1918 June Council Proceedings156 Official Notices. An Ordinance, AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ANNULLING MORNINGSUN AVE- NUE, NORTH OF THE SOUTH- EAST ,CORNER OF LOT NO. 37 AND SQTJTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 22. ALL OF SHORT STREET, AND THE ALLEY RUNNING FROM THE SOTJTH LINE OF SNORT STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF LOTS 20 AND 21, AND THE ALLEY BETWEEN LOTS 13 AND 22, ALL IN BELLEVUE AD- DITION. Whereas, The owners of the prop- erty abutting Morningsun Avenue, north of the Southeast corner of Lot 37 and southwest corner of Lot 22, all of Short street, the alley runing from the south line of Short street to the north line of Lots 20 and 21, and the alley between Lots 13 and 22, all in Bellevue Addition did petition the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the vacation of said streets and alleys, and Whereas, It appears that no valid objections have been made to such proposed vacation and annullment, that said streets and alleys are not re- quired for public purposes; therefore Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That Morningsun Ave- nue, north of the southeast corner of Lot 37 and southwest of the corner of Lot 22, all of Short street, the alley running from the south line of Short street to the north line of Lots 20 and 21, and the alley between Lots 13 and 22, all in Bellevue Addition, be and they are hereby vacated and an- nulled, and the use thereof granted the owners of the property abutting thereon. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in tha Dubuque Times - Journal and Tele- graph-Heralcl newspapers. Adopted May 20th, 1918. Approved May 21st 1918. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald newspapers, May 21, 1918. 5- 21 -1t. City Recorder. An Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE GRADE OF CORA STREET AND ESTABLISHING A NEW GRADE ON SAID STREET, FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF GRANDVIEW AVENUE TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF CURTIS STREET. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade hereto- fore established by the .City Council on Cora Street, from the east prop- erty line of Grandview Avenue to the south property line of Curtis Street, be and the same a is hereby changed and established as shown by the pro- file of said sheet and grade prepared by the City ' Engineer, being profile No. 962, B.' M. door sill of house No. 561 Grandview Avenue, elevation 281.06. Said grade begins at the east property line of Grandview Avenue, which is station 0, north curb eleva- tion 271.30, south curb elevation 271.00, no change; thence to station 2, south curb elevation 261.00, north curb elevation 260.50, no change; thence to station 4+08, old elevation, west curb, 262.80, east curb, 253.20, new elevation, west curb, 252.70, east curb 253.00; thence to station 4+36, old elevation, west curb elevation 251.75, east curb elevation, 252.16, new elevation, west curb elevation 251.65 east curb elevation 252.00: thence to station 4 +65, old elevation, west curb elevation 250.67, 1 east curb elevation 251.06, new elevation, west curb elevation 250.47, east curb ele- vation 250.86; thence to station 4 +96, old elevation, west curb elevation 249.41, east curb elevation 250.00, new elevation, east curb elevation 249.80, west curb elevation 249.20; thence to station 5+60, south curb line of York Street, old elevation, west curb elevation 247.00, east curb . elevation 247.50, new elevation, west curb elevation 247.10, east curb elevation 247.50; thence to station 5+86, north curb line of York Street, east curb elevation 247.50, west curb elevation 247.00, no change; thence to station 8, south property line of Curtis Street, west curb elevation 238.00, east curb elevation 238.90, no change. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and publication in the Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspap- ers. Adopted May 16, 1918. Approved May 17, 1918. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald newspapers, May 21, 1918. JOHN STUBER, 5- 21 -1t. City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Regular session June 6th, 1918. Council met at 8:05 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present —Aids. Andresen, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Absent —Ald. Bird. BIDS. Bids for the construction . of Bee Branch storm sewer north from the end of present sewer at 28th street. Bid of N. J. Staner, $18.95 per lineal foot. Bid of Jas. Street, $19.50 per lineal foot. On motion of Ald. Frith, the con- tract was awarded to N. J. Staner, he being the lowest bidder. Bid for construction of Bee Branch sewer south from present sewer at 32nd street. Bid of Peter Herkes, $19.35 per lineal foot. Ald. Frith moved to return bid and check to Peter Herkes as check was not certi- fied. Carried. Bids for constructing concrete gut- ters on Seventeenth street, from rail- road tracks to Maple street. Bid of Even - Ulrich Co., 19% cents per sq. ft. Bid of J. M. Lee, 24 cents per sq. ft. On motion of Ald. Andresen, the contract was awarded to Even -Ul- rich Co., they being the lowest bid- ders. Bid for constructing cement steps at Vine street. Bid of N. J. Sterner, 35 cu. yds. excavating, 60 cents per cu. yd.; 885 sq. ft. landing, 15 cents per sq. ft.; 546 lin. ft. railing, 2 -inch gas pipe, 36 cents per lin. ft.; 50 re- inforced step, $4.85 per step; 70 posts, 2 -inch gas pipe, $1.30 per post; 33 plain steps, $3.70 per step; 10 ft. columns, $1.10 per lin. ft.; 58 ft. beams, 95 cents per lin. ft.; 5 cu. yds. headers, $10.00 per cu. yd. On motion of Ald. Frith, the bid was referred to the city engineer to report later in the evening. Bids for cleaning around the mar- ket square. Bid of John Dehing, $15.00 per month. Bid of Laurence Daily, $12.90 per month. On motion of Ald. Plamondon, the contract was awarded to Laurence Daily, he being the lowest bidder. BILLS. Frank Bakey, macadam $ 6 Jas. M. Lee, Athletic field .._ 437 E. T. Frith, health 1080 3 18 19 29 Wm. Singrin, excavation Ike Beekman, inspector Tony Seig, 4th road Wm. Singrin, excavation J. Lee, constructing cement sidewalks Tom Kenneally, inspector _._. Wm. Singrin, excavation Joe Donahue, 1st ward Regular Session June 6, 1918. 157 114 25 21 22 87 50 00 79 75 25 12 38 00 69 75 Leo Sullivan, macadam 67 50 On motion of Ald. Frith, all bills properly O. K. were ordered paid. Petition of Jas. F. Lee, asking the City Council to take action on his bill of $134.00 and interest, $32.16, total $164.16, for material and labor at municipal athletic field in April, 1914, - presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin, the petition was re- ferred to the Committee of the whole. Petition of B. J. Horchem, asking the City Council's approval of the bill of Nick Grandgenet of $43.90,- for plowing at baseball park and Lin- coln avenue, presented and read. Ald. Frith moved that a warrant be drawn and the amount be divided among the five wards. Carried. Petition of A. W. Reifstack, asking the City Council to investigate the condition of the sidewalk in front of the property at 884 Rhomberg ave- nue, stating it is in an unsatisfactory condition and they have not been able to adjust the matter with the Iowa Telephone Co., presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith, the petition was referred to the commit- tee of the whole to view the grounds. Petition of E. C. Keating, asking the City Council to grant him per- mission to install a gasoline filling station on the sidewalk in front of his drug store at 385 West Fifth street, presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin, the prayer of the petition was granted and the city at- torney instructed to draft a waiver and agreement covering the same. , Petition of Catholic Printing Co., asking the City Council permission to excavate the sidewalk on Iowa street forty -one feet in length for the in- stallation of a coal storage bin, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Strobel, the petition was referred to the committee of the whole to view the grounds. Petition of the Union Trust and Savings bank, asking the City Council to instruct the city treasurer to ac- cept taxes as follows: For the year 1913, $2,183.67 less the taxes on $27,- 000.00 of city water works bonds; for the year 1914, upon the basis of its capital stock of $100,000.00; for the year 1915, $3,088.04; for the year 1916, $3,332.49; for the year 1917, $3,612.84, presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin, the peti- tion was referred to the committee of the whole and the city attorney and city treasurer notified to be present. Petition of the Corn Belt Packing Co., asking the City Council to grant them permission to operate and main- tain a packing plant and slaughter house at what is known as the old Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co. plant in the City of Dubuque, present- ed and read. On motion of Ald. Frith, 158 Regular Session June 6, 1918. the petition was referred to the com- mittee of the whole and interested parties notified to be present. Petition of the Key City Gas Co., asking the City Council's approval of advancing the net price of gas twen- ty -five cents a thousand cubic feet; this advance to apply to all gas con- sumed after the meter readings are taken for the gas bills dated July 1, 1918, presented and read. Ald. Leist moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing Mr. McLean to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Andresen, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Hird. Mr. McLean addressed the Coun- cil relative to the increase in the cost of coal, labor and materials connected with maintaining a gas plant. On motion of Ald. Frith, the peti- tion was referred to the committee of the whole. While the rules were suspended Mr. J. P. Frantzen addressed the cil relative to the petition of the Corn Belt Packing Co., in regard to their delay in presenting same. Ald. Hird entered and took his seat at 8:55 p. m. Petition of A. L. Rhomberg, ask- ing the City Council to place a light on Prospect street at the intersec- tion of the alley between West Fifth street and West Seventh street, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Andresen, the petition was referred to the committee of the whole to view the grounds. Petition of Mrs. Nora Flynn, 'St. Anthony's Home, James Street, ask- ing the City Council to allow her a small sum, as the water has been running into the cellar of the prop- erty formerly belonging to her broth- er. Also asking the City Council to investigate the sewer at Third and Bluff streets, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist, the petition was referred to the committee of the whole to view the grounds and the sewer inspector notified to be pres- ent. Petition of Robt. McGivern, asking the City Council to reduce the as- sessment on Lots 5, 6, 7, Finley Waples' Add., and Burton's Add., for the year 1917, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Strobel, the peti- tion was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Anthony Schmitz, et al, asking the City Council to change the German name Leibnitz street to Liberty street, presented and read. Ald. Andresen moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing any one present to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Andresen, Frith, Hird, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays -None. Mr. P. Asmussen, a property own- er, addressed the Council objecting to the change, stating it would cause a great deal of inconvenience, and did not see why change was necessary as that name had served the purpose for the last forty years. On motion of Ald. Andresen, the petition was re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Petition of L. Eichorn, et al, asking the City Council to place a light on Lawndale avenue, near Lot 10, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith, the petition was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Thos. Casey, asking the City Council to accept $25.00 as pay- ment in full, for special assessments levied against the following property: North 30 ft. of Lot 2 of Kruse's Sub., $47.86; southerly 11 ft. 1 inch of Lot 2 of Kruse's Sub., $17.53; Lot 3 of Kruse's Sub., $69.13, for the im- provement of Windsor avenue in 1899, claiming assessments are out- lawed and void, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith, the petition was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Dubuque Packing Co., asking the City Council to vacate alley in the block between 16th and 17th street and between Cedar and Sycamore streets, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist, the petition was referred to the committee of the whole to vie wthe grounds. The following return of service of sidewalk notices presented and read: Anna M. Trueb, Lots 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, Quigley Sub. of M. L. 157, south side of North Street; G. and M. M. Born, Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, Michel's Sub., north side of North Street; J. Rowan, Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Quigley's Sub. of M. L. 157, north side of North Street; Grundy and Hird, Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, Hodge's Sub., No. 2, north side of North Street; C. H. Yates, Lot 1 of 39 of Quigley's Sub. of M. L. 157, south side of North Street; John Graham, Lot 1 of 1 of 25, Quigley's Sub. of M. L. 157, Lots 2 of 1 of 25, Quigley Sub. of M. L. 157, south side of North Street; F. Yarwood, Lots 1 of 1 of 26, Quigley's Sub. of M. L. 157, south side of North Street; Cath. A. Holz, Lot 26, Quigley's Sub. of M. L. 157, south side of North Street; Mary J. Beacon, Lots 9 and 10 of 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., east side of Burns Street; Anna Hill, Lots 33 and 34, Quigley's Sub. of M. L. 157, south side of North Street; Margt. Ryan, south 161 feet Lots 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., west side of Burns Street. On motion of Ald. Plamondon, the returns of service were made a mat- ter of record and the City Engineer instructed to prepare plans and speci- fications for the construction of the same. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I hereby submit my payroll on streets in the various dis- tricts in the City of Dubuque for the last half of May, 1918: Amount due laborers $3,215.16 Also submit the payroll for sweep- ing and sprinkling for the last half of May, 1918: Amount due laborers $361.20 Respectfully submitted, JOHN SCHROMEN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Frith, the pay- rolls were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to commit- tee on streets. Also submit my payroll for labor on West Third Street for the last half of May, 1918, to be paid from the ap- propriation created therefore: Amount due laborers $98.14 JOHN SCHROMEN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald.. Frith, the pay- rolls were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to commit- tee on streets. . Also submit my payroll for labor on roads leading into the County for the last half of May, 1918, to be paid from the First ward's portion of the County road fund: Amount due laborers $117.28 Respectfully submitted, JOHN SCHROMEN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Frith, the pay- rolls were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to commit- tee on streets. Also submit my payroll for labor on sewers in the City of Dubuque for the last half of May, 1918: Amount due laborers $391.46 Respectfully submitted, JOHN SCHROMEN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Plamondon the payrolls were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred. back to commit- tee on sewers. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for the fire department for the last half of May, 1918: Amount due firemen $2,457.15 Pension fund retained 45.61 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Regular Session June 6, 1918. 159 On notion of Ald. Leist, the payroll was received and warrants orlered drawn to pay various amounts and the report referred back to fire commit- tee. Chief of Police Giellis reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of May, 1918: Assault and battery Buying stolen junk from Vagrancy Disturbing the peace Intoxication Petit larceny Malicious mischief Obtaining money by false pretenses Robbery Violating speed ordinance Violating traffic ordinance Operating auto without number Total Residents arrested Doors found open Defective lights Lodgers harbored Meals furnished prisoners Cost of food Sheriff, dieting prisoners $ Police costs and fines collected$176.60 Patrol runs for prisoners 115 Miles traveled 185 Ambulance calls 141 Prisoners transferred 8 Also beg to submit the payroll for policemen for the last half of May, 1918: Amount due policemen $1,913.95 Amount retained in pension fund 37.27 Respectfully submitted, JOHN W. GIELLIS, Chief of Police. Total $353,482,48 On motion of Ald. Andresen, the report and payroll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay vari- ous amounts and the report referred back to the police committee. City Auditor Cyril D. Lagen re- ported as follows: Dubuque, Iowa, June 5th, 1918. To the Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of May, 1918, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: RECEIPTS. City's cash balance May 1st $322,244.12 Receipts during month ..__ 31,238.36 2 minors 1 2 15 33 4 1 1 2 19 3 1 84 51 21 43 83 25 $ 5.00 8.00 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $ 47,682.76 Improvement bond cou- pons 1,115.00 Regular bond coupons 600.00 160 Regular Session June 6, 1918. Library orders Park orders Policemen pension orders Firemen pension orders._ _ 2890.09 6,479.11 147.50 295.50 Total $ 57,209.96 City's cash balance May 31st 296,272.52 Total $353,482.48 The above cash balances include the balances in the improvement bond fund, the water works interest and sinking fund, the library fund, old water works debt fund, police pension fund, fire pension fund, and the sinking fund (for amelioration of the city regular bonded debt). WATER WORKS ACCOUNT. Cash balance May 1st $17,385.92 Deposit with Treasurer by Trustees 4,150.87 Total $21,536.79 Orders drawn on Treasurer by Trustees $10,148.06 Cash balance May 31st 11,388.73 Total $21,536.79 EXCAVATION ACCOUNT. Cash balance May 1st $150.00 Cash balance May 31st 150.00 EXCAVATION FUND Cash balance May 1st $ 97.28 Deposits with Treasurer 91.57 Total $188.85 Warrants issued against fund $108.36 Cash balance May 31st 80.49 Total $188.85 The following is a record of all in- terest coupons and bonds redeemed by the City Treasurer and credited to him: INTEREST. Improvement bond coupons $1,115.00 Regular bond coupons 600.00 Total $ 1,715.00 Also report there is due the City Officers for the month of May, 1918, salaries amounting to $3,063.97 and Abanda Beyer (compensation law) $35.08. The following list shows the appro- priations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the begin- ning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 1918, to June 1st, 1918: Appropriation Expended For general ex- pense and con- tingent fund ..$47,000.00 $15,812.17 For District Road funds: First district 9,761.26 7,745.97 Second district 17,474.32 10,244.12 Third district 12,493.52 7,267.98 Fourth district 14,056.09 7,333.23 Fifth district 12,031.96 7,425.17 For expense of fire department 66,000.00 37,448.18 ment 50,000.00 14,128.28 For expense of police depart- ment 50,000,00 14,128.28 For care, mainte- nance and re- pair of sewers__ 7,500.00 4,339.14 For printing 2,500.00 926.93 For street lighting 46,000.00 10,960.03 For interest on floating a n d bonded debt _._. 41,250.00 584.45 For expense of board of health 17,000.00 6,708.08 For grading streets and al- leys 3,000.00 1,701.10 Special bonded paving 9,000.00 3,574.10 Icr interest on special bonded debt 8,000.00 For repairing and rebuilding side- walks 1,000.00 47.28 For library fund _ 2,500.00 2,500.00 For building of wharf 2,500.00 2,332.23 For street flusher 6,925.00 6,925.00 For fire apparatus 12,500.00 For bathing beach 2,500.00 2,237.70 For municipal athletic field 1,500.00 For Visiting Nurse Association __ 1,200.00 100.00 For park board.._ 2,500.00 2,500.00 For opening Louisa street 800.00 For cement steps on North Main street 1,250.00 For improvement of Dodge street from Bluff St. t o Grandview avenue ... 1,000.00 For improvement of Grandview avenue _.__ 1,000.00 For cement steps from Dodge St. to Burns St. 700.00 For grading south side of West For opening from Riker street to Rush street ____ 500.00 For sewer in Sev- enteenth street 800.00 For Bee Branch sewer 4,500.00 $153,087.62 Very respectfully submitted, CYRIL D. LAGEN, City Auditor. City Treasurer Wybrant reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is a statement of amounts advanced by me during the month of May, 1918, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest on warrants out- standing $ 265.75 Miscellaneous 1,259.47 On motion of Ald. Frith, the re- port of the City Treasurer was ap- proved and warrants ordered drawn to cover the various amounts and the report referred back to the finance committee. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: In my report to your honorable body at your session of April 18, 1918, recommending that warrants be drawn in favor of prop- erty owners abutting the West Loc- ust Street brick paving improvement, who had paid their original assess- ment in full, to the amount of the twenty per cent reduction granted them, an error was made in the amount due Emma L. Buettell. The original assessment against her prop- erty, which she had paid in full, amounted to $156.51," and twenty per cent of that amount is $31.30. As the amount of the warrant drawn in her favor was $21.30, I would rec- ommend that another warrant in the sum of $10.00 be drawn on the spec- ial Bonded Paving Fund in favor of Emma L. Buettell. Respectfully submitted, GEO. D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin,. report of the City Treasurer was ap- proved and the City Recorder in= strutted to draw a warrant for $10.00 in favor of Emma L. Buettell. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I would most respect- fully request your honorable body to fig the salary of the clerk in the City Treasurer's office at $100.00 per month, same to take effect begin- ning June 1, 1918. Respectfully submitted, GEO. D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. On motion of Ald. Plamondon, the petition was referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole, to be acted on at their next meeting. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I beg to report that I have investigated the Council Pro- ceedings for the months of March and April, 1918, as instructed, and find owing to the depletion of funds the list of warrants do not appear in the regular order, but do appear in sums covering the amounts start- ing on Page 93, in the April 'proceed- ings: Regular Session June 6, 1918. 161 Respectfully submitted, JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. On motion of Ald. Andresen, the report of the City Recorder was ap- proved. June 5, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: On May 20, 1918, you referred to me the bond of John Schromen, street commissioner, for examination and report. I beg to ad- vise you that I have examined this bond and find the same properly exe- cuted in form and the same may be kept on file. Respectfully submitted, M. H. CZIZEK, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the report of the City Attorney was ap- proved. June 5, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Hereto attached you will find the stipulation and agree- ment of Charles E. Karn, covering the installation of a gasoline tank under the sidewalk at 445 Iowa Street, for which permission was granted by your honorable body on May 16, 1918. This agreement has Ibeen prepared py me and properly signed and may be made a matter of record. M. H. CZIZEK, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Strobel the re- port of the City Attorney was made a matter of record.' STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT.' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Whereas, the Charles E. Karn of the City of Dubuque, has Pe • titioned the City Council of said City for permission to install a Gasoline' Filling Station, with tank underground' beneath sidewalk, having pump on curb, the same to be in front of the' building known as 445 Iowa street. Now, therefore, in consideration of the permission granted by the City Council to place said gasoline tank under the sidewalk at No. 445 Iowa street, and also the curb pump as above specified, Charles E. Karn agrees, and by these presents does agree, to maintain said gasoline tank and 'curb pump in a safe and careful manner, and It' is further stipulated and agreed that the Charles' E. Karn shall alone' be liable and responsible, as well `as his successor sand assigns for any arid' all damage that may arise from: any injury which may sustained by any person by reason of the existence and maintenance Of ''said gasoline tank arid' 'curb 'pump, and 'there shall be no liability on the' part of' the City of 162 Regular Session June 6, 1918. Dubuque whatsoever. Signed at the City of Dubuque this 28th day of May, 1915. CHAS. E. KARN, Owner of Key City Taxi Co. Witnessed by James Smith. Bonds of Chas. J. McCarthy, Mar - ketmaster, in the sum of $500.00' James T. Lynch, Harbor Master and Sidewalk Inspector, in the sum of $500.00; Chas. Pape & Son, plumber's excavation bond in the sum of $500.00, presented and read. On mo- tion of Ald. Frith, the bonds were re- ferred to the City Attorney. The fololying Weighmasters' re- ports on receipts were presented and read and on motion of Ald. Strobel were made a matter of record. C. J. McCarthy $9.10 L. Pitschner .36 On motion of Ald. Leist, the City Recorder was instructed to advertise for bids for a new automobile for the Fire Chief, bidders to state in their proposal what allowance they will make on the old automobile now in else. Ald. Strobel moved that the Com- mittee of the Whole view the grounds at the City Pound to decide if that would be a suitable place to house thw Street Sprinkler and Flusher. Car- ried. Ald. Hird reported that the toilet at the Fourth Street Engine House freezes every winter at its present lo- cation, and suggested having it moved to some other part of the building. On motion of Ald. Leist, the matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Dubuque, Iowa, June 5th, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The Board of Health met in regular session June 5th, 1918. Chairman Saul in the chair. Present: Alds. Andresen, Leist; citizens, M. M. Hoffman, A. Zillig, and Sanitary Of- ficer Newman. Minutes of the meet- ing of May 3rd read and, on motion of Ald. Leist, were approved as read. On motion of Ald. Leist, the follow- ing bills were sent to the County for payment: BILLS. H. P. Lemper $ 41.93 Charles Palen 100.00 Dubuque Electric Co. 3.00 Frank A. Burns 4.36 F. A. Orsinger 16.76 Dr. E. L. Reinecke 374.00 Frank Beutin 3.85 W. C. Fosselman 76.90 Frank A. Burns 4.10 W. A. Fischer 63.59 J. J. O'Neill & Co. 11.91 Dr. E. L. Reinicke 196.00 Mettell Brothers 2.95 Richard Kolck 12.00 C. Lung & Co. 65.10 John L. Kies 1.50 John A. Voelker & Son 20.00 Petition of Dora K. Altman, presi- dent, Mount Pleasant Home, relative to operating and maintaining a con- tagious ward on the third floor of Mount Pleasant Home for their own use, presented and read. On motion of M. M. Hoffman, the prayer of the petition was granted. On motion of Ald. Andresen, the Committee Clerk was instructed to notify the Board of Health to meet with the Board of Supervisors at their next meeting to decide on a new site for the Detention Hospital. Ald. Leist moved that Dr. J. N. Graham, Meat and Milk Inspector, be instructed to publish in the newspa- pers every month a copy of the re- port that he submits to the State. Carried. M. M. Hoffman moved to adjourn. Carried. JOHN STUBER, Clerk of the Board of Health. On motion of Ald. Leist, the report of the Board of Health was approved. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of Er- nestine Otto, asking for a reduction in her taxes on Lot 1 of 1 and Lot 2 of Lot 168, L. H. Langworthy's Add., would respectfully recommend that the building on said property be re- duced to $400.00 and the city treasur- er and city assessor be instructed ac- cordingly. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of Chris. Steiner, asking for a reduction in his taxes on Lots 3 and 4, Wulweb- ber's Sub., would respectfully recom- mend that the building be reduced to $760.00 and the city treasurer and city assessor be instructed according- ly. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Welu, asking that Pleasant street be opened to the end of said street, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the bids for the improvement of the various streets in the city, would respectfully recom- mend that the bids be received and filed and the checks returned to the bidders. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of T. A. Polsean, asking for a reduction in the special assessment levied against his property for the improvement of Pine street, would respectfully recom- mend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman, Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petitions of O. Papin and Emilie Hintrager, asking for a cancellation of the taxes against their property because of its being used for agriculture purposes would respectfully recommend that said pe- titions be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petitions of the Jackson 'street property owners remonstrating against the improve- ment of said street, also the Clay street property owners' petition, rela- tive to the proper paving of said street, would respectfully recommend that they be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the various reports of the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that all the offices in the city hall close at 1:00 p. m. Saturday afternoons during the months of June, July and August. Carried. On motion of Ald. Leist, the city at- torney was instructed to notify the Dubuque Electric Co. and C. B. Mc- Namara Co. to repair the streets be- tween and one foot each side of the street car tracks on Clay street by June 20th, 1918. City engineer reported that N. J. Staner's total bid amounted to $927.01 on stairway at Vine street. Ald. Pla- mondon moved that the check - and bid be returned to the bidder and the city recorder be instructed to re- advertise for bids. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct per- manent sidewalks in front of the fol- lowing named lots or parts of lots and abutting on the following named streets: Four feet wide in front of Lot 3 of 4, Block 3, Dub. Harbor Imp. Co. Add., abutting on south side of Fourth St. Extension, owned by J. H. Rhom- berg. Four feet wide in front of Lots 21, 22, 23, 24, Block 6, Dub. Harbor Imp. Co. Add., abutting on south side of Fourth St. Extension, owned by Du- buque Star Brewery Co. Four feet wide in front of Lots 13, 10, 9, 8, 7, Block 5, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., abutting on south side of Fourth St. Extension, owned by Dubuque Star Brewing Co. Four feet wide in front of Sub. 1 of 5, Lot 1; Sub. 1 of 4, Lot 1, Block 22, • Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., abut- ting on south side of Fourth St. Ex- tension, owned by M. H. McCarthy. Four feet wide in front of Sub. 31, Lot 1; Sub. 2 of 32, Lot 1; Sub. 32, Regular Session June 6, 1918. 163 Lot 1, Block 22, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., abutting on south side of Fourth St. Extension, owned by M. H. McCarthy. Four feet wide in front of Sub. 2 of 30, Lot 1; Sub. 2 of 31, Lot 1, Block 22, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., abutting on south side of Fourth St. Extension, owned by M. H. McCarthy. Four feet wide in front of Sub. of 12, Lot 1; Sub. 2 of 12, Lot 1, Block 26, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., abutting on south side of Fourth St. Extension, owned by M. H. McCarthy. Four feet wide in front of Sub. of 13, Lot 1; Sub. of 2 of 13, Lot 1, Block 26, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., abutting on south side of Fourth St. Extension, owned by M. H. Mc- Carthy. Four feet wide in front of Lot 1 of 21; 1 of 22; 1 of 23; 1 of 24; 2 of 14, Block 26, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., abutting on south side of Fourth St. Extension, owned by Emily Hin- trager. Said sidewalks to be built of cement (artificial stone) and to be completed not later than the 20th day of June, 1918. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Hird, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro- bel. " Nays —None. Ald. Leist moved that the petition of , asking the City Council for permission to keep a boat- house at the foot of Ninth street, be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn. Carried. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Adopted , 1918. Approved Regular Session June 20, 1918. Fluckiger Motor Co., fire Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., fire American LaFrance Fire En- gine Co., Chicago, fire Hopkins & Witty, fire The Key City Gas Co., fire Sterns Tire & Tube Co., fire Chas. W. Blichmann & Son, fire Telegraph - Herald, printing .. Labor Leader, expense Labor Leader, printing National Demokrat, printing Times - Journal, printing Union Printing Co., expense Wm. Marshall, bathing beach Wm. Zumhoff, bathing beach Byrne Bros. Co., fire and health 31 00 Dubuque Electric Co., ex- pense 1 60 Upton Laundry, expense 1 26 Fischer & Co., Inc., fire, po- lice, expense and 2nd road 667 69 Cartingy Fruit Co., expense 7 00 C. E. Fitzpatrick 'Co., ex- pense and police G. F. Kleih & Son, expense Klauer & Kress, expense Dubuque Paper & Supply Co , expense L. A. Walch, expense C. L. Dambacher, expense Thos. Kortmeyer, expense National Refining Co., fire and health 104 00 Peryon Pharmacy, sewer 1 25 Peed Berwanger & Pfiffner, sewer T. F. Magee, sewer F. Schloz & Son, sewer G. F. Kleih & Son, sewer Molo Sand and Gravel Co , sewer T. P. Kane, sewer H. Magdal, 5th road F. Schloz & Son, 2nd road, 3rd road, expense and roads 7 00 Molo Sand and Gravel Co , 2nd road and 5th road Peter Even & Son, roads Peter Even & Son, roads Spahn & Rose Lumber Co , 3rd road The Smedley Co., 5th road F. Schloz & Son, roads The Smedley Co., 3rd road W. Dalbkermeyer, roads The Smedley Co., 1st road Geo. Korman, 2nd road Standard Lumber Yard Co , sidewalks Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co., 5th road Frank Beutin, 4th road Geo. Bock, roads Mettel Bros„ 4th road and 5th road Klauer Mfg. Co., 5th road Klauer Mfg. Co., 1st road 78 86 32 00 12 50 12 50 102 11 14 86 Peter Even & Son, roads 14 25 F. A. Burns, sidewalks 1 95 98 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., 4th road 10 90 4 00 Wm. Singrin, excavation 18 77 3 00 John Tibey, grading 33 19 1 10 John Tibey, grading 26 00 24 75 T. J. Mulgrew Co., 5th road 472 50 Even - Ulrich Co., grading 196 50 30 00 F. Beutin, grading 76 00 F. Beutin, grading 170 00 Iowa Oil Co., roads 103 24 Dubuque Rubber and Co., 4th road 1 75 I. Manhoff, roads 1 50 F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co., road 1 25 Peter Even & Son, roads 60 00 G. F. Kleih & Son, 3rd road 50 Mullen Bros., expense 2 10 Klauer & Kress, 1st road and roads 6 55 Fuhrman Bros., 3rd road 25 00 A. W. Drake & Son, 1st road and roads 7 90 Even - Ulrich & Co., 5th road and 3rd road 359 28 Eagle Point Lime Works, 5th road 18 60 Key City Iron Works, roads 8 83 W. D. Deckert Co., roads 51 70 Klauer Mfg. Co., 5th road _ - 54 60 N. J. Staner, grading 234 95 Geo. Korman, 5th road 19 20 Midland Chemical Co., roads 69 60 Iowa 011 Co., police 40 80 C. J. McCarthy, police 5 00 Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co., police 3 75 Jno. Miller, police 30 70 Walter C. Ragatz, police 1 00 Dubuque Electric Co., police 90 Joe Diebold, police G 2 40 E. L. Schepple, police 2 00 E. P. Smith, police 60 G. F. Klieh & Son, police 73 15 Tom Keneally, inspector 31 25 C. B. McNamara, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th roads 543 10 The Key City Gas Co., fire, police and expense 4 25 The Key City Gas Co., fire, police and expense 87 30 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 3769 00 On motion of Ald. Leist, all bills properly O. K. were ordered paid. Petition of Byrne Bros. company, asking the City Council to grant them permission to install a gasoline pumping station at their place of business situated at Eighteenth and Couler avenue, presented and read. 10 56 On motion of Ald. Strobel, the pray- er of the petition was granted, he to 15 26 sign waiver and agreement drawn up 1 50 by the city attorney. - 62 00 Petition of Victor Arnold. asking the City Council for permission to 5 60 build a residence at the foot of Four - 60 00 teenth street, presented and read. 41 50 On motion of Ald. Frith, the petition 9 50 18 22 5 80 59 95 10 20 3 60 14 00 30 6 35 5 20 4 85 9 00 3 70 7 35 2 20 28 25 5 00 8 70 6 75 9 75 25 81 131 65 51 00 13 50 7 00 27 00 23 00 Belting 164 Regular' Session June 20, 1918. CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Regular session June 20th, 1918. Council met at 8:35 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Hird, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel. On motion of Ald. Frith, the Coun- cil proceedings for the months of March and April, 1918, were approv- ed as printed. BIDS. Bids for an automobile for the fire chief. Bid of Overland- Dubuque . CO., Willys- Knight, four cylinder touring car, tax free and F. O. B. Dubuque, $1,740.00, allowance for old car $340.00; also Willys six tax free and F. O. B., Dubuque, $1,550.00, allow- ance for old car $275.00. Bid of Schrup Motor Car Co., one Hudson Super -Six four passenger car, tax free, F. O. B., cars Dubuque, $2,150,, $50.00 extra for red or maroon color, allowance for old car $150.00. Bid of Peerless -Saxon Auto Co. The Peerless eighty (80) horsepower eight (8) cylinder seven (7) ' passen- ger touring car, $2,675.00. The Peer- less two passenger sporting or racing model, eighty (80) horsepower eight (8) cylinder, $2,825.00. The Peer- less eighty (80) horsepower eight (8) cylinder four (4) passenger touring car, $2,675.00, F. O. B, Dubuque. $25.00 extra for extra, colors.. Allow- ance for old car, $150.00. Bid of Schepple Motor Co. Buick, model E- 45 -60. horsepower, 6 cylin- der, 5 passenger, $1,385.00. Buick, model E -44 -60 horsepower, 6 cylin- der roadster, $1,385.00. Allowance for old car, $150.00. Bid of Fluckiger Motor Co. Na- tional Twelve, $3,150.00; National Six, seven passenger, $2,450.00; Franklin Six, five passenger, $2,450; Big Mitchell, seven passenger, $1,- 625.00; Mitchell Six, five . passenger, $1,350.00, all F. O. B. factory. Add- ed to the above prices will be a war tax of 3 per cent. Allowance for old car, $150.00. On motion of Ald. Leist, the bids were referred to the committee of the whole. Bids for automobile for the fire chief: Bid of Peter Even & Son. One Model M 1918, Reo. six cylinder, four or seven passenger car, 50 horsepower, $1,650.00, F. O. B. Du- buque; one Model T 1918, Reo, four cylinder car, 40 horsepower, $1,400, F. O. B., Dubuque. Allowance for old car, $150.00. On motion of Ald. Strobel, the city recorder was in- structed to return the bid and check of Peter Even & Son as their check was not certified. Bids for automobile for the Fire Chief: Bid of Cadillac company of Du- buque. One Cadillac Type 57 car, - either of the following styles: Two passenger roadster, four passenger or seven passenger touring, F. O. B. Dubuque, net sum, $3,178.42. AIlOw- ance for old car, $150.00, One eight cylinder five passenger Chevrolet car, net sum, $1630.00. Allowance. for old : car, $150.00.' On motion of Ald'. Frith, the city recorder was instruct- ed to return. the bid and ; check of Cadillac Company . of Dubuque as their check was not certified. Bids for constructing cement steps at 'Vine street. Bid of N. J.' Staner: 35 cu. yds. excavating, 60c cu. yd.: 885' sq. ft.' landing, 15e sq. ft.; 546 lin. ft., 2" railing, 34c per lin. ft.; 50 reinforced steps, $4.70 per step; 70; posts, 2" gas pipe, $1.15 per post; 33 plain steps, $3.55 per step; 10 ft. columns, $1.10 per lin. ft.; 58 ft'. beams, 95c per lin. ft.; 5 cu. yds. headers, $10,00 cu. yd. On motion of Ald. Andresen, the bid of N. .I.' Staner was referred to the city•engi- neer to , report later in the evening. BILLS. Frank, Siege, health $ 7 00 National . Refining Co., health, 24 ,50 F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co,, health 8 50 C: O. D. Laundry Co.,. health 11 24 State Board of Health, health 7 10 Spahn &, Rose Lumber Co., health 3 90 Jno. Dehing, health 60 00 F. Schloz & Son, health 3 00 The Detective Publishing Co., health 25 21 Joe Parks, expense 50 John Dehing, expense 14 00 Karl Staufenbeil, expense 2 00 Dr. Chas. Palen, expense 5 00 Peter B. Hoffman, expense -__ 1 50 Klauer &' Kress, expense 1 10 Western Union Telegraph Co., expense 4 00 Iowa Telephone Co., expense, fire . and police 47 74 J. J. Kavanaugh; expense 35 00 CL L:. Percival Co., roads and fire 100 '50 Iowa Oil ;Co.; fire, 46 ■00 Belsky -Cook Motor : Co., fire , 6 05' Muntz Motor, Co., fire 49 14 D, ' Deckert, fire 26 04 National Refining Co., fire 24 50 Dubuque -Electric Co.,, fire 20 62 Stafford . Grocery, • fire 2 25 Pauly Printing Co.,, fire 17 75' Key City Roofing Co., fire, 1st road, 2nd road, '3rd road, 4th road and 5th road 18 27 Giesier..Bros., fire- 1 55' T: F. Kane, fire. 88 '87 Ht. G. Scheer fire' 3'54' Walter. C, ' Ragatz,. fire 50 '70' Hawkeye Battery Co:, fire• - 50 166 Regular Session June 20, 1918. was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Fischer Co., Inc., ask- ing the City Council to notify rail- road companies owning track cross- ings at Third street to put in new crossings at once, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Strobel, the Street commissioner was instructed to notify all railroads to repair cross- ings at once. Petition of R. W. Kemler, asking the City Council to repair the wall and sidewalk abutting Lot 14, Far - ley's Sub., on Walnut street. Also allow him a just amount for damages to the house, said damage caused by obstruction of the catch basin locat- ed at the southeast corner of West Eleventh and Walnut streets during the heavy storms. On motion of Ald. Strobel. the petition was referred to the committee of the whole to view the grounds. Petition of A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., asking the City Council to grant them permission to improve at their own expense Twelfth street immedi- ately south of their office and fac- tory building, and between the east - erly rail of the Milwaukee railroad and the westerly rail of the switch going into their .property and ex- tending south from the platform of their building twenty -four feet by laying an eight -inch reinforced con- crete pavement thereon. On motion of Ald. Leist, the prayer of the peti- tioner was granted, work to be done tinder the instruction of the city en- gineer. Petition of Melchior Schmitt, claiming the sum of $250.00 damages to prop'erty on Heeb street caused by the overflow of water, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist, the petition was referred to the city at- torney. Petition of Dubuque Park Board, asking the City Council to make available for their use, the appropri- ation of $1,250.00 for the construc- tion of the cement steps on North Main street, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Strobel, the city re- corder was instructed to draw war- rants for the sum of $1,250.00 in favor of the Dubuque Park Board. Petition of the members of the Du- buque fire department, asking the City Council to install in the City of Dubuque a two platoon system among the firemen. On motion of Ald. Leist, the petition was referred to the committee of the whole and representatives of the firemen noti- fied to be present. Communication of the Iowa High- way Commission, relative to the use of all bituminous road, products, such as asphalt, road binders, road oils and tars, to be limited to the essen- tial requirements and those use Which will have a direct influence toward winning the war. Stating that an application will have to be made for all of the above products to the state highway commission, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist, the communication wa8 referred to the committee of the whole. Notice of claim of Ald. Jos. Hird and Bertha Hird, his wife, for dam- ages caused by water overflowing on their property, in the sum of $100.00, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Plamondon, the claim was re- ferred to the city attorney. The following return of service of sidewalk notices presented and read: Dubuque Star Brewing Co., Lots 21, 22, 23, 24, Block 6, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of Fourth Street Extension; Dubuque Star Brewing Co., Lots 13, 10, 9, 8 and 7, Block 5, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., sojrth sideeof Fourth Street Ex- tension; J. H. Rhomberg, Lots 3 and 4, Block 3, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of Fourth Street Ex- tension; Emily Hintrager, Lots 1 of 21, 4 of 22, 1 of 23, 1 of 24, 2 of 14, Block 26, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of Fourth Street Ex- tension; M. H. McCarthy, Sub. 2 of 30, Lot 1, Sub. 2 of 31, Lot 1, Block 22, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of Fourth Street Exten- sion; M. H. McCarthy, Sub. of 13, Lot 1, Sub. 2 of 13, Lot 1, Block 26, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of Fourth Street Extension; M. H. McCarthy, Sub. 1 of 5 Lot 1, Sub. 1 of 4, Lot 1. Block 22, Dubuqu }e Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of Fourth Street Extension; M. H. Mc- Carthy Sub. of 12, Lot 1, Sub. 2 of 12, Lot 1, Block 26; Dubuque Har- bor Imp. Co. Add., south side of Fourth Street Extension; M. H. Mc- Carthy, Sub. of 31 of Lot 1, Sub. 2 of 32 of Lot 1, Sub. of 32 of Lot 1, Block 22, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of Fourth Street Ex- tension. On motion of Ald. McLaugh- lin, the returns of service were made a matter of record and the city engi- neer instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of same. Chief of Police Giellis reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit nay payroll for the police department for the first half of June, 1918: Amount due policemen $1,900.50 Respectfully submitted, JOHN W. GIELLIS, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Andresen, the payroll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay various amounts and the report referred back to the police committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for the fire department for the first half of June, 1918: Amount due firemen $2,429.00 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. On motion of Ald. Leist, the pay- roll was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay various amounts and the report referred back to the fire committee. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets in the several road districts during the first half of June, 1918: Amount due laborers $2,761.62 Also submit the payroll for sweep- ing and sprinkling for the first half of June, 1918: Amount due laborers $496.30 Respectfully submitted, JOHN SCHROMEN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Frith, the pay- rolls were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to commit- tee on streets. Also submit my payroll for labor on improving Grandview avenue, to be paid from the appropriation cre- ated therefore: Amount due laborers $124.30 Also submit the payroll for labor on grading streets and alleys, to be paid from the appropriation created therefore: Amount due laborers $147.16 Also submit the payroll for labor on roads leading into they county, to be paid from the first ward's portion of the county road fund: Amount due laborers $302.04 Respectfully submitted, JOHN SCHROMEN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Frith, the .pay- rolls were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to commit- tee on streets. Also submit the payroll for labor on sewers during the first half of June, 1918: Amount due laborers $372.54 Respectfully submitted, JOHN SCHROMEN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Plamondon, the payrolls were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to committee on sewers. To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Du'btique: Regular Session June 20, 1918. 167 Gentlemen: The undersigned, com- mittee on claims and city attorney, to whom was refer'red the claim for damages of Henry George wherein he asks that he be paid the sum of $100 because water came into his basement from the sanitary sewer lo- cated in Delhi street and as compen- sation for his services in assisting in the repair of said condition, all in the sum of $100, respectfully recom- mend that we have examined the condition surrounding this claim and recommend that settlement be made in full thereof in the sum of $50. We find that some damage was occasion- ed by reason of the clogged condition of the sewer and that the petitioner assisted Mr. Sullivan in the repair thereof and suffered some inconveni- ence therefrom. You will therefore, order a warrant drawn in favor of Fabian Beckett, the agent for Henry George, in the sum of $50. Respectfully submitted, JOS. L. HIRD, J. J. McLAUGHLIN, E. E. FRITH, Committee on Claims. M. H. CZIZEK, City Attorney. On motion of Aid. Hird, the report of the committee on claims and the city attorney was approved and a warrant ordered drawn on the city treasurer covering the same. On motion of Ald. Frith, the pub- lisher's notice of the City Council's intention to levy a special assess- ment for the improvement of Viola street, from Pleasant street to the end of said Viola street, and the communication relative to same was taken from the committee of the whole. On motion of .Ald. Frith, the pub- lisher's notice of the City Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the improvement of Eagle street, from Viola street to Althauser ave- nue, and the communication relative to same was taken from the commit- tee of the whole. Your committee on streets would respectfully report that we have ex- amined Klingenberg Terrace, from Klein street to North Main street, and would respectfully recommend that the same be accepted, Even & Uhlrich Co., contractors. We would further recommend that the city engineer be and he is here- by instructed to prepare a special as- sessment against the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for said improvement and file the sane in the office of the city record- er who will thereupon give the notice of said assessment as required by or- dinance. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your committee on streets - would 168 Regular Session June 20, 1918, respectfully report that we have viewed the grounds on Eagle street and Viola street and would respect- fully recommend that the special as- sessments for said streets which were referred to the committee of the whole be taken from said committee and acted upon in the council. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. On motion of Ald. Frith, the vari- ous reports of the committee on streets was approved. Ald. Frith offered the following: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Viola street hereinafter described has been com- pleted, and the city engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $933.95. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of im- proving Viola street. from Pleasant street to the end of said Viola street, the mayor be and he is hereby re- quired to execute and deliver to the city recorder, to be by him register- ed and countersigned, three bonds for Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars each and one for One Hundred Eighty -three and 95 -100 dollars, numbered 5610 to 5613, inclusive, dated July 20th, 1918, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, pay- able semi - annually. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - -Alds. Andresen, Frith, Hirt, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays -None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Eagle street, hereinafter described has been com- pleted, and the city engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $1,- 308.96. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of im- proving Eagle street, from Viola street to Althauser avenue, the may- or be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the city re- corder, to be by him registered and countersigned, five bonds for Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars each and one for Fifty -eight and 96 -100 Dol- lars, numbered 5614 to 5619 inclus- ive, dated July 20th, 1918, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, pay- able semi - annually.' Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Alds. Andresen, Frith, Hird, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays -None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improving Eagle street, from Viola street to Althauser avenue, by Frank Buetin, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of iota and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situ- ate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate, as follows: Owner. Description. Amt. Jos. J. Welty, Taylor and Cooley Sub., lot 33; curb and gutter and macadamiz- ing cost, $99.17; interest at 6 per cent, 71c: extra expense at 2 per cent, $1.98; total $101 86 Jos. J. Welty, Taylor and Cooley Sub., lot 32; curb and gutter and macadam- izing cost, $14.22; interest at 6 per cent, 10c; extra expense at 2 per cent, 28c; total . 14 60 Jos. J. Welty, Sub. Min. Lot 472, lot 2; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $330.47; interest at 6 per cent, $2.37; extra expense at 2 per cent, $6.61; total 339 45 Emma Gonser, Althauser's Sub., lot 1; curb and gut- ter and macadamizing cost, $90.43; interest at 6 per cent 65c; extra expense at 2 per cent, $1.80; total 92 88 Julia Kiesele, Althauser's Sub., lot 2; curb and gut- ter and macadamizing cost, $34.30; interest at 6 per cent, 25c; extra expense at 2 per cent, 68c; total 35 23 Emma Mackert, Althauser's Sub., lot 3; curb and gut- ter and macadamizing cost, $18.72; interest at 6 per cent, 13e; extra expense at 2 per cent, 38c; total 19 23 Emma Mackert, Althauser's Sub., lot 4; curb and gut- ter and macadamizing cost, $8.73; interest at 6 per cent, 8c; extra expense at 2 per cent, 18c; total 8 99 Jno. Althauser, et al, Alt - hauser's Sub., lot 5; curb and gutter and macadam- izing cost, $2.24; interest at 6 per cent, lc; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, 4c; total 2 29 W. S. Wright, Taylor & Coo - ley's Sub., lot 34; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $62.37; interest at 6 per cent, 44c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $1.25; total 64 06 John Hohnecker, Taylor & Cooley's Sub., lot 35; curb and gutter and macadam- izing cost, $62.37; interest at 6 per cent, 44c; extra expense at 2 per cent, $1.25; total 64 06 Fred Hohnecker, Taylor & Cooley's Sub., lot 36; curb and gutter and macadam- izing cost, $62.37; interest at 6 per cent, 44c; extra expense at 2 per cent, $1.25; total 64 06 Fred Hohnecker, Taylor & Cooley's Sub., lot 37; curb and gutter and macadam- izing cost, $62.37; interest at 6 per cent, 44c; extra expense at 2 per cent, $1.25; total 64 06 Fred Hohnecker, Taylor & Cooley's Sub., lot 38; curb and gutter and macadam- izing cost, $62.37; interest at 6 per cent, 44c; extra expense at 2 per cent, $1.25; total 64 06 Emil T. Kruse, Taylor and Cooley's Sub., lot 39; curb and gutter and macadam- izing cost, $71.22; interest at 6 per cent, 51c; extra expense at 2 per cent, $1.42; total 73 15 Fred Hohnecker, Sub. Min Lot 472, lot 1; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $100.24; interest at 6 per cent, 72c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $2.00; total 102 96 Emil Kruse, Sub. 1 of Min Lot 474, pt. lot 1; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $34.30; interest at 6 per cent, 25c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, 69c; total 36 24 Emil Kruse, Sub. 1 of Min Lot • 475, lot 1; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $138.65; interest at 6 per cent, $1.00; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $2.78; total 142 43 Linwood Cemetery Ass'n., Sub. N. E. 1 -4 Sec. 13, 89, 2E, lot 10; curb and gut- ter and macadamizing cost, $19.81; interest at 6 per cent, 15c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, 39c; total 20 35 Total $1308 96 868 lin. ft. comb. curb and Regular Session June 20, 1918. 169 gutter at 67c $581 56 962.22 sq. yds. macadam at 72c 692 79 Interest at 6 per cent 9 13 Extra expense at 2 per cent 26 48 Total $1308 96 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits conferred. Adopted June 20th, 1918. Approved June 21st, 1918. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Alds. Andresen, Frith, Hird, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays -None. Ald. .Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for im- proving Viola street, from Pleasant street to end of said Viola street, by Frank Buetin, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, sit- uate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate, as follows: Owner. Description. Amt. B. W. Lacy, Taylor and Coo - ley's Sub., lot 25; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $72.63; interest at 6 per cent, 52c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $1.45; total 74 60 B. W. Lacy, Taylor and Coo - ley's Sub., lot 26; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $72.63; interest at 6 per cent, 52c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $1.46; total 74 60 B. W. Lacy, Taylor and Coo - ley's Sub., lot 27; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $72.63; interest at 6 per cent, 52c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $1.45; total 74 60 B. W. Lacy, Taylor and Coo - ley's Sub., lot 28; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $72.63; interest at 6 per cent, 52c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $1.45; total 74 60 A. Zwack, Taylor and Coo - ley's Sub., lot 29; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $72.63; interest at 6 per cent, 52c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $1.45; total 74 60 A. Zwack, Taylor and Coo- i 4 170 ley's Sub., lot 30; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $72.63; interest at 6 per cent, 52c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $1.45; total Jos. J. Welty, Taylor & Coo- - ley's Sub., lot 31; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $72.63; interest at 6 per cent, 52c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $1.45; total Jos. J. Welty, Taylor & Coo - ley's Sub., lot 32; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $72.63; interest at 6 per cent, 52c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $1.45; total Jos. J. Welty, Taylor & Coo - ley's Sub., lot 33; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $87.15; interest at 6 per cent, 63c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $1.74; total W. S. Wright, Taylor & Coo - ley's Sub., lot 34; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $107.49; interest at 6 per cent, 77c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, $2.14; total John Hohnecker, Taylor and Cooley's Sub., lot 35; curb and gutter and macadam- izing cost, $40 23; interest at 6 per cent, 29c; extra expense at 2 per cent, 81c; total Fred Hohnecker, Taylor and Cooley's Sub., lot 36; curb and gutter and macadam- izing cost, $20 94; interest at 6 per cent, 15c; extra expense at 2 per cent, 42c; total Fred Hohnecker, Taylor and Cooley's Sub., lot 37; curb and gutter and macadam- izing cost, $9.92; interest at 6 per cent, 7c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, 20c; total Fred Hohnecker, Taylor and Cooley's Sub., lot 38; curb and gutter and macadam- izing cost, $5.52; interest at 6 per cent, 4c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, 12c; total Emil T. Kruse, Taylor and Cooley's Sub., lot 39; curb and gutter and macadam- izing cost, $3.63; interest at 6 per cent, 3c; extra ex- pense at 2 per cent, 8c; total Jos. J. Welty, Sub. Min. Lot 472, lot 2; curb and gutter and macadamizing cost, $53.33; interest at 6 per Regular Session June 20, 1918. 74 CO 74 60 74 60 89 62 110 40 41 33 21 51 10 19 5 68 3 74 cent, 38c; extra expense at 2 per cent, $1.07; total 54 78 Total $933 95 589 lin. ft. comb. cement curb and gutter at 67c $394 63 714.75 sq. yds. macadam at 72c 514 62 Interest at 6 per cent 6 52 Extra expense at 2 per cent 18 18 Total $933 95 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits conferred. Adopted June 20th. 1918. Approved June 21st, 1918. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Hird, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays —None. The city engineer reported that the bid of N. J. Staner amounted to $858.14. On motion of Ald. Plamon- don, the contract was awarded to INT." J. Staner. Ald. Andresen moved that the city defray one -half of the cost of the purchase price of light weight uni- forms for the police department. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Hird, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel. Nays —Ald. Frith. Ald. Leist moved that the repairing of the steps at the city hall be re- ferred to the committee on public grounds and buildings with power. Carried. Dubuque, Ia., June 18th, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The Board of Health met in regular session June 18, 1918. Chairman Saul in the chair. Present —Aids. Andresen, Leist, Citizens M. M. Hoffma.n, A. Zillig, Dr. Reinecke, Asst. Attorney Cooney, Dr. J. N. Graham, Sanitary Officer Newman. Minutes of the meeting of June 5, 1918, read and on motion of M. M. Hoffman were approved as read. On motion of Ald. Andresen, the following bills were sent to the coun- ty for payment: BILLS. J. E. Robinson $75.00 J. E. Robinson 20.00 Clancy Transfer Co. 4.00 Even & Ulrich 3.85 J. G. Becker 8.00 J. J. McKeown 63.13 Henry Manders 1.99 Dubuque Electric Co. 3.00 Weitz Bros. 2.92 N. B. Schneider 39.22 Mary C. Mulcahy 30.00 Clancy Transfer Co. 4.00 L. J. Plamon'don 75.21 L. J. Plamondon 53.00 Your Board of Health have met with the Board of Supervisors as in- structed and discussed a proposed new site for the detention hospital and would respectfully report that action on same was deferred until we have an opportunity to view the grounds. Ald. Andresen moved that the Board of Health meet with the Board of Supervisors at 2:00 p. m., June 24th, 1918, to view the grounds for proposed site for detention hos- pital. Carried. On motion of M. M. Hoffman, the bill of J. E. Robinson, salary for May, 1918, amounting to $75.00 was allowed ,after deducting the follow- ing amounts: $45.00 to be retained until an adjustment is made with L. Wiemold for his claim, for time lost while he was with his wife at the de- tention hospital, and four days salary amounting to $10,00, as Mr. Robin- son quit before the end of the month. Sanitary Officer Newman reported that the slough near the I. C. R. R. passenger depot was in an unsanitary condition. On motion of AM. An- dresen, action to put the slough in a sanitary condition was deferred un- til the water is at a lower stage. Ald. Andresen moved to adjourn. Carried. JOHN STUBER, Clerk of the Board of Health. On motion of Ald. Leist, the report of the Board of Health was approved as read. On motion of Ald. Strobel, the chief of police was instructed to noti- fy the C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co. to place a new bell on their tower at their crossing at Fourth street. On motion of Ald. Frith, the com- mittee of the whole was instructed to hold a meeting at 2:30 p. m., June 21st, 1918, to view the grounds rela- tive to opening the C. M. & St. P. R. R. crossing at Eagle Point and Mr. Flannagan and Mr. Spencer notified to be present. ,Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn. Carried. Approved Regular Session June 20, 1918. 171 JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Adopted , 1918. Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. 1 72 Special Session, June 27, 1918 CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Special session June 27th, 1918. Council met at 3:30 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Hird, McLaughlin, Strobel. Absent —Alds. Leist, Plamon'don. Mayor Saul stated that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of act- ing on the vacancy of the office of the city engineer as F. J. McNulty enters the service of the U. S. army June 30th, 1918. June 27, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and Mem- bers of the City Council: Gentlemen: On June 30th, 1918, I am leaving Dubuque and entering the U. S. army, I therefore request your Honorable Body to grant me a leave of absence while I am in the service of our country. I wish to thank you for the many favors you have shown me during the time I have worked for this city. Yours respectfully, F. J. McNULTY, City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Frith, the pray- er of the petition was granted. Ald. Frith moved that F. J. Mc- Nulty and Adolph Schmidt be allow- ed their salary for the month of July, 1918. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Hird, McLaughlin, Strobel. Nays —None. Absent —Alds. Leist, Plamondon. On motion of Ald. Frith, Walter Cullen, deputy city engineer, was ap- pointed to fill the vacancy during F. J. McNulty's absence. Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing: Owing to the fact that the next regular meeting of the City Council falls on July 4th, 1918, a legal holi- day, therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the date of the next regular meeting be changed to July 8, 1918, the second Monday in July, 1918. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin, the resolution was adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas— ,AlIds. Andresen, Frith, Hird, McLaughlin, Strobel. Nays —None. Absent —Alds. Leist, Plamondon. Ald. Andresen moved to suspend the rules to give Mr. Wallace, of the Cadillac Automobile Co., an oppor- tunity to address the Council. Car-. ried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Hird, McLaughlin, Strobel. Nays —None. Absent —Alds. Leist, Plamondon. Mr. Wallace addressed the Coun- cil, stating that as the banks were closed Thursday, June 20th, on ac- count of the bankers' convention, he did not have an opportunity to get check certified. Mr. Wallace was in- formed that all bids accompanied by certified checks are in the hands of the committee of the whole and that there could be no action taken on same, nor any other bids considered at this meeting. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Adopted , 1918. Approved Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. List of City Warrants Dubuque, Iowa. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of al lwarrants issued by me during the month of May, 1918: Salaries for April, 1918. James Saul, mayor $116 65 Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer 133 30 Otto F. Puls, deputy 119 20 L. F. Kolfenbach, clerk 88 00 Cyril D. Lagen, auditor 116 65 Carl O. Weglau, deputy 22 68 Fred Gantert, deputy 74 52 J. J. Shea, recorder 116 65 Thos. J. Ryder, deputy 102 70 Fred J. Heller, assessor 125 00 Peter Kies, deputy 110 00 Harry McCarthy, deputy 110 00 Matthew H. Czizek, attorney 150 00 Matthew Cooney, asst. attor- ney 115 50 Susan Graham, stenographer 22 00 F. J. McNulty, engineer 166 65 Walter Cullen, asst. engineer 137 50 J. J. Ryan, rodman 88 00 John W. Lawler, committee clerk 110 00 Chas. J. McCarthy,' market master 75 00 Thos. Hackney, poundmaster 65 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress 77 00 Dr. E. L. Reinecke, health of- ficer 55 00 Dr. J. F. Graham, meat and milk inspector 93 50 James Lynch, wharf master 66 00 Louis J. Plamondon, alder- man 25 00 J. J. McLaughlin, alderman _ 25 00 Chas. Leist, alderman 25 00 E. E. Frith, alderman 25 00 John Strobel, alderman 25 00 John Giellis, chief of police 135 00 ,Amanda Beyer, Iowa Work- ing Men's Compensation 35 08 John Mahoney, street com- missioner 110 00 Jos. L. Hird, alderman 25 00 Wm. Andresen, alderman 25 00 Police Payroll for the Last Half of April, 1918. Edward Brunskill $ 44 10 James Corcoran 44 10 Michael Connolly 44 07 John Cody 44 10 Nicholas Campbell 44 07 William Carroll 5 94 Thomas Cain 44 07 Thomas Connolly 44 07 James Conlon 39 17 Philip Dunphy 49 00 Thomas Duggan 44 10 Edward Daily 41 65 Patrick Fury 46 58 John Fox 44 07 Michael Fogarty 44 07 Theo. Ganahl 44 07 Ben Gray 44 07 List of Warrants. 173 John Kopp John Ki1b.i' Barney Ludescher Henry Mueller Hugh Markey Alfred Noel John O'Brien Michael O'Connor Michael Ryan Gus Raterman Thomas Reilly Joseph Stoltz Patrick Sullivan John Spielman Dennis Sheehan Thomas Sweeney Fred Spielman Edward Vosberg Frank Williams George Stoltz Miss B. Brennan Mrs. K. Hibbe Police pension fund retained Max Bemis Otto Neuman Arthur Schroeder Charles Truher 44 07 39 17 44 07 44 10 44 07 41 62 46 52 46 52 44 10 44 07 44 07 44 10 46 52 44 10 44 07 46 55 41 10 44 07 44 10 31 78 44 50 44 10 35 93 12 38 41 25 14 85 44 07 Fire Payroll Last Half of April, 1918. .J. R. Reinfried $ 66 65 D. Ahearn 53 90 W. Hipman 53 90 M. Eitel 51 95 F1. Heer 44 10 A. McDonnell 48 52 J. Noonan 44 10 F. Motsch 44 10 L. Wemett 39 20 W. Lehman 37 25 J. Flynn 47 05 F. Murphy 44 10 H. Cain .. 48 52 N. Wagner 44 10 J. Rooney 44 10 W. Smith .. 44 10 G. Gehrke 47 05 J. Keppler 44 10 J. Smith 48 50 J. Daugherty 44 10 W. McClain 44 10 L. Benzer 42 15 H. Woodward 42 50 M. Sweeney 44 10 J. Benzer 44 10 J. McGloughlin 44 10 J. Allen 44 10 P. ,Apel 44 10 E. Farrell 44 10 D. Harker 42 15 Wm. Ryan 42 15 P. McManus 42 15 M. Leist 39 20 W. Ducey 47 05 M. 'Kelley 44 10 F. Kenneally 44 10 T. O'Brien } 44 10 R. Weston .. 47 05 H. Rawson 42 16 R. Kennea[ly 48 52 J. Connelly 44 10 J. Walsh 44 10 W. Meyers 42 10 J. Roshin 47 05 1 7 -4 List of Warrants. W. Kannolt 44 10 V. Baumgartner 44 10 P. Kirch 44 10 R. Tierney 42 15 J. Stafford 39 20 F. Kennedy 44 10 F. Lonergan 39 20 Pension fund retained 46 67 Dubuque, Ia., May 2nd, 1918. To the .Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets in the various road districts in the City of Dubuque or the last half of April, 1918: - G. Adams, 1st $ 11 40 M. Ackerer, 3rd 11 12 P. Ahearn, 4th 5 00 T. Brown, 1st 15 00 G. Blanchard, 2nd 3 90 A. Blackburn, 1st 5 00 F. Bitzberger, 3rd 17 24 D. Broderick, 3rd 2 50 R. Birner, 4th 22 28 J. Basten, 5th 21 40 A. Bohr, 5th 20 28 J. Bohn, 5th 22 24 J. Connolly, 1st 28 05 W. Clark, 1st 8 90 J. Cunningham, 2nd 1 12 J. Cahill, 3rd 32 50 J. Cunning, 3rd 3 62 M. Corbett, 4th 1 40 J. Cashman, 5th 10 00 T. Cahill, health 32 50 B. Cain, 1 -5 each 37 50 J. Donahue, 1st 5 00 E. Desmond, 2nd 5 00 G, Dremmig, 3rd 5 27 ' . Dempsey, 4th 13 90 S. Eustace, 4th 16 40 J. Eberhart, 5th 22 78 H. •Engle, 1 -6 each 55 00 F. Engle, 1 -5 each 55 00 A. Fuller, 2rd 84 E. 'Fuller, &rd 84 W. Minges, 3rd 84 C. ''Maroney, 3rd 84 J. Meloy, 3rd 6 12 J. Maus, 4th 16 •40 II. Marten, 4th 19 46 Jas. Noonan, 2nd 26 40 W. O'Brien, 1st 37 60 -P. rO'Hearn, 2nd 32 50 B. Panier, 5th 21 40 J. Reilly, 1st 6 12 F. Reinker, 1st 6 12 G. Reynolds, 1st 7 50 D. Rosemyer, 2nd 6 40 E. Rowe, 2nd 5 00 A. 'Rebold, 3rd 84 J. . Reddin, 3rd 2 50 P. Royce, 4th 17 78 J. Roggensack, 5th 18 90 C. Ragatz, 5th 18 90 J. Roschi, 5th 20 27 J. Ryan, 2nd 32 50 C. Smith, 1st 7 50 N. Streeter, 1st 6 12 F. Sheedy, 2nd 22 78 N. Spies, 3rd 26 40 H. Sisson, 3rd 32 50 G. Schultz, 3rd 20 28 F. Schubert, 3rd 84 W. Spensley, 4th 7 50 J. Steffes, 5th 21 68 L. Schneider, 5th 23 90 P. Schetgan, 3rd 37 50 J. Thompson, 1st 26 68 T. Taylor, 5th 8 90 A. Turner, 1 -5 each 32 50 J. Wickham, 1st 7 50 P. Wertin, 2nd 26 96' W. Flynn, 3rd 4 74 W. Frost, 4th 22 78 G. Frost, 2nd 37 50 J. Gribbens, 1st 8 90 J. Graham, 2nd 5 00 B. Glass, 2,nd 5 00 M. Gierst, 3rd 2 50 M. ;Gantenbein, 5th 15 00 C. Gantenbein, 5th 75 00 L. Horrig, 3rd • 5 00 G. Hird, 4th 37 50 P. Horch, 5th 37 50 P. Jacobs, 3rd 2 50 J. Jackson, 4th - 16 12 P. Kearney, 1st 21 40 M. Kiefer, 1st 20 00 T. F. Kennedy, 2nd 20 56 I3. :Kunkle, 2nd 5 00 H. Kamps, 3rd 5 ,27 J. Kane, 3rd 8 34 F. Krug, 5th 23 90 M. Kistler, 3rd 32 60 F. Lampman, 1st 5 00 J. Leidinger, 3rd 3 90 F. La Point, ,5th 22 78 H. Lang, lath 22 50 A. Letz, 6th 20 00 V. Leik, 'ith 22 50 R. Love, 1-5 each 15 00 J. McCarron, 1st 20 00 C. McDonald, 2nd 24 18 Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd 5 28 Jno. McLaughlin, 3rd 5 00 Jno. McGrath, ,4th 18 06 S. McNabb, 5th 20 27 F, Maroney, 3rd 24 46 W. Williams, 2nd 21 40 P. .Waltz, 5-th 25 28 H. Williams, 5th 21 12 G. Young, 5th 21 1 C. Zimmerman, 2nd 26 .68 M. Ackels, -4th - 49 00 F. Becker, 3rd 51 80 F. Burns, 3rd 4 20 G. Bishop, 4th, rock 75 J'. Berwarige 'r, 5th' 44 80 B. •Baldwin, 5th 48 30 A. Conrad, 5th 56 70 J. Dorgan, 4th, rock 47 25 N. Evert, 1st 22 40 P. Evens & Co., 5th 34 30 M. Hannon, 2nd 60 20 J. Jackson, 4th, macadam 2 50 R. Lagen, 2nd 12 60 Jno. Linehan, 3rd 29 40 Jno. Lee, 9th, cinders 2 00 J. Long, 5 5th 67 50 J. 'McCollins, 2nd 12 60 Jeff McGrath, 4th 45 50 D. McGrath, 4th, rock 75 H. Marten, 4th, rock 75 D. O'Meara, 1st 41 30 J. Sullivan, 1st 50 40 C. Singrin, 3rd 76 30 T. Watters, 1st 6 30 Dubuque, Ia., May 2nd, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and .City Council c f the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor grading West Third street, to hP paid from the appropri- ation created thereof ore: J. Gribbens $ 12 50 G. Adams 8 90 C. Smith 6 40 W Clark 10 00 F, Reinker 2 50 J. Donahue 2 50 N. Evert 28 7,0 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for sprinkling and sweeping in the City of Dubuque for the last half of April, 1918: J. Linehan, 1st $ 28 00 J. McCollins, 2nd 28 00 F. Becker, 3rd o 21 00 B. Molo, 2nd, 4th 14 00 Dubuque Electric Co., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th 254 97 R. Lagen, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 8.1 90 C. an Wie, 1st, 2nd 8.1 90 Dubuque, Ia., May 2nd, 1918. To •the Honorable .Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on sewers in the City of Dubuque for the last half of April, 1918: II. Carney $ W. iBurke J. Tobin T. Bannig D. Gantenbein W. Barrett W. Hennessey E. Schaller T. Hird C. Albringer J. Childs C. Sullivan List of Warrants. 1 75 32 32 32 32 32 1.8 32 18 31 7 5 42 BILLS. E. P. Smith Electric Co , bathing beach -$ John L. Kies, fire, roads, ex- pense 43 H. Martin, 4th ward 24 John Kane, 4th ward 7 Tom Kenneally, inspector __ _ 23 Tom Kenneally, inspector, Cora street 23 Wm. Singrin, excavation 42 Wm. Singrin, excavation 5 Wm. Singrin, excavation 31 Ike Beekman, inspector, cleaning Klingenberg Ter- race Fluckiger Motor Co., Dn Jumbo fire truck, to bal- ance C. B. McNamara & Co., 5% retained Pickett street C. B. McNamara & Co., 5% 83 62 20 98 48 50 50 50 50 50 90 50 90 12 50 00 X50 20 57 38 75 75 26 01 22 00 40 99 retained Atlantic avenue _. 438 03 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 500 00 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 500 00 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 500 00 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 500 00 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 500 00 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 500 00 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 453 10 Muntz Motor Co., repairs on Robinson fire engine 500 00 Mentz Motor Co., repairs on Robinson fire engine 500 00 Muntz Motor Co., repairs on Robinson fire engine 500 00 Muntz Motor Co., repairs on Robinson fire engine 500 00 Muntz Motor Co., repairs on Robinson fire engine 400 00 Visiting Nurse Association 100 00 Dubuque Park Board 500, 00 Dubuque Park Board 500 00 Dubuque Park Board 500 00 Dubuque Park Board 500 00 .Dubuque Park Board 500 00 James Saul, Memorial day donation 200 00 Carnegie -Stout public library 500 00 Carnegie -Stout public library 500 '00 Carnegie -Stout public library 500 '00 - Carnegie -Stout public library 500 00 ,Carnegie -Stout public library 500 00 E. P. Smith Electric Co, bathing beach 83 62 John L. Kies, fire, ,expense__ 43 20 I3. Martin, 4th ward 24 57 John Kane, 4th ward 7 38 Tom Kenneally, inspector 23 75 Wm. Singrin, excavation - 42 26 Wm. Singrin, excavation 5 0.1 `\rm. Singrin, excavation 31 22 ,Ike Beekman, ,inspector 20 00 ,Al. Rhomberg, for bathing beach I property 500.00 ,Al. Rhomberg, for bathing beach property 250,00 ,Peter, Even & Son, street flusher ,and sprinkler 500 00 ,Peter Even & Son, street flusher and sprinkler 500 .00 Peter Even & Son, street flusher and sprinkler 500 00 Peter Even & Son, street flusher and sprinkler 500 00 Peter Even & Son, street flusher and sprinkler 500 00 Peter Even & Son, street flusher and .sprinkler 500 00 Peter Even & Son, street flusher and sprinkler 500 00 Peter Even & Son, street flusher and 'sprinkler 500 00 Peter EvYn & Son, street flusher and sprinkler 500 00 Peter Even & Son, street flusher and sprinkler 500 00 1 T6 Peter Even & Son, street flusher and sprinkler 500 00 Peter Even & Son, street flusher and sprinkler 500 00 Peter Even & Son, street flusher and sprinkler 500 00 Peter Even & Son, street flusher and sprinkler 500 00 Peter Even & Son, street flusher and sprinkler 95 25 Lily Calvert, settlement of claim for injury 180 00 Visiting Nurse Association _ 100 00 Dubuque, Iowa. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: • Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of June, 1918: Salaries for May, 1918. James Saul, mayor $116 65 Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer 146 65 Otto F. Puts, deputy 119 20 L. F. Kolfenbach, clerk 88 00 Cyril D. Lag en, auditor 128 33 Fred Gantert, asst. auditor 97 20 John Stubcr, recorder 128 33 C. E. Bradbury, deputy re- corder 102 70 Fred J. Heller, assessor 125 00 Peter Kies, deputy 110 00 Harry McCarthy, deputy 110 00 Matthew H. Czizek, attorney 165 00 Matthew Cooney, asst. atttor- ney 115 50 Susan Graham, stenographer 22 00 F. J. McNulty, engineer 183 22 Walter Cullen, asst. engineer 137 50 J. J. Ryan, clerk 104 50 John Fahey, rodman 36 79 A. Schmidt, rodman 36 75 John W. Lawler, committee clerk 110 00 Chas. J. McCarthy, market master 75 00 Thos. Hackney, poundmaster 65 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress 77 00 Dr. E. L. Reinecke, health officer 55 00 Dr. J. F. Graham, meat and milk inspector 93 50 John Schromen, street com- missioner 110 00 James Lynch, wharf master 75 00 John Burke, 1st ward scales, two months 20 00 Wm. P. Andresen, alderman 26 00 Jos. L. Hird, alderman 25 00 Louis J. Plamondon, alder- man 25 00 J. J. McLaughlin, alderman 25 00 Chas. Leist, alderman 25 00 E. E. Frith, alderman 25 00 John Strobel, alderman 25 00 John Giellis, chief of police 130 00 Amanda Beyer, Iowa Work- ing Men's Compensation 35 08 Police Payroll First Half May, 1918. Edward Brunskill $ 45 00 Max Bemis 37 50 List of Warrants. James Corcoran Michael Connolly John Cody Nicholas Campbell William Carroll Thomas Cain Thomas Connolly James Conlon Philip Dunphy Thomas Duggan Edward Daily Patrick Fury John Fox Michael Fogarty Theo. Gana hl Ben Gray John Kopp John Kilby Barney Ludescher Henry Mueller Hugh Markey Otto Neuman Alfred Noel John O'Brien Michael O'Connor Michael Ryan Gus Raterman Thomas Reilly Joseph Stoltz Arthur Schroeder Patrick Sullivan John Spielman Dennis Sheehan Thomas Sweeney Fred Spielman George Stoltz Charles Truher Edward Vosberg Frank Williams Miss B. Brennan Mrs. K. Hibbe 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 40 50 45 42 47 45 45 45 45 45 42 45 45 45 41 47 45 45 45 45 37 47 45 45 47 45 37 45 45 45 45 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 25 42,50 47 50 50 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 50 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 Fire Payroll for First Half May, 1918. J. Reinfried $ 67 00 D. Ahearn 55 00 W. Hipman 55 00 M. Eitel 52 00 A. Heei) 45 00 A. McDonnell 48 00 N. Wagner 45 00 T. Kennedy 45 00 F. Motsch 45 00 J. Noonan 45 00 L. Wemett 40 00 J. Flynn 47 00 H. Cain 48 00 Wm. Smith 45 00 M. Kelly 45 00 F.M urphy 46 00 R. Tierney 42 00 J. Rooney 45 00 J. Walsh 45 00 G. Gehrke 47 00 J. Keppler 45 00 J. Smith • 48 00 J. Daugherty 45 00 W. McClain 45 00 H. Woodward 42 50 M. Sweeney 45 00 J. Benzer 45 00 J. McGloughlin 45 00 P. Apel 45 00 W. Ryan 42 00 List of Warrants. A. Brewer 42 00 P. McManus 42 00 W. Ducey 47 00 F. Kenneally 46 00 T. O'Brien 45 00 R. Weston 47 00 R. Kenneally 48 00 J. Allen 45 00 J. Connolly 45 00 W. Meyers 42 00 H. Rawson 42 00 W. Kannolt 45 00 F. Baumgartner 45 00 P. Kirch 45 00 M. Leist 40 00 J. Stafford 40 00 F. Lonergan 42 00 D. Harker 45 00 Ed. Farrell 45 00 W. Lehman 37 00 W. Kinsella 37 00 Dubuque, Ia., May 16th, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets in the various road districts in the City of Dubuque for the first half of May, 1918: G. Adams, 1st $ 2 50 M. Ackerer, 3rd 7 50 T. Brown, 1st 26 28 F. Bitzberger, 3rd 7 50 R. Birner, 4th 30 00 A. Bohr, 5th 7 50 J. Bone, 5th 27 24 J. Basten, 5th 15 00 P. Carney, 1st 27 78 J. Connolly, 1st 30 00 W. Clark, 1st 2 50 J. Cahill, frd 35 00 J. Cunning, 3rd 24 18 J. Cashman, 5th 16 40 B. Cain, 1 -5 each 37 50 T. Cahill, health 32 50 L. Dempsey, 4th 30 84 W. Doty, 4th 3 34 S. Eustace, 4th 16 40 J. Eberhardt, 5th 31 40 H. Engle, 1 -5 each 48 12 F. Engle, 1 -5 each 48 12 W. Flynn, 3rd 16 68 W. Frost, 4th 30 00 G. Frost, 2nd 37 50 J. Gribbens, 1st 5 00 B. Glass, 'and 2 50 M. Gantinbein, 5th 28 90 W. Hurk, 3rd 17 24 W. Hird, 4th 13 62 G. Hird, 4th 37 50 P. Horch, bth 37 50 J. Jackson, 4th 29 74 M. Kiefer, 1st 26 40 T. Kennedy, 2nd 27 78 J. Kane, 3rd 28 62 J. Krigel, 3i 5 00 H. Kemp, 3rd 3 62 M. Kelley, 3rd 10 00 F. Krug, 5th 23 90 M. Kistler, 3rd 32 50 R. Lewis, 3rd 10 00 V. Link, 5th 3 06 177 F. La Point, 5th 30 00 H. Lang, 5th 22 50 A. Litz, 5th 23 90 J. McCarron, 1st 22 50 C. McDonald, 2nd 29 74 Jno. McLaughlin, 3rd 31 96 Jno. McGrath, 4th 30 84 P. Mclnerny, 4th 2 50 S. McNabb, 5th 30 28 M. McClain, 1 -5 each 32 50 J. Meloy, 3rd 13 62 J. Maus, 4th 28 90 H. Marten, 4th 30 84 J. Noonan, 2nd 30 28 W. O'Brien, 1st 37 50 J. O'Brien, 3rd 10 00 P. O'Hearn, 2nd 32 50 B. Panier, 5th 8 90 F. Reinker, 1st 2 50 P. Royce, 4th 15 28 C. Ragatz, 5th 28 62 J. Roschi, 5th 14 74 A. Rink, 5th 28 90 J. Roggensack, 5th 20 00 J. Ryan, 2nd 32 50 F. Sheedy, 2nd 25 56 N. Spies, 3rd 28 62 H. Sisson, 3rd 11 12 G. Schultz, 3rd 30 84 J. Steffes, 5th 7 50 L. Schneider, 5th 30 84 P. Schetgan, 3rd 37 50 J. Thompson, 1st 31 40 W. Williams, 2nd 30 28 P. Wertin, 2nd 31 12 P. Waltz, 5th 7 50 H. Williams, 5th 29 74 G. Young, 5th 214 74 C. Zimmerman, 5th 31 12 A. Zingel, 4th 3 34 M. Ackels, 4th 75 60 F. Becker, 3rd 77 00 F. Burns, 3rd 31 50 J. Barker, 4th, rock 1 60 B. Baldwin, 5th 56 70 J. Berwanger, 5th 78 40 A. Conrad, 5th 40 60 J. Dorgan, 4th, macadam 171 50 N. Evert, 1st 6 30 Evens & Ulrich Co., 5th 9 10 J. Grahan, 2nd 9 80 M. Hannon, 2nd 73 50 J . Kean, 4th, macadam 10 00 J. Linehan, lst 7 70 Jno. Linehan, 3rd 81 90 Jno. Lee, 4th, cinders 50 J. Long, 5th 81 20 J. McCollins, 2nd 5 60 Jeff McGrath, 4th 75 60 Jno. McGrath, 4th, macadam 11 25 D. O'Meara, 1st 70 00 J . Sullivan, 1st 70 00 C. Singrin, 3rd 77 00 T. Welsh, 4th, macadam 62 63 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for sprinkling and sweeping in the City of Dubuque for the first half of May, 1918: J. Linehan, 1st $ 66 50 J. McCollins, 2nd 58 80 F. Becker, 3rd . .... 68 80 178 List of Warrants. B. Molo, 2nd, 4th 58 80 A. Conrad, 5th 30 80 M. Ackels, 4th 58 80 R. Lagen, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 81 90 C. Van Wie, lst, 2nd 81 90 Dubuque, Ia., May 16th, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor for the grading of West Third street, to be paid from the appropriation created therefore, for the first half of May, 1918: J. Gribbens $; 24 74 G. Adams 23 06 W. Clark 24 74 F. Reinker 24 74 J. Donahue 16 40 N. Evert 62 30 Dubuque, Ia., May 2nd, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I Herewith submit my Payroll for labor on sewers in the City of Dubuque for the first half of May, 1918: W. Burke $ 32 50 J. Tobin '32 50 T. Bannig 33 6'2 D. C antinbien 16 40 W. Hennessey 32 50 H. Carney 32 50 T. Hird 35 00 C. Albringer 32 50 .T. Childs 32 50 R. Smith 5 00 C. Sullivan 42 50 Police Payroll LAM Half May; 1918. Edward Brunskill $ 44 10 Max Bemis. 39 23 James Corcoran 44 10 Michael Connolly 4'7 07 John Cody 44 10 Nicholas Campbell 44 10 William Carroll 44 10 Thoihas Cain' 47 07 Thos. Connolly 41 07 Philip Dunphy 49 00 rashes Conlon' 41 8'3 Thomas Duggan 44 10 Edward Daily 43 46 Patrick Fury 46 55 John Fox 44 10 Theo. Ganahl 47 07 Michael Fogarty 41 67 Ben Gray 47 07 Sohn Kopp 47 07 John Kilby 44 46 Barney Ludescher 44 10 $eery Mueller 44 10 Hugh Markey 47 07 Otto Neuman 41 26 Alfred Noel 44 45 John O'Brien 46 55 Michael O'Connor 49' 68 Michael Ryan 44 10 Gus Raterman 44 10 Thos. Reilly 47 07 Joseph Stoitz 44 10 Patrick Sullivan 49 68 John Spielman 44 10 Dennis Sheehan 47 07 Thomas Sweeney 46 95 ;Fred Spielman 47 07 Frank Williams 44 10 !Chas. Truher 47 07. Miss B. Brennan 44 10 Mrs. K. Hibbe 44 10 Ed. Vosberg 44 10 Geo: Stoltz 39 23 Arthur Schroeder 17 50 Fire Payroll for Last Half May;. 191St J. Reinfried D. Ahern Wm. Hipman M. Eitel A. Heer A. McDonald J. Noonan F. Motsch L. Wemett J'. Flynn F. Murphy H. Cain N. Wagner J. Rooney W. Smith J. Stafford • Gerke' J. Keppler J. Smith T. Dougherty Wm. McClain F'. Lonergan M. Sweeney l J. Benzer J. McGloughlin J. Allen P. Apel E. Farrel A. Brewer D. Harker l;tyan P. McManus M. ]Lest R. Tierney R. Weston Harry Rawson A. Kenneally 48 53 T. Kennedy 44 10 5. Connolly 44 10 J. Walsh 44 10 W. Meyer 44 13 W. Ducey 48 0'0 M. Kelly 44 10 F. Kenneally 44 75 T. O'Brien 44 10 W. Kannolt 44 10 F. Baumgartner 44 10 1'. Kirsch 44 10 W. Lehman 37 25 W. Kinsella 37 25 F. M. Bennett 42 50 Win. Gibson 42 50 H. Miller 42 50 M. Apel 40 00 Fire pension fund retained 45 61 Dubuque, Ia., June 6th, '1918. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I, the undersigned, hereby submit my payroll for labor on streets in the various road dis- $ 66 53 53 51 44 48 44 44 39 47 47 48 44 44 44 39 47 44 48 4'4 44 39 44 44 44 44 44 44 4'2 44 44 42 39 42 47 44 65 90 90 95 10 53 10 10 20 05 05 53 10 10 10 20 05 10 53 1' 0 10 '2b 1'0 10 10 to 10 10 15 10 13 15 2'0 15 05 13 tricts in the City of Dubuque for the last half' of May, 1918: G. Adams, lst $ 2 50 M. Ackerer, 3rd 12 50 T. Brown, 1st 14 46 G. Blanchard, 2nd 18 34 R. Birner, 4th 26 68 J. Basten, 5th 13 06 J. Bone, 5th 25 56 J. Connolly, 1st 29 18 W. Clark, 1st 16 40 J. Cahill, 3rd 34 46 J. Cunning, 3rd 18 06 B. Cain, 1 -5 each - 37 50 T. Cahill, health - 35 00 J. Donahue, 1st 2 50 L. Dempsey, 2nd 4 74 L. Dempsey, 4th 21 68 S. Eustace, 4th 24 46 J. Eberhart, 5th 20 56 H. Engle, 1 -5 each 48 13 F. Engle, 1 -5 each 48 13 W. Flynn, 3rd 12 24 W. Frost, 4th 26 68 G. Frost, 2nd 37 50 J. Gribbens, 1st 2 50 J. Graham, 2nd 6 12 B. Glass, 2nd 11 96 M. Gantenbein, 6th 15 56 A. Geisler, 5th - 22 78 L. Horrig, . 3rd 21 40 W. Hird, 4th 21 96 G. Hird, 4th. 37 50 P. Borth, 5th 37. 50 P. Jacobs„ 3rd - 11 96 J. Jackson, 4th 21 96 P. Kearney, 1st 15 84 M. Kiefer, 1st. 16 68 T. Kennedy„ 2nd 28 34 P. Krentar., 2nd 6 1.2 M. Kelley, ,3rd 13 06 J. Dane, 3rd 25 00 F. Krug, 5th 26, 96 M. Kistler, 3rd 7 50 F. LaPoint, 5th 24 18 A. Litz, 5th - 19 46 H. Lang, 5th - 23 96 L. Lewis,. 3xd 27 50 J. McCarron, lst 14 46 C. McDonald,, 2nd 26 40 Jno. McLaughlin, 3rd 13 34 Jas.. McLaughlin, 3rd 12 50 Jno, McGrath, 4th 25 56 S. McNabb,, 5th 23 06 M. McClain, 1 -5 each 32 50 J. Melot, 3rd 20 56 J. Maus, 4th 25 56 H. Marten, 4th 26 68 H. Marten, 4th, rock 3 26 J. Noonan, 2nd 34 74 J. O'Brien, 3rd - 9 46 W. O'Brien, 1st 37 50 P. O'Hearn, 2nd 32 50 F. Reiker, 1st 16 40 W. Redman, 1st 10 00 P. Royce, 4th 14 18 J. Roggensack, 5th 20 56 C. Ragatz, 5th 18 06 A. Rink, 5th '29 18 J. Roschi, 5th 2 50 J. Ryan, 2nd 35 00 J. Roscamp, 1 -6 each 96 25 List of Warrants. 1 79 F. Sheedy, 2nd 26 12 G. Schultz, 3rd 28 06 N. Spies, 3rd 25 00 L. Schneider, 5th 24 18 J. Steffes, 5th 1 -5 56 P. Schetgan, 3rd 37 50 J. Thompson, 1st 29 18 W. Williams, 2nd 28 34 P. Wertin, 2nd 28 34 C. Zimmerman, 2nd 24 18 M. Ackels, 4th 64 40 J. Breitbach, 1st 6 30 F. Becker, 3rd 30 10 F. Burns, 3rd 49 00 B. Baldwin, 5th 48, 30 J. Berwanger, 5th 46 50 A. Conrad, 5th 38 50 J. Dorgan, 3rd, macadam 274 35 J. Dorgan, 4th, macadam 182 87 N. Evart, 1st 12 60 M. Hannon, 2nd 43 40 J. Heim, 5th 46 90 J. Kean, 4th, macadam 16 8 - 8 J. Linehan, 3rd 32 20 J. Long, 5th 7 - 0 00 J. McCollins, 2nd 41 30 Jeff McGrath, 4th 60 90 D. McGrath, 4th, macadam 11 88 D. O'Meara, 1st 42. 00 J. Sullivan, 1st 68 6 C. Singrin, 3rd 72 80 T. Welsh, 4th, macadam, 58 75 T. Welsh, 4th, macadam 45 00 T. Welsh, 4th, macadam 3 50 Dubuque, ];a., June 6th, 1918.; To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit spy payroll for labor on roads leading in- to the county for the last Half of May, 1918, to be paid from the first ward's portion of the county road fund: P. Carney $ 11 4 J. McCarron 10 28 M. Kiefer 11 40 T. Brown 11 40 J. Gribbens 11 40 W. Redman 8 90 N. Evert 27, 30 D. O'Meara 25 2.0 Dubuque, Ia., June 6th, 1918. , To, the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on West Third street for the last half of May, 1918, to be paid from the appropriation created therefore: J. Gribbens $ 14 46 G. Adams 12 78 W. Clark 16 96 F. Reiker 13 06 J. Donahue 1 96 J. Thompson 2 50 N. Evert 36 40 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for sprinkling and sweeping in the City of Dubuque for the last half of May, 1918: 180 J. Linehan, 1st $ 35 70 J. McCollins, 2nd 28 70 F. Becker, 3rd 28 70 B. Molo, 2nd, 4th 35 70 .A. Conrad, 5th 21 70 M. Ackels, 4th 32 20 Dubuque Electric Co., lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th R. Lagen, lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 90 30 C. Van Wie, 1st, 2nd 88 20 Dubuque, Ia., June 6th, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on sewers in the City of Dubuque for the last half of May, 1918: W. Burke $ 37 78 J. Tobin 36 40 T. Bannon 32 50 H. Carney 35 28 W. Hennessey 32 60 T. Hird 36 40 C. Albringer 32 50 J. Childs 31 40 R. Smith 33 JO C. Sullivan 42 50 Work on the 28th Street Storm Sewer: P. Reilly, 5th $ 13 06 J. Cashman, 5th 15 56 T. O'Connell, 5th 6 40 R. Smith, 5th 2 78 S. Palmer, 5th 2 50 Fire Payroll First Half June, 1918. J. Reinfried $ 67 00 D. Ahearn 55 00 W. Hipman 55 00 M. Eitel 52 00 A. Heer 45 00 A. McDonnell 48 00 N. Wagner 45 00 T. Kennedy 45 00 F. Motsch 45 00 J. Noonan 45 00 L. Wemett 40 00 W. Lehman 37 00 J. Flynn 47 00 H. Cain 48 00 Wm. Smith 45 00 M. Kelly 45 00 F. Murphy 47 00 R. Tierney 42 00 J. Rooney 45 00 J. Walsh 45 00 G. Gehrke 47 00 J. Keppler 45 00 J. Smith 48 00 J. Daugherty 45 00 W. McClain 45 00 M. Sweeney 45 00 J. Benzer 45 00 J. McGloughlin 45 00 P. Apel 46 00 W. Ryan 45 00 A. Brewer 45 00 P. McManus 42 00 W. Ducey 47 00 F. Kenneally 45 00 T. O'Brien 45 00 R. Weston 47 00 R. Kenneally 48 00 List of Warrants. J. Allen 45 00 J. Connolly 45 00 W. Meyers 45 00 H. Rawson 45 00 W. Kannolt 45 00 F. Baumgartner 45 00 P. Kirch 45 00 M. Leist 40 00 J. Stafford 40 00 J. Lonergan 40 00 D. Harker 45 00 Ed. Farrell 45 00 W. Kinsella 37 00 F. Bennett, sub. 37 50 W. Gibson, sub. _ 37 50 H. Miller, sub. 37 50 M. Apel, sub. 37 50 Police Payroll First Half June, 1918. Edward Brunskill $ 45 00 James Corcoran 45 00 Michael Connolly 48 00 John Cody 45 00 Campbell 45 00 Thomas Cain 48 00 Thomas Connolly 45 00 Philip Dunphy 50 00 Thomas Duggan 45 00 Edward Daily 45 00 Patrick Fury 50 65 John Fox 45 00 Michael Fogarty 48 00 Theo. Ganahl 48 00 Ben Gray 48 00 John Kopp 48 00 John Kilby 39 65 Barney Ludescher 48 00 Henry Mueller 45 00 Hugh Markey 48 00 Alfred Noel 45 35 John O'Brien 50 65 Michael O'Connor 50 65 Michael Ryan 45 00 - Gus Raterman 45 00 Thomas Reilly 45 00 Joseph Stoltz 45 00 Patrick Sullivan 50 65 John Spielman 45 00 Dennis Sheehan 48 00 Thomas Sweeney 50 65 Fred Spielman 48 00 George Stoltz 40 00 Charles Truher 48 00 Edward Vosberg 45 00 Frank Williams 45 00 Miss B. Brennan 45 00 Mrs. K. Hibbe 45 00 Otto Neuman 41.25 Wm. Carroll 48 00 Anton Van Driel 30 00 Max Bemis 15 00 BILLS. C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense, police $ 53 95 Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co., expense 6 65 Geo. Davis & Co., expense 3 90 Pier Bros., expense 22 00 Gonner Bros., expense 152 00 Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., ex- pense 3 80 Leader Oil Co., expense 3 50 Kassler Motor Co., expense Geo. J. Mayer Co., expense Standard Supply Co., expense G. F. Kleih & Son, expense, roads, health Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., police J. W. Geillis, police Eichorn & Bechtel, police G. F. Kleih & Son, police Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co., police Griner's, police Standard Lumber Yard Co , police Dubuque Electric Co., police_. Iowa Oil Co., police C. J. McCarthy, police Karl Staufenbeil, police Detective Publishing Co., po- lice Times - Journal, printing National Demokrat, printing Times - Journal, printing Labor Leader, printing Union Printing Co., expense Hoerman Press, police Telegraph- Herald, printing T. J. Magee, fire R. J. Burke, fire Torbert Drug Co., fire Peter Hanson, fire Geisler Bros., fire August Reis, fire F. G. Becker, fire, roads Standard Lumber Yard Co , fire Geo. W. Healey & Son, fire Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., fire H. G. Scheer, fire T. J. Magee, fire Deyoe - Avenarius, fire Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works, fire Scheppele Motor Co., fire Fluckinger Motor Co., fire L. J. Schmitt, fire Dr. Charles Palen, fire American -La France Fire En- gine Co. T. J. Mulgrew & Co., fire Molo Sand & Gravel Co., fire, sewer Midland Chemical Co., fire Iowa Oil Co., fire Dubuque Electric Co., fire Ike Beekman, inspector John Stuber, expense Tom Kenneally, inspector Geo. Mauer, 5th ward maca- dam Even - Ulrich Co , grading J. Lee, grading Key City Roofing Co., sewer, 2nd road, 5th road, 3rd road, 1st road, fire Wm. Singrin, excavation G.'. Kleih & Son, roads Dubuque Powder Co., 1st road F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co., 2nd road Geo. Bock, roads List of Warrants. 181 18 76 34 74 6 00 13 80 5 00 5 62 6 60 8 20 1 50 1 50 50 1 58 20 71 3 40 2 70 12 12 128 85 25 00 74 75 12 50 5 00 2 75 179 22 5 70 16 90 12 05 3 00 1 00 8 00 5 20 7 42 50 2 00 1 50 7 20 12 00 1 16 50 2 00 8 50 16 00 27 95 43 36 1 85 6 00 14 50 21 59 17 50 10 00 28 76 66 00 250 00 7 50 28 76 24 17 8 70 1 80 9 00 104 00 H. B. McCarten, expense 26 05 Geo. W. Healey & Son, 2nd road 75 Mettel Bros., 3rd, 4th, 5th roads 5 80. Standard Lumber Yard Co., roads 36 96 F. Schloz & Son, 3rd road, 2nd road, road 7 85 Cota, Byrne & Cota, 1st road 6 75 Mullen Bros., expense 7 35 Nick Martin, 4th ward maca- dam 55 00 F. Schloz & Son, roads 124 00 Geo. Masters, excavation 6 70 T. J. Mulgrew Co., 1st road, 5th road, 30 36 Leader Oil Co., roads 89 80 W. D. Deckert Co., fire, roads 30 25 L. J. Schmitt, 2nd road 5 60 Peter Even & Co., 5t hroad__ 104 66 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., roads 141 50 Midland Chemical Co., roads 43 20 A. W. Drake & Son, roads, 1st road 8 50 R. J. Burke, expense 24 04 Dubuque Welding Wks., roads 6 00 Peter Even & Son, roads 25 65 Chas. Matz, roads 9 51 A. W. Drake & Son, roads 144 75 Key City Iron Works, roads 4 59 The' Key City Gas Co., 3rd road 10 75 R. Herrman & Son, expense 52 50 Rellihan & Mullen, expense 4 30 Wm. Grode, expense 1 50 Schepple Motor Co., expense 25 M. Hall, expense 10 00 F. A. Nesler & Son, expense 52 60 John Dehing, expense 14 00 Upton's Laundry, expense 2 09 Mrs. E. Schuller, expense 35 00 L. Faye, expense 20 00 Fred Wenzel, expense 169 48 Key City Gas Co., expense, fire, police 79 95 Key City Gas Co., police, fire, expense 4 i5 Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 206 01 Iowa Telephone Co., police, fire, expense 47 74 A. E. Gmehle, expense 107 19 Ernest C. Puls, expense 5 00 C. B. Scheer, expense 4 00 T. J. Magee, sewer 9 00 Peed, Berwanger & Pfiffner, sewer 6 60 F. Schloz & Son, sewer 17 46 Peryon's Pharmacy, sewer 1 25 G. F. Kleih & Son, sewer 75 45 Jno. Daniels, 5% retained As- bury street sanitary sewer 18 70 F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co., health 8 95 John Dehing, health 60 00 Standard Lumber Yard Co , health 2 32 Byrne Bros. Co., fire 1 00 E. T. Frith, health 600 00 E. T. Frith, health 318 74 Peryon's Pharmacy, health 10 55 Hawkeye Battery Co., health 2 75 Lorenz Laundry, health 10 88 182 List of Warrants. National Refining Co., health 26 00 Upton's Laundry, health 5 07 Carney & Jackman, health 12 00 P. T. Frith, health 500 00 E. T. Frith, health 500 00 E. T. Frith, health 80 00 Frank Bakey, macadam 6 87 Jas. M. Lee, Athletic field 437 50 Wm. Singrin, excavation 3 79 Ike Beekman, inspector 18 75 Tony Seig, 4th road 19 25 Wm. Singrin, excavation 29 12 J. Lee, constructing cement sidewalks 114 38 Tom Kenneally, inspector __ 25 00 Wm. Singrin, excavation 21 69 .joe Donahue, 1st ward 22 75 Leo Sullivan, macadam 67 50 Nick Grandgnet, plowing baseball park and Lincoln avenue 43 90 Geo. D. Wybrant, interest on warrants outstanding 265 75 Geo. D. Wybrant, miscellane- ous 494 45 Geo. D. Wybrant, miscellane- ous 495 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, miscellane- ous 2 00 Emnia A. Bnettell, refund on assessment 10 00 Visiting Nurse Ass'n 300 00 );'rank Siege, health ' 7 00 National Refining Co., health 24 50 F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co., health 8 60 C. O. D. Laundry Co., health 11 24 State Board of Health, health 7 10 Spahn & hose Lumber Co., health 3 9g Jno. Dehing, hea 60 uq F. Schloz &' Son, health 3 00 The Detective Publishing Co., health 25 21 Joe Parks, expense 50 John Dehing, expense 14 Q0 Karl Staufenbeil; expense 2 00 Dr. Chas. Palen, expense 6 00 Peter B. Hoffman, expense 60 Klauer & Kress, expense ' 1 10 Western Union Telegraphi_ Co., expense - 4 00 Iowa Telephone Co., expense, fire and police . 47 74 J. J. Kavanaugh, expense 35 00 C. L. Percival Co., roads and fire 109 60 Iowa Oil Co., fire 46 0,0 Belsky -Cook Motor Co., fire 6 0,6 Muntz Motor Co., fire 49 14 W. D. Deckert, fire 26 04 National Refining Co., fire 24 50 Dubuque Electric Co., fire 7 20 62 Stafford Grocery, fire 2 26 Pauly Printing Co., fire 17 76 Key City Roofing Co., fire, 1st road, 2nd road, 3rd road, 4th road and 5th road 13 27 Giesler Bros., fire 1 66 T. F. Kane, fire 88 8 7 H. G. Scheer, fire 3 54 Walter C. Ragatz, fire 60 70 Hawkeye Battery Co., fire .. 60 1?'luciiiger Motor Co., fire 14 86 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., fire 98 American LaFrance Fire En- gine Co., Chicago, fire 4 00 Hopkins & Witty, fire 3 00 The Key City Gas Co., fire 1 10 Sterns Tire & Tube Co., fire 24 75 Chas. W. Blichmann & Son, fire 30 00 Telegraph - Herald, printing 78 86 Labor Leader, expense 32 00 Labor Leader, printing 12 60 National Demokrat, printing_ 12 60 Times - Journal, printing 102 11 Union Printing Co., expense 9 50 Wm. Marshall, bathing beach 18 22 Wm. Zumhoff, bathing beach 5 80 Byrne Bros. Co., fire and health 31 00 Dubuque Electric Co., ex- pense 1 60 Upton Laundry, expense 1 26 Fischer & Co., Inc., fire, po- lice, expense and 2nd road 600 00 Fischer & Co., Inc., fire, po- lice, expense and 2nd road 167 63 Cartingy Fruit Co., expense 7 00 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., ex- pense and police 59 95 G. F. Kleih & Son, expense 10 20 Klauer & Kress, expense 3 60 Dubuque Paper 8 Supply Co , expense 14 00 L. A. Walch, expense 30 C. L. Damb,acher, expense 6 36 Thos. Kgrtmeyer, expense 6 20 National Refining Co., fire and health 104 00 Peryon Pho,rnlacy, sewer 1 26 Peed Berwanger & Pfiffner, sewer 4 85 T. F. Magee, sewer 9 00 F. Schloz &,Son, sewer 8 70 G. F. Kleih & Son, sewer 7 36 Molo Sand and Gravel Co , sewer 2 20 T. F. Kane, sewer 28 26 H. Magdal, 5th road 5 09 F. Schloz & Son, 2n11 r oo,d, 3rd road, expense and roads 7 00 Molo Sand and Gravel Co., 2nd road and 5th road 8 70 Peter Even & Son, roads 6 75 Peter Even & Son, roads 9 75 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co , 3rd road 25 81 The Smedley Co., 6th road 131 65 F. Schloz & Son, roads 51 00 The Smedley Co., 3rd road 13 50 W. Dalbkermeyer, roads 7 00 The Smedley Co., 1st road 27 00 Geo. Korman, 2nd road 23 00 Standard Lumber Yard Co , sidewalks 1Q 59 Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co., 5th road 15 29 Frank Beutin, 4th road 1 50 Geo. Bock, roads 62 09 Mettel Bros., 4th road and List of Warrants. 5th road 5 60 Klauer Mfg. Co., 5th road 60 00 Klauer Mfg. Co., 1st road 41 50 Peter Even & Son, roads 14 25 F. A. Burns, sidewalks 1 95 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., 4th road 10 90 Wm. Singrin, excavation 18 77 John Tibey, grading 33 19 John Tibey, grading 25 00 T. J. Mulgrew Co., 5th road 472 50 Even - Ulrich Co., grading 196 60 F. Beutin, grading 76 00 F. Beutin, grading 170 00 Iowa Oil Co., roads 103 24 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., 4th road 1 76 I. Manhoff,, roads 1 60 F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co., 5th road 1 26 Peter Even & Son, roads 60 00 G. F. Kleih & Son, 3rd road 60 Mullen Bros., expense 2 10 Klauer & Kress, 1st road and roads 6 55 Fuhrman Bros., 3rd road 25 00 A. W. Drake & Son, 1st road and roads 7 90 Even - Ulrich & Co., 5th road and 3rd road 369 28 Eagle Point Lime Works, 5th road 18 60 Key City Iron Works, roads 8 83 W. D. Deckert Co., roads 61 70 Klauer Mfg. Co., 5th road 54 60 N. J. Staner, grading 234 95 Geo. Korman, 5th road 19 20 Midland Chemical Co., roads 69 60 Iowa Oil Co., police 40 80 C. J. McCarthy, police 6 00 Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co., police 3 75 Jno. Miller, police 30 70 Walter C. Ragatz, police 1 00 Dubuque Electric Co., police 90 Joe Diebold, police 2 40 E. L. Schepple, police 2 00 E. P. Smith, police 60 G. F. Klieh & Son, police 73 15 Tom Keneally, inspector 31 25 C. B. McNamara, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th roads 500 00 C. B. McNamara, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th roads 43 10 The Key City Gas Co., fire, police and expense 4 25 The Key City Gas Co., fire, police and expense 87 30 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 500 00 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 500 00 Dubuque Electric Co., light - ing 500 00 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 500 00 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 600 00 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 500 00 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 600 00 183 Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing 269 00 Dubuque Park Board, appro- priation 500 00 Dubuque Park Board, appro- priation 500 00 Dubuque Park Board, appro- priation 250 00 Henry George, claim 50 00 Dubuque, Ia., June 20th, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I, the undersigned, hereby submit my payroll for labor on the streets in the various road dis- tricts in the City of Dubuque for the first half of June, 1918: M. Ackerer, 3rd $ 26 96 R. Birner, 4th 30 56 J. Bohn, 5th 15 56 J. Connolly, 1st 30 56 W. Clark, 1st 3 34 J. Cahill, 3rd 33 06 J. Cunning, 3rd 11 96 B. Cain, 1 -5 each 37 50 T. Cahill, health 32 50 L. Dempsey, 3rd 9 18 L. Dempsey, 4th 5 09 S. Eustace, 4th 27 50 J. Eberhart, 5th 20 00 H. Engle, 1 -5 each 48 12 F. Engle, 1 -5 each 48 12 W. Flynn, 3rd 21 40 W. Frost, 4th 30 56 C. Frohs, 5th 17 50 G. Frost, 2nd 37 50 A. Geisler, 5th 4 46 L. Horrig, 3rd 31 40 W. Hird, 4th 15 00 G. Hird, 4th 37 50 P. Horch, 5th 37 5,0 P. Jacobs, 3rd 8 90 J. Jackson, 4th 6 96 T. Kennedy, 2nd 2 62 M. Kelley, 3rd 29 18 J. Kane, 3rd 30 56 F. Krug, 5th 30 56 F. LaPoint, 5th 30 '' 6 H. Lang, 5th 3.0 56 A. Litz, 5th 30 00 Y. Liek, 5th 15 90 R. Love, 5th 8 34 R. Love, 1 -5 each 22 50 L. Lewis, 3rd 32 50 C. McDonald, 2nd 30 66 Jno. McLaughlin, 3rd 29 46 Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd 11 96 Jno. McGrath, 4th 39 '18 S. McNabb, 5th 21 12 M. McClean, 1 -5 each 32 50 J. Meloy, 3rd 29 46 J. Maus, 4th 29 18 H. Marten, 4th 26 00 J. Noonan, 2nd 30 84 W. O'Brien, 1st 37 50 P. O'Hearn, 2nd 32 60 > . Reinker, 1st 3 34 P. Royce, 4th 37 50 J. Roggensaok, 6th 2 50 A. Rink, 5th 3 62 C. Ragatz, 5th 18 92 J. Ryan, 2nd 32 50 184 List of Warrants. J. Roscamp, 1 -5 each 48 12 J. Roscamp, expense 8 55 F. Sheedy, 2nd 30 56 G. Schultz, 3rd 29 74 N. Spies, 3rd 30 56 L. Schneider, 5th 29 18 P. Schetgan, 3rd 37 50 J. Thompson, 1st 30 84 W. Williams, 2nd 20 84 P. Wertin, 2nd 30 00 C. Zimmerman, 2nd 30 56 M. Ackels, 4th 69 30 F. Burns, 3rd 73 50 J. Berwanger, 5th 46 20 B. Baldwin, 5th 50 40 J. Dorgan, 3rd, macadam 118 56 J Graham, 2nd 31 50 M. Hannon, 2nd 14 00 J. Linehan, 3rd 73 50 J. Long, 5th 60 40 Jeff McGrath, 4th 77 00 D. O'Meara, 1st 77 00 O'Farrell, Cont. Co., 4th, ma- cadam 71 25 0' Farrell Cont. Co., 4th, cov- ering 12 50 T. Tibey, lst, macadam 206 50 J. Sullivan, 1st 8 40 C. Singrin, 3rd 78 40 T. Welsh, 4th, rock 1 83 Dubuque, Ia., June 20th, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on the various im- provements, to be paid from the ap- propriation created therefore: Improvement of Grandview Ave.: Frank Reinke'. $ 27 50 W. Clark 27 50 J. Sullivan 69 30 Grading Fund: J. Lan ..._g $ 26 60 J. Berwanger 30 10 J. Heim 7 70 B. Baldwin 26 60 A. Conrad 25 20 A. Litz 105 6 L. Schneider 1 40 C. Ragatz 1 40 H. Marten 5 00 M. Ackels 12 60 I herewith submit my payroll for sprinklin gand sweeping in the City of Dubuque for the first half of June, 1918: J. Linehan, lst $ 58 80 B. Molo, 2nd, 4th 57 40 F. Becker, 3rd 50 40 M. Ackels, 4th 52 50 J. McCollins, 2nd 56 00 A. Conrad, 5th 67 40 R. Lagen, 1st, 2nd • 81 90 C. Van Wie, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 81 90 Dubuque, Ia., June 20th, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on roads leading in- to the county for the first half of June, 1918, to be .paid from the First ward's portion of the County Road Fund: P. Carney $ 30 56 J. McCarron 30 56 M. Kiefer 30 56 T. Brown 30 56 J. Gribbens 30 56 W. Redmond 30 56 G. Adams 30 56 N. Evert 77 00 L. Dempsey 11 12 Dubuque, Ia., June 20th, 1918. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on sewers in the City of Dubuque for the first half of June, 1918: • W. Burke $ 50 J. Tobin 32 b0 T. Bannig 37 50 W. Hennessey 32 50 H. Carney 12 50 T. Hird 32 50 C. Albinger 32 50 J. Childs 31 40 R. Smith 35 28 P. Reilly 3 62 J. Cashman 28 62 S. Palmer 3 62 L. Faye 17 50 J. Bohn 12 50 C. Sullivan 42 60 Notice to Automobile Dealers and Manufacturers. • Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m., Thursday, 'June 20th, 1918, for an automobile for the Fire Chief. Bidders to state in their proposals what allowance they will make for the old automobile now in use. Bid to be accompanied by a certified check of $100.00 as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelOpes. The City. Council reserves th"e right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 10th, 1918. JOHN STUBER, '6 -103t. City Recorder. Noti ce 'to dewalk Contraors. Sealed proposals will bq received at the City Recorder's offic City 'Hall, by'the Ci Recorder until 8:00 P. M., Monday, July 8, 1918, to be acted on by the City Council on said (late, for constructing cement side - walks abutting Lots 33 and 34, Quigley's Sub., of M. L. 157, North St., Engineer's estimate 696 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk; abutting Lot 26, Quigley's Sub., of M. L. 157, North St., Engineer's estimate 348 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk; abutting Lot 2 of 1 of 25, Quigley's Sub., of M. L. 157, North St., Engineer's es- timate 276 sq. ft. of cement side - walk; abutting Lot 1 of 39, Quig- ley's Sub., of M. L. 157, North St., Engineer's estimate 464 sq. ft. of ce- ment sidewalk; abutting Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, Hodge's Sub., No. 2 North St., Engineer's estimate 1,493 sq. ft. cement sidewalk; abut - ting Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Quig- ley's Sub., of M. L. 157, North St., Engineer's estimate 800 sq. ft. of ce- ment sidewalk; abutting Lots 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, Quigley's Sub., of M. L. 157, North St., Engineer's estimate 2088 sq. ft. of cement side- walk; abutting Lots 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Michel's Sub., North St., Engineers' estimate 1,200 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk, in accordance with the plans and specifications .pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. The work to be .paid for when said work is completed and prescribed by Chapter XXXII and 'am'endments thereto of the revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Work shall be commenced on or before July 16, 1918, and work to be completed on or before September 1, 1918. Bid- ders must state price per square foot for cement sidewalk. Each 'b rY�ust be accompanied by a Certified id Check for ten per cent of the gross amount of the bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into Official Notices. 185 if awarded. Check and bid in sepa- rate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 22, 1918. JOHN STUBER, 6- 26 -3t. City Recorder. Official Notice. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held Monday, July 8, 1918, to pay for im- proving Klingenberg Terrace from the east side of Klein Street to the west side of North Main Street; Even & Ulrich, contractors. Amount of special assessment $1,- 903.50, same to be assessed against And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the' City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the street in which said im- provement was made and the separ- ate lots and parcels of ground or specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jections in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held Monday, July 8, 1918, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 22, 1918. JOHN STUBER, 6 -22 -3t City Recorder. - Notice to Sidewalk Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 P. M., Monday, July 8, 1918, to be acted on by the City Council on said date, for constructing cement side- walks abutting South 161 ft. Lot 10 of 14 and 16, Bushe's Sub., west side - of Burns St., Engineer's estimate 644 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk; abutting Lot 9 and 10 of 14 and 15, Bushe's Sub., east side of Burns St., Engi- neer's estimate 481.6 sq ft. cement sidewalk, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in office of the City Recorder. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. 186 Official Notices. Work shall be commenced on or be- fore July 15, 1918, and work to be completed on or before September 1, 1918. Bidders must state price per square foot for cement sidewalk. Eich bid must be accompanied by a Certified Check for ten per cent of the gross amount of the bid, as a guarantee that a contract will be en- tered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 22, 1918. JOHN STUBER, 6 -22 -3t City Recorder. Notice to Sidewalk Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall,by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Monday, July 8th, 1918, +o be acted on by the City Council on said date, for constructing cement sidewalks abutting Lot 21, Block 6, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engineer's esti- mate 168 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 22, Block 6, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engineer's esti- mate 144 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 23, Block 6, Dubuqu3 Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engineer's esti- mate 144 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 24, Block 6, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south isde of 4th Street Extension, engineer's esti- mate 96 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 7, Block 5, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engineer's esti- mate 84 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 8, Block 5, Dubuque 4th Street Extension, engineer's esti- Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of mate 156 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 9, Block 5, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., osuth side of 4th Stteet Extension, engineer's esti- mate 156 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 10, Block 5, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engineer's esti- mate 200 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 13, Block 5, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engineer's esti- mate 88 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 3, Block 3, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engineer's esti- mate 312 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 4, Block 3, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engineer's etsi- mate 160 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 1 of 21, Block 26, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engi- neer's estimate 32 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 1 of 22, Block 26, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, en- gineer's estimate 144 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 1 of 23, Block 26, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, en- gineer's estimate 136 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 1 of 24, Block 26, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, en- gineer's estimate 68 •sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Sub. 2 of 30, Lot 1, Block 22, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Exten- sion, engineer's estimate 88 sq. cement sidewalk. Abutting Sub. 2 of 31, Lot 1, Sub of 31, Lot 1, Block 2?, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engi- neer's estimate 144 sq, ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Sub. 2 of 32, Lot 1, Sub of 32, Lot 1, Block 22, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engi- neer's estimate 144 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Sub. 4, Lot 1, Block 22, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Exten- sion, engineer's estimate 144 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Sub. of 5, Lot 1, Block 22, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Ex- tension, engineer's estimate 180 sq, ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Lot 2 of 14, Block 26, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Ex- tension, engineer's estimate 112 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Sub. of 13, Lot 1, Sub. 2 of 13, Lot 1, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co. Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engi- neer's estimate 152 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. Abutting Sub. of 12, Lot 1, Sub. 2 of 12, Lot 1, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co, Add., south side of 4th Street Extension, engineer's estimate 120 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk. In ac- cordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Work shall be com- menced on or before July 15th, 1918, and work to be completed on or be- fore September 15th, 1918. Bidders must state price per square foot for cement sidewalk. Each bicl must be accompanied by a certified check for ten per cent of the gross amount of the bid, as a guarantee that a con- tract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 28th, 1918. JOHN STUBER, 6 -28 -3t City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Special Session, July 2nd, 1918. Council met at 3:00 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present - Aids. Andresen, Frith, Hird, Leist, McLaughlin, Strobel. Absent -Ald. Plamondon. Mayor Saul stated that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of de- ciding what license to charge Carnival companies to show in the city. Mr, Bernard and Mr. Dodson, rep- resenting different Carnival compa- nies, addressed the Council relative to their _shows. Ald. Frith moved that the license fee be $100.00 per week. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Andresen, Frith, Hird, Leist, McLaughlin. Nays-Ald. Strobel. Obsent -Ald. Plamondon. On motion of Ald. Frith, the Har- bor Master was instructed to collect $200.00 from Mr. Rankin which was paid to him by the Northern Steam- boat Co. for rent of the municipal dock. On motion of Ald. Andresen, the Board of Health was instructed to have a meeting at 2:00 p. m., July 3rd, 1918. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn. Carried. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Adopted Approved Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. Special Sesssion, July 2, 1918. 187 , 1918.