1866 February Council ProceedingsFebruary 1, 1866
Thompson, McCann, Emerson, Gibbs, Mulkern, Lembeck, Cummings, Bush, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Weinning
M Allison insure public buildings
N Nettel, nuisances in Langworthy Hollow
William Keough, alley in Quigley's Addition
P Kiene and others, extension of Diagonal St
taxes refunded
John Flynn, license to team refund
Reports of Officers
hay scales
J Watters Jr., West Dubuque hay scales
February 1, 1866
Thompson, McCann, Emerson, Gibbs, Mulkern, Lembeck, Cummings, Bush, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Weinning
P McAvery, West Dubuque hay scales
Auditor, salaries of city officers
City Sexton, interments
digging graves
Street lamp lights
Howard and McArthur
A Williams, Bissell and Co insure public buildings
Petition of Michael Hogan, judgement of City Bonds
P McSherry taxes
February 1, 1866
Thompson, McCann, Emerson, Gibbs, Mulkern, Lembeck, Cummings, Bush, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Weinning
Petitions of W C Mace, remission of special tax for laying sidewalks
Platt Smith, streets in Dubuque Harbor Company Addition be vacated
vacate James St, Salina St, Main St, West Main St south of Railroad Avenue
Petition of J M Robison, privilege of using and occupying portions of the street directly west of 1st Ward Market House
piling lumber
Knapp, Stout and Co
Resolution in relation to laying of sidewalks on 15th St between Iowa St and White St
February 1, 1866
Thompson, McCann, Emerson, Gibbs, Mulkern, Lembeck, Cummings, Bush, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Weinning
A McCann bonds scrip
bill of D A Mahony, board of prisoners
Beds and bedding for calaboose
Board of Trade
Condition of the City, Sanitary Committee
Unfinished Business
taking up city scrip
view of approaching cholera
draining the city
obtaining of running water along the inner slough from 7th St to 1st St
February 1, 1866
Thompson, McCann, Emerson, Gibbs, Mulkern, Lembeck, Cummings, Bush, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Weinning
bids for macadamizing Dodge St
P M Guthrie, purchase of city scrip
City Collector, cancel tax on lots
R G Herron
Samuel Young on personal property of George Young
Jose Huber, damage due their property by Fire Companies
Hog Pound
E Stimpson assessment
Capital Stock of the banking institutions in the City
Ordinance to provide for the levy and collection of taxes
February 1, 1866
Thompson, McCann, Emerson, Gibbs, Mulkern, Lembeck, Cummings, Bush, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Weinning
Board of Produce
Taxing transient purchasers of grain
Thomas Connolly, Rouse and Dean
Flat Dutch William
C Klumes
Rouse and Dean
H B Jackson
John McCoy
R F McMillen
Julius Scholt
Fred Schweich
February 3, 1866
Thompson, McCann, Emerson, Gibbs, Mulkern, Lembeck, Cummings, Bush, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Weinning
Taxing transient buyers of hogs
public weigher
keys for the desks
Bill of Michael M Higgins
Money paid M Curran
J H Shields, expense of taking dispositions
Junkerman and Haas
County Agricultural Board
February 10, 1866
Thompson, McCann, Emerson, Gibbs, Mulkern, Lembeck, Cummings, Bush, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Weinning
Communications from John Knomschild
damaged by waste water
Smith's Brewery
Franz Paurr, taxes on house and lots
Supreme Court of Iowa and other Courts in reference to claims against the City
E Smith
John News' communication, being sued for a pistol belonging to burglars arrested last year
Special interest fund in favor of P M Guthrie
City Scrip and bonds
purchase of suitable scales
Ryder and Cowles
February 10, 1866
Thompson, McCann, Emerson, Gibbs, Mulkern, Lembeck, Cummings, Bush, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Weinning
Dubuque Produce Exchange
Convention on the improvement of the Mississippi River
Poll Tax
policies of insurance on City buildings