1856 April Council ProceedingsMarch 31, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Judges and Clerks of Elections
2nd Ward
P Fanning, Joseph Gehrig, John W Clark, O Rothlander
3rd Ward
J H Emerson, I N Higbee, William Vanderen, A Cain
4th Ward
L L Wood, A McDaniel, J L Everett, G R Foster
5th Ward
Anton Heeb, T Hurlbut, R McKinlay, John Rhodes
Bills Allowed
T Sherman ring stones on levee
C Perry rent of building for protection fire co no. 2
J Gehrig boarding prisoners in calaboose
L Glas
T Smith work for Street Commissioner
M Taller
J Pagel
Sam Elmer
April 8, 1856
City Sexton Report for the month of March
total number of deaths for the month
Intrusion of Henry Kroll in the cemetery by digging graves without sexton's leave
April 8, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Engineer plat and survey of Millville Road from the Bee Branch Road to the City Limits
Road declared a public highway
Diagonal Street in King's Addition
Venire tothe Marshal summon a jury to assess the damages
Jones Street Harbor Company guaranty of the stability of the levee
Coupons paid at the Banking House of E W Clark, Dodge and Co.
Resolved Michael McKeon take earth for the filling of 1st Street from the Bluff on Southern Avenue from the Brewery to the furnace
April 8, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Marshal to clean the city
Committee to settle with financial officers
Payment for the paving of the gutters on 6th and 10th streets
Bills Allowed
C Rattray stationary
P Kiene deputies, hauling
Joseph Geiger hooks and ladders
April 14, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Petition presented from Henry Heitzelman and others raise the grade of White Street between 8th and 9th streets
Petition from 7th Street Harbor Company proposing to extend 5th Street to the Main River
Communication from James Potter Engineer
Contractors be instructed to resume work, frost out of the ground and present stage of water advantageous
Paving of Jones St Levee
Report of the Marshal of the monies collected by him for the year
April 14, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Contract between the 7th Street Harbor Improvement Company and Henry and Anthony Jordan for the paving of levee
Paving of the gutters on 6th and 10th streets
Grade of Bluff Street at its intersection with 10th Street
Resolved that the City of Dubuque hereby consents to the exchange of lands made between the Jones Street Harbor Company and the Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company
and to the rail road company having the use of the levee along the line of the river to low water mark 900 feet north from where the south line of Section No. 30 intersects with the Main Mississippi River
April 14, 1856
Shields, McNamara, Curran, Samuels, Spottswood, Ham, King, Nightingale, Pelan, Quigley, Connel
Resolved Ald. Samuels procure a temporary loan in the name of the City of $2000 to meet the payment coming due for the north middle 5th of Lot No. 447
purchased for school purposes
Recorder to pay judges and clerks of elections
Bills Allowed
Herman Jensch iron rings for levee and iron work
Andrew and Treadway ropes for Marshal
Pelan and Anderson lumber per Street Commissioner
S Sinninger setting 4 cistern boxes
John Malloy hauling a sick man
M Burns work for street commissioner
A Langanger
Lewis Wolf
Patrick Dowley
John Flynn
E Costigan
Tim Ryan
Martin Ryan
Dennis Heice
James McCarty
James McMahon
Peter Lischet
Patrick Lang
Patrick White
Thomas Johnson
P Donahoe
M Laughlin
Dennis McMahon
E Lanahan
John Phelan
James Cossiden
L D Randall
Paul Simon
Abstract of the returns of the Charter election held April 7, 1856
April 14, 1856
Abstract of the returns of the Charter election held April 7, 1856
Poll books of the several wards of the city
Election Results
Mayor - David S Wilson
Recorder - P W Crawford
Marshal - J P Evans
Treasurer - Amos Mathews
Assessor - John Parker
Auditor - H S Hetherington
City Attorney - J S Blatchley
Collector - Charles J Leist
First Ward
Alderman - J J E Norman
Board of Education - James A Langton
Second Ward
Alderman - George L Nightingale
Board of Education - C Childs
Third Ward
Alderman - Warner Lewis
Board of Education - Henry A Wiltse
Fourth Ward
Alderman - Robert Mitton
Board of Education - F E Bissell
Fifth Ward
Alderman -
Board of Education -
April 14, 1856
Abstract of the returns of the Charter election held April 7, 1856
Poll books of the several wards of the city
Election Results
Mayor - David S Wilson
Recorder - P W Crawford
Marshal - J P Evans
Treasurer - Amos Mathews
Assessor - John Parker
Auditor - H S Hetherington
City Attorney - J S Blatchley
Collector - Charles J Leist
First Ward
Alderman - J J E Norman
Board of Education - James A Langton
Second Ward
Alderman - George L Nightingale
Board of Education - C Childs
Third Ward
Alderman - Warner Lewis
Board of Education - Henry A Wiltse
Fourth Ward
Alderman - Robert Mitton
Board of Education - F E Bissell
Fifth Ward
Alderman - C G Krieschbaum
Board of Education - John King
April 11, 1856
P Quigley, President Pro Tem of the Council
Declared duly elected to fill said offices
Ald King the thanks of the Council be returned to the President pro tempore Ald Quigley for manner in which he had presided over the deliberations of the Council during the time in which the duties of the mayor had devolved upon him by the illness of the mayor
Oath of office to David S Wilson, mayor elect and the aldermen
April 14, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Mayor Inaugural Address
Oath of Office
P W Crawford - Recorder
J P Evans - Marshal
Amos Mathews - Treasurer
John Parker - Assessor
H S Hetherington - Auditor
J S Blatchley - City Attorney
Charles J Leist - Collector
Board of Education
F E Bissell and John King
Amount of Official Bonds
April 15, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Board of Education
James A Langton, C Childs, Henry A Wiltse
Official Bonds Filed
Elect a Street Commissioner
April 15, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Street Commissioner Election
Bernard Mohan
Henry Grimm
Patrick Morgan
Marshal communication recommending W C Mace for re-appointment to the Deputy Marshal
City Engineer Election
April 15, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
City Engineer Election
James Potter
J C Jennings
Communication from Benjamin Rupert recommending I N Higbee
Hay Weigher Election
William Young
Jacob Rosenbaum
Francis Smith
April 15, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Wood Measurer Election
Market Master Election
James Best
John W Clark
City Printer Election
C C Flint of the Republican
Proprietors of the Express and Herald
April 15, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
City Printer Election
Express and Herald for 3 months
Daily Express and Herald copies furnished to the mayor, each alderman, recorder and marshal
Communication from A Levi late Auditor semi-annual interest on bonds due in New York
Completion of the lease upon the Globe Hall
April 15, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
City Printer Election
Express and Herald for 3 months
Daily Express and Herald copies furnished to the mayor, each alderman, recorder and marshal
Communication from A Levi late Auditor semi-annual interest on bonds due in New York
Completion of the lease upon the Globe Hall
April 15, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
City Printer Election
Express and Herald for 3 months
Daily Express and Herald copies furnished to the mayor, each alderman, recorder and marshal
Communication from A Levi late Auditor semi-annual interest on bonds due in New York
Completion of the lease upon the Globe Hall
April 21, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Merchants License
M Clozier
Merchants and traders of the city repeal the ordinance entitled An Ordinance licensing merchants, shopkeepers, and druggists
Attorney constitutionality of the license
Petition of P Quigley and Anne O'Hare survey and plat a street on the south side of Delhi Road
Property of the late Edward O'Hare and Thomas Dulich intersect
fences of Patrick Mallady and John Spucely
Dodge Street
Petition from Farley and Christman bad condition of the alley between 3rd and 4th and Main and Iowa Streets
cleaning grading and paving
April 21, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Petition from H S Hetherington and C H Booth
Odd Fellows building association
3000 yards of fitting material suitable for streets
building about to be constructed on Bluff and 8th Streets material excavated in the cellar
establish grade between 4th and 8th streets
curb stones aid gutterings
James Potter Engineer
Petition from M Mobley and others cisterns on Main Street
April 21, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Petition from Smith, Mikinley, and Poor
5th and Locust street reduce grade
Petition from L Clark and others
Street from Southern Avenue to top of Bluff South
Petition from I M Marsh and others improve Julien Avenue west of the residence of George Jones
create the Old Territorial Road
west of Alta Vista Street
Petition from D A Mahony and M Crangle giving way of a cultvert on 14th street
compensation for Horse and Buggy
April 21, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Reports of Officers
Attorney liability of the City to pay for the loss of a horse killed by falling into the 14th street sewer
Jacob Brown compensation
blacksmith shop
Brown's own gross negligence
Are the supervisors or the City liable
statute does not make the city liable to any such action
J S Blatchley
April 21, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Communication was read from the City Engineer objecting to the manner in which the mooning stones and rings on levee on the Jones Street Levee
river should be so high that boats fastened to the rings should produce a vertical as well as horizontal strain upon the rings
Communication from the City Engineer in regard to the straightening of Main Street
Intersection of Jones Street, triangular piece exhibited on the accompanying map appropriated for the use of a market
April 21, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Jones Street Company
Grade of Bluff Street and 10th Street
Verdict of Jury on Union Avenue and Bellevue Streets
property of John Blake and heirs of William Blake
to Mineral Street
Lot No. 93 B
Mineral Lot No. 184
Lot No. 711
Mineral Lot No. 92 and City Lot No. 744
April 21, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Jury to assess damages to John Blake
John T Everett, M T Sullivan, L L Woods, John Fortune, Arthur McCann, Philip C Morhiser
Verdict of jury on Diagonal Street on Cooley Avenue in King's Addition
Lot No. 232 owned by E Langworthy
J W Markle, C Y Lawrence, Peter Bouey, Arthur McCann, Kiran C Fellows, John T Everett
Communication from John King protesting against the verdict of the Jury
Bill of Joseph Geiger
Communication F E Bissel
April 21, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Board of Education specifications for 2 school houses in the 1st Ward and 3rd Ward
Addition to the school house in the 5th Ward
advertise for proposals for the erection of the school house
Contract between the City and U.S. Trust Company of New York
Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company
Calaboose rented
Town Clock
Communication from Messrs Clark and Shafleigh of Casenovia of York proposing to put up a City Clock
April 21, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
License upon the theatre for Messrs Hough and Meyers
Communication from J B Dorr and Co appointment of City Printer
Resolved Propose to the Proprietors of the Express and Herald
Dr. N B Matthews candidate for Health Officer
Offical bonds of officers
Resolved probable cost of improving Dodge St. from Locust St. to Malady
April 22, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Health Officer be instructed to examine into the report in relation to the existence of the small pox in the lower part of town
Report of Health Officer on Small Pox
between 3rd and 4th streets near Bluff Street
Case of varioloid in an advanced stage of convalescence and there is no danger of contagion
General state of health is very good at present
E Donn Health Officer
April 22, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Polling of vaccination of all persons not already vaccinated
Health Officer
Communication from James Rowan protesting the taking by the City of the North 2/5 of Lot No. 457 for market purposes
widening of 13th Street
Communication from J B Dorr and Co, accepting the appointment of City Printer
Communication from the Marshal, pay men employed by him in small jobs
such as burying dead carcasses of animals, removing nuisances
Communication from the Auditor recommending a change in the Ordinance creating the office of Auditor to keep the books of the City in the manner adopted by Davis G Scott
An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance entitled An Ordinance
April 22, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance entitled An Ordinance creating the office of City Auditor and defining his duties
Government plan of improving the harbor as proposed by the General Government is delayed by the objection of individual members of the Council
Resolved resident agent of the government, Mr J C Jennings, to submit the plan proposed by the General Government for further improvement of the Harbor
Captain J C Jennings plan proposed
Resolved that so much of the inaugural address of the mayor
April 22, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved that so much of the inaugural address of the mayor as refers to the credit of the City and the making of the improvement therein and to the City revenue
Committee on Finance
Laying out of streets and alleys
Erection of a City Hall, draft of a building for the inspection of the council
Change in police system
Elect a Health Officer
Doctor William R McMahan
Doctor N B Matthews
Doctor E Donn
April 22, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Dr. Donn elected Health Officer
Election of Sexton postponed
Election of wood measurer
Thomas Sherman
John O'Meara
April 22, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
John O'Meara wood measurer
Sidewalks on Clay St. between 6th and 7th St on Main St. between 8th and 10th St. to be levelled
Street Commissioner
Resolution exchange of the Depot Ground between the Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company and the Jones Street Harbor Company
Priviledges, Rights, and interests of the City as they now exist including the right to collect wharfage shall be in no nise affected or compromised by the exchanges
April 22, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved Wood measurer exact line of his duty
Suitable place for the meeting of the Council
Resolved J C Jennings furnish the plan for the improvement of the Harbor of the City of Dubuque submitted by him this day
Communication read from P Kiene asking some person be appointed to settle his accounts
Marshal bill for payment of hands employed by him in filling graves
April 24, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Communication from W W Corcoran of Washington D.C.
Loan of $100,000
Bonds to be issued by the City
history of the transaction relating to the negotiation
Resolved accept the form of the bond
Attorney to prepare a mortgage from the City to Corcoran
April 24, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Islands in front of the City
papers to Corcoran
first installment of the moneys due on May 1, 1856
City Engineer to mount and color the maps of the City by James Potter
April 28, 1856
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Thomas Rodgers and other property holders on Locust Street between 5th and 7th streets
Grade of the streets as established is too low
Charles Street jury summoned to asses the damages caused by the laying out and opening of King Street
taking of grounds by the City for said street
James Mullin and a large amount of other citizens and property holders
Condition of 3rd Street west of Bluff Street and praying the Council to improve said street
west to the residence of D G Scott
Keas, Stanford and others vacate that portion of the Dubuque and Eagle Point Road between Orange and Jackson Streets
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
J N Finlay and 100 others widen Julien Avenue, covered culvert
P A Lorimer communication proposing to give 5 feet along the front of his ground to Julien Avenue
Pay raise of night watch
John Fortune and property holders against any change in the grade of Locust Street in the vicinity of 10th street
L White lamp post with sign
L White Billiards Saloon
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
L White Billiards Saloon gambling establishment
Petition from William Dunham payment of license for the running of a city express wagon
Report of Health Officer
small pox
vaccination of children not only protects them against the small pox proper, technically variola, but even diminishes greatly the malignity of other diseases of children
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Report of Health Officer
small pox vaccinations of children
destroy the effect of vaccination has been differently fixed, generally between 7 and 12 years
Vaccination of children is a very salutary, and I might say, necessary means of securing public health
revaccination of all persons vaccinated longer than 7 years ago is strongly recommended
City Hospitals isolating cases of variola
services gratis to those persons who are not able to pay
Edward Donn
City Engineer Report on insecure buildings
Mayor Inaugural Address
secure the public safety
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
City Engineer Report on insecure buildings
Mayor Inaugural Address
secure the public safety
subjected to hoisting loads from story to story
demand for dwellings and stores far exceeds the supply
cobble stones
Proposed ordinance
No Cellar walls, where a superstructure of three or four stories is intended to be raised thereon, be of less than two feet
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Proposed ordinance
No Cellar walls, where a superstructure of three or four stories is intended to be raised thereon, be of less than two feet
walls be properly bounded by headers extending through 3/4 the thickness of the same
brick buildings three or more stories
Construction of a fire limit, within the boundary of which no wooden building should hereafter be allowed to be erected
heavy charges for insurance
irreparable injury a large fire would occasion in our growing city
supplyed with fire engines, in many localities they would be of no avail, as there are no cisterns to supply them
James Potter City Engineer
unsuitable buildings
building code
Resolved report of the engineer
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved report of the engineer, city attorney to draft an ordinance embodying the views of the report
Ordinance on unsafe buildings
Madden Hollow Road plan
continuation of Dodge Street in a straight line
First Division at Malady taking 5 feet from the property on each side
road will have easier gradient than every other thoroughfare
Mineral Street
opening a good road 40 feet wide from the intersection of Bluff Street to the road at Maladies
make an excellent highway
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Madden Hollow Road Plan
Many of the property holders directly interested in the speedy undertaking of this work are averse to giving a helping hand and would on no account give any ground without a valuable consideration
James Potter Engineer
Grade of 10th St from Bluff to Main Street
No material change can be made in the established grade of any street without affecting the grade of contiguous streets
grievance to the proprietor
reduce the center of Bluff St.
make a uniform gradient from Main to Bluff
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Locust St. would be reduced
alley between Main St. and Locust St.
proposed cutting in Bluff St. would make a better fall for water
James Potter engineer
Report from the Street Commissioner
Joseph Miller contract
curbstone on Iowa St, block between 6th and 7th
Assessment on the property-holders
Special tax be levied on the property fronting portion of Iowa St.
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Report of Street Commissioner
Bridges on Cooley Avenue
Bridges on Jackson and Eagle Point Avenue
not sufficient for travel
Bridges on graveyard road not sufficient for travel
All the bridges from Locust to White Street are in a bad way, not fit for travel
Sewers Bridge
Repaired with Oak Plank
Bernard Moham
Committee on Finance
300 barrels of lime
exchange of ground for depot purposes Dubuque Harbor Co
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
exchange of ground for depot purposes Dubuque Harbor Co and the Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company
City retain all wharfage ferry
Attorney to draw up a resolution conditions of consent for the exchange
Petition of D A Mahony and Crangle
horse and carriage falling through a plank bridge on 14th St.
City is not liable for damages
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Market in 3rd Ward
Bills of E M Warner and C Vanderkuch
Communication of I A Parker
hoses, carriages for Protection Fire Co
Painting engine and hose
Council bound in good faith to pay the bills
Communication from J B Dorr and Co
publishing reports of proceedings reporter of the paper and Recorder
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
John King preserve shade trees throughout the City from injury
number of night watchment insufficient
fence around the public square in very bad condition
impossible to keep out cattle and other animals
suggest new fence on Locust Street
Marshal J P Evans
Communication from Thomas Sherman candidate for captain of night watch
Communication from M Mobley, Howard the gas fitter from the Gas Company
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Communication from M Mobley, Howard the gas fitter from the Gas Company
lighting of street lamps
John O Meara wood measurer
Resolved Engineer to survey and set streets and alleys on the Bluff north of Julien Avenue known as Farley's addition
Resolved Engineer to establish the grade of the streets and alleys of the City
Resolved Marshal to remove several graves on the north side of the old burying ground
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved Harbor committee be instructed to examine the Jones Street Bridge and levee
Resolved Street Commissioner carrying off the water between 8th, 10th, Main, and Jackson streets
Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance regulating the city market
Election of mayor pro tempore
Resolved grade fixed, curbstone set on Iowa Street between 3rd and 4th streets, macadamized between 1st and 8th streets
April 28, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved Street Commissioner paving and macadamizing of Main Street above 8th St, advertise for proposals
Resolved cost of curbing and grading Iowa, Clay, White streets from 1st to 8th streets
Deposit earth on Bluff St. between 8th and 10th streets on 9th street between Locust and Bluff Streets
Resolved that the Engineer be instructed to examine the ditch cut in Eagle Point Avenue on each side of the plank roads
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Funeral of James A Reid, formerly a member of the City Council
Petition from Secretary of Washington Fire Company No. 1
suitable building for the keeping of their fire engine
Petition from L Kniest and others bad condition of the ditch on Eagle Point Avenue