1865 March Council ProceedingsMarch 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and communications
Louis Stotts, Guardian of the Miner Leiser
C Hennings, taxes paid for
Petition from Ann Carlin, lots on 11th St in Farley's subdivision
George W Burton and others, sidewalk constructed on the south side of Julien Avenue from Alpine St to Nevada St
5th St
P Pals, city bonds against the City of Dubuque which were post due
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Reports of City Officers
James H Shields, City Attorney
District Court of Dubuque County
cases now pending in Court
L H and J L Langworthy vs. City of Dubuque
Jefferson Gardner vs. City of Dubuque
Absolam Cain vs. vs. City of Dubuque
W L Oswell vs. City of Dubuque
Martin Delany vs. City of Dubuque
Shelfreld and Scott vs. Jane Davis and the City of Dubuque
Newman and Cooper vs. City of Dubuque
The Dubuque and Sioux City Rail Road Company vs. City of Dubuque, J K Graves
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
James H Shields, City Attorney
District Court of Dubuque County
cases now pending in Court
J K Graves vs. M Ham, the City of Dubuque
Jefferson Gardner, C H Eighmey vs. City of Dubuque
John V Rider vs. S W Langworthy and City of Dubuque
Thomas Yates vs. J H Pickett and Delia Pickett
Sarah Le Roiter vs. City of Dubuque
Timothy Davis vs. City of Dubuque, P M Guthrie Treasurer
Ann O'Hare of the Estate of Edward O'Hare deceased vs. City of Dubuque
City of Dubuque vs. Huron and Christiana Chadwick
Frank J Cromer vs. Dubuque County and the Board of Supervisors
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
City Treasurer, receipts and expenditures
Report of City Sexton, interments
Market Master, Central Market hay scales
Bill of Waples, E C Clark, P A Lorimer
Auditor, salaries of City Officers
verdict of the jury summoned to assess the damages and benefits desired from opening and continuation of Bluff St
Newman and Cooper
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
verdict of the jury summoned to assess the damages and benefits desired from opening and continuation of Bluff St
lots in the vicinity
city scrip paid to Newman and Cooper
order on General Fund, judgment on docket
Treasurer's books
Resolutions and Motions
petition by sundry citizens of the 4th Ward, residing on Lorimier Avenue and Nevada St
Gnobb Blank
plank sidewalk, Lorimier Avenue, Alpine St to Nevada St to 5th St
Ordinance regulating streets and sidewalks
Elect clerks and judges of elections
Main st and 3rd St, property owner to construct a sidewalk in front of said lot
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Opening of polls at several wards
City Elections, want of necessary facilities in the way of stationary ballot boxes
Recorder provide stationary
Marshal deliver ballot boxes
Judges and Clerks of election
1st Ward
Thomas Harson, J Mangol
R J Montgomery, O Chamberlain
Place of Voting, R Jerr?
2nd Ward
George Mehl, C C Lieben
C Wulweber, Dr. Scott
Court House
3rd Ward
William Rebman, Henry Koch
N C Rider, H Shields
City Hall
4th Ward
Robert Mitton, Thomas Hardie
J K Duncan, William A Jones
Kudell's Block
5th Ward
Allan Leathers, Samuel Elmers
Henry Strecher, E R Shankland
Frame School House
District Court of Dubuque County
Fee Book
City Attorney, power to issue scrip
Bill of Asa Roberts for fixing engine
Acknowledging deeds
F J Cromer
D Earnest for work
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Bill of P Campbell
V Herancourt coffin
B M Harger
Ordinance to prohibit the storage of coal, oil, and lard in large quantities
Raise salary of Assessor