1855 July Council ProceedingsJuly 2, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Petitions D S Wilson appoint Dr. Bengel as City Health Officer Henry Heeb Dr. Mathews making application for the appointment as Health Officer J Resenbaum making application for hay weigher Resignation of G C Knieschbaum J B Henion grade a portion of 11th St. in front of his property in Farley's addition Daniel Brennan damages caused by blasting on Julien Avenue contract with William Johnson J H West citizens of Mosalem township July 2, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel J H West citizens of Mosalem township Road laid out along the bank of the river to the southern limits of the city Petitions W F Thompkins complaining of the practice of hucksters buying up at an early hour in the morning a large proportion of the necessary vegetables for family and hotel use brought to the marketr thereby rendering it impossible for consumers to puchase such articles except at exhorbiant rates Reports of Officers Julien Avenue verdict of Jury venire Marshal summon a jury widening Julien Avenue damages Damages to J M Emerson H A Littleton Pat Collins and Sullivan Cosgrove July 2, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Reports of Officers Julien Avenue verdict of Jury venire Marshal summon a jury widening Julien Avenue damages Damages to Pat Gainer H Bade J Smith Doolittle J B Bougeiors Joseph Bobleton H Shadrich Owen Dunn Geo Bennett Pickett Hollingsworth J M Heidel P A Lorimer street is sufficiently wide, culverts covered or arched, nearly 20 feet addition Petitioners pay for the damges in proportion to the value of their property anyone is benefitted it must be the petitioners G Charles Knieschbaum R Osee Anderson T K Kennedy H W Diltse Samuel Elmer C G Hawthorne Verdict on table as not being according to law Grade of 1st st recommending a change in the same for better draining of the street July 2, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Ordinance regulating grades Grade of 3rd St. west of Bluff St. profile of the proposed grade Harbor improvements of the city, paving for the levees accompanied by the profile of the grade grade of levee Resolution Resolved that the city advertise for bids to pave the levee, Jones Street Harbor Company Provided that said company fill and prepare the 50 ft additional given for levee purposes for paving July 2, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel I N Higbee City Assessor assessment list July 16, 1855 hear appeals of all persons who are not satisfied with the assessment of their property by the assessor Reports of Committees Draft from W J Barney and Co. for the amount of interest due City Bonds in New York forwarded the same and recommended draw order on treasury Committee on Harbor Improvements Lincoln Clark, A McDaniel, John W Finley, C J Cummings, and L H Langworthy Directors of the Harbor Improvement Company memorial sets up a claim not warranted in terms of contract give company all ground south of 8th st July 2, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Directors of the Harbor Improvement Company memorial sets up a claim not warranted in terms of contract give company all ground south of 8th st south side of Barney's Cut between the old canal or inner slough and the Main River contract limits several reservations for which we refer the Council to the said contract include all land south from 8th st Memorialists Empathetically deny and we are utterly at a loss to conceive how any person who would read the contract and examine the map upon which that contract was based could come to the conclusion of the memorialists they must have calculated largely upon the ignorance or stupidity of its members Recommend the passage of the following resolution Resolved that the land to be granted by the City of Dubuque to the Harbor Improvement Company July 2, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Recommend the passage of the following resolution Resolved that the land to be granted by the City of Dubuque to the Harbor Improvement Company includes only that portion of land as lies south of 8th st, as the same is projected to run in a parallel line with 7th st as laid down upon the map referred to in the said contract Communication of Honorable George W Jones placing of additional lamps in different parts of the city present state of the city finances July 2, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Resolution Resolved that the property holders on Locust St. have the priveledge of erecting and using gas lamp posts and gas lights upon bearing the expense of purchasing and fitting up the same Resolved that the name Dirty Hollow be changed to that of Southern Avenue Resolved that the city marshal be instructed to have this hall cleaned of the scenery and stage apparatus Resolved 7th St Harbor Improvement, settle the line of 7th Street from where said street now terminates to the Main Riverj Salary of the Recorder salary of the marshal salary of the Street Commissioner Bills Paid P Kiene P W Crawford G Blocklinger July 2, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Bills Paid Anderson and Pelan for lumber James Potter City Engineer Schumacher and Brothers architects for hospital E O'Laughlin watchman Silas Sebring H White F Sebring Additionalt watchman be employed Elect a Health Officer Nominated Dr. Donn Dr. Mathews Dr. Watson Dr. Bengel Dr. Donn elected Health Officer July 9, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Petitions George W Barnes open road along the south side of the city cemetery D Decker cause Walnut St to be graded R Rittenhouse and J Neely vacate a portion of an alley in the rear of their property on 14th St. C A Mills and others grade of 14th st west of Bluff St S C Boyington contractors for erecting the bridges for the harbor improvement companies July 9, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel S C Boyington contractors for erecting the bridges for the harbor improvement companies planed and painted Communication from Jones Street Harbor Company 50 ft additional levee issue proposals for bids for doing the paving Reports of Officers Finances of the City interest falling due on city bonds City Auditor July 9, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Reports of Officers Levy a special tax as a special interest tax to be collected in cash and set apart as a special fund for the payment of interest cancel city scrip Report of Auditor published Resignation of City Hay Weigher Krieschbaum Report Street Commissioner filled 6th Street between Iowa and White streets gutters only paved to Iowa water is washing away the filling require property holders to set their curb stones and fill sidewalks July 9, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel City Engineer and Street Commissioner proposal to improve Mineral Street profile of cutting and filling necessary E W Nagle and others grade Iowa Street between 2nd and 3rd in a passable condition July 9, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel An Ordinance to prohibit Hucksters from purchasing anything in Market during Market hours for the purpose of selling again Resolution Resolved that the Marshal summon an active and efficient police for the space of 36 hours and longer if necessary 6:00 pm Tuesday July 17, 1855 Resolved that the City appropriate the additional sum of $1000 to aid in the completion of said celebration J Rosenbaum hay weigher salary of City Engineer J P Farley Esq stated that the Director of the Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company July 9, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel J P Farley Esq stated that the Director of the Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company contract for grading the first division of road before issuing the bonds of the city painting the bridges over the sloughs Street Commissioner repair the road leading to the graveyard near Charles Rosenhouse Bills Paid D G Scott auditor J S Blatchley attorney P Kiene sundries F Apprediser attendance at hospital J P Quigley medicine per Health Officer C Nitteraur witness fees W McCullough Anton Gell street commissioner Samuel Henry F Klopper H Tema Peter Liscthell Jno Blake E Lanahan M Flynn July 16, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Petitions Lyman and Stout 4th St. between Main and Locust Street to be filled City Engineer and Street Commissioner paving and macadamizing of Main Street Contractors and completion of the contract July 16, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel City Engineer and Street Commissioner paving and macadamizing of Main Street Contractors and completion of the contract hauling quarry instead of breaking the stones as stipulated James Potter G Blocklinger abrasion of city islands, bank be protected from washing rip-rap work Petition of Rufus Rittenhouse and J Neely Portion of land donated to the City of Dubuque August 1, 1855 for a public alley or highway by the persons named Jno Yates, Ehrhart, and A D Anderson Ordinances passed July 17, 1854 July 16, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel City Auditor Salary Day for the appeals of all persons not satisfied with the assessment of their property Appeals from assessment E Fengler, L H Langworthy, Geo W Scott, J D Bush, Jno King Emerson and Shields, John Miller, F Weigel, M McNamara, Peter Kiene, M Curran, J Geiger, M Ham Resolution Resolved that for the present, no reduction of valuation be allowed on the assessment roll Ordinance confining the operation of the ordinance prohibiting the sale of fresh fish to such times as the Health Officer and Council might deem necessary to prevent the spread of malignant diseases July 16, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel An Ordinance to amend an ordinance licensing shows, theatres, and other exhibitions Resolution Resolved that the city taxes for the present year be fixed at the following rates tax to defray current expenses property road tax special tax to pay interest on city bonds Draft an ordinance to prevent the destruction of advertising bills City Treasurer salary Bills of Pierce and Co for Carriage Hire and of H Krohl for digging graves Suspension of the ordinance requiring payment of wharfage on lumber rafts discontinued Assess the cost of paving the sidewalks in front of the lot of Jno Sullivan on Main St. Bills J W Clark, Market Master July 23, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Petitions J E Eardman removal of shanty on city property Julien Avenue D Decker allow the shanty to remain until fall as the occupant was a poor man, with a sick family James Gillespie and J C Jennings change in location of a portion of Bee Branch Road near John E Miller residence, plat R Bonson grade of Dodge Street established R C Waples recommending Philip Direnbenger as City Sexton July 23, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Resolution Resolved City Sexton removed and Philip Direnberger appointed R C Waples grade Clay Street between 6th and 7th A Yager and citizens of the 5th Ward allow Frederick Kaniger shop for the sale of meat Reports of Officers Health Officer health of the city to be good J Rosenbaum official bond as City Hay Weigher T Fanning and William Young Assess half the cost of paving and macadamizing the block on Main St. between 1st and 2nd Resolution Resolved city levy a tax on the taxable property of the City to purchase ground and to build school houses for the use of the Dubuque City School District July 23, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Committee on Harbor Improvements bids for paving levee Resolution Resolved change grade of Bluff St. between 9th and 10th Streets so as to allow the water a greater fall An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance to provide a Hay and Wood Market in the City of Dubuque and for other purposes An Ordinance relative to street lamps An Ordinance to provide for the protection of the bridges of the sloughs Bills Special Policemen during the Rail Road construction Horris Haas Daniel Street Pat Murphy Franz Nauer Jno White Patrick Conner Daniel Wall July 23, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Bills Special Policemen during the Rail Road construction John Real C Koemer W Brown J H Lyter J Buhlmeier James Howey Dennis Gangham Charles Newman J Bean H W Ditts Jo Swearinger Thomas Stradling and Co book binding Andrew and Treadway 3 police lanterns Work for Street Commissioner Michael Flanagen Martin Flanagen S Helmiller A Helmiller A Langanager Timothy Ryan John Flynn John Carroll Tim Garvey Patrick Lany Jerry Pigel William Coleman A Consadine Andrew Cisel July 30, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Petitions J E Hough open and improve Julien Avenue west of old corporation line and north of the old terminated road Richard Sibboch and other citizens improve Diagonal and Broadway streets in King's Addition R Mitton grade of the streets in Farley's Addition improve Spruce Street Licensed liquor sellers protect them from prosecution of their business July 30, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Petitions E A Lull against lowering of grade of Bluff St between 9th and 11th Resolution Resolved committee grade of Bluff St. George W Jones, Platt Smith, and F E Bissell Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company grant outer island between Barney and Ferry cut for Depot Grounds L H Langworthy and H A Wiltse grant a piece of land on the river north of 7th st. Milwaukee and Mississippi and the Illinois Central Rail Roads July 30, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Petitions H A Wiltse replace Henry Krohl as Sexton William O'Hern alley between Main St. and Locust St. below 1st Raise pay of watchmen Reports of Officers Change in Bee Branch Road J C Jennings and Gillespie grade and improvement of Walnut st July 30, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Walnut Street Grade Julien Avenue to 14th St. More properly speaking an alley property holders shall lay off as much ground on each side of the present lines to make the street 50 ft in width James Potter City Engineer Profile of 14th St. west of Bluff St. Assessment of property on the block of Main St between 1st and 2nd Harbor Improvements renew bids for paving the levee Frederick Kaniger keep a shop for the sale of meat near A Yager Market House July 30, 1855 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Weigel, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Bills James Potter engineer F Apprediser attending hospital J Gantenbein carpenter market house C Rattray stationary Anton Gill street commissioner Samuel Henney Franz Klapper Herman Tema Peter Lischet Joseph Schumacher Frederick Meier John Cruner Lawrence Trischler