1871 July Council ProceedingsJuly 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Petition of G R Foster, crossing on 10th St and Locust St
John Glab, 9th St from Jackson St to Pine St
bluff filling
H S Hetherington, grade be established on Ellis St and Almond St
Cox and Dorgan's Additions, sewerage
carry water to the Main St sewer
G T Henkels complaining of obstructions to 8th St between Clay St and White St
storing lumber
E R Shankland, condition of Seminary St
George W Scott, damages in Eagle Point Addition
Construction of the Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad
T S Wilson, remission of penalty on taxes
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Committee on Delinquent taxes
remission of taxes
special assessment
Thomas Finn
Honora O'Conner
J M Kleine
Mrs. L N Gibbs
Peter Boney
F Wise
Margaret Heidenrich
John Groff
Henry Wagmer
F Daehling
J F Mack
Edward Blake
Margaret Doyle
Peter Specht
Reinfried and Wife
Catherine Smith
F Hinds
D W Hewett
John Laidlaw
Make deed to William Hyde Clark, Linwood lots
J K Graves, estate of Thomas Kelly
money paid into treasury for damages
Michael Flynn, sidewalks on Southern Avenue
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
A Blossom take material from near the sisters on 14th St for the purpose of improving street
William Johnson, boats be prevented from landing at 2nd St
Charles Klingenberg, erection of warning posts on 6th St slough
C Jungk, nuisances caused by hole on vacant lot on Clay St between 16th St and 17th St
Joseph Stranney, lighting lamp on 1st St and levee
purchase of new level and transit for use of the City
John Hennessy, taxes paid for cemetery purposes
Melchior Gulser, refunded for express wagon
Andrew Heintzmann
Charles Klingenberg, appointment of a policeman in 5th Ward
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
H Peterman, refunded for team license
Frank Brede, lumber yard of the Dubuque Cabinet Makers Association
Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad Company, lay tracks on public grounds between 3rd St and 7th St
Remonstrance of J K Graves against the policy
Engineer Littrell submitted profile of widening of cemetery road
Wharfmaster Smith
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Marshal Hardy
Correct list of cotton bearing trees
Bluff St, 1st St and 2nd St
Jones St and Dodge St
Locust St
Dodge St and Brewery
10th St and 11th St
9th St and 10th St
Main St
14th St and 15th St
16th St and 17th St
Iowa St
4th St and 5th St
8th St and 9th St
lot between Iowa St and Clay St, alley
Clay St
5th St and 6th St
13th st and 14th St
White St
Jackson St
11th St
Washington st
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
work done on Delhi Road
Woodmeasurer Falty
Lamplighter O'Halloran
Committee on Police and Gas
Market Master Frith
huckster stands
Market House
Board of Prisoners
salaries due city officers
Griswold, due Mrs. M Levi for Linwood lots sold
Frank jackson, receipts at 1st Ward Hay Scales
R McGivern, West Dubuque Scales
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Engineer Littrell, Eagle Point Avenue Sewer work
Contractor Heeb
Street Commissioner Ryder, sums due for work in June
John Molony
M Carmody
M O'Laughlin
M Corbit
M Hardy
Jerry Griffin
D Dorgan
F Kutner
James Williams
C Freeman
Patrick Campbell
John Crowley
T O'Toole
John Kelly
Thomas Murphy
Patrick Mahan
Jerry Pickley
B Mertz
Pat Ryan
Paul Bowen
M Kopps
Patrick McCoy
John McGrath
James Herman
P Mulqueeny
E Burke
P Fitzgerald
R Bennett
Nick Willitt
3rd St work
Thomas Horn
M Carmody
John Kelly Jr.
Pat Connors
John Malony
M O'Laughlin
M Corbit
R Merz
Pat Ryan
Peter Burns
James Williams
P Fitzgerald
R Bennett
M Hardy
Mason Work
John Collins
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
City Sexton Gmehle, interments
sale of Linwood Cemetery lots
Dubuque Lodge JOOF
William Crummer
digging graves
Engineer report, alley in Wick's Addition
specifications for macadamizing of 5th St
Chief of Fire Department A T Cook, number of fires for 6 months
public cisterns and fire apparatus
Engineer Littrell
Alley through lot in City
10th St to 11th St between Washington and Elm St
Michael Hardy
Contract on Southern Avenue Road
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Petition of F N Kruse, sewer on Windsor St
Committee on Streets
Dodge St
W C Alexander
John Lockey
Barney Lockey
W A roach
James Alderson
John Wise
John Sheridan
Patrick Mahan
Ben Norman
Mike O'Shea
W C Alexander
Aug Alexander
George Thompson
sums due Treasurer Griswold
Insurance paid Taylor
Cemetery Stamps
Pens for Auditor
Claims of Asa Roberts, ringbolts
Claim of the Staats Zeitung, printing
J G Peterson, macadamizing Walnut St
A Morrill
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Change of grade of alley between 14th St and Walnut St
H Brinkman, repaired road from Eagle Point Avenue to the Corporation Line leading to the German Grave Yard
Crossings on White St
City Engineer Littrell, grade for Julien Avenue
old canal be declared open
filling of old canal as commenced by the Railroad companies
lease of the ground owned by the City
Printing, petition of A Schaffer
Delinquent taxes
J K Graves
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Mrs. J Morrisey, taxes on lot in Dogans Addition be remitted
Mrs. C E Leech, lots in McDaniels Subdivision
Thomas Kavanaugh, cancel moneys and credits
F A Stuart, assessment reduced
Clark and Coules
Charles Ohde, canvass awning
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
John McCoy
Sprinkling streets around the market
Painting of the gate, Linwood Cemetery
Pacific Insurance Co, 3rd Ward Fire Engine House
Washington Square
Petition of A M Kurg, removal of frame building
Edward Klingenberg, permission of Cabinet Makers Association to place lumber
manufacturing on Jackson St and 11th St
Contract with the lowest bidder to furnish coal for steamers
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Petition of H A Dean for lamp posts on High St
H C Danah
Road from Julien Avenue to Southern Avenue
Engineer survey and plat
An Ordinance to provide for opening, altering, or annulling streets, alleys, and highways in the City of Dubuque
Petition of John Richman, wood dealers for removal of John Falty, woodmeasurer
Resolved Stafford Avenue plat and survey
City Plat Book
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Street Railroad Company, fill inside their track and keep filled, crossing or turning out of by carriages and other vehicles
Walnut St from High St, Prairie St, graded and macadamized
Extension of Stafford Avenue
City Cemetery
Resolved John Hayes paid, rock on 7th St bridge
Bridge over Couler on 23rd St, Elm St
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
1st Ward Market House insured
sidewalks in front of lot owned by City, 18th St
Lightning rods, Central Market
Couler Avenue and Clay St sidewalks
Washington Fire Co, salary
Chief of Fire Department
Steam Engine Co
Lafflin Powder Co
Knapp, Stout and Co
Asa Roberts
James Clancy
Henott and Howard
Lenehan brothers
N C Ryan
Mrs. E Ogilby
Pat Donnolly
Charles Klingenberg
J D Jennings
J Littrell
F Dubrock
thomas Murray
A Schaffer
J M Wolfe
J M Robison
F A Gniffke
Rich and Ryan
Rouse and Dean
Collin and Langworthy
July 6, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Poor Relief Bills
proper vouchers
Investigate charges of drunkenness against certain policemen
C G Hargus
July 10, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
A Blossom, grade stakes on 14th St up to Prairie St
John S Ganagan, original tax on lot in Kelly's Addition
Nick Weber, delinquent tax on L H Langworthy's Addition
J Kurg, tax sale certificates
Burlington Iowa, July 5 1871
Attorney for Isaac Hayner, judgment in his favor vs. the City of Dubuque
May 12, 1871
Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Iowa
tax to pay judgment
David Rorer
July 10, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Mayor accept service in the suit of Hayner vs. the City of Dubuque judgment
levy of tax
Fund short bond, Mr. King
Harbor matter
Remonstrance of J K Graves against the policy
C G Hargus
July 11, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
Harbor Question
Strong feeling in favor of the railroad
Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad Company
Courts have determined our right to control the matter
Fill the canal for use of railroad tracks
Sewerage, Adjacent lot owners
widen the outer slough where the bridge is situated of a width equal to the opening on the canal closed by them
Council confer with the Bridge Company, Railroad and Improvement Companies
adjusting the differences between the City and the companies and to arrange a settled plan of policy of the City
Railroad and Bridge Co
July 11, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
John Sperring, special assessment
George Nochler, stairway 8th St
Justice Cantillon report of cases before him in June
Claim, Henry Kolb for boarding sick man and the Claim of J and A Christman
Poor Relief
vacate streets as part of the 7th St extension
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition
streets declared open for all public uses and purposes
J K Graves
July 11, 1871
Burt, Ryan, Lucas, Gehrig, Chapman, Robison, Pleins, Coates, Robinson, Jaeger, Oeth
J K Graves, administrator of Thomas Kelley's Estate
opening 7th St
paid to heirs
Cancel all taxes on lots in Harbor Improvement Company's Addition