1859 June Council ProceedingsJune 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Rules suspended to fill vacancy in the Council James Chapline alderman of the 3rd Ward vive voce Petitions and Communications Joseph A Chapline P W Crawford J O'Mara, R Nolte, William Rebman, P M Guthrie, John Breneman Martha A Nightingale, widow of G L Nightingale Remit the taxes on her homestead Honorable D S Wilson June 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Petitions and Communications James H Shields, White St condition 17th St graded Asa Horr, Secretary of O F Association, privilege of using Bluff St and 8th St deposit material left from the late fire W H Peabody, repairs on Southern Avenue Peter Kiene canal on Eagle Point Avenue H W Sanford flat stone crossing Sanford's block to the Post Office Bissell and Co, Littleton Smith and Co, M Allison, Insurance Agents establishment of night police force P E Thurman erect a showcase on the corner of 8th St and Main St Z L Mullanluiel damage to his fence caused by Fire Co No. 3 June 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company 7th St extension from the late flood Property holders Central Market subscription list watchmen for the building G R West, Wharf Boat removed A S Bunting, Notary Public Protested a Note, by F E Bissell in favor of W T Cristy George Webb, Engineer Reports of Officers Grade on Diagonal St and Broadway St Auditor, reporting payroll of City Officers City Sexton interments June 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Wharf Master, wharfage collected Engineer, cleaning streets City Court Standing Committees Button and Blake of Waterford New York, notes against the City Fire Engine and Hose interest Present state of the finances of the city Coupon Bonds F S Bissell June 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Woods, Chirsty and Co of St. Louis, Missouri payment of School House Lot in the 1st Ward Bank of Langworthy Brothers for collection Claims Dubuque Gas, Light and Coke Company bill Printing J B Dorr June 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Unfinished Business Fix the salaries of the Judge and Clerk of the City Court A DeMowbray, Recorder Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company and Dubuque Western Railroad Company Bids for City Printing Daily Times June 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Printing bids pamphlets, handbills, Palmer, Gilmore and Co Express and Herald Bid for City Advertisements Daily Herald Special Advertisements published rate of the Daily and Weekly Heralds J B Dorr and Co Morning Sun Sun Company per J F Sprague Amounts due policemen for additional service June 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Amounts due policemen for additional service John Gleason Owen McCann M Oswald J Gantenbiem G Durham Motions and Resolutions Ordinances moving Buildings Protection of excavations digging of sidewalks compelling light to be kept in cellar doorways Resolution Resolved Assessor complete assessment Employment of a watchman Central Market House offices at night Auditor order each month June 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Whereas Dubuque levied a tax for the support of the schools of the City Board of Directors lawful and exclusive control of the public schools pay all outstanding orders of the Board of Education City Treasury District Township of the City of Dubuque amount paid by the City to John Bosage quit claim, right title and interest of the lot Resolved City Collector, J M Freund complete returns of delinquent taxes Section 3, An Ordinance to prevent the violation of the public peace June 12, 1854 June 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Suspended on July 4 Resolution Resolved, Committee on Ordinances instructed to report an Ordinance providing for the monthly payment of salaries of city officers City Attorney to commence a suit against J W Hull for the recovery of money received by Hull from sale of Central Improvement Bonds Printed in Daily Times Michael Karrick bond Kentgen fund to pay for several sums June 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Resolution for the City to subscribe for a watchman to the City Hall and offices Chapline salary of city judge and city clerk Ordinance to prohibit the keepers of saloons and billiard tables from permitting minors from visiting or remaining in such places Citizens to enroll themselves as a special or volunteer police for the better protection of life and property B F Davis and other draymen, Council to reduce license June 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Building and Grounds known as the late House of Refuge was rented to Philander McCraney fix and repair fence C H Booth, Esqr., election for Directors of the Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Martin Canovan special watchman for the City Hall Building Presentation of Bills D Liquist, repairs on hose Judges and Clerks, 3rd Ward Election Ambrose Gleed, meals to calaboose W K DeLorimier, wharfage W J Gilbert, Stationary P Sage, Engineer Harris and Co, blocks M Corbet, cleaning around market C E Dow, lumber and Nails C Perry, painting dray tickets J Kauffman, washing market house B F Davis Draying O F Jackson, removing dead dogs Marshal, pulling down walls City Sexton, removing corpses J Garrigan Mehlop and Meyer June 2, 1859 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Claims M Haran, Tim Ware Rouse and Williams, work on crossing Iron ladder Patrick Gill, curbing B Mohan salary as Street Commissioner Fire Department J B Dorr and Company, bill of Thomas Pratt printing H M Shaw William Rebman A DeMowbray, Recorder