1863 February Council ProceedingsFebruary 5, 1863 Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer Petitions Lawrence Molony, exhibitions assessment on his block on Main St Claims S Y Bradstreet, petitions City Attorney Petition of Arthur McCann, apply back taxes on Central Island bonds J H O'Neill Mary Hartsock, exempt from city taxes Butchers stall, City Market February 5, 1863 Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer Petitions P O'Connor, charges for planking Claims Jackson, Peter Fay for grain inspector Allen Nilkie H Bourmony suit commenced against Y Yarner Griffith and Knight assist City Attorney Council fill vacancies S D Dixon auditor J K Connell remitted tax February 5, 1863 Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer City Sexton reporting interments macadamizing Clay St A Jordan and H Jordan Wharfage collected Finance committee General Fund City Expense Fund City Scrip short bond Special Interest fund Jones St, Wharfage Fund Central Market Fund School Fund Kentgen Fund Cemetery Fund February 5, 1863 Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer Petition of Tehoff and Company reduction of rent of room occupied by them in Central Market Fire Department Mathew McNair, Engine House Wharfage fund applied to taxes James Rowan interest fund Nuisance on the city building Joseph Ade discharged from paying the tax Assessment of Junkerman and Haas Petition of N Crampton February 5, 1863 Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer Petition of Fred Richter reduction of taxes Claim of Joseph Herod and William Burton taxes on property Order drawn on the General Fund Bills J D Lumlord and Co Printing T Bissell February 5, 1863 Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Mason, Mulkern, Connell, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Ruegamer Bills Westphal and Hinds Frith and Riddle T Faherty James McGovern John McNamara J Royen P M Guthrie M Mushieth J E Klein