1873 May Council ProceedingsMay 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Richard Cox, assessment of Mineral Lot
Joseph Trainer, assessments on lot on Locust St
Vestrymen of St. John's Episcopal Church
Trustees of the 1st Primative Methodist Church in relation to assessment of their Church property
Bridget Lenehan, remission of taxes on homestead
Weston Burch, policemen to be stationed in the vacinity of the lumber yards
George B Burch, grade on Grove St
S M Langworthy, filling on Railroad Company
Thomas M Faherty, sidewalks on Mineral St
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
John W Howler, privilege
3rd St, usual rentage from all Mineral raised
John McCoy, condition of Walnut St
J A Rhomberg, grade of Seminary St
improving 7th St extension
M Dunn, contract on 6th St
improvement of streets in Ham's Addition
Marketmaster Frith, dangerous condition of ornaments outside of the market steeple
reports from 1st Ward Scales
William Hintrager, tax certificates
E Langworthy, filling lots in East Dubuque
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Treasurer Griswold, refunded taxes
C Hargus, buy lot in Cemetery
John R Waller, William Coates, construct waterway to convey the surplus water from their building
Mary Mullins, lot on subdivision out lot
Casper Gasser, reduction of saloon license
J A Rhomberg, mineral lot
B B Richards, assessment of lots
Thomas McCoy, saloon license
Nicholas Brandt, Millville Road
Dubuque Water Company
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Street Commissioner Alexander
sums due parties for work on streets
John Moloney
Jerry Howard
Anthony McGowan
Frank Adams
Daniel Harrington
Jerry Griffin
John McMahon
Michael Corbitt
T O'Toole
John Kelly
M Finnigan
M Hill
Pat McNamara
Henry Grady
Mathias Kaep
Anthony Brick
Thomas McCue
Stephen Barry
John Joice
D Sullivan
Pat Bannon
M O'Laughlin
Tom O'Connell
J Bennett
Tim Hines
Pat Mulvin
John Guebach
Nick Puich
M Ambrosia
V Leven
Ned Ryan
M Gleason
John Dubrock
P Mechior
M Hoffman
Casper Herbst
F Mertz
B Bremot
B Kapritz
W Kruse
Nat Karins
Tom O'Hern
Chester Freeman
John Tinnerty
M Hayden
Pat Mahan
Larry Moore
M Camoran
M Reynolds
Tom Lane
W C Alexander
Daniel Sheehan
Pat McMahon
John Sage
N Willet
P Fitzgerald
M Morgan
M McCarter
H G Roberts
Mike Bonge
A Turner
John Terry
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
John Steffen
M Dumphrey
Pat Clancy
Ed Whalen
J Tobin
J E O'Hare
J McCraken
Peter Kearney
George Martin
John O'Dea
Carson McElroth
John Fitzpatrick
John S Yarrigan
Stain and Long
Street Commissioner Blocklinger sums due for work on streets
John Moloney
Jerry Howard
Anthony McGowan
John McMahon
Michael Corbit
F Mertz
Thomas McCue
M O'Laughlin
P Melchior
Casper Herbst
B Capritz
M Ambrosia
Tom Connell
Pat Bannon
Martin Gleason
M Hoffman
John Cavenbauch
Cyrus Burke
A Gardner
F Sullivan
W Heine
Louis Mulvin
Pat Donnolly
M Cannovan
John Lanagan
Jerry Griffin
John Eagan
John Murray
J Francois
L Smith
J Timmerty
D Harrington
L Bronet
A Donahue
J Buckley
P McMahon
J Nichols
A Briggs
N Kintziner
M Hill
Ed Whalen
N Wise
Pat Mahon
Anthony Brick
William Kruse
F Leven
N Germers
R Woodward
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
J Burke
J ?
N Pinch
Ned Karins
Pat Malefin
Miles Hayden
N Ryan
M Finnegan
D Sullivan
L Moore
H Garvy
TIm Hynes
William Pickley
N Willet
Pat Clancy
M Reynolds
John S Garrigan
M G Roberts
Ed Whalen
Thomas Lane
James Robinson
John Sage
Richard Bennett
Daniel Sheehan
James Murray
M Morgan
J Shouse
S Berry
C Germers
S Bennett
C Freeman
D O'toole
N Grapp
J Dubrock
S Kaliska
P Consadine
J Galis
M Lenan
Frank Weber
A Turner
John Fitzpatrick
J McCracken
J Rice
Peter Meyer
M Hardy
J Tobin
George Martin
Dennis Lenehan
Pat McMahon
J Curry
Pat Clancy
Samuel Elmer
John Graff
Woodmeasurer Warring, cords of wood
Marketmaster Frith, weighed
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Marketmaster Frith, drafts at Market Scales
Wharfmaster Reid, wharfage from steamers, lumber
Wharfmaster Bruening, wharfage from wood
Auditor Jennings, salaries due the city officers and police
City Sexton Gmehle, interments in Linwood Cemetery
Sale of Linwood lots
V J Williams
H Rouse
Mrs. M B Dean
George A Higley
F W Schaffer
Charles Schultz
M Benetis
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Mayor Protem Cooper, letter from citizens of Lyons in relation to contemplated excursion to Dubuque
Financial condition of your treasury
While it may appear like wringing out our dirty clothes in public, still we know of no better answer to your constituents who are petitioning for extensive improvements
fellow citizens who held city orders
installment outstanding orders
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
case with the coupons and money due New York
Protect City Credit
sacrifice the banks
negotiation with the banks
Elliot Judgement
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
E W Duncan
C J Rogers, notarial services
Klauer and Brothers, tin work on Clock Tower
John McCoy, use of house at Election
John Dreyhouse, P Hanson Claim
John A Koch
Street names Lenehan
N Strotz, sidewalk on unnamed street from Stafford to Dock St
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Huber, sidewalk on Washington St from 24th St to 26th St
Lucy N Dyer, grade of 8th St
F A Gniffke, grading and macadamizing 14th St
James N Porter
tour of inspection to the various thoroughfares of the city
necessity of making improvements in the localities visited
Petitions on delinquent taxes
Mary Markee
Mrs. A H Remington
William Beck
F Kempf
J M Drasda
Ed Klingenberg
CFM Railroad Co
DS Railroad Co
J O'Hea Cantillon
Dubuque South Western Railroad Co
B B Richards
W S Wright
P McCullough
S M Pollock
E M Woodworth
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Catherine Morrissey, remitting her taxes on lot
Dorgans Subdivision
J H Rhomberg, assessment of Mineral lot
Owen McGlaughlin referred to City Attorney
William Long
Dubuque Telegraph lowest bidder
Mr. Ham of the Herald made statement
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
contracting for horses to haul the steam fire engines, salaries of engineers and firemen
Contract with D W Lenehan
Attorney, petition of B B Richards
Jackson Square contract
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Settlement with Mr. Rebman
grass seed
An Ordinance to license the selling of liquors in the City
An Ordinance vacating the north alley laid out in Mineral Lot
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Ordinance to compel hack omnibus and express desire to wear baged
Election of assessors
T O'Sullivan, Henry Stecher
Dubuque Herald, official paper
National Demokrat, German official paper
Resolved sidewalk of plank down Washington St
24th St, 26th St
temporary grade on Lenehan St from Julien Avenue to Yates Road, 11th St Hill
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Resolved sidewalk laid on nameless street west of celebrated Goose Pond from Stafford St to Dock St
Nicholas Strotz
Engineers resurvey of Seminary St
E Flynn's Mining Shaft
Official grade of Pine St
High St grade
Grade book
8th St
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Grade book in Engineer's office
Air Hill Street
14th General Assembly
Recorder making tax book
Streets, alleys, highways
suspension of the street commissioner
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Resolved Street Commissioner Alexander salary
Postpone sale of lots, Hooper's Addition
McCraney's addition
Survey Ham's Addition
Rhomberg's petition, place stakes so as to designate the location of streets
alley, 6th St and 7th St, Clay St and White St
Water Company lay down water pipes
17th St, 18th St, abutters digging 4 cellars
Jackson St between 10th St and 11th St, enable Louis Allyzer lay down sidewalk
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Grade streets on Elm St and 17th St, enable John Moran to fill sidewalks
Resolved Enforce sections 13 and 15 of Chapter 29 of Revised Ordinances relating to the obstructions of streets, alleys, and sidewalks, especially against teamsters hauling rock or stone through the streets
Marshal give notice to abutters on Mineral St to lay sidewalks
Sidewalks on Iowa St
Open Grandview Avenue by removing the fences as provided by ordinance
Street Commissioner be empowered to serve notices for abating nuisances in place of the Marshal
pay for grading, curbing,
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Pay for grading, curbing, guttering, macadamizing, of 2nd St by William Rebman, Contractor
special tax levied on lots and real estate
Rev John Hennessey
Mrs. C Chadwick
William Newman
6th St, M Dunn
John Hodgdon
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
grade on 2nd St
3rd Ward Engine House
Bonds given by the assessors
basis for the assessment
Bills paid
Howard and McArthur
M Burk
John Eichhorn
Michael Wagner
John Regington
J Brode
Michael Wagner
N H Faust
Dubuque Water Company
John Eichhorn
H Nortung
F Mertz
William Jergens
William Reite
Hanson and Co
John Penny
John Dubrock
D Lenehan
S Korman
Mayor Jaeger's order
Charles Klingenberg
Phil Pier
Jaeger's cash order
H Martin
James Hughes
Ed McLain
John Nagle
May 1, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Claims referred to the Finance Committee
W J Sullivan, clerk hire in Recorder's office
C C Coakley, extra work
W H Knowlton assistant, Engineer
A Schaffer, printing
Phil Pier, wood
John Millaney, construction of Clock Tower
May 21, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Krayer, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Architects to examine the Clock Tower
Resolved, prepare plans and specifications for the grading, curbing, guttering, and macadamizing of Walnut St from Julien Avenue to 14th St
lamp post placed at Walnut St and 11th St
Selling the hand fire engine