1853 June Council ProceedingsJune 6, 1853
Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde
Petition John D Bush fill up lots at the lower end, water from lot
Damage of property of Andrew Cosgrove and George Bennett be paid
The difference on American Gold
Assessor assess all property in the new limits
Petition of Waples and Warnoly referred to Judiciary committee
Petition of F Mangold
Communication of Joshua Barney
Resolved by the City Council that it is the desire and intention of the city authorities
to cooperate with Captain Barney in the work on the Harbor
present contract with Abel Hawley
June 6, 1853
Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde
Resolved operations of work of said boat may not conflict with the government plan of improvement if possible to avoid it
Committee assist the engineer in recommending the establishment of the grades and adopting a profile
Examine the water course coming down Bluff St. and Dodge St.
Mayor authorized to subscribe to the Southern Wisconsin Rail Road $100,000
Janesville meetings of SWRRC, committee attend meeting
Cast their votes for the city, J P Farley, Honorable Lincoln Clark, E Langworthy, F V Goodrich, or M Mobley
Election of $20,000 loan held in 2 weeks
P C Morhiser Bluff St.
C Collins public landing
June 6, 1853
Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde
P O'Hafre Dirty Hollow
James Condron
James Campfield Bluff St.
Patrick O'Shea
John Queely
June 13, 1853
Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde
Work on 14th St. completed, payment to the contractors
10th St and 11th St. work continued
Lorimer Hollow Road recommended payment to contractors
Water Course running down Bluff St. and Dodge St.
Votes for and against the loan for $100,000 Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road
June 13, 1853
Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde
Notice given in the city papers of loan vote
Resolved that it is not the intention of the Council to appropriate any of the $20,000 loan to the improvement of the harbor
Election of night watchman, George Starr elected
Marshall purchase 100 barrels of lime
Michael Engreight Dirty Hollow
M Mahen
P Byrne home for elections
John Russau
R McCraney watchman
P C Morhiser embankment on 4th St.
June 20, 1853
Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde
Madden Hollow surveyed
establish grade on Dodge St.
A L Brown elected engineer for the city
Marshal remove all rafts at the lower end
Petition of Blocklinger and others establishing grade on Clay St.
Examine condition of alley west of 14th St.
Petition of Cooper and others proposing repeal of the Hog Law
$20,000 loan, 111 for the loan, 55 against the loan
Committee to meet the delegate of the Southern Wisconsin Rail Road at Janesville
June 20, 1853
Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde
Subcribed the $100,000 stock to the rail road for the City of Dubuque
A Jordan and Co 2nd St.
Fanning and Kavanaugh work on levee
P C Morhiser Bluff St.
Abel Hawley work on Harbor
C Collins work on landing
W H Merritt committee on claims
June 27, 1853
Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde
Alley west of 14th St.
no damage to property holders
11th St. committee recommended that a curbstone and gutter be set down from Bluff St. to Jackson St.
Dodge St. and Bluff st. invite proposals for doing the work
Continuation of the road near J E Miller property
Hill St. road could be made passable
June 27, 1853
Committee to propose an Ordinance and make such other arrangements to secure the $20,000 loan
Mashall prevent the drays from congregating at one place on Main St.
June 30, 1853
Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde
Secure loan of $20,000
Ordinance adopted and ordered to be published
Ordinance prohibiting the firing of crackers and fire arms was suspended on July 4, 1853
Bush application to grade Bluff St. and Jones St.
June 30, 1853
Marshall instructed to cause to be opened the County road running to Eagle Point
William H Robbins - Recorder
July 5, 1853
Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde
Report on Bluff St. and Jones St. and grading the streets
Some repairs on Mineral St. and Bluff St.
Bids for work on Dodge St. and Bluff St. and Hill St.
Power to advertise for proposals
Committee on Bee Branch near the residence of Miller
Committee assist the engineer in establishing the grade of 5th St.