1856 September Council ProceedingsSeptember 1, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Petitions Claim of Leeman and Keenan Odd Fellows Hall water Julien Avenue sewer Clark, Gilliam, improvement on 14th St west of Bluff St Charles Rose extending White St from 19th St to Eagle Point Avenue James Huff, Dubuque Harbor Company Col Long U.S. Agent widening inner slough and Waples Cut Bush Island, improvement of the Harbor September 1, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Resolution Resolved Jones Street Harbor Company Col Long Government Agent Reports of Officers Marshal, runaways on Main St. Hictching posts on all cross streets between Iowa and Locust from 1st to 11th Grade for Alta Vista St Engineer, guttering of 1st St. Bluff St to Main St James Potter September 1, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Engineer Report Rebuilding and widening of the 8th St sewer from Iowa St to the low grounds over the slough in order to prevent damage Resolution Resolved T Cavanaugh contractors, 8th St sewer between Iowa and Main St 14th St west of Bluff St excavated from the bank Provision for drainage require further appropriation meet the wants of the property in the vicinity September 1, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Resolution Resolved improvement of 14th St west of Bluff St Plat of the extension of White Street from 19th St to Eagle Point Avenue Recorder bids for paving of crossings, Robert Stuart Stewart M Mobley advance the City on a draft on W W Corcoran Herron Brothers improvement of 11th St September 1, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Improvement of 11th St bid P B Cook contract 5th St west of Bluff St and Hill St require outlay of larger amount of funds than the City could at this time Julien Avenue cisterns with R Rodgers on Main St 400 barrels September 1, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Suit against market grounds in 3rd Ward Petition of Kingman and Rhodes and J H Lockwood Ordinance for reduction of billiard license Market houses in the 1st and 5th Wards City Engineer Additional watchmen West Dubuque fixing of the rate of taxation for the year Assessment roll for 1856 September 1, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Resolutions Resolved Steet Commissioner 5th St from Bluff to the top of the Hill Resolved hard filling 2nd St from Bluff to Locust Resolved fill up Division St on Eagle Point Avenue, Dreibelbis Addition Resolved grade of Windsor St Resolved Engineer grade of Seminary St Resolved cause the sidewalks on Main St to be repaired, 1st to 12th St September 1, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Bills Return of the pay due for men and teams employed to Street Commissioner P M Guthrie Julien Avenue Sewer A McCann Main St paving T Cavanaugh and Co 8th St Sewer P Lang on 14th St E Lanihan filling a hole on Bluff St John Hurley Main St Extension Samuel Elmer building bridge on Eagle Point Avenue John Dillon John McCann Joseph Miller M McNabb fence around public square Platt Smith rent of Recorders Office F Apprediser attendance at hospital Joseph Roy curbing Booth and Shine lumber per Marshal M Farrell Market House Barlow and Birge suppers for Policemen John Kesker boarding prisoners H Estes articles for hospital A Baptiste removing dead animals J Hurley filling a hole on 1st St September 8, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Bills S Laughlin for 6 frames for closing street J P Evans hauling Frank Farell public square Petitions Washington Fire Company No. 1 Engine House Contractors Hopkins and Greathead repair foundation Communication from M D Bissell, condition of gutter on 11th St September 8, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Reports of Officers Marshal, fence around the front of the calaboose prisoners unable to pay fines Removal of a barge sunk in the slough creating an obstruction to the landing Engineer, grade of Alpine St from Julien Avenue to 3rd St Carry off the drainage along the highway James Potter September 8, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Street Commissioner Report 5th St from Bluff to the top of the Hill ditch too shallow B Mohan Treasurer, not enough money in the treasury to pay all orders drawn Resolution Resolved Treasurer pay out funds in the treasury first, amount as may arise on payment of contracts Claim of Hunneman and Co for Fire Engine and Rev T J Donahoe Auditor, receipts and expenditures September 8, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Condition of the Pond on Division Street, report on the sanitary condition pond is a great cause of disease Resolution Resolved property holders on Division Street in Dreibelbis' Addition September 8, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Committee on Claims Report Amount of bills due different persons for labor and teams Martin Flanagen Patrick Lang Peter Lichen Louis Wolf John Moran Bernard Stany Patrick Shadbotto Thomas O'Conners Public Works September 8, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Street Commissioners Report Unintentional mistakes superintendence of the public improvement September 8, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Rate of taxation for the present year 5 mills on the dollar for defraying expenses taxation for the building of school houses taxation for pay of teachers taxation for paying interest on City Bonds September 8, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Election of additional policeman to be stationed at West Dubuque Michael Hardy, Timothy Callahan Recorder assessment against the owners of the property for payment of expense of paving and macadamizing different blocks Main St between 8th and 9th 10th and 11th Clay between 6th and 7th White between 6th and 7th 7th between Clay and White Bills McNamara articles John Kinney Wiltse and Blatchley deeds Telegraph Company Platz and Shultz Eagle Point Avenue Sewer H C Pierce and Brothers for livery hire Leeman and Ellis plastering engine house Bennett and Smith painting Booth and Shine lumber R Rodgers cistern September 15, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Gas for August D McNabb work on Market House Petitions Austin Adams establish the grade of Fenelon Street Trustees of the Baptist Church, secretary of B Rupert establish a lamp post in front of the church on Main St remit cost of curbing September 15, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Cathedrals and other churches lamp posts Petitions George W Jones gas pipes up Julien Avenue far as the residence of Captain Marsh City Attorney, power under the Ordinance to require the gas company to lay down pipes widening alley in King's addition jury verdict Langworthy and King's addition west of Couler Avenue plat by James Potter May 12, 1856 Lots in Wullwebber's subdivision and King's Addition September 15, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Lots in Langworthy's Addition damages and benefits verdict of Jury on Blocklinger Alley King's Addition Wullwebber's Subdivision A P Wood W H Robbins Charles Whipps J Fortune F Heigel J Gehrig September 15, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum George Blocklinger George Regatz Liability of City to pay damages to Leeman and Keenan overflowing of Julien Avenue Sewer Engineer Report filling Lot No. 81 Assessment for the collection of the amount Ordinance, special tax on lots Hopkins and Greathead repair engine house September 15, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum fencing around the calaboose Report Thomas Sherman bill, removing and burying dead bodies Partner Mr. Hurley Chief Engineer of the Fire Department price of hose Pumps, wells, and cisterns cover with lumber instead of arching with brick September 15, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Resignation of Alderman Samuels from 3rd Ward Resolution Resolved Beu M Samuels, Esqr, high regard for him, regret the necessity which has induced him to sever his official connection Choice of Successor John Parker, informal election Election to fill the vacancy N Nadeau President of the Gas Company furnish the lamp posts September 15, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Samuels, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Col. E D Turner proposes to sell his ground for market place 4th and Locust Streets rent stalls Bissell and Co powder house G H Cummins Mineral Lot No. 345 N Nadeau qualified Messrs T Levans and R Cox pave their sidewalks September 15, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Sidewalks on Locust St from 1st to 3rd Streets Resolution Resolved market grounds in 3rd ward Resolved Market master, market wagons to take their stands along Locust St Resolved streets in additions to city plat not to be worked by City unless the plat first approved City Books Resolved property holders on both sides of 8th St and Julien Avenue, fill and pave sidewalks from Main to Walnut St. south side from Bluff to Hill St. September 15, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Resolution Resolved John Hurley contractor for grading and improving Dodge St, large force and press the work, complete before winter Resolved Division St in Dribelbies Addition Bills paid John Coulon removing 3 dead bodies T Kavanaugh and Co 8th St sewer contract Main to Iowa St. John Hurley, Dodge St Contract Hurley and Sherman Main St Contract 14th to 17th streets O Perry fire engine no. 2 C McDonough curbing M Bobbilliards J Ray E Linnehan filling different streets R Rodgers cisterns September 22, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, KrieschbaumV Petitions Bissell and Co, keeping powder house on Mineral Lot No. 345 H S Hetherington, L H Langworthy, R Cox, and Dennis Dorgan street where Main St strikes the Bluff north of 17th St. running west intersect Seminary St Communication M Ham Quarry Rock on Cemetery Street deposit the refuse, dirt, and rubbish on Division St September 22, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Petitions N Herrick use alley adjoining shop, depositing marble John King against the verdict of the jury on Blocklinger Alley Couler Avenue to Broadway in King's Addition R Cox, John Schaffner, John Blake, J H Emerson, and E Langworthy Ordinance prohibiting the erection of wooden buildings on the block fronting on Main St between 4th and 5th streets Protection Fire Company No. 2, new engine September 22, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Resolution Resolved fire engine for Protection Co No. 2, property of the city H S Hetherington discharging of fire arms Ordinance prohibiting the discharging of fire arms in City limits published in handbill Board of Education apply for $10,000 Power of the City to compel gas company to lay their pipes on streets opinion of City Attorney September 22, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Marshal erection of signs on each end of the Bridges over the slough forbidding all persons to drive across faster than a walk Weights and measures Committee on market houses Street commissioner, sidewalks on 4th St from Locust to Bluff, and Locust from 3rd to 6th streets, be graded and paved Patrick Shaughnessy September 22, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Claim of Berry and Plater depositing earth in different streets and alleys Lawrence block Foundation from the school house in the 3rd ward improvement of private property September 22, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Gas Bill for August Mr. Sawyer, foreman of the gas company President of the gas company bill just and to be allowed E D Turner Property on Locust St September 22, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum E D Turner petition private market house public interest better subserved by rejecting proposition Hucksters compelled to pay reasonable license Committee on lamp posts 50 lamp posts with the gas company Attorney Ordinance requiring property holders to pay for lamp posts September 22, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Ground for a central market 3rd Ward purchase of at least half of a block September 22, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum 4th Ward market on the Bluff John Blake's judgement ordered to be paid Resolution Resolved grading on 14th St improvement of established grade near the top of the hill September 23, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Market grounds in 3rd Ward purchased of Solon M Langworthy half block making 5 lots No. 479 Resolution Resolved Mayor to consummate in behalf of the City, the above purchse of S M Langworthy $5000 payment of first installment of the purchase September 23, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Grade of Bluff St near 10th Catharine O'Donnell allowed $10 to take her to her friends in St. Paul Filling of Lot No. 86 Resolution Whereas Julien Avenue, pipes to be laid and lamps erected Cannot compel gas company to lay pipes convenience, comfort, and safety of the public that gas lights should be erected Resolved appropriations for gas company to lay gas pipes and lamp posts September 23, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Resolution Resolved specifications for market houses in the 1st and 5th wards Resolved Venire on White Street Extension from 18th St to Eagle Point Avenue Engineer and Marshal Resolved improvement going on in Nadeau Hollow, Dodge Street improvement Resolved Advertise for proposals hard filling of levee Recorder book for recording the additions to the city September 23, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum South Dodge Street improvement Bill of M Robilliard Bills P Maleany for moving dead body John McCann foreman J P Evans filling levee F A Gniffke publishing Assessment notice in German Paper E Lineahan hauling filth from Market house Standing Committees Finance Ordinances Claims Schools Streets Harbor Improvements Market Houses and public grounds September 29, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Standing Committees Pumps, Wells, and Cisterns Poor Relief Petitions P Smith and others, 33 street lamps on Locust St from 3rd to 14th St signatures of the property holders on the line of the street Owen Dunn defective construction of Julien Avenue Levee September 29, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Petitions McCann paving gutters macadamizing streets H Jordan and A Jordan Iowa St. John King proposes to sell ground for public park Plank Road, Court House Judge Corkery filling up of Bluff St standing water on lots and sidewalks Resolution Resolved property holders Bluff St 4th to 8th curb and pave sidewalks Marshal, impossible to collect from property holders on Main St for repairing sidewalk September 29, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Engineer Report Dodge Street Improvement deep cut from the gas works to the first culvert tumbling rock has been beasted from the bed of the road From Rowan's corner at the second angle culverts are indispensible portions of the road way September 29, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Improvement of 14th Street established grade street will be a very passable thoroughfare grade on top of the hill will be steep Plans and specifications for market houses in 1st and 5th wards small plain building September 29, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Plans and specifications of market houses in 1st and 5th wards Harbor Company filling in of Main St from 1st to Jones Street Ward Hall two story market walls much more substantial include cellarage James Potter Engineer Resolution Resolved Recorder advertise for proposals for building market houses in 1st and 5th wards September 29, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Special Ordinance for assessing of a tax upon property for the erection of lamp posts City Attorney Finance Report Funds for Board of Education credit of the board taxation Temporary loan Weights and measures September 29, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum weights and measures uniformity in City and County purchase one set of weights and scale for the use of the Market master another set for the use of the measurers Gill to a bushel master of weights and measures Ordinance passed March 31, 1856 D McNab work done at Market House President of the gas company lay down gas pipes September 29, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum gas pipes on Julien Avenue as far as Captain Marshes Bill of Berry and Plater, earth deposited on various streets Resolution Resolved purchase of market ground in 3rd ward by Solon M Langworthy rescinded Resolved widening Jackson St September 29, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Changing name to Jackson Avenue Engineer plat of Jackson St Southern extremity of Jackson St and terminating at the northern boundary of the city Sageville and Thorupsous Mill Resolution Resolved grade of 10th St, Main St to Clay St Resolved City Attorney to notify the Jones St Harbor Company, City complied with agreement to fill Main St in a straight line to Jones St Contract for erection of market house upon the triangular piece Deed to market ground in 1st Ward from Harbor Company Resolution Resolved Engineer Plat of Dodge Street, street widened September 29, 1856 Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum Resolution Resolved Street Commissioner to set the curb and pave the sidewalks on 8th st from Main to Bluff Resolved assessments for curbing before bill P M Guthrie, enlarging Julien Avenue sewer cover the sewer with hard Maple Plank instead of Oak Pay of City Officers whose salaries are fixed Bills P F Young setting curb Joseph Roy M Robilliard P B Cook 11th St contract John Hurley Main St sewer William Howard lighting lamps