1876 August Council ProceedingsAugust 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions in relation to taxes C U Wyso? J J Beck John McNulty Mary Mullins F E Augustine Peter Gregory Joseph McGregor Margaret Sweeney John Kelly E Swett Arma M Wilke Petitions J K Graves, gas contract George W Jones, improvement of 14th St A Stines, damages by flood General Jones, Cox St Father Sullivan, waterway through St. Mary's St Remonstrance of S S Winall, macadamizing of Avon St W h Day, Prairie graded August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions Joseph Pazandak, sidewalk on 15th St from Washington St to Cedar St Henry Sellers, obstructions on alley removed H T Rice, sidewalks on Mineral St J S Hancock, waterway on Bluff St opened John Cheetham, obstructions on street Michael McLaughlin B R Powell, Special Committee Christian Ode, gutter on Couler Avenue August Jungk, sidewalks on High St in Ham's Addition W P Large, sidewalks on Olive St reduced August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions John Christman, refunding tax P J Mehern, payment of City bond Rule 11 suspended, General Jones improvement of 14th St and Cox St City Auditor, salaries due City Officers Amount due City Police force H C Palmer Special police City Assessors O'Sullivan and Stecher, completion of assessment roll Street Commissioner, amount due several parties whose names are given for work done on streets, sewers, in July laborers teams mechanics macadam August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig John Moloney placed on payroll Woodmeasurer Warring, cords of wood licenses issued in July Marketmaster Pier, weighed drafts on market scales huckster stands Board of Prisoners incidental expenses in Market House City Attorney Wilson, enforcement of ordinances in relation to streets Dubuque City Bonds Loan of 1857, coupons issue new bonds of the City August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Face value of bonds upaid coupons interest on coupons new funded bond W H Dudley, warrant payable without interest Lamplighter O'Halloran Henry Schueller, West Dubuque Scales N C Ryan, drafts weighed on the 1st Ward Scales horse empounded by him, sold under ordinance expenses August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Engineer, list of property owners 3rd st to 5th St, old corporation line water channel across the land of George Backert Justice Cantillon G W Sherwin, M Dunn, special assessment McNulty's subdivision Exchange New York Coupons Engineer Knowlton, profile of a grade for Hill St Rule 11 suspended, Mr. Cady addressed the Council nuisance on 7th St extension August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims of T E Frith, Pat Donnolly and Thomas Murray Petitions J D Reed Bridget Bird Dr. William Watson, cancelling special tax Fortune's subdivision An Ordinance granting to the Fenelon St, 3rd St, Alpine St Railway Co Right to construct and operate a line of street railway over streets in the City An Ordinance to amend Chapter 23 of the Revised Ordinances An Ordinance in relation to licenses An Ordinance to regulate the manner of changing grades in City Second Revision of Ordinances August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of City Police and prescribe rules and regulations Petition of Michael Dunn J C Johnston, grading and macadamizing Avon St F M Robinson, improvement of 11th St W H Robison, John H Dunn, M M M Hewett P Roddy, sidewalk on Dodge St Tim Byron, compensation for filling August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petition of John Bell, obstructions on 11th St Andrew Oeth, Water Co make the necessary repairs in front of lots in L H Langworthy's Addition John Bell, sidewalk on 11th St W H Murphy John Phelan, J Cahill, erection of two story brick house J C Beavis, lamp posts West Dubuque H C Fuller, placing policeman on Clay St, White St, between 8th st and 12th St T J Levan, lamp posts at corner of alley and Chesnut St August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Delinquent taxes Mrs. Frank Weihe N C Amsden, Margaret Brady, Park Hill Union Society adverse to granting prayer of petitioners Catherine Morrissey Dorgan's Subdivision M Donahue George B Hamilton, redemption of Mineral lots Charles H Gregoire, redeem City lot Catherine Herancourt, payment of taxes Mrs. E M Hoag Caroline Weihe August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig G Schollian, payable only in taxes Claim of P McMahon Ordinance to levy a special tax for sewerage purposes Drains and sewer F W Kruse, City Engineer, cost of turning the watercourse Ordinance in reference to cancelling certain taxes tax books Catherin Morrissey, A Stines, Thomas Keilty Marshal Finn Letters in relation to gas matters special committee on correspondence Agreement with Andrew Merz August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Andrew Merz settlement improvement of 17th St damages for non-performance of contract Dubuque, July 6, 1876 Report recommending the appointment of policemen for special duty Continuance of tramps and theives 6 dozen policemen be appointed Attorney Wilson, claims of Jane Miller, Felix Flannagen, W J Sullivan August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Plank sidewalk Washington St, G H Young, Contractor Special tax levied on lots, parcels of real estate E Langworthy, East Dubuque Joseph Platz Mary Jordan P Moloney Drus Brothers, City Eva Robisch Fred Wise A Kaiser William Marshal Mary La Boyteaux Division St Philip Pfersch, Cook's Addition Thomas Davis Hooper's Addition John Bell J A Rhomberg John Lynch W L Bradley, McCraney's 2nd Addition Orion Sage Joseph Platz August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Special tax levied on lots Joseph Platz, McCraney's 1st Addition T M Monroe John Hodgdon Anna C Young, Ham's Addition A J Rhomberg George Ferber John Wagner Martin Wagner 22nd St Deidrich Mauer, Davis Farm Addition Herman Mauer, E Langworthy's subdivision Resolution Resolved special tax levied on lots, parcels of real estate, to pay for plank sidewalk on High St by G H Young F M Monroe, McCraney's 1st Addition August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved special tax levied on lots, parcels of real estate, to pay for plank sidewalk on High St by G H Young F M Monroe, McCraney's 1st Addition Orion Sage Richard Fengler Henry Geiger, Jungk's Addition Order in favor of James Harragan, Auditor make out statement of Delinquent taxes German Bank Cancel all taxes previous to the year 1870 Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad Company construct suitable culverts through their track on 16th St, 17th St and 18th St free passage for all water Cancel road orders Right of way for opening a street from 3rd St to 5th St August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Improvement of alley between 9th St and 10th St, Iowa St and Clay St, 10th St and 11th St, Main St and Locust St, 14th St and 15th St, Iowa St and Clay St Resolutions rescinded Alley between 10th St and 11th St, Main St and Locust St graded and macadamized Proper notice for bids and proposals Expense of the owners of the abutting property Plans and specifications for improvement Alley between 9th St and 10th St, Iowa St and Clay St Conformity with Ordinance Resolved Marshal notify owners of lot in McDaniel's Subdivision to remove all obstructions from the sidewalk August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Street Commissioner complete the contract of John D Bush for grading, guttering, curbing and macadamizing of Jones St between Main St and Locust St correct account of labor and material Contractor John D Bush, Street Commissioner Ryder Alley property of J Mulligan, head of Mineral St inuring private as well as public property Plank sidewalk contracted and laid in conformity with the Ordinance in relation to sidewalks High St between Middle St and 1st St, Ham's Addition plank sidewalk 11th St between Bluff St and High St August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved alley between Main st and Locust St, 16th St and 17th St Conformity with Ordinance plans and specifications for improvement Making of crossings and macadamizing expense of abutting property owners Alley between 14th St and 15th St, Iowa St and Clay St receiving bids for furnishing gas to the City plank sidewalk, Dodge St between a bridge near Roddy's and Bluff St August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Profile showing a change of grade on 17th St from Main St to Clay St City Recorder, advertisement in official papers Street Commissioner make improvement in Centre St in West Dubuque by placing sewerage pipe of the largest size Andrew Merz settlement for contract on 17th St W H Dudley, complete settlement of bonds Loan of 1857 Balance due for interest and principal of bonds Ordinance in relation to sidewalk on 15th St February 1, 1877 15th St between Iowa St and Jackson St August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Committee on Printing have printed 100 copies of the Ordinance passed today Ordinance to define the duties of policemen Practicability of turning Bee Branch into Faulhopper Lake City Engineer survey of Southern Avenue Road from Old Corporation line to the top of Summer Hill Use of City Hall given to Mrs. John Kelly, ball for her benefit 11th St between Walnut St and Farley's subdivision graded, guttered, curbed, and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject Bids and proposals August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Expense of owners of abutting property Macadamizing 8th St from Main St to Bluff St Couler Avenue between Eagle Point Avenue and Sanford St graded, guttered, curbed, and macadamized Conformity with the Ordinance bids and proposals for the performance of the work August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Avon Street in Mary Ann McDaniel's Subdivision graded, guttered, curbed Necessary plans and specifications for improvement City Marshal, proper officers of the Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad Company enlarge the water way underneath their Railroad embankment large to carry off all floodwaters at Eagle Point in Ham's Addition North of High St Compliant person to take charge of the public parks and keep them in proper order Marshal enforce Butcher's Ordinance Street Commissioner repair 3rd St, washed out by flood August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig City Treasurer Complete list of all delinquent taxes Auditor's Books Resolution Resolved services of Oliver Patch as sub collector of city taxes be dispensed with Return of all papers, tax receipts Collect personal property tax Howard and McArthur, lamp post on Hill St City Marshal to collect all licenses due the City appoint suitable person to collect licenses Contractors take material from 14th St August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Improvements on streets Committee on Markets, contract for cleaning around the market house to the lowest bidder Enforce the Butcher ordinance 4th Ballot, Mr. William O'Brien Bills and Claims Paid Sol Turck Engine Co John Liddy T E Firth Weston, Burch and Co Walker and Rhomberg W W Woodworth Andrew and Treadway W H Knowlton O F Lohrer Wemott and Howard Mrs. F Simmons J O'Hea Cantillon John Green D W Linehan John McCoy Peter Oeth W C Alexander Howard and McArthur Dubuque Water Co J K Graves John O'Halloran Pelan and Randall Frank Holland Michael Dunn 5th Ward Hose Co Key City Hook and Ladder Co T S Wilson Police shooting dogs Poole Gilliam and Co T O'Sullivan John Devine B R Powell Pat McMahon M Donnolly M Downey James N Foye G H Young Howard and McArthur Cabinet Makers Association Spear and Lee Jeff Davis Hanson and Linehan A Long Asa Roberts August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims Adams and Robinson, Attorney fees W H Knowlton, assistants in his department Hayes and Larks A H Stuart, Fengler and Krite Grosvenor and Harger Claims T Jones, Thomas Murray, Howard and McArthur Albert Leicht George Young O S Patch, tax collector Michael McMahon McElrath and Linehan Ellen Crawford, witness fees, City Attorney Willie Cook August 19, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Special Session Opening proposals for street work Street Committee, Engineer William Rebman, lowest bidder Main St and Locust St, 16th St and 17th St alley Iowa St and Clay St James N Foye, Avon St Couler Avenue and 11th St James H Morgan, improvement of the alley from 14th St to 15th St between Iowa St and Clay St D N Cooley, President remit taxes on Northwestern Agricultural and Mechanical fair grounds John Thompson and T G Johnston, lay sidetrack on J W Parker and Sons Warehouse Sue E Lambert August 19, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Assessment of the Lorimier House Remonstrance of J M Gandolfo, against the laying of a sidewalk on 15th St D N Cooley, appointment of a special police during the Fair D H Conyngham, lamp post on 2nd St and Railroad Crossing Sidewalks on Jackson st, between Sanford St and Peru Road temporary grade, expense of abutting property owners August 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims for damages by reason of the proposed change of grade on 17th St Mrs. Catherine C Woodman First German Presbyterian Church German Theological School T Palmer rood Frank M Robinson Harriett A Root Adam Vogel F Kuenicker Ferguson and Baule, repealing the ordinance licensing delivery, waggons Petitions M M Walker, privilege of building an Oil House at the foot of 1st St Work on 7th St not finished according to contract August 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Whereas the City Engineer has in obedience to the orders of the Council filed in the office of the City Recorder, profile prepared from actual survey established grade of 17th St Public notice in the Official papers of the City Claims for damages Harriett A Root, Catherine C Woodman, First German Church, German Theological Seminary, T P Rood, F M Robinson, T Kuenicker, A Vogel Grade shown by the Blue line on profile A H Peaslee, B B Provost, A A Cooper, disinterest freeholders August 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Ordinance in relation to sidewalks Chesnut St between High St and Prairie St, established grade at the expense of abutting property owners Water Company laying down pipes on Julien Avenue Julien Avenue sewer September 4, 1876 No quorum