Air Hill 0800 800 Air Hill 0_J.Spear. Adm. C_Henschel Roofing Co. Repair frame dwelling. B.P. 7 4/2/40 75.00 0 -Jennie Spears C- Schiltz Const. Co. Repairs to fire damage 2 fam. frame dwellg.B.P. 378 6 -7 -56 40000 0-Howard Papke 500.00 Repairs to Int. &tact. of 2 £.£r.Dwellg.B.P. 664. 8-21-62 0 - City of Dubuque C Const. - L repair_ -_ foundation, j_oists,- SF--frm dw-llg_BP21477 1 /7/93 $5000.00 • -- 6559.1$,- a /k /a 800 Air Hill' - 8oetd of AdjusLmetrt Bucket - 1 -93 fut Special EncepLiun to allow 3 -plex with lot area of 8,200 sq.ft. Approved 1/28/93 0To6YTCress C=Owner - - -can- str -uct- con- c-r- ete-- #ndn -or- 24-x-2 r= -addi4 -on -,- P1F -4wi-1 g — BP38083 11/20/97 $n /a 0 -Toby Kress C -Drew Cook Excavating - demo -1 is h-2r dw11-g -B P3H80 96 11/25197 /- a - - - - -- - - - G- Iob-y -Ktecs - -- O--Owner- - --- -- -- -- erect new MF(3) dwllg on exist. fndn BP38112 12/1/97 $129,168.00 -- 800 Air Hill 3 0 -Toby Kress C -Owner erect-14x' -4 -4 -se ason — room-- rrrear -MF BP 38209 '-/ - - - - -- $8232.00