1862 September Council ProceedingsSeptember 6, 1862 Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer Petitions Chief Engineer Fire Department, hose of Fire Company No. 3 J H Duncan compensation, assistant Treasurer S M Robison bonds, wharfage Tax book Daniel Wolf resignation as Assistant Chief Engineer of Fire Department Wharfmaster September 6, 1862 Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer J F Bates resignation as Clerk of City Court Expended on streets City Sexton interments in the City Cemetery hay scales, stall rent Treasurer's office claim of John Blake taxes Ordinances, petition for suspension of hay law Petition of H Mouer Bill of Pelan and Randall September 6, 1862 Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer Petition of Rev P McCabe Ordinances, right of way to Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company Printing, Herald Office David Dillon Dennis Lenehan petition of A Mark H Huckney, bill of wharfmaster D A Mahony and Co, tax book Robletter and Meyer H Post S M Robinson McCabe September 6, 1862 Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer Bills H Puls Bemond Panzer H Kroll Peter Buchler Firth and Riddle Miller and Rebman D A Mahony and Co M Ratcliff, Charter Ordinance to license omnibuses Ephiram Ratcliff conveyance, passengers