1852 Februrary Council ProceedingsFebruary 2, 1852
Lorimier, Farley, Ogilby, Booth, Wood, Molony, Bush
Emerson and Shields interest scrip
R Waller
Ordinances adopted
Ordinance to appoint and regulate a city police 18
Ordinance to regulate the city market 12
Ordinance to license and regulate wagons, drays, carts, and sleds23
Ordinance to prevent racing and indecent exhibition of horses 10
Ordinance regulating the licensing of billiard tables and ten-pin and ball-alleys 8
Ordinance to prevent obstructions on public landing and sloughs 11
Ordinance to license merchants, shopkeepers, and druggists 15
Ordinance regulating tax on dogs 9
February 2, 1852
Ordinance license livery stables 11
Ordinance licensing shows, theatres, and other exhibitions 22
Ordinance prevent the violation of the public peace 17
B M Samuels salary attorney
Henry Hrohl digging graves
Petition F Weis taking rocks from quarry road leading up Lorimer Hollow
Marshal prevent taking rocks from stone quarry
February 16, 1852
Lorimier, Farley, Ogilby, Booth, Wood, Molony, Bush
D Wilson assessment James Vaughn
Ordinances adopted
Ordinance 23 protecting sidewalks of the city
Ordinance 14 powers and duties of Marshal
Ordinance 18 prevent obstruction of streets and alleys
Ordinance 18 cleaning sidewalks Main St.
Ordinance 17 storage and safe keeping of powder
Ordinance 19 prevent nuisances and provide for Sanitary Committee
Ordinance 22 prevent swine from running at large
D M Morrison