1879 September Council ProceedingsRegular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Ald Herod Petition of Bell Telephone Company to furnish city five alarm stations three month trial monthly rental to be at rate of forty dollars per month referred rule 11 suspended. Mr. Kime explain the operations of the Bell Telephone as a better system for giving an alarm of fire than the one now in use Petition of Bridget Roach referred Petition of Chs Weber 14th stree referred Petition of Adam Glab sidewalk on west side of couler avenue fenced travel stopped open same without delay referred Petition of George Crane grade of Iowa Street granted Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Ald Herod Petition of Chs Apel stating that they had paid a butchers license we paid said license with the understanding and promise of some of the aldermen that the ordinance in reltion to the sale of meats should be enforced and through the advise of your attorney tht you had no right to collect license of certain class of meat vendors and as all clap legislation is unjust if not illegal we ask that you refund the money paid by us under a misappropriation received and filed Petition of O E Gurnsey hydrants and elm tree corner of 10th and main street referred Petition of H B Glover mineral shafts on Kelley's Bluff filled referred Petition of A Steines Petition of Thos W Parker sidewalk lots No 27 28 31 32 Wilson Ave Petition of the trustees of the German Lutheran Chuch granted Petition of Catherine Newhouse granted Petition of Mrs. Mary E Mix received and filed Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Ald Herod Petition of F E Augustine city Marshal to remove obstructions from the road or street leading from Julien Avenue to Delhi Road not complied with referred Petition of M Kingman Hill and West Dubuque Street Railway Co street opposite motor house referred Hill and West Dubuque Street Railway Co be required to furnish a bond to indemnify the city for the cost of condemning property for opening the street opposite the motor house if the building is on the street bond to be furnished within 10 days adopted Petition of George Gartner lamp on corner of High and Humbold Streets referred Petitions referred to committee on delinquent taxes Margaret Flynn German Bank Henry Luz Mary Mullins Mrs. Thos Faherty Mrs. E Turner Mrs. Geo Siege Ajourned until 2 o'clock pm Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Council met at 2 o'clock p.m. report of City engineer Tschirgi Jr petition of C H Berg improving street north from 14th st referred Petition of W J Dolson grade change interestection of 14th and Alta Vista streets referred Petition of S J Patch alley between Fenelon Place and Third street improved referred P Evan reported southern avenue scales received and filed N C Ryan reported 1st ward scales received and filed Chs Pitschner reported west Dubuque scales received and filed F Fosselmann reported 5th ward scales received and filed Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Recorder report of births deaths contageous diseases whole numbe rof births 46 whole number of deaths 30 whole numbe of infectious diseases 13 received and filed Recorder Quigley submitted report of all licenses issued 1876 to 1879 referred Auditor Brandt reported salaries city officer and fire department received and ordered paid Marshal Deckert reported policeman John Mill was entitled to two and one half day pay received and filed and ordered paid Market Master Welter reported central market scales rent of Huckster stands expense in boarding prisoners in calaboose received filed ordered paid report of Marshal Deckert sale of bull referred Wood Inspector Waring report Marshal Deckert reported amount due A Jaeger and T Upton for impounding cattle hogs received filed ordered paid Marshal instructed to discharge one of the men at the pound Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Marshal Deckert reported amounts due the special police received filed ordered paid Marshal instructed to discharge all the special police Marshal Deckert reported the policement having been absent from their beat on account of sickness James Flynn Andrew Speigel Mashal Deckert reported salaries due police force received filed ordered paid Lamplighter O'Halleran reported Recorder Quigley reported number and amount of licenses issued Auctioneer 1 Butchers 2 Inkeepers 3 Peddlers 8 Saloon 4 Teams & Express Wagons 37 Dog 4 City Map 1 received and filed Chief Engineer Foy Street Commissioner Dowling reported Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Foremen of Street Labor be paid one dollar and fifty cents per day from the 1st of August 1879 Amend that they receive amount for past time during summer Amendment lost Original motion motion adopted report adopted instructed to draw orders for several amounts communication from market master Welter in relation to the manner of Mrs. Patrick McMahon cleaning around the market house referred Committee on Finance report petition of Archibald Graham adopted Petition of Mary Fallon adopted Circular of the department of the interior. Census office Washington D.C. asking for all reports in relation to the city. report adopted Petition of Geo Burden referred Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Committee on ordinance referred petition of S M Langworthy transient merchants City Marshal be and he is hereby directed by this Council to enforce the ordinance in relation to transient merchants report adopted Ordinance entitled an ordinance to provide for the repairing of sidewalks which was read a second time adopted by unanimous vote Petition of James Nichols report adopted Petition of Michael Cosgrove report adopted Petition of S Martin removing old Market house corner of Jones and Main Streets report adopted Petition of Mrs. H B Glover Fenelon Stret changed to the name of Fenelon Place report adopted Alderman McCann submitted the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the name of Fenelon Street be and the same is hereby changed to that of Fenelon Place. Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Alderman Brown submitted the following Resolved by the City council of the City of Dubuque that fourteenth (14th) street between Washington and Pine streets be graded guttered curbed and macadamized resolution adopted Committee on Harbors Communication and invitation of his honor the mayor of quincy, illinois relative to the River improvement report that they have duly considered the same and do these five recommend that two delegates, one Alderman and one citizen be sent to attend the convention to be held at Quincy Ills October 15th 1879 to represent our interest in that convention, and the sum of one hundred dollars to be appropriated to defray their expenses. We also recommend as such delegates Alderman Leckie and B E Linehan Esq. The chair declared the report adopted. Printing Bills Ham & Carver and Times Company report adopted Bill of A Y McDonald Committee on Fire report adopted Committee on Police remonstrance of J A Park and Geo Fengler against Cleaver building slaugher house i the 5th ward report adopted Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Reports adopted Petition of W B Cleaver asking council to give him privledge of building a slaugher house in 5th ward Petition of E J Williams Globe lamp on John and 5th Streets resolution of Ald O'Neill Lamp on 3rd Street resolution of Ald McCann Bill of North Western Globe Gas Light Company August Bill of Key City Gas Light Co Bill of North Western Globe Gas Light Company June Petition of Henry Lilly Submit the following report your committee to whom was referred the complaints of certain parties that policemen of the city did not take prisoners before the police justice as the ordinance required but handed them over to constables to be tried under the state law would report that we have examined into the changes and find that to a certain extent they are true your committee would state that they found it difficult to get at the facts but from the general tenor of the statements made your committee are forced to the conclusion that this practice has been carried on for some time. Your committee would recommend that the Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Marshal be instructed to put a stop to this practice at once and if he finds any member of the force guilty of doing this to report the same to this council for dismissal from the service at the next session Brown Doerfler Leckie Report adopted Committee on Delinquent Tax petition of J F Bates Petition of Bridget Brannon Petition of Bridget Keogh Petition of Agnus Arthur Petition of C Wood Petition of Mrs. Sarah J Mehegan Petition of Rosine Strobel Committee in Equalization of Taxes report Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Equaliztion of taxes for year 1879 Book now ready for inspection of the tax pages special committee to whom was referred the changes of mismanagement by Chief Engineer Fay at the Fire July 22 1879 Committee not having sufficient evidence before them to arrive at any conclusion would respectfully ask to be discharged from further consideration of the subject report adopted report of licenses for last 3 years Money in recorder's office for licenses Resolution of Ald Doerfler in relation to purchasing a steam fire engining and building house report in favor of indefinitely postponing this matter report adopted Committee on ordinance submitted ordinance entitled ordinance to regulate the sale and inspection of Kerosene oils etc read a second time and passed by unanimous vote of the whole council Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Recorder presented teh Bond of W E Harriman as auctioneer which was on motion approved Ordinance committee and city attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance with a view of collecting Wharfage and to report not adopted commission appointed to appraise damages on Ellis Street report Cox's addition abutting property award to H S Hetherington no damage to other abutting property between said points and so report and find report of the commissioners not accepted and the fees of comp ordered paid Ald Jones submitted Resolved order for sum of one hundred dollars $100.00 be drawn to defray expenses of two deligates to Quincy Illinois to represent our interest in the River Imp Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Quincy, Illinois delegation resolution adopted Ald Linehan Be it resolved that the finance committee be instructed to borrow four thousand $4000.00 for the City of Dubuque adopted Resolved by the City Council that a tax for the year of 1879 of ten (10) mills on the dollar be and is hereby levied on all the real and personal property in the City of Dubuque as returned by the assessors and corrected by the Committee on Equalization distributed and set apart in the following manner. General Expenes special interest real and pesonal property within the water limits for the water tax Referred to Street Committee resolved sidewalk to be laid on north side of fifth street between James M Cabes lot and E G Shackfords lot on the hill Resolved that the City Engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare a profile of the proposed change of grade from 15th to 17th street on Iowa Street adopted Resolved that the resolution passed march 3 1879 establishing the grade on Ellis Street be and same is hereby annulled adopted Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Petition of Bishop Hennessey by his attorney John Deery lots assessed for taxation fee said lots should be listed as exempt as are now being used for school purposes school house being erected by the Bishop to be used by the Presentation sisters same be listed as exempt from tax petition granted Bids opened and read for work on 14th street and alley between 10th and 11th and Washington and Jackson J E Fry Alley J E Fry 14th Street JF Kringle 14th street Martin & Strain 14th Street Martin & Strain Alley contract for 14th street and alley awarded to Martin & Strain as lowest bidders adopted Bills paid P Olinger N H Threadinger F Mertz Ingram Kennedy & Day Thos Ogle O'Brien & Cummings Mark Kline Manuel Nayor T E Frith B D Linehan Key City Gas Light Co J C Lobdele C M Elrath Sol Turck Hose Co Key City Hook & Ladder Co 6th Ward Hose Co Healy Bros James Crawford Harvey & O'Connor B Sheridan H H Smyth L B Tuttle John M Linehan D W Linehan Nick Eichmann New Mont Chs McMaster Mick Downey M C Shilling M McCarty Tim Byron Mrs. P McMahon J K Graves Hose Co M O'Loughlin Dubuque Water Co James G Carney alley Mrs. Simons Raymond Bros Regular Session September 1, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Absent Alds Herod and Lillig Report on examination of reservoir Water Co special committee resolution of Doerfler in relation to the supply of water for fire purposes reports in favor of referring the resolution together with the Engineer's report to the committee of the whole council adopted bills read and motion referred to committee on finance P J Quigley Clerk District Court $247.85 and 85.05 Special Session September 5, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann Absent Ald O'Neill Open bids for the market house corner of Jones and Main streets James N Foy remove building knowns as the 1st street Market and fill up the cellar for the material in the building J H Robinson will give the sum of Fifty dollars $50.00 for the old market house a foot of Main Street and comply with requirements. Ald Altman moved that the bid of J H Robinson be accepted for the old Market House for the sum of $50.00 and the street committee be instructed to see the contract carried out Adopted Petition of N C Amsden referred Bill of J N Foy received and filed Petition of Market Master Welter asking for appointment of inspector of weight and measures received and filed Petition of Geo R Clark report adopted Petition of George W Jones Cox Street extended south to Julien Avenue referred Special Session September 5, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann Absent Ald O'Neill adopted Petition of General George W Jones improving 14th st Petition of John Hodgson Petition of Sisters of Charity by attorney W J Knight Petition of J Strain Petition of Patrick Reilly Bill of street commissioner Dowling against the county for repairing bridges Recorder instructed to send bill to the board of supervisors for payment. 6th street bridge Special committee petition of B J O'Neill 3rd street manhole Special Session September 5, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann Absent Ald O'Neill Special Committee matter of removing Kanes House off the street. Report that the Kane matter has been attended to by the City Attorney giving him notice to remove his house off the street by the first day of October 1879. If he fails to do so the City will remove the same at the expense of the said Kane. report adopted Special Session September 15, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and McCann Absent Alds Altman and O'Neill The mayor presented the following The undersigned Aldermen of the city respectfully request you to call a meeting of the council to consider the propriety of accepting an invitation of the Mayor of Prairie du Chien, to visit that city at the convenience of teh council. McCann O'Neill Herod Leckie Jones Recorder read the invitation of the mayor of Prairie du Chien September 2, 1879 Gentlemen you are hereby cordially invited to visit our city at your earliest convenience. You will please notify me of the time of your visit as we may be prepared to receive you. Yours respectfully S Rosenbaum Mayor Moved tht the invitation of Mayor Rosenbaum of the city of Prairie du Chien be accepted. Adopted Moved that Thursday September 18th be designated as the day the council will visit adopted Committee of three be appointed by the mayor to attend to the details incident to the trip adopted Herod Llig and McCann appointed Special Session September 15, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and McCann Absent Alds Altman and O'Neill Whereas at a special session held September 5 1879 the special committee reported that the removing of the Kane house from the street had been attended to by the City Attorney giving him notice to remove his house off the street by October 1 1879 or the City will remove the same at the expense of Kane. Now therefore be it resolved that if said house is not removed by the 1st day of Octobe r1879 the marshal is hereby instruced to have the same removed at the expense of said kane. Yeas and nays was called for in the adoption of this resolution. Ald Linehan moved that the matter of the Dubuque and Dunlieth Bridge tax for 1878 be referred to the Finance Committee and Mayor with power to make settlement. Adopted Ald Herod moved that the Christian Church property on Locust Street be stricken from the tax list and also several lots that are offered for sale for delinquent water tax and which are not within the water district. Referred Ald Brown stated that the Globe Gas Light Co had refused to erect lamps where the council had ordered them and desired that the committee on Police & Gas be instructed to compel the company to put up said lamps or rescind the contract with said company and the matter of trees tht obstruct the light from the street lamps in various parts of the city on motion the committee was so empowered. Adopted Special Session September 23, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and McCann and O'Neill Object of meeting to the honorable mayor of the city of Dubuque the undersigned aldermen of the City respectfully request your honor to call a special meeting of teh council to consider the propriety of sinking an artesian well in the city for city purposes Dubuque September 20 1879 Signed O'Neill Leckie Altman Lillig Linehan received and filed Petition of W H Peabody asking council to make provision whereby an artesian well may be secured. Referred to special committee The following proposition for sinking an artesian well was read and motion referred to one alderman from each ward to report at the next session of the council. the City furnishing the tubing from the surface to the rock, we will agree to drill the well one thousand feet for two thousand dollars or two dollars per foot to be paid at the completion of every two hundered feet the balance to be paid on the fulfillment of contract; or for the sum of three thousand $3,000.00 dollars we will guarantee a good flow of water; said sum of $3,000.00 to be paid upon the securing of said good flow of water; we submit the two propositions either of which we will fulfill providing the well be located below the bluffs and would like to have immediate action taken in the matter. Resolved tht a committee of one alderman from each ward be appointed to select the location for a well and how much money can be secured from property holders in the vicinity. adopted Special Session September 23, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and McCann and O'Neill Resolution of Ald Herod to submit to vote on the artesian well roll call amendment not adopted Resolution to refer all tax petitions of year 1878 adopted Petition of Richard Bennett nuisance still exists under the blue barn time expired to have the same abated referred to the Police Commission Petition of M O'Hearn against city for damages for broken leg be referred to court and mayor Petitions referred to committee on delinquent taxes Cath morrisey W H Welsh Richards & Burden Catherine Dolter Mary Baade Louis Ihmann Mary Wolf Mrs. J B Smith Mrs. Cath McEvoy Special Session September 23, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and McCann and O'Neill Delinquent tax committee report as follows Petitions of Mary Mullens Mrs. Geo Siege Henry Luz Margaret Flynn Mrs. E Turner