1875 April Council ProceedingsApril 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Open bids for work on streets Petitions in relation to taxes Delinquent tax Committee D G Scott, Agnes Langworthy William Hintrager Catherine McAvoy Thomas Boland James Reddan Margaret Flynn Conrad Schleicher Conrad Knapp J P Powell Catherine Morrissey Mrs. G A Karrick Johanna Broderick Kistler and Luger Margaret Lear Becker and Keckervet Petitions John Pickley, pay for filling 14th St East Dubuque M Hoey, John Shoot alley in west Dubuque City Recorder, over charge paid to John McCoy April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Petition of Michael Cramer City Engineer establish a line of street on Couler Avenue Henry Kroll, cemetery lot John G Menkel, services as constable in case of Thomas M Monroe Auditor Jennings, salaries due the various city officers and policemen Justice Cantillon, fines collected and justices fees Balance due the City N C Ryan, drafts at the 1st Ward Scales cords of wood Michael Parker, weighmaster of dressed hogs April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser John Moloney, sum expended on streets market scales collected from P Klauer and Brothers, rent of cellar Board of prisoners Alexander Buchet, weighed at West Dubuque scales Auditor Jennings, report of Justice Hoerner credit by fines paid April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Treasurer Riordan, Mrs. M Levi, lots sold in Linwood Cemetery Postage stamps for different offices Water tax overpaid by W Manson Mrs. Payen Exchange on New York, Burlington Hayner vs. City Redemption of Mineral lot Hughes Subdivision L H Langworthy Addition City Sexton Gmehle, interments lots R J Gibbs William H Evans digging graves W H Knowlton, increase of salary April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Petition of Junkerman and Haas, relation to assessments for the year Claim of A H Stuart, damages done to property on 17th St flow of water suit to pay all costs and show a receipt Annual report recapitulation Balance, disbursements, receipts April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser City Engineer, W H Knowlton, annual report on street improvement Chief of Fire Department, statement of the condition of the fire department C W Bittman, permission to rebuild a frame stable on the alley between 13th St and 14th St, Clay St and White St Dubuque Water Company, hydrants C F Hobbs, lamp post April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser C F Hobbs, lamp post on corner of 8th St and White St Sam Elmer, lamp post in front of Round House Petitions W B Sheward, permission to lay mains and pipes in any of the streets and alleys in the City Passing an ordinance granting the petitioner rights prayed for sufficient bonds to indemnify the city from all damages arising from any previous contract D H Conyngham, repealing the hour for closing up saloons Adopting the ordinance recommended, repeal the whole saloon ordinance licenses as many saloon keepers complain of not being able to pay as high a license Patrick Cavanaugh April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Oak Grove Addition Petition of A S Bunting, reduction on assessment C G Hargus, E Langworthy's addition Bridget Roach, remission of taxes on lot in East Dubuque J S Randall, tax sale of part of Mineral lot Mrs. Mary Mullins, subdivision out lot April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Petitions of Kohaus and Becker, assessment on personalty merchandise of petitioner E M Woodworth, assessment on real and personal property cancelling taxes on stocks and shares in incorporating Mary J Luke, remission of taxes in Finley's Addition Mrs. Agnes Arthur Petition of Anna Jungk, Ham's Addition Michael Adam, L H Langworthy's Addition assessment April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Petition of Ira Hansen, erroneous sale of lot in East Dubuque Mary Markey, remission of taxes on lot of subdivision of Mineral lot G Becker, Simpson's Addition inclusive, lots outside city limits Petition of Patrick Kennedy, assessment on lot in Stout's Dubuque Catherine Wellhover, assessment on lots in East Dubuque April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Catharine Bintner, remission of taxes L H Langworthy Addition Richard Waller Petition of Agnes Turner, remission of taxes John Clark, compensation for damages done by water in front of his property on Clark St Schulte and Wagner, merchandise Rosa Hinds, remission of taxes on mineral lot April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Petitions Catherine Gehrke, remission of taxes Charles Street, over assessment on personalty H S Hetherington, erroneous tax sales Summer Hill Addition Kniest, Guthrie and Browns Addition Marsh's Addition Mary Jane Luke, tax sale of lot in Finley, Waples, and Burton's Addition Henry Fockler April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Suit against the City withdrawn Petitions C Herancourt, relation to over assessment Draft on contract of Hansen and Linehan Contracts awarded, 14th St to Michael Dunn, Jones St to John D Bush, alley from 8th St to 19th St between Clay St and White St to William Rebman April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Bonds known as Thompson Bonds, coupons of the Grant and Smith Bonds L D Randall, Trustee, collateral for payment Coupons, Exchange coupons Schedule of old city bonds April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Bonds burned Thompson Bonds Dubuque Western Railroad Bonds surrender of L D Randall Dubuque Pacific, Dubuque Western collateral security April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company Bonds coupons attached Miscellaneous bonds Surrender by Henry J Fisher Dubuque Western Railroad Company Bonds Judge Burt surrender Coupons of loan of 1857 April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Joseph S Wilson, Thomas S Nairn F S Jesup and Co F A Gniffke, short bonds J N Straat surrender, loan of 1857 H Amy and Co Dubuque Western Railroad Co John Elliot surrender F S Jesup bonds Thompson Bonds April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Settlement with the Ex Treasurer Griswold Examine new map in Engineer's office T O'Sullivan and Henry Stecher, apply salary on assessment P Kiene, monies and credits Board of Supervisors Peru road, exposition grounds damages to the streets of the city and damaging private property license to the different saloon keepers Ordinance in substantial April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Ordinance in substantial conformity draft an ordinance dividing saloons into classes according to location Resolution Resolved paid for sidewalks for the city City Marshal, John McCoy, contractor, special tax levied on several lots lots and parcels of real estate W C Munsell, Corriell's subdivision water district for the year of 1875 April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser old corporation line crosses Locust St Continuation of Bluff St to Dodge St St. Mary Street Prospect St 8th St 17th St, Mineral St Clay St, Couler Avenue, Sandford St Elm St, Johnson Avenue, Chicago Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad Company track Iowa St and Jones St and Locust St Resolution Resolved thanks tendered to W H Knowlton, City Engineer acquisition of the Record map Bills paid Theodore Tice Rich and Woodruff John Maclay L D Randall Ham and Carver B D Lenehan P F Guthrie Key City Gas Light Co James McCouch P O'Halloran Peter Jarding J W Parker Sillsby Manufacturing Co Hansen and Linehan William Simmons E M Ogilsby Klauer and Brothers W H Torbert Pat McMahon Edward McCeney F A Gniffke G B Rand L B Tuttle Dubuque Water Company J K Graves, Engine Co George B Woodworth April 1, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Bills paid George Wilde Sol Turck Engine Co Klauer and brothers 5th Ward Hose Co John D Merz T O'Sullivan Parker and Son Green and Bell Claims P J Quigley, District Court, Circuit Court of Dubuque County of Iowa State of Iowa City of Dubuque vs. Michael Liddy City of Dubuque vs. Mace Wooten April 8, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Petitions Mary Neumeister, assessment on lot in Cook's Addition Peter Schueler, tax sale in L H Langworthy's Addition Treasurer collect amount from M McCoy M H Waples, report of an examination of the premises of George Beckert on 17th St between Main St and Locust St Julia Lewis, remission of taxes Bissell's Dubuque Canvass the vote cast at the late election April 8, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Election results Election returns Canvass elections Mayor James Cushing W G Stewart Treasurer Dan Riordan E H Lull Recorder C G Hargus John D Jennings Auditor John D Jennings City Attorney D E Lyon T S Wilson Marshal George W Finn C T Wagner Assessor H Stecher R O Anderson Aldermen 1st Ward J P Quigley C V McKinley 2nd Ward John J Linehan George Zumhoff 3rd Ward John Wunderlich 4th Ward F T Walker A Cragin 5th Ward M Blumenauer John Ruegamer Charter Amendments For Against April 8, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Resolution Resolved Auditor close final report of H W Griswold by giving him credit for balance against him as per Auditor Books Recorder be authorized to draw orders in favor of the several judges and clerks of city election E McCeney, legal services rendered the City of Dubuque Bills paid Hewett C Cram William Kreiner M Hoffman Dr. M H Waples Mayor Peaslee's Valedictory representative of the people appreciate the labor involved and the care and solicitude engendered in the discharge April 8, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Mayor Peaslee's Valedictory representative of the people appreciate the labor involved and the care and solicitude engendered in the discharge of duties Growth and permanent welfare of Dubuque prudent and wise legislation Fire Department safeguard for private and public protection streets in good condition settlement of old bonded indebtedness good name and credit at home and abroad Police April 8, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Mayor Peaslee's Valedictory City government municipal government experience and knowledge of city affairs hearty expression of thanks bid you a kind farewell Oath of office A A Cooper, J W Parker, H Kaiser, official capacity prosperity of beloved city April 8, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Mayor Peaslee's Valedictory Resolution Resolved, tender heartiest thanks for their ability, wisdom in Council Efforts to maintain the credit and name of beloved city Entitled to the metropolis of Iowa Mayor Cushings' Inaugural long line of precedents, created a custom that I do not feel inclined to disobey obedience to customary formality Fellow citizens High character of the serveral members of the body April 8, 1875 Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser Mayor Cushings' Inaugural Best good of our beautiful city A rigid but rational economy public burden be reduced expenditures should bear their full fruit of benefits to the people Dubuque, a city of constantly multiplying wants Fire Department, Water Department, Street Department, Police Department matters pertaining to government April 8, 1875 Cushing, Quigley, Lagen, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Maclay, Blumenauer, Fengler City officers appointed Adam Pier, Market master William Waring, Woodmeasurer W H Knowlton, Engineer G Gmehle, City Sexton P O'Halloran, Lamplighter Resolved do not deem it expedient to appoint a Street Commissioner at present City Printing be given to the Daily Herald, Daily Times, and National Democrat (German Paper) April 8, 1875 Cushing, Quigley, Lagen, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Maclay, Blumenauer, Fengler Captain Ryder, hire a sufficient number of teams and men clean alleys throughout the town, abutting property owners work out license bonds salaries Mayor Pro-Tem for ensuing year Officers sworn in, bonds April 8, 1875 Cushing, Quigley, Lagen, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Maclay, Blumenauer, Fengler Standing Committees Finance Ordinances Claims Streets Harbors Markets Public Grounds and Buildings Printing Police Fire Delinquent tax Ross Moloney employ teams April 13, 1875 Cushing, Quigley, Lagen, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Maclay, Blumenauer, Fengler Report of the Committee, saloon licenses regulate saloon licenses Ordinance amend section of ordinances to regulate the sale of liquor passed Petitions J A Rhomberg, improvement of High St, Ham's Addition Mary Sullivan, building a frame house, 14th St and Elm St B Sheridan, privilege to mine in Linwood Cemetery police regulation April 13, 1875 Cushing, Quigley, Lagen, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Maclay, Blumenauer, Fengler Petitions J G Peterson, lease of 6th St extension John O'Neil, nuisance on 14th St, Washington St An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance to regulate the sale of liquor passed May 1, 1873 System of grading saloon licenses license paid in 2 semiannual payments April 13, 1875 Cushing, Quigley, Lagen, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Maclay, Blumenauer, Fengler Calaboose William Waring appointed Wharfmaster, salary procure some other place for the hay market Resolution Ordinance in reference to keeping sidewalks on Main St clear of obstructions