1871 June Council ProceedingsJune 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
John Frieburg, closing of the alley on block where Dickison's factory is located
A Blossom, change of grade on alley between 14th St and Walnut St
Remonstrance of J G Peterson against macadamizing of Walnut St
F W Kruse, construction of sewer on Windsor St
R Morrill, Walnut St curbed and guttered
H Brinkman, road leading to German Grave Yard be repaired
Eagle Point Avenue to Corporation Line
H A Dean, lamp post on High St and Walnut St
Mrs. J Uffel, saloon license
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Joseph Henry license for Varieties Theatre
James Scott, team license
Herman Hahn, Butcher's License
Caffall and Hedley, Auctioneer's license
Fanny A Stewart, assessment
Charles Street, Humbolt's Addition
J K Graves assessment on personalty
Clark and Cowles
Mrs. C E Leech, delinquent taxes
James Jobison, nuisance caused by a hog pen
A Schaffer, city printing
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
H C Danah, widening and opening Old Quigley Lane from Delhi St to Southern Avenue
A M Kurg, permission of the Council to remove frame building from corner of 6th St and Jackson St, 10th St
Mrs. Weiss, permission to erect frame building inside of fire limits
Frank Brede, remove lumber yard of the cabinet makers association
E H Smith, sale of vegetables at other places than markets
John McCoy asking privilege to erect stalls for market purposes
12th St and Iowa St
Charles Ohde, erecting fish stands outside of Market House
George Burden, assessment of Eliza Burden
Mrs. Mary E Lenehan receipts
Maurice Brown
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
City Engineer grade stakes on Seminary St
W H Peabody, survey and plat of inner levee from 1st St to 7th St and up the old canal to 12th St
Mary A Linton, delinquent taxes
George W Scott, Cottonwood trees
W E Weihe, sprinkling streets around market
S M Langworthy, wharfage on lumber
D C Cram, sidewalk on 10th St
Market Master Frith, receipts for weighing at market scales
rent of huckster stands
Board of prisoners
City Sexton Gmehle, internments in Linwood
cemetery lots sold
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
City Sexton Gmehle, internments in Linwood
cemetery lots sold
German T School
H B Fonke
M B Miller
O S Patch
A Kaiser
Mrs. C Metcalf
John Rider
H Smead
Mrs. A Yount
Marshal Hardy, hogs sold from city pound
R McGivern, receipts for weighing at West Dubuque Scales
Lamplighter O'Halloran
Wharfmaster Smith wharfage
F Jackson, 1st Ward Scales
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Street Commissioner Ryder, sums due for work on streets, cleaning alleys
John Molony
Frank Netu
George Rochell
Raymond Myrths
Martin Shanon
John Von Molky
Thomas O'Hern
M O'Laughlin
P McNamara
Bernard Bremith
M Hardy
P Consadine
Dennis Lenehan
John Crowley
John Kelly
John McGrath
T O'Toole
J O Halloran
J McMahon
Christ Freeman
Fred Hutner
John Coyle
Jerry Pickley
Jerry Griffin
William Balding
Daniel Harrington
Dennis Dorgan
M Corbit
John Lynch
Morris O'Hern
Edward Ryne
James Williams
Bernard Brady
Casper Herbith
Thomas Horn
Martin Carmody
P Clemmens
Tom Hynes
John Tinnerty
M Hernian
Pat McCoy
John Londigan
P Mimnough
Michael Kelly
John Delmar
A Van Halter
Fred Nebauer
Frank McAdams
John Ryne
Nich Vampier
James Ray
M Hardy
William Hall
Hugh Martin
Frank Weber
R Bennett
Nich Willett
John Corbit
William Jurgens
D Southerland
George Martin
P Fitzgerald
John Harrigan
Phil Derr
Michael Randall
Jacob Ragor
William Martin
James Robison
James O'Shea
John Moran
A Henigelman
P Mulqueeny
John Quail
Henson Grant
John Ratz
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Street Commissioner Ryder, sums due for work on streets, cleaning alleys
John Bockmeyer
Mike Wagner
Felix Agnew
Mason work
Michael Martin
Fred Holtz
Carpenter Work
Thomas Renner
Nicholas Butler
H Peterman
rock for Eagle Point Avenue Bridge
P Specht, lime
work done on Dodge St
W C Alexander
John Lockey Sr.
James Alderson
John Lockey Jr.
William A Roach
George Thompson
Ben Norman
Barney Lockey
George Newman
John Wise
Jesse Roach
Edward Waters
N C Alexander
Mike O'Shea
Pat Maher
Auditor Jennings, salaries due city officers
Woodmeasurer Falty, measured and inspected cords of wood
Treasurer Griswold, Linwood Cemetery Fund
Mrs. M Levi
Police Justice Tuttle
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Justice Tuttle, lamp posts
City Engineer Littrell, contractor Hayes completed work on White St between 4th St and 5th St according to plan and specifications and contract between Hayes and City
survey and plat of alley between High St and Division St from West line of lot in Wick's Addition
Road way on the Northern boundary of the City
Reducing 14th St to the Potter grade
Alex Young,
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Alex Young, household furniture be cancelled, assessment on moneys and credits reduced
John Gilmore
H T McNulty pay his taxes, assessment
City Treasury, Mayor's orders
Joseph Chapman
Mayor's attorneys and expenses to Des Moines
H W Griswold
P M Guthrie order, letter press in the Auditor's office
Eagle Point Avenue Bridge
John Rugamer
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
vacation of streets in lots in Scott's Addition
John Ruegamer
Crossing at Eagle Point Ferry
construct a covered crossing on White St at its intersection with 5th St
P O'Connor
grade of White St between 4th St and 5th St
profile of the City Engineer
City grade book
15th St, 800 cubic yards of filling
Fence for Washington square
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Washington Square Fence
raise by subscription
Mrs. C Ryan, Mrs. Murphy to erect a frame stable between 3rd St and 4th St
J N Parker, nuisances in Farley's subdivision
Mayor appoint Louis Scherrer, policeman, to patrol 9th St and 17th St area
Delinquent Tax
Mary A Linton
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Delinquent Tax
Mary A Linton
Mary Thompson, city lot assessment
William H Clark, personalty assessment
James Lawther, assessment on Mineral lots
Ambrose Gleed, assessment on merchandise
Resolved sidewalk on 10th St between Main St and Iowa St
Universalist Church
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Resolution by L A Thomas, Esq in relation to the opening of the continuous water route from the Mississippi to the Atlantic
Resolved property owners on Iowa St from 13th St to 4th St repair sidewalks
work done at the expense of abutting property
Engineer divide lots in Linwood Cemetery
Street Commissioner make repairs at Dodge St and South Dodge St
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
water cutting across Dodge St
Resolved special tax levied on lots for the purpose of paying Jogn Hayes, contractor for grading, paving, and macadamizing
Order in favor of Michael Hardy for filling on Southern Avenue
Repairing Delhi Road, aldermen of the 4th Ward
City Engineer examine and report the matter of grade on Iowa St and 10th St
survey and plat of a street along north corporation line
cemetery road
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Resolved 5th St from Clay St to White St be graded, macadamized and guttered
expense of owners of real estate
Number and location of all the cottonwood treets in the thickly settled portion of the City
crossings on White St at its intersection with 13th St
plan of the distribution of water pipes and location of hydrants
Special committee on licenses
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
defraying the expenses of sprinkling the streets around the market house
Street Commissioner cover bridge on Eagle Point Avenue
Claims allowed
Howard and McArthur
Raymond brothers
Knapp, Stout and Co
Pelan and Randall
John Nagle
John Traxler
P Donnolly
James Crawford
B F Smith
D Lenehan
John Clark
J S Littrell
Waller and Christman
F Jenkel
P Green
D and J Lenehan
J R Harry
F A Gniffke
J W Coy
E Desjardin
B P Welsh
Protection Engine Co
A T Cook
Steam Engine Co
Rich and Ryan
Louis Scherer
William Morgan
Clark and Cowles
J M Robison
Mrs. Flannery
B Pettibone
Eichman and Co
John Mulligan
J Zangmeister
P H Halpin
F N Loeffler
F E Moser
James Doyle
June 1, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Bills referred to Committee on Claims
Howard and McArthur gas bill
Iowa Staats Zeitung printing
Asa Roberts ring bolts
Constable Seward
June 15, 1871
Mayor's office
petition signed by several of the wood dealers making complaints against the city woodmeasurer
June 19, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Resolved legal services, writ of mandamus issued by the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Iowa on the relation of Thomas Duncan
laying a tax to pay a judgment of Duncan against the City
James Burt sign and execute appeals