1862 July Council ProceedingsJuly 4, 1862
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer
Adam Jaeger
butcher shop, 17th St by Nicholas Brant
temporary ways for repairing barges
J A Rhomberg, license billiard table
Bridge built across Bee Branch
Street Commissioner
Mary Doyle remission of taxes
J Swivel
E R Shankland subscription for fair grounds
J M Smith
4th of July
July 4, 1862
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer
Central Market Fund
James Rowan
Deed, M McNear
Galena, Dubuque, Dunleith and Minnesota Packet Company
City Sexton number of interments
Wharfage collected
Ordinance wood measurer and defining duties
Jones St Levee
Couler Avenue
July 4, 1862
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer
Ponds around Jackson Square
tax matter to City Attorney
Bill of Mahony and Co
May Mullen taxes remitted
Watchman of Central Market
vacancy, discharged of M Rice
Messrs Oswald, O'Laughlin and Schunk
street thru Langworthy Hollow
Assessment, Treasurer's books
city scrip
July 4, 1862
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer
Loring for calaboose
Gniffke for printing
Connolly and Roberts repairing Engine
Waller and Christman
Mahony and Co for printing