1856 May Council ProceedingsMay 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Funeral of James A Reid, formerly a member of the City Council
Petition from Secretary of Washington Fire Company No. 1
suitable building for the keeping of their fire engine
Petition from L Kniest and others bad condition of the ditch on Eagle Point Avenue
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Petition from L Kniest and others bad condition of gutter on Eagle Point Avenue
Petition from Butchers on renting of market stalls
Hugo Miller
Petition from Henry A Wiltse and others recommending Henry Krohl for City Sexton
Attorney draft of a resolution embodying the conditions on which the city consented to the exchange of depot grounds between the Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company and the Jones Street Harbor Company
Public levee Main Channel of the Mississippi River
Dodge Street
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Attorney draft of a resolution embodying the conditions on which the city consented to the exchange of depot grounds between the Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company and the Jones Street Harbor Company
Public levee Main Channel of the Mississippi River
Dodge Street
Depot ground exchange
Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company may use and occupy for depot and rail road purposes that portion of levee and Main River commencing at the south boundary line
Attorney opinion legality of merchants license
City derives ample authority to impose a charge for license upon all merchants and shopkeepers from Section 5 of the amendment to the City Charter of 1848
compel all merchants and shopkeepers within said city to pay in addition to the tax provided for in said act for license to sell goods
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Attorney opinion legality of merchants license
City derives ample authority to impose a charge for license upon all merchants and shopkeepers from Section 5 of the amendment to the City Charter of 1848
compel all merchants and shopkeepers within said city to pay in addition to the tax provided for in said act for license to sell goods
Question of the legislature's constitutional power to delegate this authority to the City Council
W Crozier
J S Blatchley
Ordinance on unsafe walls
An Ordinance preventing the erection of dangerous walls
Paving of the levees, superintendent of levees
Improvement of Julien Avenue, west of Alta Vista Street
temporary grades proposed
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
James Potter Engineer
Remonstrance of J Sullivan and attorney I M McKinley against any action by the Council which will vacate 8th Street as laid out in Sullivan's addition
Resolved cost of improving Julien Avenue from Alta Vista to Smith's Stable on the old County Road
grade of the streets in Farley's Addition
plats and surveys of streets
Spruce, Jefferson, Walnut, 11th, and 14th
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
grade of the streets in Farley's Addition
plats and surveys of streets
Spruce, Jefferson, Walnut, 11th, and 14th
much dissatisfaction was shown by property holders on account of the injury
reducing the streets to the proposed level
James Potter Engineer
Estimate of improving Iowa Street from 1st St to 8th St
superficial yards
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Iowa Street
streets running parallel to Main St.
James Potter Engineer
Final Reports of Auditor and Marshal
April 15, 1856
scrip and vouchers
adopting some means to hand the books, papers, and other documents to this office collected together and put into the possession of the auditor
Crozier collecting fines
failure of officers to make reports in due time
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
H S Hetherington City Auditor
Committee on Finance
Report of Sexton, number of interments 16
Committee on Streets
grade of 3rd St on the bluff, make it possible for teams
Communication of M Mobley street lamps
Howard proposes to light and put out the light in all street lamps
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Howard, pipes in the posts are too small for winter use
street lamps
Communication of Judge King, shade trees
Statute books passed May 9, 1853
An Ordinance to provide for the protection of public and private property
protection of shade trees
Ordinances when passed are not enforced
Complain to the proper officer
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Widening of Julien Avenue
limited width with a deep ditch or sewer on either side renders the travel extremely dangerous
improvement of Julien Avenue
An Ordinance in relation to the streets and sidewalks in the City
An Ordinance establishing and creating the office of Street Inspector
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Communication was read from R B and S Latta of Cincinnatti proposing to furnish one or more steam fire engines
Committee on pumps, wells, and cisterns
Dugan candidate for police or night watchman
petition of 7th Street Harbor Company to extend 5th Street to the Main River
Resolved Council will not accede to the proposed extension or improvement of 5th Street
Petition of L White for permission to erect a lamp post at his own expense on the corner of Main and 7th
Evening Session
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved filling of lots on 1st St, between Main and Locust Streets, fill up sidewalks
Resolved repeal all ordinances passed in relation to licensing merchants, shopkeepers, and druggists
Resolved calling upon all holders of indebtedness against the city to register such claims with the treasurer
registration of city scrip
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved cost of grading Locust St from 3rd St to 1st St
Resolved Aurther McCann contract for macadamizing and paving Main Street
September 24, 1853
Resolved grade of 7th St in front of Mill now in course of erection by Lynch and Co
Resolved Engineer Madden Hollow Road true and final survey of said road
Remonstrance from O Baily, D Beaubien, Lawrence Hurley, and John Everett
proposed change of grade of Bluff St near 10th st
May 5, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Bills allowed
C Perry engine house
E Linnehan market house
E O'Brien removing 3 dead horses
T Mason, articles for Market Master
E Donn Health Officer
Beaubien horse and buggy
H White and T B Wilson for engine house of fire company
Condition of Mineral Street prevent further damage in consequence of the washing of the street caused by recent heavy rains
Street Commissioner plough and other necessary tools
Mayor to employ a clerk
Blank books for Aldermen for proceedings of the Council
May 12, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
George Rath and others against the vacation of the portion of the Eagle Point Road between Orange and Jackson Streets
R M McKinley
G Baumgartner and others extension of White Street to Eagle Point Avenue
S Hempstead and others Main Street to be graded from 14th to 17th street
John Coates and others Locust St between 1st and 3rd streets to be filled to the established grade
G Gilliam grade and improve 14th street west of Bluff St
May 12, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Petitions recommending Patrick Connolly, Richard Corcoran, John Behane, and John Cuddy as suitable persons for watchmen
Weishback and Huber and H Brinhingam undertakers, continue P Durrenberger as Sexton
P C Morhiser candidate for captain of the police
Jacob Mesuer candidate for Sexton
J D Bush against the vacation of the Old Territorial Road west of Alta Vista
Passable road could be made on Julien Avenue from Alta Vista to Smith's Stable
Resolved Julien Avenue from a point at or near Smith's Stable be graded and improved suitable for travel
May 12, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Grade of 10th St intersection with Bluff St
Report of Engineer
Filling Locust St from 1st to 3rd
Improvement of 3rd St West of Bluff St
surplus of earth used in filling Locust
May 12, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Grade of Locust St between 4th and 6th Streets
plat of the survey of the ground proposed to be taken for the widening of the alley between King and Langworthy division
Venire for a jury to assess the damages to the property holders by taking of the ground
Engineer Report widening Julien Avenue
Bluff St to Bennett 5 feet of ground as proposed
drain be narrowed, Oak Plank
Sewers above Bennett be covered and the sidewalks constructed in the same manner
Street Commissioner to clean out from time to time ditch
May 12, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Draining of the pond on Division Street in McCraney's Addition
Ordinance creating the office of Captain of the Police
Final Report of the treasurer
Marshal money which came into his hands belonging to persons who died in the hospital last summer
Dubuque and Eagle Point Road between Orange and Jackson Streets, recommend portion of road be vacated
improvement of the Harbor
May 12, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Improvement of the Harbor by the Government
no objection to the plan proposed by Col. S Long, U.S. Agent
Widening of Barney's Cut
Resolved General Government not dispose any obstacle in the plans of improvement
Engine houses for the fire company, temporary houses be erected on the public square
May 12, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved building an engine house funds appropriated, on the Northeast corner of the public square
S M Langworthy and S Y Bradstreet proposal Julien Avenue from Alta Vista to Smith's Stable
R M McKinley stack lumber for the erection of a building on the corner of Locust and 5th Street, and 5th St near the alley between Locust and Bluff St
Corcoran $100,000 loan
Exchange of ground for depot purposes, Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company and Iowa Street Harbor Company
May 12, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Amendment to the Resolution
Exchange of Depot Grounds
Provided that the right privileges and interest of the City as they now exist, including the right to collect wharfage and of regulating ferries and ferriage shall be in no wise affected or compromised by the exchange
Resignation of John King as member of the Board of Education
Engine houses
Resolved repair Southern Avenue suitable way for travellers
Resolved Examine the ditch on Eagle Point Avenue from Couler Avenue to the Couler Bridge
May 12, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved Street Commissioner to plow that portion of Dodge Street
Resolved Lots No. 80 and Lot No. 81 stagnant water, ordered to be raised up and filled to the height of two feet according to the grade established within 30 days
Bills Allowed
James Potter City Engineer assistants
Churchill furniture for council room and auditors office
Dennis Hayes, filling graves in the old graveyard
McDonald use of skiff in moving dead horses
J Clark salary as market master
T Sherman rings on levee
O Loras plough for street commissioner
O Voras
Bill of the gas company
May 19, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
C H Booth appointed to represent the city in meeting of Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company
meeting of the stockholders
signed by T S Wilson and others cause 17th Street to be graded and improved from Clay to Mineral Street
Archibald Graham and others improve Hill Street so as to put the same in good condition for travel
J D Bush and others praying the Council to improve Dodge Street from Bluff Street to Maladies
P F Murphy and others recommending John Coudrou Condron
May 19, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
P F Murphy and others recommending John Coudrou Condron as suitable person for night watchman
Henry Sidell and Lawrence Cusack candidate for night watchman
M Mobley and others Philip C Morhiser as Captain of Police
R Bouson, W G Stewart, and James Burt
fill out Main Street in a straight line to James Street
Dubuque Harbor Company
Jones Street to Depot Grounds of the Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company
Advertise for proposals for the filling out of the street
Grading Main Street from 14th to 17th Street and of the cross streets
drain be constructed down 17th street to carry off the water coming from Blake Hollow
Ditch on Eagle Point Avenue, sidewalks constructed
May 19, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Street Commissioner Report
5th Street from Hill Street to Farley's fence where Mr. Wells gets Clay for a brick yard
cut near Mr. Simerals which takes the sidewalk and half of the south side of the street
Iowa Street from 3rd to 4th Street is not fit to travel, Bluff Street from Jones Street to the gas works is almost impassable
Communication from the assessor, extend the time for the City Assessment
Committee on Streets
vacation of portion of Eagle Point Road between Orange and Jackson streets
No advantage to opening road to Jackson Street
May 19, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Ordinance vacating the streets
L Clark and others from Southern Avenue to the top of Bluff South of the same and report at the next meeting
F E Bissell, Board of Education
Bids for erecting a school house in the 3rd Ward
Resolved Committee on Finance be and is hereby instructed to devise a means for the erection of suitable school houses for the accomodation of the Children of the City
Dispatch from G W Jones announcing the passage of the Iowa Land Bill and its approval by the President
May 19, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance to levy taxes and defray current expenses in the City of Dubuque
Right to erect a lamp post on the outer side of the side walk at his own expense
erection of lamp posts by private individuals
paying the expenses of the Board of Education
Harbor regulations and the amount of wharfage
Resolved Julien Avenue be improved according to the reccommendation of the City Engineer
proposed by P A Lorimer
An Ordinance creating the office of Captain of Police
May 19, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Salary Ordinance Captain of Police
An Ordinance to amend an ordinance to regulate and establish the City Police
Nominations for Captain of Police
Thomas Sherman
Michael Brown
P C Morhiser
Fernando McCraney
May 19, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Captain of Police election results
P C Morhiser elected
Election Results of Watchmen
James Campfield
Henry Sidelle
John Murphy
Simon Treanor
Richard Corcoran
Communication from John King importance of revising and publishing the ordinances of the City in a convinient form
May 19, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resignation of Judge King
J W Kelly chosen to fill vacancy in Board of Education
City Sexton Election Results
Philip Durrenberger
Henry Kroll
Resolved stationing of two lights on the levee, committee on harbor improvements
Resolved committee on finance amount for public improvements
Resolved owners or agents of Lots No. 621 and Lot No. 622 on Bluff St. to fill lots
Resolved Attorney to prosecute all persons who have trespassed
May 19, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved Attorney to prosecute all persons who have trespassed upon any of the public streets, alleys, or highways within the City
Resolved Recorder to advertise for proposals for the grading of Main Street from 14th to 17th street and also 15th to 17th street
gutter on 17th street
Improvement of Julien Avenue and the vacation of the Old Territorial Road west of Alta Vista Street
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Bills Allowed
Walsh and Burnight work for Street Commissioner
Barney, Scott, and Co Council Room
Thomas Hardie map of City Islands
Michael Burns filling 118 graves in the cold cemetery
Michael McKeon 1st St Contract
J B Dorr and Co for printing April 14
13 copies of the Daily Paper for the year to April 7, 1857
R Anderson serving as juror assessing damages widening of Julien Avenue
Benjamin Rupert grade Bluff and Locust Streets from 9th and 11th Streets and 10th Street from Bluff to Main Street
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Grading of 10th and other streets
Philip Swallow and others of the 5th Ward asking the Council to prevent the erection by Mathew Hooper of a soap factory in Hooper's Addition
Julius Sandvos and 112 others asking the Council to reconsider removing P Durrenberger from the position of City Sexton
Communication from M Mobley agent of the Gas Company proposing to furnish any number of lamp posts the City might desire
Petition E D Turner and others 4th St to be graded between Bluff and Main
Street Commissioner
Scatter lime at such places throughout the City at such points as he deems necessary
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Bissell and Co erect a powder house in the Langworthy Hollow, a mile above Heeb Brewery
Engineer Report 14th Street
Petition C Gilliam, grade of 14th west of Bluff
steep grade near the summit of the hill
James Potter
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Extension of White Street
James Potter
Opening of Windsor Street, plat
surveyed the road from Eagle Point Avenue to the City limits as exhibited
this part of the City is without any northerly outlet
House of C Stafford not allowed to remain on the street for a longer term than 2 years
Right of way relinquished by the property holders on the plat, declared a public highway
P C Morhiser, Captain of Police Elect
James Campfield, Henry Sidelle, John Murphy, Simon Trainor, Richard Corcoran
Watchmen elect being present appeared and took the Oath of Office required by law
official bond, Richard Cox and J P Farley as securities
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Report from General C H Booth who was appointed at the last meeting of the Boards to represent the City at the meeting of the stockholders of the Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company
acting on sundry proposed amendments to their original incorporation
Amendment received a majority in value of the votes of the stock represented
Amendment extending the time for which the Board of Directors should be elected
full power to consolidate this division of the road with others and virtually depriving the City as a stockholder of rights and privileges enjoyed by all private stockholders
Resolved endorse and approve the courses pursued and votes given by C H Booth
Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved opposed to the amendment offered at the meeting of the stockholders
Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company
the City as stockholders should have a voice in the election of our Director
Resolved Amendment ought not to be adopted, consolidation of the stock
Resolved C H Booth appointed to represent this city in the next meeting of the stockholders
Marshal, jury assess damages caused by widening the alley between King's addition and Langworthy's addition
Lot No. 11 Wulwebber's subdivision of Lots No. 2 and Lot No. 4 and Lot No. 5
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Marshal, jury assess damages caused by widening the alley between King's addition and Langworthy's addition
Lot No. 11 Wulwuibber's subdivision of Lots No. 2 and Lot No. 4 and Lot No. 5
Zumhoff's Lots in Langworthy's addition
Henry Blocklinger's lots in King's addition
Lots belonging to Peter Kiene, Joseph Gehrig
A P Wood, John Fortune, Frederick Weigh, Joseph Gehrig, Charles Philips, W H Robinson
Finance Committee Report
amount appropriating for public improvements
no formal appropriations
except for the building of a fire engine house
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Appropriations report
Fire Engine House
Filling out of Main to Jones St.
Grading 3rd west of Bluff
Filling Bluff from Odd Fellows Hall
Grading of Main St. 14th to 17th St
Estimate of improving Madden Hollow Road
Walling and paving sewer on Eagle Point Avenue
Paving and macadamizing Main St. from 8th to 14th
Iowa St 1st to 10th
Building fire engine houses
Building of school houses
two school houses in the 1st and 3rd wards
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
School tax levied upon the citizens of this city to be appropriated to school houses
Resolved the sum of 40,000 dollars appropriated from the 100,000 loan and placed at the disposal of the Board of Education for the erection of school houses in the City
Committee on Ordinances
papers for and against vacating the Eagle Point Road between Orange and Jackson streets
An Ordinance to provide for opening, altering, or annulling streets, alleys, and highways in the City of Dubuque
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
An Ordinance to provide for opening, altering, or annulling streets, alleys, and highways in the City of Dubuque
Eagle Point Road from Orange to Jackson St.
notice has not been given
Communication of John King
importance of revisions and publishing the ordinances of the City in a suitable and convenient form
Ordinance when revised ought to be published and circulated
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Bill of Dubuque Gas Light and Coke Company
Bill of D V Wilson, Beaubien
Purchase of a lot for engine houses
public square be used
Communication from Cornelius Walsh recommending the appointment of a City Measurer to measure walls, plastering, excavations
Resolved slaughterhouse at the mouth of Southern Avenue is a nuisance
Marshal to have the nuisance removed
Resolved Street Commissioner improve 10th St
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved Street Commissioner improve 10th St between Main and Clay streets so as to carry off the water
Resolved Engineer to set the grade on High and Walnut Streets
cost of improvements to make the streets passable
Resolved Engineer to establish grade of Dodge Street from Locust street to Maladies
Resolved Mayor to issue proclamation against dogs, disease of hydrophobia may prevail throughout the City unless measures be taken to prevent the same
confine dogs from running at large for the space of 90 days from the publication
An Ordinance providing for the levy and collection of a tax on dogs and to prevent hydrophobia
Resolved appropriation to Board of Education
May 26, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved Auditor be and is hereby requested to settle with all city officers whose reports have not been made as by ordinance provided as to money in their hands
Extension of White Street
June 2, 1856
An Ordinance relative to streets and sidewalks in the City of Dubuque
special order for this meeting