1921 November Council Proceedings296 Special Session,
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Brede. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Rooney.
October 28, 1921.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: —At a meeting of the
Council held on October 24, the peti-
tions of George Fritsch and Mrs.
Tuegle, both requesting permission
to tear up Central avenue for the
purpose of making water connec-
tions, were referred to the Ctiy
I find that on April 3, 1913, the
City Council directed that notices be
served upon all people along Couler
avenue from Twenty -sixth street to
Peru road, advising them to make all
necessary connections and at the
same time a resolution was passed
forbidding anyone to open this street
for a period of ten years after April
23, and providing for a fine of one
hundred dollars for each violation of
such resolution. Inquiry along this
street shows that notices were duly
served upon all of the abutting prop-
erty owners.
I understand that Mrs. Tuegel's
only means of support is the brick
building located at 2247 Couler ave•
nue, and I also assume that she felt
at the time that she could not afford
either the connection or the use of
city water. My suggestion would be
that she arrange to hook onto the
tap of one of her neighbors until
such time as it will be possible to
permit her to tear up the street.
These taps are very conveniently
situated and a connection can be
made and both houses can be sup-
plied from the same service. While
this is contrary to the Water Works
rules, yet in my judgment it is the
best solution to this proposition.
The matter of the petition of J.
Fritsch is different. The lot at 2S50
Central avenue runs from Central
avenue to White street. Mr. Fritsch
lives on White street. This lot was
properly connected with both sewer
and water years ago. The lot on
White street has since been divided
and the portion on White street im-
m oved. The house occupied by Mr.
Fritsch on White street has been
supplied with water from - some time
October 28, 1921
and has already been installed with
the necessary fixtures. There seems
to have been sort of a neighborhood
quarrel and the party living next to
him has disconnected the water sup-
plied to Mr. Fritsch, which had pre -•
viously passed through their home.
Assuming that there would be no
difficulty in making the connection
on Central avenue, Fritsch has al-
ready laid the lateral across the
other lot to the curb on Central ave-
nue. In view of these facts, I would
suggest that a special permit be
granted to Mr. Fritsch to make the
connection on Central avenue. The
water main is located only about
eleven feet from the curb line, which
will not mean very much of an
excavation in the street.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Brede moved that the
report of the City Manager on the
petitions of Mrs. Tuegel and Joe
Fritsch be approved. That Mrs. Tue-
gel connect onto the tap of one of
her neighbors, and Mr, Fritsch he
given a special permit to connect
with water mains on Central avenue.
Seconded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Rooney.
, The City Council Proceedings for
the months of July and August pre-
sented for approval.
Councilman Brede moved that the
proceedings be approved and accept-
ed as printed. Seconded by Council-
man Melchior. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent—Councilman Rooney.
Councilman Brede moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Clerk.
Adopted , 1921.
Approved , 1921.
City Clerk.
Special Session,
Special Session, November 1st, 1921.
Meeting called by order of Mayor
Alderson and Councilman Brede.
Council met at 4:30 p. m.
Mayor Alderson in the chair.
Present — City Manager Carr,
Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Ga-
briel and Rooney.
Absent — Councilmen Brede and
Mayor Alderson read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the purpose of levying
special assessments to pay for the
improvement of Eleventh Street from
Clay Street to the railroad tracks be-
tween Elm and Pine Streets, and
Dodge Street from Bluff Street to
South Dodge Street and acting on
any other business that may come
before the meeting.
Notice, certified to by the pub-
lisher, of the City Council's inten-
tion to levy a special assessment to
,pay for improving of Dodge Street
from the west property line of Bluff
Street to the west property line of
South Dodge Street, presented.
There being 110 remonstrance,
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
notice be receive dand filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Rooney. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilmen Brede and
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That to pay
for improving Dodge Street from the
west property line of Bluff Street to
the west property line of South
Dodge Street, by James Saul, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situated and
owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
W. C. Whelan, City Lot 598A,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$79.82; interest at 6 per
cent, 69c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $2.66; total $ 83.17
W. C. Whelan, Sub. 3, City
Lot 598, Lot 1, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $51.50; interest
at 6 per cent, 45c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$1.72; total 53.67
W. C. Whelan, Sub. 2 and 2
of 3, City Lot 598, Lot 1,
asphaltic macadam, $18.03;
November 1st, 1921 297
interest at 6 per cent, 16c;
extra expense at .33378 per
cent, 60c; total 18.79
W. C. Whelan, Sub. 2 and 2
of 3, City Lot 598, Lot 2,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$15.77; interest at 6 per
cent, 76c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, 53c; total 16.44
Clancy Transfer Co., Sub. 2
and 2 of 3, City Lot 598, Lot
3, asphaltic macadamizing,
$88.10; interest at 6 per
cent, 76c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $2.94; total 91.80
Matt Clancy Est., Sub. 2 and
2 of 3, City Lot 598, Lot
4, asphaltic macadamizing,
$24.87; interest at 6 per
cent, 22c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, 83c; total 25.92
Marg. Larkin, Sub. 1, City
Lot 598, Lot 2, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $25.98; interest
at 6 per cent, 23c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
87c; total 4 4 4 27.08
Mabel Correll, Sub. 1, City
Lot 598, S. 1/2 Lot 1, as-
phaltic macadamizing, $20.48;
interest at 6 per cent, 17e;
extra expense at .33378 per
cent, 68c; total 21.33
Lewis Harker, Sub. 1, . City
Lot 598, N. 1 /2 Lot 1, asphalt-
ic macadamizing, $18.57; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 19c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, 62c; total 19.38
Edna O. Voelker, City Lot
599A, asphaltic macadamiz
ing, $32.74; interest at 6 per
cent, 29c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent; $1.09; total 34.12
Edna O. Voelker, City Lot 599,
Lot 2, asphaltic macadamiz
ing, $3.54; interest at 6 per
cent, 3c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, 12c; total 3.69
Clancy Transfer Co., Sub. 1,
City Lot 598, Lot 3, asphalt-
ic macadamizing, $5.89; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 5c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, 20c; total 6.14
Chas. Clancy, Sub. 4, City Lot
598, Lot 1, asphaltic macad-
amizing, $44.25; interest at
6 per cent, 38c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$1.48; total 46.11
Chas. Clancy, Sub. 5, City Lot
598, Lot 1, asphaltic macad-
amizing, $44.25; interest at
6 per cent, 38o; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$1.48; total 46.11
Clancy Transfer Co., Sub. 4,
City Lot 598, Lot 2, asphalt -
is macadamizing, $11.52; in-
terest at 6 per cent 10c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
298 Special Session,
cent, 38c; total 12.00
Clancy Transfer Co., Sub. 5,
City Lot 598, Lot 6, asphalt-
ic macadamizing, $11.27; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 10c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, 38c; total 11.75
Marg. and Frank Fortsch, City
Lot 598, Lot 6, asphaltic
macadamizing, $55.13; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 48c; extra
expense at .33378 per cent,
$1.84; total 57.45
Voelker Realty Co., City Lot
598, Lot 7, asphaltic macad-
amizing, $54.71; interest at
6 per cent, 48c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$1.83; total 57.02
Patrick McDonald, City Lot
598, E. % Lot 8, asphaltic
macadamizing, $72.97; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 64c;
extra expense at .33378 per
cent, $2.44; total 76.05
Peter McDonald, City Lot 598,
W. % Lot 8, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $72.03; interest
at 6 per cent, 62c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$2.40; total 75.05
Archdiocese of Dubuque, City
Lot 598, Lot 9, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $7.17; interest
at 6 per cent, 7c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
24c; total 7.42
Archdiocese of Dubuque, City
Lot 694, Lot 2, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $11.49; interest
at 6 per cent, 10c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
38c; total 11.97
Marg. McCarron, City Lot 694,
E. 23 ft. 8 in. Lot 3, asphalt-
ic macadamizing, $41.11; in
terest at 6 per cent, 36c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, $1.37; total 42.84
Sarah Linehan, City Lot 694,
W. 27 ft. Lot 3, asphaltic
macadamizing, $46.00; in-
terest at 6 per cent; 40c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, $1.54; total 47.94
Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co ,
Sub. 1, City Lot 694, Lot 1,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$137.75; interest at 6 per
cent, 20c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $4.60; total 143.55
Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co ,
City Lot 697, Lot 1, asphalt-
ic macadamizing, $554.37;
Interest at 6 per cent, 80c;
extra expense at .33378 per
cent, $18.50; total 577.67
Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co.,
City Lot 726, E. 231 ft. Lot
1, asphaltic macadamizing,
$521.81; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.52; extra expense
November 1st, 1921
at .33378 per cent, $17.42;
total 543.75
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Sub
1, City Lot 694, Lot 2,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$3.89; interest at 6 per
cent, 3c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, 13c; total 4.05
Archdioces of Dubuque, City
Lot 697, Lot 2, asphaltic
macadamizing, $7.22; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 7c; extra
expense at .33378 per cent,
24c; total 7.53
Archdiocese of Dubuque, City
Lot 726, Lot 2, asphaltic
macadamizing, $7.22; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 7c; extra
expense at .33378 per cent,
24c; total 7.53
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Sub
1, City Lot 725, Lot 2, as-
phaltic macadamizing, $6.57;
interest at 6 per cent, 7c;
extra expense at .33378 per
cent, 22c; total 6.86
Voelker Realty Co., City Lot
726, W. 14 ft. 5 in. Lot 1,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$32.74; interest at 6 per
cent, 29c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.09; total 34.12
Voelker Realty Co., Sub. 1 of
1, City Lot 725, E. 10 ft. 5
in. Lot 2, asphaltic macad-
amizing, $23.72; interest at
6 per cent, 21c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
79c; total 24.72
Voelker Realty Co., Sub. 1 of
1, City Lot 725, W. 25 ft. Lot
2, asphaltic macadamizing,
$75.06; interest at 6 per
cent, 66c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $2.51; total 78.23
Realty Inv. Corp., Sub. 1 of E.
130 ft. of Lot 1 of 1 of 1,
City Lot 725, Lot 1, asphalt-
ic macadamizing, $77f120;
interest at 6 per cent, 67c;
extra expense at .33378 per
cent, $2.58; total 80.45
F. Voellinger, Sub. 1 of E. 130
ft. of Lot 1 of 1 of 1, City
Lot 725, Lot 2, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $82.51; interest
at 6 per cent, 71c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$2.75; total 85.97
V. Voellinger, Sub. 1 of E. 130
ft. of Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of City
Lot 725, E. 10 ft. Lot 2,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$21.11; interest at 6 per
cent, 19c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, 70c; total 22.00
Home Building Co., Cub. 1 of
E. 130 ft. of Lot 1 of 1 of1 of
City Lot 725, W. 40 ft. Lot
2, asphaltic macadamizing,
$86.58; interest at 6 per
cent, 76c; extra expense at
Special Session, November
.33378 per cent, $2.89; total... 90.23
Voelker Realty Co., Sub. 1 of
1 of City Lot 725, W. 30 ft.
Lot 1, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing, $66.16; interest at 6 per
cent, 57c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $2.21; total 68.94
Voelker Realty Co., Sub. 1 of
City Lot 731, Lot 1, asphalt-
ic macadamizing, $176.98;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.54; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $5.91; total... 184.43
St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital,
Sub. 1 of City Lo t731, Lot
2, asphaltic macadamizing,
$372.40; interest at 6 per
cent, $3.31; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $12.96;
total 398.47
St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital,
Sub. Min. Lot 66, Lot 2,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$1,719.90; interest at 6 per
cent, $14.91; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $57.41;
total 1792.22
W. A. McClain, Sub. 1 of Min
Lot 67, Und. 4 Lot 1,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$673.11; interest at 6 per
cent, $5.84; extra expense
at.33378 per cent, $22.47; to-
tal 701.42
N. and L. McClain, Sub. 1 of
Min. Lot 67, Und. % Lot 1,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$673.11; interest at 6 per
cent, $5.84; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $22.47;
total 701.42
James Walsh Est., Newman,
Cooper and Smyth's Sub.
Lot 1, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing $58.76; interest at5 per
cent, 52c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.96; total 61.24
Frank Hynes, Newman, Coop-
er and Smyth's Sub., Lot 2,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$53.10; interest at 6 per
cent, 45c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.77; total 55.32
Frank Hynes, Newman, Coop-
er and Smyth's Sub., Lot 3,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$33.10; interest at 6 per
cent, 45c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.77; total 55.32
Realty Inv. Corp., Newman,
Cooper and Smyth's Sub.,
Lot 4, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing, $53.10; interest at6 per
cent, 45c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.77; total 55.32
Roy Tierney, Newman, Coop-
er and Smyth's Sub., Lot 5
asphaltic macadam izing,
$53.10; interest at 6 per
cent, 45c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.77; total 55.32
John P. Cosgrove, Newman,
1st, 1921 299
Cooper and Smyth's Sub.,
Lot 6, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing, $53.10; interest at 6 per
cent, 45c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.77; total 55.32
John Williams, Newman, Coop-
er and Syth's Sub., Lot 7,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$53.10; interest at 6 per
cent, 45c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.77; total 55.32
M. Ahearn Est., Newman,
Cooper and Smyth's Sub.,
Lot 8, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $53.10; interest at 6
per cent, 45c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $1.77; to-
tal 55.32
M. Ahearn Est., Newman,
Cooper and Smyth's Sub.,
Lot 9, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $53.10; interest at 6
per cent, 45c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $1.77; to-
tal 55.32
Genevieve F. Morgan, New-
man, Cooper and Smyth's
Sub., Lot 10, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $53.10; interest
at 6 per cent, 45c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$1.77; total 55.32
Bridget Rudd, Newma n,
Cooper and Smyth's Sub,
Lot 11, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $53.10; interest at 6
per cent, 45c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $1.77; to-
tal 55.32.
Bridget Rudd, Newma n,
Cooper and Smyth's Sub.
E. % Lot 12, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $26.55; interest
at 6 per cent, 24c; extra -
expense at .33378 per cent,
89c; total 27.68
Bernice Hayes, N e w m a n,
Cooper and Smyth's Sub.
W. % Lot 12, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $26.55; interest
at 6 per cent, 24c; extra -
expense at .33378 per cent,
89c; total 27.68
Bernice Hayes, Newman
Cooper and Smyth's Sub.,
Lot 13, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $53.10; interest at 6
per cent, 45c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $1.77; to-
tal 55.32
Catherine Doyle, City Lot
14, asphaltic macadamizing,
$53.10; interest at 6 per
cent, 45c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.77; total 55.32
James Walsh Est., Newman,
Cooper and Smyth's Sub.,
Lot 15, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $10.65; interest at 6
per cent, 10c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, 36c; total 11.11
City of Dubuque, City Lot,
300 Special Session, November 1st, 1921
S. 2 -3 Lot 695, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, 122.19; interest
at 6 per cent, $1.06; etxra
expense at .33378 per cent,
4.08; total 127.33
Felix Gunn, Smyth's Sub., Lot
1, asphatli macadamizing,
$53.10; interest at 6 per
cent, 45c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.77; total 55.32
Felix Gunn, Smyth's Sub., E.
1/2 Lot 2, asphaltic macad-
amizing, $27.88; interest at
6 per cent, 24c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
93c; total 29.05
G. H. Raterman, Smyth's Sub.,
W. 1 / 2 Lot 2, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $27.88, interest
at 6 per cent, 24c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
93c; total 29.05
G. H. Raterman, Smyht's Sub.,
Lot 3, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing, $55.75; interest at 6 per
cent, 49c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.86; total 58.10
A. A. Cooper, Inc., Lot 4,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$41.15; interest at 6 per
cent, 36c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.37; total 42.88
Rose Raterman, Sub. B,
Cooper's Sub., E. 50 ft.
Lot 1, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing, $101.77; interest at 6
per cent, 89c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $3.40; to-
tal 106.06
Mary A. Moyer, Sub. B.,
Cooper's Sub., W. 53.8 ft.
Lot 1, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing, $109.20; interest at 6
per cent, 95c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $3.64; to-
tal 113.79
A. A. Cooper, Inc., Sub. B,
Cooper's Sub., Lot 2, asphalt- '
is macadamizing, $9.03; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 8c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, 30c; total 9.41
Geo. Marshall, Sub. C, Coop-
er's Sub., Lot 1, asphaltic
cadamizing, $53.10; interest
at 6 per cent, 45c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$1.77; total 55.32
Geo. Marshall, Sub. C, Coop-
er's Sub., Lot 2, asphaltic
macadamizing, $172.28; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.49;
extra expense at .33378 per
cent, $5.75; total 179.52
J. J. Lynn, N. 150 ft. Sub. D,
Cooper's Sub., Lot 1, as-
phaltic macadamizing,
$79.82; interest at 6 per
cent, 69c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $2.66; total 83.17
T. H. McQuillen, Sub. 2, N
150 ft. Sub. D, Cooper's Sub ,
Lot 1, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $79.82; interest at 6
per cent, 69c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $2.66; to-
Cath. Schroeder, Sub, 2, N. 150
ft. Sub. D, Lot 2, asphaltic
macadamizing, $79.82; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 69c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, $2.66; total
Eliz. Pier, Sub. D, Cooper's
Sub., Lot 3, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $10.53; interest
at 6 per cent, 10c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
35c; total
D. J. Sullivan, Sub. C, Lot
730, and Lot 1, Union Add.,
Lot 15, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $59.64; interest at 6
per cent, 51c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$1.99; total
D. J. Sullivan, Sub. City Lot
730 and Lot 1, Union Add.,
Lot 14, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $59.02; interest at 6
per cent, 51c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $1.97; to-
Lester Ferro, Sub. City Lot
730 and Lot 1, Union Add.,
W. 3 in. Lot 14, asphaltic
macadamizing, 62c; interest
at 6 per cent, lc; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent, 2c;
Lester Ferro, Sub. City Lot
730 and Lot 1, Union Add.
Lot 13, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $59.64; interest at 6
per cent, 51c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $1.99; to-
Wm. Hippman, Sub. City Lot
730 and Lot 1, Union Add.,
Lot 12, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $59.64; interest at 6
per cent, 51c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $1.99; to-
' Home Bldg. Co., Sub. City Lot
730 and Lot 1, Union Add.,
Lot 11, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $60.18; interest at 6
per cent, 51c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $2.01; to-
D. G. Hogan, Sub. City Lot
730 and Lot 1, Union Add.,
Lot 10, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $60.18; interest at 6
per cent, 51c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $2.01; to-
Maurice Hennessey, Sub. City
Lot 730 and Lot 1, Union
Add., Lot 9, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $60.18; interest
at 6 per cent, 51c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$2.01; total 62.70
Allen A. Coughlin, Sub. City
Lot 730 and Lot 1, Union.
Add., Lot 8, asphaltic ma-
83.17 cadamizing, $61.95; asphal-
ic macadamizing, $61.95; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 54c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, $2.07; total 64.56
Maria A. Delaney, Sub. City
83.17 Lot 730 and Lot 1, Union
Add., Lot 7, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $61.95; interest
at 6 per cent, 54c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$2.07; total 64.56
10.98 Bridget Dougherty, Sub. City
Lot 730 and Lot 1, Union
Add., Lot 6, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $61.95; interest
at 6 per cent, 54c; extra
expense at .33378 per cent,
$2.07; total 64.56
62.14 ,rank McLaughlin, Sub. City
Lot 730 • and Lot 1, Union
Add., Lot 5, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $85.13; interest
at 6 per cent, 74c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
2.84; total 88,71
61.50 Frank McLaughlin, Sub. City
Lot 730 and Lot 1, Union
Add., Lot 4, asphaltic ma-
cadam, $29.03; interest at 6
per cent, 26c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, 97c; total 30.26
James Callaghan, Sub. City
.65 Lot 730 and Lot 1, Union
Add., Lot 3, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $29.03; interest
at 6 per cent, 26c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
97c; total 30.26
James Callaghan, Sub. City
62.14 Lot 730 and Lot 1, Union
Add., Lot 2, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $29.03; interest
at 6 per cent, 26c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
97c; total 30.26
James Callaghan, Sub. 1, City
62.14 Lot 730, and Lot 1, Union
Add., Lot 1, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $28.32, asphaltic
macadamizing, $23.32; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 24c; extra
expense at .33378 per cent,
95c; total 29.51
62.70 Frank McLaughlin, Sub. 1,
City Lot 730, and Lot 1,
Union Add., Lot 2, asphalt-
ic macadamizing, $19.11; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 17c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, 64c; total 19.92
62.70 Francis Baule, Sub. 5 of 17,
City Lot 730, and Lot 1,
Union Add., Lot 1, asphaltic
macadamizing, $45.98; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 40c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, $1.53; total 47.91
Special Session, November 1st, 1921 301
Charlotte Lewis, Sub. 5 of 17,
City Lot 730, and Lot 1,
Union Add., Lot 2, asphaltic
macadamizing, $10.28; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 9c; extra
expense at .33378 per cent,
34c; total 10.71
Charlotte Lewis, Sub. 17, City
Lot 730, and Lot 1, Union
Add., Lot 4, asphaltic mac-
adamizing, $10.28; interest
at 6 per cent, 9c; extra ex-
pense at .3378 per cent, 34c;
total 10.71
Charlotte Lewis, Sub. 17, City
Lot 730, and Lot 1, Union
Add., Lot 3, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $10.28; interest
at 6 per cent, 9c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
34c; total 10.71
0. A. Lewis, Sub. 17, City Lot
730, and Lot 1, Union Add.,
Lot 2, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $10.28; interest at 6
per cent, 9c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, 34c; total 10.71
0. A. Lewis, Sub. 17, City Lot
730, and Lot 1, Union Add.,
Lot 1, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing, $12.28; interest at 6 per
cent, 9c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, 34c; total 10.71
0. A. Lewis, Sub. 17, City Lot
730, and Lot 1, Union Add.,
Lot 16, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $13.73; interest at . 6
per cent, 12c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, 46c; total 14.31
Frank McLaughlin, Union Add.,
Lot 2, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $128.01; interest at 6
per cent, 11c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $4.27; to-
tal 133.39
Frank McLaughlin, Union Add ,
Lot 3, asphaltic macadamiz-
izing, $128.01; interest at 6
per cent, 11c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $4.27; to-
tal 133.39
Frank McLaughlin, Union Add ,
E. 1 / 2 Lot 4, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $64.02; interest
at 6 per cent, 55c; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$2.14; total 66.71
Pat. Enright Est., Union Add.,
W. 1 / 2 Lot 4, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $64.00; asphalt-
ic macadamizing, $64.00; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 55c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per.
cent, $2.14; total 66.69
W. G. Meredith, Union Add.,
Lot 5, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing, $188.00; interest at 6
per cent, $1.11; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$4.27; total 133.38
Arthur McGuinness, Union
Add., Lot 6, asphaltic ma-
302 Special Session, November 1st, 1921
cadamizing, 125.73; interest
at 6 per cent, 1.10; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$4.20; total 131.03
Pat. Enright Est., Union. Add.,
Lot 7, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing, $121.73; interest at 6
per cent, 89c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $4.06; to-
tal 126.68
Pat. Enright Est., Union Add.,
Lot 8, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing, $224.14; interest at 6
per cent, $1.94; extra ex-
pense at .33378 per cent,
$7.48; total 233.56
Pat Enright Est., Sub. 9,
Union Add., Lot 4, asphaltic
macadamizing, $39.96; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 35c; extra
expense at .33378 per cent,
$1.33; total 41.64
Bertram Scheller, Sub. 9,
Union Add., Lot 3, asphaltic
macadamizing, $79.70; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 69c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, $2.66; total 83.05
Voelker Realty Co., Sub. 9,
Union Add., Lot 2, asphaltic
macadamizing, $135.91; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.18;
extra expense at .33378 per
cent, $4.54; total 141.63
Bertram Scheller, Sub. 9,
Union Add., Lot 1, asphaltic
macadamizing, $28.71; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 26c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, 96c 29.93
Mary Ronan, Union Add., Lot
27, asphaltic macadamizing,
32c; extra expense at .33378
per cent, lc; total .33
R. B. Grimes, Union Add., Lot
26, asphaltic macadamizing,
$2.58; interest at 6 per
cent, 3c; extra expense at
at .33378 per cent, 9c; total 2.70
Ellen Joyce, Union Add., Lot
25, asphaltic macadamizing,
$6.81; interest at 6 per
cent, 7c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, 23c; total 7.11
Wm. Larkin, Union Add., Lot
24, asphaltic macadamizing,
$12.76; interest at 6 per
cent, 12c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, 43c; total 13.31
Wm. Larkin, Union Add., Lot
23, asphaltic macadamizing,
$2.29; interest at 6 per
cent, 2c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, 3c; total 2.39
Cath. Fitzpatrick, Union Add
Lot 22, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $2.29; interest at 6
per cent, 2c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, 8c; total 2.39
Ludwig Grassel, Union Add.,
Lot 21, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $2.29; interest at 6
per cent, 2c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, 8c; total 2.39
Ludwig Grassel, Union Add.,
Lot 20, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $2.29; interest at 6
per cent, 2c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, 8c; total 2.39
Ludwig Grassel, Union Add.,
Lot 19, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $2.29; interest at 6
per cent, 2c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, 8c; total
Ludwig Grassel, Union Add.,
Lot 18, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $2.29; interest at 6
per cent, 2c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, 8c; total 2.39
Ludwig Grassel, Union Add.,
Lot 17, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $2.29; interest at 6
per cent, 2c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, 8c; total 2.39
John Gregory, Union Add.,
Lot 16, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $1.73; interest at 6
per cent, 2c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, 6c; total 1.81
Ludwig Grassel, Union Add.,
Lot 10, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $49.06; interest at 6
per cent, 43c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $1.64; to-
tal N 51.13
A. L. Rhomberg, Union Add ,
Lot 11, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $44.39; interest at 6
per cent, 38c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $1.48; to-
tal ..... 46.25
Helen McCann, Union Add.,
Lot 12, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $66.48; interest at 6
per cent. 57c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $2.22; to-
tal 69.27
Patrick McCann, Union Add ,
Lot 13, asphaltic macadam-
izing, $99.50; interest at 6
per cent, 86c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $3.32; to-
tal 103.68
Patrick McCann, Union Add ,
E. 40 ft. Lot 14, asphaltic
macadamizing, $84.03; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 73c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, $2.80; total 87.56
Voelker Realty Co., Union
Add., W. 22 ft. Lot 14, as-
phaltic macadamizing,
$46.23; interest at 6 per
cent, 40c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.54; total 48.17
R. and W. W. Bonson, Union
Add., W. 22 ft. Lot 14,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$180.67; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.58; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, $6.03;
total 188.28
Philip Ryder, Sub. 14 and 15,
Bush's Sub., Lot 5, asphalt-
Special Session,
is macadamizing, $59.24; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 51c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, $1.98; total 61.73
A. C. Ripley, Sub. 14 and 15,
Bush's Sub., Lot 4, asphal-
ic macadamizing, $25.24; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 22c;
extra expense at .33378 per
cent, 84c; total 26.30
Ann McQuade Est., Sub. 14
and 15, Bush's Sub., E 80
ft. Lot 9, asphaltic macad-
amizing, $7.27; interest at 6
per cent, 7c; extra expense
at .33378 per cent, 24c; total 7.58
A. L. Rhomberg, Sub. 14 and
15, Bush's Sub., Lot 3,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$60.64; interest at 6 per
cent, 53c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $2.02; total 63.19
N. and L. McClain, Sub. 14 and
15, Bush's Sub., Lot 2,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$73.64; interest at 6 per
cent, 64c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $2.46; total 76.74
N. and L. McClain, Sub. 14 and
16, Bush's Sub., Lot 1,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$106.86; interest at 6 per
cent, 94c; extra expense at
33378 per cent, $3.57; total 111.37
Terrence O'Toole, Sub. 14 and
15, N. 53 ft. Lot 10, esphaltic
macadamizing, $13.01; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 12c; ex-
tra expense at .33378 per
cent, 43c; ; total 13.56
Marg. Ryan, Sub. 14 and 15,
S. 161 ft. Lot 10, $33.41; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 29c; ex-
tra expense at .33378; $1.12;
total 34.82
Dedie Tibey, Sub. 1 of Min
Lot 63, Lot 1, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, $670.25; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $5.81; ex-
tra expense at .33378;
$22.37; total 698.43
City of Dubuque, macadamiz-
ing, $512.73; interest at 6
per cent, $4.45; extra ex-
pense at .33378, $17.11;
total 534.29
W. A. McClain, Sub. 1 of Min
Lot 67, Und. 1 /2 Lot 1, as-
phaltic macadamizing,
$62.66; interest at 6 per
cent, 55c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $2.09; total 65.30
N, and L. McClain, Sub. 1 of
Min. Lot 67, Und. 1 ,2 Lot. 1,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$62.66; interest at 6 per
cent, 55c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $2.09; total 65.30
W. A. McClain, Byrnes' Sub.,
November 1st, 1921 303
Lot 2, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing, $57.66; interest at 6 per
cent, 50c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $1.92; total 60.08
Eliz. Byrnes, Byrnes' Sub.,
Lot 1, asphaltic macadamiz-
ing, $29.46; interest et 6 per
cent, 26c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, 98c; total 30.70
Eliz. Byrnes, Bonson and
Stewart's Sub., Lot 19,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$22.75; interest at 6 per
cent, 20c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, 76c; total 23.71
Eliz. Byrnes, Bonson and
Stewart's Sub., Lot 18,
asphaltic macadam izing,
$15.01; interest at 6 per
cent, 14c; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, 51c; total 15.66
Eliz. Byrnes, Bonson and
Stewart's Sub., Lot 20, as-
phaltic macadamizing, 7c;
total .07
City of Dubuque, asphaltic ma-
cadamizing, 56c; extra ex-
pense at .3378 per cent, 3c; ,
total .59
Dubuque Electric Co., asphalt-
ic macadamizing, $3,058.71;
interest at 6 per cent,
$26.52; extra expense at
.33378 per cent, $102.09; to-
tal 3187.32
9711.79 square yards as-
phaltic macadam outside
car tracks at $1.29 per
square yard $12,528.21
2371.1 square yards asphalt-
ic macadam inside car
tracks and one foot out-
side at $1.29 per square
yard 3,058.71
114.5 lineal feet new cement
curb at 60c per lineal foot 68.70
Interest at 6 per cent 135.69
Extra expense at .33378 per
cent 522.55
All of which is assesed in propor-
tison to the special benefits con-
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the reolution. Seconded
bys Councilman Rooney. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilmen Brede and
Councilman Melchior entered and
took his seat at 4:40 p. m.
Adopted November 1st, 1921.
304 Special Session, November 1st, 1921
Approved November 1st, 1921.
City Clerk.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Dodge Street,
hereinafter described, has been com-
pleted, and the City Engineer has
computed the cost and expense of
said improvement, amounting to
Therefore, be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
that to provide for the cost of im-
proving Dodge Street from the west
property line of Bluff Street to the
west property line of South Dodge
Street, there be issued Improvement
,Bands to the amount of $16,313.86.
,Said bonds shall be issued under the
provisions of Chapter 8, Title V, of
the Code of Iowa and the amend-
ments thereto, shall bear date as of
the 1st day of December, A. D. 1921,
shall be in the denominations of
$200.00 each, except that there shall
be one bond to the amount of
$113.86; they shall be numbered,from
6885 to 6966 inclusive, and shall be
divided into seven series, of which
the bonds numbered 6885 to 6895
shall constitute the first series; and
shall be payable on the first day fo
,April, A. D. 1922; the bonds num-
bered 6896 to 6906 shall constitute
the second series and shall be pay-
able on the first day of April, A. D.
1923; the bonds numbered 6907 to
6918 shall constitute the third series
and shall be payable on the first day
of April, A. D. 1924; the bonds num-
bered 6919 to 6930 shall constitute
the fourth series and shall be pay-
able on the first day of April, A..D.
1925; the bonds numbered 6931 to
6942 shall constitute the fifth series
and shall be payable on the first day
of April, A. D. 1926; the bonds num-
bered 6943 to 6954 shall constitute
the sixt hseries and shall be payable
on the first day of April, A. D. 1927;
and the bonds numbered 6955 to
l966 shall constitute the seventh
series and shall be payable on the
first day of Aprli, A. D. 1928.
Said bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of five per cent per annum,
which interest shall be payable semi-
annually, in accordance with the
terms of the coupons thereto at-
tached; and said bonds shall be pay-
able out of the proceeds of the spec-
ial assassment levied for said im-
provement. Both principal and in-
terest shall be payable at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque. Said bonds shall be sub-
stantially in the following form:
No. $200.00
Series No.
The City of Dubuque, in the State
of Iowa, promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned, to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of April, A. D.
19 , or at any time before that
date, at the option of City, the sum
interest thereon at the rate of five
per cent per annum, payable on the
presentation and surrender of the
interest coupons hereto attached.
Both principal and interest are pay-
able at the office of the City Treas-
urer, in the City of Dubuque, in the
State of Iowa. This bond is issued
by the City of Dubuque persuant to
and by virtue of Chapter 8, Title V,
of the Code of Iowa and amend-
ments thereto, and in accordance
with a resolution of the City Council
of said City, duly passed on the 1st
day of November, A. D. 1921. This
bond is one of a series of Eighty -
two bonds, Eighty -one for Two Hun-
dred Dollars each, numbered from
6885 to 6965, both inclusive, and one
bond for One Hundred Thirteen and
86 -100 Dollars, numbered 6966, all of
like tenor and date, and issued for
the purpose of defraying the cost of
improving Dodge Street from the
west property line of Bluff Street to
the west property line of South
Dodge Street, in the City of Du-
buque, and described in said reso-
lution; which cost is assessable and
levied along said improvement, and
is made by law a lien on all abut-
ting or adjacent property, and pay-
able in seven annual installments,
with interest on all deferred pay-
ments at the rate of five per cent
per annum, and this bond is payable
only out of the money derived from
the collection of said special tax,
and said money can be used for no
other purpose.
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts and condition
and things required to be done prece-
dent to and in the issuing of this
series of bonds have been done, hap-
pened and performed in regular and
due form, as required by said law
and resolution; and for the assess-
ments, collections and payment here-
on of said special tax, the faith and
diligence of said City of Dubuque are
hereby irrevocably pledged.
In witness whereof, the City of
Dubuque, by its City Council, has
caused this bond to be signed by its
Mayor and countersigned by its City
Clerk, with the seal of said City af-
Countersigned :
;fixed this 1st day of December, A. D.
Special Session, November 1st, 1921
(Seal) City Clerk.
On the day of
A. D. 19 , the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer,
as provided in the bond, the sum
of Dollars, at the
office of the City Treasurer, in the
City of Dubuque, 'being
months' interest due that day on its
Improvement Bond No.
dated December 20th, 1921.
City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared and when so
prepared to execute said bonds; and
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to register said
bonds in a book to be kept by him
for that purpose, and to then deliver
them to the City Treasurer, who will
also register them in a book to be
kept by him for that purpose.
Bt it further resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
instructed to sell said bonds in the
manner provided for in Section 845
of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds
of said sale to be kept in a special
fund to be known as Improvement
Adopted November 1st, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Rooney. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Notice, certified to by the publish-
er, of the City Council's intention to
levy a special assessment for the im-
provement of Eleventh Street from
the east property line of Clay Street
to the railroad tracks in the alley
between Elm and Pine Streets, pre-
sented. There being no remon-
strance, Councilman Gabriel moved
that the notice be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Rooney.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That to pay
for improving Eleventh Street from
the east property line of Clay Street
to the railroad tracks in the alley
between Elm Street and Pine Street,
by Jas. F. Lee, contractor, in front
of and adjoining the same, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of Real estate hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Owner. Description. Amount.
Hawkeye Casket Co., E. M.
1/4 City Lot 500, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$1,370.31; interest at 6 per
cent, $11.88; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $41.59;
total $1,423.78
Mrs. Barbara Sanner, S. 1/5
of W. M. 1/4 City Lot 500,
bitulithic curb and gutter,
cost, $914.95; interest at 6
per cent, $7.92; extra ex-
pense at .303523 per cent,
$27.77; total 950.64
Louis Nipp, S. 26 ft. of S. M
1/5 of W. M. 1/4 City Lot
500, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $200.07; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $1.73; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $6.07; total 207.87
Ed. Muntz, N. 24 ft. of S. M
1/5 of W. M. 1/4 City Lot
500, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $137.74; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $1.20; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $4.18; total 143.12
Val. Schuster, M. 1/5 of W
M. 1/4 City Lot 500, bitu-
lithic curb and gutter,
cost, $117.55; interest at 6
per cent, $1.02; extra ex-
pense at .303523 per cent,
$3.57; total 122.14
Chas. W. Bradley, S. 1/2 of
Lot 1 of W. 1/4 City Lot
500, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $737.95; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $6.40; ex-
pense at .303523 per cent,
$$22.40; total 766.75
G. F. Kaufman, N. 1/2 of
Lot 1 of W. 1/4 City Lot
500, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $329.08; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $2.86; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $9.99; total 341.93
Chas. M. Eichorn, of W. 1/4
of City Lot 500, Lot 2, bitu-
lithic curb and gutter, cost,
306 Special Session, November 1st, 1921
$192.21; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.67; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $5.83;
total 199.71
Geo. Wimmer Est., of W. 1/4
of City Lot 500, Lot 3, bitu-
lithic curb and gutter, cost,
$111.07; interest at 6 per
cent, 97c; extra expense
at .303623 per cent, $3.37;
total 115.41
Dubuque Realty Co., S. 84 ft
10 in. City Lot 499, bitu-
lithic curb and gutter, cost,
$1,162.39; interest at 6 per
cent, $10.08; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $35.28;
total 1,207.75
Anton Steffen, N. 18 ft. S
M. 1/5 City Lot 499; bitu-
lithic curb and gutter, cost,
$99.10; interest at 6 per
cent, 86c; extra expense
at .303623 per cent, $3.01;
total 102.97
Anton Steffen, S. 22 ft
M. 1/5 City Lot 499; bitu-
lithic curb and gutter, cost,
$97.23; interest at 6 per
cent, 85c; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $2.95;
total 101.03
Anton Steffen, N. 29 ft. 3
in. of M. 1/5 City Lot 500,
bitulithic curb and gutter,
cost, $11.69; interest at 6
per cent, 10c; extra ex-
pense at .303523 per cent,
35c; total 12.04
Sam Block and Morris Jac -
oijs, S. 43 ft. 6 in. S. 1/5
City Lot 498, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$836.79; interest at 6 per
cent, $7.24; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $25.40;
total 869.43
Max Mandelovitz, N. 7 ft. 6
in. S. 1/5 City Lot 498, bi-
tulithic curb and gutter,
cost, $76.91; interest at 6
per cent, 66c; extra ex-
pense at .303523 per cent,
$2.33; total 79.90
Max Mandelovitz, S. 1/2 of
S. M. 1/5 City Lot 498;
bitulithic curb and gutter,
cost, $197.82; interest at 6
per cent, $1.72; extra ex-
pense at .303523 per cent,
$6.00; total 205.54
Max Mandelovitz, N. 1/2 of
S. M. 1/5 City Lot 498,
bitulithic curb and gutter,
cost, $147.22; interest at 6
per cent, $1.28; extra ex-
pense at .303523 per cent,
$4.47; total 152.97
Lewis Miller, S. 1/2 of M. 1/5
City Lot 498, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$111.56; interest at 6 per
cent, 97c; extra expense at
.303523 per cent, $3.39; to-
tal 115.92
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., City
Lot 497a, bitulithic curb
and gutter, cost, $1,259.74;
interest at 6 per cent,
$10.92; extra expense at
.303523 per cent, $38.24;
total 1,308.90
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., S
1/5 City Lot 497; bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$110.69; interest at 6 per
cent, 97c; extra' expense
at .303623 per cent, $3.36;
total 115.02
David Miller, S. 1/6 City
Lot 480, bitulithic curb and
gutter, $914.95; interest at
6 per cent, $7.92; extra ex-
pense at .303523 per cent,
$27.77; total 950.64
J. J. Griggs, S. M. 1/5 , City
Lot 480, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $344.29; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $2.98; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $10.45; total 357.72
M. Keck and L. Peat, 1V[. 1/5
City Lot 480, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$111.07; interest at 6 per
cent, 97c; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $3.37;
R. W. Quinlan, S. 1/2 of S
1/5 City Lot 479, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$606.56; interest at 6 per
cent, $5.26; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $18.42;
Eliz. Kopsa, N. 1/2 of S. 1/5
City Lot 479, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$308.39; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.67; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $9.36;
Mary Allen Est., S. M. 1/5
City Lot 479, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$344.29; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.98; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $10.45;
Eliz. Kopsa, S. 1/2 of M. 1/5
City Lot 479, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$111.07; interest at 6 per
cent, 97c; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $3.37;
J. and M. Wolfie, S. 32 ft. 4
in. of S. 66 ft. 4 in. of S.
2/5 C. Lot 446, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$704.04; interest at 6 per
cent, $6.10; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $21.37;
Special Session,
Thos. E. Delaney, N. 34 ft. of
S. 66 ft. 4 in. of S. 2/5 C.
Lot 446, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $336.69; inter-
est at 6 per cent,•$2.91; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $10.19; total 348.79
Mrs. Mary Ernsdorff, N. 36
ft. of S. 2/6 of City Lot
446, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $219.39; inter-
est at 6 per cent, - $1.90; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $6.66; total 227.95
Sarah E. Rice, S. 26.2 ft. of
M. 1/5 City Lot 446, bitu-
lithic curb and gutter, cost,
$111.19; interest at 6 per
cent, 97c; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $3.37;
total 115.53
C. A. Walter, City Lot 269,
bitulithic curb and gutter,
cost, $914.95; interest at 6
per cent, $7.92; extra ex-
pense at .303523 per cent,
$27.77; total 960.64
Christina Brede Est., City
Lot 270, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $344.29; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $2.98; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $10.45; total 357.72
John V. Rider, N. 28 ft. City
Lot 271, bitulithic curb and
115.41 gutter, cost, $111.07; inter-
est at 6' per cent, 97c; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $3.37; total 115.41
R. W. Quinlan, City Lot 338,
bitulithic curb and gutter,
cost, $914.95; interest at 6
630.23 per centfi $7.92; extra ex-
pense at .303523 per cent,
$27.77; total 950.64
Margaret Hilger, City Lot
337, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $344.29; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $2.98; ex-
320.42 tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $10.45; total 357.72
M. L. and J. E. Kemler, City
Lot 336, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $111.07; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 97c; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
357.72 cent, $3.37; total 115.41
R. W. Quinlan, City Lot
339, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $914.95; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $7.92; ex-
tra expense at .303623 per
cent, $27.77; total 950.64
115.41 Sophia Brown, City Lot 340,
bitulithic curb and gutter,
cost, $344.29; interest at 6
per cent, $2.98; extra ex-
pense at .303523 per cent,
$10.45; total
Jonathan Faust, City Lot
341, bitulithic curb and
731.51 gutter, cost, $111.07; inter-
November 1st, 1921 307
est at 6 per cent, 97c; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $3.37; total 115.41
J. H. Rhomberg, N. 1/2 City
Lot 388, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $606.56; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $6.25; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $18.42; total 630.23
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., S
1/2 City Lot 388, bituli-
thic curb and gutter, cost,
$308.39; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.67; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $9.36;
total 320.42
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., City
Lot 387, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $344.29; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $2.98;
extra expense at .303523
per cent, $10.43; total 357.72
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., City
Lot 386, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $111.07; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 97c; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $3.37; total 115.41
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co ,
City Lot 389, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$914,95; interest at 6 per
cent, $7.92; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $27.77;
total 950.64
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.,
City Lot 390, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$344.29; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.98; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $10.45;
total 357.72
L. A. Sanner, N. 1/2 City Lot
391, bitulithic curb and
gutter, cost, $111.07; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 97c; ex-
tra expense at .303523 per
cent, $3.37; total 115.41
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co ,
City Lot 429, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$914.95; interest at 6 per
cent, $7.92; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $27.77;
total 950.64
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co ,
City Lot 428, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$344.29; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.98; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $10.45;
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co ,
City Lot 427, bitulithic
curb and gutter, cost,
$111.07; interest at 6 per
cent, 97c; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $3,37;
total 115.41
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.,
City Lot 505, Lot 1, bitu-
lithic curb and gutter,
308 Special Session, November lst, 1921 - Special Session, November 1st, 1921 309
cost, $1,916.78; interest at
6 per cent, $16.61; extra
expense at .303523 per
cent, $58.18; total 1991.57
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.,
City Lot 505, Lot 2, bitu-
lithic curb and gutter,
cost, $1.097.95; interest at
6 per cent, $9.52; extra
expense at .303523 per
cent, $33.33; total 1140.79
C. G. W. Railway Co., E. 1/2
City Lot 505, Lot 3, bituli-
thic curb and gutter, cost,
$1,301.75; interest at 6 per
cent, $11.29; extra expense
at .303523 per cent, $39.51;
total 1,358.55
Total $25,841.69
5428.7 sq. yds. bitulithic
paving at $2.40 per sq.
yd. $13,028.88
684.5 sq. yds. brick gutter-
ing at $3.55 per sq. yd 2,429.98
1389.6 lin. ft. new cement
curb at 90c per lin. ft 1,250.64
515.3 lin. ft. reset curb at
30c per lin. ft. 154.59
310.19 tons binder at $16.50
per ton 5,118.14
963 cu. yds. crushed stone
at $3.00 per cu. yd. 2,889.00
Interest at 6 per cent 215.56
Extra expense at .303523
per cent 754.90
Total $25,841.69
All of which is assessed 111 propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted -Nov. 1, 1921.
Approved -Nov. 1, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Rooney moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilman Brede.
A Resolution
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Eleventh
Street, hereinafter described has
been completed and the City Engi-
neer has computed the cost and ex-
pense of said improvement amounts
to $25,841.69;
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
that to provide for the cost of im-
proving Eleventh Street, from the
east property line of Clay Street to
the railroad tracks in the alley be-
tween Elm Street and Pine Street,
there be issued Improvement Bonds
to the amount of $25,841.69. Said
Bonds shall be issued under the pro-
visions of Chapter 8, Title V of the
Code of Iowa and the amendments
thereto, shall bear date as of the lst
day of December, A. D., 1921, shall
be in the denominations of $300.00
each, except that there shall be one
bond to the amount of $341.69; they
shall be numbered from 6,967 to
7,052, inclusive, and shall be divided
into seven series, of which the bonds
numbered 6,967 to 6.978 shall consti-
tute the first series; and shall be
payable on the first day of April, A.
D., 1922; the bonds numbered 6,979
to 6.990, shall constitute the second
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D., 1923; the
bonds numbered 6,997 to 7,002, shall
constitute the third series and shall
be payable on the first day of April,
A. D., 1924; the bonds numbered
7,003 to 7,014 shall constitute the
fourth series and shall be payable on
the first day of April, A. D., 1925; the
bonds numbered 7,015 to 7.025 shall
constitute the fifth series and shall
be payable on the first day of April,
A. D., 1926; the bonds numbered
7,027 to 7,039 shall constitute the
sixth series and shall be payable on
the first day of April, A. D., 1927;
and the bonds numbered 7,040 to 7,-
052 shall constitute the seventh ser-
ies and shall be payable on. the first
day of April, A. D., 1928.
Said bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of five per cent per annum,
which interest shall be payable seini-
/annually, in accordance with the
(terms of the coupons thereto at-
tached; and said bonds shall be pay-
able out of the proceeds of the spec-
ial assessment levied for said im-
provement. Both principal and in-
terest shall be payable at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque. Said Bonds shall be sub-
stantially in the following form:
No $300.00
,.Series No.
The City of Dubuque, in the State
of Iowa, promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of April, A. D.,
19 , or at any time before that
Oate at the option of the City, the
sum of Three Hundred Dollars, with
interest thereon at the rate of five
per cent per annum, payable on the
presentation and surrender of the in-
terest coupons hereto attached. Both
principal and interest are payable at
the office of the City Treasurer in
the City of Dubuque, in the State of
Iowa. This bond is issued by the
City of Dubuque pursuant to and by
virtue of Chapter 8. TitleV, of the
Code of Iowa and amendments there-
to, and in accordance with a resolu-
tion of the City Council of said City,
duly passed on the lst day of No-
vember, A. D., 1921. This bond is
one of a series of Eighty -six bonds,
Eighty -five , for Three Hundred Dol-
lars each, numbered from 6,967 to
7,051, both inclusive, and one Bond
for Three Hundred Forty -One and
69 -100 Dollars, numbered 7,052, all of
like tenor and date, and issued for
the purpose of defraying the cost of
improving Eleventh Street from the
east property line of Clay Street to
the railroad tracks in the alley be-
tween Elm and Pine Streets, in the
City of Dubuque, and described in
said resolution; which cost is assess-
able and levied along said improve-
ment, and is made by law a li 'n 011
all abutting or adjacent property, and
payable in seven annual installments,
with interest on all deferred pay-
ments at the rate of five per cent per
annum, and this bond is payable only
out of the money derived from the
collection of said special tax, and
said money can be used for no other
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts and condition
and things required to be done pre-
cedent to and in the issuing of this
series of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened and performed in regular and
due form as required by said law and
resolution; and for the assessments,
collections and payment hereon of
said special tax, the faith and dili-
gence of said City of Dubuque are
hereby irrevocably pledged.
In witness whereof the City of Du-
buque by its City Council has caused
this bond to be signed by its May-
or and countersigned by its City
Clerk, with the seal of said City af-
fixed, this 1st day of December, A.
D., 1921.
(Seal) City Clerk.
On the day of
A. D., 19 , the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer,
as provided in the Bond, the sum of
Dollars, at the of-
fice of the City Treasurer in the City
of Dubuque, being months
interest due that day on its Improve-
ment Bond No...., dated December 20,
City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared and when so
prepared to execute said bonds; and
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to register said
bonds in a book to be kept by him
for that purpose, and to then deliver
them to the City Treasurer, who will
also registre them in a book to be
kept by him for that purpose.
Be it further resolved that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
instructed to sell said bonds in the
manner provided for in Section 845
of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds of
said sale to be kept in a special fund
to be known as Improvement Fund.
Adopted -Nov. 1, 1921.
Approved -
City Clerk.
Councilman Rooney moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchiar and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilman Brede.
Notice certified to by the publisher
of the City Council's intention to
levy a special assessment to pay for
installing sewer connection and fix-
tures on Lot 1 of Sub. B., Cooper's
Sub., west 53.8 feet, abutting on
Dodge street, presented, there being
no remonstrance. Councilman Gab-
riel moved that the notice be receiv-
ed and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Melchior. Carried by the follow•
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council.
men Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilman Brede.
Reolved by the City Councisl of
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for installing sewer connection and
fixtures on Lot 1, Sub. B, Cooper's
Sub., W. 53.8 feet, by Curtis & Co.,
contractors, in front of and adjoin.
ing the same, a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lot, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situated
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
Mary A. Moyer, Sub. B. Coop-
er's Sub., W. 53.8 ft. Lot 1,
installing sewer connections
and fixtures, $175.00; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $1.53; to- $176.53
All of which is assessed in propor-
310 Special Session, November 1st, 1921
tion to the speical benefits con-
Adopted November 1st, 1921.
Approved November 1st, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Melchior. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the installation of sewer connec-
tions and fixtures hereinafter de-
scribed has been completed and the
City Engineer has computed the cost
and expense of said improvement,
amounting to $176.53;
Therefore, be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
that to provide for the cost of in-
stalling sewer connections and fix-
tures on Lot 1, Sub. B, Cooper's Sub.,
W. 53.8 feet, abutting on Dodge
Street, there be issued sewer connec-
Ction bonds to the amount of $176.53.
Said bonds shall be issued under the
provisions of Chapter 8, Title V., of
the Code of Iowa and the amend-
ments thereto, shall bear date as of
the 1st day of December, A. D. 1921,
shall be i n the denomination of
$100.00, except that there shall be
one bond to the amount of $76.53;
they shall be numbered 7053 and
7054, and shall be divided into two
series, of which the bond numbered
7053 shall constitute the first series,
and shall be payable on the first day
of April, A. D. 1924; the bond, num-
bered 7054 shall constitute the sec-
ond series and shall be payable on
the first day of April, Q. D. 1928.
Said bonds shall beat• interest at
the rate of five per cent per annum,
which interest shall be payable semi-
annually, in accordance with the
terms of the coupons thereto at-
tached; and said bonds shall be pay-
able out of the proceeds of the
special asessment levied for said im-
provement. Both principal and in-
terest shall be payable at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque. Said bonds shall be sub-
stantially in the following form:
No. $100.00
Series No.
The City of Dubuque, in the State
of Iowa, promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned, to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of April, A. D.
19 , or at any time before that date,
at the option of City, the sum of
interest thereon at the rate of five
per cent per annum, payable on the
presentation and surrender of the
interest coupons hereto attached.
Both principal and interest are pay-
able at the office of the City Treas-
urer in the City of Dubuque, in the
State of Iowa. This bond is issued
by the City of Dubuque persuant to
and by virtue of Chapter 8, Title V.,
of the Code of Iowa and amendments
thereto, and in accordance with a
resolution of the City Council of said
City, duly passed on the 1st day of
November, A. D. 1921. This bond
is one of a series of two bonds, one
for One Hundred Dollars, numbered
7053, and one bond for Seventy -Six
and 53 -100 Dollars, numbered 7054,
all of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of defraying the cost
of installing sewer connections and
fixtures on Lot 1, Sub. B. Cooper's
Sub., W. 53.8 feet, abutting on Dodge
Street, in the City of Dubuque, and
described in said resolution; which
cost is assessable and levied along
said improvement, and is made by
law a lien on all abutting or adja-
cent property, and payable in seven
annual installments, with interest on
all deferred payments at the rate of
five per cent per annum, and this
bond is payable only out of the
money derived from the collection of
said special tax, and said money can
be used for no other purpose.
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts and condition
and things required to be done prece-
dent to and in the issuing of this
series of bonds have been done, hap-
pened and performed in regular and
due form, as required by said law
and resolution; and for the assess-
ments, collections and payment here-
on of said special tax, the faith and
diligence of said City of Dubuque are
hereby irrevocably pledged.
In witness whereof, the City of
Dubuque, by its City Council, has
caused this bond to be signed by its
Mayor and countersigned by its City'
Clerk, with the seal of said City af-
fixed, this 1st day of December, A. D.
(Seal) City Clerk.
On the day of
A. D. 19 , the City of Dubuque,
,Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer,
as provided in the bond, the sum
of Dollars, at the of-
fice of the City Treasurer, in the
Pty of Dubuque, being
months' interest due that day on its
improvement bond No.
dated December 20th, 1921.
Special Session, November 1st, 1921
City Clerk.
Be it further resolved, that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared, and when so
prepared, to execute said bonds, and
that the City Clerk be and he is here-
by instructed to register said bonds
in a book to be kept by him for that
purpose, and to then deliver them to
the City Treasurer, who will also
register them in a book to be kept
by him for that purpose.
Be it further resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
instructed to sell said bonds in the
manner provided for in Section 845
of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds
of said sale to be kept in a special
fund to be known as Sewer Connec-
tion Fund.
Adopted November 1st, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman. Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Melchior. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Petition of Maud Jacobs, asking
for an extension of time in which to
pay her taxes, also to have the
taxes reduced, presented.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the petition be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Pooney.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Petition of residents on Cora
street, asking that the name of said
street be changed to South Hill
str eet, presented.
Councilman Rooney moved that
the prayer of the petition be grant-
ed and the proper ordinance be
drawn. Seconded by Councilman
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Petition of Ocke Lorenzen, L. C.
Haak, J. H. Schiltz and about twenty -
eight other residents, asking that a
light be placed on the cross street
of Cora and Curtis street and the
light on Curtis street be moved to
Curtis and State streets, presented.
Councilman Rooney moved that the
petition be referred to City Manager
Carr, Seconded by Councilman Ga-
briel. Carried by following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Petition of Margaret Larkin:
To the Honorable City Manager and
City Council.
Gentlemen: — Margaret C. Larkin
being a widow of an honorably dis-
charged soldier of the War of the
Rebellion, is entitled to exemption
from taxation as provided by sta-
tute. Mrs. Larkin was the owner of
Lot 12 of 2 of City Lot 720 in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, and has al-
ways received a tax exemption on
sc.id property. Early in the year of
1920 this property was sold to Mar -
thr Eckler, and Mrs. Larkin became
the owner of Lot 1 of Dillon's Sub-
division. This property being assess-
ed to Henry C. Bechtel and by error
the property formerly owned by Mrs.
1.arkin is being carried as being sub -
jE Ct to an exemption, while Lot 1 of
Dillon's Sub. is still assessed to
Henry C. Bechtel, and Mrs. Larkin
has not received the exemption she
is entitled to for the year of 1920,
while Martha Eckler who was not
tntitled to an exemption is receiving
the exemption 011 her property. I
respectfully request your Honorable
Body to have the necessary correc-
tion made in order that the under-
signed may receive the exemption
that she is by statute entitled to.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman
Melchior. Carried by the following
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Brede.
Petition of the Dubuque Univer-
sity presented.
To His Honor, the Mayor, and City
Council of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: —I have received no-
tice from the County Treasurer call-
ing attention to a tax levied by the
City on Lot 28 of Reche's Sub. to
the City of Dubuque, Iowa. This
property is being used by the Uni-
versity and, according to my under-
standing, is therefore not subject to
taxation. We are therefore petition-
312 Special Session, November 1st, 1921
Mg your Honorable Body to cancel
the taxes and other charges against
it for the year 1920 and to Ivy no
charges in the future.
Thanking you for this action,
which will be of material benefit in
aiding the University in carrying
out its work, we are
Very respectfully yours,
E. B. Lyons, Business Manager.
Councilman Rooney moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Invitation of the American Legion
Armistice Day Committee presented.
Mr. O.' E. Carr,
City Manager, City.
My dear Mr. Carr: —It is the de-
sire of the American Legion and the
other veteran organizations of the
city to hold a parade at 2 p. m. on
November 11, Armistice Day, along
Main street and Fourth street to the
Ball Park. We want to invite the
participation with us in this parade,
of yourself, the City Mayor and
Council, and are taking this means
of extending that invitation to them
through you. We would feel it in-
deed a real pleasure to have you
with us on that day.
Yours very truly,
For the American Legion Armistice
Day Committee.
Councilman Melchior moved to ac-
cept the invitation. Seconded by
Councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Brede.
Contractor's bond of Ed. Brasher
Councilman Melchior moved that
the bond, being properly executed,
be received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Councilman Melchior move dthat
on the petition of Ernst Mueller,
presented at a previous meeting, the
Treasurer be directed to collect all
the taxes on his property over and
above the exemption, without inter-
est. Seconded by Councilman Roon-
ey. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Brede.
Councilman Melchior moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Clerk.
Adopted 1921.
Approved 1921.
City Clerk.
Regular Session, November 7th, 1921 313
Regular Session, November 7,
Council met at 4:30 P. M.
Mayor Alderson in the Chair.
Present —City Manager Carr, May-
or Alderson, Councilmen Brede,
Absent— Councilmen Gabriel and
To the Honorable City Manager and
City Council of the City of Du-
Gentlemen: —In about September.
1917, the undersigned, J. P. Frantzen
and E. F. Lusch, executors of the
estate of Rose M. Walker, filed ob-
jections to special assessments
against Lots 28; 29 and 30 in Finley,
Waples and Burton's addition in the
City of Dubuque, abutting O'Hagan
street, which said property was as-
sess,ed to Rose M. Walker. The re-
monstrance which we made against
the assessment was received and
filed, and we thereupon took an ap-
peal to the District Court of Du
buque County, Iowa, which said ap-
peal is still pendiog. The total as-
sessment against said three lots was
as follows: $150.00 against Lot 28,
46$.88 against Lot 29 and $28.04
against Lot 30, being a total of
$241.92. That at one time we offer-
ed to compromise for $150.00 in full
payment of the $241.92 assessed
against the said three lots. Since
that time we have paid the sum of
$33.64 on Lot 30. We still stand
ready to make settlement on the
basis of the former offer of $150:00,
less the $33.64 which we have paid;
or, in other words, pay in a balance
of $116.36 in full payment of said
special assessment against said lots
for the improvement of O'Hagan
street. We might say incidentally
that the Assessor made a mistake in
assessing these lots together, and in
that manner it has been impossible
for us to pay the City taxes against
this property which, if this matter
is settled, we will pay in addition to
the special assessment.
By E. F. Lusch and J. P. Frantzen,
Dubuque, Iowa; November 2, 1921.
Councilman Brede moved that the
petition be referred to the City So-
licitor. Seconded by Councilman
Melchior. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson; Council-
men Brede, Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilmen Gabriel and
To the Honorable City Manager and
City Council of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: —Comes now Ida Pfals-
graf and Bertha Hird, owners of Lots
38, 39, 40, 49, 50, 52 and 53 in Fin -
ley, Waples and Burton's addition to
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, against
which lots a special assessment was
levied several years ago for the im-
provement of O'Hagan street, in the
si:m of $552.00. That a year ago
these Petitioners offered to pay
$400.00 in full of said assessment.
which amount was refused by your
Honorable Body. That said natter
is pending on an injunction proceed-
ing, to enjoin you from collecting
said tax, on an appeal from the orig-
inal assessment, the same being
properly pending in the District
Court of Dubuque County, Iowa.
That these petitioners are desirous
of making one final effort to settle
and finally dispose of said special
assessment natter and hereby re-
new their offer of $400.00 in full pay-
ment and satisfaction of said $552.00
special assessment for the improve -
iiient of O'Hagan street.
Signed at Dubuque, Iowa, Novem-
ber 4, 1921.
—By Frantzen, Bonson & Gilloon,
their attorneys.
' Councilman Brede moved that the
petition be referred to the City So-
licitor. Seconded by Councilman
Melchior. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Melchior.
Nays — None.
Absent— Councilmen Gabriel and
Councilman Rooney entered and
took his seat at 4:40 P. M.
Dubuque, Iowa, November 4, 1921.
To the Honorable City Manager and
City Council.
Gentlemen: — Enclosed herewith
find petition of Anna Gildea, asking
for a suspension of taxes as provided
for in Chapter 281, Acts of the 39th
General Assembly.
We think this a worthy cause and
would very much like to have you
approve this at your next 'Council
Very respectfully submitted,
—By C. W. Datisman,
To the Honorable Board of Super-
visors of Dubuque County, Iowa.
The undersigned states that she is
314 Regular Session, November 7th, 1921
the owner of real estate in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, against which
stands unpaid taxes, general and
special, of the City of Dubuque, and
County taxes for the current year of
1920; that she is old and infirm, be-
ing blind, and respectfully asks that
payment of all taxes due may be
suspended by.virtue of the provision
of Chapter 281, Acts of the 39th Gen-
eral Assembly, and she asks that
the County Treasurer be instructed
Subscribed and sworn to before
ire this 4th day of November, 1921.
County Auditor in and for Du-
buque County.
Councilman Brede moved that the
petition be referred to the City So-
licitor. Seconded by Councilman
Melchior. Carried by the following
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Melchior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Gabriel.
November 7, 1921.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: —The improvement of
Bluff street from Eighth street to the
intersection of Bluff and Locust
streets, James Lee, contractor, has
been completed. I would recommend
the acceptance of the same by the
City. The total cost of this improve-
ment will be slightly under $2.00 per
sq. yd. The asbestos bitulithic top-
ping was placed for $1.21 per sy. yd.
The street required considerable bin-
der in order to build it up sufficient-
ly td apply the surface. This binder
cost about 75c per sq. yd. instead of
25c as originally estimated.
When we actually began to secure
a grade to drain the street, it be-
came evident that the previous pave-
ment had been put in without follow-
ing any real line or grade. The fact
that the work was done without pro-
per engineering was largely respons-
ible for the extra 50c per sq. yd. for
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the im-
provement of Bluff street from the
north property line of Eighth street
to the intersection of Locust and
Muff street has been completed, and
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined said work and recom-
mended its acceptance, now there-
fore be it
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that the recom-
mendation of the City Manager be
approved and that the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a plat and schedule showing
the lots or parcels of real estate
subject to assessment for said im-
provement and file the same in the
off ce of the City Clerk subject to
public inspection, and that the City
Clerk shall upon receipt of such plat
and schedule publish the notice of
said assessment as is required by
Adopted November 7, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede move dthat the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and the resolution
be adopted. Seconded by Council-
man Melchior. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Melchior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Gabriel.
To the Honorable Board of Super-
visors of Dubuque County and the
City Council of the City of Du-
Application for Suspension of Taxes.
The undersigned being the guar-
dian of Pauline Wagner, on behalf of
her and her Estate respectfully peti-
tions that the taxes for the year
1920 be suspende dand in support
hereof states:
That Mrs. Wagner is about 80
years old and in a helpless condi-
tion; that she has been confined to
Finley Hospital for the past year
and has no means of support. She
is owner of Lots 255 and 256 in
Davis Farm addition. That she has
no money or property except the
above described real estate from
which she derives any profit or ben-
efit, and it is impossible for her to
secure sufficient funds with which to
pay the taxes assessed against her
for the year 1920 upon the above
described real estate.
Wherefore, your petitioner prays
that you may order the County
Treasurer to suspend the collection
of taxes assessed against Mrs. Wag-
ner, her polls and estate for the
yoar 1920 and make a proper record
of your action upon the same.
State of Iowa,
Dubuque County.
I, Louis C. Lubck, being on oath
first duly sworn, depose and say
that I am the guardian of the person
and property of Pauline Wagner;
Regular Session, November 7th, 1921
that I have read the foregoing peti-
tion, know its contents and that the
statements therein are true as I ver-
ily believe.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, a notary public in and for Du-
buque County, Iowa, this 1st day of
November, 1921.
Notary Public.
Certificate of City Clerk.
I, John Stuber, do hereby certify
that the above petition came before
the City Council in special session
en November 1, 1921, and that the
Council approved the same.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved that the
petition be approved by the Council
and referred to the Board of Super-
visors. Seconded by Councilmen
Rooney. Carried by the following
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Melchior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Gabriel.
November 7th, 1921.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Last year at the time
of the December tax sale, we had
not yet exhausted all reasonable ef-
forts in the collection of delinquent
taxes on personal property. For that
reason the delinquent taxes on per-
sonal property were not certified to
the County for collection.
Through an error, a considerable
number of pieces of property which
were duly advertised for sale last
year were not sold, as was determ-
ined only by checking back on the
Treasurer's books with the tax cer-
tificates as purchased by the City
l and other purchasers. Inasmuch as
the last year's tax sale was finally
adjourned in September, these pieces
of property must now again be cer-
tified to the County and re- adver-
The deferred payments on these
assessments levied prior to April
12th, 1920, are still being collected
by the City Treasurer. There are
some delinquent assessments on
these lists, together with a few de-
linquents which were not advertised
last year through either an error or
promise of the owners to take care
of the payments within a few months.
I would therefore recommend that
the City Clerk be instructed to cer-
tify to the County Treasurer for col-
lection, all delinquent general taxes
on personal property due in 1920 or
previously, and on delinquent taxes
,on account of special assessment, re-
gardless of the date of special assess-
ment or of the reason why the same
was not paid.
This certification must be in the
hands of the County Treasurer not
later than Wednesday evening, No-
vember 9th, in order to be taken care
of in the regular way.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and certification be
made. Seconded by Councilman
Rooney. Caried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Gabriel.
November 5th, 1921.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The petition from the
University of Dubuque, asking for
cancellation of City taxes against
Lot 28 of Reche's Subdivision was
referred to the City Manager at the
last meeting of the City Council.
I beg to advise that I have inves-
tigated the proposition and wish to
report as follows: Lot 28, Reche's
Subdivision, is located at the north-
west corner of Hall and Grace
Streets. It is improved by a small
dwelling. The man occupying the
dwelling is employed at the Uni-
versity of Dubuque as engineer. This
man states that each month a sum
of $20.00 is deducted from his regu-
lar compensation on account of rent-
al of the house he occupies and
which belongs to the University of
I present these facts for your in-
formation, without recommendation.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Brede moved that the
petition of the Dubuque University
be received and filed. Seconded by
councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Melchior and Rooney.
Absent— Councilman Gabriel.
November 7th, 1921.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Some time ago the
report of the City Solicitor, with ref-
er ence to the petition of Mr. Mullen
and others, regarding the location of
Dorgan Place, was referred to the
City Manager. This was done, I be-
lieve, at my suggestion that the true
location of Dorgan Place could be
definitely proven by the City Engi-
It develops, however, that the lo-
cation of Dorgan Place, as originally
platted, is not the location which the
residents desire to have continued at
316 Special Session, November 7th, 1921
this time, but, instead of the loca-
tion as originally platted, they wish
Dorgan Place to be locate'd, as the
same has b'een used for the past
twenty or thirty years. A building
recently erected encroaches on this
traveled thoroughfare. This matter,
in my judgment, is a legal one and
I believe that it should be investi-
gated by the City Solicitor and, if
the facts warrant doing so, action
should be taken to cause the person
who recently put up this structure
on the traffic right of way to remove
the same.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Brede moved that the
petition be referred to the City So-
licitor to investigate. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas— Mayor Alderson, Council -
R Men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None. •
Councilman Gabriel entered and
took MS seat at 4:55 p. m.
Dubuque, Iowa,
Nov. 3rd, 1921.
To the Honorable City 'Commission -
ers and City Manager.
Gentlemen: On July 12th, 1920,
by deed 'duly recorded, St. Mary's
Church '(Tn'corporated) purchased the
nor't'h middle 1 •5 of Outlot 454, in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, assessed to
Jungk, and this property has been
used continuously and exclusively
for school purposes. Will you kind-
ly instruct the Treasurer to cancel
this assessment and withdraw the
property from the tax list for sale.
Thanking you for your prompt at-
tention in the matter, we remain,
Yours sincerely,
B'y'Geo. W. Heer, V. P.
'Chris. A. Voelker, Sec'y.
Councilman Brede moved that the
prayer of the petition be granted and
the County Treasurer be instructed
to cancel the taxes and, take same off
of the tax books. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
To the City of Dubuque and O. E.
Carr, City Manager:
You are hereby notified that D. J.
Lenehan has, appealed to the District
Court of Dubuque County from the
assessment made against his prop-
erty abutting on Pickett Street, in
the City of Dubuque, for the con-
struction of a sewer in Pickett Street
October 28th, 1921. . Accompanied by,.
bond. D. J. LENEHAN.
Services of the within notice of
appeal, with a copy thereof, hereby
acknowledged this 7th day of Novem-
ber, A. D. 1221. JOHN STUBER,
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved that the
appeal, together with the bond, be
referred to the City Solicitor. Sec -
onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car -
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Ald'erson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays — None.
November 5th, 1921.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: On Friday, November
4'th, bids were received for the clean-
ing of all vaults within the City of
Dubuque for the next current year..
The following bids were received:
J. Wunderscheid, 14c per cubic foot
on the hill, 13c per cubie foot on the
J. Fond'ell, 16c per cubic foot on
the hill, 14c per cubic foot on the
J. Robinson, 14e per cubic foot on
the hill, 126 per cubic foot on the
Joe Burke, 14'c per cubic foot on
the hill, 112c per cubic foot on the
Guy Hitchcock, 18c per cubic foot
on the hill, 16c per cubic foot on the
The price as bid by Mr. Robinson
and Mr. Burke are the same. I un-
derstand that Robinson hires other
men to do the work for him, because
he has no equipment, while Burke
has a team and is ready to begin
work at once, and in that way is in
a position to give better service.
Last year the contract was awarded
o. J. Robinson at a price of 20c on
the hill and 18c on the level. I
would therefore recommend that a
pontract be authorized between the
City of Dubuque for the cleaning of
all vaults that may be required to
be cleaned during the next current
Also that a bond in the sum of
$250.00 be furnished prior to the ex-
ecution of the contract.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Brede moved that the
pity Manager be authorized to enter
into, a contract for the cleaning of
vaults with Joe Burke and the proper
bond be filed. Seconded- by Council-
) pan Gabriel, Carried ,by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council,
men Brede,. Gabriel, Melchior. and
Nays =None,
Waiver and stipulation of Mrs., It.
M. , Keane, relative to constructing
Special Session, November 8th, 1921 317
sidewalk abutting Lot 221,'presented.
Councilman Brede moved that the
same be made a matter of record.
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Councilman Brede moved that the
City Mayor, City Manager and any
other Councilman be authorized to at-
tend the meeting of the City Man-
agers' Association to be held at Chi-
cago November 14th to 17th inclu-
Seconded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Councilman Brede moved to ad-
journ. Carried. JOHN STUBER,
City Clerk.
Adopted , 1921.
Approved , 1921.
City CIerk.
• Special Session, November 8, 1921.
Meeting called by order of Mayor
Alderson and Councilman Rooney.
Council met at 3:10 P. M.
Mayor Alderson in the Chair.
Present—City Manager Carr, May-
or Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Ga-
briel, Rooney.
Absent — Councilman Melchior.
Mayor Alderson read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the purpose of acting on
bids for the construction of a Storm
Sewer in Jackson street and 19th
street, and acting on any other busi-
ness that may come before the
meeting. The following bids were
November 8, 1921.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: —In accordance with
your instructions bids were received
at ten o'clock Tuesday morning, No-
vember 8, for the furnishing of all
labor and materials (excepting brick
and cast iron for manholes) neces-
sary for the construction of a storm
Water sewer in Jackson street and
19th street. The following bids were
Mid - Western Construction Co. -60-
inch monolithic concrete, $14.00 per
foot; 54 -inch monolithic concrete,
$10.00 per foot; 36 -inch monolithic
concrete. $7.00 per foot;. manholes,
$25.00 each. (Segment block same
price per ffoot as monolithic con-
crete.) Total $22,289.00.
Even - Uhlrich - Stoner Co.-60-inch
concrete pipe under railroad tracks,
$21.75 per foot; 60 -inch concrete pipe
built in place, $18.04 per foot; 60-
inch concrete pipe, $16.47 per foot;
CO -inch segment block, $12.54 per
foot; 54 -inch concrete built in place,
$15.23 per foot; 54 -inch concrete -
pipe, $14.06 per foot; 54-inch seg-
ment block, $10.48 per foot; 36 -inch
concrete pipe, $8.41 per foot;. 36 -inch
concrete built in place, $9.85 per
foot; 36 -inch segment block, $6.60
per foot; manholes, $133.20; extra
concrete, $24.00. Total (concrete
built in place), $32,360.68. Total
(concrete pipe), $29,860.73. Total
(segment block), $24,458.18.
Mankato Constructon Co, -60 -inch
sewer under the railroad tracks,
$22.75 per foot; 60-inch segment
block, $15.59 per foot; 54 -inch seg-
ment block, $12.70 per foot;. 36 -inch
segment block, $7.95 per Foot. No
price bid on the five manholes. To-
tal, $27,931.66.
Anton Zwack — 60 -inch concrete
318 Special Session, November . 8th 1921
under railroad tracks, $26.76 per
foot; 60 -inch segment block, $14.54
per foot; 54 -inch segment block,
$12.70 per foot; 36 -inch segment
block, $8.90 per foot; manholes,
$200.00 each; headwall, $20.00 per
cu. yd Total, $30,210.30.
James Saul- Concrete pipe under
the railroad tracks, $24.50 per foot;
60 -inch concrete built in place,
$18.80 per foot; 54 -inch concrete
built in place, $16.00; 60 -inch seg-
ment block, $18.75; 54 -inch segment
block, $15.49 per foot; 36.inch con-
crete built in place, $10.00 per foot;
36 -inch segment block, $9.33 per
foot; manholes, $45.00 each; head-
wall, $13.00 per cu. yd. Total (con-
crete built in place), $33,697.00. To-
tal (segment block), $33,469.15.
G. G. Herrick, Des Moines -Con-
crete under railroad tracks, $37.00
per foot; 60 -inch segment block,
$18.00 per foot; 54 -inch segment
block, $16.00 per foot; 36 -inch seg-
ment block, $7.00 per foot; manholes
and catch basins, $50.00 each; extra
concrete, $25.00 per cu. yd. Total,
C. B. McNamara-Concrete under
railroad tracks, $30.00 per foot; 60-
inch reinforced concrete, $19.00 per
foot; 54 -inch reinforced concrete,
$17.50 per foot; 36 -inch reinforced
concrete, $17.50; segment block the
sam eprice as concrete built in
place; manholes, $40.00 each. Total,
J. J. Leonard -60 -inch concrete
under railroad tracks, $27.00 per
foot; concrete outside, $31.50; 54-
segment block, $17.40; 36 -inch seg-
ment block, $11.54; manholes, $50.00
each; catch basins, $27.00; hade-
wall, $30.00 per cu'. yd. Total,
Engineer's estimate $27,000.00 for
this work.
I have got in touch with the City
Engineer of Milwaukee, where the
Mid - Western Construction Co. has
been doing considerable work. He
has advised me that they have never
had any trouble with the company
and that company would now be
awarded the contract with the City
of Milwaukee if they were the low
bidders. Mr. Hewitt, while the Mil-
waukee insists upon the use of pre-
cast concrete pipe underneath their
tracks, assures us that the Chief
Engineer will be agreeable to the
substitution of concrete built in
place and his price is $14.00, and it
,covers the railroad portion as well
as the part away from the railroad
Previously the Milwaukee Engi-
neering Department had advised us
that they would consider nothing un-
der their tracks or across their prop-
erty but precast concrete pine. The
local superintendent of the Milwau-
kee also states that this is the only
type of construction that they will
have put in at this time of the year.
I wired the Chicago office tor con-
firmation that they would permit
pipe to be built in place, but have
not yet received a reply. The bid
as submitted by the Even TJhlrich-
Staner Co. is complete in every way
as called for in our advertisement
We advertised for the use of precast
concrete pipe under the railroad
tracks. The Mid - Western Construc-
tion Co. did not bid on any precast
pipe. Omitting this section of three
hundred feet underneath th raeilroad
tracks where precast concrete ppe
is required by the railroad company
the bid of Even- Uhlrich - Staner Co.
is somewhat lower than the bid as
submitted by the Mid - Western Con-
struction Co., inasmuch as we have
been directed by the Milwaukee to
use nothing but pre -cast concrete
pipe under their tracks and while
this direction is still mandatory, I
do not feel that it would we wise to
award a contract for the use of any
other type of pipe. I would, there-
fore, recommend the acceptance of
the bid as submitted by the Even -
Uhlrich- Staner Co.
Respectfully submitted,
(Signed) O. E. CARR,
City Manager.
Councilman Brede moved that the
recommendation of the City Manag-
er be approved and the contract be
awarded to the Even- Uhlrich- Staner
Co. Seconded by Councilman Rooney.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
ben Brede, Gabriel and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent- Councilman Melchior.
Councilman Rooney moved to ad-
City Clerk.
Adopted: , 1921.
City Clerk.
Special Session, November 17th, 1921 319
Special Session, November 17,
Meeting called by order of Council-
men and Brede.
Council met at 4:40 P. M.
Councilman Melchior in the chair.
Present- Councilmen Brede, Mel-
chior and Rooney.
Absent - - Manager Carr, May-
or Alderson and Councilman Gabriel.
Councilman Brede moved that
Councilman Melchior act as Chair-
man of this meeting. Seconded by
Councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Councilmen Brede and
Nays - -None.
Absent - Mayor Alderson and
Councilman Gabriel.
Not Voting - Councilman Melchior.
Chairman Melchior read the call
and stated that service thereof had
been duly made and that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of
adopting resolutions levying special
assessments for the improving of
Dodge Street from Locust Street to
Bluff Street; Washington Street,
from Eighth Street to Eleventh
Streets; constructing sidewalks in
front of and abutting City Lots 199,
(200 Lots 1, 2 and 3), 636, 637, 105
and Jackson School Sub., Lots 3, 9,
10 and 11 and acting on. any other
business that may come before the
Petition of property owners on
Eleventh Street objecting to special
assessment for the improvement of
said street, •stating that the assess-
ment is too high and not in conform-
ity with the valuation of the arjac-
ent property, presented. Councilman
Brede moved that the rules be sus-
pended for the purpose of allowing
anyone present to address the Coun-
cil. Seconded by Councilman
Rooney. Carried by the following
Yeas - Councilmen Brede, Melch-
ior and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent - Mayor Alderson and
) Councilman Gabriel.
Messrs. Jacobs, Bradley, Quinlan
and others addressed the Council
relative to the foregoing assess -
Councilman Rooney moved that
owing to the fact that the Council-
men were not all pdesent that ac-
tion be deferred. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Brede. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Council Brede, Melchior
and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent - Mayor Alderson and
Councilman Gabriel.
Notice certified to by the publish-
er, that a special assessment, as pro-
vided by law, will be levied Novem-
ber 17th, 1921, to pay for the im-
provement of Dodge Street from the
west property line of Locust Street
to the west property line of Bluff
Street, Jas. F. Lee, contractor, pre-
There being no remonstrance,
Councilman Brede moved that the
notice be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Rooney. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Councilmen Brede, Melchior
and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent -Mayor Alderson and Cogn-
cilman Gabriel.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for improving Dodge Street from the
west property line of Locust Street
to the west property line of Bluff
Street, by Jas. F. Lee, contractor, in
front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Owner. Description. Amount.
Jas. Beach & Sons, City Lot
583, bithulithic paving and
cement curb and gutter,
cost, $1,95.87; interest at
6 per cent, $9.50; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
$14.67; total $1,120.04
Jas. Beach & Sons, City Lot
582, bithulithic paving and
cement curb and gutter,
cost, $837.94; interest at 6
per cent, $7.26; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
$11.21; total 856.41
Jas. Beach & Sons, City Lot
581, bithulithic paving and
cement curb and gutter,
cost, $9989; interest at 6
per cent, 87c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
$1.34; total 102.10
Jas. Beach & Sons, City Lot
580, bithulithic paving and
cement curb and gutter,
cost, $38.46; interest at 6
per cent, 33c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
51c; total 39.30
Jas. Beach & Sons, Newman -
Cooper and Smith's Sub.,
Lot 16, bithulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $11.01; interest
ter, cost, $9.20; interest
at 6 per cent, 8c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
12c; total
Realty Inv. Corp., Newman -
Cooper and Smith's Sub.,
Lot 4, bitulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $6.71; interest
6 per cent, 5c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
9c; total
Roy Tierney, Newman -
Cooper and Smith's Sub.,
Let 5, bitulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, Cosa, $4.05; interest
at 6 per cent, 3c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
5c; total
John P. Cosgrope, Newman -
Cooper and Smith's Sub.,
Lot 6, bitulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $2.69; interest
at 6 per cent, 2c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
4c; total
John Williams, Newman -
Cooper and Smith's Sub.,
Lot 7, bitulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $1.40; interest
at 6 per cent, le; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
2c; total
M. Ahearn Estate, Newman -
'C'ooper and Smith's Sub.,
Lot 8, bitulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $1.28; interest
at 6 per cent, lc; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
2c; total
M. Ahearn Estate, Newman -
Cooper and Smith's Sub.,
Lot 9, bitulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $1.28; interest
at 6 per cent, le; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
2c; total
Genevieve F. Morgan, New-
man- Cooper and Smith's
Sub., Lot 10, bitulithic
paving and cement curb
and gutter, cost, 80c; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 1c;
extra expense at 133837
per cent, 1c; total
James Walsh Estate, New-
man-Cooper and Smith's
Sub., Lot 15, bitulithic
paving and cement curb
and gutter, cost, $14.19;
interest at 6 per cent, 12c;
extra expense at 133837
per cent, 19c; total
City of Dubuque, City Lot,
S. 2 -3 Lot 695, tbitulithic
paving and cement curb
Special Session, November 17th, 1921 321
and gutter, cost, $149.01;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.30; extra expense at
9.40 133837 per cent, $1.99;
W. C. Whelan, City Lot
598a, bitulithic paving and
cement curb and gutter,
cost, $28.47; Interest at 6 .
per cent, 24c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
6.85 38c; total
W. C. Whelan, Sub. 3, City
Lot 598, Lot 1, bitulithic
paving and cement curb
and gutter, cost, $18.27;
interest at 6 per cent, 16c;
extra expense at 133837
per cent, 25c; total
4.13 W. C. Whelan, Sub. 2 and 2
of 3, tCity Lot 598, Lot 1,
bitulithic paving and ce-
ment curb and gutter,
cost, $6.43; interest at 6
per cent, 5c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
9c; total
2.75 W. C. Whelan, Sub. 2 and 2
of 3, City Lot 598, Lot 2,
bitulithic paving and ce-
ment curb and gutter,
cost, $5.63; interest at 6,
per cent, 4c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
8c; total
1.84 Clancy Transfer Co., Sub. 2
and 2 of 3, City Lot 598,
Lot 3, bitulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $31.43; interest
at 6 per cent, 27c; extra
expense at 133837 per
1.43 cent, 42c; total
Matt Clancy Estate, Sub. 2
and 2 of 3, City Lot 598,
Lot 4, bitulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $8.87; interest
at 6 per cent, 8c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
12c; total
1.31 Margt, Larkin, Sub. 1 City
Lot 598, Lot 2, bitulithic
paving and and gutter, cost, $9.27, curb
terest at 6 per cent, 8c;
extra expense at 133837
per cent; total
Mabel Correll, Sub. 1 City
.82 Lot 598, S. 1 /2 Lot 1, bitu-
lithic paving and cement
curb and gutter, cost,
$7.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 7c; extra expense at
133837 per cent; 10c; total
Lewis Harker, Sub. 1 City
Lot 598, N. 1 /2 Lot 1, bitu-
14.50 lithic paving and cement
gutter, cost, $6.62; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 7c; extra
expense at 133837 per
320 Special Session, November 17th, 1921
at 6 per cent, 10c;, 10c;
extra expense at 133837
per cent, 15c; total
Cath. Sutton, City Lot 577,
bithulithic paving and ce-
ment curb and gutter,
cost, $665.78; interest at 6
per cent, $5.'77; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
$8.91; total
Cath. Sutton, City Lot 576A,
bithulithic paving and ce-
ment curb and gutter,
cost, $88.21; interest at 6
per cent, 76c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
$1.18; total
Catherine Halpin, S. 30 ft
City Lot 576, ihulithic
paving and cement curb
and gutter, cost, $79.19; in-
terest ; * 6 per cent, 69c;
extra expense at 133837
per cent, $1.06; total
M. Halpin Estate, N. 20 ft
5 in. City Lot 576, bithu-
lithic paving and cement
• curb and gutter, cost,
$34.59; interest at 6 per
cent, 29c; extra expense
at 133837 per cent, 46c; to-
M. Halpin Estate, City Lot
575A, bithulithic paving
and cement curb and gut -
ter, cost, $16.49; interest •
at 6 per cent, 14c; extra
expense at 133837 per cent,
22c; total
Dennis Ahern, City Lot 575,
bithulithic paving and ce-
ment curb and gutter,
cost, $52.18; interest at 6
per cent, 45c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
70c; total
James O'Connor, S. 1 -2 City
Lot 574, bithulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $11.84; interest
at 6 per cent, 10c; extra
expense at 133837 per
cent, 16c; total
Mt. Halpin Estate, N. 1 -2
City Lot 574, bithulithic
paving and cement curb
and gutter, cost, $8.36; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 7c;
extra expense at 133837
per cent, 11c; total
Key City Gas Co., City Lot
584, bithulithic paving and
cement curb and gutter,
cost, $665.78; interest at
6 per cent, $5:77; extra
expense at 133837' per
cent, $8.91; total
Key City Gas Co., City Lot
585A, bithulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $64.25; interest
at 6 per cent, 55c; extra
expense at 133837 per
cent, 86c; total 65.66
Key City Gas Co., City Lot
585B, bithulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $51.30; interest
at 6 per cent, 45c; extra
expense at 133837 per
cent, 69c; total 52.44
Key City Gas Co., City Lot
585, bithulithic paving and
cement curb and gutter,
cost, $50.26; interest at 6
per cent, 52c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cnt,
81c; total .. 61.59
Key City Gas Co., City Lot
585C, bithulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
ter, cost, $25.51; interest
at 6 per cent, 22c; extra
expense at 133837 per
cent, 34c; total 26.07
Jas. Allen, City Lot 586,
bithulithic paving and ce-
ment curb and gutter,
cost, $69.34; interest at 6
per cent, 60c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
93c; total 70.87
Jas. Allen, E, 1 -2 City Lot
587, bithulithic paving and
cement curb and gutter,
cost, $10.07; interest at 6
per cent, 9c; extra expense
at 133837 per cent, 13c; to-
tal 10.29
H. L. Blake,, S. W. 27 ft. W.
1 -2 City Lot 587, bithulith-
ic paving and cement curb
and gutter, cost, $7.42; in-
terest at 6 per cnt, 7c; ex-
tra expense at 133837 per
cent, 9c; total 7.58
Martin O'Brien, S. 24 ft. N
E. 48 ft. City Lot 587,
bithulithic paving, and ce-
ment curb and gutter,
cost, $2.66; interest at 6
per cnt, 2c; extra expense
at 133837 per cent, 4c; to-
James Walsh Estate, New-
man, Cooper and Smith's
Sb., Lot 1, bithulithic pav-
ing and cement curb and
gutter, cost, $39.83; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 34c; ex-
tra expense at 133837 per
cent, 19c; total 40.70
Frank Hynes, Newman-
Cooper and Smith's Sub.,
Lot 2, bitulithic paving and
cement curb and gutter,
cost, $13.83; interest at 6
per cent, 12c; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
12c; total 14.14
Frank Hynes, Newman-
Cooper and Smith's Sub.,
Lot 3,. bitulithic paving
and cement curb and gut-
322 Special Session, November 17th, 1921
cent, 9c; total
Edna O. Voelker, City Lot
599a, bitulithic paving and
cement gutter, cost,
$11.68; interest at 6 per
cent, 10c; extra expense
at 133837 per cent, 16c;
Edna O. Voelker, City Lot
599, Lot 2, bitulithic pav-
ing and cement curb and
gutter, cost, $1.26; interest
at 6 per cent, lc; extra ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
2;c total
Clancy Transfer Co., Sub. 1
City Lot 598, Lot 3, bitu-
lithic paving and cement
curb and gutter, cost,
$2.10; interest at 6 per
cent, 2c; extra expense at
133837 per cent, 3c; total
Chas. Clancy, Sub. 4 City
Lot 598, Lot 1, bitulithic
paving and cement curb
and gutter, cost, $3.02; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 3c;
extra expense at 133837
per cent, 4c; total
Chas. Clancy, Sub. 5 City
Lot 598, Lot 1, bitulithic
paving and cement curb
and gutter, cost, $1.90; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 2c;
extra expense at 133837
per cent, 3c; total
Clancy Transfer Co., Sub. 4
City Lot 598, Lot 2, bitu-
lithic paving and cement
. curb and gutter, cost,
$2.27; interest at 6 per
cent, 2c; extra expense at
133837 per cent, 3c; total
Clancy Transfer Co., Sub. 5
City Lot 598, Lot 2, bitu-
lithic paving and cement
curb and gutter, cost,
$1.74; interest at 6 per
cent, 2c; extra expense at
133837 per cent, 2c; total
M. and F. Fortsch, City Lot
598, Lot 6, bitulithic pav-
ing and cement curb and
gutter, cost, $2.94; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 3c; ex-
tra expense at 133837, 4c;
Voelker Realty Co., City Lot
598, Lot '7, bitulithic pav-
ing and cement curb and
gutter, cost, $2.39; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 2c; ex-
pense at 133837 per cent,
3c; total
Patrick McDonald, City Lot
598, E. i/z Lot 8, bitulithic
paving and cement curb
and gutter, cost, $1.68; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 2c;
extra expense at 133837
per cent, 2c; total
Peter McDonald, City Lot
598, W. y/2 Lot 8, bitulithic
paving and cement curb
and gutter, cost, 82c;
interest at 6 per cent, lc;
extra expense at 133837
per cent, lc; total .84
Archdiocese of Dubuque,
City Lot 598, Lot 9, bitu-
lithic paving and cement
curb and gutter, cost, 54c;
interest at 6 per cent, lc;
extra expense at 133837
per cent, lc; total .56
Archdiocese of Dubuque,
City Lot 694, Lot 2, bitu-
lithic paving and cement
curb and gutter, cost,
$1.90; interest at 6 per
cent, 2c; extra expense at
133837 per cent, 3c; total 1.95
Dubuque Electric Co.., brick
block paving and extra
concrete, cost, $1,658.05;
interest at 6 per cent,
$14.37; extra expense at
133837 per cent, $22.18;
total 1,694.60
Total $6,189.42
1389.94 sq. yds. bitulithic
paving at $2.45 per sq. yd $3,405.02
277.2 sq. yds. brick paving
inside car tracks and one
foot outside, $5.35 per
sq. yd. 1,483.02
51.48 sq. yds. extra concrete
at $3.40 per sq. yd. 175.03
100 cu. yds. crushed stone at
$3.00 per cu. yd. 300.00
241.6 lin. ft. reset curb at
40c. per lin ft. 96.64
332.6 lin. ft. cement gutter-
ing at 45c per lin. ft. 149.67
314.2 lin. ft. z555f5S
314.2 lin. ft. combination
curb and gutter at $1.35
per lin. ft. 424.17
20 lin. ft. radius curb at
$1.10 lin. ft. 22.00
Interest at 6 per cent 52.49
Extra expense at 133837
per cent 81.05
Total $6,189.42
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted —Nov, 17, 1921.
Approved —Nov. 17, 1921.
M. B. Rooney,
'C'ity Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Rooney. Carried
by the fallowing vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Melch-
ior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Special Session, November 17th, 1921 323
Absent — Mayor Alderson and
Councilman Gabriel.
A Resolution
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Dodge
Street, hereinafter described has
been compueted and the City Engi-
neer has computed that to provide
for the cost of improving Dodge
Street, from the west property line
of Locust Street to the west prop-
erty line of Bluff Street, there be is
issued Improvement Bonds to the
amount of $6,189.42. Said bonds
shall be issued under the provisions
of Chapter 8, Title V, of the Code
of Iowa, and the amendments there-
to, shall bear date as of the 17th
day of December, A. D., 1921, and
shall be in the denominations of
$200.00 each, except that there shall
be one bond to the amount of
$189.42; they shall be numbered
from 7,055 to 7,085, inclusive, and
shall be divided into ten series of
which the bonds numbered 7,055 to
7,057 shall constitute the first ser-
ies, and shall be payable on the first
day of April, A. D., 1922; the bonds
numbered 7,058 to 7,060 shall con-
stitute the second series and shall
be payable on the first day of April,
A. D., 1923; the bonds numbered
7,061 to 7.063. shall constitute the
third series and shall be payable
on the first day of April, A. D., 1924;
the bonds numbered 7,064 to 7,066
shall constitute the fourth series
and shall be payable on the first
day of April A. D., 1925; the bonds
numbered from 7,067 to 7,069 shall
constitute the fifth series and shall
be payable on the first day of April,
A. D., 1926; the bonds numbered
7,070 to '7,072 shall constitute the
sixth series and shall be payable on
the first day of April, A. D., 1927;
the bonds numbered 7,073 to 7,075
shall constitute the seventh series
and shall be payable on the first
day of April, A. D., 1928; the bonds
numbered 7,076 to 7,078 shall consti-
tute the eighth series and shall be
payable on the first day of April, A.
D.,.1929; the bonds numbered 7,079
to 7,081 shall constitute the ninth
series and shall be payable on the
rst day of April, A. D., 1930; and
the bonds numbered 7,082 to 7,085
shall constitute the tenth series and
shall be payable on the first day of
April, A. D., 1931.
Said bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of five per cent per annum
which interest shall be payable semi-
annually, in accordance with the
terms of the coupons thereto attach-
ed; and said bonds shall be payable
out of the proceeds of the special
assessment levied for said improve-
ment. Both principal and interest
shall be payable at the office of the
City Treasurer in the City of Du-
buque. Said bonds shall be substan-
tially in the following form:
No. $200.00
Series No.
The City of Dubuque, in the State
of Iowa, promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of April, A. D.,
19 , or at any time before that
date at the option of the City the
sum of Two Hundred Dollars, with
interest thereon at the rate of five
per cent per annum, payable on the
presentation and surrender of the
interest coupons hereto attached.
Both principal and interest are pay-
able at the office of the City Treas-
urer in the City of Dubuque, pur-
suant to and by virtue of Chapter 8,
Title V, of the Code of Iowa and
amendments thereto, and in accord-
ance with a resolution of the City
Council of said City, duly passed on
the 17th day of November, A. D.,
1921. This bond is one of a series
of thirty -one bonds, thirty for Two
Hundred Dollars each, numbered
'7,055 to 7,084, inclusive, and one
bond for One Hundred Eighty -Nine
and 42 -100 Dollars, numbered 7,085,
p,1l of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of defraying the
cost of improving Dodge Street, from
the west property line of Locust
Street to the west property line of
Bluff Street, in the City of Du-
uuque, and described in said resolu-
tion; which cost is assessable and
levied along said improvement, and
is made by law a lien on all abut-
ting or adjacent property, and pay-
able in ten annual installments, with
interest on all deferred payments at
the rate of five per cent per an-
num, and this bond is payable only
out of the money derived from the
collection of said special tax, and
said money can be used for no oth-
er purpose.
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts and condition
and things required to be done pre-
cedent to and in the issuing of this
series of bonds, have been done,
happened and performed in regular
and due form as required by said
law and resolution; and for the as-
sessments, collections and payment
hereon of said special tax, the faith
and diligence of said City of Du-
buque are hereby irrevocably pledg-
In witness whereof the City of
Dubuque by its City Council, has
caused this bon dto be signed by its
,Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk, with the seal of said City
324 Special Session, November 17th, 1921
affixed this 17th day of December,
A, D., 1921.
(Seal ) City Clerk.
On the day of
A. D., 19 , the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer,
as provided in the Bond, the sum of
Dollars, at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque, being months in-
terest due that day on its improve-
ment Bond N. , dated December
20, 1921.
City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared and when so
prepared to execute said bonds; and
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to register said
bonds in a book to be kept by him
for that purpose, and to then deliver
them to the City Treasurer, who
will also register them in a book to
be kept by him for that purpose.
Be it further resolved that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
instructed to sell said bonds in the
manner provided for in section 845
of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds of
said sale to be kept in a special fund
to be known as Improvement Fund.
Adopted -Nov. 17, 1921.
Approved -Nov. 17, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Rooney. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Councilmen Brede, Melch-
ior and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent -Mayor Alderson and Coun-
cilman Gabriel.
Notice certified to by the pub-
lisher that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied No-
vember 17, 1921, to pay for the im-
provement of Washington Street,
from the north property line of
Eighth Street to the south property
line of Eleventh Street, except
where already paved, James F. Lee,
Contractor, presented. There being
no remonstrance, Councilman Brede
moved that the notive be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Rooney. Carried by the following
Yeas - Councilmen Brede, Melch-
ior and Rooney.
Nays -None.
Absent -Mayor Alderson and Coun-
cilman Gabriel.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for improving Washington Street,
from the north property line of
Eighth Street to the south property
line of Eleventh Street, except where
already paved, by Jas. F. Lee, Con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied o nthe several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.,
Lot 2 of City Lot 505,
brick block paving and
curb, cost, $339.96; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $2.94;
extra expense at .301681
per cent, $110.26; total $ 353.16
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.,
Lot 1 of City Lot 505,
bricik block paving and
curb, costt, $1.617.58; in-
terest at 6 per cent,
$14.02; extra expense at
.301681 per cent, $48.80;
total 1,680.40
Klauer Mfg. Co., City Lot
506A, brick block paving
and curb, cost, $1.334.88;
interest at 6 per cent,
$11.66; extra expense at
301681 per cent, $40.27;
total 1,386.71
Klauer Mfg. Co., Lot 3 of
City Lot 506, brick block
paving and curb, cost,
$311.30; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.70; extra expense
at 301681 per cent, $9.39;
total 323.39
Klauer Mfg. Co., Lot 5 of
City Lot 506, brick block
paving and curb, $177.02;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.54; extra aexpense at
301681 per cent, $5.34; to-
tal 183.90
Klauer Mfg. Co., Lot 4 of
City Lot 506, brick block
paving and cement curb,
cost, $134.28; interest at
6 per cent, $1.16; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $4.05; total 139.49
Chicago Great Western Rail-
way Co., Lot 1 of City Lot
506, brick block paving
and cement curb, cost,
$18.90; interest at 6 per
cent, 16c; extra expense
at 301681 per cent, 57c;
total 19.63
Chicago Great Western Rail-
Special Session, November 17th, 1921 325
way Co., Lot 2 of City Lot
506, brick block paving
cement curb, cost, $18.90;
interest at 6 per cent,
16c; extra expense at
301681 per cent, 57c; to-
tal 19.63
Klauer Mfg. Co., City Lot
509, brick block paving
and cement curb, cost,
$1,883.85; interest at 6
per cent, $16.32; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $566.84; total 1,957.01
Klauer Mfg. Co., Lot 2 of 4
of City Lot 509A, brick
block paving and cement
curb, cost, $73.69; interest
at 6 per cent, 64c; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $2.22; total 76.55
Chicago Great Western Rail-
way Co., Lot 1 of 4 of
City Lot 509A, brick block
paving and cement curb,
cost, $37.80; interest at 6
per cent, 33c; extra ex-
pense at 301681 per cent,
$1.14; total 39.27
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., S.
43 ft. 4 in. Lot 415, brick
block paving and cement
curb, cost, $267.63; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $2.32;
extra expense at 301681
per cent, $8.07; total 278.02
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., N.
7 ft. 10 in. Lot 415, brick
block paving and cement
curb, cost, $48.61; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 42c; ex-
tra expense at 301681 per
cent, $1.47; total 50.50
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., City
Lot 416, brick block pav-
ing and cement curb,
cost, $316.24; interest at
6 per cent, $2.73; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $9.54; total 328.51
Kretschmer Mfg. Co., City
Lot 417, brick block pav-
ing and cement curb, cost,
$316.24; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.73; extra ex-
pense at 301681 per cent,
$9.54; total 328.51
Kretschmer Mfg. Co., City
Lot 418, brick block pav-
ing and cement curb, cost,
$316.24; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.73; extra ex-
pense at 301681 per cent,
$9.54; total 328.51
Kretschmer Mfg. Co., City
Lot 419, brick block pav-
ing and cement curb, cost,
$316.24; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.73; extra ex-
pense at 301681 per cent,
$9.54; total 328.51
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.,
City Lot 420, brick block
paving and cement curb,
cost, $316.24; interest at
6 per cent, $2.73; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $9.54; total
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.,
City Lot 421, brick block
paving and cement curb,
cost, $316.24; interest at
6 per cent, $2.73; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $9.54; total
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co ,
City Lot 422, brick block
paving and cement curb,
cost, $316.24; interest at
6 per cent, $2.73; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $9.54; total
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co ,
City Lot 423, brick block
paving and cement curb,
cost, $316.24; interest at
6 per cent, $2.73; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $9.54; total
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co ,
City Lot 424, brick block
paving and cement curb,
cost, $316.24; interest at
6 per cent, $2.73; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $9.54; total
J. A. and E. A. Marshall,
City Lot 425, brick block
paving and cement curb,
cost, $316.24; interest at
6 per cent, $2.73; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $9.54; total
J. A. Marshall, S. 1 -2 City
Lot 426, brick block pav-
ing and cement curb, cost,
$158.12; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.37; extra expense
pense at 301681 per cent,
$4.77; total
Henry Franke Est., N. 1 -2
City Lot 426, brick block
paving and cement curb,
cost, $158.12; interest at 6
per cent, $1.7; extra ex-
pense at 301681 per cent,
$4.77; total
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co ,
City Lot 427, brick block
paving and cement curb,
cost, $316.24; interest at
6 per cent, $2.73; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $9.54; total
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co ,
City Lot 428, brick block
paving and cement curb,
cost, $316.24; interest at
6 per cent, $2.73; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $9.54; total
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co ,
City Lot 429, brick block
326 Special Session, November 17th, 1921
paving and cement curb,
cost, $316.24; interest at
6 per cent, $2.73; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $9.54; total 328.51
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.,
438.654 square yards brick
block paving railroad
tracks, cost, $2,452.08; in-
terest at 6 per cent,
$21.25; extra expense at
301681 per cent, $73.97;
total 2,547.30
Klauer Mfg. Co., 512.266
square yards brick block
paving railroad tracks,
cost, 2,863.57; interest at
6 per cent, $24.81; extra
expense at 301681 per
cent, $86.39; total 2,974.77
I. C. R. R. Co., 628.444
square yards brick block
paving railroad tracks,
cost, $3,513.00; interest at
6 per cent, $30.45; extra
expense at 3016811 per
cent, $105.98; total 3,649.43
J. A. and E. A. Marshall,
70.957 square yards bricik
block paving railroad
cost, $396.65; interest at
6 per cent, $3.43; extra ex-
pense at 301681 per cent,
$11.47; total 412.05
square yards brick block
paving railroad tracks,
tracks, cost, $1.189.98; in-
terest at 6 per cent,
$10.31; extra expense at
301681 per cent, $35.90;
total 1,236.19
2592.26 square yards brick
block paving outside car
tracks at $3.74 per square
yard $ 9,695.05
1863:2 square yards brick
block paving inside car
tracks at $5.59 per square
yard 10,415.28
994 lineal feet cement curb
at 90c per lineal foot 894.60
3521 lineal feet reset curb
at 29c per lineal foot 102.11
Interest at 6 per cent 182.75
Extra expense at 301681
per cent 636.76
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benetfis con-
Adopted November 17th, 19221.
Approved November 17th, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Rooney. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Mel-
chior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Mayor Alderson and
Councilman Gabriel.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Washington
Street, hereinafter described, has
been completed and the City Engi-
neer has computed the cost and ex-
pense of said improvement, which
amounts to $21,926.55;
Therefore, be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Du-
buque, that to provide for the cost
of improving Washington Street
from the north property line of
Eighth Street to the south property
line of Eleventh Street, except
where already improved, there be is-
sued Improvement Bonds to the
amount of $21,926.55. Said bonds
shall be issued under the provisions
of Chapter B, Title V., of the Code
of Iowa and the amendments there-
to; shall bear date as of the 17th
day of December, A. D. 1921; shall
be in the denominations of $300.00
each, except that there shall be one
bond to the amount of $326.55; they
shall be numbered from 7086 to 7158
inclusive, and shall be divided into
ten series, of which the bonds num-
bered 7086 to 7092 shall constitute
the first series; and shall be pay-
able on the first day of April, A. D.
1922; the bonds numbered 7093 to
7099 shall constitute the second
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D. 1923; the
bonds numbered 7100 to 7106 shall
constitute the third series and shall
be payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1924; the bonds numbered
7107 to 7113 shall constitute the
fourth series and shall be payable
on the first day of April, A. D. 1925;
the bonds numbered from 7114 to
7120 shall constitute the fifth series
and shall be payable on the first day
of April, A. D. 1926; the bonds num-
bered 7121 to 7127 shall constitute
the sixth series and shall be pay-
able on the first day of April, A. D.
1927; the bonds numbered 7128 to
7134 shall constitute the seventh
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D. 1928; the
bonds numbered 7135 to 7142 shall
constitute the eighth series and
shall constitute the eighth series
and shall be payable on the first
day of April, A. D. 1929; the bonds
numbered 7143 to 7150 shall consti-
tute the ninth series and shall be
payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1930; and the bonds numbered
Special Session, November 17th, 1921 327
•7151 to 7158 shall constitute the
tenth series and shall be payable
on the first day of April, A. D. 1931.
Said bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of five per cent per annum,
which _ interest shall be payable
the terms of the coupons thereto at-
tached; and said bonds shall be pay-
able out of the proceeds of the
special assessment levied for said
improvement. Both principal and
interest shall be payable at the of-
fice of the City Treasurer in the
City of Dubuque. Said bonds shall
be substantially in the following
No. $300.00
Series No.
The City of Dubuque, in the State
of Iowa, promises to pay, as herein-
after mentioned, t othe bearer he -e-
of, on the first day of April, A. D.
19 , or at any time before that
date, at the option fo the City, the
sum of
with interest thereon at the rate of
five per cent per annum, payable on
the presentation and surrender of
the interest coupons hereto at-
tached. Both principal and inter-
est are payable at the office of the
City Treasurer, in the City of Du-
buque, in the State of Iowa. This
bond is issued by the City of Du-
buque persuant to and by virtue of
Chapter 8, Title V., of the Code of
Iowa and amendments thereto, and
in accordance with a resolution of
the City Council of said city, duly
passed on the 17th day of Novem-
ber, A. D. 1921. This bond is one
of a series of seventy -three bonds,
seventy -two for Three Hundred Dol-
lars each, numbered from 7086 to
7157 inclusive, and one bond for
Three Hundred Twenty -Six and
55 -100 Dollars, numbered 7158, all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of defraying the
post of improving Washington Street
from the north property line of
Eighth Street to the south property
aine of Eleventh Street, except
where already paved, in the City of
/Dubuque, and described in said
resolution; which cost is assessable
and levied along said improvement,
and is made by law a lien on all
abutting or adjacent property, and
payable in ten annual installments,
with interest on all deferred pay-
ments at the rate of five per cent
per annum, and this bond is payable
only out of the money derived from
the collection of said special tax,
and said money can be used for no
other purpose.
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts and conditions
and things required to be done
precedent to and in the issuing of
this series of bonds have been done
happened and performed in regular
and due form as required by said
law and resolution; and for the as-
sessments, collections and payment
hereon of said special tax, the faith
and diligence of said City of Du-
buque are hereby irrevocably
In witness whereof the City of
Dubuque, by its City Council, has
caused thsi bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk, with the seal of said
city affixed, this 17th day of Decem-
ber, A. D. 1921.
(Seal) City Clerk.
On the day of
A. D. 19 , the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer,
as provided in the bond, the sum
of Dollars, at the
office of the City Treasurer, in the
City of Dubuque, being
months' interest due that day on its
Improvement Bond No.
dated December 20th, 1921.
City Clerk.
Be it further resolved, that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared, and when so
prepared, to execute said bonds; and
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to register said
bonds in a book to be kept by him
for that purpose, and to then de-
liver them to the City Treasurer,
who will also register them in a
book to be kept by him for that
Be it further resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
instructed to sell said bonds in the
manner provided for in Section 845
of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds
of said sale to be kept in a special
fund to be known as Improvement
Adopted November 17th, 1921.
Approved November 17th, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Rooney. Car-
328 Special Session, November 17th, 1921
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Mel-
chior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Mayor Alderson and
Councilman Gabriel.
Notice, certied to by the publish-
er, that a special assessment, as
provided by law, will be levied No-
vember 17th, 1921, to pay for the
construction of the following side-
walks, in. front of and abutting City
Lots 199, 200 (Lots 1, 2, 3), 636- 637
and 105, and Jackson School Sub.
Lots 3, 9, 10 and 11, presented.
There being no remonstrance, Coun-
cilman Brede moved that the notice
be received and led. Seconded by
Councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Mel-
chior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Mayor Alderson and
Councilman Gabriel.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for constructing cement sidewalks
by Even- Uhlrich- Staner Co., con-
tractors, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situated
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
C. A. Morris, City Lot 199,
1940.7 square feet at
10 $203.77; interest at
6 per cent, $1.76; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, $2.03;
total $207.56
C. A. Morris, City Lot 200,
Lot t1, 142.7 square feet at
10 /20, $14.989; interest at
6 per cent, 12c; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, 14c;
total 15.24
C. A. Morris, City Lot 200,
Lot 2, 173.8 square feet at
10 $18.34; interest at 6
per cent, $18.24; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, 18c;
total 18.58
G. M. Staples Est., City Lot
200, Lot 3, 183 square feet
at 10 $19.21; interest at
6 per cent, 17c; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, 19c;
total 19.54
Adopted November 17th, 1921.
Approved November 17th, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Rooney. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Mel-
chior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Mayor Alderson and
Councilman Gabriel.
Resolved by the City Council of
thte City of Dubuque: That to pay
for constructing cement sidewalks
by Even - Uhlrich - Staner Co., con-
tractors, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situated
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
W. J. Burns, Und.1 -2 City Lot
636, 281.6 square feet at
11 $31.68; interest at 6
per cent, 27c; extra expense
at 1 per cent, 31c; total $32.26
J. J. Nagle, Und. 1 -2 City Lot
636, 281.6 square feet at
11 $31.68; interest at 6
per cent, 27c; extra expense
at 1 per cent, 31c; total 32.26
W. J. Burns, Und. 1 -2 City Lot
637, 344.85 square feet at
11 $38.79; interest at 6
per cent, 33c; extra expense
at 1 per cent, 38c; total 39.50
J. J. Nagle, Und. 1 -2 City Lot
637, 344.85 square feet at
11 $38.79; interest at 6
per cent, 33c; extra expense
at 1 per cent, 38c; total 39.50
Mary Cleaves, E. 70 ft. of N
23 ft. 10 in. City Lot 105,
420 square feet at 11
$47.25; interest at 6 per
cent, 41c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 47c; total 48.13
Mary Delaney, W. 44 ft. 6 in
of Nfl 23 ft. 10 in. City Lot
105, 265.2 square feet at
11 $29.83; interest at 6
per cent, 26c; extra expense
at 1 per cent, 29c; total 30.38
Adopted November 17th, 1921.
Approved November 17th, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved
adoption of the resolution.
onded by Councilman Rooney.
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede,
chior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Mayor Alderson and
Councilman Gabriel.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for constructing cement sidewalks
by Even - Uhlrich - Staner Co., con-
Sec -
tractors, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, sit-
uated and owned, and for the sev-
eral amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
Chas. C. Gosdon, Jackson
School Sub., of 3, 422 square
feet at 13 $55.91; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 48c; extra
expense at 1 per cent, 55c;
total $5694
John H. Bradley, Jackson
School Sub., Lot 9, 164.8
square feet at 13 $21.83;
interest at 6 per cent, 19c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
21c; total 22.23
John H. Bradley, Jackson
School Sub., Lot 10, 164.8
square feet at 13 $21.83;
interest at 6 per cent, 19c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
21c; total
Special Session, November 22d, 1921
John H. Bradley, Jackson
School Sub., Lot 11, 164.8
square feet at 13 $21.83;
interest at 6 per cent, 19c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
21c; total 22.23
City of Dubuque, 88 square
feet at 13 $11.66; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 10c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
11c; total 11.87
Adopted November 17th, 1921.
Approved November 17th, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved
adoption of the resolution.
onded by Councilman Rooney.
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Mel-
chior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent — Mayor Alderson and
Councilman Gabriel.
Petition of the Catholic Women's
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: The Catholic Wom-
en's League of this city, a charitable
organization for the relief of the
poor, and the care and proper treat-
ment of neglected children, pur-
chased last year the South 1 / 2 of N.
1 -5 and N. 1 /2 of M. 1 -5 of lot 479 in
the City of Dubuque, for the pur-
Sec -
pose of such charitable work and
have ever since occupied the prop-
erty, known as "The Neighborhood
House ", in which the work of the
organization is carried on. The As-
sociation is supported wholly by
charitable subscriptions. Wherefore
the petitioners pray that the prop-
erty herein described be exempt from
taxation, and the County taxes for
the year 1920 be cancelled.
Very respectfully submitted,
Councilman Brede moved that the
petition be referred to the City So-
licitor. Seconded by Councilman
Rooney. Carried by the following
Yeas -- Councilmen Brede, Melch-
ior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
22.23 Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Gabriel.
Petition of the Linwood Cemetery
Association, referred to the City So-
licitor at a previous meeting, pre-
sented. The City Solicitor recom-
mended that the prayer of the peti-
tion be granted. Councilman Brede
moved that the prayer of the peti-
tion be granted and the County Au-
ditor be notified to cancel the taxes
for 1921 upon the property described
in the petition. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Rooney. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—Councilmen Brede, Melch-
ior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Gabriel.
Report of the City Solicitor on the
petition of Anna M. Dolan, referred
to him at a previous meeting, rela-
tive to redeeming property sold for
delinquent special assessments and
penalties, recommending that the
prayer of the petition be granted and
stating conditions.
Councilman Brede moved that the
prayer of the petition be granted,
Mrs. Dolan to pay the principal of
the assessment, advertising and cer-
tificate charges, less the payments
already made if there be any, and
penalties. Seconded by Councilman
Rooney. Carried by the following
Yeas—Councilmen Brede, Melch-
ior, Rooney.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Gabriel.
330 Special Session, November 22c1, 1921
Councilman Rooney moved to ad-
journ. Carried. CITY COUNCIL
City Clerk.
Adopted 1921. (Official.)
Approved 1921. Special Session November 22, 1921.
Meeting called by order of Council -
r men Gabriel and Melchior.
1 Council met at 4:30 P. M.
Mayor Alderson in the chair.
Present —City Manager Carr, May -
Approved i
or Alderson, Councilmen Brede,
Melchior, Rooney.
Mayor Alderson read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
Councilmen. duly made and that this meeting
is called for the purpose of consider -
Attest: ing the acceptance of the sanitary
City Clerk. sewer in West 17th street and act-
ing on any other business that may
come before the meeting.
November 10, 1921.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I beg to advise that
the sewer in Seventeenth street be-
tween Catherine street and Cox
street, Thomas Welch, contractor,
has been completed and tested. I
would therefore recommend the ac-
ceptance of this piece of work.
Respectfully submitted,
City. Manager.
A Resolution
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of a sanitary sewer in
West Seventeenth Street, from the
end of the present sewer to Cox
Street, has been completed; and,
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined the work and recommend-
ed its acceptance; now, therefore, •
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the
recommendation of the City Manag-
er be approved and that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare a plat and sched-
ule showing the lots or parcels of
real estate subject to assessment
for said improvement and file the
same in the office of the City Clerk,
subject to public inspection, and
that the City Clerk shall upon re-
ceipt of such plat and schedule pub-
lish the notice of said assessment as
is required by law
Adopted —Nov. 22, 1921.
Approved —Nov. 22, 1921.
City Clerk, •
Councilman Brede moved that the
Special Session, November 22c1, 1921 331
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and the resolution
adopted. Seconded by Councilman
Rooney. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of property owners on
Eleventh Street presented:
To the Honorable Manager and City
Commissioners of Dubuque, Iowa:
We, the undersigned, abutting
property owners of East Eleventh
Street, respectfully petition your
Honorable Body to try and have our
assessment of street improvement
reduced to a reasonable rate, as the
present rate and price is far above
what we or anybody else expected;
and is not in conformity with the
valuation of the adjacent property.
Signed by C. W. Bradley, Sam
Block, Morris Jacobs, et al.
Councilman Rooney moved that
the petition be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney.
Nays —None.
Not Voting — Councilman Brede.
November 22, 1921.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: On October 14th, a
contract was awarded to George
Gantenbein & Son for the construc-
tion of certain concrete walks within
the City of Dubuque. I beg to ad-
vise that the following walks have
been completed:
Sidewalk adjacent to N. 25 feet
City Lot 553, Wm. Meehan, owner.
Sidewalk adjacent to S. 50 feet
City Lot 553, Mary and Helen Mee -
han, owners.
Sidewalk adjacent to S. 75 feet
Quigley's Lot 1 of Outlot 712, Cath.
Reea, owner.
Sidewalk adjacent to S. 2/5 City
• Lot 665, Mary E. Blocklinger, owner.
Sidewalk adjacent to Lot 14,
Quigley's Outlot 712, N. and M.
Heery, owners.
Sidewalk adjacent to City Lot 257
and south 11 feet of Lot 258, J. H.
Rhomberg, owner,
Sidewalk adjacent to City Lot 251,
Rhoda M. Keane, owner.
Sidewalk adjacent to N. 41.9 feet
Sub. 15, Cooley's Sub., Max and W.
Berk, owners.
I would recommend the acceptance
of the above walks and also that an
extension of time until the first of
next June be given to Geo. Ganten-
bein & Son for the completion of
other walks covered in his contract.
Respectfully submitted,
(Signed) O. E. CARR,
City Manager.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved, the work be ac-
cepted and Geo. Gantenbein & Son,
Contractors, be given an extension
of time to June 1, 1922, for the com-
pletion of the other walks covered
in this contract. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Brede. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
A Resolution
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of sidewalks adjacent to
the following property has been
completed: The north 25 ft. of City
of 553, the south 50 ft. of City Lot
553, the south 75 ft, of Lot 1 of
Quigley's Outlot 712, the south 2/5
of City Lot 664, Lot 14, Quigley's
Outlot 712; City Lot 257, and the S.
11 ft. of City Lot 256; and,
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined said work and recommend-
ed its acceptance; now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare a plat and sched-
ule showing the lots or parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
said improvements and file the same
in the office of the City Clerk, sub-
ject to public inspection, and that
the City Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish the
notice of said assessments as is re-
quired by law.
Adopted— November 22, 1921.
Approved— November 22, 1921.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Brede. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
City Manager Carr made the ,fol-
lowing recommendation:
November 22, 1921.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: On August 28, 1893,
special assessments were levied
against Lots 153 and 153 Woodlawn
Park Addition, for the improvement
of Fourteenth Street and Auburn
Avenue. For the improvement of
Auburn Avenue, an assessment of
$124.16 was levied against Lot 154.
For the improvement of Fourteenth
Street, Lot 153 was assessed $82.72.
For the improvement of the same
street, Lot 154 was assessed $106.94.
The total of these assessments
amounted to $313.82. Interest on the
same at the time of the advertised
sale amounted to $75.30.
The City of Dubuque bought in
this property at the September tax
sale and secured tax title to it. The
regular taxes have been regularly
paid on this property. The owner
only recently learned of these old
special assessments against it. I
have at hand a check drawn in fav-
or of the City of Dubuque by Will-
iam Lawther, Jr., for $160.00, it be-
ing understood that this check
should be taken by the City as pay -
ment in full for the surrender of the
tax titles.
These assessments having been
levied twenty -eight years ago, the
property having passed from the
owner at that time into the hands
of the purchaser, who has paid taxes
on the same for many years without
being aware of the existence of any
cloud on the title of this property,
I would recommend the acceptance
of this check as payment in full for
the lien which the city has upon the
above listed property.
Respectfully submitted,
(Signed) O. E. CARR,
City Manager.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved and the check
for $160.00 be accepted as payment
in full for the cancellation of the
lien which the City has upon the
above listed property. Seconded by
Councilman Brede. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of Mrs. Lizzie Cutts,
widow, asking for a soldier's ex-
emption of taxes on Lot 2 of Lot 6,
Finley Home Add., for the year 1920,
presented. Councilman Brede mov-
ed that the petition be referred to
the City Solicitor. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Petition of Elizabeth McGreavy
resented. She states that she is the
owner of Lot 53 and part of Lot 54
in Oak Park Add. to the City of Du-
buque, on Valley Street; that said
property is advertised for sale for
1920 taxes; that the taxes amount
to between $19.00 and $20,00, and
that said property is mortgaged for
332 Special Session, November 22d, 1921 Special Session, November 22d, 1921 333
$350.00; that this mortgage also in-
cludes the 1919 taxes; that she
finds it impossible at this time to
borrow any money; that she is not
regularly employed, and has no
means to get the money wherewith
to pay the taxes as assessed against
the property. She therefore peti-
tions your Honorable Body to pass
an order directing the County Treas-
urer to accept one -half of said taxes
in full of the taxes clue from her
and cancel the other one -half of said
taxes upon the ground of her pover-
ty and inability to pay the same.
Councilman Brede moved that the
petition be referred to the City Man-
ager for investigation. Seconded by
Councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Report of the City Auditor for the
month of October presented. Coun-
cilman Brede moved that the report
be received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Rooney. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Report of the City Treasurer for
the month of October presented.
Councilman Brede moved that the
report be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Rooney. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Report of the City Water Works
for the month of October presented.
Councilman Brede moved that the
report be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Rooney. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council -
men Brede, Melchior, Gabriel,
Nays —None.
Mullen, County Treasurer
The City Council of the City of
Dubuque does hereby direct you to
make the following correction in the
city assessment upon the property
belonging to Oscar Papin, as fol-
Said Oscar Papin is the owner of
Mineral Lot 301 -A and Mineral Lot
302; that both of these lots contain
more than ten (10) acres each and
are used wholly for agricultural pur-
poses; that for said reason, under
the law, said lands are not liable to
general city taxes but are only lia-
able for Road tax and Library tax,
and said combined taxes for the
year 1920 amounte to 3% mills upon
the taxable valuation of said prop-
erty, which figured in dollars
amounts to the following:
Upon Lot 302 $3.62
Upon Lot 301 -A $ .76
You will kindly correct your tax
list accordingly and permit said tax
payer to pay the above sums with-
out interest because said assess-
ments were illegally made.
Respectfully yours,
• City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Clerk.
Adopted 1921.
Approved 1921.
City Clerk.