1869 June Council ProceedingsJune 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
Dennis Dorgan, change of alley in Dorgan's subdivision
Thomas Hall, obstruction made by George Backett in Blake's Hollow
Frank Rhomberg, establishment of grade of alley between Clay St and Iowa St on 5th St and 6th St
Solomon Turck, protesting against change of grade on 3rd St
H Lembeck, against granting right of way to the Dubuque Manufacturing Lumber Co for a Railroad through Washington St up to 14th St
Nicholas Brand asking Butcher's license, sell meat on Clay St between 17th St and 18th St
Rugamer and Ade, C C Lieben, stalls be rented
2 west stalls reconsidered
W H Clark, double assessment, G R Clark
Samuel Upton, credit of his license on his claim
Frank Beyer declining to fulfill his contracts for 3rd St and 17th St
June 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
Petitions of John Blake asking the arrests of the persons who are digging sand on Lake St and Railroad Addition
W C Wilkinson, no change of grade of Chestnut St
H P Ward, construction of a gutter on the west side of High St from south line of George Burdens lot to Chestnut St
P O'Halloran, lamplighter increase of salary
Marshal Hardy, number of his police force
sale of Huckster stands for concert license, circus license
Ex Deputy Marshal Elmer names of workmen
Jennings found office coupons
M Levi percentage due from sale of cemetery lots
Market Master Strasser, use of market house, cleaning markets
Salaries due city officers
P Sage, Engineer of Fire Department
June 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
City Sexton Gmehle, interments and digging graves
Lots sold
John Doud
F Schumacher
M D Goble
Henry O Jones
James Harvey
Platt Smith
Lewis T Farrell
William A Palmer
M L Barnes
Justice Cantillon collected for fees
Deputy Marshal Stecher, amounts due street laborers
City Engineer Crusius, estimates the cost of erecting bridges over the sloughs on 7th st extension
B B Richards work on 15th St
Petition of Hays and Hardy, culvert necessary to be constructed on 5th St
City Attorney McCeney, reports of Justice Smith and Jones
June 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
Auditor state of Linwood Cemetery
Expenditure and receipts
Mayor Knight and Attorney McCeney
cases pending in the U.S. Circuit Court
Henry Young vs. the Mayor and Aldermen of Dubuque
Elisha Riggs vs. the Mayor and Aldermen of Dubuque
James Harris vs. the Mayor and Aldermen of Dubuque
Engineer Crusius petition for change of grade on Chestnut St
Eighmey address the Council
Grade of Summit St, profile of proposed change
Potter grade declared official grade
Dr. Waples, Dubuque City Pest House
June 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
Committee on Fire Departments
Engine House in 5th Ward
Contractor Peter Oeth
Whitewashing Engine House
Legal steps, portion of 7th St
Favor of erecting a lamp post near the jail
appointing a nightwatchman in 5th Ward
Bills paid
John McCoy
F Finke
J Edwards and Co
Dubuque Manufacturing Company
Thomas Murray
Waller and Christman
James Crawford
W Zahima
M Brown
John Hays
O H Crusius
F A Gniffke
Iowa Staats Zeitung
Palmer, Winall and Co
Ham and Carver
James Kelly
Conrad Schmid
H Peterman
Frank Beyer
Julius Brecht
Fire Department
A T Cook
5th Ward Engine House
Rouse and Dean
E Ratcliff
J W Parker
Thomas Hermey
H C Silsby
D Sullivan
June 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
John Gregorie
Sol Rauh and Co
Rouse and Dean
D Lisgriest
Howard and McArthur, gas pipes
Poor Relief
J Michel
J Mulligan
J O'Brien
John Fuhrman
Patrick Donnolly
John O'Brien
G Reinfried
John Nagle
John Mulligan
B Davis
A Greenwald
N C Ryan
J P Quigley
Upton and McNear
Samuel Upton
Raymond and Brothers
M Huggard
Lagan and Lom
Mary Redwood
Leckie and Langworthy
B Petibone
John Pier
Mrs. Brady
A Christman
F W Loeffler
A J Jaeger
John Nagle
Samuel Elmer, P C Morhiser
Dr. Lay
John Fuchs
George W Jones, relation to cisterns on 6th St
Petition of H Hemlebon remission of saloon license
Mrs. Brady taking care of a baby in her charge
Reserving the Ferry Landing on 7th St
June 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
Petition of the Citizens who asked the grading of the Jackson Square
Delinquent tax assessment of William B Allison on Julien Theatre Building
dwelling house
Plimpton, Stephenson and Co, property in question is out of city limits
Resolved question submitted to the voters of this city at a special election
Shall the city of Dubuque settle its debt under and by virtue of the provision of the act entitled An act to enable municipal and public corporation at their election to settle, adjust, and compound their indebtedness
provide for the issue of new bonds
levy of specific taxes
altering and amending existing charters and laws passed by the 12th General Assembly of the State of Iowa
Polls opened, conducted in the same manner as ordinary municipal elections
Judges and Clerks of Special Election
1st Ward
William Newman, William Ahern
Micheal Ahern, Ed O Duncan
Place of Election, Robert Joss house
June 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
Judges and Clerks of Special Election
2nd Ward
M Bushholz, George W Scott
George Salot, Benj F Smith
Court House
3rd Ward
H Koch, William Rebman
William Wihe, Frank Glab
City Hall
4th Ward
R O Anderson, P A Lorimer
M Kingman, Thomas Hardie
Lorimer House
5th Ward
John King, L Doerfler
Pet Oeth, P Ellwanger
Heeb's Brewery
Resolved Mayor issue his proclamation as is usual at ordinary charter elections
special election
Right of Way to the Dubuque Lumber Manufacturing Company
Profile of grade of extension of Bluff St, south line of Dodge St
Potter grade declared the official grade of Summit St
T C Roberts, final settlement
An Ordinance authorizing and regulating street railways in the City of Dubuque
Regulate and fix stands at the Dubuque City Depot, accomodation of buses and wagons
Dubuque St Railway Company
June 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
Marshal of the City of Dubuque cause all swine found running at large to be driven into the hog pound
advertised and sold
Preamble and Resolution
Ingram, Kennedy, and Day have petitioned this Council to vacate a portion of 7th St extension in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's addition
Erect a steam saw mill
Resolved 7th St extension, slough, vacated
abandoned for all public purposes
City have right to reopen street without expense to the City
Marshal level off macadamizing put upon 6th St from Main St to Bluff St
June 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
Resolved Marshal fill lot adjoining 1st Ward Market House
City Attorney notify the contractor of 3rd St and 17th St improvements
legal proceedings, securities for nonperformance
condition of the water course leading into the second bridge on Dodge St
excavation done to protect bridge from damage
Petition of R Nolte
Auditor attend to all stationary that is used by City officials and keep strict account
printing notices
improvements made in the Market House or office without consenting the proper committee
Passage of Mrs. Lynch and two children to Lansing
June 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
Resolved deliver orders for payment, city licenses
Publish in the official papers the names of those persons who have taken out their saloon and wagon licenses
Dubuque Times and Iowa Staats Zeitung
petitions, communications, bills, must be filed in the office of the Recorder, two days before the regular session of Council
published in 4 newspapers
list of all saloons in the City
Fire Companies
June 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
Costs in the U.S. District Court
Proclamation requiring dogs to be restrained until September 1, 1869
Board of Supervisors in reference to Poor Relief
cleaning sidewalks
sell the debris of the House of Refuge
cleaning streets and alleys, collect from property holders
Communication of John Hays and M Hardy, work done on 5th St
Bills Paid
O H Crusius
N Steeper
Herancourt and Woodward
W Meyer
E Dejardin
N Eichman
J McClay
Mrs. A Welsh
E Keas
F H Finke
Ham and Carver
property holders from
13th St to King's Addition
Locust St between 1st St and 3rd St
June 3, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
sidewalks in order as required by the Ordinance
Ernst Pitchner address the Council, abate the nuisance caused by the cattleyard in Iowa St between 14th st and 15th St
June 17, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
Building a City Hospital
Resolved acre lot now owned by the city situate in the west half of the east half of Section 13 in Township 89 North of Range 2, East of the 5th Prin Meridian
location for a new hospital, erected by the County and City of Dubuque
Board of Supervisors
erect building as soon as practicable
Valentine Saner sworn in as special policeman without pay from the City for the 5th Ward
June 17, 1869
Knight, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Lenehan, Young, Pleins, Coates, Weigel, Jaeger, Kiene
Ordinance authorizing and regulating the Dubuque Lumberman's and Manufacturers Railroad
Edward McLean claim
Catharine Ragatz cancellation of taxes
6th St between Bluff st and Main St graded to the established grade
improvement made at the expense of the abutting property holders
Contractor contract with the owners of abutting property
city shall not be liable for said work
improvement in front of city property
Petition of C G Hargus, uniform grade of Bluff St, 14th St to 16th St
Jackson Square