1856 March Council ProceedingsFebruary 25, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel L D Randall oiling hose of Fire Company No. 2 John Palmer loss on Treasury orders Madden Hollow Road contract Bills Allowed Farley and Rouse for Fire Hooks Anton Gell Street Commissioner Street Commissioner cash paid to hands P W Crawford Recorder March 3, 1856 Petition from A P Wood and others to extend Union Avenue as laid out and marked on the map of Woods Addition to Mineral Street Extend Bellevue Street in said addition to intersect Union Avenue City Engineer to make a survey and plat of the proposed extension of said streets in the manner required by Ordinance March 3, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Petition from A P Wood and others to extend Union Avenue as laid out and marked on the map of Woods Addition to Mineral Street Extend Bellevue Street in said addition to intersect Union Avenue City Engineer to make a survey and plat of the proposed extension of said streets in the manner required by Ordinance, south side of the street shall follow old corporation boundary Petition signed by A Yager and others condition of Cooler Avenue at the bridge near the intersection of Eagle Point Avenue Report from the Treasurer Orders paid out Remaining in the Treasury General Fund Wharfage Interest Report from the Marshal, Petition fo H W Sanford and others Wooden buildings on block between 2nd and 3rd and Main and Locust March 3, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Report from the Marshal, Petition fo H W Sanford and others Wooden buildings on block between 2nd and 3rd and Main and Locust Petition signed by all property holders in the block except one Peter Kiene Marshal, by W C Mace, Deputy City Attorney to draft an ordinance with the prayer of the petitioners Complaint of John Quinn Condition of Lot No. 81 corner of 1st and Locust on City Plat, owned by John Quinn, to need immediate filling up Resolution Resolved Lot No. 81 be filled up and raised March 3, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Committee on Claims Report Bill of L D Randall for oiling 500 feet of hose Foreman of Fire Company No. 2 Bill was cheap, required more labor due to bad state of the hose City Attorney draft of a deed to the Jones Street Harbor Company Draft of a deed under the contract with the Southern Improvement Company Description differs as to the Northern boundary from that in the contract Members of the Council have a personal knowledge of the land J S Blatchley Draft a deed in accordance with the language of the contract School Commissioner of Dubuque County March 3, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel School Commissioner of Dubuque County Apportionment of the school money as teachers fund Each child reported to this office October 1, 1855 3466 children reported Amos Mathews Board of Education amount of money in the hands of the City Council belonging to the School Fund Board of Education to communicate in writing from time to time Draft of a deed to the 7th St Harbor Improvement Company Land North of 7th Street March 3, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Deed be executed by the mayor and recorder and tendered to the 7th St Harbor Improvement Company Washington Fire Company No. 1 Engine Houses for Fire Co. City furnish them with a suitable house for the protection of their engine Look with favor upon the laudable efforts that are making by our fellow citizens for the organization of fire companies City is the owner of Lot No. 611 according to the city plat Receive proposals for erecting the engine house March 3, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Committee to provide for a market place in the 3rd Ward by widening 13th street from Iowa St to White St Report in favor of the prayer of the petitioners, recommend the engineer to make a survey and plat of the ground Reception of sick persons under charge of the City in the Sisters' Hospital Such persons as not be laboring under contagious or infectious disease will be received at the price of $4 per week March 3, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Amount of money for the relief of the poor drawn from the General Fund Loan from F S Jesup for 6 months without interest Female Benevolent Society, Relief Committee Resolutions Resolved City Attorney be requested to give his opinion on the liability of the City to provide for an support sick paupers Resolved Engineer to resurvey a street called Charles Street, formerly surveyed by A L Brown Ordinance providing for the opening of streets Resolved Survey and plat of 10 feet of ground proposed to be taken for the widening of an alley between Kings and Langworthy's additions March 3, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Resolved Survey and plat of 10 feet of ground proposed to be taken for the widening of an alley between King's and Langworthy's additions South side of the alley, names of owners marked Resolved Engineer to make a survey and plat of Diagonal Street with the names of the owners of the ground, amount of ground proposed to be taken Resolved City Marshal instructed to enforce in relation to hogs running at large in the City Proposed straightening of Main Street, diverges from a straight line near 1st street so as to intersect Jones Street Committee to close the negotiation for the loan of $100,000 with Mr. Corcoran of Washington Bills Theodore Sittig for three baskets of champaign Herman Lensck 50 keys for engine house No. 2 E M Warner paiting and repairs March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Petitions C Mason and others against the engine house on Lot No. 611, lot had been declared a public street S S Skemp remit a fine for resisting an officer and obstructing the sidewalk Reports of Officers City Attorney Support of Pauper's Opinion No liability for sick paupers exists, and the City is in no way bound to make provision for them So far the support of paupers is an obligation resting upon the government, provision is made for them by the laws of our State. Taxes are collected and officers are selected, whose duty it is to see that the means provided by taxation for the support of the poor are properly expended for that purpose March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Reports of Officers City Attorney Support of Pauper's Opinion City Charter contains no allusion to paupers or their support The relief of the poor is a duty of certain Township and County officers by the statute of the State It is the duty of the City Council to guard the health of the City Provide a place where a man affected with a contagious disease could be placed so as not to endanger the health of our citizens Notify overseers of the poor that the City will not longer take charge of the paupers Marshal amount of monies collected by him for January and February 1856 Recorder report amount of orders drawn on the treasury March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Report amount drawn on the treasury Engineer report, extension of Union Avenue and Bellevue street in Wood's addition to Mineral Street James Potter Engineer John Blake petition remonstrating against the extension for injury to his property Venire to the Marshal summon a jury assess damages to Blake's property March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Report from the Engineer in reference to the procuring of ground in the 3rd Ward for a Market Place, accompanied by a plat of the ground proposed to be taken for the widening of 13th Street North two fifths of Lot No. 448 and Lot No. 454 suitable ground for a market survey of ground for widening 13th street market house in the center of public streets has proved so much of a nuisance and inconvience in cities sidewalks are mere alleys filfth accumulates and sanitary regulations fail Recommend five lots be bought by the city on the corner of Iowa March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel purchase lots for market house Block on Iowa Street because it is vacant James Potter Engineer Attorney file a petition to the District Court of Dubuque County making application in the manner printed in Section 9 of the amendment to the Charter January 13, 1855 North 2/5 of Lot No. 454 and Lot No. 448 plat of ground proposed to be taken for the widening of an alley between King's and Langworthy's addition March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Venire to the Marshal to summon a jury to assess damages caused by widening the alley Reports of Committees Committee on Claims Bills for work on Fire Engine No. 2 Protection Fire Company No. 2 price charged for work exorbiant H Jensch bill allowed Contract between John Palmer and the City work done on Madden Hollow Road March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Bill for champaign wine, private transaction Committee on streets planking of 7th street extension Board of Directors of the Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company, 7th St filled up by them planked with a good double plank Contract drawn up in a loose manner City has no particular need of this street at this time March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Bill of W H Robbins for lamp posts one post short of the number included in the bill Post in front of the Epsicopal Church was taken up by the Gas Company in order to repair the pipes Committee on Parks Petition of J P Farley and others convert the graveyard into a public park Report that Congress in 1853 passed an act granting to the City Council the right to dispose of the land in question as follows March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Committee on Parks Petition of J P Farley and others convert the graveyard into a public park Report that Congress in 1853 passed an act granting to the City Council the right to dispose of the land in question as follows Section 4 July 13, 1853 places for recreation to the inhabitants of a crowded city, public health The chief attractions of London and Paris are their beautiful public grounds and monuments Champs Elysees Bois de Boulogne Gardin des Tuileries Versaillis St. Cloud St. Germain New York has recently purchased a "central park" containing 776 acres Artificial lakes Boston, Philidelphia, and Baltimore public grounds St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Galena public squares Dubuque (a city of magic growth) located on the west banks of the great Mississippi in the center of the richest lead mines scenery, the most beautiful, diversified by prairie, grove, bluff, dale, and rock containing a population of 15,000 inhabitants (and will doubtless increase within five years to 50,000) is entirely destitute of a public square neglect and stupid indifference March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Committee on Parks Petition of J P Farley Great land holders within the city limits and in its immediate vicinity who purchased land at government prices, find themselves almost millionaires, not one of whom have donated land to the City Petitioners J P Farley, H W Sanford, L H Langworthy, J H Emerson, J W Finley, George W Burton, and Barney, Scott and Co slip of ground on the South Side now in possession of Bishop Loras March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Committee on Parks Petition of J P Farley public park 50 acres of land Old graveyard declared a public square Removal of graves ordered before May 15, 1856 Committee on schools Board of Education, speedy organization of schools March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Board of Education indefinitely postponed the examination of teachers Board act with entire independence of the Couincil amount of money to be used for school purposes School Fund had been used by the Council for other purposes Communicate in writing from time to time any desire the Board of Education may have to purchase or exchange real estate for school purposes March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Board of Education Resolution Resolved construction put upon the paver and duties conferred upon this Board by the Ordinance for its organization No prospect of effecting anything for the establishment of public schools in this City by anything this Board can do Section 2 Amended charter of the city page 15 of the acts of last general assembly Common Schools in the District, payment of teachers and supervision of schools March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Board of Education City Council can authorize the Board Duty of the City Council to provide school houses Resolution Whereas the Board can effect nothing for the establishment of public schools and indefinitely postponed the examination of teachers Resolved that the Ordinance organizing the public schools be repealed and the members composing the Board of Education be discharged An Ordinance repealing an ordinance to establish a Board of Education and to define its duties An Ordinance to establish a Board of Education and to define its duties March 10, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Ordinance to establish a common standard level for the City of Dubuque Ordinance creating the office of City Auditor and defining its duties An Ordinance to repeal a certain ordinance against wooden buildings Ordinance to prevent the erection of wooden buildings in the Block bounded by 2nd and 3rd streets and Main and Loctust streets Resolution Whereas trespasses Barney Cut island Resolved Engineer investigate damage Election of Members of Board of Education 1st Ward J J E Norman 2nd Ward James A Reid 3rd Ward Henry A Wiltse 4th Ward F E Bissell 5th Ward S M Case Bills Allowed M McNamara shroud for pauper Sisters Hospital Board and attendance F Sherman levee March 18, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Communication from George W Jones and W W Corcoran of Washington $100,000 loan fuller information and explanation in regard to the debts and finances of the city Committee appointed to close the negotiation March 24, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Petitions Jacob Brown allow him the sum of $1500 as compensation for the loss of a mare killed by falling into the sewer on 14th Street W J Kelly and others establish the grade of 14th street west of Bluff Street James Rowan and Henry Miller remonstrating against the taking of ground owned by them in the 3rd Ward for Market purposes Marshal procured fire hooks and ladders and wagon for Fire Department March 24, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Communications A Levi resignation of the office of City Auditor Engineer Report in relation to Lot No. 611 C Mason against placing a building for the accommodation of a Fire Engine on Lot No. 611 old town on the ground that said lot was a public street April 30, 1849 petition of T Mason and C Mason May 14, 1849 lot as continuation of 4th Street Recommend that the street be vacated and the lot used for building a house for the fire companies or any other public building street terminates at the bottom of a steep bluff impracticable March 24, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel City Engineer Report establishment of a Datum Point from which the grades of the city would be established Durable Monument be placed in the public square on Locust St between 6th and 7th street All grades shall refer to this monument Recommending change in the location of Madden Hollow Road, straighten the road so it passes through the land of John Simpson Declared a Public Highway Plat of the continuation of Main Street in a straight line from 1st to Jones Street as instructed by the Council Jones Street Company Report of Special Committee to correspond with the parties who have taken the $100,000 loan March 24, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Report of Special Committee to correspond with the parties who have taken the $100,000 loan George W Jones and W W Corcoran of Washington City An Ordinance amendatory of an Ordinance to furnish the City of Dubuque and the inhabitants thereof with water January 15, 1855 S S Skemp asking for the remission of a fine obstructing the sidewalk and resisting an officer To recommend a remission of the fine would not only be bad precedent but would be injudicious and highly improper Best not to disturb the verdict of the court in the case of the said petitioners Communication H A Wiltse on part of the Board of Education opportunity to purchase the North Middle 5th of Lot No. March 24, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Communication H A Wiltse on part of the Board of Education opportunity to purchase the North Middle 5th of Lot No. 447 adjourning the lot owned by the City in the 3rd Ward Legal proceedings to recover the south 42 feet of Lot No. 602 sold under a mechanics lien for the sum of $212.75 to John Buesuoye and that the money paid by him be returned with interest School lot Return of the money to J Bussaye sale of the lot in the 1st Ward Communication from the recorder Investigate the truth of the charges against an officer of the City column of the Express and Herald Resolution Resolved Engineer to make a survey and plat of the island property of the City Resolved paving and macadamizing of the block on Clay Street between 6th and 7th streets be added to the contract of A McCann March 24, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Resolution Resolved paving and macadamizing of the block on Clay Street between 6th and 7th streets be added to the contract of A McCann Resolved Attorney to prepare an ordinance for the regulation of weights and measures for the city Ordinance to prevent horses or other animals attached to vehicles from standing in the streets unattended by their owners unless unhitched Ordinance to prevent racing within city limits An Ordinance to repeal a portion of an ordinance entitled An Ordinance to license auctioneers and regulate auction sales An Ordinance to prevent the selling of indecent publications An Ordinance concerning game Resolution Resolved Street Commissioner best plan for carrying of the water between 8th and 10th and Main and Jackson streets March 24, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Resolution Resolved that the auctioneers of the city be authorized to sell at public auction horses, cattle, or other live stock on 7th street between Clay and Jackson Resolved grade of 7th street be changed so that the water will run into the inner slough John Palmer allowed percent on the amound Madden Hollow Contract for loss on City Scrip Bills Allowed C Vanderlich making wagon for fire hooks and ladders P Lewis cistern boxes Weisbeck and Huber coffins and corpses to graveyard An Ordinance to establish and dedicate a public square March 31, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Petitions B Smith and others condition of sidewalk on Clay Street between 6th and 7th streets, almost impassable Report of Engineer Jones Street Harbor Company contract Spirit of the contract has been carried out by the company Severity of the weather March 31, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Report of Engineer Jones Street Harbor Company contract Spirit of the contract has been carried out by the company Severity of the weather deposited sufficient material to complete their contract, as to rip-rap protection, as well as the requisite stone to furnish the paving Cannot see a shadow of a doubt as to the ability and willingness of the Company to comply strictly with the contract James Potter Engineer March 31, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Report of Engineer trespasses on city property upper part of the middle island Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company excavated a considerable quantity of material banking upon the levee Opening known as Barney's Cut dredge boat Large quantity of earth has been removed on the ground claimed by the city above 7th Street damage to the city James Potter Engineer Attorney to serve a written notice to the Company forbidding them to trespass further Report of Street Commissioner Water on Clay street in the vicinity of 9th and 10th streets establish grades March 31, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Report of Street Commissioner Water on Clay street in the vicinity of 9th and 10th streets establish grades Clay to Main Street and on Clay from 8th to 10th street warer carried off G Blocklinger Total amount remaining in the treasury An Ordinance regulating the weights and measures Bill of C Vanderlich and Co work on the hose carriage of Fire Co No. 2 Draft of a deed to the Jones Street Harbor Company prepared by the company and offered the following Resolution Resolved Mayor and Recorder execute the deed Straightening of Main Street Jones Street Company Market purposes March 31, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Report of Committee on Charges Against Recorder of malfeasance in office made in the Express and Herald Charges against P W Crawford Committee fully acquit Crawford of charges in view of all evidence collected a large amount of money and paid scrip of the city into the treasury in lieu received as part pay for his salary scrip received for licenses, cemetery lots, taken in absence of the Marshal March 31, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Communication from George Zumhof against the taking by the City of a strip of ten feet of ground owned by him for widening of an alley in King's addition Engineer to make a survey and plat F E Bissell on the part of the Board of Education Resolution place at the disposal of the board the sum of $10000 for the erection of a school house on the north 2/5 of Lot No. 447 Contract between the Harbor Improvement Company and H Jordan and A Jordan for paving the 7th St Levee John Palmer Madden Hollow Road Contract An Ordinance to punish offenses against public morals and decency Resolution Resolved Marshal fill all graves in the old graveyard which may be opened for the purpose of removing the bodies Judges and Clerks of Elections 1st Ward Ed Keas, Hugh Treanor, Thomas Hanon, Hugh Lammer March 31, 1856 Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel Judges and Clerks of Elections 2nd Ward P Fanning, Joseph Gehrig, John W Clark, O Rothlander 3rd Ward J H Emerson, I N Higbee, William Vanderen, A Cain 4th Ward L L Wood, A McDaniel, J L Everett, G R Foster 5th Ward Anton Heeb, T Hurlbut, R McKinlay, John Rhodes Bills Allowed T Sherman ring stones on levee C Perry rent of building for protection fire co no. 2 J Gehrig boarding prisoners in calaboose L Glas T Smith work for Street Commissioner M Taller J Pagel Sam Elmer April 8, 1856 City Sexton Report for the month of March total number of deaths for the month Intrusion of Henry Kroll in the cemetery by digging graves without sexton's leave