1855 September Council ProceedingsSeptember 3, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
H N Diltse abatement of taxes
opening of a street
City Engineer
William J Neely remonstrating against the grade 14th St.
Thomas Yates against petition of M B Cullen and any change in 17th St
Change in Mineral St.
Peter Holtz additional markets in upper parts of town
Booth and Shine fine lumber on the levee may be remitted
Reports of Officers
September 3, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Reports of Officers
Report of Sexton Durrenburger number of persons buried by him
City Cemetery
Report ordered to be published
City Marshall
Detailed statement of all the monies collected by him
April 14, 1855 to September 1, 1855
Justice Report of Fines
W M Crozier amount of fines collected by him
Communication presented from the City Engineer accompanied by a copy of all the grades and roads established by the city
Bridges of the Harbor Improvement Companies design
Bridge of the lower company across the slough on the continuation of Jones Street
amply sufficient to insure the stability of the superstructure
September 3, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Communication presented from the City Engineer accompanied by a copy of all the grades and roads established by the city
Bridges of the Harbor Improvement Companies design
Bridge of the lower company across the slough on the continuation of Jones Street
amply sufficient to insure the stability of the superstructure
Entire line of the Central Rail Road
Strength of these bridges
Double track for wagons and footpaths
Conformable to contract
Contingencies - rafts, ice, and high water
The high water may sweep away the ends from the bridge and thereby render useless the whole improvement for a time
September 3, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Communication presented from the City Engineer accompanied by a copy of all the grades and roads established by the city
Bridges of the Harbor Improvement Companies design
The Seventh Street Bridges
small bridge across the old canal is substantially built
same contractors as the bridge across the main slough on 7th St. and Iowa St.
The piers of this bridge, I reckon less substantial the the lower bridge but the superstructure is infinitely superior both in workmanship and material
lumber yards, rafts
September 3, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Communication presented from the City Engineer accompanied by a copy of all the grades and roads established by the city
Bridges of the Harbor Improvement Companies design
Durability of bridges
Recommend an ordinance to the effect that no vehicle or horse be allowed to pass the same faster than an ordinary walk
James Potter, City Engineer
W J Barney and Co for the payment of judgement
J Trudell
Scott's petition
Filling on 1st St.
Enter into contract with the lowest and best bidder
Election Results
Returns of election held on September 1, 1855
For and against the grant of the north half of the middle island to the DPRRC for depot purposes
130 For Grant
614 Against Grant
September 3, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Resolved Chairman of Committee on Streets excused from serving in view of business in his hands
Destitute of market space and the rapid growth of the city demands 3 market squares
Resolved point out suitable grounds in each ward for markets
Ordinance on the subject of the graveyard
Resolved Marshal ascertain the amount of money in the hands of Justice Gilliam belonging to the city
September 3, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Resolved that the sale of fresh fish in the market be allowed to those who engage in the business
Bills Paid
J Apprediser attendance at hospital
O Rothlander watchman
M Hagerty
S Sebring
J Brown
E O'Laughlin
S S Whitney rent of office
James Potter pay of assistants
September 10, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
R Spaulding and others against the adoption of the grades recommended by the City Engineer for 11th Street, Spruce Street, and Jefferson Street
A W Hackley pay for printing done
Assessment Appeals
Assessment of the property of John King
Ernest Fengler
J E Norman
Reports of Officers
J Rosenbaum Hay Weigher
Weighing of hay on City hay scales from July 10, 1855 to September 8, 1855
September 10, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
City Engineer profiles of the streets from 14th to 19th streets
Paving of Jones Street Levee
Paving contract makes no provisions for ring fastenings or posts on the levee
solid blocks of stone weighing from 2 to 3 tons imbedded in the ground
James Potter City Engineer
Census of children
1st Ward
J Fitzpatrick
2nd Ward
O Rothlander
3rd Ward
Henry Ricketts
4th Ward
Adams Koch
5th Ward
Alonzo McKee
September 10, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Reports of Committees
Whiskey Hill Road
M O'Brien
portion of the Military Road within the corporate limits
public highway
Paving and Macadamizing 7th Street between Clay and Orange Streets
Ordinance to amend Section 6 of the Ordinance on City Cemetery
Ordinance to license merchants, shopkeepers, and druggists
September 10, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
bridges constructed by the Harbor Improvement companies
Fine of Booth and Shine for obstructing the levee with lumber rafts
John Miller cemetery road
Gas Lights Co. gas street lamps and Globe Hall
5th Ward School House
Michael Flanagen work for street commissioner
Martin Flanagen
Patrick Lang
Patrick Consadine
Jerry Pigel
Jim Ryan
John Carroll
Tim Garvey
Jacob Helmiller
Anton Helmiller
Lawrence Helmiller
Frank Klopper
A Langanager
John Flynn
John Cosgrove
William Coleman
Michael McMahan
John Blake Mineral Street Contract
September 24, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
George W Jones, F V Goodrich, andc L Clark
expenses of Rail Road celebration
Referred to Special Committee
Paving and Macadamizing Main Street above 8th Street
C H Booth sidewalks and curb stones set
September 24, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
William Johnson Council to indemnity him against any loss on scrip
Contract for improvement of the Lorimer Hollow Road
Charles Street
Open the streets on Bee Branch as laid out by A L Brown
George W Jones and 25 others
condition of Delhi Road within the city limits
Night Watch pay for services
M J Sullivan assessment on property
F Schumacher and 10 other property holders on Clay Street between 6th and 7th Streets
September 24, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
J D Grafford South Dodge Street for John Gaffney's land being Mineral Lot No. 47
Communication S Sebring powers of city night watch
Paving and macadamizing of 7th street between Clay and Jackson St.
Committee on Claims city printers
Resolved City Recorder order city printing
Resolved committee on practicability and expediency of borrowing $100,000
September 24, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Resolved committee on practicability and expediency of borrowing $100,000
Resolved that the City Attorney be instructed to collect together all the ordinances passed and in force
Resolved cost of macadamizing 5th Street between Main St. and Locust St.
Resolved Whereas wagons on 2nd St. between Main and Bluff Streets block public highway
Therefore Resolved that the Mashal be required to pave all those obstructions
Communication Completion of McCann's contract on Main Street
between 1st St. and 2nd St.
September 24, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Communication Completion of McCann's contract on Main Street
between 1st St. and 2nd St.
Amount due the contractors be paid, discount allowed
F Weigel Alderman
Jacob Brug filling on 13th and Jackson Streets
J W Clark market master
E Lanihan hauling
Herman Tema work for Street Commissioner
Anton Gell
Lawrence Trischler
Samuel Hinney
Peter Lischel
John Krener
Michael Burns
Jerry Pigel
Michael Hardy
Joseph McKeon
Martin Ryan
Andrew Cosgrove
September 29, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Adopt some measures to remedy the grievances suffered by the citizens of the city and the travelling community in consequence of the present management of the Illinois Central Rail Road and the ferry between Dubuque and Dunleith
Marshal be sent after the absent members of the board to compel their attendance
Resolution to raise special committee
Resolved the travelling public in general are put to great and serious inconvenience and loss by the Illinois Central Rail Road which now terminates at Dunleith
Public well in the 3rd Ward
September 29, 1855
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Marshal to store the furniture and other articles belonging to the city at the hospital
October 1, 1855
Petition signed by Goodrich and Brothers praying the Council to change South Dodge Street by maiing it 80 ft wide
John Wildes estate and what is known as Graffords field
best ground to the city limits
James Gillespie's house
survey and plat of proposed change
Reports of Officers
Contracts for paving and macadamizing Main and 7th Street
Recorder to advertize