8 11 03 Skeleton SheetCITY COUNCIL SPECIAL SESSION, AUGUST I l, 2003 COUNCIL MET IN SPECIAL SESSIOI~AT 5:30 P.M. IN THE ORPHEUM ROOM - FIVE FLAGS CENTER / / MARKHAM, MICH~LSKI, NIC~OLSON / CITY MANAGER VAN MILLIGEN, CORPORATION COUNSE~NDAHL ABSENT: Mayor Duggan read the call and stated this is the special session of the City Council called for the purpose of discussing the Transit Alternatives Analsys. Nays Michalski Nicholson Buol Cline Connors Duggan Markham Presentation by Dan Meyers and Eric Padget, URS Corp, on the Transit Altematives Analysis. Motion to adjourn at Ayes _ Nays ~Michalski /~ Nicholson .~ Buol ~t~line J//~;~:~onnom '-'- ~Duggan j ~_~Markham TO: JEANNE F. SCHNEIDER CITY CLERK YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED TO CALL A SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 2003, AT 5:30 P.M., IN THE ORPHEUM ROOM AT THE FIVE FLAGS CENTER, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING A WORKSESSlON ON THE TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS. MAYOR PRO-TEM CiTY COUNCIL SPECIAL SESSION, AUGUST 11, 2003 COUNCIL MET IN SPECIAL SESSIOI~AT 5:30 P.M. IN THE ORPHEUM ROOM - FIVE FLAGS CENTER / /" MARKHAM, MICH~LSKI, NICH/OLSON CITY MANAGER VAN MILLIGEN, CORPORATION COUNSEL~NDAHL ABSENT: Mayor Duggan read the call and stated this is the special session of the City Council called for the purpose of discussing the Transit Alternatives Analsys. Nays Michalski Nicholson Buol Cline Connors Duggan Markham Presentation by Dan Meyers and Edc Padget, URS Corp, on the Transit Altematives Analysis. Motion to adjourn at Ayes i Nays /Michalski ~" Nicholson Buol ~--Cline / ~'larkham TO: JEANNE F. SCHNEIDER CITY CLERK YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED TO CALL A SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 2003, AT 5:30 P.M., IN THE ORPHEUM ROOM AT THE FIVE FLAGS CENTER, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING A WORKSESSION ON THE TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS. MAYOR PRO-TEM MEMORANDUM August6,2003 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager Work Session - Monday, August 11 Transit Alternatives Analysis Presentation Attached please find the information for the Transit Alternatives Analysis Work Session that will be held Monday, August 11 at 5:30 p.m. at the Five Flags Orpheum Room. MCVM/jh Attachment cc: Barry Lindahl, Corporation Counsel Cindy Steinhauser, Assistant City Manager Mark Munson, Transit Manager Bill Baum, Economic Development Director KeyLine Transit 2401 Central Avenue Dubuque, Iowa 52001-3302 (563) 5894196 office (563) 5894340 f~x (563) 690-6678 TDD MEMORANDUM August 7, 2003 TO: FR: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager Mark Munson, Transit Manager Subject: Transit Alternatives Analysis presentation to City Council On Monday August 11, 2003, staff from URS Corp, Minneapolis, MN will present to the City Council a project update on the Transit Alternatives Analysis study. The presentation will include a progress update of the study including a brief review of alternative for rubber tired and steel wheeled service between the Port of Dubuque and downtown Dubuque. Enclosed a copy of the power point presentation Dan Meyers and Eric Padget will deliver at the work session. Additional information not available at the time of this memo regarding capital and operating costs will be included in the presentation. Please feel free to call me should you have any questions in this regard. Cc: William Baum, Economic Development Director Service People Dt~e~iL~¢ Respor~ibfllty Innovation Teamwork Agenda · Introductions · Progress Update of the Study · Public Involvement · Purpose and Need / Goals and Objectives · Technology Assessment · Alternative Alignments · Next Steps · Schedule · Other Transit Alternatives Analysis What it is... · Locally-driven planning study · Responds to local concerns · Develops information on benefits, costs, and impacts to address a transportation problem · Develops funding sources and opportunities · Alternatives must include No-Build, TSM, and several Build alternatives Transit Alternatives Analysis What it is... · Public involvement in the development and selection of alt{~'rnatives · Reasonable cause for screening alternatives · Selection of Locally Preferred Alt,~rnative - Can have more than one alignment or mode - Local decision not FTA decision Transit Alternatives Analysis What has been/is being completed.. · Public Involvement · Stakeholder Interviews · Purpose and Need Statement · Transit Technology Assessment · Conceptual Engineering · Identify Range of Alternatives · Define Potential Alignments · Cost Estimating · Conduct Technical Fatal Flaw Analysis Public Involvement Plan Principles of Public Involvement Plan · Establish and maintain partnership: · residents · business community · core area stakeholders · Involve the communities and City Council throughout the project · Conduct a process that is fair, open and flexible · Ensure the plan reflects the City of Dubuque's values Public Involvement Plan Stakeholder Interview Summary · Nearly 30 participants · Key issues identified - Substantial growth in Port and Downtown - Transportation access between Port and Downtown - Economic Development - Community character - Future growth Purpose and Need Statements · Provide an attractive and viable transportation link between the Port and Downtown · Support Sensible Investments in Transportation · Enhance the development of the Downtown and Port Area · Increase community livability Support regional tourism market Alternative Development & Screening Screen 1 Screen 2 Evaluation Process · Technology Assessment · Transit Alignment Alternatives - Logical connections between Port and Downtown - Service within Port and Downtown - Activity centers · Station Locations · End-of-Line Options Technology Assessment Rubber Tired Vintage Trolley American Herita Facts · Propulsion: Diesel, Compressed Natural Gas, Electric, or Diesel Electric · Capacity: 19- 30 passengers · Infrastructure: Station areas, maintenance facility, substation, and catenary wires Curbs!de Technology Assessment Steel Wheeled / Steel Rail Vintage Trolley TN Facts · Propulsion: Electric or Diesel Electric · Capacity: 20- 48 passengers · Infrastructure: Embedded track (18"), station areas, yard and shop facility, catenary wires, and substation Definition of Alignments Following FTA Processes for AA · No-Build - Procurement of 2 Chance Trolleys · Transportation System Management (2) - Enhanced and expanded services and amenities with rubber-tire vintage trolleys · Build Alternatives (3) - Steel-wheel vintage trolley operating on a track alignment DUBUQUE DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS NO-BUILD ALTERNATIVE FIGURE 2-1 AUGUST ~1, 2003 RUBBER TIRED ALTERNATIVE # 1 DUBUQUE DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS ~D~-UQUE DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS STEEL WHEELED ALTERNATIVE DUBUC)UE DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS FIGURE 4- ~[ AUGUST 11, 200E~  QUE DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS WHEELED DUBUQUE DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS --~TEEL WHEELED ALTERNATIVE #3 FIGURE 4-~ AUGUST 11, 2003 Evaluation Criteria Matrix Consistency with the Goals and Objectives of the Project Compatibility with the Community Goals and Objectives Cost Efficiency and Affordability Ridership This qualitative measure assesses each alternative with the goals of the project, including: provide better connections between Downtown Dubuque and the Port, encourage sensible transportation investments, support economic development, increase the quality of life, and enhance the regional tourist market. The qualitative measure of the consistency of each alternative with the adopted local and regional transportation and land use plans, regional tourism market, and support and enhance community activities. The fatal flaw measure used to evaluate the affordability of each transit alternatives is based on preliminary capital costs and annual operating and maintenance cost estimates and the ability to attain funding from Federal, State, and Local sources. Ridership is evaluated on the basis of: preliminary estimates based on activity centers served, including socio-economic analysis and forecasts, employment centers, and tourism attractions. Two Step Screening Process Screen 1 4. Falal Flaws 4. Affordable 4. Reasonable Ridership 4. Consistency with Local Plans/Polities 4. In-esolvable Environmental Impacts 4. Irresolvable C onu'mnity/ Agency Opposition Screen 2 Corridor Operations Mobility Improvements- Ct'~ges in Travel Time (by mode) Cost (Capital & Environmental Benefits & Impacts - Land Use - Environmental - Sodal Cost Effectiveness Conceptual Drawings Key Documentation for the AA Schedule · Expected Project Completion Date - December 2003 · Select Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) · Preparation of LPAReport · Decision for FTA Requests for movement into PE / ElS - Evaluation of Alternatives · Analysis of Alternatives Report · 2-3 month completion Other August 11, 2003 Dubuque Downtown Transit Alternatives Analysis Dubuqne Downtow~ Transit AA Agenda · Introductions · Progress Update of the Study · Public Involvement · Purpose and Need / Goals and Objectives · Technology Assessment · Alternative Alignments · Next Steps · Schedule · Other Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 1 August 11, 2003 Dubuque Transit AA Transit Alternatives Analysis What it is... · Locally-driven planning study · Responds to local concerns · Develops information on benefits, costs, and impacts to address a transportation problem · Develops funding sources and opportunities · Alternatives must include No-Build, TSM, and several Build alternatives Dubuque Downtown Transit AA Transit Alternatives. Analysis What it is... · Public involvement in the development and selection of alternatives · Reasonable cause for screening alternatives · Selection of Locally Preferred Alternative - Can have more than one alignment or mode - Local decision not FTA decision Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 2 August 11, 2003 Transit Alternatives Analysis What has been/is being completed.. · Public Involvement · Stakeholder Interviews · Purpose and Need Statement · Transit Technology Assessment · Conceptual Engineering Identify Range of Alternatives · Define Potential Alignments · Cost Estimating · Conduct Technical Fatal Flaw Analysis Dubuque Translt AA Public Involvement Plan Dnbuque Downtown Translt AA Principles of Public Involvement Plan · Establish and maintain partnership: · residents · business community · core area stakeholders · Involve the communities and City Council throughout the project · Conduct a process that is fair, open and flexible · Ensure the plan reflects the City of Dubuque's values Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 3 August 11, 2003 Dubuque Downtown Tran~tAA Public Involvement Plan Stakeholder Interview Summary · Nearly 30 participants · Key issues identified - Substantial growth in Port and Do,wntown - Transportation access between Port and Downtown - Economic Development - Community character - Future growth Purpose and Need Statements Provide an attractive and viable transportation link between the Port and Downtown Support Sensible Investments in Transportation Enhance the development of the Downtown and Port Area Increase community livability Support regional tourism market Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 4 August 11, 2003 Dnbuque Downtown Transit AA Evaluation Process Screen 1 S~-een 2 · Technology Assessment · Transit Alignment Alternatives - Logical connections between Port and Downtown - Service within Port and Downtown - Activity centers · Station Locations · End-of-Line Options )ubnque Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 5 August 1 I, 2003 Technology Assessment Rubber Tired Vintage Trolley Facts · Propulsion: Diesel, Compressed Natural Gas, Electric, or Diesel Electric · Capacity: 19- 30 passengers · Infrastructure: Station areas, maintenance facility, substation, and catenary wires Technology Assessment Steel Wheeled / Steel Rail Vintage Trolley · Propulsion: Electric or Diesel Electric · Capacity: 20- 48 passengers · Infras~xucture: Embedded track (18"), station areas, yard and shop facility, catenary wires, and substation Dubuque Dowrdown Translt AA Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 6 August 11, 2003 Definition of Alignments Following FTA Processes for AA · No-Build - Procurement of 2 Chance Trolleys (programmed) - Private / Public Partnership Options · Transportation System Management (2) - Enhanced and expanded services and amenities with rubber-tire vintage trolleys · Build Alternatives (3) - Steel-wheel vintage trolley operating on a track alignment No-Build Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 7 TSM #1 - Rubber Tire Trolley D~buque Downtown Transit AA TSM #2 - Rubber Tire Trolley Dubuque Downtown Trmtsit AA August 11, 2003 Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 8 August 1 I, 2003 Dubuque Downtown Transit AA Build Trolley #1 - Steel-Wheel Build Trolley ~2 - Steel-Wheel Dubuque Downtown Transit AA Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 9 August 11, 2003 Build Trolley #3 - Steel-Wheel Dubuque Next Steps What will be completed... · Public Involvement Activities · Evaluation of Alternatives - Station Area Planning - Financial Planning - Ridership Estimates - Environmental Analysis - Other criteria · Selection of Locally Preferred Alternative Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 10 August 11, 2003 Evaluation Criteria Matrix D~bnque Downtow~ Transit AA Screening Process ~ Screen 1 ~_~ Screening ~ Screen2 ~ Process ~ Fatal Flaws ": Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 11 August 11, 2003 Key Documentation for the AA Schedule Expected Project Completion Date - December 2003 · Select Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) · Preparation of LPA Report · Decision for FTA Requests for movement into PE / EIS - Evaluation of Alternatives · Analysis of Alternatives Report · 2-3 month completion Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 12 August 11, 2003 Other Dubuque Transit Alternatives Analysis 13 DUBUQUE DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS No-BUILD ALTERNATIVE FIGURE 2-I AUGUST l ~, 2003 DUBUQUE ~)OWNTOWN TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS RUBBER TIRED ALTERNATIVE #I FIGURE ~-1 AUGUST ~ ~, 2003 DUBUQUE DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS RUBBER TIRED ALTERNATIVE ~2 FIGURE :~2 AUGUST 1 ~, 2003 DUBUQUE DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS STEEL WHEELED ALTERNATIVE # 1 FIGURE Z~l AUGUST 1~, 2003 DUBUQUE DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS STEEL WHEELED ALTERNATIVE #2 FIGURE 4-2 AUGUST 11, 2003 CD DUBUQUE DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS STEEL WHEELED ALTERNATIVE FIGURE 4-3 AUGUST 11, 2003