1856 November Council ProceedingsOctober 27, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Marshal to collect accounts
November 3, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
D Mauer repair of a bridge on Jackson St above 22nd St
Dietrich and Co sidewalks on 6th St from Iowa to White curbed and paved
Street Commissioner property holders
Smith McKinley and poor, sidewalks on 5th St from Locust to Bluff curbed and paved
November 3, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Newman and Cooper's sidewalks
obstructing sidewalks
T Fanning against exclusive ferry license to Gregoire and others
privileges of ferriage from Dunleith
Henry Jordan and Langworthy estimate of City Engineer
Julien Avenue west of Captain Marshes residence
William Rebman extend streets and alleys
Reports of Officers
Alley between MAin and Iowa St bad condition
November 3, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Alley between Main and Iowa St
sewer constructed to the slough for the purpose of carrying off the stagnant water and filth
Key City House
Auditor's Report
September 30, 1856 to October 30, 1856
D S Wilson from Corcoran loan
C J Leist delinquent tax list
Interest tax
John O'Meara wood measurer fees
F S Smith hay weigher fees
cemetery lots
mayor fines
J P Evans paving and macadamizing
November 3, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Auditor's Report
September 30, 1856 to October 30, 1856
Street Commissioner men and teams
J S Blatchly City Attorney salary
W Howard lighting street lamps
J B Dorr and Co printing
Cossit and Jarboc
J P Evans burying dead animals
H Estes articles for Captain of Police and Marshal
O Baily filling
W McNear and C McNear rent of engine lot
A Jordan and H Jordan macadamizing 7th and 8th streets
T Cavanaugh for macadamizing 8th between Iowa and White
John Hurley on Madden Hollow contract
John Palmer on 5th St contract
Robert Stewart street crossings
P M Guthrie on Julien Avenue sewer
Joseph Roy for curbing on Iowa between 10th and 11th
Robert McKinley engine house No. 2
M Hardy as day police in West Dubuque
M Robilliard digging trench Main between 12th and 13th
Jerry Boland repairing sidewalks
A McCann Main St 10th and 11th streets
November 3, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Auditor's Report
September 30, 1856 to October 30, 1856
Platz and Shultz on Eagle Point Avenue
John Hurley on Main between 14th and 17th
P B Cook 11th St contract
T Cavanaugh 8th St
P C Morhiser police
Herman Jensch blacksmithing
Booth and Shine lumber 5th St
Gas company fixtures on Engine House
street lamps
George Burg
James Herod rent of calaboose
R Stewart filling pond 5th ward
Evans and Arnold for signs for bridges
Auditor interest due in New York
W Howard gas pipes
E Donn Health Officer salary
C Gottschalk clock at hospital
E Spottswood curbing
James Rowan lots Market House
Berry, Plater, and Doughurst school houses fund
November 3, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Auditor's Report
September 30, 1856 to October 30, 1856
A Declequberry census of school children
excess of expeditures over receipts
H S Hetherington
city scrip
market house, surveys
tax payer
November 3, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Abrasion of the middle island belonging to the City
Stone be thrown along the banks of the river to prevent abrasion by action of the current
rip rap work
James Potter Engineer
Filling on 17th street from Maple to Sycamore embankment to prevent high water of the Mississippi
property along Couler flat from 19th to 14th streets
line of high water
Orange to Elm Street
14th to 17th Street
shallow embankment
cut in Iowa Street
November 3, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Filling on 17th St from Maple to Sycamore
high water in the main river
surplus in the streams and drains that lead through the city
Couley brook
City limit at the Peru Road
17th street
Short embankment between Orange and Elm Streets
James Potter Engineer
Jacob Swivel resigning as policeman
Contract between Ebenezer Miller and wife and the City
purchase of the north two-fifths of
November 3, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Contract between Ebenezer Miller and wife and the City
purchase of the north two-fifths of Lot No. 448 for market purposes
Recorder assignment from H Jordan and A Jordan to A McCann macadamizing Iowa St
blocks between 1st St and 7th St
Decker and other petitioners fill streets 19th and 20th
Petition of A Levi
July 14 Resolution
August 25 Resolution pave and grade Main St from 8th to 14th
November 3, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Paving of Jones St levee Harbor Improvement
City Engineer
work and material inferior to that required by the contract
defects in paving, not entirely the fault of the contractors, proceed work in the winter
Hunneman and Co bonds
extension of licenses to the ferry companies
committee on Harbor Improvements
Whereas the Charter of the City of Dubuque defining the powers of the City Council and duties of the aldermen
November 3, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Whereas the Charter of the City of Dubuque defining the powers of the City Council and duties of the aldermen
make resolutions and ordinances that seem necessary to preserve the health, promote the prosperity, improve the morals, order, comfort and convenience of said city
Representatives of the popular will and guardians of the public rights and interests
Establishment of ferries across the Mississippi River
accomodate commercial wants of the city
Ferry Franchise Company
Resolved granting a ferry franchise does require such rights and privileges should be reciprocal
Resolved ferry companies or companies to land upon the Illinois and Wisconsin side of the river
receiving passengers and freight
each ferry company have the right to land on both sides of the Mississippi
November 8, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Special consideration of ferries
ferry licenses
November 8, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Ferry license resolutions not adopted
Resolved Mackenzie, Gregoire and Co
Fanning and Co and Bissell and Co
rate of charges for freights and ferriage
suitable boats
November 10, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
W J Barney grade of Iowa Street near 11th
Reports of Officers
school orders outstanding
school fund
H S Hetherington
school taxes tax book
City Collector
school teachers fund
November 10, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Paving of Jones Street Levee
City Engineer
rise of water over unprotected work
paving over frozen ground last winter
low water line
rip-rap wall
bed of the stream to a very narrow channel
velocity of the current
November 10, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Paving of Jones Street Levee
river has fallen sufficiently
Cheapest and best mode of securing and making the levee permanent
Abstract of estimates paid out by the Harbor Company
Date of Estimate amount of yards total amount
October 2, 1855
November 5, 1855
December 4, 1855
January 5, 1856
February 6, 1856
March 6, 1856
May 9, 1856
July 2, 1856
July 9, 1856
August 5, 1856
November 10, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Paving of Jones Street Levee estimates
September 15, 1856
November 10, 1856
Balance due
James Potter Engineer
Main St from 1st St to Jones St in bad condition
report from Marshal
graves in old grave yard removed during the ensuing cold weather
Recorder publish notices in City Paper
Resolved Street Commissioner North side of Eagle Point Avenue sewer filled
November 10, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved Street Commissioner North side of Eagle Point Avenue sewer filled
Backing of sewer
property holders south side fill sidewalks
Resolved concave gutters from Main to Locust on 2nd St
Reconsideration of veto
An Ordinance to prevent goats from running at large
Harbor Improvement
Deed to the 7th St Harbor Improvement Company
Mayor to execute the deed
Filling of new cisterns
November 10, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Engine companies fill cisterns
Contract between City and Gregoire ferry company
license for 10 years from April 1, 1858
State of Iowa
Charles Gregoire, George W Jones, Charles Bogy, Richard Visscher, James Garrick, and Donald A Mackenzie
Richard Cox, Thomas Levens, heirs and assigns
Dubuque and Dunleith Ferry Company
license and privilege of keeping and maintaining a ferry
Illinois Shore
Mississippi River
Joe Daniels
City reserving the right to fix the rates of ferriage
November 10, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Contract with Gregoire Ferry Co
accomodate the public
municipal authorities
transport goods and merchandise or other property across the Mississippi river
landing the boats or boats belonging to and erected with said ferry
Steam Ferry Boat
A K Gregoire
November 10, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Contract with Gregorie Ferry Co
Ruinous to them to maintain and keep ferry any longer in accordance with rates
City can regulate only the price of ferriage as it is taken from the west side of the Mississippi River
Charles Gregoire, George W Jones, Charles Bogy, Richard Visscher, James Garrick, and Donald A Mackenzie
Richard Cox, Thomas Levens, heirs and assigns
lease or license
amount of license to be paid by the company
November 10, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Ferry license to Gregoire and others
contract adopted and executed
November 17, 1856
George Wilde and R Bensen, exchange school ground owned by the City in Wilde's addition for other grounds on the street
John N Heidel, personal property assessed cancel
November 17, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Michael Feely road to the top of the Bluff from south side of Dodge St
rocks left overhanging the dwellings of the petitioners
H Chadwick building of gutters on 2nd and Locust Streets
reconsider resolution
Resolved gutters on 1st street be paved from Locust to the slough
lowest bidder
Hugh Treanor
Booth and Shine payment lumber Julien Avenue
M Mobley, president of the Gas Co
November 17, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
M Mobley, president of the Gas Co
Receipt of lamp posts
Board of Education
foundation walls of new school house
1st Ward
fill the lot
George Wilde, John Fitzpatrick
improvement of South Dodge Street appropriations exhausted
Reports of Officers
Engine Co No. 2
fire companies to fill public cisterns
R Rodgers cisterns
November 17, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Marshal cisterns
appropriations out of wharfage fund
filling of levees
bluff filling
bills due the contractor
John Flinn
David Dillon
J P Evans
repair fence around graveyard
Recorder order on the treasurer in favor of P M Guthrie
work done on Julien Avenue
Petition of W J Barney
November 17, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Petition of W J Barney
grade on Iowa and 11th Streets
10th Street
sewer on 11th leading from Main st
level from the alley to Iowa St
grade of Iowa St to convey the water directly from sewer
8th Street
9th to 10th street
November 17, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
ferry license
license to Timothy Fanning and James Langworthy
run a ferry from Dubuque to the opposite shore of the Mississippi for 10 years
April 1, 1858
amount of bonds
Resolved small tenements in the different parts of the city
cisterns to tenant houses
compel by Ordinance all persons who are the owners of such tenements to provide them with enough of water as shall at least insure the health and cleanlines of the occupants
comfort and health
November 17, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved Marshal to have painted on the lamp posts on Main St from 1st to 8th streets
"$100 Fine for hitching to this post"
Resolved Street Commissioner to work Windsor St
Resolved All City improvements not commenced by the 1st of December 1856 be postponed
Resolved Mathias Ham, property holder on Main St in the vicinity of the seminary, fill up the sidewalks
allowed to suspend compliance with said notice
Resolved examine Dodge st
Patrick Lang 14th St contract
John Hurley Dodge St, Main St sewer
A McCann paving and macadamizing Main St from 11th to 12th st
H Jordan and A Jordan Iowa St from 8th to 9th
G W Berry policemen night of election
E Linehan hauling for market master
November 17, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Cossitt and Jarboc advertising notice, lumber for walls engine house
J P Evans paid J Boland pull down dangerous wall
P C Morhiser police and watch house
wood for council room
paving floor market house
F Ryan, dray license
R Stewart marking crossings
John Hall sprinkling market squares
Mahony and Crangle paving brick
James Potter engineers assistants
Lahen and Steever suit against Abel Hawley
Andrew and Threadway hardware
November 24, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Stockholders of the Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company
Resolved C H Booth represent the City in meetings of the directors and stockholders of the DPRRC
General Booth
H W Sanford, Mrs A Steiner, and other property holders extension of White from 20th St to Eagle Point Avenue
November 24, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Relinquishment of the right of way by the property holders of the ground required for the street on the plan proposed
Farley and Christman, business men and firms of the City, grant D Q Minnesota Packet Co wharf boat on the levee
Lincoln Clark, Edward Langworthy, and Henry A Wiltse
Dubuque Western Rail Road Company and C H Booth, John W Taylor, F E Bissell, George W Jones, William Joshua Barney, John W Finlay, G W Cummins,
St Peters and St Paul Rail Road Co
intersection with Lyons Road
rail road through Northern Iowa and Minnesota
$250,000 capital stock of each company
November 24, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Resolved borrow sum of $500,000 for the purpose of taking that amount of stock in certain rail road companies
Dubuque Western Rail Road Company and St Peters and St Paul Rail Road Company
loan, dividends, interest
Poll opened at the Court House December 13, 1856
votes of electors
For the Rail Road Loan and Against the Rail Road Loan
Resolved Mayor issue a proclamation to the electors
publish proceedings
English and German city papers
November 24, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Dubuque Harbor Co deed from the Co to the City
ground at the intersection of East and West Main St, north of Jones St
"Plat of Harbor Co's Addition"
market space
H S Hetherington street from Main to Seminary St
Engineer survey
William Johnson loss on scrip by depreciation
Petition from Platt Smith extend 3rd St
James Fanning recommending Patrick Tivan for policeman
November 24, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
F Apprediser compensation for boarding a person sent to the hospital by the Health Officer
Peter Heitzelman, gulley on Jackson St between 12th and 13th streets
Robert Stewart
Engineer James Potter
inadversions by several members of the Hon Board
Dodge St work
November 24, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Communication James Potter, Engineer
remarks that apply to me in a particular manner, not only censure my judgement but doubt my honesty
Dodge St estimate
favored the contractor to the detriment of the city, peculation
doubts integrity, impeach
denial of the fact is probably as weighty and better than his assertion
Street Commissioner work Windsor Street, side of C Saffords house
Petition of John N Heidel, assessment of personal property
November 24, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Placing of lamp posts
corners of Main St
8th St, 9th St, 10th St, 11th St, 12th St, 13th St
In front of Episcopal Church on Locust
Presbyterion on 9th
6th St
Cathedral Church
Julien Avenue from Main to Alta Vista
November 24, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Placing of lamp posts
corners of Main St
Locust St
8th St
Bluff St
Diamond House
Julien Avenue
Union Avenue
Walnut St
Spruce St
Emerson's House
Alta Vista St
Iowa St
4th St
1st St
School House
Court House
Merchants Hotel
Adams House
12th St
10th St
50 lamp posts in all
Resolved Street Commissioner repair Jones St
harbor improvement and bridge
W Stewart
November 24, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Claim P Lange work on 14th St
December 1, 1856
Wilson, McNamara, Norman, Curran, Nightingale, Nadeau, Lewis, Spottswood, Mitton, Ham, Krieschbaum
Charles Street assessment Mineral Lot No. 356
Bechtel Mineral Lot No. 136
S Hempstead fill sidewalk in front of his property on Main St
between 14th and 15th Streets
extended until next spring