1873 October Council ProceedingsOctober 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Petitions, Delinquent Taxes
Margaret Donohue
Michael Larkin
Sarah Young
Catharine Morrissey
Mary Enright
Julien Bauch
P W S Kemp, grade of Blossom's Alley
A Blossom, curbstone on 14th St
Agnes Langworthy, damages in Marsh's Dubuque
John D Bush, fixing crossing
J P Farley, railroad assessments
Maria Schmid, damages to late flood
William Warring, collecting wood dealers, licenses
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
H Brinkman, reduction of Butcher's license
J H Rhomberg, 5th st sidewalk
H Munsell, stakes on 5th St
Jeff McGrath, Mineral St
Joseph Schuchart
Dubuque Turnverin, denote the scenery owned by the City to said society
James M Foye, permission for grading, guttering, and macadamizing the alley west of Main St between 8th St and 9th St, 5th St and 6th St
Mrs. Almira Cummings, improvement on Walnut St
Subscription of J M Preston, improvement of Seminary St
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Mrs. Mary Morrissey, moving her home on Southern Avenue
Robert Jess, John Coleman be appointed to the office of public weigher of dressed hogs
Street Commissioner expenditures
Daniel Crowley
John Moloney
Edward Whalan
Anthony McGowan
John O'Day
Stephen Barry
Jerry Howard
John McMahon
Henry Grote
Raymond Merz
Thomas Connell
Mike Shannon
Jerry Griffin
John Barry
John Doyle
Peter Byrne
Patrick Bannon
M Ambrosia
Peter Thielen
D Harrington
Timothy Hynes
M Finnegan
Terence O'Toole
Jake Bisling
S Kaliska
Larry Moore
Dennis Lenehan
Dennis Sullivan
Nat Kerins
M Hill
D W Lenehan
Nick Willet
Pat McMahon
Tom Lane
Pat Mulqueeney
Dan Shean
C Griner
Mason's Time
Thomas Llyod
Frederick Holz
D W Lenehan collected for work done on streets
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
City Sexton Gmehle, interments in Linwood Cemetery
Sale of cemetery lots
H K Love, John M Lilly
John Dennert
John Bauer
digging graves
Woodmeasurer Warring, cords of wood
Auditor Jennings, salaries due city officers and city police
G Becker
City assessors, Henry Stecher and T O'Sullivan
book with City Recorder
Marketmaster Frith, Central Market Scales
Huckster stands
lamp posts
Lamplighter O'Halloran
Wharfmaster Bruening, receipts of wharfage
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Alex Buchet, weighed drafts at the West Dubuque Scales
Treasurer Griswold due Mrs. M Levi, percentage on Linwood lots
Settlment between Hayes
East Dubuque
Petition of C C Coakley, compensation for Treasurer Clerk
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
A McDaniel sell a strip of land lying between the south line of Chesnut St and McDaniel's Subdivision
William Beck, lamp post
J O'Hea Cantillon, assessment
German Savings Bank
city orders
Finance Committee
Jerry Howard, work done on streets
Claim of Richard Dillon
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
widening of Walnut St
Petition of Jacob Botzel, assessment
Claim of William Jurgins
P Donnolly
A Stines, repairing streets
J O'Hea Cantillon, costs in city cases
Patrick Hanlon, guttering on Main St between 1st St and 2nd St
An Ordinance to change the name of Lorimier Avenue to Julien Avenue
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Jerry Pickedy, relation to the opening of Elm St
John R Waller, improvement of Seminary St east of Main St
Michael McCure opening of English Road, English Lane
Decree of District Court
F Mangold
F T Walker, take earth from alley
Farley's Subdivision
S M Langworthy, lamp posts on 4th St and White St
Improvement of St. Mary's Street
Josiah Fulmer
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Delinquent taxes
John McNulty
Mrs. W H Buston, assessment of lot in Cox's Addition
Jane McCune
H Heeb
Johnston and Kahlka
M M Tumbull
Julia Lewis, remission of taxes
G Ganahl, Davis Farm Addition
Bridget Roach
Mrs. Dowling
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Petitions, Delinquent taxes
Remission of taxes
E M Woodworth
George Beckert
J F Stiers, sidewalk on Seminary St from Iowa St extension, Dr. Porter place
Owen McGloughlin, sidewalks 5th St and Iowa St
B Bramat
Washington St, 20th St and 21st St
John McCoy, removing lumber on Mineral St
planking bridge on Mineral St
sidewalk on Washington St
E Langworthy's addition
Herman Mauer
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Madison St, order for Maurice Brown
Margaret Barry, taxes
John McCoy, Washington St
condition of roads in Linwood Cemetery
Bluff St north of 14th St
survey and profile of grade
grade of Bluff St
Resolved plank sidewalk, temporary grade of Madison St from 17th st to Mr. Garrett's residence on Seminary St
Chief Engineer of Fire Department
hoses on hand
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Resolved Rules for police, notices posted in public places
Street Commissioner plank 8th St between White St and Jackson st
City Engineer expenses
South Dodge St, John Fitzpatrick's house to prevent teams from miring in the fall
Survey of the Old English Road
sidewalks, Julien Avenue
Street Commissioner repair roads in Linwood Cemetery
Cathedral Sidewalk
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Cathedral Sidewalk, fronting 2nd St
Resolved, public weigher
Guttering and macadamizing of High St by James N Foye, contractor, special tax levied
McDaniel's subdivision, owned by A McDaniel
Weighmasters, public scales, fill out blank certificates of weight issued
Washington St between 20th St and 21st St
Recorder draw orders in favor of John Wilkinson, Richard Dillon
Committee on Markets
Advertise for wood and coal for use of City Hall
lot book, salaries of assessor
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Michael Parker, weigher of dressed hogs
Lots on Locust St between Jones St and Dodge St
Bills paid
John Kaep
John Platz
J Reddington
J Wiseman
Joseph Burymeyer
C G Hargus
John Eichorn
Mrs. Ogilsby
John Hartig
F A Gniffke
William Jergens
H Nortung
D W Lenehan
George B Woodworth
E W Howe
E C Aldrich
J W Newburgh
L B Tuttle
Dubuque Water Company
Daniel Breen
Samuel Kaliska
J B Howard
Ham and Carver
Asa Roberts
G Perry
John McCoy
John D Jennings
Waller and Christman
William Thompson
Herman Ficke
J Zezinskey
Duane and Roy
George Garrett
Key City Gas Light Company
G Becker
John Kaep
Westphal and Hinds
October 2, 1873
Peaslee, Quigley, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Howard, Hune, Beach, Parker, Kaiser, Fengler
Claim of J N Foye
Jerry Howard
Stevens and Hooper
Louis Scherrer, sidewalks