2,502.00 •$ 2,669.00 D. Printing and Advertising ....._.. 25.00 25.00 F. Maintenance ............. ....... _............... ....... 25.00 25.00 G. Material and Supplies ........... 150.00 150.00 I. Surety Bond ........ ....... .......... _....... - ......... _ 100.00 100.00 Total ... ......... ........... ............. ..... ..... .... ....... ........ ..... $ 2,802.00 $ 2,969.00 (Note: 25% of salaries of City Manager, City Auditor, and Treasurer are paid by Water Dept. It is proposed to pay 20$'0 of such salaries from Water Dept. in 1948-49.) Item 106 -City Solicitor's Office G. Material and Supplies ................. A. Salary City Solicitor (Part 500.00 Time)................................................................$ 5,220.00 $ 5,220.00 B. Travel ......... .......... .... ..._....... .............. ... ........... 40.00 40.00 C. Office . ......... _.......... .... ....... .-........ ..... ......... .... 40.00 40.00 G. Material and Supplies ........... -.._... ' 85.00 85.00 Total ........._... .......... $ 5,385.00 $ 5,385.00 Item 108 -City Assessments J. City's Share ........... ..... ...................... ...... .... $ 5,341.00 $ 10,248.00 ($10,248.00 paid from City Assessment Fund as provided by S.F. 46 Acts of 52 G. A.) Item 109 -Civil Engineer's Office A. Salary I,iigineer................................. ...$ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 A. Salary :\>sistaut......... ........................ 3,156.00 3,156.00 A. Salari s floQmen...... ............................. 5,400.00 8,400.00 C. Offic•o __..................................................... 100.00 100.00 E. Equ i l nm n t _ ................. ..... _.................... .. 200.00 200.00 F. Maiutema jwc. _..........___ __..... ..... . 500.00 500.00 G. Material and Supplies ................. 500.00 500.00 Total $ 16,756.00 $ 16,756.00 Item 113 -City Election A. Salaries I'll rks, ete. ............. _......... $ 500.00 $ 500.00 G. Nlaterial ;uul Supplies ................. 400 400.00 J. Rents _......_ ..................................... 50.00 50.00 Total ........ _. ........... _.... _._ .......... ........ $ 950.00 $ 950.00 Item 114 -City Buildings A. S'tl u i •s .l:uiiltns ..................$ 4,500.00 $ 4,5100.00 E. 1aluiim- iii. .......... _..... 1,000.00 1,000.00 F. Al;iintewm, o alld ........... 2,500.00 2,500.00 G. lint rial ;md Stwidi •s _............ 1,000.00 1,000.00 H. 114 ;it ;-iia l.inlit _ 1,800.00 1,800.00 T,,tnl ___...............$ 10,800.00 $ 10,800.00 Item 115 -Police Court A. Snia y Police Judge ............. ..... _........ $ 2,052.00 $ 2.052.00 G. \I:tlorinl and Supplies ............... .... 15.00 15.00 Total _. _........ ......... ............. ..... $ 2,067.00 $ 2,067.00 Item 116 -Civil Service Commission G. Material and Supplies ....._.................$ 100.00 $ 100.00 J. Miscellaneous _._ _ .......................... 100.00 100.00 Total ...............$ 200.00 $ 200.00 SUi3Tu'I'.AI,s 011:001'1' I--t:I:NERAI. A10\IIXIST1:ATIO\ _ __..................$ 65,004.00 $ 73,126.00 (Con.-didated 'rax -Sl -''. 7\01; City Assessment Fund - $10,24,.110) GROUP II -PROTECTION OF LIFE AND GROUP PROPERTY Proposed 1947.4 1918-49 Apl0rnln�iaii��r,s .AVl;rupriations Item 118 -Police Department (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary Clip -f of 1'nlice ___. __ i2o.00 :L,, -L.00 , 3,720.00 3,024.00 A. Salary houinr t•a1'tnia __ _ - 5.:.68.010 5,568.00 A. Salaries C;iI11t1ins 021 ='I -Loa 8,244.00 A. Salaries 10cs1: G) 80..00 10,848.00 A. Salaries 10ctecti os td) _. y�n.un 5,250.00 A. Salaries Nlotwvr , lists f_) -- A. Sala,.ien Patntilm It taRra L 66,456.00yrs.) (26) -_ .uu A. Salaries I'au�lna•u (I��i,u,• I fi^--L00 3,524.00 yrs.) (2) A. Salaries Yatrclnu a l�luriii 1st i', ., n�i �_. 6,552.00 A. _ yr.) ()) ._ _.. Salaries \latrons (-) _... 1•;�,uu 4,368ua . 100.00 A. Salaries Special Officers 100.00 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 194 B. :Gravel ..._......_ 50.00 276.00 50.00 276.00 C. Office ....._.......... ......... _ ........ ._.._................__ D. Printing ..... _...... ...... __....._...._....._......___._ 150.00 150.00 I;, Equipment ... ...... ..... .......... _........ .... ....... 3,600.00 2,800.00 3,500.00 2,800.00 F. Maintenance ...•.--------•••--- .•••-•••••.. G. Material and Supplies ••--•-•--•••••• 2,000.00 2,000.00 J-1 Feeding Prisoners ...._....._....._.._..__ 1,500.00 300.00 1,500.00 300.00 J-2 Miscellaneous (injuries)....._........ Total...... ....... _...... ...... _.__............... .... ._................ $119,335.00 $129,559.00 (Consolidated Tax-$91,957.00; Emergency Fund Trans- fer-$17,602,00; Liquor Sales Fund-$20,000.00.) Item 119A-Fire Department Maintenance Fund $ 3,720.00 $ 3,720.00 A. Salary Fire Chief ........._..._._......__ Salaries Senior Captains (2) 6,048.00 6,048.00 A. A. Salaries Captains (5) ....._................. 13,920.00 13,920.00 A. Salaries Lieutenants (7) ........_ 18,480.00 18,480.00 A. Salaries Engineers (4) .............. _..... 10,560.00 10,560.00 A. Salaries Firemen (after 3 yrs.) (36)... ....... .............. ..... _............... _. 76,630.00 9'1,016.00 A. Sarlaries Firemen (during 3 yrs.) (7)......_........................_...._..................... 16,884.00 16,884.00 A. Salaries Firemen (during 1st 1styr.) (3)...... ......... _...... _...._............... 6,552.00 6,552.00 B. Travel .......................................... 50.00 650.00 50.00 650.00 C. Office ...... ................ _.................. .... ............. _._ 35.00 35.00 D. Printing .. ...... ........................... ...... . F-1 Maintenance •••••..- ........... ..- ­-- •••.. . 3,750.00 3,750.00 F-2 Repairs to Buildings ... ........... ....._ 3,000.00 3,000.00 G. Material and Supplies .... ...... _.... .... 2,700.00 2,700.00 H. Heat and Light .............. _._..... _....... _...... 3,000.00 3,000.00 I. Insurance................. _..... _............ ........... ...... 400.00 400.00 J-1 Miscellaneous (Injuries) ...._...... 900.00 900.00 J-2 Interest on Warrants ....... _...... _._. 60.00 60.00 J-3 Reservice for Emergency _....... 600.00 600.00 Total........_..._._............................._..............._......$167,989.00 $183,325.00 (Fire Maintenance Tax-$167,080.00; Balance and Misc. Revenue - $6,000.00; Emergency Fund Transfer - $10,245.00) Item 1196-Fire Equipment Fund E. Equipment .. ...... ........ _....... _....... .................. $ 73,411.00 $ 63,923.00 (Fire Equipment Tax-$13,923.00; Unencumbered Bal- ance-$50,000.00) Item 120-Fire and Police Alarm (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary City Electrician ..................$ 2,568.00 $ 2,568.00 A. Salary Extra Help .................. _... __...... 2,100.00 2,100.00 C. Office ............... ........ .......................... _.._.._..... ....100.00 100.00 E. Equipment - ............ _........ .......... ... ..... .._...... 150.00 150.00 F. Maintenance... .......... ........................_......... 150.00 150.00 G. Material and Supplies ......._............. 200.00 200.00 H. Heat, Light and Power ............... 100.00 100.00 Total... ................................ .......... __.....__..._........ $ 5,368.00 $ 5,368.00 Item 121-Building Commissioner's Office( Consolidated Fund) A. Salary Building Commissioner $ 3,630.00 $ 3,630.00 C. Office ............_....._ ............ .............. ..... _.............. 25.00 25.00 F. Maintenance..... .......... .... ..... ........ ....... ___ 150.00 150.00 G. Material and Supplies ............. 100.00 100.00 Total ._............ _.......... __.__........ ............ .........$ 3,905.00 $ 3,905.00 Item 122-Plumbing Inspector's Office (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary Plumbing Inspector ......_.$ 3,024.00 $ 3,024.00 C. Office ...... .............. ............................_....._.......... 25.00 25.00 D. Printing .......... ......... ............................... .._..... 15.00 15.00 G. Material and Supplies ..._... 50.00 50.00 J. Plumbing Board ................................. 180.00 180.00 Total ......._...._ ....... _ .._ _ __. _ ..._ ...... $ 3,294.00 $ 3,294.00 Item 123--Electrical Inspector's Office (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary Electrical Inspector .........$ 3,024.00 $ 3,024.00 C. Offic(•... .... ......_._.............. ..... ............ ......... 25.00 25.00 D. Printing ..... ...... .............. 16.00 15.00 F. \laintenanee__.................................. ..... 175.00 175.00 il. Material and Supplies ............ ._...... 100.00 100.00 Total _ _ ..._........._............._...... ........ ............ $ 3,339.00 $ 3,339.00 ;tem 12 ---DOU Pound (Consolidated Fund) J. EnforcN'tell t Dog Ordinance 150.00 $ 150.00 .$ G1;OUP II, PROTEC- 'rv­ I iF LIFE AND PRO- 1'ERTT ..._...................................................$3761,791.00 $392,863.00 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 $ 19,500.00 GROUP III -HEALTH AND SANITATION .......... $ 19.500.00 (Consolidated Fund) Item 128 -Garbage Disposal AND SA\IT.k'1'It1X $ 65,220.00 J. Contract for Garbage Collection Proposed 1947-48 ..... ...$ 18,000.0 1948-49 Item 129 -Milk Inspection Appropriations Appropriations Item 125-Hea1th Department A. Salary Milk Indic" for .......................$ A. Salary Director (Part Time) _.$ 2,424.00 $ 2,424.00 A. Salary Sanitary Inspector........... 2,112.00 2,112.00 A. Salary Clerk and Registrar ..... 1,956.00 1,956.00 A. Salary Restaurant Inspector ... 1,656.00 1,656.00 A. Salaries Nurses (4) .... ............ ......... 9,480.00 9,480.00 A. Extra Help ................................................... 1,584.00 1,584.00 B. Travel ... .......... _........... ._...... ...... ....... ............. 50.00 50.00 C. Office . .................. ........................................... 150.00 150.00 D. Printing ......................... ...._.......... ...... ....... ... _... 50.00 50.00 E. Equipment ........ .............. _...................... 50.00 50.00 F. Maintenaance ............................................. 600.00 600.00 G. Material and Supplies ..._......_..... 300.00 300.00 J-1 Laboratory Expense .................... 400.00 400.00 Total...................................................................$ 20,812.00 $ 20,812.00 Item 126 -Control of Contagious Diseases Wages Drivers and 1,400.00 J. Control of Contagious Diseases $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Item 127 -Sewer Maintenance 17,900.00 A. Wages ..............................................................$ 15,500.00 $ 15,500.00 E. Equipment .............. ...... ......... .................. ... 700.00 700.00 F. Maintenance ..... ..... ......._......_..... .................. 1,200.00 1,200.00 G. :Material and Supplies ............... _....... 600.00 600.00 H. Power for Sewer Pumps ............ 1,500.00 • 1,500.00 $ 19,500.00 $ 18,000.00 l9,; Total. ........ ............ .......... ............. _............ .......... $ 19.500.00 SUBTOTALS t7C��l`I' 111---Ill,M,TH Item 128 -Garbage Disposal AND SA\IT.k'1'It1X $ 65,220.00 J. Contract for Garbage Collection GROUP IV -HIGHWAYS AND STREETS and Disposal .... ..... ..... ...... .-............. ..... ...$ 18,000.0 1947-48 Item 129 -Milk Inspection Appropriations Appropriations A. Salary Milk Indic" for .......................$ 2,928.00 $ 2,928.00 A. Salary Assistant _................. 2,520.00 2,520.00 E. Equipment _1 ............. 160.00 160.00 G. Material and Sui,lilies _.._............... 100.00 100.00 $ 18,000.00 l9,; Total .. _ _ ...........__................. $ 5,708.00 $ 5,708.00 SUBTOTALS t7C��l`I' 111---Ill,M,TH AND SA\IT.k'1'It1X $ 65,220.00 $ 65,220.00 GROUP IV -HIGHWAYS AND STREETS Proposed' 1947-48 1948-49 Appropriations Appropriations Item 131 -Highways Administration (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary Timekeeper .... ........ ..._....$ 3,024.00 $ 3,024.00 A. G. Maintenance ......._.........._ ................_..... 100.00 Material and Supplies .... ..---..... - 150.00 100.00 150.00 Total......................................................................$ 3,274.00 $ 3,274.00 Item 1.32 -Street Repairing and Grading (Consolidated A. Fund) ..................._............. 2 500.00 Wages Laborers $ ?, 6,000.00 $ 27,500.00 6,000.00 E. Equipment ..............................................._. 5,000.00 5,000.00 F. G. Maintenance ........ ............ ..... ....................... _. Material and Supplies ..................... 10,000.00 10,000.00 J. Grading .. .................... _...... ........................ _..._ 5,000.00 5,000.00 Total............... ............ .................... ..... ....... ........... .... $ 53,500.00 $ 53,500.00 Item 135 -Street Construction Fund $180,000.00 J. Street Construction ....................._....$110,000.00 Item 133 -City Garage (Consolidated Fund) A. Salaries Mechanics ................................$ 10,000.00 75.00 $ 10,000.00 75.00 C. Office .................................... 500.00 500. 00 E. Equipment ............................................... 400.00 400.00 F. G. Maintenance ................... ........ ....... I............... Material and Supplies ._.........- 325.00 2,000.00 325.00 2,000.0 H. Heat, Light and Power .............. 50.00 50.00 1 Insu>ance ....._..._.._......__............_.....__. 13,350.00 $ 13,350.00 . .......................... Total ...... .........$ ................. . Item 134 -Ash and Can Collections (Consolidated Fund) Laborers $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 A. Wages Drivers and 1,400.00 1,400.00 F. G. Maintenance ................................_............. Material and Supplies -.-.---.-. 500.00 500.00 17,900.00 $ 17,900.00 Total __................_.........$ and Traffic Signal Lighting (Consoli- Item H. 138 -Street dated Fund) Street Lighting and Traffic $ 40,500.00 $ 46,500.00 Signals ...................... . Special Session, July 25th, 1947 196 Cleaning (Consolidated Fund) tr Item 140-Street Drivers and Laborers $ 14'000.00 $ 14 A. Wages, 600.00 600.00 E. E(luipment .......... ... ....... ............... .... 1..11.1.... 3,500.00 3,500.00 F. Maintenance ..---•-- .._...................... G. Material and Supplies ................. 800.00 800.00 18,800.00 $ 18,800.00 Total .......................... Removal (Consolidated und) Item 141-Snow 7 $ 7,000.00 A. Labor............__..._.._......_............._._..__........ 500.00 E. Equipment ... ....... ........... 1... _...1.1..... 1... ......... 800.00 F. Maintenance .............. _.1__.1......... 1.1..... ........ 1,600.00 Material and Supplies ...................... 550.00 1,600.00 550.00 G. Total...... .......... .... ..._.................................._..$ 9,950.00 $ 91950.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP IV-HIGH- WAYS AND STREETS .....................$267,274.00 $343,274.00 GROUP V-LIBRARY Proposed 1947-48 1948-49 Appropriations Appropriations Item 143A-Library Fund and Misc. Library Revenue A. Salary Librarian ..................................$ 3,156.00 $ 3,150.00 A. Salary Reference Librarian 1111.. 2,460.00 2,457.00 A. Salary Cataloguer ...........1111 2,256.00 2,249.16 A. Salary Juvenile I.i!n:n ian 1111._. 2,124.00 2,110.56 A. Salary Circulation ll,ad (Part- Time) 1111_ __ _ _. _ _........_............... 1,968.00 1,194.00 A. Salary School Librarian ......._...... 1,968.00 1,959.36 A. Salary Asst. of Circulation Head........ ....._....._............. ...... ........ .... _.......... 1,968.00 1,959.36 A. Salaries General Assistants l3)................... ................. .............. ...... _.... .............. 5,100.00 51103.00 A. Salary Caretaker............. _........ ............ 2,232.00 2,236.56 A. Salary Extra Help ...... .......... ...... _........ 1,761.00 3,819.00 B. Tarvel Expense....... ...... _......................... 100.00 100.00 C. Office Expense .__..__.........111__1..... .... ....150.00 150.00 D. Printing _...._....____............................. 50.00 50.00 E. Books and P,ri()livals ___ _ _.__ 6,780.00 9,000.00 F. Binding ._ _. _ __ _ _ .._ _ 1,900.00 2,500.00 F-1 Building Rel,airs .__._ ___111__1..._ 5,000.00 5,383.00 G. Material and Siwidl •s ___._....._...... 1,700.00 2,300.00 H. Heat, Light and \Vater .._........ 2,500.00 2,800.00 I. Insurance ........... _ __............. _ ....... ... .... 408.00 500.00 Total ...... ... $ 43,581.00 $ 49,021.00 (Library Tax-$46,411.00; Lila•ary Tax Agricultural Land -$110.00; Misc. Library Ree, uuo-52,500.00) GROUP VI-PARK FUND Item 144A-Park Administration A. Salary Superintendent 111.1.___..$ 2,976.00 $ 2,976.00 B. Travel ............ ............. _....... ........._............ 50.00 100.00 C. Office .. ..... .......... __....... __...........__.............. .... 100.00 150.00 D. Printing and Advertising .. 60.00 75.00 J. Miscellaneous ............11........ ....... _........... 11. 15.00 15.00 Total.__.___..... ....... ..... _...... ........ ........................ $ 3,201.00 $ 3,416.00 Item 1448-Park Areas, Buildings, Etc. A. Wages of Laborers ..............................$ 16,000.00 $ 18,500.00 C. Forestry............ _.......... ............. .................. 400.00 975.00 E. El (luipment ... ............ ....._ ......................... 600.00 1,600.00 F. Maintenance ........_.. ... ........................ 1,400.00 2,000.00 G. Material and Suppli,•s 1111............... 1,800.00 2,900.00 H. Heat, Light, Wat,, ;unl Tele- phone .......................... .... _ _._........... 1,800.00 2,200.00 I. Insurance .............. 1111...__ .- 700.00 700.00 J-1 Renovations and Replay � ments 100.00 138.00 J-2 Reserve for Deferred Main- tenance ..... ... ......... . .. _ 50.00 8,000.00 Total ........_ .. $ 22,850.00 $ 37,013.00 SUUTWI'ALS h'l \D ......$ 26,051.00 (Purl: Tae--ti $ 40,429.00 I., 1:2Iui; N11- Park Revenues-$3,300.00) GROUP VII-PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING POOL FUND Proposed 1947-48 1948-49 Item 145A--Recreation Administrationrons Appropriations A. Sa!ar)' I)h•ector......,..... ..._............... .... $ 2,772.00 $ 2,772.00 A. Scary Ofl!oa Help ......... _.... ......... 1,200.00 1'. Tt:(c,•1 1,200.00 .._....... .... 50.00 l'. Office 50.00 ....._..... 120.00 \i:un(onancc of Car ....................... 360.00 C. 120.00 360.00 \L(teriu! and Supplies ..... 250.00 250.00 ,'„tat 1111 ... .........$ 4,752.00 $ 4,752.00 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 197 Item 1458 -Outdoor Recreation A. Salaries Supervisors, Direc- tors, etc . .......... ........................ ... _................ $ 3,500.00• $ 3,500.00 A. Wages of Laborers .............. _...... .......... 750.00 750.00 E. Equipment......................................................... 750.00 750.00 F. Maintenance ... ......... ............ ............ ..... _.. 500.00 500.00 G. Material and Supplies ............ ........ ._ 500.00 500.00 H. Light . .... ......................... .................. ............... .. 500.00 500.00 I. Insurance ........... _..... ...... .........._................ 250.00 250.00 Total....... ...... ....... ....... .......... ...... .... ...._....... .............. $ 6,750.00 $ 6,750.00 Item 145D -Indoor Recreation A. Wages ..... . ................ _.................................... .... ..$ 600.00 $ 600.00 C. Office ................... ..... ..... ...... ........._.................. 25.00 25.00 E. Equipment ...... ........................... ..... _............ .. 300.00 300.00 F. Maintenance .......... ... ............ ._.... ........ .._... 500.00 500.00 G. Material and Supplies ...............:...... 400.00 400.00 H. Heat and Light .................................... 400.00 400.00 Total . ... ..... ................................................................$ 2,225.00 $ 2,225.00 Item 145E -Swimming Pool A. Salary Superintendent ................$ 450.00 $ 450.00 A. Salaries Guard (4) ..... _....................... .. 900.00 900.00 A. Salaries Attendants ...... _................ 1,300.00 1,300.00 F. Maintenance ................................................ 450.00 450.00 G. Material and Supplies ._..._............ 350.00 350.00 H. Light and Power ................ _..... ... _.... - 300.00 300.00 I. Insurance ......... ......... .............. ............... _......... 229.00 229.00 Total.........................................................................$ 3,979.00 $ 3,979.00 Item 146 -Improvement and Care of Grounds F. Maintenance $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 J. Improvement of Ilroun is 5,000.00 5,683.00 Total ............. $ 6,000.00 $ 6,683.00 SUBTOTALS Ci;1WI' \'11 GROUNDS .\X11 SWIMMIX11 POOL ................. __._ ______.__..$ 23,706.00 $ 24,389.00 (Playgrounds and S\%inuring Pool Tax -$18,564.00; Swim- ming Pooi Receipts --.•3,500.00; Skating Receipts -$250.00; Mise. Receipts -$75.00; Balance on Hand -$2,000.00) GROUP VIII -MISCELLANEOUS Proposed 1947-48 1948-49 Appropriations Appropriations Item 147 -Planning and Zoning (Consolidated Fund) J. Miscellaneous .......................................... $ 7,500.00 $ 10,000.00 Item 148E -Ambulance (Consolidated Fund) A. Salaries Drivers (2) .............._...........$ 5,112.00 $ 5,112.00 F. Maintenance • ... -- ............................... 280.00 280.00 G. Material and Supplies ................. 350.00 350.00 I. Insurance ............ ................ ..................... 225.00 225.00 Total..... ..... .......... ............................... ..._............. ....$ 5,967.00 $ 5,967.00 Item 148C -Other Miscellaneous (Consolidated Fund) J-1 Iowa League of Municipalities$ woo und80.00 J-2 Damages ................ ........... ........................ 3,300.00 J-3 Printing Council Proceedings 2,700.00 3,300.00 2,700.00 J-5 State Examiners .-_............................ 2,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 500.00 J-6 Repairs In Town Clock :...._.......... 3,100.00 3,100.00 J-7 Mise. 1'ncl Issified ....._.................... J-8 Workmen's (`ompensation In 2,500.00 2,500.00 surance ...._.._ _ . _ _ _.___ _ _._..._. J-9 InteresL 011 \Ru'r:nu= -. ------ 125.00 125.00 Total .............$ 14,305.00 $ 14,305.110 SUBTO'I M -S t;Rtrl-P VIII- \IiS- 27,772.00 $ $ 30,272.00 CP:1.1..\\I W'S _....._ GROUP IX -MARKETS AND PUBLIC SCALES (Consolidated Fund) Item 152 ---Market Master 2,1152.00 $ 2,052.00 A. `'11:11": \I:11'l:et �IRStel' ..................$ '?O.OU F. \IninU.•nuucc ._........ ................._ G. Aj;lt,-rial and Supplies __.._._.... 65.00 20.00 65.00 20.00 J. At iscellaneous 2,157.00 $ 2,157.00 ................................. _...............$ Total - SUBTOTALS GI201TP Imo-At.ARKETS 15-.0( $ 'x,157.00 AND PUBLIC SCAT.I?S ---- I -$2,157. GROUP X MUNICIPAL PdROVEMENTS (Consoli1 0 Item 160 -Post War Improvements 111i0.n0 $ 321000.00 J. Post War Projects _ .. w Item 161 -Bridge Construction ; 3 6„ 00 \\'ork $ 53,(128.00 J. Bridge and Viaduct .., 198 Special Session, July 25th. 1947 Item 162 -Assessments and Sewers J-1 City's Share of Special . . .As- sessments....._.............-..........I.............- J-2 Main Sewers and Inlets ..... __........ 25,000.00 30,000.00 Total ...... ....... ...... ......... ............ ._.......... _...... _...$ 31,000.00 $ 42,000.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP X-MU- NI.CIPAI, IMPROVEMENTS ....$116,62$.00 $127,628.00 (Consolidated Tax -$87,028.00; Liquor Sales Fund- $40,- 000.00) EMERGENCY AND RESERVE Reserve in General Misc. 165.00 $ 240.00 GROUP XI -PENS XI -PENSION FUNDS Proposed 1947-48 1948-49 Appropriations Appropriations Item 164 -Police Pensions0 $ 19,980.00 15,9832.0832.0 J-1 Police Pensions J-2 Police Retirement System ......... S, 11,027.00 Total ...........................$ 27,773.00 $ 31,007.00 (Police 1'cusion Tax $19,530.00; Balance on Hand and Delhrrtions from Members -$450.00) (Police Retire- Pay ment T;Lx $11,027.00) Item 155 -Fire Pensions 25,326.00 $ 28,520.00 J-1 hire Pensions . .- --.............$ J-2 Fire Retirement S>11,•m ............... 12,910.00 15,000.00 Total ...... $ 35,236.00 $ 43,520.00 ........ (Fire Pension Balance on Hand and Pay Deductions from Members -$600.00; Fire Retire- ment Tax -$15,000.00) Item 156 -Employees Retirement Fund J. City's Share ........ ........................................$.......................... $ 6,015.00 (Employees Retirement Tax -$6,015.00) SUBTOTALS GROUP XI - PENSIONS ..._........ .....................................$ 66,009.00 $ 80,542.00 GROUP XII -DEBT SERVICE Item 161J -1 -City Bonds and Interest , A-1 Interest on Bonds ...... .........................$ 5,789.00 $ 4,200.00 A-3 Sewer Bond Redemption ...... _...... 11,000.00 18,0011.00 A-5 Fundiug Bond Redemption .... 45,000.00 30,000.00 A-6 Reserve ........... ..... ............... .... ..... ...... _............ 545.00 152.00 Total..............................................................................$ 62,334.00 $ 52,352.00 (General Bond Fund) Item 161J -2 -Dock Bonds and Interest A-1 Interest on Dock Bonds ..................$ 200.00 $....................... A-2 Dock Bond Redemption ...... _........ 5,000.00 ......... -............. .... Total.. ....... ................ ....... ................................... - ....... $ 5,200.00 $........................ (Balance on )-Iand-$5,200.00) Item 163J -2 -Airport Bonds and Interest A-1 Interest on Airport Bonds .........$ 570.00 $ 425.00 A-2 Airport Bond Redemption ......... 19,000.00 19,000.00 Total.......................................................................$ 19,570.00 $ 19,428.00 (Airport Fund -$19,42S.00) SUBTOTALS GROUP XII -DEBT SERVICE ..__ ............... ... ............. .......... $ 87,104.00 $ 71,780.00 GROUP XIII -DOCKS Proposed 1947-48 1948-49 Appropriations Appropriations Item 153A -Dock Operation A. Salary Engineer ......... .................... _.......$ 4`20.00 $ 420.00 D. Travel........_.................................................. 200.00 200.00 F. Mainlenal:ce............................................ 50.00 50.00 11. Material and Supplies ..................... 50.00 50.00 I. In mrance..._.._........_ ............................... 700.00 600.00 J-1 Traffic Association Service ...... 300.00 300.00 ..1-2 IlnproNements_......_............_................. 400.00 594.00 J-3 11Is- 'ella11eous ............ _......................... 400.00 1,000.00 Total..._...................-......._._.................._.._.._.$ 2,520.00 $ 3,214.00 Item 1538 -Dredge Operation L; ...... $ 180.00 $ 180.00 ulri ,; ntur:< 9,660.00 9,660.00 A. Winos Lai3Ore1: _. 4,500.00 5,200.00 P. \Li ntl•n:uu'e and lo,iiairs ....... 1,500.00 1,500.00 c:. 1laterinl :1111 :<Il i,iit•:, ................ 2,000.00 I[ 2,000.00 1?la a ic• _............... 4,500.00 4,500.00 1 ?!, ri,l,. ;,,.- n: e„• _....._. 703.00 700.00 J. ., I:n;, n, __.._....._.... 600.00 c114:neou; .............. 150.00 900.00 150.00 l".1:0 . ......... . ..........$ 23,793.00 $ 24,790.00 ....... Special Session, July 25th, 1947 19c) Item 153C—River Front Improvement A. Wages ........................_................. .__......._..$ E. Trucking 500.00 $ 500.00 .......................................... E. Equipment 250.00 200.00 ..................................... ............ Tools 350.00 1,000.00 ....................._._....... .... ... .__............ ._... G. Materia] and Supplies 100.00 100.00 ...... ........... __. 500.00 500.00 Total .............. .._..............................._.._......._.$ 1,700.(10 $ 2,300.00 SUBTOTALS GROI'P X11I— DOCKS ..................... . ..............................$28,013.00 (Dock Tax—$18,564.00; disc. Dock Rev(!nues—$11,740.00) $ 30,304.00 GROUP XIV—AIRPORT Proposed 1947-48 :548-49 Item 157—Airport Fund Appropriations Appropriations F. 111aintenanace .... _............. .............$ I. Insurance 2,500.00 $ 15.000.00 ....._......_... ........................ J. Airport Development ...._............... ::00.00 93,07:1.00 1,500.00 96,201.00 Sub -Total Group XIV—Airport $ 96,073.00 $112,701.00 (Airport Tax—$17,7111.00; Airport Balance and Revenues— $95,000.00) GROUP XV—PARKING METERS AND PARKING LOTS Item 170A—Parking Meters A. Wages..............._........._..............__....._.....$_...... Equipment ...... 11,000.00 F. Nlaintenan(•e ____......_...._.............. ...... ...._......... 6,000.00 Tota] _..... ... ._.. ........$ ..................... $ 19,500.00 (Parking Motor Fund—$19,500.00) Item 170B—Parking Lots J. Parking Lots .... .__.......... _........._._.....$ 19,581.00 $ 38,300.00 (Parking Meter Fund—$20,5(10.00; Parking Lot Fund— $17,800.00) S1JI3TOT_\ i. -G l',(q' I' XV—PARK- ING METERS AN]) PARK- ING LOTS .._... _I I __.__........... $ 19,881.00 $ 57,800.00 GROUP XVI—WATER WORKS Proposed 1947-48 1948-49 :\ppropriations Appropriations Estimated Baku-, ,u, 11mid A1,111 1, 1947 $250,000.00 $140,000.00 Estimated \Ict,a sol, < 170,000.00 180,000.00 Estimated Flit Itat,. �aLa ..._.... ..... ... 750.00 750.00 Estimated Fire Protection Service 2,500.00 2,500.00 Estimated Non -Operation Service...... 2,500.00 2,500.00 Estimated Sales Tax Collections .... 3,415.00 3,615.00 Total ........ ....... ......... ........ ............ ....... _.... ....... ..$429,165.00 $329,365.00 DISBURSEMENTS Item 149A—Administration A. Salary Sul,orintoti,h nw :rod (':,shier_.._.$ 4,620.00 $ 4,620.00 A. Salmy Accountant 3,036.00 3,036.00 A. Sal;uy Stenograph,•r and ,'Irrk 2,184.00 2,184.00 A. S;da y Clerk -. 2,184.00 2,184.00 A. Sal, y t'h rk ......._ .._............... 1,872.00 1,872.00 A. Snl:1ry City Mann,," (25',b-2070) -...... ... -- 2,238.00 2,400.00 -':� A. Salary City Audit,n- t';-'�t;b) 849.00 677.00 A. Salary City Troasur'�r (2552 ) �:;1.00 667.00 B. Travel 12-00 125.00 C. Office Expense and Postage..... 1,500.00 1,500.00 D. Printing and Advertising .._..._.. 400.00 400.00 E. Equipment ...__ __ __._ _. 1,150.00 1,150.00 F. Maintenance 300.00 300.00 G. Material and tiul,lilio. 500.00 500.00 I. lasurance 75.00 75.00 J-1 Mis,•ellane,n,s._ 340.00 340.00 J-2 SUtle Sales Tax 3,415.00 3,615.00 Total ... ___ _ $ 25,622.00 $ 25,645.00 Item 1496—Water Operation A. Salary field Engine -r $ 3,480.00 $ 3.480.00 A. Salary I'lant Chief E"'4 eec.... '1,168.00 3,168.00 A. Salu•ios I'iant En.ghw,,rs (6)... 16,272.00 16,272.00 A. Wa,os Nxlra Statirni I.ahor.... 3,000.00 3,000.00 A. Salary Tnjq,er and Ilwlrnnt 2,712.60 2,712.00 Doan A. Salary ..\I,•t(r Sor i,r ML[" _ .. 2,412.00 2,412.00 A. Salary Meter Repair 2,784.00 2,784.00 A. Salary Nieter Reader 2,412.00 2,145.00 2,412.00 2,148.00 A. Salary Meter Inspect,," A. Salary Asst. Nfeter Repairer _. 2,484.00 2,484.00 200 Special Session, July 25th, 19.47 A. Salary General Foreman ... _.......... 3,208.00 3,208.00 A. Salary Asst. Foreman ....... ...-. _ 2,556.00 11,280.00 2,556.00 11,280.00 A. Images Laborers - .......... ....... -- ... --- Equipment... ....... .__._._._... 10,000.00 10,000.00 E. F. Maintenance ............... -.... ....• ..••••.•...........• Material and Supplies .... __..... __. 12,000.00 2,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 G. H. Heat, Tight and Power ............... 35,000.00 37,500.00 I. Insurance .. ... ........... ...... ..... _........................... J-1 Water Main Material. _.................. 5,500.00 25,000.00 5,500.00 25,000.00 J-2 Other Betterments ....._.............. _....... 251,222.00 148,899.00 J-3 Store Reserve .._ ..................-... ............... 3,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 ......•.•....... J-4 ;Miscellaneous •.. . .................. Total •..••• .................••......$402,718.00 $302,895.00 (I IAND TOTAL WATER WORKS APPROPRIATIONS .... .......................$428,340.00 $328,540.00 NUS -APPROPRIATIONS RE- SERVE ..... ............... ....... .......... ..................... $ 825.00 $ 825.00 5t*IlTOTAL GROUP XVI—WATER NVORKS._............. .............. ............................ $429,165.00 $329,365.00 RECAPITULATION OF TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND RESERVICES (a) (,il> op,.rition, Group I to IX, inclusive ..... ...... ......... ..... .... $ 897,556.00 $1,020,751.00 (ab) Mnuirii)ai I'll Prnve'ell ts Group X ...._......._.........._ .__ _....._.... 116,628.00 127,628.00 (c) Reserve in General Mise. Revenues .............. _......... .......... .... ..... . 165.00 240.00 (d) Pensions, Group XI .................... 66,009.00 80,542.00 (e) Debt Service, Group XII ...._ 87,104.00 71,780.00 (f) Dock, Group XIII .............. ._...... _ 28,013.00 30,304.00 (g) Airport, Group XIV ................ __. 96,073.00 112,701.00 (h) Parking Meters and Lots, Group XV ................... ......... ..... ........ 19,881.00 57,800.00 (i) Water Works, Group XVI 428,340.00 328,540.00 (j) Water Works Reserve ......_. 825.00 825.00 Tota] _ ...........$1,740,594.00 $1,831,111.00 RECAPITULATION OF REVENUES Tax Rei n . .......$ 846,572.00 $ 889,531.00 Misc. Rc%,and 1::=1imated Bala w _.................... 464,857.00 612,215.00 Water Works Revenues and Estimated Balances ................ 429,165.00 329,365.00 Total .............. Petition of St. Patrick's Church, by F. P. Mulligan, Pastor, asking that an ordinance be adopted va- cating all of the alley between 15th Street and Loras Boulevard from the South line of 15th Street to the North line of Loras Boulevard or the alley described as that part of the alley between 15th Street and Loras Boulevard from the South line of 15th Street to the North Property line of St. John's Episcopal Church if said line were extended in a direct line easterly across said alley, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recotnmendatiou and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the followiltg vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt., Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—Norc. Ordinance No. 20.47 .fin Ordhimwe amending Ordin- ance No. 1-39, amending Ordinance ............$1,740,594.00 $1,831,111.00 No. 10-37 entitled "An Ordinance regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque, designating the provisions thereof as the "Traffic Code" of said City," by establishing parking regulations upon certain streets hereinafter designated, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on July 17th, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for pub- lic inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was pre- sented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NQ 20-47. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1-39, amending Ordinance No. 10-37 entitled "An Ordinance regu- lating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque, desig- nating the provisions thereof as the "Traffic Code" of said City", by es- tablishing parking regulations upon certain streets hereinafter designated. Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: Sec. 1. That Ordinance No. 1rule Paragraph 736, Section 1, "d", 108 be, and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the fol- lowing: Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful to park on the following streets or parts thereof: Special Session, July 25th, 1947 -701 a. The southerly side of West Fifth Street from the west line of Bluff Street to a point opposite the west line of Lot 12 of Corell's Du- buque, and on the northerly side of West Fifth Street beginning at a point 196 feet west of the west line of Bluff Street and extending thence westerly to west line of Lot 12 of Corell's Dubuque. b. On the south side of West 11th Street from Prairie Street to Race Street. c. On the west side of Race Street from West 11th Street to Rose Street. d. On the south and west side of West 12th Street from Bluff street to Grove Terrace. e. On the east side of Grove Ter- race from West 11th Street to West 12th Street. f. On the south side of Arlington Street from Grove Terrace to Prai- rie Street. g. On the souh side of Jefferson Street from Walnut Street to Olive Street. h. On the east side of Summit Street from West 3rd Street to West 5th Street. I. On the west side of Algona Street from University Avenue to Bennett Street. i• On the east side of Walnut Street from University Avenue to Loras Blvd. k. On the east side of Sumner Street from Lincoln Avenue to Rhomberg Avenue. 1. On the south side of West 3rd Street from Bluff Street to Burch Street. M. On the east side of Booth Street from University Avenue to West 5th Street. provided that such space above designated shall first be marked by proper signs erected at intervals with the words "No parking at any time." Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption and approval by the City Council, and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading July 17th, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 25th day of July, 1947. GEO R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 31st day of July, 1947. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the ordinance. Second. ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 21.47 An Ordinance to provide for the selection of a City Assessor and for the assessment of property under Chapter 495, Code of 1946, as pro- vided by Chapter 240 of the Laws Of the 52nd General Assembly, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on July 17th, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 21-47. An Ordinance to provide for the se- lection of a Citiy Assessor and for the assessment of property under Chapter 405, Code of 1946, as provid- ed by Chapter 240 of the Laws of the 52nd General Assembly. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: Sec. 1. That the appointment of the City Assessor and the assessment of property in the City of Dubuque shall be under the provisions of Chapter 405, of the 1946 Code of Iowa, as provided by Chepter 240 of the Laws of the 52nd General As- sembly of Iowa. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption and approval by the City Council and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading July 17th, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 25th day of July, 1947. CEO. R MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK PAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, NV W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Puhli.11wd officially In The Tele- graph-Hrr;dd newspaper this 31st day of July, 1:147. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. 202 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 Councilman Wharton moved that the Building Inspector be Instruct- ed to issue one building permit for the erection of a Butler Mfg. Co. Boulevard Home of aluminum con- struction. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Mr. Henry Cunningham addressed the Council and discussed with the Mayor and City Manager the mat- ter of salary increases for all City Employees. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of June, 1947, pre- sented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Cocuncil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Albert J. En- tringer, M. D. Director of Health and V. F. Chapman, Milk Inspec- tion Division, Health Department, submitting for Council considera- tion proposed amendments to Orig- inal Milk Ordinance No. 7-41 rela- tive to the definitions of Cereal Milk and Whipping Cream and also a clarification regarding singlc- service containers, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be referred to the City Solicitor to prepare proper amendments to Milk Ordin- ance No. 7.41. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- luwlug vote: Yea';—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. July 24, 1947 lim:.ralae MV Ryor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa (Geutlemen: In ieference to the elaim of (1rs. Aunis Shaw for $2,000 submitted to me for r,vestigation Ind report. From my investigation t appears that on March 16, 1947, tbout 2:15 P. M. claimant while valking on the unmarked crosswalk )etween the Northwest and South. vest corners of the intersection of Arlington and Highland Streets stepped upon a rough, uneven lay. -r of cinders upon the crosswalk, Causing her to fall and receive ser. ious injuries to her left leg. One of the cinders became imbedded near the knee and was removed by the doctor. That she incurred medical, nursing and surgical expenses and other expenses including loss of time from her work. That total amount of her actual damages is somewhat over $600.00. From all of the circumstances, the placing of the cinders on the street and the size thereof, I am of the opinion that the place where she fell was unsafe and dangerous and that there is a liability upon the part of the City. After consulta- tion with her Attorneys, they have agreed to accept $550.00 in frill pay- ment of her claim. I recommend that her claim be allowed in the sum of $550.00 and that a warrant be issued payable to Kenline, Roedell, Hoffmann & Reynolds, Attorneys for Mrs. Annts Shaw and delivered upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed by the claimant. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $550.00 In favor of Kenline, Roedell, Hoff- mann & Reynolds, Attorneys for Mrs. Annis Shaw, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Dubuque of a prop- erly executed release. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. July 18, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: I herewith submit re. 1lorts of the Cityi Auditor, City Special Session, 1ti1v 25th, 1947 :ll,; Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Department for the month of June, 1947, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of June, 1947. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Thompson moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the foI- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. July 25, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of July 21st the letter of J. J. Haii, Water Superintendent, with refer- ence to the matter of the Dock Board leasing some of the Eagle Point water front to Mr. Matt Gauer was referred to the Manager, So- licitor and Water Superintendent to confer with the Dock Board. Such conference was had with the Dock Board during the after- noon of July 25, 1947. The matter was adjusted to the satisfaction of all in that the Dock Board agreed to revise the terms of the proposed lease to Mr. Gauer in accordance with the desires of the Water De- partment. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor J. J. HAIL, Water Superintendent Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of City Man- ager Rhomberg, City Solicitor Kintzinger and Water Superinten- dent Hail be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. July 23, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With regard to the attached petition of Thomas J. Mul- grew Co, requesting vacation of Camp St, from the east line of Water St, to the west line of Ter. minal St., the Planning .and Zoning Commission respectfully recom- mends to your honorable body the granting of said petition. Yours truly, THE DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION By RICHARD V. McKAY, Secy Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of the Plan. ning and Zoning Commission be approved and the City Solicitor in- structed to prepare the proper or- dinance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 23-47 An Ordinance providing for the vacation of that part of Camp Street extending from the east side of Water Street to the west side of Terminal Street and granting and conveying said part of said street to Thos. J. Mulgrew Co., presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the or- dinance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore .its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (14 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 July 23, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The Planning and Zoning Commission respectfully recommends to your honorable body the granting of the petition of St. Joseph Mercy Hospital re- questing the vacation of Peabody St.. from the west line of former Augusta St. to the east line of James St. Yours truly, THE DUBUQUE PLANNING AND 7rONING COMMISSION By RICHARD V. McKAY, Secy. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission be approved. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No, 24-47 An Ordinance providing for the vacation of that part of Peabody Street extending from the East line of James Street to the West line of former Augusta Street and granting and conveying said part of said street to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital of Dubuque, presented and read. .. Councilman Ran Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the or- dinance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. _Carriedz bythe following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. men, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on tlt"ee separate clays. Seconded by Councibnan Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Atoffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - "'an, Wh,sten. Nays—None. Council ilia,, Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with ilio City Clerk for public in. sl)octiou for aL least one week be - :ore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 92-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City, Name Address Dorothy Blum, 2412 Central Av- enue. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed with the application be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT 'WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nuys—None. Resolution No. 93-47 Whereas, heretofore application for Class "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named applicant and it has received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicant have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and a Proper bond has been filed: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. Special Session, July 25th, 1947 ?il� CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Dorothy Blum, 2412 Central Av- enue. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed by such applicant be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, ;adopted and approved this 25th day of July, 1947 GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wfiarton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 94.47 Whereas, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been submitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the following application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB D.A.V. Club of Dubuque, Inc., 9511/2 Main Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Democratic Central Committee of the City of Dubuque submitting attached reso- lution urging that the application of the police officers for adjustments of their salaries to meet increased living costs be given due considera- tion on its merits, and that the mat- ter be discussed and decided at an open meeting of the City Council, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication and reso- lution be received and placed on file. Seconded by Mayor Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Wharton moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City Cler Approved �o�q. 1p47 .. Adopted o1�19,47 }. ......... �lMru.�Cloa Councilmen: { .............. Attest: Ci Regular Session, :august 4th, 1947 207 City Council (Official). Regular Session, August 4th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. City Manager Rhom- berg. Mayor Murphy stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of act- ing upon such business as may pro- perly come before the meeting. Resolution No. 90-47 RESOLUTION AND APPLICA- TION FOR APPROVAL TO LEVY AN EMERGENCY TAX. Whereas, The revenue in certain funds of the municipality set out•in the within application is inadequate to meet the actual and necessary expenses which must be paid from said funds and any extraordinary or unforeseen expense which may arise during the ensuing year; and Whereas, The inadequacy of the revenue referred to is deemed to constitute an emergency which re- quires the levy of an emergency tax; therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, that the State Comp- troller be and he is• hereby peti- tioned for approval to levy an emergency tax for the year 1947 in the sum of Twenty-seven Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-seven Dollars ($27,847.00, not exceeding one mill), said tax to be used as set out below. The Consolidated Fund is to be benefited by the transfer of $27,847.00 from the Emergency Fund. This is necessary because of the greatly increased costs of sal- aries, wagers and supplies already in effect which may further be in- creased by any extraordinary or un- forseen circumstances which may arise during the year 1948-49. Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk. APPROVAL. The above application and resolu. tion having been filed with the State Comptroller, approval to levy the emergency tax in a sum not exceeding the amount authorized by law is hereby granted this 28th day of July, 1947. R. E. JOHNSON, State Comptroller. Approval is .subject to the hear- ing on the budget and favorable action at that time. Councilman Thompson moved that the Approval of State Comp- troller R. E. Johnson of Resolution No. 90-47, a resolution and appli- cation for approval to levy an emergency tax, be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman -Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any -one pres- ent in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Herman F. Luthe et al, residents and property owners living in the vicinity of the 2400 block on Central Avenue, objecting to the granting of a building permit to Loible's Body Service to erect a new building to be located at 2454 Central Avenue, presented and read. Messrs. H. J. Loible, Mike Sand and Joe Becker addressed the Council in support of the request of Loible's Body Service for a building permit to erect a new building to be located at 2454 Central Avenue. Messrs. H. F. Luthe and William E. Myers addressed the Council in support of the petition of H. F. Luthe et al objecting to the grant- ing of the request of Loible's Body Service for a building permit to erect a new building at 2454 Cen- tral Avenue. 208 Regular Session, August 4th, 1947 Councilman Moffatt moved that the petition of H. F. Lathe et al be referred to the Board of Adjust- ment. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Louis E. Valenta et al requesting that their names be withdrawn as signers of a petition for the rezoning of that portion of the south side of West Locust Street lying between the intersec- tion of Kirkwood Street and Pierce Stret, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Mrs. Christina Lubck et al protesting against the rezon- ing Kirkwood and West Locust Streets from a multiple to a busi- ness district and again calling at- tention to the fact that a Trailer Camp is located at present on this property and is a menace to the residents of this district, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Shiloh Circle, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, reduesting permission for the hold- ing of a tag clay on Saturday, Au. gust 30th, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that they request be granted. Sec. onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. uiau, Wharton. Nays—Noise. Petition of Gene Tully et al, prop- erty owners on Mullin Road, re- questing the installation of a street light on the corner of Mullin Road and Asbury Road, another light on the corner of Mullin Road and Hill- crest Road, and if passible an addi- tional light midway between on Mullin Road, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec. onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of John A. Cameron et al, property owners residing on Lawther Street between Windsor Avenue and Burden Avenue, re- questing that Council examine the macadam paving on said Lawther Street and have said street re- paired, as said street has not been looked after for a number of years. presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Frank Kraus request- ing a refund in the amount of $150.00 on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 22, and also that he be granted a re- fund in the amount of $75.00 on the unexpired portion of his Cigar- ette Permit No. 199, as he has dis- continued business on July 25, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $150.00 in favor of Frank Kraus to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 22 and also to draw a warrant in the amount of $75.00 in favor of Frank Kraus to cover the amount of refund on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Regular Session, August 4th, 1947 209 Permit No. 199. Seconded by Conn. cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Report of the Interstate Power Company, Dubuque, Iowa, Analysis of Revenues and Expenses — Elee. tric and Bus Transportion Service —.City of Dubuque, Iowa, for Year Ended December 31, 1946, presented and read. Councilman Thompson ni o v e d that the report be received and placed on file. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of The Key City Gas Company •submitting for Coun- cil files a new schedule of gas rates to become effective on sales begin- ning September 1, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Thompson to o v e d that the communication and sche- dule of gas rates be referred to the City Council, City Manager, City Solicitor and The Key City Gas Company officials for discussion at an open meeting of the City Coun- cil. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, by E. Marshall Thomas, requesting that quit claim deeds be executed by the City of Dubuque to Dr. and Mrs. Theo. Greteman and to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph P. Even in accordance with the provisions of an Ordinance adopted in 1915 va- cating an alley in Paulina Lang - worthy's Subdivision between West Fourth and Fifth Streets and Al- pine and Paulina Street in favor of abutting owners and that no deeds were ever executed by the City of Dubuque to the abutting owners, Presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 95-47 Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, adopted a certain Ordinance dated March 4, 1915, approved March 5, 1915, and officially pub- lished March 6, 1915, vacating a certain alley in Paulina Lang - worthy's Subdivision which Ordi- nance reads in part as follows: "That the alley in Paulina Lang - worthy's Subdivision between West Fourth and West Fifth Streets and Alpine and Paulina Streets be and the same is here- by vacated and annulled and the use thereof granted to the own- ers of the property abutting thereon;" and, Whereas, no deeds were ever executed and delivered by the City of Dubuque conveying said vacated alley to the abutting property own- ers, and Whereas, Theodore J. Greteman and Helen M. Greteman, husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common are the present owners of the West 60 feet of Lot 16 of Paulina Langworthy's Sub- division of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 73 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and Whereas, the said vacated alley lying to the north of said Lot 16 has been .subdivided and is now described as Lot 16 "B" of Paulina Langworthy's Subdivision of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 73 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and Whereas, the said Theodore J. Greteman and Helen M. Greteman and their grantors have used and occupied the West 60 feet of said Lot 16 "B" and own the property abutting on said vacated alley, Now, Therefore, Be and It is Hereby Resolved That the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and they are hereby authorized to make, execute and deliver a quit claim deed to Theodore J. Greteman and Helen M. Greteman, husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of 210 Regular Session, August 4th, 1947 survivorship and not as tenants in common, covering the following de- scribed real estate, to -wit: "Lot 16 "B" of Paulina Lang - worthy's Subdivision of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 73 in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, according to Alex Anderson's Map of Mineral Lots of Julien Township and vicinity in Dubuque County, Iowa," Approved this 4th day of August, A. D. 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, .City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays :None, Resolution No. 96-47 Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, adopted a certain Ordinance dated March 4, 1915, approved March 5, 1915, and officially pub -1 lished March 6, 1915, vacating a cer- tain alley in Paulina Langworthy's Subdivision which Ordinance reads in part as follows: "That the alley in Paulina Lang. worthy's Subdivision between West Fourth and West Fifth Streets and Alpine and Paulina Streets be and the same is here- by vacated and annulled and the use thereof granted to the owners of the property abutting there- on;" and Whereas, no deeds were ever executed and delivered by the City of Dubuque conveying said vacated alley to the abutting owners, and Whereas, Joseph P. Even and Ida B. Even, husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not ass tenants in common, are the owners of the Easterly 40 feet of thu South Half of Lot 6 of Paul- ina Langworthy's Subdivision of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 73 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which property abuts said vacated alley, and Whereas, the said vacated alley which abuts said Easterly 40 feet of the South Half of Lot 6 has been subdivided into Lots 6 "A" and 16 "A" of said subdivision, and Whereas, the owners of the prop- erty abutting said Lots, 6 "A" and 16 "A" at the time of said vaca- tion were identical, and Whereas, said owners conveyed said Lots 6 "A" and 16 "A" to the predecessors in title of the said Joseph P. Even and Ida B. Even, and Whereas, said Joseph P. Even and Ida B. Even are the record owners of said Lots 6 "A" and 16 „A„ Now, Therefore, be and it ie hereby Resolved That the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and they are hereby authorized to make, execute and deliver a quit claim deed to Joseph P. Even and Ida B. Even, husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivor- ship and not as tenants in common, covering the following described real estate, to -wit: "Lots 6 "A and 16 "A" of Paul- ina Langworthy's Subdivision of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 73 in the City Of Dubuque, Iowa, according to Alex Anderson's Map of Mineral Lots of Julien Township and vicin. ity in Dubuque County, Iowa." Approved this 4th day of August, A.D., 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of a Public hearing for the purpose of discussing operating and lease pro- cedures on the new Dubuque Muni- cipal Airport, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the proof of publication be received Regular Sessicnl, August 4th, 1947 211 and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. A lengthy discussion was held between the Members of the City Council, the Representatives of Aviation Services Company and a number of local fliers. Mr. Ken. neth Osterberg of Aviation Services who has been employed by the City Council to advise the City Council on a proper leasing procedure for the new Dubuque Municipal Air- port stated to the City Council that he believed that the City -should enter into percentage leases with tenants, based on the, tenant's vol- ume of business, the tenants would include commercial airlines and private flires renting space and suggested that leases should be for short terms, except in the case of tenants erecting their own build- ings. Council Proceedings for the month of April, 1947, presented for approval. Councilman Thompson moved that the Council Proceedings for the month of April, 1947 be ap- proved as printed. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 25-47 An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 7-41, being an Ordinance defining "milk" and certain "milk products" and tete. by dlefining "Cereal Milk," "Whipping Cream" and providing for approval of "Single -service Containers," pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 22-47. An Ordi- nance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change to "Multiple Residence Dis- trict" classification certain defined territory now delimited as "Single Family Residence District" classifi- cation, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on July 21st, 1947, and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption, was pre- sented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 22-47 An Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the ,City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change to 'Multiple Residence District" classification certain defined territory now delimited as "Single Family Residence District" classiflea- tion. Whereas, it is deemed advisable by the City Council of the City of Du- buque to amend the Zoning Map of the City as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque" -o as to change to Multiple Residence District" classification certain terri- tory hereinafter described, now de- limited as "Single Family Residence District" classification. And, Whereas, the Dubuque Plan- ningand Zoning Commission recom- mended such change. And, whereas, Notice of such pro- posed ro- p provide(] Rlnv Flaw andge. has an epublished opportunity afforded to any and all Interested parties to object thereto at a public meeting held at 7:30 p.m., July 21st, 1947. in the Council Chamber in tho city Hall. And, Whereas. no objections have been filed or made to the proposed change. 212 lteg'ular Sessitm, :ius;ust 4th, 1947 Now, Therefore, li6.0IRDAINED BY UNOIL 01, THE CITY OFCITY DU- I:UCIUE: Sec. 1. That the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Du- buque be, and the same is hereby amended as follows: I;y changing from "Single Family Residence District" classification the are i hereinafter described to "Mul- tipie Residence District" Classifica- tion as follows: That part of J. C. Scotty's Sub., an area two hundred feet wide parallel to and on the easterly side of the Dubuque Cascade Road from the pres- ent "Local Business District" four hundred feet southerly. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect ten 10) days from on and after its final passage, and publication as provided by law. And when the cost of such publica- tion has been paid by the applicant. Passed upon first reading this 21st day of July, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 4th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALyP,ERT WHARTON W. W. MOFF'ATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. Shea City Clerk Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 6th day of August, 1947. J. J. SHEA. City Clerk 8 -6 -it Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by,the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt„ Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None., Ordinance No. 23-47. An Ordi- nance providnig for the vacation of that part of Camp Street extending from the east side of Water Street to the west side of Terminal Street and granting and conveying said part. of said street to Thos. J. Mul- grew Co., said ordinance having b0011 pawl -d upon fitvt reading on ,July 25th. 1947, and ordered placed ou li'c %citlt the City Clerk for pub- ic inspi'Clion for at least one week before its final adoption, was pre- stnttod for tined adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 23-47 .1n Ordinance providing fur the va- cation of that part of Camp Street extendinv from the east side of Water Ftreot to the west side of Terminal Stre, t anal ,;ranting :rnd conveying said part of said Street to Thos. J. Muigrew Co. WHEREAS, Thos. J. Mulgrew Co. has petitioned the City Council for the vacation of Camp Street extend- ing from the east side of Water Street to the west side of Terminal Street and asking that the same be conveyed to said Co.; and WHEREAS, said petition was re- ferred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for recommendation and report; and WHEREAS, said Planning and Zon- ing Commission has recommended the granting of said petition; and WHEREAS, said Street has never been opened, used or needed for pub- lic purposes and the said Thos. J. Mulgrew Co. is the owner of all abutting real estate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- DAINED BY the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That part of Camp Street from the east line of Water Street to the west line of Terminal Street in the City of Dubuque be, and the same is hereby vacated. Section 2. That in consideration of the slim of $1.00, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, said vacated part of Camp Street be, and the same is hereby granted to Thos. J. Mulgrew Co., and 'said Grantee shall cause said vacated part of said Street to be platted by giving the same a distinct lot description, and, thereupon, the Mayor and Clerk shall convey said premises to said Grantee by Quit Claim Deed for and on the behalf of the City of Dubuque. Section 3. That the Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to record this Ordinance in the office of the County Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa. Section 4. This Ordinance, being deemed urgent and in the interest of the public welfare, shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council of Dubuque and publication as provided by law, and upon pay- ment of the cost in connection here- with by the applicant. Passed upon first reading July 25th, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 4th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. Shea City Clerk Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 6th day of August. 1947. J. J. SHEA City Clerk 8 -6 -it Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel" man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 24-47. An Ordi- nance providing for the vacation of that part of Peabody Street extend- Regular Session, August 4th, 1947 213 ing from the East line of James Street to the West line of former Augusta Street and granting and conveying said part of said street to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital of Du- buque, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on July 25th, 1947, and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption, was pre- sented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 24-47 AN ORDINANCE PRI:)\•II)IN,; FOR THE VACATION OF 'I'll.\'1' PART OF PEABODY STI:I:i:'I' ENTI:NDIN(; I']',OM THE L.As— LINN OF JANII:S STREET TIIF, AV EST LINT', OF Ft>I;AII'.1; A C (; l' S T A S T R E E 'I' .A N I) GRANTING AN]) ('()NVI;)'IN,; SAID PART OI N.\ I I - \•I• I; :1','I' TO ST. JOSEI'II \II:I;i'1' IU)S- PITAL OF DUBUQUE. WHEREAS, St. Joseph Mercy Hos- pital of Dubuque has petitioned the City Council for the vacation of Pea- body Street extending from the vast line of James Street to the w�.st line of former Augusta Street and asking that the same be conveyed to said St. Joseph Mercy Hospital of Du- buque; and WHEREAS, said petition was re- ferred to the Planning and Zoning Comission for recommendation and report; and WHEREAS, said Planning and Zon- ing Commission has recommended the granting of such petition; and -NV IIEREAS, said street is no longer needed for public purposes and the said St. Joseph Mercy Hospital of Dubuque is the owner of all abutting real estate. Nn\\', TIII:REFO1;19, BE, IT OR- I ,A I N ED BY the City Council of the City of Dubuque: ' -:tion 1. TImt part of Peabody Street from the ,:tst line of James Street to the west lin,• of former Augusta Street in t1w City of Dubuque be, and tb,- s;tnw is hereby vacated, reserving t(. the City of Dubuque easenww fur ,ill purposes in connec- tiim \cith all public utilities now esizting therein. Section -. That in consideration of Me sum of One Dollar ($1.00), the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, said vacated part of Peabody Street be and the sante is hereby granted to St. Joseph Mercy Hos- pital of Dubuque and said grantee shall cause said vacated part of Peabody Street to be platted by giv- ing the same a distinct lot descrip- tion, and, thereupon the Alayor and Clerk of the Pity of Dubuque shall convey said premises to said gran, tee by quit cl;iinn (1-,d feu- and on behalf of the City of 1)nbu,lue, re- serving to the t'ity ,f I)nbuque easement for all outposts• in c�nuu•c- tion with all public utilities now existing therein. Section 3. That the Cleric be, and he is hereby directed to record this Ordinance in the office of the C'nun- ty Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa. Section 4. This Ordinance, heinr )Itcni- ed urgent and in the interest of the public welfare, shall Iw in 1'orct and effect from and after its final passage and adaption by tht ("ity Council of Dubuque and publication as provided by law, and upon pay- ment of the cost in connection herewith by the applicant. Passed upon first reading July 25th, 1947. ved uon final reading lthisl 4th l day of August 1947. Gen. ]t. Murphy, Mayor Ftank Van Ditelman F. NV. Thompson Albert Wharton A','. W. Moffatt Attest: Councilmen J. J. Shea, City Clerk Published officially in The Tele- graph-Ilerald newspaper this 0th day of August, 1947. J. J. SFIEA, 8-0-1t City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men° Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. July 31, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: On July 15, 1947, we, the undersigned representatives of the various city departments, con- ducted an inspection of the follow- ing buildings: A large frame barn located in the rear of 15 Bluff Street, and a se- ries of sheds and garages attached to the rear of house oil 15 Bluff Street located on lots three (3) and four (4) of the subdivision of lots two (2) and two (2) of three (3) of City Lot 598 and lot four (4) being owned by Nellie M. Clancy and lot three (3) being owned by Marie and Nellie Clancy; frame buildings in the rear of 625 Central Avenue lo- cated on the south one-half of City Lot 245 and owned by Anna Appel et al, and now being used as a kitchen and store room for restaurant. We find these buildings in a very dilapidated condition, the barn and sheds at 15 Bluff Street are defin- itely a fire hazard to the adjoining owners aucl is in a very unsanitary condition. The 11•anne additions in the tear of 625 Central Avenue are an eyesore and fire hazard to all adjoilting Property— III both of these cases the build- ing, areunsightly to elle neighbor- hood and dilapidated beyond rea- �onable repair. 214 Regular Session, August 4th, 1947 We therefore recommend that a condemnation committee be ap- pointed by your honorable body to Inspect the above properties and make a report and recommenda- tions according to law. Respectfully submitted, THOS. C. HICKSON, Fire Chief. DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector. ALBERT J. ENTRINGER, M.D. Health Director. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Van Du& man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. August 4, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your di- rections a survey was conducted by the Police Department to determine the use of parking space both in the meter area and in the restricted but unmetered locations. The re- sults of this survey are herewith Submitted. I recommend that the Council follow the recommendations and suggestions outlined in the attach- ed report. Briefly they are as follows: 1. All meters be of the accumula- tive type. 2. One hour meters be located on Main Street from 7th Street to 9th Street and on 8th Avenue from Iowa Street to Locust. 3. The balance of the meters to be on the 2 -hour accumulative type. 4. That additional meters be in- stalled oil Central Avenue from 6th to 10th Street and from 12th to Lith; on Iowa Street from 6th to 10th; oil Main Street from 4th to 5th and from 10th to 11th; on the west side of Locust Street from 5th to 7th and from 9th to 10th; on Bluff Street from 6th to 10th; and on Gth, 7th and 9th Sht ets from Cei,tral Avenue to Bluff Street and on 8th Avenue frau Central to Iowa and Locust to Bluff and on the north side of 10th Street from Iowa to Locust. Your early consideration of these proposals will be greatly appre- ciated. Very truly yours, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the City Manager be author- ized to purchase additional parking meters from M. H. Rhodes, Inc., and conversion parts for existing parking meters in order to carry out the recommendations of the Police Department, subject to ap- proval of the contract by the City Solicitor, and the City Solicitor di- rected to prepare a proper ordin- ance. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. August 4, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your directions the following list of streets are reco- mmended for improvements. The following are streets in need of curb and gutter: Gilliam Street—University to West St. Finley Street — McCormick to Cherry. Pearl Street — Finley to West End—McCormick to O'Hagan. O'Hagan Street—Finley to Pres- ent Curb. Suthern Avenue — Grandview to City Limits—Sullivan St. to Grand- view Ave. Cleveland Avenue — Bryant to State St. Gandolfo Street—Lombard Ave. to U.S. No. 20 Highway. Lombard Avenue Meadow Lane to Gandolfo Street. Seminary Street—St. Ambrose to Asbury St. Green Street—Asbury to West End. Simpson Street—East side fror.i Fremont Ave. to Cross St. Cross Street—Simpson to Coates; The following streets are in need of paving: Bradley Street—Dunning St. t) North End. Booth Streeto Loras Blvd. Negular Session, :August 4th. 1947 215 Laurel Street—Grandview to Can. non St. Cannon Street—Laurel to Mt. Carmel. East 13th .Street Washington St. to Railroad Tracks. East 16th Street—Washington St. to Sycamore St. East 30th Street—Central to Elm Street. Rosedale—St. Ambrose to As- bury St. I recommend that the City Coun- cil order plats and schedules pre- pared for the above outlined im- provements. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due! - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 97-47 Whereas, applications for Class "B" Beer Permits have been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Joseph J. Weiner and Evelyn Weiner, 709 University Avenue. William Leo Johanningmeier, 1879-1881 Central Avenue. Harry J. Murphy and Dorothy Murphy, 1097 Jackson Street. Gilbert J. Nicks and Josephine Nicks, 103 East 22nd Street. John J. Rettenmaier and Marie Rettenmaier, 1100 Lincoln Avenue. Mrs. Florence M. Miller, 400 Central Avenue. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Luxemburg Club of Dubuque, Iowa, 1832-68 Central Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 4th day August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 98-47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Class "B" Beer Permits were filed by the within named appli- cants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Mana- ger be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Joseph J. Weiner and Evelyn Weiner, 709 University Avenue. William Leo Johanningmeier, 1879-1881 Central Avenue. Harry J. Murphy and Dorothy Murphy, 1097 Jackson Street. Gilbert J. Nicks and Josephine Nicks. 103 East 22nd Street. John J. Rettenmaier and Marie Rettenmaier, 1100 Lincoln Avenue. Mrs. Florence M. Miller, 400 Cen- tral Avenue. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Luxemberg Club of Dubuque, Iowa, 1832-68 Central Avenue. Be It. Further Resolved that the bonds tiled by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. 216 Ke{ alar �essiuu, _August 4th, 1947 Passed, adopted and approved this 4th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 99.47 Preliminary approval of the pro- posed pians, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule, and all otner documents for the con- struction of an 8 inch sanitary sewer, reinforced concrete lift sta- tion, and a 6 inch cast iron force main for the Bradley Street Sewer District. The 8 inch sewer line be- gins at the lift station located on the centerline of the alley first south of Bradley Street 252 feet westerly from the intersection of Henderson Street and said alley, thence running in a northerly d.1 - rection across the easterly 10 feet of lot No. 6 of block No. 10 of Grandview Park Addition to the centerline of Bradley Street (man - bole No. 4), thence westerly along the centerline of Bradley Street to a point 10 feet west of the easterly line of lot No. 19 of Grandview Place Addition; also from manhole No. 4 northerly 1.6 feet, thence easterly along a line 9 feet south of and parallel to the north prop- erty line of Bradley Street to a Point opposite the line between lots No. 19 and 20 of block No. 3 of Grandview Park Addition; also en 8 inch sewer line running from the lift station easterly along the cen- terline of the alley first south of Bradley Street to the Northerly Proverly line of Dunning Street. The 6 inch cast iron force main begins at the lift station and runs easterly along a line 3.5 feet south Of Centerlhre of alley 262 feet, thence northerly along a line 15 feet west of and parallel to the easlerly proper[y lane of lienderson Street for a distance of 471 feet to the centerline of Grandview Ave- nue. Estimated cost $21,810,02. Passed, adopted and .approved this 4th day of August, 1947 GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - Man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Necessity for Improvement) Resolution No. 100.47 Whereas, proposed plans, specifi- cations, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other thing the foliowing: 1. The boundaries of the district, if any. 2. The size and kind of sewers. 3. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 4. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of construction and kind of material to be used. 5. In each case the amount thereof which .is estimated to be assessed against each lot, for the construction of an 8 inch sanitary sewer, reinforced concrete lift sta- ti,on, .and a 6 inch cast iron force main for the Bradley Street Sewer District. The 8 inch sewer line begins at the lift station located on the centerline of the alley first south of Bradley Street 252 feet westerly from the intersection of Henderson Street and said alley, thence running in a northerly di- rection across the easterly 10 feet of lot No. 6 of Block No. 10 of Grandview Park Addition to the centerline of Bradley Street (man- hole No. 4), tbence westerly •along Regular Session, August 4th, 1(17 217 the centerline of Bradley Street to a point 10 feet west of the easterly line of lot No. 19 of Grandview Place Addition; also from man- hole No. 4 northerly 16 feet, thence easterly along a line 9 feet south of and parallel to the north property line of Bradley Street to a point opposite the line between lots No. 19 and 20 of block No. 3 of Grand- view Park Addition; also an 8 inch sewer line running from the lift station easterly along the center- line of the alley first south of Bradley Street to the Northerly property line of Dunning Street. The 6 inch cast iron force main begins at the lift station and runs easterly along a line 3.5 feet south of centerline of alley 262 feet, thence northerly along a line 15 ft. west of and parallel to the easterly property line of Henderson Street for a distance of 471 feet to thr. centerline of Grandview avenue. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property owners, deems it advisable and necessary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assess- ments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all privately owned property lying within assessable distance provided by law and in an amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon o: is adjacent thereto according to area and in proportion to the sped ial benefits conferred thereby, and any deficiency shall be paid out of the general fund, improvement fund or sewer funds, or partly out 01 each of such funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments of assessment: vhen a contract has been perform - ,d and accepted and the proceeds :hereof used to pay the contractor. rhe railway portion of any street or )ssessment district shall be assess - Id to and paid by the railway com- pany. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 4th day of August, 1947. Approved and placed on file for final action. Approved: GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - Man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Fixing Date of Hearing) Resolution No. 101-47 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No. 99-47 given its pre- liminary approval on the proposed plans, specification and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the construe - Won of an 8 inch '$,anitary sewer, reinforced concrete lift station and a 6 inch cast iron force main for the Bradley Street Sewer District. The 8 inch sewer line begins at the lift station located on the centerline of the alley first south of Bradley Street 252 feet westerly from the intersection of Henderson Street and said alley, thence running in a northerly di- rection across the easterly 10 feet of lot No. 6 of block No. 10 of Grandview Park Addition to the centerline of Bradley Street (man- hole No. 4), thence westerly along the centerline of Bradley Street to a point 10 feet west of the easterly line of lot No. 19 of Grandview 218 Regular Session, August 4th, 1947 Place Addition; also from man. hole No. 4 northerly 16 feet, thence easterly along a line 9 feet south of and parallel to the north property line of Bradley Street to a point opposite 'the line between lots No. 19 and 20 of block No. 3 of Grand- view Park Addition; also an 8 inch sewer line running from the lift station easterly along the center- line of the alley first south of Bradley Street to the Northerly property line of Dunning Street. The 6 inch cast iron force main begins at the lift station and runs easterly along a line 3.5 feet south of centerline of alley 262 feet, thence northerly along a line 15 ft. west of and parallel to the easterly property line of Henderson Street for a distance of 471 feet to the centerline of Grandview avenue. and, Whereas, the proposed Resolu• tion of Necessity for said .improve- ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, Be It Therefore Resolved that on the 25th day of August 1947, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham- ber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property subject to assessment for the proposed im- provement may appear and make objection to the proposed plans and specifications and proposed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the pro- posed district, to the cost of the improvement, to the amount pro- posed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the pro- posed Resolution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published in some newspaper Published in the City of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless prop. erty owners at the time of final consideration or said resolution have oil file with the Clerk objec- tions to the amount of the proposed assessment, they shall have been deomed to have waived all objec- tions thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and _enter on record its final decis- ion thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 4th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, W. W. MOFFATT, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of ,the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - Man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 102-47 Preliminary approval of the pro- posed plans, specifications; form of contract, plat and schedule, and all other documents for the construc- tion of Perry Street Sanitary Sewer, lift station and force main. The 3 inch sanitary sewer line begins at the lift station located in the alley first southwest of Perry Street 115 feet southeast of the southeast prop- erty line of Rider Street, thence running southeasterly along center line of said alley a distance of 370 feet; also from the lift station run- ning southwesterly along the center line of said alley a distance of 140 feet to the center of Rider Street, thence northeasterly along the cen- terline of Rider Street to the inter- section of the alley first northeast of Perry Street to manhole No. 4, thence southeasterly along center- line of said alley a distance of 370 feet; also from manhole No. 4 northeasterly along the centerline of Rider Street to the intersection of Bradley Street for manhole No. 7, thence southeasterly along the centerline of Bradley Street a distance of 250 feet; also from manhole No. 7 northwesterly along the centerline of Bradley Street a distance of 260 feet. The 6 inch cast iron force main begins at the lift station and runs southeasterly on a line 4 feet southwest of and parallel to the centerline of alley first southwest of Perry Street a distance of 330.6 feet, thence north- easterly across the northwest 10 Regular Session, August 4th, 1947 1 219 feet of lot No, 18 of block No. 15 of Grandview Park Addition a dis- tance of 140.4 feet, thence easterly along a line 10 feet of and parallel to the south property line of Perry Street to the center line of Grand- view avenue. Estimated cost $18,- 091.02. Passed, adopted .and approved this 4th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANI{ VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, W. W. MOFFATT, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Ducl- Man, Wharton, Nays—None. (Necessity for Improvement) Resolution No. 103-47 Whereas, proposed plans, specifi- cations, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the district, if any. 2. The size and kind of sewers. 3. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 4. As estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of construction and kind of material to be used. 5. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated to be as- sessed against each lot, f o r the construction of Perry Street sanitary sewer, lift station and force main. The 8 inch sanitary sewer line begins at the lift sta- tion located in the alley first southwest of Perry Street 115 feet southeast of the southeast property line of Rider Street, theme running southeasterly along center line of said •alley a distance of 370 feet; also from the lift station running southwesterly along the centerline of said alley a distance of 140 feet to the center of Rider Street, thence northeasterly along the cen- terline of Rider Street to the inter- section of the alley first northeast of Perry Street to manhole No. 4, thence southeasterly along cente:•- line of said alley a distance of 370 feet; also from manhole No. 4 northeasterly along the centerline of Rider Street to the intersection of Bradley Street for manhole No. 7, thence southeasterly along the centerline of Bradley Street a distance of 250 feet; also from manhole No. 7 northwesterly along the centerline of Bradley Street a distance of 260 feet. The 6 inch cast iron force main begins at the lift station and runs southeasterly on a line 4 feet southwest of and parallel to the centerline of alley first southwest of Perry Street a distance of 330.6 feet, thence north- easterly across the northwest 10 feet of lot No. 18 of block No. 15 of Grandview Park Addition a dis- tance of 140.4 feet, thence easterly along a line 10 feet of and parallel to the south property line of Perry Street to the centerline of Grand- view avenue. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property own- ers, deems it advisable and neces- sary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed resolution have ou file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections there- to. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all privately owned property lying within assessable distance provided by law and in an amount not to ex- ceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adja. 220 l�egtilar Session, _august 4th, 1947 cent thereto according to area and in proportion to the special bene- fits conferred thereby, and any de- ficiency shall. be paid out of the general fund, improvement funds or sewer funds, or partly out of each of such funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and ac- cepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The railway portion of any street or assessment district shall be as- sessed to and paid by the railway company. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 4th day of August, 1947. Approved and placed on file for final action. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFAT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Fixing Date of Hearing) Resolution No. 104-47 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No. 102-47 given its Preliminary approval on the pro- posed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the construction of P e r r y Street Sanitary S e w e r, lift station and force main. The S inch sanitary sewer line begins at the lift station located in the alley first southwest of Perry Street 115 feet southeast of the southeast property lire of Rider Street, thence running southeasterly along center line of said alley a distance of 370 feet; also from the lift station run- ning southwesterly along the cen- terline of said alley .a distance of 140 feet to the center of Rider St., thence northeasterly along the cen- terline of Rider Street to the inter- section of the alley first northeast, of Perry Street to manhole No. 4', thence southeasterly along center- line of said alley a distance of 370 feet; also from manhole No. 4 northeasterly along the centerline of Rider Street to the intersection of Bradley Street for manhole No. 7, thence southeasterly along the centerline of Bradley Street a distance of 250 feet; also from manhole No. 7 northwesterly along the centerline of Bradley Street a distance of 260 feet. The, 6 inch cast iron force main begins at the lift station and runs southeasterly on a line 4 feet southwest of and parallel to the centerline of alley first southwest of Perry Street a distance of 330.6 feet, thence north- easterly across the northwest 10 feet of lot No. 18 of block No. 15 of Grandview Park Addition a dis- tance of 140.4 feet, thence easterly along a line 10 feet of and parallel to the south property line of Perry Street to the centerline of Grand- view avenue, and, Whereas, the proposed Resolu• tion of Necessity for said improve- ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, Be It Therefore Resolved that on the 25th day of August, 1947, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property sub- ject to assessment for the pro- posed improvement may appear and make objection to the proposed plans and specifications and pro- posed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed district, to the cost of the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the proposed Resolution of Ne- cessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published in some newspaper published in the City of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor mora than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and Regular Session, August 4th, 1947 221 unless property owners at the tim3 of final consideration of said reso- lution have on. file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessment, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, ,adopted and approved this 4th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Henry J. Cun- ningham advising Council that the procedure followed in the recent action of the City Council of in- creasing the salary of the City Manager from $8,952.00 to $12,000.00 per annum by way of motion was an illegal procedure and violated Section 1 of Chapter 419 of the 1946 Code of Iowa wherein it is set out that the compensation of any City Manager in this State must be fixed by Ordinance, and also pointing out that, in his opin- ion, the item in the proposed City Budget calling for the payment of $2,400.00 to the City Manager out of the Waterworks Fund as a part of his salary violates Section 55 of Chapter 419, Sub 12, wherein it is set forth as the Law of this State that one of the duties of a City Manager is the management of the Municipal water plant and in further reference to increasing said City Manager's compensation in the middle of a fiscal year, you are Particularly referred to Chapter 24 of the 1946 Code of Iowa, entitled "Local Budget Law" particularly referred to Section 14 and 15 of said Chapter 24 of said Code, prP- sented and read. Councilman Mof- fatt moved that the communication be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Wharton moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. Shea, City Clerk. Approved . . . 3...(] 1947 Adopted ..Sr1C947 r .1. /' ... Councilmen: . .......................... . . ....... ...... ...... � .. Attest: .. . City Cleric. 222 Special Session, August 11th, 1947 city council (Official.) Special Session, August 11th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duol- man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilman Van Duelman and Thomp- son. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the Budget Estimate of Expenditures of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1948, also for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the proposed Annual Budget by the City Mana- ger of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year 1948-1949 and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regu- lar meeting of the City Council. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of a Public hearing upon the Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the year beginning April 1, 1948, pre- sented and read. No written ob- jections from taxpayers and no objectors present in the Council Chamber at the time of said hear- ing. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. S1JCCl21 SCSSlotl, 144 ust 11th, 1947 7)3 BUDGET ESTIMATE AND RECORD OF FILING City Estimate NOTICE -The City Council of Du uqw, r,f 1011,111111,, Count., will meet August 11, 1947, at 7:30 P. AZ., at the cit., Mill, Dubuque. 'Taxpayers will be heard for or agaia�t Ili,, fnlinwh,g penditures for the year beginning April 1, estimate of ex- 1! IS. A dPtlLlled ceipts and disbursements, both past .unl nnlicij,:Wtl gill Statement of re- be the hearing. availahle at 7-30-1t. J. .1. SHEA, Cite Clerk. 1 2 3 4 :, 6 Expenditures for Year FUNDS General ........... 370,1:;-4 $ :hr,l2u ;7y vfi 0 Grading ................$ 10,()00 9,84:3 1.0,000 ...... ..... ........ ._ 0 improvement ...... 38,605 40,581 12,000 ........_.._._.. c Snow Removal 6,292 15,675 9,950 ........_...._..... - City Bridge ....... .................... ...................... 53,625 .. ............... ....__._ _... a Sewer ........................... 17,053 34,106 30,000 ................... ....... _.........._. Main Sewer ..._ 14,910 33,070 19,500 ............ ..... ............ ......... o Garbage Disposal ........ 33,852 33,918 :1QS00 ................... ................ ..._......._..._. Light .............. _..... ..... 36,389 36,467 76,500 ................... ._............... .... ....... .._... m *Total Consoli- dated ..................$ 527,235 $ 590,080 $ 597,174 $ 25,000 $191,602 $380,572 Water Works .......$ 259,242 $ 269,257 339,365 110,000 189,365 ................ .... Fire .Maintenance 133,013 158,706 1l,':1,32; 5,()00 71,245 167,080 Fire Equipment 22,319 4,229 c^,:c:. 0,11()0 13,923 Library ..... .............. 35,602 43,201 111 2,;00 46,411 1.iLrar}-. (Agri. 90 44 110 110 I.:uuU __.........._... __ Park 21,:11S O2,-,25 In, -120 2,500 ._.. _ WO 37,129 Playgn,timt acid , Swimming Pool1!15 27,949 1,�2., 18,564 Dock 2a, 167 28,782 n,:;ul ;,n11q s,;do 18,564 Dock Board 211,. 111 27,59; Firemen's Ycn�iwi _1.110 23,501 600 27,920 Firemen's Retirement ...._ ... 955 1,035 15,000 Policemen's Pension ................ 14,198 16,479 lli.!��❑ ��, 14,530 Policemen's Retirement ......... 947 2,445 11,027 Employees r,,n1:, Retirement ....... _ c,o1:, "�,�I; 17 Emergency ..........._.... ...................... .............-. _. lii, 21� 10,2() Assessment ....... ._...... _-....._. _. _ Liquor Sales .... __ n,nua a,nnu General Bonds 1: 0 1"9u,nnn ,352 :,,01111 .17,129 Airport Levies ........ 19,510 yl,,;r,2 Road, (Agri. Land)115 101 110 ........................ _ _...... 110 Street Const. Fd. l""(100 1(15,000 75,000 ._......... (Gas Tax) ......_ Parking Meters0 2;,SOp 30,000 And Lots .................................. TOTALS $1,291,65S $1,`•(1 ,958 $450,300 $579,127 $589,531 ..............$1,253,670 Estimated Taxes per $1,000.00 of assesse4 value $23,932 $35,762,229 Taxable valuation (1946) .................... 1 $11,049,830 Moneysand credits (1946) 6l 5 Mills ._.__ ..............._....-.._.......... 'Mill $ 1,069.782 (1946) Moneys and credits Ira 1 224 Sj)ecial Scssion, :August 11th, 1947 Resolution No. 105.47 Whereas, The Council of the City of Dubuque, caused to be prepared and published, as provided by law, the Budget Estimate of Expendi- tures for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1949 and the hearing upon said Budget Estimate was fixed for the 11th day of August, 1947 at 7:30 RIVI. at the Council Chamber in the City Hall; and Whereas, This being the time and place for said hearing, said Budget Estimate was taken up for final consideration by the Council and all parties in interest have been given the opportunity to be heard for or against said Budget Estimate. It Is Therefore Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa: That the Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1949 heretofore prepared and published be and the same is hereby finally approved and adopted and the Mayor and Clerk are di- rected to certify the same to the County Auditor of Dubuque County, Iowa, together with the verified proof of publication and the notice of hearing upon said Budget Esti- mate. Be It Further Resolved, That the taxes required to be collected in the year 1948 be and the same are hereby levied in the various funds in the amounts in said Budget Estimate. Passed, adopted and approved this 11th day of August 1947. GEO. R, MURPHY Mayor F. W. THOMPSON, FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFAT, Councilmen :Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- ouded by Councilman Wharton. Car. ried by the following vote: Peas—Mayor Murphy, Council' 111(111 Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- oriu, Wharton. Nays _None. Resolution No. 106-47 A resolution establishing the tax levies for the year 1947, the taxes to be collected in the year 1945 and used for municipal purposes of the City of Dubuque. Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of Dubuque that there be and there is hereby levied the taxes for municipal purposes for the en- suing year 1948 of the following number of mills on the dollar of all taxable property within the cor- porate limits of said city. 10.250 mills for Consolidated Tax as provided by Section 404.11 of the Code of Iowa, 1946, as amended. 4.500 mills for Fire Maintenance Tax. 0.375 mills for Fire Equipment Tax. 1.250 mills for Library Tax. 1.000 mills for Park Tax. 0.500 mills for Playground and Swimming Pool Tax. 0.526 mills for Police Pension Tax. 0.752 mills for Fire Pension Tax. 0.297 for Police Retirement Tax. 0.404 mills for Fire Retirement Tax. 0.162 mills for Employees Retire- ment Tax. 1.410 mills for General Bond Tax. 0.500 mills for Dock Fund Tax. 1.000 mills for Airport Tax. 0.276 mills for City Assessment Tax. 0.750 mills for Emergency Tax. Be It Further Resolved that the 2.500 mills on the dollar is hereby levied upon all lots or parcels of land containing ten acres or more which are occupied in good faith and used for agricultural or horti- cultural purposes. Be It Further Resolved that the Mayor rand Clerk be and they are hereby directed to certify the sums of money that the said tax levies will produce, as shown by the Budget Estimate of Expenditures, adopted by this Council on the 1101 clay of August, 1947 to the Auditor of Dubuque County on or before August 15th, 1947. Special Session, august 11th, 1947 225 Passed, adopted and approved this 11th day of August. 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F.W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of Public hearing upon the proposed Annual Budget prepared by the City Manager of the City of Du- buque. Iowa, for the fiscal yea; - 1948 -1949, presented and read. No written objections from taxpayers and no objectors present in the Council Chamber at the time of said hearing. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of Publication be received .and filed. Seconded by Councilman Wharton Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. OFFICIAL NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET PREPARED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1948-1949. Notice is hereby given that the City Manager of the City of Dubuque has prepared a budget on the basis of estimates of the expenses of the various depart- ments of said City for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1943 and ending March 31, 1949. Such departmental estimates show expenses of each department for the preceding year, and the purpose for which the con- solidated tax levy, authorized try Section 404.11 of the Code of Iowa 1946, as amended, is to be used, and in addition thereto, the purpose for which all other tax levies are to be used, including the revenues from mis- cellaneous sources. The levy of a consolidated tax has heretofore been determined by said Council and incor- porated in a resolution for such purpose. The budget will be considered for final adoption by the City Coun- cil at a special meeting to be held in the Council Chain - her at the City Hall on the 11th clay of August, 1947, at 7:30 o'clock P. 13. Any interested party objecting thereto or protesting to the same, or to any item thereof or any omission therefrom, shall present his objections to said Council on or before that date. This notice is given pursuant to the direction of the Code of Iowa. J. J. SHEA, 7-30-1t City Clerk. ANALYSIS OF TAX LEVIES TO BE MADE IN AUGUST 1947 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1948-49 ESTIMATED ASSESSED VALUATION—$37,128,974 SOURCES OF REVENUE FOR 1948-49 FISCAL OPERATION A.—From Taxes 1'un�l'rax I'L6U(I lxo.��72.(!0 Fire Nktitit( , � _. __..... c„i��n.na . ............. Fire b:gnilui:,.,,1 o.:li i Library _. �.:!.0-1�'.IILnn Perk nun �.I'a.nn u.. -gull Pla)'g'ruun,l aa�l ��ri!iui!i!ic I'� �.I u i,2 _ Fire L'on=i-n 1.I11'1 Fire Itetirea a"It i� :,26 I nn Police Pend„m Police I'mirwncnt Employees ;,sI 7.ao Dock General Airpori Cit} I 101I Total | � \u�nst 11th . 1947 236 Tom Esu"mua Receipts From Taxes _�89,531.00 B.—From m/=mxx"°v"" ovu,mm General Miscl. Revenues 500.00 Dog Licenses Police Court Fines and Costs 30,000-00 r"t«/ '--''- -'--'--'.... .................. ..... ............. ... $114.000.00 mRponr rumo E"nm"mx :ne"=mw,,u o"/,",^ A,,x z, m^om m.000»o Airport Returns ........... ... .... '---. 5.000.00 T,6o __ '_'- --� --� _��-'�__. $ 95.000.00 onmoouo^TEo ruwo o°x.,"/,o o"°"w..^,,.o u"la°m ^",x z, mm$ x».wuoo pme M^/mrsw^wns ruwo o".,/^, nm rmte,u^" '_____-��___- Estimated n"�,m"^�o aom"^ o »,. 1. 1948 5,000.00 ruu/ '.... .... -_...... ........ -_.... .... ......................... ............ m 6,000.0 FIRE EQUIPMENT FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April z. 1948$50,000.00 LIBRARY ruwo "un ,u/ u Book Rentals x" m"°° -__- -- ' -_'p x.noo»o p^nmmo Lo` rumo Estimated u",mmm»ere oxm", April ,.z94vmr/.mmw pAnK/mo Msrsn puwo m,nmuua o°,ou^".^,,°u o"/x"a April z' 1948$ m.mw»o Meterons ..... ......... ...... ......................... ....... ........ ........ o^.om.00 r^m/ .................................... ... --'-- _.................. ............. r ^o.w^vo pAnx rumo o,.`"."t°o one".um^""m n"m""e Arn/ z' 1948$ 2,500.002,500.00000.00 300.00 '-. $ 3,300.00 rL^,onoumos AND aw/mm/mo poo� �~� ��� Swimming,~xmuw Skating Receipts����������� ���0 Miscellaneous^^°=v"° --'--_____- 75.00 rw"/' --- -------_---___- ------- ».xu».00 1% POLICE psmom rumo »,/m, """""u ,m". u="unn ____�-� 450.00 z�»,�r,mauFms PENSION rumo "^"" ,"v" o°"ueru -.. mmoo u,o. t,«c oonx pumo B:ilance April 1, 1948 $ 3,000.00 Oil Terminal 'wm----- '-- -------'—_____'$ 11�40.00 o,o,"`m `."��ns�r�,mBalance April ���"m m"��vm�m�m , .." o= z"` -___------- '7��0�0 ------ '-- ------- Special Session, _\utiust 11t1j, 194 >; LIQUOR SALES FUND Estimated City Share ............ ...... ,....... . Total Estimated Nfisc. Reveunes and Unen- $ 60,000.Oo encumbered Bal. ............. .._.$ Total Estimated Receipts from Tales 6;12,21 .00 .............. 8S9,531,0o TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY REVrNul., __. $1,;,01,7Ir,•n0 WATER WORKS DIVISION (Self Supporting) Estimated Unenealnhered ILtlance ., 140,000.0o Estimated Water I:eVenu' Total ESTIMATED GP..\Nlt '\loll':\ I, %'Ill's N I t .\ WATER `VOItIiS DIVIS IUN I:I:\'- ENUES...... .... .... ........ ........ __.._ _.__.. .__. $I,S31,111.0il DETAILED DISTRIBUTION OF PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1948.49 GROUP 1 -GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Item 101 -City Council Proposed 1947-48 1943-49 Appropriations Appropriations ......_.... ............_. A. Salaries ....... ............ .._......$ 1,500.00 $ 11500.00 B. Travel ....__ ..... ........ .._......_.._........._........ 175.00 175.00 J. Miscellaneous ......... _...... ............ ............. 25.00 25.00 Total........................................................................$ 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00 Item 102 -City Manager's Office A. Salary- City Manager .....................*:$ 6,714.00 *$ 9,600.00 A. Salary Secretary ........ ._... ............. 2,532.00 2,832.00 A. Salary Stenographer ............... 2,004.00 2,004.00 B. Tray..1......_..... .... [.':,0.00 ....................................... 250.00 C. Office ..... .................................._........_.. 125.00 125.00 D. Printing-..............................._....................... 75.00 75.00 F. Maintenance ... ..... ...... ......... ........ I.......... 200.00 200.00 G. Material and Supplies .................... 325.00 325.00 Total ......................._..... ............ ...__.... .... ........ $ 12.525.00 $ 15,411.00 Item 103 -City Clerk's Office A. Salary City Clerk ...........................$ 3,456.00 $ 3,456.00 A. Salary Extra Yelp .-_........_....._...... 150.00 1.50.00 G. Material and Supplies ...._ . ........ 75.00 75.00 - Total .................................$ 3,651.00 $ 3,681.00 Item 104 -City Auditor's Office A. Salary City Auditor ........._.............*$ 2,547.00 *$ 2,709.00 F. \la intenance ._.. _ _..... __.._._... 30.00 50.00 G. Materials and Supplies ..._...... 200.00 200.00 Total ._ _ _ _ _ ___...__ ___ _ ......$ 2,797.00 $ 2,959.00 Item 105 -City Treasurer's Office A. Snl:u'y lily 'I'roasur:r .._............*$ 2,502.00 *$ 2,669.00 D. Ih•intia­ :nal ........ 25.00 25.00 F. Maim aeon _._................. 25.00 25.00 G. \laterinl :ui,l Suppiies .................. 1110.00 150.00 L Surely B nd ..... .. .............. _... ........ 100.00 100.00 Total ....... $ 2,802.00 $ 2,969.00 (Note: 25% of salaries ni ('ity Manager, City Auditor, and Treasurer are paid by water Dept. It is proposed to pay 20Po of such salari�•s from %%later Dept. in 1918-49.) Item 106 -City Solicitor's Office A. Salary Cil> S,diuit,n• Wort . Tinte) ? .5,2211.00 $ 5,220.00 B. TI':VVI ._ I11.00 40.00 C. lttfi, . - 10.011 40.00 G. Material ;uul 5.00 86.00 Total :,,:;R,;AO $ 5,385.00 Item 108 -City Assessments J. City's Sha.r " .' I Lnu n• _____ 1.��..� $ 10,218.00 ($10,24,~.00 paid from Citc .A�:o..nit•ut Ftuni as Proeidod by S.F. 46 Acts of 52 G. _A.) Item 109 -Civil Engineer's Office rui.i $ 3 90U.Ou A. Salary Itin;tiueer 3,1•,�,.nn 3,1�i1i.U0 A. Sa hll'v' :ArSirl:uil 5,4110.00 A. S:tlaric., 111011111`11 1iin.on loo.00 C. Office E. Equipint'nt - 10;;.00 F. Maiutcnaut, _ Material and Supplies ,(10.00G. Total »; Special Session, August 11th, 1947 Item 113 -City Election A. Salaries Clerks, etc. $ Supplies ..... 500.00 400 $ 500.00 400.00 r, :Material and .................. ............ . J. Rents............... .. .............. 50.00 50.00 Total --$ 950.00 $ 950.00 Item 1'14 -City Buildings A. Salaries Janitors .... ........................_...$ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 1:. Equipment ... ...... ......... ............. .............. ...... and Repairs ............ 1,000.00 2,500.00 11000.00 2,500.00 P. Maintenance G. Material and Supplies .................. 1,000.00 1,000.00 H. heat and Light ......................................... 1,800.00 1,800.00 Tntal......_...... .._.... ..._................................................$ 10,800.00 $ 10,800.00 Item 115 -Police Court A. Salary Police Judge ...................._......$ 2,052.00 $ 2,052.00 G. Material and Supplies ..................... 15.00 15.00 1,.I:,1 __ ___.... __ $ 2,067.00 $ 2,067.00 Item 116 -Civil Service Commission G. Mot,a iu! ;unit Supplii•= _ _. __._._...$ 100.00 $ 100.00 J. \lis llanr,nn __..... 100.00 100.00 Total $ 200.00 $ 200.00 SUBTOTM,S iltt(Wl' I UI:NI?RAL ADMiNISTIt:\TION* $ 65,004.00 $ 73,126.00 (Consolidated 'I'as-$i' .�;��.i�0: City Assessment Fund - $10,24.4.00) GROUP II -PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY Proposed 1947-48 1948-49 Appropriations Appropriations Item 118 -Police Department (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary Chief of Polk -o $ 3,720.00 $ 3,720.00 A. Salary Senior Captain _...... 3,024.00 3,024.00 A. Salaries Captains (2) ..._ ____...... 5,568.00 5,568.00 A. Salaries Desk Sergeants (:I) ...... 8,244.00 8,244.00 A. Salaries Detectives (4) ..__ _.. 10,848.00 10,848.00 A. Salaries Motorcyclists (2) ...... 5,280.00 5,280.00 A. Salaries Patrolmen (after 3 yrs.) (26) ................ _.............. _...... _................ 56,232.00 66,456.00 A. Salaries Patrolmen (before 3 yrs.) (2)............................................................. 4,824.00 4,824.00 A. Salaries Patrolmen (during 1st yr.) (3) ...... ........ _......................... ...._...._. 6,552.00 6.552.00 A. Salaries Matrons (2) .............. _.... _.. 4,368.00 4,368.00 A. Salaries Special Officers ...... _.......... 100.00 100.00 B. Travel ...... _..... ._... _...... _ ....... _.......... .._.......... 50.00 50.00 C. Office .......... ..._._.......... _....... ... _................ _ 275.00 275.00 D. Printing ..... . ............... _...... _...._...... _....__...__ 150.00 150.00 E. Equipment ...................... .............. 3,500.00 3,500.00 F. Maintenance ....... ....... ._ ...... ......... _............... 2,800.00 2,800.00 G. Material and Supplies ..... .................. 2,000.00 2,000.00 J-1 Feeding Prisoners ......_....._..............._ 1,500.00 1,500.00 J-2 Miscellaneous' (injuries) _.......... 300.00 300.00 Total ............... _ ....... ........ _........... .......... ._........ _...$119,335.00 $129,559.00 (Consolidated Tax -$91,957.00; Emergency Fund Trans- fer -$17,602.00; Liquor Sales Fund -$20,000.00.) Item 119A -Fire Department Maintenance Fund A. Salary Fire Chief _............. _.............. _$ 3,720.00 $ 3,720.00 A. Salaries Senior Captains (2) 6,048.00 6,048.00 A. Salaries Captains (5) .......... _............ 13,920.00 13,920.00 A. Salaries Lieutenants (7) _...... 18,480.00 18,480.00 A. Salaries Engineers (4) .............. 10,560.00 10,560.00 A. Salaries Firemen (after 3 yrs.) (36) .......... ... _.... _........ _............ _.. 76,680.00 92,016.00 A. Sarlaries Firemen (during 3 Yrs'.) (7) ...... _...... _.............. ......... ..................... 16,884.00 16,884.00 A. Salaries Firemen (during 1st 1st yr.) (3) ....._ ................_......_.............. 6,552.00 6,552.00 B. Travel ......... ............ _...... _....... _......................... 50.00 50.00 C. Office ...... .................. _........ ..... .. 650.00 650.00 D. Printing ._ ....... _... ........ ...... ...................... ..._ 35.00 35.00 F-1 Maintenance ....................... _............ ........... 3,750.00 3,750.00 P-2 Repairs to Buildings .... ........... ..... _ 3,000.00 3,000.00 G. Material and Supplies ........................ 2,700.00 2,700.00 H. Heat and Light ......................................... 3,000.00 3,000.00 1. Insurance .._.........__. .................................. 400.00 400.00 J-1 Miscellaneous (Injuries) ............ 900.00 900.00 J-2' Tnterest on Warrants ........ ....... ...... 60.00 60.00 J-3 Re-ervice for Emergency ......... 600.00 • 600.00 Total.............. ..... ........... ............... .... ....... $167,989.00 (b'he $183,325.00 M aintenanee Tax-$167,OSO.00; Rec^n'•ir Balance and Misc. - $6,000.00; Emergency $p ^15.00) Fund Transfer - Special Session, ,\u{ ust 11th, 1947 Z?t, Item 119B -Fire Equipment Fund Total ___ ..__.......... ..... $ 3,905.00 E. Equipment ....._ ..... .. .........................__....$ (Fire Equipment Tax -$13,92;3.00; 73,411.00 Unenclnnhered $ 63,92:1.00 ance -$50,00(j.00) Fund) Bal- Item 120 -Fire and Police Alarm (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary City f?lertrieian 2,]tl� ini $ 2,xGS.00 A. Snl:,ry Extr❑ 11,1p_,lee_nu C. 2,100,00 - C. Wfi.•e ...._.__. Ine gni 100.00 E. N'wltpment - C,�� �n 1.0.00 F. Akiinlenanc, I",n.nn 1.111.00 G. Material and sup11iir _1111,110 100.60 H. Heat, Light and 100.00 1110.00 Total .._.... ...... $ : ,:;6,5.00 $ 5,361.00 Item 121 -Building Commissioner's Office( Consolidated Fund) Fund) A. Salary Building Commissioner $ A. Sakur> Electrical Inspeclnr ___.$ C. Office .......... _... 2x.00 25.00 F. Maintenance __.. 150.011 151.00 G. Material and Supplios ____...... 100.00 100.00 Total ___ ..__.......... ..... $ 3,905.00 $ 3,905.00 Item 122 -Plumbing Inspector's Office (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary l'lunlldw, 1n=Hector ._......$ 3,024.00 $ 3,02.1.00 C. Off i,v .. .................... 25.09 2:1.1111 D. Printing. ....... 15.00 15.00 G. \latorial :un1 Supplies ........_...._....... 50.00 50.00 J. Plumbing Run ell _..._._._.._........ 180.00 150.00 Total .................. $ :3,294.00 $ x,2:1 200 Item 123 -Electrical Inspector's Office (Consolidated Fund) A. Sakur> Electrical Inspeclnr ___.$ 3,024.00 $ 3,024.00 C. Offi, . _ _ 20.00 20.00 1). Printin _ _ 15.00 1.1.00 F. 11:1 Int1•n.uirlr 175.00 175.011 G. Alatorial an11 Su1114icn 100.00 100.00 Total __ ....._ _ _....._ _.............$ 3,339.00 $ 3,339.00 Item 124 -Dog Pound (Consolidated Fund) J. Enforcement Dog Ordinance ...$ 150.00 $ 150.00 SUBTOTALS GROt`P 11, PROTEC- TION OF I.II I; :\Nf) PRO- PERTY ......__ $376,791.00 $392,863.00 GROUP III -HEALTH AND SANITATION (Consolidated Fund) Proposed 1947-48 1948-49 Appropriations Appropriations Item 125 -Health Department A. Salary Director (Part Time) _.$ 2,424.00 $ 2,424.00 A. Salary Sanitary Inspector............ 2,112.00 2,112.00 A. Salary Clerk and Registrar ...... 1,956.00 1,956.00 A. Salary Restaurant Inspector _. 1,656.00 1,656.00 A. Salaries Nurses (4) .......... ...... ._........ 9,480.00 9,480.00 A. Extra Help .... .......................... ._......._..._ 1,584.00 1,584.00 B. Travel ......._.._...-....._....................... .._....._.. 50.00 50.00 C. Office . .... _.... ....... _._-_.__...._....._.._....... 150.00 150.00 D. Printing ..... ................ .... -------- ---- _.......... ...... _. 50.00 50.00 E. Equipment ............... ........... ..... ....._..... _. -50.00 50.00 F. Maintenaance_.............._..._......_....._..._ 600.00 600.00 G. Material and Supplies ......__...__... 300.00 300.00 J-1 Laboratory Expense _.__..-..•-- 400.00 400.00 Total.............. _............................................. _....$ 20,812.00 $ 20,812.00 Item 126 -Control of Contagious Diseases J. Control of Contagious Diseases $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Item 127 -Sewer Maintenance A. Wages ....._ ................ _....... _._.._.................._. $ 15,500.00 $ 15,500.00 E. Equipment ._......._....... _....._...... _................. 700.00 700.00 F. Maintenance ... ........ ......... ........... .... _....... ..... 1,200.00 1,200.00 G. Material and Supplies ....._-_ _. 600.00 600.00 H. Power for Sewer Pumps ........__. 1,500.00 1,500.00 Total .. ....... ... .......... ... ...... ...._.. ......... ........ ............. $ 19,500.00 $ 19.500.00 Item 128 -Garbage Disposal J. Contract for Garbage Collection and Disposal ...__. .....................$ 13,000.0 $ 13,000.00 Item 129 -Milk Inspection $ 2,9'1S.OU $ '1,925.00 A. Salary Mill' Inspector..... ...........- 520.00 2,520.00 A. Salary Assistant 160. 00 160.00 E. G. Equipment ....... __ Material and S11111li _........ 100.00 100.00 Total$n0 $ 5,705.00 SUBTOTALS WZO UP III— -IIIS:AI.'I'I�I ,111 $ 65,220.00 AND SANITA'rw.N ...._ 'rotal.......................... ...._................. $ 53,500.00 $ 53,500.00 item 135 -Street Construction Fund Special Session, Ati test 11th, 1947 J. Street Construction .............. _..... _-.$110,000.00 $180,000.0() Item 133 -City Garage (Consolidated Fund) tV-HIGHWAYS AND STREETS \. Salaries Mechanics _... _... _................. _.$ GROUP $ 10,000.00 C. Office ............................_........._......-____._. 75.00 1917-45 1948-49 E. Equipment .... ... ............. .... - ... __........... _. Appropriations Appropriations Item 131 -Highways Administration (Consolidated Fund) 1, Sal:u•y Timekeeper ......... ... .... __$ 3,024.00 $ 3,024.00 100.00 100.00 �. r,. Maintenance ............................................... Material and Supplies ........................ 150.00 150.00 2,000.00 T,tal...................... ....................... ................... ....... $ 3,274.00 $ 3,274.00 Item 132 -Street Repairing and Grading (Consolidated A. Fu WagesLaborers....................................$ 27,500.00 $ 27,500.00 P. loquipment...... ... ..... ............................_.... 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 P. O. Maintenance ................................................ Jfaterial and SttpPlies ..............._... 10,000.00 10,000.00 J. tlrading..... .... ......... ........ ..............._............. 5,000.00 5,000.00 'rotal.......................... ...._................. $ 53,500.00 $ 53,500.00 item 135 -Street Construction Fund J. Street Construction .............. _..... _-.$110,000.00 $180,000.0() Item 133 -City Garage (Consolidated Fund) \. Salaries Mechanics _... _... _................. _.$ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 C. Office ............................_........._......-____._. 75.00 75.00 E. Equipment .... ... ............. .... - ... __........... _. 500.00 500.00 P. Maintenance ...... ................................._......__ 400.00 400.00 G. Material and Supplies .......- ............. 325.00 325.00 II. Reat, Light and Power ........._... 2,000.00 2,000.00 1. Insurance ........_ .... ........... ................. _......... 50.00 50.00 Total _ .... ........ _............ ....... ......... ......................$ 13,350.00 $ 13,350.00 Item 134 -Ash and Can Collections (Consolidated Fund) A. Wages Drivers and Laborers $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 F. Maintenance .. ..... .......... .............. _....... ........ 1,400.00 1,400.00 G. Material and Supplies ..................... 500.00 500.00 Tot;tl...__............... ........................... .........._........$ 17,900.00 $ 17,900.00 Item 138 -Street and Traffic Signal Lighting (Consoli- dated Fund) 11. Street Lighting and Traffic Signals ... .... _............................._......_............ $ 40,500.00 $ 46,500.00 Item 140 -Street Cleaning (Consolidated Fund) A. Wages, Drivers and Laborers $ 14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 E. Equipment..................................................... 500.00 500.00 F. Maintenance ...................................... .• 3,500.00 3,600.00 G. Material and Supplies ................... 500.00 500.00 Total............................................................................$ 18,800.00 $ 15,800.00 Item 141 -Snow Removal (Consolidated Fund) A. Labor ............... ...... ............... ......... _............. .......$ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 E. Equipment ... .............. ............... .- ...... ........... 800.00 800.00 F. Maintenance ................................................. 1,600.00 1,600.00 G. Material and Supplies ....................... 550.00 550.00 Total ........... .................. .................._...................$ 9,950.00 $ 9,950.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP 1V-HIGH- WATS AND STREETS .....................$267,274.00 $343,274.00 GROUP V -LIBRARY Proposed 1947-48 1948-49 Appropriations Appropriations Item 143A -Library Fund and Misc. Library Revenue A. Salary Librarian ....................... _... ...... $ 3,156.00 $ 3,150.00 A. Salary .Reference Librarian ...... 2,460.00 2,457.00 A. Salary Catologuer................................ 2,256.00 2,249.16 A. Salary Juvenile Librarian - 2,124.00 2,110.56 A. Salary Circulation Head (Part - Tine) ......... ...__ __................................... 1,968.00 1,194.00 A. Salary Scltutil I.iln•arian ...._...... 1,968.00 1,959.36 A. S:11ary A -t. c'irrulation Ile:ul .. _............... 1,968.00 1,959.36 A. A. 5,100.00 5,103.00 ul r ....._.. A. 2,232.00 2,236.56 ti:a:n qtr. b a Help ' I : 1,761.00 3,819.00 B. Tar el 1lxpense........................................ C "Uffioc 100.00 100.00 Expense ........ ............................... 150.00 150.00 D. l'ri sting ..... ........ ................................. 50.00 50.00 E. Books and .Periodicals ......... ..... ...... 6,780.00 9,000.00 F. kindtnt;................................................... F-1 L'uildin ;iepairs.._............................. 1,900.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 5,383.00 1. Alntwtal and Supplies ....................... U. 1,700.00 2,300.00 lbcat. Light and Water ................ 2,500.00 2,800.00 1. Ins u;uuc .......... 408.00 500.00 'Total ._._ ...................._,...$ ,41].00; Library 43,581.00 Tax Agricultural $ 49,021.011 Land - llJl�h1; Aliso. Lihrary Revenue -$2,500.00) Special Session, .Aoust 11th, 1947 GROUP VI -PARK FUND Item 144A -Park Administration A. Salary Superinten,l,.nt $ 2,976.00 $ 2,976.00 B. C. Travel 11.11.... _.. _ Office 50.00 100.00 D. Printing an(t :u,rli.ij._ 100.00 60.00 150.00 J. Miscellaneous ..._ 75.00 15.00 15.00 Total ........._ __ 3,201.00 $ 3,416.00 Item 14413 -Park Areas. Buildings, Etc. A. Wages of Lal a v', .-..._...-1-1.1...1,$ 16,000.00 $ 18,500.00 C. Forestry 1111.__ _ ......................• 400.00 975.00 E. Ertuipment600.00 .. ...................._.. 11600.00 F. 'Maintrnam'" ..._......... 1,400.00 2,000.00 G. M;It,�J inl :nil .�S'I l ll ., 11800.00 2,900.00 H. Hv;tt, Li lit, R'al�•r aid 'I'rle- I. 101one - - ... Insurance 1,800.00 2,200.00 J-1 700.00 Renovations air l I; In •ui its 100.00 700.00 138.00 J-2 Reserve for l h,f­rr,-d Main- tenance _ _ _. 50.00 8,000.00 Total $ 22,850.00 $ 37,013.00 SUBTOTALS R 1'1' FUND ..$ 26,051.00 $ 40,429.00 (Park Tax -$:G,13!......: B:n•1c Revenues -$3,300.00) GROUP VII -PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING POOL FUND Proposed 1948-49 _Al�l'r��lui❑;inns Appropriations Item 145A -Recreation Administration A. Salary Direct r $ 2,772.00 $ 2,772.00 A. Salary Offico 11,•]1 __..__ 1,200.00 1,200.00 B. Travel ............... ......... ............_ ....................... 50.00 50.00 C. Office.................................................................. 120.00 120.00 F. Maintenance of Car ....................... 360.00 360.00 G. Material and Supplies ...... .... -.......... 250.00 250.00 Total 1111 _11.11.. $ 4,752.00 $ 4,752.00 Item 1458 -Outdoor Recreation A. Salarirx 'Sitp,rvi r,, Direc- tors, etc. _ ..................$ 3„500.00 $ 3,500,00 A. Wages of I.a 111 W. rs ............................ 750.00 750.00 E. Equilmwnt ........ _.............. 750.00 750.00 F. Mal ntell;Hlco 500.00 500.00 G. Material and Suppli- _ 500.00 500.00 H. Light . .. 500.00 500.00 I. Insurance __ 27,(1.00 250.00 Total 1111 _.._ $ 6, ..di.OU $ 6,750.00 Item 14513 -Indoor Recreation A. Wages 1111_... __. _........._...... _....._......._ $ 600.00 $ 600.00 C. Office _....._...._...._..._........................... 25.00 25.00 E. .Equipment ..._ _.._......._........_._...._._..._.. 300.00 300.00 F. 'Maintenance .......... .... ................. ...-_......... 500.00 500.00 G. Material and Supplies ...................... 400.00 400.00 H. I -teat and Light __._......_.............__.. 400.00 400.00 Total . ......... ........_....... .... ...... ................... .._.......$ 2,225.00 $ 2,22;5.00 Item 145E -Swimming Pool A. Salary Superintendent ................$ 450.00 $ 450.00 A. Salaries Guard (4) .... ... .........._......... 900.00 900.00 A. Salaries Attendants ........................ 1,300.00 1,300.00 F. Maintenance ........................._.......__... 450.00 450.00 G. Material and SupPlies .- --.-- 350.00 350.00 H. Light and Power ................................ 300.00 300.00 I. Insurance ............ 1111._____ __1111. 229.00 229.00 Total .........-__... __..$ 3,979.00 $ 3,979.00 Item 146 -Improvement and Care of Grounds F. Maintenance _. _. .. _.-_.$ 1,000.00 $ 1,0011.110 J. Improvement of grounds _ ._ 5,000.00 5,683.00 Total 111__1. __ g 6,()00.00 $ 6,683.00 SUBTOTALS Cit(W]' N'II 111,Ai- GROUNDS AND SWIMMIN(p$ 23,706.00 $ 24,380.00 _ POOL ....- ...... (Playgrounds and Swinnning Pool Tax -$18,5(;4.00; Swim- ming Pooi Receipts -$3,.00.00; Skating Receipts -$250.00; Mise. Receipts -$75.00; Balance on Hand -$2,000.00) GROUP Vill-MISCELLANEOUS Proposed 1917-41" 19.18-49 APpropria.,ns .\pprnpriations Zoning (Consolidated Fund) Item 147 -Planning and $ ,,.,UO.Uo $ 10,000.00 J. Miscellaneous _1111, ... .. _4111111- 7,;_ S11ecial Sessi„u, August 11th, 1947 Item 148E—Ambulance (Consolidated Fund) A. salaries Drivers (2) .........__.....$ 5,112.00 $ 5,112.00 1:, 9I,_tintenance 280.00 Material and S'I I ]h s -- .. 350.00 280.00 350.00 G. I. insurance _ 225.00 225.00 Total _ $ 5,967.00 $ 5,967.00 Item 148C—Other Miscellaneous (Consolidated Fund) J-1 Iowa of Alunicip;ditios$ 80.00 $ 80.00 J-2 Damages ._.........___ 3,300.00 3,300.00 J-3 Printing Council III -o, e •din s 2,700.00 2,700.00 J-5 State Examiners ..- 2,000.00 2,000.00 - J-6 Repairs to Town Clerk _ 500.00 500.00 J-7 Mise. Unclassified 3,100.00 3,100.00 Workmen's CnniPon';i I i” , 1 ,)_s surance 2,500.00 _ ._ 2,600.00 .I-9 Interest oil\\•iri•i,il• 125.00 125.00 Tota ... ........ $ 14,305.00 $ 14,305.00 S1'BTOTAI.1� 171:01'1' \'111— \IIS- CELLAN NOUS - ....... ... ......... ...... _............ $ 27,772.00 $ 30,272.00 GROUP IX—MARKETS AND PUBLIC SCALES (Consolidated Fund) Item 152—Market Master A. Salary Market Master ......................$ 2,052.00 $ 2,052.00 1`. maiw,ewt tt•e............................................. 20.00 20.00 \Lit,ai;il and Supplies ............ .--... 65.00 65.00 I \iis,,•Ilnnrous......._._.....__................... 20.00 20.00 'I'uil._...... ._..... _................................$ 2,157.00 $ 2,157.00 17R0I'll IX—AL\RKETS \NI PI ELIC Ft'.U.I:h _ ___........$ 2,157.00 $ 2,157.00 GROUP X—MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS (Consolidated Fund) Item 160—Post War Improvements J. I'osl War Projects $ 32,000.00 $ 32,000.00 Item 161—Bridge Construction J. fridge and Viaduct Ww k _ $ 53,628.00 $ 53,62S.00 Item 162—Assessments and Sewers .I-1 City's Share of Sp;scial As- sessinents....._...................................................$ 6,000.00 $ 12,000.00 J-2 Main Sewers and Inlets ................. 25,000.00 30,000.00 Total _ _ _ ................ .............. $ 31,000.00 $ 42,000.00 SUBTOTAI,R t;R1,Ui' X--MU- NICIPAIL IMPROVEMENTS ....$116,,628.00 $127,628.00 (Consolidated Tax—$87,628.00; Liquor Sales Fund— $40,- 000.00) EMERGENCY AND RESERVE Reserve in General Mise. Revenues $ 165.00 $ 240.00 GROUP XI—PENSION FUNDS Proposed 1947-48 1948-49 Appropriations Appropriations Item 164—Police Pensions J-1 Police Pensions .... ......... _........... .............. $ 18,832.00 $ 19,980.00 J-2 Police Retirement System _....... 8,941.00 11,027.00 Total .............. ..... .... ............ ... ................. - .......... $ 27,773.00 $ 31,007.00 (Police Pension Tax $19,530.00; Balance on Hand and Pay Deductions from Members—$450.00) (Police Retire- ment Tax—$11,027.00) Item 155—Fire Pensions J-1 Fire Pensions ........ ..................... .... ........ $ 25,326.00 $ 28,520.00 J-2 Fire Retirement System ............... 12,910.00 15,000.00 Total ...... ............ .........................._....._........_$ 38,236.00 $ 43,520.00 (Fire Pension Tax—$27,20.00; balance on Hand and Pay Deductions from Monibers—$600.00; Fire Retire- ment Tax—$15,000.06) Item 156—Employees Retirement Fund .I. City's Share .__. ...................... $ 6,015.00 (E,nI oyees It,•Liremenl Tax—$6,015.00) SUBT,)TALti (;I.OUP ,I— PENSIONS ..._..... ___......._........1 66,009.00 $ 80,542.00 GROUP XII—DEBT SERVICE Item 161J•1—City Bonds and Interest A-1 luterest or• Bonds __................$ 5,789.00 $ 4,200.00 •\-3 Setver Bond Redemption .............. 11,000.00 18,000.00 ll uu,liug Bund Redemptlon ... 45,000.00 30,000.00 \-(i I,e,erve ....._.. ..... 545.00 152.00 Dot l ....... ...................$ 62,334.00 lbtan•tal Bond Fu1,t11 $ 52,352.00 Special Session, _Au'1`ust 11th, 1947 2;: Item 161J•2 -Dock Bonds and Interest A-1 Interest on Dock Bonds .._......_..$ 200.00 $ A-2 Dock Bond Redemption .. .. .......__5,000.00 Total ? 5,200.00 (Balance on $.._ .._.. Item 163J•2 -Airport Bonds and Interest A-1 Intere�t on Airport Bonds $ 570.00 A-2 Airport Bond Redemption .._.- 19,000.00 $ 42�.uu Total (Airport Fund -$19,428.00) 19,42, 00 SUBTOTALS GROUP XII -DEBT SERVICE ._ ....._.............. ... $ S7,104.00 $ 71,750.00 GROUP XIII -DOCKS Proposed 1917-I< 194,,-49 Appropriations Appropriali,oi, Item 153.0 -Dock Operation A. Salary I:ntineer _.._ ._._.. $ 420.0() $ 420.00 B. Travel .-_ _._ _ 200.00 200.o9 F. �NIaintenal:l . _ 50.O11 X0.00 G. Material and `Ilppll, :,II H. -1111 I. III v I11•a I I, e 711f 1, 1111 J-1 'I'rntl'io .A.,suci:lti,nl ��rcir� -- 3()0.011 Gh., f1f, 30().031 J -2 1n1pr„\o11lent` 400.00 594.00 J-3 �N 11 I i; I I I ell n S ._ 409.09 1,97111,1111 Total ....... _... __...... $ 2,320.00 $ 3,214 01, Item 1538 -Dredge Operation A. Salary I:nginr•uI _ _..$ 150.00 $ 180.00 A. Sala ril • 11l„a;ti,w. _ .. _ 9,660.00 9,660.00 A. NVagos Ln1�101 r< _ - _ -._ 4,500.00 5,200.00 F. \laint,vl:nn I nad la•pair< ...... 1,500.00 1,500.01, G. Jlatrnal and Supplir 2,000.00 2,000.00 11. Flectric 4,500.00 4,500.00 1. Jlarine In>4111,11 . _ 703.011 700.00 1. Workmen'., u�aliml I1,- stu•ance 600.00 900.00 J. Miscellaneous 150.00 150.00 Total ..._ _..........$ 23,793.00 $ 21,790.00 Item 153C -River Front Improvement A. Wages .... ......... ..... _... ...... .............. $ 500.00 $ 500.00 E. Trucking ...._ ____ __......................._ 250.00 200.00 E. Equipim-nt _ _ .._. _ ._..................- 350.00 1,000.00 E. Tools ......... _....... ... 100.00 100.00 G. blatca 3:11 :unl Snlll,li, _ _.__...... 300.00 500.00 Total _-._.....$ 1,700.00 $ 2,300.00 SUBTOTA I .`: 1 I R1 Il P XIII - DOCXS ...............$28,013.00 $ 30,304.00 (Dock T.Ix---F1 .:,1'4.00: \li r. Dock Revenues -$11,740.00) GROUP XIV -AIRPORT Proposed 1947-45 145-45 Appropriations Appropriations Item 157 -Airport Fund F. i\laintenanace..... ........ _....... ... ....... ....... $ 2,500.00 $ 15,000.00 I. Insurance .............. ....... .... .......... .._.... ........_.. 500.00 1,500.00 J. Airport Development ..... _........ ......... 93,073.00 96,201.00 Sub -Total Group XIV -Airport $ 96,073.00 $112,701.00 (Airport Tax -$17, 701.00; .airport Balance and Revenues - $95,000.00) GROUP XV -PARKING METERS AND PARKING LOTS Item 170A -Parking Meters A. Wages ....................__....._ 1. - . $ .__$ 2,300.00 E. Equipment ......._..........._._-.__ _. _......-.. 11,000.00 F. Maintenance ...._ ...... . . _. _. _. 6,000.00 Total ....... ........ 19,,300.00 (Parking Meter Fund -$19,300.00) Item 170B -Parking Lots J. Parking Lots ........................ _ .___$ t9 "1 00 $ S,300.011 (Parking Meter Fund -$20,50(1.00; Parking Lot Fund - $17,800.00) SUBTOTAL --GROUP \V-P.VLX- 1NG METERS AND PARK- J:i"<l on $ 57,500.0() ING LOTS .._ ._ GROUP XVI -WATER WORKS Proposed 1!, 17- t. 194y-4:1 .AIyvv,I,riu ti�,l�� :',ppropriatinns b'Stinuaed - I ; n,Onn,lu l Estimated Meter 5:11,• 1 •�,uUU.00 ;} Special ,�cssion, August 11th, 1947 Estitua(Nd Flat Rate Sales ........... - ....... .... 750.00 750.00 Estimated Fire Protection Service 2,500.00 2,500.00 Estimated Non -Operation Service...... 2,500.00 2,500.00 Gstimated Sales Tax Collections .... 3,415.00 3,615.00 Total..........................................$429,165.00 ................... $329,365.00 DISBURSEMENTS Item 149A—Administration A. Salary Superint('ad°nt and Cashier _....._._._ ___ _ _ _.......... .................._. $ q 620.00 $ 4,620.00 A. Salary Accouul:u t __.._....-............ 3,036.00 3,036.00 A. Salary Sten(,gr,1p1 r and Clerk 2,184.00 2,184.00 A. Salary Clerk ..................... 2,184.00 2,184.00 A. Salary Clerk ...__._ ___...__ __...._ 1,872.00 1,872.00 A. Salary City Mann, r (25%-20%) ............................ 2,238.00 2,400.00 A. Salary City Auditor (251 -20%) 849.00 677.00 A. Salary City Treasurer (25%-20%) ........ ........___........ ....... 834.00 667.00 B. Travel ..... ............. ............ ............I _ _............. . 125.00 125.00 C. Office Expense and Postage...... 1,500.00 1,500.00 D. Printing and Advertising ............ 400.00 400.00 E. Equipment......................................................... 1,150.00 1,150.00 F. Maintenance .-_ ......................................... 300.00 300.00 G. Material and Supplies ................... 500.00 500.00 I. Insurance ..... ...... ..._... ........................ .......... ...... ' 75.00 75.00 J-1 Miscellaneous ..... ............ .... ............ .._.......... 340.00 340.00 J-2 State Sales Tax ... ............... ................... 3,415.00 3,615.00 Total ............. ........... .......................................... _..... _$ 25,622.00 $ 25,645.00 Item 1496—Water Operation A. Salary Field Engineer ....... .............. $ 3,480.00 $ 3,480.00 A. Salary Plant Chief Engineer...... 3,168.00 3,168.00 A. Salaries Plant Engineers (6)... 16,272.00 16,272.00 A. Wages Extra Station Labor...... 3,000.00 3,000.00 A. Salary Tapper and Hydrant Man..................................................................... 2,712.00 2,712.00 A. Salary Meter Service Man......... 2,412.00 2,412.00 A. Salary Meter Repair Man .......... 2,784.00 2,784.00 A. Salary 'Meter Reader ....................... 2,412.00 2,412.00 A. Salary Meter Inspector ............. 2,148.00 2,148.00 A. Salary Asst. Meter Repairer...... 2,484.00 2,484.00 A. Salary General Foreman ............... 3,208.00 3,208.00 A. Salary Asst. Foreman .................. 2,556.00 2,556.00 A. Wages Laborers ............... ._........... _.... 11,280.00 11,280.00 E. Equipment ... ....................................... _..... _..... 10,000.00 10,000.00 F. Maintenance ........................................ ... ...... 12,000.00 12,000.00 G. Material and Supplies ..................... 2,000.00 2,000.00 H. Heat, Light and Power ............... 35,000.00 37,500.00 I. Insurance .............. .............................. ............. - 5,500.00 5,500.00 J-1 Water Main Material - ......................... 25,000.00 25,000.00 J-2 Other Betterments ....... - ..... _........... _ 251,222.00 148,899.00 J-3 Store Reserve - .....................-.......-.......... 3,000.00 3,000.00 J-4 Miscellaneous ......... ..... .... ............. .......... 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total ... .. $402,718.00 $302,895.00 GRAND TOT.\ I . APPROI I I t IA 6It t N S $428,340.00 $328,540.00 NON-APPROl'MATIONs m., - SERVE _.. ..... ...... .... ___...._ ....................$ 825.00 $ 825.00 SUBTOTAL GROUP XVI—WATER WORKS ....... _....... _ ............................................$429,165.00 $329,365.00 RECAPITULATION OF TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND RESERVICES (a) t'u> Operation, Group I to 1\, Inclusive - ................................$ 897,556.00 $1,020,751.00 (ab) 'lualcipai Improvements (c) Group X .............. _....... ,............. ............. . Reserve in General Misc. 116,628.00 127,628.00 (d) Revenues ............................................. Pensions, Group XI .................... 165.00 66,009.00 240.00 80,542.00 (e) (f) Debt Service, Group XII ... 'lock, 87,104.00 71,780.00 (g) (,roup XIII .......................... Airport, 28,013.00 30,304.00 (h) Group XIV......._.........._ Parking Meters and Lots, 96,073.00 112,701.00 (i) Oroup XV ..... ............ - ................... ....... \1'atrr Works, Group XVI 19,881.00 428,340.00 57,800.00 328,540.00 (J) \\';rter Works ReSQYVe ......... 825.00 825.00 Tet.tl ........ .... .. ............. . . . $1,740,594.00 $1,831,111.00 ....................... Tax RECAPITULATION OF Jte�enucs REVENUES 31i:•c. ......................................$ kovruues and Estimated S46,572.00 $ 889,531.00 Water 1;;danc•es...............-...:........................_ \Yprks Revenues and 464,857.00 612,215.00 E: 'Imated Balances ............... 429,165.00 329,365.00 ..........................................................$1,710,594.00 $1,831,111.00 Special Session, .Aul;u;t 11th, P)17 Resolution No. 107-47 Whereas, a budget of proposed expenditures for the fiscal year be- ginning April 1, 1948 and endim; March 31, 1949 has been duly pre- pared by the City Manager, pub- lished as required by law ,and sub- mitted to this Council for approval, and Whereas. This Council has ex- amined this budget, wherein esti- mates of the expenses of the vari- ous departments and purposes are shown, including the estimates for which the consolidated tax levy and all other levies, receipts from moneys and credits, and miscellan- eous sources are to be used and said budget shows all of the pro- posed expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year, and the same was pulr lisped as provided by law, and an opportunity was given all who might wish to file objections or pro- test to the same, and the time for action thereon having been fixed as the 11th day of August, 1947 at 7:30 p.m.; and Whereas, no objections have been filed or made to said budget; Now Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the Budget prepared by the City Man- ager of the proposed expenditures for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1949 is hereby approved. Proposed, adopted and approved this 11th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended for the Purpose of allowing any one pres- ent in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the followini; vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Countil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Dorrance Clancy for damages incurred when the city sewer backed up in tl basement of 114 Bluff Street,, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Lynn C. Os- born in the amount of $1,000.00 for injuries received by his son, Emmett Osborn, caused when the bicycle he was riding struck a hole in the pavement oil Shiras Avenue. presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Leonard W. Jurden, Regional Administrator, Civil Aeronautics Administration. Department of Commerce, advising that to response to the City of Du- buque request for Federal Aid for the Dubuque Municipal Airport, the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics has tentatively allocated $25,000.00 from available appropriated funds as the United States share of the allowable costs of the project and that this tentative allocation of funds is subject to the City of Du- buque meeting requirements of the Act and Rules and Regulations promulgated thereunder and that the actual grant of funds can ba made only after the Project Appli- cation has been approved by the Administratot. of Civil Aeronautics, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council for further considera- tion. Seconded by Councilman Mof- 2m �l Trial cssiun, \uyust 11th, 1947 tats- Carried by the following vote: Teas—Mayor Murphy, Council - Men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duel. man. Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress extend- ing invitation to the City Council to participate in the Annual Labor Day Parade to be held on Satur clay night, August 30th. 1947, pre rented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved tha; the invitation be accepted. Second ed by Councilman Van Duelmar carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy. Council uteri Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duei roan. Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of William F Keefe ro questing a refund in the amount ni $;5.Oo oil the unexpired portion a-1 Ids Cigarette Permit No 58. as ),r har discontinued business on An 11. 1947, presented and read t•uunc•ilman Van Duelman moved I.", Iht request he granted and Ibr C'ily Auditor instructed to dra•� %iari,,iol in the amount of $75 G ill tavot of William F. Keefe t, a ui,•t the amount. of refund gran' cd on ihf• unexpired portion of hi- t •i�:.0 ct l e Permit No 51• SecondeJ b� C'ouucilnian Wharton C'arrird h� the following vote: Ye,is \layor Min•phc Couurtl nci Moffatt. Thonipsoo Cao Du, omit. Wiarton. N,i}:• Nolte Petition of Mrs. Anna Koppe, tit ;el lequesting the installation of roet lights on Southeui Avoatto till(- old Rockdale Roar]). presented auid read. C'ouncilntan Van Duelnian moved that the petition be referred to IIIc Council to view the grounds. Ser ended bY Councilman Thompsoli Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor 11111-phy. ('onu•il 'I'hoolpsou Can i)ttel roan. WharUnt. Nays --None. Petition of Louis F et N— residents and taxpayers living ill the vicinity of the Grandview Avenue Tourist Park, requesting iha; the tennis courts located ihere. on be repaired and maintained, pre• rented allot read. C'ouucilniau Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the City .\lnnae;et to confer with the Park Board. Seconded by Councihnan Thompson. Carried by the follow Ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due] man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Amvets Auxiliary Post No. 3 requesting permission to hold their white clover sale on the streets of Dubuque either August 15th or 16th, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted. See onded by Councilman Moffatt Cat ried by the following vote: Peas—Mayor Murphy, Council men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duel man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 25-47 An Ordinance amending ordin ante No. 7-41, being an Ordinanrf defining "milk" and certain "mill• products" and etc. by defining "('et eal Mllk." "Whipping Cream" atnt providing for approval of "Single service Containers," said ordinance having been passed upon first read Ing on August 4th, 1947 and order it placed nn file with the City C'lei ) fon' public inspection for at le•i�i one week before its final adoption was presented for final adoption Ordinance No. 25.47 An Ordinance amending 00i. i, ance No. 7-41, being an Ordinanc. defining "milk" and certain "mill products" and etc. by defining "Cvi Pal Milk'. "Whipping Cream` ao providing for approval. of -sing'. service containers." Be It Enacted by the City Co- cil of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That Ordinance No Il be and the same is herel amended in the following respect - Section 1. By adding after ill, word "Milk" where it first appeni: in Section 1, Paragraph A. lain( 1 the words "Cereal Milk." By adding to said Section 1. Pat o graph A "Cereal Milk is a mixtut- of milk and cream, and contains no, less than 9910 milk fat." Section 2. By adding after th word "Cream" where it first alp Pears in Section 1, Paragraph C the words "Whipping Cream." By adding to Section 1, Parra graph C "Whipping Cream is a pot tion of milk which contains not le - than 30% milk fats." S�tecial �cssiuu. .lugust 11th, to E7 Section 3. By adding after the words "Single -service Containers" in Section 1, Paragraph 2, Line 13 "Approved by the State Healtn Authorities." Passed upon first reading August 4th, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 11th clay of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY. Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON. W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen .Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Publ ,hed officially ii, 'I graph -Herald newspaper this 141h day of August. 1947. J. J. SHEA, City Cleric ( ouncilnran Van Duelman moved Ili(- adoption of the ordinance. Sec ouded by Councilman Wharton. ('a, vied by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy. Council ,wn Moffatt. Thompson. Van 1)11^1 ouin. AWharton N,i.vs—None. July 11. 19 1. It000rxble Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque. Imv Gentlemen: In reference to Ili, claim of Mae Krayer, upon inve ii gation I find that on February 1947, while crossing the alley o:i the sidewalk line on 15th Scree bet ween Main and Iowa. d'v slipped and fell because of a flan:. erous condition due to ice and snov, thereon and sustained a fract.ur, of the wrist requiring her to securr the services of a physician, thou ,,he suffered intense pain, That tlif actual cost and services of the l,ltysician is $92.00, which amount she has' agreed to accept in full payment of her claim I recommend that her claim bo allowed in the amount of $92.00 and a warrant be issued payable to het order for $92.00 and delivered (o her upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed by het Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitol City of Dubuque Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Soliel- tor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $92.00 in favor of Mae Krayer, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Dubuque of a prop. erly executed release. Seconded try Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Due;, man, Wharton. Nays—None. August 9, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At a meeting of fill - Planning & Zoning Commission held Friday August S, 1947. th, representative of St. Patricic'�. Church were granted the privileg, to withdraw without prejudice thei; petition requesting the vacation ei the Alley between Main and lo%N,: St. between 14th & 15th Sts, Temporarily at least, it apt eir that the barricading of the all,-� during school hours will sery, proteei the children while at pl;i, but of course such temporary nue, ores do not call for the rc,m:r mandation of this Commission Yours truly. 'I'Ite Dubuque Planning K Zonfn: Conunission By R. V. M(•1I A1'. So, c Councilman Thompson nrov, J That the communication of the Plan ning and Zoning Commission I,, received and made a matter of re, ord Seconded by Councilman \V'hr ton tarried by the following vm� ]'eah —Mayor Murphy. Code is men Moffatt, Thompson V'au fMet man. Wharton. Nayi.--None August 9 If!' To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque. Iowa Gentlemen: Regarding attach, (t petition of Fred Landolt and Ito old S. Wagner, requesting rezoniti_ of certain property southeast of ti, intersection of West Locust -o Mlhwood SIs.. togethel with ih, opposing petition of Mrs. Christim, Lubck et. al. carrying names el most of the property owners facia;• and really adversely affected by such a change, the Planning and Zoning Commission respectfully recommeuds to your honorable bode denial of the petition. The present oil station and trailer camp is now 'pecial Session,-%ugust 11th, 1947 operating on a non -conforming use basis, having been established prior to the passage of the Zoning Ordin- ance, and the Commission is not Inclined to favor any expansion of said non -conforming use. Respectfully submitted, The Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By R. V. McKAY, Secy. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission be ap- proved. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 108-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven, 239 West 6th Street. Peter Klauer, 2700 Jackson St. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications he approved. Passed, adopted -and approved "its 11th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. Resolution No. 109-47 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Bc It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and ,the licenses -are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name. Address. George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven (Transfer of address from 605 Main Street), 239 West 6th Street. CLASS "C"PERMIT. Peter Klauer, 2700 Jackson Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 11th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 110-47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named ap- plicants a Beer Permit: CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name. Address. George T, Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven (Transfer of address from 605 Main Street), 239 West 6th Street. CLASS "C" PERMIT. Peter Klauer, 2700 Jackson Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bands filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Special Session, August 11th, 19=47 )fit Passed, adopted and approved this 11th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen, Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Second. ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 111-47. Prelim- inary approval of plans, specifica. tions, form of contract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the widening and paving of Au- duban Street from the north prop- erty line of Loras Boulevard to the north property line of Dexter Street. Estimated cost: $14,536.67 to be assessed against property owners; $7,663.25 to be paid by City from Street Construction Fund; Total estimated cost, $22,199.92, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec. onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Necessity for Improvement.) Resolution No. 112--47 Whereas, proposed plans, specifi- cations, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: I. The boundaries of the district. 2. The streets to be improved. 3. The width of such improve- ment. 4. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 5. An estimate of the cost of the Proposed improvements, stating the same for each different type of con- struction and kind of material to be used. 6. In each case the awount there. of which is estimated to be asso. o,l against each lot, for the widening and paving of Audubon Street from the north property line of Loras Boulevard to the north property line of Dexter Street. Estimated Cost: $14,536.67 to be assessed against property owners; $7,663.25 to be paid by City from Street Construction Fund; Total es. timated cost $22,199.92. Be It Therefore Resolved, that the City Council on its own mo- tion or upon petition of property owners, deems it advisable and nec- essary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned im- provement, and unless property owners at the time of the final con- sideration of this proposed resolu- tion have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the pro- . posed assessments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objec- tions thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk, That the cost and expense of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all pri- vately owned property lying within assessable distance provided by law and in an amount 'not to exceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent there- to according to area and in propor- tion to the special benefits con- ferred thereby, and any deficiency shall be paid out of the general fund, improvement funds or sewer funds, or partly out of each of such funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in anticipation of deferred pay- ments of assessments when a con. tract has been performed and ac- cepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The railway portion of any street or as- sessment district shall be assessed to and paid by the railway com- pany. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this lith day of August, 1947. 2-R) Special Session, August 11th, 147 Approved and placed on file for final action. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F W.THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Attest: J.J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. (Fixing date of hearing) Resolution No. 113-47 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Res- olution No. 111-47 given its prelim- minary approval on the proposed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the widening and paving of Audubon Street from the north property line of Loras Boulevard to the north property line of Dexter Street Estimated Cost: $14,536.67 to be assessed against property owners: $7,663.25 to be paid by city from street construction fund; Total es- timated cost $22,199.92. and, Whereas, the proposed Resolu- tion of Necessity for said improve- ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection Be It Therefore Resolved that on the 2nd day of September 1947, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chamber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of prop- erty subject to assessment for the proposed improvement may appear and make objection to the proposed Plans and specifications and pro- posed form of contract and at the sante time to the boundaries of the Proposed district, to the cost of the improvement, to the amount pro- posed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the pro- posed Resolution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and the place of such hearing to be published in some newspaper published in the City of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for consideration and unless property owners at the time of final consider- ation of said resolution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessment. they shall have deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 11th day of August, 1947, GEO. R. MURPHY FRANK VAN DUELMAN F W.THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Thompson moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA City Cler 9 n Approved a ~..14047. Adopted. J...... 1947 ..... ............:.... . Councilmen: Attest: ...... City Clerk. Special Session, ;lugust 25t1,, 1917 241 City Council (Official) Special Session, August 25th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 p.m. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Wharton and Moffatt. Mapor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of conduct- ing a public hearing upon the pro- posed plans, specifications, form of contract, cost of improvement and resolution of necessity for the con- struction of -an 8 inch sanitary sewer, reinforced concrete lift sta- tion and a 6 inch cast iron force main for the Bradley Street Sewer District• also for the construction of Perry Street Sanitary Sewer lift station and force main, and acting on any other business as may prop- erly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of hear- ing upon the plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of im- provement for the construction of an 8 inch sanitary sewer, rein- forced concrete lift station, and a 6 inch cast iron force main for the Bradley Street Sewer District, esti- mated cost $21,810.02, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of pen- dency of Resolution of Necessity and hearing upon Proposed Plans and Specifications, Form of Con- tract and Cost of Improvement for the construction of an 8 inch sani- tary sewer, reinforced concrete lift station, and a 6 inch cast iron force main for the Bradley Street Sewer District, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson• Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended for the Purpose of allowing any one pres- ent in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Messrs W. N. Ziepprecht and G. H. Holscher addressed the Council in support of their petition for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Bradley Street. Petition of Wm. F. and Belle L. Appel stating objections to the reso- lution of necessity, proposed plans and specifications, form of contract and cost of improvement for the construction of an 8 inch sanitary sewer, reinforced concrete lift sta- tion and a 6 inch cast iron force main for the Bradley Street Sewer District, for the reason that the proposed assessments shown against Lots 15, 16, 17, 18 and 45 Grandview Place and Lot 15 Whelans Sub. are excessive and ex- orbitant and in excess of 25% of the assessed value and illegal under• the Statutes of the State of Iowa, presented and read. Communication of Geo. B. Collin- son referring to a certain resolu- tion of necessity for the construc- tion of a Bradley Street Sanitary Sewer and stating that the sug- gested sewer assessments to be levied against Lots 17 to 24 inclu- sive, Block 2, Grandview Park Addi- tion seem to be quite excessive and trusting that something will be clone toward revising the assess- ment figures which have already been submitted by the Engineer's office, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that an attempt be made to secure waivers on all assessments from the property owners who are sub- ject to assessment for the payment 242 Special Session, August 25th, 1947 of the cost of the construction of ,he sanitary sewer, reinforced con- -�r(te lift station and cast iron force main for the Bradley Street Sewer District and that said waivers be then submitted to the City Council for consideration. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of hear- ing upon the plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of im- provement for the construction of the Perry Street sanitary sewer, lift station and force main, esti- mated cost $18,091.02, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of pen- . dency of Resolution of Necessity and hearing upon Proposed Plans and Specifications, Form of Con- tract and Cost of Improvement for the construction of the Perry Street sanitary sewer, lift station and force main, presented and read Councilman Thompson moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton Nays—None. Mrs. B. F. Klauer addressed the Council stating that she is the own- er of five vacant lots on Perry Street and that she objects to the Proposed assessments as shown against said lots for the construc- tion of the Perry Street sanitary sewer as said assessments are in excess of the '/.c assessed valuation of said lots. Councilman Moffatt moved that an attempt be made to secure waiv- ers on all assessments from the property owners who are subject to assessment for the payment of the cost of the construction of the Perry Street sanitary sewer, lift station and force main and that said waivers be then submitted to the City Council for consideration. Seconded by Councilman Thomp son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Property owners residing on West Third Street between Grand- view Avenue and Algona Street addressed the Council and request- ed that in the event that there is not enough of ground at the West end of the street near Algona Street to bring this street to its proper width and that it becomes neces- sary to take additional property to bring this street to its proper width that the necessary property be taken equally from the property on both sides of the street and not from one side only. The property owners were advised that before any grading would be commenced on this street that a survey would first be made to ascertain street lines which in turn would show if any shortage exists. Mr. W. E. Klauer, President of Klauer Manufacturing Company, addressed the Council to register a complaint in regard to the opera- tion of the Island Airport and stat- ing that the firm's plane was not being adequately maintained in re- turn for the $20.00 a month storage fee. Mr. Klauer was advised by the Council that his oral complaint in regard to the operation of the Is- land Airport was being referred to the City Manager with authoriza- tion to make an investigation and report. Notice of Claim of J. F. Ros- camp in the amount of $800.00 for injuries received while helping the Ambulance Driver to deliver a pa- tient to St. Joseph Sanitarium, Pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Special Session, -°\uL�ust 25th, 1947 ).{,; Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Paul V. Rob- erts, CAA District Airport Engineer and Lester G. Orcutt, Director Iowa Aeronautics Commissioner advising of Notice of Hearing—National Air- port Plan to be held at Oelwein, Iowa, on August 26, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council for further considera- tion. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Dubuque Safety Council asking the City Council to send City Police Judge John Oberhausen, to Northwestern University at Evanston, Illinois, to attend the Judges and Prosecutors Conference, October 13 to 17, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that Police Judge Oberhausen be author- ized to attend the conference if he finds it convenient to attend. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of K. R. Corwin request- ing permission to erect a liome-O- La house on his lot located on Val- ley Street near Mt. Loretta Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the applicant be requested to sub- mit to the Building Inspector plans and specifications showing this pro- posed house. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of St. Patrick's Church, by F. P. Mulligan, its Pastor, re- questing permission to erect a tem- porary barricade at the South line Of the alley at 15th Street and the North line of the alley at Loras Boulevard, said alley lying between :Main and Iowa Streets, for the Period of school term commencing September 2nd and ending June 4th, 1948, between the hours of 3 a.m. and 5 P.M. each school day, Presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. Petition of Jaeger-Kunnert Co. requesting permission to extend their present loading dock and new canopy on the Jackson Street side of their building for a distance of :approximately thirty-seven feet south, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, by E. Marshall Thomas, requesting permission and author- ity for the Illinois Central Railroad Company to construct and maintain a side track on Salina Street to serve Marmis & Solomon in the extension of their business, present- ed and read, Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication -of Harvey R. Sexauer, Airport Engineer, Iowa Aeronautics Commission, in regard to the importance of adequate zon- ing regulations to protect the City's initial investment and to insure the greatest safety and utility in the op- erations of the New Municipal Air. port and advising that in order to participate in the Federal Aid Air- port Program assurances must be given that adequate measures have 244 Special Session, August 25th, 1947 been taken to maintain the ap- proaches to the airport, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor for investigation and report. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- menMoffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Whartoh. Nays—None. August 20, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Attached hereto is a petition for the extension of a water main outside of the city limits. The petitioners agree there-, in to pay the entire cost and ex- pense of a six inch water main to supply their needs. It is to be noted that Mt. Saint Agnes Novitiate, the owners of the easterly land along Carter Road does not join in the petition. Also submitted is a plat and pro- file indicating the main requested in the petition with an estimate of the cost involved. It is my suggestion that the City Council view the premises before taking action. Respectfully submitted, J. J. HAIL, Supt. of Water Works Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of Water Supt. Bail, together with the petition, be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Council- man Thompson, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. August 18, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Department for the month of July, 1947, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrents were issued for the month of July, 1947. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Coun. cilman Thompson. Carried by the following by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. August 25, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the session of City Council held August 11, 1947 the petition of Mrs. Anna Koppes and others requesting installation. of a street light on Southern Av- enue, southerly of Grandview Av- enue was referred to the Council to view the grounds The Council having viewed the street on August 17 decided to grant the request. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Mana- ger Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, August 25, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In reference to the claim of Dorrance Clancy for dam- ages caused by a city sewer back- ing up in the basement of 114 Bluff Street and destroying certain per- sonal property. The claim is some- what over $200.00. After consulta- tion with him, he has agreed to settle the same for $50.00. I recommend that a warrant be issued payable to his order for the sum of $50.00 and that the same be delivered to him upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed by him. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor of City of Dubuque Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved Special Session, r\ugust 25th, lr)}i 24-1 and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of Dorrance Clancy, as settlement in full of his claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. mail, Wharton. Nays—None. August 25, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Mrs. Tom O'Brien submitt- ed to me for investigation and re- port, I find that Mrs. O'Brien while getting off a Mt Carmel bus at 7th and Main Street stepped into a hole in the sidewalk causing her to fall, break her left arm and glasses, cutting a gash above her ieft eye. She wlas required to undergo hospital and surgical at- tention and a new pair of glasses. That she was prevented from work- ing and lost wages. That the total amount of her actual loss is $154.25. I recommend that this claim be allowed in the sum of $154.25 and that a warrant be issued payable to her order and delivered to her upon delivery to the City of a re- lease properly executed by her. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor of City of Dubuque Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $154.25 in favor of Mrs. Tom O'Brien, as set- tlement in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Vail Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. August 19, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the communication of Henry J. Cun- ningham which was filed with the City Council and referred to me for invesigation and report, I wish to report as follows: Section 418.1, 1946 Code of Iowa, Provides that the compensation of the Manager shall be by Ordinance but this Chapter is entitled "CITY MANAGER PLAN BY ORDIN- ANCE," and does not apply to the City of Dubuque, which is under the City Manager Plan by popular election. Chapter 419 "CITY MANAGER PLAN BY POPULAR ELECTION" Section 419.60 provides that the salary of the Manager shall be fix- ed by the Council. Under this Sec- tion the Council may fix the salary of the Manager by motion, resolu- tion or ordinance as it desires. Section 419.55, Sub 12, provides that the Manager shall manage all municipal water plants. The money received by the water works is paid into the City Treasury. Section 419.60 provides that the salary of the Manager * * * * shall be paid monthly from the Treasury of the City. The salary of the man- ager is paid from the Treasury of the City. It is provided in: "24.14 tax limited. No greater tax than that so entered upon the record shall be levied or collected for the municipality proposing such tax for the Pur- pose or purposes indicated; and thereafter no greater ex- penditure of public money shall be made for any specific pur- pose than the amount esti- mated and appropriated there for, except as provided in sec- tions 24.6, 24.15 and subsection 4 of section 343.11." The Attorney General has ruled on the question of an increase of salary during a fiscal year and has stated in an opinion dated August 14 as follows: "I am of the opinion that Sec- tion 24.14, Code of 1946 quoted by the City Solicitor is Control- ling. However, if the budget of July, 1946, aggregated the ad- ministration expenses in a lump suul; i.e., if it did not specify the salary of the City manager in a specified amount, 241ti;perial Session, _\u ;ust Lith, 1947 then his salary could be in- creased and paid out of the lump sum appropriated within the limits thereof. But if the budget specified the manager's salary in a specific amount, it could not be increased during the year of its operation unless the Comptroller would permit an amendment of the budget to include this increase." After consultation with the State Comptroller, I submit for your consideration an Ordinance which has been prepared in 'accordance with the Comptroller's suggestions. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER City Solicitor of City of Dubuque Councilman Thompson moved that the report of City Solicitor Kintzinger be made a matter 3f record Seconded by Council Whar- ton. Carried by the following vote: Teas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 26-47 An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 10-47 Being Ordinance Entitled "An Ordinance Making Ap- priations For The Expenditures Of City Government Of The City Of Dubuque, Iowa For The Fiscal Year April 1, 1947 And Ending March 31, 1948" By Adjusting Appropriations Made Under Group I—General Ad- ministration, Group VIII—Miscell- a.neous And Group XVI—Water Works, presented and read. Council- man Wharton moved that the read- ing just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - men, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Warton moved that the rules be suspended requiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - 'nail, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Wharton moved that ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its sinal adoption. Seconded by Couu- cilinan Van Uuelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- mim Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ,nan, Wharton, No.ys None. Resolution No 114-47 Preliminary approval of the pro- posed plans, specification, form of contract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the construc- tion of the Cherry -Green St. Sani- tary Sewer, Lift Station and Force Main. The 8 inch Sanitary Sewer Line begins at the lift station lo- cated at the intersection of the alley between Cherry and Green Streets and the alley at corporation line, thence easterly in alley be- tween Cherry and Green Streets 200 feet, thence southerly across the easterly 10 feet of Lot No. 206 of Finley Addition to the centerline of Cherry St., to M.H. No. 2, thence easterly along the centerline of Cherry St., a distance of 482 feet; also southerly along the centerline of Finley St., from the intersection of Finley and Cherry Streets a dis- tance of 274 feet; also from M.H. No. 2 westerly along the centerline of Cherry St., a distance of 269 feet; also from the lift station nibrth along centerline of corporation line alley a distance of 255 feet to the intersec- tion of said alley and Green St., thence easterly along centerline of Green St., thence a distance of 580 feet; also from the intersection of Green and Finley Streets northerly along the centerline of Finley St., a distance of 270 feet, to the inter- section of Poplar and Karrick Streets, thence north-easterly along the centerline of Poplar St., a dis- tance of 160 feet; also from the intersection of Poplar and Karrick Streets north-westerly -along a line 12 feet south of the north property line of Karrick St., a distance of 318 feet. The 6 inch cast iron force main begins at the lift station running along centerline of alley at corporation line north a distance of 880 feet to the point of beginning of the 8 inch vitrified sewer pipe force main which conCmues north w Siwclal Sessimm..\u�u,t 25th, It'4 '47 along centerline of said alley a distance of 815 feet to the intersec- tion of said alley and Seminary Street at manhole No. 43 of Kauf- man Ave. Trunk Line Sewer. Esti. mated cost $27,930.79. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sez- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. NECESSITY FOR IMPROVEMENT Resolution No. 115-47 Whereas, proposed plans, speci- fications, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the district, if any, 2. The size and kind of sewers. 3. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 4. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of construction and kind of material to be used. 5. In each case the amount thereof which is estimated to oe assessed against each lot, for the construction of the Cherry -Green St. Sanitary Sewer, Lift Station and Force Main. The 8 -inch Sanitary Sewer Line begins at the lift sta-' Lion located at the intersection of the alley between Cherry and Green Streets and the alley at corporation line, thence easterly in alley, be- tween Cherry and Green Streets 200 feet, thence southerly across the easterly 10 feet of Lot No. 206 of Finley Addition to the centerline of Cherry St., to M.H. No. 2, thence easterly along the centerline of Cherry St., a distance of 482 feet; also southerly along the centerline Of Finley St. from the intersection of Finley and Cherry Streets a dis- tance of 274 feet; also from M.H. No. 2 westerly along the centerline of Cherry St, a distance of 269 feet; also from the lift station north along centerline of corporation line alley a distance of 255 feet to tho intersection of said alley and (lreea St., thence easterly along centerline of Green St a distance of 580 feet; also from the intersection of Green and Finley Streets northerly alone the centerline of Finley St. a dis- tance of 270 feet, to the intersec- tion of Poplar and Karric•li Streets, thence northeasterly along the centerline of Poplar St. a distance of 160 feet; also from th'e intersec. tion of Poplar and Karrick Streets northwesterly along a line 12 feet south of the north property line of Karrick St, a distance of 318 feet. 'Phe 6 -inch cast iron force main be- gins at the lift station running along centerline of alley at cor- poration line north a distance of 880 feet to the point of beginning of the S -inch Vitrified sewer pipe force main which continues north along centerline of said alley a dis- tance of 815 feet to the intersection of said alley and Seminary Street at. manhole No. 43 of Kaufmann Ave. Trunk Line Sewer. lie It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property own- ers, deems it advisable and neces- sary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed as- sessnrents, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and clone in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improvement will ne assessed upon and against all privately owned property lying within assessable distance pro- vided by law and in an amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent thereto according to area and in proportion to the spec- ial benefits conferred thereby, and any deficiency shall be paid out of the general fund, improvement funds or sewer funds, or partly out of each of such funds. Bonds shall 24,, , 1pecial Sessions, :\u."ust 25th, 1947 be isrued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been per- formed and accepted and the pro- ceeds thereof used to pay the con- tractor. The railway of any street or assessment district shall be as- sessed to and paid by the railway company. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this °.tiro day of August, 1947. Approved and placed on file for final action. GEO R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- ineu Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- nian, Wharton. Nays—None. FIXING DATE OF HEARING Resolution No. 116-47 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has bey Resolution No. 114.47 given its pre- liminary approval on the proposed pltnns, specifications and form of, contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the cow,lruction of the Cherry -Greets St, Sanitary Sewer, Lift Station and Force Main. The 8 -inch Sanitary Sewer Line begins at the lift sta- tion located at the intersection of the alley between Cherry and Green Streets and the alley at corporation line, thence easterly in alley be. tweer: Cherry and Green Streets 200 feet, thence southerly across the easterly 10 feet of Lot No. 206 Of Finley Addition to the centerline of Cherry St., to M.H. No. 2, thence easterly along the centerline of Cherry St„ a distance Of 482 feet; also southerly along the centerline of Finley St. from the intersection of Finley and Cherry Streets a dis- tance of 274 feet; also from M.H. No. 2 westerly along the centerline of Cherry St. a distance of 269 feet; also from the lift station north along centerline of corporation line alley a distance of 255 feet to the intersection of said alley and Green St., thence easterly along centerline of Green St a distance of 580 feet; also from the intersection of Green and Finley Streets northerly along the centerline of Finley St. a dis- tance of 270 feet, to the intersec- tion of Poplar and Karrick Streets, thence northeasterly along the centerline of Poplar St. a distance of 160 feet; also from the intersec- tion of Poplar and Karrick Streets northwesterly along a line 12 feet south -of the north property line of Karrick St. a distance of 318 feet. The 6 -inch cast iron force main be- gins at the lift station running along centerline of alley at cor- poration line north a distance of S80 feet to the point of beginning of the 8 -inch Vitrified sewer pipe force main which continues north along centerline of said alley a dis- tance of 815 feet to the intersection of said alley and Seminary Street at manhole NO. 43 of Kaufmann Ave. Trunk Line Sewer. and, Whereas, the proposed Resolu- tion of Necessity for said Improve— went has been introduced and is now on, file in the City Clerk'.-, office for public inspection. Be It Therefore Resolved that on the 22nd day of September 1947, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property subject to assessment for the proposed im- prbvenrent may appear and make objection to the proposed plans and specifications .and proposed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed dis- trict, to the cost of the improve- ment, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the proposed Res,:)- lution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be pub- lished in some newspaper published in the City of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two Siwcial Sessio n..Aitl;itst 25th, 1947 241, (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its con- sideration and unless property own. ers at the time of final considera- tion of said resolution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessment, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objeotions and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 117-47 Whereas, application for Class •B" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of. the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Alois E Kramer, 2093 Wasttin- ton Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY. Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON. ALBERT WHARTON W. W MOFFATT. Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 118.47 Whereas, heretofore application for Class "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named applicant and it has received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicant have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and a proper bond has been filed: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named ap- plicant a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Alois E, Kramer, 2093 Washing- ton Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed by such applicant be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W, MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. Resolution No. 119-47 Whereas, applicolion for ClasQ -'B" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Name Address The Victory Club, (Transfer of 230Sl)cri 11 Sessit>u, 1u ;ust 25th, 1947 address from 9611/z Main Street), Councilman v tefatt. Car. °iedeUy the aU Main Street. following Passed, adopted and approved Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. 25th day of August, 1947 nen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- t nis GEO. R. MURPHY, n Wharton. Mayor Nays—None. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, There being no further business F. W. THOMPSON, Councilman Van Duelman moved ALBERT WHARTON, to adjourn. Seconded by Council. W. W. MOFFATT, roan Wharton. Carried by the Poi. Couneilmen lowing vote: attest: J. J. SHEA, Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council, City Clerk men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. Councilman Van Duelman moved mail, Wharton. the adoption of the resolution. Sec- Mays—None. onded by Councilman Thompson. J. J. SHEA, Carried by the following vote: City /Clerk Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- Approved ,�,],� 1947 men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- `� Adopted.. f 1947 man, Wharton, Nays—None. Resolution No. 120-47 ' ( ................ .... .... , I �� Whereas, application for Class N "B" Beer Permit has been submitt- ed to this Council for 'approval and Councilmen the same has been examined: Now, - ---_ Therefore, ......................... ........... ac– c,,., Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- L • . lowing application be granted and the license is to be issued upon Attest: ........ the compliance with the terms of City Clerk. the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Name Address Hiawatha Club, 576 Central Av- enue. Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of August, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W, MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- "'ell Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. T�tays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that Mayor Geo. R. Murphy be ap. pointed as a member of the exam- ining board to determine the quali. fications of City Assessor as requir. ed by the new assessment law. See- Regular Session, September 1st, 1947 2;1 City Council (Official) Regular Session, September 1st, 1947. No members of the City Council being present upon roll call, the meeting was Postponed subject to call. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Approved 1948 Adopted.. 1 1948 .......... ............. Councilmen: I . ............ .. .. ... .. ...... Attest: .... City Cle . rk. 252 adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1947 city council (Official) Adjourned Regular Session, Sep- tember 2nd, 1947. Council met at 7:30 p.m. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- menMoffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. City Manager Rhomberg. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Mayor Murphy stated that this meeting is an adjourned meeting of the regular meeting of September 1st, 1947, for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of hear- ing on the plans and specifications, form of contract and cost of im- provement for the widening and paving of Audubon Street from the north property line of Loras Boule- vard to the north property line of Dexter Street, estimated cost $22,- 199.92, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of pen- dency of resolution of necessity and hearing upon proposed plans and specifications, form of contract and cost of improvements for the widen- ing and paving of Audubon Street from the north property line of Loras Boulevard to the north prop- erty line of Dexter Street, present- ed and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays --None, Absrnt—Councilman Thompson. Property owners residing on Au- dubon Street addressed the Coun- cil stating that they have no ob- jections to the paving of Audubon Street in accordance with its pres- ent width but that they were op- posed to the widening of said street to 37 feet because it would cause the removal of valuable trees and the ruining of terraces. (DECISION OF COUNCIL UPON OBJECTIONS TO PLANS, SPECI- FICATIONS, FORM OF CON- TRACT AND COST OF IMPROVE- MENTS.) Resolution No. 121.47 Whereas, proposed plans and specifications and form of contract for the widening and paving of Au- dubon Street from the north prop- erty line of Loras Boulevard to the north property line of Dexter Street have been approved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque and public notice given as provided by Chapter 23 of the Code of Iowa, 1927, pertaining to public contracts and bonds, and the time and place fixed for the hearing of all objections to said plans, speci- fications or contract for or cost of such improvements, said time being this 2nd day of September, 1947; and Whereas, the City Council met in Adjourned Regular session this 2nd day of September, 1947, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at the Council Cham- bers in the City Hall for the pur- pose of hearing all interested parties and considering any and all objections which have been filed to the proposed plans, specifica- tions or contract for or cost of the improvement herein described and proposed to be made; and Whereas, all interested parties have been given an opportunity to be heard and all objections have been filed have been duly weighed and considered; now, therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, that all objections which have been made and filed to the plans, specifica- tion, contract for 01, cost of said improvement herein described and proposed to be made, be and the same are hereby overruled and such plans, specifications and form of contract heretofore approved are hereby adopted. Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1947 253 Be It Further Resolved that this resolution containing the decision of this Council upon all objections which have been filed to the plans, specifications and form of contract for or cost of said improvement be made a matter of permanent record in connection with said improve- ment. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY. Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved i the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. (Necessity for Improvement.) Resolution No. 112--47 Whereas, proposed plans, specifi- cations, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the district, if any. 2. The streets to be improved. 3. The width of such improve- ment. 4. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 5. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of con- struction and kind of material to be used. G. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated to be assessed against each lot, for the widening and paving of Audubon Street from the north property line of Loras Boulevard to the north property line of Dexter Street. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property owners, deems it advisable and necessary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this Proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assess- ments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expanse of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all pri- vately owned property lying within assessable distance provided by law and in an amount not to exceed Ilie amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent there- to according to area and in propor- tion to the special benefits con- ferred thereby, and any deficiency shall be paid out of the general fund, improvement funds or sewer funds, or partly out of each of such funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in anticipation of deferred pay- ments of assessments when a con- tract has been performed and ac- cepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The rail- way portion of any street or assess- ment district shall be assessed to and paid by the railway company. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered placed on file with the City Cleric this 11th day of August, 1947. The foreoging resolution was fin- ally passed and adopted, as pro- posed, by the City Council this 2nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van I)uehnan moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec. 254 dJ,,,11•1,e,1 I:cl;ular Session, September 2nd, 1947 onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. (Ordering Construction.) Resolution No. 122-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that pur- suant to a resolution of necessity No. 112-47 which was duly passed by this Council, for the widening and paving of Audubon Street from the north property line of Loras Boulevard to the north property line of Dexter Street be and the same are hereby ordered and con- structed by this Council upon its own motion and with or without the petition of property owners. All the work shall be constructed in ac- cordance with the plans and specifi- cations heretofore adopted and now on file In the office of the City Clerk. Be It Further Resolved that the cost and expense of the said im- provements be paid for by levying special assessments against the pri- vately owned property lying within the assessable distance from the im- provements, whether such property abut upon the same or are adjacent thereto, according to the a1 ea there- of and in proportion to the special benefits conferred, and any defic- iency will be paid out of the gen- eral, improvement, or sewer funds of the city, or partly from each of such funds. Payment will be made to the contractor out of funds real- Ized from the sale of bonds to be issued in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments as pro- vided by law after the work has been completed and accepted by the City Council, Be It Further Resolved that the City Clerk be and he is hereby or- dered and directed to advertise for Proposals for the construction of the various improvements herein pro- vided for in the manner provided by law, the said improvements shall be completed on or before 60 cal- endar days after date of contract. Be It Further RosOlved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate 11ec•cssity ~hall be in force and effect from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thomspon, Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Magor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Mr. Don Callahan addressed the Council in regard to the construc- tion of curbs and gutters on Cum- mins Street in order to eliminate the overflow of storm water from said street onto his property and causing damage to his home. Councilman Wharton moved that the City Manager be directed to confer with the property owners on Cummins Street for the purpose of securing waivers in order to ex- pedite the construction of curbs and gutters on Cummins Street and if property owners are agreeable then proper proceedings be pre- pared for the construction of curbs and gutters on said Cummins Street. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Adjourned Regular Session, Selrtemher 2nd. 1947 255 Mr. Gay Spence et al, property owners in Hillcrest Addition, ad- dressed the Council inquiring as to the cost of connecting with the sanitary sewer installed in said Addition by the Iowa Improvement Company, •also protesting to the damage done to their properties while the grading was being done on said addition and while the sew- er was being constructed, also call- ing the attention of the City Coun- cil to the present condition of the streets as the same are in very bad condition. Council advised Mr. Spence and the other property owners that they would view the condition complain- ed of when Council is out viewing other properties. Petition of Fischer Investment Company, by O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, Francis J. O'Connor, Its Attorneys, requesting the vacation of Sixth Street commencing at the west line of Tower Street and ex- tending easterly to the levee, also Fifth Street from the east line of Bell Street easterly to the west line of vacated Tower Street, also all of the alley intersecting Block J. of Booth's Addition, also that por- tion of Tower Street lying south of the south line extended of the alley separating Block I of Booth's Addi- tion and Block 32 of Dubuque Har- bor Improvement Company's addi- tion and extending southerly to a point 40 feet south of the north line extended of Lot 5 in Block O in Booth's Addition also Lot 5 and north 18 feet of Lot 4 of Block O in Booth's Addition and to cause to be executed to them deeds of vacation, presented and read. Attorney Francis J. O'Connor ad- dressed the Council in support of the petition. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and re. Port. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Civil Aeronautics Administration Kansas City 6, Missouri Aug. 27, 1947 Mr. A. A. Rhomberg City Manager Dubuque, Iowa Subject: Dubuque Municipal Air- port, Dubuque, Iowa CAA Docket No. 904-13-9 Completion of Project (Supple- mental) Dear Mr. Rhomberg: Ir. our letter of March 10, 1947, the City of Dubuque was notified that the project instituted by the Civil Aeronautics Administration for the development of the Munici- pal Airport at Dubuque, Iowa, had been carried to completion with the exception of the installation of a lighting system and seeding the airport. This remaining work has now been completed and the additional facilities are hereby turned over to the City for operation and main- tenance in accordance with the terms of the resolution adopted by the City Council of Dubuque on March 6, 1944 and the supplemental resolution No. 17-44, adopted by the City Council on March 19, 1944. The Civil Aeronautics Administra- tion wishes to assure you of its appreciation of the cooperation given by the City of Dubuque in connection with these projects. Very truly yours, Leonard W. Jurden Regional Administrator. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Petition of Syl Frommelt, Chair- man "Julien Dubuque Days" cele- bration, making formal request for permission to hold a street parade on Friday, September 5th at 2:00 P.M. also for extra police protec- tion for the boat regatta which will be held Sunday, September 7th along the banks of the river in the Niciuity of the Municipal Swimming 2;F, ;idjourr.ed Regular Session, September 2nd, 1947 Pool and for the clearing of the streets by noon of the day of the Parade, presented and read. Coun- cilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and Chief of Police to take favorable action. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Council- Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Petition of Czizek & Czizek, at- torneys for Harry Lewis, request- ing that a permanent grade be es. tablished upon Globe Street from the westerly line of Harold Street westerly to the end of Lot 30 in J. P. Schroeder's Addition, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Petition of Geo. H. Schilling et al requesting the City Council to take action of some sort to do away with the unhealthy condition due from dust and dirt caused by the traffic on upper Garfield Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Van Duel - man moved that the petition be re- ferred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Wharton, Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Petition of Robert E. and Tillie Chapman requesting a refund in the amount of $150.00 on the unexpired portion of their Class "B" Beer Permit No. 20 and also a refund in the amount of $75.00 on the un- expired portion of their Cigarette Permit No. 14 as they have dis• continued business on August 30, 1947, presented and read. Council. man Moffatt moved that the re- quest be granted and that the City Auditor be instructed to draw s warrant in the amount of $150.00 i[ 'avor of Robert E. and Tillie Chap. nan to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion A their Class "B" Beer Permit Vo. 20 and also that the City kuditor be instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $75.00 in favor of Robert E. and Tillie Chapman to cover the amount of refund on the unexpired portion Df their Cigarette Permit No. 14. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar. ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Petition of George Ralston re- questing a refund in the amount of $150.00 on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 55 as he has discontinued business on September 2, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $150.00 in favor of George Ralston to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 55. Seconded by Councilman Whar- ton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Notice from the Board of Dock Commissioners notifying the City of Dubuque that the Dock Board has now leased the front footage on Peosta Street from East 16th Street to the Stone Arch Bridge on Haw- thorne Street and the west shore line of the Mississippi River from the northerly line of Mineral Lots 296 and 297 (the north end of the Guy Atkinson property) northerly to Kimball Steet, exclusive of pri- vate property in that area, to Mr. M. P. Gauer, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the Notice be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote; Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton, Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1917 257 Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of July, 1947, pre- sented•and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Ordinance No. 26.47 An Ordinance Amending Ordin- ance No. 10-47 Being Ordinance Entitled "An Ordinance Making Ap- propriations For The Expenditures Of City Government Of The City Of Dubuque, Iowa For The Fiscal Year Beginning April 1, 1947 And Ending March 31, 1948" By Adjust. ing Appropriations Made Under Group 1—General Administration. Group VIII—Miscellaneous And Group XVI—Water Works, said or- dinance having been passed upon first reading on August 25th, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NOI 26-1947 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING OR- DINANCE NO. 10-47 BEING OR- DINANCE ENTITLED "AN OR- DINANCE MAKING APPROPRIA- TIONS FOR THE EXPENDI- TURES OF CITY GOVERN\II:NT OF THE CITY OF DUBI'G;CE,, IOWA, FOR THE FISCAL I'P;:\11 BEGINNING APRIL 1, 1947, AND ENDING; MARCH 31, 1948" BY ADJUSTING; APPROPRIATIONS MADE UNI *,R GROUP I—GENER- AL AD\IINISTRATTON, GROUP VIII — :a I W I„I,LANEOUS AND GROUP X \' I—\\'ATER \FORKS. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 10-47 making appropriations for the fiscal year 1947-1948 of the City o f Dubuque was adopted by the City Council, City of Dubuque, on March 28, 1947, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque has fixed the salary of the City Manager at the rate of $12,000.00 per annum instead of $8,952.00; and WHEREAS, it is necessarly to ad- just the appropriations heretofore made in order to Provide for the pay ment of such salary; and WHEREAS, the revisions will in- volve no increased total expend itm•es, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 1. That Ordinance No. 10-47 be- ing "An Ordinance making appropria- tions for the expenditures of city gov- ernment of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fl -seal year beginning April 1, 1947, and ending March 31, 1948,'• be and the same is hereby amended by striking from: Croup I—General Administration "102—Ufflee of City Manager— $12,;,25.00” and substituting there- for "102—Office of City Manager— $14,601;.2 5" and by striking from Growl; VIII—\Tiscellaneous "148C —00t 1' Vlist,-llaneutts $14,305.00" and 1,. suhstituthm th,•rrfor "148C —Uthc•r AlisoolLuuoux $12,200.76" rind by strilcin,c tr,an Group SCI— \\'ester \Ccrks "I-IIA—Adminisura- ti�m $2i�,fi2•? uu" ;;rid by substituting t hes c•for "14!'\ - Administration 3r.7. ;md h\ striking from Groui, X\'I--Water \Corks serve �,.2.-,.;;o and suhstittit Ing therefor "R,•wv've $710.25". 2. This onlinance, in the intt•rest of the preservation of public health, safety and Iho general \c-•Ifare of the City of Dubuque and 11w in- habitants therc,)f Hug doenu•d urz.. nt and of immediate• nc•r,•ssily. sl;all ba in force and el'll•ot from and aft,•r ns Iinnl ;,assagc, ad,,I,tion and al-pro\;cc Ly t1w Ctiy Coon, it and puhlioatic n; as provided by law and the apin•upriatins herein provided for shall bI• avmlahl,• and transferred to 11w proper funds. Passed upon I'n•.at r,;tiling this 25th day of August. Ell Passed, adopted and al,provcd upon final reading this 2nd day of S"I,tcm- ber, 1947. GEO. 11. �AWUPHY-, layer. P'RASI: A':AN llUEI.AIAN, AIA*:I;T \\'IIAIITON A10PFATT, Councilmen. Attest, J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 4th day of September, 1947. J. J. S11EA, Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- to11. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. August 30, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: On August 30, 1947, we the undersigned, representa- tives of the various city depart- ments, conducted an inspection of the following buildings. A two story frame shed directly to the rear of 534 Rhomberg Aven- ue and located on Lots 23 and 24 of High Street Sub, and owned by Antoinette M. Scharle. This shed is in a very dilapidated condition due to lack of maintenance and re- pair and is being supported only because it leans against a frame 2;;; Aili()t11_11Cd Regular Session, September 2nd, 1947 house right adjacent. It is a def- inite fire hazard to the adjoining property as it is connected to the porch of a three story brick apart- ment house and if it should catch fire, the people occupying this building would be immediately en- dangered. A two story building at 1334 Cen- tral Ave. located on the N. 14% feet of the South 2 -ii of City Lot 444 and owned by Rose Hoefflin et al and Lena Kleih. The rear of this building was damaged by fire some time ago and very little has been accomplished to have it removed or repaired. The floors and roof are hanging partly unsupported and it is not only unsightly but dangerous to adjoining owners. On July 31, 1947 we directed a letter to your honorable body list- ing two other properties and we would like to have these additional buildings included when a condem- nation committee is appointed and have them authorized to inspect these buildings, at the same time. Respectfully submitted THOS. C. HICKSON Fire Chief DONALD J. BANDY Building Inspector ALBERT J. ENTRINGER, M.D. Health Director f'ouncilman Moffatt moved that the communication of Fire Chief Hickson, Building Inspector Bandy and Health Director Entringer be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. August 30, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members Of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Lynn C. Osborn as father and next friend of his son, Emmett, for damages in the amount of $1,000.00 for injuries received when a bicycle his son was riding struck a large hole on Shiras Avenue causing the bicycle to tip over and the boy to fall. It appears that there was a large hole in the street, the bicycle dropped therein, threw the son, Emmett, forward onto his face, knocking out a front tooth, requir- ing him to secure surgical and dental aid. He has sustained actual damages in the amount of $83.00. After consultation with the father, they have agreed to accept $100.00 in full payment of their claim. I recommend that the claim be allowed in the sum of $100.00 and that a warrant be issued, therefore, and delivered upon delivery to the City of a release executed by Lynn C. Osborn as father and next friend of Emmett Osborn and by Emmett Osborn individually. Yours truly, John J. Kintzinger. City Solicitor. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Lynn C. Osborn as father and next friend of Em- mett Osborn, as settlement in full of the claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly ex- ecuted release. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. August 29, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of J. F. Roscamp in the amount of $800.00 for damages sustained by him when he was assisting to de- liver a patient to St. Joseph Sani- tarium, I find that on or about August 16, 1947, Frank Roscamp, 60 years old, the father of claimant became violent; that the ambulance was called, thart claimant got into the ambulance and while on the way to the Sanitarium his father became violent and bit him several times. There is no liability on the part Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1947 259 of the City. I recommend that the claim be denied. Yours truly, John J. Kintzinger, City Solicitor. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman, Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. August 30, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Herewith submitted for your con- sideration is proposed Dubuque Homes Subdivision No. 2 which has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Respectfully submitted, DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION By Richard V. McKay, Secretary Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of the Planing and Zoning Commission be received and made a matter of record. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Resolution No. 123-47 Whereas, a plat has been filed by Dubuque Homes, Inc, in which Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Lot 2 of Bab - cock's Addition in the City of Du- buque, Iowa is subdivided and platted as Dubuque Homes Subdi- vision No. 2; and Whereas, said plat has been duly examined, investigated and ap- proved by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Du- buque; and Whereas, upon said plat Cherokee Drive is designated as a Street; and Whereas, the owner has upon said plat dedicated said street to the public; and, Whereas, the City Council has examined said plat and has been fully advised in the matter, finds that said plat conforms to the City ordinances relating thereto; and Whereas, the City Council fur- ther finds that the dedication of Cherokee Drive should be accepted and Confirmed and that said plat should be approved; and Whereas, Cherokee Drive is an unimproved new street and the Council is of the opinion that said street should be improved by the placing 'of a six inch macadam base with asphalt wearing surface and with a combination concrete curb and gutter on both sides; and Whereas, the Engineer's esti- mated cost for said improvement is as follows: Grading ................................ $500.00 Macadam plus surface ........$2,000.00 Curb and Gutter ....................$3,500.00 Est. Total Cost ..................$6.000.00 and, Whereas, it is the opinion of the City Council that said improve- ments should be made on or before July 1, 1948, that the plat filed herein be approved upon Dubuque Homes Inc. filing with the City Clerk a surety company bond in the sum of six thousand dollars, which bond must be approved by the City Council, said bond to in- sure the construction and comple- tion of the improvements on Chero- kee Drive on or before July 1, 1948 and said bond to provide for com- pliance with the provisions of ordi- nance No. 23-45, the Subdivision ordinance of the City of Dubuque and especially Sec. IV thereof. Now, Therefore, be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; Sect. 1. That the dedication of Cherokee Drive upon the plat of Dubuque Homes Subdivision No 2 be, and the same is hereby accepted for the purpose for which ?.t is thus dedicated. Sec. 2. That the plat of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Lot 2 of Babcock's Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa which will hereafter be known as Dubuque Homes Subdivision No. 2 containing Lots 1, 2, 23 inclusive and Lots 13A and 14A be, and the same is hereby approved and the llp.yor and Clerk are hereby di- rected to endorse the approval of the City of Dubuque upon said plat provided; 20)\ lj urne.l lZegular Session, September 2nd, 1947 That Duouque Homes, Inc, sign the written acceptance and agree - e hereto attached, agreeing to comply with all of the terms and conditions contained in this reso- iution and that Dubuque Homes, Inc. file with the City Clerk a surety company performance bond in the amount of $6,000.00, acceptable to the City Council, insuring the con- struction and completion of the improvements on Cherokee Drive on or before July 1, 1948, all as herein before set out, all to be done with the approval of the City Manager. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Acceptance of Resolution No. 123.47 Dubuque Homes, Inc, by author- ity of its Board of Directors, with full knowledge and understanding of all of the terms and conditions of Resolution No. 123-47, hereby accepts the same as adopted, and agree to abide by, comply with and carry out all of the terms and con- ditions thereof. Executed this 4th day of Septem- ber, 1947. DUBUQUE HOMES, INC. Charles P. Mettel President A. J. Mihm Secretary. Councilman Wharton m o v e d the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Peas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson.. September 2, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Dubuque, Iowa. This is to advise that I have ap. Proved the following policy and bonds and desire to have your ap. proval on same for filing: TAXI -CAB Vets Radio Cab Company 5th and Central Avenue Policy No. 14PLO2626 American Casualty Co. PERSONAL Edward M. Tschirgi, City Treas. Continental Casualty Co. EXCAVATION Richard J. Burke, 130 West 13th Street Bond No. 5035 American Bonding Co, of Balti- more. Curtis -Straub Company 1069 Main Street Central Surety & Ins. Corp. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the bonds be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. September 2, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of the City Coun- cil held July 21, 1947 a communica- tion from Dubuque County concern- ing the offer of $100.00 for Lot 7 of South Avenue Addition made by Andrew J. Daughetee was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having view the grounds decided to approve the tax sale. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed by the passage of the attached reso- lution. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Man. ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel- inan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1947 261 Resolution No. 124-47 Whereas, Lot 7 of South Avenue Addition in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, was sold on February 3, 1936 to Dubuque Coun- ty, Iowa, by the County Treasurer of Dubuque County, Iowa, for de- linquent taxes and unpaid taxes for the years 1931 to 1934, inclusive; and Whereas, the said Dubuque Coun- ty, Iowa, desires to sell the above described real estate to Andrew J. Daughetee for $100.00, and Whereas, the sale of -said proper- ty by Dubuque County, Iowa to An- drew J. Daughetee for a sum less than the total amount stated in the tax certificate including all en- dorsements of subsequent general taxes, interests and costs requires the written approval of a majority of all tax -levying and tax -certifying bodies having any interest in said general taxes; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa that the sale of said property to Andrew J. Daughetee for the sum of $100.00 in cash be and the same is hereby authorized and approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. September 2, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The Sisters of St. Francis have begun the construc- tion. of Xavier Hospital on the northerly side of Davis Street just outside the city limits. The archi- tects for the Sisters. Schmidt, Gar- den and Erikson of Chicago, are anxious to connect with the city sanitary sewer system. A search of the records describes that on September 27, 1926 an or. dinance was adopted granting the Sisters 'of St. Francis Convent the right to construct and maintain a sanitary sewer in Windsor Avenue from the intersection of La*wther Street and Windsor Avenue north. erly to the city limits at Davis Street. However, this was never done since there is at present no sanitary sewer in Windsow Avenue over this route. Instead an eight inch sanitary sewer connected the Sister's property to a manhole im- mediately south of Davis Street in the alley first west of Windsor Avenue. I recommend that the City Coun- cil grant the Sisters -of Saint Fran- cis the right to connect the new hospital with the city sanitary sew- er svAem with the provision that should the system be thus over- loaded that they be required to construct a separate sewer to handle the sewage. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved and the City Solicitor instructed to prepare proper proceedings as sug- gested in the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. September 2, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of the City Council held August 25, 1947 I was directed to make a report on the operation of the old island air- port. As you no doubt know H. W. McAndrews operates the Cedar Fly. ing Service at this location. There is no formal lease covering the premises. The situation that pre- vailed during the V-5 Naval Avia. tion Training has been carried on without a formal arrangement. It consists of the payment to the city of twenty-five cents per hour for 262 adjourned Regular Scssion, September 2nd, 1947 each hour of training time by the operator. It would appear to be in the best Interest of the city and of aviation in this community to 'permit other operators to engage in business off the field and to terminate the present arrangement which virtual- ly gives to the Cedar Flying Ser- vice a monopoly. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Mr. Del Lynn addressed the Coun- cil making formal application to operate at the Island Airport under the same terms as the present operator, Mr. H. N. McAndrews, is operating. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of City Man- ager Rhomberg be received and made a matter of record and the City Manager directed to hold a conference with Mr. McAndrews and Mr. Lynn to work out details on the operation of the Island Air- port and to submit a report of said conference to the City Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Resolution No. 125-47 Bt It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address J. Louis Spielman and Susan Spielman, 601 Rhomberg Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed with the application be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption .of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Resolution No. 126-47 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS ''B" PERMIT Name Address George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven, (transfer of address from 605 Main Street), 239 West 6th Street. George A. Nardin and Bessie Nar- din, 1255 Central Avenue. Mrs. Margaret Barrington, 244 West 1st Steret. Harry V. Grode and Viola Grode, 1638 Central Avenue. William Hochberger, 1701 Asbury Street. Thomas F. McDonough and Ruth McDonough, 1052 University Av- enue. J. Louis Spielman and Susan Spielman, 601 Rhomberg Avenue. Clifford Calvert and Bertha Cal- vert, 185 Main Street. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB The Oasis Club, 998 Central Av- enue. Dubuque Lodge No. 355, Loyal Order of Moose, 1397. Central Av- enue. CLASS "C" PERMIT Vincent B. Schwartz, 1105 Walnut Street. Tenenbom Super Market, Inc., 630 Locust Street. National Tea Company, 898 Main Street. 404- AdJo urned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1947 2h3 Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman MGffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Resolution No. 127.47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this city and they have filed a prop- er bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven, 239 West 6th Street. George A. Nardin and Bessie Nar- din, 1255 Central Avenue. Mrs. Margaret Barrington, 244 West 1st Street. Hairy V. Grode and Viola Grode, 1635 Central Avenue. William Hochberger, 1701 Asbury Street. Thomas F. McDonough and Ruth McDonough, 1052 University Av- enue. J. Louis Spielman and Susan Spielman, 601 Rhomberg Avenue. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB The Oasis Club, 998 Central Av- enue. Dubuque Lodge No. 355, Loyal Order of Moose, 1379 Central Av- enue. CLASS "C" PERMIT Vincent Schwartz, 1105 Walnut Street. Tenenbom Super Market, Inc., 630 Locust Street. National Tea Company, 898 Main Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Mofaftt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Resolution No. 128-47 Preliminary approval of plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the construction of an eight inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer in York Street from the in- tersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street, estimated cost $2,464.36, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—Nobe. Absent—Councilman Thompson. (Necessity for Improvement.) Resolution No. 129-47 Whereas, proposed plans, specifi- cations, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the Citv Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1 The boundaries of the district, if any, Li,-} \dJourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1947 2. The size and kind of sewers. 3. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 4. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of con- struction and kind of material to be used. 5. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated to be as- sessed against each lot, for the construction of an eight (8) inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer in York Street from the intersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property owners, deems it advisable and necessary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assess- ments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all privately owned property lying within assessable distance provided by law and in an amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adja- cent thereto according to area and in proportion to the special bene- fits conferred thereby, and any de- ficiency shall be paid out of the general fund, improvement funds or sewer funds or, partly out of each of such funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The railway portion of any street or as- Uessment district shall be assessed to and paid by the railway com• pany. The above resolution was intro. dueed,approved and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 2nd day of September, 1947. Approved and placed on file for final action. Approved: GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the final vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. (Fixing date of hearing) Resolution No. 130-47 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Reso- lution No. 128-47 given its prelim- inary approval on the proposed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the construc- tion of an eight (8) inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer in York Street from the intersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street and, Whereas, the proposed Resolution of Necessity for said improvement has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, Be It Therefore Resolved that on the 22nd day of September 1947 a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M. in the Council Cham- ber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property sub- ject to assessment for the proposed improvement may appear and make objection to the proposed plans and specifications and proposed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed dis- trict, to the cost of the improve- ment, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the t-' Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1047 2(,; passage of the •proposed Resolution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published in some newspaper published in the City of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time of final consideration of said resolution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessment, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. Dubuque, Iowa August 29, 1947 Hon. Mayor, Members of the City Council, and City Manager Dear Sirs: In compliance with instructions I am forwarding here- with a certified copy of a resolu- tion adopted by the Board of Direc- tors at its regular meeting held Thursday, August 28, 1947, which is respectfully submitted in a sin- cere spirit of co-operation for your consideration. Cordially yours, J. A. KERPER, Secretary RESOLUTION Whereas, steadily increasing au- tomobile traffic is creating a car parking problem for which reme- dies must be provided if our city Is to progress and attract patrons for our business establishments and other visitors, Whereas, while it is recognized that in order to control traffic and to avoid indiscriminate parking of cars for long periods the installa- tion of parking meters has become necessary, but it is obvious to everyone that meters alone are only a Partial solution and unless sup- plemented by the establishment of pui,lic parking areas and/or mul- tiple story public garages, the use of •parking meters will result in creating antagonism and ill will towards the city on the part of not only visitors but our own residents as well. Whereas, the Master City Plan adopted some years ago, in the preparation of which a thorough stimy of this problem was made, provides for one such parking area in connection with the widening and improvement of Robinson Street from Bluff to University and designates the area between Robinson Street and W. 8th Avenue from the Telegraph -Herald Build- ing west to University as a Parking Lot site. Resolved, that the City Admin- istration be urged to carry out the plan as adopted and in addition cause a survey to be made of areas East of Iowa Street as a possible site for a similar project, and that steps be inaugurated promptly to acquire such property or Properties in the interest of safety, convenience and general wel- fare of this community. I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Dubuque Chamber of Com- merce held Thursday, August 28th, 1947. J. A. Kerper, Secretary. Councilman Wharton moved that th•e communication of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors with reference to parking lot pro- ject and dated August 28th, 1947, be received and made a matter of record and the City Manager re- quested to arrange a meeting through the Secretary of the Cham- ber of Commerce with a group 266 A(IJc,urned Renular Session, September 2nd, 1947 representing the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, the Housing Committee of the Cham- ber of Commerce, the Citizens Ad- visory Parking Committee and the City Council to discuss the matters referred to in said communication. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. There being no further business Councilman Wharton moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman, Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton, Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Thompson. J. J. Shea, City Clerk. Approved. rj)a4Ia(%././,L(1.., 1948 Adopted ..CJJ1J,4.4.., 1948 Councilmen: .rt.� Attest: ........ Special Session, September 22nd, 1947 267 City Council (Official) Special Session, September 22nd, 1947. Council met at 7:30 p.m. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Van Duelman and Thomp- son, Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made .and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of con- ducting a public hearing upon the plans and specifications, form of contract, cost of improvement and resolution of necessity for the con- struction of the Cherry -Green Street Sanitary Sewer, Lift Station and Force Main also for the construe - of an eight inch vitrified tile sani- tary sewer in York Street, also for considering bide received for the wi- dening and paving of Audubon Street and acting on any other busi- ness as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of pub- lic hearing upon the plans and specifications, form of contract and cost of improvement for the con- struction of the Cherry -Green St. Sanitary Sewer, Lift Station and Force Main. The 8 -inch Sanitary Sewer Line begins at the lift sta- tion located at the intersection of the alley between Cherry and Green Streets and the alley at corporation line, thence easterly in alley be- tween Cherry and Green Streets 200 feet, thence southerly across the easterly 10 feet of Lot No, 206 of Finley Addition to the centerline of Cherry Street, to Al H. No. 2, thence easterly along the centerline Of Cherry Street a distance of 482 feet; also southerly along the ceter- line of Finley Street from the inter- section of Finley and Cherry Streets a distance of 274 feet; also from M. H. No. 2 westerly along the centerline of Cherry Street a distance of 269 feet; also from the lift station north along centerline of corporation line alley a distance of 255 feet to the intersection of said alley and Green Street, thence east- erly along centerline of Green Street a distance of 580 feet; also Prom the intersection of Green and Finley Strets northerly along the centerline of Finley Street a dis- tance of 270 feet, to the intersec- tion of Poplar and Karrick Streets, thence northeasterly along the cen- terline of Poplar Street a distance -of 160 feet; also from the inter- section of Poplar and Karrick Streets northwesterly along a line 12 feet south of the north property line of Karrick Street a distance of 318 feet. The 6 -inch cast iron force main begins at the lift station run- ning along centerline of alley at corporation line north a distance of 880 feet to the point of beginning of the 8 -inch Vitrified sewer pipe force main which continues north along centerline of said alley a dis- tance of 815 feet to the intersection of said alley and Seminary Street at manhole No. 43 of Kaufmann Avenue Trunk Line Sewer. Estim- ated cost $27,930,79, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor-t,. Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publisher, of notice of pend- ency of resolution of necessity and hearing upon proposed plans and specifications, form of contract and cost of improvement for the con. struction of the Cherry -Green St. Sanitary Sewer, Lift Station . and Force Main. The 8 -inch Sanitary Sewer Line begins at the lift sta- tion located at the intersection of the alley between Cherry and Green Streets and the alley at corporation line, thence easterly in alley be- tween Cherry and Green Strets 200 feet, thence southerly across the easterly 10 feet of Lot No, 206 of Finley Addition to the centerline of Cherry Street to M. H. No. 2, thence easterly along the centerline of Cherry Street a distance of 482 feet; also southerly along the cen- terline of Finley Street from the 268 Special Session, September 22nd, 1 _! intersection of Finley and Cherry Streets a distance of 274 feet; also from M. H. No. 2 westerly along the centerline of Cher''y Street a distance of 269 feet; also from the lift station north along centerline of corporation line alley a distance of 255 feet to the intersection of said alley and Green Street, thence east- erly along centerline of Green Street a distance of 580 feet; also from the intersection of Green and Finley Streets northerly along the centerline of Finley St. a distance of 270 feet, to the intersection of Poplar and Karrick Streets, thence northeasterly along the centerline of Poplar St. a distance of 160 feet; also from the intersection of Poplar and Karrick Streets northwesterly along a line 12 feet south of the north property line of Karrick St. a distance of 318 feet. The 6 -inch cast iron force main begins -at the lift et'ation running along centerline of alley at corporation line north a distance of 880 feet to the point of beginning of the 8 inch Vitrified sewer pipe force main which con- tinues north along centerline of said alley a distance of 815 feet to the'intersection of said alley and Seminary Street at manhole No. 43 of Kaufmann Ave. Trunk Line Sew- er, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: , Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Wharton moved that an attempt be made to secure waiv- ers on all assessments from the property owners who are subject to assessment for the payment of the cost of the construction of the Cherry -Green Street Sanitary Sew. er, Lift Station and Force Main and that said waivers be then sub. mitted to the City Council for con- sideration. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of pub. lic hearing upon the plans and specifications, form of c( cost of improveme, struction of an eigh fied tile sanitary Street from the i,.Lers York and Curtis Streets to a poin' 100 feet west of the wesr line of South Hill Str cost $2,464.36, p• ick. Councilman Wharton moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol - 1 -owing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Mdffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of pen- dency of resolution of necessity and hearing upon proposed plans and specifications, form of con- tract and cost of improvement for the construction of an eight (8) inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer in York Street from the intersec- tion of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Wharton moved that an attempt be made to secure waiv- ers on all assessments from the property owners who are subject to assessment for the payment of the cost of the construction of an eight (8) inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer in York Street from the in- tersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street and that said waivers be then submitted to the City Council for consideration. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. fdal Session, September. 22nd, 1947 269 Proof of publication, certified to ,blishors, of the notice to . •j 3uthe receipt of pro. .1 'widening and pav- ua. ,An Street from the 'perty' line of Loras Boule. .'zrd to the north property line of ,r.Ftreet, presented and read. 'I , . Thompson moved ;66 ' ' iublication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. September 22, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and city Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Pursuant to your in- siructions sealed bids were received until 10:00 a.m. September 22, 1947 for the widening and paving of Au- dubon Street from the north line of Loras Boulevard to the north line of Dexter Street. One bid re- ceived, that of Thos. Flynn Coal Company, a tabulation of which is attached. The bid is something over fifty per cent greater than the En- gineer's estimate. Since assess- ments against benefited property can not be collected in amounts greater than ten per cent above those shown in the plat and schedule upon which a hearing was held, it would appear that no award should be made on the basis of the bid submitted. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Bid of Thos. Flynn Coal Co.— Earth excavation $1.00 per Cu. Yd.; Concrete sidewalks 4" thick 50 cents per Sq. Ft.; Removing side- walk 5 ets, per Sq. Ft.; Removing stone curb 20 cents per Lin. Ft.; Constructing concrete driveways $4.75 per Sq. Yd.; Constructing concrete pavement 6Y2 inches thick with integral curb $4.75 per Sq. Yd.; Furnish and install water stop boxe6 $25.00 each; Remove trees $35.00 each; Manhole covers to grade $10.00 each; Total $33,851.95 Councilman Thompson moved that the comunication of City Man- ager Rhomberg together with the bid of Thos. Flynn Coal Co, be re. ferred to the City Council for fur- ther consideration. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Wharton moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson, Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompgon, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. All'. Homer Golden addressed the Council and submitted a communi- cation from Mrs. Elizabeth Young stating that she is vitally interested in the installation of bus service to the Park Hill and Kaufman Av- enue areas and since it has been established that the only practical connection between the said Park Hill District and Kaufman Avenue would be over Primrose Street to Kane Street and thence South to Kaufman Avenue and because the property between the end of Prim- rose Street to a junction with Kane Street is her own private property that she does hereby of- fer to the City of Dubuque, without any charge or consideration what- soever, enough of her property to permit a street to be run through for the special purpose of routing a bus over said street, not limiting said street for this purpose only, and further providing that the street be of concrete or other com- position considered hard surface and properly maintained and that no buildings on the property are to be moved and that the work be started as soon as possible and ask- ing that her own private drive of some fifty feet be surfaced by the City. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager, City Engineer and City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man 14offatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- 270 Special Sessirnl, September 22nd, 1947 men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Mrs. Arthur Bolte in the amount of $500.00 for injuries received when she turned her entire right foot over a hole in the sidewalk in front of the General Motor Service Company at 65 Main Street, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investiga- tion and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Clarence J. Bowen in the amount of $3,000.00 for damages to his home and per- sonal property caused by a sewer backing up inside of his home lo- cated at 2975 Windsor Avenue, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Robert D. Blue, Governor of Iowa, advising that some time in the near future the Federal Government will commence the return of the bodies of our soldier dead and enclosing for Council information an outline of the procedure that is being follow- ed by the War Department in carry. ing out this task, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the City Clerk be instructed to convey copies of this information to The Veterans of Foreign Wars, The American Legion and The Am. vets. Seconded by Councilman Mof. fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress thank. ing Council for their participation in the Labor Day Parade, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Henry J. Cun- ningham stating that in reference to his letter of last July 31st that he notes that Council have com- piled with one of the laws by adopt- ing an ordinance to legalize in one way the City Manager's salary raise of July 16th last and again call- ing Council attention to Sections 14 and 15 of Chapter 24 of the Code of Iowa which have not been com- plied with action will not have to be taken at �. the expense of taxpayers to have the matter properly adjudicated in the full light of the laws of the State, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Dubuque Kiwanis Club submitting enclosed resolution, which was passed at the last meeting of the Club, express- ing the endorsement of the proposed plan of the Chamber of Commerce, for to widen and improve Robinson Street from Bluff Street westerly to University Avenue and to utilize the area thereby made available for public parking westerly from the Telegraph -Herald building to University Avenue, and also ex- pressing its approval of the action of the City Council taken with respect thereto, presented and read, Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication and attached resolution be received and filed. No second received to Councilman's Moffatt motion. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication and attached Special Session, Septemher 22nd, 1947 271 resolution be referred to the Coun- c i 1. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Miss Loretta Timpe submitting offer in the amount of $200.00 for the purchase of Lots 18 and 19 of Wm. Blakes Addition owned by the City of Du- buque, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved to re- fer the communication to the Coun- cil for consideration. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council - mei! Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Thos J. Mul- grew Co. by Thomas J. Mulgrew, stating that Terminal Street is badly in need of repairs and since the water hole on Block 27 and Camp Street has been filled and there is no outlet for the water that it will require some filling and some repairing, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that temporary repairs be made immediately on Terminal Street and that the City Engineer be di- rected to immediately prepare a Profile showing the proposed grade of Terminal Street, Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Anton Schmitt et al requesting Council to take action to bring about a stop to the nuis- ance created at the residence lo- cated on the Southwest corner of 13th and Washington Streets, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the Chief of Police for investiga- tion. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Navy Club, Ship No. 67, requesting permission for the holding of an Anchor Day Sales on Saturday, October 25, 1947, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Teas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Navy Mother's Club Battleship Iowa No, 44 requesting permission to hold a tag day on October 25, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the Senior High School requestion permission to stretch a banner across Main Street between the Dubuque Building and the Graham Clothiers Building, pre- sented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved the request be granted and the erection of said banner to be under the sup- ervision of the Building Inspector. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Geo. Kohlmann et al, residents of White Street and Cen- tral Avenue in the 2100 block re- questing Council to abate the nuis- ance in their neighborhood caused by the discharge of water from the Haudenshield Funeral Home into the open gutter, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the City Solicitor be directed to draft an ordinance covering the overflow of water from air con- ditioned places and any other dis- charge of waste water upon the streets and sidewalks of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: 272 Special Session, September 22nd, 1947 Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel-, man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of William E. Scantle- bury et al requesting that cement curbstones be constructed on the part of West 3rd Street running from Grandview Avenue West to the bottom of the Hill or the dis- tance of about a block, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Mrs. Agnes Clancy re- questing a refund in the amount of $75.00 on her Cigarette Permit No. 30 as she has discontinued business on September 15, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war- rant in the amount of $75.00 in favor of Mrs. Agnes Clancy to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit No. 30. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Wm. F. Barrington re- questing a refund in the amount of $100.00 on his Class "B" Beer Per- mit No. 5 as he has discontinued business on September 2, 1947, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Wm. F. Barrington to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 5. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Dick Ferguson re- questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 128 as he has discontinued busi- ness on September 1, 1947, present- ed and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of Dick Ferguson to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 128. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Floyd Tschiggfrie re- questing a refund in the amount 3f $150.00 on his Class "B" Beer Per- mit No. 80 and also requesting a refund in the amount of $75.00 on his Cigarette Permit No. 216 as he has discontinued business on Sep- tember 22, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $150.00 in favor of Floyd Tschiggfrie to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 80 and also that the City Auditor be in- structed to draw a warrant in the amount of $75.00 in favor of Floyd Tschiggfri8 to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 216. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Veterans of Foreign Wars requesting permission to in- augurate the sale of their annual Poppy sale on Friday evening, Sep- tember 26th and continue through Saturday, September 27th, 1947, Presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- Special Scssir,n, September 22nd, P) -(i ) 7 3 men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None, Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of August, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. September 19, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of August 25 a petition was received from K. R. Corwin requesting a building permit for the erection of a Home -Ola house on Valley Street near Mount Loretta. The Building Inspector was re- quested to obtain plans and speci- fications for this type of cogstruc- tion. Herewith submitted for the consideration of the Council are the plans and specifications. Respectfully submitted, DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector. Councilman Wharton moved that tho Building Inspector be directed to issue one building permit to K. R. Corwin for the erection of a Home -Ola house on Valley Street near Mount Loretta. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. September 18, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The Planning and Zoning Commission respectfully recommends to your honorable body, approval of the Preliminary Plat of Vernon Heights Subdivision being developed by Mr. Louis Kolf- enbach and shown on attached drawing. Yours truly, DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ZON- ING COMMISSION By Richard V. McKay, Secy, Councilman Wharton moved that the communication and plat be re- ferred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, September 19, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: You are no doubt aware that the City of Dubuque does not have any formal regulation regarding sick leave for its em- ployees. An enequitable system has Prevailed where in employees on monthly salaries have had sick leave benefits and workers on hour- ly and on daily rates have been denied such privilege. It is my recommendation that the City Council regulate sick leave benefits to all employees by the passage of an ordinance which will automatically correct the inequality in the present inadequate and un- regulated method. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved and the City Solicitor instructed to Prepare a proper ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. September 19, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Herewith submitted is a performance bond of Dubuque Homes Incorporated as principal and the Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company as surety in the amount' of six thousand dollars ($6,000) insuring the construction and completion of the improve- nnents on Cherokee Drive on or be- fore September 1, 1948. I recommend that the perform- ance bond be approved and placed on file. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager 274 ,pecial Session, September 22nd, 1947 Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Peas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. September 19, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of August 11, 1947 the petition of Louis F. Fautsch and others re. questing that the tennis courts in Grandview Park be repaired and maintained was referred to the City Manager to confer with the Park Board. I wish to report that I have dis- cussed this matter with the Park Board and visited the site with the members of the Board. The Park Board members are fully aware of the great need for tennis courts in the south end of the city. It was found that the first requirement is an extensive drainage system to provide a proper base for any type of tennis courts in this location. The Park Board does not have suf- ficient funds at this time to proceed with this project. It is, however, the hope of the Park Board that iu the future they will be able to in- stall the necessary drainage sys- tem and that perhaps some ways and means will be devised to ob. tain the necessary funds to pave the courts after the drainage is in- stalled. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG City Manager Councilman Wharton moved that the report of City Manager Rhom- berg be received and made a mat- ter of record. Seconded by Council. man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. September 19, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: I wish to call your attention to the condition of the Pumping engines of the Fire De. partment. There are five pumpers In active service as follows: American La -France 1,000 Gal- lons, 1924; American La -France 1,250 Gallons, 1936; 2 Four Wheel Drive 1,000 Gallons each, 1939; and American La -France 750 Gallons, 1,942. Since the Ahrens -Fox 1,000 Gal- lon pumper of 1925 has been junked we are dependent upon a 1922 model American La -France 1,000 Gallon pumper for our reserve pumping. This reserve engine is in very poor shape and can not be expected to do any sustained work. It is therefore necessary that we take steps to supplement our pumping capacity. I recommend that the Council so- licit bids for the purchase of a new fire pumper. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved and the City Manager and Fire Chief instructed to prepare speci- fications for the same and that the City Clerk be directed to advertise for proposals for the furnishing to the City of Dubuque of a new fire pumper in accordance with said specifications. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. September 19, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of August 25th the Building Inspec- tor was instructed to issue a per- mit for the erection of one Butler Boulevard House of aluminum con- struction. This structure is now nearing completion and appears to be of substantial construction. I recommend that the Council au- thorize the Building Inspector to is- sue permits on application for this type of dwelling. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Special Session, September 22n(1, 1947 275 Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Man. ager Rhomberg be approved and the Building Inspector so authorized. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. September 22, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: A meeting was held Friday evening September 12 in the Council Chambers to discuss the widening of Robinson Avenue as an extension of West 9th Street and an off-street parking lot adja- cent thereto. Present were the City Council, the Board of Directors of the Du. buque Chamber of Commerce and its Housing Committee, together with the Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Parking Committee and other interested citizens. After considerable discussion it appeared that there was consider. able interest in the Robinson Av- enue project but that the off-street parking consideration should not be limited to one particular loca. tion. In view of the general public interest in the matter I recommend that the City Council investigate the probable cost of widening Rob- inson Avenue and that a study be made of the possibility of obtain- ing several conveniently located off-street parking lots in the down• town area. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Teas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. September 22, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of August 25 the petition of Jaeger Kunnert Company, 850 Jackson Street requesting permission to construct and maintain a loading dock and canopy three feet onto Jackson Street was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The City Council having viewed the Premises decided to grant the re- quest as revised in the supplement- ary application of Jaeger Kunnert dated September 22. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed and that proceedings be prepared grant- ing Jaeger Kunnert Company the right to construct and maintain a loading dock and canopy four feet in width on Jackson Etreet thirty- five feet in length extending north- erly from the south corner of the existing old building. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - mail, Wharton. Nays—None. September 22, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meetings of August 4th and August 30th the at- tention of the Council was called to several dilapidated buildings by the Fire Chief, the Building Inspector and the Health Director. These buildings were referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the grounds and the various buildings on September 14th decided to ap- point a committee to inspect the properties and to make reports and recommendations as provided by law. I recommend that the decisions of the Council be confirmed, that a committee of three be appointed to inspect and report on the fol- lowing property: the large frame barn and the series of sheds in the rear of 15 Bluff Street located on lots 3 and 4 of the Subdivision of Lots 2 and 2 of 3 of city lot 598 owned by Marie and Nelly Clancy; the frame building in the rear of 625 Central Avenue located on the 276 Special Session, September 22nd, 1947 south one-half of city lot 245 and owned by Anna Appel and others, the two story frame shed in the rear of 534 Rhomberg Avenue and located on lots 23 and 24 of High Street Sub owned by Antoinette Al. Scharle; and the two story building at 1334 Central Avenue, lo- cated on the north 141/2 feet of the south 2/5 of city lot 444 and owned by Rose Hoefflin and others and Lena Kleih. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Mana- ger Rhomberg be approved and that Messrs. Fred Schroeder, James Saul and Fred Fichter be appointed as members of a condemnation com- mittee to serve in conjunction with the Building Inspector. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. September 22, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the Council meet- ing of August 25th the petition of O'Connor, Thomas and O'Connor requesting that permission be granted to the Illinois Central Railroad Company to construct and maintain a side track on Salina Street to serve Marmis and Solo- mon, was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the premises on September 14, decided to grant the request. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed and that the ordinance outlining the grant be introduced. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Man. ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 27-47 An Ordinance granting to the llinois Central Railroad Company, is successors and asigns, right to ;onstruct and maintain a sidetrack 'Tom its tracks in Salina Street forth of Charter Street thence in z northeasterly direction In Salina Street and into the premises de- 3cribed as Lot 12 and the north 40 feet of Lot 11, all in Block 13, in Dubuque Harbor Company's Addi- Lion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing the terms and condi- tions thereof, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the or- dinance. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. September 15, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: I herewith submit re- ports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Department for the month of August, 1947, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of August, 1947. I Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Special Session, September 22nd, 1947 277 Councilman Thompson moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 131-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address William F. Hansen, (Effective 10/1/47) 310 East 30th Street. Audrey J. Fesler, 553 Eighth Av- enue. Joseph J. Ott, 2003 Washington Street. Frank C. Wieland, 3198 Central Avenue. George Deyoe, 469 Main Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the .adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 132.47 Whereas, application for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address William F. Hansen, 310 East 30th Street, Audrey J. Fesler, 553 Eighth Av- enue. CLASS "C" PERMIT Mrs. Wilma Gloeckner, 343 Eighth Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd clay of September, 1947. GEO, R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest.: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 133-47 Whereas, hertofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the qty of Dubuque that the Mana- ger be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address William F. Hansen, 310 East 30th Street, Audrey F. Fesler, 553 Eighth Avenue. CLASS "C" PERMIT Mrs. Wilma Gloeckner, 343 Eighth Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. 278 Special Session, September 22nd, 1947 Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 134-47 Preliminary approval of proposed plans, specifications, form of con- tract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the construc- tion of an eight (8) inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer for Vernon and Edina Streets beginning at the existing manhole located in mineral lot No. 176 and running southerly across mineral lot No. 176 and lot No. 72 of Voelker Highlands to the center of Edina Street, (M. H. No. 1), thence southerly across lots 1 and 2 of lot 73 of Voelker High- lands and lot 1 of Mount Pleasant addition to the center of Vernon Street, thence north easterly along the centerline of Vernon Street to a point 225 feet west of the west Property line of Alta Vista Street; also from manhole No. 1 northeast- erly along the centerline of Edina Street to a point 225 feet west of the west property line of Alta Vista Street. Estimated cost $6,154.45, pre. sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. See. onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. NECESSITY FOR IMPROVEMENT Resolution No. 135-47 Whereas, proposed plans, speci. fications, form of contract and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by .the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the district, if any. 2. The size .and kind of sewers. 3. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 4. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of construction and kind of material to be used. 5. In leach case the amiount thereof which is estimated to be assessed against each lot, for the construction of an eight (8) inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer for Vernon and Edina Streets beginn- ing at the existing manhole in mineral lot No. 176 and running southerly across mineral lot No. 176 and lot No. 72 of Voelker High- lands to the center of Edina Street, (M. H. No. 1), thence southerly across lots 1 and 2 of lot 73 of Voelker Highlands and lot 1 of .Mount Pleasant addition to the center of Vernon Stree, thence north easterly along the centerline of Vernon Street to a point 225 feet west of the west property line of Alta Vista Street; also from manhole No. 1 northeasterly along the centerline of Edina Street to a point 225 feet west of the west property line of Alta Vista Street. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property owners, deems it advisable and necessary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assess- ments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been ap- proved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. , )Pecial SeSSion, Scptember 22nd, 19 }7 279 That the cost and expense of mak- ing said improvement will be as- sessed upon and against all pri- vately owned property lying within assessable distance provided by law and iii an amount not to ex- ceed the amount provided by law, property will be assesed whether the same abuts theron or is ad- jacent thereto according to area and in proportion to the special benefits conferred thereby, and any deficiency shall be paid out of the general fund, improvement funds or sewer funds, or partly out of each of such funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when .a contract has been per- formed and accepted and the pro- ceeds thereof used to pay the con- tractor. The railway portion of any street or assessment district shall be assessed to and paid by the rail- way company. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved ,and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 22nd day of September, 1947. Approved and placed on file for final action Approved: GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, (FIXING DATE OF HEARING) Resolution No. 136.47 Wheareas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No 134-47 given its preliminary approval on t h e proposed plans, specification and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the construction of an eight (8) Inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer for Vernon and Edina Streets be- ginning at the existing manhole lo- cated in mineral lot No. 176 and running southerly across mineral lot No. 176 and lot No. 72 of Voel- ker Highlands to the center of Edina Street, (M. H. No. 1), thence southerly across lots 1 and 2 of lot 73 of Voelker Highlands and lot 1 Of Mount Pleasant addition to the center of Vernon Street, thence north easterly along the centerline of Vernon Street to a point 225 feet west of the west property line of Alta Vista Street; also from man- hole No. 1 northeasterly along the centerline of Edina Street to a point 225 feet west of the west property line of Alta Vista Street. and, Whereas, the proposed Resolu- tion of Necessity for said improve- ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, Be It Therefore Resolved that on the 13th clay of October, 1947, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham- ber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property subject to assessment for the proposed im- provement may appear and make ,objection to the proposed plans and specifications and proposed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed dis- trict, to the cost of the improve- ment, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the pa-bage of the proposed Resolution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed co cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be pub- lished in some newspaper published in the City of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its con- sideration and unless property own- ers at the time of final considera- tion of said resolution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessment, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. 280 Special Session, September 22nd, 1947 Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. September 22, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: You are no doubt aware of the present method of obtaining water from the wells at the Eagle Point S46on, Wells number six and seven have turbine pumps operated by electric motors and standby gasoline engines. The other wells have no standby power that can be used in the event of an interruption of electric services. it is necessary that the -pumps serv- ing wells and seven be replaced. It appears to be good judgement to install stand-by electrical generat- ing equipment which can be used in the event of electrical service Interruption for any of the well units and/or the high lift pumping equipment instead of providing separate gasoline engines at each installation. For your consideration there are submitted herewith plans and speci- fications for stand-by generating equipment at the Eagle Point Pump- ing Station together with appropr- iate proceedings leading up to the solicitation of bids. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of City Manager Rhomberg be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by ,ouncilman Moffatt. Carried by the ,ollowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 137-47 Preliminary approval of proposed plans, specifications, form of con. tract and cost of improvement for the construction, funishing, deliver- ing and test gasoline or diesel driven generating units for the existing Eagle Point Pumping Sta- tion at Dubuque, Iowa, estimated cost $36,000.00, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 138-47 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No. 137-47, given its preliminary approval on the pro- posed plans and specifications, form of contract, and estimated co!3t of improvement, and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the Con- structing, Furnishing, Delivering and Testing of gasoline or diesel driven generating units for the ex- isting Eagle Point Pumping Station. Be It Therefore Resolved that on the 13th day of Oct. 1947, a Public Hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chamber in the City of Dubuque, at which time the taxpayers may appear and make objection to the proposed plans and specifications, and proposed form of contract, to the cost of the im- provement, and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published 10 days before said hearing in the official newspaper, published in the City of Dubuque, at which hearing the City Council will hear any objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved Special Session, September 22n(1, 1947 281 this 22nd day of Sept, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk, Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption -of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 139-47 Be It Resolved By The City Coun. cil Of The City Of Dubuque that Pursuant to a Resolution No. 137-47, which was duly passed by the Council for the Constructing, Furnishing, Delivering and Testing of gasoline or diesel driven gener- ating units for the existing Eagle Point Pumping Station, that said improvements be, and they are hereby ordered constructed. Be It Further Resolved that the cost and expense of 'the said im- provement be paid from the Water Works General Fund. Be It Further Resolved that the City Clerk be and he is hereby or- dered and directed to advertise for -proposals for the construction of the improvement herein provided for in the manner provided by law, the said improvement shall be com- pleted within the number of con- secutive days specified by the bid- der, which commencement date shall be specified in a written order by the City Manager. Be It Further Resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its Passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. See. onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton, Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Wharton moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- maai, Wharton. Nays—None, J. J. Shea, City Clerk. Approved... q/Z.�j� /,d1t , 1945 Adopted.... 1�.141` . , 1943 AA !� Councilmen: { ....... ................�„ Attest: ......c�Ll,.[/k►....:.. CUt rk. ;I)ecial Session, September 29th, 1947 City Council (Official) Special Session, September 29th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun. cilmen Wharton and Moffatt. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of consider- ing the bid submitted for the widen- ing and paving of Audubon Street from the north property line of Loras Boulevard to the north pro- perty line of Dexter Street and acting on any other business as may properly come before a reg- ular meeting of the City Council. City Manager Rhomberg sub- mitted a verbal report, stating that in his judgment the City Engineer's estimate, for the widening and paving of Audubon Street from the north property line of Loras Boule- vard to the north property line of Dexter Street, was in error, since it was too low in figuring the items of labor and materials, and that the hid submitted was comparable to those on similar jobs recently awarded in the State of Iowa. C'oun. cilntan Thompson moved that the verbal report of City Manager Rhomberg be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Vail Duelman. Carried 4)y the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton, Nays—None. September 22, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instructions sealed bids were received until 10:00 A.M. September 22, 1947 for the widening and paving of And. ubon Street from the north line of Loras Boulevard to the north line of Dexter Street. one bid was received, that of the Thos. Flynn Coal Company, a tabu- lation of which is attached. The bid is something over fifty percent greater than the Engineer's estimate. Since assessments against benefited property can not be col- lected in amounts greater than ten per cent above those shown in the plat: and schedule upon which a hearing was held, it would appear that no award should be made on the basis of the bid submitted. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of City Manager Rhomberg be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Bid of Thos Flynn Coal Co. for the widening and paving of Audu- bon Street from the north property line of Loras Boulevard to the north property line of Dexter Street: Earth excavation 1,108 Cu. Yds. @ $1.00 per Cu. Yd.—$1,108.00; Con- crete sidewalks 4" thick 9,256 Sq. Ft. @ 50 cts. per Sq. Ft.—$4,628.00; Removal of 4" sidewalk 8,016 Sq. Ft. @ 5 cts. per Sq. Ft.—$400.80; Removal of stone curb 2,217 Lin. Ft. @ 20 cts per Lin. Ft.—$443.40; Con- structing driveways 12' wide Incl. 12' of 6" walk 45 Sq. Yds. @ $4.75 per Sq. Yd.—$213.75; Concrete pavement 6%" thick with integral curb reinforced with 6x12x5 gauge mesh 5,408 Sq. Yds. @ $4.75 per Sq. Yd:—$25,688.00; Furnish and in- stall water stop boxes 21 @ $25.00 each --$525.00; Remove trees 23 @ $35.00 each—$805.00; Manhole cov- ers to grade 4 @ $10.00 each— $40.00. Total bid—$33,851.95. (Awarding Contract) Resolution No. 140-47 Whereas, proposals have been submitted by contractors for the widening and paving of Audubon Street from the north property line of Loras Boulevard to the north Property line of Dexter Street pur- suant to Resolution No. 122-47 and Thos. Flynn Coal Co. contractor, Special Session, September 29th, 1947 283 has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and ma- terials and performing the work as provided for in the plans and speci- fications; now therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the contract for the above mentioned improvement be awarded to Thos. Flynn Coal Co. and the Manager be and he is hereby directed to ex- ecute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be It Further Resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Approved and placed on file for one week on September 29th, 1947. Councilman Moffatt moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for one week. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Win. F. and Leon C. Barrington requesting a refund in the amount of $75.00 on their Cigar- ette Permit No. 212 as they have discontinued busfuess on September 2, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $75.00 in favor of Wm. F. and Leon C. Barrington to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of their Cigarette Permit No. 212. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Mancini, Ventrella & Sons, By Joseph Ventrella, request- ingthat they be granted an exten- sion of time to December 31, 1947 for the completion of their contract for the construction of the Kauf- mann Avenue sanitary trunk sewer, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted providing that the Bond- ing Company agrees to the exten- sion of time. Seconded by Council. man Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of C. J. Machnerney re- questing that the property on South- ern Avenue from the Brookside Dairy to the former grocery store be rezoned to semi -business or light industrial classification, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Com- mission for their recommendation and report. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Council Proceedings for the months of May, June and July, 1947 presented for approval. Councilman Thompson moved that the Council Proceedings for the months of May June and July, 1947 be approved as printed. Seconded by Councilman 1loffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- tnnan, Wharton. Nays—None. September 25, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: \Ve are attaching hereto applica- tion for Class "B" Beer Permit from John L. and June Noel to operate at 2400 Central Avenue. This is to advise than an inspec- tion, has been made of this building by the Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspectors, the Fire Chief and the Assistant State Fire Mars- hall, Mr. Lubberden, and it was found that this building does not comply with the State Fire Regula- tions in regard to fire escapes. Therefore, an official order to con- struct and place a fire escape on this building has been served on Mr. John E. Noel, owner of said building. A time limit of sixty (60) 284 Special Session, September 29th, 1947 days had been given to complete this installation. On September 23, 1947 an order was placed with E. J. Voggenthaler Company to construct a fire escape on this building, and a copy of contract for above work is attached. Respectfully submitted, DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of Building In- spector Bandy be received and made a matter of r'pcord. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 141-47 Whereas, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Now Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address John E. and June Noel, 2400 Cen- tral Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 29th day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilman. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 142-47 Whereas, heretofore application for Class "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named applicants and it has received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc. cupied by such •applicants have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Mana- ger be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address John E, Noel and June Noel, 2400 Central Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed by such applicants be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 29th day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilman. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 143-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa that it is deemed advisable to sell Lots 18 and 19 of Wm. Blake's Ad- dition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa to Loretta Timpe for the sum of Two Hundred and no/100 (200.00) Dollars, and to execute a quit claim deed of said premises to said gran- tee and deliver the same to her upon the payment of said purchase price. Be It Further Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk of said City of Dubuque, Iowa, be, and they are hereby authorized to execute said deed on behalf of the City of Du- buque, and to affix thereto the official seal of said City. Special Session, September 29th, 1947 285 Passed, adopted and approved this 29th day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilman. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 14447 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette pap- ers within said City and the Mana- ger is directed to issue such per- mit on behalf of said City. Name Address Mary Abersold, (Effective 10/1/47) 120 West 4th Street. Mrs, Margaret Barrington. (Effec- tive 10/1/47) 244 West 1st Street. Mrs. Wilma Gloeckner, (Effec- tive 10/1/47) 343 Eighth Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 29th day of September, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilman. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, �,�.14 City Clerk. Approved .!lIA-t-, 1943 Adopted ... � 1943 I I I Councilmen { .. ..... . Attest: ........ �$ City Cerk Regular Session, October 6th, 1947 297 City Council (Official) Regular Session, October 6th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 p.m. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. City Manager Rhom- berg. Mayor Murphy stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meeting. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton Nays—None. Mr. Del Lynn addressed the Council again renewing his appli- cation for permission to operate at the Island Airport and pointing out to Council that the present set-up of operation at the Island Airport gives the present operator Mr. Mc- Andrews a strict monopoly. Attor- ney Herbert Hoffmann addressed the Council in support of the appli- cation of Mr. Del Lynn for permis- sion to operate at the Island Air- port and that Council urge aviation in Dubuque -as much as possible and to encourage men who are interested in developing an air consciousness. Mr. Murphy, a member of the Tri-State Flying Club addressed the Council stating that he was interested in promot- ing aviation in Dubuque and that he did not think it practical to have more than one operator at the Is- land Airport. Mr. Harry Chambers addressed the Council stating that he had been flying from the Island airport for a number of years and commended Mr. McAndrews for his maintenance and management set, - vices at the Island Airport and stated that he did ,tot believe there were adequate facilities for com- petitive operation at the Island Airport. Councilman Thompson moved that City Manager Rhomberg be instructed to negotiate new con. tracts for operation at the Island Airport with any and all operators who care to operate and that said new contracts are to be subject to cancellation at the discretion of the City Council. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. UNITED STATES GUARANTEE COMPANY 90 John Street, New York October 2, 1947 City Council, City of Dubuque Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Re: Bond No. 1533085 Mancini and Ventrella to City of Dubuque, Iowa It is our understanding that our Principal has petitioned the City of Dubuque for an extension of time to December 31, 1947 under the contract covered by the above bond. It is also our understanding that they were delayed by bad weather and other factors of which they had no control. Please consider this letter as con- sent of the United States Guaran- tee Company for the extension of time to December 31, 1947. Very truly yours, STUART J. VOR BROKER, Attorney -in -Fact Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Seconded l,y Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. IOWA IDIPROVEMENT COMPANY Dubuque, Iowa October 3, 1947 City of Dubuque, Att.: Mr. Rhomberg Dear Sir: As per our conversa. tion yesterday I am enclosing let- ter from Stunner Sollitt Company which is self explanatory. Yours truly, IOWA IMPROVEMENT COMPANY By: C. Von McLane 9 288 Regular Session, October 6th, 1947 Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record and re- ferred to the City Council, City Manager and City Solicitor for con- sideration. Seconded by Councilman 9loffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. SUMNER S. SOLLITT & COMPANY Dubuque, Iowa, October 3, 1947 Iowa Improvement Co. Dubuque, Iowa Attn: C. Von McLane Re: Sewage Lift Station Gentlemen: As per your request we submit you the .following in- formation regarding cost of sewage lift station and force mains in the Hillcrest Subdivision. Sewers, manholes & force mains.........................................................$51,138.32 LiftStation............................................................................................... 10,406.31 Total.............................................................................................$61,538.63 Labor cost on above ..............$8,533.00 Lia. Ins. & Soc. See ........ ...@ 8% 682.64 682.64 $62,221.27 Overhead 2% ............ 1,244.43 $63,465.70 Proportionate amount of S. S. S. fee ............... .........._...................... 2,301.34 Total Cost of Sewage System...............................................................$65,767.04 SUMNER S. SOLLITT & CO. By: Myron G. OIson Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record and referred to the City Council, City Manager and City Solicitor for consideration_ Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Dueiman, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Fay Miller sub- mitting offer in the amount of 23 cents per square foot for the pur- chase of the South 20 feet of the North 54.5 of Lots 1 and 3 of Block D, Industrial Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Horace L. Poole et al requesting that Esther Street, Tres- sa Street and McLennan Street be brought to -established grade and that curbs be installed and that said streets be covered with an oil dust -free surfacing, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of A. W. Taylor request- ing permission to erect and main- tain a tent on the empty lot owned by Drew Anthony and located on the east side between Fourteenth and Fifteenth Streets on Central ilvenue, for the purpose of storing and selling Christmas trees during the Christmas holidays, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted and the erection of said tent to be under supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department. Seconded by council- Regular Session, October 6th. 1947 2,19 man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None Petition of John L, -and Robert E. Cahill requesting a refund in the amount of $75.00 on their Cigarette Permit No. 54 as they have discon- tinued business on September 30, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war- rant in the amount of $75.00 in favor of John L. and Robert E. Cahill to cover the amount of re- fund granted on the unexpired portion of their Cigarette Permit No. 54 Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Katie A. Miller, re- ferred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, requesting suspension of the 1946 tax on Lots 9 and 10 of Johnston's Subdivision, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, 'Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, Petition of Gus Schubert request- ing the extension of the sanitary sewer past his property, as the sewer is only one lot away, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager to confer with Mr. Schu- bert for the purpose of working out a suitable arrangement. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: 'teas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Thomas J. Mulgrew Co. stating that the Thom- as J. Mulgrew Co. appreciate high- ly the fine cooperation showed by the City Council in the matter of vacating a part of Camp Street to them and advising that the same has been completely tilled to two feet over any high water ever ex- perienced at Dubuque thereby elim- inating a mosquito breeding water hole. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Counci- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa October 3, 1947 Mr. A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager, City Hall Dubuque, Iowa Re: Ordinance for I. C. Track to serve property of Marmis & Solo- mon. Dear Mr Rhomberg: In order that the City Council may have further information with reference to the use proposed to be made of the property to be served by this proposed railroad track, we submit the following information on behalf of our client Marmis & Solomon. This property will be fenced in but will be without any roof. It is the plan of Marmis & Solomon to use this property for the storage of structural steel. It is not planned to use this property for junk yard purposes but to be used exclusive- ly for the storage and handling of structural steel. In the future it is very likely that a warehouse build- ing will be constructed on this prop- erty. However, no definite time has been set for the doing of this work. It is the plan of Marmis & Solo- mon to locate the metal bdling plant on property owned by them south of the location to be served by the new track and will be used in connection with the present junk business now being conducted by Marmis & Soloman. As you know, this area is zoned as an industrial district and the use of the property to be served by the track for structural steel pur- poses will not be in violation of the zoning ordinance. We trust this information will be helpful to the Council in reaching 0 290 Regular Session, October 6th, 1947 a, favorable conclusion with refer- ence to the proposed Illinois Cen- tral spur track. Very truly yours, O'CONNOR. THOMAS & O'CON- NOR By, E. Marshall Thomas Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. ordinance No. 27.47 An Ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, right to construct and maintain a sidetrack trom its tracks in Salina Street north of Charter Street thence in a northeasterly direction in Salina Street and into the premises de - as Lot 12 and the north 40 feet of Lot 11, all in Block 13, in Dubuque Harbor Company's Addi- tion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing the terms and condi- tions thereof, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on September 22nd, 1947, and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. Ordinance No. 27-47 An Ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, right to construct and maintain a sidetrack from its tracks in Salina Street north of Charter Street thence in a northeasterly direction in Salina Street and into the premises de- scribed as Lot 12 and the north 40 feet of Lot 11, all in Block 13, in Dubuque Harbor Company's Addi. tion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing the terms and condi- tions thereof. Be It Ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That permission be, and the same is, hereby granted to the Illinois Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, to lay down, operate and maintain a spui track from its tracks in Salina Sheet commencing at a point nortb of Charter Street thence northeast• easterly about 400 feet and into thf premises described as Lot 12 and the north 40 feet of Lot 11, all in Block 13, in Dubuque Harbor Com- pany's Addition in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, in accordance with the plans now on file in the office of the City Clerk. Sec. 2. That in the laying down and the operation of said track, the same shall be so constructed and maintained as to create the least possible obstruction of the ordin- ary travel and use of the street on and over which said track is laid; that cars shall not be allowed to stand on the track in .said streets and that the same shall be kept free for travel at all times except when it may be necessary for cars to be switched across the same. Sec. 3. That said tracks hereby authorized shall be laid to the es- tablished grade of Salina Street and should the grade of said Street be changed any time, the said track shall be so changed as to conform to such changed grade at the ex- pense of the railroad company, and the company shall have no claim for damages against the City by reason thereof. Sec. 4. That the said railroad company shall, at all times, keep the space between the rails of said track and the space to the end of the ties on each side of said track so graded that automobiles or other vehicles may •easily cross over and use all of said space, and that when required by the City Council, said railroad company shall plank between the rails and make suitable approaches as re- quired by the Council to enable vehicles to easily cross over the same. Sec. 5. Said track shall be so constructed and maintained as not to darn up or obstruct the flow of water in said street and the said railroad company shall at its own expense construct such drainage structures as may be necessary to prevent the damming up or obstruc- tion of flowage of the water in said street. Sec. 6. It is further expressly stipulated and provided that all railroad companies now operating tracks in the City shall be entitled at any time to have their cars transferred over said tracks, and all in'teimedtate tracks of said Regular Session, October 6th, 1947291 company, its successors and as- signs, which may he necessary to be used in order to connect with the track hereby authorized upon the payment of such switching charges which may be uniformly applied within this City and ac- cepted as reasonable between rail- road companies operating within the City. Sec. 7. This Ordinance being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, shall become effective upon its passage, adoption and ap- proval by the City Council and publication as provided by law and the rights herein granted shall ac- crue to said railroad company when this Ordinance has been accepted by said railroad company, which acceptance shall be endorsed here- on, and when the costs and expense of publishing same 'lave been paid by said railroad company and when the injuries and damage to prop- erty abutting upon said streets have been ascertained and com- pensated for, or in lieu thereof, when the record owners of such property and record holders of liens and encumbrances thereon have filed with this Council their consent to the construction and' operation of such track and waivers and releases of any damages which may be sustained by them on ac- count of the construction and op- eration of the same. Passed upon first reading this 22nd day of September, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved on final reading this 6th day of October, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THO:II PSON, ALBERT 1\-11,\RTON, Members of City Council Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Vail Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. ACCEPT:INCE BY ILLINOIS CENTRAL R:ULROAD COMPANY Illinois Central Railroad Company does hereby accept all the terms, Provisions and conditions of the Ordinance adopted by the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, entitled: "An Ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany, its successors and assigns, right to construct and maintain a sidetrack from its tracks in Salina Street north of Charter Street thence in a northeasterly direction in Salina Street and into the premises described as Lot 12 and the north 40 feet of Lot 11, all in Block 13, in Du- buque Harbor Company's Addi- tion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing the terms and conditions thereof;" being Ordinance No. 27-47 and that said railroad company does hereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of said Ordinance. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY By This Ordinance, Ordinance No. 27-47 was not officially published on account of the provisions of Sec. 7 not being complied with, if and when the provisions of Sec. 7 of this ordinance is complied with then the ordinance will be publish- ed officially. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk October 6, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the attached petition of C. J. MacIner- ney, the Planning and Zoning Com- miss,nn respectively reconunends the extension of the present Light Industrial District on the easterly side of Southern Avenue southerly to include the following area: From the present Light Industrial Dis- trict in Lot 3 Randalls Sub No. 2 to the present Local Business Dis- trict in Lot 1 of 4 of Mineral Lot S7, and between Southern Ave. and the Dubuque Cascade Road. Yours truly, THE DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, By Richard V. McKay, Secy. 292 Relrular Session,. October 6th, 1947 Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission be approved and the City Solicitor instructed to prepare proper pro- ceedings. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelm,an. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (AWARDING CONTRACT) Resolution No. 140-47 Whereas, proposals have been submitted by contractors for the widening and paving of Audubon Street from the north property line of Loras Boulevard to the north property line of Dexter Street pur- suant to Resolution No. 122-47 and Thos. Flynn Coal Co. contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and ma- terials and performing the work as provided for in the plans and specifications; now therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the contract for the above mentioned improvement be awarded to Thos. Flynn Coal Co. and the Manager be and he is hereby directed to exe- cute -a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be It Further Resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Approved and placed on file for one week on Septembel• 29th, 1947. Passed and adopted this 6th day of October, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Alurphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 145.47 Whereas, applications for Beer 'ermits have been submitted to his Council for approval and the ame have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of he City of Dubuque that the follow - ng applications be granted and the icenses are to be issued upon the ;ompliance with the terms of the >rdinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Joseph A Kramer and Louis P. O'Connor, 55 East 7th Street. John M. Baumgartner and John J. Baumgartner, 1543 Central Avenue. Mrs. Florence Helmer, 3203 Jack- son Street. John Grutz and Clara Grutz, 2991 Central Avenue. Joseph L. Wingert, 678 Central Avenue. Phillip Mihalakis, 798 East 16th Street. Eugene McCann, 802 Iowa Street. Clarence J. Bowen and Robert L. Hanson, 1590 Elm Street. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Union League Club, 400 Iowa Street. Hawkeye Club of Dubuque, Iowa, 1348 Central Avenue CLASS "C" PERMIT Jasper Leo Puccio and Catherine Lynch, 2850 Burlington Street. Merlin Aper, 1195 Dodge Street. Joseph J. Siege, Jr. and Ferdin- and W. Kenniker, 2401 Windsor Avenue. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., 13th and Iowa Streets. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of October, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Regular Session, October 6th, 1947 293 Resolution No. 146-47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits weee flied by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named ap- plicants a Beer Pormit: CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name. Address. Joseph A. Kramer and Louis P. O'Connor, 55 East 7th Street. John M. Baumgartner and John J. Baumgartner, 1543 Central Avenue. Mrs. Florence Helmer, 3203 Jack- son Street. John Grutz and Clara Grutz, 2991 Central Avenue. Joseph L. Wingert, 678 Central Avenue. Phillip Mihalakis, 798 East 16th Street. Eugene P. McCann, 802 Iowa Street. Clarence J. Bowen and Robert L. Hanson, 1590 Elm Street. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB D.A.V. Club of Dubuque, Inc., 951% Main Street. Union League Club, 400 Iowa Street. Hawkeye Club of Dubuque, Iowa, 1348 Central Avenue. CLASS "C" PERMIT. Jasper Leo Puccio and Catherine Lynch, 2850 Burlington Street. Merlin Apel, 1195 Dodge Street. Joseph J. Siege, Jr., and Ferdin- and W. Kenniker, 2401 Windsor Avenue. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., 13th and Iowa Streets. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such jpplicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted 'and approved this 6th day of October, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Counciln12U1 Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business. Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by 'Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Approved yy 1.1.4&.1948. Adopted 1/IQ/1�e.� L . y1948.� Councilmen Attest: City Clerk. i Special Session, October 13th, 1947 City Council (Official) Special Session, October 13th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Thompson and Van Duel - man. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of conducting a public hearing upon the proposed plans, specifications, form of con- tract, cost of improvement and reso- lution of necessity for the construc- tion of the Vernon and Edina Streets sanitary sewer and acting on any other business as may pro- perly come before a regular meet- ing of the City Council. Proof of publication, certified to by the publisher, of notice of a pub- lic hearing on the plans, specifica- tions, form of contract and cost of improvement for the construction of an (8) inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer for Vernon and Edina Streets, beginning at the existing manhole located in mineral lot No. 176 and running southerly across mineral lot No. 176 and lot No. 72 of Voel- ker Highlands to the center of Ed- ina Street, (M. H. No. 1), thence southerly across lots 1 and 2 of lot 73 of Voelker Highlands and lot 1 of Mount Pleasant Addition to the center of Vernon Street, thence north easterly along the center line of Vernon Street to a point 225 feet west of the west property line of :Uta Vista Street; also from man- hole No. 1 northeasterly along the center line of Edina Street to a point 225 feet west of the west Property line of Alta Vista Street. Estimated cost $6,154.45, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of pend- ency of resolution of necessity and hearing upon proposed plansand specifications, form of contract and cost of improvement for the con- struction of an eight (8) inch vit- rified tile sanitary sewer for Vernon and Edina Streets beginning at the existing manhole located in mineral lot No. 176 and running southerly across mineral lot No. 176 and lot No. 72 of Voelker Highlands to the center of Edina Street, (M. H. No. 1), thence southerly across iots 1 and 2 of lot 73 of Voelker Highlands and lot 1 of Mount Pleasant Addi- tion to the center of Vernon Street, thence north easterly along the cen- ter line of Vernon Street to a point 225 feet west of the west property line of Alta Vista Street; also from manhole No. 1 northeasterly along the center line of Edina Street to a point 225 feet west of the west prop- erty line of Alta Vista Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Mr. Peter Hamsmith et al ad- dressed the Council objecting to the cost of the construction of the sani- tary sewer in Vernon Street and stating that if Vernon Street be filled and raised to a height to al- low the Vernon Street sewer, now being proposed, to enter the sani- tary sewer at the Glen Oak Street intersection, thus eliminating some of the cost of construction of the Vernon and Edina Streets sanitary sewer. Mr. Vorwald addressed the Council asking that a part of the cost of construction of the sanitary sewer in. Edina Street be borne by the City on account of the extra length of run necessary to connect with the City sewer in Glen Oak Street. Councilman Wharton moved that the City Manager and City Engineer be instructed to make an attempt to secure waivers on all assess- ments from the property owners Special Session, October 13th, 1917 295 who are subject to assessment for the payment of the cost of the con. struction of the Vernon and Edina Strets sanitary sewer and that said waivers be then submitted to the City Council for consideration. Sec. onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Moffatt moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing any cne present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of a public hearing on the plans and specifications, form of contract and cost of improvement for the con- structing, furnishing, delivering and testing of gasoline or diesel gener- ating units complete for the exist- ing Eagle Point Pumping Station, estimated cost $36,000.00, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publisher, of notice to gaso- line and diesel engine manufactur- ers of the receipt of bids for the constructing, furnishing, delivering and testing of gasoline or diesel - driven power generating units for the existing Eagle Point Pumping Station, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 13, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your in- structions sealed bids were received until 10 A. M., October 13, 1947, for stand-by electric generating equip- ment for the Eagle Point Water Works. Herewith submitted is a tabula- tion of the bids received which are submitted for the consideration of the Council. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. 21ei Special Session, October 13th, 1' $ $ b H c —_ -- >m 0 o orating f; L1; HY.A. Rating dC.• n fj RPM Engine � C o Iv t� Gencrator 0o Oo 0D G tJ `n `f _ a Starting syst'ln p � w X7 Delivery Days Total No, of Cylinders Total Engine B.H.P. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication of City Manager Rhomberg, together with the bids submitted for stand-by electric gen- erating equipment for the Eagle Point Water System, be referred to the Council fol. consideration. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton, Nays—None. Proof of publication certified to by the publishers, of notice of the receipt of bids for the furnishing F.O.B. Dubuque, Iowa, One (1) ti iple combination motor pumping engine of 1,000 gallons capacity per millute at 120 pounds pump pres- sure from draft, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton Nays—None. $ $ $ c c Total K.W. o orating Total HY.A. Rating g' RPM Engine RPM Gencrator _ - _ Starting syst'ln Bid Prices Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication of City Manager Rhomberg, together with the bids submitted for stand-by electric gen- erating equipment for the Eagle Point Water System, be referred to the Council fol. consideration. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton, Nays—None. Proof of publication certified to by the publishers, of notice of the receipt of bids for the furnishing F.O.B. Dubuque, Iowa, One (1) ti iple combination motor pumping engine of 1,000 gallons capacity per millute at 120 pounds pump pres- sure from draft, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton Nays—None. Special Session, October 13th, 1947 297 October 13, 194; To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Pursuant to your in- structions sealed bids were receiv- ed until 10:00 a.m. October 13, 1947, for the furnishing of one 1,000 G.P.M. pumping engine. The bids received are hereto at- tached and submitted for the con- sideration of the Council. Briefly summarized the type of apparatus bid upon and the prices are as fol- lows: American -La -France ..............$14,000 Buffalo ....................................... 14,035 Four Wheel Drive .. ............. 15,146 Mack ............................................ 12,869 Seagrave .... ....... ........ ............. 13,500 Ward -La -France .................... 13,268 Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of City Manager Rhomberg, together with the bids submitted for the furnishing of one 1,000 G.P.M. pumping engine, be re- ferred to the Council for considera- tion. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fat. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Telegram from Charles Luckman, Chairman Presidents Citizen Food Committee, requesting the appoint- ment and organizing of a Local Citi- zens Food Committee for the dura- tion of the emergency including representatives from all organized groups in the community and sug- gesting that a proclamation be is- sued in support of the Citizens Food Committee program, present- ed and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the telegram be referred to the Mayor. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor 1I11rphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Alfred J. WY - burn submitting an offer in the amount of $50.00 for the purchase of Part of Lot 2 of Lot 16 of Ran- dall's Subdivision, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Caried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men JIoffatt, Thompson, Vas Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Clewell & Cooney, By Robt. Clewell, submit- ting Consent and Waiver of the Du- buque Packing Company and also Sheriff's Receipt in the matter of the assessment of damages for con- struction, maintenance and opera- tion of a railroad track in a portion of Lynn Street between eighteenth and Nineteenth Street in Dubuque, Iowa, by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Com• pally, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication and also the Sheriff's Receipt and also the Consent and Waiver of the Dubuque Packing Company be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa October 10, 1947 Mr. J. J. Shea, Dear Sir: I wish to take the sal- vage and waste material abutting my property located on Lot 99 of Woodlawn Park Addition. Yours truly, Victor A. & Clara Rogers Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa October 13, 1947 Mr J. J. Shea City Clerk I wish to take the salvage abut- ting mY property located on Audu- bon Street, which street is now being widened and paved. Respectfully, Clara Kopchansky 298 Special Session, October 13th, 1947 Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Elizabeth Grimme, Ad- minist.ratrix of the Estate of Wil- liam F. Hanson, requesting a re- fund in the amount of $150.00 on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 102 and also a refund in the amount of $50.00 on Cigarette Permit No. 244, presented and read Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $150.00 in favor of Elizabeth Grimme, Ad- niiristratrix of the Estate of Wil- liam F. Hanson, to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of Class "B" Beer Permit No. 102 and also that the City Auditor be instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of Elizabeth Grimme, Ad- ministratrix of the Estate of Wil- liam F. Hanson, to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of Cigarette Per- mit No. 244. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- inan, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of P. W. Mellop request - that his two lots located in the 900 block on Seminary Stroet be re- zoned as he desires to erect a two family dwelling, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the ;petition be Referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendatimi and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Adolph S. Stotz et al, resid'euts mi West 16th Street requesting ttlie installation of a street light at the intersection o1 West 16th and Henion Streets, pre rented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petitior je referred to the Council to view :he grounds. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 10, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In Re. Petition Of Mrs. Katie A. Miller for suspension of 1946 taxes because of infirmity on: Lot 9 and 10 Johnson Sub, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. I recommend that said Petition be approved and that notification of such approval be given to the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County, Iowa. Yours truly, John J. Kintzinger. Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the Board of Supervisors to be notified of Council action. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 11, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Mrs. Arthur Bolte for $500.00 for an injury she sustained on August 30, 1947, at a place where she claims there was a hole in the sidewalk in front of the General Motor Ser- vice Company at 65 Main Street. I have investigated the matter and find that the sidewalk is in good condition and I am of the opinion that there is no negligence on the part of the City with re- ference to the sidewalk. I recom- mend that this claim be denied. Yours truly, John J. Kintzinger, City Solicitor. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved. Special Session, October 13th, 1947 299 Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 10, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Sometime ago I was instructed to prepare an Ordinance governing the speed of passenger and freight trains in the City of Dubuque 1 prepared an ordinance and sub- mitted it to the Iowa State Com- merce Commission at Des Moines, I am enclosing herein letter ad- dressed to myself as City Solicitor enclosing a copy of the order of the Iowa State Commerce Commission approving the ordinance that I have submitted. This order should be made a matter of record. I also en- close for your consideration the ordinance that has been approved by the Iowa State Commerce Com- mission for action on your part. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication of City So- licitor Kintzinger be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. BEFORE THE IOWA STATE COMMERCE COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AN ORDI- NANCE REGULATING T H E SPEED OF TRAINS AT GRADE CROSSINGS WITHIN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. DOCKET NO A-5020. O R D E R There was filed in this office under date of August 13, 1947, a copy of proposed Ordinance No. 47 pertaining to the regulation of train speeds at grade crossings within the City of Dubuque, pro- viding at Sections Nos. 1 and 2 thereof that no passenger train shall be operated over and upon the grade crossings in the City of Du- buque at a speed of greater than 30 miles per hour and no freight trains at a speed greater than 15 miles per hour. Approval of the proposed Ordinance was requested under the provision of Section 389.42, Code of Iowa, 1946. A copy of the proposed Ordinance was forwarded to all railroad com- panies operating within the cor- porate limits of Dubuque, Iowa, viz., the Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany, the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company, the Chicago Great Western Rail- way Company and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Com- pany. Objections were thereafter filed by three of the railroad com- panies as concerning the limitation of freight train speeds as provided It 'Section 2 of said proposed Ordinance, these railroad compan- ies desiring that operation of freight trains be permitted of 25 to 30 miles per hour. Correspond- ence was thereafter carried on with the railroad companies and the City of Dubuque, Iowa, resulting in the revision of Section 2 of said Ordi- nance to read as follows: "No freight train shall be operated over and upon the grade crossing in the City of Dubuque at a speed greater than 25 miles per hour." Docket No A-5020. All of the interested railroad com- panies have signified their ac- ceptance of Section 2 of said Or- dinance as above quoted. It is, THEREFORE, ORDERED that Ordinance No. 47 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, regulating the speed of trains over and upon grade crossings within the City of Dubuque. Iowa, as submitted and filed in this office on September 18, 1947, be and the same is hereby approved. IOWA STATE COMMERCE co mMISSION co rl W. Reed (Chairman Ii. .\I. Richardson Commissioner David 13. Long Coniniissioner ATTEST: Geo. L. McCaughan Secretary, Dated at Des Moines, Iowa, Oc• tober 9, 1947. 3�x� S�x�cial Session, October 13th, 1947 Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Order of the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the Mat- ter of an ordinance regulating the speed of trains at grade crossings within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of Sep- tember, 1947. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 28.47 An Ordinance regulating the ;:peed of trains at grade crossings within the City of Dubuque repeal- ing all o'dinances or parts of or- dinances in conflict herewith and providing a penalty for violation hereof, presented and read. Council- man Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Peas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 13, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Department for the month of Sep- tember. 1947, also list of claims and Resolution No. 147.47 Whereas, Jaeger Kunnert Co. filed with the Clerk of City of Du- buque a petition requesting per- mission to construct and maintain a loading dock and canopy four feet onto Jackson Street from the south corner of their old building at CEO Jackson Street north 35 feet and 4 feet wide. And, Whereas, said petition was referred to the City Council to view the grounds. And, Whereas, said City Council viewed the Bounds and is of the opinion that the said request should be granted. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City -of Dubuque: Section 1. That the Jaeger Kun- nert Co., its successors and assigns, be, and it is hereby granted the right and authority to construct and maintain a loading dock and canopy from the south corner of their old building at their ware- house at 850 Jackson Street north 35 feet and 4 feet wide in accor- dance with the petition. Sec. 2. That such construction is to be done under the direction and supervision of the Building In- spector and City Manager, and under any rules and regulations they niay prescribe. Sec. 3. That the right to con- struct and maintain said loading dock and canopy shall be subject to the continuous control of the City Council, reserving the right to said City Council to impose re- strictions and conditions upon the enjoyment thereof as may be reasonably necessary for the pro- tection of the public interests, in- cluding the right to revoke and rescind the grant hereby made, if Special Session, October 13th, 1947 301 at any time the public interests should so require. Sec. 4. As a further considera- tion of the rights and privileges herein granted, said Jaeger Kun- nert Co., its successors and assigns. assume any and all liability fm• damages to persons or property which may result from the con- struction and/or maintenance of said loading dock and canopy, and said Jaeger Kunnert Co., its suc- cessors and assigns, at its own expense, agrees to defend any and all claims which may be made or brought against the City because of the construction and/or main- tenance of such loading dock or canopy, and should the City, be required to pay any damages as aforesaid, said Jaeger Kunnert Co., its successors and assigns, agree to pay same and to fully reimburse the City therefor and to hold said City harmless from any damages. Sec. 5. Should the rights and privileges herein granted be re- cindgd or revoked, said Jaeger Kun- nert Co., its successors and assigns, at its own expense and upon receipt of notice by registered mail, agrees, within 30 days after receipt of such notice, to remove the structure herein authorized and to restore the street in as good condition as it was before said construction. Sec. 6. This Resolution shall be. come effective and the rights here- under shall accrue to Jaeger Kun- nert Co., its successors and assigns, when this Resolution has been passed by the City Council and ac- cepted by said Jaeger Kunnert Co. which acceptance shall be endorsed hereon Passed, approved and adopted this 13th day of October, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor F. W. THOMPSON, FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFAT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Acceptance of Resolution No. 147.47 Jaeger Kunnert Co. having full knowledge and understanding of all the terms and conditions of Reso- lution No. 147-47, hereby accepts the same as adopted and agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions thereof. Signed this 14th day of October, 1947. Jaeger Kunnert Company Robert L. Kunnert Secretary Title. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onder] by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 148.47 Whereas, the Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission recoui- mended to the City Council that the extension of the Light Indus- trial District on the easterly side of Southern Avenue southerly to include the following area: Frmn the present Light Industrial Dis- trict in Lot 3 Randalls Sub. No. 2 to the present Local Business Dis- trict in Lot 1 of 4 of Mineral Lot 37, and between Southern Avenue and the Dubuque Cascade Road. And, Whereas, before the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City may be changed, it is neces- sary that a public hearing be held thereon. And, Whereas, the City Council deems it advisable to hold such public hearing. Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: That there should be a public hearing on the question of the ex. tension of the Light Industrial Dis- trict on the easterly side of South- ern Avenue southerly to include the folllowing area: From the present Light. Industrial District in Lot 3 Randalls Sub. No. 2 to the present Local Business District in Lot 1 of 4 of Mineral Lot 37, and between Southern Avenue and the Dubuque Cascade Road. That the time and place for said public hearing be, and the same is hereby fixed for 7:30 o'clock p.m., on the 3rd day of November, 1947, in the City Council Chamber, City Hall, Dubuque. Iowa; that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to cause to be published in the 302 Sp'ecial Session, October 13th, 1947 Telegraph Herald, the official news- paper in the City of Dubuque, no- tice of such hearing, same to be published so as to leave at least 15 days between the day of such publication and the day fixed for said hearing, that said notice shall contain, among others, the provl5- i(,n that any and all parties in in- terest and any and all citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. Passed, adopted and approved this 13th day of October, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 14947 Whereas, the Water Department of the City of Dubuque has plans for the use of Lots 9, 10 and 11 of Industrial Sub. No. 2 as a garage, warehouse and storage yard; and Whereas, it is necessary that a railroad siding be provided to serve this property for the intended pur- pose; and Whereas, an agreement to pro- vide such railroad siding by the Chicago, Burlington 1aAd Quincy Raiiroad Company has been pre- pared; Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the agreement be approved and the Mayor and Clerk be auth- orized to sign the document for and on behalf of the City of Du- buque and to affix thereto the seal of said City. Passed, adopted and approved this 13th day of October, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton move the tdoption of the resolution. Sec- )nded by Councilman Moffatt, Car - Jed by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 150-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of egarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette pap- ers within said City and the Mana- ger is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address D. A. V. Club of Dubuque, Inc., 951? Main Street. Joseph A. Collins, 397 East 20th Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the application be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 13th day of October, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 151-47 Whereas, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been submit- ted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque 'that the following application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. Name Address Joseph A. Collins, 397 East 20th Street. Special Session, October 13th, 1947 303 Passed, adopted and approved this 13th day of October, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 152-47 Whereas, heretofore application for Class "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named applicant and it has received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicant have been Inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and he has filed a proper bond: NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicant a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Joseph A. Collins. 397 East 20th Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed by such applicant be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 13th day of October, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, Citv Clerk - Councilman Thompson moved the adoption oY the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, ,Wharton, Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Approved 04A41.,tt:1948. Adopted 04. .1..1.1948. Councilmen: j C7.�n Attest: ..... City Cl -e Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 305 City Council (Official). Hegular Session, November :ird. 1947. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg. Mayor Murphy stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of act- ing upon such business as may pro- perly come before the meeting. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of pub- lic hearing upon the question of the extension of the Light Industrial District on the easterly side of Southern Avenue southerly to in - clue the folowing arpa: From the present Light Industrial District in Lot 3, Randall's Sub. No. 2, to the present Local Business District in Lot 1 of 4 of Mineral Lot 32, and between Southern Avenue and the Dubuque Cascade Road, presented and read. No written objections filed and no objectors present in the Council Chamber at the time set for said hearing. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. Ordinance No. 29-47. An Ordi- nance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated "Zoning -Ordinance of the City of Dubuque," so as to ex- tend the present Liglit Industrial District at the northwest corner of Lot 3 of Randall's Sub. No. 2, thence southerly along the eastery line of Southern Avenue to the intersec. tion of the easterly line of Southern Avenue and the southwesterly Jne of Lot 1 of 2 of 3 of Mineral Lot 37; thence southerly along the wester- ly line of Lot 1 of 2 of 3 of Mineral Lot 37 to the point of intersection with the line northwesterly of Du- buque Cascade Road; thence north- easterly along the northwesterly line of the Dubuque Cascade Road to the present Light Industrial Dis- trict in Lot 1 of 2 of Randall's Sub. No. 2, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the or- dinance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due] - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due] - man,, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one pres- ent in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of J K. Coleman in an unstated amount for injuries received in a fall at the alley cross- ing on Seventh Street between Lo- cust and Bluff Streets, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the Notice of Claim ba referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. 306 Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 Notice of Claim of Mrs. Laura Pogeman in the amount of $1,900 for injuries sustained in a fall on a defective sidewalk in front of the Dubuque Market located at 1278 Central Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Van Dualman moved that the Notice of Claim be re- ferred to the City Solicitor for in- vestigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of G u s s i e M. Hagerty submitting bill in the amount of $17.64 for damages to the furnace at 491 Glen Oak Street caused by flood waters in the base- ment early in July presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Dubuque Chamber of Commerce S p e c i a l Committee, appointed by the Board of Directors, to represent the Chamber of Commerce relative to rendering assistance to the City Administration in solving the Car Parking Problem and the improve- ment of Robinson Street, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that City Manager Rhomberg be in- structed to arrange a meeting with the Special Committee to be held at 7:30 P. M. on November 10th, 1947. Seconded by Councilman Thompson, Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of The Key City Gas Company requesting approval of their application to the State Highway Department for a rour.ine permit to cross under Highway No. 20, near the. west city limits, for the purpose of supplying gas to the new Dubuque Homes Sub. No. 2, and that the Clerk be authorized to sign the attached forms, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the request be granted and the Clerk authorized to sign the at- tached forms. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Iowa Sew- age Works Association acquainting Council wtih the aims and benefits of the Association and suggesting that the City of Dubuque take out a membership in the Association, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, by Francis J. O'Connor, Attorneys for the Illinois Central Railroad Company and the Algon- quin Chemical Company, request- ing that Lot 1 of Rock Cut Sub- division be zoned as a Leavy indus- trial area and that said petition be referred to -the Planning and Zon- ing Commission for immediate ac- tion, presented and read. Attorney Francis J. O'Connor ad- dressed the Council stating that this lot is to be used as a shore operation and not in connection with the sulphuric acid plant. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Mrs. N. Heler et al, property owners and tenants occu- pying dwellings on the west side of Bluff Street from Gth Street to Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 307 8th Avenue, requesting that the or- der establishing and•iiistalling park- ing meters in this area be re- scinded, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, Petition of Elizabe'.h J. Ploog et al protesting to the placing of parking meters on the west side of Bluff Street in the 900 block, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Mr. and Mrs. Blike Kopchansky et al requesting the installation of a street light on the corner of Loras Bouleavrd and Au- dubon Street, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be .referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of H. E. Coffey request- ing permission to build on his prop- erty on South Algona Street, in Sisters' Addition, a Harnischfeger preassembled home, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the City Council and Building Inspector for investigation. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Dan W. and Arthur Schmalz asking the City Council to act upon the matter of making a survey to determine the cost of in. stallation for the extension of sewer and water to service the property located South of Davis Avenue and East of Windsor Avenue, Sub. 4, Sec. 13-89-2 East, East half of Lot 1, presented and read. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Dubuquq County Tu- berculosis Association requesting permission for to hold its annual "Bangle Day" on Saturday, Decem- ber 13th, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of J. F. Roshon request- ing permission to erect and main- tain within the curb line in front of his property at 1398 Pine Street two conspicuous markers to guide drivers of motor vehicles off the sidewalk in front of his residence as well as on the 14th Street side, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager for investigation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of John A. Brady et al, abutting street owners and taxpay- ers, requesting that oil be sprayed on Laurel and Cannon Streets for the reason that the dust arising therefrom seriously interferes with the peaceful use and enjoyment of their property, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. 308 Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 Petition of Levi 1. Roach re- questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 10 as he has discontinued business on Octo- ber 15, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war- rant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of Levi J. Roach to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 10. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Richard J. Alderson requesting a refund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No, 190 as he has discontinued business on November 1, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of Richard J. Alderson to cover -the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 190. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Richard J. Alderson requesting a refund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 1 as he has discontinued business on November 1, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of Richard J. Alderson to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 1. Sec. onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council• men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the B. & N. Market, by Al. Neumeister, requesting a re- fund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexpired portion of their Cigar- ette Permit No. 156 as they have discontinued business oi; November 1, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of the B. & N. Market, by Al. Neumeister, to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of Cigarette Permit No. 156, Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man. •Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the Dubuque Police- men's Protective Association re- questing that an ordinance be drawn defining working conditions and soliciting the City Council for a raise in pay, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the petition be referred to the Council and City Manager, and the City Manager instructed to submit a report to the City Council at the next meeting of the condition of the General Fund. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. October 20, 1947. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Gentlemen: I desire to take my salvage in front of my property lo- cated at 1670 Audubon Street. The salvage desired is the sidewalk only. Eldon J. Marietta. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 309 October 16, 1947. Dear Sirs: We would like to save the brick from our old sidewalk at 1554 Audubon Street. Mr, and Mrs. Charles A. Schrobilgen. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication be received and made a matter of reco,'d. Seconded by Councilman Thompson, Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Blasting Bond of Mancini and Ventrella and Son, by Joseph Ven- trella, partner, in the amount of $5,000.00, presented for approval. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the Blasting Bond in the amount of $5,000.00 )f Mancini and Ventrella and Son, by Joseph Ven- trella, partner, be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. C o u n c i l Proceedings for the month of August, 1947, presented for approval. Councilman Van Duelman moved that -the Council Proceedings for the month of August, 1947, be ap- proved as printed. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of September, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 28-47. An Ordi- nance regulating the speed of trains at grade crossings within the City of Dubuque repealing all ordi- nances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith and providing a penalty for -violation hereof, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on October 13, 1947, and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. Ordinance No. 28.47 An Ordinance regulating the speed of trains at grade crossings within the City of Dubuque repeal- ing all ordinances or parts of or- dinances in conflict herewith and providing a penalty for violation hereof. Now, Therefore, Be It Ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. No passenger train shall be operated over and upon the grade crossings in the City of Du- buque at a speed of greater than 30 miles per hour. Sec. 2. No freight train shall be operated over and upon the grade crossings in the City of Dubuque at a speed greater than 25 miles ger hour. Sec. 3. All ordinances or part or parts of ordinances in nonflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or cor- poration who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not more than $100.00 and costs and in de- fault of such fine shall be imprison- ed for a period not exceeding thirty days in jail. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force and effect ten days from and after its final passage, adop- tion and approval by the City Council, and publication as pro- vided by law. Passed upon first reading Octo- ber 13th, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved 310 Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 upon final reading this 3rd day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHYM,ayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen, Attest: J. J. SHEA,city Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 5th day of November, 1947. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. November 1, 1347. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The Dubuque Plan- ning and Zoning Commission re- spectfully recommendsto your hon- orable body denial of the attached petition of Fischer Investment Company as presented, and recom- mends instead,— (1) Vacation of the parcels marked "B," "C," "D" shown on plat attached to Fischer Investment Company petition, denying the va- cation of parcel "A." (2) Exchange by your honorable body of parcel marked "E" on said plat for the south half (32 ft.) of Wall Street extended to the Mis. sissippi River between the present east line of Wall Street running across the levee to the river edge, including riparian rights, the Fisch- er Investment Company having agreed that if they cannot present a merchantable title to this half of Wall Street extended they will deed to the City of Dubuque a like strip off the north and of Block No. 24, including riparian rights so as to afford access to the water's edge. (3) That your honorable body make a part of the final settlement of the matter the conditions agreed upon between the Fischer Invest- ment Company and *he Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission to -wit: (a) Fischer Improvement Com- pany agrees to maintain a pri- vate roadway for private use commencing at the alley be- tween Third and Fourth Streets northward to Wall Street along the river front, said roadway to be 24 feet in width and to be maintained by Fischer Invest. ment Company for access by the City Fire Department. (b) Fischer Investment Company agrees -to maintain and keep accessable at all times from Wall Street to the alley be- tween Third and Fourth Streets two strips of ground from the private roadway re- ferred to in Item (a) above to the river shore of the Missis- sippi River which passages shall be at the most 500 feet apart and at least 24 feet in width. Respectfully submitted, DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. By Richard V. McKay, Secretary. Councilman Wharton moved that ,the report of the Planning and Zoning Commission be approved. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 28-1947. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council. Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to claims of Anna Smith submitted to me for investigation and report, I find that said Anna Smith claims $5,000.00 for damages because of a serious and severe fracture of the forearm in the vicinity of the wrist, when she slipped and fell as a re- sult of an accumulation of ice lo. cated on the sidewalk on the east. erly side of Kniest Street, near the northeast corner of Kniest Street and Rhomberg Avenue, at a point on said sidewalk where a mail box is situated. She was compelled to undergo hospital and medical at- tention and is still suffering from the injury, an examination having Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 311 recently been made by a doctor for the insurance company. The mail box is erected on the sidewalk on the east side. On the westerly aide of the building of Leik's Drug Store, which is located on said cor- ner, a stairway leads to the second floor of said building and extends over the sidewalk, and water drip- ping from the stairway caused an accumulation of ice to form at the base of the mail box. I was of the opinion that the owner of the building should also be made a party to this matter and so notified him. Thereafter, in con- junction with the Attorneys for his insurance company, we conferred with the Attorney for the claimant. Claimant has agreed to settle this claim for $2,000.00. 'rhe insurance company has agreed to pay $1,000.00 and I recommend that the City pay the other 01,000.00 and that a warrant be issued payable to Czizek & Czizek, Attorneys for Anna Smith, for $1,000.00 upon de- livery to the City of a. release pro- perly executed by her. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City SOlic- itor K,intzinger be approved and the City, Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $1,000.00 in favor of Czizek & Czizek, At- torneys, Attorneys for Anna Smith, as settlement in full of the City's share of said claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Dubuque of a prop- erly executed release. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 17, 1947. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Catherine Holz that was submitted to me some time ago in which she claims $3,000.0( for damages because of a fall on February 7, 1947, while traveling on the sidewalk on the north side of 25th Street and easterly of the alley between Jackson and Wash ngton Streets because of an al- eged dangerous condition of the ;idewalk, accumulation of snow tnd ice being thereon, at which ;ime she received serous injuries including a fracture of her hip, which required her to secure hos- pital, doctor and drug bills. It ap- pears that the sidewalk was in a 3angerous condition. From my investigation she has sustained actual damages as fol- lows: Hospital ball ............... ..........$367.60 Doctor bill ................................ 268.00 Ambulance service ................ 4.00 Transportation of the bed to and from hospital .............. 5.00 Finley Hospital for bed, etc. 15.50 Druggist bill 20.96 Nurses ....... ......... I.... I ... . .......... 40.00 $721.06 That since said time she endured much pain and suffering and is still under a doctor's care. That after conferences with her attorney, they have agreed to accept $400.00 in full payment of any and all claims they have against the City. I recommend . that said claim be allowed in the sum of $400.00 and that the warrant be issued there- for, and delivered to E. H. Willging, attorney for Catherine Holz, upon delivery to the City of Dubuque of a release properly executed by her. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTIZNGER, City Solicitor. Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Solicit- or Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $400.00 and delivered to E. H. Willging, attorney for Catherine Holz, as set- tlement in full of the claim, and that said warrant be delivered up- on receipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carted by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 30, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The improvements on Theisen Street and Jenni Street in Stetmore Subdivision by a 6" 312 Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 macadam base with asphalt wear- ing surface on all of Theisen Street and the easterly half of Jennie Street, and concrete curb and gut- ter on both sides of Theisen Street and on the easterly side of Jenni Street, have been completed by Du- buque Homes, Inc., as required by Resolution No. 185-46. I recommend that the work be accepted and that the performance bond of $5,000.00 hosted by Du- dubuque Homes, Inc., to insure the completion of the project be released. Respectfully suonritted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg 're approved. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, State of Iowa 1 ,ss: Dubuque County I, Alois A. Kaufmann, the duly appointed and qualiRed secretary of the Dubuque City Assessor Examining Board, do hereby certify -that the said Board held an exam- ination for the purpose of tilling the position of Dubuque City As- sessor as provided by law on the 27th day of October, 1947, and the result of said examination disclosed that Mr. Harry Hanover passed said examination with an average of 85.6 per cent and that he was declared eligible to fill said posi- tion in accordance with Section 405.3 of the 1946 Code of Iowa as amended. In Witness Whereof, I have here- unto set my hand this 28th day of October, A. D. 1947. ALOIS A. KAUFMANN, Secretary of the Dubuque City Assessor Examining Board. Councilman Wharton moved that the statement of Alois A. Kauf• mann, Secretary of the Dubuque City Assessor Examining Board, be received and made a matter of rec. ord. Seconded by Councilman Mof• fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel man, Wharton. Nays—None. MEETING, October 30, 1947. In accordance with Section 405.4 of the 1946 Code of Iowa as amend- ed, a joint meeting of. the Board of Directors of the Independent School District of Dubuque, Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County, Iowa, and the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, was held in the Central School Building in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, at 7:30 P. M., for the purpose of appointing a City Assessor. Mr. Murphy, the Mayor of the City of Dubuque, presided at the meeting as by-law provided. The Secretary of the City Assess- or Examinnig Board presented the notice and call of this meeting with acceptance of service by all of the individual members of the various boards. The seven members of the Board of Directors of the Independent School District of Dubuque were present, two members of the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County, Iowa, of a total membership of three were present and four mem- bers of the City Council of Du- buque, Iowa, of a total membership of five were present. The Board of Direotors of the Independent School District of Du- buque nominated Mr. Harry Han- over as City Assessor for the City ' of Dubuque, Iowa, for a term of four years, beginning January 1, 1948, he being the only person cer- tified by the examining board. The City Council appointed Mr. Murphy to cast their oallot for City Assessor and directed him to cast said ballot for Mr. Hanover. The Board of Supervisors moved that Mr. Harry Hanover be ap- pointed City Assessor for a term of four years beginning January 1, 1948. Seconded by the Board of Di- rectors of the Independent School District and, after due deliberation, the Chairman put the question on the motion and all of the bodies present voted "Aye." It was duly ordered that the resolution be adopted. It was regularly moved that the following budget sub- mitted by the newly elected City Assessor for the year 1948 be adopted: Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 313 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR CITY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE FOR 1948. Administration 1 Assessor ........$6,000.00 1 Deputy Assess- or ...................... 4,000.00 2 Deputies ........ 8,000.00 1. Deputy 3,000.00 $21,000.00 Office Personnel 1 Clerk and Stenographer $2,400.00 Office Expense Printing and Supplies: Tax Books ....... $ 800.00 Lot Books .... .... 125.00 Assessor's Rolls 200.00 Homestead Tax Credit Blanks .............. 125.00 Binding Assessment Rolls ................ 100.00 Telephone ........ 7500 Postage ........... 100.00 Auto Mileage .. 150.00 Miscellaneous .. 60000 Office Equipment 2 New Large Carrier Typewriters ........... ..... Filing Cabinet ................ Cards and Indexes.......... Plat Book Binders .......... . 1 Adding Machine .......... 1 Calculating Machine ... Board of Review Five Members ....$1,680.00 Printing and Supplies ... 25.00 Mileage 25.00 Board of Examiners .,....$ 50.00 Assessment Appeals Expense Fund $1,000.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,275.0 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,730.00 $ 50.00 $ 1,000.00 Old Age Survivorship Insurance System Tax ... ... $ 234.00 — ---- $ 234.00 Grand Total ................$30,689.00 Seconded and carried. It was regularly moved that the salaries of the City .Assessor and the Deputy Assessors be fixed at the amounts set forth in the bud- get. Seconded and carried. It was duly ordered that the meeting adjourn. . ALOIS A. KAUFMANN, Secretary. Dubuque City Assessor Examining Board. Councilman Wharton moved that the minutes of the joint meeting of the Board of Directors of the Inde- pendent School District, Board of Supervisors and City Council for the purpose of appointing a City Assessor be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 18, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor, City Council and City Manager, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: On September 22, 1947, the City Council appointed a condemnation committee for the purpose of viewing properties and submitting reports and recommen- dations. In accordance with the above, I am attaching herewith the recom- mendations of the condemnation committee with the request that the necessary resolutions be passed at your earliest convenience. Respectfully submitted, DONALD J. BANDY, Build:ng Inspector. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication of Building Inspector Bandy be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 18, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. G e n t l e m e n: The undersigned committee heretofore appointed by your honorable body to examine the frame building in the rear of 625 Central Avenue located on the south one-half of City Lot 245 and owned by Anna Appel et al., and to report our findings, beg leave to submit the following report. 314 Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 We find that said buildings are in a dangerous and unsafe condition for the following reasons: Due to lack of ordinary repair and maintenance the buildings have been allowed to deteriorate to such an extent that repairs would be practically impossible, the supports are rotten, exterior covering is rot- ten and parts missing and general conditions are such that said build- ings are a menace to adjoining properties. The Condemnation Committee unanimously recommends demoli- tion. Very truly yours, JAMES A. SAUL, FRED W.SCHROEDER. FRED FICHTER, Condemnation Committee. Councilman Van Dueiman moved that the, recommendation of the Condemnation Comm,ttee be ap- proved and the City Solicitor in- structed to prepare proper con- demnation proceedings. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 153-47 Whereas, Anna Appel et al. are the owners of: The South r/2 of City Lot 245 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, (625 Central Avenue) upon which is situated and located certain buildings. And Whereas, this Council has heretofore appointed a condemna- tion committee of thaee disinter- ested persons to make a thorough investigation of said buildings and report their findings to the Coun- cil, said committee to act in con- junction with the Building Inspector. And Whereas, said committee has made an investigation, and has filed its report with this Council recommending that said buildings be condemned and demolished as a nuisance, said report being now on file in the office of the City Clerk; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Building Inspector of the City of Dubuque op, and he is hereby directed to cause to be served upon Anna Appel et al., owners of the above described real estate, written notice informing them they may appear before the City Council of the City of Dubuque at a meeting to be held at 7:30 P.M., on the 17th day of November, 1947, in the City Council Chamber in the City Hall in tha City of Du- buque, and show cause, if any, why said buildings should not be de- clared dangerous structures, a nuis- ance and abated. Passed, approved and adopted this 3rd day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 18, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The undersigned committee heretofore appointed by your honorable body to examine a large frame barn located in the rear of 15 Bluff Street, and a series of sheds and garages and high board fences, also to the rear and side of 15 Bluff Street, located on lots three and four of the subdivision of lots two and two of three of City Lot 598 and lot four being owned by Nellie M. Clancy, and lot three being owned by Marie and Nellie Clancy, and to report our findings, beg leave to submit the following report. We find that said barn, sheds, garages and fences are in a dan- gerous and unsafe condition for the following reasons: The large barn is in a dilapidated condition due to lack of repair, floors are rotten, siding is loose, roof leaks and generally unkept. The garage and sheds are com- posed of boards that are rotten, Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 315 buildings are unsupported by pro- per footings allowing them to sag and become generally out of shape. The fence is a high board approx- imately seven feet high and is di- lapidated. These buildings, barn, sheds, garages and high fence are in a very unsanitary condition an eyesore and a fire hazard to all adjoining properties and dilapidated beyond reasonable repair. The Condemnation Committee unanimously recommends demoli- tion. Very truly yours, JAMES A. SAUL, FRED W. SCHROEDER, FRED FICHTER, Condemnation Committee. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of the Condemnation Committee beap- proved and the City Solicitor in. structed to prepare proper con- demnation proceedings. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Yeas—None. Resolution No. 154-47 Whereas, Marie and Nellie Clan- cy are the owners of: Lot 3 of the Subdivision of Lots 2 and 2 of 3 of City Lot 598, and Nellie Clancy is the •)wner of Lot 4 of the Subdivision of Lots 2 and 2 of 3 of City Lot 198 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa (15 Bluff Street) upon which is situated and located certain buildings: And, Whereas, this Council has heretofore appointed a Condemna. tion Committee of three disinter- ested persons to make a thorough investigation of said buildings and report their findings to the Coun- cil, said committee to act in con- junction with the Building In- spector. And, whereas, said committee has made an investigation, and has filed its report with this Council recommending that said buildings be condemned and demolished as a nuisance, said report being now on file in the office of the City Clerk; Now, Therefore: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Building Inspector of the City of Dubuque be, and he is hereby directed to cause to be served upon Marie and Nellie Clan- cy, owners of the above described real estate, written notice inform- ing them they may appear before the City Council of the City of Du- buque at a meeting to be held at 7:30 P. M., on the 17th day of No- vember, 1947, in the City Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Dubuque, and show cause, if any, why said buildings should not be declared dangerous struc- tures, a nuisance and abated. Passed, approved and adopted this 3rd day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt in o v e d the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 18, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. G e n t l e m e n: The undersigned committee heretofore appointed by your honorable body to examine the two-story building at 1334 Cen- tral Avenue, locaetd on the N. 14% feet of the south 2-5 of city Lot 444 and owned by Rose Hoefflin et al. and Lena Kleih, and to report our findings, beg leave to submit the following report: We find that said building is in a dangerous and unsafe condition for the following reason: The floors and roof are hanging unsupported, the wiring is incom- plete and not properly installed, the floor is sagging and the build- ing is generally unsafe and danger- ous to adjoining buildings due to fire that damaged this building and was never repaired. This building is a definite fire 316 Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 hazard and menace to adjoining properties. The Condemnation Committee unanimously recommends demoli- tion. Very truly yours, JAMES A. SAUL, FRED W.SCHROEDER, FRED FIGHTER, Condemnation Committee. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of the Condemnation Committee be ap- proved and the City Solicitor in- structed to prepare the proper con- demnation proceedings. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 155-47 Whereas, Rose Hoeillin et al. and Lena Kleih are the owners of: The North 141/2 feet of the South 2-5 of City Lot 444 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, (1334 Central Avenue) upon which is situated and located one certain building: And Whereas, this Council has heretofore appointed a condemna- tion committee of 'hree disinter- ested persons to make a thorough investigation of said building and report their findings to the Council, said commitee to act in conjunction with the Buijding Inspector. And, Whereas, said commitee has made an investigation and has filed its report with this Council reonunending that said building be condemned and demolished as a nuisance, said report being now on file in the office of the City Clerk; Now, Therefore: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Building Inspector of the City of Dubuque be, and he is hereby directed to cause to be served upon Rose Hoeffiin et al. and Lena Kleih, ownets of the above described real estate, written notice informing them they may appear before the City Council of the City of Dubuque at a meeting to be held at 7:30 P. M., on the 17th day of November, 1947, in the City Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Dubuque, and show cause, if any, why said building should not be declared a dangerous structure, a nuisance and abated. Passed, approved and adopted this 3rd day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. October 18, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The undersigned committee heretofore appointed by your honorable body to examine the two-story frame sited directly to the rear of 534 Rhomberg Ave- nue and located on Lot 23 and 24 'of High Street Sub and owned by Antoinette M. Scharla, and to re- port our findings, beg leave to sub- mit the following report. We find that said building is in a dangerous and unsafe condition for the following reasons: The sills and supports are com- pletely rotten and have allowed the building to sag approximately twelve inches out of plumb. Boards are missing and loose, the struc- ture has been allowed to deterior- ate due to lack of ordinary main- tenance and repair. This shed is a definite fire hazard and menace to adjoining properties. The Condemnation Committee unaminously recommends demoli- tion. Very truly yours, JAMES A. SAUL, FRED W.SCHROEDER, FRED FICHTER Condemnation Committee Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of the Con- demnation Committee be approved and the City Solicitor instructed to Prepare proper condemnation pro- -'Si�PA s}[raw Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 317 ceedings. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 156-47 Whereas, Antoinette iii. Scharle is the owner of: Lots 23 and 24 of High Street Sub in the City of Dubuque, Iowa (534 Rhomberg Avenue) upon which is situated and located one certain building: And, Whereas, this Council has heretofore appointed a condemna- tion committee of three disinterest- ed persons to make a thorough in- vestigation of said building and re- port their finding to the Council, said committee to act in conjunc- tion with the Building Inspector. And, Whereas, said Committee has made an investigation, and has filed its report with this Council recommending that said building be condemned and demolished as a nuisance, said report being now on file in the office of the City Clerk; Now, Therefore: Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: That the Building Inspector of the City of Dubuque be, and lie is hereby directed to cause to be served u p o n Antoinette M. Scharle, owner of the above de- scribed real estate, written notice informing her she may appear be- fore the City Council of the City of Dubuque at a meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. on the 17th day of November, 1947, in the City Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Dubuque, and show cause, if any, why said building should not be declared a dangerous struc- ture, a nuisance and abated. Passed, approved and adopted this 3rd day of Navember, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. See - ended by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor 'Murphy, CouWil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. November 3, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: We are attaching hereto application for Class "B" Beer Permit from John and Helen Glynn to operate at 659 Central Avenue. This is to advise that an inspec- tion has been made of this building by the Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspectors, the Fire Chief and the Assistant State Fire Marshall, Mr. Lubberden, and it was found that this building does not comply with the State Fire Regulations in regard to fire es- capes. Therefore, an official order to construct and place a fire es- cape on this building has been served on Leo Diener, owner of said building. A time limit of sixty (60) days had been given to com- plete this installation. On October 30, 1947 an order was placed with E. J. Voggenthaler Company to construct a fire escape on this building, and a copy of contract for above work is attached. Respectfully submitted, DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of Building In- spector Bandy he received and made a matter of record. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 157-47 \Vhereas, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the following application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. 318 Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 CLASS "B" PERMITAddress Name John Glynn and Helen Glynn, 659 Central Avenue Passed, adopted rrnd approved this 3rd day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, C0111101 - men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 158.47 Whereas, heretofore application for Class "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named appli- cants and it has received the ap- proval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc. cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di- reted to issue to the Hollowing named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address John Glynn and Helen Glynn, 659 Central Avenue Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed by such applicants be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of No*�•enrber, 1947. GEO. R. JI t-RPHY, Mayor FRANK C:A N DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 159.47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale .of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a per- mit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Naive Address Henry L. Kress, 731 Rhomberg Avenue. George Deyoe, 469 Main Street. Torn J. Hickey and John J. Hick- ey, 55 Locust Street. Louis O'Meara, 1655 Delhi Street Sidney J. Tyrrell and Eugenia P. Tyrell, 1564 Cental Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA: City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Whartion. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. See. Resolution No. 160-47 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to -be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 319 CLASS "B•' PERMIT Name Address Mrs. Rosemary Hird, 2220 Uni- versity Avenue. George Deyoe, 469 Main Street, Ray Nicks, 521 East 22nd Street. Joseph Beecher and Eldon Reit- er, 2399 White Street. Arthur F. Herber and Theresa Herber, 2319 Prince Street. Alfred E. Hedley and Lillian Hedley, 579 Eighth Avenue. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRI- VATE CLUB American Veterans of World War II, Dubuque Post No. 3, 429 Main Street. North End Choral Club, 2774- 2776 Jackson Street. CLASS "C" PERMIT Peter J. Apel, 265 West First Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. IVIOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompsau, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 161.47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Mrs. Rosemary Hird, 2220 Uni- versity Avenue. George Deyoe, 469 Main Street. Ray Nicks, 521 East 22nd Street. Joseph Beecher and Eldon Reit- er, 2399 White Street. Arthur F. Herber and Theresa Herber, 2319 Prince Street. Alfred E. Hedley and Lillian Hedley, 579 Eighth Avenue. Tom J. Hickey and John J. Hick- ey, 55 Locust Street. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB American Veterans of World War II, Dubuque Post No. 3, 429 Main Street. North End Choral Club, 2774-2776 Jackson Street. Hiawatha Club, 576 Central Av- enue. CLASS "C" PERMIT Peter J. Apel, 265 West First Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F.W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clark Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No, 162-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has received bids for the con- structing, furnishing, delivering and testing of a gasoline or diesel driven generating unit or units complete for the existing Eagle Point Pumping Station, and Whereas, the bid of Climax En- gineering Company of Clinton, w'': 320 Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 Iowa, is the lowest and best bid submitted by any responsible bid- der. Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Contract for the Constructing, Furnishing, Delivering and Testing of a gaso- line driven generating unit, in the amount of $18,608.00 be awarded to the Climax Engineering Company of Clinton, Iowa: Resolved however, that this award shall not be effective until the Climax Engineering Company shall have been notified in writing by the City Manager of such award. Be It Resolved That this resolu- tion being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity become effec- tive, Prom and ,after, its final pas- sage 9u4&dopt1on•bk'the City Coun- cil. The above resolution was intro- duced, passed and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 3rd day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Sconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 163-47 Whereas, on November 25, 1946 the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa adopted Resolution No. 176-46 authorizing the sale and conveyance of Lot 19 and Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 20 of Mill's West Du- buque and I.ot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 225 of Woodlawn Park .Addition to W. J. McFarlane for the sum of One Hundred Fifty and n0/100 Dollars, reserving to the city an easement for the existing sanitary sewer, and Whereas, the property intended o be conveyed was not correctly iescribed in the resolution and the lust claim deed. Now Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- ;il of the City of Dubuque, Iowa hat the Mayor and Clerk of said ity be and they are hereby author- ized to execute a quit claim deed )f Lot 1 of Lot 19 and Lot 1 of Lot 20 of Mill's West Dubuque and Lot 1 of Lot 225 of Woodlawn Park Addition to W. J. McFarlane on condition that W. J. McFarlane deed to the city the parcels here- tofore conveyed in error. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. Resolution No. 164.47 Whereas, the City of Dubuque, pursuant to an advertisement for bids on the furnishing of fire ap- paratus, did on the 13th day of October, 1947, at ten o'clock A.M. at the City Clerk's office in the City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, receive bids for the furnishing of one 1000 gallon triple combination fire en- gine pumper which said bids were taken under advisement by the City Council, and Whereas, the proposals have been compared and examined and this Council has determined that the most favorable proposal was submitted by Barton -Stephens & Company. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That the contract for furnishing of one 1000 gallon triple combina- tion fire engine pumper in the Regular Session, November 3rd, 1947 321 amount of $15,146.00 be awarded to Barton -Stephens & Company and that the contract hereto attached is approved and made a part here- of, and the Mayor and Clerk be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Be It Further Resolved That this Resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, be- come effective from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council. Approved and placed on file for public inspection for one week from November 3, 1947. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that warrants in the amount of $20.00 each be ordered drawn in favor of James A. Saul, Fred W. Schroeder and Fred Fichter for services rendered as members of the Condemnation Committe. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays, None. Councilman Thompson moved that the City Manager be instruct- ed to communicate with the Iowa State Highway Commission calling their attention to the increased traffic at the New Fligh Bridge and also to the traffic condition on Lo. cust Street. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Wharton ;.loved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. Shea, City Clerk, ��Qp Approved ........ �.. °�...! r 1948 opf� � Adopted WOJ ...... 1.2;PL..1948 Councilme; Attest: .�.,xCity Clerk. e ....... ,21 Special Session, November 10th, 1947 City Council (Official) Special Session, November 10th, 1947. Council met at 9:45 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. City Manager Rhomberg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Thompson and Wharton. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of considering Ordinance No. 30-47. An Ordinance amending "Ordinance No. 7-47 being an Ordinance relat- ing to traffic and regulating the use of public streets, prescribing regulations relative to the parking of vehicles, providing for the pur- chase, rental, supervision and con- trol of the use of parking meters, etc." by extending the parking me- ter zones and providing regulations for the use thereof and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Councilman Wharton moved that J. J. Kintzinger act as Clerk Pro Tem of the Council meeting. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read three separate days. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van.Duel- man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Odrinance No. 30-47 An Ordinance amending "Ordin- ance No. 7-47 being an Ordinance relating to traffic and regulating the use of public streets, prescrib- ing regulations relative to the park- ing of vehicles, providing for the purchase, rental, supervision and control of the use of parking meters, etc.", by extending the parking meter zones and providing regulations for the use thereof, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Ordinance No. 29-47 An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to extend the pres- ent Light Industrial District at the northwest corner of Lot 3 of Ran- dall's Sub. No. 2, thence southerly along the easterly line of Southern Avenue to the intersection of the easterly line of Southern Avenue and the southwesterly line of Lot 1 of 2 of 3 of Mineral Lot 37; thence southerly along the westerly line of Lot 1 of 2 of 3 of Mineral Lot 37 to the point of intersection with the northwesterly line of the Dubuque Cascade ?toad; thence northeasterly along the northwest- erly line of the Dubuque Cascade Road to the present Light Indus- trial District in Lot 1 of 2 of Ran- dall's Sub. No. 2, said ordinance having been passed upon first read- ing on November 3rd, 1947 -and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE No. 29-47. An Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated "'Zoning, Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque" so as Special Scssion, November 10th, 1947 i23 to extend the present Light Industrial District at the northwest corner of Lot 3 of Randall's Sub. No. 2, thence southerly along the easterly line of Southern Avenue to the intersection of the easterly line of Southern Ave- nue and the southwesterly line of Lot 1 of 2 of 3 of Mineral Lot 37; thence southerly along the westerly line of Lot 1 of 2 of 3 of \Mineral Lot to the point of inters( -lion with the northwesterly line of the Du- buque Cascade Road; thence noeth- easterly along the northwesterly line of the Dubuque Cascade Road to the present Light Industrial District in Lot 1 of 2 of Randall's Sub. No. 2. Whereas, the matter of rezoning as above stated was submitted to the Dubuque Planning and Zoning Com- mission and said Commission has filed its R e p o r t recommending such change. And, whereas, notice of a hearing on the proposed change was published as provided by law And, whereas, no objections were filed or made thereto NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, Sec. 1. That the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Du- buque, be, and the same is hereby amended and changed as follows; "to extend the present Light In- dustrial District at the northwest corner of Lot 3 of Randall's Sub. No. 2, thence southerly along the easter- ly line of Southern Avenue to the in- tersection of the easterly line of Southern Avenue ar.d the southwest- erly line of Lot 1 of 2 of 3 of Mineral Lot 37; thence southerly along the westerly line of Lot I of 2 of 3 of Mineral lot 37 to the point of inter- section with the northwesterly line of the Dubuque Cascade Road; thence northeasterly along the northwester- ly line of the Dubuque Cascade Road to the present Light Industrial Dis- trict in Lot 1 of 2 of Randall's Sub. No. 2. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect ten days from and after its final passage, adoption and publication as by law providing. Passed upon first reading Novem- ber 3rd, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading November 10th, 1947. GEO R. MURPHY, Mayor FRAN VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 13th day of November, 1947. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following note: Yfeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—Notre. Communication of the Residents of Bluff Street between 5th Street and Eighth Avenue stating that they have decided to send this let- ter to the City Council as a med- ium of pleading their case in re- gard to the placing of parking meters on Bluff Street, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Thomas E. Nacos re- questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 205 as he has discontinued business on October 22, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved. that the request ba granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of Thomas E. Nacos to cover the amount of refund grant- ed on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 205. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the Hollowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Harvey L. Spielman requesting a refund in the amount of $100.00 on the unexpired por- tion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 68 as he has discontinued busi- ness on November 8, 1947, present- ed and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Harvey L. Spielman to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 68. Seconded by Councilman Whar- ton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Laramore and Douglass, Inc. ench)sin two copies of their report covering the sched- ule of rates proposed by the Key City Gas Company, presented and read. i24 Special Session, November 10th, 1947 Councihuan Wharton moved that the communication and copies of 1-eports be referred to the City Couucil for consideia!ion. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Laramore and Douglass, Inc. submitting copies of a statement showing the probable revenue which the rates proposed by The Key City Gas Company on August 4 and modified on Novem- ber 4 should bring, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication and copies of statement be referred to the City Council for consideration. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas ---Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of The Key City Gas Company submitting for Coun- cil approval the enclosed gas rates schedules to become effective on meter readings beginning Decem- ber 1, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication and schedules be referred to the City Council for consideration. Seconded by Coun- cilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor ?Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. In the matter of the ap- proval of the selection and appointment of a City Assessor for the City of Dubuque, Du- buque County, Iowa. ORDER Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, County of Du- buque, Iowa, did by ordinance elect to provide for the selection and appointment )f ,,.city assessor, under the pn)cisions of Chapter •105 Code of Iowa, 1946, as amended by 240 Acts 52nd General Assemb• ly, and Whereas, pursuant Lo the provi sious of Chapter 405, as amended and the ordinauc, adopted by said city, an Examining Board was ap- pointed, and Whereas, said Board conducted an examination pursuant to law and from the eligible candidates Harry Hanover was selected in the manner required by law as the City Assessor of the City of Du- buque, County of Dubuque, Iowa, and Whereas, the said assessor so ap- pointed meets with the approval of the State Tax Commission. Now, Therefore, it is ordered by the State Tax Commission of Iowa that Harry Hanover be and -he is hereby approved as city assessor of the city of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, Iowa. Dated at Des Moines, Iowa this 3rd day of November, 1947. STATE TAX COMMISSION Signed—George E. Gill, Chairman Signed—H. A. Grantham, Vice Chairman Signed—D. L. Murrow Member Councilman Thompson moved that the Order of the State Tax Commission in the matter of the approval of the selection and ap- pointment of a City Assessor for the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murlfhy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, November 7, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Clarence R. Sandry submitted to me for my investiga- tion it appears that on or about March 9, 1947, about 11:00 o'clock p.m. Ali-. Sandry and his wife were walking north on blain Street and on the corner of Sixth and Main near the Hal Judge Store there was some ice on the sidewalk near th curb and on the crossing, that when she stepped from the side- walk to the crossing she fell and broke her leg causing her to be confined to the hospital at which place she was required to receive surgical care and hospitalization. That the actual expenses incurred by her because of said fall includ- Special Session, November 10th, 1947 325 ing that for nurse amounted to $403.25. That after conversations with her and her husband, they have agreed to accept $200.00 in full payment of any and all claims they have against the City. I recommend that their claim be allowed in the sum of $200.00 and that a warrant be issued payable to Clarence R. Sandry and Cath- erine Sandry and delivered upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed by them. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $200.00 in favor of Clarence R. Sandry and Catherine Sandry, as settle- ment in full of the claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon re- ceipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 162-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has received bids for the constructing, Furnishing, Deliver- ing and Testing of a gasoline or diesel driven generating unit or units complete for the existing Eagle Point Pumping Station and Whereas, the bid of Climax En- gineering Company of Clinton, Iowa, is the lowest and best bid submitted by any responsible bid- der. Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Contract for the Constructing, Furnishing, Delivering and Testing of a gaso- line driven generating unit, in the amount of $18,608.00 be awarded to the Climax Engineering Company of Clinton, Iowa: Resolved however, that this award shall not be effective until the Climax Engineering Company Shall have been notified in writing by the City Manager of such award. Be It Resolved That this resolu- tion being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity become effec- tive from and after its final pas- sage and adoption by the City Council. The above resolution was in- troduced, passed and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 3rd day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk RECORD OF FINAL ADOPTION The foregoing resolution was finally passed and adopted, as pro- posed by the City Council this 10th day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOF FATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 164.47 Whereas, the City of Dubuque, pursuant to an advertisement for bids on the furnishing of fire ap- paratus, did on the 13th day of October, 1947, at ten o'clock a.m. at the City Clerk's office in the City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, receive bids for the furnishing of one 1000 gallon triple combination fire en- gine pumper, which said bids were taken under advisement by the City Council, and Whereas, the proposals have been compared and examined and this Council has determined that the most favorable proposal was sub- mitted by Barton -Stephens & Com- pany. Now, Therefore, Be It resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Iowa: That the contract for the furn- ishing of one 1000 gallon triple com- bination fire engine pumper in the 326 Special Session, November 10th, 1947 amount of $15,144.00 be awarded to Barton -Stephens & Company and that the contract hereto emade aa tached is approved part hereof, and the Mayor and Clerk be, and they are hereby au- thorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,. Be It Fiji -flier Resolved That this Resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, be- come effective from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council. Approved and placed on file for public inspection for one week from November 3, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved this 10th day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Cleric Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Mayor Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, C,buncil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, qq City Clerk Approved _.'C( .. 1948 Adopted I. ..19 8 0. Councilmen: - ..�.. Attest: _. ...... .. ..:._ City Clerk Special Session, November 17th, 1947 327 City Council (Official) Special Session, November 17th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 p.m. Present—Mayor Murphy, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. City Manager Rhomberg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Wharton and Thompson. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of acting upon condemnation notices and any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS To: iVIarie and Nellie Clancy: Pursuant to the directions of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, you are hereby notified to appear before said Council at a meeting to be held by it in the Council Chamber in the City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Monday Novem- ber 17th, 1947 and show cause why certain buildings owned by you and located at 15 Bluff Street on Lot 3 of the subdivision of Lots 2 and 2 of 3 of City Lot 598 and Lot 4 of the subdivision 'of Lots 2 and 2 of buque, Iowa, shall not be declared a nuisance and abated as provided by the Ordinance of the City of Du- buque. You are further notified that all prior proceedings pursuant to which this notice is given are on file in the office of the City Clerk where they are open for public inspection and full Information. Dated at Dubuque, Lowa, this 5th day of November, 1947. CITY OF DUBUQUE, By Donald J. Bandy Building Inspector State of Iowa j „s County of Dubuque J This is to certify that I, served a copy of the above notice upon Marie and Nellie Clancy this 5t11 day of November, 1947. DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspectgi Subscribed and sworn before In( Geraldine L. Dernkier, a Notary Public in and to: Dubuque County State of Iowa, on this 5th day o November, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER Jotary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa Council Thompson moved that he return of Service of Building nspector• Bandy be received and nade a matter of record. Second - ,d by Councilman Van Duelman. 3arried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 168-47 Whereas, there was filed with the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa a report dated August 30, 1947, signed by the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Plumbing In- spector and Representatives of the Health Department, setting forth, among other things, that certain buildings on: Lot 3 of the Subdivision of Lots 2 and 2 of 3 of City Lot 598 and Lot 4 of the Subdivision of Lots 2 and 2 of 3 of City Lot 598 (15 Bluff Street) in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, are in a dangerous condition and a menace to adjoin- ing property. And, Whereas, thereafter, a com- mittee of three was appointed as by Sec. 544 of the Building Code of the City of Dubuque provided, to make a. thorough investigation of said buildings and report as to the condition of said buildings to the City Council. And, Whereas, said committee filed its report with this Council, dated October 18, 1947, stating, among other things, that said build- ings are a. fire hazard, menace to adjoining property .rnd recommend- ed their demolition. And, Whereas, this Council by Resolution 154-47, caused and di- rected the Building Commissioner of the City of Dubuque to have no- tice served upon Marie and Nellie Clancy, the owners of the buildings on the premises above described, informing them that they might ap- pear before the City Council on November 17, 1947, at 7:30 p.m. and show cause, if any, why said building should. pot be declared a dangerous structure, a nuisance and abated. And, Whereas, said notice has been duly served as so provided; said notice, together with proof 328 Special Session, November 17th, 1947 thereof, being now on file In the office of the City Clerk. Now, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: After a full and `air considera- tion of this matter, said Council finds that buildings located on: Lot 3 of the Subdivision of Lots 2 and 2 of 3 of City Lot 598 and Lot 4 of the Subdivision of Lots 2 and 2 of 3 of City 598 (15 Bluff Street) in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be, and the same is hereby declared to be a nuisance and it is ordered that the said buildings be abated and taken down on or before the 1st day of February, .1948. Be It Further Resolved, that the Building Commissioner be, and he is hereby directed to serve upon Marie and Nellie Clancy a written notice requiring said nuisance to be abated and taken down on or be- fore the 1st day of February, 1948, attaching to said Notice a copy of this Resolution. Passed, adopted and approved this 17th day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: . Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS T: Rose Hoefflin et al and Lena Kleih: Pursuant to the directions of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, you are hereby notified to appear before said Council at a meeting to be held by it in the Council Chamber in the City Hall at 7:30 p.m. November 17, 1947, and show cause why certain build- ings owned by you and located at 1334 Central Avenue on the north M feet of the south 2/5 of City Lot 444 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa shall not be declared a nuis. ance and abated as provided by the Ordinance of the City of Dubuque. You are further notified that all prior proceedings pursuant to which this notice is given are on file in the office of the City Clerk, where they are open for public in- spection and full information. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 5th day of November, 194x. CITY OF DUBUQUE, By Donald J. Bandy Building Inspector State of Iowa 1 ss County of Dubuque) This is to certify that I served a copy of the above notice upon Rose Hoefflin, Lena Kleih, Rose Childers, Mrs. Geo. Blasi, Elissa McGill this 5th day of November, 1947. DONALD J. BANDY Building Inspector Subscribed and sworn before me Geraldine L. Demkier, a Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, State of Iowa, on this 5th day of November, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa Councilman Moffatt moved that the return of service. of Building Inspector Bandy be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 166-47 Whereas, there was filed with the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa a report dated August 30, 1947, signed by the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Plumbing In- spector and Representatives of the Health Department setting forth, among other things, that a certain building on: The North 141/2 feet of the South 2/5 of City Lot 444 (1334 Central Ave.) in the City of Dubuque, Lowa, was in a dangerous condition and a menace to adjoining property. And, Whereas, thereafter, a com- mittee of three was appointed as by Sec. 544 of the Building Code of the City of Dubuque provided, to make a thorough investigation of Special Session, November 17th, 19.17 said building and report as to the condition of said building to the City Council. And,' Whereas, said Committee filed its report with this Council, dated October 18, 1947, stating, among other things that said build- ing is a fire hazard, menace to ad- joining property and recommended its demolition. And, Whereas, this Council, by Resolution 155-47, caused and di- rected the Building Commissioner of the City of Dubuque to have notice served upon Rose Hoefflin et. al. and Lena Kleih the owners of the building on the premises above described, informing them that they might appear before the City Council on November 17, 1947, at 7:30 p.m. and show cause, if any, why said building should not be declared a dangerous structure, a nuisance and abated. And, Whereas, said notice has been duly served as so provided; said notice, together with proof thereof, being now on file in the office of the City Clerk. Now, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: After a full and fair considera- tion of this matter, said Council finds that a building located on: The North 141/ feet of the South 2/5 of City Lot 444 (1334 Central Avenue) in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be, and the same is hereby declared to be a nuisance and it is ordered that the said building be abated and taken down cn or before the 1st day of July, 1948. Be It Further Resolved, that the Building Commissioner be, and he is hereby directed to serve upon Rose Hoefflin et. al, and Lena Xleih a written notice requiring said nuisance to be abated and taken down on or before the Ist day of July, 1948, attaching to said Notice, a copy of this Resolution. Passed, adopted and approved this 17th day of November, 1947. GEO. R. 1MLJRPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. Tl1o.\IPSON, ALLIII,It ' \V'IIARTON, \V'. AV'. 'I o l� PATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk 329 Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor ]Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS To: Antoinette M. Scharle: Pursuant to the directions of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, you are hereby notified to appear before said Council at a meeting to be held by it in the Council Chamber in the City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 17, 1947, and show cause why cer- tain buildings owned by you and located at 534 Rhomberg Avenue on Lots 23 and 24 of High Street Sub. in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, should not be declared a nuisance and abated as provided by the Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. You are further notified that all prior proceedings pursuant to which this notice is given are on file in the office of the City Clerk, where they are open for public inspection and full information. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 5th day of November, 1947. CITY OF DUBUQUE, By Donald J. Bandy Building Inspector County of Dubuque State of Iowa I ss This is to certify that I served a copy of the above notice upon An- toinette M. Scharle this 5th day of November, 1947. DONALD J. BANDY Building Inspector Subscribed and Sworn before me Geraldine L. Demkier, a Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, State of Iowa, on this 5th clay of November, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa Councilman Van Duehnan moved that the return of service of Build- ing Inspector Bandy be received and made a matter of record. Sec- onded by C-ounciluran Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Peas—Mayur :Murphy, Council- 330 Special Session, November 17th, 1947 mey Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 167-47 Whereas there was filed with the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, a report dated August 30. 1947, signed by the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Electrical In- spector, Plumbing Inspector and Representatives of the Health De- partment, setting forth, among oth- er things, that a certain building on: Lots 23 and 24 of High Street Sub. in the City of Dubuque, Kowa (534 Rhomberg Ave.) was in a dangerous condition and a menace to adjoining property. And, Whereas, thereafter, a com- mittee of three was appointed as by Sec. 544 of the Building Code of the City of Dubuque provided, to make a thorough investigation of said building and report as to the condition of said building to the City Council. filed its report with this Council, dated October 18, 1947, stating And, Whereas, said committee among other things that said build- ing is a fire hazard, menace to adjoining property and recom- mended its demolition. And, Whereas, this Council, by Resolution 156.47, caused and di- rected the Building Commissioner of the City of Dubuque to have no- tice served upon Antoinette M. Scharle, the owner of the building on the premises above described, informing her that she might ap- pear before the City Council on November 17, 1947 at 7:30 p.m. and show cause, if any, why said build- ing should not be declared a dan- gerous structure, a nuisance and abated. And, Whereas, said Notice has been duly served as so provided; said notice, together with proof thereof, being now on file in the office of the City Clerk. Now, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: After a full and fair considera- tion of this matter, said Council finds that a building located on: Lots 23 and 24 of High Street Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa (534 Rhomberg Ave.) be, and the same is hereby declared to be a nuisance and it is ordered that the said building be abated and taken down on or before the 1st day of February, 1948. Be It Further Resolved, that the Building Commissioner be, and he is hereby directed to serve upon Antoinette M. Scharle a written no- tice requiring said nuisance to be abated and taken down on or be- fore the l.st day of February 1948, attaching to said Notice, a copy of this Resolution. Passed, adopted and approved this 17th day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. November 7, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In regard to the condemnation of certain buildings owned by Anna Appel et. al. and notices to be served, I am pleased to inform you all the buildings have been demolished by the own- ers prompt action. Therefore no further proceedings are necessary. Respectfully submitted, DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of Building In- spector Bandy be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Communication of Laramore and Douglass Inc. enclosing three copies of a draft of the proposed ordinance fixing the gas rates for The Key City Gas Company, pre- sented and read. Special Session, November 17th, 1947 331 Ordinance No. 31-47 An Ordinance fixing and estab- lishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of gas for residential, commercial, industrial, and other uses and purposes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa; fixing and reg- ulating the method of service there- of, prescribing a penalty for viola- tion thereof; repealing all ordin- ances and resolutions in conflict herewith; and declaring an emer- gency, presented and read. Councilman Van Dulman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the Pur- pose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded ;)Y Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of J. C. Donahue submitting offer in the amount of $40.00 for the purchase of the Piece of ground just east of Lots 4 ane 5 in Randall's Sub. No. 2, presentee and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Leo L. Hartmann, Jr. asking permission to run a sanitary sewer from his residence at 2816 Balke Street to a manhole at the corner of Balks Street and Law- ther, a distance of approximately ninety feet, with the understand- ing that he would undergo the ex- penses of putting in this sewer and that any one desiring to con- nect with this sewer in the future would first have to Pay Leo L. Hartmann, Jr. a proportionate part of the initial cost of said sewer before connecting, and further that it is also agreed that at any time the City of Dubuque would run the sewer past his property that he would not be assessed, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor to prepare the proper proceedings. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Sisters of Charity, B.V.M. et al, residents of Bluff, Emmett and St. Mary's Streets, re- questing the placing of a street light at the corner of Emmett & Bluff Streets, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, COullcil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Petition of St. :Mary's orphan Home requesting that permission be granted to St. Mary's Orphan Home, now under construction on Carter Road, to extend a sanitary sewer line on Asbury Road to con- nect the new line with the sani- 332 Special Session, November 17th, 1947 tary sewer on Asbury Road, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of F. V. Baxter, Realtor, stating that the County Board of Supervisors requests the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, to petition the County Board of Sup- ervisors for the cancellation of the 1930-1931-1932 taxes on the undi- vided one half of Lpt 8 in Mc- Grath's Subdivision, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 30-47 An Ordinance amending "Ordin- ance No. 7-47 being an Ordinance relating to traffic and regulating the use of public streets, prescrib- ing regulations relative to the park- ing of vehicles, providing for the purchase, rental, supervision and control of the use of parking meters, etc.," by extending the Parking meter zones and provid- ing regulations for the use thereof, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on November 10th, 1947, and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was pre- sented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 30-47 :An nr,lin;me,• amending "Ordinance ing an Ordin;uu•e rnla(ing to lr,il'lio puri ref;nhttink' tile use of public >u•�rl s, Iresc•ribing' regula- ti�uts rolnti�• I„ Cho p;u•kin;; of ve. hi�•I�s, nnei�liu:� fin• rho I,urehase, r,•nlnl• �up�r�isi�at ;incl ,­11tr'ol, of the n<�• "I' I�,n9c1nR' itotot•s, etc•.", by ex- Ion�lntq tLc parking;' nn•tor zones and providin„; n•gulations for the Ilse Uua,•�i. It]', IT I,:NACTh11> 13Y THE CITY C(tl"N('II, OP THE CITY OF DU. (mtlinalwl, No, 7-47 be and the s:nn, is h,•rcby atncnded. S- I. By NtrikinK out Section thereof and substituting therefore the following: "Sec. 2. The following portions of streets are hereby established as" parking meter zones: a. Central Avenue, from the inter- section at Sixth Street and Central Avenue to the intersection at Tenth Street and Central Avenue; and from the intersection at Twelfth Street and Central Avenue to the intersection at Fourteenth Street and Central Ave- nue. b. Iowa Street, from the intersec. tion at Sixth and Iowa Streets to the Intersection at Tenth and Iowa Streets. c.plain Street from the intersec- tion at Fourth and Main Streets to the intersection at Eleventh and Main Streets. d. Locust Street, from the inter- section at Fifth and Locust Streets to the intersection at Tenth and Locust Streets. e. Bluff Street, from the intersec- tion at Sixth and Bluff Streets to the Intersection at Tenth and Bluff Streets. f'Fifth Street, on the northerly side thereof from the alley between 211afn and Locust Streets to the alley between Main and Iowa Streets. F. Sixth Street, Seventh . Street, Eighth Street, Ninth Street, from where said Streets intersect Central Avenue to where said streets inter- sect Bluff Street. It. Tenth Street, from Tenth and Locust Streets to Tenth and Iowa Streets. Sec. 2. That Section 6 of Ordinance No. 7-47 be, and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom the following: "except Friday, and on Friday the hours shall be from 9:00 o'clock a. M. to 9:00 0, clock p. m. Sec. 3. That Section 6a of Ordi- nance No. 7-47 be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. By striking out ' Section , thereof and substituting therefor the following: "Sec. 7. PaPking meters when in- stalled and properly operated, shall Ile so adjusted as to show legal park- ing during a period of twelve min- utes upon and after the deposit of a one cent coin, 24 minutes upon and after the deposit of two one cent coins, 36 minutes upon and after the deposit of three one cent coins, 48 minutes upon and after the deposit of four one cent coins, 60 minutes upon and after the deposit of five one cent coins, or 60 minutes upon and after the deposit of one five cent coin front Seventh street to Ninth Street ua .Clain, and on h.ighth Ave. from :\Iain to Locust Street. All other parking meters when }n - stalled and properly operated, shall be so adjusted as to show legal parking during a period of 12 minutes upon and after the deposit of a one cent coin, 24 minutes upon and after the deposit of two one cent coins, 36 min - Utes upon and after the cLy,osit of three one cent coins, 48 minutes upon ;tnd after the deposit of four one cent coins, 60 minutes upon and aft,•r the deposit of five une cent coins or ono five cent coin and upon the (It -posit of live one cent coins and of one five cent coin of upon the deposit of two five cent coins 120 minutes. All coins Special Session, November 17th, 1947 333 above referred to shall be of the United States of America." Sec. 5. That Section 8, Ordinance No. 7-47, be, and the same is herebv amended by striking out "a one cent coin or a five cent coin' and supbstituting therefor, "such coins" Sea G. All ordinances or parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec.. 7. This ordinance being deemed urgent and for the protection and preservation of Public Health, peace and safety, shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council and publication, as provident by law. Passed upon first reading this IOti, day of November, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this lith day of Novem- ber, 1947. GEO It. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, Cite Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newsl,aper this 19th day of November, 1947. J. J. Sr117A, City Clerk. Councilman Wharton proved the adoption of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Wharton moved that the City Solicitor be directed to review the present traffic ordin- ance and to suggest to the City Council for their consideration any changes that he deems advisable. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice before the Civil Aero- nautics Board in the matter of the petition of Parks Air Transport, Inc. for issuance of Temporary Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (including application for consolidation of Parks routes from Moline to Galesburg to In- dianapolis) presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Notice be referred to the City Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor .Murphy, Council - ]nen Moffatt, Thjmpson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice before the Civil Aero- nautics Board in the matter of the application of Parks Air Transport Inc. for a Temporary Exemption fom the Provisions of Section 401 (a) of the Civil _Aeronautics Act of 1938 as Amended insofar as that Section would otherwise prevent service to Janesville -Beloit as an alternate to Rockford on Parks' route from Chicago to Sioux City unit the Rockford airport is ade- quate; and Peoria as an alternate to Galesburg betwaen Burlington and Kewanee on the Chicago -Des Moines route until the Galesburg Airport is adequate; and Janes- ville -Beloit as an altrnate to Rockford on Parks' ]route from Mil- waukee to Des Moines until the Rockford Airport is adequate; and Moline as an alternate to Gales- burg otl Parks' combined routes from Indianapolis to Galesburg and Galesburg to Moline until the Galesburg airport is adequate; and Janesville -Beloit as an alternate to Rockford on Parks' St. Louis -Rock- ford route until the Rockford air port is adequate, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Notice be referred to the City Council. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. State of Iowa County of Dubuque J ss I, Alois A. Kaufman, secretary of the Dubuque City Assessor Ex- amining Board, do hereby certify that at an examination of candi- dates to fill the position of Deputy City Assessor, the following per- sons took said examination and were graded as follows: Pct. on P,.I. on 'lal,l Ilral Wl itlen Pct. Michael E. Cahill .... 49 17.1 66.7 Carl A. Clark .. ....... 65 20.4 85.4 Albert J. Howe .... ...45 18.0 63.0 John C. McQuillen . 65 13.8 78.8 Clem J. Manneman .._62 19.2 81.2 John C. Nelson ..... 62 21.6 83.6 John J, Shea ... _ 65 18.3 83.3 Therefore and in accordance with Section 405.8 of the 1946 Code of 334 Special Session, November 17th, 1947 Iowa as amended the following' candidates having passed with an average of seventy per cent or bet- ter are placed on the eligible list for appointment to the position of Deputy City Assessor. 86 4 Carl Anthony Clark ":....83.6 John Charles Nelson ............. John Joseph Shea .......................83.3 Clem John Manneman ...............81.2 John C. McQuillan ......................78.8 In Witness Whereof, I have here- unto set my hand this 13th day of November, A.D. 1947. ALOIS A. KAUFMANN, Secretary of the Dubuque City Assessor Examining Board. Councilman Wharton moved that the report of Alois A. Kaufmann, Secretary of the Dubuque City As- sessor Examining Board be receiv- ed and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa November 15th, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commmis- sion conducted a promotional ex- amination, as of November 10th, 1947, for those seeking the position of Chief Engineer, Water Depart- ment. The following is a list of those who passed the written examina- tion with an average of 70% or better. Name Average Melvin W. Williams ...........871/2% William M. Snyder ......... 83 % Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairman C. S. HARKER, R. M. BENN, Commissioaers J. J. SHEA, Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER Notary Public Councilman Thompson moved that the report of the Civil Service Commigsion be received .and made 1 matter of record. Seconded by ,ouncilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa November 15th, 1947 To the Honorable :Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa- Gentlemen: owaGentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commis- sion conducted a promotional ex- amination, as of November 10th, 1947, for those seeking the position of Accountant in the Water De- partment. The following is a list of those who passed the written examina- tion with an average of 70% or better Name Average Allen C. Kane ..........................901/2% Charles J. Abraham ................821/2% Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairman C. S. HARKER, R. M. BENN, Commissioners J. J. SHEA, Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public Councilman Moffatt moved that the report of the Civil Service Com- mission be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelma.n. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa November 15th, 1947 To the Honorable .Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission conducted promotional examina- tions, as of November 10th, 1947, for those seeking the positions of Foreman and Assistant Foreman of the Sewer and Street Departments. Special Session, November 17th, 1947 335 The following is. a list of those who passed the written examina- tion with an average of 70% or better. Foreman Name Average Alphonse C. Kane ......................92% Assistant Foreman Name Average Andrew Coffee ...........................90% Conrad C. Meyer .....................76% Howard T. Boardman ..............72% Mathias A. Welu ........................71% Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairman C. S. HARKER, R. M. BENN, Commissioners J. J. SHEA, Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public Councilman Van Duelman moved that the report of the Civil Service Commission be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. i)ubuque, Iowa November 17th, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission conducted an entrance examination, as of November 14th, 1947, for those seeking the position of Clerk - Stenographer. The following is a list of those who passed the written examina- tion with an average of 70% or better. Name Average Mary J. Carr .... .........................80% Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairman C. S. HARKER, R. M. BENN, Commissioners J. J. SHEA, Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of November, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public Councilman Moffatt moved that the report of the Civil Service Commission be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa November 17th, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission conducted an entrance examina- tion, as of November 14th, 1947, for those seeking the position of As- sistant Engineer, Pumping Station, Water Department. The following is a list of those who passed the written examina- tion with an average of 70% or better. Name Average Cletus G. Hoffman ...................86% Edward K. Schneller .................76% Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairman C. S. HARKER, R. M. BENN, Commissioners J. J. SHE, Clerk Subscribed ,and sworn to before me this 17th day of November, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Pubic Councilman Van Duelman moved that the report of the Civil Service Commission be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. November 1.7, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Because of greatly increased merchandising and the 336 Special Session, November 17th, 1947 resultant congestion of trucking in the transportation of freight via motor trucks, I herewith recom- mend the following restrictions: That parking be restricted ex- cept for the purpose of loading or unloading in the following alleys: West of Main from Jones to Loras; East of Main from From First to Loras; West of Central from Fourth to Loras; East of Central front Fourth to Loras. That semi -trailer trucks be pro- hibited from unloading in these areas between the hours of 10:00 a.m, and 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, JOS. H. STRUB, Chief of Police Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of Chief of Po- lice Strub be referred to the City Solicitor to prepare a proper or- dinance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. November 10, 1947 Honorable Mayor and :Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Gussie M. Hagerty filed with the City Clerk and sub- mitted to me, I fail to see where- in the City is liable and recom- ntend that this claim be denied. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man. Wharton. Nays—None. November 14, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: 1 herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Department for the month of October, 1947, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of October, 1947. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor :Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. November 17, 1947 To the Honorable '_Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Lowa Gentlemen: Pursuant to your in- structions of November 3rd, I sub- mit a report on the condition of the Consolidated Fund as follows: There was appropriated for the fiscal year beginniltg April 1, 1947 and ending March 31, 1948 for all of the operations embraced by the Consolidated Fund the sum of $569,611.00. This amount was to be realized as follows: Balance on Hand ............ $ 60,000.00 From Taxes ...................... 368,905.00 Miscellaneous Revenues 95,000.00 Emergency Fund Trans- fer .................................. 23,996.00 State Liquor Fund ......... 21,710.00 Total ............ _... ...... $569,611.00 As of October 31, 1947 the total operating expenditures from the Consolidated Fund total $380,188.61. It appears that the receipts from taxes will be realized practically in full; that the miscellaneous rev- enue estimate will be considerably exceeded and that the newly en- acted law for the reimbursement of local taxing units for the loss through soldiers exemptions will furnish some ,additional money dur- ing the current year. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Wharton moved that the report of City :Tanager Rhom- berg be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt., Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Special Session, November 17th, 1947 337 Councilman Wharton moved that a 10% increase in pay for the per- iod from December 1, 1947 to April 1, 1948 be granted all City Em- ployees under the direct control of the City Council, who are not now receiving in excess of $5,000.00 per year compensation, said increase to be considered a special emergency increment only and to be paid by separate warrant. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. November 17, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have approved the following bond and policy and desire to have your approval on same for filing: EXCAVATION George F. Pinski, 198 Main Street Policy No. P 315081 The Fidelity & Casualty Co. Ideal Plumbing & Heating Co., Maryland Casualty Co. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Moffatt moved that the bonds be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 168-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within tloe City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address Victory Chub, (Transfer of ad- dress from 9511/2 Main Street), 326 Main Street. Raymond M. and Evelyn Galliart, 1405 Dodge Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 17th day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 169.47 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the following applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Herbert Meyer and Walter Meyer 735 Central Avenue. Robert A. Lange and John D. Paine, 2616 Windsor Avenue. CLASS "C" PERMIT Frank J. Pusateri, 1296 Central Avenue. Val J. Pins and Helen Pins, 892 Cleveland Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 17th day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK \':1N DUELMAN, F. W. Tlln\l !'SON, ALBERT \\'! 1:\RTON, W. W. %101, FATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded 338 Special Session, November 17th, 1947 by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Council- Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 170-47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits Fere filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc. cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Herbert Meyer and Walter Meyer 735 Central Avenue CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRI- VATE CLUB The Victory Club, (Transfer of address from 951% Main Street), 326 Main Street. CLASS "C" PERMIT Frank J. Pusateri, 1296 Central Avenue. Val J. Pins and Helen Pins, 892 Cleveland Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 17th day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays --None. Thee being no further business Councilman Van Duelman moved to tdjourn. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following rote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council - nen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- nan, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Approved II�y�/ 1948. Adopted /. 1948. . ................... . . Councilmen: j-........�..%::°...� Attest: 1.).A.A210L . City Clerk. Special Session, November 24th, 1947 339 City Council (Official) Special Session, November 24th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 p.m. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. City 11anager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Van Duelman and Moffatt. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of considerhig • fol° 1inat adoption Or- dinance No. 31-47. An Ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of gas for residential, commercial, indus- trial, and other uses and purposes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa; fixing and regulating the method of service thereof; prescribing a pen- alty for violation thereof; repeal- ing all ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency, and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. November 10, 1947 File No. E-276 Mr. A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager, Dubuque, Iowa Dear Mr. Rhomberg: We are en- closing three (3) copies of a draft of the proposed ordinance fixing the gas rates for The Key City Gas Company. We have endeavored to follow the general form of the rate Or- dinance of the Interstate Power Company, and believe it covers all points in question. Very truly vours. LARAMORE and DOUGLASS, INC. Eugene C. Lang, Supervising Engineer Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 31-47 An Ordinance fixing and estab- lishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of gas for residential, commercial, industrial, and other uses and purposes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa; fixing and regu- lating the method of service there- of; prescribing a penalty for viola- tion thereof; repealing all ordin- ances and resolutions in conflict herewith; and declaring an emer- gency, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on No- vember 17th, 1947, and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection 'for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 31-47 An Ordinance fixing and establish- ing rates to be charged for the furn- ishing of gab for residential, com- mercial, industrial, and other uses and purposes within the City of I,tubuque, Iowa; fixing and regulating the meth- od of service thereof; prescribing a penalty for violation thereof; repeal- ing all ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: RATES FIXED: Section 1. Commencing with all meter readings on and after Decem- ber 1, 1947, the rates to be charged for gas for residential, commercial, in- clustrial, and other uses and purposes by any person, firm, or corporation supplying gas within the City of Du- buque, except as herein otherwise provided, shall be fixed and deter- mined as follows: SCHEDULE 1 GENERAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: This rate is available for general service to all residential users of gay having neither an automatic water heater nor house heating equipment and to all commercial and industrial users of gas for general purposes In- cluding, at their option, gas used for automatic water heating and/or space heating. RATE: 500 Cu. Ft. or less per meter per month—$1.00 net I= Cubic Feet per teeter per month —$1.10 Net 700 Cubic Feet per meter per month —$1.20 Net so0 Cubic Feet per meter per month —$1.30 Net goo Cubic. Feet per meter per month Net First :i000 Cultic Feet per month— $1.40 per M. Cubic Feet Net Next 40011 Cubic Feet per month --- $1.35 per M. Cubic Feet Net Next 6000 Cubic Feet per -nonth— $1.30 per M. Cuhie Feet Net Next 3000 Cubic, Feet per month - $1.25 per Al. CubicFeet Net Next 10000 Cubic Feet per month— $1.15 per M. Cubic Feet Net 340 Special Session, November 24th, 1947 Next 20000 Cubic Feet per month— $1.05 per M. Cubicbic Feet Per eet Net Next 50000 .95 per M. Cubic Feet Net Next 50000 Cubic Feet per month— .90 per At. Cubic Feet Net All in excess of 150,000 Cubic Feet .70 per M. Cubic Feet Net Minimum monthly charge: $1.00 per Meter. PROMPT PAYMENT: Customers monthly bills shall le computed at the net rate and there shall be added to all bills of $1.35 or less, a charge of 10c and to all bills in excess of $1.35, a charge equal to the quantity of gas consumed at 10c per 1000 Cubic Feet, which charges shall be collected from those custom- ers who fail to pay their net bill with - In ten (10) days from and after date thereof. SCHEDULE 2 COMBINATION RESIDENTIAL AU- TOMATIC WATER HEATING AND/OR HOUSE HEATING SERVICE AVAILABILITY: This rate is available to all resi- dential users of gas having an auto- matic gas water heating unit and/o• a gas house heating unit regardless of other gas appliances. All gas to be supplied through one meter. RATE: 500 Cu. Ft. or less per meter per month—$1.00 Net 600 Cubic Feet per meter per month —$1.10 Net 700 Cubic Feet per meter per month —$1.20 Net 800 Cubic Feet per meter per month —$1.30 Net 900 Cubic Feet per meter per month —$1.35 Net First 2000 Cubic Feet per Month— $1.40 per M. Cu. Ft. Net Next 1000 Cubic Feet per month— $1.10 per M. Cu. Ft. Net Next 7000 Cubic Feet per Month— .90 per At. Cut Ft. Net All in excess of 10,000 Cubic Feet Per Month— .70 Per M. Cu. Ft Net Minimum Monthly Charge: $1.00 Der Meter PROMPT PAYMENT: Cuctoue•s monthly bills shall ue computed at the net rate and there shall be added to all bils of $1.35 or less, a charge of 10c and to all bills in excess of $1.35, a charge equal to the gantity of gas consumed at 10c Per 1000 Cul;ic Feet, which charges shall be collected from those cus- tomers who fail to pay their net bill within ten (10) dans from and after date thereof. REGULATIONS: Customers desiring gas horse heat- ing service shall first ascertain Prom tire, person, firm or corporation sup- plying gae., if such service is avail- able at the desired location and then shall install only approved gas burn- ing apparatus in compliance with the supulier's safety requirements. SCHEDULE 3 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL_ AUTOMATIC WATER HEATING AND/OR SPACE HEATING SERVICE AVAILABILITY: ,chis rate is avnilal,le to all commer- clal and industrial •onsumers using an automatic gas water heater and/or automatic space heating equipment supplied with gas through a separate meter. Commercial consumers shall Include all restaurants, business houses, apartment buildings, except where each tenant has a separate meter, churches, and institutions. DEFINITION OF AN APARTMENT: (a) An apartment is defined as a portion of a building consisting of two or more rooms, equipped for living purposes. (b) In buildings where five or more rooms, exclusive of apartments sre rented or are for rent, each five rooms or fraction thereof, (real estate rating), exclusive of apartments, shall be counted as an apartment. RATE: 90c per M. Cubic Feet per Month Net. Minimum monthly charge: $1.00 mer Meter. PROMPT PAYMENT: Customers monthly bills shall be computed at the net rate and there shall be added to the total net bill a charge equal to the quantity of gas consumed at 10c per 1000 cubic feet, which charge shall be collected from those customers who fail to pay the net bill within ten (10) days from and after the date of the kill. METER SERVICE: Section 2. No person, firm, or cor- poration suppying gas shall install :Lny meter or• meters upon a customer's premise for the purpose of measuring gas to be supplied to said customer unless and until sucn meter has been Properly calibrated and adjusted with- in a period of six (6) months preceed- ing date of installation upon a .ats- tomer's premise so that the error in registration at rated meter capacity is within two per cent (2%) of accur- acy. Any meter installed upon a vs- tomer's premise ;hall bear a label clearly indicating thr date that said meter was tested and recalibrated. No meter shall be kept In service which has not been recalibrated with- in a five year period The person, firm, or corporation supplying gas in the City of Dubuque shall keep on file a record of the test of each meter, installed upon or re- tztined in service upon the customer's Premise after test, which record shall be available for Inspection by of- ficials of the City of Dubuque. Such record as filedshall indicate the came of the manufacturer of said meter,its serial number, type, ca- pacity, numrber assigned to it by its 0wrier, name and address of the .:us - tomer where said meter was in serv- ice prior to said test, and date of last previous test, together with the percentage of err.,r alove or below accuracy, as dis;•losed by said test. Meters shall he adjusted to register within plus or minus two per cent (2l) of acru:acy :It lull load. PENALTY: Section 3. No person, firm, or cor- poration, who shall change ar exact other or different rates and charges for any type of service, the rates for which service are hereln fixed and determined, or who shall violate any of the l,rovisions hereof, shall be deemed guilty of a disdemeanor and Special Session, November 24th, 1947 341 upon conviction thereof shall be fined not to exceed $100.00, or imprisoned not to exceed thirty 00) days In sail. REPEAL CLAUSE: Section 4. All ordinances, parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict herewith or in any manner relating to the subject matter hereof, be, and the same are hereby repealed. PUBLICATION: Section ;. This ordinance being deemed urgent and of immediate ne- cessity and in the interest of the pub- lic peace and safety shall be in ef- fect from and after its final passage, adoption, and approval by the Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque and publi- cation as provided by law. Passed, upon first reading chis 17th day of November, 1947. Passed, adopted, and approved upon final reading this 24ta day of Novem- ber, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY. Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. .1. SHEA, City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 26th day of November, 1947. J. J. SHEA, 11-26-1t. City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due] - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Attorney R. N. Russo addressee the. Council stating that he had been retained by the Amvets on behalf of Robert J. O'Brien, an applicant for the position of Police- man on the Police Department, and submitting a verbal protest relative to the action taken by the Police- men's Pension and Retirement Board in disqualifying and failing to certify the name of Robert J. O'Brien as having passed his physi- cal examination and requesting that the name of Roberi J O'Brien be restored on the eligible list for app011htment to the position of Policeman on the Police Depart- ment. Councilman Moffatt moved that this matter be l urned over to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men, Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of St. Clara College, Sin- sinawa, Wisconsin, by O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, Its Attorneys, requesting Council to give the mat- ter of Platt Street Extension pre- ferred attention and advising that St. Clara College is now ready to proceed with the improvement of Mazzuchelli Heights in the con. struction of its hospital and con- valescent home but prior thereto desires to have accepted its offer for the permanent improvement of said Platt Street as extended, pre. sented and read. Attorney Francis O'Connor ad- dressed the Council in support of the petition of St. Clara College, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the City Council, City Manager and City Solicitor for their considera- tion. Seconded by Councilman Mof. fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Miss Edith Groff in an unstated amount for in- juries received in a fall on an up- raised block of sidewalk at 1789 University Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investiga. tion and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due] - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the Dubuque Retail Merchants requesting permission to connect the electric lighting needed for the Christmas street 342 Special Session, November 24th, 1947 decorations with the city street lighting system, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted and the work to be done under the super- vision of the Electrical Inspector. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. November 18, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, City Hall Dubuque, Iowa Honorable Sirs: I respectfully request that Your Honorable Body draw up a City Ordinance, prohib- iting the parking of a vehicle of any kind underneath fire escapes in the alleys of the City of Du- buque. The bottom half of the fire es- cape must be lowered to the ground or alley level, in order that the people may use this means of exit from a building during a fire or other emergency, when a vehicle is parked underneath the fire es- cape this cannot be lowered to the ground, rendering the fire escape unfit for use. Respectfully yours, THOS. C. HICKSON, Chief of Fire Dept. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication of Fire Chief Hickson be referred to the City Solicitor to include the request in the amendment now being pre - Pared to the Traffic Code. Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. November 18, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa Honorable Sirs• I respectfully re- quest that Your Honorable Body draw up a City Ordinance, giving the Chief of the Fire Department, or a. member of the Fire Depart- ment who may be assigned by the Chief of the Department, the pow. er to compel the removal of any and all fire hazards from inside or outside a building within the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Violation of this ordinance to be punishable by a fine, the amount of the fine to be set by the City Council. Time for removal of the hazard to be set by the Chief, or member of the Fire Department who may be assigned by the Chief of the Department. Respectfully yours, THOS. C. HICKSON, Chief of Fire Dept. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication of Fire Chief Hickson be referred to the City Solicitor to confer with the Fire Chief relative to the request embodied in the communication. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. November 19, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Regarding the peti- tion of H. E. Coffey requesting per- mission to build a Harnischfeger pre -assembled home in the City of Dubuque. I have examined the plans of this building and it is of sound con- struction. The WIdings are being erected in other cities in Iowa and I would respectfully recommend the Building Inspector be instruct- ed to issue a permit to erect one Harnischfeger pre -assembled home. Respectfully submitted, DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of Building Inspector Bandy be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, Dubuque, Iowa November 19, 1947 Dubuque City Council Mr. George Murphy, Mayor City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa Having been appointed City As- sessor in and for the City of Du- Special Session, November 24th, 1947 343 buque, Julien Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, according to Section 405.4 of the 1946 Code of Iowa, as amended, and having been furnish- ed with •a certified list of candi- dates by the Examining Board ac- cording to Section 405.8 of the 1946 Code of Iowa, as amended, I hereby appoint the following Depu- ty Assessors subject to the approv- al of your body as required by law: Chief Deputy—Carl Anthony Clark Deputy—Clem John Manneman Deputy—John C. McQuillen Deputy—John Charles Nelson Sincerely yours, HARRY J. HANOVER, Assessor in and for City of Dubuque Councilman Thompson moved that the appointments be approved and made a matter of record. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Civil Ser- vice Commission submitting report certifying the names of those who passed the written examination for positions on the Police. Department on November 14, 1947 and now have passed their physical exam- inations as certified by the Police - mens Pension and Retirement Board, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be held in abey- ance until a further report is re- ceived by the City Council from the Civil Service Commission. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Maylor Murphy, Council- men Mofa.ftt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 32.47 An Ordinance creating the of- fice of Building Courmissioner, pro- viding the qualifications for said office and the appointment of a Building Commissioner, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate clays. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Cbuncil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelm,an moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Murphy, Cpuncil- men \h ffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man. 'XMarton. Nay- None. Resolution No. 171-47 Whereas, Leo L. Hartmann, Jr., has filed an Application with the City Council requesting permission to run a sanitary sewer from 2816 Balke Street to a manhole at the corner of Balke Street and Law- ther, under certain stipulated con- ditions. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be, and the same is hereby granted to Leo L. Hartmann, Jr. to run a sanitary sewer from 2816 Balke Street to a manhole at the corner of Balke Street and Lawther. Section 2. That the construction of said sewer, which includes the type of pipe .and location thereof, shall be done only under the sup- ervision of the City Engineer. Section 3. That the total cost of the construction of said sewer shall be paid by Leo L. Hartmann, Jr., and no part thereof :;Ball be borne by the City of Dubuque. Section 4. That after said sewer has been laid and completed, the street shall be put back in as good condition as it was before it was torn up for the purpose of receiv- ing eceiveing said sewer, at the cost of Leo L. Hartmann, Jr., and said Leo L. Hartmann, Jr, shall be held respon- sible for any and all damage which 344 Special Session, November 24th, 1947 may arise out of the• construction thereof, failure to properly guard the excavations and restore the street to the condition it was 'in before the construction began. Section 5. That after said sani- tary sewer has been constructed, all persons living along and ad- jacent to said sewer shall have the right to connect therewith, but such right shall only he granted upon proper application being made to the City Council -and by paying to Leo L. Hartman, Jr., his suc- cessors or •assigns, or depositing in the office of the City Clerk for Leo L. Hartman, Jr.; the appli- cants' proportionate part of the cost of constructing said sewer based on the lineal frontage of his property abutting on said street, but in no event shall the amount to be paid by applicant exceed the amount that may be levied under law for the construction of said sewer. Within 60 days after the completion of said sewer applicant shall file with the City Clerk a statement under oath showing an Itemized account of the cost there- of. Section 6. That this Resolution shall be effective and in force and effect from and after its passage and adoption by the Council, and written acceptance thereof by ap- plicant. Passed, adopted and approved this 24th day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION. Leo L. Hartmann, Jr., having read the foregoing Resolution, and hay. Ing full knowledge of the terms and conditions thereof, hereby accepts the same as adopted, and agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions, and assuanes all liabilities imposed upon him, inN cluding those set forth in Section 4. ,r.;. , Executed this 5th day of Decenn- ber, 1947. LEO L. HARTMANN, JR. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ma•n, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 172.47 Whereas, Applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the following applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name. Address. Opal Gilmer and Rollin E. Mur- ray, 310 East 30th Street. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB. The Victory Club, 326 Main Street. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT. Agnes Zahina, 2649 Windsor Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 24th day of November, 19.17. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 173-47 Whereas, Heretofore applica- tions for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicant's r nd they have received the approval of this Qouncil; and 4"' ••,y Whereas,` the premises to -be' oc- cupied by such eapplicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this Special Session, November 24th, 1947 345 City and they have filed a proper bond; Now, Therefore, . Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man. ager be and he is hereby directed to isue to the following named ap- plicants a Beer Permit: CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB. Name. Address. The Victory Club, 326 Main Street. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT. Agnes Zahina, 2649 Windsor Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bands filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 24th day of November, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man Wharton. Nays—Nous. There being no further business Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City Plerk Approved ,�,...I 1948 Adopted 1r, Councilmen;a.:.: Attest: V� vCity Clerk. Regular Session, December 1st, 1947 347 City Council (Official) Regular Session, December 1st, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P. M. amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 44. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Present—Mayor Murphy, Coun- Nays—None. cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. City Manager Petition of Wm. Horne request- Rhomberg. ing a refund in the amount of $50.00 Mayor Murphy stated that this is on the unexpired portion of his Cig- the regular monthly meeting of the arette Permit No. 113 as he has dis- City Council for the purpose of act- continued business on December 1. ing upon such business as may pro- 1947, presented and read. perly come before the meeting. Councilman Moffatt moved that Councilman Thompson in o v e d the request be granted and the City that the rules be suspended for the Auditor instructed to draw a war - purpose of allowing any one pres- rant in the amount of $50.00 in ent in the Council Chamber, who favor of Wm. Horne to cover the wishes to do so, to address the amount of refund granted on the Council. Seconded by Councilman unexpired portion of his Cigarette Wharton. Carried by the following Permit No. 113. Seconded by Coun- vote: cilman Van Duelman. Carried by Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. the following vote: men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- man, Wharton. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Nays—None. man, Wharton. Mr. Nick Grommersch addressed Nays—None. the Council in regard to bus ser- Communication of the National vice on the Park Hill District and Safety Council stating that they are again undertaking an annual cam - on Kaufmann Avenue, paign to reduce accidents during Petition of Thos. Flynn Coal Co., by Thos. L. Flynn, requesting an the year-end holiday and enclosing a suggested statement to be given extension of time for the comple- I to the press, presented and read. tion of the contract for the paving Councilman Thompson in o v e d of Audubon Street, presented and that the request be received and read. ordered complied with. Seconded Councilman Wharton moved that by Councilman Van Duelman. Car - the request be granted and an ex- ried by the following vote: tension of time given until May 31, yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council - 1948, providing that the consent of men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - the Bonding Company is obtained man, Wharton. as to the extension of time Nays—None. granted. Seconded by Councilman Petition of Julius D. Jenkins and Moffatt. Carried by the following Frank J. FitzPatrick requesting a vote: refund in the amount of $100.00 on Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- the unexpired portion of their Class men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- „B„ Beer Permit No. 77 as they man, Wharton. have discontinued business on Nays—None. November 3, 1947, presented and Petition of Wm. Horne request- read. ing a refund in the amount of Councilman Van Duelman moved $100.00 on the unexpired portion of that the request to granted and the his class "B" Beer Permit No. 44 City Auditor instructed to draw a as he has discontinued business on warrant in the amount of $100.00 in December 1, 1947, presented and favor of Julius D. Jenkins and read. Frank J. Fitzpatrick to cover the Councilman Wharton moved that amount of refund granted on the the request be granted and the City unexpired portion of their Class Auditor instructed to draw a war- "B" Beer Permit No. 77. Seconded rant in the amount of $100.00 in by Councilman Wharton. Carried favor of Wm. Hone to cover the by the following vote: 348 Regular Session, December 1st, 1947 Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of October, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 32.47 An Ordinance creating the office of Building Commissioner, provid- ing the qualifications for said office and the appointment of .a Building Commissioner, said ordinance hav- ing been passed upon first reading on November 24th, 1947, and or- dered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adop- tion, was presented for final adop- tion. ORDINANCE NO. 32.47 An Ordinance creating the office of Building Commissioner, providing the qualifications for said office and the appointment of a Building Commis- sioner. Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: Sec. 1. There is hereby created the office of Building Commissioner of the City of Dubuque and such office is charged with the duty of enforcing the Building Code, Zoning Ordinartes and any other ordinances that may Pertain to building and zoning. Sec. 2. The Building Commissioner must be a person competent to carry out the intent and purpose of the Building Code, Zoning Ordinance and any other ordinance that may Per- tain to building and zoning. An archi- tect, structural or civil engineer ex- perienced in building a general con- tractor, a general superintendent hav- ing not less than 10 years experience, or any person regularly serving as building inspector in the City who has then five years of service as such building inspector, shall be considered competent to act qv Building Cout- missioner. Sec. 3. The City Manager of the City of Dubuque shall appoint a com- petent person to fill the office of Building Commissioner of the City of Dubuque, This person shall hold said office during the pleasure of the City Manager, or until his successor has been selected and qualified. Passed upon first reading, Novem- ber 24th, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 1st, day of Decem- ber, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON. ALBERT WHARTON. W. W. MOFFATT. Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 3rd clay of December, 1947. J. J. SHEA. 12 -3 -It. City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the, ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 33-47 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 10-37, entitled "Traffic Code -of the City of Dubuque" as amended by Ordinance No. 1-39, Ordinance No. 12-43 and Ordi- nance No, 9-44, by striking out certain provisions thereof and in- serting other provisions in lieu thereof, regulating the use of ve- hicles upon the streets and high- ways of the City of Dubuque and by repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be consid- ered the first reading of the ordi- nance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by •the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffaltt, Thompson, Van Duel - man Wharton. Nays --None. Councilman Van Duelnian moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- Regular Session, December 1st, 1947 349 men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays ---None. State of Iowa County of Dutuque j SS. This is to certify that I served a copy of the above resolution (Con- demnation Resolution No. 165-47) upon Marie and Nellie Clancy this 28th day of November, 1947. DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector. Subscribed and sworn before me, Geraldine L. Demkier, a Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa, on this 28th day of Novem- ber, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. Councilman Wharton moved that the Return of Service of Donald J. Bandy, Building Inspector, be re- ceived and made a matter of rec- ord. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. State of Iowa 1 SS. County of Dubuque J This is to certify that I served a copy of the above resolution (Con- demnation Resolution No. 166-47) upon Elissa McGill, Rose Hoeffiin, Mrs. Geo, Blasi, Lena Klieib, Frank Childers this 28th day of Novem- ber, 1947. DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector. Subscrit,ed and sworn before me, Geraldine L. Demkier, a Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, State of Iowa, on this 28th day of November, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. Councilman Whatton moved that the Return of Service of Donald J. Bandy, Building Inspector, be re- ceived and made a matter of rec. ord. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow. tng vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel man, Wharton. Nays—None. State of Iowa l SS. County of Dubuque j This is to certify that I served a 2opy of the above resolution (Con- iemnation Resolution N. 167-47) upon Antionette M. Scharle this 28th day of November, 1947. DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector. Subscribed and sworn before me, Geraldine L. Demkier, a Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, State of Iowa, on this 28th day of Novemt,er, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. Councilman Wharton moved that the Return of Service of Donald J. Bandy, Building Inspector, be re- ceived and made a matter of rec- ord. S e c o n d e d by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa, November 24th, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission conducted an entrance examination on November 14th, 1947, for those seeking the position of Policeman. The report certifying the names of those who passed their physical examinations was filed with the Civil Service Commission on No- vember 24th, 1947. The following is a list of those who passed both the physical and written examination with an aver- age of 70% or better. All future ap- pointments to the positions on the Police Department should be made from this list. Name Average Charles J. Jenaman ................. 81% Louis C. Palen..............................80% Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairman. C. S. HARKER, R. M. BENN, Commissioners. J. J. SHEA, Clerk. Subscrited and sworn to before 3j0 Reffular Session, December 1st, 1947 me this 24th day of November, 1947. JOHN A. BRADY, Notary Public. Councilman Thompson moved that the report of the Civil Service Commission be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa, December 1, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa. .. Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of ,the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission conducted an entrance examination on November 14th, 1947, for those seeking the position of Policeman. The report certifying the name of Robert J. O'Brien as having passed his physical examination was filed with the Civil Service Commission on November 28, 1947. Therefore the name of Robert J. O'Brien should be placed on the eligible list for appointments to the Position of Policeman as he has passed the written examination with an average of 92% and has now been certified by the Police Pension and Retirement Board as having passed his physical exam- ination. Name Average Robert J. O'Brien ........................92% Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairmen. C. S. HARKER, R. M. BENN, Commissioners. J. J. SHEA, Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of December, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the report of :the Civil Service Commission be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Dubuque, Iowa, December 1st, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa. . Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commission conducted an entrance examination on November 14th, 1947, for those seeking the position -of Fireman. The report certifying the names of those who passed their physical ex- aminations was filed with the Civil Service Commission on Novemt,er 28, 1947. The following is a list of those who passed both their written and physical examinations with an aver- age of 70% or better. All future ap- pointments to the positions on the Fire Department should be made from this list. Name Average Thos. Hogan.................................86% Edward J. Weber ........................83% Clifton M. Finney .... ..................82% Respectfully submitted, E. B. LYONS, Chairman. C. S. HARKER, R. M. BENN, Commissioners. J. J. SHEA, Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of December, 1947. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public. Councilman Moffattmoved that the report of the Civil Service Commission be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 174-47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the Provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within ithe City of Dubuque, to granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address Clifford Calvert and Bertha Cal- vert, 185 Main Street. Leroy G. Richman, 400 Rhomberg Avenue. Regular Session, December 1st, 1947 351 Opal Gilmer and Rollin E. Mur- ray, 310 East 30th Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with .the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 1st day of December, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man, Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 175-47 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name Address Frank J. Paar, 1828 Central Avenue. Frank T. O'Rourke and Mrs. Sa- rah Waldorf, 37 Eighth Avenue. The Page Hotel, 73-75 East Fourth Street. Leroy G. Richman, 400 Rhomberg Avenue. Charles T. Snyder and Elsie Sny- der, 543 Eighth Avenue. CLASS "C" PERMIT. Name Address Cruso A. Alba, 2601 Jackson Street. Leo Manahl, 785 Groveland Place. Passed, adopted and approved this 1st clay of December, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. . Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 176-47 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit: CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name Address Clifford Calvert and Bertha Cal- vert, 185 Main Street. Opal Gilmer and Rollin E. Mur- ray, 310 East 30th Street. Frank J. Paar, 1828 Central Avenue. Frank T. O'Rourke and Mrs. Sa- rah Waldorf, 37 Eighth Avenue. The Page Hotel, 73-75 East Fourth Street. Leroy G. Richman, 400 Rhomberg Avenue. Charles T. Snyder and Elsie Sny. der, 543 Eighth Avenue. CLASS "C" PERMIT. Cruso A. Alba, 2601 Jackson Street. Leo Manahl, 785 Groveland Place. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicant be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 1st day of December, 1947. GEO, R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded ty Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- 352 Regular Session, December 1st, 1947 men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the Mayor be authorized to is- sue a proclamation requesting that flags be placed at half mast on Thursday, December 4th, 1947, in recognition of the beginning of the Federal Program for the return of the remains of the war dead to their respective communities. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business, Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. � nn Approved .... ....Ut_. 1948 Adopted..M. ...3 vt.... 1948. Councilmen: Attest: ......... City Clerk. Special Session, December 19th, 1947 353 City Council (Official) Special Session, December 19th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. City M a n a g e r Rhomberg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Thompson and Van Duel - man. Mayor Murphy read ,the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of con- sidering for final adoption Ordi- nance No. 33-47. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 10-47, en- titled "TRAFFIC CODE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE" as amended by Ordinance No. 1-39, Ordinance No. 12-43 and Ordinance No. 9- 44, by striking out certain provis- ions thereof and inserting other provisions in lieu thereof, regulat- ing the use of vehicles upon the streets and highways of the City of Dubuque and by repealing all Ordi- nances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting oY the City Council. Petition of Homer V. Butt, Sr., et al, requesting that the proposed parking restrictive Ordinance be amended before final adoption by eliminating the restriction as it re- fers to the alleyway between Main and Iowa Streets and extending from West Twelfth Street to Loras Boulevard, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager, Chief of Police and Chief of Fire Department for investiga- tion and to submit a report upon suggested revisions in the parking ordinance. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Attorney Francis J. O'Connor ad- dressed the Council requesting that the petition of the Illinois Central Railroad Company and the Algon- quin Chemical Company, in which Petition the request was made that Lot 1 of Rock Cut Subdivision be zoned as heavy industrial area, be again taken up for consideration. After discussion of this petition, Councilman Wharton moved that the City Solicitor be instructed to contact the City Attorney at Ham- mond, Indiana, to ascertain if the sulphuric ,acid plant located there has been the cause of complaints and trouble. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man. Wharton. Nays—None. Attorney Francis J. O'Connor ad- dressed the Council requesting that the petition of St, Clara College, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin, relative to the paving of Platt Street exten- sion eastwardly to the south end of Cardiff Street be again taken up for consideration. After discussion of this petition C4ldhciluian Whar- ton moved; that the .Ct* Engineer be instructed to prepare a plat and schedule showing the cost of con- struction, with different types of pavement, for the extension of Platt Street from James Street to Cardiff Street. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Anton Schmitz in an unstated amount for injuries received in a fall on an icy side- walk in front of the Riedl's resi- dence at 711 East 22nd. Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solici- tor for investigation and report. 354 Special Session, December 19th, 1947 Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Anna May Lyons in .the amount of $2,500.00 for injuries received in a fall caus- ed by an open space or void in the sidewalk on the west side of White Street at the north- west corner of Tenth a n d White Streets, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Original Notice of Suit of Clar- ence Bowen ,and Bessie Bowen in the amount of $3,000.00 for dama- ges caused at their residence at No. 2975 Windsor Avenue as the result of the backing up of the sani- tary sewer into said residence, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the Original Notice of Suit be referred to the City Solicitor. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of War Depart- ment United States Engineer Office, Rock Island, Illinois, of notice of public hearing to be held at the Chamber of Commerce Building, Dubuque, Iowa, on January 6, 1948, at 2:00 P. M. to consider the advis. ability of providing harbors along the Mississippi River for the pur- 'pose of accomodating commercial tows, barges, small craft, and other vessels, presented and read. Coun- cilman Wharton moved that City Manager Rhomberg be requested to attend the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of War Depart- ment United States Engineer Office, Rock Island, Illinois, of notice of requests for extension of permits, issued under authority of the Sec- retary of the Army, to Molo Sand & Gravel Company, Dubuque Board of Dock Commissioners, Dubuque Boat & Boiler Company, for the purpose of dredging sand and gravel in the Mississippi River for commercial purposes, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Board of Dock Com- missioners. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Eastern Air Lines advising that the Civil Aeronautics Board on November 28th issued an Order consolidating Eastern Air Lines' application for authority to extend their present system northward to Dubuque to- gether with other airlines' applica- tions which had previously been tentatively set for a hearing be- fore a Civil Aeronautics Board Ex- aminer on February 16, 1948 and stating that as a preliminary step and in order that the City of Du- buque may become a legal party to the forthcoming proceedings, it will be appropriate for the municipality and civil agencies to file with the Civil Aeronautics Board a petition for leave to intervene in the pro- ceedings, presented and read. Coun- cilman Van Duelman moved that the City of Dubuque petition the C.A.B. for leave to intervene in the matter of the Eastern Ali, Lines application for authority to extend their system through Dubuque. Sec- onded by Councilmlan Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man Wharton, Nays—None. Communication of the Eastern Air Lines submitting copy of their letter to Mr. John A. Kerper con- cerning Eastern's proposed exten- sion to Dubuque and asking for Special Session, December 19th, 1947 355 data on the commercial and indus- trial activities in the City of Du- buque, presented and read. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the communication be referred to the City Manager to secure the data as requested from the Avia- tion Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. December 8, 1947. F. W. Coates Insurance Agency, 822 Roshek Building, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Re: Thos. Flynn Coal Company to City of Dubuque, Iowa. Bond 1513579—$25,388.96. It is our understanding that the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, have agreed to an ex- tension for completion of the work under the contract covered by the above bond to May 31, 1948, pend- ing the acceptance of this action by the Bonding Company. United States Guarantee Com- pany, as surety on this bond, here- by consent to the extension for completion of work under the con- tract covered by this instrument to May 31, 1948. Very truly yours, STUART J. VOR BROKER, Attorney -in -Fact. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be re- ceived and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Mississippi Valley Association advising that the Mississippi Valley Association Convention will be held in St. Louis on January 26-27, 1948, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication be referred to the Council. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. Communication of W. E. Schae- fer, Adjutant, Dubuque Post No. 6, American Legion, submitting copy of a resolution adopted at their regular meeting of December 9, 1947, asking that the City of Du- buque, through its City Council, submit to the voters -of the City at the next City election the following question: "Shall the City of Du- buque place the management and control of its airport in an Airport Commission?" all as provided in Chapter 330, Code of Iowa 1946, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council for consideration. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Fane F. Vawter & Company, by Fane F. Vawter, re- questing permission to utilize 5 ft. of each of Ninth Street and Locust Street measured from the present curb lines for the purpose of main- taining a covered walkway for pe- destrian traffic in connection with the construction of the proposed new building for Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, also request- ing that they be given the private use of North and South alley, ex- cept for necessary fuel deliveries, extending from Ninth Street to Tenth Street for the purpose of construction traffic, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor for pro- per action. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays --None. Petition of Dubuque P a c k i n g Company and E. E. Frith Company, Inc., by Czizek & Czizek, their at- torneys, requesting prompt and im- mediate consideration to the cover- ing of the B Branch Sewer at East 15th and Sycamore Streets with a concrete slab, also the removal of the junk stored on Sycamore Street from East 15th Street to East 16th Street, also to the fire hazard ex. 356 Special Session, Decembcr 19th, 1947 isting on the property on the south side of East 16th Street from Cedar Street to Sycamore Street, also to the inadequate street lighting on East 16th Street, also that proceed- ings be instituted for the construc- tion of a viaduct on East 14th Street over the C. M. St. P. & P. and C. G. W. Railroad tracks, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Anton Zwack, Inc., by Anton Zwack, stating that they have erected two residences on Althauser and Eagle Streets and find that after making a survey of the alley that the ripped rap wall about five feet high on the east side is taking up •some of the alley width, and 'therefore, in order to make the alley more accessible that they would like to deed to •the City of Dubuque five feet as shown on the latest recorded plat, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Caroline M. May re- questing the vacation of the alley between Lot 1 of 35 of Stewart's Sub. and Lot 2 of Sub. Lots 24 and 25 in Stewart's Sub., presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for •their recommendation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—Noue. Petition of Barbara Abitz, re- ferred to the City Council by the Board of Superivsors, requesting suspension of the 1947 •tax on Lots 50 and 51, Grandview Avenue Addi- tion, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred t•o the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Frank J. Dougherty, referred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, requesting suspension of the 1947 tax on Lots 172 and 173 of Union Addition, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- m•an, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Minnie Rosenthal, re- ferred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, requesting suspension of the 1947 tax on East 56 feet of North 25 feet of City Lot 561, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred •to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Joseph Sitterly, re- ferred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, requesting the suspension of the 1947 tax on Lot 44 of Stafford's Addition, pee- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Frank Thiering, re- ferred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, requesting Special Session, December 19th, 1947 357 suspension of the 1947 tax on Lots 7 and 8 of Rodger's Sub., presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Roger M. Bertsch re- questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 an the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 144 as he has discontinued business on November 16, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of Roger M. Bertsch to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 144. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Rent Con. trol Committee, Dubuque Post No. 3, Amvets, appealing to the City Council for action to alleviate the housing crisis in Dubuque, particu- larly as it pertains to evictions, and suggesting that in behalf of vet- erans and others suffering from the severe housing shortage that the Council join in an appeal to Con- gress to restore some of the pro- tections for tenant families during this emergency period and also that the Council do their utmost to find some way to alleviate this sit- uation by local action, presented and read. Mr. Roland White, Chair- man of the Rent Control Com- mittee of the Anrvets, addressed the Council in support of the com- munication and submitted a report of the survey made by the Amvets in regard to the number of evic- tions during a one-year period. Councilman Wharton moved tha the communication be referred t the City Council and City Solicito for consideration. S e c o n d e d by ordinance No. 34-47. An Ordinance providing for sick leave for officers and employees of the City of Dubuque, defining "Sick Leave," extent thereof, fil- ing, approval and allowance of claims therefor, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con. sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man and Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman movv4 that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man and Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man and Wharton. Nays—None. December 19, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have approved the follow- ing policy and desire to have your approval on same for filing: Excavation Archie LeVan (Modern Plumbing & Heating Co.), 2239 Central Av- enue—The Western Casualty & Surety Co. Policy No. M & C t 293678. o Respectfully submitted, r A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. 358 Special Session, December 19th, 1947 Councilman Van Duelman moved that the bond be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, and Wharton. Nays—None. December 11, 1947. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Department for the month of November, 1947, also -list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of November, 1947. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, and Wharton. Nays—None. December 8, 1947. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Minnie Magana, ac- tion was commenced in the District Court of Dubuque County, Iowa, entitled Minnie Magana vs. City of Dubuque, in which action plaintiff claims $7,500.00 damages because of injuries sustained by reason of a fall on December 16, 1946, on an alleged dangerous sidewalk up- on which there was an accumula- tion of rough, rounded and un- even ice; that as a result there- of the bones in her right wrist, the upper bone in her right arm immediately below the shoulder were fractured, splintered and crushed. That she engaged the service of physicians and incurred expenses. That her actual expens- es amounted to $923.00. That plain- tiff has agreed to settle this action for $200.00. I recommend that a warrant be issued payable to the order of Czizek & Czizek, the Attorneys, for $200.00 and that the same be de- livered upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed by her and a dismissal of the action pending in the District Court of Dubuque County, Iowa. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $200.00 in favor of Czizek & Czizek, Attorneys for Minnie Magana, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered up- on receipt of a properly executed release by the City of Dubuque and a dismissal of the action pending in the District Court of Dubuque County, Iowa. Seconded by Coun- cilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, and Wharton. Nays—None. December 11, 1947. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In reference to the claim of Barney Smith which was submitted to me sometime ago for investigation and report. The claim was filed herein for $1500.00 dam- ages, stating that on February 8, 1947, claimant while crossing Rush Street at the crosswalk in the Twelve Hundred Block, slipped and fell on rough, icy accumulations and obstructions in the crosswalk, re- ceiving a dislocation of his shoul- der which confined him to his home for some time and has incapacitat- ed him in his work as a carpenter; that he lost earnings, medical ex- penses and hospital expenses in the approximate amount of $600.00; that he is still suffering from said injury. That I have had several consultations with him and he has agreed to accept $200.00 in full payment of his claim. I recommend that his claim be allowed in the sum of $200.00 and that a warrant be issued payable Special Session, December 19th, 1947 359 to his order for said amount and delivered to him upon delivery to the City of a release properly exe- cuted by him. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $200.00 in favor of Barney Smith, as settlement in full of his claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Du- buque of a properly executed re- lease. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, and Wharton. Nays—None. December 8, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Enclosed please find order of the Iowa State Commerce Commission approving Ordinance 28-47 passed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque on November 3, 1947. I recommend that this Order be made a matter of record. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTINGER, City Solicitor In TESTIMONY WHEREOF, wit- ness my signature and the seal of the Commission at Des Moines, Iowa, this 6th day of December, 1947. GEO. L. McCAUGHAN, Secretary Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission. In the matter of an Ordinance regulating the speed of trains at grade crossings within the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Council Warton moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. STATE OF LOWA OFFICE OF THE IOWA STATE COMMERCE COMMISSION I, Geo. L. McCaughan, Secretary of the Iowa State Commerce Com- mnission, certify that attached here- to is a true and correct copy of an Order rescinding our Order of October 9, 1947, and Adopting an Order in lieu Thereof, said Order being dated December 6, 1947, and pertaining to the approval of Or- dinance No. 28-47 as adopted by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, on November 3, 1947. Docket No. A-5020 Order rescinding our order of October 9, 1947, and adopting an order in lieu thereof. There was filed in this office under date of August 13, 1947, a copy of a proposed ordinance per- taining to the regulation of train speeds at grade crossings within the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Ap- proval of the proposed ordinance was requested under the provisions of Section 389.42, Code of Iowa, 1946. A copy of the proposed ordinance was forwarded to all railroad com- panies operating within the cor- porate limits of Dubuque, Iowa, viz., the Illinois Central Railroad Company, the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Com- pany, the Chicago Great Western Railway Company and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company. Objections were there- after filed by three of the railroad companies as concerning the lim- itation of freight train speeds as provided at Section 2 of .said pro- posed ordinance, these railroad companies desiring that operation of freight trains be permitted of 25 to 30 miles per hour. Corres- pondence was thereafter carried on with the railroad companies and the City of Dubuque, Iowa, re- sulting in the revision of this section of the ordinance and the acceptance of the proposed or- dinance as written. An Order was entered by this Commission on October 9, 1947, approving the proposed ordinance but making no reference to same by number or date of final approv- al by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa. There ds now on file in this of- fice a certified copy of Ordinance Docket No. A-5020. 360 Special Session, December 19th, 1947 No. 28.47 as passed, adopted and approved upon final reading by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, on November 3, 1947, the sections of said ordinance reading as fol- lows: "Sec. 1. No passenger train shall be operated over and upon the grade crossings in the City of Du- buque at a speed of greater than 30 miles per hour. Sec. 2. No freight train shall be operated over and upon the grade crossings in the City of Dubuque at a speed greater than 25 miles per hour. Sec. 3. All ordinances or part or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or cor- poration who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall to fined not more than $100.00 and casts and in de- fault of such fine shall be impri- soned for a period not exceeding thirty days in jail. I Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be in force and effect ten days from and after its final passage, adop- tion and approval by the City Coun- cil, and publication as provided by law." It is, Therefore, Ordered that City Ordinance No. 28-47 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, regulating the speed of trains over and upon grade crossings within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as passed, adopted and approved by the City Council of said City on November 3, 1947, be and the same is hereby approved. It is Further Ordered that the Order of this Commission dated October 9, 1947, in the above en- titled subject be and the same is hereby rescinded. ( SEAL) IOWA STATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, Carl W. Reed, Chairman. B. M. Richardson, Commissioner. David B. Long, Commissioner. Attest: Geo. L. McCaughan, Secretary. Dated at Des Moines, Iowa, De- cember 6, 1947. Resolution No. 177-47 Be It Resolved Ly the City Coun. cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a per- mit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address Jack Fransen and Irene Fransen (Effective January 1. 1948), 2093 Washington Street. Wm. F. Barrington and Walter J. Duccini (Effective January 1, 1948), 176 Locust Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the application be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 19th day of December, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Dualman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 178-47 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name Address Jack Fransen and Irene Fransen, 2093 Washington Street. Wm. F. Barrington and Walter J. Duccini, 176 Locust Street. 4t.c.. sn _ _ Saaitl� Special Session, December 19th, 1947 361 Passed, adopted and approved this 19th day of December, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 179-4t Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named ap- plicants a Beer Permit: CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name Address Jack Fransen and Irene Fransen, 2093 Washington Street. Wm. F. Barrington and Walter J. Duccini, 176 Locust Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 19th day of December, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 180-47 Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa. as the County seat, has joined with Dubuque County, Iowa, in planning for a combination Court House -City Hail -Jail Building; and Whereas, agreement has been reached by the two public bodies in the selection of an architectural firm to provide the necessary plan- ning services; Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Mayor and City Clerk be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Dougher, Rich & Woodburn of Des Moines, Iowa, providing for architectural planning service for the proposed Court House -City - Hall -Jail Building. Passed, adopted and approved this 19th day of December, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk, Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried ty the following vote: Yeas—Mayor ,Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. AGREEMENT. THIS AGREEMENT made the 19th day of December, in the year Nineteen Hundred and Forty- seven by and between City of Du- buque, Iowa, and County of Du- buque, Iowa, hereinafter called the Owner, and Dougher, Rich & Wood- burn, Architects and Engineers, Des Moines, Iowa, hereinafter called the Architect, Witnesseth, that whereas the Owner intends to erect new combined County Court House -City Hall -Jail Building, Now, Therefore, the Owner and the Architect, for the considera- tions hereinafter named, agree as follows: The Architect agrees to perform. for the above-named work, profess- ional services as hereinafter set forth. 362 Special Session, December 19th, 1947 The Owner agrees to pay the Ar- chitect for such services a fee of six per cent of the cost of the work, with other payments and re- imbursements as hereinafter pro- vided, the said percentage being hereinafter referred to as the "ba- sic rate." The parties hereto further agree to the following conditions: 1. The Architect's Services.—The Architect's professional services consist of the necessary confer- ences, the preparation of prelimin- ary studies, working drawings, spe- cifications, large scale and full size detail drawings; the drafting of forms of proposals and contracts; the issuance of certificates of pay- ment; the keeping of accounts, the general administration of the busi- ness and supervision of the work. 2. Extra Services and Special Cases.—If the Architect is caused extra draughting or other expense. clue to changes ordered by the Own- er, or due to the delinquency or in- solvency of the Owner or Contract- or, or as a result of damage by fire, he shall be equitably paid for such extra expense and the service involved. Work let on any cost-plus basis shall be the subject of a special charge in according with the spe- cial service required. If any work designed or specified by the Architect is abandoned or suspended the Architect is to be paid for the service rendered on ac- count of it. 3. Payments. — Payments to the Architect on account of his fee shall be made as follows, subject to the Provisions of Article 2: Upon completion of the prelim- inary studies,, a sum equal to 20% ,e l�daic rate computed upon a reasonable estimated cost. Upon completion of specifications and general working drawings (ex- clusive of details) a sum sufficient to increase payments on the fee to 75% of the rate or rates of commis- sion arising from this agreement, computed upon a reasonable cost estimated on such completed speci- fications and drawings, or if bids have been received, then computed upon the lowest bona fide bid or bids. In no event shall payments be made to Architect in excess of $120,000.00 until contracts for the construction of the building have been awarded. All payments up to and including the $120,000.00 shall be made to Architect's from money only re- ceived from "Federal Works Agen- cy," 60% to be paid by the County of Dubuque and 40% by the City of Dubuque, in accordance with "Agreement and Public Voucher for Advance" by and between the City of Dubuque and Dubuque County, Iowa, and Federal Works Agency, Bureau of Community Facilities, Bureau Voucher No. X5-672-47, Ap- plication No. /:3-P-217, dated June 21, 1947, and approved June 26, 1947, by Federal Works Agency. From time to time during the execution of work and in propor- tion to the amount of service ren- dered by the Architect, payments shall be made until the aggregate of all payments made on account of the fee under this Article, but not Including any covered by the pro- visions of Article 2, shall be a sum equal to the rate or rates of com- mission arising from this agree- ment, computed upon the final cost of the work. Payments to the Architect, other than those on his fee, fall due from time to time as his work is done or as costs are incurred. No deductions shall be made from the Architect's fee on account of penalty, liquidated damages, or other sums withheld from pay- ments to contractors. 4. Supervision of the Work.—The Architect will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and defic- iencies in the work of contractors, but he does not guarantee the per- formance of their contracts. The supervision of an Architect is to be distinguished from the continuous personal superintendence to be ob- tained by the employment of a clerk -of -the -works. When authorized by the Owner, a clerk -of -the -works acceptable to both Owner and Architect shall be engaged by the Architect at a sal- ary satisfactory to the Owner and paid by the Owner, upon presenta- tion of the Architect's monthly statements. 5. Preliminary Estimates.—When requested to do so the Architect will furnish preliminary estimates on Special Session, December 19th, 1447 363 the cost of the work, but he does not guarantee the accuracy of: such estimates. 6. Definition of the Cost of the Work.—The cost of the work, as herein referred to, means the cost to the Owner, but such cost shall not include any architect's or engi- neer's fees or reimbursements or the cast of a clerk -of -the -works. When labor or material is furn- ished by the Owner below its mar- ket cost the cost of the work shall be computed upon such market cost. 7. Ownership of Documents.— Drawings and specifications as in- struments of service are the prop- erty of the Architect whether the work for which they are made be executed or not. 8. Successors and Assignments. —The Owner and the Architect, each binds himself, his partners, successors, executors, administra- tors, and assigns to the other party to this agreement, and to the part- ners, successors, executors, admin- istrators and assigns of such other party in respect of all covenants of this agreement. Except as above, neither the Owner nor the Architect shall as- sign, sublet or transfer his interest in this agreement without the writ- ten consent of the other. 9. Arbitration.—All questions in dispute under this agreement shall be submitted to arbitration at the choice of either party. 10. It is further agreed that the basic fee includes complete plans and specifications for the follow- ing: a. General Contract Work. b. Plumting, Heating and Venti- lating Contract Work. c. Electric Wiring Contract Work. d. Any Other Euipment Author- ized by Owner. Air-conditioning: It is further agreed that on any and all of the work designated by the Owner to be air-conditioned, the Architect shall employ an air-conditioning engineer, and such engineer and the cost of his services shall be agreed upon between the Owner and the Architect. The Owner shall reimburse the Architect the cost of the services of the air-conditioning engineer and, in addition to such cost, the fee to be paid to the Archi- tect by the Owner on that part of the work, shall be two per cent (2910) of the cost of the work in- stead of the basic rate. The Owner and the Architect hereby agree to the full perform- ance of the covenants contanied herein. In Witness Whereof they have executed this agreement, the day and year first above written. CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. By GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA. By HUBERT DONOVAN, Chairman, Board -of Supervisors. DOUGHER, RICH & WOODBURN, Architects and Engineers. By J. A. DOUGHER, Partner. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. There being no further business, Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried ty the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. Shea, City Clerk. Approved " 1. 34•.1948. Adopted . q J. ......8. /"' may� i9 S"v i___ v Councilmen .. r jZ r -�- • S Attest: ... W'� "ye ob f a OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA For the Year • CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1948 COUNCILMEN FRANK VAN DUELMAN, Mayor W. W. MOFFATT F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY ALBERT WHARTON City Clerk, J. J. SHEA City Solicitor, JOHN J. KINTZINGER City Manager, A. A. Rhomberg City Treasurer— EDWARD M. TSCHIRGI City Auditor— R. P. MARSHALL Chief of Fire Department— THOMAS C. HICKSON Police Judge— JOHN C. OBERHAUSEN Building Commissioner— DONALD J. BANDY ElectricalInspector-- LUVERN C. NORTON Plumbing Inspector— D. J. O'LEARY City Assessor— HARRY J. HANOVER Superintendent of Water Works— J. J. HAIL Chief of Police— JOSEPH J. STRUB Health Director— DR. A. J. ENTRINGER Sanitary Officer -- ALLAN J. KLEIN Milk Inspector— V.F. CHAPMAN Food and Restaurant Inspectors— MRS. SYLVIA JEWELL Director of Recreation— HYLDA N. LUKE Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month at 7:30 o'clock. a 1948 INDEX —Book 78 SUBJECT – Page A Jan. 5—Algonquin Chemical Company, asking Council to with- hold action on their petition until word could be received from other cities where sulphuric acid plants are now in operation .......................................... 2 " 5—Abitz Barbara, requesting tax suspension on Lots 50 & 51 Grandview Add........................................................... 3 Jan. 22—American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission for the holding of their Annual Poppy drive .................. 9 Feb. 2—Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans, reques- ting permission to hold a tag day ................................ 16 " 2—Anthoine Louis and Agnella, granted Class "B" Beer Permit........................ .................. ................. ............ .... 21 Mar. 1.—Approval of State Comptroller R. E. Johnson of Reso- lution No. 40-48. Resolution and application for transfer of the amount of $23,644.02 from the Em- ergency Fund to the Consolidated Fund .................. 55 Mar. 30—Armory for the Iowa National Guard, Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute and deliver to t h e State of Iowa a deed to the real estate owned by the City of Dubuque located on Valley Street and Southern Avenue .................... ........................ ...... 110 April 5—Appointment of officers and employees by the City Manager............................................................................. 113 " 5—Appointment of the Telegraph -Herald newspaper as the official newspaper .. ._....... ................. ...... ............ 113 " 5—Appointment of the First National Bank, American Tr. and Savings Bank, Dubuque Bank and Trust Com- pany as the depositories for public funds of t h e City of Dubuque............................................................ 114 " 5—American Trust and Savings Bank appointed as a de- pository of the public funds of the City of Dub- uque................................................I............................ 114 " 5—Arnold H. C., requesting permission to extend the sani- tary sewer in order to serve the homes located at 1261 and 1265 Thomas Place ...............................114, 127, 465 April 12—Aschenbrenner Fred W. et al, requesting that a cul- vert and curbing be constructed on Dunleith St. 124, 135 April 19—Annual Report of the Librarian of the Carnegie -Stout Free Public Library .................................................... 132 " 19—Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Stout Free Public Library ......................................... 132 " 19—Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Dubuque County in the matter of a joint application to the Federal Communications Commission for the as- signment of one common frequency for coordin- ated two-way police and sheriffs radio communi- cations and for the establishment of a fixed trans- mission station .................. .................. .............. .......... 136, 137 May 3—Automotive Safety Foundation, extending congratula- tions upon the honor the City of Dubuque has won in the 1947 National Safety Contest ............ 165 " 3—Arnold H. C. and Keith S. Jaquette, excavation bond .. 169 " 3—Avery Earl T., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................174, 175 " 7—Attorney General Larson, extending invitation to have the Chief of Police or some member of the Police Force to attend the annual Peace Officers Short Course to be held at Iowa City commencing June 21st................................................................... .............. 202 INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page A " 7—Audubon Street from the north property line of Loras Blvd, to the north property line of Dexter Street, Improvement ................................204, 264, 265, 266, 267, 446 June 14—Algonquin Chemical Company, requesting that fire protection be extended to their property and im- provements located immediately south of the city 209 June 22—Arquitt Ben, submitting proposition to establish him- self at The Dubuque Municipal Airport as fixed base operator ............................................................... 227 June 29—Ace Radio et al, requesting that diagonal parking be permitted on the south side of West First Street between Main and Locust Streets ..........................231, 275 " 29—Airport on East Sixteenth Street Extension, recommen- dation of City Manager, City Solicitor and Airport Manager that said airport be closed .................237, 342, 398 " 29—Anthoine Louis, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 248 " 29—Apel Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit .............................. 249 " 29—Apel Merlin, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 250 " 29—American Legion, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 250 " 29—American Veterans of World War II, (Amvets) granted Cigarette Permit .............. .............. I..... .......... ... ..... 250 " 29—Avery Earl T., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 250 " 29—Apel Peter J., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 250 " 29—Abersold Mary, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 251 " 29—Abvanitis George P., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 251 " 29—Alba Cruso A., granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 251 " 29—Arquitt Ben C., Farley, Iowa, Aviation Dealers Airport Lease Agreement 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 261, July 19—Approval of State Comptroller R. N. Johnson of Reso- 262 lution No. 144-48, resolution and application f or approval to levy an emergency tax .......... ........... 297 .... 19—Avalon Road from the south property line of Asbury Rd. to the north property line of Hillcrest Road, im- provement of ........... 306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 377, 378, 379, Aug. 2—Appel William F. and Belle, submitting objections to 400 the construction of a sanitary sewer and lift in Bradley Street Sewer District ................... 336 Aug. 23—American Surety Company, submitting revocation of power of Attorney of William L. Gallogly 394 .................. Sept. 7—American Public Works Association, with reference to membership in the Association ............ .............403, " 7—Audit of the City's affairs made by Brooks, O'Connor 414 & Brooks for the period from April 1, 1946 through 31, 1948 ......................................... ...... Sept. 24—Aviation Committee of Chamber of Commerce, dis- 406 cussing plans for the dedication of The Dubuque Municipal Airport ............. ........ " 24—American Bar Association extending invitation for the 413 Police Judge to attend conference to be held at Northwestern University " ................. 24—American Society of Sanitary Engineering extending Invitation for the Plumbing Inspector 413 to attend Refresher Course for Inspectors to be h e 1 d in a Oct. 4—Aspernwi .. .......•............ ............ nt Company, copies of correspondence with the Board of Dock Commissioners 413 with reference to the ownership of certain River Front property south of Fourth Street Extension ............................ " 4—Apel Merlin, 430, 431 granted Class "C" Beer Per ........•. Nov. 1—Alber Ed., Notice of Claim 436 ..........................439, 470 INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page A " 1—Audubon Parent -Teachers Association, requesting Coun- cil to change their plans of making Twelfth Street a boulevard ........................... ......... ............ .............. 441 " 1—Arthover Mrs. Gladys et al, requesting the installation of another street light between the corner of Windsor and Davis Avenues and t he I. C. Academy................ ................ ................ .................. 441 " 1—Armstrong John A., requesting that the M a y o r and clerk be authorized to execute a new Quit Claim Deed to him conveying the Northerly 140 feet of Lots 2 and 4 of Block D of Industrial Sub. ..... .....443, 444 Nov. 22—Adams Company, requesting the adoption of resolution and ordinance for the clearing up and perfecting the title to property owned by them ...........461, 489, 490, 491 " 22—Apel Peter J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 472 " 22—American Veterans of World War II, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .................................... 472 Nov. 29—Application for Annexation of the Sisters of St. Francis, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church and Mt. Calvary Cemetery Association ..............................497, 498, 499 Dec. 6—Alba Cruso A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 504 19- INDEX —Book 78 1948 SiiBJECT Page B Jan. 5—Butt Homer V. Sr. et al, requesting amendment to the proposed ordinance restricting parking in t h e alley between Main and Iowa Streets from West Twelfth Street to Loras Boulevard .......................... 5 " 5—Bogue Ben A., granted Cigarette permit .......................... 6 Feb. 2—Blue Governor Robert D., asking that a survey be made of the fuel oil situation in Dubuque ........................ 15 " 2—Barrett Charles G. and Ethel, granted Cigarette P e r - mit.................. ....................... .................. ............ ........ 20 " 2—Booth Leo A. and Alice E., granted Cigarette Permit .... 20 " 2—Barrett Charles C. and Ethel, granted Class "C" Beer Permit.................. ........................ .................. . . ... 21 " 2—Bournias Rhea, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 21 Feb. 23—Buol Mrs. Frank, Notice of Claim ...................................... 31, 60 " 23—Becker Paul, Meteorologist in charge of t h e Dubuque Weather Bureau requesting that the Weather Bureau be alloted space in the New Municipal Air- port Administration Building .................................... 32, 200 " 23—Blasting Bond of Fane F. Vawter & Company in the amount of $50,000.00, approval of same ................... 32 " 23—Blasting Bond of Virginia -Carolina Chemical Company in the amount of $5,000.00 approval of same .......... 32 " 23—Board of Dock Commissioners, requesting an easement for the Interstate Power Company to extend the power lines from a steel tower at Pine and Be 11 Streets to Interstate property where their coal pile is now located as is shown by the purple line on the plat attached and the City owned property over which the easement is requested is outlined in red on said plat...............................................38, 39, 61, " 23—Buechel Louis, excavation bond 85 ....................................... " 23—Blackhawk Drive, dedication and acceptance as a public 39 street............................................. . ................50, 51, 169, 170, Mar. 12—Biver Miss Irma, Notice of Claim 188 .............. " 12—Brun'es John,eer . . •• . •• 81, Mar. 19—Burge Mrs. Martha et al, stating hat they mare o oppo- 204 86 sed to the sed improvement of Mount Lor- etta Avenue but that they are in favor of improv- ing said street with a type of pavement which is not expensive .................. " 19—Bond of M. L. Gaber Construction Co. in the amount of 88 $10,000.00 for the construction of St. Mary's Orphanage Sewage System ............ Mar. 30—Burke Ann, St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, granted Ci ga- 98 rette Permit .. ....... .................. 30—Brunies John, granted cigarette Permit Apr. 5—Brooks, O'Connor & Brooks, 109.. 109 stating that they would ap- preciate receiving favorable consideration in the matter of auditing the books of the City of Dub- uque... ............. .... . " 5 --Brandt Mary F., requesting suspension of the 1947 taxes on Lot 162 of East Dubuque 115 Addition ........... 115, April 12—Bischoff Mrs. V. A., Notice of Claim 125 ................ 172, April 19—gyrus Robert, Fire Protection Engineer, 184 advising that the Annual Iowa Fire School will be held Iowa State at " 19—Board ofTrustees of t eCarnegie-Stout 131 eFree Public Li - brary, Annual Report .......... 19—Brady John A., Clerk of Police Court, bond ........................ " 19—Bandy Donald 132 J., Building Commissioner, bond 135 ................ 135 1948 INDEX —Book 78 SUBJECT Fuge B " 19�--Busch Marjorie, Clerk - Water Department, bond .............. 135 " 19—Bodish Alex and Caroline, petition and waiver for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon a n d Edina Streets .................. ....................... ...................... 139, 140 May 3—Byrne Thos. E., requesting permission to construct a new sanitary sewer in Bonson Street from t h e present sewer on Hill Street to McClain Street ....167, 191, 192 " 3—Behlmer John E., requesting vacation of part of Avoca Street ........................................................172, 185, 235, 301, 346 " 3—Bowen Roberti., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 174 " 3—Bradley Street District, matter of construction of sani- tary sewer referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor for investigation and report ...................... 175 May 10—Board of Education, Independent School District of Dub- uque, in regard to the proposed extension of the Grandview Avenue and Audubon Street through Senior High School grounds ..................178, 183, 201, 202, 230 " 10—Building commissioner Bandy recommending that per- mits be granted for the erection of one Masterbilt Home and for the erection of one Homart Home. 179 " 10—Bissell Fred E., reappointed as a member of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission for a term of five years, said term expiring May 24, 1953 ................ 180 May 24—Building Commissioner Bandy recommending that a permit be granted for the construction of one GB- H -Way Home............................................................... 188, 303 " 24—Black & White, Yellow and Checker Cab Co., Inc., Taxi - Cabbond ........................ .......... .................. .. .......... 189 June 1—Boyes Barbara, Notice of Claim .......................................... 194, 302 " 1—Bonham Dwight D., Notice of Claim .................................. 194, 302 June 7—Board of Review, report for the year 1948 ...................... 202 " 7—Beaves Geo. I., Excavation Bond .................. " 7—Burke Mrs. Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 205 June 14—Brunjes John, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... 209 June 29—Building Commissioner Bandy recommending that blanket permission be given for the erection of Homart Homes in the City of Dubuque .................... 238 " 29—Budget for the office of City Assessor for the year 1948 238 " 29—Boland J. C., requesting permission for the extension of a sanitary sewer in West 16th Street from the manhole in Catherine Street westerly 175 feet to serve Lot 19 in Yates Sub . ..........................................239, 240 " 29—Balke Street from the north property line of Strauss to the south property line of Groveland Place, im- provement of ............. ....... .................. ..............244, 245, 284 " 29—Baumgartner John J. and John M., granted Cigarette permit ........... .......................... .................... ................ 243 " 29—Berntgen Frank H., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 248 " 29—Bertsch Leonard P. (Merchants Hotel), granted Ciga- rette Permit .................. ......--............ ............................ 248 " 29—Bogue Ben A., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 249 " 29—Brammer Roy and Rex, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 249 " 29—Burke Mrs. Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 249 " 29—Barrington Mrs. Margaret, granted Cigarette Permit ... 249 " 29—Bowen Clarence J. and Robert L. Hanson, granted Cig- arette Permit ....................... .......'................ ................ 249 " 29—B. P. O. E. Lodge No. 297, granted Cigarette Permit .... 249 " 29—Burke Ann and Mrs. R. F. Trapp, granted Cigarette Per- mit........ ............ .................. ........ 250 19- INDEX - Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page B " 29 -Beck John C., granted Cigarette Permit ..... .................. : 250 " 29 -Booth Leo A. and Alice E., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 250 " 29-Buelow Clarence C., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 250 " 29 -Blum Isadore and Dorothy, granted Cigarette Permit .... 251 " 29 -Bowen Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 251 " 29-Bradberry Hazel, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 251 " 29-Bournias Louis and Rhea, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 251 " 29 -Barrington Wm. F. and Walter J. Duccini, granted Ciga- rette Permit ............................. ............... _ ............ 251 " 29-Berntgen Frank H. and Marion, granted Class "B" Beer Permit............ I ................ ................. .................I.1. 252, 253 " 29-Buelow Clarence C. and Addle, granted Class "B" BeerPermit .............. ........... .............. ............... .... 252, 253 " 29 -Blum Isadore and Dorothy, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit................ : ....................... .................. ............ ............. 252, 253 " 29 -Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ..................... 252, 254 July 6-Blosch Fred M., requesting that the proposed sanitary Sewer in Seminary Street be extended in order that he may be supplied with a floor drain, the cost of said extension to be borne by him ................ 268 " 6 -Bradley Street Sewer District, construction of sanitary sewer ............................................... 277, 278, 279, 280, 335, 336 July 9 -Board of Dock Commissioners, submitting budget esti- mate for the ensuing year ........................................ 299 " 19-Boyes Mrs. Burt, settlement of claim ................................. 302 " 19-Broadlawn Road from the south property line of Asbury Road to the north property line of Hillcrest Road, improvement of 306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 37.7, 378, 379, 400 " 19 -Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1949 and ending March 31, 1950 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320,- 321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332,- Aug. 2 333, -Blades J. N., protesting to the special assessment lev- 334, 335 ied against Lot 2 of 1 of Stewarts Sub. of the Sub ofLots 19, 20, 21 " 2-Byrus ................................... ... I ... I... R. C., Fire Protection Engineer, advising that the 338 Engineering Extension Service of Iowa State Col- lege, Ames, Iowa, will conduct a Fire Prevention 2 Inspectors Short Course on August 17-20, 1948 .. -Budget for the office of the City Assessor for the year 340 1 949 ........... „ 2 " ....................... ...... .... ......... .... -Board of Review, fixing their salaries 346, 347 2 " ....... - -Board of Health, Special Session 346, 347 2-Bleile .. ... Alfred and Lucille, ordering that Lot 1 of 74, 1 of 75 356 of E. Langworthy's Addition be connected with the sanitary sewer " 9 .......... I................... ...................... -Blasting Bond of Elmer Meloy in the amount of $5,000: 356 00, approval of same 9 " 9 .........,.. -Booz Leo R. and Rebecca, .. :; granted Ci -Boaz Leo R. and Rebecca, Cigarette Permit 363 367 Permit granted Class "B" Bee r Aug. 23 --Bids for the furnishing 367 of snow removal a pparatus .......393, 407, - Sept. 7 -Businessmen's Conference 410, 411 on Urban Problems, commun- ication of the Dubuque Chamber of Commerce sug- gesting Council approval for participation in the conference to be held at Detroit, Michigan ............ 401 NDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page B " 7—Bischoff H. A. et al, requesting that a sidewalk be order- ed constructed on the east side of State Street in front of Lot 1 of 18 and 18 ............................................ 404, 435 " 7—Board of Dock Commissioners submitting transmission line easement to Interstate Power Company from " Virginia -Carolina Chemical Corp . ............ 405 7—Bartels ...... Robert et al, City Manager Rhomberg recom- mending that their assessment in the amount of $636.92 for improvement of Forest Lane against Lot 1 of Bartel's Sub. be reduced to $336.- " 7—Brooks, 92.........................................................405, O'Connor & Brooks, completion of the audit of 406 the City's affairs for the period from April 1, 1946 through March 31, 1948 —Barrington " 7Margaret, ............... ................................................ Mrs. Mar g granted Class "B" Beer Per- 406 mit ......................... Sept. 14—Board of Education, endorsing the request of citizens & 408, 409 patrons of the Prescott Elementary School urg- ing the City Council to reconsider its plans f or Sept. 24—BlondinJohnetal making aboulevard Twelfth call ng the att n ion Street 411 the City Council to the need for improvements for t h e Lake Peosta fishing area " and also as to the condi- tions existing on the 16th Street extension 24—Building ............ Commissioner instructed to enforce the provi- 414 sions of the ordinances as to the issuance of per- mits before any work is commenced Oct. 4—Board ........................ of Dock Commissioners, copies of correspondence 417 with the Aspermont Company with reference to ownership of certain River Front property south of Fourth Street Extension " 4—Board ..............430, of Dock Commissioners, submitting recommen- dations with reference to the letter the 431 of United States Engineers Office, Rock Island, Illinois, in regard to the construction of a small -boat harbor at the upper end of Hamm Island and also in re- gard to the dredging of the First Street Harbor 431, 432, 433 4—Bradley C. W., owner of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 296, Min- eral Lots 294 and 295, City Manager instructed to " negotiate for acquiring said property ...................... 434, 463 4—Burke Richard J., Excavation Bond ........... ...................... 435 " 4—Bergener Charles A., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 435 " 4—Baumgartner John M. and John J., granted Class "B" BeerPermit ................ ..................................... 436 " 4—Bowen ............ Clarence J. and Robert L. Hanson, granted Class "B" Beer Permit............................................................ 436 Nov. 1—Barrington Mrs. Margaret, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit ............ 441 " 1—Barrington Mrs. Margaret, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of her Class "B" Beer Permit .. 442 " 1—Board of Education Independent School District advis- ing Council that after consideration of the latest plan presented by Mr. Hartzog for the extension of Grandview Avenue through the Dubuque High School grounds and that after considering the best interests of both the school and the city that it is the unbiased opinion of the Board of Education that the extension of Grandview Avenue should go around the west end of the school grounds ........... 443 In- INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page 6 " 1—Black & Veatch, Consulting Engineers of Kansas City, Missouri, City Manager Rhomberg recommending that they be retained by the City of Dubuque for inquiry into and conference concerning the subject ofgas rates..................................................................... 451 " 1—Bolender LeRoy and Francis, granted Cigarette Permit 457 " 1—Beecher Joseph and Eldon Reiter, granted Class "B" BeerPermit.............................................................. 458, 467 Nov. 22—Bradley Street Sewer District, establishment of same by Ordinance No. 23-48 .........................466, 467, 493, 494, 495 " 22—Barrington Mrs. Margaret, granted Cigarette Permit .... 471 " 22—Barrington Mrs. Margaret, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit.................. ..................... .................. ............ .......... 472 " 22—Bureau of Community Facilities of the Federal Works Ad- ministration to be notified of the approval by the City Council of the general layout and floor plans for the proposed Combination Court House -City Hall -Jail .................. ................. .................. ............ .... 473 Nov. 29—Bowen Clarence and Bessie, settlement of claim and suit.................. ........................ ....................... .............. 499, 600 I N DEX — Book 78 SUBJECT Page C Jan. 5—City Council, Regular Session .......................................... 1 " 5—Casey Patrick, representing the Fire Department, re- questing delay in the passage of the proposed "Sick Leave" ordinance ....................................................... 2 " 5—City Assessor, no bond required ............................................ 3 " 5—City Assessor Deputies, fixing their salaries ...................... 3 " 5—Claims for the month of November, 1947, proof of publi- cation................ ............................................................. 3 Jan. 22—City Council Special Session .................................................... 8 " 22—Cate Mrs. Paul, Notice of Claim ...................................... 8, 18 " 22—City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of December, 1947 also list of claims for the month of December, 1947 ......................................................... 11 " 22—Consolidated Fund, the amount of $33,353.12 transferred from the Liquor Sales Fund into the Consolidated Fund......................................... ............ ................ 13, 14 Feb. 2—City Council, Regular Session ................................................ 15 " 2—Claims for the month of December, 1947, proof of publi- cation.................. ......................................................... 17 " 2—Cooper Fred H. and Leo V. Cunningham, granted Class .,B„ Beer Permit............................................................ 21 " 22—City Engineer, submitting profile No. 1331 showing the grade of Platt Street from the east property line of James Street to the west property line of Cardiff Street and recommending that the propos- ed grade be approved and established by ordinance 25 Feb. 23—City Council, Special Session ............................................. 28 " 23—City Council, Adjourned Special Session .......................... 30 " 23—City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of January, 1948 also a list of claims for the month of January, 1948 .............. .. ................ ...................... 40 " 23—Consolidated Fund, the amount of $23,644.02 transfer- red from the Emergency Fund to said Fund ............ 51, 55 Mar. 1—City Council, Regular Session ... ...... .... I.............................. 55 " 1—Council Proceedings for the months of September and October, 1947, approved as printed ............................ 56 " 1—Claims for the month of January, 1948, proof of publica- tion.................. ........................ ................. .................... 59 " 1—City Cab Company, Taxi -Cab Bond ...... ........................... :... 60 " 1—Clancy Mrs. Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 68 " 1—Chapman Mrs. Myrtle, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 68 Mar. 12—City Council, Special Session ......... ..... I............................. 72 " 12—City Solicitor's salary increased 10 percent ...................... 72 " 12—Clancy Paul J., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 85 " 12—Clancy Paul J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 86 Mar. 19—City Council, Special Session . ......... ... ....... ........... .,........ 87 " 19—Continental Casualty Company, Certificate of Compliance 98 " 19—City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of February, 1948, also list of claims for which war- rants were issued for the month of February, 1948 104 Mar. 30—City Council, Special Session ............................................... 106 " 30—Claims for the month of February, 1948, proof of publica- tion.................. ............................................................. 109 April 5—City Council, Regular Session ................. ....................... 113 " 5—City Solicitor Kintzinger submitted verbal opinion to the City Council stating that there are no vacancies INDEX—Book 78 1948 S 1'14E CT C existing in the appointive offices at this time, and that in off years, those years when no new Coun- cilmen as sworn in into office, appointments are notmade .................... .......................... 5—City Manager Rhomberg, in regard to appointment of officers and employees whom he has the power to appoint ................. ................. ................ .................... 5—City Manager Rhomberg, recommending that an ordin- ance be adopted creating an Airport Department providing for rule making, registration and penalty for violation also the adoption of resolutions pro- mulgating rules and regulations for the mainten- ance and operating of the airport and for air traffic rules.......... ...I.. ........ I.... 5—Conner Ione, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................. April 12—City Council, Special Session, ...... .................................. 12—City of Dubuque, dedication of Lot 2 of the Sub. of City Lot 732 as a public street .......................................... " 12—Council Proceedings for the month of November, 1947, approved as printed ..................................................... 12—Chapman Dolores and Thelma Mardauss, granted Ciga- ettePermit................................................................... April 19—City Council, Special Session ............................................. 19—City employees Local No. 228 requesting that appoint- ments be made from the eligible list set up to fill vacancies on the street, Sewer and Water Depart- ments ................. 19—City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of March, 1948, also list of claims for which warrants were issued during the month of March, 1948 ...... 19—City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign agreement and application on behalf of the City of Dubuque to the Federal Communications Commission for the assignment of one common frequency for coordin- ated two-way police and sheriffs radio communica- tions............................... 19—City Lots 206, 207 and 208, Mayor, City Manager and City Solicitor instructed to negotiate for the pur- chase of said lots for parking lot purposes and sub- mit a report back to the City Council ...................... 22—City Council, Special Session 22—Chatfield Mildred, Administratrix of the Estate of Har- old Chatfield, Deceased, Original Notice of Suit .... May 3—City Council, Regular Session ................. 3—Claims foi• the month of March,...1948....,..................' " tion proof of publica- " 3—Council Proceedings for the month of December, , ................ 1947. approved as printed 3—Civil ..... Service Commission, submitting report on entrance . ................ the examination held on April 16, 1948, for position on artment 3—Civil ServicerCommission, .....fitting report on entrance ................... examination held on April 16, 1948, for position on the Police Department ................ 3—Clemens Leo J., Park Commissioner, bond .................... Page 113 113 116 118 120 124 125 128 130 132 134 136, 137 154, 169 155 160, 448 163 168 168 168 168 169 INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page C " 3—Cherry-Green Streets, construction of sanitary sewer referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor for investigation and report ............................................. 175 May 10—City Council, Special Session ........................ .. ................ 176 " 10—Chapman and Cutler, opinion in the matter of issuing .. revenue bonds for the acquiring of parking lots 176, 177, 133 " 10—Chamber of Commerce, Oelwein, Iowa, in regard to get- ting the seven mile stretch between Edgewood and Colesburg paved ...................................................... 177, 178 " 10—Commissioner of Registration, submitting for Council ap- proval the appointment of two clerks of election, who shall have charge of the election registers for the June Primary of June 7th, 1948 .......................... 180, 181 " 10—Chief of Police Strub and Recreational Director Luke recommending that parking be prohibited on both the east and west sides of Comisky Field .............. 182, 236 May 24—City Council, Special Session ......................................... 183 " 24—Covard Art, Notice of Claim ...... .......... .... .................... 184, 203 " 24—Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Com- pany, submitting objections to the petition filed by the Ready -Mix Concrete Company to require the Railroad Company to place a crossing over the tracks at Dodge Street .................................................. 186, 187 " 24—City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of April, 1948, also a list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of April, 1948 .................. 189 June 1—City Council, Special Session .................................................... 193 " 1—Claims for the month of April, 1948, proof of publication 195 June 7—City Council, Regular Session .................................................... 199 " 7—Cole Steve, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 205 June 14—City Council, Special Session ........................ .................... 207 " 14—Company A 133rd Infantry Headquarters Company 1st Battalion 133rd Infantry Iowa National Guard Arm- ory Corporation, Mayor and Clerk authorized and directed to execute a quit claim deed to Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of Randall's Sub. to be used for the con- struction of an Armory .............................................. 208 June 22—City Council, Special Session ............................................ 223 June 29—City Council, Special Session ........................................ 228 " 29—Connor Ione, requesting a refund on the unexpired por- tion of her Class "B" Beer Permit ................................ 232 " 29—Claims for the month of May, 1948, proof of publication 233 " 29—City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Water Works, reports for the month of May, 1948, also a list of claims for which warrants were issued during the month of May, 1948 ........................ 234 " 29—City Manager Rhomberg, recommending that 12th St. be made a boulevard from Main Street to Elm St. and that the boulevarding of Elm Street be extend- ed southerly to 12th street, also that Jackson Street be made a more useable thorofare from 12th Street northerly to the City Limits. Also that traffic signals be installed at 12th and Central, at 14th and Jackson and at 20th and Jackson Street, at 6th & Locust, at 2nd & Locust .......................... 236, 340 W_ 1948 INDEX — Book 78 suB.1EC"I' C Page " 29—City Manager, City Solicitor and Airport Manager, sub- mitting recommendations concerning leases at The Dubuque Municipal Airport and further rec- ommending that the old Island Airport be closed................... .......... ....... ............ ............ ........ 237 " 29—City Assessor's Budget for the year 1948 ......................... 238 " 29—Capretz Mrs. Kate and Wm. Lembke, granted Cigarette Permit........................................................................... 248 "29—Cosley Harold A. and William W., granted Cigarette Per- mit.................. .................. ................ ........................... 248 " 29—Corbett John G., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 248 " 29—Clancy Mrs. Marie, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 249 " 29—Calvert Clifford and Bertha, granted Cigarette Permit.. 249 " 29—Collins Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit ....................... 250 " 29—Crahan W. C., granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 250 " 29—Cooper Fred H. and Leo. v. cunningham, granted Ciga- ettePermit .................. ................... .......................... 250 " 29—Chapman Dolores and Thelma Mardauss, granted Ciga- ettePermit .................. .................. .............................. 250 " 29—Casey Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 251 " 29—Clancy Paul J., granted Cigarette Permit ....................... 251 " 29—Chapman Myrtle A., granted Cigarette Permit .. .......... 251 " 29—Cole Steve, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 250 " 29—Capretz Mrs. Kate and Wm. Lembke, granted Class "B" BeerPermit ................. ................ ............................. 252, 253 " 29—Cosley Harold A. and William W., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............................. ... .................. .... 252, 253 " 29—Casey Harold A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 252, 254 July 5—City Council, Regular Session .............................................. 263 July 6—City Council, Adjourned Regular Session .................. 264 " 6—Council Proceedings for the month of January, 1948, ap- proved as printed .................................. ............... . 273 " 6—Conlon Wilson and Opal L, petition and wavier for the construction of the sanitary sewer in Seminary St. 273, 274 July 19—City Council, Special Session ............................................ 281 " 19—City Water Department advising Council that the Ohio Casualty Company is the Water Department's rep- resentative in settling the claims for damages at " the Circus Grounds on East Fourth Street .............. 301 19—City Wager Department, constructing, furnishing, deliver- ing and testing two electric driven two stage pump- ing units fof the existing Eagle Point Pumping Sta- " 19—Chaney . tion ......................................... . ...............305, 306, 358, 359, Road from the south line 385 property of Asbury Rd. to the north property line of Hillcrest Road, 19—Clary im- provement of ..... 306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 376, 378, 379, Vird and Dolores, 400 19—City granted Class "B" Beer Permit Solicitor requested to 309 prepare the necessary forms and proceedings for the graveling and oiling o f streets ................ A ut,. 2—City _... .............. Council, Regular Session 321 " 2—Cosley Ray J. et al, requesting that two hour 323 be designated for First Street from Locust Street to Bluff Street and also " on Locust Street f r o in Jones Street to 4th Street 2—City " ........... Assessor, budget for the r 340, 364 2—City .. 346, Assessor, fixing the salary ofthe4Deputies 347 .,, 346, 347 1948 f '4 INDEX —Book 78 SUBJECT C Page " 1—Chief of Police Strub recommending that Washington Street and Elm Street at the intersection of East 21st Street be made a stop intersection causing traffic on Washington and Elm Streets to stop be- fore traversing East 21st Street ................................. 447 " 1—City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of September, 1948, also list of claims' for which war- rants were issued for the month of September, 1948 450 " 1—City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the firm of Black & Veatch be retained by the City of Dub- uque for inquiry into and conference concerning the subject of gas rates ........................... ................ 451 " 1—City Manager Rhomberg recommending that plans be prepared for the elimination of the center park- ways in Windsor Avenue and a hearing scheduled during the winter for such improvement ................ 451, 495 " 1—City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the City Council institute proceedings for the construction of a water softening plant during the forthcoming year.. ..... ............................ ..... ,..... ...................................... 453 " 1—Cooper Fred H. and Harold J. Love, granted Cigarette Permit....... ......... ................ .................. ............ ........ 457 " 1—Cooper Fred H. and Harold J. Love, granted Class "B" BeerPermit .................. .... ........ .............................. 458 Nov. 22—City Council, Special Session ............................................ 460 " 22—Clewell & Cooney, Attorneys for Adams Company, re- questing the City Council to adopt resolutions and ordinance which are necessary in clearing up and perfecting the title to property owned by the Adams Company ........ _........................... .... 461, 489, 490, 491 " 22—Carr, Adams & Collier Company, in regard to their plans for the correction of the sawdust condition as com- plained by Carl Schmidt in the vicinity of 972 - 974 White Street .................................. ..... .................... 46.1 " 22—Council Proceedings for the month of March, 1948, approv- edas pri ted .......................................................... 467 " 22—Chief of Police Strub, recommending revocation of the Class "B" Beer Permit of Joseph Beecher and Eldon Reiter............ ................................................................. 467, 468 " 22—City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of October, 1948, also a list of claims for which war- rants were issued for the month of October, 1948 .. 468 " 22—Calvert Clifford and Bertha, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit....................... ........................................................... 472 " 22—Combination Court House -City Hall -Jail, approval of the general layout and floor plans and the Bureau of Community Facilities of the Federal Works Ad- ministration to be notified of such approval ............ 473 " 22—Civil Aeronautics Administration, submission of a pro- ject application by the City of Dubuque for Federal Aid in the construction of an access toad at the Dubuque Municipal Airport ....................................... 473 Nov. 29—City Council, Special Session .................................................. 475 " 29—Chief of Police, recommending that an ordinance be adopted prohibiting the sale and distribution of objectionable comic books and pul lications ........... 495 INDEX —Book 78 t ti SUBJECT Page C 29—City Limits Extended as requested by the Sisters of St. Francis, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church and Mt. Calvary Cemetery Association ............497, 498, 499 Dec. 6—City Council, Regular Session ............................................... 501 " 6—Claims for the month of October, 1948, proof of publication 502 Dec. 14—City Council, Special Session .............................................. 506 " 14—City Solicitor Kintzinger requesting that he be author- ized to secure additional legal help in defending the court action filed by Mancini & Ventrella & Son.............. .................. .......................... 511 14—Council Proceedings for the month of April, 1948, approv- edas printed ................................................................. 512 INDEX -- Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page C " 2—Chief of Police Strub, recommending that two-hour park- ing restriction be placed on East 9th Street on both sides of the street between Central Avenue and White Street ...................................... .......... .... 347, 348 " 2—Claims for the month of June, 1948, proof of publication 348 " 2—City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Water Works, reports for the month of June, 1948 also a list of claims for which warrants were Issued during the month of June, 1948 .................... 348 " 2—Cherokee Drive, City Manager Rhomberg recommend- ing that the improvement of same be accepted and the bond filed by Dubuque Hones Incorporated for the completion of said improvement be released .. 348 " 2—Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Com- pany, ordered and directed to construct a railroad crossing over, upon and across their railroad tracks at Railroad Avenue ....................350, 382, 383, 384, 393, 394 " 2—Canfield Hotel, granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 354 Aug. 9—City Council, Special Session ................ ............................. 357 " 9—Chief of Police Strub, recommending that parking be re- stricted to two hours on Locust Street between Jones and West Fourth Street and on West First Street between Locust Street and Bluff .................. 364 Aug. 16—City Council, Special Session ........................................... 369 " 16—Coughlin Alan A., requesting permission to connect Lot 6 of Block 2 of Hillcrest Park Addition with the sanitarysewer.............................................................. 380 " 16—City Solicitor Kintzinger submitting notices served by the County Sheriff's office on the Chicago, Milwau- kee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company a n d also upon the Illinois Central Railroad Company to construct crossings at Railroad Avenue ......... 382, 383, 384 Aug. 23—City Council, Special Session ................................................ 388 " 23—Claims for the month of July, 1948, proof of publication 395 " 23—City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports, also list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of July, 1948 .................. ............ ............ .......................... 395 Sept. 6—City Council, Regular Session ............................................... 399 Sept. 7—City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ............. ..... .... 400 " 7—Collins Joseph, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 112 .................... 403 " 7—Capretz Mrs. Kate and Wm. Lembke, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of their Cigarette Per- mitNo. 12...................................................................... 403 " 7—Capretz Mrs. Kate and Wm. Lembke, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of their Class "B" Beer PermitNo. 26............................................................. 403 " 7—Curtis-Straub Company, excavation bond .............. 405 Sept. 14—City Council, Special Session ........................................... 410 Sept. 24—City Council, Special Session ............................................... 413 " 24—City Manager requested to advise Council on the advis- ability of commencing construction of a sewage disposal plant and the ways and means of financing the project ......................................................413, 414, 452, 453 " 24—Chief of Police Strub, recommending that the street in- tersection of Rosedale Avenue and Avoca Street be made a boulevard and that stop signs be erect- a. INDEX— Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page C ed on Avoca Street on both sides of Rosedale Ave. causing traffic to stop before entering Rosedale Avenue from Avoca street on both sides .................. 415 " 24—Commissioner of Registration, submitting for Council approval the appointment of the two clerks of the election, who shall have charge of the election registers for the General Election of November 2, 1948 ............................ ................. ................. .................. 416 " 24—City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of August, 1948 also list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of August, 1948 ..... ... 418 Oct. 4—City Council, Regular Session, ........... .......... ......... . 421 " 4—Claims for the month of August, 1948, proof of publica- tion........................ ...................... " 4—City Manager instructed to negotiate for the acquiring 427 of Mineral Lot 297, Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 296 own- ed by Phillip Mibalakis also for the acquiring of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 296 and iMneral Lots 294 and 295 owned by C. W. Bradley ............. _. " 4—Corken John D., granted Cigarette Permit 434, 468 .......... ....... 4—Cremer Ralph J., granted Cigarette Permit 435 .. Nov. 1—City Council, Regular Session 435 .......................... " 1—Council of Churchwomen and the Womens Service Lea- 439 gue of St. John's Episcopal Church stating that they have gone on record to submit a complaint regarding the drinking and drunkenness in the „ various City parks .._.... 1—Carolan Rose, 441 requesting the rezoning of the block be- tween 24th Street and 25th Street from Washing- ton Street to the alley first east to Local a ness District ............... Busi- 1—Cooper Fred H. . ...... ....... and Leo V. Cunningham, requesting a 442, 470 refund on the unexpired portion „ Beer Permit of their Class "B" ............ 1—Cooper Fred H. and eo V. Cunningham, requesting a refund on the 443 unexpired portion of tre-ir Cigarette " g .............. 1—Council ProcePermeding s for the month of Februar „ approved as pLrinted Y, 1948, 443 .......... ., 1—Civil Service Commission, submitting report On entrance examination held 445 on October 5, 1948 for positions „ on the Fire Department .... .. 1—Civil Service Commission, submitting report on entrance 445, examination held on October 5, 446 „ on the Police Department 1948 for positions 1—City Treasurer submitting report on rale of bonds for the Improvement of Audubon Street, 446 for the improve- ment of Gandolfo Street, for the construction sanitary sewer in of York Street, improve - the ment of Forest Lane and fomprovement of „ of Diamond r the i Street ..,..... 1—Claims for the ........................................ month of September, 1948, cation proof of 446, 1—Chief of Police ........... publi- 447 .................. Strub, recommendin restrictions be o� " "'" ' placed onEast S xh t Central AvenuStreet between e 447 and White Street .......... 447 INDEX -- Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page D July 6—Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Adminis- tration, approval of the contracts for the construc- tion of the Terminal Administration Building at the Dubuque Municipal Airport, for the plumbing and heating, for the electrical wiring and for well installation................................ .................. ........ 271 6—Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Adminis- tration, in regard to the request of the City of Dubuque for Federal Aid in the amount of $60,000.- 00 covering the proposed construction of a termin- al building, landscaping and other improvements for The Dubuque Municipal Airport and stating that because of Federal funds limitations only $33,- 950.00 had been allocated and advising that from the 1949 authorization the allocation of $33,950 is increased by $15,000.00 to provide funds for t h e Federal share for a proposed project to include an access road and miscellaneous utilities .... _........ 271, 272 6—Dean Mrs. H. L. et al, regVesting the extension of the present multiple family residence district from its present termination at Paulina Street to include the area on the northerly side of West Fifth Street to Alpine Street 273, 349, 396, 416, 417, 456, 457, 460, 488, 489 July 19—Duggan Mrs. Regina, submitting written objections against the improvement of Platt Street and Platt Street Extension ............. .................. .. ..281, 282, 342, 360 " 19—Dilworth H. E., submitting written objections against the improvement of Platt Street and Platt Street Ex- tension ........................ ....................................281, 282, 342, 360 19—Des Moines Register and Tribune asking permission to place a newspaper vending machine on the cor- ner of 9th and Main Streets ........... ........................... 298 " 19—Deckert W. D. Company, asking Council to take action in snaking 9th Street between Central Avenue and White Street a two-hour parking zone ..............298, 347, 348 19—Dubuque Auto Supply Co., asking Council to take action in snaking 9th Street between Central Avenue and White Street a two-hour parking zone ..............299, 347, 348 " 19—Dubuque Park Board Tax Levy Certificate ...................... 299 " 19—Dubuque Golf Club, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 309 Aug. 2—Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress requesting per- mission for the holding of their annual Labor Day Parade on Saturday night, September 4th, 1948 .... 341 2—Dubuque Amusement Corporation requesting fire protec- tion for the ballroom known as Melody Mill ..... ... 341 2—Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress submitting for the Council's consideration the name of Merlin Hantel- man to fill the vacancy on the Board of Trustees of the Public Library caused by the resignation of Frank Huftill ................. .......... 3.11 " 2—Dubuque County, grant and easement to the City of Dub- uque for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets ........................................... 343, 344 " 2—Dunleith Street from the west property line of Southern Avenue to and, improvement of ......351, 352, 388, 389, 390, 410 Aug. 9—Didesch Richard H. et al, consenting to the installa- tion of curb and gutters and storm sewer on Ava- lon Road, but objecting to the type of paving to be placed on said Avalon Road ...................................... 358 lb I N DEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page D Aug. 16—Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, extending invi- tation to the City Council to participate in the Labor Day Parade ... .. . ... ..... ... .... 1. .- 380 Sept. 7—Dubuque Chamber of Commerce suggesting Council participation in the Businessmen's Conference on Urban problems to be held in Detroit Michigan .... 401 " 7—Datisman Wilfred E., et al, requesting the installation of a street light at the intersection of Apple and Oak Streets ...... ....... ........ ... ..... .._... ........ 404, 452 " 7—Dye William, (Veterans Radio Cab Co.) taxi -cab bond .. 400 Sept. 24—Dubuque Roofing Company asking that a two hour park- ing limit be installed in front of their place of busi- ness................. ............................... Oct. 4—Dubuque Council of Churches protesting against making 414, 447 Twelfth Street a through street _ _......... 426 " 4—D. A. V. Club of Dubuque, Inc., granted Class "13" Beer Permit for Private Club ...... _ ._.... ................ 436 Nov. 1—Dubuque Women's Club, submitting opposition to the designating of Twelfth Street as a highway ......... 440 1—Dubuque Council of Parent-Teacher Association of Dub- uque Public Schools, protesting the making of Twelfth Street an arterial road ............ 440 1—Dubuque County Tuberculosis Association, requesting permission for the holding of a tag -day sale 442 _ 1—Devoe George, granted Class 'B" Beer Permit453 Nov. 22—Dougher, Rich and Woodburn, Architects, submitting general layout and floor plans for the proposed com- bination Court House -City Hall -Jail _ _.... . Dec. 14—Duggan Mrs. Regina, in regard to special 473 assessment for the improvement of Platt Street ......................... . 506, 507 ir INDEX -Book 78 1948 SUBJECT page D Jan. 5 -Dubuque Firefighters Local, asking Council to withhold future action on the proposed "Sick Leave" ordin- ance ................ 2 " 5 -Dougherty Frank J., requesting tax suspension on Lots 172 and 173 Union Add . ................................................ 3 Jan. 22 -Dubuque Packing Company, requesting the vacation of the westerly 24 feet 10 inches of Sycamore Street and conveying such vacated area to it, subject to the easement of the C. M. St. P. & P. Railroad for railroad purposes, such conveyance to be upon such consideration as the Council may determine to be reasonable under the circumstances ........8, 35, 57 " 22 -Driscoll Willard J., Notice of Claim ...................................... 8, 17 " 22 -Dubuque Metal Trades Club, transfer of address of their Cigarette Permit ............ . .... . ...................... 12 " 22 -Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, transfer of address of their Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .. 12, 13 Feb. 2 -Dubuque Homes, Inc., requesting that the City Council draw up the necessary resolution concerning the passing of the proposed plat of Glenview Subdivi- sion and that this resolution embody the necessary street improvements....................................16, 50, 51, 169, 170 Feb. 23 -Duffey John C., Notice of Claim ........... _.................... 31, 104 " 23 -Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting permis- sion to use the City lots on Fourth Street Exten- sion for the holding of a carnival during the first or third week in June, 1948 ......................................... 33 " 23 -Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Company, excavation bond 39 " 23 -Diamond Street from the east curb line of Central Ave- nue to the west curb line of Jackson Street, im- provement of said street with concrete curb and gutter.................................................46, 47, 48, 93, 94, 121, 122,- ............. .................. ..................130, 231, 304, 305, 373, 374, 375,- ................ ... ............ I. .................. ...... 376, 447 Mar. 1 -Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ._.......................................... 68 Mar. 12 -Detailed distribution of proposed Expenditures of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1949 .................. .......... 72, 73, 74,- . ......................... ..75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81 Mar. 19 -Duggan Mrs. Regina M., submitting written objections to the so-called extension and improvement of PlattStreet..................................................................... 87, 109 " 19 -Duffin Harold L., stating that he wishes to withdraw his name from the petition objecting to the proposed improvement of Mount Loretta Avenue .................. 98 " 19-Duscher George E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 104, 105 April 5 -Duffy John L., making application under the Soldiers Preference Law, for the position of City Solicitor.. 113 " 5 -Dubuque Bank and Trust Company, appointed as a depos- itory of public funds of the City of Dubuque .......... 114 " 5 -Dubuque Real Estate Board, submitting parking lot ap- praisals............................ ........... _.. ............................... 115, 116 April 12 -Deming J. K., reappointed as a member of the Fire and Police Pension and Retirement Boards for a term of four years, said term expiring April 1, 1952.......... 128 April 19 -Department of Public Safety, Des Moines, Iowa, congrat- ulating the City of Dubuque on receiving the sig- nal honor of being awarded first place in the Na- tion for safety by the National Safety Council ...... 131 INDEX—Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page D 19—Dubuque County Unit of the American Cancer Society, requesting permission for the holding of a tag day on May 8th, 1948 ...................................... ............ 132 19—Dubuque County, petition and waiver for the construc- tion of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina St. 140, 141, 142 April 22—Dubuque Ready -Mix Concrete Co., requesting the City Council to order a railroad crossing constructed over the C. M. St. P. & P. R. R. on East Dodge St. 160, 161, May 3—Dilworth H. E., verbal 186, objection to any assessment that 187, 403 might be assessed against his property for the pro- posed improvement of Platt Street and Platt Street Extension ................... " 3—Dubuque Metal Trades Council, granted Class "B" Beer 173 Permit for Private Club ............... " 3—Dubuque Golf Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for 174, 175 Private Club ............................. .... May 24—Dubuque Homes Inc., " cove performancering the 174, 175 completion of the improvement of Blackhawk Drive and Fox Drive .............. " 24—Dubuque Cycle Club, transfer of address of Class "B" 188 June 1—DucclnePermit iWalteret alr l requesting the rezoning of the 190, 191 property on Rhomberg Avenue in the vicinity of Lots 312 and 313 of Ham's Addition " .............. ... ... .. 1—Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Administra- 195 tion, approval of plans, specifications and support- ing documents for the construction of the first unit of a Terminal Administration Building at the Dub- uque Municipal Airport including the plumbing and heating, electric wiring, well installation sewage and .... of . disposal Safety Council, H. June 7—Dubuque -. 196, C. Holloway, President, 197, 198 ad- dressed the Council and presented a plaque award- ed to Dubuque for first place honors in the National Traffic Safety Contest ................ June 22—Dubuque Bank & 199 Trust Company, designated depository tThe o receive public funds for Federal Airport Project, que MunicipalAirport June 29—Depa tme nuof Commerce, .... .... ........ Civil Aeronautics Adminis- tration, Classification of The 227 Dubuque Municipal Airport ........... 22—Dubuque Metal ..Trade...s . ............... "' 231, Council Club, „ Permit granted Cigarette 232 .............. 29—Diamond's Grill Inc., 29—Devoe George, to aPermi 248 Permit ....... grantedr Cigaret 29—Dubuque Cycle Club, " 29—Dunbar Otto J„ granted Cigarette Permit 248 248 " 29—Dr. Pe granted Cigarette Permit pper Bowling Latter 249 Club, granted Cigarette Per- 29—Dubuque Packin ...... ................. .. . 249 29—Duncan Dale, g Company, granted Cigarette Permit 29—Disabled America, ted Cigarette Permit 250 250 .. Permit ..., Veterans Club, granted Cigarette " 29—Dugari Charles 250 S.., granted 29—Duncan Dale,granted Cigarette Permit .. granted .............. Class B Beer Permit261 29—Dugan Charles 251 S a d Permit ... y E•, granted Class',-* 252, Beer 29—Dubuque Cycle 253 Club, . 252, 253 Private Club , granted Class "B" Beer Permit for 29—Dunbar Otto J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 252, 254 253, 254 INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUM) 11ICT Page E Jan. 5—Ender Alois J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 6 Feb. 23—Emergency Fund, the amount of $23,644.02 transferred from said fund to the Consolidated Fund .................. 51, 55 Mar. 1—Erpelding Mrs. Mary L., Notice of Claim ........................56, 137, 138 Mar. 30—Ellsworth Major Ted R., requesting that the City of Dub- uque convey to the State of Iowa real estate own- ed by the City on the corner of Valley Street and Southern Avenue, said real estate to be used for site for an Armory for the Iowa National Guard .. 107, 167 April 19—Easement of Dr. Harry C. Nesler for the laying of a water main through his property _ ............. 138 " 19—Easement of Joseph V. and Mary E. Keppler for the lay- ing of a water main through their property .... .... 138, 139 ,4 19—Esser H. F., petition and waiver for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets .... 142, 143 " 19—Esser M. J. and Romanda, petition and waiver for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edia Streets................................................................... 143 May 3—Ellsworth Theodore R., Commanding Officer 1st Bat- talion, 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Division, Ia. National Guard, thanking Council for their efforts and co-operation toward the new armory .............. 167 June 14—Elliott Kenneth W. and Alys, petition and waiver for construction of Seminary Street sanitary sewer .... 212, 213 June 29—Ernst Marie and Dorothy Arthofer, granted Cigarette Permit................... ................ .................. .................... 248 " 29—Eichman Arthur H., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 249 " 29—Ender A. J., granted Cigarette Permit .............................. 251 July 6—Emergency Tax, resolution and application for approval tolevy .............. .... I ... I ...... .. .............. .................... 276, 297 July 19—Eagle Point Pumping Station, constructing, furnishing, delivering and testing two electric driven two stage pumping units ..................................... 305, 306, 358, 359, 385 Aug. 2—Executive Council of the State of Iowa advising that they have accepted the Quit Claim Deed executed by the City of Dubuque on June 25, 1948 ................ 338 Sept. 24—Electrical Inspector instructed to enforce the provisions of the ordinances as to the issuance of permits be- fore any work is commenced ...................... ............. :.. 417 Dec. 14—Erickson Mrs. R. Fred, notice of claim ................................. 511 INDEX—Book 78 19 CS SUBJECT Page F Jan. 22—Firefighters Benevolent Association, stating that they would like to have supplemented to the "S i c k Leave" Ordinance the words "Except Dubuque Firemen", and furthermore, that they would like to request that the enclosed present Sick Leave Plan be adopted in the form of an ordinance ........ c " 22—Federal Works Agency, notified of the approval and ac- ceptance of the surveys, plans, specifications, con- tract documents and estimates of cost as prepared by Consoer, Townsend and Associates for new storm relief sewers for the Bee Branch, Dodge St., Eighth Street and Southern Avenue Sewers ...... . 13 22—Fire Maintenance Fund, the amount of $11,290.00 trans- ferred from the Liquor Sales Fund into the Fire Maintenance Fund ......... 13, 14 Feb. 23—Feller Mrs. F. J., Notice of Claim 31, 59, 60 23—Feltes Ivan, asking the City to arlcquate drain- age facilities, in the vicinity of 2534 Balke Street 32, 61 23—Fire Chief Hickson and Members of the Fire Depart- ment, thanking Council for their recent decision in regard to the "Sick Leave" as the same applies to the Fire Department 32 23—Fischer Investment Company, communication of t h e Planning and Zoning Commission stating that they wish to amend their recommendations as outlined in their communication of November 1, 1947 by amending paragraph (2) to read as follows: (2) Exchange by your honorable body of parcel marked "E" on said plat for a quit claim deed to be furn- ished by Fischer Investment Company for Wall St. extended through the Levee to the Mississippi 34, in- cluding riparian rights ............... 23—Forest Lane from the west curb line of Nevada Stet tot' 62, 83 the east curb line of Delhi Street, improvement of said street 45, 46, 88, 89, 90, 123, 13:;, 1'.1, :30:3, 301, 369, 370,- 405, 23—Fox Drive, dedication and acceptance 371, 372, 373, as a public street 50451, 169,7 Mai. 12—Fischer Investment Company, Alayor and City Clerk , 171, 188 authorized to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to said Fischer Investment Company conveying Lot 5 and the North 18 feet of Lot 4 of Block O in Mar. Booth's Addition 30—Fritschel Esther, Business Mana er, 83, 84 cal Seminary, submittin g Wartburg Theologi- tiou of Lo- well C. Green et al askingttthat �thle Fremont -Mt. Carmel bus route be changed back to its previous " route lnvestment Co 1n ................ ............ 108 April 5— p, Y. stipulation and a,reement First National Bank, appointed as a depository of public 111 funds of the City of Dubuque April 12—Florence Street, request that said street be 114 April 19—Fitzpatrickthat or max ter drainage be constructed ded and May 3—Farley & Loetscher Mf Water Department, 12.1 constrict a loading Co'' requestingbond to 136 end of their bui ding dock on the permission t t g extendin East Sixth Street May 10—Freisie ep ermission to erect a canopy the full length also g Mrs. L., in regard to the pY over this dock .... 166, 167 the residence located at 850 the collection at Wilson Avenue ......., 177 1948 NDEX — Book 78 SUBJECT F Page " 10—Financial report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1948, proof of publication ............ _... ............... 178 May 24—Feldman L. J. et al, residents of Wilson Street, between 5th Street and University Avenue, requesting that parking be restricted to the East side .................. 186 June 29—Finch Alford, granted Cigarette Permit .............. ..... ....... 248 " 29—Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Cigarette Permit .... 248 " 29—Flick Morris B., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 248 " 29—Fortman Anton Co., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 249 " 29—Fink Milton, granted Cigarette Permit ...... . .............. 249 " 29—Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Cigarette Permit .... 250 " 29—Fesler Audrey J., granted Cigarette Permit ...... ........... 250 " 29—Falkenhainer Charles, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 251 " 29—Fortman Anton, granted Class "B" Beets Permit .......... 252, 253 " 29—Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit for Private Club ............................ 252, 254 June 30—Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit for Private Club ......... ........... ............................ 252, 254 July 6—Wire Pension Tax Levy Certificate ............ ..................... 272 " G—Fire Retirement Tax Levy Certificate .......... ............. 273 " 6—Fire Department Members asking Council to consider an increase in their salary ......................... ............... .... 273 Aug. 2—Fire Prevention Inspectors Short Course, advising that the Engineering Extension Service of Iowa State 4 College, Ames, Iowa, will conduct the same on the y August 17-20, 1948 ......................................................... 340 ' 2—Fransen Jack, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit .. .. ........... 341 2—Fisher Herbert J., granted Cigarette Permit ..... ........... 354 Aug. 1G—Fichter Fred, representing the Dubuque Building Trade Council, objecting to the method employed in re- gard to excavating for footings at The Dubuque MunicipalAirport ................ ........................ .............. 381 Sept. 7—First Street harbor, communication of United States Engineers Office, Rock Island, Illinois, in regard to the dredging of same ...................... 401, 402, 431, 432, 433 " 7—Fesler Audrey J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 408, 409 'd Sept. 21—Fulton Parent Teachers Association endorsing the Pres- cott School Parent Teachers Association opposi- tion to making Twelfth Street a boulevard .. 414 Nov. 1—Fenchel Mr. and Mrs. Clarence et al, requesting that a street light be placed on Bennett Street between Algona Street and McCormick Street ...................... 442, 496 Nov. 22—Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., in regard to their plans for i the correction of a nuisance caused by dust parti- in the atmosphere in the vicinity of 972 and cles 974 White Street, some of which are presumed to have escaped from their woodworking operations_ 463, 464 Dec. 6—Friedman Elmer J., notice of claim .................................... 501 " 6—Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company requesting permission to build and maintain a bridge over Jackson Street and to lay certain pipes under the of Jackson Street and to build and main- surface tain a certain railroad track in Jackson Street, all to be used in connection with the operation of a power plant now under construction on Jackson Street between eighth and ninth streets 501, 502, 512, 513, 514 " 6—Flynn Thos. Coal Company, Excavation Policy ............ 503 INDEX -Book 78 l a i SUBJE("I' Page G Jan. 5-Grommersch Nick, in regard to the establishing of bus service on the Park Hill District and also in regard to establishing a street connecting Park Hill Dis- trict with Kane Street in order that bus service would be made available on both Park Hill District and Kaufmann Avenue ............................................ 2 Jan. 22 -Graham Joseph G. objecting to the vacation of an alley adjacent to lots owned by Mrs. Harry Schiltz and Clarence J. May, the alley in question extends to the north from York Street ....... ....... ........ _ ._ ..... 9, 22 Feb. 2 -Glenview Subdivision, request of the Dubuque Homes Inc. that the City Council draw up the necessary resolution concerning the passing of the proposed plat and that the resolution embody the necessary street improvements ..... ....... 16, 50, 511 169, 170 " 2 -Groff Edith M, supplementing her Notice of Claim 17, 516 Feb. 23 -Grant and Easement of Anna Hein et al " 23 -Gandolfo Street from the north curb line of St. Joseph .3 Street to the south curb line of Lombard Street, improvement of said street with concrete curb and gutter 42, 43, 95, 96, 97, 120, 121, 130, 186, 195, 221, 290,- Mar. 1 -Graf Edward M. et al, requesting the extension Sof the 413. 446 present sanitary sewer on Seminary Street from its present terminus west to the intersection of Seminary Street and the Bunker Hill Golf Course Road ............ ................. - rob Erwin M. and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 1 -General Municipal Election 56 68 of March 29th, 1948, appoint- ment of Judges and Clerks to serve at said tion............ ....... . elec- 70, Mar. 19 -Golden Homer, addressed the Council in 111 regard to bus service on Park Hill District ..... 19 -caber M. L. Construction Co in the 97 amount of $10,000.00 for the construction oL St. Mary's Orphanage Sewage System ........... 19 -General Municipal Election of March 29th, 1948, canvass- ing nominations papers 98 for the offices oP Council- men and ParkMar. 30 -General Municipal 105 Electi nioners of1 March 29th, 1!i i,,. (•anvass OPark f votes cast for the offices of Ccnnu•ilmen and " 30 -Green Lowell C.,et1 aloasking that.. ........ 106, the Frewont-M t. Car- mel bus route be changed 107 back to its .. .. " route ..........s ..... ...... previous 30 -Grady Mrs. ............... . gn Ae, April 12 -Govern .....• 108, granted Cigarette..Permit 12 -Governor's Conference 166 109 on Fire Preventionasking that , City of Dubuque be represented at the conference on Fire Prevention to be held in Des Moines, Ia. on May 28-29, 1948 ...................... April 19 -Gallagher . R. J., City Engineer, bond .. 10 -Gehrig Cecelia M., 124 petition and waiver for the construe- tion of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina St..143, May 3 -caber M. L. Construction 135 Co., excavation bond ............. 3-Gantert Harry N, and Lucile, 144 169 Permit granted Class "B" May 10 -Garbs a ...... Beer g contract supplemented b •• additional y the " $150.00 semi-monthly payment of an 10 -Grandview Avenue 174 and Audubon Street extension through the Senior High g School grounds 178, 177 .......... 183, 201, 202, 230, 443,- .................................... ........443, 471 INDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page G May 24—General Aluminum Supply Corporation, in regard to the use of Gasco cast aluminum soil pipe and fittings in all above ground plumbing installations 185 ............. June 14—Grode Harry V., requesting a refund on the unexpired Portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit 209 June 22—Grant ........................ Offer from the United States of America, adopt- ing and approving the execution of an acceptance by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of obtaining Federal Aid in the development of The June 29—Glynn Dubuque Municipal Airport ........................................ John and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit 225, 226 248 29—Grutz ........ John and Clara, granted Cigarette Permit 249 " 29—Gloeckner ............ Mrs. Wilma, granted Cigarette Permit 250 29—Galliart ............ Raymond M. and Evelyn M., granted Cigarette Permit......... ................... 251 29—Gantert ' Harry N., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 251 29—Gilmer Opal, granted Cigarette Permit 251 July 19—Graveling and oiling of streets, City Solicitor requested to prepare the necessary forms and proceedings .. 321 y Aug. 2—Grant and Easement of Ethel M. Meaney to City of Dub- uque for construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon andEdina Streets ........................................................ 342 " 2—Grant and Easement of Dubuque County to City of Dub- uque for construction of a sanitary sewer in Vern- Aug. 9—Gates on and Edina Streets . ..................... . Sumner E., submitting application for authority to 4 connect Lot 8 of Block 5 Hillcrest Park with the sanitary sewer .................. .. ....... 364 Aug. 16—Gilmer Opal, requesting a refund on the unexpired por- tion of her Cigarette Permit No. 253 ........................ 380 " 16—Gilmer Opal, requesting a refund on the unexpired por- tion of her Class "B" Beer Permit No. 140 .............. 380, 381 Aug. 23—Gallogly William L., revocation of power of Attorney .... 394 Sept. 7—Graham Ralph C. State Director American Public Works Association, with reference to membership in the Association ..........' .............. ......... 403, 414 " 7—Gloeckner Mrs. William, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 408, 409 Oct. 4—Gates S. E. et al, offering objection to the increase in gas rates as the same applies to Schedule No. 2 Service, that for heating of homes and of water .... 425 " 4—Grutz John and Clara, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 436 Nov. 1—Grommersch Nick, requesting that a grade be establish- ed on Sabula Street between Muscatine Street and BurlingtonStreet.......................................................... 439 " 1—Gray Richard E, Notice of Claim ...................................... 439 " 1—Glynn Mrs. Eleanor, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 457 " 1—Glynn Mrs. Eleanor, granted Class 'B"' Beer Permit ...... 458 " 1—Glynn John and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 458 INDEX Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page H Jan. 5—Hill T. J., appointed as a member of the Board of Re- view for a term of two years ......... .... ............. _ 3 Jan. 22—Hart Covell J., Notice of Claim ........... ...... _................. R, 18 Feb. 2—Hyde Clark Woman's Relief Corps, requesting; permis- sion to hold a tag day ............... ..- - - _- - 16 " 2—Hillard Joseph and Bernice, granted Class "R" Meer Permit.............. ....... I ... .... Feb. 23—Haggerty Jennie, requesting suspension of the 1947 taxes on Lot 254 of Davis Farm Addition . .... .. " 33, 59 23—Hein Anna and Fred et al, Grant and Easement ............ " 33 23—Holy Trinity Church requesting the closing of the upper end of the alley running North to South between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues and requesting the vacation of said alley in favor the of H o 1 y Trinity Church, Inc. and also asking permission to construct a curbing about Holy Trinity Church property .............. ... ......... ... 34, " 23—Hutchins Ray and Paul A. Leonard, granted Cigarette 60, 61 Permit Feb. 23—Hutchins, Ray, and Paul A. Leonard Beer Permit ........................ granted Class "B" 52 .... _ ...... Mar. 1—Heiar Mrs. Anna, 1123—Hutchins Ray and Paul Class "B"granted Beer Permit ...B" 52, 53 gg A. Leonard,granted Class Mar. 12—Hier Mrs. Mary, requesting suspension ofthe tax on the North 24 feet of Lot 374 Davis Farm Addition 82, 103 Mar. 19—Henkel John, requesting a refund on the unexpired por- tion of his Cigarette permit ._....... April 5—Hein, Joseph A. et al., requesting that Balke Street be- tween Strauss and Lawther J9 Streets be graded and coveApril 19—Hail Johnred eose with c crushed ... _- 115 rock .............. bond p p &Cashier -Nater llepartment, ................ ............ . . May 3—Hogan M. P., Power of Attorney , 35 ........ 3—Highland Realty Company requesting the issuance of a building permit for the 166 erection of one Lustron manufact3—Henschel ` ......................... JohnuA�ettall requesting that 167 a schedule be prepared for the construction of a sanitary sewer and also for the improvement of Dillon Street .. 167, 235 May 10—Holz Oswald and Clara, offer of $200.00 accepted as pay- ment in full of the special assessments levied against Lots 32 and 33 of McDaniel's Park H i 11 addition .................. ............ May 24—Henkel John and Alma, granted Cigarette Permit 24—Henkel John and Alma, 180 granted Class "S„ June 7—Hammerand Mrs. A. H., Beer Permit 190, 7—Hawkeye Casualt Notice of Claim ......eer 190 191 . Y Company, advising Council that the 199, 302 Excavation Bond of Maurice Hill is not needed and „ asking that said bond be considered not in force.. 7—Hagge Clarence et al, requesting 200 that the alley connect- ing St. Ambrose Street and Ungs Street 1Y graded be proper - and placed in proper condition for foot June 14— and vehicular travel .... H ..... enschel Alfred ..................................201, A. and Dorothea F., ertary for the construction of the and waiv- 235 Semination sewer .............. Y Street rani- " 14—Huff Elwood, .............. . d -b -a, Huff lumber Bond Com an .. .. .. ..p Y, Exc ........... avation 214 ........................ 220 h,. INDEX -- Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page H __— June 29—Hartzog, Justin, City Planning Consultant, submitting a proposed new route for the extension Grandview Avenue through the Senior High School property 234 " 29—Hirsch Ray et al, requesting that sewer and water mains be installed on Kane Street from Kaufmann Ave- nue to the City Limits .................. .............................. 231 " 29—Healey Wilfred J., informing Council that a prefabricat- ed house manufactured by GBH -Way Homes, Inc., has been erected at 220 West 32nd Street and is now ready for Council inspection ............................ 232, 303 " 29—Homart Homes, recommendation of Building Commis- sioner that blanket permission be given for the erection of said homes in the City of Dubuque .... 238, 303 " 29—Hessel Irvin G. and William H. Potter, granted Cigarette Permit.................. ............... .. ............ 248 " 29—Herber Fred and Annabella, granted Cigarette Permit.. 249 " 29—Harris Joe, granted Cigarette Permit ................................ 249 " 29—Hickey Tom J. and John J. granted Cigarette Permit. 249 " 29—Haley John J. and Fay H. granted Cigarette Permit .... 249 " 29—Henkel John and Alma, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 249 " 29—Haley John J. and Fay, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 252, 253 " 29—Hughes R. D., granted Cigarette Permit ........ .................. 249 " 29—Hird Mrs. Rosemary, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 250 " 29—Hutchins Ray and Paul A. Leonard, granted Cigarette Permit.................. ................. .................. ...................... 250 " 29—Hiawatha Club, granted Cigarette Permit ....................... 250 " 29—Hawkeye Lodge, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 250 " 29—Heiar Mrs. Anna, granted Cigarette Permit ....... _...... . 250 " 29—Hillard Joseph and Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit.. 259 " 29—Haley Amy, granted Cigarette Permit ... ........................ 250 " 29—Hogan Vincent J., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 250 " 29—Hollywood Grill, granted Cigarette Permit ................. .... 250 " 29—Helmer Mrs. Florence, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 250 " 29—Hedley Alfred and Lillian, granted Cigarette Permit ..... 250 " 29—Hochberger William, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 251 " 29—Herber Arthur F. and Theresa, granted Cigarette Per- mit.................. .......... :....... .......... I....... ............. I.... ........ 251 " 29—Hamilton Anna, granted Cigarette Permit ....................... 251 " 29—Herber Fred and Annabelle, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.................. ................ ....... ........ ...................... 252, 253 " 29—Hughes R. D., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 252, 253 " 29—Haley John and Fay, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit.................. .................. .................. ............................ 252, 253 " 29—Hamilton Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 252, 253 " 29—Hogan Vincent J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 253, 254 July 6—Hessel Irvin G. and Wm. H. Potter, granted Class "C" BeerPermit .................. .................. ............ ................. 277 July 19—Hein Harriet H. and Camillus R. submitting objections to the proposed improvement of Balke Street ....... 284 " 19—Howes Charles V. et al, objecting to the present con- struction plans of the University of Dubuque con- sisting of two room homes and a parking lot at the corner of West and Gilliam Streets .................. 298, 299, 350 " 19—Harker Karl W., petition and waiver for the construction of the sanitary sewer in Seminary Street .............. 299, 300 " 19—Hillcrest Annexation Assessment District, improvement of streets ........................306, 307, 308, 357, 35a, 376, 377, 378,- .................. ................ ..............379, 400 INDEX—Book 78 1948 _ — SUBJECT H Page " 19—Hillcrest Road from the west property line of Asbury Road to the east property line of Avalon Road, improvement of... 306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 376, 377, 378, 379, 400 Aug. 2—Holmes Charles R. Notice of Claim .. _ ................... _. ... 338, 382 " 2—Huftill Frank, submitting resignation as a member of Board of Trustees of the Carnegie -Stout Free Public Library ._.............. ..... _ . _ 341 " 2—Hantelman Merlin, appointed as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Stout Free Public Li- brary to fill the unexpired term of Frank Huftill, recently resigned, said term expiring July 1st .... .. 341 " 2—Heer Carl M. et al, asking that the City Island Airport be maintained until such time as it ceases to be an to the development of Dubuque and the flying pilots ing pilots and public who use the same .....__ . 342 Aug. 16—Hynist H. P., Notice of Claim ............ 380 " 7—Hamilton Anna, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit No. 220 ......... 404 " 7—Hamilton Anna, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of her Class "B" Beer Permit No. 63 404 " 7—Hennings Helen C., of regard to the legality of the past and future proceedings and action of the City Coun- cil in connection with the construction of airport hangars buildings at the Municipal Airport .. ...404, 405, 448 " 7—Hochberger William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 408, 409 Sept. 24—Henningson Engineering Co., with reference to construc- tion of a sewage disposal plant 413 _ .. " 24—Hughes R. D., requesting a refund on the unexpired por- tion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 38 414 " 24—Hughes R. D., requesting a refund on the unexpired por- tion of his Cigarette Permit No. 82 _._ ......... 414 ....... " 24—Hartig A. J. et al, requesting that Lake Peosta be again made a clear water lake of moving water by elim- inating the stoppage of flow at Dock Street, at East 16th Street and at or near the Interstate Power Company plant at the foot of 8th Street in order to improve fishing and boating conditions in Lake Peosta area .... ............ _.. .........._ ...._ ............. Oct. 4—Hyatt G. C. et al advising Council that they are for the 415 Pending proposal to make Twelfth Street a boule- vard and also for the installation of a Stop and Go light at Twelfth Street and Central Avenue __ 4—Helmer Mrs. Florence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 4—Hickey John J., 426 436 .. granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ... . " 4—Hawkeye Club of Dubuque, 436 Iowa, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .. Nov. 1—Hartzog Justin, report submitted on Pro osed Kane „ Heights Development 436 ._p 1—Hard Mrs. Rosemary, granted Class "B" Beer permit 1—Hedley Alfred E. assgran 458 and Lillian, .. „ Permit .............. 1 Beet- "er Beer 1—Herber Arthur F. and The�� • 's • resa, 468 Permit grauto,l Class "B" Beer " 1—Hiawatha Club,•• ............... granted Class "B" vate Club Beer Permit for Pri- ........... 458 .............,•.... .................. 468 NDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page H Nov. 22—Houser P. J., Director, Division of Public Health Engin- eering, Des Moines, Iowa, advising that a field training course in rodent control will be held in Kansas City, Missouri during the period of Novem- ber 29 to December 10, 1948 ... ............. I....................... 463 Nov. 29—Howard Mary C., Notice of Claim ........................................ 488 29—Hillcrest Annexation District, survey ordered made of the street lighting needs ................. 496 Dec. 14—Haupert Mrs. Alice, requesting that a street light be in- stalled on Brecht's Lane and also requesting' that the street be improved by the placing of a layer of crushed rock on the street ............................................ 511 9 N DEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page Feb. 23—Interstate Power Company, requesting an easement for to extend their power lines from a steel tower at Pine and Bell Streets to their property where their coal pile is now located and is shown by the purple lines on the plat attached the City owned property over which the easement is requested is outlined in red on said plat ............ ...............38, 39, 61, 85 Mar. 30—Iowa National Guard, Mayor and Clerk authorized to ex- ecute and deliver to the State of Iowa, a deed to to the real estate owned by the City of Dubuque located on Valley Street and Southern Avenue for the erection of an Armory ....................................... 110 April 19—Iowa Municipal Accounting Officers Association, advis- ing that a school of instruction for Accounting Of- ficers of the Municipalities of the State of Iowa wi�l be held on May 13th and 14th, 1948, at Des Moines.................................................................................. 132 May 3—Interstate Power Company in regard to the petition for a change in the Mt. Carmel, Fremont Bus route .. 166 May 10—Independent School District of Dubuque in regard to the extension of North Grandview and Audubon Street throught the Senior High School grounds ............... ....... ......................... ............178, 183, 201, 202, 230 June 7—lowa Department of Public Safety, I. A. Lowell, address- ed the Council and presented the State Certificate awarded to Dubuque for first place honors in the Traffic Safety Contest .................. ............................. 199 June 14—Iowa National Guard, Mayor and Clerk authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the State of Ia. a quit claim deed to Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of Ran- dall's Sub, to be used for the site of a garage ......1. 208, " 333 14—Iowa National guard Armory Corporation, 1liayor and Clerk authorized and directed to execute and deliver to Company A 133rd Infantry Headquarters Com- pany 1st Battalion 133rd Infantry, a quit claim deed to Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 3 Randall's of Sub. to be used for the construction of an Armory ................. " 14—Interstate Power Company, report showing analysis of 208 revenue and expenses of Electric and Bus Trans- portation service for year ending December 31, 1947 June 29—Irwin Ray and Paul Megonigle, 210 granted Cigarette Per- mit ... ........... . Aug. 2—Iowa State Highway Commission, submitting copies 249 of „ Contrast for Primary Road Extension Maintenance 2—lova State Highway Commission 339 in regard to the install- ation of signal lights at the intersection of 2nd and Locust Streets, at the intersection of 6th and Lo- cust Streets and at the intersection of 20th and „ Jackson Streets .............. 2—Illinois Central Railroad 340 Company, ordered and directed to construct a railroad crossing over, upon a n d across their railroad tracks at Railroad Avenue ...................................350, 382, 383 384, 393, Aug. 9—Iowa Improvement Company , advising httve no Council 394 that' objections to the elimination Mullin tRd from the proposed improvement of streets in Hill- crest Annexation Assessment District providing that the same does not cause a delay in the balance of the paving project ...................................................... 358 INDEX ---Book 18 1948 SUBJECT Page " 9—Irwin Ray and Paul Megonigle, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of their Cigarette Permit No. 92 .................. 364 Aug. 23—Illinois Central Railroad Company, requesting the vaca- tion of that portion of Railroad Avenue lying east of the extension southerly of the easterly property line of Block 27, Dubuque Harbor Company's Ad- dition .............. ........ I ..... .... ............ I..... ........................ 394 " 23—Iowa Sewage Works Association extending invitation to the City of Dubuque to attend the Annual State Conference to be held in Des Moines, Iowa ............ 394 Sept. 7—Iowa Improvement Company requesting permission to provide by private contract for the curbing and guttering on Chaney Road, Morningview Road and Valley view Road ................ ........... _... ................... 400, 401 " 7—Interstate Power Company, transmission line easement from the Virginia -Carolina Chemical Corp. ........... 405 Nov. 1—Interstate Power Company, resuesting permission to locate poles and wires on City owned property com- mencing at a pont on the west boundary line of Salina Street thence west to a point on the same boundary line of South Locust Street ...................... 442, 443 Nov. 22—Interstate Power Company, transmission line easement from The Aspermont Company ................................. 467 Feb. 23—James Street, widening of said Street 10 feet on the west side from the south curb line of West Third Street to apoint 450 feet south 44, 45, 91, 92, 123, 296, 297,- ...... ... ......... .................. ..... I. ... ...... ......348, 349, 366, 504 Mar. 1—Judges and Clerks for the General Municipal Election of March 29th, 1948, appointment of ........................ 70,111 Mar. 30—Jestel Harold E., offering a few suggestions in regard to the marking of streets and meter stalls ................. 107, 108 April 19—tenni Geraldine L., Secretary to City Manager, bond 135 June 29—Jackson Street Storm Sewer from the Bee Branch Storm Sewer at East 30th and Jackson Streets along the west sidewalk line of Jackson Street to the cen- ter of Diamond Street, thence on the center line of Diamond Street to the east property line of Cen- tral Avenue, thence along the east sidewalk line of Central Avenue to a point 205.3 feet north of the center of Diamond Street..241, 242, 287, 288, 362, 363, 386, 454 29—Johanningmeier William L., granted Cigarette Permit 251 July 6—Jordan W. J., Excavation Bond .......................................... 276 July 19—Johnson R. N., State Comptroller, approval of Resolu- tion No. 144-48 resolution and application for appro- val to levy an emergency tax .................................... 297 Aug. 2—Johanningmeier Justin L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. ..................... 354, 355 Aug. 23—Jones Mr. and Mrs. A. A., submitting statement in the amount of $7.00 for the opening up of the main sewer in the vicinity of 2680 Greeley Street .......... 394, 408 Oct. 4—Jungwirth Mrs. Rosa, making formal application for a reduction in the proposed assessment to be levied against Sub. Lot 1 of Lot 9 and Sub. Lot 1 of 16 of Mt. Pleasant Addition for the construction of an eight inch tile sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets.... . .......... .............. ...... .........1 421, 450 .. Nov. 29—Jones Ray and Catherine, granted Cigarette Permit .... 496 11 29—Jones Ray and Catherine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 497 INDEX —Book 78 1II SUBJECT Page K Jan. 5—Kramer Alois E., requesting a refund on his Class "B" BeerPermit ..................................... .................. ............ 1 5—Kolfenbach Louis, appointed as a member of the Bd. of Review for a term of four years ............................ 3 5—Kramer Nick and Marie J., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit.................. .................. .................. ............................ 6 Jan. 22—Kaufmann Avenue Sewer Project, construction of 9, 11, 15, 19, 20,- .................. .................. .... I ......... ............ 28, 30, 62, 63, 64, 65, 220 Feb. 2—Kelsey Miss Lydia, Notice of Claim ................................. 15, 38 Mar. 1—Kaiser Eileen H., requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit No. 197 .................. 56 Mar. 12—Krakow Mrs. Mary, Notice of Claim ............................... I.... 81, 395 Mar. 19—Kritz James L. et al, objecting to the proposed improve- ment of Gandolfo Street and stating that the assess- ments proposed to be levied for this improvement ...........................................................................................95, 120, 130 Mar. 30—Karigan Andrew D., granted Cigarette Permit 109 April 12—Kerper John A., reappointed as a member of the Bd. of Dock Commissioners for a term of three years said term expiring November 26, 1950 ............ April 19—Kolfenbach Louis, requesting that the City set up the 128 requirements that must be met in order that his of Vernon Heights Subdivision may be approved. 132, 189 19—Kintzinger John J., City Solicitor, bond ........................ 135 19—Kane Allen Charles, Clerk - Water Department, bond .... 135 19—Keppler Joseph V. and Mary E., easement for laying a water main through their property .......................... 138, 139 May 3—Knapp Clara L., settlement of claim ................................... 171 May 10—Kellum Al. J. et al, requesting that one hour parking . regulations. be placed on parking in the block be- tween Third and Fourth Streets on Main .............. 178 May 24—Kolfenbach Louis C., stating that he proposes to provide for Dubuque a Modern Trailer Camp and request- ing a change in the classification of Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Min. Lot 304 and of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 Of 1 of 1 of Min. Lot 304 to Business District, also requesting permission to construct an 8 inch sani- tary sewer to be connected to the Roosevelt Street sewer and also making application for extension of the water main for a distance of approximately 600 feet .185, 275 " 24—K -M Construction Company, asking that they be a 30 day extension of time from May 19, 1948n or the completion of their contract for the improve- ment of Gandolfo Street ........................ . June 1—Kintzinger John J., a 186, 19b Meeting appointed Clerk of the Council .................. 193 1—Kramer Nick, requesting a refund on the unexpired por- tion of his Class "B" Beer Permit ................................ . ............... 195 June 7—Koons Howard, submitting verbal request that he be granted permission to establish and operate an auc- tion house in the downtown area ........ 7—Kintzinger Robert H., submitting petition. ... .... .. of pr'o' .er .. • • 199, 210 owners or residents in the vicinity of the 2300 block on St. Ambrose Street in regard to the condition Of alley connecting St. Ambrose Street and Ungs Street .................. ................................ ........................ 201 INDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page K June 14—Kunkel Dora C., petition and waiver for the construc- tion of the Seminary Street sanitary Sewer ............214, 215 June 29—Kretschmer-Tredway Co. asking Council to consider one hour or at the outside two hour parking restric- tion of Ninth Street from Washington Street to Jackson Street ................. ........................ .......... ........ 230, 275 " 29—Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 248 " 29—Kramer Joseph A. and Louis P. O'Connor, granted Ciga- rettePermit .................. ........................ ........................ 248 " 29—Kane James M., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 248 " 29—Karigan Andrew D., granted cigarette Permits ............. 248 " 29—Klauer Peter, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 249 " 29—Kruse George C., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 249 " 29—Kachevas James P., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 249 " 29—Kraus Leo M., granted Cigarette Permit ................... 249 " 29—Kanavas George, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 250 " 29—Kissling Russell G., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 250 " 29—Kies Theodore T., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 250 " 29—Kress Henry L., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 250 " 29—Kelly Frank M. and Francis E., granted Cigarette Permit 250 " 29—Kopp N. J., granted Cigarette Permit ................................ 250 " 29—Klein Frank and Anna, granted Cigarette Permit............ 251 " 29—Kopple Harry, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 251 " 29—Kane John M., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 251 " 29—Karigan Andrew D., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 252, 253 " 29—Kanavas George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 252, 253 " 29—Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 252, 253 " 29—Klein Frank and Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 252, 253 " 29—Kane John M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 252, 253 " 29—Kringle John E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 252, 398 " 29—Kachevas James P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 252, 253 July 19—Karegan Theodore, submitting written objections against the improvement of Platt Street and Platt Street Extension..........................................................281, 282, 342, 360 " 19—Kritz Jas. L. objecting to the proposed special assess- ment to be levied against Lots 22 and 23 of O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 for the improvement of Gandolfo Street .............. .................. ................ ............290, 338, 418 " 19—Kleis C. E. Co., asking Council to take action in regard to the parking situation on East Ninth Street ........299, 347, 348 " 19—Kissling, Russell G., granted Class "C" Beer Permit........ 309 Aug. 2—Kingsley A. R., Dubuque Publicity Coordinator Com- munivations Workers of America Northwestern Division No. 45, requesting permission to operate sound trucks on the streets .......................................... 341 " 2—Klauer Peter, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 354, 355 Aug. 16—Kolfenbach Louis C., requesting permission to construct from connection with Roosevelt street sewer an 8 inch sanitary sewer to become a part of the city sewerage system and Easement be granted to the City in Lot 2 of Lot B of Lot of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 304 and in Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 304 .......... 381, 396 Aug. 23—Kringle John E., granted Cigarette Permit ...... ........ I.... 397 Sept. 14—Kruse Miss Dorothy, Notice of Claim ................................ 411, 434 " 14—Kintzle Clarence A. et al, requesting that Rosedale Ave- nue be designated a boulevard at the intersection of Rosedale Avenue and Avoca Street .................... 411, 415 INDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page LA Sept. 24—Kintzinger A. C., requesting that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed to her of any and all right the City might have in the easterly half of the alley from Coates Avenue to the northerly line of Lot 6 of Concord's Sub- 24—Kane James M., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 419 Oct. 4—Kramer Joseph A. and Louis P. O'Connor, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 436 Nov. 1—Kane Heights Development, report submitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission for Council fon- sideration.................................. 444, 471 ................. .................. da INDEX --Book 78 1948 SUBJECT L Page Jan. 5—Lange Robert A. and John D. Paine, granted Cigarette Permit ................. " 5—Lange ... ............... .................. .................... Robert A. and John D. Paine, granted Class "B" 6 Beer Permit .................. Jan. 22—Liquor Sales Fund, the amount of $33,353.12 transferred from the Liquor Sales Fund into the Consolidated Fund and the amount of $11,290.00 transferred from THE Liquor Sales Fund into the Fire Maintenance Feb. 2—Lundbeck Fund .... 13, 14 Kate S., requesting suspension of the 1947 tax 16, 37 Feb. 23—Latham " Ernest and Myrtle, granted Cigarette Permit 52 23—Latham .. Ernest and Myrtle, granted Class "C" Beer Per- Mar. 19—Lightfoot mit .................. Charles, Notice of Claim .......... 52, 53 98, 449 April 12—Lyons E. B., reappointed as a member of the Civil Service Commission for a term of six years, said term expiring March 31, 1954 .......... ..................... 128 April 19—Librarian of the Carnegie -Stout Free Public Library, AnnualReport .................. .................. ................. ........ 132 " 19—Luke Hylda N., Recreation Director, bond ............ .. 135 May 3—Linwood Cemetery Association; asking release of their blastingbond .... .......... ................. .................. ....... 165 " 3—League of Women Voters, asking permission to use sand- wich boards on the streets for the purpose of call- ing attention to the final date of registration for the June Primaries ................ .................. ... ........... 166 " 3—Lee Jas. F. et al requesting the employment of, and im- mediate audit and report of the public -finances by a Bonded Certified Public Accountant, .............. 167 " 3—Lebben Chester J. and Margaret, granted Class "B" Beer Permit................. .................. ................. ...................... 174 May 24—Lion's Club, requesting permission to string a banner across Shiras Street at Rhomberg Avenue ............ 186 " 24—Ludescher John J., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 190 June 7—Lions Club, requesting permission to erect Lion road signs on all the highways leading into the City of Dubuque..................................................................... 202, 210 " 7—Link Leo F. and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 205 June 14—Ley Edwin T. and Mrs. Louise, petition and waiver for the construction of the Seminary Street sanitary sewer............ .................. ............................................. 215, 216 " 14—Lindecker Arthur and Lillian, petition and waiver for the uonstruction of the Seminary Street sanitary sewer 216 " 14—Lyness John A. and Eleanor, Petition and Waiver for construction of the Seminary Street sanitary sewer 217 June 29—Lohr Lenox R., asking the Mayor to select a Dubuque Day at the Chicago Railroad Fair in Chicago, Ill. 230 " 29—Loras College, requesting permission for the extension of the sanitary sewer in Blake Street from the manhole in Kirkwood Street southerly 300 feet to serve the north 31 feet of Lot 65 of A. P. Wood's dition.................. ................. ........... .... ... ................ 240, 241 " 29—Lombard Street from the eastproperty line of Gandolfo Street to 100 feet east of the east property line of of Meadow Lane, improvement of 245, 246, 284, 285, 286, 361,- 386, 454 455, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483 " 29—Latham Ernest and Myrtle, granted Cigarette Permit .. 248 " 29—Loyal Order of Moose, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 248 " 29—Landolt Frederick, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 249 INDEX —Book 78 SUBJECT Page L " 29—Loral College, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 249 " 29—Ludescher John J., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 249 " 29—Ludwig M. J., granted Cigarette permit ............................ 249 " 29—Leik Wm. C., granted Cigarette Permit .............................. 249 " 29—Lanser George and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 250 " 29—Lynn Melvin C., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 250 " 29—Link Leo F., granted Cigarette Permit .............................. 251 " 29—Luxemburg Club of Dubuque, granted Cigarette Permit.. 251 " 29—Lange Robert A. and John D. Paine, granted Cigarette Permit.................. .................. ....... :........ . ...................... 251 " 29—Lanser George and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit.................. .................. .................. ............................ 252, 253 " 29—Longview Ski Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for PrivateClub .................. .................. .................. .......... 252, 253 July 19—Library Board Tax Levy Certificate ...................................... 299 " 19—Lockhart Plmbing & Heating Co., Excavation Bond .. 320 Aug. 2—Luxemburg Club of Dubuque, Iowa, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ................... :... ............. 354, 355 Aug. 9—Loras College, requesting the City of Dubuque to accept the ownership and maintenance of the water and sewer mains constructed in Cox Street from the Refectory Building to Loras Boulevard .................... 363 " 9—Loras College requesting the vacation of Helena Place and the conveying of same to the abutting property owners ..................................................363, 417, 450, 470, 500, 503 " 9—Linehan & Molo, Excavation Bond ...................................... 365 Sept. 7—Loyal Order of Moose, granted Class "B" Beer Permit Sept. 14—Lucy forPrivate Club ............................................................ Robert E., Notice of Claim .................................. 411, 408, 409 417, 418 Oct. 4—Lynch Nov. Mrs. Catherine, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 436 22—Lehnhardt 1122—LeVan Mrs. Kenneth, Notice of Claim ........................ 463, 500 A. J., Excavation Bond Dec. 14—Lange ................... Robert A., granted "B" Beer Permit .............- ... 468 516, 517 INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page Mc Feb. 2—McDonough Melvin, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 21 Mar. 1—McCarten H. B., Excavation Bond ..................................... 60 Mar. 19—McElmeel Helen et al, submitting objections to the proposed improvement of Gandolfo Street .............. 95 Mar. 30—McAllister James J., Notice of Claim .................. 107, 125, 126 April 5—McFarland John, requesting that a fire alarm box be in- stalled in the vicinity of 24th and Jackson Street 114 " 5—Mclnerny A. C., representing O. F. Kohl Co., Excavation Bond............ ............ ........... .......... ..... _ ._.. 116 April 12—McNamer Martha, Original Notice of Suit .. ...123, 124, 365, 366 May 10—McKay R. V., reappointed as a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission for a term of five years, said term expiring May 24, 1953 ..... .................. 180 June 29—McDonough Thomas F. and Ruth, granted Cigarette Permit ........... ............ .............. 243 " 29—McDonald Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 243 " 29—McNamara Earl J., granted Cigarette permit ..... ............ 249 " 29—McLaughlin Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 251 " 29—McDonough Melvin B., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 251 " 29—McCann Eugene, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 251 " 29—McFarlane Robert, granted Cigarette Permit . ..... ....... 251 " 29—McDonald Daniel and Loretta, granted Class ''B" Beer Permit...... ..... ................... ............... ........................ 252, 253 " 29—McLaughlin Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 252, 253 July 6—McGrath Andrew, requesting that the weeds on St. Joseph Street and Collins Avenue be cut .............. 273 " 6—McCauley Francis, granted Cigarette Permit ................... 276 Sept. 7—McDonough Thomas F.and Ruth, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....................... .................. ................ ................ 408, 409 Oct. 4—McCann Eugene P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 436 Nov. 1—McIlver, R. N., Chairman, Diamond Jubilee Commit- tee of Nursing, asking that the Mayor be authorized to issue a proclamation designating November 14 through 20 as Nursing Progress Week .................... 440 INDEX—Book 78 1948 SUBJECT rage M Jan. 5—Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Independent School District, Board of Supervisors and City Council, appointing members of the Board of Re- view and fixing their compensation also fixing the salaries of the Deputy City Assessors ....................... 3 " 5—May Caroline M., recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission for vacation of the alley be- tween Lot 1 of 35 of Stewarts Sub. to the west and Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lots 24, 25, and Lots 26 and 27 of Stewarts Sub. to the east and extending from York Street northerly to the south boundary of Lot 24 of Mineral Lot 149 ............................... 5, 22, 59, 83 " 5—Manahl Leo P., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 6 Jan. 22—Mancini, Ventrella & Sons, by Joseph Ventrella, re- questing an extension of time for completion of the Kaufmann Avenue Sewer Project from March 1st to April 30th, 1948 ................................................... 9, 15 Fe'.). 2—Murphy Orville P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 21 Feb. 23—Mettel Realty & Investment Company, submitting Grant and Easement executed by Anna Hein et al in sub- stitution of a former Grant and Easement which isineffective ............................ .................. .............. 33 " 23—Maelnerney C. J., submitting offer in the amount of $50.00 for the purchase of all of Lots 1 and 2 of Lot 37 lying between the Dubuque Cascade Road and Southern Avenue ........... ..................... ................... 3.1 " 23—Melloy P. W., requesting rezoning of his two lots in the 900 block of Seminary Street, recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission that the petition be denied ...... ....... .............................. ........ 34, 35 " 23—Mount Loretta Avenue from the east property line of Bryant Street to 1.81 feet east of the east property line of McLenan Street, improvement of said street .............. .................. ...................... ......48, 49, 88, 89, 98 " 23—Municipal Airport, contract with Wm. N. Nielsen, Archi- tect, for the preparation of plans for the construc- tion of a Terminal Administration Building 53, 65, 66, 67, 68 Mar. 30—Marine Corps League Welfare Foundation, requesting Permission to exhibit and display mobile units in the downtown business area ........................ .............. 107 April 5—Mihalas Ellas and Ruby, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 118 April 12—Mountain Lane request that said street be graded and storm water drainage be constructed ...................... 124 April 19—Marshall " Robert P., City Auditor, bond .............................. 135 19—Moore Mae Agnes, Clerk - Health Department, bond 135 19—May ...... D. C. Construction Company, Excavation Bond 135 19—Meyer .. Dorothy C and Arthur W„ petition and waiver for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets .......... .......... ....,,. 144, 145 April 22—Mary Agard Tent No. 35 requesting the holding of a tag day on June 5th, .......for 161 May 3—Millin Mrs. Lena, addressed the Council in regard to the acquiring of parking lots and suggested that the City Council consider areas where no homes are located so as not to add to the acutehousing short- age.................. .................. .................. ............................ 165 INDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page M " 3—Mettel Realty R Investment Co., asking that the City Engineer be authorized to investigate the possibil- ity connecting Lots 386 through 392 Ham's Addi- tion with the sewer system ................. ...................... 166 " 3—Meyer Martin and Vernon. granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit............ .. ................ ................ .............................. 174 " 3—Mels Stanley J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .......... 174, 175 May 10—Marlin Martha, Notice of Claim............I.............................. 178, 365 May 24—Memorial Day Committee, requesting Council to take part in the Memorial Day Parade ............................. 185 June 14—Mason Mrs. Dorothy, Notice of Claim ................................ 209, 234 June 29—Midwest Lumber Company, asking that a one hour parking zone be established on the south side of Seventh Street from Jackson Street to Washing- ton Street, also that a fifteen foot loading zone be established, with no parking, thirty feet west of Washington Street on the south side of Seventh Street ............... .................. .......... ....................230, 275, 303 " 29--Merkert Mr. and Mrs. George, requesting that they be permitted to erect a steel quonset building on the property located at 323 Monroe Street .................. 231 " 29—May D. C. Construction Co, requesting an extension of time until July 15, 1948 for the completion of the contract for curbing and guttering on Diamond " 29—Mueller Lester, Notice of Claim ....................................231, 301, 302 " 29—Martin Angela E., granted Cigarette Permit ................... 248 " 29—Murphy- Orville P., granted Cigarette Permit ................... 248 " 29—Meyer Paul J., granted Cigarette Permit ....................... 248 " 29—Meyers Kermit and Thomas Lilly, granted Cigarette Per- mit.................. ................. ................. ............................ 249 " 29—Murphy Harry and Dorothy, granted Cigarette permit .. 249 " 29—Mengis Walter, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 249 " 29—Miller Ione and Glen, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 249 " 29—Moes Donald C. and Lo. J. Weber, granted Cigarette Permit.................. ................. .................. ...................... 249 " 29—Manternach Gus. L., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 249 " 29—Meisenburg John and Carl E. Blosch, granted Cigarette Permit............................ . .................. .................. .......... . 249 " 29—Mihalakis Phillip, granted Cigarette Permit .................. " 29—Maas William and Elizabeth, granted Cigarette Permit 250 250 " 29—Miller George, granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 250 250 " 29—Manders John P., granted Cigarette Permit ............. I •. 251 " 29—Manahl Leo P., granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 251 " 29—Meis Stanley, granted Cigarette Permit .___ " 29—Mihallis Ellas, granted Cigarette Permit _ _ _ 251 251 " 29—Maas Melvin H., granted Cigarette Permit _ _ 251 " 29—Meyer Martin and Vernon, granted Cigarette Permit _.. 251 " 29—Manders Edmund N., granted Cigarette Permit .... _ .. " 29—Mengis Walter and Mathilda, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......... .. ............ ... 252, 253 " 29—Meisenburg John and Carl E. Blosch, granted Class "B Beer Permit ......... ........_........ ........................ ........... " 29—Meyer Albert M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 252, 203 252, 253 " 29—Maas William and Elizabeth, granted Class "B" Beer Per - 252, 253 mit ............ ............................ " 29—Moes Donald C. and Leo J. Weber granted Class "B 252, 253 Beer Permit.. " ...... r P -e -Il- .. 29—Maas Melvin H., granted Class "b" Beer Pom-it .252, 2:i3 29—Miller Glen and lone, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 252, 253 INDEX- Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page M July G -Murphy Charles J., requesting that the property known as Grasseli's quarry located on the east side of Bry- ant Street between Dodge Street and a point oppo- site Curtis Street be rezoned to a multiple Family district.............. .................. .................. .................... 271 " 6 -Murphy Charles J. requesting that a permit be issued for the purpose of blasting on the property located at Bryant and Dodge Streets ...................................... 271 July 19-Morningview Road from the south property line of As- bury Road to the north property line of Hillcrest Road, improvement of 306, 307, 305, 357, 358, 376, 378, 379, 400 " 19 -Mullin Road from the south property line of Asbury Rd. to the north property line of Hillcrest Road, im- provement of ............. 306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 376, 377, 378, 40 Aug. 2 -Meant' Ethel M., grant and easement to the C i t y of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets ................................. 342 " 2 -Minutes of the meeting of July 20, 1948 of the Board of Directors of the Independent School District, the Board of Supervisors and the members of the City Council........................................................................... 346, 347 " 2 -Mount Loretta Avenue from the east property line of Bryant to 181 feet east of the east property line of McLenan Street, improvement of 352, 353, 390, 391, 392, 455,- ...• ....... ...... I..... ..... I. ............456, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 48 " 2 -Murphy Harry J. and Dorothy, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. .................... .................. ................... 354, 355 Aug. 9 -Madison E. H. et al, objecting to the installation of the sewers, paving, curbs and gutters on Avalon Road. 358 " 9 -Meloy Elmer, making application for a permit to blast rock on Lots 22, 23, and 24 of Rosedale Addition at the southwest corner of Rosedale Avenue and Wood Street and also submitting for approval a Blasting Bond in the amount of $5,000.00 .............. 363 Aug. 23 -Miller Mrs. Florence M. and Mrs. Alice Fridley, gran- ted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................... 397, 398 Sept. 14 -Mayor Van Duelman submitted and read a statement with reference to the petition of The Key City Gas Company for increase in gas rates ...... ...................... 410 Oct. 4-Maizewood Insulation Co., waiver and agreement for the construction of a spur track in Salina Street by the Illinois Central Railroad Company ............ ................ 428 " 4-Mihalakis Phillip, owner of Mineral Lot 297 and Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 296, City Manager instructed to nego- " tiate for the acquiring of said property .................... 434, 468 4-Mihalakis Nov. 1 Phillip, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... -Marshall Parent -Teachers Association, requesting 436 that Council reconsider their plans for making Twelfth " Street an arterial highway ............ . 441 I -Miller Katie A., requesting suspension of the 1947 taxes " 1 -Meyer on Lot 10 of Johnston's Sub. ..............................442, Herbert and Walter, 468, 469 granted mit ............ Class "B" Beer Per - Nov. 29 ............. for ............... -Mt. Calvary Cemetery Association, application 458 an - nexation and extension of the City Limits analil Leo P., granted Clas........497, 498, 499 Dec. 14 -Mancini & Venttrella & Son, Original Not ice 504 f Suit ...... 511 INDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page N Jan. 5—Neumeister John C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. 6 Feb. 2—National Conference on Prevention and Control of Juve- nile Delinquency, asking the City Council to coop- erate in a national drive to combat juvenile crime 16 Feb. 23—Nielsen Wm. N., Architect, contract for the preparation of plans for Terminal Administration Building at the Municipal Airport..............................................53, 65, 67, 68 Mar. 19—Nacos Thomas E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 104, 105 April 5—Neuwoehner Robert F., Notice of Claim .......................... 114, 126 " 5—Nacos Thomas E., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 118 April 12—National Federation of the Blind, requesting that a proc- lamation be issued for the observance of White Cane Week, May 15 to 21, 1948 .................................... 124 April 19—National Safety Council advising that the City of Dub- uque has been selected as the winner of First place in the National Traffic Safety Contest .................... 131 " 19—Norton Luvern C., Electrical Inspector, bond .................. 135 " 19—Nesler Dr. Harry C., easement for laying water main through his property ................. ................. .............. 138 May 3—New York Casualty Company, revocation of Power of Attorney for C. H. Sanner and M. P. Hogan ............ 166 " 3—New York Casualty Company, submitting for filing Power of Attorney for M. P. Hogan ..................................... 166 " 3—New York Casualty Company, submitting for filing Power of Attorney for C. H. Sanner................................... 166 " 3—Navy Club of Dubuque Ship No. 67, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ................................... 174 May 24—Naval Reserve Armory, renewal of lease by the United States of America covering approximately 0.85 of an acre in Ham's Addition .................. ........................ 188 June 7—Noel Magdaline, Notice of Claim ....................................... 199, 234 " 7—National Conference on Prevention and Control of Juve- nile Delinquency, as king that the Mayor give this movement effective leadership in co-operation with all groups in the community ........................................ 200 " 7—National Institute or Traffic Training, requesting that qualified officers attend the traffic course at North- western University July 5-23, 1948 .......................... 202 June 14—National Safety Council, asking the Mayor to issue a statement to the press requesting the people to enlist in the Fourth of July safety campaign ........ 209 " 14—Necker Lloyd E., petition and waiver for the construction of the Seminary Street sanitary sewer ................... 217, 218 June 22—Nielsen Wm. N., Architect, City Manager Rhomberg suggested that plans and specifications be furnish- ed by Wm. N. Nielsen, Architect for T -Type Hangar buildings at The Dubuque Municipal Airport ....... 227 June 29—Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, granted Cigarette Permit.............. .................. ................. ......................... 248 " 29—Nicks Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Cigarette Per- mit ................. ................. ................. ........................... 249 " 29—National Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permits ........ 249 " 29—North End Choral Club, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 249 " 29—Nicks Ray J., granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 250 " 29—Noel John E. and June, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 250 " 29—Nacos Thomas E., granter Cigarette Permit ......_............ 251 July 19—Neyens Robert, Notice of Claim, ...........•.•••• ••• ••• • 297, 298 INDEX—Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Aug. 2—Navy Mothers Club, Battleship No. 44, requesting per- mission for the holding of a tag day on Saturday, October 23rd, 1948 ........... ........................... 2—Nicks Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.............. .................. .................. ................. .. Sept. 7—Noel Carl, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 7—Noel Carl L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 7—National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit.............................. .................. .................. ............ .. Sept. 14—Navy Club, Dubuque Ship No. 67, requesting permission for to hold their Anchor Day Sales on October 2, 1948 ................. .................. .... Sept. 24—Nagle Grace, request for the rezoning of property on the north side of West Fifth Street between the line of Paulina Street extended and Alpine Street to Multiple Residence classification 416, 417, 456, 457, Oct. 4—Noel John E. and June M., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .............. Nov. 1—New Amsterdam Casualty Company, Revocation of the Power of Attorney of Eugene G. Zumhof ............... 1—National Institute of Municipal Law officers extending invitation to send the City Solicitor to the confer- ence to be held in Washington, D. C . ................. . 1—Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, transfer of address of their Cigarette Permit ........... 1—Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, transfer of address of Class "B" Beer Permit ................. 1—North End Choral Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . Nov. 22—Nicks Ray, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ . Dec. 14—Neyens Fred E., reappointed as a member of Board of Dock Commissioners for a term of three years ex- piring November 26th, 1951 ............................................ Page 340 354, 355 408 408, 409 408, 409 411 460, 488 436 440 440 457 458 458 472 516 w INDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page 0 Jan. 5—O'Brien Byrne, representing the Police Department, asking a clarification of the disability clause as set out in the proposed "Sick Leave" ordinance .......... 2 5—Ordinance No. 1-48. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1.37, entitled "Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque" as amended by Ordinance No. 1.39, Ordi- nance No. 12-43 and Ordinance No. 9-44 by striking out certain provisions thereof and inserting other provisions in lieu hereof, regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets and highways of the City of Dubuque and by repealing all ordinances or the parts of ordinances in conflict herewith ................ 5, 10, 11 F eb. 2—Ordinance No. 2-48. An Ordinance providing for sick leave for those officers and employees of the City of Dubusue to whom the Workmen's Compensation Law is applicable; defining "Sick Leave"; the ex- tent thereof; filing, approval and allowance of claims therefor ............ .................. ........................ 17, 35, 36 2—Ordinance No. 3-48. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Platt Street from the east property line of James Street to the west property line of Cardiff Street................ .................. ...................... 25, 36, 37 Feb. 23—Ordinance No. 4-48. An Ordinance authorizing the issu- ance of $60,000.00 Sewer Bonds and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same ..................30, 63, 64, 65, 82 23—Ordinance No. 5-48. An Ordinance vacating the westerly 19 feet of Sycamore Street from the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of E as t 19th Street and providing for the granting and convey- ing of the title thereto to Dubuque Packing Com- pany and declaring an emergency ............................ 35, 57 23—Ordinance No. 6-48. An Ordinance granting to St. Mary's Orphan Home, its successors and assigns, the right to construct and maintain a sanitary sewer in As- bury Road from the end of the present sewer at the intersection of Chaney Road and Asbury Road thence westerly to City Limits, prescribing the conditions of this grant and regulating the use of said sewer and future connections therewith ....37, 57, 58, 59 Mar. 1—Ordinance No. 7-48. An Ordinance vacating the alley be- tween Lot 1 of 36 of Stewart's Sub. to the west, and Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lots 24, 25; and Lots 26 and 27 of Stewart's Sub. to the east and extending from York Street northerly to the south boundary of Lot 24 of Mineral Lot 149 "' 1—Ordinance No. 8.48. An Ordinance for the vacation of a part of Fifth Street, all of the alley intersecting Block J and a portion of Tower Street, all in Booth's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing for the conveyance thereof to Fischer Investment Company ...... 62, S3 Mar. 12—Ordinance No. 9-48. An Ordinance making appropriations for the exvenditures of city government of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1948, and ending March 31, 1949....81, 99, 100, 101, 102 Mar. 19—O'Connor Francis, Attorney, representing St. Clara Col- lege, statinb for Council record that St. Clara Col- lege has no objections as to any particular width that Platt Street may be improved and further stat - INDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page L Ing that St. Joseph Mercy Hospital is ready tocon- vey to the City of Dubuque a portion of their property for the widening of Platt Street, if, and when it Is definitely decided that Plat tStreet will be improved ............... .......... ... I.... .......... .... 87, 88 April 12—Ordinance No. 10-48. An Ordinance providing for t he name, control, supervision and operation of "The Dubuque Municipal Airport" and providing for a penalty for the violation of the provisions here- of..............................................................................128, 132, 133, 134 April 19—Oberhausen John C., Police Judge, bond ._ ................ 135 " 19—O'Leary Daniel J., Plumbing inspector, bond .................. 135 " 19—Oster Lucille, Clerk -Water department, bond .................. 135 May 3—Ordinance ordered prepared amending Ordinance No. 7-47 by repealing section 13 and 14 and substitu- ting therefor provisions for placing the parking meter collections in the parking fund and that the balance remaining therein after payments for the meters, their operation and maintenance be ear- " marked for parking lots ............................................... 165 3—Oliver C. J. et al, requesting that Valley Street from Mount Loretta to Southern Avenue be resurfaced with crushed stone and oiled, also that the catch basins be opened up and that a street light be in- stalled at Aspin and Valley Streets ......................... 167, 235 May 10—Olive Street, Mayor and City Clerk directed to deliver a quit claim Gleed to Thomas M. Stampfer and Will- iam B. Poinsett III conveying that part of Olive Street vacated by ordinance adopted December 10, May 24—Ordinance 1909 ................ ..................181 No. 11-48. An Ordinance amending "Traffic Code" of the. City of Dubuque, by establishing the parking regulations on additional streets, by aban- doning certain streets as Boulevards and designat- ing University Avenue as a Boulevard, and by re- " 24—Ordinance pealing ordinances in conflict herewith ................ 184, No. 12-48 - An Ordinance amending Ordinance . . 193 No. 13-35 and Ordinance No. 2-46, which Ordinances provide for inspection and testing of milk intended for public sale and distribution, and exacting a charge from producers and distributors, by strik- Ing from said Ordinances all provisions with refer- ence to exacting a charge from producers an d distributors ............. June 29—Oleson ......... 188, Karl et al, asking that tennis courts be re-estab- 194 lished and maintained at the Grandview Avenue Tourist Park ................. " 29—Ordinance No. 13-48 - An Ordinance amending "Traffic Code" of the City of Dubuque by 231 establishing park- ing regulations on additional streets and by repeal- ing 29—Ott ordinances in conflict herewith •......................... 236, Joseph J., 274 29—Oasis " granted Cigarette Permit Club, granted Cigarette Permit... 250 29—O'Toole . r " ` " Francis and Arlene Pauly, granted Cigarette Per- mit ......... 260 ............... " 29 --O'Meara Louis, te" „ granted Cigarette Permit .. �•� �� �251 29—Osterhoff Arnold B., 250 July 19 --Ordinance granted Cigarette Permit .. No. 14-48. An Ordinance amending 251 Ordinance No. 10-37, being "An Ordinance regulating the use sk 1948 NDEX ---Book 78 SUBJECT M Page of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque designating the provisions hereof as the Traffic Code" of said City; by making certain streets stop intersections and by making certain other streets boulevards." ............... ... 300, 345 19—Ordinance No. 15-48. An Ordinance amending "Traffic Code" of the City of Dubuque by establishing the parking regulations on additional streets and by repealing ordinances in conflict herewith ........... 300, 345, 346 19—Ordinance No. 16-48. An Ordinance providing for the vaca- tion of part of Avoca Street next adjoining Lot 2 of Sub. of Lot 167 Finley's Addition and granting and conveying said alley of John E. Behlmer ........ 301, 346 19--Ogilby Road from the south property line of Asbury Rd. to the north property line of Hillcrest Road, im- provement of ........306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 376, 378, 379, 400 Aug. 9—Ordinance No. 17-48. An Ordinance amending "Traffic Code" of the City of Dubuque by establishing the parking regulations on additional streets ....364, 365, 381, 382 9—Ostrowski John, granted Cigarette Permit 367 9—Ostrowski John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 367 Oct. 4—Osterhoff Arnold B., requesting a refund on the unexpir- ed portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 237 ............. 426 4—Ordinance No. 18-48. An Ordinance designating intersec- tion at Avoca Street and Rosedale Avenue as a stop intersection, providing for the erection of stop signs and a penalty for the violation thereof 426, 427, 445 Nov. 1—O'Brien Adele, Notice of Claim ... 4;19 " 1—O'Connor, Thomas aO'Connor, urshall lhutte City of Dubuque execute a quit claim deed to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Schmeichel of the westerly 28 feet of Lot 14A and the easterly 20 feet of Lot 15A in Paulina Langworthy's Sub - 441, 469 division Nov. 22—Ordinance No. 19-48. An ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to extend the "Multiple Family Residence District" from its termination at Paulina Street to include certain defined territory on the northerly side of West 489 Fifth Street to Alpine Street .... _................... 22—Ordinance No. 20.48 - An Ordinance for the vacation of that part of Fourth Street Extension as originally located lying between the southerly boundary of Fourth Street Extension as originally located and Fourth Street Extension as thereafter relocated and now existing in Blocks 22, 26 and 30 in Dub- uque Citrof rDubuque81Iowa, and inBlock ent yditiAon f the y Booth's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and that part of the alley in Block 22 in Dubusue Harbor Improvement Company's Addition a n d that part of Woshington Street and that part of Fifth Street lying between the southerly boundary of Fourth Street Extension as originally located andt he present Boundary of Fourth Street Exten- sion, 489, 490 sion, all in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ._ ......... INDEX — Book 78 P, IN SUBJECT Page 0 22—Ordinance No. 21-48. An Ordinance granting to Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque County, Iowa, its succes- sors and assigns, the right to construct a sanitary sewer in Windsor Avenue from the end of the pres- ent sewer at the intersection of Lawther Street and Windsor Avenue, thence northerly to the City Limits, prescribing the conditions of this grant and regulating connections with said sewer .............462, 492, 493 22—Ordinance No. 22-48. An Ordinance designating intersec- tions of East 21st Street and Washington Street and Em Street as stop intersections, providing for the erection of stop signs and a pnealty for the vio- lation of the terms hereof ............................................ 466. 493 " 22—Ordinance No. 23-48. An Ordinance creating and estab- lishing "Bradley Street Sewer District", which dis- trict embraces all of the lands within the drainage area of the sewer system to be constructed within the same, declaring that all lands within said dis- trict are benefited by the sewers to be constructed therein and subject to special assessments for the payment of the cost of sewer and appurtenances thereto and defining all of such lands which are subject to be furnished with sewer connections or drainage by said sewer system to the adjacent prop- erty ................. ....1........466, 467, 493, 494, 495 Nov. 29—Ordinance No. 24-48. An Ordinance providing the vacation of part of Helena Place and providing that a Quit Claim Deed be issued to the abutting prop- erty owners ................. Dec. 6—Ordinance No. 25-48. An Ordinance granting to Parley •. 500, 503 & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, Dubuque, Iowa, its successors and assigns, the right to build and maintain a bridge across Jackson Street at a Point between 8th and 9th Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and further granting said Com- pany, its successors and assigns, the right to build and maintain a series of sub -surface pipes under the surface of Jackson Street at a point between 8th and 9th Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.. 502, 512 6—Ordinance No. 26-48. An Ordinance granting to Farley acturing Iowa, itscher succe sorsf and a.,gns,theright oCompany, ucon- struct and maintain a side track from one of the tracks in Jackson Street northerly across the in- tersection of 8th and Jackson Streets and north- erly in Jackson Street a distance of 102 feet from the northerly property line of 8th Street and pro- viding r and oSarahnWaldorf f .602, 513, 514 6—O'Rourke Frank J. Class "B" Beer Permit .... Wanted a 14—Original Notice of Suit of Mancini & Ventrella & Son 504 14Ordinance No. 27-48. An Ordinance prohibiting the sale of, 511 gift to, or exhibition to minors under eighteen Years of age publications featuring indecent pic- tures or depicting crimes of deeds of violence, lust or bloodshed, repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith and prescribing a penalty for the viola- tion thereof ................ ................ ................ oil INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page P Jan. 5—Pohl George, appointed as a member of the Board of Review for a term of four years ............... 3 " 5—Planning ............. and Zoning Commission, recommending the granting of the petition of Caroline M. May for the vacation of the alley between Lot 1 of 35 of Stewart Sub. to the west, and Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lots 24, 25, and Lots 26 and 27 of Stewart's Sub. to the east and extending from York Street northerly to the south boundary of Lot 24 of Mineral Lot 149 5 " 5—Pregler .. Clarence G. and Clara, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 6 Jan. 22—Policemen's Protective Association, asking that the proposed "Sick Leave" Ordinance be amended so as to exclude the Police Department from the ap- plication of said ordinance and that an ordinance be enacted for the purpose of governing and regu- lating certain working conditions of the Dubuque Police Department ................. ....................... ............ 10 " 22 --Payrolls for the month of December, 1947 .......................... 11 " 22—Pogeman Mrs. Laura, settlement of claim ....................... 12 Feb. 2—Platt Street from the east property line of James St. to the west property line of Cardiff Street, grade toestablish ..................................................... .............. 25, 36, 37 " 2—Platt Street extension to the East property line of Car- diff Street and the improvement of Platt Street from the east property line of James Street to the East property line of Cardiff Street ........................ 25, 26, 40 Feb. 23—Planning and Zoning Commission in regard to their communication of November 1, 1947 addressed to the City Council making certain recommendations regarding the petition of Fischer Investment Com- pany and now wishing to amend paragraph (2) of said communications to read as follows: (2) Ex- change by your honorable body of parcel marked "E" on said plat for a quit claim deed to be furn- ished by Fischer Investment Company for Wall Street extended through the Levee to the Missis- sippi River including riparian rights .......................... 34 " 23—Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of the petition of P. W. Melloy for the rezoning of his two lots on Seminary Street in the 900 block 34, 35 " 23—Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of that part of the petition of the Dubuque Pack- ing Company requesting vacation of westerly 24 ft. 10 in. of Sycamore Street and recommending that the westerly 19 ft, of Sycamore Street from the north line of East 16th Street to the South line of East 19th Street be vacated and conveyed to the Dubuque Packing Company for a consideration de- termined by City Council, and subject to existing easements for public utilities and railroad tracks .. 35 " 23—Patch C. W., settlement of claim ......................................... 37, 38 " 23—Payrolls for the month of January, 1948 ............. ............... 40 " 23—Platt Street Extension to the East property line of Car- diff Street and to improve Platt Street from the east property line of James Street to the east property line of Cardiff Street ........................40, 41, 42, 87, 88, Mar. 1—Pins Val J., requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit ................................ 56 INDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page P " 1—Pfeiffer James C., submitting offer in the amount of $75: 00 for the purchase of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the Quigley Subdivision ......... ............ .... ....... ...... ...... 56 " 1—Pfalzgraf Ernest W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. 68 Mar. 12—Peterson Erik W., Original Notice of Suit ................. 81, 434, 435 " 12—Planning and Zoning Commission recommending the location of a through highway west of the City of Dubuque connecting in a general line Key west at the south and Durango to the north and further recommending that when the drawings for such a highway are prepared, the City Council join with the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors in ap- proaching the State Highway Dept. and take any further action to make this highway a reality ........ 84 Mar. 19—Payrolls for the month of February, 1948 11 19—Pfeiffer Clarence J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 104, 105 Mar. 30—Pankratz Ralph W., granted Cigarette Permit ........ ........ 109 " 30—Pankratz Ralph W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 110 " 30 --Platt Street, City Solicitor instructed to prepare a proper resolution dedicating a portion of City owned property for the extension of Platt Street .............. 111, 173 April 5—Parking lot appraisals submitted by the Dubuque Real Estate Board .............. ........... 115, 116 April 19—Payrolls for the month of March, 1948 ................................ " 134 19—Petition and Waiver of Alex and Caroline Bodish for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon a n d Edina Streets ............ ......139, 19—Petition and Waiver of Dubuque County for the construc- 140 tion of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Street 140, " 19—Petition and Waiver of H. F. Esser for the construction 141, 142 of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets .. 19—Petition and Waiver of M. J. and Mrs. Romanda Esser 142, 143 for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets ............. ......... " 19—Petition and Waiver of Cecelia M. Gehrig for the con- 143 struction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets ................. .................. " 19—Petition and Waiver of Arthur W. and Dorothy Meyer for 143, 144 the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets .................. .... ....... 19—Petition and Waiver of Harold Pape for the construction 144, 145 of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets .. 19—Petition and Waiver of Warren 145, 146 M. Potts for the construe. tion of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Sts. 19—Petition and Waiver of Elmer and Veronica Vorwald for 147, 148 the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets .................. " 19—Petition and Waiver of Al T. Schuster for the construe- tion 146, 147 of a sanitary, sewer in Vernon and Edina Sts. " 19—Pape Harold, petition and waiver for the 146 147, 148 construction of „ a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets ..... 19—Potts Warren M., petition and waiver for the 145, 146 construction „ of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets 19—Parking Lots, Mayor, City Manager and City 145, 146 Solicitor instructed to negotiate for the purchase of C i t Lots 206, y 207 and 208 and submit a report back to the City Council............................................................. 154, 169 INDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page P May 3—Parking Meter collections, ordinance ordered prepared amending Ordinance No. 7-47 by repealing Section 13 and 14 and substituting therefor provisions for the placing of parking meter collections in t h e parking fund and that the balance remaining after the payments for the meters, their operation and maintenance be ear -marked for parking lots ......... 165 " 3—Policy adopted allowing violators of overparking of less than 60 minutes to deposit 10 cents in a parking meter at police headquarters providing that this be done within two hours after the time indicated on the officer's report of the violation ........ ... _ . 165 3—Proceedings ordered prepared for a public hearing on the subject of' acquiring the area comprising the land fronting on Bluff Street between West 5th Street and the Home of the Angels and also the entire half block lying between Iowa Street and the alley first east from West 9th Street to West 10th Street for parking lot purposes ........................ 165 " 3—Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the granting of the petition of John E. Behlmer ........ 172 " 3—Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial of the petition of E. G. Riter for the rezoning of property in the vicinity of 1945 Asbury Street ...... 172 " 3—Planning and Zoning Commission recommending the legal establishment of Platt Street extended to Cardiff Street and the acceptance of the dedication of the necessary land by St. Joseph's Mercy Hos- pital and St. Clara College ......................................... 172, 173 " 3—Platt Street Extension, acceptance of the dedication of of the necessary land for said extension, accept- ance of the dedication of Platt Street Extension as a public street ........... ............ ...... :..I .... I ........ .... .......... 172, 173 May 10—Parking Lots, matter of acquiring same by the issuance issuance of revenue bonds .............176, 177, 183, 184, 203 " 10—Parking and Traffic Recommendations .........I ................ 179, 180 May 24—Payrolls for the month of April, 1948 ............. I .... ....... ......... 189 June 7—Peterson Carl W., in regard to the dust condition com- ing from the unpaved ramps which connect the northwest hill section with the relocated No. 20 Highway via of South Algona Street ........................ 201, 236 " 7—Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that the petition of Carl V. Riley, requesting vacation of part of Platt Street be denied and suggesting that the proposed pavement of Platt Street, between James and Cardiff Streets, be made 20 feet in width and placed in the center of the Platt Street right- ................ ...................... ............................... .... of-way . 203 " 7—Platt Street, suggestion of the Planning and Zoning Com- mission that the proposed pavement between James Street and Cardiff Street be made 20 feet in width and placed in the center of the Platt Street right- of-way .................. ................. .................. ........................ 2 June 14—Prendergast Mary B. (Graf), petition and waiver for the construction of the Seminary Street sanitary sewer ................. ............ 213 June 29—Payrolls for the month of May, 1948 ........................ 234 N DEX — Book 78 1948 - SUBJECT Page P " 29—Platt Street and Platt Street Extension from the east curb line of James Street to the east curb line of Cardiff Street, improvement of 242, 243, 281, 282, 283, 342,- 359, 360, 385, 473, 474, 506, 507, 508, " 29—Poquette Millard and Raymond Syke, granted Cigarette 509, 510 Permit.................. .............. .................. .................... 248 " 29—Poquette Millard and Clifford G. Harker, granted Ciga- rettePermit ............ ................ .................. .......... 29—Peryon Albert G., granted Cigarette Permit .................. " 249 249 .. 29—Potterveld Fred C. and Winifred S., granted Cigarette Permit................ ................. ...... 29—Page Hotel Company, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 249 249 29—Pfalzgraf Ernest W., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 249 29—Peed Thos. R. and Raymond G. Wunder, granted Ciga- rette Permit .................. " 29—Pusateri Frank J., granted Cigarette Permit .................... " 250 250 29—Pochter Charles and Ruth, granted Cigarette Permit ...... g " 29—Petrakis Peter, granted Cigarette Permit 260 .......................... " 29—Pankratz Ralph W., granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 29—Pregler Clarence, 250 260 granted Cigarette Permit ...................... " 29—Pfeiffer Clarence J., granted Cigarette Permit " 251 251 ............... 29—Pins Arthur W., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... " 29—Paradiso Joseph A. and Frank, 251 granted Cigarette Permit " 29—Paar Frank J., granted Cigarette Permit 251 .......................... " 29—Pochter Charles and Ruth, granted Class "B" Beer Per- 251 mit.................. .................. " .....................29—Peed Thomas R. and Raymond G. Wunder, granted Clas..2, "B" s 253 Beer Permit ......................... " 29—Pins Arthur W, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 252, 253 253, 254 July 6—Police Pension Tax Levy Certificate ........................ " 6—Police Retirement Tax Levy Certificate " 272 ...... ... 6—Playground and Swimming Pool Maintenance Levy Cer• 272 tificate ............ 6—Playground and Improvement Fund Levy Certificate .... " 6—Police Department Members, 272 272 asking Council to consider an increase in their salaries and further asking Council to consider an equitable re -adjustment of their work -week to bring about a 40 hour week .., 6—Planning and Zoning Commission 273 advising Council that Mr. Louis Kolfenbach, has withdrawn his petition without prejudice, this petition was referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission in May ................ July 19—Plummer A. W et al, asking the Council 275 not to allow the Interstate Power Company to erect a transfor- mer station at the southwest corner of Cherry and Avoca Streets .............. 19—Pauly Cletus N.. ....... ............. „ granted Cigarette Permit .................. 19—Pauly Cletus N., 298 309 309 granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ Aug. 2—Primary Road Extension Maintenance Contract 309 2—Payrolls for the month of June, 1948 " 2—Planning 339 .............................. . and Zoning Commission recommending that f 348 the extension Of�Multiple Family . Dean eDi District requesting stthe north side of West Fifth Street from a point he the east line of Paulina on Street extended to Alpine Street, be denied ............ t 2—Planning and Zoning Connmission recommending that Mn. Charles V. Howes 349 et al be allowed to withdraw their petitiun without prejudice ..................... ........... 350 .44 INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page P Aug. 16—Poire Joseph C. et al, requesting the vacation of t h e alley extending along the northern boundary of Property located in Finley Addition from the north- east corner of Lot 83 and conveying the same to respective owners of the property abutting thereon 381, 417 Aug. 23—Payrolls for the month of July, 1948 ... _ ...__- ........... .. 395 Sept. 7—Peter Jos. et al, requesting the installation of sewer and water mains on St. Ambrose Street to Semin- ary Street north, Hazel Street to Bunker Hill Golf CourseRoad .... .......... ................. .............. .......... 404, 452 " 7—Peed Thomas R. and Raymond G. Wunder, transfer of address of Cigarette Permit ........... __ ....... ........... 408 " 7—Peed Thomas R. and Raymond G. Wunder, transfer of address of Class "B" Beer Permit .._. _. . ........ .. 408, 409 Sept. 14—Prescott School Parent Teachers Association, urging Council to reconsider their plans for making a boulevard of Twelfth Street ...................................... 411 Sept. 24—Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of the.petition of Grace Nagle for the rezoning of property on the north side of West Fifth Street between the line of Paulina Street extended and Alpine Street ........... ................. ..... ... ........ 416, 417 " 24—Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial of the petition of Loras College for the vacation of Helena Place .............. .................. .................. ...... 417, 450 " 24—Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial of the petition of Joseph C. Poire et al for t he vacation of a 25 foot strip of land owned by the City of Dubuque at the northern edge of Finley's Addition adjoining Bunker Hill Golf Club .._.,. ...... 417 " 24—Plumbing Inspector instructed to enforce the provisions of the ordinances as to the issuance of permits be- fore any work is commenced ........... ...................... 417 " 24—Payrolls for the month of August, 1948 ..... .......... I ....... . 418 Nov. 1—Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting for Coun- cil consideration a report of Justin Hartzog on Proposed Kane Heights Development .................... 444 " 1—Planning and Zoning Commission requested to suggest and recommend the immediate steps to be taken upon the proposal to extend Grandview Avenue in a direct route northerly through the Senior High School grounds to the proposed Kane Heights Development................. .................. .................. ......444, 471 " 1—Payrolls for the month of September, 1948 _ .. 450 Nov. 22—Payrolls for the month of October, 1948 .... _....... 468 " 22—Pinsk! George F., Excavation Bond 468 " 22—Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of the petition of Rose Carolan ., . 470 " 22—Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending appro- val of the revised plan for the vacation of Helena Place as petitioned for by Loras College ..... .. 470 " 22—Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that the proposed extension of Grandview Avenue north- erly over Audubon Street through the Senior High School grounds to the Kane Heights Development, as shown in Mr. Hartzog's latest plan he adopted as an amendment to the Master Plan, also recom- mending that a survey be made to establish the INDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page P n `A Mar. 30—Quinlan R. J. and Evelyn J., requesting refunds on the unexpired portions of their Cigarette Permit and Class "B" Beer Permit ..... ........................ ........... 108 exact location of the proposed highway from the Grandview Avenue to the Kane Heights Develop- ment and also that steps be taken to implement construction of the proposed direct highway from Audubon Street to Kaufmann Avenue .................... 471 " 22—Pusateri Frank J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 472 Dec. 6—Pregler Clarence, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit .................................. 501 " 6—Page Hotel, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... 504 " 6—Paar Frank J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 504 Dec. 14—Plumbers and Fitters Local submitting for consideration the name of Hugh D. Clark to fill the vacancy now existing on the Plumbing Examining Board ............ 511 " 14—Plein Eddie and Dorothy, requesting permission to build a sanitary sewer in Clinton Street from their prop- erty to the present sewer in the alley between Queen Street and Windsor Avenue ........................ 511 n `A Mar. 30—Quinlan R. J. and Evelyn J., requesting refunds on the unexpired portions of their Cigarette Permit and Class "B" Beer Permit ..... ........................ ........... 108 1948 I�,-lDEX — Book 78 .,1'RJF:CT Jan. 5—Receipts for the month of November, 1947, proof of pub - Page P lication _ . 3 " 5—Rosenthal Minnie, (Dec'd) requesting suspension of taxes on E. 56 feet of N. 25 feet of City Lot 561 ........... 3 Jan. 22—Riley Carl V., in regard to the proposed improvement of existing Platt Street ................ ............................ 9 Feb. 2—Receipts for the month of December, 1947, proof of pub- lication................. ............ ............. I ....................... 17 " 2—Roach Levi J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... ........... 21, 105 Feb. 23—Roussel John Notice of Claim ..... .... 31, 84 Mar. 1—Receipts for the month of January, 1948, proof of pub- lication.................. .................. .. ...... __.......... 59 Mar. 19—Riley Carl V., submitting written objections to the so- called extension and improvement of Platt Street 87, 109 Mar. 30—Riter E. G., requesting the rezoning of the district in the vicinity of 1945 Asbury Street from a one -family district to a two-family district ................................. 108, 172 " 30—Receipts for the month of February, 1948, proof of pub- lication................ .................. ......._....... ...................... 109 " 30—Roach Levi J., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 109 April 5—Ratham Glenn C. et al, requesting iniuiediate consider- ation to the straightening of Shiras Street in the 2200 and 2300 blocks and th bringing of the street to grade for the purpose of constructing sidewalks and driveways ........... ................ .... 115 " 5—Ryder Thos. J., in regard to an increase in the amount of his garbage contract and the placing of garbage receptacles by residents and property owners ........ 115 " 19—Rules and Regulations for the operation and mainten- ance of The Dubuque Municipal Airport 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 May 3—Retail Merchants Bureau Parking Plan .... ...163, 164, 165, 183 " 3—Receipts for the month of March, 1948, proof of publica- tion....... .... ...... .... ........... ... 168 " 3—Reis Frank and Kathryn, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 174 " 3—Rod and Gun Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for PrivateClub ................. ............. .................. .............. 174 May 10—Revenue Bonds, matter of issuance for acquiring park- ing lots .............. ........................................176, 177, 183, 184,- ..... .................. ...... ......196, 203 " 10—Retail Merchants Bureau, matter of issuance of revenue bonds for the acquiring of parking lots ........176, 177, 183, 184 May 24—Reuter Mrs. Karl. et al, requesting that a street light be placed at the corner of Sutter and Queen Streets 186, 235 " 24—Recapitulation of Receipts and Disbursements for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1947 and ending on March 31, 1.948 _ 189 June 1—Receipts for the month of April, 1948, proof of publica- tion........... ... ... ............ .. ......... _ _ __ .. 195 June 7—Riley Carl V., recommendation of the Planning and the Zoning Commission that his petition requesting vacation of a part of Platt Street be denied ...... .... 203 June 11—Reynolds H. F., Notice of Claim _. _ -.-.. 209, 302 " 14—Remy Victor P. and Juanita E., petition and waiver for construction of the Seminary Street sanitary sewer 218, 219 June 29—Receipts for the month of May, 1948, proof of publication 233 " 29—Roach Levi J., granted Cigarette Permit .. _. 248 " 29—Ragatz George Jr., granted Cigarette Permit .,.... ..,._.. 249 " 29—Ruegnitz B. A., granted Cigarette Permit _ .. 249 " 29—Roshek Brothers Company, granted Cigarette Permit .. 249 " 29—Rawson Harry A., granted Cigarette Permit ...... .......... 250 P INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page R " 29—Ring Kenneth and Louis A., granted Cigarette Permit .... 250 " 29—Ring Louis A., granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 250 " 29—Rettenmaier John J. and Marie, granted Cigarette Per- mit............. ................. .............. .1......... ........ .. 251 " 29—Reis Frank, granted Cigarette Permit ................................ 251 " 29—Rod and Gun Club, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 251 " 29—Rawson Harry A. and Grace, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit.................. ........ ............ ............. I. ........ 252, 253 " 29—Roshek Bros. Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 253, 254 July 6—Railroad Avenue, providing for a crossing to be con- structed by the Railroad Companies 271, 303, 350, 382, 383,- ... ......................... ........ 384, " 6—Richman Leroy G., reguesting a refund on the unexpired 394, 395 Portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit ..... ... _...... 273 July 19—Riley Carl V., submitting written objections against the improvement of Platt Street and Platt Street Ex- tension ................. .................. ................ ......281, 282, Aug. 2—Receipts for the month of June, 1948, proof of publica- 342, 360 tion ................. " 2—Rettenmaier John J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 354, 355 .. .Aug. 23—Receipts for the month of July, 1948, proof of publica- tion .............. Sept. 14—Reis Frank, requesting a refund on the unexpired por- tion of his Cigarette Permit No. 219 .................... " 412 14—Reis Frank, requesting a refund on the unexpired por- tion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 12 412 ................ Oct. 4—Rieselman Henry J., Notice of Claim ... _ _ .. " 425, 439 .......... 4—Receipts for the month of August, 1948, proof of publi- cation .................. ... Nov. 1—Receipts for the month of September, 1 1948, proof of the Publication ................. .............. Nov. 22—Retail Merchants Bureau in regard to the installation 447 of street decorations during the pre -holiday period and asking the City Administration to supply the electric energy for the lighting in connection with decorations ................. .................. Dec. 6—Receipts for the month of October, 1948, proof of publi- 464, 465 cation ..... .... Dec. 14—Riley Carl V., in regard to special assessment levied against 502 his property for the improvement of Platt Street and Platt Street Extension .......... I...... 506, 507 IN INDEX - Book 78 1948 STT13JMT Page S Jan. 5 -Schaefer William III, notice of claim .......... ...................... 1, 18 5-Schaffhauser George J., appointed as a member of the Board of Review for a term of one year ................. 3 5-Sitterly Joseph, (Dec'd), requesting tax suspension on Lot 44 Stafford's Add . ................................................ 3 " 5-Stilley Harry H., City Attorney of Hammond, Indiana, with reference to the experience of the City of Hammond with the Stauffer Chemical Company .. 3, 4 Jan. 22-Stampfer Thomas M. and William B. Poinsett, III, Trus- tees, asking that the Mayor and City Clerk be auth- orized to execute a quit claim deed conveying to them that part of Olive street so vacated by Ordi- nance. .I ....... .................. .............. ........ I ......... .... 9 " 22 -Sewer Bonds in the amount of $60,000.00 to issue to pay pay for the construction of the Kaufmann Avenue Sanitary Trunk Line Sewer 11, 19, 20, 28, 30, 62, 63, 64, 65, 82 " 22 -Storm Relief Sewers for the Bee Branch, Dodge Street, Eighth Street and Southern Avenue Sewers, appro- val and acceptance of the surveys, plans, specifica- tions, contract documents and estimates of cost as prepared by Consoer, Townsend and Associates 13 Feb. 2-Stampfer Building Company requesting a permit to drill a well in the middle of the sidewalk on the prop- erty immediately South of the Ninth Street Engine House in front of parts of City Lots 170, 171 and 172 ............... .................. ............ ........................16, 39, 40, 69 " 2 -Schwartz Lawrence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 21 2 -St. Mary's Orphan Home, asking permission to extend a sanitary sewer line on Asbury Road and Carter Road and for permission to connect the new line with the city sewer system .......................22, 37, 57, 58, 98, 466 " 2 -Sanitary Sewer to construct in York Street from the intersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street ..... 22, 23, 24, 30, 31, 65, 220, 292, 294, 295, 296, 447 Feb. 23-Schiltz A. J., requesting that a street light be installed at the north end of Queen Street .............................. 32, 61 Mar. 1 -State Comptroller R. E. Johnson, approval of Resolution No. 40-48. Resolution and. application for the trans- fer of $23,644.02 from the Emergency Fund to the Consolidated Fund .................. .................. ...... ... 55 " 1 -Sear Mrs. Fred J., Notice of Claim ....................... ........ 55, 103 Mar. 12 -Salary of City Solicitor increased 10% .................... 72 Mar. 19 -Straub Joseph W., filing objections to the amount of the proposed assessment to be levied against Lot 23 of S. M. Langworthy's Addition for the improve- ment of Forest Lane .................................................... 88 " 19 -Steger Arnold, requesting extension of the sanitary sewer on Saunders Street for a distance of 150 ft. 99, 117 " 19 -Schmitz Anton, settlement of claim .... ................ ........... 103 Mar. 30-Streblow Carl R., Notice of Claim ....................................... 107, 125 " 30 -Schroeder Eugene P., Notice of Claim ........................... 107, 125 " 30-Spechtenhauser Otto et al, requesting the extension of the present sanitary sewer on Kaufmann Avenue from its present terminus west for a distance of approximately 500 feet ............................................. 108 INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page S " 30—State of Iowa, Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute and deliver to the State of Iowa, a deed to the real estate owned by the City of Dubuque located on Valley Street and Southern Avenue for the purpose of erecting an Armory .................................................. 110 " 30—Stipulation and Agreement, Fischer Investment Com- pany................. .................. .................. .......................... 111 April 12—Star-Spangled Banner Flag House, requesting that a proc- lamation be issued designating June 13-19, 1948 as National Flag Week ................. .................. ............ .... 124 " 12- -St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, dedication of Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 72 as a public street 124, 172, 173 " 12—St. Clara College, dedication of Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 19 of City Lot 724 as a public street .....................124, 172, 173 " 12—Streinz Lester J., reappointed as a member of the Bd. of Adjustment for a term of five years, said term expiring March 5th, 1953 ........... I ...... I .... I ...... .............. 128 " 12—State Auditor's office requested to audit the books of the City of Dubuque at their very earliest conven- ience.... .... ................................................................... 129 April 19—Shea J. J., City Clerk, bond .................................................. 135 " 19—Savary Raymond A., Parking Meter Maintenance Mau and Collector, bond ................................................ 135 " 19—Superintendent of Water Department Hail submitting two easements for laying 6" water main through property located between the end of Dunleith Street and in a westerly direction to Elinor Street 138 " 19—Schuster Al. T., petition and waiver for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets.. 147, 148 " 19—Spanish American War Veterans, extending an invitation to the Mayor and Members of the City Council to attend a reception and program to be he held April 25 at Eagles Hall ....................................................... 154 April 22—Sponsor's Assurance Agreement for the purpose of ob- taining Federal aid in the development of The Du- buque Municipal Airport and authorizing the execu- tion of said Agreement, the project to consist of construction of an administration Building, water - supply and sewage disposal systems 155, 156, 157, 158, 159- May 3—Survey ............. .......... d.... .. . ......... ........ 160, 196, ordered made of parking in unrestricted business 197, 198 districts because of hardships caused by all -day " 3—Sanner parking in such areas ...........................................6165, C. H., Power of Attorney 179 180 May 10—Stampfer ................................ Thomas M. and William B. Poinsett III, Mayor 166 and City Clerk directed to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to them conveying all that part of Olive Street as vacated by ordinance adopted December 10, 1909 on May2.1— " ............. ..... ........i .... ............ ...... Schumacher Virginia C., Notice of Claim ............ 181 185, 302 24—Stampfer ...... Building Company requesting that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a quit claim deed conveying to them the West fifty feet of May Place as vacated by ordinance of Decem- June l--Sowle ber 20, 1921 ....... ..................185, Paul M., Notice of Claim 186, 206 June 7—Shetler Lester and Sylvester, - granted Class "B" Beer 194, 302 Permit " 7—Schaller ................ Mildred M. and Clara R., granted Class "B" Beer 205 Permit....... .. ........... ........... ....................................... 205 INDEX -Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page S June 14 -State of Iowa, Mayor and Clerk authorized and directed to execute and deliver a Quit Claim Deed to Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of Randall's Sub. to be used fora garage ..... ............................................................ 208 " 14 -Seminary Street from the West Corporation Line to 165 feet east of the east property line of St. Ambrose Street sanitary sewer to construct 210, 211, 212, 213, 214,- 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 233, 268, 269, 270, 273 274, 299, 300, 336, 337, 366, 453, 454, 475, 476, 477, 478 June 29 -Sieg -Dubuque Company, suggesting that an investiga- tion be made of the congested parking condition in the vicinity of Fifth and White Streets ..... 230, 275 " 29-Schlichtman Claus, requesting permission for the exten- sion of a sanitary sewer in Woodworth Street from the manhole in Cottage Place northerly approxi- mately 182 feet to serve Lot 28 of Pleasant View .. 238, 239 " 29 -Storm Sewer to construct in Jackson Street from the Bee Branch Storm Sewer at East 30th and Jack- son Streets along the west sidewalk line of Jack- son Street to the center of Diamond Street, thence on the center line of Diamond Street to the east property line of Central Avenue, thence along the east sidewalk line of Central Avenue to a point 205.3 feet north of the center of Diamond Street .. 241, 242,- 287, 288, 362, 263, 454 " 29-Scherr Henry J. and James J., granted Cigarette Per- mit.... ................ ................. ................ .................. .... 248 " 29 -Schwartz Vincent B., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 248 " 29-Schaet7le John, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 248 " 29 -Sand Mike and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 248 " 29 -Siege Joseph J. and Ferdinand W. Kenniker, granted Cigarette Permit .............. .................. ............ ........ 249 " 29 -Savary William and Viola, granted Cigarette Permit ... . 249 " 29 -Schneider Joseph C., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 249 " 29 -Sadler Leo. M. and Dorothy, granted Cigarette Permit. 249 " 29 -Solomon Jack, granted Cigarette Permit .................. .... 249 " 29-Shetler Lester and Sylvester, granted Cigarette Permit. 249 " 29 -Schwartz Lawrence, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 249 " 29 -Spielman J. Louis and Susan, granted Cigarette Permit. 249 " 29 -Scherer George J., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 250 " 29 -Steffen Clifford and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ... 250 " 29-Schmit Anthony, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 250 " 29-Stampfer J. F. Company, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 250 " 29 -Sand Frank and Elsie, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 251 " 29 -Sullivan Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 251 " 29 -Snyder Charles T. and Elsie, granted Cigarette Permit .. 251 " 29 -Smith Harry J. Sr., granted Cigarette Permit ........... 231 " 29 -Schaller Mildred M. and Clara, granted Cigarette Permit 251 " 29 -Savary William and Viola, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit _ _ .. .... .... 252, 253 " 29 -Sadler Leo. M. and Dorothy, granted Class "B" Beer Per - 29 -Sand Mike and Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 252, 253 " 29 -Steffen Clifford and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit.................. .............. .................. .................. ........ 252, 253 " 29 -Scherer George J. and Emma, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....... ...... ............................................ 252, 253 " 29 -Sand Frank and Elsie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 252, 253 July 6 -Sanitary Sewer to construct in Bradley Street Sewer 278, 279, 280, 335, 336 District... ................ ....... .......277, ... INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page July 19—Schargitz Mr., objecting to the proposed improvement of Balke Street and requested that a sanitary sewer be constructed in said street ........................ 284 " 19—Stralt W. E., suggesting that the Council make an inves- tigation of the lighting facilities in the neighbor- hood of Dodge and Hill Streets ...... _ ........................ 298 " 19—Shiloh Circle No. 37 Ladies of the Grand Army of t h e Republic, requesting permission to hold a tag day 298 " 19—Streets, graveling and oiling, City Solicitor resuested to prepare the necessary forms and proceedings ....... 321 Aug. 2—Sherbine George et al, requesting the installation of a street light on Curtis Street between McEvoy Place and South Hill Street .................................... ............... " 2—Schaffhauser George J., appointed as member of the 341, 396 Board of Review for a term of four years commen- cing in 1949 through 1952 ......•...... ...... ...................... 2—Schwartz Vincent B., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 346, 347 354, 355 Aug. 9—Schneider J. G. et al, protesting to the proposed improve- ment of Mullin Road and asking that Mullin Road be excluded from the proposed improvement of the streets in Hillcrest Annexation Assessment Drs- trict ............ Aug. 16—Straub Joseph W., submitting objections to the amount 358 of the special assessment against Lot 63, S. M. Langworthy's Addition for the improvement of Forest Lane and submitting an offer in the amount of $41.67 as full payment of the special assessment 16—Spahn and Rose Lumber Company, 369 Notice of Claim for material furnished D. C. May Construction Co. for the improvement of Diamond Street ........................ 380, 395 Aug. 23—Snow removal apparatus, bids for furnishing the same .. 23—Seeley Gaylon C., 393 granted Cigarette Permit ..................... " 23—Seeley Gaylon C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 397 ............ Sept. 7—Schubert Neil, Notice of Claim 397, 398 . s. a - - ............. Is " 7--Small-boat harbor at the upper end communication of the United 401, 449 Sta es Engineer Of- fice, Rock Island, Illinois in regard to the construc- tion of said harbor ............... ..........401, 402, 431, " 7—Spielman J. Louis and Susan, granted Class "B" Beer 432, 433 Permit........... .................. ........ .. ............ ............ ........408, Sept. 24— Sewage disposal plant, City Manager requested to 409 advise Council on the advisability of constructing and the „ ways and means of financing the project 24—Schuster, Donald W., granted Cigarette ....413, 414, Oct. Permit 452, 463 .................. 4—Schmidt Carl, requesting Council to take the necessary steps for the termination 418 of the nuisance created by the blowing of sawdust and other particles from the millwork operations of the Carr, Adams & Col- lier Co. and Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Company 426, 451, 463,- ...... an ............. . ......... 4—Swift & Company, waiver d tion of a spur track in Salina Street by theoIllinois Central Railroad Company 4—Seippel Peter J. Lumber Co., waiver and agreement for 427 the construction of a spur track in Salina Street by 4—Solomon David d and Myernois Marmis waiverand agreement .. 427, 428 for the construction of a spur track in Salina St. by the Illinois Central Railroad Company • 429 1940 INDEX -- Book 78 SUBJECT Page 11 " 4—Solomon David, waiver and agreement for the construc- tion of a spur track in Salina Street by the Illinois Central Railroad Company ..... ... ............... .... ,.. 429 " 4—Siege ..... Joseph J. Jr. and Ferdinand W. Kenniker, grant- ed Class "C" Beer Permit ......... .... _ 436 Nov. 1—Specht Lydia M., submitting offer in the amount of $100.- 100:00 00for property owned by the City of Dubusue on the hillside from the Armory line to Bockes line on Valley Street ........... .......... ...... ....... 440, 495, 511 " 1—Schmeichel Mr. and Mrs. W. L. requesting the City of Dubuque to execute a quit claim deed of the west- erly 28 feet of Lot 14A and the easterly 20 feet of Lot 15A in Paulina Langworthy's Subdivision ... .. 441, 469 Nov. 22—Sisters of St. Francis of Dubulue County, Iowa, request- ing permission and authority to construct at its expense an eight inch sanitary sewer in Windsor Avenue commencing at and connected to the end of the present sewer at the intersection of Law- ther Street and Windsor Avenue, thence northerly to the City Limits and thence branching out so as to be connected with the buildings of petitioners 462, 492, 493 " 22—Strub Clarence, requesting the grading and improving of West Third Street from Grandview Avenue to AlgonaStreet ............ ............ ........ .......................... 463 " 22—Strub Clarence, requesting that the alley between Ben- nett Street and West Third Street be improved .... 463 Nov. 29—Street lights ordered installed at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Emerson Street, at the inter- section of Theisen and Jenni Streets, at the inter- section of Cherokee Drive and U. S. Highway No. 20 and at the turn -around on the southerly end of Cherokee Drive ............ ............ ...... ........................ 496 " 29—Sisters of St. Francis, application for annexation and ex- tension of the City Limits ................. .. ......497, 498, 499 " 29—St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, application for annexation and extension of the City Limits 497, 498, 4H Dec. 6—Savage John, tendering his resignation as a member of the City Plumbing Licensing Board ......................... 501 " 6—Seubert and Fesler, Excavation Bond ................................. 503 " 6—Snyder Charles T. and Elsie, granted Class "B" Bear Permit..................................................................... 504 INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page T Jan. 5—Thiering Frank (Deed), requesting tax suspension on Lots 7 and 8 Rodger's Sub. .......................................... 3 Jan. 22—Tri-State Flyers, Inc., stating that the club endorses the resolution of the American Legion in regard to an Airport Commission appointment .............................. 8 Feb. 23—The Key City Gas Company, excavation bond ................ 39 23—Terminal Administration Building to construct at the Municipal Airport, contract with Wm. N. Nielsen, Architect, for the preparation of plans .... 53, 65, 66, 67, 68 April 5—The Telegraph -Herald, appointed as the official news- paper for the City of Dubuque .................................. 113 5—Thomas Mrs. Alvin, Notice of Claim ...... ...... ........... I.... 115, 126 April 12—The Dubuque Municipal Airport, an ordinance providing for the naive, control, supervision and operation of ... ... ....... . .............................128, 132, 133, 134 April 19—Tschirgi Edward M., City Treasurer, bond .................. 135 19—The Dubuque Municipal Airport, rules and regulations for the operation and maintenance of said Airport 150, 151,- . ................ 152, 153, 154 April 22—The Dubuque Municipal Airport, authorizing the execu- tion of a Sponsor's Assurance Agreement for the purpose of obtaining Federal Aid in the develop- ment of the Airport by constructing an administra- tion building, water supply and sewage disposal systems . _ _ .......................................155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160 ............... ..........158, 159, 160 May 24—The Key City Gas Company, submitting claim in the amour of $430.18 for labor, material and service performed and furnished in construction of the Kaufmann Avenue Trunk Sewer to Mancini, Ven- trella & Sons .............184, 195 24—The Key City Gas Company, submitting the annual re- port for the calendar year 1947, in accordance with Franebise stipulation ._.187 June 1—Terminal Administration Building at The Dubuque Municipal Airport to construct, including the plumb- ing and heating, electric wiring, well installation and sewage disposal system, approval of plans, the specifications and supporting documents by the Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Ad - Ministration ............. ........ 196 1—Terminal Building to construct at The Dubuque Munici- pal Airport, including the plumbing and heating, electric wiring, well installation and sewage dis. Posal system June 7—The Key C tyGas Company, making and filing 224, 2cla 2m 229, 271 In the sum of $628.78 for labor, material and ser- vice performed and furnished to Mancini, Ventrella & Sons in the construction of the Kaufmann Ave- nue Trunk Sewer .............. 7—The American Municipal Association, asking the Mayor 199, 210 to lend the prestige of his office and leadership to the attack on Juvenile Delinquency, being con- ducted by the National Conference on Prevention 7—The I iter ationarid ll ofJuvenile vManag•er'snA Association, extend- •• •• 200 mg invitation to have the City of Dubuque rtend- ep 7—The Key City Gas Companysented at the , application to the Iowa State ....... 200 Highway Commission for permission to lay a gas IU48 I NDEX --- Boos: 78 SUBJECT T Page main to Glenview Subdivision South of Grandview Avenue and East of Highways 161, 151 and 52 in the City Limits of Dubuque ........ .............. ............... 202 " 7—Trimpler William F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit . . 205 " 7—The Travelers Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for PrivateClub .. _........ ... I .... . _ .... ... ........ ... I ......... 205 June 22—The Dubuque Municipal Airport, adopting and approv- ing the Extension of an Acceptance of a Grant Offer from the United States of America to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of obtain- ing Federal Aid in the development of the Airport 225, 226 " 22—The Dubuque Municipal Airport, proposition presented by Ben Arquitt to establish himself as fixed base operator at the Dubuque Municipal Airport ............ 227 " 22—The Dubuque Municipal Airport. City Manager Rhomberg suggested that plans and specifications be fur- nished by Wm. N. Nielsen, Architect for T -Type Hangar Buildings at The Dubuque Municipal Air- port.. ............. ................ ................ ................. ........ 227 June 29—The Dubuque Municipal Airport, Classification of same by the Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Administration ......... .... ...... ......... .. ........... ...... 231, 232 " 29—The Dubuque Municipal Airport, recommendations of City Manager, City Solicitor and Airport Manager concerning leases at the Airport .............................. 237 " 29—The Dubuque Municipal Airport, construction of sixteen units of multiple T -Hangars ...... .......... ..247, 248, 289, 290 " 29—Thompson John M. and Clarence E., granted Cigarette Permit................. ................. ................. .................... 248 " 29—The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Cigarette Permit ............. ........ I ... .... I.. 248 "29—Tenenbom's Super Market, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit 248 " 29—Tench John F. and Vincent W. Mescher, granted Ciga- rette Permit .............. _.,......... _ .. ... 249 " 29—Tyrell Sidney J. and Eugenia P., granted Cigarette Per- mit_.... ............ ... ............ .. ...................... 249 " 29—Trimpler William, granted Cigarette Permit ............ ...... 249 " 29—Trapp Arthur J., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 249 " 29—Triangle Cafe, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 250 " 29—Thompson Frank W. and John F., granted Cigarette Permit................. .................. ......... _. .... ....... I......... 250 " 29—Torrey Henry, granted Cigarette Permit _ ............. 250 " 29—Tranel Zeno A., granted Cigarette Permit ................... 250 " 29—The Rex Club, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 251 " 29—Thompson John M. and Clarence E., granted Class "B" BeerPermit ................. ..... _.. .. ...... .............. ,. 252, 253, " .9—The American Legion, granted Class "13" Beer Permit for Private Club _.... ............. 252, 254 " 29—The Rex Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Pri- vateClub ... ......_.. ............. .............. ........._.. 252, 254 " 29—Thompson Frank W. and John F., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. _ .. ...253, 254 " 29—The Dubuque Municipal Airport, Aviation Dealers Air- port Lease Agreement between the City of Dub- uque and Ben C. Arquitt, Farley, Iowa 254, 255, 256, 257, 258,- 58;259, 259,260, 261, 262 '1111y 6—The Dubuque Municipal Airport, communication of De- partment of Commerce. Civil Aeronautics Admin- istration, in regard to the request of the City of Dubuque for Federal Funds in the amount of $60,- INDEX — Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page 000.00 to cover the proposed construction of a ter- minal building, landscaping and other improve- ments for The Dubuque Municipal Airport and ad- vising that on account of Federal Funds limitations only the amount of $33,950.00 had been allocated and advising that from the 1949 authorization an additional amount of $15,000.00 has been allocated to provide for a proposed project to include an ac- cess road and miscellaneous utilities ..................... 271, 272 Aug. 2—Tax levies for the year 1948 established 324 " 2—The Texas Company, Chicago, Ill., application submitted to the United States Engineers Office, Reck Island, Ill., for permission to cons±ruct docking facilities in and along the right lank of the Mississinpi at South Junction .................. .............. ...... .... 338 " 2—The Dubuque Municipal Airport, City Manager Rhomberg recommending that bids be solicited for the fur- nishing of nne blower type snow removal machine 348, 393,- ....................................................................... ....................407, 410, 411 Aug. 9—Theis Mrs. Leo et al, requesting the placing of a street light on the corner of Ascension and Thomas St. 364, 396 " 9—The Key City Gas Company, Notice of Garnishment and Interrogatories vs Mancini, Ventrella & Sons, Joe Ventrella and Angelo D. Ventrella ..... 364 Amr. 2:i --The Key City Gas Company, requestin g a revision of gas rates due to its tremendously increased operating expene .................. ........... ........ ....394, Sept. 7—The0asis Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Pri- 410, 451 vate Club .......... " 7—Tenenbom Super M^.rkt, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer 408, 409 Permit .. .... Sept. 14—Twelfth Street, objections to making said street a bonle- 408, 409 vard .... ... ........ .... . 411, 414, 426, Sept. 24 --The Dubuque Municipal Airport, plans for the dedica- 440, 441 tion of same .............. Oct. 4—The Key City Gas Company, with reference to the pet 412 s tions objecting to theincreaseheat- rates where fuel is a for ed home and water heat ing, ing, and stating that any delay in granting t he petition of The Key City Gas Company for a modest increase in gas rates will result in a hard- ship to Company ..... " 4 --'Twelfth Street,Petition -... requesting that said street between Elm - 425 and Man Streets made a boulevard and also that a Stop and Go light be installed at Twelfth Street and Central Avenue 4 —The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. 426 Beer Permit granted Class "C" .................. ....... .................. .......... Nov. 22—Trimpler W. F., requesting a refund in the amount of $100.00 on the unexpired 426 portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit " ................ . 22—Trim ler W. F P requesting a refund in than ;unount oP on the unexpired 0 Permitportion of hi!: Cigarette ., 2_, The As ............ permont Y. P traline Com an .....nsmission .. easement to „ the Interstate Power 465 22—TheThe Victor Com Y Club, Company 467 granted Class "B" P ... Private Club Beer P ermit for " .......,... ........... 22—The Dubuque Muuicipai Airport, ............ 472 construction of a new access road from U. S. Highway No. 61 ........... .... 437 4 i* INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page T Nov. 29—The Hawks Incorporated, Notice of Claim .... .... ... 488, 514, 515 " 29—The Adams Company, Mayor and Clerk authorized to make execute and deliver quit claim deeds con- veying Lots B-7 and B-8 in Booth's Addition, Lots A-, A-5, A-6 and A-7 in Dubuque Harbor Improve- ment Compzny's Addition, Lots A-1, A-2, and A-3 in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Ad- dition and Lots B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, B-6 and B-9 in Booth's Addition to The Adams Company .... .. 490, 491 Dec. 6—Tri-State Products Co., advising that they are writing to establish the fact of their permanancy in the City of Dubuque and asking that they be given infor- mation and instructions as to the ordinances cover- ing their type of business ........................................... 501, 515 U Jan. 22—Upper Mississippi Waterway Association, advising that the Annual Convention will be held in St. Louis, Mo., on January 26th and 27th, 1948 ........................ 8 Feb. 2—United States Guarantee Company, consenting to the extension of time for the completion of the Kauf- mann Avenue Sanitary Trunk Sewer until April 30, 1948 ....................... .............. ......... .................. I ... ...... ...... 15 May 2.1—University Avenue designated as a boulevard ..... .... . 184 " 24—United States of America, renewal of lease covering ap- proximately 0.85 of an acre in Hamm's Addition for a Naval Reserve Armory ....................................... 188 June 1—United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co., consenting to the thirty days extension granted to K -M Construc- tion Co. for completion of their contract for the improvement of Gandolfo Street ................................ 195 June 7—Uppinghouse A. R. and Philomenia, granted Class "B" BeerPermit .................. .................. .................... .......... 205 June 22 --United States of America, adopting and approving the execution of an acceptance of a Grant Offer by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of obtain- ing Federal Aid in the development of The Dub- uque Municipal Airport ................ .............................. 225, 226 June 29—Uppinghouse A. R., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 248 " 29—United Cigar -Whelan Stores Corporation, granted Ciga- " 29—Union rette Permit....... .......... ............ .............. ............ . League Club, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 249 250 Aug. 2—United States Engineers Office, Rock Island, Ill., notice of hearing on the application of The Texas Com- pany, Chicago, Ill., to construct docking facilities in and along the right bank of the Mississippi at SouthJunction .......................................................... 338 Sept. 7—United States Engineers office, Rock Island, Illinois, in regard to the construction of a small -boat har- bor at the upper end of Hamm Island also in regard to the dredging of the First Street harbor .. 401, 402,4432, 433 Oct. 4—United Council of Church Women protesting the rout- ing of the new highway past the Prescott School . 426 Nov. 1—Union League Club, application for Class "B" Beer Per- 459 mit for Private Club at 4003/ Iowa Street . - - INDEX -Book 78 SUBJECT Page 1948 V Jan. 5 -Veterans of Foreign Wars, submitting an article per- taining to the New Municipal Airport ___................ 1 " 5-Vawter Fane F. & Company - approval of surety bond in the amount of $5,000.00 ........ _ .... _ I.... 1 " 5 -Van Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Permit _- 6 Feb. 2 -Virginia -Carolina Corporation requesting a permit to use dynamite for the purpose of loosening piles of hard fertilizer ... ........... ...... ... .... ...... ............. 15, 32 " 2-Vawter Fane F. & Company, requesting a permit to carry on blasting operations in connection with the con- struction work for the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company at Ninth and Locust Streets .. .......15, 16, 32, yrs Feb. 23 -Varner Well Drilling Co., release of note and mortgage by the City of Dubuque ............... _ 51, 52 " 23-Vrotsos George T. and Spiros D. Coven, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................... ............ .............. 52, 5.3, Mar. 1-Vrotsos George T. and Spiros D. Coven, requesting a re- fund on the unexpired portion of their Cigarette Permit................. ................. ................. ................... 56 April 5 -Van Duelman Councilman, elected Mayor for the ensu- ing fiscal year ................................ ................. 113 " 5-Vonah A., Notice of Claim . .......... ....... ....... 115, 137 April 12 -Villa Street request that said street be graded and storm water drainage be constructed .................. _ _..- 124 " 12 -Valley Street request that said street be graded and storm water drainage be constructed _...... __ .. 124 April 19 -Vernon Heights Subdivision, request of Louis Kolfen- bach that the City set up the requirements to be met in order that the plat of said Subdivision may be approved ................................................ .._... 131, 189, 190 " 19-Vorwald Elmer and Monica, petition and waiver for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets .................. ................. ............ .............. 146, 147 " 19 -Vernon and Edina Streets, sanitary sewer to be construc- ted in said streets 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147,- 148, 149, 150, 270, 305, 337, 406, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 450 May 3 -Valentine Leonard, asking release of his excavation bond................ .................. ... .. .... ....................... 166 " 3--Vrotsos George T. and Spiros D. Coven granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 174 .__..... 3 -Van Duelman Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 174, 175 June 7 -Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission for the holding their of Buddy Poppy Sale .................... 202 June 29 -Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, granted Cigarette Permit ................. „ ...................................................... 29 -Van Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Permit " 248 250 .................. 29 -Victory Club, granted Cigarette Permit " 250 .............................. 29 -Vander Meulen Wm, and Sophia McMann, granted Ciga- rette Permit .................. " 29-Vrotsos George T. and Spiros D. Coven, granted Ciga- 250 rette Permit " 29 -Vincent Myron C., granted Cigarette Permit " 251 .................. 29 -Vander Meulen Wm. and Sophia McMann, granted a Class "B" Beer Permit .................. .............................. " 29 -Veterans of Foreign Wars, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer 252, 253 Permit for Private Club ........... ........ ......................... I..... 252, 254 . fir►. 1948 INDEX — Book 78 SUBJECT — g V July 6—Veaco Sidney H., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 276 July 19—Valleyview Road from the east property line of Avalon Road to the west property line of Chaney Road, improvement of ......................306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 377, 378,- .................. ............ .................. .................. ................ .............. 379. 400 Sept. 7—Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp. transmission line ease- ment to the Interstate Power Company ................. 405 7—Veterans Radio Cab Co. taxi -cab bond .............................. 405 Nov. 1—Veaco Sidney H., requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit ...................... _....- 441 " 1—Veterans of Foreign Wars, transfer of address of their Cigarette Permit ............... .................... ................ 457 " 1—Veterans of Foreign Wars, transfer of address of Class "B„ Beer Permit ................. ....................... .............. 468 INDEX — Book 78 SUBJECT Page 1948 W Jan. 5—Wieland Frank C., requesting a refund on his Cigarette . ................. ....................... Permit.._ ..... .......... ......... 2 Feb. 23—Weather Bureau, requesting that they be alloted space in the New Municipal Airport Administration Building ............... .................. 32, 200 Mar.1—Weiner Sylvester and Delores, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... ... ....... .................. ................. .................... .. 68 " 1—Wright Roy A. and Esther, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit.................. ................. ................. ............ .............. 68 " 1—Wright Paul C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. 68 Mar. 12—White Roland, addressed the Council in regard to the proposed purchase by the City of property located on Iowa Street between Ninth and Tenth Streets for parking lot purposes .......... _.... ................ _.. .. 85 " 12—Wathier Nick F. and Marie A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ................ . ................ .......... ..... ................... . 86 Mar. 19—White Roland, representing the Amvets and Mr. Lang- feld, addressed the Council in regard to the hold- ing of an Air Circus at the Municipal Airport field " 19—Wingert Joseph L., requesting refunds on the unexpired portions of both his Class "B" Beer Permit and his Cigarette Permit ...... ....................... .................. 99 Mar. 30—Weber Mrs. Tillie, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit _......... .. I .._.... 108 " 30—Wathier Nick F. and Marie A., granted Cigarette Permit 109 " 30—Wartburg Co-operative Book Store, granted Cigarette Permit............. ........ ..........._....... ........... .... I. ... .... 109 April 5—Winders Ray, Notice of Claim .._ _... ... ._. 114, 178, 179 " 5—Wagner Emma, Notice of Claim .............................. .._..... 114 " 5—White William, granted Cigarette Permit ....... .... I... 118 " 5—Walsh Joseph F. and Adele, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.................. ................ ............... .......... ......... 118 May 3—White Roland, addressed the Council in regard to the acquiring of parking lots and suggested that con- sideration be given to the areas where no homes are situated so as not to cause the dispossessing of people which would add to the acute housing shortage ............. .... .1 ..... .I .... I .............. 165 " 3—Weber Merlyn L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 174 ............ " 3—Warren Dell and Ralph, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 174 May 10—War Department Office of the Division Engineer, Omaha, Nebraska, Chief of Real Estate Division, request- ing that a permit be secured in order that transient military aircraft may land at The Dubuque Munici- pal Airport .................. ........ ............... ............ . ay 24—Wirzbach karl H. et al, requesting that Buena Vista 177 Street be graded ....... ..... „ 24—Winders R. Daniel, ...............t ................ di Cigarette 186, 235 " 24—Winders R. Daniel, granted C ass Beer Permit June 1—Ward D. F., M. D., 190, 191 Notice of Claim...... .............. w June 14—Wise Albert V. and Madeline, petition and aiver for 194, 302 construction of the Seminary Street sanitary sewer June 29—Wiederholt Carl J. et al, requesting that the city water 219 mains be extended from the water plug on the cor- ner of Lot 8 to include Lot 10 of Lennox Ad- dition ................ " 29—Wilson Mrs. Olie M., requesting permission for the hold- 232 ing of a tag day ........ ....... ing of a tag day _... ...... ...................... 232 ................. ....................... 232 1W 1948 INDEX —Book 78 SUBJECT Page W " 29—Wright Courtesy Bench Service, requesting permission to install and maintain benches along the public ways used for public convenience and for advertis- ing norposes 233 " 29—Wharton Albert, H. J. Hoffmann, Trustees, petition and waiver for the construction of Seminary Street sanitary sewer ........ .................. . ...... I.I.. ........ 233 " 29—Weiner Joseph J. and Evelyn, granted Cigarette Permit 248 " 29—Walgreen Company, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 249 " 29—Wathier Nick F. and Marie A., granted Cigarette Permit 249 " 29—Wodrich Wm. E., granted Cigarette Permit ..... ............... 250 " 29—Weiner Sylvester and Dolores, granted Cigarette Permit 250 " 29—Wagner Wm., granted Cigarette Permit ._ ...... 250 " 29—Wright Roy A., granted Cigarette Permit 250 " 29—Winkler Louis J., granted Cigarette Permit _. ._.. 250 " 29—Weber Merlyn L., granted Cigarette Permit 250 " 29—Westereamp George, granted Cigarette Permit .. 250 " 29—Wingert Joseph L. and Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit_ _ _.... ............... . 250 " 29—White William, granted Cigarette Permit 250 " 29—Weiner Fred, granted Cigarette Permit . _ _ 251 " 29—Ward John J., granted Cigarette Permit ... 251 251 " 29—Warren Dell and Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit __..__ " 29—Wright Paul C., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 251 251 " 29—Walsh Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit 251 " 29—Winders R. Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit .... ... " 29—Westercamn Georze, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 252, 253 " 29—Wingert Joseph L. and Josephine, granted Class "B" 252, 253 Beer Permit .. ... _._ ........ " 29—Wodrich William E. and Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit - 252, 2�3 July 19—Water Department, advising Council that the Ohio Cas- ualty Co. is'the Water Department's representative in settling the claims for damages at the Circus " 19—Water Grounds on East Fourth Street Department, constructing, furnishing, delivering 301 and testing of two electric driven two stage pump- ing units for the existing Eagle Point Pumping 305, 306 358, 359, 385 Aug. 2—Weiner Station Joseph J. and Evelyn, granted Class "B" Beer 354, 355 Sept. 7—Willman Permit ...... ... _ .. _... Company, advising that their bonding company have declined to write a bond for the proposed maca- dam base pavement in Hillcrest Addition .. . ....- . 401 Nov. 1—Women's Service League of St. John's Episcopal Church stating that they wish to protest Twelfth Street being contemplated as a highway ... ... ... 440 " 1—Water softening plant, City Manager Rhomberg recom- mending that the City Council institute proceedings for the construction of said plant during the forth- 453 coming year Dep 14—Winter May M., granted Cigarette Permit ....... .. __ .. 517 INDEX —Book 78 1948 SUBJECT Page ---- — ------ Y Feb. 2—York Street sanitary sewer to construct in said street from the intersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street 22, 23, 24, 30, 31, 65, 220, 293, 294, 295,- ................ .................. ................ ............. ....... ..... ..I ... __.... 296, 447 Feb. 23—Yarnell Audrey L., requesting refunds on the unexpir- ed portion of both his Cigarette Permit and his Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................. 34 Z Jan. 5—Ziepprecht Carl W., appointed as a member of the Bd. of Review for a term of three years ......................... Feb. 2—Zwack Anton, Inc. offering to deed five feet in width of property to the City in order to make the alley property to the City in order to make the alley first east of Althauser Street more accessible from Eagle Street .._ June 29—Zillig George J., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 29—Zelens Bert, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 29—Zillig George J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _ ...... Aug. 23—Zwack Anton, Inc., requesting that the City grant permis- sion to allow the present barricade on Ninth street between Locust Street and the alley first east to remain as it is now in order that they may proceed with the masonry work on the Northwestern Bell Telephone Exchange Building ...... ... ................. .... Sept. 7—Zenz Clarence and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit .. 7—Zenz Clarence and Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit.................. .... . .......... .................. .................. ...... .. Nov. 1—Zumhof Eugene G., Revocation of Power of Attorney Nov. 22—Zahina Agnes, g granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 3 21 249 251 252, 253 394, 395 403 408, 409 440 472 d rm Regular Session, January 5th, 1948' City Council (Official). Regular Session, January 5th, 1948. Council met at 7:30 P. M Present—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg. Mayor Murphy stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meet- ing. Notice of claim of William Schaefer III in the amount of $92.75 for damages and loss of use ,of his automobile caused in striking an unprotected hole or trench in the street .in front of 890 Kaufmann Avenue, presented and read. Coun- cilman Wharton moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - Man, Warton. Nays—None. Communication of Veterans of Foreign Wars, Leo A. Schwind Post No. 508, by Fred J. Huftill, Quartermaster, submitting attach- ed copy of an article pertaining to the New Dubuque Municipal Air- port, and stating that this article was drawn up by the Aviation Committee of the Leo A. Schwind Post No. 508 V.F.W. and was adopted by the Post assembled in regular session on December 18th, 1947, presented and read. Council- man Wharton moved that the com- munication and attached copy of an article pertaining to the new Dubuque Municipal Airport be re- ferred to the City Council for their consideration. Seconded by Coun- cilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Des Moines, Iowa, December 30, 1947. City of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa. Attention Mr. Rhomberg, City Manager. Gentlemen: In accordance with your re- quirement, we are forwarding to you herewith a Surety Bond in the amount of $5,000.00, drawn in favor of the City of Dubuque. The bond is furnished as a guar- antee to the City of protection against any damage claims or suits against the City, because of Permit to our Company for the use of a passageway in the streets and alleys to the new Telephone Building, 9th and Locust, Dubuque, Iowa. Yours very truly, FANE F. VAWTER & COMPANY, Fane F. Vawter. Council Thompson moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record and that the Surety Bond be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Alois E. Kramer re- questing a refund in the amount of $100.00 on the unexpired por- tion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 92 as he has discontinued busi- ness on December 19, 1947, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van .Duelman moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Alois E. Kramer to cov''er the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 92. Seconded by Councilman, Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing anyone present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman 2 Kc gular Session, ,January 5th, 1948 Van Duelman, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man Wharton. Nays—None. Captain Patrick Casey, repre- senting the members of the Fire Department, addressed the Council requesting the City Council to de- lay passage of the proposed "Sick Leave" ordinance until , further study could be made covering the Fire Department problems. Police Officer Byrne O'Brien re- presenting the members of the Police Department, addressed the Council asking that before passage of the "Sick Leave" ordinance that the members of the Police Department would like a clarifica- tion of the disability clause as set out in the "Sick Leave" ordinance as there is no clear understanding of what happens after the normal sick leave expires. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the matter pertaining to the passage of a "Sick Leave" ordin- ance be referred to the City Coun- cil, City Manager and City Solicit- or to meet with the representatives of the Fire Department, Police De- partment -and City Employees for the purpose of negotiating a "Sick Leave" ordinance. Seconddd by Mayor Murphy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Attorney Francis J. O'Connor, representing the Algonquin Chemi- cal Company, addressed the Coun- cil asking the City Council to withhold action on the petition of the Algonquin Chemical Company until word could be received from other cities where sulphuric acid ,plants are now in operation. At- torney O'Connor was advised by the City Council that his request would be granted. Mr. Nick Grommersch addressed the Council in regard to the es. tablishing of bus service on the Park Hill District and also in re. .gard to the establishing of a street connecting Park Hill District with Kane Street in order that bus serv- ice would be made available on troth Park Hill District and Kauf- mann Avenue. Petition of Frank C. Wieland re- questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 250 as he has discontinued business on December 29, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of Frank C. Wie- land to cover the amount of re- fund granted on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 250. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the Dubuque Fire- fighters Local 353 asking the City Council to temporarily withhold future action on the proposed new "Sick Leave" program and stating that they would like to arrange to have a committee or Fire Chief meet with the Council 'and explain the advantages for the City in their present Sick Leave Plan over the proposed new one, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be re- ferred to the City Council for their consideration. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- man Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Meeting of December 22, 1947. In accordance with Section 405.13 and a notice served in ac- cordance therewith on each and every member of the Board of Di- rectors of the Independent School District of Dubuque, Iowa, a meet- ing was held in the Central School Building, West 15th and Locust Streets, Dubuque, Iowa at the hour of 7:30 P. M. Mr. Murphy, the Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, presided. Messrs. Fuhrman, Gregory, Hardie and Dr. Vanderloo of the Board of Directors of the Independ- ent School District of Dubuque. '-Messrs. Baule, Hammerand, Dono- Regular Session, January 5th, 1948 van of the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County, and Messrs. Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman and Wharton of the City Council were present. It was regularly moved that the compensation of the members of the Board of Review be fixed at $12.00 Per diem,. Seconded and carried. It was regularly moved that the following men be appointed to the Board of Review and for the term designated. George J. Schaffhauser, One Year Term. T. J. Hill, Two Year Term. Carl W. Ziepprecht, Three Year Term. Louis Kolfenbach, Four Year Term. George Pohl,' Four Year Term. Seconded and carried, It was regularly moved that no bond be required of the City As- sessor. Seconded and carried. It was regularly moved that the salaries of the Deputy City As- sessors be fixed as follows: Carl Anthony Clark .. $4,000.00 John C. McQuillen .... $4',000.00 Clem John Manneman $4,000.00 John Charles Nelson $3,000.00 Seconded and carried. It was duly ordered that the meeting adjourn. Alois A. Kaufman, Secretary. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the minutes of the meeting of December 22, 1947, as submitted by Alois A. Kaufmann, Secretary be .received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of November, 1947, presented and read. Council- man Van Duelman moved that the Proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- J men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. December 23, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the following Petitions, requesting tax suspen- sions: 1, Barbara Abitz (Charles), Lots 50 and 51 Grandview Add. % in- terest. 2. Frank J. Dougherty, (Mary Ag- nes), Lots 172 ,and 173 Union Add. interest. 3. Minnie Rosenthal (Deed), E. 56 feet of N. 25 feet of Lot 561. 4. Joseph Sitterly (Deed), Lot 44 Staffords Add. % interest. 5. Frank Thiering (Deed), Lots 7 and 8 Rodgers Sub. The applicants each own an un- divided interest in the real estate. An Opinlion of the Attorney Gen- eral dated, November 23, 1939, cited by me in my letter to, you December 26, 1946, it appears that the City Council has no jurisdiction in this matter. These applications should be re- turned to the Board of Supervisors with a copy of my letter. Yours truly, John J. Kintzinger, City Solicitor. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote, Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. , December 27, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Enclosed please find a letter that I received from City Attorney Harry H. Stilley of Hammond, In- diana, with reference to the ex- perience of that City and the Stauf- fer Chemical Company. This letter should be made a matter of record. Yours truly, John J. Kintzinger City Solicitor. 4 Reg+11a1- Session, January 5th, 1948 Councilman Wharton moved that the communication of City Solicitor Kintzinger together with the en- closed letter from ammondy ttolney Harry H. Stilley, ana, be received and made a mat- ter of record. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. CITY OF HAMMOND INDIANA December 24, 1947 John J. Kintzinger City Attorney Dubuque, Iowa Dear Mr. Kintzinger: I have your inquiry of the De- cember 22nd respecting the ex- perience of our City with the Stauffer Chemical Company. Our experience has not been a fortu- nate one. They have been in busi- ness here for a good many years, at least fifteen and perhaps longer, and during my term in office here, and I have now completed my thir- teenth year, we have had constant trouble, in this: From time to time, and some- times from meeting to meeting, our Board of Pubulic Works and Safety have had delegations of citizenry from the immediate neighborhood complaining that the precipitation from this plant was killing all their vegetation and that it was injurious to their health generally. We went "round and round" with the Stauf- fer people who are a very high class outfit. We had numerous dis- cussions with engineers and scien- tists from New York, employed by them, in an endeavor to eliminate or at least ameliorate, this evil. To a very considerable extent they have been successful and we had fewer complaints from the resi- dents of the neighborhood of the Plant in the last year than any time during the last ten or twelve Years. This improvement in conditions was accomplished by the 1115talla- tf01) of machinery and equ.:pment with which f am not familiar, which tended to eliminate much of the 01)n07ious precipitation, We had one further very serious difficult.} with them, which you do not mention in your letter, but which I feel should be drawn to your attention if you should have a sewage disposal system such as ours. We have an activated sludge plant, which you probably know is a bacterial process, and in which our City has invested Four Million Dollars. From time to time we had trouble with this plant and the bacteria would be killed in the ac- tivated slude beds with some acid getting into our sewage system. After some difficulty our engineer found that the trouble was sul- phuric acid which was traced to the Stauffer Chemical Company's plant. We futher found that the sewer leading from than plant, which is of concrete construction, has been very seriously damaged ,and negotions are now pending with the Stauffer Company in an iendeavor to recover the damages suffered by the City both as to the sewer and the machinery and equipment in our activated sludge plant. They claim that this trouble has now been eliminated and that no further acid can now get into our sewage system. Please understand that I have no interest in the Stauffer Chemical Company nor any animosity toward them what- ever. Their officers have been fair and while we threatened to sue to abate a nuisance and also to re- cover damages, that has not been necessary and we do not anticipate that it will be. I hope the foregoing will give You some idea of the troubles con- nected with the operation of a sulphuric acid plant. As you are, of course, aware, Hammond is a highly industrialized City with di- verse manufacturing processes in- cluding soap, corn products, and other manufacturing processes in which fats and acids are used, so that we are not without experience in that field. I am hopeful that this informa- tion will be helpful to you and in the event that we can be of fur- ther assistance please command us. Yours very truly, Harry H. Stilley. Regular Session, January 5th, 1948 December 31, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Referring to attached petition of Caroline M. May requesting va- cation of alley between Lot 1 of 35 of Stewarts Sub to the west, and Lot 2 of the Sub of Lots 24, 25, and Lots 26 and 27 of Stewarts Sub to the east and extending from York St. northerly to the south boundary of Lot 24 of Mineral Lot 149, the Planning and Zoning Com- mission respectfully recommends granting of the petition, the value of the vacated land and price to be determined by your honorable body. Respectfully submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission, Richard V. McKay Secretary. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication of the Planning and Zoning Commission be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. January 5, 1948 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the session of the City Coun- cil held December 19, 1947 the petition of Homer V. Butt, Sr. et. al. requesting amendment to the proposed ordinance restricting al- ley parking was referred to the undersigned for investigation and report upon suggested revision. We have considered the matter and recommend that in lieu of the proposed ordinance another be in- troduced which exempt from the no parking and one way provi- sions the alley between Main and Iowa Streets from West Twelfth Street to Loras Boulevard -and the alley between Main and Locust Streets from West Twelfth Street to Loras Boulevard. An ordinance changed as out- -lined is submitted for your con- sideration. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG City Manager JOS. H. STRUB Chief of Police THOS. C. HICKSON Chief of Fire Dept. Counclliman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Mana- ger Rhomberg, Chief of Police Jos. H. Strub and Chief of Fire Dept. Hickson be approved. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 1--48 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 10-37, entitled "TRAF- FIC CODE OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE" asamended by Ordinance No. 1-39, Ordinance No. 12-43 and Ordinance No. 9-44, by strik- ing out certain provisions thereof and inserting other provisions in lieu thereof, regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets and high- ways of the City of Dubuque and by repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had to be con- sidered the first reading of the ordi- nance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt, Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Regular Session, January 5th, 1948 Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 1– 48 Be It uesolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating io the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address Ben A. Bogue, 3198 Central Avenue. Carl Van Duelman, 590 Seminary Street. Leo P. Manahl, 785 Groveland Place. Robert A. Lange and John D. Paine, 2616 Windsor Avenue. Be It Further Resolved, that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of January, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J: SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 2-48 WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the cnuipiiance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Nick lirau­r and :Marie J. Kra suer, 2222 Central Ave.n� r. Clarence G. Pregler and Clara Pregler, 2403 Central Avenue. CLASS "C" PERMIT Alois J. Ender, 634 Rhomberg Avenue. John C. Neumeister, 729 Lincoln Avenue. Passed, adopted ,and approved this 5th day of January, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adol1tion of tl(e resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 3-48 WHEREAS, heretofore applica- tions for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the ap- proval of this Council; and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- Ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: NOw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Nick Kramer and Marie J. Kra- mer, 2222 Central Avenue. Clarence G. Pregler ;and Clara Pregler, 2403 Central Avenue. Robert A. Lange and John D. Paine, 2616 Windsor Avenue. CLASS "C" PERMIT Alois J. Ender, 534 Rhomberg .:lvemie. John C. Neumeister, 729 Lincoln Avenue. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds filed by such -appli- cants he and the same are hereby approved, Regular Session, January 5th, 1948 7 Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of January, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Approved .. 1948 Adopted ..... .. 19A8 Councilmen: {.......... ...!.. ... .......R.. ............. .fy�... ....... Attest: ...... ... �J. • AA • ..... 1. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Special Scssion, January 22nd, 1948 City Council (official.) Special Session, January 22nd, 1948. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Thompson and Van Duel - man. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of considering the petition of the Dubuque Packing Company, by Czizek & Czizek, Its Attorneys, re- questing the City Council to va- cate the westerly 24 feet 10 inches of Sycamore Street and convey such vacated area to them, subject to the easement of the C. M. St. P. & P. Railroad Company for railroad purposes, and acting on any other business as may pro- perly come before a regular meet- ing of the City Council. Petition of Dubuque Packing Company, By: Czizek & Czizek, Its Attorneys, requesting the vacation of the westerly 24 feet 10 inches of Sycamore Street and convey such vacated area to it, subject to the easement of the C. M. St. P. & P. Railroad Company for rail- road 'purposes, such conveyance to be upon such consideration as the Council may determine to be rea- sonable under the circumstances, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their re- commendation and report. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays–.None. Notice of claim of Covell J. Hart in the amount of $130.92 for dam- ages to his automobile caused by the icy condition of the street near Delhi Street and University Ave- nue due to a water leak, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of claim of Mrs. Paul Cate in the amount of $13.75 for dam- ages to her automobile caused in striking an accumulation of dirt which was allowed to remain in Coates Street at a point opposite the driveway at 2340 Coates Street, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the notice of claim t -e referred to the City Solicitor for investiga- tion and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of claim of Willard J. Driscoll in the amount of $25.94 for damages to his truck caused by backing into a manhole on which the lid was off at the alley entrance located on Sixth Street on the north side between Main and Lo- cust Streets, presented and read. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investiga- tion and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the U p p e r Mississippi Waterway Association advising that the Annual Conven- tion of the Mississippi Valley As- sociation will be held in St. Louis, Mo., on January 26th and 27th, 1948, presented and read. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Tri-State Flyers, Inc., stating that the club endorses the resolution that the American Legion sent to the City Special Session, January 22nd, 1948 Council in regard to having an Air. port Commission, which would serve without any cost to the City, In addition to the new airport man- ager, presented and read. Counctlman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council for their consideration. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel. man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Carl V. Riley In regard to the proposed improve- ment of existing Platt Street, and submitting a statement of facts and respectfully solicit favorable con- sideration of the same, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council for their consideration. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the American Legion Auxiliary requesting permission for the holding of their annual poppy drive beginning at 6 o'clock Friday evening, May 28th, and continuing through Saturday, May 29th, 1948, presented and read. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the request be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Joseph G. Graham re- questing that Council note the con- ditions and objections to the re- quest to vacate an alley adjacent to lots owned by Mrs. Harry Schiltz and Clarence J. May, the alley in question extends north from York Street, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the Council for future consideration. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. 0 Petition of Mancini, Ventrelia & Sons, by Joseph Ventrella, Prin- cipal, requesting an extension of time from March 1st to April 30th, 1948, for completion of the Kauf- mann Avenue Sewer project, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the request be granted providing that the consent of the bonding company is secured. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Thomas M. Stampfer and William B. Poinsett, III, Trus- tees, by Ken•line, Roedell, Hoffmann & Reynolds, Their Attorneys, ask- ing that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute, in behalf of the City of Dubuque, a quit claim deed conveying to them that part of Olive Street so vacated as pro- vided by Ordinance adopted Septem- ber 2nd, 1909, presented and read, Councilman Wharton moved that the applicants be requested to fur- nish for Council consideration a plat describing by lot number that part of Olive Street so vacated by Ordinance adopted September 2nd, 1909, the intent being that said property can be listed for tax pur- poses. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the Firefighters Bene- volent Association, by William J. Lynch, President, stating that the Fire Department would like to have supplemented to the "Sick Leave" Ordinance the words, "Except Du- buque Firemen," and furthermore, that they would like to request that the enclosed present Sick Leave Plan be read and adopted in the form of an ordinance, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council for further consideration. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. 10 Special Session, January 22nd, 1948 Petition of the Dubuque Police- men's Protective Association, by Byrne A. O'Brien, President, asking that the proposed "Sick Leave" Or- dinace be amended so as to exclude the Dubuque Police Department from the application of said ordi- nance and that an ordinance be en- acted for the purpose of governing and regulating certain working con- ditions of the Dubuque Police De- partment, presented and read. Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the petition be referred to the Council for further consideration. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel. man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 1-48 An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 10-37, entitled "TRAF- FIC CODE OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE" as amended by Ordinance No. 1-39, Ordinance No. 12-43 and Ordinance No. 9-44, by strik- ing out certain provisions thereof -and inserting other provisions in lieu thereof, regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets and high- ways of the City of Dubuque and by repealing all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, Said ordinance having been passedupon first reading on January 6th, 1948, and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final odoption; was presented for final adoption. Ordinance No. 1-48 An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 10-37, entitled "TRAF- FIC CODE OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE" as amended by Ordinance No. 1-39, Ordinance No. 12-43 and Ordinance No. 9-44, by strik- ing out certain provisions thereof and inserting other provisions in lieu thereof, regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets and high- ways of the City of Dubuque and by repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- IWQUF.: Bloc. I. Thut Ordinance No. 10_ 3 . "Puragrat;h 609, Sec, 3" "ZIV Parking," Rule 101, Sec. 11 be, and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom the following: "In any public alley within the area bounded on the north by West Twelfth Street, on the west by Bluff Street, on the south by West Fourth Street, on the east by Central Avenue." and substituting therefor the fol- lowing: "In the alley between Bluff and Locust Streets from Jones Street to West Eleventh Street; in the alley between Locust and Main Streets from Jones Street to West Twelfth Street; in the al- ley between Main . and Iowa Streets from West Second Street to West Twelfth Street; in the alley between Iowa Street and Central Avenue from W e s t Fourth Street to Loras Boule- vard; .and in the alley between Central Avenue and White Street to East Fourteenth Street." Sec. 2. That Ordinance No. 10- 37, "Paragraph 609, Sec. 3" "XIV Parking," Rule 101 be, and the same is hereby amended by adding after Section 11, the following: "Sec. lla. That there shall be one way traffic in the alleys here- inafter named. That it shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehi- cle in a southerly direction at any place in the alley between Iowa Street and Central Avenue from West Fourth Street to Loras Boulevard, or any place in the alley between Locust Street and Main Street from Jones Street to West Twelfth Street. That it shall be unlawful for any person to operate a vehicle in a northerly direction at any place in the alley between Cen- tral Avenue and White Street from East Fourth Street to East Fourteenth Street, or at any Place in the alley between Main Street and Iowa Street from West Second Street to West Twelfth Street." "Sec. 11b. That it shall be un- lawful to park any vehicle in any alley under any fire escape at any time." "Sec, 11c. The driver of a vehicle emerging from a private roadway, alley, driveway, or Special Session, January 22nd, 1948 11 building shall stop such vehicle immediately, prior to driving on- to the sidewalk area and there- after he shall proceed into the sidewalk area only when he can do so without danger to pedes- trian traffic and he shall yield the right of way to any vehicu- lar traffic on the street into which his vehicle is entering." Sec. 3. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be pun- ished by a fine of to exceed One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars or by Imprisonment for not more than thirty days. Sec. 5. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council .and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading this 5th day of January, 1948. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of January, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 27th day of January, 1948. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, January 19, 1948 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works for the month of December, 1947, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrents were Issued for the month of De- cember, 1947. Respectfully Submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the reports be received and Placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. January 20, 1948 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The Kaufman Avenue sanitary trunk line sewer is nearing com- pletion at a total indicated cost of $153,181.05. This project is being financed by payments from the Consolidated Fund which is to be supplemented by the t)roceeds from the sale of general obligation bonds. Sale of bonds in the ampunt of $60,000.00 will be required. To complete the financing of the above project, I recommend that the City Council adopt the neces- sary proceedings for the sale of sewer bonds under the power granted by Section 396.22 of the 1946 Code of Iowa with the follow. ing maturities: $10,000.00 due 1 year from date of issue. $25,000.00 due 2 years from date of issue. $25,000.00 due 3 years from date of issue. In this manner the entire issue will be redeemed in three years. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Man. ager Rhomberg be approved and the City Solicitor instructed to pre- pare the proper proceedings. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Thompson m o v e d ri 12 Special SCssion, January 22nd, 1948 that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one pres- ent in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. January 16, 1948. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Mrs. Laura Pogeman for $1,000.00 on account of damages sustained by her on or about September 8, 1947, when she tripped and fell because of a claimed defect in the sidewalk be. tween Kleih's Hardware Store and the Dubuque Market at which time she received injuries to her left knee and .a bruise on her left el. bow, claiming that she received physical pain and was required to undergo treatment by a physician. From my investigation, the defect exists at the place complained of. I have had consultation with her attorney in regard to this matter. I recommend that this claim be settled by allowing her the sum of $100.00 and that a warrant be is. sued Payable to Romolo N. Russo, attorney for Mrs. Laura Pogeman, and the sum be delivered upon de. livery to the City of a release prop- erly executed. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor Councilman Thompson m o v e d that the recommendation of City Solicitor I(intzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Romolo N. Rus. so, Attorney for Mrs. Laura Poge. man, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said warrent be delivered "Pon receipt by the City Of Dubuque of a Properly executed release. Uecmided by Councilman Vagi Duelman. Carried by the fol- luwirg vote: Ytati—Mayor Afurphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 4-48 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Dubuque that the fol- lowing, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address Dubuque Metal Trades Club, 111 West 6th Street. (Transfer of ad- dress from 290 West 4th Street) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bond filed with the appli- cation be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of January, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor F. W. THOMPSON, FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFAT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 5-49 WHEREAS, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: NOW: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following application be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Name Address Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, 111 West 6th Street, (Trans- fbr of address from 290 West 4th Street) Special Session, January 22nd, 1948 13 Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of January, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman. Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 6-48 WHEREAS, heretofore applica- tion for Class "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named appli- cant and it has received the ap- proval of this Council; and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such ,applicant have been inspected .and found to com- ply with the ordinahces of this City and a proper bond has been filed: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to issue to the following named applicant a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Name Address Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, 111 West 6th Street, (Trans- fer of address from 290 West 4th Street) Be It FURTHER RESOLVED that the bond filed by such appli- cant be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of January, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest.: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 7-48 Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by authority of its City Coun- cil, entered into a contract on the 10th day of June, 1946 with the engineering firm of Consoer, Town- send and Associates for the pre- paration of plans and specifications for new storm relief sewers so as to provide a method for the relief to existing inadequate storm sew- ers; and Whereas, the surveys, detailed designs, detailed plans, construc- tion drawings .and specifications contemplated in the aforesaid con- tract have been completed; Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa that the surveys, plans, specifica- tions, contract documents and esti- mates of cost for the Bee Branch, Dodge Street, Eighth Street and Southern Avenue Sewers be ap- proved and accepted and that the Federal Works Agency be notified of such approval by the submission of two copies of this resolution. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of January, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 8-48 Whereas, there is in hands of the City Treasurer and credited to the Liquor Sales Fund the sum of $44,643.12; and Whereas, Chapter 88 of the Laws of the Fifty -Second General As- sembly provides that the aforesaid fund shall be subject to expendi- ture under the direction of the 14 Special Session, January 22nd, 1948 City Council for any lawful muni- cipal purpose; and Whereas, it is necessary in the Interest' of the preservation of pub- lic peace, health, safety and the general welfare of the City of Dubuque that of the above sum $33,353.12 be expended for general operating purposes and $11,290.00 be expended for Fire Department purposes; Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that there be and there are hereby transferred from the Liquor Sales Fund the sum of $33,353.12 into the Consolidated Fund and the sum of $11,290.00 into the Fire Mainten. ance Fund; and Be It Further Resolved that the Auditor of the City of Dubuque is directed to adjust his accounts accordingly and to notify the Treasurer of such transfer and such notification shall be accom- panied by a copy of this resolution and the record of its'adoption. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of aJnuary, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Attest.: J. J. SHEA, Councilmen City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec. onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul. man, Wharton. -Nays—None. J. J. Shea, City Clerk. Approved ... 6AL.... 1948. Adopted �t�tXil .6;4.....1948. Councilmen: _ {� Attest: .` City C] -, '', 'ti, ,�.�.�.� _ :' �ra Regular Session, February ?nd, 1948 15 City Council (Official) Regular Session, February 2nd, 1948. Council met at 7:30 p. m. Present—Mayor Murphy, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg. Mayor Murphy stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meeting. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the pur pose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wish- es to do so, to address the Coun- cil. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of claim of Miss Lydia Kelsey in the amount of $318.75 for injuries received in a fall on the icy sidewalk in front of Beecher's Tavern on 24th Street, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Governor Ro- bert D. Blue asking that a survey of the fuel oil situation in Dubuque be made and that consideration should be given to the use of coal to supplement or replace oil heat in event of necessity, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the request be received and com- plied with. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. UNITED STATES GUARANTEE COMPANY Fidelity and Surety Bonds— Casualty Insurance 90 John Street New York 7, N.Y. January 28, 1948. City Council, City of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa. Re: Mancini, Ventrella & Sons —City of Dubuque—Bond No. 1533085—Bond Amount $119.- 934.75—Contract Amount $159,- 913,000 for construction of the Kaufmann Avenue sanitary trunk sewer. Gentlemen: We, the United States Guarantee Company as Surety, under the above described bond, hereby consent to the exten- sion of time for the completion of the contract thereunder until April 30, 1948. Yours very truly, Stuart J. Vor Broker, Attorney-in-fact. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the Virginia -Carolina Corporation requesting a permit to use charges of dynamite for the purpose of loosening piles of hard fertilizer to facilitate handling, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted pro- viding that a Blasting Bond in the amount of $5,000.00 is furnished for Council approval. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Fane F. Vawter & Company requesting a permit to carry on necessary blasting oper- ations in connection with the con- struction work that they are en- gaged upon for the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company at Ninth and Locust Streets, Dubuque, Iowa, presented and read. 16 Regular Session, February and, 1948 Councilman Wharton moved that the request be granted providing a Blasting Bond in the amount of $50,000.00 is furnished for Council approval and that the work be done under the supervision of the City Manager and his Assistants. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans requesting permis- sion to hold a Tag Day on Satur- day, April 24th, 1948, presented and read, Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Hyde Clark Woman's Relief Corps, requesting permis- sion to hold a Tag Day on Satur- day, April 3rd, 1948, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of the Stampfer Build- ing Company requesting a permit to drill a well in the middle of the sidewalk in front of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the Sub, of City Lot 170 and the East 43 feet of City Lot 171 and the Northerly two feet of the East 43 feet of City Lot 172, this being the property im- mediately South of the Ninth Street Engine House, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds, Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. N a vs—!None. Petition of Kate S. Lundbeck, referred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, requesting suspension of the 1947 tax on Lot 11 of Cox's Addition and Lot 242 of Woodlawn Park, presented and read, Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Dubuque Homes, Inc., requesting that the City Council draw up the necessary resolution concerning the passing of the proposed plat of Glenview Subdivision and that this resolu- tion embody the necessary street improvements, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor to prepare the proper proceedings. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Telegram from G. Howland Shaw, Chairman of the National Conference on Prevention and Control of Juvenile Delinquency, asking the City Council to cooper- ate in a national drive, headed by Attorney General Tom Clark, to combat juvenile crime and sug- gesting the development of con- ferences on the problem in which all interested groups in the com- munity would participate, present- ed and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the City Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. G. Howland Shaw that the City of Dubuque will co- operate and Support the program. Seconded by Councilman Whar- ton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Wa Ys—None, Regular Session, February 2nd, 1948 17 Communication of Miss Edith M. Groff, supplementing her notice of claim which was presented at the Council meeting of November 24, 1947, and asking the sum of $1,200 in payment of said claim, present- ed and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the City Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 2-48 An Ordinance providing for sick leave for those officers and em- ployees of the City of Dubuque to whom the Workmen's Compen- sation Law is applicable; defining "Sick Leave"; the extent thereof; filing, approval and allowance of claims therefor, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public Inspection for of least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of December, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. January 30, 1948, Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Willard J. Driscoll for damages in the amount of $25.94 received on or about January 16, 1.948, while backing out of the al- ley entrance located on 6th Street on the north side between Main and Locust, it appears that he backed into an open manhole. Up- on further investigation it seems that this manhole cover was re- moved by City scraper that same morning. Driscoll backed his milk truck into the manhole and received the damages that he claims. The total amount of the damages is $25.94. I recommend that this claim be paid and a warrant be issued to him for that amount upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed by him. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER. City Solicitor. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor be instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $25.94 in favor of Willard J. Driscoll, as settlement in full of the claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly ex- ecuted release. Seconded by Coun- cilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. j8 Regular Session, February incl, 1948 January 30, 1948. . Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Mrs. Paul Cate for $13.75 on account of damages done to her automobile on or about No- vember 28, 1947, upon investigation I find that a trench was dug for a water main in front of her home at Coates Street and upon filling the trench there was a large ac- cumulation of dirt left in the street in front of her driveway at 2340 Coates Street. That complaint was made with reference to the same to the City and before any- thing was done to cure the situa- tion damages herein complained of were sustained. I am of the opin- ion that the City was negligent in failing to place this street in this location in a reasonably safe con- dition, after the digging and filling of the trench and therefore, there is a liability. I recommend that her claim be allowed in the amount of $13.75 and that a warrant be issued pay- able to her for $13,75 and delivered to her upon delivery to the City of a release. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City So- licitor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $13.75 In favor of Mrs. Paul Cate, as set- tlement in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered up- on receipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due]. man, Wharton, Nays—None. January 30, 1948. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of William Schaefer III for damages in the amount of $92.75 to automobile received on or about December 29, 1947, when the automobile that he was driv- ing ran into a trench or hole in the pavement on Kaufmann Ave- nue. I am of the opinion that the street was in a dangerous condi- tion and that there is a liability. I recommend that this claim be allowed by paying the actual dam- ages in the amount of $92.75 and that a warrant be issued payable to said William Schaefer III for said amount and delivered to him upon delivery to the City of a re- lease properly executed. It appears that the trench or hole complained of was caused by the Contractor building a sewer on Kaufmann Avenue. This job has not been completed and I rec- ommend that the amount of this claim be withheld from the bal- ance due the contractor. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor be instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $92.75 in favor of William Schaefer III, as settlement in full of his claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Dubuque of a properly executed release, and that the amount of this claim be withheld from the balance due the Contractor, name- IY, Mancini, Ventrella & Sons. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. January 30, 1948. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: .In reference to the claim of Covell J. Hart for dam- ages in the sum of $130.92, the cost to his automobile, from my investigation it appears that on the date in question he was travel- ing to town on University Avenue and when he turned to the right at Delhi Street his car came upon ice where it skidded and crashed into a tree. He states this ac- cident happened about 1:30 in the Regular Session, February 2nd, 1948 19 day time, that his car was travel. ing about 16 miles per hour. I am of the opinion that the street was in a reasonably safe condition for vehicular traffic and that there is no liability on the City of Dubuque. I recommend that this claim be denied. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 9-48 Resolution to fix a date of meet- ing at which it is proposed to take action for authorizing the issu- ance of $60,000 Sewer Bonds, WHEREAS the City of Dubuque, Iowa, acting by and through its City Council, has heretofore deter- mined it to be immediately neces- sary to provide for constructing sewers in and for said city, the cost thereof is to be paid by said city as a whole; and WHEREAS it is deemed for the best interests of said City that Sewer Bonds of said city be au- thorized to be issued and sold to the amount of $60,000, as permit- ted and provided for by Section 396.22 of the Code of Iowa, for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing said sewers, but it is first necessary to give notice and a hearing as required by Sec- tion 23.12 of the Code of Iowa; . NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Re- solved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, as follows: Section 1, That this City Coun- cil meet at the Council Chambers in the City Hall within said city on the 23rd day of February, 1948, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. at which time and place proceedings will be instituted and action taken for authorizing the issuance of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) Sewer Bonds for the puropse of defraying the cost of constructing sewers in and for said city. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed action for the issu. ance of said bonds, setting forth the amount and purpose thereof, the time when and place where said meeting will be held, by pub- lication at least once for at least ten days before said meeting, in The Telegraph -Herald, an official newspaper printed, published and having a general circulation within said city. Said notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF MEETING FOR ISSUANCE OF SEWER BONDS. The City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, will meet on the 23rd day of February, 1948, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of instituting proceedings and taking action for the issuance of Sewer Bonds of said City to the amount of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) for the purpose of paying the cost of con- structing sewers in and for said City. At any time before the date of said meeting five or more tax- payers may file a petition in the office of the City Clerk, setting forth their objections thereto. By order of the City Council, February 2nd, 1948, J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Section 3, That all resolutions or parts thereof in conflict here- with be and the same are hereby repealed, and this resolution shall be effective forthwith upon its passage and approval. Passed and approved February 2nd, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Recorded February 2nd, 1948. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- 20 Regular Session, February 2nd, 1948 onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 10-48 RESOLUTION providing for the advertisement for bids for the purchase of $60,000 Sewer Bonds. Whereas, this City Council has heretofore determined it to be necessary that certain sewers be constructed in and for said city, and it is deemed advisable and for the best interests of said city that Sewer Bonds in the amount of $60,000 be now advertised for sale at competitive bidding as required by Chapter 75 of the Code of Iowa; Now, Therefore, be it and it is hereby resolved and ordered by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, as follows: Section 1. That advertisement be made for bids for the purchase of Sewer Bonds of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, in the principal amount of $60,000, to be dated Feb- ruary 1, 1948, of the denomination of $1,000, maturing serially $10,000 on November 1, 1949, and $25,000 on November 1 of each of the years 1950 and 1951, and that such adver- tisement state that all such bids will be acted upon by the City Council at its meeting to be held at 7:30 o'cock p, m., on February 23, 1948. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish notice of such advertisement in the form customarily employed for that Purpose, once each week for at least two consecutive weeks, in The Telegraph -Herald, an official news- paper of general circulation printed and published in said City of Du- buque and of general circulation in Dubuque County, Iowa. Sec. 2. That all resolutions or orders insofar as same may be in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed and that this resolution be effective immediately upon ito passage and approval. Passed and approved February 2, 1948. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Recorded February 2, 1948. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 11-48 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City, and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Name Address Charles G. Barrett and Ethel Barrett, 2204 Central Avenue. Leo A. Booth and Alice E. Booth, 560 Nevada Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Attest: J. J. SHEA, Councilmen. City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec. onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 12-48 Whereas, Applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to Regular Session, February 2nd, 1948 this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name Address Levi J. Roach, 332 Main Street. Melvin McDonough, 305 Eighth Avenue. Fred H. Cooper and Leo V. Cun- ningham, 250 West 6th Street. Orville P. Murphy, 435 Central Avenue. Lawrence Schwartz, 500 Rhom- berg Avenue. Louis Anthoine and Agnella An- thoine, 119 West 6th Street. Joseph Hillard and Bernice Hill- ard, 431 Rhomberg Avenue. CLASS "C" PERMIT. Rhea Bournias, 2284 University Avenue. Charles G. and Ethel Barrett, 2204 Central Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 13-48 Whereas, Heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Concil; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- 2I ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named ap- plicants a Beer Permit: CLASS "B" PERMIT. Name Address Melvin McDonough, 305 Eighth Avenue. Fred H. Cooper and Leo V. Cun- ningham, 250 West 6th Street. Orville P. Murphy, 435 Central Avenue. Lawrence Schwartz, 500 Rhom- berg Avenue. Louis Anthoine and Agnella An- thoine, 119 West 6th Sheet. Joseph Hillard and Bernice Hill- ard, 431 Rhomberg Avenue. CLASS "C" PERMIT. Rhea Bournias, 2284 University Avenue. Charles C. Barrett and Ethel Bar- rett, 2204 Central Avenue. Be It Further Resolved, that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. February 2, 1948. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the session of the Council held December 19, 1947, the communication of Anton Zwack, Inc., offering to deed five feet in width of property to the City in order to make the alley first east of Althauser Street more accessible from Eagle Street was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the premises decided to accept the of- fer. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. �wm F 22 Regular Session, February and, 1948 Councilman Van Duelman moved The Council having viewed the that the recommendation of City site decided to grant the request Manager Rhomberg be approved. on condition that the City's interest Seconded by Councilman Wharton. be properly safeguarded. I recom- Carried by the following vote: mend that the proper proceedings Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- be prepared providing for an agree - men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ment wherein the City's interests man, Wharton, are outlined and Provided for. Nays—None. Respectfully submitted, February 2, 1948. A. A. RHOMBERG, To the Honorable Mayor and City Manager. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Councilman Thompson m o v e d Gentlemen: At the meeting of that the recommendation of City January 5, 1948, the letter of the Manager Rhomberg be approved. Planning and Zoning Commission Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - recommending the vacation of the man. Carried by the following alley between Lot 1 of 35 of vote: Stewart's Sub. to the west and Lot Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council - 2 of the Sub. of Lots 24 and 25 and men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - Lots 26 and 27 of Stewart's Sub. to man, Wharton. the east and extending from York Nays—None. Street northerly to the south bound- February 2, 1948. ary of Lot 24 of Mineral Lot 149 To the Honorable Mayor and was referred to the Council to view City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. the grounds. At the meeting of Gentlemen: The matter of pro - January 22, 1948, the written objec- viding a sanitary sewer for York tion of Joseph G. Graham based Street has progressed through a upon trade of property conditions public hearing after which it was was referred to the Council for fur- decided to obtain waivers from the ther consideration. I recommend that the proper pro- owners of property subject to as - ceedings be prepared for the vaca- sessment. To date waivers have been obtained from all but two tion of the alley and that the in- terested parties be notified own - ers. In the case of one of them, when the Council will consider the mat- ter. the one-fourth valuation is more than enough to sustain the In this manner the Council can assess - ment. reach a decision after a proper pre- sentation by those affected. I recommend that a resolution be Respectfully submitted, adopted setting a date for the re - A. A. RHOMBERG, ceipt of bids for the above project. City Manager. Re Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, Counciman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation City Manager. of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Councilman Thompson moved that the Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- Nays—None. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. February 2, 1948. To To the Honorable Mayor Nays—None. of Council and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: upon objet tions to plans, specifications, form of At the meeting of No- vember 17, 1947'the petition contract and cost of improve- ments.) of St. Mary's Orphan Homasksking o mission to extend per- sanskitar line on o ebur y sewer Y Road Resolution No. 14-48 Whereas, proposed and Carter Road and permission to connect an specifications and form ofans cont act th new line with the e city sewer sys- tem was referred for the construction of an eight (8) inch vitrified to view the grounds. the Council to tile sanitary sewer in York Street from Since then blueprint of the the intersection of York and proposed sew e,. has been revised. as Curtis Streets to a Point 100 feet west of .the west property line of South Hill Street Regular tiession, 1,' ebruary 2nd, 1948 23 have been approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and public notice given as provided by the Code of Iowa, 1946, pertaining to public contracts and bonds, and the time and place fixed for the hearing of all objections to said plans, specifications or contract for or cost of such improvements, said time being this 22nd day of Septem- ber 1947; and Whereas, the City Council met in Regular session this 2nd day of February, 1948, at 7:30 o'clock p. in., at the Council Chambers in the City Hall for the purpose of hear- ing all interested parties and con- sidering any and all objections which have been filed to the pro- posed plans, specifications or con- tract for or cost of the improve- ment herein described and pro- posed to bre made; and Whereas, all interested parties have been given an opportunity to be heard and all objections which have been filed have been duly weighed and considered; now, therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, that all objections which have been made and filed to the plans, specifica- tions, contract for or cost of said improvement herein described and proposed to be made, be and the same are hereby overruled and such plans, specifications and form of contract heretofore approved are hereby adopted. Be It Further Resolved that this resolution containing the decision of this Council upon all objections which have been filed to the plans, specifications and form of contract for or cost of said improvement be made a matter of permanent record in connection with said improve- ment. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Necessity for Improvement.) Resolution No. 129-7 Whereas, proposed plans, specifi- cations, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the district, if any. 2. The width of such improve- ment, and the size and kind of sewers. 3. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 4. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of con- struction and kind of material to be used. 5. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated to be as. sessed against each lot for the con- struction of an eight (8) inch vitri- fied the sanitary sewer in York St. from the intersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west propety line of South Hill Street. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property owners, deems it advisable and necessary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assess- ments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvements shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all pri- �4 Regular Session, February 2nd, 1948 vately owned property lying within assessable distance provided by law and in an amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, prop- erty will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent thereto according to area and in proportion to the special benefits conferred thereby, and any defic- iency shall be paid out of the gen- eral fund, improvement funds or sewer funds, or partly out of each of such funds. Bonds shall be is. sued and sold in anticipation of de- ferred payments of assessments when a contract has been per- formed and accepted and the pro- ceeds thereof used to pay the con- tractor. The railway portion of any street or assessment district shall be assessed to and paid by the rail- way company. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 2nd day of September, 1947. The foregoing resolution was fin- ally passed and adopted, as pro- posed by the City Council this 2nd day of February, 1948. Approved: GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adopton of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Ordering Construction). Resolution No. 15-48 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that pur- suant to a resolution of necessity No. 129-47, which was duly passed by this Council, for the construc. tion of an eight (8) inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer in York Street from the intersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street be and ti- same are hereby ordered and corstrucied by this Council upon its own mo. tion and with or without the peti- tion of property owners. All the work shall lye constructed in ac- cordance with the plans and speci. fications heretofore adopted and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. Be It Further Resolved that the cost and expense of the said im- provements be paid for by levying special assesments against the pri- vately owned property lying within the assessable distance from the improvements, whether such prop- erty abut upon the same or are adjacent thereto, according to the area thereof and in proportion to special benefits conferred, and any deficiency will be paid out of the general, improvement, or sewer funds of the city, or partly from each of such funds. Payment will be made to the contractor out of funds realized from the sale of bonds to be issued in anticipation of deferred Payments of assessments as pro- vided by law after the work has been completed' and accepted by the City Council. Be It Further Resolved that the City Clerk be and he is hereby or- dered and directed to advertise for proposals for the construction of the various improvements herein provided for in the manner pro- vided by law, the said improve- ments shall be completed on or be- fore the 1st day of April, 1948. Be It Further Resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W W. MOFFATT, Attest: J. J. SHEA, Councilmen. City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Second. ed by Councilman. Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. ways --None. Regular Session, February and, 1948 25 February 2, 1948. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Herewith is sub- mitted profile No. 1331 showing the proposed grade of Platt Street from the east property line of James Street to the west property line of Cardiff Street. I recommend the proposed grade be approved as shown on the pro- file and established by ordinance. Respectfully submitted, R. J. GALLAGHER, City Engineer. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Engi- neer Gallagher be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 3-48. An Ordi- nance establishing a grade on Platt Street from the east property line of James Street to the west prop- erty line of Cardiff Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be consid- ered the first reading of the ordi- nance. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 16-48. Prelimin. ary aproval of plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the ex- tension of Platt Street to the East property line of Cardiff Street and the improvement of Platt Street from the East property line of James Street to the East property line of Cardiff Street, estimated cost 6" concrete slab—$16,275.47, estimated cost 1y2" sheet asphalt on 6" concrete—$19,930.92, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Necessity for Improvement.) Resolution No. 17-48. Whereas, proposed plans, specifi- cations, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the district, if .any. 2. The streets to be improved. The width of such improve- ment. 4. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 5. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of con- struction and kind of material to be used. 6. In each case the amount there. of which is estimated to be as- sessed against each lot for the Ex- tension of Platt Street to the East property line of Cardiff Street and the improvement of Platt Street from the East property line of James Street to the East property line of Cardiff Street. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property own- ers, deems it advisable and neces. sary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the 2(Regular Session, February 2nd, lc� �8 time of the final consideration Of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed as. sessments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all privately owned property lying within assessable distance provided by law and in an amount not to ex- ceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adja- cent thereto according to area and in proportion to the special bene- fits conferred thereby, and any de- ficiency shall be paid out of the general fund, improvement funds, or partly out of each of such funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The railway Portion of any street or assessment district shall be assessed to and Paid by the railway company. The above resolution was Intro. d u c e d, approved and ordered Placed on file with the City Clerk this 2nd day of February, 1948. Approved and placed on file for final action. Approved: GEO. R. MURPHY FRANK VAN DUELMAN V. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved that the resolution be approved and Placed on file with the City Clerk forfilialaction. Seconded by man Zan Duelman. Carried by the following vote. 1 cas—Mayor Murphy, Council_ men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. (FIXING DATE OF HEARING) Resolution No. 18-48 WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No. 16-48 given its pre- liminary approval on the proposed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the Exten- sion of Platt Street to the East property line of Cardiff Street and the improvement of Platt Street from the East property line of James Street to the East property line of Cardiff Street and, WHEREAS, the proposed Reso- lution of Necessity for said improve- ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's of- fice for public inspection, B E I T THEREFORE RE- SOLVED that on the 23rd day of February 1948, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M. in the Council Chamber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property subject to as- sessment for the proposed improve- ment may appear and make ob- jection to the proposed plans and specifications and proposed form Of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed dis- trict, to the cost of the improve- ment, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the proposed Reso- lution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and Place of such hearing -to be publish- ed in some newspaper in the City of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the aaY fixed for its consideration and [finless property owners at the time )f final consideration of said reso- lution have on file with the Clerk )bjeclions to the amount of the nopnsed assessment, they shall lave been deemed to have waived Ill objections thereto, at which rearing the Council will hear such Regular Session, February 2nd, 1948 27 objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, .adopted and approved this 2nd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Miayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City Cler. Approved 1948. Adopted ..1948 ....'.�.............� .............................. Attest: .... �7�3... City Clerk. 28 Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 City Council (Official.) Special Session, February 23rd, 1948. Council met at 2:00 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Whar- ton. City Manager Rhomberg. Ab. sent—Councilman Van Duelman. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Thompson and Wharton. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of considering proposals for the pur- chase of $60,000.00 Sewer Bonds and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Coun- cil. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of sale of $60,000.00 Sewer Bonds, pre- sented re- sented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Wharton. Nays—None, Absent—Councilman Van Duel - man. Open bids for the purchase of $60,000.00 Sewer Bonds: Bid of Beyer, Ruffel Co., Daven. port, Iowa; Par, accrued interest, 11/2% interest coupons, premium of $405.00. Bid of White Phillips Co. and Iowa Des Moines Bank and Trust Company; Par, accrued interest, 11/2% interest coupons, premium of $397.00. Bid of Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis, Chicago, Illinois; Par ac- crued interest, 11/2% interest cou. Polls, premium of $410.000. Bid of Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis, Illinois', Par, accrued in- terest, 11/4% interest coupons, pre. mium of $2.00. Sealed bid for the purchase of $60,000.00 Sewer Bonds: Bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. Chicago, Illinois; Par, accruNd in- terest 1,/4% interest coupons, pre- mium of $45.60. Resolution No. 19-48 RESOLUTION providing for the sale and award of $60,000 Sewer Bonds and approving and auth. orizing the agreement of such sale and award. WHEREAS notice of sale of Six. ty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) Sewer Bonds of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, has heretofore been given in strict compliance with the provisions of Chapter 75 of the Code of Iowa, by publication of notice for two or more successive weeks in a newspaper published and of general circulation in Du- buque County, Iowa; and WHEREAS all sealed bids have been received and placed on file, after which open bids were called for and received as follows: Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis, Chi- cago, Illinois, Par plus accrued in- terest 11/4% interest coupons, and a premium of $2.00; and thereafter such sealed bids were opened, the substance of the best sealed bid being as follows: Halsey, Stuart & Co.,, Inc. Chicago, Illinois. Par plus accrued interest 11/4% interest coupons and a premium of $45.60. NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Re- solved ;by the City Council of the City of�Dubuque, Iowa, as follows: Section 1. That upon being ad- vised in the premises it is hereby determined that the bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. for the purchase of $60,000 Sewer Bonds, as adver- tised, bearing interest at the rate of one and one-quarter per cent (11/4%) per annum, is the highest and best bid received and that said bonds be and the same are hereby awarded to said Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. Section 2. That the form of agreement of sale of said bonds to Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc, be and the same is hereby approved, and the Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute said agreement for and on behalf of said city, and to affix the corporate seal of said city thereto. Section 3. That all resolutions or parts of resolution in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Introduced February 23, 1948. Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 29 Councilman Thompson moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Van Duel. man. There being no further business Councilman Wharton moved that Council adjourn to reconvene at 7:30 P. m. February 23rd, 1948. Seconded by Councilman Thomp. son, Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Wharton. Nays—None. Absent—Councilman Van Duel - man. J. J. SHEA, ity Cler Approved J...... 948. Adopted .�A948. ............`.• L................................... Attest: �.._. �� City Clerk. Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 City Council (Official) Adjourned Special Session, Feb- ruary 23rd, 1948. Council met at 7:30 p, m. Present—Mayor Murphy, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg. Mayor Murphy stated that this meeting is an Adjourned Meeting of the Special Meeting held Feb- ruary 23rd, 1948, at 2:00 P. in., for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come be. fore a Regular Meeting of the City Council. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers of notice of hearing for the purpose of institut- ing proceedings and taking action for the issuance of $60,000,00 Sew- er Bonds, presented and read. No written objections filed and no objectors present in the Coun- cil Chamber at the time set for said hearing, Councilman Thompson moved that the proof of Publica- tion be received and filed. Sec. onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 4_48 An Ordinance authorizing the is. suance of $60,000.00 Sewer Bonds and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con. sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Council. man Moffatt. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, f]Ouncil. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van D,.lel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be su.;Pended re. quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson, Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice to con- tractors of the receipt of proposals for the construction of an eight inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer in York Street from the intersection Of York and Curtis Streets to a Point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Wharton, Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Bid of M. L. Gaber Construction Co, for the construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer in York Street from the intersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street: 567 lin. ft. 8 inch tile pipe at $3.60 per lin, ft.—$2,041.20; 15-8 in. by 6 Ill. Y Branches at $4.00 each— $60.00; 3 brick manholes at $160.00 each—$480,00; remove and replace asphalt pavement on 8 in, rein- forced concrete base 16 sq. yds at $3.00 Per sq, yd _$48,00; total, $2,629.20. To the February 23, 1948 Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instructions sealed bids were re- ceive,l 'intil 10:00 a, in. February ow U Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 31 23, 1948, for the construction of an 8 in, sanitary sewer in York Street from Curtis Street towards South Hill Street. One bid was received, that of the M. L. Gaber Construction Co. of Galena, Illinois, which is here- with submitted for your consider- ation. The price bid exceeds the Engineer's estimate by 11.9%. I recommend that the contract for the York Street sanitary sew- er be awarded to the M. L. Gaber Construction Co. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (AWARDING CONTRACT) Resolution No. 20-48 Whereas, proposals have sub- mitted by contractors for the con- struction of an eight (8) inch vitri- fied tile sanitary sewer in York Street from the intersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Street pursuant to Resolution No. 15-46 and M. L. Gaber Construction Co., of Galena, Illinois, contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and material and per. forming the work as provided for in the plans and specifications; now therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the contract for the above mentioned improvement be awarded to M. L. Gaber Construction Co. and the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to execute a contract on be- half of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be It Further Resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity be- come effective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Approved and placed on file for one week on February 23rd, 1948. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for one week. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of claim of Mrs. Frank Buol in the amount of $50.00 for injuries received in a fall on icy crossing at Marshall Street and Rhomberg Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of claim of Mrs. F. J. Feller in the amount of $100.00 for inpuries received in a fall on icy sidewalk in front of 820 Sou[i1 Grandview Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the claim. be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of claim of John Roussel in an unstated amount for injuries received in a fall while crossing the street at the intersection of Sec- ond and Main Streets, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the claim be referred to the City Solicitor- for investiga- tion and report. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of claim of John C. Duffey in the amount of $10.74 for dam ages to his car caused by striking an unprotected and unlighted hole in the street opposite 691 Kauf- 32 Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 mann Avenue, Presented and read, Councilman Thompson moved that the claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one pres- ent In the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul- man, Wharton. Nays—None. Mr. A. J. Schiltz addressed the Council requesting that a street light be installed at the north end of Queen Street. Councilman Whar- ton moved that the verbal request of Mr. A. J. Schiltz be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Mr. Paul Becker, meteorologist in charge of the Dubuque weather station, addressed the Council re- questing that the Weather Bureau be alloted space in the New Muni- cipal Airport Administration Build- ing to be constructed at the New Municipal Airport. Councilman Wharton moved that the request ()f Mr. Paul Becker, meteoroligist in charge of the Dubuque weather station, be referred to the City Manager to contact the C. A. A. and to submit a report bath to the Council. Seconded by Co,tnctl- man Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Coiutcil- menMoffatt, Tliompsctt. Van Duel - man, Wbarton. Nays --None. Communication or Ivan Felten stating tl,;t the street in front of 2834 Balke Street is a source of serious trouble and inconvenience as no Provision has been made for the drainage of storm water and asking the City to provide adequate drainage facilities, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved Jhat the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton, Nays—None. Communication of Fane F. Vaw- ter & Company submitting blast- ing bond in the amount of $50,000.- 00 for Council approval, presented and read. Councilman Van Duel - man moved that the communica- tion be received and filed and the Blasting Bond approved. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of the Virginia - Carolina Chemical Corporation sub- mitting blasting bond in the amount of $5,000.00 for Council ap- proval, presented and read. Coun- cilman Thompson moved that the communication be received and filed and the Blasting Bond ap- proved. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Fire Chief Hickson, in behalf of the Members If the Fire Department and him- self, thanking Council• for their recent decision in regard to the "Sick Leave" pertaining to the Fire Department, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- man Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1988 33 Petition of the Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress requesting permission to use the City lots on Fourth Street Extension for the sponsoring of a carnival during the first or third week in June, 1948, presented and read. Council- man Van Duelman moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Jennie Haggerty, re- ferred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, requesting suspension of the 1947 taxes on Lot 254 Davis Farm Addition, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation ,and report. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of Mettel Realty & Investment Company submitting enclosed 'Grant and Easement' executed by Anna Hein et al in substitution of a former 'Grant and Easement' which is ineffective, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the comuni- cation be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor 'Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. GRANT AND EASEMENT The undersigned, Anna Hein and Fred Hein, her husband, Charles Andresen, a bachelor, and Emma Bluecher and Charles Bluecher, her husband, being the sole and only heirs at law of C. F. Lillie, of Du- buque County, Iowa, deceased, for and in consideration of the stmt of $1.00 and other good consideration, hereby grant and convey to the City of Dubuque, a perpetual right of easement, in, over and across said Lots 41 and 42 Bellevue Ad. dition for the purpose of construct- ing a Sanitary Sewer and water main with the right to go upon said premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting and repairing the same when in- stalled; provided, however, that said City of Dubuque shall replace whatever earth, sod or shrubbery that may be disturbed in the in- stallation or repair of said Sani- tary Sewer and water main. to as good condition tat it was in before the same was disturbed. This Grant and Easement shall be bind- ing upon the undersigned, their heirs, executors, administrators, Purchasers and assigns forever. This Grant and Easement is in substitution of one certain Grant -and Easement signed by C. F. Lillie Est., by Sidney Hauden- shield, filed of record January 10th 1941 in Book 110 TL on page 386 of the Dubuque County, Iowa, re- cords. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 8th day of November, A. D., 1947, ANNA HEIN FRED HEIN EMMA BLUECHER CHARLES BLUECHER CHARLES ANDRESEN THE STATE OF IOWA: COUNTY OF DUBUQUE: ss On this 8th day of November, A. 'D., 1947, before me, A. J. Mihm, a Notary Public of Iowa, in and for Dubuque County, personally ap- peared Anna Hein and Fred Hein, her husband, Charles Andresen, a bacheolor, and Emma Bluecher and Charles Bleucher, her husband, to me known to be the identical per- sons named in and who executed the foregoing instrument and ack- nowledged that they executed the same as their voluntary act and deed. A. J. MIHM, Notary Public in and for Du- buque County. My Commission ex- pires July 4th, 1948. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Grant and Easement be approved and recordered with the County Recorder. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. 34 adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 Petition . of the Holy Trinity Church requesting the closing of the upper end of .the alley running North to South between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, and request- ing the vacation of said alley in favor of Holy Trinity Church, Inc. for playground purposes and also asking permission to construct a curbing about Holy Trinity Church's property, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- man Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Audrey L. Yarnall re- questing a refund in the amount of $25.00 on the unexpired portion of Cigarette Permit No. 193, as she has discontinued business on Febr- uary 14, 1948, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a war- rent in the amount of $25.00 in favor of Audrey L. Yarnall to cover the amount of refund granted on. the unexpired portion of her Ciga- rette Permit No, 193. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Audrey L. Yarnall re- questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexpired portion of Class "B" Beer Permit No. 66, as she has discontinued business on Feburar'Y 14, 1948 presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant ill the amount of $50.00 in favor of Audrey L. Yarnall to cover the amount of refu ul granted on the unexpired portion of her Class ed Secauded Beer Permii No. 66. I C'ouncilm;t'-r Moffat!. Carried by the following vott•: Yeas--Mtlyo;' hlurpiry, Council. men mofi a tt, l Tho , " Vau Duel. mall, Wharton. Say., -None, Communication of C. J. MacIn- erney submitting offer in the amount of $50.00 for the purchase of all of Lots 1 and 2 of Lot 37 lying between the Dubuque Cas- cade Road and Southern Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the com- munication be referred to the Coun- cil to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. February 5, 1948. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: On November 1, 1947, the Plan. ning & Zoning Commission ad. dressed a communication to your Honorable Body making certain recommendations regarding the petition of Fischer Investment Company, and now wishes to a- mend paragraph (2) of said com- munication to read as follows: (2) Exchange by your honora- ble body of parcel marked "E" on said plat for a quit claim deed to be furnished by Fischer Invest- ment Company for Wall St. ex. tended through the Levee to the Mississippi River including ripar- ian rights. Respectfully submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission 13Y R. V. McKAY, Secy. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- utan, Wharton. 1Jays—None. February 5 1948 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentleman: l:teferrfng to attached petition of P• Alf. Melloy requesting rezoning of his two lots in the 900 block of Seminary St, to Two Family Clas- ti P. f . ,1"r, •- Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, mfg sification, the Planning & Zoning Commission respectfully recom- mends denial of the petition. This is now strictly a Single Family area with some fine sin- gle homes, and the Commission thinks this situation should be preserved. Respectfully submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By R. V. McKAY, Sec'y. Councilman Thompson moved that the •recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Cimmission be approved. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. February 5, 1948 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentleman: Referring to attached petition of The Dubuque Packing Company asking vacation of the westerly part of Sycamore St., the Planning & Zoning Commission examined and discussed with representatives of said Dubuque Packing Company the space required for certain plant improvements and all agreed that the vacation of the westerly 19'-0" of Sycamore St. instead of 24'-10" will be sufficient for their immedi- ate needs. Therefore, the Planning & Zon- ing Commission respectfully re- commends denial of that part of the petition requesting vacation of westerly 24'-10" of Sycamore St. and recommends to your honorable body that the westerly 19'-0" of Sycamore St. from the north line of east 16th St. to the south line of East 19th St, be vacated and conveyed to, the Dubuque Packing Company for a consideration de- termined by City Council, and sub- ject to existing easements for pub- lic utilities and railroad tracks. Yours truly, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By R. V, McKAY, Sec'y. 7 3q Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission be approved. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 5-48 An Ordinance vacating the west- erly 19 feet of Sycamore Street from the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East 19th Street, and providing for the granting and conveying of the title thereto to Dubuque Packing Company, and declaring an emer- gency, presented and read. Coun- cilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor :Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 2--48 An Ordinance providing for sick leave for those officers and em- ployees of the City of Dubuque to whom the Workmen's Compensa- tion Law is applicable defining "Sick Leave"; the extent thereof; filing, approval and allowance of claims therefor, said ordinance having been passed upon first read - 0 ■ 36 Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 Ing on February 2nd, 1948, and or- dered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection fol' at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 2.48 An Ordinance •providing for sick leave for those officers and employees of the City of Dubuque to whom the Workmen's Compensation law Is ap- plicable; defining "Sick Leave"; the extent thereof; filing, approval and allowanace of claims therefor. Sec. 1. Sick leave is hereby provid- ed for those officers and employees of the City of Dubuque to whom the Workmen's Compensation Law is ap- plicable. Sec. 2. "Sick Leave" is hereby de- fined to mean the absence from duty of such officer or employee of the City of Dubuque because of personal ill- ness, physical incapacity, enforced quarantine of all officer or employee in accordance with the health regula- tions, or sickness in the Immediate family of an officer or employee re- quiring the attendance of such officer or employee. Sec. 3. Sick Leave with pay shall accrue at the rate of onorking e w leave day for each full calendar month of service, and any such leave accrued, but unused in any year shall be cumulative to a maximum of not to exceed 60 working days. Sec. 4. Absence for a fraction of a part of a day chargeable to sick leave shall be charged proportionately in an amount not less than one-half day. Sec. 5. No person shall be entitled to sick leave with pay while absent from duty on account of any of the following causes: a. Disability arising from any sickness or injury self inflicted, or caused by any willful misconduct b. Sickness or disability sustain- ed while on leave of absence, other than on regular vacation. Sec. 6. Any employee on Sick Leave shall as soon as possible noti- fv the head of his Department of such fact and the failure so to do within reasonable time shall be suf- ficient cause for ;tenial of sick leave With pay for the period of such ab- sence. All under this Ordinanceo shallt be sma le in writing under oath by claimant, and upon approval by the person ni charge of the Department in wlucit tin• officer or employee is employed and the City Manager, the same shall Lo paid. S'''' s• Any ofricer or employee in thctivc�'late Of the City at the ef- fcr this brdinattcc shall be• cntiUed tout accunutlatiun of the number of calendar Clays shown oil t1210*-' following table: ss darI'll over -0 calen- - t .r daysallui 15 but less t.n—ealentAlvtda 10but lesan i — days allowed. 40 e0len- uve1 5 but less ihuu lu_".0 calen- dar days nlluned. Oyer 2 but lea than 5—_0 calen- dut' days allow -•d. over ] but Toss than 2—]2 caleu- dur days alluwotl Under 1 year -1 day per month. Sec. 9. Any employee entitled to sick leave with pay who receives compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Law shall receive only that portion of his regular salary which together with the benefits re- ceived under the Workmen's Compen- sation Law equal his regular salary. Sec. 10. This Ordinance shall be to force and effect ten days from and after its final passage, adoption and approval by the City Council and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading February 2nd, 1948. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 23rd day of Febru- ary, 19.18. CEO. R. MURPHY FRANK VAN Dl-I:LMA�ior. F. W. THOM PSON AI,PI?h'I' WHARTON \\ AV. JIUP F ATT Attest:Counoihnen. J. J. SHEA, Publishedofficially inCitV Clerk. graph -Herald Tele - newspaper this 26th day of February, 1948. J. SHEA, J. 1 ti. -2-26 City Cleric. Councilman Van Duelman moved the !adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. NaYs—None. Ordinance No. 3-48 An ordinance establishing a grade on Platt Street from the east Property line of James Street to the west Property line of Cardiff Street, said ordinance having been Passed upon first reading on Febr- uary 2nd, 1948 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for pub- lic inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was pre- sented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 3-48 Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That an ordinance estab- lishing a grade on Platt Street, from the east property line of James Street to the west property line of Cardiff Street, be and the same hereby estab- lished and adopted as shown by the Profile prepared by the City Engi- neer, being profile No. 1331, Hench mark is cross in curb return at the N �'• corner of JLangworthy and ames, elevation 848.24 feet above mean sea level. Said grade begins at station 0+00, east property line of James Street north curb elevation 845 90, south curb el, vatIon 843.96; thence to sta- tion 0-{-50 not•th and south curb eleva- nol-t 811.45; thence to station 2-00 then0 and south curb elevation 828.23; thence to statior 2-50 north and Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 37 south curb elevation 824.45; thence to station 3+00 north and south curb elevation 821.96; thence to station 3+50 north and south curb eleva- tion 820.75; thence to station 4+00 north and south curb elevation 820.83; thence to station 5+50 north and south curb elevation 822,99; thence to station 6+00 north and south curb elevation 824.10; thence to station 6+50 north and south curb elevation 826.01; thence to station 7+96 the west property line of Cardiff Street north and south curb elevation 832.77. Section 2, This Ordinance shall be In force and effect 10 days from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council and its publica- tion In the official newspapers. Passed first reading February 2nd, 1948. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 23rd day of Febru- ary, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Attest: Councilmen. J. J. Shea, City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 26th day of February, 1948. J. J. SHEA, lt2,26 City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 6-48 An Ordinance granting to St. Mary's Orphan Home, its succes- sors and assigns, the right to con- struct and maintain a sanitary sewer in Asbury Road from the end of the present sewer at the intersection of Chaney Road and Asbury Road thence westerly to the City Limits, prescribing the conditions of this grant and regu- lating the use of said sewer and future connections therewith, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson. Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. February 6. 1948 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In re: PETITION OF KATE S. LUNDBECK for suspension of taxes on: Lot 11 Cox Add. and Lot 242 Woodlawn Park. From my investigation, I recom- mend the petition be approved and that notification of the approval by the City Council be given to the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County, Iowa. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER City Solicitor. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the Board of Supervisors to be notified of the action taken by the City Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayer Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. February 10, 1948 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of C, W. Patch for $7500.00 for dam- ages, from my investigation it ap- pears that on or about March 5, 1947, claimant slipped on the side- walk and fell therefrom onto the pavement at a point in front of the 38 Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 Morrison Bros. Co. office on 24th Street approximately 20 feet east of the Northwest corner of the alley between Washington and Elm Streets; that It is claimed said sidewalk was unsafe and dangerous at the said time in that the earth sloped from the cement walk to the curbing and was slippery and covered with an accumulation of ice which caused him to slip and fall; that said condition existed for some considerable time; that as a result of said fall the said Patch received serious injuries, fractured the knee cap of his left knee which necessitated an open operation to reset and replace the fractured bones; that he was con- fined to the hospital for twenty- two days under the doctor's care and is still suffering from the in- jury; that he sustained actual damages in the amount of at least $1000.00, including doctor and hos- pital bills and loss of time. That I have had several conferences with his Attorneys. They have agreed to accept $500.00 in full payment of this claim. I am of the opinion that the claim should be settled. I therefore, recommend that a warrant be issued payable to Gil. 10011, Nelson & Gilloon, Attorneys for C. W. Patch, in the amount of $500.00 and that the same be de- livered upon delivery to the City Of a release property executed by said C. W. Patch. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER City Solicitor. Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $500.00 in favor of Gilloon, Nelson & Gilloon, Attorneys for C, W. patch, as set- tlement in full of the claim, and that said warrent be delivered upon receipt by the City of Du. buque of a properly executed re- lease. Seconrled by Councilman vote. Wharton. Carried by the fo]lowiug eas--Mayor ,qu,phy, Coul_l(, mInen 1101fatt, Thompson, Van Duel - au, 1Vharto.n. Nays --None. February 23, 1948 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Lydia Belsey referred to me for Investigation and report, claimant fell on a sidewalk that was in a dangerous condition because of ice and snow on November 28, 1947, at which time she brake her arm in two places, requiring medical and surgical care, causing her severe pain. She further claims she has been laid off from work for seven weeks and will be unable to go to work for about two months more. That she has submitted an item- ized claim for $318.75, which does not include any amount for the injury and pain and suffering. She has agreed to accept $200.00 In full payment for her claim against the city. I recommend the allowance of her claim in the amount of $200.00, and that the same be paid to her upon delivery to the City of a re- lease properly executed by her. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER City Solicitor. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $200.00 in favor of Lydia Kelsey, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Du- buque of a properly executed re- lease. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor XIurphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. January 12, 1948 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa dentlemen: The agreement made some years rgo between the City of Dubuque rnd the Interstate Power Company "rovides that if and when there Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 39 were developments on City Island and/or the property in the vincin- ity of the Shot Tower which made the relocation of the now existing power line (known as 'the Clinton. Dyersville Line) necessary, the Dock Commission would secure proper easements for the new lo- cation of the line. When the Virginia - Carolina Chemical Corporation leased the area immediately west and north of the Shot Tower, and made plans for the construction of its new plant, it developed that this high line passed directly over their building and that because the sup- porting towers are too low, cre- ated an undesirable situation, Inasmuch .as the heightening of the towers would involve a com- plete rebuilding of them, it is obvious that the practical course to pursue is the relocating of the right-of-way and erecting new and higher towers at proper locations, thus avoiding the crossing of the harbor, and eliminating the pos- sibility that the high line would interfere with future developments of the City Island. The easement requested for the Interstate Power Company extends from a Steel Tower at Pine and Bell Streets (which tower is to be replaced by a heavier and higher tower) to Interstate property where their coal pile is now lo- cated and is shown by the purple lines on the plat attached to the easement. City owned property over which the easement is requested, is out- lined in red on said plat. The ease- ment provides for a horizontal clearance of 75' on one side and 50' on the opposite side of the cen- ter line of the wires. Upon execution of the atiacned easement and the securing of a new easement from the Rhomberg Realty Company (or its successors) and the Illinois Central Railroad, the way will be clear for the In- terstate to move its line to the new location, if and when it is found necessary. It is understood, of course, that when said line is moved to the new location, the easement the In- terstate Power Company now holds and affecting the property involved, shall be cancelled in proper and legal manner by the City of Du- buque. Respectfully, Board of Dock Commissioners City of Dubuque, Iowa By, J. A. Kerper, President. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, February 21, 1948 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Io*a. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have ap- proved the following bonds and desire to have your approval on same for filing: EXCAVATION The Key City Gas Company, 669 Main Street—Bond No. 735673. The Fidelity & Casulty Co. of N.Y. Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co., 1395 Washington Street— U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Louis Buechel, 2230 Central Avenue—Bond No. 20374. Fidelity and Deposit Co. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the bonds be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas --Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. February 23, 1948 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque. Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting held February 2, 1948 the petition of Stampfer Build- ing Company requesting a permit to drill a well in the sidewalk immediately south of the Ninth qo Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 Street Engine House was referrer to the Council to view the ground: The Council having view th site on February 22nd, decided ti grant the request providing thi city be safeguarded against al liability in connection with tht construction and operation of the well. I recommend that the deci sion of the Council be confirmed and the proper proceedings be pre. pared. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved and the City Solicitor directed to prepare the proper proceedings. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. February 17, 1948 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works for the month of January, 1948, also list of claims and list of Payrolls for which warrents were issued for the month of January, 1948. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the reports be received and Placed on file. Seconded by Conn. cihnan Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. menMoffatt, Thompson, Van Deul. inan, Wharton. Nays --None. To the HonoraL ebruary Mayol, 23, 1918 and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gelltlenlen: A hearing ou the resolution of necessity for the extension allri iniproveuls:it `of Platt Street from the east 11110 of Jaines Street to the east line of Cardiff Street was scheduled for February 23, 1948 at 7:30 P.M. Notice was published in the newspaper on February 5th, but through error it was not again published on February 6th. Since the faulty publication of the notice for the hearing does not meet the statutory requirements, I recommend that the previous ac. tion taken be rescinded and the matter of improving Platt be in- troduced anew. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Man. ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec. onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 21-48 Preliminary approval of Proposed Plans, specifications, form of con- tract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the extension Of Platt Street to the East property line of Cardiff Street and to im- prove Platt Street from the East property line of James Street to the East Property line of Cardiff Sheet, estimated cost 6" concrete slab—$16,275.47. 1!" sheet asphalt on 6" concrete base—$19,930.93, Presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Necessity for Improvement) Resolution No. 22--48 Whereas, proposed plans, specifi- :ations, form of contract, plat and chedile have been duly prepared ird approved by the City Council if the City of Dubuque and are low on file in the office of the City Urk showing among other things he following: 1. The boundaries of the dis- rict, if any. 2. The streets to be improved. Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1944 41 3. The width of such improve- ments. 4. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 6. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of construction and kind of material to be used. 6. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated against each lot, for the Extension of Platt Street to the East property line of Cardiff Street and the improve- ment of Platt Street from the East property line of James Street to the East property line of Cardiff Street. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property own- ers, deems it advisable and neces- sary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement -and unless property owners at the time of final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assess- ments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all -privately owned property lying within assessable distance by law and in an ;amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, prop- erty will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent thereto according to area and in proportion to the special benefits conferred thereby, and any defi- ency shall be paid out of the gen- eral fund, improvement funds, or partly out of each of such funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The railway Portion of any street or assessment district shall be assessed to and paid by the railway company. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered Placed on file with the City Clerk this 23rd day of February, 1948. Approved and placed on file for final action. Approved: GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen, Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Fixing date of hearing) Resolution No. 23-48 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No. 21-48 given its preliminary approval on the pro- posed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the Extension -of Platt Street to the East property line of Cardiff Street ,and the improvement of Platt Street from -the East property line of James Street to the East prop- erty line of Cardiff Street and, Whereas, the proposed Resolu- tion of Necessity for said improve- ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, Be It Therefore Resolved that on the 19th day of March 1948, a pub- lic hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Clinm- ber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property sub- ject to assessment for the proposed improvement may appear and make objection to the proposed plans aid specifications and proposed form of contract and at the same 42 Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 time to the boundaries of the pro- posed district, to the. cost of the improvement, to the amount pro- posed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the pro- posed Resolution of .Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published in some newspaper published in the City of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time of final consideration of said resolu- tion have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessments, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of February, 1943. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELM_AN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec. onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- menMoffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 24-48 Preliminary approval of pro- posed plans, specifications, form Of contract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the improvement. of Gandolfo Street from the North curb line of St. Joseph Street to the South curb line of Lombard Street with con- crete cu, -b and gutter, estimated cost .. $4,924.54, presented and read. Councilm;iu Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel man. Carried by the followin: vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Councii men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Necessity for Improvement) Resolution No. 25--48 Whereas, proposed plans, speci- fications, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly pre- pared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the C:lty Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the dis- trict, if any. 2. The streets to be improved. 3. The width of such improve- ment, and the size and kind of sewers. 4. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 5. An estimate of the cost of the Proposed improvement. 6. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated to be as- sessed against each lot, for the improvement of Gandolfo Street from the North curb line of St. Joseph Street to the South curb line of Lombard Street with con- crete curb and gutter. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property own- ers, deems it advisable and neces- sary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed as- sessments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance With the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council :and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense Of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all Privately owned property lying Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 43 within assessable distance provided by law and in an amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent thereto according to area and in proportion to the spec- ial benefits conferred thereby, and any deficiency shall be paid out of the general fund, improvement funds or sewer funds, or. partly out of each of such funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in an- ticip-ation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The railway por- ,tion of any street or assessment district shall be assessed to and paid by the railway company. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and order placed on file with the City Clerk this 23rd day of February, 1948. Approved and placed on file for final action. Approved: GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayne. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Vaal Duelman moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Wharton, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Fixing date of hearing) Resolution No. 26--118 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No. 24-48 given its preliminary approval on the pro- posed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the Improvement of Gandolfo Street from the North curb line of St. Joseph Street to the South curb line of Lombard Street with con. crete curb and gutter and, Whereas, the proposed Resolu- tion of Necessity for said improve- ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, Be It Therefore Resolved that on the 19th day of March, 1948, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham- ber .in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property subject to assessment for the pro- posed improvement may appear and make objection to the pro- posed plans and specifications and proposed form of contract and at the same .time to the boundaries of the proposed district, to the cost of the improvement, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the proposed Resolution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published in some newspaper published in the City of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time of final consideration of said resolution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessment, they shall have been deemed to have %cuived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man. Wharton. Nays—None. 44 :\djourned Special Session, Fcbruary 23rd, T948 Preliminary approval of plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and all other documents for the widening of James Street 10' on West side from South curb line of West Third Street to a point 450 feet south, estimated cost— $7,841.40, presented and read. Coun- cilman Thompson moved the adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Necessity fol- Improvement) Resolution No. 28-48 Whereas, proposed plans, speci- fications, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly pre- pared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and -are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: I. The streets to be improved. 2. The width of such improve- ment. 3. An estimate of the cost of the Proposed improvement, for the widening of James Street 10 feet on West side from South curb lime of West Third Street to a Point 450 feet south. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of Property own- ers, deems it advisable and neces. sary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of .the final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objection to the amount of the Proposeds improvement, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections there- to. Said improvement shall be cou- structFA and done in accordance with the plans and specifications whiel1 have been Prepared therefor 1""the City Engineer which have l'f'('ti approved by the City Council nul leek. are now ou file with the ('ity (' 'That the cost and expense '0, ,ileiug ..aid improvement shall ' paiel unt of the i:nhrm � .; general fund, Iciit fund, ue Sewer fu"(L or paxtly out of each of such funds. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 23rd day of February, 1948. Approved and placed on file for finial action. Approved: GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelntan moved that the resolution be approved all([ placed on file for final action. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays —None. (Fixing date of hearing) Resolution No, 29-48 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Iowa, has by Resolution No. 27-48 given its Preliminary approval on the pro - Posed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the widening of James Street 10 feet on West side front South curb line of West Third Street to a point 450 feet south and, Whereas, the proposed Resolu- tion of Necessity for said improve- ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, Be It Therefore Resolved that on the 19th day of March 1948, a pub- lic hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.I. in the Council Cham- ber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property sub- ject to ii e<siiient for the proposed improvement may appear and make objection Go the proposed Plans acid specifications and pro - Posed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed district, to the cost of the improvement, and to the pas- :'--(, of the proposed Resolution of Necessity and the City Clerlt lit Adjourned Special Session, February 23rc1, 1948 45 and he is hereby directed to cause a notice -of the time and place of such hearing to be published in some newspaper published in the City of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time of final consideration of said resolution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed improvement, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on re- cord its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT. Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton moved that the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man. Wharton. Nays --None. Resolution No. 30-48 Prelilliivary approval of proposed plans, specifications, form of con- tract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the improve- ment of Forest Lane from the West curb line of Nevada Street to the East curb line of Delhi Street, esti- mated cost—$10,554.10, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolu- tion. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Necessity for Improvement) Resolution No. 31-48 Whereas, proposed plans, sPect- fications, form of contract. plat and schedule have been duly P"C- pared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the dis- trict, if any. 2. The streets to be improved. 3. The width of such improve- ment. 4. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 5. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement. 6. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated to be as- sessed against each lot for the im- provement of Forest Lane from the West curb line of Nevada Street to the East curb line of Delhi Street. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property own- ers, deems it advisable and neces- sary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final considera- tion tof this proposed rsolution hove on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessments, they shall be deemed to have waived all ob- jections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council ,and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all privately owned property lying within assessable distance pro- vided by law and in an amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abets thereon or is adjacent thereto according to arca and in proportion to the spec- ial benefits conferred thereby, and ally deficiency shall be paid out of the gc"teral fond, improvement funds ol, cwcr foods. or Purtl}' '111of c,i�•h of such t'und', lionlls shall 46 Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 be issued and sold in anticipation plans and specifications and pro- of deferred payments of assess- posed form of oontract and at the ments when a contract has been same time to the boundaries of the performed and accepted and the proposed district, to the cost of proceeds thereof used to pay the the improvement, to the amount contractor. The railway portion of proposed to be assessed against any street or assessment district any lot and to the passage of the shall be assessed to and paid by proposed Resolution of Necessity the railway company. and the City Clerk be and he is The .above resolution was intro- hereby directed to cause a notice duced and ordered placed on file of the time and place of such hear - with the City Clerk this 23rd day ing to be published in some news - of February, 1948, paper published in the City of Du. Approved and placed on file for buque, the last of which shall be final action. not less than two (2) nor more Approved: than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and GEO. R. MURPHY, unless property owners at the time Mayor of final consideration of said reso- FRANK VAN DUELMAN, lution have on file with the Clerk F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, objections to the amount of the W. W. MOFFATT, proposed assesments, they shall Councilmen have been deemed to have waived Attest: J. J. SHEA, all objections thereto, at which City Clerk hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its Councilman Moffatt moved that final decision thereon. the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Sec- Passed, adapted and approved onded by Councilman Thompson, this 23rd day of February, 1948. Carried by the following vote: GEO. R. MURPHY, Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Counci- Mayor men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due. man, Wharton. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, Nays—None. ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, (Fixing date of hearing) Councilmen Resoution No. 32--48 Whereas, the City Council of the Attest: J. J. SHEA, City of Dubuque Iowa, has by City Clerk Resolution No. 30-48 given its Councilman pre_ liminary approval on the Wharton moved the proposed plans, specifications and form of adoption of the resolution. Sec - onded by Councilman contract and placed on file in the office of ithe City Clerk Van Duel. man. Carried by the following for public inspection, for the improvement vote: of Forest Lane from the West curb line of Nevada Street Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council - men Moffatt, to the East curb line of Delhi Thompson, Van Duel - Street and, man, Wharton. Whereas, the proposed Resolu- tion of Necessity for Nays—None. said improve. Ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, Resolution No. 33-48 BeIt Therefore Resolved that Preliminayroval of pro. t on the 19th day of March 1948, nosedPlans, specifications, form a Public hearing will be held at 730 contract, plat and schedule and all o'clockthe Council Cham- her other documents for the improve- the in the City Of which time the of Dubuque at went of Diamond Street from the East curb line of property subject to assessment for the of Central Avenue to the West curb line of Jackson pro. Posed improvement and mmany appear make objection Street with concrete curb and to the Proposed P posed estimated cost—$2,244.67, presented and read. Councilman Adjourned Special Session, February 2;rd, 1848 Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Coun- cilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Necessity for Improvement) Resolution No. 34-48 Whereas, proposed plans, speci- fications, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly pre- pared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the dis- trict, if any. 2. The streets to be improved. 3. The width of such improve- ment. 4. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 5. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement. 6. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated to be as- sessed against each lot, for the improvement of Diamond Street from the East curb line of Central Avenue to the West curb line of Jackson Street. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property own- ers, deems it advisible and neces- sary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improve- ment, and unless property owners at the time of the final considera- tion of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the Proposed assessments, they shall be deemed to have waived all ob- jections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all —1vately owned property lying 17 within assessable distance pro- vided by law and in an amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent thereto according to ,area and in proportion to the spec- ial benefits conferred, and any de- ficiency shall be paid out of the gen- eral fund, improvement funds or sewer funds, or partly out of each of such funds. Bonds shall be is- sued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been per- formed -and accepted and the pro- ceeds thereof used to pray the con- tractor. The railway portion of any street or assessment district shall be assessed to and paid by the rail- way company. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 23rd day of February, 1948. Approved and placed on file for final action. Approved: GEO. R. '.MURPHY, Mayor W. W. MOFFATT, FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Fixing date of hearing) Resolution No. 35-48 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No. 33-48 given its preliminary approval on the pro- posed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the improvement of Diamond Street from the East curb line of Central f 48 Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 Avenue to the West curb line of Jackson Street with concrete curb and gutters and, Whereas, the proposed Resolu- tion of Necessity for said improve. ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, Be It Therofore Resolved that on the 19th day of March, 1948, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham- ber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property sub- ject, to assessment for the proposed improvement may appear and make objection to the proposed plans and specifications and pro- posed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed district, to the cost of the improvement, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the proposed Resolution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hear- ing to be published in some news- paper published in the City of Du- buque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time of final consideration of said reso. lution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessment, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such Objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved .this 23rd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W— W. MOFFATT, Councilmen attest: J. J. SHEA: City Clerk Coun(•ilrn;ill Thompson moved the adaption of the resolution. Sec• onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car. fled by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Whamton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 36-48 Preliminary approval of pro. posed plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the improve. ment of Mount Loretta Avenue from the East property line of Bryant Street to 181 feet East of the East property line of McLenan, esti- mated cost sheet asphalt—$49,121.- 67, reinforced concrete—$47,727.77, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelma.n moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Vam Deul- man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Necessity for Improvement) Resolution No. 37-48 Whereas, proposed plans, speci- fications, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly pre- pared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the district, if any. 2. The streets to be improved. 3. The width of such improve- ment. 4. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 5. An estimate of the cost of the Proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of con- struction and kind of material to be used. 6. In each case the amount there• of which is estimated to be as- sessed against each lot, for the improvement of :Mount Loretta Avenue from the East property line of Bryant Street to 181 feet East Of the East Property line of Me- Lenan Street with reinforced con- crete or sheet asphalt. Be it Therefore Resolved that the (`ity Council on its own motion Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 49 or upon petition of property own- ers, deems it advisible and neces- sary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed as- sessments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and ,are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of mak- ing said improvement will be as- sessed upon and against all pri- vately owned property lying within assessable distance provided by law and in an amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, prop- erty will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent thereto according to area and in proportion to the special benefits conferred thereby, and any de- ficiency shall be paid out of the general fund, improvement funds or sewer funds, or partly out of each of such funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been perform- ed and accepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The railway portion of any street or assessment district shall be as- sessed to and paid by the railway company. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 23rd day of February, 1948. Approved and placed on file for final adoption. Approved: GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Cl-?rk Councilman Moffatt moved that the resolution be approved and approved and placed on file for final' action. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Fixing date of hearing) Resolution No. 38-48 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No. 36-48 given its preliminary approval on the pro- posed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the improvement of Mount Loretta Avenue from the East property line of Bryant Street to 181 feet East of the East property line of Me- Lena.n Street with reinforced con- crete or sheet asphalt and, Whereas, the proposed Resolu- tion of Necessity for said improve- ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection. Be It Therefore Resolved that on the 19th day of March, 1948, a pub- lic hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham- ber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property sub- ject to assessment for the pro- posed improvement may appear and make objection to the proposed plans and specifications and pro- posed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed district, to the cost of the improvement, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the proposed Resolution of Necessity and 'the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hear- ing to be published in some news- paper published in the City of Du- buque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks Prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time of filial consideration of said reso- lution have on file with the Clerk 50 Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 objections to the amount of the proposed assessment, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Deulman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 39-48 Whereas, a plat has been filed by Earl L. Falk, Genevieve Z. Falk and Dubuque Homes, Inc., in which Lot 4 of Mineral Lot 3, Lot 1 of 2 of Mineral Lot 4 and Lot 2 Of Mineral Lot 5 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa are platted as Glenview, a subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, said plat has been duly examined, investigated and ap. proved by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Du- buque; and Whereas, upon said plat are streets designated as "Blackhawk Drive" and "Fox Drive"; and Whereas, the owners have upon said plat dedicated said streets to the public; and Whereas, the City Council has examined said plat and has been fully advised in the matter, finds that said plat conforms to the City Ordinances relating the and Whereas, the City Council fur- ther finds that the dedication of "Blackhawk Drive" and "Fox Drive" should be accepted and con- firmed and that said plat should be accepted; and Whereas, Blackhawk Drive and Fox Drive aee new streets unim. proved and this Council is of the opinion that said streets should be improved by grading, by placing 24" x 6" combination curb and gutters 26' apart, by surfacing with a 6" macadam base with as- phalt wearing surface -and by con- struction of storm water sewers, manholes and catch basins; and Whereas, the Engineer's estimate of -the cost for said improvements are as follows: Excavation., ...... 600 c.y. at $0.75 ................................. $ 450.00 Curveh Curb and Gutter - 1,502 l.f. at $2.50........... 3,755.00 Straight Curb and Gutter —594 i.f. at 2.00............ 1,188.00 Crushed Stone -486 c.y. at $3.00 ............................. 1,458.00 Asphalt Primer and Seal —2,800 gal, at 15C........ 420.00 Stone Chips -50 e.y. at $3.00 .................................. 150.00 12" R.C.P. Storm Sewer- -367 l.f, at $4.00............ 1.468.00 12" R.C. P. Storm Sewer - 317 It at $3.50 ................ 1,109.50 Brick Manholes—three at $100.00 ............................... 300.00 Rein. Conc. Catch Basins —two at $250.00 500.00 Estimated Total Cost ... $10.798,50 and; Whereas, it is the opinion Of this Council that said improve- ments should be made on or before November 1, 1948; that the plat filed herein be approved upon Du- buque Homes, Inc. filing with the City Clerk a Surety Bond in the sum of $11,000.00 acceptable to the City Council, said bond to insure the completion of the improve- ments on Blackhawk and Fox Drives on or before November 1, 1945, and said bond to provide for compliance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 23-45, the Subdi- vision Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, and especially Sec. IV thereof, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved 11Y the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That the dedication of "Blackhawk Drive" and "Fox Drive" upon the plat of "Glenview" he and the same are hereby ac- ,epted for the purpose for which they are thus dedicated. Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 ;1 Sec. 2. That the plat of Lot 4 of Mineral Lot 3, Lot 1 of 2 of Mineral Lat 4 and Lot 2 of Mineral Lot b In the City of Dubuque, Iowa which will be hereafter known as "Glen- view" containing Lot 1 to 21 in- clusive, "Blackhawk Drive" and "Fox Drive," be, ,and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and Clerk are hereby directed to endorse -the approval of the City of Dubuque upon said plat, provided: That Dubuque Homes, Inc. sign the written acceptance and agree- ment -hereto attached agreeing to comply with all the terms and con- ditions contained in this Resolu- tion including the filing of a per- formance bond in the amount of $11,000,00 acceptable to the City Council insuring the completion of the improvements hereinbefore set out, all to be done with the ap- proval of the City Manager. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None- Resolution No. 40-48 RESOLUTION AND APPLICA- TION FOR TRANSFER OF EMER- GENCY FUNDS. Whereas, There now is in the hands of the Treasurer of City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, the sum of $23,644.02, credited to the Emergency Fund thereof; and Whereas, An emergency has ,arisen which requires the expendi- ture of $23,644.02, said emergency being of the following character: The increased cost of necessary goods and services that must be paid out of the Consolidated Fund Whereas, The revenue in the Consolidated Fund is insufficient to meet its estimated actual and necessary expenses for -the current fiscal Year and the emergency re- ferred to; Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Du- huque County, Iowa, that $23,644.- 02 23,644:02 of the funds in the Emergency Fund be transferred permanently to the Consolidated Fund of the municipality; subject to the ap- proval of the State Comptroller, when such approval is unanimously requested by the governing body of said municipality to be expended in accordance with the provisions Of Section 373 of the Cide. The City Auditor of said municf- pality, upon receipt of approval by the State Comptroller, is di- rected to correct his books ac- cordingly and to notify the treas- urer of the transfer, accompanying the notification with a copy of this resolution and the record of its adoption. (Presiding Officer)— GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor (Secretarial Officer)— J. J. SHEA, City Clerk The foregoing resolution was !adopted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa ,at a special meeting of the same on the 23rd day of February A.D. 1948. The vote thereon was as follows: Ayes: FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WMARTON W. W. MOFFATT GEO. R. MURPHY Nays:—None. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None, Resolution No. 41-48 Whereas, on October 20, 1941 the City Council of the City of Dubuque, adopted Resolution No. 133-41 authorizing the sale of and execution of a quit claim deed to 52 Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Industrial Sub. No. 2 in the City of Dubuque to the Varner Well Drilling Co., Inc. for Three Thousand ($3,000,- 00) Dollars, Fifteen Hundred ($11- 500.00) Dollars cash, the balance of Fifteen Hundred ($1,500.00) Dol- lars to be paid by note and mor, gage for Fifteen Hundred ($1,500,- 00) Dollars, said note to be paid in three installments of Five Hun- dred ($500.00) Dollars each, on November 1, 1942, November 1, 1943, and November 1, 1944; and Whereas, all of the above mat- ters have been accomplished, but the mortgage dated October 27, 1941 and filed for record on Octo- ber 30, 1941 in Book 155 page 443 in the office of the County Recor- der of Dubuque County, Iowa has not been released; Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Dubuque be and they are hereby authorized to relase on behalf of the City of Dubuque the certain mortage on Lots 3, 4. 5. 6 and 7 of Industrial Sub. No. 2 in the City of Dubuque recorded in Book 155 page 443. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Cleric Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- nnan, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 42-48 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, haK' complied with the provisions ' law relating to the sale of cigar tes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a Permit to sell cigarettes and Giga. rette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such Permit on behalf of said Clty. Name . Address Ernest Latham and Myrtle Lat- ham, 892 Cleveland Avenue. Ray Hutchins and Paul A. Leon- ard, 239 West 6-th Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be apProved. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 43--48 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Ray Hutchins and Paul A. Leon- ard, 239 West 6th Street. George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven, 605 Main Street. (Transfer of address from 239 West 6th Street). CLASS "C" PERMIT Ernest Latham and Myrtle Lat- ham, 892 Cleveland Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd clay of February, 1948. CEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, i City Clerk Adjourned Special Session, February 23rd, 1948 53 Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 44-48 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found -to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Mana. ger be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named .applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Ray Hutchins and Paul A. Leon- ard, 239 West 6th Street George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven, 605 Main Street. (Transfer of address from 239 West 6th Street). CLASS "C" PERMIT Ernest Latham and Myrtle Lat- ham, 892 Cleveland Avenue. Be It Further Resolved -that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of February, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman movetl the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council men Moti.att, Thompson, Van Duel man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 45-48 Whereas, it is necessary to plan t terminal building for the new Municipal Airport and Whereas, the Civil Aeronautics Administration concurs in the se- lection of Wm. N. Nielsen as ar- 2hitect for such building; Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Mayor and Clerk be, and they are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Wm. N. Nielsen for Abe preparation of pians for a terminal administration building at the new Municipal Air- port in accordance with the terms of the contract attached hereto and made a part hereof. Approved and placed on file for public inspection for at least one 'week this 23rd day of February, 1948. Councilman Thompson moved the •resolution be approved and Placed on file for public inspec- tion for at least one week. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. There being no further business Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. L Approved . ..1...Z948 Adopted. 1.... 19 I Attest: 1 ��ty Clerk. Regular Session, March Ist, I948 55 City Council (Official) Regular Session, March 1st, 1948. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present—Mayor Murphy, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg. Mayor Murphy stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meeting. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one pres- ent in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 40-48 RESOLUTION And APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF EMER- GENCY FUNDS Whereas, There now is in the hands of the Treasurer of City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, the sum of $23,644.02, credited to the Emergency Fund thereof; and Whereas, An emergency has arisen which requires the expendi- ture of $23,644.02, said emergency being of the following character: The increased cost of necessary goods and services that must be paid out of the Consolidated Fund Whereas, The revenue in the Consolidated Fund is insufficient to meet its estimated actual and necessary expenses for the current fiscal year and the emergency re- ferred to; Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Du- buque County, Iowa, that $23,644.- 02 of the funds in the Emergency Fund be transferred permanently to the Consolidated Fund of the municipality; subject to the ap- proval of the State Comptroller, when such approval is unanimously requested by the governing body of said municipality to be expended In accordance with the provisions of Section 373 of the Code. The City Auditor of said munici- pality, upon receipt of approval by the State Comptroller, is directed to correct his books accordingly and to notify the treasurer of the transfer, accompanying the notifi- cation with a copy of this resolu. tion ,and the record of its adoption. (Presiding Officer) GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor ( Secretarial Officer) J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa at a special meeting of the same on the 23rd day of February A.D., 1948. The vote thereon was as follows: Ayes: Frank Van Duelman, F. W. Thompson, Albert Wharton, W. W. Moffatt, Geo. R. Murphy. Nays—None. APPROVAL The above application and reso- lution having been filed with the State Comptroller, the transfer re- quested is approved this 25th day of February, 1948. R. E. JOHNSON, State Comptroller. Approved with the understanding provision was made for the use of the money in 1947-48 appropria- tions. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the approval of R. E. John- son, State Comptroller, be received and made a matter of record. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Mrs. Fred J. Sear in the amount of $1,000.00 for injuries sustained in a fall on an icy sidewalk in front of 2243 Prince Street, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council. man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul- man, Wharton. Nays—None. 56 Regular Session, March ist, 1:948 Notice of Claim of Mrs. Mary L. Erpelding in an unstated amount for injuries sustained in a fall at the Southwest corner of -the inter- section of Loras Boulevard and Central Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul- man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Eileen H. Kaiser re- questing a refund in the amount of $25.00 on the unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit No. 197 as she has discontinued business on November 17, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that -the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrent in the amount of $25.00 in favor of Eileen H. Kaiser to cover the •amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit No. 197. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven requesting a refund in the amount of $25.00 on the unexpired portion of their Cigarette Permit No. 241 as they have discontinued business on February 23, 1948, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in -the amount of $25.00 in favor of George T. Vrotsos and Spiros D. Coven to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of their Ciga- rette Permit No. 251. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by -the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man. Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Val J. Pins requesting a refund in the amount of $25.00 on his Cigarette Permit No. 183 as he has discontinued business on March 1, 1948, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted and .the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant 'in the amount of $25.00 in favor of Val J. Pins to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 183. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul- man, Wharton. Nays—None. Communication of James C. Pfeiffer submitting offer in the amount of $75.00 for the purchase of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Quig- ley's Subdivision of Out Lot 712 located at the corner of Angella and Catherine Streets, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the offer be rejected. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Petition of Edward M. Graf et al requesting the extension of the present sanitary sewer on Seminary Street from its present terminus west to the intersection of Semi- nary Street and the Bunker Hill Golf Course road, presented and read. Attorney Hal F. Reynolds addressed the Council requesting that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. Councilman Thompson moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans, specifi- cations, plat and schedule for the construction of the extension of the present sanitary sewer on Seminary Street from its terminus west to ,the Intersection of Semi- nary Street and the Bunker Hill Golf Course road. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Council Proceedings for the months of September and October 1947, presented for approval. Coun- cilman Van Duelman moved that the Council Proceedings for the months of September and October, 1947, be approved as printed. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Regular Session, March 1st, 1948 57 by the following vote: water mains hereinabove referred to, Carried Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- of which right is reserved to said City Dubuque, and said Dubuque Pack - men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Ing Company shall cause a plat to be man, Wharton. prepared, of said vacated area, giv- ing Nays—None. tion, to it an appropriate legal descrip- and when so platted and describ- Ordinance No. 5-48 ed, the same shall be conveyed to An Ordinance vacating the W69t- said Dubuque Packing. Company, its successors and assigns, by appropriate erly 19 feet of Sycamore Street deed of conveyance, which deed shall from the north line of East 16th be executed by the Mayor and Clerk for and on behalf of the City of Du - Street to the south line of East b Section 19th Street, and providing for the 3. That the City Clerk be and tie is hereby directed to file a granting and conveying of the certified copy of this Ordinance in the title thereto to Dubuque Packing office of the Recorder of Dubuque Company, and declaring an emer- County, Iowa. Section 4. That all ordinances, or gency, said ordinance having parts of ordinances, resolutions, or been passed upon first reading parts of resolutions, in conflict here- with, be and the same are hereby on February 23rd, 1948 and ordered repealed. placed on file with the City Clerk Section 5. This ordinance, being for public inspection for at least deemed urgent and in the interest of public health, safety and general wel- one week before its final adopton, be in forces and and, after def f edopt on was presented for final adoption. its and approval by the City Council and ORDINANCE NO. 5-48. publication, as provided by law, and upon payment by said Dubuque Pack - An Ordinance vacating the westerly 19 feet of Sycamore Street from the ing Company of the cost and expense north line of East 16th Street to the of such publication. PASSED upon first reading this south line of East 19th Street, and providing for the granting and con- y of 1948. 23rd PASSSSED, ADOPTED AND AP- veying of the title thereto to Du- buque Packing Company, and declar- ,February, PROVED upon final reading this 1st Ing an emergency. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zon- day of March, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY. Ing Commission has recommended to the Council of the City of Dubuque, Mayor. FRANK VAN DC?ELMMaMa the vacation of the westerly 19 feet of F. S . Sycamore Street, from the north line ALBERTTHOM N. «-. W. MOFFATT•C of East 16th Street to the south line ouncilmen. of East 19th Street, and the granting conveying of the title thereto to 4TTEST: J. J. SHEA, and Dubuque Packing Company; and WHEREAS, said recommendation City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele - of the Planning and Zoning Commis- graph -Herald newspaper this 3rd day slon is approved by this Council; and of March, 1948. J. J. SHEA. WHEREAS, the said westerly 19 feet of Sycamore Street, from the 1 ti. 3-3 City Clerk. north line of East -.6th Street to the Councilman Van Duelman moved south line of East 19th Street are not the adoption of the ordinance. needed or useful as a public thor- Seconded by Councilman Wharton. oughfare; and WHEREAS, the Chicago, Milwau- Carried by the following vote: kee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Com- yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council - of the area proposed easement over has been granted a over men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - Portion to be vacated for the purpose of man, Wharton. maintaining an ind tstry track; and WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque is Nays—None. maintaining and servicing water mains located within said area: NOW. Ordinance No. 6-48 THEREFORE, An Ordinance granting to St. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council follows: Mary's Orphan Home, its succes of the City of Dubuque, as Section 1. That the westerly 19 stirs and assigns the right .to con. feet of Sycamore Street, from the StruCt ia111d maintain a sanitary north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East 19th Street, be and sewer in Asbury Road from the the same is hereby vacated. end of the present sewer at the Section 2. That, 1n consideration of whereof intersection of Chaney Road and the sum of $1.00, the receipt is herehy acknowledged, there is here- Asbury Road thence westerly to by granted and conveyed to said Du the City Limits, prescribing the Luque Packing Company, its succes 19 conditions of this grant and regu- sors and assigns, the westerly feet of sycamore Street, from the lating the use of said sewer and north line of East 16th Street to future connections therewith, said the south line of East 19th Street, the easement of having been passed upon subject, however, to the Chicago, Mllwaukee, St. Paul ordinance first reading on February 23rd, Pacific Railroad Company hereinabove to 1948 and ordered placed on file referred to, and subject, further, the right of the City of Dubuque to with the City Clerk for public in continue to maintain and service the 58 Regular Session, March 1st, 1948 spection, for at least one weeiz before its final adoption, was pre- sented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 6.48 An ordinance granting to St. Mary's Orphan Home, its successors and as- signs, the right to construct and maintain a sanitary sewer in Asbury Road from the end of the present sewer at the intersection of Chaney Road and Asbury Road thence wester- ly to the City limits, prescribing the conditions of this grant and regulating the use of said sewer and future con- nections therewith. Whereas, St. Mary's Orphan Home has petitioned the City Council of the City of Dubuque for permission to construct and maintain an eight (8) inch sanitary sewer in Asbury Road from the end of the present sewer at the intersection of Chaney Road and Asbury Road, thence westerly approximately 1,010feet to the City limits, said sewer to be then extended beyond the City limits in Asbury Road and in Carter Road to serve the build- ings owned by said petitioner, and this Council, after due consideration, finds no objection to the granting of said request insofar as the Council has jurisdiction. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That St. Mary's Orphan Home, its successors and assigns, be and they are hereby granted the right to construct and maintain an eight (8) inch sanitary sewer in Asbury Road from the end of the present sewer at the intersection of Chaney Road and Asbury Road, thence westerly approx- imately 1,010 feet to the City limits, said sewer then to be extended beyond the City limits in Asbury Road and In Carter Road to serve the buildings of said grantees. Section 2. That the total cost of constructing said sewer shall be paid by the applicant and said sewer shall be built under the direction and su- pervision of the City Manager and City Engineer. Section 3. That before commencing any excavation in the street prepara- tory to the laying of said sewer, said applicant or the contractor to whom the work shall be awarded, shall cause to be filed with the City of Dubuque a Surety Bond to be approved by the said City in the sum of $10,000.00, which bond shall be so conditioned that it will save the City of Dubuque harmless from any and all damages which may be sustained by persons con- structionor Property tof b said improvement and liability thereunder shall continue un- til all ditches have been refilled, ob- structions removed from the street and the surface of the street replaced to as good condition as it was in be- fore the commencement of the work. Section 4. As a further condition to this grant, it is understood that after said sewer is completed the City of Dubuque shall have the right to make extensions thereto Into other streets or districts without being required to pay any part of the cost of the orig- inal construction. Section 6. All maintenance and re- pairs on this sewer shall be paid by applicant herein, its successors or as- signs; provided, however, that should the City at any time exercise its right to extend said sewer, as pro- vided in Section 4 hereof, thereupon said sewer shall be considered a pub- lic sewer and thereafter the main- tenance and repair expenses shall be borne by the City. Section 6. After said sewer has been completed and the total cost thereof determined, such cost shall be certified as correct and filed in the office of the City Clerk, where the same shall remain as a permanent record. Any person or persons desir- ing to connect with said sewer shall first apply to the CIty Council for permission so to do and such permis- sion shall be granted upon condition that such property owner pay to the applicant herein, its successors or as- signs, such a part of the total original cost of construction of said sewer as the linear feet of the property to be connected bears to the same, which cost shall not be in excess of that which may be levied upon property in the construction of sewers as pro- vided by Statute. Section 7. That after said sewer has been constructed it shall not be removed or its free use interfered with by the applicant herein, its suc- cessors or assigns. Section 8. As a further considera- tion to this grant, it is understood there are to be no other connections to that part of said sewer extending beyond the city limits to the St. Mary's Orphan Home than the con- nection of said St. Mary's Orphan Home without first securing the ap- proval of the City Council. Section 9. As a further consideration to this grant, it is understood that this sanitary sewer shall be used to carry only sanitary sewage from St. Mary's Orphan Home; that no down spouts shall be connected therewith; that no surface water or drainage of any kind shall be run into said sewer. Section 10. As a further considera- tion to this grant, it is understood that this grant is given at the re- quest of and to accommodate St. Mary's Orphan Home only; and if at any time In the future the sewer in the City shall become overloaded and/or cause damage or inconveni- ence to the inhabitants of the City using said sewer system, the City Council may terminate this grant and cause this sewer to be cut off at the City limits. Section 11. That the right to con- struct and use said sewer shall be subject to the continuous control of the City Council, reserving the right to said City Council to impose re- strictions and conditions upon the use and enjoyment thereof as may be rea- sonably necessary for the protection Of the public interest, including the right to revoke and rescind the grant herein made, if at any time the pub- lic interests of the City of Dubuque should so require. Section 12. That this Ordinance shall be in force and effect ten days from and after Its final passage and adoption by the City Counicl, publi- cation as provided by law, when the cost In connection therewith has been paid by Petitioner, and the grant hereunder shall accrue to St. Mary's Orphan Home when the terms hereof are accepted by petitioner, which ac- ceptance shall be endorsed hereon. Regular Session, March Ist, 1948 59 Passed upon first reading this 23rd day of February, 1948 Passed, adopted and approved this 1st day ofM1948. arch, R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDINANCE N O. 6-48. St. Mary's Orphan Home, having full knowledge and understanding of all the terms and conditions of Ordi- nance No. 6-48 hereby accepts the same as passed and agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions thereof. Executed this 3rd day of March. 1948. ST. MARY'S ORPHAN HOME. By R. P. DUGGAN, Secretary. C. J. KLEiNSCHMIDT, Treasurer. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 8th day of March, 1948. J. J. SHEA, 1 ti. 3-8 City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul- man, Wharton. Nays—None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of January, 1948, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council - Councilman Thompson moved men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul- the •adoption of the ordinance. Sec- man, Wharton. onded by Councilman Wharton. Nays—None. Carried by the following vote: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- Dubuque, Iowa men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deui- Gentlemen: man, Wharton. In re: Petition of Mrs. Jennie Nays—None. Haggerty for suspension of tuxes on Lot 254 Davis Farm Addition. From my investigation, I re- commend the petition be approved and that notification of the ap- proval by the City Council be given to the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County, Iowa. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City So- licitor Kintzinger be approved and the Board of Supervisors to be notified of the action taken by the City Council. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. February 27, 1948. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Mrs. F. J. Feller, it appears that on December 10, 1947, while Ordinance No. 7-48 An Ordinance vacating the alley between Lot 1 of 35 of Stewarts Sub. to the west, and Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lots 24, 25; and Lots 26 and 27 of Stewarts Sub. to the east and extending from York Street northerly to the isouth boundary of Lot 24 of Mineral Lot 149 in the City of Dubuque, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul- man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by -the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due] - man, Wharton. Nays—None. 6o Regular Session, March i st, 1948 traveling on a sidewalk on the easterly side of Grandview Avenue she slipped and fell on some dan- gerous ice and snow and broke her arm causing her to be con- fined to the hospital and receive surgical and medical treatment. This condition was a dangerous condition. That the actual amount of her bills as claimed are $77.00, but she asked for $100.00 damages. She sustained severe injury and was off of work for a considerable length of time. She has agreed to accept $75.00 in full payment of her claim. I recommend that the claimbe allowed in the amount of $75.00, and that a warrant be issued paya- ble to her for $75.00, and delivered to her upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Councilman Moffatt moved that the recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $75.00 in favor of Mrs. F. J. Feller, as settlement in full of her claim, and that .said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Du- buque of a properly executed re- lease. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None, March 1, 1948. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to the claim of Mrs. Frank Buol for $50.00 because of damages sustained by her in a fall on a dangerous icy crossing on or about January 21, 1948. Upon investigation I learn that her act. ual expenses amounted to $12.57 and that the crossing was as she claims. I recommend that her claim be allowed in the amount of $12.87 and that a warrant be issued paya- ble to her order for that amount and delivered to her upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed by her. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, City Solicitor. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $12.87 in favor of Mrs. Frank Buol, as settlement in full of her claim, and that .said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Du- buque of a properly executed re- lease. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. March 1, 1948. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have ap- proved the following bond and policy and desire to have your approval on same for filing: EXCAVATION H. B. McCarten, 473 Eighth Avenue, Maryland Casualty Co. TAXI -CAB City Cab Company, 3rd & Main Streets, Bond No, 14 P 102635, American Casualty Co. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the bonds be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. March 1, 1948. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At -the meeting of February 23rd the petition of Holy Trinity Church, Inc. regarding the vacation of the alley between Rhomberg and Gar- field Avenues from Whittier Street 300 feet southerly and requesting permission to construct curbing Regular Session, March ist, 1948 61 about the playground area was re- ferred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the site decided to grant permission to construct curbing as requested providing it be done under city supervision and laid to established grades. It was further decided that the use of the alley be granted to Holy Trinity Church, Inc. as long as the property continues to be used for playground purposes. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. March 1, 1948. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of February 23rd the communication of Ivan Feltes regarding the drainage of Balks Street was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the premises decided to order a plat and ,schedule prepared for improv- ing Balke Street with curb and gutter from Lawther Street to Groveland Place. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. March 1, 1948. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of February 23rd ;he verbal request of A. J. Schiltz, Westview Street, for the installa- tion of a street light at the north end of Queen Street was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having visited the site decided to order the removal of ,the box elder trees on Queen Street which obscure the light at the intersection of Queen Street and Windsor Avenue. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. March 1, 1948. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of February 23rd the communication of -the Board of Dock Commissioners concerning an easement for the electric trans. mission line of the Interstate Power Co. was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the premises decided to grant the easement. I recommend that the decision of the Council be con- firmed and that proper proceedings be prepared authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the ease- ment. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man. Wharton. Nays—None. March 1, 1948. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of February 23rd 62 Regular Session, March 1st, 1948 the communication of the Planning and Zoning Commission revising Its recommendation of November 1, 1947 in reference to the petition of Fischer Investment Company was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the premises decided to approve the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. I recom- mend that the decision of the Council be confirmed and that the proceedings relating to the matter be acted upon by the Council. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Mana- ger Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 8-48 An Ordinance for the vacation of a part of Fifth Street, all of the alley intersecting Block J and a Portion of Tower Street, all in Booth's Addition to the City nf Dubuque, Iowa, and providing for ,the conveyance thereof to Fischer Investment Company, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the l - lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel. man, Wharton. Nays—None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 19---48 RESOLUTION providing for the sale and award of $60,000 Sewer Bonds and approving and authoriz- ing the agreement of such sale and award. Whereas notice of sale of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) Sewer Bonds of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has heretofore been given in strict compliance with the provisions of Chapter 75 of the Code of Iowa, by publication of notice for two or more successive weeks in a news- paper published and of general circulation in Dubuque County, Iowa; and Whereas all sealed bids have been received and placed on file, after which open bids were called for and received as follows: Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis, Chi- cago, Illinois, Par plus accured in- terest 11/4% interest coupons, and a premium of $2.00; and thereafter such sealed bids were opened, the substance of the best sealed hid being as follows: Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. Chicago Illinois. Par plus accured interest 11/4% interest coupons -and a premium of $45.60. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of .the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as follows: Section 1. That upon being ad- vised in the premises it is hereby determined that the bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc, for the purchase of $60,000 Sewer Bonds, as adver- tised, bearing interest at the rate of one and one-quarter per cent (11/4%) per annum, is the highest and best bid received .and that said bonds be and the same are hereby awarded ;to said Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. Section 2. That .the form of agreement of sale of said bonds to Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. be and the same is hereby approved, and the Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute said agreement for and on behalf of said city, and to affix the corporate seal of said city thereto. Regular Session, March ist, I948 61 Section 3. That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are here- by repealed. Introduced February 23, 1943. Passed and approved March 1st, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk Recorded March 1st, 1948. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 4-48 An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of $60,000 Sewer Bonds and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the isame, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on February 23rd, 1948 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. The Council took UP for consideration and again caused to be read in full Ordinance No. 4-48 entitled "An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of $60.- 000 Sewer Bonds and prividing for the levy of taxes to pay the same" which had been on file with the City Clerk for public inspection since February 23, 1948. Councilman Van Duelman moved that -the rules be suspended re- quiring ordinances to be read in full on three separate days and that said ordinance be now placed on its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. The Ordinance was placed on its final adoption. ORDINANCE NUMBER 4.48 AN ORDINANCE authorizing the is- suance of $60,000 Sewer Bonds and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same. Whereas the City of Dubuque, in the County of Dubuque, State of Iowa, heretofore, pursuant to and in strict compliance with all laws applicable, lawfully provided for constructing sewers in and for said City, the cost whereof is to be paid by said City by the issuance of bonds; and Whereas it is necessary and advis- able that provisions be made for the Issuance at this time of such bonds to the amount of $60,000 to defray the cost of constructing such sewers; and Whereas notice and hearing on the initiation of proceedings for the is- suance of such bonds for the purpose aforesaid has heretofore been given in manner and form required by Sec- tion 23.12 of the Code of Iowa and no petition nor protest has been filed; Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, as follows: Section 1. That pursuant to and as permitted by Section 396.22 of the Code of Iowa there shall be and there is hereby authorized to be issued the negotiable Sewer Bonds of said City of Dubuque In the principal amount of $60,000, said bonds to be sixty in number, numbered consecutively 1 to 60, inclusive, of the denomination of $1,000; that said bonds be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk and the seal of said City af- fixed, and be registered as to issu- ance by the City Treasurer and a certificate of such registration en- dorsed thereon; that interest on said bonds be evidenced by coupons there- to attached and maturing on the sev- erai days when such interest matures, which coupons shall be executed with the facsimile signatures of said offi- cials, and said Mayor and City Clerk, by the execution of said bonds, shall adopt as and for their proper signa- tures their respective facsimile signa- tures appearing on said coupons, and that both principal and interest be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the City Treasurer in and of the City of DubuqueIowa. That said bonds shall i mature n numerical order $10,000 on November 1, 1949, and $25,000 on No- vember 1 of each of the years 1950 and 1951, shall be dated February 1, 1948, and shall bear interest at the rate of one and one-quarter per cent (11/4%) per annum from the date of said bonds until paid, payable Novem- ber 1, 1948, and semi-annually there- after on the first days of May and November in each year. Section 2. That each of said bonds shall be subject to registration as to principal in the name of the holder on the books of the City Treasurer, such registration being noted upon each bond so registered, and after such registration payment of the principal thereof shall be made only to so the registered ,reldbondser. Any upon the request in writing of such holder, personally or tby arans- ferredorneeifact, es designated eithr to a ted trans- feree or to bearer, and the principal of any bonda so transferred and reg- istered to bearer shall thereupon be and become payable to bearer in like manner as if such bond had never been registered. Registration of any 64 Regular Session, March ist, 1948 bonds re- strain a thetnegotiabllityal sofllt thecou- pons thereto attached by delivery merely. Section a. That said bonds, cou- pons and provisions for registration be in substantially the following form: (Form of Bond) UNITED TAOF OF AMERICA STATECOUNT F DUBUQUE OFDUBUq E SEWER BOND $1,000 No. KNOW ALI, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT the City of Du- buque, in the County of Dubuque and State of Iowa, for value received, promises to pay to bearer, or if this bonthe dhe r gisteredtered hodersprincipal, hereof, thesum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) on the first day of November, 19—, with interest on said sum from the date hereof until paid at the rate of — per cent num, payable November t 1, 19L48 per nand semi-annually thereafter on the first days of May and November in each year, on pre- sentation and surrender of the inter- est coupons hereto attached as they severally mature. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable In lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the City Treasurer in and of the City of Du- buque, Iowa. This bond is issued by the City Of Dubuque pursuant to and in strict compliance with the provisions of Section 396.22 and Chapter 76 of the Code of Iowa, and all laws amenda- tory thereof and supplementary there- to, and in conformity with an ordi- nance of the City Council of said City duly passed, approved and published for the purpose of constructing sew- ers in and for said City. And it is hereby certified and re- cited that all acts, conditions and things required by the laws and con- stitution of the State of Iowa to ex- ist, to be had, to be done, or to be Performed precedent to and in the Is- sue of this bond, were and have been properly existent, had, done and per- formed in regular and due form and time; that provision has been made for the levy of a sufficient continuing annual tax on all the taxable property within said City for the payment of the Principal and interest of this bond as the same will respectively become due; that the faith, credit, revenues and resources and all the real and Personal property of said City are ir- revocably pledged for the prompt pay- ment hereof, both principal and in- terest; and that the total Indebted- ness of said City, including this bond, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitations. This bond is subject to registration as to principal in the name of the holder on the hooks of the City Trea- surer of said City, such registration to be evidenced by notation of said Treasurer on the hack hereof, and after such registration no transfer hereof, except upon such books and similarly noted hereon, shall be valid unless the last registration shall have been to bearer. Registration hereof shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons hereto attachedwhich shall continue negotiable by delivery merely. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City, by its City Council, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk, with the seal of said City affixed, and the coupons herto attached to be execut- ed with the facsimile signatures of said Mayor and City Clerk, which of- ficials by the execution of this bond do adopt as and for their proper sig- natures their respective facsimile signatures appearing on said coupons, all the first day of February, 1948. Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Attest: Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. (Form of Coupon) No. $ On 1, 19—, the Treasurer of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, will pay to bearer Dol- lars ($ ) at '.he office of the City Treasurer, Dubuque, Iowa, for interest due that day on Its Sewer Bond, dated February 1, 1948, Num- ber Mayor. Attest: City Clerk (Form for Registration of Ownership) Signature Date of Name of Reg- of City Registration istered Owner Treasurer On the back of each bond there shall be endorsed a certificate of the City Treasurer in the following form: State of Iowa ) City Treasur- y s.s er's Certificate County of Dubuque) The issue of this bond has been duly and properly registered in my office as of the first day of February. 1948. Treasurer of the City of Dubuque, Iowa Section 4. That said bonds, as here- in authorized, be executedas herein provided as soon after the adoption of this ordinance as may be, and thereupon they shall be delivered to the Treasurer of said City who shall register the fact of the issuance of same in a book provided for that pur- pose and shall deliver said bonds to the purchaser, as determ-ined by this Council, upon receipt of the purchase price, the same to be not less than the par value of said bonds with ac- crued interest thereon, and all ac- tion heretoforfe taaken in connection with the sale of said bonds is hereby ratified and confirmed in all respects. Section 5. That as required by Section 76.2 of the Code of Iowa and for the purpose of providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds as such interest falls due, and also to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity, there be and there is hereby ordered levied upon all the taxabale property in said City in each of the years while said bonds or any of them are outstanding, a tax sufficient for that purpose, and In furtherance of this provision, but not in limitation thereof, there be and there is hereby levied on all the tax- able property in said City the follow- ing direct annual tax, to -wit: Regular Session, March ist, 1948 65 Year of Levy Amount 1948 $11,313 1949 $25,625 1950 $25,313 Said taxes when collectted shall be converted into a special fund for the payment of principal and interest of the bonds hereby authorized and for no other puruose whatsoever. That the principal or interest com- ing due at any time when there are Insufficient funds on hand to pay the same be promptly paid when due from current funds on hand and reimburse- ment be made to such current funds in the sums thus ad- vanced when the taxes herein provided shall have been collectetd. Section 6. That a certilfled copy of this ordinance be filed with the County Auditor of Dubuque County and that said County Auditor be and he is hereby Instructed in and for each of the years 1948 to 1950, inclu- sive, to enter for collection and assess the tax hereby ordered. Section 7. That all ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Introduced February 23, 1948. Passed and approved March 1st, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Recorded March 1st, 1948. Published March 3rd, 1948. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph -Herald newspaper this 3rd day of March, 1948. J. J. SHEA, 1 ti 3-3 City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be adopted. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. (Adwarding Contract) Resolution No. 20--48 Whereas, proposals have been submitted by contractors for the construction of an eight (8) inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer in York Street from the intersection of York and Curtis Streets to a point 100 feet west of the west property line of South Hill Streel pursuant to Resolution No. 15-4f and M. L. Gaber Construction Co of Galena, Illinois, contractor, ha: submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and maters als and performing the work a; provided for in the plans ani specifications; now therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun. III of the City of Dubuque that the ,on -tract for the above mentioned .mprovement be awarded to M. L. Saber Construction Co. and the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to execute a contract on be- half of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be It Further Resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity become effective from and after its pas- sage and adoption by the City Council. Approved and placed on file for one week on February 23rd, 1948. Passed and adopted this 1st day of March, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 45--48 Whereas, it is necessay to plan a terminal building for the new Municipal Airport; and Whereas, the Civil Aeronautics Administration concurs in the se- lection of Wm. N. Nielsen as archi. tect for such building; Now, There- fore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Mayor and Clerk be, and they are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Wm. N. Niel- sen for the preparation of plans for a terminal administra tion building at the new Municipal Air- port in accordance with the terms of the contract attached hereto and made a part hereof. Approved and placed on file for public inspection for at least one week this 23rd day of February, 1948. 66 Regular Session, March 1st, 1948 Passed, adopted and approved this 1st day of March, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. This Agreement made the six- teenth day of February in the year Nineteen Hundred and Forty-eight by and between City of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa hereinafter called the Owner, and William N. Nielsen, Architect -Engineer, 410 Hubbell Building, Des Moines, Iowa herein- after called the Architect Witnesseth, that Whereas the Owner intends to erect the First Unit of a Terminal -Administration Building at -the Municipal Airport, Dubuque, Iowa Now, Therefore, the Owner and the Architect, for the consideration hereinafter named, agree as fol- lows: The Architect agrees to perform, for the above-named work, profes- sional services as hereinafter set forth. The Owner agrees to pay the Architect for such services a fee of four per cent of -the cost of the work, with other payments and reimbursements as hereinafter pro- vided, the said percentage being hereinafter referred to as the "basic rate." The parties hereto further agree to the following conditions: 1. The Architect's Services.— The Architect's professional servi. ces consist of the necessary con- ferences, the preparation of pre- liminary studies, working draw- ings, specifications, large scale and full size detail drawings; the drafting of forms of proposals and contracts; the issuance of certifi- cates of payment; the keeping of accounts, the general administra- tion of the business and supervi- sion of the work. 2. Reimbursements.—The Owner Is to reimburse the Architect the costs of transportation and living incurred by him and his assistants while traveling in discharge of duties connected with the work, and the cost of the services of heating, ventilating, mechanical and electrical engineers. 3. Separate Contracts.—The basic rate applies to work let under a single contract. For any portions of the work let under separate con- tracts, on account of extra. service thereby required, the rate shall be four per cent greater, and if sub- stantially all the work is so let the higher rate shall apply to the entire work; but there shall be no increase on any contracts in con- nection with which the Owner re- imburses the Engineers' fees to the Architect, or for articles not designed by the Architect but pur. chased under his direction. 4. Extra Services and Special Cases.—If the Architect is caused extra draughting or other expense due to changes ordered by the Owner, or due to the delinquency or insolvency of the Owner or Con- tractor, or as a result of damage by fire, he ,shall be equitably paid for such extra expense and the service involved. Work let on any cost-plus basis shall be .the subject of a special charge in accord with the special service required. If any work designed or specified by the Architect is abandoned or suspended the Archietet is to be paid for the service rendered on account of it. 5. Payments.—Payments to the Architect on account of his fee shall be made as follows, subject to the provisions of Art. 4: Upon completion of the prelimi- nary studies, a sum equal to 20% of the basic rate computed upon a reasonable estimated cost. Upon completion of specifica- tions and general working draw- ings (exclusive of details) a sum sufficient to increase payments on the fee .to 75% of the rate or rates of commission arising from this agreement, computed upon a reasonable cost estimated on such completed specifications and draw- Regular Session, March 1st, 1948 67 ings, or if bids have been received, then computed upon .the lowest bona fide bid or bids. From time to time during the execution of work and in propor- tion to the amount of service ren- dered by the Architect, payments shall be made until the aggregate of all payments made on account of the fee under this Article, but not including any covered by the provisions of Article 4, shall be a sum equal to the rate or rates of commission arising from this agreement, computed upon the final cost of the work. Payments to the Architect, other than those of his fee, fall due from time to time as his work is done or as costs are incurred. No deductions shall be made from the Architect's fee on ac- count of penalty, liquidated dam- ages, or other sums withheld from payments -to contractors. 6. Survey, Borings and Tests.— The Owner shall, so far as the work under this agreement may require, furnish the Architect with the following information: A complete and accurate survey of the building site, giving the grades and lines of streets, pavements, and adjoining properties; the rights, restrictions, easements, boundaries, and contours of the building site, and full information as to sewer, water, gas and electri- cal service. The Owner is to pay for borings or test pits and for chemical, mechanical, or other tests when required. 7. Supervision of the Work. -- The Architect will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of contractors, but he does not guar- antee the performance of their contracts. The supervision of an Architect is to be distinguished from the continuous personal super- intendence to be obtained by the employment of a clerk -of -the -works. When authorized by the Owner, a clerk -of -the -works acceptable to both Owner and Architect shall be engaged by the Architect at a sal- ary satisfactory to the Owner and paid by the Owner, upon presenta- tion of the Architect's monthly statements. 8. Preliminary Estimates.—When requested to do so the Architect will furnish preliminary estimates on the cost of the work, but he does not guarantee the accuracy of such estimates. 9. Definition of the cost of the Work.—The cost of the work, as herein referred to, means the cost to the Owner, but such cost shall not include .any architect's or en- gineer's fees or reimbursements or the cost of a clerk -of -the -works. When labor or material is fur- nished by the Owner below its market cost the cost of the work shall be computed upon such mar- ket cost. 10. Ownership of Documents.— Drawings .and specifications as in- struments of service are the prop- erty of the Architect whether the work for which they are made be executed or not. 11. Successors and Assignments. —The Owner and the Architect, each binds himself, his partners, successors, executors, administra- tors, and assigns to the other party to this agreement, and to the part- ners, successors, executors, admin- istrators and assigns of such other party in respect of all covenants of this agreement. Except as above, neither the Owner nor the Architect shall as- sign, sublet or transfer his inter- est in this agreement without the written consent of the other. 12 Arbitration.—All questions in dispute under this agreement shall be submitted to arbitration at the choice of either party. 13. Delete Art. 2. "Reimburse- ments." 14. Delete Paragraphs 4 and 5 under Art. 5. "Payments" and change 75% in the third line of Paragraph 3 to 100%. 15. Change Art. 7 "Supervision of the Work" to read as follows: The Architect will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of Contractors but does not guarantee the performance of their contracts. When authorized by the Owner, the Architect shall make inspections at the job site. For such work the Owner is to reimburse the Archi- tect the cost of transportation and living incurred by him plus an ad- ditional sum of $25.00 per day. The Owner and the Architect hereby agree to the full perform- 68 Regular Session, March ist, 1948 ante of the covenants contained herein. In Witness Whereof they have executed this agreement, the day and year first above written. WILLIAM N. NIELSEN GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Resolution No. 46-48 Whereas, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the following applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Sylvester Weiner and Dolores Weiner, 201 East 22nd Street. Mrs. Anna Heiar, 1900 Washing- ton Street. Roy A. Wright and Esther Wright, 2600 Jackson Street. Mrs. Myrtle A. Chapman, 53 West 12th Street. Erwin M. Grab and Helen Grab, 1575 Central Avenue. Mrs. Marie Clancy, 177 Main Street. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, 880 Locust Street. CLASS "C" PERMIT Paul C. Wright, 2987 Jackson Street. Ernest W. Pfalzgraf, 1300 Cen- tral Avenue. Passed, adopted and approved this 1st day of March, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None. Resolution No. 47--48 Whereas, heretofore applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc. cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di• rected to issue the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Sylvester Weiner and Dolores Weiner, 201 East 22nd Street. Mrs. Anna Heiar, 1900 Washing. ton Street. Roy A. Wright and Esther Wright, 2600 Jackson Street. Mrs. Myrtle A. Chapman, 53 West 12th Street. Erwin M. Grab and Helen Grab, 1575 Central Avenue. Mrs. Marie Clancy, 177 Main Street. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, 880 Locust Street. CLASS "C" PERMIT Paul C. Wright, 2987 Jackson Street. Ernest W. Pfalzgraf, 1300 Cen- tral Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and •the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 1st day of March, 1948. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilman Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel - man, Wharton. Nays—None.