1850 May Council ProceedingsMay 13, 1850
Emerson, Bush, Randall, Decker, Langworthy, Rogers, Gildea
procure money enter Island in front of the city report accepted
Bluff St. report
Posts for steamboat landing examine 4th St. near landing
road up Lorimer Hollow completed repairs
May 13, 1850
Emerson, Bush, Randall, Decker, Langworthy, Rogers, Gildea
S Hefte work on Lorimer Hollow road
P Connel
N Wagner
L Conzett
M Bradley M Blakly
A Fogler
A P Wood
examine road repaired as far as the southern boundary of the corporation
improve it beyond the limits of the city
Marshal market house be cleaned
May 13, 1850
rent the stalls at auction market house
An Ordinance regulating the Ferry adopted certain rates of ferriage
May 27, 1850
Emerson, Bush, Randall, Decker, Langworthy, Rogers, Gildea
Survey and make out a street from 8th St. near the Powder House to the western termination of 5th st.
M Eggleston bill nursing a man who died of cholera at his house
May 27, 1850
S Hefle small pox
F Wager F Roger oaths of office
V Hanss V Hanf printing financial affairs of city
P O'Shea cleaning Main St.
J O'Conner cleaning alleys
Gildea measurer and inspector of wood and lumber
City attorney and committee of two revise the ordinances of the city
An Ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled An ordinance to license and regulate pedlars