1920 December Council Proceedings498 Special Session,
Special Session, December 2 nd,
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilmen Brede and Gabriel.
Council met at 4:40 P. M.
Mayor Alderson in the chair.
P r e s e n t —City Manager Carr,
Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede,
Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney.
Mayor Alderson read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made, and this meeting is called
for the purpose of adopting an ordi-
nance relative to the health situa-
tion and acting on any other busi-
ness that might properly come be-
fore a regular meeting of the City
Report of City Engineer relative
to attached petition of Bertha and
Jos. L. Hird, asking for a reduction
in assessment on Lots 2 and 3 of
Min. Lot 170 and Lot 4 of Min. Lot
170, for the improvement of Delhi
Street, stating that he had checked
the grade in front of lots and found
same as established by Ordinance
of July 22nd, 1912, and November
20th, 1913, presented. Councilman
Brede moved that the petition be re-
ceived and filed and the Enginer's
report attached thereto. Seconded
by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of Mrs. Ida Hussman, ask-
ing for cancellation of assessment
on property of Geo. Schlegel's or-
phan children, as they have no
means to pay the same, presented.
Councilman Melchior moved that the
prayer of the petition be granted
and assessment be cancelled, owing
to the indigent circumstances of the
family. Seconded by Councilman
Rooney. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson. Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition by the Board of Educa-
tion, asking cancellation of assess-
ments levied August 28, 1893, on
Lots 282. 283! 284 and 285, Alta Ave-
nue Addition, amounting to $235.03;
also assessment for the improve-
ment of Dock Street, levied June
4th, 1894, amounting to $221.37; also
improvement of Garfield 'Avenue, on
Lots 27, 28 and 29, amounting to
$135.00, purchased in the year 1913.
presented. Councilman Brede moved
that the prayer of the petition be
December 2nd, '1920
granted and the Treasurer so in-
structed. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
An Ordinance recognizing an
emergency, requiring the vaccina-
tion of students in colleges and chil-
dren in public and private schools,
authorizing the Local Board of
Health to adopt rules and regula-
tions relating thereto, and provid-
ing penalties for the violation here-
of. Councilman Brede moved that
this be considered the first reading
of the Ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Councilman Brede moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose
of reading the Ordinance by its title.
Seconded by Councilman GaGbriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Councilman Brede moved that the
ordinance be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas— Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Councilman Brede moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Clerk.
I f
City Clerk.
Special Session, December 4th, 1920.
Meeting called by order of Mayor
Alderson and Councilman Brede.
Council met at 4:10 P. M.
Mayor Alderson in the chair.
P r e s e n t —City Manager Carr,
Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede,
Gabriel and Rooney.
Absent — Councilman Melchior.
Mayor Alderson read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and this meeting is called
for the purpose of acting on mat-
ters relative to the health situation
and acting on any other business
that might properly come before a
regular meeting of the City Council.
County bills as follows were pre-
sented: Alois Hoffma.n, $27.25;
Clancy Transfer Co., $6.50; Fischer
R. Co., Inc., $24.00; Leo Werner,
$18.74; Frank A. Burns, $6.25; Kauf-
man & Graf, $63.06: Ludescher
Bros., $4.31; Sidney. Haudenshield,
$20 00; F. A. Burns, $14.25; Wm.
Meyer Grocery, $6.87; John Steffens,
$28.08; Adam Zil]ig. $10.80; G. F.
Klein & Son. $1.50; Sidney Hauden-
shield. $16.00; Dubuque Electric
Co., $3.00; G. F. Kleih & Son. $9.55;
Frank Beutin. $1.00; F. Hentrich,
310.69; F. A. Burns, $16 50; Mrs. M.
H. Huber, $117.45; Frank Beutin.
$6.25; Thompson & Hogan. $9.12.
Councilman Brede moved that all
hills properly O. K. be certified to
the County for payment. Seconded
by Councilman Rooney. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Melchior.
Councilman Melchior entered and
took his seat at 4:15 p. m.
Councilman Brede moved that Dr.
F. W. Wieland he anpointed to fill
the vacancy of Dr. E. L. Reinecke,
and the Mayqr and City Solicitor
procure a contract with him. Sec-
onded by Councilman Rooney. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Report of Quarantine Officer New-
mann, for the month of November,
1.920, presented. Councilman Brede
moved that the report of the Quar-
antine Officer be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Rooney.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Session, December 4th, 1920 499
Report bf City Manager Carr, as
follows: I beg to advise that James
Street has completed the construc-
tion of the sanitary sewer in Merz
Street from Windsor Avenue to Alt -
hauser Avenue and in Althauser
Avenue from Merz Street to Edison
Street, and that I have caused the
same to be examined and would
recommend its acceptance.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into for the construction of
a sanitary .sewer in Merz Street
from Windsor Avenue to Althauser
Avenue and in Althauser Avenue
from Merz Street to Edison Street
has been completed, and
Whereas, the City Manager has
caused the same to be examined and
has recommended its acceptance;
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that the
report of the City Manager be ap-
proved and that the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a plat and schedule show-
ing the parcels of lots or real estate
subject to assessment for the con-
struction of said sewer and to file
the same in the office of the City
Clerk subject to public inspection.
The City Clerk shall, upon receipt
of such plat and schedule, publish
the notice of said assessment as is
recuired by law.
Adopted December 4th, 1920.
Approved December 4th, 1920.
(Seal) City Clerk.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Councilman Brede. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Report of City Manager Carr, as
folows: I beg to report that I have
examined the improvement of Pfotser
Street from Windsor Avenue to
Queen Street, constructed by Frank
Beutin, and would respectfully rec-
ommend that the same be accepted
by the City of Dubuque.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the im-
provement of Pfotser Street from
the west property line of Windsor
Avenue to the east property line of
Queen Street has been completed,
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined said work and recom-
500 Special Session, December 4th, 1920
mended its acceptance; now, there-
Be it Resolved by the City Cocn-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that the
report of the City Manager accept-
ing said work be approved and that
City Engineer be and he is hereby
instructed to prepare a plat and
schedule showing the lots or parcels
of real estate subject to assessment
for said improvement and file the
same in the office of the City Clerk
subect to public inspection, the City
Clerk, upon receipt of such plat and
schedule, to publish the notice of
said assessment as is required by
Adopted December 4th, 1920.
Approved December 4th, 1920.
(Seal) City Clerk.
Councilman Rooney moved that
the resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Councilman Brede. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Report of City Manager Carr, stat-
ing that he had made arrangements
with Mrs. Margaret Bour to pay
$260.00 in full settlement for the im-
provement of Louisa Street, on Lot
1 of 59, in the year 1915, as she is a
widow with a family and without
any particular means, presented.
Councilman Brede moved that the
action of the Manager be approved.
Seconded by Councilman Rooney.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Report of City Manager Carr, stat-
ing that he had effected an adust-
ment with Chris Braun, he to pay
$500.00 in full for assessment for
the improvement of Lincoln Avenue
and give the City a deed to property
taken for street purposes, as he has
never been reimbursed for the same
nor consented to same being used
for street purposes, presented. Coun-
cilman Brede moved that the action
of the Manager be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Petition of E. J. Ryan, asking for
a reduction in assessment for the
improvement of Quince Street, pre-
sented. Councilman Brede moved
that the assessment against Lot 186,
Union Add., levied in 1915 for the
improvement of Quince Street, be
reduced to $153.61, and the interest
be remitted on the assessment
against Lots 105 and 186, Union
Add. Seconded by Councilman
Rooney. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Petition of Elizabeth Teal, offer-
ing $75.00 as payment in full for the
improvement of Kaufman Avenue,
assessed against Lot 2 of Sub. 151,
Mechanic's Add. in the year 1913,
and the construction of a sewer in
said street in 1912, presented. Coun-
cilman Melchior moved that the
prayer of the petition be granted
and the Treasurer so instructed.
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Petition of Mrs. Anna Deitl, offer-
ing $75.00 in full settlement for as-
sessment on Sub. L. H. Langworthy's
Add., Lots la, 54a and 154, levied
Dec. 20, 1894, claiming to be a widow
with a large family and no means,
presented. Councilman Brede moved
that the prayer of the petition be
granted and the Treasurer so in -'
structed. Seconded by Councilman
Melchior. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Petition of Norman Bull, asking
for a reduction of assessment for
sewer construction and street im-
provement on Irving Avenue, levied
against Lot 2 of 2 of Min. Lot 172,
levied September 7th, 1916, pre-
sented. Councilman Brede moved
that the part of the petition rela-
tive to sewer assessment be re-
ceived and filed and the original as-
sessment for street improvement be
accepted by the Treasurer without
interest. Seconded by Councilman
Melchior. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Alderson. Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Petition of W. J. Burns, asking for
reduction of assessments, presented.
Councilman Brede moved that the
Treasurer accept the original assess-
ments without interest on Lots 82
and 83 for sewer assessments be-
tween Main and Locust Streets. the
paving of the alley between Main
and Locust Streets, the paving of
Special Session, December 4th, 1920
First and Second Streets, the im-
provement of South Locust Street
and Southern Avenue; also N. %
of City Lot 556 for the improvement
of Locust Street and Southern Ave-
nue, and Lot 2, Langworthy's Sub..
for the improvement of Solon Street,
all of these improvements having
been performed prior to the year
1915. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Petition of the German Presby-
terian Church, asking the Council
to accept $58.82 in full settlement
for assessment for the improvement
of Seventeenth Street, levied in 1895,
on Lots City M. 3, 10 and 453, pre-
sented. Councilman Brede moved
that the prayer of the petition be
granted and the Treasurer so in-
structed. Seconded by Councilman
Melchior. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, . Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Petition of the German Methodist
Church, asking the Council to ac-
cept $77.00 in full settlement for the
improvement of Seventeenth Street,
levied in the year 1895 on the N. 50
feet of E. 1/2 of City Lot 746, pre-
sented. Councilman Brede moved
that the prayer of the petition be
granted and the Treasurer so in-
structed. Seconded by Councilman
Melchior. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Petition of H. J. Boesch, offering
$75.00 in full settlement for the im-
provement of the alley between Main
and Iowa Streets on the W. 40 feet
of City Lot 173, levied July 30th,
1913, presented. Councilman Rooney
moved that the prayer of the peti-
tion be granted. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Brede. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Petition of Henry B. Gniffke (F.
A. Gniffke Est.), asking for a reduc-
tion in assessment and correction
in the description of the property
on the E. 20 feet of the N. 30 feet
of City Lot 100, presented. On rec-
ommendation of City Manager Carr,
Councilman Rooney -moved that the
City Assessor be instructed to cor-
rect the description of the property
and the original assessment be ac-
cepted without interest. Seconded
by Councilman Brede. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Petition of T. J. Mulgrew, offering
$110.00 for settlement in full for
sewer assessment against Lot 1 of
Sub. of Lot 2, Boxleiter's Sub.,
claiming assessment valuation was
placed too high, presented. Council-
man Brede moved that the prayer
of the petition be granted and the
City Treasurer so instructed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Rooney. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Petition of Forward Land Co.,
asking for a reduction in assessment
on Lots 210, 211 and 212, Union
Add., claiming that property is of
very small value, presented. Verbal
recommendation of City Manager
Carr that $25.00 be accepted in full
payment for assessment on Lots 210,
211 and 212. Union Add., on account
of the improvement of Rush Street,
completed some twenty years ago.
Councilman Brede moved that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and the Treasurer
so instructed. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Melchior. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Petition of Sam Swift, offering
$50.00 in full settlement for the im-
provement of Grandview Avenue in
the year 1908 on Lot 1 of 8 of Min.
Lot 158, as the City removed the
sidewalk and curbing, agreeing to
make an allowance on the assess-
ment, but same was never credited
of petitioner, presented. Council-
man Brede moved that the prayer
of the petition be granted and the
Treasurer so instructed. Seconded
by Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Petition of Fred Jenni, asking for
a reduction in assessment for the
improvement of Kauffmann Avenue,
presented. Councilman Brede moved
that the petition be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman Mel-
chior. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -Noon.
502 Special Session, December 4th, 1920
Verbal report of City Manager
Carr, relative to adustment of as-
sessment of John A. Scharf. Coun-
cilman Brede moved that the action
of the Manager be approved and
$14.90 be accepted in full settlement
on account of the improvement of
White Street in the year 1894. Sec-
onded by Councilman Rooney. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor, Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Verbal report of City Manager
Carr, recommending that the City
Treasurer be instructed to accept
$33.30 in full, the same being one -
half of the assessment remaining
unpaid assessed to Ryder Realty Co.
on account of the improvement of
Locust Street, performed in 1895.
Councilman Brede moved that the
recommendation of the Manager be
approved and the Treasurer so in-
structed. ,Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
On verbal recommendation of City
Manager Carr, Councilman Brede
moved that the balance remaining
unpaid for the original assessment
for sanitary sewer in Delhi Street,
levied in the year 1907, the balance
for an assessment for the improve-
ment of Louisa Street, levied in the
year 1908, and the balance on ac-
count of levying of assessment of
East Street in the year 1910, 'all of
which assessments are due from the
Dubuque College, be accepted in full
without interest. Seconded by Coun-
cilman melchior. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - -Mayor Alderson. Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Rooney. .
Nays —None.
Petition of Sisters of Charity, ask-
ing for reduction in assessment, pre-
sented. On verbal recommendation
of City Manager Carr, Councilman
Gabriel moved that the balance of
the original assessment levied
against St. Joseph's Academy in the
year 1913 on account of the improve-
ment of the alley lying between Main
and Locust Streets be accepted for
full nayment without interest. Sec-
onded by Councilman Brede. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of Patrick O'Shea, asking
for a reduction in taxes on Lot 2 of
3 of Min. Lot 144, presented. Coun-
cilman Brede moved that the peti-
tion be referred to theCity Manager
for investigation. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Melchior. Carried by the
following vote:
Yaes —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of Mrs. Mary Kunz, offer-
ing $50.00 in full setlement for as-
sessments against Lot 102, Union
Add. for the construction of a sewer
in Cleveland Avenue and the im-
provement of Quince Street, both be-
ing old assessments, presented.
Councilman Brede moved that the
prayer of the petition be granted.
Seconded by Councilman Rooney.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men, Brede Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of J. E. Kemler, stating
that the assessment on E. 27 feet of
Lot 6 in Littleton & S'awyer's Add.
had not been paid because it was
assessed with other lots, presented.
Councilman Brede moved that the
petition 'be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of J. E. Kemler, asking
for a reduction in assessment for re-
guttering Julien Avenue, assessed
against Lot 2 of Sub. 15, Kelly's S'ub.,
presented. Councilman Brede mov-
ed that the prayer of the petition be
granted and the Treasurer be in-
structed to accept one -half of the
original assessment. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Verbal report of City Solicitor
Czizek relative to the petition of
Mrs. John G. Wimmer, recommend-
ing the cancellation of the lien
against the property of August
Beckendorff, Lot 81, E. Langworthy's
Add., for improving the E. 2 -3 of Elm
Street, as same should be assessed
to the C. G. W. R. R. Councilman
Brede moved that the prayer of the
petition be granted. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas- -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of John W. Lee, asking
for a reduction in assessments, pre-
sented. On verbal recommendation
of City Manager Carr. Councilman
Brede moved that an adjustment of
Special Session, December 4th, 1920 503
the original taxes be authorized on
account of an erroneous assessment
placed on the lot at the corner of
Foye and West Locust Streets, that
$150.00 be accepted in full settle-
ment for assessments against Lots
33 and 34 in Quigley's Sub. for the
improvement of North Street; also
the special assessment levied against
the lot at the corner of Foye and
West Locust Streets on the payment
of the assessment in full as levied
against the West 42 feet of Quig-
ley's Out Lot 710 for the improve-
ment of West Locust Street. Sec-
onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, . Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays- -None.
Petition of Byrne Bros. and the
Young Men's Christian Association,
asking for reductions on the assess-
ment for the improvement of Iowa
Street, presented. On verbal recom-
mendation of City Manager Carr,
Councilman Brede moved that the
prayer of the petition of Byrne Bros.
be granted( offering $150.00 in full
settlement) and the assessment of
the young Men's Christian Associa-
tion be adjusted on the same basis
(accept $50.00 in full for assess-
ment) and the Treasurer so in-
structed. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of A. Fortman, asking for
a reduction in assessment for con-
struction of a sewer in West Four-
teenth Street, presented. Council-
man Brede moved that the petition
be received and fild. Seconded by
Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Councilman Melchior moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Clerk.
City Clerk.
City Clerk.
504 Regular Session, December 6th, 1920
Regular Session, December 6th, 1920.
Council met at 4:35 P. M.
Mayor Alderson in the chair. •
P r e s en t —City Manager Carr,
Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede.
Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney.
Councilman .Brede moved that the
Council Proceedings for the month
of September be approved as printed.
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of Rosaline Karsch, ask-
ing the Council to accept $15.00 in
full settlement for the improvement
of Stafford Avenue, levied in the
year 1893 on Lots 32, 33 and 34,
Stein's Add., claiming to be a widow
and having no means, presented.
Councilman Melchior moved that the
prayer of the petition be granted and
the Treasurer so instructed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Rooney. , Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of Catherine Roesch, ask-
ing the Council to accept $50.00 in
full settlement for the improvement
of Broadway Extension in the year
1891 on Lots 4, 5, 6 and 8, claiming
she took the lots as a payment on a
debt, and they have been a financial
loss to her, presented. Councilman
Melchior moved that the prayer of
the petition be granted and the
Treasurer so instructed. Seconded
by Councilman Brede. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of Sidonia Hosford heirs,
by their attorney, asking that assess-
ment be reduced one -half of t he
original levy for the construction of
a sewer in Grandview Avenue,
levied against Lot 2, Sidonia Hos-
ford's Sub., levied prior to 1908.
Councilman Brede moved that the
prayer of the petition be granted
and the Treasurer so instructed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Melchior. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Verbal request of Peter Weitz, re-
questing that the interest be re-
mitted for the assessment levied in
the year 1895 on Lots 43 and 44,
Cook's Add., on account of the im-
provement of the alley running from
Johnson Avenue to Humboldt Ave-
nue. Councilman Brede moved that
the prayer of the petition be granted.
Seconded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Verbal report of City Manager
Carr, relative to the request of A.
E. Busch on the basis of one -half
of the original levy on account of
the improvement of Broadway in the
year 1893 on Lots 11 and 13, Kel-
ley's 1st Add. Councilman Brede
moved that the prayer of the peti-
tion be granted and the Treasurer
so instructed. Seconded by Council-
man Gabriel. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Verbal report of City Manager
Carr, relative to assessments of Joe
Rhomberg, recommending a settle-
ment on the basis of his request of
one -half of the original combined
levy of $125.89 for the improvement
of White Street in the years 1894
and 1895 on Lot 225, Davis Farm
Add., and Lot 181, Langworthy's
Add. Councilman Brede moved that
the prayer of the petition be granted
and the Treasurer so instructed.
Seconded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Verbal report of City Manager
Carr, relative to assessments of Joe
Rhomberg, recommending a settle -
mena on the basis of cancellation of
interest on assessment of $270.55 for
the improvement of Rhomberg Ave-
nue on Lots 8, 9 and 10, Smedley's
Sub., levied in January 1916, previ-
ous payments having been withheld
on account of unsatisfactory im-
provement of the street, settlement
on assurance that street would be
taken care of. Councilman Gabriel
moved that the prayer of the peti-
tion be granted and the Treasurer
so instructed. Seconded by Council-
man Brede. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Mayor - Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Verbal report of City Manager
Carr, relative to assessments of Joe
Rhomberg, recommending a settle-
Regular Session, December 6th, 1920 505
went on the basis of one -half of the
original assessment for the improve-
ment of the alley between Rhomberg
Avenue and Lincoln Avenue on Lot
363, Ham's Add., on account of the
alley being a main thoroughfare and
improved for that reason rather than
any local need. Councilman Brede
moved that the prayer of the peti-
tion be granted and the Treasurer
so instructed. Seconded by Council-
man Rooney. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Councilman Brede moved that the
1919 general tax of Mrs. John
Crunion be cancelled, for the reason
of indigent circumstances. Sec-
onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Councilman Brede moved that the
City Clerk be instructed to have the
following deeds of property used for
the opening of White Street recorded
at the County Court House: Joseph
Frisch and Anna Frisch, husband
and wife, the East Ten (10) Feet off
of Lot 294, Davis Farm Add.; Mar-
garet Grutz, widow, West Ten (10)
Feet off of the North Fifteen (15)
Feet of Lot 343 and West Ten (10)
Feet off of the South Ten (10) Feet
of Lot 342; Josephine Grutz, single,
the West Ten (10) Feet of the South
One -Half ( /2) of Lot 349, Davis
Farm Addition; Peter Grutz and
Mary Grutz, his wife, East Ten (10)
Feet off of the North One -Half (
of Lot ,291. Davis Farm Add., East
Ten (10) Feet off of the South One -
Half ( /2) of Lot 301, Davis Farm
Add., West Ten (10) Feet off of
North Forty (40) Feet of Lot 348
and West Ten (10) Feet off of Lot
347, Davis Farm Add.; John Heim
and Josephine Heim, his wife, East
Ten (10) Feet of Lots 310 and 317,
Davis Farm Add.; Nicholas F.
Schueller and Mary A. Schueller,
his wife. East Ten (10) Feet off
of Lot 314 and East Ten (10)
Feet off of the South Ten (10)
Feet off of Lot 314 and East Ten
(10) Feet off of the South Ten (10)
Feet of Lot 315, Davis Farm Add.,
and the West Ten (10) Feet of the
North One -Half ( of Lot 350, Da-
vis Farm Add.; Catherine Schueller,
widow, the West Ten (10) Feet of
Lot 344, Davis Farm Add.; John
Boxleiter and Elizabeth Boxleiter,
his wife, the West Ten (10) Feet of
the South Forty -Five (45) Feet of
Lot 343, Davis Farm Add.; John
Hein and Josephine M. Hein, his
wife, and Mary Fuchs and Herman
Fuchs, her husband, West Ten (10)
Feet of ots 322, 323 and 324, Davis
Farm Add. Seconded by Council-
man Gabriel. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Councilman Melchior moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Clerk.
City Clerk.
506 Special Session, December 15th, 1920 Special Session, December 15th, 1920 507
Special Session, December 15, 1920.
Meeting called by order of Mayor
Alderson and Councilman Brede.
Council met at 4:40 P. M.
Mayor Alderson in the chair.
Pr e s en t —City Manager Carr,
Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede,
Gabriel and Melchior.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Mayor Alderson read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and this meeting is called
for the purpose of levying a special
assessment to pay for constructing
curb, gutter and sidewalk on the
south side of Valeria Street from
Lot 4, Cushing's Add., to west lot
line of Lot 1 of 1 of Lot 145, L. H.
Langworthy's Add., and acting on
any . other business that might
properly come before a regular
meeting of the City Council.
Notice, certified to by the publish-
ers, of the City Council's intention
to levy a special assessment to pay
for constructing curb, gutter and
sidewalk on the south side of Va-
leria Street from Lot 4, Cushing's
Add., to west lot line of Lot 1 of 1
of Lot 145, L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
Frank Beutin, contractor, presented.
Councilman Brede moved that the
notice be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None,
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That to pay
for constructing curb, gutter and
sidewalk on south side of Valeria
Street from Lot 4, Cushing's Add.,
to west lot line of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of
Lot 145, L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
by Frank Beutin, contractor, i
front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
A. L. Trilk, Sub. 1 of 145, L.
H. Langworthy's Add., Lot
1; interest at 6 per cent,
$1.00; 57 lin. ft. combina-
tion curb, gutter and side-
walk at $2.02141, $115.22;
extra expense at 1 per
cent, $1.15; total $117 37
Frank Lorem, Sub. 145A, W
1 4 L. H. Langworthy's
Add., N. 1/2 Lot 1; interest
at 6 per cent, 87c; 50 lin.
ft. combination curb, gut-
ter and sidewalk at
$2.02141, $101.07; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, $1.02;
total 102 96
Peter Weigand, Sub. 145A, E
. H. angworthy's Add.,
Lot 1; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.81; 160.6 lin. ft.
combination curb, gutter
and sidewalk at $2.02141„
$324.64; extra expense at
1 per cent, $3.25; total 330 70
Henry B. Heyne, Sub. 1 of 1
of 143, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., Lot 6; interest at 6
per cent, 59c; 33.33 lin. ft.
combination curb, gutter
and sidewalk at $2.02141,
$67.37; extra expense at 1
per cent, 67c; total 68 63
Thresa Huber, Sub. 1 of 1 of
143, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., Lot 5; interest at 6
per cent, 59c; 33.33 lin. ft.
combination curb, gutter
and sidewalk at $2.02141,
$67.37; extra expense at 1
per cent, 67c; total 68 63
John Mentele, Sub. 1 of 1 of
143, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., Lot 4; interest at 6
per cent, 59c; 33.33 lin. ft.
combination curb, gutter
and sidewalk at $2.02141,
$67.37; extra expense at 1
per cent, 67c; total 68 63
John Mentele, Sub. 1 of 1 of
143, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., Lot 3; interest at 6
per cent, 59c; 33.33 lin. ft.
combination curb, gutter
and sidewalk at $2.02141,
$67.37; extra expense at 1
per cent, 67c; total 68 63
Erlein Madden, Sub. 1 of 1 of
143, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., Lot 2; interest at 6
per cent, 59c; 33.33 lin. ft.
combination curb, gutter
and sidewalk at $2.02141,
$67.37; extra expense at 6
per cent, 67c; total 68 63
John Tully, Sub. 1 of 1 of
143, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., Lot 1; interest at 6
per cent, 59c; 33.33 lin. ft.
combination curb, gutter
and sidewalk at $2.02141,
$67.37; extra expense at 1
per cent, 67c; total 68 63
Lena Denzler, Chas. Klingen-
berg's Sub., Lot 3; interest
at 6 per cent, 73c; 42 lin.
ft. combination curb, gut-
ter and sidewalk at
$2.02141, $84.90; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, 85c;
total 86 48
Lena C. Alt, Chas. Klingen-
berg's Sub., Lot 1; interest
at 6 per cent, 66c; 38 lin.
ft. combination curb, gut-
ter and sidewalk at
$2.02141, $76.81; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, 77c;
total 78 24
Herman Digman, Lot 1, Cush -
ing's Sub., Lot 1; interest
at 6 per cent, 52c; 30 lin.
ft. combination curb, gut-
ter and sidewalk at
$2.02141, $60.65; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, 61c;
total 61 78
Herman Digman, Lot 2, Cush-
ing's Sub., Lot 1; interest
at 6 per cent, $1.06; 60 lin.
ft. combination curb, gut-
ter and sidewalk at
$2.02141, $121.28; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, $1.21;
total 123 55
Edgar Fred Theisen, Cush -
ing's Sub., Lot 3; interest
at 6 per cent, 59c; 34 lin.
ft. combination curb, gut-
ter and sidewalk at
$2.02141, $68.74; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, 69c;
total 70 02
Max Reznik, Cushing's Sub.,
Lot 4; interest at 6 per
cent, 39c; 22.6 lin. ft. com-
bination curb, gutter and
sidewalk at $2.02141, $45.69;
extra expense at 1 per
cent, 46c; total 46 54
Total $1429 42
724.4 lin. ft. combination
curb and gutter at $1.11
per lin. ft. $ 807 41
2837.2 sq. ft. cement side-
walk at 21c per sq. ft. 595 81
Interest at 6 per cent 12 17
Extra expense at 1 per cent 14 03
Total $1429 42
All of which is assesed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Councilrrian Brede. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Rooney.
Adopted December 15th, 1920.
Approved December 15th, 1920.
A'ttes't: JOHN SOBER,
City Clerk.
A Resolution.
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of curb and
gutter and sidewalk on the south
side of Valeria Street hereinafter
described has been completed and
the City Engineer has computed
that the cost and expense of said
improvement amounts to $1,429.42;
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of con-
structing curb, gutter and sidewalk
on the south side of Valera Street
from Lot 4, Cushing's Add., to the
west lot line of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of
Lot 145, L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
there be issued improvement bonds
to the amount of $1,429.42. Said
bonds shall be issued under the pro-
visions of Chapter 8, Title V, of the
Code of Iowa and amendments there-
to, shall bear date as of the 15th
day of January, 1921, shall be in the
denominations of $200.00 each, ex-
cept that there shall be one bond
of the amount of $29.42; they shall
be numbered from 6710 to 6717, both
inclusive, and shall be divided into
seven series, of which the bonds
numbered 6710 and 6711 shall con-
stitute the first series and shall be
payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1921,; the bond numbered 6712
shall constitute the second series
and shall be payable on the first day
of April, A. D. 1922; the bond num-
bered 6713 shall constitute the third
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D. 1923; the
bond numbered 6714 shall constitute
the fourth series and shall be pay-
able on the first day of April, A. D.
1924; the bond numbered 6715 shall
constitute the fifth series and shall
be payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1925; the bond numbered 6716
shall constitute the sixth series and
shall be payable on the first day of
April, A. D. 1926; the bond number-
ed 6717 shall constitute the seventh
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D. 1927.
Said Bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of five per cent. per annum,
which interest shall be payable semi-
annually, in accordance with the
terms of the coupons thereto at-
tached; and said bonds shall be pay-
able out of the proceeds of the spec - .
ial assessment levied for said im-
provement. both principal and in-
terest shall be payable at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque. Said bonds shall be sub-
stantially in the following form:
No. $200.00
The City of Dubuque in the State of
promises to pay as hereinafter men-
tioned to the bearer hereof on the
first day of April, A. D. 19—, or any
508 Special Session, December
time before that date at the option
of the City, the sum of
with interest thereon at the rate of
five per cent. per annum, payable on
the presentation and surrender of
the interest coupon hereto attached.
Both principal and interest are pay-
able at the office of the City Treas-
urer in the City of Dubuque, in the
State of Iowa. This Bond is issued
by the City of Dubuque, pursuant to
and by virtue of Chapter 8, Title V,
of the Code of Iowa and amend-
ments thereto, and in accordance
with a resolution of the Council of
said City, duly passed on the 15th
day of December, 1920. This Bond
is one of a series of Eight Bonds,
seven for Two Hundred Dollars
each, numbered 6710 to 6716, in-
clusive, and one for Twenty -nine
and 42 -100 Dollars, numbered 6717,
all of like tenor and date and issued
for the purpose of defraying the cost
of constructing a cement curb, gut-
ter and sidewalk on the south side
of Valeria Street, from Lot 4, Cush -
ing's Addition, to the west lot line
of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 145, L. H.
Langworthy's Addition in the City
of Dubuque, and described in said
resolution; which cost is assessable
to and levied along said improve-
ment. and is made by law a lien on
all abutting or adjacent property,
and payable in seven annual install-
ments, with interest on all deferred
payments at the rate of five per ,cent.
per annum, and this Bond is payable
only out of money derived from the
collection of said special tax, and
said money can be used for no other
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts, conditions
and things required to be done, pre-
cedent to and in the issuing of this
series of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened and performed in regular and
due form, as required by said law
and resolution; and for the assess-
ment collection and payment here-
on of said special tax. the full faith
and diligence of said City of Du-
buaue are hereby irrevocably
In Witness Whereof, the City of
Dubuoue by its City Council has
"used thin Bond to he signed by its
Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk. with the Seal of said
City affixed this 15th clay of January,
On the day of
A. D. 19 —, the City of Dubuque,
15th, 1920
Iowa, promises to pay the bearer,
as provided in the Bond the sum of
Dolars, at the ofTtce
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque, being months in-
terest due that day on its Improve-
ment Bond No. —, dated January
15th, 1921.
City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared, and when so
prepared to execute said bonds; and
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to register said
bonds in a book to be kept by him
for that purpose, and to then deliver
them to the City Treasurer who will
also register them in a book to be
kept by him for that purpose.
Be it further resolved that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
instructed to sell said bonds in the
manner provided for in Section 845
of Code of Iowa, the proceeds of said
sale to be kept in a special fund to
be known as Improvement Fund.
Adopted — December 15, 1920.
Approved— December 15, 1920.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Councilman Brede. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent—Councilman Rooney.
Notice of claim for personal injur-
ies of Bertran Newlin in the sum of
$1,050.00, sustained November 18,
1920, caused by barbed wire across
the sidewalk on the north side of
Coates Avenue, presented. Council-
man Gabriel moved that the notice
be referred to the City Solicitor.
Seconded by Councilman Brede.
Carried by the following vote:
Year —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Report of the City Auditor Gan-
tort for the month of November,
1920, presented. Councilman Brede
moved that the report be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Year —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior._
Nays —None.
Special Session, December 15th, 1920 509
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Report City Manager Carr, stat-
ing that the City had acquired a
strip of land 45 feet wide, part of
Lot 107, L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
for the extension of Elm Street to
Sanford Avenue, and was no longer
of use to the City for the purpose for
which it was acquired. That W. F.
Heitzman wishes to purchase 7 1 -2
feet on Sanfard Avenue and 15 1 -2
feet at the rear of his Lot, offering
the sum of $100.00 for the same.
Recommending that his offer be ac-
cepted, presented. Councilman Brede
moved that the recommendation be
referred to the City Solicitor to draw
the proper resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Report City Manager Carr, stating
that the State troops, known as the
"Governor Greys," desired to rent
the third and fourth floors of the
Central Engine House as an Armory,
desiring a lease similar to the one
they formerly had, at a rental of
$300.00 a year. As a basis of the
lease it is understood, that two
years delinquent rentals are to be
• paid by the company, presented.
Councilman Brede moved that the
recommendation of the Manager be
approved and he be empowered to
carry out the details of the transac-
tion. Seconded by Councilman Gab-
riel. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Report City Manager Carr, rela-
tive to petition of S. B. Lattner,
trustee of the Richard Waller Es-
tate, offering $100.00 in full settle-
ment for assessments amounting to
$749.48 for the improvement of Clay
Street and Fourth Street, against
Lots 234 and S. 1 -2 235, City, levied
in 1895. Recommending that the pe-
tition be received and filed, present-
ed. Councilman Melchior moved that
the petition be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Brede. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, 'Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Petitions of Fischer & Co., Inc.,
and Thomas Mulgrew Co., asking
permission to cut ice in the harbor
for the purpose of icing cars, pre-
sented. Councilman Brede moved
that T. J. Mulgrew Co. and Fischer
& Co., Inc., be granted permission
not to the exclusion of other dealers.
Seconded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Petition Scherr, Hoffman & Co.
(B. C. Scherr, Wm. Kleis, Mrs. D. D.
Hoffman), offering $37.50 in full for
assessment on Lots 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,
Woodlawn Park Add., for the im-
provement of Audubon Ave. in the
year 1896, presented. Councilman
Brede moved that the prayer of the
petition be granted and the Treas-
urer so instructed. Seconded by
Councilman Gabried. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor 'Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Report City Manager Carr, rela-
tive to the petition of J. Ludescher,
asking the City to pay a part of the
bill for cleaning sanitary sewer on
his property, recommending that the
petition be referred to the City Soli-
citor for his report as he does not
consider the City responsible for
sane, presented. Councilman Gab-
riel moved that the recommendation
of the Manager be carried out. Sec-
onded by Councilman Brede. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Report City Manager Carr, stating
that Mr. Kuntz desires to settle on
assessment for one -half of the bal-
ance due on M. 1 -5 of Lot 457 on ac-
count of the improvement of Iowa
Street, levied December 23, 1897,
presented. Councilman Brede mov-
ed that the prayer of the petition be
granted and the Treasurer so in-
structed. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Petition Voelker Realty Co., ask-
ing to have Lot 41, Pleasant View,
stricken from the tax list as no such
lot exists, presented. Councilman
Brede moved that the prayer of the
petition be granted and the Treas-
urer instructed to cancel tax for
1917, 1918 and 1919. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent -- Councilman Rooney.
Report City Manager Carr, recom-
mending that $6.68 be accepted in
full for assessment of part of 2 of
Lot 10, Broadway Add., now owned
by Joe Walters as he purchased six
feet of this lot and this amount would
510 Special Session, December 15th, 1920
be his portion of the assessment,
presented. Councilman Brede mov-
ed that tho recommendation be ap-
proved and the Treasurer so in-
structed. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Councilman Rooney entered and
took his seat at 5:25 P. M.
Report City Manager Carr, rela-
tive to the petition of Voelker Realty
Co., asking for a reduction in assess-
ment on Lots 4 and 20, J. P.
Schroeder's Add., claimiiig valuation
was too high on same, recommend-
ing that the assessment on Lot 4 be
placed at $80.00 and on Lot 20 at
$85.00, as the valuation for tax pur-
poses are placed at $320.00 and
$340.00, respectively, presented.
Councilman Brede moved that the
recommendation be approved and
the Treasurer so instructed. Sec -
ohded by Councilman Gabriel. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Report City Manager Carr, "I am
handing you herewith duplicate cop-
ies of the proposed agreement be-
tween the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway Company and the City
of Dubuque, with reference to the
Coal Hopper under the Milwaukee
tracks at Eagle Point. I recommend
that authority be given for the exe-
cution of this agreement," presented.
Councilman Brede moved that the
recommendation of the Manager be
approved and the Mayor and Clerk
be authorized to sign the agreement.
Seconded by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Report City Solicitor Czizek, stat-
ing that he had effected a settlement
With P. J. Lee for $551.56. Margaret
Clark fdr $416.98, and L. G. Hurd for
$148.05, being the amount of assess -
ments Without interest for the im-
Prevenient of Grove Terrace, parties
fl"aving brought action in equity
a'gain'st the City, restraining the City
from collecting the same, presented.
Councilffian Brede moved that the
report of the City Solicitor be ap-
proved and the Treasurer be in-
structed to accept the amounts from
Lawyer I;. G. Hurd. Seconded by
Councilman Melchior. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Report City Solicitor Czizek, stat-
ing that he had effected a settlement
with Albert Blackburn for the sum
of $350.00 for personal injuries, hav-
ing lost the use of one eye while em-
ployed by the City, recommending
that a warrant ...be drawn covering
the same, presented. Councilman
Brede moved that the report of the
City Solicitor be approved and a war-
rant be drawn for $350.00 in favor
of Frantzen, Bonson & Gilloon for
Albert Blackburn. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None,
Report City Solicitor Czizek, stat-
ing that he had effected a settlement
with Mrs. Naomi Tuthill for the sum
of $150.00 for personal injuries sus-
tained by a fall on a board sidewalk
on West Fifth Street, injuring her
knee, recommending that a warrant
be drawn covering the same, pre-
sented. Councilman Melchior mov-
ed that the recomendation of the
City Solicitor be carried out and a
warrant be drawn for the sum of
$150.00 in faaor of Mrs. Naomi Tut-
hill. Seconded by Councilman Gab-
riel. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Verbal report City Manager Carr,
relative to the petition of Patrick
O'Shea, asking that valuation of Lot
2 of 3 of 2 of Min. Lot 144 be placed
at $100.00 for the years 1917 and
1919 as the same was the amount
placed by "the Assessor in the year
1920. Councilman Gabriel moved
that the recommendation be accept-
ed and the Treasurer so instructed.
Seconded by Councilman Brede. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
City Solicitor Czize.t reported ver-
bally that the PluWiber's Bond of
Michael Millen was properly drawn.
Couileilman Brede moved that the
bond me approved and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman Melchior, Car -
ried by the foll'oWing vote:
Yeas— MaS+or Alderson, Council -
nien Breda, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —■one.
Councilman Melchior moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Clerk.
Adopted.._ ..............._..._..._. _ ._._.._....
Special Session, December 20th, 1920 511
City Clerk.
( Official.)
Special Session, December 20, 1920.
Meeting called by order of Mayor
Alderson and Councilman Brede.
Council met at 8:40 A. M.
Mayor Alderson in the chair.
Pr e s e n t —City Manager Carr,
Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede,
Melchior and Rooney.
Absent — Councilman Gabriel.
Mayor Alderson read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made, and this meeting is call-
ed for the purpose of considering
sale of real estate, and acting on
any other business that might prop-
erly come before a regular meeting
of the City Council.
Report of City Manager Carr as
follows: "The City Auditor reports
that the City in the past has been in
the habit of advancing money out of
the General Funds of the City for
the payment of interest on Special
Improvement Bonds. He further
states that the interest payments
from the General Funds of the City
on account of Special Improvement
Bonds in the past has amounted to
"Inasmuch as this money has been
advanced out of the General Funds
for the payment of the interest of
Special Improvement Bonds, I would
recommend that the above amount
be returned from the Special Im-
provement Funds to the General
Funds of the City. In this way the
money advanced from the General
Funds to take care of the interest
payments of Improvement Bonds of
the past will be in the future where
the same should have remained. I
would, therefore, recommend that a
transfer be authorized of the sum of
$46,953.37 from the Special Improve-
ment Funds to the General Funds of
the City." Councilman Brede moved
that the recommendation of the
Manager be approved and the Audi-
tor be instructed accordingly. Sec-
onded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Gabriel.
Communication from the, Mayor of
Muscatine, Iowa, asking the City
Council to adopt a resolution, as they
have done, to be submitted to the
39th General Assembly and pledge
them to suport an amendment which
will give us just and fair proportion
of the road fund now collected under
the motor vehicle law as automobile
license, thereby enabling the use of
such funds for the maintenance of
streets of our cities and towns, pre-
sented. Councilman Brede moved
512 Special Session, December 20th, 1920
that the City Solicitor be instructed
to draw proper resolution to be sub-
mitted to the Des Moines Legisla-
ture. Seconded by Councilman Mel-
chior. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Gabriel.
Petition of Ed. A. Newell, asking
the Council to cancel City License
charged against him for the year
1920, as the owner of a Second Hand
Store, stating that he has been sick
and has had business failures, agree-
ing to endeavor to pay the 1921 li-
cense, presented. Councilman
Rooney moved that the petition be
referred to the City Manager for in-
vestigation. Seconded by Council-
man Brede. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Gabriel.
To Whom It May Concern: —
The Galena Glove & Mitten. Com-
pany, party of the first part, have
this day offered the City of Dubuque,
party of the second part, $15,000.00
for the property known as the Dee
Basket Factory buildings, sheds and
grounds, the buildings to include all
heating apparatus which may be in
the building, including attached and
unattached radiators, line shafts and
other apurtenances, situated on Gar-
field Avenue, in the City of Dubuque,
possession to be given party of the
first part March 1, 1921, with the
privilege of making such improve-
ments between the date of accept-
ance and March 1, 1921, as they de-
sire, with the understanding that the
present tenant is not to be handicap-
ped by these improvements. The
party of the second part agrees to
cover and maintain the sewer that
is now on the premises, known as
the Kniest Sewer.
Party of the first part agrees to
pay $4,000.00 as soon as this propo-
sition is accepted by the party of
the second part, the balance, $11,-
000.00, to be paid for when posses-
sion of the property is given, pro-
vided warranty deed and abstract of
title has been given by the party of
the second part to the party of the
first part, but if, on the date posses-
sion is given if the deed has not
passed between the interested par-
ties, then the balance, or $11,000.00,
is to be paid on the date the deed is
given by the party of the second part
to the party of the first part.
It is hereby understood all taxes
are to be paid to January 1, 1921.
The buildings to be delivered to
the Galena Glove & Mitten Company
in its present condition.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 18th
day of December, 1920.
O. E. CARR, City Manager.
Councilman Brede moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose
of allowing anyone present to ad-
dress the Council. Seconded by
Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Gabriel.
Attorney Willging addressed the
Council, representing Josephine
Spahn, stating that she had purchas-
ed the building located on the prop-
erty known as the Dee Basket Fac-
tory from J. J. Nagle for the sum of
$3,200.00, and has spent some money
for improvements, asking the City to
allow her the sum of $5,000.00 for
her interest in the same. Afther
some discussion agreeing to take
Councilman Brede moved that the
following described property: Lot '1
of the Sub. of Lot 2 of the Sub. of 2
of the Sub. of Lot 2 of the Sub. of
Min. Lot 106, and Lot 2 of the Sub.
of 2 of the Sub. of 2 of the Sub. of 2
of the Sub. of 2 of the Sub. of Min.
Lot 106, and Lot 3 of the Sub. of 2
of the Sub. of 2 of the Sub. of 2 of
the Sub. of Min. Lot 106, together
with all the buildings thereon
be sold to the Galena Glove & Mitten
Company for the sum of $15,000.00,
and the Mayor instructed to execute
deed and furnish abstract therefore,
also that $4,500.00 be paid to Joseph-
ine Sjahn for a reconveyance of the
interest in the buildings to the City,
also as compensation to her for re-
lease of premises on or before
March 1st, 1921, and moving her
property. Seconded by Councilman
Rooney. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council -
men Brede, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Gabriel.
On verbal recommendation of City
Manager Carr, Councilman Melchior
moved that $200.00 be accepted in
full settlement for assessments lev-
ied against Lots 234, the S. 1 -2 of 235
and City Lot 280, belonging to the
Richard Waler Estate, on account of
the improvement of Fourth Street,
and Clay Street, in the year 1895.
Seconded by Councilman Rooney.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Gabriel.
Councilman Brede moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Clerk.
Adopted 1920
Special Session, December 29th, 1920 513
City Clerk.
Special Session, December 29, 1920
Meeting called by order of Mayor
Alderson and Councilman Brede.
Council met at 4:30 P. M.
Mayor Alderson in the chair.
Pr e s e n t —City Manager Carr,
Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede,
Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney.
Mayor Alderson read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made, and stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of levy-
ing a special assessment to pay for
constructing a sanitary sewer in
Merz Street, from Windsar Avenue
to Althauser Avenue, and in Althaus-
er Avenue from Merz Street to Edi-
son Street; also to pay for improv-
ing Pfotser Street from the west
property line of Windsor Avenue to
the east property line of Queen
Street, and acting on any other bus-
iness that might properly come be-
fore a regular meeting of the City
Councilman Brede moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose
of allowing any one present to ad-
dress the Council. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Mr. Ed. Muntz addressed the
Council, asking for an allowance for
moving barn from property con-
demned by City for the extension of
White Street. Councilman Brede
moved that the matter be referred
to City Manager Carr for investiga-
tion to report back to the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of Chas. Pape, asking for
a reduction in assessment against
Lot 1 of 3 of Min. Lot 316, for the
improvement of Valeria Street, pre-
sented. Chas Pape addressed the
Council relative to his petition.
Councilman Rooney moved that the
petition be referred to the City Man-
ager to report back to the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Brede. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Notice certified to by the pub-
lishers of the City Council's inten-
tion to levy a special assessment to
pay for constructing a sanitary
514 Special Session, December 29th, 1920
sewer in Merz Street, from Windsor
Avenue to Althauser Avenue, and in
Althauser Avenue from Merz• Street
to Edison Street, presented. Coun-
cilman Brede moved that the notice
be received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for constructing an 8 -inch Tile Pipe
Sanitary Sewer in Merz Street, from
Windsor Ave. to Althauser Ave., and
in Althauser Ave. from Merz Street
to Edison Street, by James Street,
Contractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a Special Tax be and is
hereby levied on the several Lots,
and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of
Real Estate hereinafter named, sit-
uate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each Lot or
Parcel of Real Estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
Leo Schmid, Sub. 5, Staf-
ford's Add., Lot 6, 13 sq.
yds. 6 -inch tile pipe later-
als at $1.10, $14.30; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $1.23;
manholes and 88.5 lin. ft.
8 -inch tile pipe at $1.44389,
$127.79; extra• expense at
36009 per cent, $5.12;
total $ 148 44
Henry Lange, Sub. 5 of 1,
Geiger's Sub., Lot 2, 13 sq.
yds. 6 -inch tile pipe later-
als at $1.10, $14.30; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 62c; man-
holes and 40 lin. ft. 8 -inch
tile pipe at $1.44389,
$57.77; extra expense at
36009 jer cent, $2.60;
total 75 29
Augusta Schneider, Sub. 5
of 1, Geiger's $ub., Lot 1,
13 sq. yds. 6 -inch tile pipe
laterals at $1.10, $14.30;
interest at 6 per cent, 66c;
manholes and 43 lin. ft. 8-
inch tile pipe at $1.44389,
$62.10; extra expense at
36009 jer cent, $2.75; total 79 81
William Kaune, Sub. 4a,
Stine's Add., Lot 2, 13 sq.
yds. 6 -inch tile pipe later-
als at $1.10, $14.30; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $1.13;
manholes and 80 lin. ft. fl-
inch tile pipe at $1.44389,
$115.52; extra expense at
36009 per cent, $4.67;
total 135 62
George Gruber, Sub. ,4a,
Stine's Add., Lot 1, 13 sq.
yds. 6 -inch tile pipe later-
als at $1.10, $14.30; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 74c;
manholes and 49 lin. ft. 8-
inch tipe pile at $1,44389,
$70.76; extra expense at
36009 per cent, $3.06;
A. Vogenthaler, Stine's
Add., Lot 5, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$1.10, $14.30; interest at
6 per cent, 75c; manholes
and 50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tipe
pipe at $1.44389, $72.19;
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $3.12; total
A. Vogenthaler. Stine's
Add., Lot 6, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$L10, $14.30; interest at
6 per cent, 75c; manholes
and 50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tipe
pipe at $1.44389, $72.19;
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $3.12; total
Theo. Raterman, Jr., Stine's
Add., Lot 7, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$1.10, $14.30; interest at 6
per cent, 75c; manholes
and 50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile
pipe at $1.44389, $72.19;
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $3.12; total
Theo. Raterman, Jr., Stine's
Add., Lot 8, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe, laterals at
$1.10, $14.30; interest at 6
per cent, 75c; manholes
and 50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile
pipe at $1.44389, $72.19;
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $3.12; total
Theo. Raterman, Jr., Stine's
Add., Iot 9, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$1.10, $14.30; interest at 6
per cent, 75c; manholes
and 50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile
pipe at $1.44389, $72.19;
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $3.12; total
Jacob Petri, Stines's Add ,
Lot 10, 13 sq. yds. 6 -inch
tile pipe laterals at $1.10,
$14.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 75c; manholes and
50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at
$1.44389, $72.19; extra ex-
pense at 36009 per cent,
$3.12; total
Henry Wiegriffe, Stine's
Add.. Lot 11, 13 sq. qds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$1.10, $14.30! interest at 6
per cent, 75c; manholes
and 50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile
pipe at $1.44389, $72.19;
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $3.12; total
Henry Wiegriffe, Stine's
Add.. Lot 12, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$1.10, $14.30! interest at 6
per cent, 75c; manholes
and 50 lin. ft. 8- inch tile
pipe at $1.44389, $72.19;
88 86 extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $3.12; total
J. J. Welty, Stines's Add.,
Lot 13, 13 sq. yds. 6 -inch
tile pipe laterals at $1.10,
$14.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 75c; manholes and
50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at
$1.44389, $72.19; extra
90 36 expense at 36009 per cent,
$3.12; total
J. J. Welty, Stines's Add.,
Lot 14, 13 sq. yds. 6 -inch .
tile pipe laterals at $1.10,
$14.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 75c; manholes and
50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at
$1.44389, $72.19; extra
90 36 expense at 36009 per cent,
$3.12; total
J. J. Welty, Stines's Add.,
Lot 15, 13 sq. yds. 6 -inch
tile pipe laterals at $L10,
$14.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 75c; manholes and
50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at
$1.44389, $72.19; extra
90 36 expense at 36009 per cent,
$3.12; total
E. and A. Spiegelhalter,
Stine's Add., Lot 16, 13
sq. yds 6 -inch tale pipe
laterals at $1.10, $14.30;
interest at 6 per cent,
96c; manholes and 68 lin.
90 36 ft. 8 -inch tipe pipe at
$1.44389, $98.19; extra ex-
pense at 36009 per cent,
$4.05; total
J. C. and W. Althauser,
Stine's Add., Lot 17, 13 sq.
yds, 6linch tile pipe later-
als at $1.10, $14.30; inter -
a est at 6 per cent; 84c;
manholes and 58 lin. ft. fl-
inch tile pipe at $1.44389,
$83.70; extra expense at
36009 per cent, $3.53; total
John Lassance, Stines's
Add., Lot 18, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$1.10, $14.30; interest at 6
per cent, 75c; manholes
and 50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tipe
pipe at $1.44389, $72.19;
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $3.12; total
Henry Wiegriffe, Stines's
Add., Lot 19, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$1.10, $14.30; interest at 6
per cent, 75c; manholes
and 50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile
pipe at $1.44389, $72.19;
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $3.12; total
Henry Wiegriffe, Stines's
Add., Lot 20, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
90 36
90 36
90 36
Special Session, December 29th, 1920 515
90 36
90 36
90 36
90 36
102 43
90 36
90 36
$1.10, $14.30; interest at 6
per cent, 75c; ,manholes
and 50 lin. ft. 8 -in. tile pipe
at $1.44389, $72.19; extra
expense at 36009 per cent,
$3.12; total
Amelia Zoerr, Stines's Add.,
Lot 21, 13 sq. yds. 6 -inch
tils pipe laterals at $1.10,
$14.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 75c; manholes and
50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at
$1.44389, $72.19; extra ex-
pense at 36009 per cent,
$3.12; total
Freda Zetka, Stine's Add.,
Lot 22, 13 sq yds. 6 -inch
tile pipe laterals at $1.10,
$14.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 75c; manholes and
50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tipe pipe at
$1.44389, $72.19; extra ex-
pense at 36009 per cent,
$3.12; total
Louisa Hammermeister,
Stine's Add., Loa 23, 13 sq.
yds. 6 -inch tipe pipe later-
als at $1.10, $14.30; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 75c;
manholes and 50 lin. ft.
8 -inch tile pipe at $1.44389,
$72.19; extra expense at
36009 per cent, $3.12* total
Voelker Realty Co., Stines's
Add., E. 1 -2 Lot 24, 6.5
sq. yds, 6 -inch tile pipe lat-
erals at $1.10, $7.15; man-
holes and 25 lin. ft. 8 -inch
tile pipe at $1.44389,
$36.10; extra expense at
36009, $1.56; total
Realty Inv. ,Corp. Stine's
Add., W. 1 -2 Lot 24, 6.5
sq. yds, 6 -inch tile pipe
laterals at $1.10, $7.15;
interest at 6 per cent, 38c;
manholes and 25 lin. ft.
8 -inch tile pipe at $1.44389,
$26.09; extra expense at
36009, $1.55; total
Nick Kersch, Stine's Add.,
Lot 25, 13 sq. yds. 6 -inch
tile pipe laterals at $1.10,
$14.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 75e; manholes and
50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe
at $1.44389, $72.19; extra
expense at 36009, $3.12;
Wm. Lewin, Stine's Add.,
Lot 26, 13 sq. yds. 6 -inch
tile pipe laterals at $1.10,
$14.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 75c; manholes and
50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe
at $1.44389, $72.19; extra
expense at 36009 per cent,
$3.12; total
Wm. Lewin, Stine's Add ,
Lot 27, 13 sq. yds, 6 -inch
tile pipe laterals at $1.10,
90 36
90 36
90 36
90 36
45 19
45 17
90 36
90 36
516 Special Session, December 29th, 1920
$14.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 75c; manholes and
50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe
at $1.44389, $72.19; extra
expense at 36009 per cent,
$3.12; total
Sophia Remus, Stine's Add.,
Lot 28, 1415 sq. yds. 6-
tile pipe laterals at $1.10,
$15.95; interest at 6 per
cent, 76; manholes and
50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tipe pipe
at $1.44389, $72.19; extra
expense at 36009 per cent,
$3.17; total
Mary Witry, Stine's Add}
Lot 29, 13 sq. yds. 6 -inch
tile pipe laterals at $1.10,
$14.30; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.74; manholes and
129 lin. ft. 8 -inch tipe pipe
at $1,44389, $186.27; ex-
tra expense at 36009 per
cent, $7.22; total
John Althauser, et al., Alt-
hauser's Sub., Lot 6, 13
sq. yds. 6 -inch tile pipe
laterals at $1.10, $14.30;
interest at 6 per cent, 75c;
manholes and 50 lin. ft. 8-
inch tile pipe at $1.44389,
$72.19; extra expense at
36009 per cent, $3.12;
Gertrude Montel, Althous-
er's Sub., Lot 9, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$1.10, $14.30; interest at 6
per cent 75c; manholes
and 50 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile
pipe at $1.44389, $72.19;
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $3.12; total
Emma A. Mackert, Althaus-
er's Sub., Lot 5, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$1.10, $14.30; interest at 6
per cent, 66; manholes
and 42.96 lin. ft. 8 -inch
tile pipe at $1.44389, $62.03
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $2.75; total
Emma A. Mackert, Althaus-
er's Sub., Lot 4, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$1.10, $14.30; interest at 6
per cent, 66; manholes
and 42.96 lin. ft. 8 -inch
tile pipe at $1.44389, $62.03
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $2.75; total
Emma A. Mackert, Althaus-
er's Sub., Lot 3, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$1.10, $14.30; interest at 6
per cent, 66c; manholes
and 43.96 lin. ft. 8 -inch
tile pipe at $1.44389,
$62.03; extra expense at
36009 per cent, $2.75;
90 36
92 07
209 53
90 36
90 36
79 74
79 74
'79 74
Julia Kiesele, Althauser's
Sub., Lot 2, 13 sq. yds.
6 -inch tile pipe laterals at
$1.10, $14.30; interest at 6
• per cent, 66c; manholes
and 42.96 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile
pipe at $1.44389, $62.03;
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $2.75; total 79 74
Emma Gonser, Althauser's
Sub., Lot 1, interest at 6
ped cent, 66c; manholes
and 42.96 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile
pipe at $1.44389, $62.03;
extra expense at 36009 per
cent, $2.23; total 64 80
Caroline Stark, of 2 of 1 of
11, Althauser's Sub., Lot
1, 26 sy. yds. 6 -inch tile
pipe laterals at $1.10,
$28.60; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.20; manholes and
75 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe
at $1.44389, $108.30; extra
expense at 36009 per cent,
$4.93; total 143 03
Hattie Curtis, of 2 of 1 of
11, Althauser's Sub., Lot
2, interest at 6 per cent,
3c; manholes and 2.5 lin.
ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at
$1.44389, $3.61; extra ex-
pense at 36009 per cent,
1; total 3 66
Hattie Curtis, of 1 of 11,
Althauser's Sub., Lot 1,
7.5 sq. yds. 6 -inch tile pipe
laterals at $1.10, $8.25; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.04;
manholes and 77.5 lin. ft.
8 -inch tile pipe at $1.44389,
$111.91; extra expense at
36009 per cent, $4.33;
total 125 53
David Frommelt, of 11, Alt -
hauser's Sub., Lot 2, 26
sq. yds. 6 -inch tile pipe
laterals at $1.10, $28.60;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.11; manholes and 68
lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at
$1.44389, $98.19; extra ex-
pense at 36009 per cent,
$4.57; total 132 47
Total $3916
1420.25 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile
pipe at $1.92 per lin. ft $2726
529.0 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile pipe
at $1.10 per lin. ft 581
8 manholes at $55.00 per
manhole ........... -..... 440
Interest at 6 per cent 32
Extra expense at 36009 per
cent 134
Total $3916 27
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Special Session, December 29th, 1920
Adopted Dec. 29th, 1920.
Approved Dec. 29th, 1920.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved that the
resolution be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in Merz Street and Althauser
Avenue, hereinafter described has
been completed and the City Engi-
neer has computed that the cost and
expense of said sewer amounts to
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
that to provide for the cost of con-
struction of a sanitary sewer in Merz
Street, from Windsor Avenue to Alt -
hauser Avenue, and in Althauser
Avenue, from Merz Street to Edison
Street, there be issued sewer bonds
to the amount of $3,916,27. Said
bonds shall be issued under the pro-
visions of Chapter 8, Title V. of the
Code of Iowa and amendments there-
to, shall bear date as of the 29th
day of January, 1921, shall be in the
denominations of $200.00 each, ex-
cept that there shall be one bond of
the amount of $116.27; they shall be
numbered from 6726 to 6745, both in-
clusive, and shall be divided into
seven series, of which the bonds
numberel 6726 to 6728, inclusive.
shall constitute the first series and
shall be payable on the first day of
April, A. D. 1921; the bonds num-
bered 6729 to 6731, inclusive, shall
constitute the second series and
shall be payable on the first day of
April, A. D. 1922; the bonds number-
ed 6732 to 6734 shall constitute the
third series and shall be payable on
the first day of April, A. D. 1923; the
bonds numbered 6735 to 6737, in-
clupsive, shall constitute the fourth
series and shall be payable on the
first day . of April, A. D. 1924; the
bonds numbered 6738 to 6740. in-
clusive, shall constitute the fifth
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D. 1925; the
bonds numbered 6741 to 6743, in-
clusive, shall constitute the sixth
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D. 1926; the
bonds numbered 6744 and 6745, in-
elusive, shall constitute the seventh
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D. 1927. Said
bonds shall bear interest at the rate
of five per cent. per annum, which in-
terest shall be payable semi- annual-
ly, in accordance with the terms of
the coupons thereto attached; and
said bonds shall be payable out of
the proceeds of the special assess-
ment levied for said improvement,
both principal and interest shall be
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque.
Said bonds shall be substantially in
the following form:
No. $20.00
Series No.
Sewer Bonds
The City of Dubuque in the State of
Promises to pay as hereinafter
mentioned to the bearer hereof on
the first day of April, A. D. 19 -, or
any time before that date at the op-
tion of the City, the sum of
with interest thereon at the rate of
five per cent. per annum, payable on
the presentation and surrender of
the interest coupon hereto attached.
Both principal and interest are pay-
able at the office of the City Treas-
urer in the City of Dubuque, in the
State of Iowa. This Bond is issued
by the City of Dubuque pursuant to
and by virtue of Chapter 8, Title V,
of the Code of Iowa and amendments
thereto, and in accordance with a
resolution of the Council of said City
duly passed on the 29th day of De-
cember, 1920. This Bond is one of a
series of Twenty Bonds, nineteen for
Two Hundred Dollars each, number-
ed 6726 to 6744, inclusive, and one
for One Hundred Sixteen and 27 -100
Dollars, numbered 6745, all of like
tenor and date and issued for the
purpose of defraying the cost of con-
structing a sanitary sewer in Merz
Street, from Windsor Avenue to Alt -
hauser Avenue and in Althauser
Avenue from Merz Street to Edison
Street in the City of Dubuque, and
described in said resolution; which
cost is assessable to and levied
along said improvement, and is
made by law a lien on all abutting
or adjacent property, and payable in
seven annual installments with in-
terest on all deferred payments at
the rate of five per cent. per annum,
and this bond is payable only out of
the money derived from the collec-
tion of said special tax, and said
money can be used for no other
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts, conditions
and things required to be done, pre-
cedent to and in the issuing of this
series of bonds, have been done and
518 Special Session, December 29th, 1920
happened and performed in regular
and due form as required by said
law and resolution; and for the as-
sessment collection and payment
thereon of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Witness Whereof, the City of
Dubuque by its City Council has
caused this bond to be signed by its
Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk,, with the seal of said City
affixed this 29th day of January,
City Clerk.
On the day of A. D.
192 —, the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
promises to pay to the bearer, as
provided in the bond the sum of
Dollars, at the office of
the City Treasurer in the City of Du-
buque, being months interest
due that day on its Improvement
Bond No. —, dated January 30th,
City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared, and when so
prepared to execute said bonds; and
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to register said
bonds in a book to be kept by him
for that purpose, and to then deliver
them to the City Treasurer, who
will also register them in a book to
be kept by him for that purpose.
Be it further resolved that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
instructed to sell said bonds in the
manner provided for in Section 845
of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds of
said sale to be kept in a special
fund to be known as Improvement
Adopted, December 29th, 1920.
Approved, December 29th, 1920.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved that
the resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Notice certified to by the pub-
lishers of the City Council's inten-
tion to levy a special assessment to
pay for improving Pfotser Street,
from the west property line of Wind-
sor Avenue to the east property line
of Queen Street, presented. Council-
man Gabriel moved that the notice
be received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for improving Pfotser Street, froth
the west property line of Windsor
Avenue to the east property line of
Queen Street, by Frank Beutin, Con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a Special Tax be and is
hereby levied on the several Lots,
and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of
Real Estate hereinafter inamed, sit-
uate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each Lot or
Parcel of ,Real Estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
Frank Baumhover, Stafford's
Add., Lot 21, tarvia maca-
dam, cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $258.50; interest
at 6 per cent, $2.25; extra
expense at 1 per cent,
$2.59; total $ 263 34
Andrew Dubmeyer, Stafford's
Add., Lot 20, tarvia maca-
dam, cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $98.05; interest
at d per cent, 85c; extra
expense at 1 per cent, 98c;
total 99 88
Mrs. F. L. Luchterhand,
Stafford's Add., Lot 19,
tarvia macadam, cement
curb and guter, cost,
$32.27; interest at 6 per
cent, 28c; extra expense
at 1 per cent, 32c; total 32 87
Peter Eisbach, Stafford's
Add., Lot 22, tarvia maca-
dam, cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $258.50; interest
at 6 per cent, $2.25; extra
expense at 1 per cent,
$2.59; total 263 34
Fred Luchterhand, Stafford's
Add., Lot 23, tarvia maca-
dam, cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $98 05; interest
at 6 per cent, 85c; extra
expense at 1 per cent, 98c;
total 99 8
Christ Luchterhand, Staf-
ford's Add., Lot 24, tarvia
macadam, cement curb and
gutter, cost, $32.27; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 28; extra
expense at 1 per cent, 32c;
total 32 87
John Buelow, Jr., Stafford's
Add., Lot 55, tarvia maca-
dam, cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $223.35; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $1.93;
extra expense at 1 per
cent, $2.23; total
Chas. Buelow, Stafford's
Add., Lot 54, tarvia maca-
dam, cement curb and gut-
ter, cost $97.70; interest
at 6 per cent, 85c; extra
expense at 1 per cent 98c;
Fred Buelow Est., Staf-
ford's Add., Lot 53, tarvia
macadam, cement curb and
gutter, cost, $37.30; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 33c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
37c; total
H. E. Wylie, Stafford's
Add., Lot 56, tarvia maca-
dam, cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $223.59; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $1.94;
extra expense at 1 per
cent, $2.24; total
H. E. Wylie, Stafford's Add.,
Lot 57, tarvia macadam,
cement curb and gutter,
cost, $94.42; interest at
6 per cent, 81c; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, 94c;
Frank J. Weber, Stafford's
Add., Lot 58, tarvia maca-
dam, cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $37.04; interest
at 6 per cent, 33c; extra
expense at 1 per cent, 37c;
Special Session, December 29th, 1920
227 51
99 53
38 00
227 77
96 17
37 74
Total $1518 90
4205 lin. ft. comb. curb and
gutter at $1.11 per lin, ft $ 466 76
5659 sq. yds. tarvat macadam
at $1.81 sq. yd. 1024 28
Interest at 6 per cent 12 95
Extra expense at 1 per cent 14 91
Total $1518 90
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
, Adopted, Dec. 29th, 1920.
Approved, Dec. 29th. 1920.
City Clerk,
Councilman Brede moved that the
resolution be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Melchior. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council -
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
A Resolution.
Whereas, The contract heretofore .
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Pfotser
Street hereinafter described has
been completed and the City Engi-
neer has computed that the cost and
expense of said improvement
amounts to $1,518.00.
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
that to provide for the cost of im-
proving Pfotser Street, from the
west property line of Windsor Ave-
nue to the east property line of
Queen Street, there be issued im-
provement bonds to the amount of
$1,518.00. Said bonds shall be issued
under the provisions of Chapter 8,
Title V of the Code of Iowa and
amendments thereto, shall bear date
as of the 29th day of January, 1921,
shall be In the denominations of
$200.00 each, except that there shall
be one bond of the amount of
$118.90; they shall be numbered
from 6718 to 6725, both, inclusive,
and shall be divided into seven ser-
ies, of which the bonds numbered
6718 and 6719 shall constitute the
first series and shall be payable on
the first day of April, A. D. 1921;
the bond numbered 6720 shall con-
stitute the second series and shall
be payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1922; the bond numbered 6721
shall constitute the third series and
shall be payable on the first day of
April, A. D. 1923; the bond number-
ed 6722 shall constitute the fourth
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D. 1924; the
bond numbered 6723 shall constitute
the fifth series and shall be payable
on the first day of April, A. D. 1925;
the bond numbered 6724 shall con-
stitute the sixth series and shall be
payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1926; the bond numbered 6724
shall constitute the seventh series
and shall be payable on the first day
of April, A. D. 1927. Said bonds
shall bear interest at the rate of five
per cent. per annum, which interest
shall be payable semi - annually, in
accordance with the terms of the
coupons thereto attached; and said
bonds shall be payable out of the
proceeds of the special assessments
levied for said improvement, both
principal and interest shall be pay-
able at the office of the City Treas-
urer in the City of Dubuque.. Said
bonds shall be substantially in the
following form:
No. --- $200.00
Series No,, —
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa.
Promises to pay as hereinafter
mentioned to the bearer hereof on
the first day of April, A. D. 19 —, or
any time before that date at the op-
tion of the City, the sum of
with interest thereon at the rate of
five per cent. per annum, payable on
the presentation and surrender of
the interest coupon hereto attached.
Both principal and interest are pay-
able at the office of the City Treas-
urer in the City of Dubuque, in the
State of Iowa. This Bond is issued
by the City of Dubuque, pursuant to
and by virtue of Chapter 8, Title V
of the Code of Iowa and amend-
ments thereto, and in accordance
with a resolution of the Council of
said City duly passed on the 29th
day of December, 1920. This Bond
is one of a series of eight bonds,
seven for Two Hundred Dollars
each, numbered from 6716 to 6724,
inclusive, and one for One Hundred
Eighteen and 90 -100 Dollars, num-
bered 6725, al of like tenor and date
and issued for the purpose of defray-
ing the cost of improving Pfotser
Street, from the west property line
of Windsor Avenue to the east prop-
erty line of Queen Street, in the
City of Dubuque, and described in
said resolution; which cost is assess-
able to and levied along said im-
provement, and is made by law a
lien on all abutting or adjacent prop-
erty, and payable in seven annual
installments with interest on all de-
ferred paybents at the rate of five
per cent. per annum, and this bond
is payable only out of money deriv-
ed from the collection of said spec-
ial tax, and said money can be used
for no other purpose.
And it is hereby certified and re-
cit that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
dent to and in the issuing of this
series of bonds, have been done and
happened and performed in regular
and due form, as required by said
law and resolution; and for the as-
sessment collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of sadi City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Witness Whereof, the City of
Dubuque by its City Council, has
caused this bond to be signed by its
Mayor and countersigned by its City
Clerk, with the Seal of said City af-
fixed this 29th day of January, 1921.
520 Special Session, December 29th, 1920
City Clerk.
On the day of , A. D.
192 —, the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
promises to pay to the bearer, as
provided in the Bond the sum of
Dollars, at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque, being months
interest due that day on its Improve-
ment Bond No. —, dated January
30th, 1921,
City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared, and when so
prepared to execute said bonds; and
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to register said
bonds in a book to be kept by him
for that purpose, and to then deliver
them to the City Treasurer, who will
also register them in a book to be
kept by him for that purpose.
Be it further resolved that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
instructed to sell said bonds in the
manner provided for in Section 845
of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds of
said sale to be kept in a special fund
to be known as Improvement Fund.
Adopted, December 29th, 1920.
Approved, December 29th, 1920.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved that the
resolution be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
• Nays —None.
Whereas, the City of Dubuque, a
Municipal Corporation of Iowa, is
the absolute owner in fee simple of
Lot One (1) of the Subdivision of
Lot Two (2) of the Subdivision of
Lot Two (2) of the Subdivision of
Lot Two (2) of the Subdivision of
Mineral Lot One Hundred and Six
(106), and Lot Two (2) of the Sub-
division of Lot Two (2) of the Sub-
division of Lot Two (2) of the Sub-
division of Lot Two (2) of the Sub-
division of Mineral Lot One Hun-
dred and Six (106), and Lot Three
(3) of the Subdviision of Lot Two
(2) of the Subdivision of Lot Two
(2) of the Subdivision of Lot Two
(2) of the Subdivision of Mineral
Lot One Hundred and Six (106), in
the City of Dubuque, according to
Alexander Anderson's map of Min-
eral Lots of Julien Township and
vicinity and the recorded plats
thereof; and,
Special Session, December 29th, 1920
Whereas, said City Council of said
City deems it advisable to dispose
of said premises together with the
buildings located thereon and all ap-
purtenances thereto belonging, at
the present time at private sale and
for reasonable fair value thereof;
Whereas, the main buildings upon
said lot were erected by George Dee
pursuant to a grant of authority con-
tained in an ordinance adopted on
April 7, 1892, which ordinance con-
tained the provision that said George
Dee was authorized to construct
said buildings upon said lot and have
the use of said premises for a period
of Ninety -Nine Years, and at the end
of which time all buildings placed
upon said lot to become the prop-
erty of said City; and, •
Whereas, said original ordinance
was repealed by an ordinance duly
passed by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque on October 5, 1896,
by the terms of which ordinance the
right to maintain and operate the
buildings placed upon said lot by
said George Dee was conferred upon
George B. Burch, as trustee, it be-
ing expressly stipulated in said or-
dinance that the ownership of all
buildings on the grounds and real
estate described in the prior ordi-
nance of 1892, which were executed
by said George Dee vested in the
City of Dubuque, and said trustee
was authorized for a period of Twen-
ty -Five (25) years, beginning on the
first day of August, 1896, to use or
lease said buildings for factory pur-
poses; and,
Whereas, by an ordinance enacted
on November 7, 1901, all the rights
and privileges granted to George B.
Burch, trustee, were vested in J. K.
Deming, as trustee; and,
Whereas, said J. K. Deming, as
trustee, transferred all his rights
under said ordinance to J. J. Nagle,
who, in turn, transferred all his
rights therein thus acquired to Jos-
ephine Spahn; and,
Whereas, said Josephine Spahn is
now and has been for several years
past operating said buildings located
upon said lot for factory purposes
and has made certain additions and
extensions thereto under the expec-
tation of using said buildings up to
August 1, 1921, the time when the
lease to George B. Burch expires;
Whereas, the Galena Glove and
Mitten Company desires to locate in
the City of Dubuque with its factory
and the facilities offered by the
buildings located upon the lot above
described are satisfactory to said
Company; and,
Whereas, said Galena Glove and
Mitten Company has offered to pay
the City of Dubuque the sum of Fif-
teen Thousand Dolars ($15,000.00)
for the lot above described together
with buildings located thereon, said
buildings to include heating appara-
tus therein contained, attached and
unattached radiators, line shafts,
pulleys and hangers, providing pos-
session be given to said company on
the first of March, 1921, said consid-
eration to be paid as follows:
Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00)
as soon as the proposition of said
Company is accepted by the City
Council, which proposition is attach-
ed hereto and made a part hereof,
and the balance of Eleven Thous-
and Dollars ($11,000.00) to be paid
to said City when possession of the
property is given and a warranty
deed is executed and an abstract of
title furnished, provided, however,
if, on the date possession is given
the deed has not been executed as
herein stated, said sum of Eleven
Thousand Dollars ($11,000.00) shall
be paid upon the date said deed and
abstract are delivered to said com-
pany; and,
Whereas, Josephine Spahn has
consented to transfer all her rights,
title and interest in and to all build-
ings located upon said lot and im-
provements made thereon by her
during the period of her tenancy,
and to give up possession to the
same on or before March 1, 1921, for
the consideration of Four Thousand
Five Hundred Dollars ($4,500.00) to
be paid to her by the said City, said
consideration to cover the amount
of money which she paid for said
buildings, the improvements made
thereon by her, the expense of va-
cating said premises and cancella-
tion of her right to occupy said
buildings up to August 1, 1921; now,
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
That the offer of the Galena Glove
and Mitten Company, as herein stat-
ed, be and the same is hereby ac-
That there be paid by the City of
Dubuque to Josephine Spahn the
sum of Four Thousand Five Hun-
dred Dollars ($4,500.00) for the mat-
ters and things hereinbefore set
That the Mayor of said City be
and he is hereby authorized and di-
rected to execute a warranty deed of
said described lot and all buildings
and appurtenances thereto apper-
taining to said Galena Glove and
Mitten Company upon the payment
to said City the sum of Fifteen
Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00), and
to furnish said company with an ab-
stract of title thereto and do all
other acts necessary to be done to
522 Special Session, December 29th, 1920 Special Session, December 29th, 1920 523
carry out the transfer of said prop-
erty to said Galena Glove and 1V4it-
ten Company. •
That a warant be drawn upon the
City Treasurer in the sum of Four
Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
($,4,600.00) in favor of said Josephine
Spahn upon her reconveyanoe to
said city of her right, title and in-
terest in and to the buildings located
upon said premises.
Adopted by the City Council in
special session on December 29th,
Approved, December 29th, 1920.
City Clerk.
Councilman Bred emoved that the
resolution be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Whereas, the City of Dubuque, a
Municipal Corporation. as owner of
Lot Two (2) of the Subdivision of
Lot Two (2) of the Subdivision of
Lot Two (2) of the Subdivision of
Mineral Lot One Hundred and Six
(106), in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
has subdivided said lot a nd filed with
the Clerk of sail City a plat there-
of; and,
Whereas, the City Connell of said
City has considered said plat and
found that the same conforms to the
provisions of Section 916 of the Code
of Iowa of 1897 as amended; now,
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
That said plat be and it is here-
by approved and the Mayor and
Clerk are hereby directed to certify
a copy of this resolution to the
County Recorder and affix the same
to said plat.
Dated this 29th day of December,
Approved, December 29th, 1920.
Adopted, 29th of December.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved that the
resolution be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
A Resolution.
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that a
special assessment for cutting
weeds be p}epared and the same be
filed with the City Clerk subject to
public inspection, and that he shall
file the notice of said assessment as
is required by law. '
Adopted, December 29th, 1920.
Approved, December 29th, 1920,
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the resolution be adopted. Second-
ed by Councilman Brede. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council -
iuen Brede, Gabriel Melchior and
Nays —None.
Whereas, the City of Dubuque, as
well as other cities and towns of
the State of Iowa, by virtue of the
provisions of Section 1571 -M 32 of
the Supplemental. Supplement to
the 1913 Code of Iowa, were entitled
to and received from the Automobile
Tax not to exceed ten per cent of
the total amount apportioned to the
County, the amount of such tax re-
ceived being determined by the ra-
tio of miles of unpaved streets
within the limits thereof to the total
number of miles of public roads and
gnpaved streets within the County;
an d,
Whereas, under the virtue of the
above law, the City of Dubuque re-
ceived as its portion of said motor
vehicle tax, the sum of $1,800.00
each year, which said sum was used
and expended by the City for the
purpose of improving such streets
as is. provided for in said law; and,
Whereas, the Thirty- Eighth Gen-
eral Assembly amended and revised
the motor vehicle laws of this State
and in so doing repealed Section
1571 -M 32, above referred to, there-
by taking away from the cities and
towns, of Iowa their share of said
tax; and,
Whereas, approximately 75 per
cent of the total number of automo-
biles within the County of Dubuque
are owned by persons residing with-
in the City of Dubuque, and 85 per
cent of the.mileage of said automo-
biles is over and upon the streets
of said City; and,
Whereas, under and by virtue of
the laws of this State, and the con-
struction placed thereon by the
Courts is that the streets within the
limits of the city and towns are a
part of the public system of the
State; and,
Whereas, the laws of the State of
Iowa are such that residents of the
rural districts, without the limits of
any City or Town can not be com-
pelled to pay for public street im-
provements within the limits of Such
City of Town, and it is unjust, un-
reasonable and unfair that the own-
ers of automobiles residing within
the limits of the City and Towns
should be compelled to submit to
the use of the tax paid by them up-
on highways without the limits of
their respective places of resi-
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque:
That we deem it unjust that any
city or town of our State should be
deprived of its share of all money
raised by virtue of a tax levied upon
the owners of motor vehicles resid-
ing within our limits, and we want
to call the attention of the Gover-
nor and members of the Legislature
of our State to the historical fact
that the question of just and fair
taxation underlies the very founda-
tion of our Nation.
Be it further resolved, that we re-
spectfully ask the 39th General As-
sembly of the State of Iowa, to
amend the Motor Vehicle Laws of
the State of Iowa, thereby setting
aside to the Cities ano Towns of
Iowa, their just and proportionate
share of the automobile tax, based
upon the number of miles of streets
therein, as well as the number of
motor- vehicles owned in the various
cities and towns, and that said law
be so drafted as to authorize the use
of said funds upon any or streets
and highways for improvement and
maintenance purposes, and that in
no event shall such amount be less
than 35 per cent of the total taxes
Be it further resolved that, copies
of this resolution be sent to the
Honorable B. - J..Horchem, Senator,
and T. J. O'Donnell and ;John Wem-
er, Representatives,, members of the
Thirty -Ninth General Assembly, and
also to the Secretary of the Iowa
League.. of. Municipalities, with the
request .that they exert their in-
fluence in favor of the pasage _ of
laws containing the .provisions ,.as
herein stated.
Be it ,,further. resolved that Du-
buque . Countys :Representatives in
the General Assembly be instructed
to assist in the passage of a laW
which will provide that all money
collected by way of automobile li-
cense be deposited in the County in
which such licenses are paid.
Adopted, December 29th, 1920.
Approved December 29th, 1920.
Mayor of the
City of Dubuque
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved that the
resolution be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
December 18th, 1920.
Received of Geo. Bennett, City
Assessor, Tax Books of City of Du-
buque (three volumes), on valua-
tions of 1920, to be collected in 1921.
County Auditor.
Presented. Councilman Gabriel
moved that the receipt be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Brede. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of Henry Kies, asking for
soldiers' exemption and refund of
$15.77, being one -half of taxes paid
by the firm of Doran & Kies, pre-
sented. Councilman Melchior mov-
ed that the prayer of the petition be
granted. Seconded by Councilman
Rooney. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Report City Manager Carr, recom-
mending the acceptance of $50.00 in
full settlement for assessment levied
against J. H. Shields in the year 1895
on Lot 12, Summer Hill Add., for
the improvement of Grandview
Avenue, from Southern Avenue to
the east terminus of Grandview,
Avenue, presented. .Councilman
Brede moved that the recommends4
tion of the Manager be appravedc'
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel;:
Carried by the following 'vote: _
Yeas —Mayor Alderson., . Council=
men Brede, " Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays— None......
524 Special Session, December 29th, 1920
Report City Manager Carr, rela-
tive to assessment of Mrs. Peter
Ginter, asking that the interest on
Queen Street sewer assessment be
Cancelled and interest paid on Queen
Street improvement be allowed on
the Queen Street sewer assessment,
presented. Councilman Rooney mov-
ed that the prayer of the petition be
granted and the Treasurer be in-
structed to reduce the Queen Street
sewer assessment by the amount of
interest paid on both assessments.
Seconded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
December 29, 1920.
Honorable Mayor and City Council.
In connection with our recent re-
quests for higher electric rates and
street railway fares, I wish to con-
firm our situation as submitted in
the various conferences with your
Honorable Body.
Upon our actual -investment, and
based upon 5 per cent depreciation
charge and 7 per cent return, the
historical value of our property as
of July 31, 1920, was $3,775,227.03. A
detailed tabulation showing the man-
ner in which the latter figure was
obtained is in your possession.
During the fiscal year of August
1, 1919, to July 31, 1920, total reve-
nue received was $773,652.83 against
which are operating expenses, de-
preciation charges and a 7% per
cent return, totaling $976,525.06. A
deficit of $202,872.23 was thus in-
In asking for relief we based our
request upon that which we are en-
titled to earn upon our actual invest-
ment, rather than upon the repro-
ductive value of the property recog-
nized as the basis for rate making
purposes in recent Federal Court
decisions, such as the Consolidated
Gas Co., of New York vs. Public Ser-
vice Commission of the State of
New York, First District, and St.
Joseph (Missouri) 'Railway, Light,
Heat 8y Power Co., vs. Missouri Pub-
lic Service Commission. Were we
to exercise our legal rights, we
would ask for such relief as would
increase our net earnings three -fold
before interest and depreciation
charges. It is not our desire, how-
ever, to •earn upon the enhanced
value of our property, as such might
work a hardship upon the people of
Dubuque, although no more so than
the prices which' have been, and are
WW1 paid for .other commodities.
In connection, asith the new rate
schedule requested, it should ha kept
in mind that the maximum ,step of
1$c per KWH is less than that of
12%c per KWH which prevailed in
Dubuque prior to October 1, 1916,
and long before the abnormal in.
crease in coal, labor and other mat-
erials which existed throughout the
war, and ever since. Electric cur-
rent is probably the only commodity
which has sold for less than pre -war
In connection with our request for
relief in the Railway Department,
we recognize that such is possibly
more difficult to adjust, as an in-
creased fare to 10c, which exists in
over sixty cities in the United States
today, would very likely result in
decreased patronage so that we
would not realize the full measure of
such an increase in fare. Further-
more, decreased use of the street
railway by the people of Dubuque
would be detrimental and would re-
sult in a loss of business to every
business house, theatre, etc., in the
In the past we have advocated the
use of One -Man Safety Cars as per-
mitting a considarable saving in
operating expenses through their
adoption, but our financial condition
today is such that we are not able
to negotiate for the purchase of
such new light weight safety cars as
would be desirable for one -man
operation. To properly equip our
system for safety car operation
would require the purchase of not
less than twenty new cars, which
at a cost of $7,000.00 each, would
total $140,000.00.
The increases which have in the
past been granted in street car fares
were insufficient in themselves to
meet the increased wages granted,
with the result that the net earnings
in the Railway Department available
for interest and depreciation charges
are lower than ever before. The in-
creased costs of living were the
bases for wage increases to our
men, and these costs have not yet
sufficiently declined to warrant cor-
responding reduction in wages.
The thorough and .careful analysis
Of our accounts and ; records made by
your j $9 your City
Manager and the City Attorney,
have substantiated our statement
that we are in jmniedlate need of
relief to the extent of not reps than
$100,000.Q0 jer year, based upon our
actual necessities as indicated by
the twelve months' operation ending
July 31, 1020, and which does not
take into contdderatjon the high coal
and labor posts prevailing now over
that of the average during the
twelve moths' period referred to.
An Increase in our revenue of
$100,000.00 per year falls very short
of providing a reasonable ;rate of •re-
turn .On 'our historical value; not to
Special Session, December 29th, 1920 525
mention the value based upon repro-
ductive cost, which, as has been
stated, is what courts recognize as a
basis for rate making purposes,
We realize that there is a ten
dency toward lower prices in many
commodities, and although we are of
the opinion that it will be a consid-
erable time before materially lower
costs prevail for coal, labor, etc., we
are agreeable to a waiving, for the
present, a reasonable rate of return
upon our investment in the hope that
our operating expenses wil be mat-
erially reduced by the end of the
next six months' period. To this
end we will not press you for imme-
diate relief in the Railway Depart-
ment, but naturally do so without
prejudicing any rights we may have
because of the Federal Court decree
of last May.
In the Electric Department our
operating costs are so out of propor-
tion to our revenue because of,
principally, the higher coal costs
which in 1920 were $50,000.00 in ex-
cess of 1919, it is imperative that
immediate relief be granted, and we,
therefore, respectfully submit the
following rate for electric current to
be effective as of January 1, 1921:
First 35 KWH at 11c per KWH,
Next 465 KWH at 8c per KWH.
Next 500 KWH at 6c per KWH.
Next 1000 KWH at 5c per KWH.
Next 1000 KWH at 4c per KWH.
Excess over 3000 KWH at 3%c
per KWH.
Prompt payment discount 5 per
cent. Minimum bill $1.00.
No prompt payment discount on
minimum bill.
In making the above request we
realize that it does not provide the
revenue contemplated in our prev-
Ious proposed rate schedule, but we
concur with you that at this time it
is desirable that the least possible
burden should be placed upon your
constituents —who are our custom-
ers —and if in your judgment it is
not practicable, or desirable, to
grant all that we could confidently
expect from a judicial determination
of our case, you have manifested
such a commendable spirit of fair•
ness, that we are obligated to join
with you in a moderate concession.
you recognize as well as we that
an illy nourished ppblic utility is a
drag upon the advan ement of our
progressive city, and we believe you
reef:10 .e that we are, and have
been rendering a servioe of quality
and .gtilantity beyond the measure of
our retarae thereof, and that such
c+enditjQne cannot iudeflpiteiy Qom.
That your Jionorarde ;Body may be
regutarjy ,ii#Iforuled •a6 to the effect
04 the above rate upon Our earhinge,
We will gladly agree to submit to
you itemized monthly operating
statements in the Electric Depart-
ment, as we are doing in the Rail-
way Department, so that you may
ever be conversant with our total
earnings. These statements will be
in such detail as you may desire as
will be all other information re-
quested. ,
If, because we have for the time
being 'withdrawn our request for re-
lief in the Railway Department, it
should be urged that the electric
consumers should not be asked to
pay a rate of charge in order that
the street car patron may pay less,
we concur that such would be the
case if the electric consumer were
asked to make the Electric Depart-
ment earn excessively. From your
examinations of our books you will
recognize that an electric rate such
as requested does not even pay a
proper return in its own depart-
ment, and will be far from supplying
funds to be applied to the Street
Railway Department.
Yours very truly,
General Manager.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the communication be made a mat-
ter of record. Seconded by Council-
man Brede. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Communication of the Upper Mis-
sissippi Waterway Association, ask -
ing for a contribution to improve
navigation on the upper Mississippi
River, presented. Councilman Brede
moved that the matter be referred
to the City Manager to consult with
the Chamber of Commerce. Second-
ed by Councilman Rooney. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, 1Vlelchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of Mary and Josephine
Birner, asking for reduction in asr
sessment on Lot 121, Mechanics
Add., presented. Councilman Brede
moved that the petition be referred
to the City 'Manager with power to
report back t9 the Council. Second-
ed by Councilman Rooney. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men, Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays — ]gone.
City Council, Dubuque, lava.
During the past week I iiave ' been
endeavoring to ascertain exactly the
amount of the so- called Loan War-
rants, which the City has outstaad-
526 Special Session, December 29th, 1920 Special Session, December 29th, 1920 527
ing, and the total as I now have it
amounts to $210,888.60. This total
is probably within a few thousand.
The so- called loan warrants have
been issued and a record kept right
along with the other current city
warrants and no separate record has
been kept in either the Auditor's or
Treasu' office. Interest has been
paid from time to time on presenta-
tion of the original loan warrants
and the payment of the interest en-
dorsed on the back of the warrant.
This old warrant has been renewed
when worn out or when there was
no longer room for any more en-
dorsements on the back. This
method of handling these old debts
is very unsatisfactory from the
standpoint of .the city, and is also
unsatisfactory, as I ascertain, from
the standpoint of theholders of these
warrants, particularly the banks.
They state that a form of indebted-
ness which is indefinite as to date
of maturity is for many reasons ob-
jectionable to them.
In view of all the facts, I would
recommend the issuance of bonds to
the amount of $180,000.00, said bonds
to bear 5 per cent interest and to
mature $20,000.00 each year for the
next nine years, beginning on Feb-
ruary 1, 1922. The taxes collected
in 1921 for bond interest payment,
will, I think, be sufficient to take
care of the interest, also retire those
loan warrants in excess of $180,000.
Also, in the future the tax levy for
bond and interest payment can be
made sufficient to take care of an
annual payment of $20,000.00 on the
principal of this current floating
debt, and to provide a sinking fund
for the interest 011 the other general
city bonds. In this way this floating
debt, which has been accumulating
since 1900 and before will be entire-
ly taken care of in 1930, and I be-
lieve the present holders of these
old warrants will be glad to have
type of security changed to an obli-
gation maturing at a definite time.
If this plan meets with the ap-
proval of the Council a necessary
legislation will be prepared to carry
it out.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Brede moved that the
recommendation be approved and
the City Solicitor be instructed to
prepare the proper bonds. Seconded
by Councilman Rooney. Carried - by
the following vote: .
, Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men, Brede, Gabriel, , Melchior' and
Rooney.. • ,
Nays -None.
An Ordinance.
An Ordinance prescribing the
manner in which licenses shall be
issued and providing for the forfeit-
ure of the same, presented. Coun-
cilman Brede moved that this be con-
sidered the first reoding of the Or-
dinance. Seconded by Councilman
Rooney. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Councilman Brede moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose
of reading the ordinance by its title.
Seconded by Councilman Rooney.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men "Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Councilman Brede moved that the
ordinance be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Whereas, the City of Dubuque, ac-
quired a strip of land about Forty -
Five (45) Feet in width off of Lot
107 of L. H. Langworthy's Addition
for the extension of Elm Street to
Sanford Avenue, said land to be used
for street purposes.
Whereas, said land is no longer
needed or useful for the purposes
for which it was originally acquired
and serves 110 public use at this time
nor is it likely to serve any public
use in the future; and,
Whereas, it is deemed advisable
by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque to dispose of said strip of
land by private sale for the reason-
able market value thereof in order
that funds might be realized there-
from; and,
Whereas, an offer has been made
to the City to purchase said strip
of land for One Hundred Dollars
($100.00), by one -W: F. Heitzman,
which amount is the reasonable
value thereof;
Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved by
the City Council of the' City of Du-
buque, that said -strip of land be sold
to W. F. Heitzman for the consid-
eration of One Hundred 'Dollars
($100.00) and the r Mayor and City
Clerk are hereby authorized and dir
ected to execute a deed to the same
and do all things 'necessary to be
done to' affect : .the''ltrah'sfer thereof;
said strip of land being approximate=
ly. seven, and one -half feet- (7 • in
width on" Sanford , Avenue ':and- fif-
teen .Nand -one -half 'feet (15 - ) hi
width in the rear of the lot now
owned by W. F. Heitzman, all of
which is a part of Lot 107 of L. H.
Langworthy's Addition.
The Engineer is hereby instruct-
ed to make a survey of said strip of
land and submit a description there-
of by meteors and bounds so that
said land may be accurately de4
scribed in the deed.
Adopted, December 29th, 1920.
Approved, December 29th, 1920.
City Clerk. '
Councilman Brede moved that the
resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
City Solicitor Czizek reported that
the Plumber's Bond of A. L. Ham-
mel was drawn in proper form.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the bond be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Brede. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Councilman Brede moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Clerk.
Adopted 1921.
Approved 1921.
City Clerk.
528 Offici
1 .4' r Ordinance Number 60 -A.
L An oI rd i ce describing the man-
ner in` - Wh1TC licenses shall be is-
sued and providing for the for-
feiture of the same.
Be it ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque: —
Par. 455 -A. Must make Applica-
tion. Sec. 1. All persons, firms or
corporations who are required un-
der any ordinance of the City to
procure a license for the purpose of
engaging in any business or voca-
tion shall first make application to
the City Manager therefor.
Par. 456 -A. Manager shall issue.
Sec. 11. All licenses shall be is-
sued by the Manager in the exercise
of his discretion.
Par. 457 -A. Record of same. Sec.
111. All licenses shall be signed by
the Manager and Clerk and duly en-
tered in a book kept for that pur-
pose. • w-
Par. 458 -A. When expire. Sec.
IV. All annual licenses shall be is-
sued to correspond with the fiscal
year of the City of Dubuque and
shall expire on the 31st day of
March, and every person, firm or
corporation who is required to pro-
cure a renewal of such license shall
pay for the same on or before the
10th day of April following. Provid-
ed, however, that any person, firm
or corporation engaged in a bus-
iness for which a license is requir-
ed for only Six (6) months the li-
cense fee shall be One -half ( of
the annual fee, and if engaged only
Three (3) months then it shall be
One - fourth ( the amount of the
annual fee, and if engaged for a
period less than Three (3) months
the fee shall be the some as if the
license were issued for Three (3)
months. If any person, firm or cor-
pbration fail to pay such fee within
Thirty (30) days from the time said
license becomes due and payable,
there shall be added to the license
fee, as a penalty for the first month
of delinquency Five Per Cent (5 %)
of the license fee, for the second
month Three Per Cent (3 %), for the
third month Two Per Cent (2 %) and
for every month thereafter One Per
Cent (1%) until paid, and such 11-
cense fee and penalty shall be col-
lected at one time.
Par. 459 -A. License not to be
transferred. Sec. V. That no li-
cense issued to any person, firm or
corporation under the terms of this
ordinance shall be transferred or
assigned to any other person, firm
or corporation. Whenever a per-
son, firm or corporation holding a
license shall sell; lease or transfer
his business to any other person,
firm or corporation, such license
shall be cancelled and the purchaser
or lessee shall be required to secure
a new license and pay the license
fee provided by ordinance.
Par. 460 -B. May be revoked.
Sec. VI. All licenses issued may be
revoked by the Manager for good
cause or at his pleasure. When a.
license is revoked or cancelled by
the Manager the license fee which
has been paid thereon shall be for-
feited to the City. Where a license
has been revoked or cancelled the
holder of the same shall not be
granted another license to engage
in the same business or vocation for
which said license was issued for a
period of at least Six (6) months
Par. 460 -B. Section VII. This or-
dinance being deemed urgent and
of immediate importance shall be in
force and effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and
publication as required by law.
Adopted, December 29th, 1920.
Approved, December 29th, 1920.
City Clerk,
Published officially in the Dubuque
Daily News, the Telegraph - Herald,
and Dubuque Times - Journal news-
papers, December 30th, 1920.
12- 30 -1t. City Clerk.
Ordinance No. 97. ( (,) 1
An ordinance recognizing an em-
ergency, requiting the vaccination
of students in colleges and children
in public and private schools, auth-
orizing the Local Board of Health
to adopt rules and regulations relat-
ing thereto, and providing penalties
for violation hereof.
Whereas, small pox is prevalent
in the City of Dubuque; and,
Whereas, it is deemed necessary
and advisable for the protection of
the public health and to prevent
the spread of said disease that ad-
mission to schools and colleges,
both public and private, and contin-
ued attendance therein, of the city
be prohibited and refused to all
students and pupils who have not
been and are not satisfactorily vac-
cinated. Now, therefore,
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the of Dubuque: °°
Par. ��" Sec. 1. That, during
the present emergency when small
pox is prevalent in the City of Du-
buque, vaccination shall be requir-
ed of all the students attending col-
leges and children in all public and
private schools, except as herein
modified, and in order to carry out
this provision the Board of Health
shall serve a written notice hereof
upon the teachers, principals or
persons in charge of said colleges
and public and private schools,
thereupon the provisions of this 'or-
dinance and all rules and regula-
tions promulgated by the Board of
Health as herein provided shall be
fully coin lied with.
/ - Par. Sec. 2. Exception. Vac-
cination shall not be required of -
any student or school children who
can prove to the satisfaction of the
local Board of Health that such per-
son has been vaccinated within five
(5) years prior 'to the adoption of
this ordinance land that such vac -
cinatian has been effective, - or
where such person can prove that
he ha had small pox.
Pa 41?L7 Sec. 3." Same. Where
satisfactory proof is presented to
the Board of Health as provided for
in Section Two hereof, the chairman
of said Board, or some person to
whom authority is delegated by said
chairman, shall issue a certificate of
such fact to the child or its parents,
which certificate shall be presented
to the teacher, principal or person
in charge of colleges or schools and
thereupon such child shall be ad
mitted to school, and the certificate
shall be properly filed and pre-
Official Notices
Sec. 4. Attendance de-
nied. Any student or child who re-
fuses to be vaccinated shall not be
admitted into any college or school
and it shall be the duty of the
teachers and principals and persons
in charge of such colleges and
schools to refuse admittance therein
to any such student or child or al-
low continued attendance therein ex-
cept only in cases where certificates
are furnished as provided in Sec-
, -
tions Two and Thr hereof.
Parr 91 Sec. Any
teacher, principal or person in
charge of colleges and schools who
violate any of the provisions hereof
shall be subject to punishment for
violating this ordinance in the man-
ner hereinafter provided.
Par. (720 Sec. 6. Rules and reg-
ulations. In harmony with the pro-
visions hereof and in order to meet
the existing emergency the Local
Board of Health is hereby authoriz-
ed and directed to prepare and for-
% mulate all necessary rules and regu-
lations covering vaccination and
' rte quarantine and to insist upon their
enforcement and adopt such meas-
ures of public health as . may be
deemed advisable from time to time
and not ' consistent herewith.
Sec. 7. Same. Nothing
herein shall be taken to prohibit
the continued attendance at school
of any person who is vaccinated un-
der the provisions hereof, providing
that the physician in charge of the
case submits a statement in writing
to the Local Board of Health recom-
i7, ending such continued attendance,
which recommendation, if consider-
ed satisfactory, may be adopted by
said Board, and thereupon a certifi-
cate shall be issued by the chair-
man, or some persons empowered by
him to do n thereof /to such per-
son or its parent permitting such
attendance, which certificate . shall
be recognized by the persons in
charge of the school and admittance
granted, providing, however, that
such certificate ma$ be revoked by
the Local Board whenever it may
he considered advisable to do so, or
when said Board considers it neces-
sary that a id child be re- vaccinat-
ed. 71
Par. Sec. 8. Penalty. Any
person or persons violating any of
the provisions of this ordinance or
the rules or regulations adopted by
the Local Board of Health carrying
into effect the intent of this ordi-
nance, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction
shall be fined not less than Five
Dollars ($5.00)4 or more than One
Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or be
committed to jail for a period not
hilly. (30) days.
Par. ec. 9. Emergency
Clause. ordinance being deem-
ed urgent and of immediate import-
ance shall be in force and effect
from and after its adoption and
passage by the City Council of Du-
buque and publication in the official
newspapers as provided by law.
Passed December 2nd, 1920.
Adopted December 2nd, 1920.
(Seal) City Clerk.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Daily News, The Telegraph- Herald
and Dubuque Times - Journal news-
papers, December 3rd, 1920.
12-3-1t. City Clerk.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will he levied at a
session of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held
530 Official Notices
Wednesday, December 29, 1920, to
pay for constructing an eight inch
tile pipe sanitary sewer in Merz
Street, from Windsor Avenue to Alt -
hauser Avenue, and in Althauser
Avenue, from Merz Street to Edison
Street. James Street, contractor.
Amount of suecial • assessment
$3,916.27, same to be assessed
against the property legall3P subject
to assessment upon and along said
street and avenue.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Clerk of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the street and ,avenue in which
said sewer was constructed and the
separate lots and parcels of ground
or specified portions thereof subject
to assessment for such improve-
ment, the name of the owner there-
of as far as practicable and the
amount to be assessed against each
lot or parcel of ground, which plat
and schedule are subject to public
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment
or to said plat must file his or their
objections in writing with the City
Clerk of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held Wednesday, December
29, 1920, or to appear at said session
of the Council to shbw cause, if any
you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Decem-
ber 6th, 1920.
12 -6 -2t. City Clerk.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council of the .
City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held
Wednesday, December 29, 1920, to
pay for improving Pfotser Street,
from the west property line of Wind-
sor Avenue, to the east property line
of Queen Street. Frank Beutin, con-
Amount of special assessment
$1,518.90, same to be assessed
against the property legally subject
to assessment upon and along said
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file the office of the City
Clerk of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the street in which said improve-
ment was made and the separate
lots and parcels of ground or speci-
fied portions thereof subject to as-
sessment for such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat must file his or their ob-
jections in writing with the City
Clerk of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held Wednesday, December
29, 1920, or to appear at said session
of the Council to show Cause, if any
you have, why • said assessment
should not•be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Decem-
ber 6, 1920.
12 -6 -2t. City Clerk,