1849 October Council ProceedingsSeptember 11, 1849 subject of interest on city scrip October 8, 1849 Lewis, Shields, Gunn, Norman, Goodrich, Hardie, Powers M Flynn work B F Davis bury a man who died of cholera C C Hewitt salary marshal and market master H Estes salary city recorder October 8, 1849 J W Markle salary city treasurer F McCraney services as city night watch memorial to Congress town lots not yet entered and island laying between the city and the main slough October 29, 1849 Lewis, Shields, Gunn, Norman, Goodrich, Hardie, Powers settle with the treasurer October 1, 1849 cancelled and destroyed Mrs. Mulqueny bed and bedding case of cholera Dr. Boone and Dr. Holt Board of Health condition of road up Lorimer Hollow