1853 November Council ProceedingsNovember 10, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Levee work completed Chimney Ordinance Pat O'Hare filling examine the condition of Dodge St. on 11th. Petition of Parkin Wells grade west end of 5th St. build a bridge on Pine St. and Lorimer Hollow Road Mayor address a note to the Bishop, let the city redeem the school house Bills Fred Messman McDermont Michael McGovern Patt White Silas Sebring watchman William Gilliam 14th St. November 10, 1853 Bills William Safurich chairman Thomas Loomas Martin O'Rourke Henry Sidell watchman Arthur McCann cemetery G Blocklinger bridge November 12, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Employ attorneys in case of City of Dubuque vs. Molony. Platt Smith and Thomas S. Wilson Orders be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Smith and Wilson November 21, 1853 Levee work completed according to contract Balance due the contractors November 21, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Wards of the city of Dubuque divided into 5 wards First Ward - city west of Main St. and south of 5th St. Second Ward - city east of Main St. and south of 8th St. Third Ward - east of Main St. lying between 8th St. and 17th St. Fourth Ward - west of Main St. and between 5th St. and 17th St and Mineral St. Fifth Ward - north of 17th St. and Mineral St. E Langworthy to redeem school house and lot in 3rd Ward John G Shields and F S Jessup P O'Hare Petition of Graham and Langworthy extend 5th St. as surveyed by A L Brown land of Thomas Nairn Old Country Road meet the line of the corporation declared a public highway November 21, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Petition from James M Marsh funds to the improvement of Eagle Point Avenue Petition from C Collins and others remit the fine on Flinn for disturbing the peace Flynn, McCrany, and McGovern Petitions of John Simplot and others open a street from Hill St. to the new Lorimer Hollow Road Petition of G Wilging and Co. mining privilege on the Lorimer Hollow Road Petition of R O C Andreesen clearing the street from 14th to 16th St. Petition from the Merchants and Banks make suitable crossing on Main St. from 1st St. to 8th St. Parsons work with Dredge Boat Memorial to the Post Master General November 21, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Post Office Bills William Johnson Lorimer Hollow Road Loafinch axman A Hawley Harbor A Jordan and Co. levee work G Blocklinger Madden Hollow November 28, 1853 Levee mistake in measurement labor of contractors Madden Hollow finished contract first division with Condran Condron Eagle Point Avenue repair bridges and avenues grade 18th St. and Clay St. November 28, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Letter to the Bishop, Brother David First Ward School House Continue procuring the deed Hon George W Jones communication Thanks of the City A C Dodge Charles Gregoire ferry privilege 15 years New Ferry Boat equal to the Utah Petition of the Pacific Rail Road Company Island below Waples Cut 10 acres more or less for a depot Petition of Timothy Hines open and repair the street from Makingues? to Whiskey Hill right of way November 28, 1853 Professor Gibbs occupy the Hall first lecture Marshall to sell all the lots that have been filled up Bills P C Morhiser Lot No. 536 James L Langworthy lumber Henry Sidell watchman Silas Sebring James Condron Madden Hollow December 5, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Petition of Simplot and others Petition of Gregoire extend ferry privilege Island south side of Waples Cut Pacific Rail Road Company