1854 September Council ProceedingsSeptember 4, 1854
Farley, Quigley, King, Connel, Pelan, Heeb, Langworthy, Ham, Bush, Bissell
Quigley mayor pro tempore
Main St, 14th St. Sewer, Lorimer Hollow Road, Harbor and Market Square
jury damages to property through which proposed street between North Main and Broadway
Madden Hollow Road between Main St. and Malady's
Market Ordinance suspended, old city limits
Petition property holders Main St. asking for paving
1st St. to 3rd St.
Petition Timothy Fanning and others asking for a causeway or place flat boats on the slough between 4th St. and 5th St.
Crossing to and from the ferry boats and steam boats
September 4, 1854
Farley, Quigley, King, Connel, Pelan, Heeb, Langworthy, Ham, Bush, Bissell
Petition from T S Nairn, E Langworthy, J M Marsh, and S T Bradstreet
Street between 3rd and 8th
dividing the lands and relinquishing right of way
Petition William Blsake and others Mineral St. opened\
Blake's Old Cabin and the road on the ridge
Petition J J E Norman, S G Fennimore, S M Langworthy, J W Finley
Madden Hollow Road to 8th St.
Petition from Henry Sidle erecting and keeping an eating house on the Depot Island
Assistant city engineer
Alderman Heeb resignation
Charles Rose appointed
Alderman Bush removed from the 2nd Ward
September 4, 1854
Farley, Quigley, King, Connel, Pelan, Rose, Langworthy, Ham, Reid, Bissell
James A Reid 2nd Ward
Silas Sebring resignation
Charles Elsaser watchman
John Blake 14th St. Sewer
John Flynn Levee
Hiram Willey market house
O F Davis cemetery map and surveying
R Spaulding stationary
Henry Sidle night watch
J A Bartlett Bee Branch Road
Patrick O Nielly Main St.
Lawrence Leidy
Michael Liedy
Thomas Donahoe
Patrick Lang
Christian Leitiger
Michael Lamb
Patrick Mahon
Michael Nealy
Martin Flanagen and Brothers
September 11, 1854
Farley, Quigley, King, Connel, Pelan, Rose, Langworthy, Ham, Reid, Bissell
Contractor Lorimer Hollow Road settlement
Resolved special committee to examine the work on Lorimer Hollow Road
Contract with William Johnson
character of the work and conflicts between profile, estimate, and work done
Street Commissioner, City Engineer, James M Marsh
Losing money on contract with Main St. work
prices of work increased
Fanning and Condron
September 11, 1854
Farley, Quigley, King, Connel, Pelan, Rose, Langworthy, Ham, Reid, Bissell
Resolved that F E Bissell is appointed an agent to proceed to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to settle all matters of contract of breach with Abel Hawley
Committee on grade
Petition S M Langworthy and others to open and extend 3rd St. in a straight line
through the land of Finley and Welch, to intersect with 8th St.
Jury to assess damages
Wharfage ordinances suspended
Charles Rose declined office of alderman, Thomas McCraney appointed 5th Ward
George Cannon bill for taxes on lots sold by Collector
William Johnson Bluff St. and 8th St.
Patrick O'Hern hauling
H Willey market house contract
Fanning and Condron Main St.
G Blocklinger
P C Morhiser Marshal
P W Crawford Recorder
September 18, 1854
Farley, Quigley, King, Connel, Pelan, McCraney, Langworthy, Ham, Reid, Bissell
Report on Lorimer Hollow Road contract and work
Estimates of work done
Rock Wall
grade of road according to the profile of Jesse T Jarrett
Wall of sewers
Worksmanship not according to contract
Not enough mortar used
rock much larger than specified in the contract
Filling on 8th St. between Bluff and Iowa
Locust on south side of 8th and north side of 9th
excavation, macadamizing, paving
September 18, 1854
Farley, Quigley, King, Connel, Pelan, McCraney, Langworthy, Ham, Reid, Bissell
Report on Lorimer Hollow Road work and contract
Excavation for sewers
James M Marsh, Frederic Gelpcke, G Blocklinger
H L Stout
Extension of 3rd St. assessed damages Finley, Welch
verdict of jury was set aside as excessive
Extension of North Main St. assessed damages Schaffner, Smith, Zumhof, Ragaby
Alley between the Plank Road and Broadway
Opening of a street from 3rd St. to 8th St. assessed damages Frederick Wise
F E Bissell appointed City Attorney
Edward Burke breach of market ordinance
September 18, 1854
Farley, Quigley, King, Connel, Pelan, McCraney, Langworthy, Ham, Reid, Bissell
A Petition was received signed by S M Langworthy, improve 8th St.
Order vacating Old County Road where it runs parallel or near to said 8th St.
Improvement of Madden Hollow Road
Resolution, whereas the want of a steamboat landing has been experienced for many years by the City of Dubuque
Early completion of the Illinois Central Rail Road makes it probable that Dubuque, if she be true to herself, may be benefited by being the terminus of said.
Be it Resolved by the City Council that the Mayor be authorized and directed to issue a proclamation submitting to a vote of the People,
the question whether they be in favor of giving the Mayor and Council authority to issue the bonds of the City to the amount of $50,000, $40,000 of the money to be appropriated to the construction of a causeway to the river and a landing at the most eligible point,
and the balance to be appropriated in such manner as the interests of the city may require.
September 20, 1854
Farley, Quigley, King, Connel, Pelan, McCraney, Langworthy, Ham, Reid, Bissell
Amendment to the resolution
As near the Waples Cut as shall be found practicable
Bissell decline the office of City Attorney
Filling by William Johnson on 8th, Locust, and 9th St. fixed at 15 cents per yard
Lorimer Hollow Road
September 23, 1854
Farley, Quigley, King, Connel, Pelan, McCraney, Langworthy, Ham, Reid, Bissell
Lorimer Hollow Road report
Additional sum of $803.40 for rock excavation on an estimate made by James Galloway
balance still due the contractor
Deficiency in quantity of the macadamizing and quality of rock wall
Final Settlement with William Johnson
September 25, 1854
Farley, Quigley, King, Connel, Pelan, McCraney, Langworthy, Ham, Reid, Bissell
Bissell reported he had been to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to settle with Abel Hawley in regards to his contract with the City for the improvement of the harbor
Suceeded in effecting a final settlement upon the following terms
Hawley conveys to the city the machinery and all remains of the old Dredge Boat free of any expense, together with the right to use the machinery
and the sum of $1000 in one year with interest
release Abel Hawley from contract
All taxes on the property of Mrs. Gulliford, a blind woman, ordered remitted
Remonstrance from S T Bradstreet against the vacating of the Old County Road
Residence of G W Jones
Silas Sebring watchman
Neglect of duty charge against Charles Elsaser watchman
Fanning and Condron Main St.
F E Bissell trip to Milwaukee