1852 August Council ProceedingsAugust 2, 1852 Abel Hawley harbor improvement fund Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry south end bids raising streets public landing furnishing paving rock public notices for bids August 2, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry M Geary's Landing bill Anthony Jordan purchase target rod Parsons, agent of Abel Hawley, boat ceased to work last fall Ordinance providing for a loan for public improvements Sufficient amount of scrip be issued interest on bond to Timothy Davis Communication Hon George W Jones thanks interest city affairs grade of Main St and 15th St. reconcile a misunderstanding excavation now in progress Application License Averills Panorama of the World's Fair Overland Route to California August 2, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Bush City Road Supervisor south end of Locust St. repairs Lorimer Hollow Road E C Peck clerk election Joseph Sebring deputy Marshall Burns and Cahills cleaning Shadwicks cellar Edmund Mattox care of Wm Pitt while sick County Judge August 9, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry committee on loan South end streets several sealed bids bids to raise streets high water A E Skinner Patrick R Noon M Gowan and Clarke Blake and Brennan Patrick Sherman Flanagan, Ahern O'Hern, Flynn and Co. contract for minimum bid not to entertain any bid above the third lowest Public Landing progress of the work Target rod grade at the confluence of Main st. and 15th St. J C Jennings survey of that locality August 9, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry wharf master bids delivery of paving rock Public Landing G Blocklinger Miller and Emmerson contract by the perch or cord Preservation of trees in the public square Construct two temporary bridges over the culvert 14th St. remove impediment of water Resolution of Council June 20, 1851 bids for improvement works 14th St. sewer Bluff St. improvement streets north of 10th st. and west of Iowa st. sewer from McDaniels Hollow cross streets between Main St. and Iowa St. south of 11th St. draft drawn on Public Landing fund wharf master B H Wilmott night watch Wm S Gilliam clerk of election August 9, 1852 Abraham P Bunting Simon Tranor Main St. F M Crany reimburse Harbor Fund Wilging and Hartman 13 coffins A L Brown city surveying August 12, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Davis and Walworth license to sell Land Warrants license and regulate loan and brokers offices paving rock on the public landing written agreement Miller and Emmerson 50 cords of limestone August 12, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry streets south end of town contract with Flannagan, Ahern, Flynn and Co. filling up all streets and alleys subject to inundation south of 2nd St. to a level of 18 inches above high water mark 14th St. 8th St. repair sewer Bluff St. liable to water damage convey pavement gutters on each side dredging SteamBoat channel August 16, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry South end streets Public landing wharf immediate docking excavation confluence of Main St. and 15th St. temporary bridge 14th St. repair the sewer on 8th St. Bluff St. cross streets engineer committees could not proceed with the business of the city without an engineer J C Jennings City Engineer August 16, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry 14th St. sewer receive proposals Charles Corkery behalf of citizens living in public square sink a well outside the square on Bluff St. temporary loan progress of work on the public landing L H Langworthy give 10 acres of land for hospital in exchange for land north on the hill for graveyard yard on public landing to build boats August 16, 1852 Mathew McNair market master J T Everett surveying Jacob Christman judge of election F McCraney public landing W H Merritt printing and publishing Farley and Christman hospital J P Farley and Co. August 23, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry public landing advertized for proposals and bids Nortons sandpit at the corner of Main St. and 15th St. Target Rod not arrived from St. Louis Mr Marsh consented to loan one from Anamosa 8th St. sewer August 23, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry bids Bluff St. temporary loan work on public landing Cook, Sargent, and Co. loan L H Langworthy exchange vacant graveyard doubted the authority of city council to exchange land Boat Yard foot of Dodge St. be set apart as a boatyard for 5 years McNamara city had no power to encumber the public thoroughfares for the accomodation of individuals August 23, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry bill of Wilging and Hartman making coffins Alfred L Brown surveying and engineering streets bids for work on Bluff St, 14th St. sewer, docking of the public landing Bluff St. Work H Treanor and S Treanor A E Skinner Patrick Noon G Blocklinger Robillard and Boland Patrick Sherman John Hoins H V Gildea P Fanning P C Morhiser 14th St. Sewer Hugh Treanor Blake and Brennan Patrick Noon G Blocklinger Nazle and Co. Docking wharf Hooper and Erdman J A Emmerson Nagle and Duffy August 23, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Jesse Jarrett city engineer County Treasurer deliquent county taxes on the islands, vacant lands, be sold in default of payment County judge refused to remit taxes Ordinance on punishment of crimes and misdemeanors designate the grade at the confluence of 7th St. and White St. Treasurer books taxes paid Committee devise an economical plan for the general cleanliness of the city duties of market master street commissioner on Scavenger Warden of Hospital pay off James Jones August 23, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry repair Main St. 1st St. 2nd St. Smith and McKinley legal advice Harbor Contract James Jones Warden of Hospital Thomas Johnson repairs on bridge Gildea and Wilson coffins Mathew McNair 16 barrels of lime J M McDonald judge election F M Craney public landing John Smiths lime A L Brown engineering Emerson and Shield August 30, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry 8th St. sewer completed public landing bids for docking Ira A Emmerson successful bidder P C Morhiser lowest bidder for Bluff St. 14th St. sewer Godfrey Blocklinger lowest bidder contractors for respective works Judge Lovell remitting tax on vacant lands and islands refused August 30, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry suit city and Edward Langworthy assessing property against the city in District Court appeal to the Supreme Court Ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled an ordinance to prevent the violation of the public peace Grade confluence 7th St. and White St. settle with and pay off James Jones warden of hospital repairs of Main St. between 1st St. and 2nd St. August 30, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry economical plan general cleanliness and repair of streets Office of wharf master, market master, and street commissioner be united in one person have power to repair breaches in bridges on streets and remove nuisances Dredge Boat in the slough Adams location for a Boat Yard Morgan Curran, Edward Fitzpatrick sink a well curb stone Clay St. 5th St. 6th St. Harbor Bonds Harbor Improvement Fund J P Farley Telegraph from Honorable George W Jones Congress passed the River and Harbor Bill, grant of $15,000 for Dubuque and $100,000 for the Rapids August 30, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Mathew McNair discharged market master Fernando McCraney Wilging and Hartman coffins Bills P Noon repairs John Kries judge Owen Smith judge John Hartsock clerk Mrs. Finn Owen Smith watchman B H Wilmott Charles Corkery telegraphic dispatch F McCraney hire of men on wharf