1862 June Council ProceedingsJune 5, 1862
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer
J A Rhomberg reduction of license, billiard tables
James Wood, depot Southern Avenue Bridge
Richard Cox, sidewalk 16th St
C H Mix, Park Hill
A J Goss
Iowa St, 1st St and 2nd St
May Mullen, tax on lot
Mathias Mullen, Division St
June 5, 1862
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer
John Thompson, Bluff St
Timothy Mason, 5th St and Iowa St
R S West, 4th St
14th St sewer bridge, Washington St and Jackson St
E H Moore, central part of the city
Fire Department
E R Shankland subscription of city to fix grounds
General Fund
George W J Karrick
Clerk of City Court
June 5, 1862
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer
George Karrick, Clerk of City Court
Honorable E McCeney resignation
Reports of Officers
hucksters rent of stalls
Salaries of Officers
amount expended on streets
Judge and Clerk
Weigh master at West Dubuque, hay scale
City Sexton interments
Condition of Treasurer's office
claim of John Blake
June 5, 1862
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer
Mulkern voting upon the adoption of the report
expended on Davis St
Southern Avenue
rebuilding of bridge on Couler Avenue
Joseph Lewis lowest bidder
11th St work
Ordinance rent of Engine House
Fixed wharfage on Galena, Dubuque, Dunleith, and Minnesota Packet Company
June 5, 1862
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer
Fixed wharfage on Galena, Dubuque, Dunleith, and Minnesota Packet Company
suitable map used on construction
steamboats and other barges
trade within city limits
June 5, 1862
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer
Market fund, monthly amounts
Ordinance in relation to tax on dogs
City Attorney obtain deeds from custom parties
collecting planks on 7th St
Couler Avenue
McNear, quit claim deed
Ordinance for grain market
June 5, 1862
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer
John Melhop
City Attorney salary
John Day
Mahony and Co
D Ernst
J Swivel
D G Cummings
J Munell