1863 September Council ProceedingsSeptember 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
Charles Street, Adam Glab, ordinance against slaughterhouse nuisances
Lemon Street near Bee Branch injurious to health
J W Barnes, paid taxes on lot
Cook's Addition
Railroad Addition
bridge over the gully in Langworthy Hollow
J H Emerson, J J E Norman, repairing Dodge St
power to repair
Timothy Davis
Street from Couler Avenue to Windsor Street
John Flynn, taxes on lots
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Dubuque County Farmer's Club
use of City Court room
P M Guthrie, Treasurer
Delinquent tax list
M L Oswald, special tax to satisfy a judgement obtained by him against the city
Solon and Edward Langworthy
Supreme Court
Allison and Crane attorney
Reports of Officers
City Attorney
Petition of J F Mach, grade of Main st sidewalks
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Reports of Officers
City Attorney
Petition of J F Mach, grade of Main st sidewalks
curbstones set
J H Shields
Street Commissioner C J Richards
streets, sewers, straightening of Clay St
Receipts from Linwood Cemetery
Market Master
Central Market report
Andrew Hoerner
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
salaries due city officers
Sam Dixon, Auditor
City Sexton, number of interments in the City graveyard
Henry Kroll
Wharfage collected
Inner levee, outer levee
C Gilliam
Standing Committees
Babbage and Co
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
F E Bissell, case of James Breen
Expense fund
Regulating licenses on omnibuses
Ordinance to license omnibuses and regulate the changes to conveyances
Running of omnibuses
Hotels, depots, steamboat landings, railroad stations
Corporate limits
carriages and livery stables
charge rates
baggage bluffs
Judge King's residence
charged for each additional trunk
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Ordinance for licensing omnibuses
Passenger, baggage
Justice of the Peace
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
An Ordinance regulating licenses
billiard tables
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
teams running away, Main St
Ordinance regulating licenses
Communication of H Chadwick, cancel tax for the year
Petition of James Mullin
T Cavanaugh
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Washington Co. No. 1
M Buch, repairing doors at Engine House
fire companies filling cisterns 5th St
David Lequist
Jacob Christman
salaries fixed by Council
Attorneys, Cooley and Eighmey for a special assessment
obtained by John Blake
no action in mandamus against the City
J H Shields
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Suitable piece of ground in the city cemetery for the interment of diseased soldiers and their families
Couler Avenue
Joseph Ogilby, D L Wilson, T L Wilson, sidewalks on Main St
taxes due the City
short bonds
Hugh Broderick license as drayman
listen and hear appeals in regard to assessments
tax of one percent on all taxable property
paying city expenses
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Ordinance in relation to licensing omnibuses
Daily Herald, cost does not exceed the price to be paid to the Times
salaries to the night police
Presentation of Bills
William Rebman for hauling gravel to the Market house
Alfred and Brown, Southern Avenue
John Muller
Daniel Ernst cleaning
Waller and Christman bill on cemetery
F A Gniffke, notice in relation to assessment books
delinquent taxes
Street Commissioner
Thomas Cavanaugh paving sewer on 3rd St
John T Everett night police
M Oswald
J B N Bourgeois, A Levi, cemetery fund
David Lequist repairing hose
repairing doors at Engine house
Wilson Hutchins