1921 April Council Proceedings72
sewer . 12,000.00
Storm sewer in Lincoln and
Rhomberg avenues and
Jackson and Eleventh
streets 15,290.98
Cleaning and repairing sew-
ers 3,500.00
(These appropriations to be made
from Special Tax Levy.)
XII. Police Pension Fund.
This appropriation to be
made from Special Tax
Levy $ 641.48
XIII. Fire Pension Fund.
This appropriation to be
made from Special Tax
Levy $ 7,056.26
XIV. Surplus Funds.
To be used to take care of
contingencies or short-
ages of all city funds, to
be appropriated from
Consolidated Tax Levy
and Miscellaneous Re-
ceipts . $71,962.51
Be it further resolved that the
distribution and division of the above
named appropriations be made in ac-
cordance with the budget of ex-
penditures adopted by the City Coun-
cil on March 25, 1921, which budget
is made a part of this resolution by
reference thereto and shall be con-
sidered in connection with the ex-
penditures of the above appropria-
This resolution being deemed
urgent and of immediate importance
shall become effective from and after
its passage by the City Council and
publication in the official newspapers
of the City of Dubuque and appro-
priations herein provided for shall
be available when properly trans-
ferred to the respective funds.
Dated this 25th day of March, 1921.
Passed and adopted March 25th,
City Clerk.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times- Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers March 29th, 1921.
3- 29 -1t. City Clerk.
The Board of Review of the City
of Dubuque will be in session for
the purpose of going over the books
of the City Assessor, containing the
values and figures as pl0,ced by him
for the purpose of taxation, on Mon-
day, April 4th, 1921, at . 9:00 a. m., in
the Council Chambers, City Hall.
Anyone aggrieved by the action of
the Assessor is hereby notified to
appear before said board at the time
and make known his or her objec-
tions. Those who do not appear
while Board of Review are in ses-
sion have no recoursea fter said
board has adjourned.
Dated at Dubuque, Ia., 'March ,31st,
1921. JOHN ;;TUBER,
3- 31 -3t. City Clerk.
Regular Session, April 4, 1921.
Council met at 4:50 P. M.
Councilman Rooney in the chair.
Present —City Manager Carr, Coun-
cilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
Councilman Rooney act as Chairman
of this meeting. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Melchior. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Not Voting — Councilman Rooney.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Councilman Brede moved that the
previous action of the Council, rela-
tive to the first reading of the ordi-
nance renaming streets and avenues
within the city be rescinded. Sec-
onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Councilman Brede moved that the
action of the Council relative to the
first reading of the ordinance renam-
ing streets and avenues within the
City be stricken from the records.
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilman Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
An Ordinance changing the names
of streets and avenues within the
City of Dubuque, presented for first
reading. Councilman Brede moved
that this be considered the first read-
ing of the Ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Petition of Theodore D. Keinps,
asking the City for exemption of
taxes on Lot 7 of M. L. 344 and Lot
2 of 2 of M. L. 345, claiming same is
used for agricultural purposes only,
presented. Councilman Gabriel mov-
ed that the petition be referred to
the Board of Review. Seconded by
Councilman Brede. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney..
' Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Petition of E. O. Connor, 36 Jones
Street, asking the City Council to
Regular Session, April 4th, 1921 73
have a sanitary sewer installed so he
can connect with the sane, present-
ed. Councilman Brede moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas — Councilman Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Notice of Resolution of Necessity,
certified to by the publishers of the
City Council's intention to improve
Dodge Street, from the west proper-
ty line of Bluff Street to the west
property line of South Dodge Street,
by curbing with new cement curb
where necessary, resetting old stone
curb where necessary and by paving
said portion of said street with bi-
tuminus macadam ;, penetration meth-
od, that part of the street lying be-
tween the street car tracks and one
foot outside thereof to be paved with
the same material, presented. Coun-
cilman Brede moved that the notice
be received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
A Resolution of Necessity
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that, upon
recommendation of the City Manag-
er, it be deemed necessary and ad-
visable to improve Dodge Street,
from the west property line of Bluff
Street to the west property line of
South Dodge Street, by curbing with
new cement curb where necessary,
resetting old stone curb where neces-
sary and by paving said portion of
said street with bituminous -maca-
dam, penetration method, that part
of the street lying between the street
car tracks and one foot outside there-
of to be paved with same material.
Said work to be done in accord-
ance with the plans and specifica-
tions to be prepared by the City En-
The cost and expense of said im-
provement will be assessed against
all of the property subject to assess-
ment for the improvement as it pro-
vided by law.
Be it further resolved that the
above and foregoing improvement is
hereby proposed to be made and
constructed as hereinbefore set
forth and that this proposed resolu-
tion (except this paragraph) be and
'the same is hereby set down for fur-
ther and final hearing, consideration
and determination at a meeting of
the City Council to be held on the
4th day of April, 1921, at 4:30 p. m.,
in the Council Chamber and that the
74 Regular Session,
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to cause notice of the pen-
dency of the above resolution and
the time and place, when and where
said resolution will be considered for
passage and objections heard, to be
given by publication in the official
newspapers of the city, in the man-
ner and for the time provided by
The above resolution was approv-
ed and ordered placed on file for
Anal action and the notice of the pen-
dency ordered given this 15th day of
3/larch, 1921.
The foregoing Resolution of Nee -
essity was adopted and passed by
the City Council and approved this
4th day of April, 1921.
Approved —
City Clerk.
There being no remonstrances,
Councilman Brede moved that the
resolution be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel.
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None. •
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
A Resolution
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that pur-
suant to a Resolution of Necessity,
proposed at a meeting of this Coun-
cil on the 15th day of March, 1921,
and duly passed and approved on the
4th day of April, 1921, it is hereby
ordered that the improvement de-
scribed in said Resolution of Neces-
sity, providing for the improvement
of Dodge Street, from the west prop-
erty line of Bluff Street to the west
property line of South Dodge Street,
by curbing with new cement curb
where necessary, resettnig old stone
curb where necessary, and by paving
said portion of said street with bi-
tuminous macadam, penetration
method, that part of the street ly-
ing between the street car tracks
and one foot outside thereof to be
payed with the same material, be
and the same is hereby ordered con-
Be it further resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
April 4th, 1921
structed to advertise for proposals
for the construction of the improve-
ment above described, the said im-
provement to be constructed in
strict accordance with the plans and
specifications thereof, pprepared by
the City Engineer, and approved by
the City Manager, and now on file
in the office of the City Clerk, the
work to be completed on or before
the 1st day of October, 1921.
The cost and expense of said
work as is by law assessable against
the property abutting upon or adjac-
ent to said improvement will be as-
sessed, and payment will be made to
the contractor to the amount of the
assessment out of funds to be creat-
ed by the sale of Improvement
Bonds, to be issued in anticipation
of the collection of said special as-
sessment under the provisions of
Chapter 8, Title V of the Code of
Iowa, and amendments thereto; and
any deficiency between the amount
of the contract price and the amount
of said bonds will be paid from the
proceeds of a special tax to be lev-
ied under the provisions of Section
831 of the Code of Iowa, in antici-
pation of which bonds will be issued
under the provisions of Section 912
of the Code of Iowa and Section 912A
of the Code Supplement.
Adopted —April 4, 1921.
Approved —
L. H. Brede,
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved that the
resolution be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
An Ordinance establishing a grade
on Jackson Street, from the north
property line of Eighth Street to the
south property line of Eleventh
Street, presented for final reading.
Councilman Brede moved that the
Ordinance be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
An Ordinance establishing a grade
on Eleventh Street, from the east
property line of Clay Street to a
point 95.9 feet east of Elm Street,
presented for final reading. Council-
man Brede moved that the Ordi-
nance be adopted. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas— ,Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Ab.s.ent —Mayor Alderson.
An Ordinance .establishing a grade
on Washington .Street, from the
north property line of Eighth Street
to the .south property line of Elev-
enth Street, presented for final
reading. - Councilman Brede .moved
that the ,ordinance be adopted. Sec-
onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car -
ied by the following vote:
Yeas— Councilman Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
A bsent —Mayor Alderson.
Councilman .Brede moved that the
previous action of the Council, rela-
tive to the first reading of the Or-
dinance licensing and regulating
.hotels, boarding - houses, soft drink
saloons and other eating places, be
.neconsidered. Seconded by Council-
man Gabriel. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, ,Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays— None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
.Councilman Brede moved that the
action of the Council, relative to the
first reading of the Ordinance licens-
ing and regulating hotels, 'boarding-
louses, soft drink saloons and other
eating places, 'be stricken from the
records. Seconded by Councilman
•Gabriel. Carried by the following
`Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
An Ordinance licensing and regu-
lating hotels, boarding- houses, soft
drink saloons and other eating
places, and providing a penalty for
violation thereof, presented for first
reading. CCouncilman Brede moved
that this be considered the first read-
ing of the Ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilman Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Health report of Dr. D. C. Steel -
smith for the month of March, 1921,
presented. Councilman Brede mov-
ed that the report be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman Gab-
riel. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
•Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Resolutions ordering the following
parties to connect property with
sanitary sewer and clean . vaults:
Julia E. Kemler, 35-37 West Eighth
Regular Session April 4th, 1921
Street, Sub. City 703, Lot 16; Julia
Walsh, 100 Curtis Street, Stuart's
Add., Lots 26 -27, Sub. 35, Stewart's
Add., Lot 1; Richard W. and Sarah
E. Kemler, 39 -49 West Eighth Street,
.Sub. City 703, Lot 17; M. M. McCar-
ten, 150 Exchange :Street, Bonson
and Stewart's Sub., Lot 23; 'H. Wag-
ner, Iowa Cut Stone Works, 1064 Elm
Street, City Lot E. 1/4 of 500; Ferdi-
nand Broell, 1944 Jackson Street,
City Lot S. . /2 of 391, presented.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
resolutions 'be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Brede. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Councilman Brede moved that a
warrant be drawn payable to the M.
H. McCarthy Estate for the Allison -
Henderson property in the sum of
$2,886.28, - providing the tax .sale of
publication does not disclose that the
taxes are not paid. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote: '
Yeas -- Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the City accept from J. H. Rhomberg
the sum of $50.92 for the Pfotzer
Rhoniberg property for each year de-
linquent; $200.00 a year upon the
Star Brewery for each year delin-
quent; the sum of $106.28 for the im-
provement of the alley between Clay
and Iowa Streets; the sum of $129.00
in full of the assessment for the im-
provement of Clay Street, and the
sum of $800.00 in full for the assess-
ment for the improvement of Fourth
Street Extension, the payment to be
made on or before the 12th of April,
1921. Seconded by Councilman Gab-
riel. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Councilman Gabriel moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Clerk.
Adopted , 1921.
Approved , 1921.
Attest •
City Clerk.
76 Special Session, April 15th, 1921
Special Session, April 15th, 1921.
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilmen Brede and Melchior.
Council met at 4:30 P. M.
Councilman Brede in the chair.
Present —City Manager Carr, Coun-
cilmen Brede, Melchior and Rooney.
Absent — Mayor Alderson. and
Councilman Gabriel.
Councilman Melchior moved that
Councilman Brede act as chairman
of this meeting. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Rooney. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Melchior
and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson and Coun-
cilman Gabriel.
Chairman Brede read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and this meeting is called
for the purpose of acting on vacation
notices and bids. and acting on any
other busines that might properly
come before a regular meeting of
the City Council.
A Resolution of Necessity.
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that, upon
recommendation of the City Man-
ager, it be deemed necessary and
advisable to improve Washington
Street from the north property line
of Seventh Street to the south prop-
erty line of Eighth Street, by grad-
ing, curbing with new cement curb
where necessary, resetting old stone
curb where necessary and by paving
said portion of said street with brick
block on a concrete foundtation out-
side the railroad tracks, using a
bituminous filler, and by paving with
brick block on a concrete foundation
between the railroad tracks and one
foot outside thereof, using a bitu-
minous filler.
Said work to he done in accord-
ance with the plans and specifica-
tions to be prepared by the City En-
gineer and approvad by the City
The cost and expense of said im-
provement will he assessed against
all of the property subject to assess-
ment for the improvement as is pro-
vided by law.
Be it further resolved that the
above and foregoing improvement is
hereby - proposed to be made and
constructed as hereinbefore set
forth and that this proposed resolu-
tion (except this paragraph) he and
the sane is hereby set down for fur-
ther and final hearing. consideration
and determination at a meeting of
the City Council to be held the 5th
day of May, 1921, at 4:30 P. M, in
the Council Chamber, and that the
City Clerk be and he•is hereby in-
structed to cause notice of the pend-
ency of the above resolution and the
time and place, when and where said
resolution will be considered for
passage and objections heard, to be
given by publication in the official
newspapers of the city, in manner
and for the time provided by law.
The above resolution was approved
and ordered placed on file for final
action and the notice of the pend-
ency ordered given this 15th day of
April, 1921.
Approved: M. B. ROONEY,
Councilman Melchior moved that
this be considered the first reading
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Melchior
and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Mayor Alderson and
Councilman Gabriel.
Councilman Gabriel entered and
took his seat at 4:35 P. M.
A Resolution of Necessity.
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that, upon
recommendation of the City Man -
Manager, it be deemed necessary
and advisable to improve Dodge
Street from the west property line
of Locust Street to the west prop-
erty line of Bluff Street. by grading,
curbing with new cement curb where
necessary and resetting old stone
curb where necessary and by paving
that portion of said street lying out-
side the street car tracks, the gut-
ters excepted, with either sheet -as-
phalt, willite. or bitulithic on the
present macadam foundation, or with
brick block on a concrete foundation,
using a bituminous filler. and by pav-
ing that portion lying between the
street car tracks and one foot out-
side thereof with brick block on a
concrete foundation, using a bitu-
minous filler.
Said work to he done in accord-
ance with the plans and specifica-
tions to be prepared by the City En-
gineer and approved by the City
The cost and expense of said im-
provement will be assessed against
all of the nronerty subject to assess-
ment for the improvement as is pro-
vided by law.
Be it further resolved that the
above and foregoing improvement is
hereby proposed to be made and
constructed as hereinbefore set
forth and that this *proposed resolu-
tion (except this paragraph) be and
the same is hereby set down for fur-
ther and final hearing, consideration
and determination at a meeting of
the City Council to `be held the 5th
day of May, 1921, at 4:30 P. M. in
the Council Chamber, and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to cause notice of the pend-
ency of the above resolution and the
time and place, when and where said
resolution wil be considered for
passage and objections heard, to be
given by publication in the official
newspapers of the city, in manner
and for the time provided by law.
The above resolution was approved
and ordered placed on file for final
action and the notice of the pend-
ency ordered given this 15th day of
April, 1921.
Councilman Melchior moved that
this be considered the first reading
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney:
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
A Resolution of Necessity.
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that, upon
recommendation of the City Man-
ager, it be deemed necessary and ad-
visable to improve Seventh Street
from the end of the present brick
block pavement to the Chicago, Mil-
waukee & St. Paul Railroad tracks
first east of Washington Street by
grading, curbing with new cement
curb where necessary, resetting old
stone curb where necessary and by
paving said portion of said street
with brick block on a concrete foun-
dation, using a bituminous filler out-
side the railroad tracks, and by pav-
ing that portion of the street lying
between the railroad tracks and one
foot outside thereof with the sane
Said work to be done in accord-
ance with the plans and specifica-
tions to be prepared by the City En-
The cost and expense of said im-
provement will be assessed against
all of the property subject to assess-
ment for the improvement as is pro-
vided by law.
Be it further resolved that the
above and foregoing improvement is
hereby proposed to be made and con-
structed as hereinbefore set forth
and that this proposed resolution
(except this paragraph) be and the
same is hereby set down for further
Special Session, April 15th, 1921
and final hearing, consideration and
determination at a meeting of the
City Council to be held the 5th day
of May, 1921, at 4:30 P. M. in the
Council Chamber, and that the City
Clerk be and he is hereby instructed
to cause notice of the pendency of
the above resolution and the time
and place, when and where said
resolution will be considered for
passage and objections heard, to be
given by publication in the official
newspapers of the city, in manner
and for the time provided by law.
The above resolution was ap-
proved and ordered placed on file
for final action and the notice of the
pendency ordered given this 15th
day of April, 1921.
Approved: M. B. ROONEY
Councilman. Melchior moved that
this be considered the first reading
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Resolution of Necessity For Sewer.
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that it be
deemed necessary and advisable to
construct a sanitary sewer in Chest-
nut Street; a six -inch tile sanitary
sewer in Chestnut Street from the
end of the present sewer westerly
for a distance of about two hundred
and eighty feet.
Said sewer to be provided with
manholes and any other appurten-
ances that may be necessary.
Said sewer to be constructed in
accordance with the plans and speci-
fications prepared by the City Engi-
need and now on file in the office of
the City Clerk, having been duly
approved by the City Manager and
submitted to the State Board of
Health for their approval.
That the cost and expense of mak-
ing and constructing said sanitary
sewer shall be assessed against the
property abutting upon the same and
also against all adjacent property
prnnerty benefited thereby.
Be it further resolved that the
above and foregoing sanitary sewer
is hereby proposed to be constructed
as hereinbefore set forth, and that
this proposed resolution. except this
paragraph, be and the same is here-
by set down for further and final
hearing, consideration and determ-
ination at a meeting of the City
Council to be held May 5th, 1921,
at 4:30 o'clock P. M. and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to cause notice of the
78 Special Session, April 15th, 1921
above resolution, and of the time
and place, when and where said pro-
posed resolution will be considered
for passage, and objections to the
passage thereof and to the construc-
tion of said sanitary sewer heard, to
be given by publication in the of-
ficial newspapers of the City of Du-
buque in the manner and for the
time provided by law.
The above resolution was approved
and ordered placed on file for final
action,. and notice of the pendency
thereof ordered given this 15th day
of April, 1921.
City Clerk.
Approved: M. B., ROONEY,
Councilman, Melchior moved that
this, be considered the first reading
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Resolution of Necessity For Sewer.
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that it be
deemed necesary and advisable to
construct a sanitary sewer in alley
between Locust and Bluff Streets;
a six -inch tile sanitary sewer in the
alley, betwen Locust Street and Bluff
Street from the sewer in Dodge
Street to a point about seventy -five
feet south of. Jones Street.
Said sewer to be provided. with
manholes and any other appurten-
ances that may be necessary.
Said sewer to be constructed in
accordance with the plans and speci-
fications prepared by the City Engi
neer and now on file in the office of
the City Clerk, been duly approved
by the City Manager and submitted
to the State Board of Health for
their approval.
That the cost and expense of mak-
ing and, constructing said sanitary
sewer shall be assessed against the
property abutting upon the same and
also against all adjacent property
benefited thereby.
Be it further resolved that the
above and foregoing sanitary sewer
is hereby proposed to be constructed
as hereinbefore set forth, and that
this proposed resolution, except this
paragraph, be and the same is here-
by set down for further and final
hearing, consideration and determ-
ination at a meeting of the City Coun-
cil to he held May 5th; 1921, at 4:30
o'clock P. M. and that the City Clerk
be and he is hereby instructed to
cause notice of the above•resolution,
and of the time and place when and
where said proposed resolution will
be considered for passage, and ob-
jections to the passage thereof and
to the construction of said sanitary
sewer heard, to be given by publica-
tion in the official newspapers of the
City of Dubuque in the manner and
for the time provided by law.
The above resolution was approved
and ordered placed on file for final
action, and notice of the pendency
thereof ordered given this -'th day
of April, 1921.
City Clerk.
Approved: M. B. ROONEY,
Councilman. Gabried moved. that
this be considered the first reading
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays— None..
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Right of way notice, certified to
by the publishers, of the City Coun-
cil's intention to establish a street
across land in which you are inter-
ested, as follows: High Bluff Street
from the north property line of Mid-
dle Avenue to the south property
line of Fengler Avenue, presented.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
notice be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Melchior. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney. •
Nays —None.
. Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the rules be suspended for the pur-
pose of allowing anyone present to
address the Council. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Property owners addressed the
Council, remonstrating against the
improvement of High Bluff Street.
while others addressed the Council
approving the improvement.
A Resolution.
Whereas, it is deemed necessary
and advisable by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque. to widen
High Bluff Street from Middle Ave-
nue to Fengler • .Avenue, taking a
twenty -five foot strin from each of
Lots'35, 36, 37 and 38, Fengler's Ad-
dition. and a, three -foot strip off the
west 66 feet of Lots 6 and 8 and' the
east 7' feet 1 inch. of Lot 10 of Lots
1 and 2, Wick's Add., making said
portion of said street in accordance
with the plans of said widening pre-
pared by the City Engineer and now
on file in his office.
Therefore, be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
that the City Clerk be and he is here-
by instructed to issue a venire to the
Chief of Police tand to furnish him
with the names of the owners of
property as furnished him by the
City Engineer, and commanding him
to summon a jury of twelve free -
,hol'd'ers, ci of said city and not
directly interested to appear at a
time and place therein stated, which
time shall be not less than five days
from the date thereof, and that the
Chief of Police shall give the per-
sons ,named as owners of property
as aforesaid (provided they be resi-
dents of the city) of the time and
place, when and where the jury so
summoned shall appear.
Be it further resolved that the
proceeding thereupon had at the
time and place thus affixed shall be
in the manner as provided. by ordi-
nance No. 43 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque. Pre-
sented. Councilman Melchior moved
that action be deferred relative to
widening High Bluff Street, and the
Council, City Manager and City En-
gineer view the grounds before ac-
tion is taken. Seconded by Council-
man Gabriel. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays — None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Report of City Treasurer Puls.
recommending that two warrants be
drawn in favor of J. J. Nagle in the
sum of 865.16 and $8.27 as refund
of taxes for 1919, same having been
paid twice, presented. Councilman
Gabriel moved that two warrants be
drawn in favor of J. .T. Nagle in the
sums of 865.16 and 88.27. Seconded
by Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen. Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
NayS —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Communication from Warren
Brothers Company, stating that the
price of bitulithic pavement to any
and all contractors is $1.95 per
square yard at this time. Council-
man Melchior moved that the com-
munication he -bade a matter of rec-
ord: Seconded by Councilman Ga-
briel. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Na.vs —None.
Alisent — Mayor Alderson.
City Council; Dubuque, Iowa:
Special Session, April 15th, 1921
Gentlemen: On March 1, 1920,
current deficits were as follows:
Due to damage by. floods $ 85,574.68
In General Operating
Funds 60,743.66
Total current deficit ...... ...$146,318.3'4
The deficit due to the damage from
floods was taken care of by the ap-
propriations for 1920. The current
deficit, however, was not provided
On April 1, 1921, there was a cur-
rent deficit in the operating funds
amounting to $38,135.39, Which
shows during the current year a re-
duction of our floating debt of $22,-
608.27, in spite of the fact that the
current year contained thirteen
months instead of twelve. Assum-
ing the regular expenditures of one
month. to amount to $35,000.00, this
would show an improvement of the
financial condition in the eleven
months amounting to about $57,-
600.00. This is in spite of the fact
that some $7,000 has been spent for
new equipment for the street and
a new heating plant and electric
lights have been installed in the
City Hall at considerable expense.
The Appropriation Ordinance,
adopted on March 25, 1921, covering
the appropriations for the current
fiscar year, leaves a balance beyond
the amount of appropriation. in the
consolidated levy. of $71.962.51. I
would recommend that the sum of
$38.135.39 be transferred from the
surplus or contingency fund to en=
tirely meet and wine out the defie.cit
in the operating funds of the City
on April 1. 1921, and also that the
sum of $9.000 at this time be trans-
ferred from the surplus or con-
tingency funds hi the consolidated
levy, to take care of the current de-
ficit in the park fund. which hereto
fore has been independent from
other city funds. If the above trans-
fers are authoried, there will be a
surplus in the general fund consoli-
dated levy and miscellaneous re-
ceipts amounting to $24.827.12'.
Respectfully submitted.
City Manager.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the report of the City Manager be
approved and the City Auditor so
instructed. Seconded by Council-
man Melchior,. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
•ays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
City Council. Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In acordance with
your instruction. bids were received
at 2 o'clock P. M. Tuesday. April
l2th, for the improvement of Heeb
80 Special Session, April 15th, 1921 Special Session, April 15th, 1921 81
Street from the south property line
of Kaufman Avenue to Lot No. 6,
Marsh's Addition. The following
bids were received.
G. L. Korman: Brick paving, $3.00
per square yard; concrete in base,
$10.00 per cubic yard.
J. M. Kenedy: Brick paving, $2.95
per sqpare yard; concrete in base,
$11.00 per cubic yard.
Even, Ulrich & Stane Co.: Brick
paving, $2.95 per square yard; con-
crete in base, $10.95 per cubic yard.
J. J. Leonard: Brick paving, pitch
filler, $2.88 per square yard; brick
paving, tar filler, $2.90 per square
yard; concrete in base, $12.50 per
cubic yard.
James F. Lee: Brick paving, as-
phalt filler, $2.35 per square yard;
concrete in base, $12.00 per cubic
Engineer's estimate: Brick pav-
ing, $2.95 per square yard; bass es-
timate, $150.00 total.
I would respectfuly recommend
recommend that the execution of a
contract between the City of Du-
buque and that James F. Lee for the
above improvement be authorized,
inasmuch as his is the lowest bid
received for this improvement.
Respectfuly submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the recommendation be approved
and the contract awarded to James
F. Lee. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas - Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent -Mayor Alderson.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In accordance with
your instructions, bids were received
at two o'clock, Tuesday, April 12th,
for the improvement of that part of
Jackson Street not now paved be-
tween Eleventh Street and Eighth
Street. The following bids were re-
Muntz Gantenbein Co.: New con-
crete curb, 81c per lineal foot; re-
setting existing curb, 43c per lineal
foot; brick paving, $4.89 per, square
yard; having portion adjacent to
railroad tracks, $6.11 per square
J. J. Leonard: New concrete
curb, 69c per lineal foot; resetting
existing curb, 47c per lineal foot;
brick paving, pitch filler, $4.39 per
sauare yard; brick paving, tar filler,
$4.41% ner square yard; portion ad-
jacent to railroad tracks, $7.50 per
square yard.
Even, Ulrich & Staner Co.: New
concrete curb, $1.10 per lineal foot:
resetting existing curb, 45c per lineal
foot; brick paving, $4.29 per square
yard; brick paving adjacent to rail-
road tracks, $6.18 per square yard.
James Saul: New concrete curb,
SOc per lineal foot; resetting exist-
ing curb, 65c per lineal foot; brick
paving, asphalt filler, $4.11 per
square yard; brick paving, pitch
filler, $4.36 per square yard; brick
paving adjacent to railroad tracks,
asphalt filler, $6.21 per square yard;
pitch filler, $6.33 per square yard.
James F. Lee: New concrete
curb, 90c per lineal foot; resetting
existing curb, 29c per lineal foot;
brick paving, asphalt filler, $3.74 per
square yard; brick paving adjacent
to railroad tracks, asphalt filler,
$5.59 per square yard.
Engineer's estimate: New con-
crete curb, 60c per lineal foot; re-
setting existing curb, 40c per lineal
foot; brick paving, $4.31 per square
yard; brick paving adjacent to rail-
road tracks, $6.00 per square yard.
I would respectfully recommend
that authority be given for the exe-
cution of the contract for the im-
provement of this part of Jackson
Street with brick paving and asphalt
filler, and the contract awarded to
James F. Lee, as his bid is the low-
est received for this improvement.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and the contract
awarded to James F. Lee. Second-
ed by Councilman Melchior. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas- Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent -Mayor Alderson.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In accordance with
your instructions, bids were received
on Tuesday. April 12th, at two
o'clock P. M. for the improvement
of that part of Washington Street
not now paved, from Eleventh Street
to Eighth Street. The following bids
for brick pavement were received:
Muntz - Gantenbein Co.: New con-
crete curb, 81c per lineal foot; re-
setting curb, 43c per lineal foot;
brick paving, $4.89 per square yard;
paving portion adjacent to railroad
tracks, $6.11 per square yard.
J. J. Leonard: New concrete curb,
69c per lineal foot; resetting curb,
47c per lineal foot; brick paving,
pitch filler, $4.39 per square yard;
brick paving, tar filler, $4.41 per
square yard; paving portion adja-
cent to railroad tracks, $7.50 per
square yard.
Even, Ulrich & Stoner Co.: New
concrete curb, $1.10 per lineal foot;
resetting curb. 45c per lineal foot;
brick paving, $4.29 per square yard;
paving portion adjacent to railroad
tracks, $6.18 per square yard.
Janes Saul: New concrete curb,
80c per lineal foot; resetting curb,
65c per lineal foot; brick paving, as-
phalt filler, $4.19 per square yard;
brick paving, pitch filler, $4.34 per
square yard; paving portion adja-
cent to railroad tracks with asphalt,
$6.31 per square yard; paving por-
tion adjacent to railroad tracks with
pitch filler, $6.36 per square yard.
James J. Lee: New concrete curb,
90c per lineal foot; resetting curb,
29c per lineal foot; brick paving, as-
phalt filler, $3.74 per square yard;
paving portion adjacent to railroad
tracks with asphalt filler, $5.59 per
square yard.
Engineer's estimate: New con-
crete curb, 60c per lineal' foot; re-
setting curb, 40c per lineal foot;
brick paving, $4.31 per square yard;
paving portion adjacent to railroad
tracks, $6.00 per square yard.
I would respectfully recommend
that the contract for the improve-
ment of Washington Street as above
outlined be awarded to James F. Lee
and that the execution of a contract
between the City of Dubuque and
this Company be authorized, as his
bid is the lowest one received for
this improvement.
Respectfuly submitted,
City Manager.
Presented but no action taken by
the Council at this time.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In accordance with
your instructions, bids were received
at 2 o'clock P. M. Tuesday, April
12th, for the improvement of Elev-
enth Street from the east line of
Clay Street to the railroad tracks.
The folowing bids were received:
The Wright Construction Co., Des
Moines, Iowa: New concrete curb,
96c per lineal foot; resetting exist-
ing curb, 64c per lineal foot; brick
gutter, $4.20 per square yard; extra
binder, $28.00 per ton; willite pav-
ing, $2.87 per square yard; extra
concrete, $16.00 per cubic yard;
bitulithic paving, $2.85 per cubic
yard; crushed stone, $3.75 per cubic
McCarthy Improvement Co., Dav-
enport, Iowa: New concrete, 97c per
lineal foot; resetting existing curb,
36c per lineal foot; brick gutter,
$4.05 her sauare yard; 3 -inch sheet
asphalt, $2.89 per square yard; extra -
binder, $26.00 per ton; willite pav-
ing, $2.69 per square yard; bithulithic
paving, $2.69 per cubic yard; extra
concrete, $14.00 per cubic yard;
crushed stone, $3.00 per cubic yard.
James F. Lee, Dubuque. Iowa: New
concrete curb. 90c per lineal foot:
resetting existing curb, 30c per lineal
foot; brick gutter, asphalt filler,
$3.55 per square yard; brick paving,
asphalt filler, $3.55 per square yard;
3 -inch sheet asphalt, $2.65,per square
yard; extra binder, $16.50 per ton;
willite paving, $2.40 per square yard;
bithulithic paving, $2.40 per square
yard; extra concrete, $12.00 per cu-
bic yard; crushed stone, $3.00 per
cubic yard.
Engineer's estimate: New con-
crete curb, 60c per lineal foot; re-
setting existing curb, 40c per lineal
foot; brick gutter, $4.31 per square
yard; bitulithic top, $2.50 per square
yard; sheet asphalt, $2.40 per square
yard; willite, $2.50 per square yard;
bithulithic binder, $12.50 per ton;
crushed stone, $3.00 per cubic yard.
I would respectfully recommend
that authority be given to execute a
contract between the City of Du-
buque and James F. Lee for the im-
provement of the above street by
paving the same with bitulithic pave-
ment, as in my judgment this will be
a satisfactory pavement for the
street, and also I believe the pro-
posal for this type of pavement to
be the best among the proposals re-
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and the contract
be awarded to James F. Lee. Sec-
onded by Councilman Melchior. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Councilmen Brede, Gabriel
and Melchior.
Nays - Councilman Rooney.
Absent -Mayor Alderson.
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Treasurer be and he is hereby dir-
ected to distribute all moneys com-
ing into his hands from tax collec-
tions and miscellaneous receipts in-
to the various funds established and
provided for by the Appropriation
Resolution duly passed and adopted
by the City Council on March 25,
Adopted April 15, 1921.
Approved April 15th, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas- Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent -Mayor Alderson.
Special Session, April 21st, 1921 83
Costello, 109 Prince Street, Sanford's
Sub., S. 1/2 Lot 57; Mrs. C. Kruse, 129
Prince Street, Sub. 59, Sanford's
Sub. 1., Sub. 1 of 60, Sanford's Sub.
1 of 60, Sanford's Sub. 2, Sub. 1, of
60 Sanford's Sub. 2; Mrs. Joe Fuerst,
111 Prince Street, Sanford's Sub., N.
1 / 2 of 57; Chas. Pfotzer and Joe
Rhomberg, southwest corner Sev-
enth and Clay Streets, City Lot 248;
Ernest C. Luchterhand, 151 Twenty -
Eighth Street, Sub. 162 -163, Glendale
Add., W. /2 of Lot 2; Ed. Shaw, 2904
Jackson Street, R. E. Langworthy's
Estate, Glendale Add., Lot 153; Mrs.
George Ganshirt, 2840 Jackson
Street, South M. 1 -5 Lot 492; Mrs.
Emma Smith, 2908 Jackson Street,
Glendale Add., S. 1 / 2 Lot 152; Mrs.
JJohn Buelow, 2912 Jackson Street,
C. Langworthy's Add., Lot 42; Mrs.
William Buelow, 652 Thirtieth Street,
Sub 73, Glendale Add., S. 1 -3 of Lot
4. Councilman Melchior moved that
the resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Councilman Rooney. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Mehchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the bond of S. Shelter and J.
Stampfle, also the bond of Dubuque
Office Equipment Co., be received
and placed on file. Seconded by
Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen, Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Councilman Gabriel moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Clerk.
Adopted , 1921.
Approved , 1921.
City Clerk.
Special Session, April 21, 1921.
Meeting called by order of Mayor.
Alderson and Councilman Brede.
Council met at 4 :40 P. M.
Mayor Alderson in the chair.
Pr es e n t— City Manager Carr,
Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Breda,
Gabriel and Melchior.
Absent— Councilman Rooney.
Mayor Alderson read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and this meeting is called
for the purpose of acting on the
widening of High Bluff Street, and
acting on any other business that
might ,properly come before a regu-
lar meeting of the City Council.
Petition of Kassler Fur Co., Inc.,
H. Magdal Co., Dubuque Hide & Fur
Co., and Jacobson Iron & Metal Co.,
asking the City Council to abolish
the present City License on their
line of business as they had no
wagons to gather junk and most of
their business was wholesale, pre-
sented. Councilman Brede moved
that the matter be referred to the
City Solicitor and he be instructed
to draw up an ordinance by which
the peddler and not the wholesaler
is charged a license. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Some time last fall
there was a discussion between Mr.
James Lee, some members of the
Council and myself, with reference
to the payment of special assess-
ments as levied on July 29, 1914, for
the improvement of Angella Street.
The assessments as levied were as
Lot 12, Gilliam's Sub $137.19
Lot 11, Gilliam's Sub 137.19
Lot 10, Gilliam's Sub 167.38
East 10 feet Lot 9, Gilliam's
Sub. 27.44
Making a total of $469.29
The arrangements as made, as I
recall them, were that this assess-
ment was to have been settled on the
basis of one -half of the originol as-
sessment, plus four years interest at
6 per cent, making a total of $290.91.
Also Mr. Lee deposited with the City
Treasurer at the time a check for
this amount, which has not yet been
cashed by the City.
I would, therefore, recommend
that the City Treasurer be authoriz-
td to accept in full an account of
82 Special Session, April 15th, 1921
Ordinance No. 63 -A.
An ordinance licensing and regu-
lating hotels, boarding- houses, soft
drink saloons and other eating places
and providing a penalty for' the vio-
lation thereof, presented for the sec-
ond reading. Councilman Melchior
moved that the ordinance be adopt-
ed. Seconded by Councilman Gab-
riel. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Ordinance No. 99
An ordinance changing the names
of streets and avenues within the
City of Dubuque, presented for the
second reading. Councilman Melch-
ior moved that the ordinance be
adopted. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Belchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
An Ordinance
An ordinance establishing a grade
on Dodge Street from the west prop-
erty line of Locust Street to the west
property line of Dodge Street and
South Dodge Street, presented for
the first reading. Councilman Mel-
chior moved that this be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Petition of Frank Messerknecht,
asking for refund of taxes paid, as he
has been allowed a soldier's exemp-
tion on the same, presented. Coun-
cilman Melchior moved that the pe-
tition be referred to the City Solici-
tor for investigation. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Mayor Alderson.
Petition of Mrs. Anna Fischer, 'ask-
ing for exemption of City taxes, pre-
sented. Councilman Gabriel moved
that the petition be referred to the
City Manager for investigation. Sec-
onded by Councilman Melchior. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Petition of Margaret Dawson, ask-
ing fo rremission of taxes on Lot 79,
Union Add., presented. Councilman
Gabriel moved that the petition be
referred to the City Manager for in-
vestigation. Seconded by Council-
mall Melchior. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Communications from the Du-
buque Kiwanis Club and the Cham-
ber of Commerce, favoring the "Day-
light Savings Plan," also a petition
front the Dubuque Retail Merchants'
Bureau, stating that they were not in
favor of the plan, presented. Coun-
cilman Gabriel moved that the com-
munications be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Petition of the Y. W. C. A., asking
for the refusal of the rooms at the
Fourth Street Engine House, pre-
sented. Councilman Gabriel moved
that the petition be referred to the
Mayor, City Manager and Council-
man Brede. Seconded by Councilman
Melchior. Carried by the following
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Reports of the City Treasurer and
City Auditor for the month of March,
1921, presented. Councilman Melch-
ior moved that the reports be receiv-
ed and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Gabriel. Carried by the follow-
ing vot:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None,
Absent —Mayor Alderson.
Resolutions ordering the following
named parties to connect property
with sanitary sewer and clean vault
were presented: Ed. Muntz, 1135
Elm Street, City N. 24 ft. S. M. 1 -5
W. M. 1 -4 of 500; Mrs. Pape, 118
Prince Street, Sanford's Sub., So. 1 -2 .
Lot 44; John Kopp, 105 Queen Street,
Sanford's Sub., So. 20 ft. Lot 38;
Mrs. Janet Bach, 103 Queen Street,
Sanford's Sub., Lot 37; Peter Bint-
ner, 113 Queen Street, Sanford's
Sub., Lot 39; Mrs. Henry Entringer,
140 Prince Street, Sanford's Sub., S.
1/ of 43; John Heintz, 24 Twelfth
Street, Sanford's Sub., N. 1 /2 of 43;
Mrs. Fuller, 120 Prince Street, San -
ford's Sub., Lot 45; Mrs. Engler, 130
Prince Street, Sanford's Sub., B. 1 /2
Lot '44; Mike Christopf, 43 Prince
Street, Sub. 50, Sanford's Sub. 1,
Sanford's Sub., S. 1 /2 of 51; Anton
Groff, 79 Prince Street, Sanford's
Sub., S. 1 /2 Lot 54; •F. Schandrel, 81
Prince Street, Sanford's Sub., N..1/2
of Lot 54; F. Jaeger, 99 Prince
Street, Sanford's Sub., Lot 56; A.
84 Special Session, April 21st, 1921
the above assessment one -Half the
original assessment with interest for
four years, amounting to $290.91.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Brede moved that the
recommendation be approved and
the Treasurer so instructed. Second-
ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Report Dubuque Park Board from
April 1, 1920, to April 1, 1921, pre-
sented. Councilman Brede moved
that the repore be received and fil-
ed. Seconded by Councilman Mel-
chior. CCarried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Petition of J. B. Walabillig, asking
for a sidewalk to be constructed on
the west side of Stafford Avenue,
along Lot 1, Brecht Sub., presented.
Councilman Brede moved that the
petition be referred to the City En-
gineer for further information. Sec-
onded by Councilman Melchior. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Rooney.
A Resolution
Where, it is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, to widen High Bluff
Street, - from Middle Avenue to
Fengler Avenue, taking a twenty -five
foot strip from each of Lots 35, 36,
37 and 38, Fengler's Addition, and a
three foot strip off the W. 66 feet of
Lots 6 and 8 and the E. 7 feet 1 inch
of Lot 10 of Lots 1 and 2, Wick's Ad-
dition, making said portion of said
street in accordance with the plans
of said widening prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file in his
Therefore, be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to issue a venire
to the Chief of Police and to furnish
him with th enames of the owners of
the property as furnished him by the
City Engineer, and commanding him
to summon a jury of twelve free-
holders, citizens of said City and not
directly interested to appear at a
time and place therein stated, which
time shall be not less than five days
from the date thereof, and that the
Chief of Police shall give the per
sons named as owners of property as
aforesaid (provided they be residents
of the city) of the time and place,
when and where the jury so sum-
moned shall appear.
Be it further resolved that the
proceeding thereupon had at the
time and place thus affixed shall be
in the manner as provided by Ordi-
nance No. 43 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque.
Adopted, April 21, 1921.
Approved, April 21, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Councilman Brede. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
Councilman Brede moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Clerk.
Adopted , 1921.
Approved , 1921.
City Clerk.
Sealed proposals will be received
until 2:00 p. m. Thursday, April 28,
at the office of the City Manager,
Dubuque, Iowa, for the furnishing of
all labor and materials necessary for
the improvement of Dodge Street,
from the west property line of Bluff
Street to the west property line of
South Dodge Street.'
The improvement to consist of ap-
proximately -9,975 sq. yds. of bitum-
inous macadam outside of the street
car portion, and about 2,286 sq. yds.
bituminous macadam inside street
car portion. Also approximately 100
lin. ft. curb to be reset and about
100 lin. ft. of new curb.
Plans and specifications covering
this improvement are on file in the
City Clerk's office. Local limestone
of only the best quality can be used.
Certified check for the sum of
eight hundred (800) dollars as a
guarantee that contract will be en-
tered into - in case award is made,
must accompany proposal in separ-
ate envelope.
The City reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
4 -8 -18 2t. City Clerk.
To Whom It May Concern:
You are hereby notified, That a
proposition is now pending before
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque, for the establishment of a
street across land in which you
claim an interest, as follows: High
Bluff Street, from the north property
line of Middle Avenue to the south
property line of Fengler Avenue; a
plat of which proposed improve-
ment has been filed in the office of
th'e City Engineer of said City, and
you are notified that at a session of
the City Council to be holden at the
City Hall of said City, on the 15th
day of April, 1921, it will be deter-
mined whether said proposed im-
provement will be made, and you are
hereby notified to appear before said
Council at said session, and show
cause, if any you have, why proposed
improvement should not be made.
4- 4 -10t. City Engineer.
Be it ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That an ordinance es-
tablishing a grade on Jackson Street,
from the north property line of
Official Notices
Eighth Street to the south property
line of Eleventh Street, be and the
same is hereby adopted and estab-
lished as shown by the profile of
said street and grade, prepared by
the City Engineer, being profile No.
1013, B. M. Klauer's door sill, north-
east corner of Ninth and Washing-
ton Street, elevation 21.15.
Said grade begins at the north
property line of Eighth Street, which
is station 0, west curb elevation
22.73, east curb elevation 22.23;
thence to station 2+56, south prop-
erty line of Ninth Stret, west curb
elevation 21.93, east curb elevation
21.73; thence to station 3 +20, north
property line of Ninth Street, west
curb elevation 22.03, east curb ele-
vation 21.63; thence to station 5 +89,
south curb line of Tenth Street,
west curb elevation 21.58, east curb
elevation 21.18; thence to station
6 +29, north curb line of Tenth
Street, west curb elevation 21.58,
east curb elevation 21.18; thence to
station 8+95.5, south property line of
Eleventh Street, west curb eleva-
tion 22.68, east curb elevation 22.08.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect ten (10)
days after its final passage by the
City Council and its publication in
the official newspapers of the City.
Pas first reading March 25th,
Adopted, final reading, April 4th,
City Clerk.
PuPblished officially in the Du-
buque Times - Journal and Tele-
graph- Herald newspapers, April 5,
4 -5 -1t. City Clerk.
Bt it Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That an ordinance es-
tablishing a grade on Eleventh
Street, from the east property line
of Clay Street to a point 95.9 feet
east of Elm Street, be and the same
is hereby established and adopted as
shown :by the profile of said street
and grade, prepared by the City
Engineer, being profile No. 1912 B.
M. on the water table on the north -
west corner of Eleventh and Main
Streets, elevation 49.04.
Said grade begins at the east
Property line of Clay Street, which
is station 0, north curb elevation
35.38, south curb elevation 35.19;
thence to station 1+00.5, west alley
line, north curb elevation 33.00,
south curb elevation 33.00; thence to
station 1+20.5, east alley line, north
curb elevation 32.9, south curb ele
vation 32.6; thence to station 2+32.5,
west curb line of White Street, north
curb elevation 29.7, south curb ele-
vation 30.0; thence to station 2+72.5,
east curb line of White Street, north
curb elevation 29.6, south curb ele-
vation 29.6; thence to station 3 +84.9,
west alley line, .north cunb elevation
26.2, south curb elevation 26.3;
thence to station 4 +04.49, east alley
line, north curb elecation 25.6,
south curb elevation 25.3; thence to
station 5+16.9, west curb line of
Jackson Street, north curb eleva-
tion 22.2, south curb elevation 22.3;
thence to station 5+37.1, east curb
line of Jackson Street, north curb
elevation 21.7, south curb elevation
21.8; thence to station 6 +69.4, west
alley line, north curb elevation 20.6,
south curb elevation 20.6; thence to
station 6 +89.4, east alley line, north
curb elevation 20.4, south curb ele-
vation 20.4; thence to ,station 8 +01.8,
west curb line of Washington Street,
north curb elevation 19.3, south curb
elevation 19.6; thence to station 8+
41.8, east curb line of Washington
Street, north curb elevation 19.2,
south curb elevation 19.2; thence to
station 9+52.1, west alley line, north
side, north curb elevatino 18.9;
thence to station 9+72.1, east alley
line north side, north curb elevation
18.9; thence to station 10 +86.1, west
curb line of Elm Street, north curb
elevation 18.9; south curb eleva-
tion 18.7; thence to station 11 +26.1,
east curb line of Elm Street, north
curb elevation 18.4, south curb ele-
vation 18.4; thence to station 12,
south curb elevation 18.3, north curb
elevation 18.3; thence to station 12+
34, railroad tracks, north curb ele-
vation 19.8, south curb elevation
Section 2. This ordinance • shall
be in force and take effect ten (10)
days after its passage by the City
Council and its publication in the
official newspapers of the city.
Passed first reading March 25,
Adopted upon final reading April
4, 1921.
City Clerk.
Official Notices
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers April 5, 1921.
4-5 -1t City Clerk.
Be it Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That an ordinance es-
tablishing a grade on Washington
Street, from the north property line
of Eighth Street to the south prop-
erty line of Eleventh Street, be and
the same is hereby established and
adopted as shown by the profile of
said street and grade, prepared by
the Sity Engineer, being profile No.
1014, B. M. on the water table
northwest corner of Eleventh and
Washington Streets, elevation 21.08.
Said grade begins at north prop-
erty line of Eighth Street, which is
station 0, east curb elevation 20.00,
west curb elevation 20.00; thence to
station 2+54.7, south property line
of Ninth Street, east curb elevation
20.00, west curb elevation 20.00;
thence to station 3+18.7, north prop-
erty line of Ninth Street, east curb
elevation 20.00, west curb elevation
20.00; thence to station 5 +89, south
curb line of Tenth Street, east curb
elevation 19.3, west ourb elevation
20.00; thence to station 6 +29, north
curb line of Tenth Street, east curb
elevation 19.4, west curb elevation
19.7; thence to station 8 +96.8, south
property line of Eleventh Street,
east curb elevation 19.3, west curb
elevation 19.8.
Section 2. This ordinance shall
be in force and take effect ten (10)
days after its final passage by the
City Council and its publication in
the official newspapers of the city.
Passed first reading March 25th,
Adopted upon final reading April
4th, 1921.
City Clerk.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers, April 5th, 1921.
4 -5 -1t. , City Clerk.
Official Notices
Notice is hereby given by direction
of the City Council of the City of Du-
buque, that the following resolution
of necessity is proposed for passage
and adoption by said City Council,
.having been approved by said Coun-
cil on the 15th day of April, 1921:
Resolution of Necessity for Sewer.
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, That it
be deemed necessary and advisable
to construct a sanitary sewer in al-
ley between Locust and Bluff streets
an six -inch tile sanitary sewer in the
alley between Locust street and Bluff
street form the sewer in Dodge
street to a point about seventy -five
feet south of Jones street.
Said 'sewer to be provided with
manholes and any other appurten-
ances that may be necessary.
Said sewer to be constructed in ac-
cordance with the plans and specifi-
cations prepared by the City Engi-
neer and now on file in the office of
the City Clerk, having been duly ap-
proved by the City Manager and sub -
mitted to the State Board of Health
for their approval.
That the cost and expense of mak-
ing and constructing said sanitary
sewer shall be assessed against the
property abutting upon the same and
also against all adjacent property
benefitted thereby.
Be it further Resolved, That the
above and foregoing sanitary sewer
is hereby proposed to be constructed
as hereinbefore set forth, and that
this proposed resolution except this
paragraph, be and the same is here-
by set down for further and final
hearing, consideration and determi-
nation at a meeting of the City Coun-
cil to be held May 5th, 1921, at 4:30
o'clock p. m., and that the City Clerk
be and he is hereby instructed to
cause notice of the above resolution,
and of the time and place when and
where said proposed resolution will
be considered for passage, and ob-
jections to the passage thereof and
to the construction of said sanitary
sewer heard, to be given by publica-
tion in the officials newspapers of
the City of Dubuque in the manner
and for the time provided by law.
The above resolution was ap-
proved and ordered placed on file for
final action and the notice of the
pendency ordered given this 15th
day of April, 1921.
The above resolution will be con-
sidered by said City Council for pass-
age at a meeting to be held on the
5th day of May, 1921, at 4:30 o'clock
p. m., in the Council Chamber, at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the cost
and expense of said improvement,
may appear and make objections to
the contemplated improvement and
the passage of said proposed resolu-
tion may at that time be amended
and passed, or passed as proposed.
Dated this 15th day of April, 1921.
Published officially in the Tele-
graph- Herald and Dubuque Times -
Journal newspapers April 15th, 1921.
4- 18 -2t. City Clerk.
Notice is hereby given by direc-
tion of the City Council of the City
of Dubuque that the following reso-
lution of necessity is proposed for
passage and adoption by said City
Council, having been approved by
said Council on the 15th clay of
April 1921.
Resolution of Necsesity for Sewer.
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubrqhe that it be
deemed necessary and advisable to
construct a sanitary sewer in Chest-
nut street; a six -inch tile sanitary
sewer in Chestnut street from the
end of the present sewer westerav
for a distance of about two hundred
and eighty feet.
Said sewer to be provided with
manholes and any other appurte-
nances that may be necessary. Said
sewer to be constructed in accord-
ance with the plans and specifica-
tions prepared by the City Engineer
and now on file in the office of the
City Clerk having 'been duly ap-
proved by the City Manager and
submitted to the State Board of
Health for their approval.
That the cost and expense of mak-
ing and constructing said sanitary
sewer shall be assessed against the
property abutting upon the same and
also against all adjacent property
benefited thereby.
Be it further resolved that the
above and foregoing sanitary sewer
is hereby proposed to be constructed
as hereinbefore set forth, and that
this proposed resolution, except this
paragraph, be and the same is here-
by set down for further and final
hearing, consideration and deter-
mination at a meeting of the City
Council to be held May 5th, 1921, at
4:30 o'clock p. m. and that the City
Clerk be and he is hereby instruct-
ed to cause notice of the above reso-
lution, and of the time and place
when and where said proposed reso-
lution will be considered for pass-
age and objections to the passage
thereof and to the construction of
said sanitary sewer heard, to be
given by publication in the official
newspapers of the City of Dubuque
in the manner and for the time pro-
vided by law.
The above resolution was approved
and ordered placed on file for final
action and the notice of the pend-
ency ordered given this 2nd day of
April, 1921.
Approved: L. H. BREDE,
The above resolution will be con-
sidered by said City Council for pass-
age at a meeting to be held on the
5th day of May, 1921, at 4:30 o'clock
p. m. in the Council Chamber, at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for - the cost
and expense of said improvement
may appear and make objections to
the contemplated improvement and
the passage of said proposel resolu-
tion may at that time be amended
and passed, or passed as proposed.
Dated this 15th day of April, 1921.
Published officially in the Tele-
graph- Herald and Dubuque Times -
Journal newspapers April 15th. 1921.
4- 18 -2t. City Clerk.
Official Notices
Notice is hereby given by direc-
tion of the City Council of the City
of Dubuque that the following reso-
lution of Necessity is proposed for
passage and adopted by Said CitY
Council, having been approved by
said Council on the 15th, day of
April 1921.
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that, upon
recommendation of the City Manager
it be deemed necessary and advis-
able to improve Seventh Street from
the end of the present brick block
pavement to the Chicago Milwaukee
and St. Paul Railroad tracks first
east of Washington Street by grad-
ing, curbing with new cement curb
where necessary resetting the stone
curb and by paving said portion of
said street with brick block on a
concrete foundation using a bitumin-
ous filler, outside the railroad tracks,
and by paving that portion of the
street lying between the railroad
tracks and one foot outside thereof
with the same material.
Said work to be done in accord-
ance with the plans and specifica-
tions to be prepared by the City
Engineer, and approved by the City
The cost and expense of said im-
provement will be assessed against
all of the property subject to assess-
ment for the improvement as is pro-
vided by law.
Be it further resolved that the
above and foregoing improvement is
hereby proposed to be made and con-
structed as here in before set forth
and that this proposed resolution
(except this paragraph) be and the
same is hereby set down for further
and final hearing consideration and
determination at a meeting of the
City Council to be held the 5th day
of May 1921, at 4:30 p. m. in the
Council Chamber and that the City
Clerk be and he is hereby instructed
to cause notice of the pendency of
the ,above resolution and the time
and place, when and where said reso-
lution will be considered for passage
and objections heard, to be given by
publication in the official newspapers
of the city, in manner and for the
time provided by law.
The above resolution was approved
and ordered placed on file for final
action and the notice of the pendency
ordered given this 15th day of April
The above resolution will be con-
sidered by said City Council for pass-
age at a meeting to be held on the
5th day of May, 1921, at 4:30 o'clock
p. m. in the Council Chamber, at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the cost
and expense of said improvement
may appear and make objections to
the contemplated improvement and
the passage of said proposed resolu-
tion may at that time be amended
and passed, or passed as proopsed.
Dated this 15th, day of April 1921.
Published officially in the Tele-
graph- Herald and Dubuque Times -
Journal newspapers April 15th, 1921.
City Clerk.
4- 18 -2t. City Clerk.
Notice is hereby given by direction
of the City Council of the City of Du-
buque, that the following resolution
of necessity is proposed for passage
and adoption by said City Council,
having been approved by said Coun-
cil on the 15th day of April, 1921:
A Resolution of Necessity.
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, That upon
recommendation of the City Man-
ager, it be deemed necessary and ad-
visable to improve Dodge street from
the west property line of Locust
street to the west property line of
Bluff street, by grading, curbing with
new, cement curb where necessary
and resetting old stone curb where
necessary and by paving that portion
of said street lying outside of the
street car tracks, the gutter except
ed, with either sheet asphalt, willite,
or bithulithic on the present macad-
am foundation, or with brick block
on a concrete foundation using a
bituminous filler, and by paving that
portion lying between the street car
tracks and one foot outside thereof
with brick block on a concrete foun-
dation using a bituminous filler.
Said work to be done in accord-
ance with the plans and specifica-
tions to be prepared by the City En-
gineer and approved by the Manager.
The cost and expense of said im-
provement will be assessesd against
all of the property subject to as-
sessment for the improvement as is
provided by law.
Be it further resolved that the
above and foregoing improvement is
hereby proposed to be made and con-
structed as hereinbefore set forth
and that this proposed resolution
(except this paragraph) be and the
same is hereby set down for further
and final hearing consideration and
determination at a meeting of the
City Council to be held the 5th day
of May, 1921, at 4:30 p. in. in the
Council Chamber and that the City
Clerk be and he is hereby instructed
to cause notice of the pendency of
the above resolution and the time
and place, when and where said reso-
lution will be considered for passage
and objections heard, to be given by
publication in the official newspapers
of the city, in manner and for the
time provided by law.
The above resolution was approved
and ordered placed on file for final
action and the notice of the pend-
ency ordered given this 15th day of
April, 1921. L. H. BREDE,
Approved: THEO. GABRIEL,
The above resolution will be con-
sidered by said City Council for
passage at a meeting to be held on
the 5th day of May, 1921, at 4:30
o'clock p. m. in the Council cham-
ber, at which time the owners of
property subject to assessment for
the cost and expense of said im-
provement may appear and make ob-
jections to the contemplated im-
provement and the passage of said
proposed resolution may at that
time be amended and passed, or
passed as proposed.
Published officially in the Tele-
graph- Herald and Dubuque Times -
Journal newspapers April 15th, 1921.
City Clerk.
Official Notices
Notice is hereby given by direction
of the City Council of the City of Du-
. buque that the following resolution
of necessity is proposed for passage
and adoption by said City Council,
having been approved by said Coun-
cil on the 15th day of April, 1921:
A Resolution of Necessity.
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That upon
recommendation of the City Manager
it be deemed necessary and advisable
to improve Washington street from
the north property line of Seventh
street to the south property line of
Eighth street by grading, curbing
with new cement curb where neces-
sary, resetting old stone curb where
necessary and by paving said portion
of said street with brick block on a
concrete foundation outside of the
railroad tracks, using a bituminous
filler, and by paving with brick block
on a concrete foundation between the
railroad tracks and one foot outside
thereof using a bituminous filler.
Said work to be done in accord-
ance with the plans and specifica-
tions to be prepared by the 'City
Engineer, and approved by the City
The cost and expense of said im-
provement will be assessed against
all of the property subject to assess-
ment for the improvement as is pro-
vided by law.
Be it further Resolved, That the
above and foregoing improvement is
hereby proposed to be made and
constructed as hereinbefore set forth
and that this proposed resolution
(except this paragraph) be and the
same is hereby set down for further
and final hearing, consideration and
determination at a meeting of the
City Council to be held the 5th day
of May, 1921, at 4:30 p. m. in the
Council Chamber and that the City
Clerk be and he is hereby instructed
to cause notice of the pendency of
the above resolution and the time
and place, when and where said reso-
lution will be considered for passage
and objections heard, to be given by
publication in the official newspapers
of the city, in manner and for the
time provided by law.
The above resolution was approved
and ordered placed on file for final
action and the notice of the pend-
ent;y ordered given this 15th day of
Aprli, 1921.
The above resolution - Will be con-
sidered by said City Council for pass-
age at a meeting to be held on the
5th day of May, 1921, at 4:30 p. m.
in the Council Chamber, at which
time the owners of property subject
to assessment for the cost and ex-
pense of said improvement, may ap-
pear and make objections to the con-
templated improvement and the pass •
age of said proposed resolution may
at that time be amended and passed,
or passed as proposed.
Dated this 15th day of April, 1921.
Published officially in the Tele-
graph - Herald and Dubuque Times -
Journal newspapers April 15th, 1921.
4- 18 -2t. City Clerk.
Official Notices
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
Par. 468 -A. Who Included. Sec. I.
No persons, firm or corporation, shall
carry on any business within the lim-
its of the city, as hotel keepers, tav-
ern keepers, keepers of boarding-
houses, soft drink parlors or saloons
or other eating places, without hav-
ing obtained a license therefor and
pay a license fee as follows:
(a) For keepers of hotels tav-
erns or boarding- houses containing
Two Hundred (200) rooms or more,
One Hundred Fifty Dollars (f150.00)
a year.
(b) For keepers of hotels, taverns
or boarding - houses containing less
than Two Hundred (200) rooms but
more than One Hundred (100) rooms,
Seventy -five Dollars ($75.00) a year.
(c) For keepers of hotels, taverns
or boarding- houses containing less
than One Hundred (100) rooms, but
more than Seventy (70) rooms,
Forty Dollars ($40.00) a year.
(d) For keepers of hotels, taverns
or boarding- houses containing less
than Seventy (70) rooms but more
than Fifty (50) rooms, Twenty -five
Dollars ($25.00) a year.
(e) For keepers of hotels, taverns
or boarding- houses containing less
than Fifty (50) rooms but more than
Thirty (30) rooms, Fifteen Dollars
(.$15.00) a year.
(f) For keepers of hotels, taverns
or boarding- houses containing less
than Fifteen (15) rooms, Ten Dol-
lars , ($10.00) a year.
(g) All boarding- houses which are
conducted without renting rooms for
lodging, restaurants, eating houses,
lunch counters or wagons, Ten Dol-
lars ($10.00) a year.
No hotel, tavern or boarding -house
shall be required to procure more
than one (1) hotel license; provided,
that any hotel, tavern or boarding-
house having a restaurant in connec-
tion therewith in addition to the
regular dining room, or in which
meals or lunches are served A La
Carte, or on the short order plan, or
for any other than a regular charge
for each full meal, shall be required
to pay the regular restaurant license
Par. 468 -B. Confectionery Stores,
Ice Cream Parlors Soda Fountains.
Sec. II. For keepers of confectionery
stores, ice cream parlors, soda foun-
tains, a license shall be charged and
collected of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per
year. Provided, however, that no
Remise shall be required of persons
who handle pop or soda water or soft
drinks in connection with their regu-
lar business as grocers or similar
Par. 468 -C. Soft Drink Saloons.
Sec. III. Any person or persons con-
ducting and operating places of busi-
ness commonly known as soft drink
parlors or saloons wherein soft
drinks are served and dispensed over
a bar a license fee shall be charged
and collected of Twenty -five Dollars
($25.00) a year.
Par. 469 -A. Penalty for Violation.
Sec. IV. Any person who shall con-
duct any of the businesses herein
enumerated without first procuring
a license, shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be fined not less than Ten
Dollars ($10.00) or more than One
Hundred Dollars ($100.00).
Par. 469 -B. Repealing Clause. Sec.
V. All ordinances or parts of or-
dinances whose terms are inconsist-
ent herewith are hereby repaeled, es-
pecially Ordinance Number Sixty -
Three (63) of Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, 1919, the same
being entitled "An Ordinance Licens-
ing and Regulating Hotels, Boarding-
houses and Other Eating Places, and
Providing a Penalty for the Viola-
tion thereof."
Par. 469 -S. Publication Clause.
Sec. VI. This ordinance shall be in
force and effect Ten (10) days from
and after its final passage by the
City Council and publication as re-
quired by law.
Passed upon first reading April
4th, 1921.
Adopted upon final reading April
15th, 1921.
Approved April 15th, 1921.
(Signed) L. H. BREDE,
City Clerk.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald
newspapers April 18th, 1921.
4- 18 -1t. City Clerk.
(Official Publication.)
An ordinance changing the navies
of streets„ and avenues within the
City of Dubuque.
Be it ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That -the following changes
in the names of streets and avenues
within the City of Dubuque be and
the same are hereby changed, the
changes to become effective from
and after the passage and publica-
tion of this ordinance as required
by law. The names of streets and
avenues shall be changed to read
as follows:
Alta Avenue
Althauser Avenue shall be called
Althauser Street.
Altman Avenue from Grandview
Avenue to where it changes direc-
tion to be called St. Joseph Street.
Alumni Avenue to be called Alum-
ni Place.
Ashton Avenue to be called Ash-
ton Place.
Avoka Avenue to he called Avoka
Babcock Avenue to
cock Street.
Brunswick Avenue
Brunswick Street.
Berry Avenue to be called
Bonson Avenue to be called Bon -
son Street.
Carlotta Avenue to be called Car-
lotta Street.
Clemenson Avenue
Clemenson Street.
Clifton Street to
Cornelia. Avenue
nelia Place.
Crawford Avenue
Crawford Street.
Dexter Avenue to be called Dexter
Diamond Avenue to be
mond Street.
Pfohl Street to
Dubuque Avenue
more Street.
Dunning Avenue
Dunning Street.
Euclid Avenue to be called Euclid
Fairmount Avenue to be called
Fairmount Street.
Fengler Avenue to be called Feng-
ler Street.
Avenue to
Avenue to be
shall be called Alta
be called Bab-
to be called
be called Bauer
be called Altman
to be called Cor-
to be called
Official Notices 91
called Dia-
be called Hoyt
called Dock
to be called Fill-
to be called
Francisco Avenue to be called
Francisco Street.
Front Avenue to be called Front
Gandolfo Avenue to be called Gan-
dolfo Street.
Goethe Avenue to he called Goethe
Hancock Avenue to be called Han-
cock Street.
Henderson Avenue to be called
Henderson Street.
Hodgden Avenue to be called
Hodgcten Street.
Humboldt Avenue to be called
Humboldt Street.
Irving Avenue to be called Irving
Jansen Avenue to be called Jansen
The name of Fink Avenue is
dropped and Fink Avenue shall be-
come a part of Jansen Street.
Johnson Avenue to be called John-
son Street.
Kiene Avenue to be called Kiene
Lawndale Avenue to be called
Lawndale Street.
Lawther Avenue to be called Law -
ther Street.
Liebe Avenue to be called Liebe
Lowry Avenue to be called Lowry
Lucretia Avenue to be called Lu-
cretia Street.
McPherson Avenue to be called
McPherson Street.
Maria Avenue to be called Maria
Marion Avenue to be called Marion
Middle Avenue to be called Farley
Milwaukee Avenue to be called
Milwaukee Street.
Morgan Avenue to be called Mor-
gan Street.
Perry Avenue to be called Perry
Railroad Avenue to be called Rail-
road Street.
Reed Avenue to be called Mar-
shall Street.
Rider Avenue to be called Rider
Rising Avenue to be called Rising
Roberts Avenue to be called Rob
erts Street.
Robison Avenue to be called Robi-
son Street.
Saunders Avenue to be called
Saunders Street. -
Schiller Avenue to be called
Schiller Street. '
Schlegel Avenue to be called
Schlegel Street.
Schroeder Avenue ' to be called
Schroeder Street.
Sterling Avenue to be called Sterl-
ing Street.
Official Notices
Stewart Avenue to be called Stew-
art Street.
Stolz Avenue to be called Stolz
Strauss Avenue to be called
Strauss Street.
Trexler Avenue to be called Trex-
ler Street.
Victoria Avenue to be called Vic-
toria Street.
Vincent Avenue to be called_ Vin-
cent Street.
Wabash Avenue to be called Wa-
bash Street.
Whelan Avenue to be called
Whelan Street.
Wilbur Avenue to be called Wil-
bur Street.
Winona Avenue to be called Wi-
nona Street.
Wooton Avenue to be called
Wooton Street.
Wunderlich Avenue to be called
Wunderlich Street.
Adams Street in Pleasant View
Addition to be called Sac Street.
Adams Avenue to be called Pres-
cott Street.
Algona Street, Louisa Street and
Riga Street to be called Algona
The name of Arch Street to be
dropped and the name of Seminary
Street to be applied from the junc-
tion of West Locust Street and
Seminary Street at May Place to
Asbury Road, eliminating that part
of 'West Locust Street from May
Place to Arch Street.
The name of Vine Street to be
dropped and Burns Street to be con-
tinued from Cleveland Avenue to
Dodge Street.
Catherine Street and Yates Street
to be given one name and to be
called Catherine Street.
• Center Street and Carrick Street
to be one street and called Finley
The names of Clay Street, Couler
Avenue and the intersection of
Eighteenth Street shall be. called
Central Avenue.
Clifford Street to be called Foye
East Street to be called McCor-
mick Street.
The names of Emsley's Lane and
Thomas Place to be dropped and
said streets shall be known as
Thomas Street. The names of
Thomas Street and Franklin Street
on the extension of West Sixteenth
Street to be dropped and said
streets shall be called West Six-
teenth Street and be a part thereof.
The name of West Fourth Street,
running between Alpine Street and
Paulina Street to he called Melrose
North First Street shall be called
Kimball Street.
Fourth Street extension to be
called East Fourth Street.
The name of Grant Avenue shall
be dropped and said street shall be-
come a part of Wilson Avenue and
be known by that name.
Grove Street to be called Greeley
Auburn Avenue to be called Au-
burn Street. The name of Hall
Street to be dropped and „what was
formerly Hall Street and Auburn
Avenue to be known as Auburn
Adair Avenue to be called Adair
Audubon Avenue to be called
Audubon Street.
Atlantic Avenue to be called At-
lantic Street.
Seminary Street lying between
Seventeenth Street and Eighteenth
Street to be called Heeb Street, and
Seminary Street hereafter shall
start at Heeb Street instead of West
Seventeenth Street.
South Locust Street shall be made
continuous from Dodge Street to
Grandview Avenue and the names
of Southern Avenue, Mount Carmel
and Heron Street as these were
formerly called shall be dropped.
That part of Southern Avenue
from South Locust Street westerly
to the' City Limits shall be known as
Southern Avenue.
Kaufmann Avenue shall run west
of Central Avenue to the City Limits.
The name of Eagle Point Avenue
shall he dropped and said street
shall be named Twenty- Second
Street and Twenty- Second Street
shall run from Central Avenue east
to Stafford Street.
Hart Street shall be called West
Twenty -Third Street.
Blocklinger Lane shall be called
West Twenty - Fourth Street.
Park Hill Avenue shall be called
West Twenty - Eighth Street.
Klingenherg Street shall be called
Hennepin Street.
Linden Boulevard shall be called
Logan Street.
The names of Millville Road and
Peru Road shall be dropped and
said roads shall be a part of Thirty -
Second Street.
The, name of O'Neil Street shall
be dropped and the same shall be
a part of Langworthy Street.
O'Neil Avenue shall he called
O'Neil Street.
Park Avenue shall be called Ran-
dall Place.
Parkway Avenue shall, be called
Park Street.
Pleasant View Avenue shall he
called Lexington Street.
The name of Willow Street shall
be dropped and become a part of
Rosedale Avenue and Rosedale Ave-
nue shall be continuous from West
Locust Street to Asbury Street.
That part of Rosedale Avenue ly-
ing south of Willow Street shall be
called Auburn Street.
The name of Russel Street shall
be dropped and said street shall be
a part of Rowan Street.
Sanford Street shall be called
East Twenty - Fourth Street.
Short Street in West View Addi-
tion shall be called Malden Street.
Short Street in Audubon Addition
shall be called Malvern Street.
Union Avenue shall he called
Kirkwood Street.
Yale Street shall be called Oxford
Twenty -First Street in Wiltse Ad-
dition shall be called Wayne Street.
The upper portions of Maple and
Pine Streets which are separated
from the original streets of the
same name shall be dropped and
that portion of Maple Street shall
be called Morton Street and that
part of Pine Street shall be called
Poe Street.
North Street shall be called Hale
West Main Street shall be called
Shields Street.
The name of North Main Street
shall be dropped and said street
shall he called and be a part of
Main Street.
Edith Avenue shall be called Edith
Edith Street in O'Neil's Subdi-
vision shall be called Roland Street.
Wabash Avenue in Pleasant View
Addition shall be called Seward
Twentieth Street and Twenty -First
Street shall extend east from Cen-
tral Avenue to the Chicago Great
Western tracks.
Leibnitz Street shall be called
Lowell Street.
First Avenue shall be called De-
catur Street.
Second Avenue shall be called
Hamilton Street.
Third Avenue shall be called Whit-
tier Strdet.
Fourth Avenue shall be called
Emerson Street.
Fifth Avenue shall be Roosevelt
Sixth Avenue shall he called Stan-
ton Street.
Seventh Avenue shall be called
Shims Street.
Eighth Avenue shall he called Far -
ragut Street.
Ninth Avenue shall be called
Hawthorne Street.
Tenth Avenue shall be called
Sumner Street.
The name of North Cascade Road
shall be dropped and said road shall
be a part of Freemont Avenue, and
Freemont Avenue shall extend from
Grandview Avenue West to the City
That portion of Freemont Avenue
Official Notices
from Simpson Avenue south shall be
Wartburg Place.
South Dodge Street shall be Bry-
ant Street.
Forest Street shall be called Rlor-
ence Street.
Halpin Avenue shall be called
Halpin Street.
Harriet Avenue shall be called
Harriet Street.
North Iowa Street shall be called
Shelby Street.
Jefferson Avenue shall be called
Jefferson Street.
Kelley Avenue shall be called
Kelley Lane.
Langworthy Avenue shall be called
Langworthy Street.
Peabody Avenue shall be called
Peabody Street.
Penn Street shall be called Penn-
sylvania Street.
Mont Crest Avenue shall be called
Mont Crest Street.
Monroe Avenue shall be called
Harlan Street.
Levi Terrace shall be called La
Fayette Street.
East Rock Street shall be called
Wilber Street.
West Second Street shall 'be
called Douglas Street.
That part of Tenth Avenue be-
tween Rhomberg and Lincoln Ave-
nues and the Eagle Point High
Bridge approach shall be called
Rhomberg Avenue. That part of
Rhomberg Avenue east from Tenth
Avenue shall be called Beach Street.
Grandview Heights shall be called
Plymouth Street.
Ann Avenue shall be called Ann
Anna Place shall be called West
Fifteenth Street.
Bradley Avenue shall be , called
Bradley Street.
Burden Avenue shall be called
Burden Street.
Coates Avenue shall be called
Coates Street.
College Avenue shall be called
College Street.
Collins Avenue shall be called
Collins Street.
The name of Exchange Street shall
be dropped and shall become a part
of Cora Street, which street shall
extend from Grandview Avenue to
Dodge Street.
Decorah Avenue shall be called
Delaware Street.
De Soto Terrace shall be called
Grove Terrace.
The name of South Street shall
be dropped and said street shall be
a part of Dodge Street.
West Eighth Street shall extend
from Central Avenue west to Rob-
erts Street.
Julien Avenue and Hill Street
shall begin where said streets leave
West Eighth Street.
94 Official Notices
All short streets which bear the
names of avenues and which are
not enumerated herein shall be re-
named streets.
Central Avenue shall be consid-
ered the basic line and all streets
running east and west from Central
Avenue take their directions from
that avenue.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be
in force and effect ten (10) days
from and after its final passage by
the City Council and publication in
the official newspapers as provided
by law.
Passed upon first reading April
April 7th, 1921.
Passed upon final reading April
15th, 1921.
City Clerk.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald
newspapers April 18th, 1921.
4- 18 -1t. City Clerk.
Board of Health
Regular Session, May 2, 1921.
Board of Health met at 4:35 P. M.
Mayor Alderson in the chair.
Present —Mayor Alderson, Coun-
cilmen Brede, Gabriel and Rooney.
Absent — Councilman Melchior.
Mayor Alderson reported verbally
that Dr. F. W. Wieland had resigned
as Assistant Health Physician. Coun-
cilman Brede moved that the resig-
nation be accepted. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. , Carried by the
followwing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Melchior.
Councilman Melchior entered and
took his seat at 4 :40 P. M.
Resolutions ordering the following
named parties to connect property
with sanitary sewer and clean vault,
were presented: John Oppelt, 48
Prince Street, -Sub. 63, Sanford's
Sub., north 30 ft. Lot 2; Mrs. Thresa
Kronart, 121 Prince Street, Staf-
ford's Sub. 58; John Schadler, 205
East Twenty- Fourth Street, Sub. 2,
Saunder's Sub., Lot 2; Geo. Thal -
hamer, 231 -237 East Twenty - Fourth
Street, Saunder's Sub., Lot 3; Mrs.
Elizabeth Cumongs, 209 East Twen-
ty- Fourth Street, Sub. 1, Saunder's
Sub. Lot 1; Wm. Fannewald, 201
East Twenty- Fourth Street, Sub. 1,
Saunder's Sub. Lot 2; Melvin Burch,
197 East Twenty- Fourth Street, Sub.
1, Saunder's Sub. Lot 2; Mrs. Anna
Hugh, 2806 Central Avenue, Sub. 227,
Davis Farm Add., Lot 1 -2; Otto Fren-
zel, 2445 Central Avenue, King's
FiFrst Add., S. % of Lot 8, Sub. 6,
King's First Add., Lot 2. Council-
man Gabriel moved that the resolu-
tions be adopted. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Brede. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition Mrs. R. W. Kemler, ask-
ing to be relieved of the obligation
to connect property at 49 West
Eighth Street with sanitary sewer,
presented. Councilman Brede mov-
ed that the petition be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Rooney. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Regular Session, May 2nd, 1921 95
Regular Session, May 2, 1921.
Council met at 4:50 P. M.
Mayor Alderson in the chair.
P r e s en t —City Manager Carr,
Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede,
Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney.
Councilman Brede moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose
of allowing any one present to ad-
dress the Council.. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of Allison- Henderson Mem-
orial Association, recommending that
the City purchase for park purposes
Lots 20 to 38, Block 9; Lots 1 to 38,
Block 10, and Lot 2, Standard Lum.
ber Co.'s Add., presented. Members
of the Association addressed the
Council relative to the purchase of
above described property. Council-
man Melchior moved that the City
Council and City Manager view the
grounds and report on the matter at
the next regular meeting of the City
Council. Seconded by Councilman
Brede. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Petition of F! T. Gunn, asking the
City Council to accept $25.00 (half
of regular fee) from him as license
to operate a popcorn stand at the
corner of Seventh and Main Streets,
claiming poor health and old age as
the reason for this request, present-
ed. Councilman Brede moved that
action be deferred and his state-
ments be investigated by the City
Manager. Seconded by Councilman
Melchior. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: On October 12, 1916,
there was a special assessment lev-
ied against Lot 13, in Concord's Ad-
dition, for the curbing, guttering and
macadamizing of Coates Avenue,
from Fremont Avenue to Cross
Street. The amount assessed against
this lot for this improvement was
$112.17. On November 19, 1914, the
City Council authorized the Treasur-
er to accept 25 per cent as payment
in full on account of this special as-
sessment. Settlement was not made
at that time.