1860 March Council ProceedingsMarch 2, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King . March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Petitions and Communications 59 residents south of 5th St and Delhi Road change present boundary between the 1st Ward and 4th Ward T A Walker nuisance on Lot 619 residents of the 5th Ward Division St in Ham's Addition be opened Wagner remove fence George Ragartz assessment condition of Jackson St between 22nd St and 23rd St March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King J C Snyder, secretary of Board of Education bill of Thomas Waters, rent of school house in West Dubuque John Blake, judgement and taxes John Melhop resigning Reports of Officers repairs of 7th St bridge Jackson Square fence Owen Flynn Thomas Harran Maurice Flynn Richard Quinn George Webb Kentgen Fund March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Salary of City Officers Clerk of City Court Expenses for jurors Benjamin Rupert City Court Fund City Sexton, number of burials March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King City Attorney communication of W C Mace Tax Receipts of individuals reduction of interest Ordinance interest on taxes Petition of J Jenkle Assessment on Lots No. 3 and No. 4 in Block 5 of Railroad Addition tax book reduced assessment March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Contract and Account of Gelpcke, Kentgen, and Reichelt of the City of New York Unnecessary to enumerate the provisions of the contract balance against the City 1 years interest on Dubuque Western Railroad bonds Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Clark, Dodge and Cos loan Corcoran Loan F S Jessup Loan City Loan of 1857 Cash paid to City Treasurer March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Interest calculated on the above payments 1 years interest on Dubuque Western Railroad bonds Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Clark, Dodge and Cos loan Corcoran Loan F S Jessup Loan City Loan of 1857 Cash paid to City Treasurer Telegraph Dispatch City bonds other than railroad bonds for interest Gelpcke, Kentgen, and Reichelt Kentgen Fund salaries of Mayor and Aldermen March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Legality of the City having to pay interest on Railroad Bonds Bonds were not issued in accordance with the proclamation of the mayor intentions of voters City loaning its credit to the companies interest on bonds City being sued Gelpcke, Kentgen and Reichelt exchange Receiving the real estate Attorney Mr. Barker March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Numerous creditors of the City are entitled to respectful consideration Critical time in the financial history of the city Lavish expenditures public improvements of all kinds abandoned Credit of the City exausted heavy burden of debt only source of revenue the taxation of a community embarrassed by unfortunate speculations struggling to save themselves from ruin exaggerate our difficulties, or to lament over our misfortunes present a candid and truthful report of the liabilities and probable resources of the city Manage city debt List of obligations Clark, Dodge and Co loan Jesup Loan Ahern Loan Corcoran Loan Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Loan Dubuque Western Railroad loan City Loan of 1857 Total Coupon Bonds Short bonds of irregular amounts interest due and unpaid scrip outstanding other debts Total Indebtedness $888,779.29 March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King interest Kentgen Contract money advanced to pay interest in New York Annual interest $83,547.45 Outstanding scrip short bonds other debts statements of indebtedness of the City property within city limits as assessed for taxation in 1859 real $3,931,639.00 personal $922,363.00 Total $4,854,002.00 reduction of assessment March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King statement of City indebtedness Tax levied in 1859 $58,248.00 Paid leaving due Delinquent tax not including school taxes wharfage, licenses, rents and estimated total resources $126,183.49 Ordinance reducing the interest upon delinquent taxes management of city debt settlement or extension of debt short bonds no market value city is legally holden for these bonds payment of taxes reduction of interest upon the city debt imperative necessity coupons March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King statement of city indebtedness visions of future prosperity will not pay present indebtedness assessment roll State, County, and City expenses School special interest tax Railroad Bonds creditors pursuance of a vote of the people March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King statement of city indebtedness Special interest fund interest on short bonds paid in scrip Taxpayer interes in reduction of city debt pay delinquent taxes reduction of rate of interest Resolution Resolved that all bonds of the city, short bonds, be convertible into scrip settlement of any other debts currency scrip bonds available for payment of taxes March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King statement of city indebtedness Resolution Resolved holders of coupons of any bonds Railroad bonds receive orders on the special interest fund Committee on Ordinances Boundary line between the 1st Ward and the 4th Ward Claims Dr. T Mason wrongfully assessed March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Dr. T Mason wrongfully assessed on a stock of drugs Claims Communication of Robert Weston of West Dubuque assessed for merchandise and poll tax old man Bernard Schulte curb stones March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Claims F Wedahaas house and lot in Langworthy's Addition assessed too high no improvement M Bourgeois planking scrip M McNamara March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Printing bills of Palmer, Gilmore and Co Dettmer, Dorr and Co Insurance policies on City Hall lower market house and house of refuge Taxes remitted Margaret Hurly, Mary Mullin, E Hoskins, Julia Lewis, Mrs. Falvy, Mary McNamee, Mary Bushee, Margaret Collins, Mrs. Edwards, Bridget Farley Scrip Cancelled bonds on file General Fund Special Interest Fund Wharfage Fund School House fund Teachers fund Kentgen Fund scrip received in exchange for short bonds March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Scrip register bonds destroyed by burning Motions and Resolutions bonds of A McCann Kentgen contract for money advanced Railroad bonds Gelpcke, Kentgen and Reichelt General Fund Engine Companies No. 1, 2 and 3 March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Street Commissioner notify property holders on Main St Ordinance regulating wharfage of steam boats Harbors Judges and clerks of elections 1st Ward William A Hern Thomas Harron William Newman James Ryan Hugh Lemon House of M Henebery 2nd Ward Francis Schumacker George Mahl John Russ H H Smyth Cyrus Hetherington Beaubien House 3rd Ward R Nolte F Hinds William Rebman John Breneman P M Guthrie City Hall 4th Ward H S Hetherington C J Richards H J Playter P B Cook Adam Koch Corner of 8th St and Bluff St March 3, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Judges and clerks of elections 5th Ward G W Barnes A Stines P Keine G Blocklinger M Hooper Old School House Communications J M Robinson bond holders in New York, coupons now due J Herrod rent of old calaboose Presentation of Bills L D Randall and Co James Nevins Rouse and Williams M Roche Harris and Co March 6, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Consideration of the injunction of Gelpcke, Kentgen and Reichelt to restrain payment of any indebtedness by the City Council of New York Kentgen Contract not the intent of said contract that the exclusive payment to the said firm should continue beyond the term of one year Revenues March 6, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Consideration of the injunction of Gelpcke, Kentgen and Reichelt to restrain payment of any indebtedness by the City Council of New York Kentgen Contract settlement by the City of the Claims of its creditors City Court injunction restraining the Mayor, Recorder, and Auditor of the City from drawing orders upon the Treasurer Debts or interest City Council deprived of the powers granted by the City Charter Resolved not to make payment City Attorney removal of injunction Mr. Crider taxes March 17, 1860 Hodgdon, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Melhop, Chapline, Mitton, Matthews, Ham, King Application for an injunction in favor of Gelpcke, Kentgen and Reichelt Herman Gelpcke and Co U.S. District Court Tuesday, March 20, 1860 Honorable J H Love, District Judge of the District Court for the U.S. District of Iowa complainants by contract Samuels, Allison, and Crane, solicitors