1856 February Council ProceedingsJanuary 28, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Resolved Committee on pumps, wells, and cisterns to examine and put in proper order for the use of the City
Resolved Mayor is authorized to call together the members of the Board of Education
Bill of Gas Light Company referred to Committee on Claims
February 11, 1856
King entertained serious doubts whether in the absence of the Mayor and the regular President Pro Tem, the council had the power to elect a second President pro tem
Special Meeting
February 12, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Dispatch from Alderman Quigley by telegraph
Washington February 9, 1856
To John G Shields
Negotiate $100,000 loan at 10% interest, $30,000 receivable May 1, 1856
George W Jones
February 12, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Dispatch from Alderman Quigley by telegraph
Washington February 9, 1856
To John G Shields
Negotiate $100,000 loan at 10% interest, $30,000 receivable May 1, 1856
George W Jones
Negotiation too high
Hunneman and Co of Boston
Bond of the City for interest due January 31, 1856
Advertize and sell the bonds at auction
February 15, 1856
Assembled at the Residence of the Mayor at 10:00 AM
Received telegraphic dispatch from General Jones
Washington February 14, 1856
$30,000 on May 1, 1856
$20,000 in 4 months
$20,000 in 8 months
February 15, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Assembled at the Residence of the Mayor at 10:00 AM
Received telegraphic dispatch from General Jones
Washington February 14, 1856
$30,000 on May 1, 1856
$20,000 in 4 months
$20,000 in 8 months
$20,000 in 10 months
$10,000 in 12 months
Loan is 20 years
Loan accepted
Nightingale to respond to Jones by telegraph
February 18, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Mayor confined to his house by sickness
Edward Keas and others complaining of powder house owned by Dr. Timothy Mason as a nuisance
Marshal to remove powder stored there
Attorney to commence prosecution against the owner
J F Mack and others Market greatly needed in the upper portion of the City
Council to take immediate steps to obtain a suitable grounds for that purpose
13th St be widened, taking 20 feet from the property on each side from Iowa St to White St
Referred to Aldermen of the Third Ward
February 18, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
7th Street Harbor Improvement Company
City pave the levee, terms of contract
Committee on Harbor Improvements advertize for proposals for paving the levee filled by Jones Street Company
Washington Fire Company No. 1 suitable building for keeping engine
Old graveyard to be converted into a public park
J P Farley, J H Emerson, and others
Removal of graves in the old graveyard to the city cemetery
Petition from M B Mulkern, Secretary of the Relief Committee
Appropriation from the Treasury to aid the poor
City scrip
February 18, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Appropriation to the poor
city scrip
Sum appropriated be placed in the hands of the Presidents of the Benevolent Societies of the City
7th Street Harbor Improvement Company, planking of 7th street extension
pave the levee
Communication from George W Jones receipt of his favor of January 6, 1856
Communication from Lakin and Steever of Milwaukee
Judgement in favor of the City against Abel Hawley for $1000 in the U.S. District Court
February 18, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Reports of Officers
City Engineer
8th St to the main river in accordance with the plan of 7th St
plat of 8th street
Main Channel of the Mississippi
Harbor Improvement Company
Mr. Gelpcke did not run 7th St in strict conformity to the plan
blue lines on the plat represent the center of 7th st as shown on the plat referred to in the contract
James Potter
City Treasurer
Paid out orders
Special Interest Fund
General Fund
February 18, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Report of Officers
City Treasurer
Paid out orders
Special Interest Fund
General Fund
Wharfage Fund
Amos Mathews
Amount drawn on the Treasury January 1, 1856 to February 1, 1856
Hay Weigher
City Sexton interments for January 1856, total 7
Communication from the City Auditor
suggestions of changes in the Ordinance establishing the office of Auditor
keeping the accounts of the city
February 18, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Resolution passed by the Board of Education
Resolved what amount of money is in the City Treasury, subject to the appropriation by this board
Committee on Schools
Resolved approve the action of the Recorder in issuing City Scrip for the pay of the Mayor and Aldermen
Resolved City Attorney, Committee on Streets, recommend a change of boundary in the respective wards
Equalize the population in the wards
sum in the General Fund appropriated to the relief of the poor
February 18, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Memorial to Congress asking for the grant to the City of the right to use the Public Square for municipal purposes
City Engineer estimate of the amount of filling performed by John Palmer, improvement of Madden Hollow Road on the Catfish bottom
James Potter salary
Bills Allowed
J B Dorr for printing
February 25, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Continued sickness of Mayor Shields
Petition to pass an Ordinance to prevent the erection of wooden buildings more than 10 feet high
between 2nd and 3rd streets and Main and Locust streets
H W Sanford, C Mason, William Lawther, Johnston and Shaw, Coates and Wilde, L Molony, C Hartstock and John Hartstock,
Thomas Kelly, J W Finley,
Wheeler, Edgerton, and Co
Brunskill and Waters, George Cannon, Hugh Lemmon, John Phelan, Henry Glarney,
H Shadwick, Tim Molony, Charles Cannon, John Stach, John Bohlig, and George Stem
Marshal to ascertain if the following persons constitutwed three fourths of the property holders in the block
Petition from Carter and Piper retain a frame building higher than 10 feet on the block between Main and Locust and 4th and 5th Streets
Unaware of ordinance preventing its erection
City Attorney to draft and Ordinance to repeal the Ordinance preventing the erection of such building
February 25, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
A petition from H Shadwick and others Locust Street between 1st and 3rd streets to be graded and curbed, and 2nd and 3rd streets to be graded from Main to Bluff St
Petition from A Yager and other citizens of the 5th ward, permit Frederick Kaniger to keep shop for the sale of meat
Applicant pay a reasonable license
Petition from John Hall priviledge to dig a well on the levee near the foot of 2nd street
Petition from Dr. T Mason allow powder in powder house until sold
February 25, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Petition from Farley and James, no other place to which they could remove their powder
Petition from John Quinn lot lower than the street covered with standing water
Bill of Gas Light Company
Recommend the gas bill for December last be paid
If the lights were lit during the whole month, it would take about 1000 feet of gas to supply each light
February 25, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Bill of Chislett and Buckley
Former Market Master, W Clark, bill is correct, and that the Marshal was with him when he bought the implements for the use of the Market
Bill of M McKeon
Work on 1st St., contract was for cash and the amount paid in city scrip
Foreman of the Fire Company No. 2
Bill presented by C Perry as reasonable
Referred to the painter
February 25, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Foreman of the Fire Company No. 2
Bill presented by C Perry as reasonable
Referred to the painter
Committee on Harbor Improvement
Bid of Henry and Anthony Jordan proposing to the paving of the Levee to be filled by the 7th Street Harbor Improvement Company
Allow the Company to pave the levee filled by them, enter into a contract with the City with Messrs Jordan
Order drawn on the treasury for $250, the amount appropriated for the relief of the poor and also the obligation of the City be given to Messrs Jesup and Co
Money divided equally between the Relief Committee and the Female Benevolent Society
February 25, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Bill for telegraphing in relation to the loan
Committee appointed in relation to the reception of sick persons under the charge of the City at the Sisters' Hospital
W J Barney and Co, interest coupons due January 1856
Whereas Southern part of the City is in much want of a Market House
Resolved that Main Street be continued in a straight line to connect with Jones Street, include a space which would be appropriate for a market
February 25, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
L D Randall oiling hose of Fire Company No. 2
John Palmer loss on Treasury orders Madden Hollow Road contract
Bills Allowed
Farley and Rouse for Fire Hooks
Anton Gell Street Commissioner
Street Commissioner cash paid to hands
P W Crawford Recorder
March 3, 1856
Petition from A P Wood and others to extend Union Avenue as laid out and marked on the map of Woods Addition to Mineral Street
Extend Bellevue Street in said addition to intersect Union Avenue
City Engineer to make a survey and plat of the proposed extension of said streets in the manner required by Ordinance