1859 July Council ProceedingsJuly 7, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
Petitions and Communications
Peter Oeth and other members of Hook and Ladder Company No. 1
removal of their Truck House to some more central situation
Fire Department
John D Bush reduction of his assessment
Arthur McCann pay with city bonds
N C Amsden, culvert running across 3rd St
Dubuque Harbor Company monies due
outer levee contract
July 7, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
Committee on Harbors
Catherine Edwards remission of City taxes
Dubuque and Dunleith Ferry Company leave to land at lower levee
J A Pinto, employ John Foley as Policeman
Mrs. B deLorimier taxes remitted
July 7, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
George R West, street leading to Union Addition to be repaired
warehouse door
Hampdon Insurance Company, Springfield Massachusetts
interest due on City bonds
Kentgen contract for short bonds
coupon bonds
W C Mace, planking and curbing bill
lot on Bluff St
City attorney, salary
July 7, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
City Attorney, case of the city vs. J W Hull
depositions of several parties in New York
Execution against the City in favor of Cornelius Mullen
Reports of Officers
Diagram and cost of grading broadway and diagonal streets
City Engineer cost of extending the sewer on Eagle Point Avenue
Peter Kiene
streets on which repairs are needed
Alpine St, Jefferson St, 3rd St, 17th St
Petition from F Guerin remission of taxes
July 7, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
City Engineer macadamizing of Clay St between 15th St and 16th St
salary due City Officers for the quarter
C J Leist, Treasurer
George Webb, Engineer
Thomas Fleming, Marshall
A DeMowbray, Recorder
E Spottswood, Auditor
Ernest Young, Janitor
S Duncan, City Attorney
City Currency issued in May, irregularly issued
July 7, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
Recorder, lease of the late House of Refuge to P McCraney
Marshall, weighing hay at central market
Thomas Fleming
Wharfmaster, wharfage collected
Sexton, number of interments
A DeMowbray
July 7, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
Petition from Peter Kiene, means for carrying off the water from his premises
Standing Committees
Regulation of Saloons and Billiard Rooms
Paying expenses of the City Court
Payment of salaries of city officers
Relation to streets
July 7, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
Bill of Dr. Belden attendance on McCrae injured at the Levee
John McPoland, Bill M Harran
P Gill curbing lot No. 658 and part of Lot No. 659 on Bluff St
W C Mace, order drawn on General Fund
Rouse and Williams
Claim of Wilson, Utley and Doud for legal services
July 7, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
Suspend Rules
Hear Wilson and Hetherington on the matter
Petition of W H Peabody, Southern Avenue be repaired
Repairs on Bluff St between 4th St and 8th St
Proposal of A Jordan purchase broken rock
Opening 17th St
July 7, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
Petition of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company, repair 7th St during late flood
J H Shields repairs on White St
Engineer in relation to the grade of Diagonal St and Broadway St
Public Grounds and Buildings
Heel and Rhul, leasees of saloons in the basement of City Hall
currency upon the scrip
July 7, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
Committee on Printing, bid of the Times for city printing
Dubuque Times official paper
Fire Department
Kentgen Fund
Bill of Rouse and Williams
Unfinished Business
Dubuque and Pacific Railroad
Dubuque Western Railroad
Ordinance granting right of way
Build a depot
Motions and Resolutions
City Collector be instructed to postpone the sale of property now advertised for city taxes
July 7, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
F M Freund City Collector
delinquent taxes
Winslow, postponement of sale
A DeMowbray
July 8, 1859
Fire Department obtaining an additional number of ladders
Auditor to purchase a desk for his office
July 8, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
Winslow as attorney of M Kentgen,
postponement of the sale of property for taxes as a direct infringement of the Kentgen Contract
An Ordinance to establish and regulate the Fire Department, Engine Companies Nos. 1, 2, and 3
keeping clean, apparatus and houses, advertising, printing, refreshment at fires
July 8, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
City bonds now due
Payment of city taxes
City Marshal appoint, subject to the approval of the council, a Bailiff to attend city court
Marshal enforce existing law in relation to dogs running at large, prevention of hydrophobia
Engineer profile of Boundary Street
Corner of Main St and 6th St, new Custom House
July 8, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
Ernest Young sealer of weights and measures
B S Downer appointed private watchman, authority to arrest any person around Dickinson's Planning Mill
Engineer to proceed to lay out the addition to the City Cemetery in accordance with preliminary survey
Public Grounds report
Existence of a nuisance on 15th St and 16th St east of Jackson St
employed special policeman on 4th of July
Messrs Barker and Bissell to assist the City Attorney
July 8, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
Messrs Barker and Bissell
Council increase of salary to the City Attorney
Salary of Janitor
Marshal procure ladder for City Hall
Kentgen Fund
Presentation of Bills
Farley and Rouse
Labor on Streets
W J Gilbert
F M Freund
Cunnings and Matthews
Harmon Tensch
M Martin
M McNear
C F Winderhick
Allen and Hosford
S Brown
July 8, 1859
Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King
Presentation of Bills
Kuntz and Co
C H Remington
John Calvert
William Westphal
Knapp, Stout and Co
Edmund Lenehan
M Harran
Dr. Belden
P Gill, General Fund
Rouse and Williams
Edmund Lenehan
John Fusselman
Mrs. Scheeler
John Flynn
L N Gibbs
Gas for the 4th of July
W K DeLorimier
Bill for 10 special policemen for the 4th of July
J B Dorr, printing
Sun Company, printing
Dubuque Times
Richter and Dettmer
C Kriechbaum, buckets
Waples and Walmsley
Bill for printing Rules of City Court, Clerk of Court