1986 Index Council Proceedings
of the
of the
Council Member At Large
Council Member At Large
First Ward
Second Ward
Third Ward
Fourth Ward
City Clerk
Corporation Counsel
City Solicitor
Assistant City Attorney
Administrative Assistant
Budget Officer
Building Services Division Manager
Cable Franchise Administrator
City Assessor
City Engineer
Civic Center Director
Community Development Director
Deputy Finance Director
Disaster Services Coordinator
Environmental Sanitarian
Finance Director
Fire Chief
Health Services Supervisor
Human Rights/EEO Director
Information Services Director
Library Director
Park/Recreation Director
Parking Division Supervisor
Personnel Assistant
Personnel Manager
Police Chief
Public Works Director
Street Superintendent
Transit Menager
Wastewater Plant Supervisor
Water Plant Supervisor
GIL SPENCE (from 2/17)
Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the
First and Third Mendays of each month at 7:30 P.M.
Jan. 6_ Application for R.i.S.E. funding toward the Nor thwest Ar renal 4
Consideration .........................
6--Agreement with IDOT on right-of-way Assm-auce Statement 5
for Federal Aid Project .............................
,' 20--Alternate for U.S. 20 (Dodge, from Binf£ to Concord), Council
to review decision of 7-19-83 and either reaffirm or change . 15
,' 20--Arterial re: RISE funding ......................... 22
" 20--Annual Appropriations Ordinance, deletion of requirement 25
20--Atkinson, Merlyn applicant for Human Right Cormuission · 24
" 20--Audit Reports for Fiscal Year 1985, submitted ..........
,, 20--Amendment to Contract between the IA State dept. of
Agriculture and City for Food Service & Hotel Sanitation · 29
20--Assessment Schedule for reconstruction of John F. Kennedy
" 31-34
Rd. from pennsylvania Ave. to University Ave ..........
3--Ambulance Service, repealing regulation of private service . 45,46
........ 57, 84, 101, 119, 185, 204, 265, 286, 347, 383, 392, 402, 436
" 3--Ambrosy, Crystal, Claim ............................ 57
3--Armbruster, Bernice, Claim ....................... 58
3--Airport Commission resignation of Allan Thorns
3--Agreement with HUD (CD Block Grant) for Calendar year 1986 · 58,59
Feb. 17--Appuintment to Airport Commission tabled ............. 66
17--Apartments Ltd. (The), Class "C" Liquor License 66
" 17--Avis Rent-A-Car, Claim ............................ 66
,' 17--Ambrosy, Crystal, denial oI property damage clalra · · . ~ar
,, 17--Atkinson, Merlyn requesting installation of sidewoJks 67
Se~or High school area ............................
17--Availability for P. Inspection of Certain CD Block Grant
,, 67
Documents .......................................
Feb. 24--Airport Dept. Review by Council of Budget ete ...........
24--Ambulance Service, Schedule of Rates & Charges ......... 74,81
Mar. 3--Auxiliary Police report on two-way radio fund drive .... 82
3--Airport Commission re: letter from Council · · 'A ' ' '- ..... _
3--Airport Commission appointment of Chadwyn vox ~or unex 83
,, pffed term which wi[[ expire 9-14-90 ................... 85
3--Audit (annual) of Dubuque Racing Assn. Ltd ........... 90
Mar. 17--Airport Zoning Commission re: postponing appointments . ·
7--Agreement between City & Osk Ridge Athletics for concession
Apr. 99
rights at McAleece park & Rec. Complex ................
7--Admms, Donald J., (Civi~ Center '76), Cigarette Permit 100
7--Assistant Chief/Div. Chief for Fire Dept., names certified to 102
council by Civil Service Cormm ......................... 103
,' 7--Annual Report of Group W Cable (1985) ...............
Apr. 21--Allison Street, 1460 & 350 N. Grandview, rezouing request by
21--Auburn St & Grace, request to vacate auej
" ' . ............................ 111, 150, 151, 152
" 21--Alley, request to vacate at intersection of Grace & Auburn
21--AGREEMENT between City and International Urinn of 114
Onerating Engineers .................................
21--~REEMENT between City & General Drivers & Helpers
Urinn, Local #421 ........................ . ' ' ': ' '
" 21 --AGREEMENT between City and Amalgamated Transit Umon, 115
Div. #329 .........................
,, 2i--AGREEMENT between City & Dubuque policemen's Protec- 116
rive Assn .....................................
Jan. 6_Application for R.I.S.E. funding toward the Northwest Arterial
Consideration ..................................
" 6--Agreement with IDOT on right-of-way Assurance Statement
for Federal Aid Project ............................... 5
" 20--Alternate for U.S. 20 (Dodge, from Bluff to Concord), Council
to review decision of 7-19-83 and either reaffirm or change. 15
" 20--Arterial re: RISE funding ....................... 15
' 20--Annual Appropriations Ordinance, deletion of requirement . 22
" 20--Atkinson, Merlyn applicant for Human Right Commission. 25
" 20--Audit Repro'ts for Fiscal Year 1985, submitted ......... 24
20--Amendment to Contract between the IA State dept. of
Agciculture and City for Food Service & Hotel Sanitation . 29
20--Assessment Schedule for reconstruction of John F. Kennedy
Rd. from Pennsylvania Ave. to University Ave ........... 31-34
Feb. 3--Ambulance Service, repealing regulation of private service . 45,46
...... 57, 84, 101, 119, 185, 204, 265, 286, 347, 383~ 392, 402, 436
3--Ambrosy, Crystal, Claim .............................. 57
3--Armbruster, Bernice, Claim ........................ 57
3--Airport Commission resignation of Allan Thorns ........ 58
3--Agreement with HUD (CD Block Grant) for Calendar Year 1986 58,59
Feb. 17--Appelntment to Airport Commission tabled ........... 65
" 17--Apartments Ltd. (The), Class "C' Liquor License ........ 66
17--Avis Rent-A-Car, Claim .............................. 66
17--Ambrosy, Crystal, denial of property damage claim ..... 66
17--Atkinson, Merlyn requesting installation of sidewalks near
Senior High school area ............................. 67
17--Availability for P. Inspection of Certain CD Block Grant
Documents ........................................ 67
Feb. 24--Airport Dept. Review by Council of Budget etc .......... 71
" 24--Ambulance Service, Schedule of Rates & Charges ......... 74,81
Mar. 3--Auxiliary Police report on two-way radio fund drive ...... 80
3--Airport Commission re: letter from Council ........... 82
3--Airport Cmnmission appointment of Chadwyn Cox for unex-
pired term which will expire 9-14-90 ................ 83
3--Audit (annual) of Dubuque Racing Assn. Ltd ............ 85
Mar. 17--Airport Zoning Commission re: postponing appointments .. 90
Apr. 7_Agreement between City & Oak Ridge Athletics for concession
rights at McAleece Park & Rec. Complex ................ 99
7--Adams, Donald J., (Civid Center '76), Cigarette Permit 100
7--Assistant Chief/Div. Chief for Fire Dept., names certified to
council by Civil Service Comm ....................... 102
7--Annual Report ol Group W Cable (1985) ................ 103
Apr. 21--Alllson Street, 1460 & 350 N. Grandview, rezoning request by
Finley Hospital ................................. 109, 123, 126
21--Auburn St. & Grace, request to vacate alley at intersection
....................................... 111, 150, 151, 152
21--Alley, request to vacate at intersection of Grace & Auburn
.......................................... 111, 150, 151
21--AGREEMENT between City and International Union of
Operating Engineers .................................
21--AGREEMENT between City & General Drivers & Helpers
Union, Local//421 .................................
21--AGREEMENT between C~ty and Amelgamated h anser Umon,
Div. #329 ....................................
21--AGREEMENT between City & Dubuque Policemen's Protec-
rive Assn ......................................
Apr. 21--AGREEMENT between City & Dubuque Professional
Firefighters Assn ................................... 116
" 21 --Adoption of Fiscal Year 1987 Compensation Pkg. & Wage Plan
for Non-Bargelnlng Unit Employees ................ 117
" 21--Appolntments to Boards and Commission, opinion of process
by Corporation Counsel .............................. 118
" 21--ARA Leisure Service, Dbq. Greyhound Park Track ...... 119
" 21--Agreement with City, by County, re: fines & court costs in
respect to moving violations (traffic) ................... 119
" 21--Arenz, Attorney John, on behalf of tbe Edmond O'Nellls re:
vacation of Public utility easement at 965 Indian Ridge . .. 120
May 5--Asphalt Paving Project (1986) .......................
......................... 152-154, 163, 164, 207-211, 216~ 259
5--American Family Insurance Co., claim on behalf of Larry
McCoy ....................................... 160
May 19--AbaSys, Inc., loan of $51,000 of EDA Revolving Loan Fund 179
19--Airport Zoning Commission appointments of Wm. Frelburger
& Harold Styer .................................. 183
" 19--Angel Investment Co. (Casey's), Cigarette Permit ........ 184
" 19--April Financial Reports submitted by City Mgr ........ 186
June 2--Auburn St., re: Residential parking Permit District, discussion
etc ................................................ 193, 212
2--Avenue Tap, Liquor License Suspension ................ 196
2--Arterlal, Northwest, establishment of 35 mph speed limit near
Pennsylvania Ave., intersection ....................... 199
2--Agreement, Lease with Dbq. Bank & Trust for Sharp Photocopy
Machine ...........................................
2--American Legion Post 6, Class "C" Liquor License ....... 204
2--Alley which divides lots and runs fi-om 14th St. to new Correc-
tional Services Bldg., request for purchase by Donald J. Herbst 205
June 9--Arrowhead Drive, re: Asphalt Paving Project ........... 207
June 16--Asbuw Road, re: rezoning of American Red Cross of Universi-
ty Park Property .................................. 218
16--Althaus, Dennis, Cigarette Permit .................... 223
16--Arvantis, George K., Cigaretee Permit ................. 223
16--Amoco Food Shop, Cigarette Permit ............... 223
16--Amoco at the Bridge, Cigarette Permit ................ 223
16--Asbury Fastop, Cigarette Permit ....................... 223
16--Ahern, Patrick J., settlement of claim ................ 225
" 16--April claims, proof of publication ..................... 225
" 16--Agreenmnt between City and Phone-A-Friend, Inc ........ 226
" 16--Agreement between City and Washington Neighborhood Toal
Library ....................................... 227
July 7--Asphalt Paving Project for 1986 ................. 236-239, 274
7--Alcoholic Beverages, Ord. setting out IA Alcoholic Beverage
Control Act .................................... 262
7--Adams. Dave, Cigarette Permit ................. 263
7--Anthony, Paul E., Cigarette Permit ................... 263
7--Apartments Ltd. (Dubuque Mining Co.), Cigarette Permit 263
7--Althaus, Dennis A., Class "E" Beer Permit .......... 265
7--Agreement between City and Dubuque Main Street Ltd... 267
July 21--Arbor Oaks Plat, P & Z's action ................... 270, 288
Aug. 4--Ad Hoc Commlttee proposal to study zoning Change (Calotex
area) ......................................... 292
4 Airport Inn, Cigarette Permit ..................... 310
4--Amoco Food Shop, Class ,C" Beer Permit .......... 311
4--g.Y. McDonald Supply Co. wanting Tschiggfrie Dr. changed
to McDonald Dr ................................. 313
Aug. 18--Air Service (Essential) for Twin Falls, ID ................ 329
" 18--Adams Co. First Addn., final plat approved ............. 331
Sep. 2--Auburn St. (796) and Pearl St., Rezoning (re: University of
Dubuque) ........................................... 337-340
2--Asphalt Paving Project No.3 ....................... 342, 356, 357
2--Agreement for Sale of Land for private redevelopment, City
and Swiss Valley .................................... 344
2--Asbury Fastop, Class "C' Beer Permit ................. 346
Sep. 15--Access Easement Agreement with 3D Co. for public access
through Gallery Court Bldg. from the proposed SKYWALK 357
" 15--Asbury Road (4300), Rezoning, as requested by,Resurrection
Church ............................................. 359, 368
15--Alieys north of Pearl St. and west of McCormick St. ~ request
for vacation by University of Dubuque ................. 360, 370
15--Agreement with Walker Parking Consultants for structural
system appraisal udate of Iowa St'. and Locust St. Parking
Ramps ............................................. 361
15--Alley (Plat) approved, between Elm & Pine Sts. from 14th St.
to Lot 187A ........................................ 362
" 15--Airport Commlselon appointment of Frank Bertsch ....... 362
Oct. 6--Agreement (revised Memorandum) of City & Advisory Coun-
cil on Hist. Pres. Corem ............................... 373
6--Appeai of Burke Alumatic, Inc. of His. Pres. Comm./denial of
permit, 1051 Walnut ................................. 373
6--Annexation etc. of 5.3 acres at the n/w corner of Highways
61/151 and 52. (Requested by T. Trausch & C. Murphy); part
of Key Gate Center .................................. 374
6--Age of persons who may handle or sell Alcoholic Liquors, Or-
dinance setting out .................................. 379, 380
6--Admirai's Hi-Hat West, Class "C' Liquor License; Cigarette
Permit ............................................. 382, 391
6--American Trust and Savings Bank, claim, settlement ..... 385, 421
6--Adams, Gerald, claim, settlement ...................... 385, 421
6--Asbury Springs Subd. No.5, approval of Final Plat ....... 387
Oct. 20--Agreement of City and County for Emergency Ambulance
Service ............................................. 391
" 20--AMBULANCE Service Agreement with Dubuque County . 391
" 20--American Family Insurance Group, Claim ............... 392
" 20--August List of Claims, Proof of Publication ............. 393
" 20--Asphalt Paving Project, No.2, Final Documents etc ....... 393, 394
Nov. 3--Adult Continuing Education Week, Proclamation ......... 397
3--Alzheimer Disease Public Awareness Week, Proclamation.. 397
3--Asbury Road (2005) request of Hillcrest for property rezoning 399, 406
3--Aragon Tap, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 402
Nov. 17--Asphalt Batch Plants, re: Amending Zoning Ord. to delete them
as a temporary use in the LI Light Industrial Use ..... 408, 424,425
" 17--Airport Committee re: Airport Marketing Needs etc. via
Chamber of Commerce ................................ 409
" 17--Aurora St. 3823 to 3877, safety hozard reported by J. Edelman 409, 464
" 17--Agreement (Funding) with Phone-A-Friend .............. 411
" 17--Airport re: zoning regulations updated by Ord ............ 411, 412
" 17--Augast Council Proceedings approved as to printing ...... 417
Dec. 1--Althaus, Dennis A, Class "E" Liquor License ........... 435
1--Ambulance Service, resignation of Keith Shaw, M.D. as Co-
Director of Dubuque Fire Dept. Service ................. 438
Dec. 15--Agreements accommodated between FDL Foeds~ Inc. & IA
DOT ............................................... 444
Dec. 15--Asbury Road, property south- chauge in Zoning etc. for DuTrac
Credit Union ...................................... 445
" 15--Assemblies - Permit required by Ord .................... 457
" 15--Auctinns/Auctioneers...Repeal of Ordinance regulating (Ord.
100-86) ............................................ 458
" 15--Admiral Sheehy Drive...designation of YIELD SIGN at
intersec~inn ....................................... 459
" 15 Ambulance Service - Dr. C. Griffin & Dr. M. Singsank appointed
as Co-Medical Directors ............................. 461
' 15--Angel Investment Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ........... 462
" 15--A & B Tavern, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 463
" 15--Avenue Tap, Class "C' Liquor License ................ 463
" 15--Airport Marketing Campaign, KDTH notifying of matching
dollar for dollar ..................................... 464
Jan. 6--Blum, Wm. set out as CiW Solicitor ................... 2
" 6--Business Growth (ECIA) loaning $53,000 to Dubuque Data
Services ............................................ 5
6--Birch, Judith Ann, Claim; Settlement .................. 7, 419
6--Brehm, Douglas, closure of claim ...................... 7
Jan. 20--Brady, James E. named as Chair of the BOARD OF HEALTH 11
" 20--BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING ..................... 11
" 20--Board of Health Vice Chair named - Council Member Simon 11
" 20--Browning-Ferris Industries (BFI), re: Ordinance regulating
refuse collectlon receptacles in various public streets, etc... 16
" 20--Bicycles, Ordinance governing operation and registration -- 16, 47-51
' 20--Braig, Kin'la appointed to the Human Rights Comndssion . 25
" 20--Bernai, Brenda, applicant to Human Rights Commission .. 25
" 20--Billy Bucks, Inc., Cigarette Permit ..................... 26
Feb. 3--Baseball Field on Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island & Pm'k & Rec.
Complex, officially naming ............................ 44, 45
3--Blum, Bill, Sr., re: Riverside Park Plans ................ 44
3--Budget documents for FY 87 submitted by Mgr .......... 55
3--Beighle, Mrs. Gene, Claim, Denial ...................... 57, 92
3--Bublitz, Wm. & Lois, Claim; Denied .................... 57, 84
3--Brunswick, St., acceptance of W. Deed for property purchas-
ed by the City ...................................... 60
" 3--Bridge, Cedar Cross Road...acquiring of real estate necessary
for construction, etc .................................. 60
3--Belmont Addn., Lot 156 & 157, Warranty Deed .......... 61
Feb. 17--Bus Garage, UMTA financial asaistauce for renovation & repair 62
" 17--Bus Garage, execution of Contract for firm for design and con-
struction monitoring services ......................... 63
" 17--Business Growth, Inc., (ECIA), authorize to loan $ to Dubu-
que Tool & Die, Inc .................................. 64
" 17--Brandel, Kevin, Claim ................................ 66
" 17--Budget, Summary of P. Meeting conducted by City Mgr. on
same ...............................................
Feb. 24--BUDGET P. Hearing...,all departments ere. by Council .... 70-78
" 24--Budget Adoption of FY ending 6-30-87, Resolution ....... 72, 73
Mar. 3_Bleachers purchased for McAleece Park & Recreation Complex 81
3--Brian's, Inc., Class "C' Beer Permit .................... 83
Mar. 17--Blodgett, Rev. Richard, invocation ..................... 86
17--Bed & Breakfast Homes, amendment to Zoning Ordinance. 86, 95
17--Bunker Hill Gall Course, Cigarette Permit, Class "B" Beer
Permit ............................................. 91
" 17--Bottom's Up, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 91
" 17--Beaker, James. Claim ................................ 92
" 17--Budget, Summary material submitted on FY '87 ....... 93
Apr. 7--Bus Fare increase ................................... 98
7--Burdt, Jmues & B. Huseman petition Council re: Pension Board
in conjunction with "Conflict of Interest Law" · .......... 99
7--Brehm, John, Class "B" Beer Permit IDbq. Racquet Club) . 100
7--Botsford, Judith A. (Betsy's), Class "C" Liquor License... 101
7--Becket, James R., Denial of cl~dm ..................... 102
7--Brandel, Kevin, Claim denied ........................ 102
7--Budget, City, Notice that intended uses of General Revenue
Sharing funds is available for inspection by the public .... 103
7--Baseball Complex building, Facilities Bldg. Piling, acceptance
of project .......................................... 105
Apr. 21--Board of Health Regular Meeting ...................... 107
21--Building Code {Uniform), adoption of same .............. 110, 127
A,p,r. 21--Buyers Consortium, Inc., control of Group W to same ..... 112
21--Billboard {signs) ordered r~moved by Mgr. to Mr. Hardie (on
... 114, 156
Hill St.) .......................................
21--Boards & Commissions, opinion regarding appointment sub-
mltted by Corporation Counsel ...................... 118
" 21--Bottoms Up, Cigarette Permit ........................ 118
" 21 --Board of Supervisors submitting resolution notifying their
tent to terminate Agreement with City re: fines & court costs 119
in respect to moving traffic violations .................
5--Byrnes, Rev. Timothy, gave Invocation ................. 123
M~!y 5--Budget Amendment ................ ~'~'.'~' ~ 2~'~}': .alr5s~, 155, 156
5--Bonnette, John, rezoning request etc. at z~u~-~o ~mw~ - 155
ty Ave ............................................
5--Bonds, General Obligation, proceedings ...... 159, 171, 172, 192, 193
5--Brewing Co., Class "C" Liquor License, Transfer ......... 159, 346
May 19--Beresford, Terry re: N/W Arterial intersection concern .... 177
19--Billboards re: construction, outdoor signs, petitions requesting
removal and reworking of Ordinance, submitted by D. Moody 178, 187
" 19--Bishop, Barney, re: construction of Billboards ............ 178
" 19--Buainess Growth. Inc., ECIA, loan to EDA Revolving Loan
Fund to AbaSys, Inc .................................
" 19--Bellow, Darlene, applicant for Planning & Zoning Comm.. · 184
,, 19_BeecherCo. Inc. #1and #12, ClgaretterPerrmts. Class C Bee 184, 185
Permit ..............................................
19~Bunker Hill Golf Course, Cigarette Permit ............... 184
19--Berwanger, Charles, appointed to Mechanical Bd .......... 184
19--Bisenius, Philip, Claim ...............................
19--Brles, Jason, Claim; Settlement ....................... 186, 311
" 19--Bitter, Joseph J. Claim {re-- Window problems) .......... 186
" 19--BFI Waste Receptacles, re: Attorney Mike King's concerns187, 196, 219
June 2_Bonds, Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue, Procedures set 193, 194
out, etc .............................................
2--Billboard issue, discussion, etc ...................... 196, 197, 225
2--Bettcher, LeRoy, (Longhorn Saddlery etc.) supporting Ord.
change re: Billboards .................................
2--Bishop, Barney re: moratorium of sign construction etc .... 197
2--Bennett, Nelda L. Cigarette Permit ..................... 203
2--Billy Bucks, Cigarette Permit ......................... 203
2--Bauer, James, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 204
" 2--Bus Service on Meggm~ Drive, petition concerning routing, etc. 205
" 2--Bryant St. from Dodge to Grandview Ave., originally in Con- 208
crete Street Program ............................
June 16--Bonds, re: additional action for issuance of $400,000 Urban
Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds .................... 215
" 16--Bed & Breakfast situate requirements in OR Office Res.
... 217, 236
District .......................................
16--Biaai, George, applicant for Historic Pres. Comm ......... 222
16--Berger, Roy, appointed to Park & Rec. Comm ........... 223
16--Buelow, Mike, appointed to Park & Rec. Cmnm ........ 223
16--Bemis, Harry, applicant for Park & Rec. Corem .......... 223
16--Barr & F. Enterprises, inc., Cigarette Permit ........... 223
" 16--Blaile, Joseph F., Cigarette Permit .................... 223
" 16--Brown, Wm., C. Co., Cigarette Permit ................. 223
- 16--Bottom's Up, Cigarette Permit ....................... 223
" 16--Breltbach, Robert J., Cigarette Permit .................. 223
" 16--Bunker Hill Golf Course, objection to "Slow Play" · ...... 226
July 7--Bidding process for 1986 Asphalt Paving Project No.2 238
7--Bar, The, License Revocation ....................... 238, 273
July 7--Bonds (Street Improvement), Directing advertisement of sale 259
7--Boathouse, Mooring of same, Ordinance setting out ....... 262, 279
7--Bakke, Rod, appointed to Civic Center Commission ....... 263
7--Bonnett, Dave, appointed to Civic Center Commission .... · 263
7--Bauer, James E., Cigarette Permit ..................... 264
" 7--Bertolini, Angelina A, Cigarette Permit ................ 264
" 7--Boxford, Judy, Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
" 7--Burchette-Dunne (Beanie's Cafe), Cigarette Permit ........ 264
" 7--Barge, The, Cigarette Permit ......................... 264
7--Bridge, The, Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ............... 264
7--Butter's Bar, Cigarette Permit ...................... 264
7--Baum, Wm. J., Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
7--Burden Ave., Storm Sewer, final acceptance of construction 267, 268
July 21--Board of Health, Regalar Session ...................... 272
" 21--Baseball Week, (Youth), Proclamation .................. 273
" 21--Bonds. Directing Sale & Delivery of $350,000 Urban Renewal
Tax Inc. Revenue Bonds ............................. 277
" 21--Breitbach, Philip & Rose Ann, Claim, Closure ............ 286, 328
" 21--Ballpark Complex, Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island Facilities
Bldg., Completion of Project .......................... 288
Aug. 4--Bid Rejection and Rebidding approved for WWTP Maintenance
Bldg .............................................. 293
4--Bonnette, John re: zoning at 2196-2198 University etc .....
.......................................... 294, 321,335-336
4--Blum, City Attorney Bill, recommending settlement in Kircher
settlement ......................................... 312
4--Block Grant Agreement with HUD for Calendar Year 1986 312, 313
Aug. 18--Business Credit Corp. to refinance certain FDL Foods, Inc. debt 315
" 18--Bus Stops. Parking in same when Buses are not operating. 325, 326
" 18--Bridge of Rockdale Road (over Catfish Creek), eliminating
weight limits ....................................... 326
18--Board of Electrical Examiners appointment of Owen Lesser 327
18--Bishop, Barney A., appointed to Historic Pres. Corem ..... 327
18--Baal, Henry, Claim ................................. 328
18--Brown, Philip (for Kimberly Brown), Closure of Claim .... 328
18--Burds, Ronald and Ann. Claim; Denial/Closure ........... 328, 385
18--Buena Vista Subd. No.4 and 5, approving plats .......... 329, 330
18--Burbach, Carl and Mary Ann, re: plat approval of Buena Vista
Subd .............................................. 329
Sep. 2--Behr Farm & City Distributing Co., Claim; Denial/Closure 347, 385
Sep. 15--Bauman, Rev. George, gave Invocation ............... 352
15--Bonfire request for Wahlert High School ............... 362
" 15--Bertech, Frank appointed to Airport Corem .............. 362
" 15--Berry, Patrick, (Whiskey River), Class "C" Liquor License. 363
" 15--Baum, Wm. J. (Baum Sheltor), Class "C' Liquor License . . 363
" 15--Braem, Sharon, Claim; Denial/Closure .................. 364, 385
" 15--Budget (FY 1988), Summary of Public Meeting .......... 367
Oct. 6--Burke Alumatic re: appeal Hist Pres. Comm. ruling for denial
of building permit at 1051 Walnut St .................. 373
6--Breitbach, Robert J., Class "C" Beer Permit ........... 382
6--Bedtka, Caroline, Claim ......................... 384
6--Bittor, Attorney Joseph for Harry Maglaris - SUIT ...... 384
6--Bailey, Richard, Claim; Settlement ................. 385, 421
6--Baumgartner, Cora, Claim ....................... 385
6--Berg, R.J., Claim; Settlement ................. 385, 421
6--Bird Chevrolet, Claim; Settlement ............... 385, 421
6--Blake, Lynn, Claim; Settlement .................. 385, 421
6--Bodnox, Andrew, Claim; Settlement ............... 385, 421
Oct. 6--Brehm, Janet, Claim; Settlement ................... 385, 421
6--Burrls, Wm., Claim; Settlement ...................... 385, 405
Oct. 20--Bijan's, Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... 391
" 20--Bennett, Nelda L. Class "C" Liquor License ............ 392
" 20--Bottom's Up, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 392
Nov. 3--B~dde, Dale, Claim ............................... 402
Nov. 17--Boyes, Frederick re: rezoning of 468-470 Lincoln (denial)... 410, 447
" 17--Batch Plants (Asphalt/Concrete) Ord. deleting from LI Zoning 408, 424
" 17--Budget Guidelines re: results of Sales Tax .............. 411
" 17--Business Growth, Inc. loan from EDA Revolv. Fund to T~cker
Industries .......................................... 410
" 17--Block Grant, Filing of Statement of Intent for CD ....... 418
' 17--Bies, Dr. (1665 & 1645) - approval of final plat Sylvan Place 419
" 17--Bunker Hill, 1811, final plat approved of Subd. of Lot 1 of E
1/2 of Lot 11-3 of Wilson's Dubuque .................. 420
Dec. 1--Bonds, $5,200,000, Ind. Devel. Rev. Bonds (Swiss Valley Farms
Project) ............................................ 425, 430
1--Bed and Breakfast facilities questioned by Ruth Nash .... 432
1--Bunker Hill Golf Course - Ord. providing for desig~mtjon . . 434
1--Brunswick St. vacation, (Elbow St.), waterline servicing of 612
Peru Rd .......................................... 440
1--Bertsch, Attorney Bob, for Thermolyne, re: intent to purchase
property ........................................... 440, 441
Dec. 15--Burden Property - Four Mounds, discussion, decision as to Ci-
ty keeping? .........................................
" 15--Block Grant Project, re: Environmental Reviews (Market Piece)
15--Bells - Ringing, Setting out limits etc. by Ordinance ......
15--Bows, Arrows etc., outlawing by Ordinance ..............
15--Bunker Hill Golf Course, by Ord. put under Park & Rec. Comm.
15--Big 10 Mart. Class "C" Beer Permit ...................
15--Bleile, Joseph F., Class "C" Liquor .....................
15--Bertolini, Angalina, (Marlo's), Class "C" Liquor License . . .
Jan. 6--City Council, Regular Session ......................... 1
6--City Mgr. Gearhart, Kenneth W. appointed for 1986 ..... 1
6--City Clerk Mary A. Davis appointed for 1986 ............ 1
6--County requested to financlally participate in the N/W Arterial 4
6--Chaplain Schmltt Memorial Island, Park & Rec. Comm. wan-
ting representation on input for development of this ...... 6
MITTING MINUTES: ........ 6, 57, 84, 92, 119, 204, 265, 383, 402
MINUTES: ........... 6, 66, 101, 160, 204, 265, 347, 383, 402, 436
" 6--Callaghan, Barbara, Claim ........................... ..
" 6--Civil Service Commission certifying individuals for the
tion of Water Plant Operator .......................... 8
6--Closure of public road fronting the barn at Flora Park .... 9
Jam 20--Chairman of Bom'd of Health named as James E. Brady.. · 11
" 20--City Council, Regular Session ......................... 13
" 20--Conceptual Development Plan for PR Planned Residential
District Development of "Oak Meadow" (west of Brunskill
Road) .............................................. 13
20--Continental Baking Co. re: rezoning for property located at
503-507 Garfield from R-2A to C-2 Neighborhood Shopping
Center ............................................. 13
20--County Board of Supervisors pledging cooperation in applica-
tion for RISE monies for N/W Arterial from Asbury to U.S.
No. 52 ............................................. 15
" 20--Central Ave. (& 8th St.) area set aside for parking of law en-
forcement vehicles ................ ~ .................. 17
" 20--Costs recovery of removal of accumulations of Snow, Ice &
Slush, by City ....................................... 19
" 20--Costs recovered by City for Sidewalk Repairs ............ 20
" 20--Coste recovered by City for removing weeds, vines or other
growth ............................................. 20
" 20--City Manager provision for Emergency Interim Successor · 23, 24
" 20--City Clerk provision for Emergency Interim Successor .... 23, 24
" 20--Corporation Counsel provision for Emergency Interim
Successor ........................................... 23, 24
20--City Council out of city travel, new Ordinance submitted . 24
20--Cable TV (Group W) sale & transfer of control to the buyers'
consortium ....................................... 25
20--Cable TV (Group W) petitionhig to grant a waiver re: provi-
sions of Cable Ordinance .............................. 25
20--Cook, Wayne, Claim ............................... 27
20--Certificate of City Clerk re: notices being sent for final
assessments for 1985 Asphalt Paving Project ............ 27
" 20--Community Development Block Grant Funds, re: release of
same for City Hall project .......................... 27, 28
" 20--City Hall Project, submission of request for release of funds 28
Jan. 27--City Council, Special Session ....................... 35
Jan. 30--City Council, Special Session ....................... 36
Feb. 3--Community Development Block Grant Funds, Publication of
Notice of Public Hearing .............................. 56, 57
3--Capital Improvement Budget, Setting date of P. Hearing.. 56
3--Community Development Funds, Proof of publication on Notice
to release for a specific project ......................... 57
3--Cook, Wayne, settlement of Claim ...................... 58
3--Community Development Block Grant Agreement with HUD
for Calendar Year 1986, Authorizing execuation .......... 58
3--Cedar Cross Road Bridge, re: acquired real estate for same 60
F,e~o. 17--City Council, Regular Session ........................ 62
17--Central Ave., 3510, Swiss Valley Farms requesting help in ex-
pansion of facility ................................... 64
17--Cuemaster Ltd. (Cue Master Billiards), Class "C" Liquor
License ............................................ 66
17--Chicagu Avis, Claim ................................. 66
17--Conrad, Shirley A., Clabn ............................. 66
" 17--Claims, Proof of publication of list for Dec. 1985, approved 67
" 17--Community Development Grantee Performance Report .... 68
" 17--City Manager submitting summary of public meeting on City
Budget .............................................
Feb. 24--City Council, Special Session .......................... 70
24--Community Development Services, comments re: Budget . . 71
24--Civic Center Budget, comments on Budget .............. 71
24--City Hall Maintenance Budget, comments ............... 71
24--City Council Budget, comments ........................ 71
24--City Manager Budget, comments ...................... 71
24--City Clerk Budget, comments ......................... 71
24--Cable TV Department Budget, comments ............... 71
24--Civic Center Department Budget, Review by Council ...... 72
24--Community Development Department Review by Council.. 72
24--Capital Improvement Program, Adoption of Five Yem' One 73
24--Charge for City. Ambulance Service, Revision or Rates .... 74
Mar. 3--City Hall Remodeling, elevator, etc .................... 80, 174-175
3--Charges for City Ambulance Service .................... 81
' 3--Cats, Ordinance re: new fees for licenses ................ 82
" 3--Cox, Chadwyn, appointed to Airport Commission ......... 83
" 3--Council Proceedings for September, approved ............ 84
Mm'. 17--City Council, Regular Session ..................... :... 86
' 17--Cats, amendement to Ord. re: license fees for cats & dogs.. 89
" 17--Civil Service Commission reappolntment of Gerald J. Koppes 90
" 17--Cable Teleprogramming Commission appointment.of Dennis
Corso for term which will expire 6-30-87 ................. 90
' 17--Corso, Detalia, appointed to TV Cablo Te]cprogramrn~ng Comm. 90
" 17--Convention & Tourism Bureau - resignation of Council Member
Kronfeldt and appointments of Council Members Krieg &
Manning ........................................... 90
17 Council proceedings for October & November approved 91
17--Cox, Charles & Leanne, Claim. Denial .................. 92, 102
17--City Manager submitting summary material on the FY 87
Adopted Budget .................................... 93
Apr 7--City Council. Regular Session 95
Apr. 7-- Civil Service Commission resignation of Dolores Reihle & John
Hess ............................................... 104
7--Corp. Counsel notifying of further review in Spechtenhauser
case ................................................ 104
7--Code supplement No. 26 adopted ....................... 104
7--Closed Session of City Council ........................ 106, 187
Apr. 21--Crescent Ridge, rezoning. (3320 Crescent Ridge) .......... 110, 126
" 21--Cable TV (Group W) transferred change of controI from
Westinghouse to the Buyers Consortium, Inc ............. 112
" 21 --Contract with Project Concern re: ~nini-bus operation approved 113
" 21--Collectlve Barg. Agreement with City & International Union
of Operating Engineers, Local//758 ..................... 114
" 21--Collective Bargaining Agreement between City & General
Drivers and Helpers Union, Local #421 ................ 115
" 21--Collective Bargaining Agreement between City and
Amalgamated Transit Union, Div. 329 ................. 11'5
" 21--Collective Bargaining Agreement between City and Dubuque
Policemen's Protective Assn .......................... 116
" 21--Collective Bargaining Agreement between City and Dubuque
Professional Firefighters Assn., Local #353 .............. 116
" 21--Compensation Package for Non-bargaining Unit Employees 117
" 21 --City Clerk Davis, Corporation Counsel Lindahl & City Manager
Gearhart, salary adjustment .......................... 117
" 21--Capital Improvement Program, consideration for installation
of sidewalks on N. Grandview between Ungs & Kaufinann. 121
May 5--City Council, Regular Session ......................... 123
" 5--College St., 395, property of R. Schmitt and her request to in-
clude stone retaining wall as part of Finley Hospital Concep-
tual Development Plan ............................... 123
" 5--Concrete Paving Program for 1986 .................... 152, 153
5--County Soil Conservation requesting Ordinance protecting soil
erosion ............................................. 156
5--Central Tap, Class "C" Liquor License: Cigarette Permit . . 159, 184
5--Clark, Carol, Claim ................................... 160
May 12--City Council, Special Session .......................... 163
12--Concrete Paving Program, 1986 .................... 163, 236,237
May 19--City Council, Regular Session ......................... 165
19--Civil Service Commission appointments deferred ......... 184
19--Casey's General Store, (The Lincoln Co.), Cigarette Permit. 184
19--Country Kitchen, Cigarette Permit ..................... 184
19--Chateau, Cigarette Permit ............................ 184
19--Canfield, Cigarette Permit ............................ 184
19 Casey's General Store (Angel Investment Co.), Cigarette Per,tilt 184
19--Cue Master, Cigarette Permit ......................... 184
19--Cox, Charles & Leanne, Claim ........................ 186
19--Certificate of Insurance for Dubuque Racing Assn ........ 186
19--Central Ave. West for 190 (of W. 23rd St.) be designated as
a "No Parking" area ............................... 186, 187
19--Claims for month of March, proof of publication .......... 186
June 2--City Council, Regular Session ......................... 189
2--Custer Streets, re: designation of Residential Parking Permit
District ............................................ 193, 212
2--Couler Valley Redevelopment Area Project, re: Bond issuance 193, 194
2 City Disposal of property for Freeway 561/Relocated 61 etc. 195
2--C~ntral Ave. (on W. 23rd), No Parking Zone established... 198
2--Cremer Grocery Co., Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 204
2--County Attorney Herrig's decision not to file a Quo Warranto
Petition re: Civil Service & Police & Fire Pension Bd ...... 205
June 2--City garage property, request to purchase that (the former
garage property) ................................ 205
June 9--City Council, Special Session ................... 207
" 9--Concrete Paving Project ..................... 207-211,216
June 16--City Council, Regular Sesalon ....................... 212
" 16--City Hall, Office Renovation & Elevator Installation ...... 212, 213
" 16--Conceptual Development Plan for Kennedy Mall; PC Planned
Commercial District ................................ 217, 231
16--Cooperative Agreement with the IA State Conservation Com-
mission for improvements etc. at Chaplain Schmitt Memorial
Island ......................................... 221
16--Civil Constructor, Inc., payment of $165,368.38 for belt filter
press at WWTP .............................. 221
16--Casey, Pat, resignation fi'om Housing Commission ...... 222
16--Civil Service Commission appointment of Pat Dillon & Robert
Miller ...................................... 222
16--Cable TV Regulatory appointments of Douglas Hilby and
Richard Kallock 222-223
16--Clark, C. & Judith, Cigarette Permit .............. 223
16--Cremer Grocery Co., Cigarette Permit 223
16--Curran, Velma, Cigarette Permit ................ 223
16--Cedar Cross IOCO, Cigarette Permit ........... 223
16--Chen, Yuan C., Cigarette Permit ................ 223
16--Chapman, Krlstina J., Cigarette Permit ............. 223
16--Creslanes Bowling, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ..... 224
16--Chase, Duane A. & Marty T., Claim ........... 225
16--Cosley, Viola, Claim; Closing .................. 225, 328
16--Claims paid for April, Proof o~ publication .......... 225
16--Creative Concepts objecting to moratorium re: billboard
constructions 225
16--Capital Project IA-05-0047 for UMTA, filing of amendments,
etc 227
July 7--City Council, Regular Session ................ 231
7--Colts Drum and Bugle Corps "Music on the March Day". 231
7--Cafaro Co., by Phil Richley re: proposed Conceptual Develop
ment Plan for Kennedy Mall PC Planned Co~nmercial District 231
7--Convention and Visitors Bureau, Purchase of Services Agree-
ment with Chamber of Commerce 243
7--Couler Valley Redevelopment Area Project, financing and land
disposition ......................... 243, 244
7--Communlty Development Block Grant Funds to supplement
Available Funds for the Couler Valley Redevelopment Project 245
7 Couler Valley Redevelopment Project, funding 245, 246
7--Community Development Block Grant Project - publishing
Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on Environment re:
Couler Valley Project, etc ....................... 245, 287
7--Couler Valley Urbm~ Renewal Project...issuance of $350,000 Ur-
ban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds ........ 247-259
7 Cost of Kennedy Road Paving Project etc., sale of $500,000
Street Improvement Bonds 259, 261
7 Civil Service Commission and election of Chairperson, Ord.
revising 262, 279
7--Chauffeur, Ordinance enacting definition .......... 262, 282
7--Civil Center Commission appointments of Rod Bakke, Dave
Bonnett and Robert Hammel ................. 263
7--Cigrand, Greg, applicant for Civil Center Commission 263
7--Civic Center "76', Cigarette Permit 263
7 Capital Tob. Co., Cigarette Permit 263
7--Clarke College, Cigarette Permit ................ 264
7--Crocker, Patrlcia, Cigarette Permit 264
July 7--Coach House, Cigarette Permit ........................ 264
7--C.J.'s Lounge, Cigarette Permit ........................ 264
7--Chapman, Kristlna, Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 265
................................... 265, 286, 311,328, 392, 402
7--Claims for Month of May, Proof of Publication ........... 266
July 21--City Council, Regular Session ........................ 273
" 21--ChaplainSchwlttMemorialIslandBallparkComplexFacilities
Bldg., Completion of Project, etc ....................... 288, 289
Aug. i-City Council, Regular Session ......................... 291
4--Calotex Property owners protesting rezoning in that area291, 320, 343
4--Conrad, Ronald, request for Taxi Cab Service Business .... 292, 340
4--CyCare Systems, filing of a Community Economic Betterment
Account Program Appllication for Expansion Project ..... 296
4--CyCare Systems, Inc. Expansion Project, Approval of Loan of
CD Block Grant Funds ............................ 297
4--Charges, Rubbish C~)llectlon for lower-income households,
revised. 299
4--City Parks, Vehicles Prohibited by Ord ................. 299
4--Couler Valley Redevelopment Area Project, Purchase of Cer-
taln Property ................................. 301, 320
4--Crealanes Bowling, Cigarette Permit ................. 310
4--Crocker, Patricia, Class "C" Liquor License ............ 311
4--Cafaro Co. re: not receiving notice of street assess~nent for Ken-
nedy Mall ...................................... 312, 332
4--County Historical Society, re: fireworks display at Harbor . 312
" 4--CD Block Grant Agreement with HUD for Calendar Year 1986 313
" 4--CLOSED SESSIONS ........................ 313, 350, 442
A,u,g. 18--City Council, Regular Session ...................... 315
18--Credlt Corporation for Loan to FDL Foods, Inc ......... 315, 317
18 Class "A" Liquor Central License, Establishment and Revi-
sion of Fees and Bonds for Liquor License .......... 322
" 18 Council Proceedings printed for April, 1986, approved ..... 328
" 18--Culbertson, Donald, Claim .................. 328
" 18--Conlan, Anna Mae, Closing of Claim ............... 328
Sep. 1--City Council, Regular Session ................... 334
1--Constitution (U.S.) Day, Proclamation ............. 334
I Conceptual Development Plan for University of Dubuque.. 337
1--Celotex property rezoning ................... ........ 343
1--Civil Service Commission certifying position of MECHANIC 348
t County requesting Tax Suspension for 4 Residents ....... 348
1 --Corporation Counsel submitting List of Outstanding CLAIMS
Pending ...................................... 350
Sep. 8--City Council, Special Session ........................ 351
Sep. 15--City Council, Regular Session ...................... 352
15--Constitution Week, Proclamation ................... 352
15--Casey's General Store, Class "C" Beer Permit ........... 363
15--Coach House, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 363
15--Claims paid for July, 1986, Proof of Publication ......... 364
15--Civil Service Commission certifying second list of Police Officers 364
15--Civil Service Commission certifying list of people for HOUS-
ING INSPECTOR ................................. 365
" 15--CyCare Systems, CEBA Assistance for thru Dept. of Econ.
DeveI, Bd ........... ~ ............................ 366
6--City Council, Regular Session ..................... 368
6--Crescent Ridge, Petition of A1 Polsean re: Truck Traffic, etc. 373
6--Corner {N/W) of Highways 61/151, Voluntary Annexation (re-
quested by T. Trausch and C. Murphy} ................ 374
" 6--Club House, Cigarette Permit: Class "C" Liquor License . . 381, 382
Oct. 6--Corporation Counsel requesting Council Mexnber Committee
to Review Litigation ................................. 381
6--Council Proceedings for May, i986 approved ............. 383
6--Center Grove Drive and Wacker Drive, Intersection - STOP
SIGN ............................................. 384
6--Conservation Society requesting Erosion Control Ordinance 384
6--Coffman, Patrick, Claim .............................. 385
6--Chtunber of Commerce Quarterly Update on Tourism ..... 388
Oct. 20--City Council, Regular Session ......................... 390
" 20--Christmas '86 Fund Drive (by KDTH), Proclamation ...... 390
" 20--Citizens for Dbq. Organization re: LOCAL OPTION TAX . 390
" 20--County Service re: Agreement for E~nergency Ambulance
Service ............................................. 391
" 20--CT Apartments, Claim ............................... 392
" 20--Coble, Daniel, Claim ................................. 392
" 20--Conner, Alice, Claim ................................. 392
" 20--Civil Service Commission certifying Police Promotional
Individuals ........................................ 393
" 20--Captains (Police} certified by Civil Service Commission .... 393
" 20--Corporal (Police} certified by Civil Service Commission .... 393
Nov. 3--City Council, Regular Session ......................... 397
" 3--ConceptuaI Development Plan for Hlilcrest Family Services -
2005 Asbury ..................................... 399, 406-408
3--City Code Adoption of 3 Ordinances re: Fines/Penalties ... 400
3--Certificate of Appropriateness in Special Emergency Situations,
Ordinance authorizing City Manager to issue ............ 401,413
3--Civic Center Commission resignation of Andrea Rafoth .... 402
3--Conceptual Devalopment Plan of University of Dubuque: re:
property line setback on Princeton Place ................ 403
3--Concrete Dome Structures at Waste Water Treatment Plant
Project ............................................ 403
3--Cedar Cross Bridge, Acceptance of Construction, etc ...... 404
Nov. 17--City Council, Regular Session ......................... 406
" 17--Concrete Batch Plants as a temporary use in the Light In
dustrial District - Amendment to Zoning Ordinance ...408, 424, 425
" 17--Chamber of Commerce Airport Committee re: Report on AIR-
PORT MARKETING .............................. 409
" 17--Capital Improvement Project - Dbq. Racing Assn. for
Landscaping ....................................... 410
" 17--Codification of ali City Ordinances, adopted ............. 414-416
" 17--Cable TV Teleprogramming Commission Appaintment of Mary
L Jaycox ........................................ 416
" 17--Clarke College of Dbq., Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 416
17--Councli Proceedings for Month of June/July/August approved 417
17--Claims for Month of September, 1986, Proof of Publication 417
17--Calendar Year 1987 - Statement of Intent for Comm. Devel.
Block Grant ....................................... 418
17--Community Development Block Grant - Filing of Statement
of Intent, etc ..................................... 418
17--Community Development Block Grant Projects, Publication of
Notice of Environmental Review ..................... 418, 419
" 17--Cale, Michelle, Settlement of Claim, re: City Solicitor Wm. Blum 422
Dec. 1--City Council, Regular Session ......................... 423
1--Couch, Rev. Ron, gave Invocation ..................... 423
1--Centralia requesting Repeal of Local Option Tax ....... 432, 433
1--Condemnation of Land for Improvement of U.S. 61 (IA DOT
"Dismissal"} ..................................... 436
1--Community Planning and Devalopment Director subnfitting
Report and Findings on the 10/21/86 site visit ......... 436
1--Coates, Ronald, Claim ........................... 436
Dec. 1 Community Development Block Funds for Various Projects
(HUD) authorized .................................. 437
1--Code Supplement No. 28 adopted .................. 439
Dec. 15--Conceptual Development Plan Approval for Property South of
Asbury Road, North of Dana Dr. and East of Southway Dr. 445
" 15--ConceptuaI Development Plan of Loras College ID Institutional
Dis ............................................... 446
" 15--Cox Street Rezoning - (Lores College area etc.) .......... 446
" 15--CyCare Systems, Inc. Grant with State of IA Dept, of Econ.
Develop .......................................... 447, 448
" 15--CyCare Systems, Inc., Agreement re: Loan of CD Block Grant
Funds ......................................... 448
" 15--Country Wagon, Loan - CD Block Grant ............... 449
" 15--Community Development Block Grant Loan - The Country
Wagon ....................................... 449
" 15--Country Wagon, Environmental Review Findings ......... 451
" 15--Community Development Block Grant Project- Notice of En-
vironmental Review for Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. "Market Place
Dbq.". ....... : ..................................... 452
" 15--Crimlnal Sections of the Code, Updated by Ordinance ..... 455-457
" 15--Computer Access, Unlawful Specifications re: Ordinance... 457
" 15--Crlminal Mischief, Unlawful Specifications re: Ordinance . . 457
" 15--Cooper, Dale R. (Manchester Milk Sanitation) - Agreement with
City ............................................ 461
" 15--Cordes, Betty, Applicant for Five Flags Civic Center ..... 462
" 15--Cigrand, Greg, Applicant for Five Flags Civic Center .... 462
" 15--Casey's Store, Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 462
" 15--Civic Center Commission Appointment of Neal McEvoy... 462
" 15--Claims for Month of October, 1986 ..................... 463
Feb. 17--Dalton, Father John, Gave Invocation ..................
" 17--Dubuque Tool & Die, Inc, loan $60,000 from EDA Revolving
Loan Fund ......................................... 64
" 17--Dubuque Mining Co., Class "C' Liquor License .......... 66
" 17--December claims paid, proof of publication ............. 67
" 17--Dixon, James R., tax exemption application ............. 68
Feb. 24--Disaster Services, Council review of Budget ............. 71
Mar. 3 -- Dubuque Auxillary Police re: report on two-way radio fund drive 80
Jan. 6--Deich, Council Member sworn in ....................... 1
6--Davis, Mary A,, appointed City Clerk ................... 1
6--Dubuque Data Services Co. loan authorized from ECIA
Business Growth, Inc ................................. 5
............................. .6, 57, 92, 204, 265, 402, 436, 463
............................................ 7, 66, 185, 436
6--Dausener, Theresa, Claim; Denial .................... 7, 92
6--Do, Inc. Refund on Cigarette Permit & Refund on Class "C"
Beer Permit ....................................... 7, 204
6--DeWitt, Stephen A., Claim ............................ 7
6--Dix, Rev. Wm. requesting snow removal plans ........... 9
Jan. 20--Detention Basin, Removal of Silt Project (at 32nd St.) .... 14
20--Dodge St., re: review of Alternate for U.S. 20 from Bluff St.
to Concord ......................................... 15
20--Deletion from Parking Meter District "A" - 8th Ave. North
Side from Central Ave. to Alley, West, Providing for the
elimination of Parking Meters ....... .................. 18
20--Dubuque Racing Assn. Ltd. Board of Director appointment of
Kathryn Krieg ...................................... 25
Feb. 3--Disturbing the Peace - Fighting, Violation of law (by Ord.). 54
3--Dubuque Inn, Class "B" Liquor License ............... 55
3--Dept. of HUD, Execution of CD Block Grant Agreement for
Calendar Year 1986 .................................. 58, 59
3--Dogs/Cats, license fees charged ........................ 82, 89, 90
3--Dunne Conoco, Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 83
3--Dubuque (City) lawsuit against IA State Racing Commission,
dismissed w/o prejudice ............................... 84
3--Dubuque Racing Assn. Ltd. Annual audit submitted ...... 85
3--Dix, Leo M. claim, Denial ............................. 84, 102
Mar. 17--Day Care Centers, zoning...conditional use in OS District . . 86, 96
" 17--Dubuque Historic Improvement Co. (Redstone), Class "E" Li-
quor License ...................................... 91
" 17--Dubuque Yacht Basin, /nc,, Claim .................... 92
" 17--Dausener, Theresa, denial of claim ..................... 92
" 17--Dock Bd. D. J. McMullen resignating from Board ........ 93
" 17--Dubuque County Bd. of Supervisors submitting petition from
Public Safety Dispatchers .............................
" I7 Dispatchers petition submitted .......................
Apr. 7--Dubuque Slammers Basketball Team, Proclamation .......
7--Dock Board appointment, re: readvertise ...............
7--Dubuque Racquet Club, Class "B" Beer Permit, Transfer.. 100, 223
7 Dubuque Jaycees, Class "B" Beer Permit, Transfer ....... 100, 203
7 Dubuque First China, Inc. (Yen Ching Rest.), Class "C" Liquor
License ......................................... 101
7--Dubuque Federation of Labor opposing Local Option Tax.. 102
7--Dubuque County Historical Society requesting per~nission to
have Firewords Display at 2nd Street Harbor ........... 103
Apr. 7--Dubuque Police & Fire Pension Boards resignation of Daniel
7--DOT (USA), filing of application with same (UMTA) ......
Apr. 21 Dubuque policemen's Protective Assn., Agreement with City
" 21--Downtown Assn. (KAT-FM Cruise), Class "B" Beer Permit
" 21--Dubuque Greyhound Park Track (ARA Leisure Service) Class
"C" Liquor License ..................................
May 5--DubuqueFest Days, Proclamation .....................
5--Dubuque Downtown Assn., transfer of Beer Permit: Class "B"
Beer Permit ......................................
5--DBQ, Inc. (Shot Tower Inn), Class "C" Liquor License ....
5--Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, suit against
J. Cocayne Jr. vs. City of Dbq. (3rd Party Defendant)
May 19--Dubuque In Futoro, Inc. requesting approval of Wm. Schrup
to their membership ................................
19--Denny's Lux Club, Class "C" Liquor License ...........
19--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Class "C" Liquor License.
19--Dubuque Racing Assn., Certificate of Insurance covering
general liability ...................................
June 2--Disposal of property (City Lot 503, City Lot 504, City Lot 507
& Lot I of Riverfront Subd. //4) for relocated 61 Highway .
" 2--Dodge House, Cigarette Permit ........................
2--Dog Gone, Inc., Cigarette Permit ....................
2--Daugherty's United, Cigarette Permit ..................
2--Dept. of Water, Air & Waste Management submitting Water
Compliance Inspection Report for Water Treatment Plant .
2--Dorweiler, Delos, requesting City Hall elevator be placed
alongside City Hall ..................................
June 16--Dillon, Pat, appointed to Civil Service Commission .......
" 16--Dock Board, appointment delayed .....................
16--Dayten, Hudson Corp., Cigarette Permit ................
16--Demmer, Mary, Cigarette Permit ......................
16--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Cigarette Permit .........
16--Derby Service Station (4 outlets), Cigarette Permits ......
16--Deleing, Lloyd, Class "C" Liquor License ...............
16--Dubuque Golf & Country Club petitioning for fireworks display
16--DOT, USA, Grants for UMTA ........................
16--DOT, IA., letter requesting signs to our City attractions ..
16--Dodge St., re: Ordinance reclassifying property South from HI
Heavy to LI Light Industrial ..................... 238, 279, 291
July 7--Dubuque Mining Co., Cigarette Permit ................. 263
7--DBQ Inc. (Shot Tower), Cigarette Permit ............... 264
7--Dubuque Post 6, Legion, Cigarette Permit ............... 264
7--Demetri's, Cigarette Permit ........................... 264
7--Denny's Lux Club, Cigarette Permit .................... 264
7--Design Center, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................... 264
7--Dubuque Municipal Airport, Cigarette Permit ............ 264
7--Dubuque Bowling Lanes, Cigarette Permit ............. 264
7--Department of Transportation (IA), proposal letter to overlay
a Bridge Deck on Primary Road U.S. 20 ................ 266
7--Dubuque Main Street Ltd., Funding Agreement with City . 267
7--Deed (Quit Claim) for parcels of property now used by the Burl-
ington Northern RR Co. near 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sts ........ 269
July 21--Dubuque Legislative Days, Proclamation .............. 273
" 21--Desens, John C., appointed to the Electrical Examining Board 285
Aug. 4--Dubuque County Fair Week, Proclamation .............. 291
4--Definition of Person with Good Moral Character ......... 300
4--Demolition Permit for 645 Fenelon Place ................ 302
4--Dalslng, Nilus, Claim; Denial/Cloaing ................... 311, 385
Aug. 4--Dubuque County Historical Society re: Permission for
Fireworks Dis. at Harbor ............................. 312
Aug. 18--Deputy City Clerk position clarified by Ordinance ........ 324, 325
18--Delinquent Water Charges, Elimination of Lien on Real Estate
etc ................................................. 326, 327
18--Dietiker, Larry, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm. 327
" 18--Dubuque Downtown Assn., Class "B" Beer Permit ....... 328
" 18--Dubuque Fighting Saints, Contract with Five Flags Center 329
Sep. 2--Dr. B's Ice Cream and Billiard parlor, Class "C' Liquor License 347
" 2--Dubuque Bowling Lanes, Class "C" Liquor License ....... 347
2--Demmer, Mary L., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 347
Sep. 8--Dept. of Transportation (IA) re: Third Street Overpass 351
Sep. 15--Derby Station, Class "C' Beer Permit ................. 363
" 15--Donovan, Leo, Claim; Settlement ....................... 364, 393
" 15--Dept. of Economic Development Board advising of Approval
of Application for CEBA Assistance on behalf of CyCare
Systems, Inc ........................................ 366
Oct. 6--Domestlc Violence Awm-eness Week, Proclamation ........ 368
6--Dog Track - Kennel Compound Improvements ........... 373
6--Delch, Council Member requesting $500 for support to Iowa
League of Municipalities to Maintain Information Room... 381
6--Dodge House Motel and Restaurant, Class "B' Liquor License 382
6--Dubuque Federation of Labor re: Resolutions re: Local Option
Tax ................................................ 383
6--DOT (IA), re: Funds for Road Maintenance reviewing, etc.. 383
6--Dubuque County Conservation Society re: Erosion Control
Ordinance ......................................... 384
6--Droessler, Dale, Claim; Denial ......................... 384, 464
6--DOT (IA) re: Condemnation of Certain Rights for Improvement
of primary Road U.S. 61 .............................. 384
6--Day, Kendall, Claim; Denial ........................... 384, 439
6--Duve, Cindy, Claim .................................. 384
6--Duffle, Dee, Claim ................................... 384
6--Droessler, Sam, Claim; Settlement ..................... 385, 421
6--Dangiemeyer, Laurene, Claim .......................... 385
Oct. 20--Dubuque County - Agreement for Emergency Ambulance
Service ............................................. 391
' 20--Dalslng, Nilus A., Claim .............................. 392
" 20--Driscall, David, Claim ................................ 392
" 20--Dauner, Pauline, Dismissal of Claim .................... 392
" 20--DOT, IA, Advising of Intent to Sell Parcels of Land ...... 393
Nov. 3--Dorwailer, Delos, objectingtorezoningreclassificationofPro-
perty at NE Corner of J.F.K. and Foothill Drive ......... 398
3--Dog Gone, Inc./Dog House Lounge, Class "C' Liquor License 402
3--Dalen, Peggy, Claim ................................. 402
3--Denman, James, Refund on Beer Permit ................ 403
Nov. 17--Dubuque Racing Assn. re: Capital Improvement Project for
$24,000. (Landscaping) ............................... 410
" 17--Deich, Council Member authorized to attend National League
of Cities in San Antonio on 11/28 thru 12/4 .............. 416
17--Dubuque Racing Assn. Meeting Minutes re: Ruling by
TELEGRAPH HERALD ............................. 422
Dec. 1--Donner, Robert, Claim ................................ 436
1--DOT, Advising of "Dismissal" in the Matter of Condemnation
of Certain Rights of Land by IA DOT for U.S. 61 Improvement 436
1--Dorweiler, Delos re: zoning on Kennedy Road ............ 438
1--Dubuque County Road Advisory Colnmittee re: Change of
Name of Former Section of U.S. Hwy. 52 from Rockdale Rd.
to Hwy. 61 to Twin Valley Dr .....................
Dec. 1--DOT re: Five Year Street Construction Program ........
Dec. 15--DOT (IA) and FDL Foods, Inc., Agreements re: Disposal of Real
Estate, etc .....................................
15--DuTrac Community Credit Union - Conceptual Develop, Plan
for Asbury Road prop .............................
15--Design Center, Inc., Class "B' Liquor License ...........
15--Demetris (Viking), Class "C" Liquor License ...........
15--Dull, Sharon (re: ITT Financial Services
vs. S. Dull) ete 463, 464
Jan. 6--ECIA re: Joint Application for funding for N/W Arterial .. 4
6--Erschen, Joseph R. (Happy Hour), Class "C" Liquor License 6
' 6--Edens, Tammy & Pamela Knourek, refund requested ...... 7
Jan. 20--Eighth Street adjacent to Law Center, Ord. authorizing addi-
tional parking for law enforcement vehicles .............. 17
' 20--Elimination of Parking Meters (Central Ave. from 8th) .... 17
" 20--Emergency Interim Successors for City Mgr., City Clerk and
Corporation Counsel ................................. 23, 24
MINUTES: .......................... 57, 101,311,327, 383, 436
3--Easter Seal Weeks in Dubuque, Proclmnation ............ 62
3--Engineer's Week (National), Proclamation ............... 62
3--Eighth (West), 554 - zoning change from R-2 to OR ....... 63, 79, 80
3--ECIA Business Growth, Inc., to loan $60,000 to Dbq. Tool and
Die, Inc ............................................ 64
3--Eagle Food Center #320, Class "E" Beer Permit ......... 65
3--Econofoods #471 (Nash Finch Co.) Class "E' Beer Permit and
Cigarette Permit ..................................... 65
Feb. 24--Emergency Communications Center - Budget Review by
Council ............................................. 71
" 24--Election on impositlon of Local Sales Tax (1%), Resolutlon call-
lng for ............................................. 73
Mar. 3--Elevator installation etc. for City Hall .................. 80
3--Eagles (Fraternal Order of), Class "C' Liquor License ..... 83
Apr. 7--Entringer, Ed (Mrs.), Claim, settlement ................. 101, 120
Apr. 21--ECIA, supplemental Agreement to expend funds as a result
of the Grant Application with UMTA .................. 112
' 21--Erie Court & Tyler Road, requesting relief from runoff damages 120
May 5--Emco Investors, re: vacating alley between 17th & 18th St.,
west of Elm ........................................ 157
5--Electrical Review Board, resignation of Bill Weltnauer .... 160, 161
" 19--Elevator & Office Renovation...City Hall ................ 174
" 19--ECIA Business Growth, Inc. re: loan of $51,000 from EDA
Revolving Loan Fund to AbaSys, Inc ................... 179
" 19--Elm St., zoning change (1703) through 1791) ......... 179, 198, 225
" 19--Elm St. to Pine...No Parking on S. Side of E. 19th ete ..... 181
" 19--E. 19th St., Prohibiting Parking from Elm St. to Pine .... 181
" 19--Electrical Examining Board appointment of Wm. Grothe .. 184
" 19--Eagle Food Stores, Cigarette Permits ................... 184
June 2--Erschen, Joseph, Cigarette Permit ..................... 203
June 9--Evergreen Drive from Asbury Road to Kaufmann, originally
part of 1986 Street Program .......................... 208
June 16--Elevator Installatlon & Office Renovation Project, City Hall 212-213
" 16--Eagle Point Tavern, Cigarette Permit ................... 223
" 16--Eberhart, Alice B.. Claim; Denial, Objection to Denial .....
................................................ 225, 439, 463
July 7--Easement across property identified as Lots 1 and 2 of Rose
Hill Addn. for Driveway Easement to Richard and Janet Trees 242, 274
7--Erie Court, Petition etc. re: Area Drainage Problem ....... 243
7--Evergreen Drive, Petition of Homeowners re: Drainage Pro-
blems of water runoff of nem'by streets ................. 243, 349
7--Elks Club, Cigarette Permit ........................... 263
7--Elbo Corp. (Dr. B's), Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Liquor License 264, 347
7--Eagle Point Ass. Inc., Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Liquor
License ............................................ 264, 347
7--Eagles Club, Cigarette Permit ......................... 264
July 7--Ellis, Michael and Sandra, Claim; Denial ............. 266, 347, 392
July 21--Electrical Examining Board, appointment of John C. Desens 285
" 21 --Electrical Board of Appeals appointment of Walter H. Johnson 285
Aug. 4--Elderly Households, Establishment of Rubbish Charges, etc. 299
Aug. 18--Erie Court {and Tyler Road) residents petitioning for City to
pay Entire Assessement, not just 50%, etc .............. 319
" 18--Essentiai Air Service for Twin Falls, ID, ORDER ........ 329
" 18--East 4th St., 6th St. and Bell, approval of Final Plat of Adams
Co. 1st Addition (for Adams Co.) ....................... 331
Sep. 2--Eagle Food Center, Inc., Class "E" Beer Permit .......... 347
2--El Toro, Class "C" Liquor License ..................... 347
Sep. 15--Easement Agreement with 3D Co. for access through Gallery
Court from proposed SKYWALK ..................... 357
" 15--Elm Street, 2275, rezoning request etc. of Marvin Manders;
Ordinance ........................................ 359, 369
" 15--Equatorial Comm. re: Amendment to Zoning Ordinance for
Satellite Dishes ..................................... 359
" 15--Elm Street, vacate alley near 14th Street ................ 361
" 15--Elm and Pine Sts., approving plat of a portion of same .... 362
" 15--Economic Development Board advising of approval of applica-
tion for CEBA on behalf of CyCare Systems ............. 366
Oct. 2--Employ the Handicapped, Proclamation ................. 368
2--"E" Liquor Control Licenses - Ordinance setting out, (Selling
of bottled liquor) .................................... 379
2--Erschen, Joseph, refund on Cigarette License, refund on Beer
Permit ............................................. 383, 403
2--Ellis, Charles, Claim; Denial ........................... 384, 439
2--Erosion Control Ordinance, Dubuque County Conservation
Society ............................................. 384
2--Ernst, Carol, Claim; Settlement ........................ 385, 440
2--Ekdale, Gregory, Claim ............................... 385
Oct. 20--Emergency Ambulance Service Agreement with Dubuque
County ............................................ 391
" 20--Eagle Point Tavern, Ltd., Class "C" Liquor License ...... 392
" 20--Ellis, Patrick and Vicky, Claim ........................ 392
" 20--Eglseder, Terry, Claim; Denial ......................... 392, 464
" 20--Eisch, Mrs. Albert, Claim ............................. 392
Nov. 3--Emergency Situations, City Manager can issue Certificate of
Appropriateness .................................. 400, 409, 413
3--Excavation of Kennedy Road ..........................
3--Kennedy Road, Petition to replace Guard Rail after recent
reconstruction ....................................... 403
Nov. 17--Edelman, John petitioning City re: Safety Hazard on East Side
of Aurora ........................................... 409, 464
" 17--ECIA Business Growth, Inc. to Loan $102,000 to Tucker
Industries .......................................... 410, 411
Nov. 17--Eagle Food Center #109, Class "E" Beer Permit ......... 416
" 17--Econofoods #471, Class "E" Liquor License ............. 417
" 17--Environmental Review Findings for: Tool Lending Library,
Housing Rehab Loan Program, Property Acquisition/Reloca-
tion: Commercial/Industrial Loan Participation: Economic
Development Activities: Code Enforcement .............. 418, 419
Dec. 1--Easement - 3199 University, for sanitary sewer .......... 424
1--Eagle Point Park, Ord. providing for designation ......... 434
1--Elks Club, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 435
1--Elbow St. - Waterline servicing at 612 Peru Rd. re: prop. on
Brunswick .......................................... 440
Dec. 15--Economlc Betterment Grant with State re: CyCare ....... 447, 448
15--Environmental Review Findings re: The Country Wagon .. 450
15--Environmental Review Finding for Dubuque In-Futuro
"Marketplace" . ..................................... 451
15--Environmental Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant
Project ............................................. 452
15--Eagle Pt. Park, designation of certain Park Areas (by Or-
dinance) ............................................ 460
15--Emergency Medical Care Ambulance Service, Medical Direc-
tors appointed ...................................... 461
Jan. 6--Federal Aid Project, Right of way assurance Statements,
authorizing Mayor to execute au Ag~reement with Ia. Dept. of
Transportation, etc .................................. 5
6--French (New}, Cafe, Cigarette Permit ................... 6
6--Finnln, Ford (Mike), closures of claims ................. 7
6--Fuller, Gayle, closure of claim ........................ 7
6--Financial Reports for month of November ............. 8
6--Five Flags Theatre, HVAC Retrofit project ............. 8, 9
6--Flora Park - road in front of barn, objection to closure .... 9
Jan. 20--Funds released for removal of Architectural Barriers, City Hall 28
" 20--Final Assessment Schedule for Reconstruction of John F. Ken-
nedy Road from Pennsylvania Ave. to University ...... 31
Feb. 3--Four Chaplain Sunday, Proclamation ................ 39
3--Fire Prevention Division Vehicles, Providing for Reserved
Parking ................................... 52
3--Fighting, by Ord. making it a violation of the law 54
3--Flynn Ready Mix Concrete, Claim ......... 57
" 3--Fuller, Gloria, Claim ................... 57
" 3--Fourteenth St., & Main Street Storm Sewer Rehahilita£ion
Project ............................... 59
........................ 66, 101, 160, 204, 326, 347, 383, 402, 463
Feb. 24--Finance Department, Budget review by Council 71
24--Fire Department, Budget review by Council 72
Mar. 3--Falderman, R., applicant for Airport Commission 83
3--Flynn, C., applicant for Airport Commission ........ 83
3--Freiburger, Wm., applicant for Airport Commission .... 83
3--Frederick, Terry A., (Finish Line), Class "C' Liquor License 83
3--Five Flags, KC & S Co., Inc., Class "C" Liquor License . . 83
3--Finish Line, Class "C" Liquor License; Refund on Cigarette
License ..................................... 83, 463
3--Financial Reports for January, 1986 ................. 84
Mar. 17--Fair Housing Month, Proclamation ............. 86
Apr. 7--Fare fncrease for Transt Dept. (Keyline) Bus 98
MINUTES: ............................ 101, 184, 383, 402, 436
7--Fire Equipment Operator(s), named certified by Civil Service
Commission ................................ 102
7--Federation of Labor opposing Local Option Tax 102
7--Fire Promotional Exam results certified by Civil Service.. 102
7--February clakns presented 103
7--Financial Reports for March .................. 103, 120
7--Fireworks request by U.D. and Dbq. County Historical Society 103
7--Facilities Bldg. Piling, Acceptance of Project (Ch. Schmit~
Memorial Island) ................................. 105
7--Fire & Police Pension Board resignation of Daniel Welu 105
Apr. 21--Finnin Ford, Mike, requesting changes in Sign Ordinance 109
" 21 --Finley Hospital, rezonlng request to reclassify property at 1450
Allison St. & 350 N. Grandview ................. 109, I23-126
" 21--Four Mounds Task Force, discussion of park systems .... 112
" 21--Firefighters Assn., Agreement with City ............ 116
" 21 Fisher, Roger re: runoff problems on Erie Court & Tyler Road 120
" 21--Fluhr, Richard, Dbq. Soil Conservation Comm. re: safe water
& soil resources ................................. 155, 156
May 19--Foster Graudparent Day, Proclamation ............... 165
19--Funds Transferred re: City Budget ................... 168
19--Financing District, Tax Increment, Provision for Establishing 169, 170
Jan. 6--Gearhart, W. Kenneth appointed as City Manager ........ 1
" 6--Global Awareness Month, Proclamation ................. 2
" 6--Gesalbracht, Rosanne, Claim .......................... 7
" 20--Garfield kve., 503-507 rezoning of property from R-2A to C-2 13
" 20--Group W Cable petitioning to consent to sale and transfer of
control of Group W Cable to the buyers' consortium ...... 25
" 20--Group W Cable petitioning the City to graut a Waiver re:
various provisions of Ordinance No. 42-81 ............... 25
20--James E. Gross appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd... 25
20--Gomers, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ................. 26
Feb. 3--Garfield, 503-507 Rezoning of property from R-2A to C-2
District ............................................ 39
3--Group W Cable Waiver Request & Cable Reg. Comm. Chairper-
son recommending denial ............................. 44
3--Golinvaux, Inc. (Pizza Hut), Class "B" Beer Permit ....... 55
3--Goetzinger, James W. (Goetz's), Class "C" Liquor License . 55
3--Geselbrecht, Roseanne, denial of claim .................. 58
Feb. 17--Gross, James E. & Julle, tax exemption application for property
at 1105 Grove Terrace ................................ 68
Mar. 3--Grantee Performance Repot t to HUD is on file in City offices,
Proof of publication .................................. 84
Mm'. 17--Grant Application, filing for Operating Assistance with the
State Transit Assistance Program and Contract with IDOT 87
Apr. 7--Goodman, Dominic, applicant for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment 100
7--Graham, Linde L., Claim. Denial ...................... 101, 120
7--Group W Cable 1985 submitting Annual Report .......... 103
7--General Revenue Sharing funds re: City Budget, Proof show-
ing availability ...................................... 103
7--Grutz, M/Mrs. Steve requesting "No Parking" on either side
of Park Street ....................................... 103
Apr. 21--Grace & Auburn Sts., alley - vacation & sale, etc ......... 111, 150,
21 --Group W Cable, transfer of control of Dubuque System to the
Buyers' Consortium, Inc .............................. 112
21--General Drivers & Helpers Union, Agreement with City ... 115
21--Ginter, Donna M., Class "C" Liquor License ............. 119
21 --Grandview (North) between Ungs & Kaufmann, re: petition for
sidewalks ............................................ 121
May 5--Girl Scout Clean-Up, Pick-Up and Paint Day", Proclamation 123
May 19--Grandparent Day (Foster), Proclamation ................ 165
19--G.O. Bonds, Issuance of $2,200,000 .................... 171, 192
19--G.O. Bonds, Issuance of not to exceed $10,000,000 ........ 172, 192
19--Ginter, Donna, Silver Dollar, Cigarette Permit: Class "C"
Liquor Store ........................................ 184, 185
19--Grote, Wm., Electrical Examining Bd. appointment ....... 184
19--Gratton-Wheaton Enterprises, Inc. (K & K Foods), Cigarette
Permit. Class "C" Beer Permit ........................ 184, 185
19--Golf & Country Club, Class "A" Liquor License, Cigarette
Permit ............................................. 184, 223
June 16--Galliart, Attorney Lyle, re: Liquor License suspension of
Avenue Tap ........................................ 212
16--Gerhard, Curtis L., Cigarette Permit .................... 223
16--Goetzinger, James W., Cigarette Permit ................. 223
16--Graudview Drug, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Beer Permit 223, 224
16--Golf & Country Club requesting permission for Fireworks . 226
June 16--Grants, DOT, USA, filing of Amendments to Section 5 Appllca-
tion and Section 9 Application under UMTA ............ 227
July 7--Garbage, Delinquent Accounts, Ordinance providing for
Assessment ....................................... 263, 283
7--Ginter, Donna (West Dbq. Tap, Silver Dollar), Cigarette Permits 264
7--Giunta, Marco; Cigarette Permit ..................... 264
7--Ground Round, Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
7--Gomer's, Cigarette Permit ........................... 264
7--Gerhard, Curtis L., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 265
7--Graham, Marie, Claim by ]Medical Associates ........... 266
July 21--Greyhound Park, Petition for Traffic Signals etc. at Intersec-
tion with Highway 61/151 ............................. 277
Aug. 4--Grant Agreement with Dept. of HUD for Calendar Year 1986 312, 313
Sep. 2--Gross, Ray (Smail Claims), Claim .................... 347
Sep. 15--Group W re: Franchise Transfer to GWC 107~ Inc ........ 367
Oct, 6--Greyhound Park Kennel Improvements ................. 373
6--Gene's, Cigarette Pernfit; Class "C" Liquor License..: .... 382
6--Goetzinger, David, Claim ............................ 384
6--Gansen, Edward, Claim ............................... 385
6--Glover, Clark, Claim; Settlement ...................... 385, 464
6--Grady, Jim, Claim .................................. 385
6--Grotjohn, Janie, Claim; Settlement ..................... 385, 464
Oct. 20--Ground Round, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 392
Nov. 3--Gary Olsen Appreciation Day, Proclamation ............. 397
3--Grove Tool, Inc., Claim ............................... 402
3--Gross, Ray and Virginia, Claim; Settlement .............. 402
3--Greyhound Park aml Hwy. 61/151 Intersection, Traffic Problem
Referral ............................................ 405
Nov. 17--Green, Darrel, objecting to Rezoning at 468-470 Lincoln ... 410
" 17--Grandview Ave. and Southern...requested Sign for "No Thru
Traffic" . ........................................... 410
" 17 Gansen, Terry, Claim ................................. 417
Dec. 1--Guenther, M.D. and Betty, Claim ..................... 436
Dec. 15--Gronen, John Nelson, re: Four Mound Park .............. 446
" 15--Grant of IA Comm. Economic Betterment Funds to CyCare
Systems, Inc ........................................ 447, 448
" 15--Grant Agreement with The Country Wagon ............. 450
" 15--Gambling Prohibited by Ordinance ..................... 458
" 15 Golf Course (Bunker Hill), set out by Ordinance .......... 450
" 15--Grlffin, Dr. Charles, Co-Director of Ambulance Service .... 461
19--Foot Levelers, Inc., 1897 Old Mill road, rezonlng Request, and
for 1901 Rockdale Rd ................................. 173,
19--Freiburger, Wm., appointed to Airport Zoning Comm ......
19--Fenelons Market, Cigarette Permit .....................
" 19--Financiefl Report for April, 1986 submitted ..............
June 2--Ferring, Father Robert, gave Invocation ................
" 19--Flag Awareness Week, Proclamation .................
" 19--Firewords display, request for permission by Jaycees .....
June16--Family Mart, Cigarette Permit ........................
" 16--Flexsteel Co., Cigarette Permit ........................
" 16--FDL, Cigarette Permit ..............................
" 16--Fenelon, Ken, Cigarette Permit ......................
" 16--Fischer Bowling Lanes, Class "C" Liquor License .......
16--Faulhaber, James, Clai~n ..............................
July 7 Flynn Co., Inc., awarded contract for 1986 P.C. Concrete Pav-
ing Project ........................................
7 Facility Maintenance Builcling for Dbq. Wastewater Treatment
Plant ..........................................
7--Funds for Couler Valley Redevelopment Project .... 243,
7 Fitzpatrick's Ltd., Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Liquor License
7--Frederick, Terry (Finisli Line), Cigarette Permit ..........
7--Finish Line, Cigarette Permit .........................
7--French Cafe, (New), Cigarette Permit .................
7--Fisher & Co., Inc. (2 outlets), Cigarette Permits ..........
7 Finale Lounge, Cigarette Permit .......................
7--Family Beer Store, Class "E" Beer Permit .............
7--Fransen, Tom and Rosie, Claim ......................
7--Financial Reports for May ............................
July 21--First National Bank, purchase of $350,000 of Urban Renewai
Tax Increment Bonds ................................
" 21--Fourteen Day Permit, Ordinance setting out Liquor License
Fees ...............................................
" 21--Finding of No Significant Effect on Environment for Couler
Valley ............................................
" 21--Financial Reports for June by City Manager .............
" 21--Fireworks Display request by Legislative Days Committee.
Aug. 4--FDL Foods, refinancing (Sub. Agreement with SANWA Bus.
Credit Corp.) .....................................
4--Fourth Street Cable Car Squm'e Parking changes .........
4--Fenelon Place, 645, Demolition Permit .................
4--Flynn Co., contract for J.F. Kennedy Paving Project ......
" 4--Fire He~zards at 659 W. 8th St. etc .................
4--Fireworks Display at 2nd St. Harbor etc. in August ......
4--Fire and Police Pension Fund Board submitting Financial
Report ......................................
Aug, 18--Five Flags Center and Wahlert High School, Usage Contract
" 18 Five Flags Center and Dubuque Fighting Saints, Usage
Sep. 2--Finn, Thomas re: Petition re: University of Dubuque Zoning
Reclassification ................................... 337,
2--Financial Report for FY ending June 30, 1986 ...........
2--Financiai Report for July, 1986 ....................
2 Finance - Street - l~.eport for July 1986 thru June 30 .....
Sep. 15--Festivals Committees, City's, report by M. Hurm .......
" 15--Fourteenth St. and Elm Sts., Vacate Aliey contiguous to City-
Owned Property ...............................
" 15 Felderman, Robert, applicant for Airport Commission .....
15--Flynn, Carol L., applicant for Airport Commission .......
245, 246
264, 265
Sep. 15--Family Mart, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 363
" 15--Fiscal Year 1988 City Budget, Brief Summary of Public
Meeting ............................................ 367
" 15 Franchise Transfer from Group W Cable to GWC 107 ..... 367
Oct. 6--Fifth Street, 15 Minute parking Zones, provided by Ordinance 377
6--Fransen, Tom and Rosie, Claim; Settlement .......... 384, 385, 405
6--Frey, William, Claim; Denial .......................... 384, 464
6--Fah, Margaret, Claim; Settlement ...................... 385, 421
6--Firzlaff, Francis. Claim; Settlement ..................... 385, 421
6--Foley, Scan, Claim; Settlement ........................ 385, 421
6--Food Service Sanitation, Enforcement, etc. re: City and State
Mem. of Understanding ............................. 387
Oct. 20--Foothill Road and J.F. Kennedy/Northeast Corner for Zoning
Reclassification as requested by Molo Oil Co .......... 390, 398-399
" 20--Finale Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 392
" 20--Fjellman, Judie, Claim; Settlement ..................... 392, 405
" 20--Frank, Carl, Claim; Settlement ......................... 392, 421
" 20--Faulhaber, James and Jill, Claim ....................... 392
" 20--Fourth Street Area re: Development Plans/Work Session with
Council and P & Z ................................... 395
Nov. 17--Fisch, Bob, approving of Amending the Hillcrest Conceptual
Dev. Plan ......................................... 406
" 17--Foothill Road, P & Z advising of Approval for Zoning Change
for Property West of J;F.K. road and One Lot North of Foothill 408, 423
" 17--Funding Agreement with Phone-A-Friend, amended ....... 411
Dec. 1--Floodwall Gate Structure, Contract for Damage Repair .... 433, 434
1--Family Beer and Produce, Class "E" Liquor License ...... 435
1--Funds released for certain C.D. Block Grant Projects ..... 437
1--Fire Dept. Ambulance Service - Director K. Shaw, M.D.,
resigning ........................................... 438
1--Furry, Timothy, Claim; Denial ......................... 439
Dec. 15--FDL Foods - IA DOT, Agreements; Disposal of Interests in
Real Estate ......................................... 444
" 15--Four Mounds Foundation Report - re: Drop Development etc. 446
" 15--Fire Services outside the City, prohibiting except with certain
cond ............................................. 452
" 15--False Representation of Records or Process, Ord. Updating
Code ............................................... 456
" 15--Fa/se and Fraudulent Reports, Ordinance updating Code .. 456
" 15--Five Flags Civic Center appointment of Neal McEvoy .... 462
July 7--Harrison St....Property East of that and Mt. Carmel Road,
rezoning from HI to LI Light Industrial District {Mihalakis
request etc.) ......................... 238, 279, 291-292, 343, 344
7--Hammel, Robert reappointed to Civic Center Commission.. 263
7--Heilemann Baking Co., Inc., Cigarette Permit ............ 264
7--Herberg, Timothy M., Cigarette Permit ................. 264
7--Howard Johnson Co., Cigarette Permit .................. 264
7--Holiday Inn. Inc., Cigarette Permit ..................... 264
7--Hudson's, Cigarette Permit ........................... 264
7--House of China, Cigarette Permit ...................... 265
7--Helling, John, Claim; Denial/Closure .................... 266, 348
7--Hatting, Dave Jr. requesting vacation of"Township Road" near
Southern Ave ........................................ 266
July 21--Health Board Meeting ................................ 272
21--Highway 61/151 re: Traffic Signal at Intersection at Greyhound
Park Road .......................................... 277
" 21--Heathcote, Genevieve reappointed to the Tranait Board ... 285
" 21--Hoffman House Restaurant, Class "B" Beer and Liquor License 286
" 21--HUD, request for release of CD Block Grants Funds for Couler
Valley Redevelopment Project ......................... 287
Aug. 4--Housing Code Enforcement, Ordinance Amending ........ 297
4--Historic Preservation, Advisory Council, Approval of a
Memorandum of Agreement ........................... 301
4--HUD, CB Block Grant Agreement for Calendar Year 1986. 313
4--Human Rights Commission, Update Report by D. Nicholsen 319
4--Historic Preservation Comm. appointment of Roger Osborn and
Barney Bishop ...................................... 327
4--Hockey - re: Contract for Five Flags and Dubuque Fighting
Saints Assn ......................................... 329
Sep. 2_Housing Comm. appaintments of C. Melley, E. Markward and
p. Wulfkuhle and D. Kennedy ......................... 346
2--Happy's Place, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 347
2--Healy, Dennis, Claim ................................ 347
2--Heitz, Max/ne - Claim Denied/Closed ................... 348
Sep. 8--Historic Preservation Comm. - re: Overpass, Third St ...... 351
Sep. 15--Hurm, Michael report on City's Festival Committees ...... 360
15--Harbor Area - Attorney A1 Hughes, re: need of Access Road 361
15--Holy Trinity Parish, Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 363
15--Holiday Oil Distributing Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 363
15--YIappy Hour, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 363
15--Hard Times Bar, License Revocatio~ eto ............. 238, 273, 363
15--Housing Inspector Position Certified by Civil Service Comm. 365
15--Housing Code Advisory and Appeals Board, Resignation of D.
Johnson ............................................
Oct. 6--Handicapped (Employ the) Week, Proclamation .......... 368
6--Halloween Trick or Treat, Proclamation ................. 368
6--Herbst's Subdivision, Lot A, Disposal of Interest to the Univer-
sity of Dubuque ..................................... 371
6--Historic Preservation - Memorandum of Agreement between
City and Advisory Council ............................ 373
6--Historic Preservation Comm. re: Denial of Building Per,nit at
1051 Walnut ........................................ 373
" 6--Highway 61/151 - Voluntary Annexation of N/W Corner (part
of Key Gate) ........................................ 374, 375
6--tteartland Inn, Cigarette Permit ...................... 382
6--Happy Hour, Cigarette Permit ......................... 382
6--Helling, Anthony and Bette (Dodge Housel ............ 382
6--Hard Times Tavern, Class "C" Liquor License ........... 382
6--Howell, Dick, Claim ................................. 384
Oct. 6--Hefel, Linde, Claim; Settlement ..................... 385, 464
6--Herman, Deborah, Claim; Settlement ................. 385, 464
6--Hickson, Son/a, Claim; Settlement .................... 385, 464
6--Higgins, Michael, Claim; Settlement ................... 385, 421
6--Huinker, Dan, Cia/in; Settlement ....................... 385, 421
6--Humstad, Robert/JoAnn, Claim; Settlement ............ 385, 421
6--Ituss, Sharon, Claim; Settlement ..................... 385, 464
6--Hutchcroft, John, Claim; Settlement .................... 385, 421
6--Hotel (Restaurant, Vending Machine, etc.) Inspection .... 387
6--Hotel Inspection, Mem. of Understanding, City/State ..... 387
Oct. 20--Health Board, Regular Session ...................... 389
" 20--Hard Times Tavern, Cigarette Permit ................... 391
" 20--Hi Hat West, Admlrai's, Cigarette Permit .............. 391
" 20--Hog Ryan's Cabaret, Cigarette Permit .................. 391
" 20--Happy Joe's Old Fash. Ice Cream and Pizza Parlor, Class "B"
Beer Permit ....................................... 391
Nov. 3--Hillcrest Family Services ID Institutional District, (2005
Asbury), Amendment ............................. 399, 406-408
3--Hog Ryan's, Transfer of Liquor License ................. 401
3--Historic Preservation Ordinance amendment allowing City
Manager to issue Certificate of Appropriateness in Special
Emergency Situations ................................ 401
3--Hartlg Drug Co., Class "B" & "E" Beer Permits ......... 401
MINUTES: ......................................... 402
" 3--Holiday Distributing Inc., Claim ....................... 402
" 3--Highway 61/151 and Greyhound Park Intersection, City
Managers response to problem (traffic etc.) .............. 405
Nov. 17--Honkamp, Arnie of Ah"port Comm. re: Airport Marketing needs
etc ................................................. 409
17--Hardee, Frank (Advertising), Claim for Benefits filed, Recom-
mending Denial ..................................... 410
17--Health Service Regulations for MILK and MILK PRODUCTS 412
17--Huseman, Cathy, Claim .............................. 417
17--Housing Rehab Loan Program, Environmental Review
Findings ........................................... 418
17--Housing Units - Vacant - Concerns with same ............ 421
Dec. 1--Holy Cross requesting Repeal of Local Option Tax ....... 432, 433
1--Harbor Repair of Floodwaq Gates, Project Awarded to States
Const .............................................. 433
1--Ham House Museum, Ordinance Designating ............ 434, 460
1--Hoffmann, David W., Class "C" Liquor License ......... 435
MINUTES: ......................................... 436, 463
1--Hardie Advertising advising of Removal of Signs on Hill St. 436
1--Hill Street, removal of signs by Hardie Advertising ....... 436
1--HUD - Request for Release of CD Block Funds for Various
Projects ............................................ 437
1--Honeywell - Water Case Settlement .................... 442
Dec. 15--Hwy. 52, 61 & 151 - Reclassification of Property owned by
KeyGate Center and Trausch Realty .................... 445
" 15--Harassment of City Employees - unlawful by Ordinance . . . 456
" 15--Hall, Mrs. James - Claim ............................. 463
" 15--He/ar, Gary and Jeanne (Moracco), Class "C" Liquor' License 463
" 15--HUD, recertification of City for eligibility for UDAG Program 464
Jan. 6_ Henschel, Dick requesting change in zoning on Richards Road 2
6--Happy Hour Tavern (J. Erschen), Class "C" Liquor License 6
6--Historic Preservation Comm. resignation of Dean Ibsen ... 7
TING MINUTES: ........................ 7, 57, 66, 101, 119
160, 185, 225, 265, 286, 311, 328, 347, 363,383, 392, 402, 407, 417, 463,
......................... 7, 84, 101, 160, 204, 286, 311, 363, 392
6--Heating, Ventilating & Air Cond. of FIVE FLAGS THEATRE
PROJECT ....................................... 8, 9
Jan. 20--HEALTH BOARD, Regular Session .................... 11
" 20--Health Board Chairman & Vice Chair (Brady & Kluesner) named 11
" 20--Houslng Commission - duties set out by Ord ............ 21, 22
" 20--Houslng Code Appeals Board apointments of J. Gross and reap-
pointment of Gerald Guy & Delores Johnson ............ 25
" 20--Human Rights Com~nission appointments of Karla Bra/g, Roger
Ma/ers and Dirk Voetberg .......................... 25
" 20--Hancock, Wm.( Cigarette License refund ................ 27
' 20--Henschel's Addition (Block 2), Final Plat Approved ....... 29
" 20--Hotel Sanitation, approval of Amendment of Contract between
IA State Dept. of Agriculture & City for Food Service .... 29
Feb. 3--1~iill St. Addition (Lots 13 & 14 of Roger's Subd.), petition of
John Moore to purchase stone ....................... 43, 44, 97
3--HEARING for 1987 (FY) Budget, date setting .......... 56
MINUTES: ......... 57, 101, 160, 185, 225. 311, 328, 363, 383, 402
UTES: ....................... 57, 84, 160, 185, 311,328, 383, 417
3--He/m, Ruth E., Claim, Denial ......................... 57, 92
3--High, Stephen D., Claim, Denial ....................... 57, 92
DAR YEAR 1986 ......................................... 58
Feb. 17--Historic Pres. Comm. re: Expansion of the Old Main Historic
Preservation District, which would include the Orpheum
Theater ............................................ 62
" 17--Hoff, Ardell, Claim, Settlement ........................ 66, 93
" 17--Hohmann, Jeanette L., CloJm; Settlement ............... 66, 364
" 17--Housing Inspector & City Mgr. submitting Tax Exemption Ap-
plications by property owners in the Urban Revitalization Areas 68
Feb. 24--Human Rights Dept., Budget review by Council/public .... 71
" 24--Health Service Dept., Budget review by Council/public 71
" 24--Housing Services Division, Budget review by Council/public 71
Mar. 3 Holdinmn, J., Applicant for Airport Commission ......... 83
3--Heckalsmiller, Da/bert F., Claim ....................... 84
3--Hosken, John, Cia/in; Denial .......................... 84, 366
3 HUD, Grantee Performance Report is on file, etc ......... 84
3--Hahn, Kevin & City, Claim (Suit) by Leo Link ........... 84
Mar. 17--Hellert, F.M., applicant for Civil Service Comnfission ..... 90
17--Historic Preservation Commission appointment of Robert W.
Smith ......................... : .................... 90
17--Hartlep, Ralph Q., applicant for Police/Fire Pension Bd .... 90
17--Herr/g, Larry T., applicant for Police/Fire Pension Bd ..... 90
17--Historic Improvement Co., Class "E" (Hotel-Motel) Liquor
License ................................... ~ ........ 91
Apr. 7--Huseman, Rill, re: Pension Board in conjunction with "Conflict
of Interest Law" . .......................... · ....... 99
7--Hash, Volney, (Dbq. Racquet Club) Class "B" Beer Permit 100
7--Hess, John E. resigning from Civll Service Commission ... 104
Apr. 21--Health Board, Regular Meetin
" ' g ............ 107
21--Homecoming 86 Pride in Dubuque Week (Irvi~l~' ~'c~l),
Proclanmtion ........................................ 108
" 21--Handicap Asscessible Minibus, Funding Application/Sec. 9
Program of Project) ...........
......................... 108
21--Historic District, extension of boundaries (Old Main} .....
" 21--Hardie, Mr., notice to remove signs (billboards} on City pro- 108
perry on Hill St...
......................... : ........ 114, I56
21--Hedley, Arthur G., claim
............................ 119
" 21--Hillard, Debra & Dennis, Claim, Denial .......... 119, I60
M,,ay 5--Hudson's, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 159
5--Historic Pres. Comm. resignation of Paul Rossiter ........ 16i
M,,ay I9--Hiway 20, re: Rezoning of Tsehlggfrle property .......... 173
19--HRW Associates, Conveyance of Kennedy Circle to same,
Repeal of that ....................................... 180
" 19--Hartig, Dick, appointed to P & Z Commission ........... 184
19--Hammal, Wm., applicant for Police/Fire Pension Bd ....... 184
19--Hartlep, Ralph Jr., Applicant for Police/Fire Pension Bd...
19--Herrig, Larry appointed to Police/Fire Pension Bd ........ 184
19--Hartig Drug Co., #1, #2, #3, #4, Cigarette Permits ........ 184
19--Herber, Timothy 0900 Tap}, Class "C" Liquor License .... I85
19--Hinz, Attorney for Maxlne R. Haltz, Claim
19--Hess, Marina, Cialm .............. 186
................................. 186
19--Helping Services for Northeast Ia, Inc., Purchase of Services
.............................. : .......... 187
June 2--Hardle (Frank) Advertising, re: billboard issue .. 196, 197, 218
2--Hudson's, Cigarette License. ' .....
.......................... 203
2--Happy's Place, Inc., Cigarette Permit ...................
2--Happy Hour, Cigarette Permit. 203
........................ 203
2--Helderschalt, Carole, Claim; Denial ................... 204, 348
2--Herrig, County Attorney's decision not to file a Quo Warren,
to Petition re: Civil Service & Police & Fire Pension Bd. of
Trustees ..........................................
2--Herbst, Donald re: purchasing former Cit 205
20 alley which divides tke lots and runs~rgoa~la~tP~Pt~l~oYna~wd
Correctional Services Bldgs ............................ 205
June 16--Hirschy, Loren, Rev., gave Invocation
.................. 212
" 16--Historic Preservation District, re: sigaage requirements for Bed
& Breakfast Homes in OR Office Residential District ..... 217
" I6--Houalng Commission resignation of Pat Casey 222
" I6--Hammel, Wm. K., applicant for Civil Service Comm .... 222
" 16--Historic Preservation Commission appointments of Robert
Smith, Winnie Thompson & Marian Hickey .............. 222
16--Hickey, Marian, appointed to Historic Preservation
" ' ....................................... 222
16--Heathcote, Carl, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Commission
" 16--H/lby, Douglas, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Conmfisslon 222
" 16--Hartlep, Ralph Q., applicant for Park & Rec. Commission. 223
' 16--Hoffman, David H., Cigarette Permit
................... 223
16--Hy-Vee Food Stores, Inc., Cigarette Permit, Class "E" Food
Stores, Inc .......................................... 223, 224
16--Heinz Convenience Stores, Cigarette Permit. Class "C' Beer
Permit .
" .......................................... 223, 294
I6--Heron, Inc., Cigarette Permit. Class "C" Liquor License... 923, 224
July 7--Historic Preservation District, re: Bed and Breakfast slgnage 236
" 7--Horsfiald Construct/on, awarded cont~-act for 1986 Asphalt Pav-
~ng Project
........................................ 238
Jan. 6 - Ibsen, Dan resignation from Historic Preservation Conmfission 7
Jan. 20--Iowa DOT re: Alternate for U.S. 20 (Dodge} from Bluff to
Concord ........................................... 15
" 20--Ice Accumulations on private property, prohibited ........ 18
" 20--Ice Accumulations - removal, recovery of costs by the City 19
" 20--Iowa Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit 26
" 20--Iowa Kemper Insurance Co. vs. City, closure of file ....... 27
" 20--Iowa State Dept. of Agriculture & City, mnendment of contract
for Food Service & Hotel Sanitation ................... 29
Feb. 24--Information Services, Council Budget Review ............ 71
Mar. 3-- I°wa State Racing Commission, re: recommending law suit be
dismissed w/o prejudice 84
Apr. 21--Irving School's Homecoming '86 Pride in Dubuque Week,
Proclamation ...................................... 108
" 21--/MT Insurance Co. re: settlement for personal injury claim of
Michaal A. Wild.
" 21--Indian Ridge, 965, vacation of public utility easement, for Dr.
&Mrs. .ONedl ...............................
........................................... 120, 155, 165
May 5--Intersection of NW Arterial m~d Pennsylvm~ia request for better
lights, traffic signals, slower speed limits, etc ......... 121, 158, 177
5--Insurance re: newspaper vending machines .............. 161
June 9--Indian Ridge, part of 1986 Street Program .............. 207
June 16--Inns of Iowa, Ltd., Cigarette Permit ................... 223
" 16--Iowa Gas, Cigarette Permit 223
" 16--IOCO Speede shops, Cigarette Permits ................. 223
'* 16--Iowa State Conservation Commission, approval of Cooperative
.................................... 221
" 16--Informatlon and Referral Service (Phone-A-Friend, Inc.), Agree-
July 21--Iowa Street Parking Rmnp and Kresge Bldg., SKYWALK Con-
struction Project ............................. 275
Aug. 4--Ice Harbor, re: Official Designation for Area, Discus-
sion Recommendation.. 294
4--Iowa Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit (2 outlets) .......... 311
4--Investment Counselors, Inc. Claim 311
4--Ice Harbor Area, re: Fireworks Dis~l~': i: i :: i :: i::: i: i i 312
Aug. 18--Iowa Street Parking Ramp Construction of SKYWALK . ..
ment with City ................................... 226
7--Intersection re: Easement across City owned Lots located at
Southern Ave. and English Lane ...................... 242
7--Interstate Power Co., oppoaltion to Rate Increase by Group 243
7--Iowa Alcoholic Beverage Control Act identified in lleu of Iowa
Beer and Liquor Control Act ........ · .............. 262, 280-282
7--Idle Hour, Cigarette Permit ......................... 264
.................................... 317, 340, 341, 358
Sep. 2--imperial Lanes, Cigarette Permit 346
Sep. 8-- Iowa Dept. of Transportation re: Third Street Overpass, input
............ : ............................... 351
Oct. 6--Investment Policy - Statement for City approved ...... 373
6--Iowa DOT re: Reviewing of Funds for Roads etc ...... 383
6--Iowa State Department of Inspections and Appeals re: F~
Service Sanitation, Hotel Inspection and Vending Machine
Laws ........................................... 387
6--Imperlal Lanes, Class "C" Liquor License .... '. · 392
Oct. 6--IA DOT re: Intention of Selling Parcels of Land ......... 393
Oct. 20--Ice Harbor area (4th St J, Work Session with Council and P & Z 395
Nov. 3--Intersection of Hwy. 61/151 and Greyhound Park Drive ... 405
Nov. 17--IOCO Speede Shoppe #93 (IA Oil), Class "C" Beer Permit . 416
1--Industrial Development Rev. Bonds (Swiss Valley) ........ 425-430
1--Indemnity Agreement, City and Swiss Valley ............ 431,464
1--IA DOT Advising of "Dismissal" in Matter of Condemnation
of Certain Rights in Land by IA Dept. of Trans. for Improve-
ment in U.S. 61
1 --IA Dept. of Transportation, approval of FIVE YEAR STREET
........................................ 442
Dec. 15--IA DOT and FDL Foods, Agreement ................... 444
" 15--IA Community Economic Betterment Funds to CyCare
Systems, Inc ....................................... 448
" 15--Intoxicatinn - Ord hence specifying unlawfuliness ......... 456
" 15--1ndecent Exposure, Ordinance specifying unlawfuilness .... 456
" 15--ITT Financial Services, Inc. vs. Sharon L. Dull, Petition in Equi-
ty, CLAIM ......................................... 463
Jan. 6--January as "Global Awareness Month". ................ 2
Jan. 20--Johnson, Delores reappointed to Housing Code Appeals Board;
Resignation ........................................ 25, 3.]7
" 20--John F. Kennedy Road Reconstructinn - from J.F. Kennedy
Road - Pennsylvania to University Ave. - Final Estimate, Ac-
ceptance of Approval and FINAL ASSESSMENT
SCHEDULE ........................................ 30-34
Feb. 3--Jones, Shirley, Claim. Denial ........................... 57, 92
Mar. 3--January Financial Reports submitted ................... 84
3--Johnson, Orin P., Class "C" Liquor License (Bottom's Up),
Cigarette Permit ................................. 91, 118
Mar. 17--January List of Claims, Proof of publication ............. 93
June 2--Jerry's Tap, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 204
2--Jaycees requesting Fireworks display permissinn ......... 205
June 16--Jaycees transfer of Beer Permit to Riverside; to Town Clock
Plaza; to Four Mounds ............................ 223, 285, 362
16--Johnson, Orin P., Cigarette Permit ..................... 223
16--Jena, /nc., Cigarette Permit: Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 223, 224
" 16--Joter, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ................... 224
" 16--January Council Proceedings approved as printed ........ 225
July 21--Johnson, Walter H., appointed to Electrlal Board of Appeals 285
" 21--June Financial Reports submitted ..................... 289
Aug. 18--June Claims paid, Proof of Publication .................. 329
Sep. 2--James, Jerry Lee (Neighbors Tap), Class "C" Liquor License 347
2--Jasper, Duane and Ralph, Claims against City and Interstate
Power .............................................. 347
2--Jackson, Lyle M., Settlement of Claim .................. 348
2--July Financial Reports Submitted ...................... 349
Sep. 15--Jaycees, Class "B" Beer Permit ....................... 363
" 15--July Claims, Proof of Publication ...................... 364
Oct. 6--Juergens, Robert, Claim .............................. 385
Oct. 20--Johnson, Clara L. (Lucky 15 Tap), Cigarette Permit, Class "B"
Beer Permit ........................................ 391
" 20--Jackson, 3195, Denial of Rezoning from C-2 to C-3 ........ 391
" 20--Johnson, Orrin P., (Bottom's Up), Class "C" Liquor License 392
Nov. 17--Jaycox, Mary I. appointed to TV Cable Teleprogramming
Corem .............................................. 416
17--June Council Proceedings approved as Printed ........... 417
17--July Council Proceedings approved as Printed ........... 417
Jan. 6--Krieg, Kathryn sworn in as Council Member ............. 1
6--Krayer, Bob, of ECIA requesting Joint Application for RISE
funding for N/W Arterial ............................. 4
6--Kremer, Roger & Juanita, closing of CLAIM ............ 7
6--Knourek, Pamela (& Tammy Edens), refund on Cigarette
License ............................................ 7
6--Krumpe, Stephen C., closing of CLAIM ................. 7
6--King, D. Michael, attorney for BFI, re: proposed Ordinance on
placement of freestanding refuse collection receptacles .... 16
Jan. 20--Krieg, Kathryn (Council Member), appointed to the Dbq. Rac-
ing Assn. Ltd. Board of Directors ..................... 25
" 20--Kennedy Road Reconstruction - Assessment Schedule - from
Pennsylvania Ave. to University Ave ................... 31-34, 67
Jan. 27--Keyline (Transit) re: Transit System Opinion Survey ...... 35
Feb. 3--Keyline Transit re: Filing of Applications with UMTA for
Grants ............................................. 43
3--Kennedy Mall Mgr. (T. Schenker) going on record as opposing
the Transient Merchants Ordinance ................... 51
MENT AND STATISTICS: ................................. 57
Feb. 17--Keyline Transit Bus Maintenance Garage, selection of Architec-
tural/Engineering firm for design & construction services ..
................................................. 63, 64, 275
" 17--Keen, John, Claim. Denial ............................. 66, 102
Mar. 3--KC & S, Class "C" Liquor License ..................... 83
Mar. 17--Keyline FY '87 State Transit Assistance & UMTA Operating
and Capital Assistance & authorizing the entering into a Con-
tract with IA DOT .................................. 87
" 17--Koppes, Gerald J. appointed to the Civil Service Commisssion 90
17--Kronfaldt, (Council Member), resigned from Convention &
Tourism Bureau ..................................... 90
17--Krieg, Council Member, appointed to Convention & Tourism
Bureau ............................................ 90
17--Kloft, AIvin, Cigarette Permit Refund .................. 92
Apr. 7--Kersch, Jeannine A., Class "C" Liquor License (Idle Hour). 101
7--Knights of Columbus Council 510, Class "C' Liquor License 101
7--Kruplcka, John N., Claim; Denial ...................... 101,160
7--Kloft, Alvin, refund on Liquor License .................. 103
Apr. 21--Kruse, Dan (Pontiac) supporting zoning amendment re: Sign
Regulations ......................................... 109
May 19--Kennedy Road re: objections to billboards~ etc ............ 178, 197
19--Kennedy Circle, Repeal of conveyance of property by Ord. to
HRW Assoc ......................................... 180
19--K & K Foods, Cigarette Permits: Class "C" Beer Permit . . 184, 185
19--King, Mike (Attorney) for BFI Waste Receptacles re: insurance
required for same .................................... 187
" 19 Kirkbride, Sandy re: billboards and Council intimidation, etc. 187, 197
June 2--Kehl, Bob & Ruth, getting Proclamation congratulating them
for National Small Business Awm'd .................... 189
2--King, D. Michael re: BFI Ordinance re: Waste Collection
Receptacles ......................................... 196
2--K-Mart, Cigm'ette Permit ........................... 203
2--Kennel Club, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 204
June 9--Kennedy Road - part of i986 Street Progra~n ............ 207, 228
June 16--Kluck & Sons, Inc. awarded contract for Structural Modifica-
tions of Transit Garage ............
June 16--Kennedy Mall approval etc. of a Conceptual Development Plan
for the PC Planned Commercial District ................. 216, 231
" 16--Kallock, Richard appointed to TV Cable Regulatory
Commission ......................................... 223
16--Krajnovich, Elizabeth, Cigarette Permit ................. 223
16--K C & S, Cigarette Permit ............................ 223
16--KWIK Stop Food Mart (2 outlets), Cigarette Permits ..... 223
16--Kennedy, Marvel I., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 224
16--Krause, Kathy, Claim; Settlement ...................... 225, 348
16--Kueter, Stanley, Claim; Denial/Closure .................. 225, 385
16--Kester, Eileen T., objecting to slow play on Bunker Hill Golf
Course ............................................. 226
" 16--Kennedy Road improvements, objection ................. 228
July 7--Keyline Garage, Application to UMTA re: Renovation of
Garage ............................................. 241
7--Krowzack, Rick of Dbq. CCI re: Opposition to Gas and Elec-
tric Rate Increases .................................. 243
7--Kennedy Road Paving Project, Bonds issued to pay Portion
of Cost ............................................. 259-261
" 7--Kachevas, James, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................ 264
" 7--Kehl, Robert J., Cigarette Permit ...................... 264
7--Keily, Elaine, Cigarette Permit ........................ 264
7--Kersch, Jeannlne, Cigarette Perxnit ..................... 264
7--Kupferschmidt, G., Cigarette Permit .................... 264
7--Kruser, Kevin, Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
7--Kennedy's Tap, Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
7--K.C.'s Amoco, Cigarette Permit ........................ 264
7--King of Clubs, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Liquor License 264, 311
7--Knicker's Saloon, Class "C" Liquor License ............. 265
7--Rasper, Richard, Claim; Denial ........................ 266, 392
7--Kubesheski, John, Claim; Closing ...................... 266, 328
July 21--Keyllne Garage, Construction and Renovation etc. Proof of
Publication ......................................... 275
21--Kresge Bldg. Connection of Skywalk with IA St. Parking Ramp 275
21--Krieg, Council Member re: update on Local Option Tax
Campaign .......................................... 278
" 21--Kluga, Robert S., Claim; Denial ........................ 286, 348
Aug. 4--Kirscher, Mildred C. and Ignatius W., Settlement of Claim 312
Aug. 18--Kane, David J., Owner of Property at 975 Thomas Place (City
buying) ............................ :,'; ............. 320
" 18--Kamentz, Sh rley (Rainbow Lounge), Class C Liquor License 327
" 18--Kuennan, Maureen K., Claim ........................... 328
Stp. 1--Kluesner, Lores sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tern ............. 334
1--Kally, Charlotte reappointed to Housing Corem ........... 346
1--Kennedy, Diane reappointed to Housing Comm ........... 346
1--Key City Bowling {Imperial Lanes), Cigarette Permit ..... 346
Stp. 15--Kelly, Elaine (Coach House) Class "C" Liquor License .... 363
" 15--Kupferschmidt, Gary, Class "C" Liquor License .......... 363
" 15--Key Gate Center, {near Old Bellevue Rd. and U.S. 52/61) re:
ANNEXATION/REZONING request ........... 366, 374, 375, 445
15--Krieg Bros. Ice, problems of nearby residents on Nightengale 367
Lane ...............................................
Oct. 6_ Kennel Compound (Dubuque Greyhound park), Improvements
($114,730) ......................................... .' 373
6--KWIK Stop Food Mart, Cigarette Permit ............... 382
" 6--Kopples Market, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 382
" 6--Kopp, {Eugene L.), Class "C" Liquor License, Cigarette Permit 382
6--Kemp, James, Claim; Denial ........................... 384, 439
6--Kahle, Wayne, Claim ................................. 385
Jan. 6--Krieg, Kathryn sworn in as Council Member ............. 1
6--Krayer, Bob, of ECIA requesting Joint Application for RISE
funding for N/W Arterial ............................. 4
6--Kremer, Roger & Juanita, closing of CLAIM ........... 7
6--Knourek, Pamela (& Tammy Edens), refund on Cigarette
License ............................................ 7
6--Krumpe, Stephen C., closing of CLAIM ................. 7
6--Kikg, D. Michael, attorney for BFI, re: proposed Ordinance on
placement of freestanding refuse collection receptacles .... 16
Jan. 20--Krieg, Kathryn (Council Member), appointed to the Dbq. Rac-
ing Assn. Ltd. Board of Directors ...................... 25
20--Kennedy Road Reconstruction - Assessment Schedule - from
Pennsylvania Ave. to University Ave ................... 31-34, 67
Jan. 27--Keyline (Transit) re: Transit System Opinion Survey ...... 35
Feb. 3--Keyline Transit re: Filing of Applications with UMTA for
Grants ............................................ 43
3--Kennedy Mall Mgr. (T. Schenker) going on record as opposing
the Transient Merct~ants Ordinance .................... 51
MENT AND STATISTICS: ................................. 57
Feb. 17--Keyline Transit Bus Maintenance Garage, selection of Architec-
tural/Engineering firm for design & construction services ..
.................................................. 63, 64, 275
17--Kean, John, Claim. Denial ............................ 66, 102
Mar. 3--KC & S, Class "C" Liquor License ..................... 83
Mar. 17--Keyline FY '87 State Transit Assistance & UMTA Operating
and Capital Assistance & authorizing the entering into a Con-
tract with IA DOT .................................. 87
17--Koppes, Gerald J. appointed to the Civil Service Commisssion 90
17--Kronfeldt, (Council Member), resigned from Convention &
Tourism Bureau ..................................... 90
17--Krieg, Council Member, appointed to Convention & Tourism
Bureau ............................................. 90
17--Kloft, Alvin, Cigarette Permit Refund .................. 92
Apr. 7--Kersch, Jeannine A., Class "C' Liquor License (Idle Hour). 101
7--Knights of Columbus Council 510, Class "C" Liquor License 101
7--Krupicka, John N., Claim; Denial ...................... 101, 160
7--Kloft, Alvin, refund on Liquor License .................. 103
Apr. 21--Kruse, Dan (Pontiac) supporting zoning amendment re: Sign
Regulations ........................................ 109
May 19--Kennedy Road re: objections to billboards, etc ............ 178, 197
19--Kennedy Circle, Repeal of conveyance of property by Ord. to
HRW Assoc ......................................... 180
19--K & K Foods, Cigarette Permits: Class "C" Beer Permit .. 184, 185
19--King, Mike (Attorney) for BFI Waste Receptacles re: insur m~ce
required for same .................................... 187
" 19--Kirkbride, Sandy re: billboards and Council intimidation, etc. 187, 197
June 2--Kehl, Bob & Ruth, getting Proclamation congratulating them
for National Small Business Award .................... 189
2--King, D. Michael re: BFI Ordinance re: Waste Collection
Receptacles ........................................ 196
2--K-Mart, Cigarette Permit ............................ 203
2--Kennel Club, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 204
June 9--Kennedy Road - part of 1986 Street Program ............ 207, 228
June 16--Kluck & Sons, Inc. awarded contract for Structural Modifica-
tions of Transit Garage ............
June 16--Kennedy Mall approval etc. of a Conceptual Development Plan
for the PC Planned Com~r~erclal District ................. 216, 231
" 16--Kallock, Richard appointed to TV Cable Regulatory
Commission ......................................... 223
" 16--Krajnovich, Elizabeth, Cigarette Permit ................. 223
16--K C & S, Cigarette Permit ............................ 223
16--KWIK Stop Food Mart (2 outlets), Cigarette Permits ..... 223
16--Kennedy, Marvel I., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 224
16--Krause, Kathy, Claim; Settlement ...................... 225, 348
16--Kueter, Stanley, Claim; Denial/Closure ................. 225, 385
16--Kester, Eileen T., objecting to slow play on Bunker Hill Golf
Course ............................................. 226
16--Kennedy Road improvements, objection ................. 228
July 7--Keyline Garage, Application to UMTA re: Renovation of
Garage ............................................. 241
7--Krowzack, Rick of Dbq. CCI re: Opposition to Gas and Elec-
tric Rate Increases ................................... 243
" 7--Kennedy Road Paving Project, Bonds issued to pay Portion
of Cost ............................................. 259-261
7--Kachevas, James, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................ 264
7--Kehl, Robert J., Cigarette Permit ...................... 264
7--Kelly, Elaine, Cigarette Permit ........................ 264
7--Kersch, Jeannine, Cigarette Permit ..................... 264
7--Kupferschmidt, G, Cigarette Permit .................... 264
7--Kruser, Kevln, Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
7--Kennedy's Tap, Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
7--K.C.'s Amoco, Cigarette Permit ........................ 264
7--King of Clubs, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Liquor License 264, 311
7--Knicker's Saloon, Class "C" Liquor License ............. 265
7--Kasper, Richard, Claim; Denial ........................ 266, 392
7--Kubesheski, John, Claim; Closing ...................... 266, 328
July 21--Keyline Garage, Construction and Renovation etc. Proof of
Publication ......................................... 275
21--Kresge Bldg. Connection of Skywaik with IA St. Parking Ramp 275
21--Krieg, Council Member re: update on Local Option Tax
Campaign .......................................... 278
" 21--Kluga, Robert S., Claim; Denial ........................ 286, 348
Aug. 4--Kirscher, Mildred C. and Ignatius W., Settlement of Claim 312
Aug. 18--Kane, David J., Owner of Property at 975 Thomas Place (City 320
buying) ............................ ,',' i,' ............
" 18--Kamentz, Shirley (Rainbow Lounge), Class C Liquor License 327
" 18--Kuennan, Manreen K., Claim ....... . ................... 328
Sep. 1--Kluesner, Loras sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tern ............. 334
1--Kelly, Charlotte reappointed to Housing Corem ........... 346
1--Kennedy, Diane reappointed to Housing Comm ........... 346
1--Key City Bowling (Imperial Lanes), Cigarette Permit ..... 346
Sep. 15--Kelly, Elaine (Coach House) Class "C" Liquor License .... 363
" 15--Kupferschmidt, Gary, Class "C' Liquor License .......... 363
15--Key Gate Center, (near Old Bellevue Rd. and U.S. 52/61) re:
ANNEXATION/REZONING request ........... 366, 374, 375, 445
15--Krieg Bros. Ice, problems of nearby residents on Nightengale 367
Lane ...............................................
Oct. 6_ Kennel Compound (Dubuque Greyhonnd park), Improvements
($114,730) ......................................... .' 373
6--KWIK Stop Food Mart, Cigarette Permit ............... 382
" 6--Kopples Market, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 382
" 6--Kopp, (Eugene L.), Class "C" Liquor License, Cigarette Permit 382
6--Kemp, James, Claim; Denial ........................... 384, 439
6--Kahle, Wayne, Claim ................................. 385
O,c,t. 6--Klotz, Harry, Claim .................................. 385
6--Kane, Joseph, Claim; Settlement..
6--Koetz, Barb, Claim; Settlement ..................... 385, 421
6--Kerksieck, Bob, Claim; Settleme~ ....... 385, 421
.................... 385, 421
" 6--Kueter, Kathleen, Claim; Settlement ........... 385, 421
" 6--Kuhl, Margaret, Claim; Settlement ..................... 385, 405
Oct. 20--King, Mike re: LOCAL OPTION TAX
.................. 390
" 20--Kennedy Road and Foothill Road - Zoning Reclassification for
Property at Northeast Corner, re: request of Molo Oil ..... 390, 408
" 20--Key City Bowling Lanes, Class "C" Liquor License ....... 392
" 20--Kennedy Road (1745), Excavation Request for Water Access
(S. Smith~ ....................................... 395, 400, 409
Nov. 3--Kuennen, Russell R. and Maureen, Claim ................ 402
3--Klauer, Robert E. and James Rezoning of Property West of
J.F.K. and near Foothill
.............................. 408
3--Kaufman, Attorney, Paul, for R. Pothoff, Pres. of Miracle Car
Wash requesting Vacation of 8' Sanitary Sewer Easements
across Part of Barrels PI .............................. 409
3--Kohler, Wm. (Transit Mgr.) re: First Quarter Operations Report 409
3--Kruse, Dan re: Airport Marketing Strategy etc ........... 409
N,o,v. 17--Kiefer Kraig Claim ........................ 417
17--KWIK Stop Food Mart Class "E" Beer Permit ....... 416
Dec. 1--Kennedy Road Rezoning...Property located West of Kennedy
and One Lot North of Foothill Road from OR to OS ...... 425, 438
1--Kelly, Bruce, Claim; Settlement. 440
Dec. 15--Key Gate Center (and Trausch Realty) - Reclassification of Pro-
perry at Hwy. 52 ............
"C ...... ' ....................... 445
" 15--Kachevas, Class ~quor ~,lcense.
,, · .................. 463
15--KDTH KAT-FM, advising of intent to match Airport
Marketing .......................................... 464
Jan. 6--Legal Staff appointed for the year 1986 ................. 1
6--Lindahl, Barry A. appointed as City Corporation Counsel for
the City ...........................................
6--Loan to Dubuque Data Services from ECIA Business Growth,
Inc ............................................. -- 5
6--Love, Phlllip R. & THE LOUNGE, Class "C" Liquor License 6
......................... 7, 26, 92, 101, 160, 347, 383, 402, 463
6--Lewis, Carol & Gary, Claim. Denial .................. 7, 58, 92
6--Link, Lyle R., Claim ............................ 7
Jan. 20--Law Enforcement Vehicles provided for reserve Parking (8th
St. & Central Ave.) ................................. 17
Jan. 27--Loras students submitting survey re: Keyline (Transit) rider-
ship - opinion etc ................................. 35
Feb. 3--Licensing of Peddlers/Transient Merchants ............ 51, 52
3--Long John Silvers #10, Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 55
3--Lombardi-Schuster, Pat {Ms. Pat's}, Class "C" Liquor License 55
3--Lee's 76 West Locust Mart, Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 55
3--Leckington, Earl W. Claim; Denial .................. 57, 92
3--Lucky Stores, Inc. Class "E" Beer Permit (Eagle Food Center} 65
" 3--Licht, Terry D., Claim; Denial ................ 66, 92
Feb. 24--Legal Dept., Budget review by Council ........... 71, 72
" 24--Library Dept., Budget review by Council ........ 71
" 24--Local Sales & Services Tax Resolution calling for Election 73
Mm'. 3--Leo Link vs. Kevln Hahn & City, Suit ........... 84
3--Licenses for Dogs & Cats, revising Fees etc .......... 89
3--Larson, Stacey & Marlene, claim; Denial .............. 92, 286
Apr. 7--Legal Counsel requested to give opinion re: legal "counsel" 99
7--Loras College re: transfer of Beer Permit ........... 100
7--Linquiet, Helen re: comments @ Five Flags, Parks & Keyline 102
7--Lieutenants certified by Civil Service Comm. for Fire .... 102
7--Local Option Tax, Federation of Labor stating opposition . 102
Feb. 21--Lyness, Karen re: report on Four Mounds 111
" 21--Leckington, Earl W., Claim ....................... 119
May 19--Lincoln Co. (Casey's), Cigarette Permit ................ 184
" 19--Liberty Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ................. 184
" 19--Larsen, Beverly A., Class "C" Liquor License ........ 185
June 2--Longhorn Saddlery & Western Wear re: billboard Ordinance
support .......................................... 197
2--Lease Agreement with Dbq. Bank & Trust Co. for Sharp
Photocopier ....................................... 203
June16--Land disposal (of city's interest} near P. Works Garage for
development of road between 9th & llth Sts ......... 213
16--Love, Kennedy J., Cigarette Permitl Class "C" Liquor License 223, 224
16 Loras College, (3 outlets}, Cigarette Permits ............ 223
16--Link, Leo, Claim ................................ 225
16--Luchsinger, Greg & Jane, Claim ................ 225
16--Linehan & Molo, objecting to monies given to Swiss Valley 226
July 7--Liquor License Suspension, Zella E. Mangeno d/b/a The Bar 238, 382
7--Liquor License Fees, Fourteen Day Permit, Ordinance Setting
Out ........................................... 262, 282
7--Larsen, Beverly A., Cigarette Permit ............... 264
7--Lone Star, The, Cigarette Permit ...................... 264
" 7--Lucky Lady, Cigarette Permit ...................... 264
" 7--Liberty Restaurants, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ...... 265
July 21--Local Option Tax Campaign, update by Council Member Krieg 278, 392
A,u,g. 4--Luerkens, Wm. and Jeanette re: Changeover of Taxi-Cab Service 292, 340
4--Liquor Central License, Ordinance clarifying Definitions of Per-
sons of Good Moral Character ......................... 300
4--Luchslnger, Greg, Claim; Settlement .................... 311, 385
Aug. 18--Leifker, David re: Petition for Property Owners of W. Locust
and Rosedale re: deficiency regarding sewer .............. 319
" 18--Legal Age for Selling, Giving or Supplying Alcoholic Beverages
to Persons aged Nineteen and Twenty, Ordinance setting out 321
" 18--Liquor Control License and Establishment of a Class "A" Li-
quor Control License, Ordinance setting out ............. 322-324
18--Lien on Real Estate to Collect Delinquent Water Charges,
Elimination of City's Authority ........................ 326, 327
" 18--Legislatlve Statements for I987, Concurrence ............ 332
Sep. 2--Lucky Stores, Inc., Class "E" Beer Permit .............. 347
Sep. 15--Lincaln Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 363
Oct. 6--Liquor Control License, Class "E", specifies etc. in Ordinance 379,380
6--League of Municipalities (IA), C.M. Deich requesting support
for information room ................................. 381
6--Litigation Evaluation by Committee of C. Members requested
by Corp. Counsel ................................... 381
' 6--Livingetone, John, Claim; Settlement .................. 384
6--Link, Dave and Judy, Claim ........................... 384
6--Lee, Dorothy, Claim ................................ 385
6--Langkamp, Sandy, Claim; Settlement ................... 385, 405
6--Lippstock, Phyllis, Claim; Settle~nent ................... 385, 421
6--Legler, Mrs. Nick, Claim; Settlement ................... 385, 421
6--Lucy, Karen, Claim; Settlement ........................ 385, 421
Oct. 20--Local Option To~x Presentation by Citizens for Dubuque... 390
" 20--Love, Philip R. (The Lounge), Cigarette Permit ........... 391
" 20--Lucky I3 Tap, Cigarette Permit, Class "B" Beer Permit... 391
" 20--Link, Dalbert, Claim 392
" 20--Lorenz, Joyce, Claim; Settlement.
" 20--Lynch, Leo, Claim ..................... 392, 421
................................. 392
Nov. 3--Lutgen, Edward, Clakn ............................. 402
3--Locust St. (W) and Rosedale re: Sewer System Problem . . . 405
Nov, 17--Landscaping Project at Dog Track
" i ' ' ................. 410
7--Lmcofu, 468-470, re: Rezoning Denial etc. (F. Boyes) ...... 410, 447
17--Latham, Ruth objecting to Lincoln St. Rezoning ......... 410
" 17--Loan of ECIA (EDA Revolving Loan Fund) to Tucker
Industries ......................................... 410, 411
" 17 League of Cities, Authorization for C.M. De/ch to Attend.. 416
" 17--Lores College, Class "B" Beer Permit ................. 416
" 17--Lucky Stores, Inc., Class "E" Beer Permit .............. 416
" 17--LaPage, Lynn (Park Square Tavern), Class "C" Liquor License 417
Dec. 1 --Local Option Tax Repeal by Centralia, Holy Cross and Sherrill 432, 433
" 1--Louis Murphy Park, Ordinance Designating ............. 434~ 460
Dec. 15--Loras College - Zoning, Conceputal Development Plan etc.. 446
15--Loan Agreement etc. with CyCare ...................... 447, 448
15 Loan Agreement with The Country Wagon ............. 449
" 15--LaPage, Lynn, Cigarette Permit ...................... 462
Jan. 6--Mayor Pro-Tem Barbara Manning sworn in .............. 1
6--Mantfing, Council Member Barbara sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tem 1
6--Mauss, Bi11 & Darlene, Closure of Claim ................ 7
Jan. 20--Meters (Parking) eliminated fi'om Central Ave. to Alley &
Eighth Ave., North Side ............................. 17
" 20--Mayor & City Council members out-of-town travel procedure 24
" 20--Malers, Roger appointed to Human Rights Comm. till 1-1-89 25
" 20 Mehrl, Robert A., Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 26
" 20--My-Cap Vendors, $50 refunds for Spatz Malones & Wm.
Hancock ........................................ 27
" 20--Moore, John, spoke to Council, re: Purchase of Hill St. proper-
ty, etc ........................................... 34, 43,
Feb. 3--Mayor - policy and procedures for out-of-city travel ....... 46
" 3--Mike's Ten Pin Tap, Cigarette Permit ................. 54
" 3--Ms. Pat's, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 55
" 3 Millman, Norene, refund on Cigarette Permit .......... 58
3--Main at 14th St. Storm Sewer Project ................ 59
3--Miller, Beverly R., Class "E' Beer Permit ............... 65
3--Mining Co., Class "C" Liquor License ................. 66
Feb. 17--Maiers & Schmitt Apts., application for tax exempt status 68
............................................ 66, 225, 311, 347
Mar. 3--Mental Retardation Month, Proclamation ............... 79
3--Manternach, T., application for Airport Cmmnlssinn ...... 83
3--Manning, Council Member appointed to Convention and
Tourism Bureau ................................... 90
3--Meyer, Dennis J. (Bunker Hill Golf Course), Cigarette Permit.
Class "B" Beer Permit ................................ 91
Apr. 7--Mr. Steak, Class "C" Beer-Wine License ................ 101
7--Motsch, Fred J., Claim; Denial ....................... 101, 120
7--My-Cap Vendors, Refund for Dennis J. Meyer Cigarette License
and Francis Shanhan and Milton Marry ................. 103
7--Marry, Milton, Refund on Cigarette Permit .............. 103
7 Meyer, Dennis J., Refund on Cigarette Permit ........... 103
7--March Financial Report .............................. 103
Apr. 21--Main (Old) Street Historic District, Extensinn of Boundaries 108
" 21--Mechanical Code (Uniform), adoption etc ......... 110, 111, 142-150
" 21--Mini-Bus Operation (Project Concern), execute contract .... 113
" 21--Morine, Edward, Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 118
" 21--M~u-co's, Inc, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 119
" 21--Moore, John, (S~nall Claims Court) submitting "Motion to
Waive Filing Fees and Proceed in Forma Pauperis and Peti-
tion to Quiet Title" . ................................. 119
" 21--March Financial Reports .......................... 120
May 5--Mother's Peace Day, Proclamation .................... 123
5--Mental Health Month, Proclamation ............... 123
May 19--Melby, Rev. Gerald, gave Invocation .................. 165
" 19--Mt. Carmel Subdivision, Lot 2, disposal of interest to Zephyr
Aluminum Products ................................. 177
" 19--Moody, Donald re: billboard/sign construction on Kennedy
Road, objection .............................. 178
19--Massey, Debbie re: AbaSys, Inc., requesting City loan from
EDA Revolving Loan Fund ...................... 179
19 Miracle Car Wash, Inc., Cigarette Permit .............. 184
'; 19--Mechanical Code Board appaintment of Charles Berwanger 184
19--Monte Carlo, Cigarette Permit ..................... 184
May 19--Meyer, Dennis J. (Bunker Hill Golf Course), Cigarette Permit 184
" 19--Molo Oil Co. - 2 outlets, Cigarette Permits .............. 184
" 19 Miracle Car Wash, Inc., Cigarette Permit .............. 184
' 19~-Mehrl, Robert A. & Jane Li, Cigarette Permit (Milk House) 184
" 19--Milk House (Grandview), Mark & Gary Tegeler, Cigarette
Permit .......................................... 185
" 19--Merchants Bonding Co. re: Certificate of Authority &
Certification ........................................ 186
June 2--Mt. Carmel Subd., Lot 2, Sale of property to Zephyr Aluminum
Co ................................................. 191
2--Moratorium on billboard Ordinance, discussion etc ..... 197, 198, 225
2--Mowen, Edward, withdrawing application for rezoning for pro-
posed Walgreen Drug St. at 18th and Elm Ste ........... 198
2--Mihalakis, Philllp, Cigarette Permit .................... 203
2--Meggan Drive residents petitioning re: bus service ........ 205
June16--Mlller, Robert M., appointed to Civil Service Commission.. 222
" 16--Miller, John G., applicant for Park & Rec. Comm ......... 223
16--Mr. Fixit Automotive, Cigarette Permit ................. 223
16--Mangeno, Zefia E., Cigarette Permit ................... 223
16--Murphy, Wm. J., Cigarette Permit ..................... 223
16--Miller, Wm. J., Cigarette Permit ....................... 223
16--Miller, LeRoy A., Cigarette Permit .................... 223
16--Meyer, Catherine M., Cigarette Permit: Class "B' Beer Permit 223, 224
16--Moose, Loyal Order of, Class "A" Liquor License (Club)... 224
16--Meder, Peter, Claim .................................. 225
16--Moratorium of billboard constructions, Creative Concepts
objection ........................................... 225
" 16--Miracle Car Wash, Inc. objecting to J.F. Kennedy Road
improvements ....................................... 228
July 7--Mihalakis, Bryan, re: Zoning of Property East of Harrison St. and Mt. Carmel Rd., South of Dodge and West of the Soo Line
RR ............................................. 238, 291-292
7--Mangeno, Zella E., Liquor Control License Revocation238, 273,363,382
7--Minchk, Ellen, petitioning for relief from water runoff problems
on Evergreen Drive .................................. 243
7--Memorandum of Agreement with Swiss Valley Farms Co., Inc.,
authorizing Execution of same .........................
7--Maus Park, Ordinance providing for ....................
7--Mining Co. (Dubuque), Cigarette Permit .................
7--Mario's Italian Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ............
7--Marco's Italian and American Foods, Cigarette Permit
7--Maid Rite Restaurant, Cigarette Permit .................
7--Moracco Supper Club, Cigarette Permit .................
7--Marco Restaurants, Inc., Cigarette Permit ...............
7--Ms. Pat's, Cigarette Permit ..........................
7--Menning, Lynn, Cigarette Permit ......................
7--Medical Associates Clinic on behalf of Marie Graham, Claim
7--Makovec, Lee, Claim; Denial/Closure .................... 266, 348
7--Morong, Violet H., Claim; Settlement .................. 266
7--May, Proof of Publication of Claims Paid .............. 266
7--May Financial Statements submitted by Manager ........ 266
7--Main Street Ltd., Funding Agreement with City ........ 267
7--Murphy Park Tennis Courts, acceptance of project ........ 268, 269
July 21--Mississippi Peace Cruise Day, Proclamation ........... 273
" 21--Mt. Carmel Subdivision, Lot 2, approving purchase of Zephyr
Aluminum ........................................
.............................................. 278, 318, 334
" 21--Mauss Park, Ordinance providing for same ............ 283
" 21--Massey, Edgar and Virginia, Claim; Denial/Closure ....... 286, 385
Aug. 4--Middents, Rev. John, of First Baptist Church, Invocation . 291
4--M & S Leasing and Owners of Celotex protesting Zoning
Realassiflcation of Celotex Property .................... 291
4--Mentally Handicapped Health Week, Proclamation ....... 291
4--Mississippi River Revival Week, Proclamation ........... 291
4--Munlcipal Infractions, Ordinance providing for Procedures, etc. 297, 345
4--Memorandum of Agreement between City and Advisory Coun-
cil on Historic Preservation, approval of same ........... 301
4--Moral Character, Definition of person with same ......... 300
4--Mialke, Vicki L., Claim; DenialiClosure .................. 311, 385
4--Meineke Discount Mufflers, Claim; Denial/Closure ........ 311,385
4--Mulgrew Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit, (IOCO Food Shop) 311
4--Michcls, Lynn, Petition objecting to Extension of Sewer up
Roosevelt Road ..................................... 312
Aug. 18--Maintenance Bldg., for WWTP, Project ................. 317
" 18--Mootz, Paul, Claim; Denial ............................ 328, 439
Sep. 2--Mayor Pro-Tem Loras Kluesner sworn in ................ 334
2--Markward, Ed, appointed to Housing Commission ........ 346
2--Mulgrew Oil Co. (Asbury Fastop), Class "C" Beer Permit.. 346
2--Mechainc Position Civil Service certifying Individuals who pass-
ed exam ............................................ 348
Sep. 15--MIA/POW Day, Proclamation ......................... 352
" 15--Manders, Marvin re: Zoning Change at 2275 Elm Street... 359
" 15--Manternach, Thomas, applicant to Airport Commission ... 362
" 15--Miller, LeRoy A. (Whitey's Bar-X), Class "C"Liquor License 363
" 15--Murphy, Charles and T. Trausch re: Annexation of Property
near Old Bellevue Rd. and U.S. Highway 52 & 67 ........ 366
" 15--Metropolitan Heights, Property near there and U.S. 52 & 67,
request for Annexation by T. Trausch and C. Murphy ..... 366
" 15--Martelie, Barb for Nightengale Lane Residents requesting Krleg
Bros. Ice comply with Noise Ordinance ................. 367
Oct. 6--Mental Health Awareness Week, Proclamation ........... 368
6--Minority Enterprise Development Week, Proclamation .... 368
6--My-Cap (Heartland Inn), Cigarette Permit ............... 382
6--Mangeno, Angala (Hard Times Tavern), Class "C" Liquor
License, Cigarette Permit ............................. 382, 391
6--May 1986 Printed Council Proceedings approved ......... 383
6--Maglaris, Harry, Claim for False Imprisonment .......... 384
6--Mentzer, Robert, Claim; Settlement .................... 385, 421
6--Mescher, Shirley, Claim; Settlement .................... 385, 421
6--Mettille, Carlton, Claim ............................... 385, 421
6--Mayer, Carol, Claim; Settlement ....................... 385, 421
6--Mid-Continent Bottlers, Claim ......................... 385
Oct. 20--Menster, Father Wm., gave Invocation ................. 390
" 20--Mole Oil co., re: Rezonlng Classification at N/E Corner of J.F.
Kennedy Road, Foothill road from R-3 to C2 ............. 390
" 20--Murph's (Win. J. Murphy) South End Tap, Class "C" Liquor
License ............................................ 392
Nov. 3--Muller, Gerald, Claim; Denial .......................... 402, 439
3--Median for Highway 61/151 and Greyhound Park, response of
Manager ........................................... 405
Nov. 17--Muir, Harry, objection to Amendment to Concept. Devel. Plan
for Hillcrest ....................................... 406
" 17--Miracle Car Wash, Inc. requesting vacation of Sewer Easements
across part of BarteIs Place ........................... 409, 424
" 17--Milk and Milk Products, Ordinance providing for latest P.
Health Regulations .................................. 412
" 17 Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. Terrance and Mary, Claim ......... 417
Nov. 17--Miller, Delbert, Gary, Larry and Kathleen, Acceptance of Res.
No. 251-86 re: Approval of Final Plat of Subd. of Lot 2-1-1 of
Sylvan Place ........................................ 419, 420
Dec. 1--Medison Park, Designation by Ordinance ............... 434, 460
1--Municipal Swimming Pool, Designation in Code .......... 434, 460
1--Murphy park, Designation in Code ..................... 434, 460
" 1--Mihalakls, Shirley (River City Tavern), Liquor License .... 435
Dec. 15--Maloney, Rev. Les, gave Invocation .................... 444
" 15--Main St. Ltd., Progress Report ........................ 446
" 15--Market Place Dubuque, supported by CD Funds ($100,000) thru
Dubuque In-Futuro .................................. 451
" 15--Mutual Aid Agreement - Fire, re: Fire Service Provision by
Ordinance .......................................... 452
" 15--Motor Vehicles with 5 or more tickets, Ordinance providing
procedure ........................................... 453
" 15--Model Glue, repealing Ordinance Section Regulating ...... 457
" 15--Milk Sanitation Lab Services, Agreement with Dale Cooper 461
' 15--Manchester Milk Sanitation (Agreeraent for Services etc.).. 461
" 15--Medical Directors for Dubuque's Advanced Emergency Medical
Care Ambulance Services (Dr. C. Griffin and Dr. M. Singeank) 461
" 15--Molo Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 462
" 15--Moracco, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ................ 463
" 15--Marlo's, Class "C" Liquor License ..................... 463
" 15--Massey, Roger M. of HUD, approval of Recertification of
Eligibility for UDAG Program ........................ 464
Jan. 20--McAleece, Gerald "Red", designated as name for entire Schmitt
Island Park & Rec. Complex .......................... 16
Feb. 3--McAleece, Gerald W. Jr. expressing "Thanks" for naming of
new sports complex in honor of his father ............... 66, 67
Mar. 3--McAleece Park & Rec. Complex, purchase of bleachers .... 81
3--McMullen, D. applicant for Airport Commission .......... 83
Mar. 17--McMullen, D. resigned from Dock Board ............... 92
Apr. 7_ McAleece Park & Recreatlon Complex, concession righte Agree'
ment with Oak Ridge Athletics ........................ 99
May 5--McCoy, Larry, claim ................................. 160
May 19--McGiffin's Kitcben, Kevin, Class "B" Beer Permit ....... 185
June 2--McCann's Citgo IOCO, Cigarette Permit ................ 203
Junel6--McDonald's (A.Y.'s), Cigarette Permit .................. 223
Aug. 4_McDonald's (A.y.), requesting Tschlggfrie Drive to be changed
to McDonald Dr ................................. 313, 380, 381
Sep. 15--McCormick St. - West of, and North of Pearl St., Vacation of
Alleys re: U.D .................................... 360, 370
Oct. 6--McCarty, Kevin, Claim; Dismissal ...................... 384, 392
6--McDonald, Thomas, Claim ............................ 385
6--McDonald, J. Bruce, of A.Y. McDonald Industries etc. accep-
ting Res. 230-86 approving Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 3,
Block 1 of Tschiggfrie Comm ........................ 386
Dec. 15--McEvoy, Neal appointed to the Five Flags Civic Center
Commission ......................................... 462
Jan. 6--Newspaper designated for the City, the Telegraph Herald.. 2
" 6--Northwest Arterial - re: Joint Application for R.I.S.E. funding 4, 15, 36
6--New French Cafe, Cigarette Permit ..................... 6
6--Neyens, Ronald, settlement of claim .................... 7
6--November financial reports ............................ 8
Jan. 20--Northwest Ar terial...impor tance in statement for DOT, but will
withdraw in favor of U.S. 61 if necessitated ............. 15
" 20--No Significant Effecton Environment for project under Title
I of Housing & Community Development Act ........... 27
" 20--November llst of Claims, proof of publication ........... i 27
Feb. 3--Nineteen Hundred Tap (1900), Class "C" Liquor License... 55
3--Ninth St. from Central Ave. east to Fire Headquarter's
.driveway for city owned vehicles, providing for Reserved Park-
~ng for Fire Prevention Division Vehicles ................ 52
Feb. 17--Nash Finch Co., Class "E" Beer Permit ................. 65
Mar~ 17--Nursery School Day Care Centers re: zoning to establish same
as a conditional use in the OS District .................. 86, 96-97
" 17--November Printed Council Proceedings approved ......... 91
17--Nabors Drug, Class "E" Permit ....................... 91
Apr. 7--National Library Week, Proclamation ................... 95
7--National Volunteer Week, Procla~nation 95
7--Noonan, John (Noonan's Tap), Class "C" Liquor License . . 101
Apr. 21--Non-bargaining Unit Employees, Adoption of FY 87 Compen-
sation Package ...................................... 117
" 21--New Harbor Development Co., Inc., Cigarette Permit ..... 118
" 21--Nelson, Dan, Cigarette refund ......................... 120
" 21--N/W Arterial & Pennsylvania, request for stop lights, petitions,
etc ......................................... 121, 158, 177, 199
May 5--Nites of the Square Table, Class "B" Beer Permit; Transfer,
......................................... 159, 346, 436
5--Nash-Finch Co., refund on Cigarette License ............. 161
" 5--Newspaper Vending Machine insurance coverage ......... 161
May 19--Nichols, Mrs. Chester, objecting to Urban Renewal re: Swiss
Valley (Couler Valley Project etc.) ...................... 169
19--Nineteenth St. (East~ prohibiting of Parking on southside of
E. 19th from Elm to Pine ............................. 181
" 19--Neighbor's Tap, Cigarette Permit ...................... 184
" 19--Noonan's Tap, Cigarette Permit ....................... 184
" 19--Nineteen Hundred Tap, Class "C" Liquor License ........ 185
" 19--Northeast IA, Inc. (Helping Services) Purchase of Service
Agreement ......................................... 187
June 2--No Parking Zone on W. 23rd St. from Central Ave. 190 ft.
westerly. 198
2--Northwest Arterial, Establishment of a 35 mph speed I~mit near
Penns. Ave. intersection .............................. 199
" 2--Natural Gas Co. submitting 1985 Annual Report ......... 204
2--Northrange Court, adjoining properties rezoned etc ........ 217, 236
June 16--Natural Gas Co. requesting excavation permission on W. Third
............................................... 226
July 7--Nash, Ruth, applicant for Civic Center Commission ...... 263
7--New French Cafe, Inc., Cig~u'ette Permit ................ 264
7--Nineteen Hundred Tap, Cigarette Permit; Refund on Liquor
License ............................................ 264, 267
7--Ney, Kenneth L., Claim ............................... 266
Aug. 4--Name of Fourth Street Area (Port of Dbq., Ice Harbor)
DISCUSSION ..................................... 294
Aug. 4--Nativity Church, Class "B" Beer Permit; Refund ...... 311, 383, 436
Aug. 18--Nicholson, Dan, giving report on Human Rights Commission 319
" 18--Nightengale, Lane, residents requesting assistance on several
issues ........................................... 332, 367
Sep. 15--Noise Ordinance requested for Krleg Bros. Ice ........... 367
Oct. 6--National League of Cities Meeting (Nov. 29th) re: Council
Member Deich requesting $500 Support for Information Room 381
6--Norton, James, Claim; Settlement ...................... 385, 421
Oct. 20--Northrange Assn., P & Z Comm. approving Rezoning Request
for 5200 Block of Pennsylvania Ave .................. 390, 397-398
" 20--New Harbor Development Co., Cigarette Permit; Class "C"
Liquor ............................................. 391,392
Nov. 17--National League of Cities ~ authorizing Council Member D.
Delch to attend .................................... 410
17--Nash Finch Co. (Econofoods #471), Class "E" Liquor License 410
Dec. 1--Nash, Ruth, re: Bed and Breakfast facilities ............. 432
1--New French Cafe, Class "C" Liquor License ............. 435
1 --Naming Street running Westerly and Southerly from Admiral
Sheehy Drive as Shanley Drive ........................ 435
Dec. 15 Notice of Environmental Review Findings for CyCare Grant 447
15--Noise, unlawfullness set out by Ordinance ............... 456
" 15--Nash, Ruth, applicant for Five Flags Civic Center ........ 462
Jan. 6 ' '
~O Bnen, James (Tim), named as Assistant City Attorney for
1986 ......................
6--ORDINANCE NO. 1-86, Providing that t~e C~d~ b~ ~r~en~- 2
ed by Revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying property
at the south terminus of Richards Road Extension from AG
to PR (Planned Residential District) ................... 2-4
6--Olsen, Randy, Claim; Denied .......................... 7, 92
6--Oak Meadow, re: ZONING, Conceptual Development Plan for
area west of Brunskili Road.
............... 13, 40-41
6--ORDINANCE NO. 12-86 Adopting a C~N~EPTUAL
DEVELOPMENT PLAN for property described on BRUN-
SKILL ROAD, known as
....... eauow ann currently zoned
PR Planned Residential District
....................... 13, 40-41
6--ORDINANCE NO. 11-86 Amending Appendix A (Zoning) by
reclassifying property at 503-507 Garfield Ave. from R-2A
Alternate Two-Family Residential District to C-2 Neighborhood
Shopping Center District
............................ 13, 39-40
6--ORDINANCE Authoriz/ng Browning Ferris Industries of Iowa,
Inc. to maintain refuse collection receptacles in various public
streets and alleys in the City ........................ 16, 196, 219
6--ORDINANCE NO. 15-86 Amending the Code by enacting new
Sections 9-1, 9-5 thru 9-23 and 9-30 thru 9-40 for regulating the
operation of BICYCLES on streets, hike lanes and sidewalks
and for registration ................................. 16, 47
6--ORDINANCE NO. 2-86 Amend ng the Code of Ordinances by
Enacting a new Section 25-272 providing for Reserved Park-
ing for Law Enforcement Vehicles...
6--ORDINANCE NO. 3-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances by
deleting from Parking Meter District "A" in Section 25-326
Eighth Avenue, North Side, from Central Ave. to Alley, West,
Providing for the elimination of Parking Meters .......... 17, 18
6--ORDINANCE NO. 4-86 Axnendhlg the Code by Enacting a new
Section 33-79 thereof prohibiting the PlaCement of Snow, Ice
and Accumulations of Private Property ................. 18, I9
Jan. 20--ORDINANCE NO. 5-86 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec-
tion 33-86 and Enacting a new Section 33-86 in lien thereof pro-
viding for the Recovering of Costs by the City.for removal of
Accumulations of Snow, Ice and Slush
................. 19, 20
20--ORDINANCE NO. 6-86 Amending the Code by repealing Sec-
tion 33-92 thereof and Enacting a new Section 33-92 in lieu
thereof providing for the recovering of Costs by the City for
Repairs to Sidewalks
' ' .............................. 20
20--ORDINANCE NO. 7-86 A~nending the Code ~y Repealing S~c-
t/on 37-52 thereof and enacting a new Section 37-52 in lieu
thereof providing for the recovering of costs by the City for
" 20--ORDINANCE NO. 8-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances by
Enacting a new Subsection (c~ to Section 11%-77 thereof pro-
viding for Responsibilities of the Housing Commission .... 22
" 20--ORDINANCE NO. 9-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances by
Repealing Section 2-24 thereof deleting the Requirement for
an Annual APPROPRIATIONS Ordinance
ORDINANCE NO ........... } 22-23
" 20-- .10-86 Amending the Code of Ordinance o
the City of Dubuque by repealing Sections 2-199 through 2-204
thereof and enacting new Sections 2-199 through 2-202 pro-
City Manager, City Clerk and Corporation Counsel ....... 23, 24
20--ORDINANCE NO. -86 Amending the Code by enacting a
new Section 2-24 thereof providing for out-of-city travel for the
Mayor and City Council Members (not adopted) .......... 24
Jan. 20--Olde German Bank, refund on Liquor License ............ 27
Jan. 27--Opinion Survey - Keyline Transit System ............... 35
Feb. 3--Office Education Association Week, Proclamation ........ 39
3--ORDINANCE NO. 13-86 Amendkqg the Code by Enacting Two
Unnumbered Paragraphs to Section 27-90 the~eof providing for
3--ORDINANCE NO. 14-86 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec-
tions 18-16 through 18-21 and 18-28 through 18-45 thereof
eliminating regulating of Private Ambulance Services ..... 45
" 3--ORDINANCE NO. 15-86 Amending the code by Enacting new
Sections 9-1, 9-5 thru 9-23 and 9-30 thru 9~40 in lieu thereof pro-
viding for regulating the OPERATION OF BICYCLES ON
REGISTRATION OF BICYCLES ..................... 16, 47
" 3--ORDINANCE NO. 16-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City by Enacting a new Section 28-17 IN LIEU
3--ORDINANCE NO. 17-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by Enacting a new Section 25-280 THEREOF PROVIDING
DIVISION VEHICLES ............................. 52
3--ORDINANCE NO. 18-86 Amending the Code by Enacting a
new Subsection (6) to Section 25-274 thereof providing for Park-
ing Vinlatinns for Parking in Reserved City Service Areas or
city Owned Vehicles Parking Areas .................... 53
3 ORDINANCE NO. 19-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by Repealing Section 26-2 thereof and Enacting a new Section
26-2 in lieu thereof Providing that Fighting is a Violation of Law 54
Feb. I7--OPRDINANCE NO. 27-86 Amending the Code by Extending the Boundaries of the OLD MAIN HISTORIC DISTRICT in
Section 19112-6.2 ................................... 62, 108-109
" 17--01d Main Historic District...Extension of Boundm'ies .... 62, 108-109
" 17--ORDINANCE NO. 22-86 Amending the Code by reclassifying
property at 554 W. 8th St. fi'om R-2 Two Family Residential
District to OR Office Residential District ............... 63, 79
Feb. 24--Option Tax, Resolution calling for an Election ........... 73
" 24--ORDINANCE NO. 23-86 Amending Code of Ordinances by
enacting a new Section 18-52 in lieu thereof providing for a
BULANCE SERVICE ................................ 74, 81
" 24--ORDINANCE NO. 24-86 An Ordinance amending the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by repealing subsec-
tion (a) of Section 7-33 and subsection (a) of Section 7-35 thereof
and enacting a new subsection (a) of Section 7-33 and a new
subsection (a) of Section 7-35 in lieu thereof providing for
License Fees for Dogs and Cats ....................... 72, 82, 89
" 24--ORDINANCE NO. 20-86 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec-
tion 36-161 thereof and Enacting a new Section 36-161 in lieu
thereof to provide for Revision of WATER RATES ....... 74, 75
" 24--ORDINANCE NO. 21-86 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec-
tion 36-56 thereof and Enacting a new Section 36-56 in lieu
thereof to Provide for Revision of Sewer Rates and Charges 76-77
Mar. 17--ORDINANCE NO. 26-86 Amending Appendix A of the Code
by enacting a new Section 3-2.2D (6) to establish Nursery
School/Day Care Centers as a conditional use in the OS Office
Service District ..................................... 86, 96, 97
" 17--ORDINANCE NO. 25-86 Amending the Code by Revising Ap-
pendix A thereof by enacting a new Section 3-1.4d (3) in lleu
thereof to establish new provisions for Bed and Breakfast
Homes as a conditional use in the R-3 Moderate Density Multi-
Family Residential, and by enacting a definition for Bed and
Breakfast Homes in Section 8 definitions ................ 86, 95-96
17--OS District (zoning), establJsh~nent of Nursery School/Day Care 86
'~ 17--Oky Doky Foods #10, Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 91
" 17--Oky Doky Foods #5, Class "C' Beer Permit ........... 91
' 17--October Council Proceedings, approved .............. 91
Apr. 7 ORDINANCE NO. 35-86 Amending Appendix A of the Code
by repealing the C-3 portion of Section 4-3.11 Schedule of Sign
Regulations and enacting a new C-3 portion of Section 4-3.11
in lieu thereof ............................ 97, 109, 156
7--Opinion requested from Legal Counsel re: "Legal" appointments 99
7--Oak Ridge Athletics, Agreement for concession rights at
McAleece Park .............................. 99
7 --Oberbroeckling, David & Joanna (Mr, Steak), Class "C" Liquor
License ..................................... 101
7--Operation: New View audited financial statements for 1985
Fiscal Year ................................ 103
Apr. 2i--ORDINANCE 29-86 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassi-
fying property at 1460 Allison St, from A-2 Two Family
Residential District to ID Institutional Disttict and approv-
ing a Conceptual Development Plan for the Finley Hospital ID
Institutional District at 350 Grandview Ave ......... 109, 123
21--ORDINANCE NO. 30-86 Amending the Zoning Ordinance by
reclassifying property located at 3320 Crescent Ridge from AG
Agricultural District to CS Commercial Service & Wholesale
District ..................................... 110, 126
21 ORDINANCE NO. 31-86 Repealing Section 10-1 of Article I
thereof and enacting a new Section 10-1 of Article I in lieu
thereof to provide for adoption of Uniform Building Code 1985
........................................ ll0, 127-142
21--ORDINANCE NO. 33-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by enacting new Section 19-I and 19-2 in lieu thereof providing
for the adoption of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1985
Edition 111, 142-150
" 21--ORDINANCE NO. 32-86 Amending Code of Ordinances by
enacting new portions of Chapter 30 in lieu thereof to provide
for the adoption of the Uniform Plumbing Code 1985 Edition 111, 128
" 21 --ORDINANCE NO. 34-86 Vacating the alley parallel to and ap-
proximately 150 feet north of Grace St., from the east proper
ty line of Auburn St. and approx. 117.5 easterly .... 111, 151, 152
" 21--ORDINANCE NO. 28-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by Adding Park Street to Subsection (d) of Section 25-257
thereof providing for the Prohibiting of Parking on Park Street
from Mt. Pleasant to Lawndale . 113
" 21--Operating Engineers, Agreement with City ........... 114
" 21--O'Neill, Dr. & Mrs. Edmond, requesting vacation of public uti-
lity easement at 965 Indian Ridge .............. 120, 155, 165
May 5--ORDINANCE NO. 36-86 Amending the Code by Enacting a
New Section 27-63 in lieu thereof providing for the SEASON
May19 ORDINANCE NO. 37-86 Providing for the Establishment of
a Tax Increment Financing District .............. 169
19--Old Mill Road (1897)...rezoning requested by Foot Leverlers,
Inc 173, 189
19--ORDINANCE NO. 42-86 Revising Appendix A of the Code of
Ordinances by reclassifying property at 1897 Old Mill Road
& 1901 Rockdale Road from R-1 Single Family Residential
District and C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District to CS
Commercial Service & Wholesale District ................ 173, 189
May 19--ORDINANCE NO. 43-86 Revising Appendix A of the Code by
realassifying property north of Hwy. 20 and east of the N/W
Arterial from AG Agricultural Dis. to CS Commercial Service
& Wholesale Dis ..................................... 174, 190
" 19--Office Renovation (& Elevator) for City Hall, Project ...... 175
" 19--ORDINANCE NO. 47-86 Amending the Code by enacting Ar-
ticle VI of Ch. 39 comprised of Sections 33-100 and 33-105
through 33-114 thereof providing for the regulation of Waste
Collection Receptacles in Public Places .............. 178, 196, 219
" 19--Ordlnance questioning by Donald Moody re: construction of
billboards and outdoor signs .......................... 178, 198
" 19--ORDINANCE NO. -86 Amending Appendix A of the Code
by reclassifying property at 1703 to and including 1791 Elm
St. from R2A Alternate Two-Family Residential District and
C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District to PC Planned
Commercial District .................................. 179
19--ORDINANCE NO. 38-86 Repealing Ordinance No. 71-79
Vacating a Portion of Kennedy Circle ................... 180, 181
19--ORDINANCE NO. 39-86 Amending the Code by Adding East
19th St. to Subsection (d) of Section 25-257 thereof providing
for the prohibiting of Parking on the South Side of East 19th
St. from Elm St. to Pine St .......................... 181
" 19--ORDINANCE NO. 40-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City by enacting a new Section 27-114 thereof providing
for the designation of RIVERVIEW PARK ............. 182
" 19--ORDINANCE NO. 41-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by repealing Section 2-71 thereof eliminating the Requirement
of Annual Reports by the Officers of the City .......... 183
" 19--Otting, Eugene (The Dip), Cigarette Permit ........... 184
June 2--ORDINANCE NO. -86 Amending Section 3-64, Division 3,
Article 3, Chapter 3 of the Code of Ord. of the City by providing
for a MORATORIUM on the issuance of Permits for billboards
in the City 178, 198
2--ORDINANCE NO. -86 Amending Appendix A of the Code
of Ord. by reclassifying property at 1703 Elm to and including
1791 Elm from R-2A Alternate Two Family Residential District
& C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center Dis. to PC Planned Com-
mercial District (not adopted) ........................ 198
2--ORDINANCE NO. 44-86 Amending the Code by adding West
23rd Street to Subsection (d) of Section 25-257 thereof providing
for the Prohibiting of Parking of W. 23rd S~. from Central Ave.
to a Point 190 feet west of Central Ave ................ 198, 199
2 ORDINANCE NO. 45-86 Amending the Code by revising
Subsection (c) of Section 25-220 thereof providing for the
establishment of a 35 mph Speed Limit on the Northwest
Arterial from a point 600 feet South of Pennsylvania, and Pro-
viding for a 45 mph Speed Limit on the Balance of the Nor-
thwest Arterial from U.S. Highway 20 to Asbury Road ... 199
2 ORDINANCE NO. 46-86 Amending the Code by Enacting a
new Article VII to Ch. 24 comprised to Sections 24-115 thru
24-212 thereto regulating the use of Town Clock Plaza .... 200
2--Old Shang, Cigarette Permit ......................... 203
June 16--Office Renovation, City Hall (& Elevator Installation) ..... 212
" 16--OR Office Residential Districts, report on amendment to the
signage requirements for Bed & Breakfast Homes ........ 21
" 16--ORDINANCE NO. -86 Amending Appendix A of the Code
by enacting a new Section 3-2.1D(2)B; Enacting a new portion
of Section 4-3.11 in lieu thereof, to change the signage re-
quirements for Bed & Breakfast Homes in the OR Office
Residential District, allow directional signs in a designated
Historic Preservation District and exclude Educational or
religious institutions from the signage requirements of a
designated Historic Pres. District (not adopted) .......... 217, 236
June 16--ORDINANCE NO. -86 Amending Code by reclassifying pro-
perties north of Pennsylvania Ave. and adjoining Northrange
Court from R-1 Single Family, Residential Dis. to R-2 Two-
Family Residential Dis. and R-3 Multi-Family Residential (not
adopted) ..................................
............ 217
16--ORDINANCE NO. 48-86 Approving a Conceptual Develop~
ment Plan for the PC Planned Commercial District for Ken-
nedy Mall for the inclusion of a Cinema 6 Theatre and Fabric
Store to the area east of Century Drive and South of Stoneman
" ' ........................................ 217, 231
16--ORDINANCE ~O. 49-86 Amending Appendi~ ~ of th~ Code
by reclassifying property known as UNIVERSITY PARK from
R-1 Single Family Residential District to ID Institutional Dis.
and approve a Conceptual Development Plan for the
AMERICAN RED CROSS ID Institutional District.
" 16 O'Con ..... 218
-- nor, F.J., petition for Frank Hardie Advertising re: Hill
Street billboards..
16--O'ConneiI, Judy, Cigarette Permit ................... 223
" 16--Owens,16--Otting' StevenEUgeneE.,{Fischerclalm.Lanes)' Cigarette Permit ......... 224
16--Ohmert Estate, George, final plat approved ........ '..'22~, 225
' 365, 367
16--ORDINANCE NO. 72-86 Amending Appendix A of the Code
by rezoning, located East of Harrison St. and Mt. Carmel Rd.,
South of Dodge St. and West of the Soo Line RR right-of-way
from HI Heavy Industrial District to LI Light Industrial
................................ 238, 279, 292, 343, 344
July 7--Operatinn: New View, Purchase of Services Agreement
approved .
7--ORDINANC~ NO. 68-86 Amending tie Code b~ r~pealing'S~c- 243
tion 9½-21 Mooring of BOATHOUSES and enacting a new Sec-
tion in lieu thereof ................................ 262, 279
" 7--ORDINANCE NO. 51-86 Amend ng the Code by repealing the
First unnumbered paragraph of Section 2-180 and all of Sec.
2-183 thereof. . and enacting a new. First unnumbered paragraph
of Sectmn 2 180 and all of Section 2-183 in lleu thereof providing
............... 262, 279, 280
7--ORDINANCE NO. 52-86 Amending the Code by enacting a
new Second unnumbered paragraph to Section 5-4, a First un-
numbered paragraph to Section 5-23, all of Section 5-33, subsec-
tion (2~ of Section 5-36, and all of Section 5-39 in lieu thereof
providing for Sunday Sales of Alcoholic Beverages identifying
the Iowa Alcoholic Beverage Control Act in lieu of the Iowa
Beer and Liquor Control Act .
7--ORDINANCE NO. ' ........................ 262, 280
53-86 AInending the Cody by enacting a
new Subsection (k) to Section 5-29 thereof setting out Liquor
License Fees for a 14 day permit..
..................... 262, 282
7--ORDINANCE NO. 54-86 Amending the Code by enacting the
definition of CHAUFFEUR in Section 25-2 in lieu thereof . 262, 282
" 7--ORDINANCE NO. 55-86 Amending the Code by enacting Sec-
tion 27-115 thereof providing for MAUS PARK .......... 262, 283
7--ORDINANCE NO. 56-86 Amending the Code by enacting a
new Section 17-37 (d) in lieu thereof providing for the assess-
ment of Delinquent GARBAGE ACCOUNTS ......... 263, 283
7--ORDINANCE NO. 57-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by enacting a new Section 36-59 in lieu thereof providing for
the Assessment of Delinquent Sanitory Sewer Accounts . . . 263, 284
" 7--ORDINANCE NO. 58-86 Amending the Code by enacting a new
Section 36-165 thereof providing for the Assessment of Delin
quent Water Service Charges ....................... 263, 284-285
July 7--Offlce Grill, Cigarette Permit .......................... 264
7--Oky Doky #14, Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 265
Aug. 4--ORDINANCE NO. 70-86 Amending the Code by revising Ap-
pendix A by reclassifying 2196-2198 University from R-3
Moderate Density Multi-Famify Residential District to PC
Planned Commercial District ................... 294, 321, 335-336
4--ORDINANCE No. 59-86 Amending the Code by enacting new
Sections 1-15, 1-16 and 1-17 thereto providing for procedures
................................................ 297, 320, 346
4--ORDINANCE NO. 60-86 Amending the Code of the City by
deleting a Certain Area in the 2 Hour Time Zone of Sec. 25-257
qand Certain Area Parking Meter Districts B & C in Section
25-326 thereof and Inserting New Areas in Parking Meter
Districts B & C in Section 25-326 in lieu thereof providing for
Metered Parking in the Fourth and Fifth St. Area ........ 298
4--ORDINANCE NO. 61-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City by repealing Paragraph 2 of Subsection (a) of Sec-
tion 17-36 and Enacting a New Pm'agraph 2 of Subsection (a)
of Section 17-36 in lieu thereof establishing Rubbish Collection
Charges for Elderly Households ........................ 299
4--ORDINANCE NO. 62-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City by enacting a new Subsection (a) to Section 27-67
thereof, prohibiting Use of Motorized Vehicles on Grass Areas
in City Parks ....................................... 299, 300
4--ORDINANCE NO. 63-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City by Repealing a Definition in lieu thereof providing
for the Definition of a Person of Good Mor~J Character .... 300
Aug. 18--O'Brien James - City Attorney requesting public hearing on
s~de of Lot 2 in Mt. Carmel Subdivision ................. 318
" 18--ORDINANCE NO. 71-86 Amending tile Zoning Ordinance by
reclassifying property at 796 Auburn from R-2 to ID District,
by reclassifying property on Pearl St. from R-1 to ID, and to
approve an amended Conceptual Development Plan for the
UNIVERSITY OF DUBUQUE ID Inst. District ...... 319, 337, 340
" 18--Offer to buy Real Estate and Acceptance of Property at 975
Thomas Place {David Kane owner) ..................... 320
" 18--ORDINANCE NO. 64-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by enacting a new Second Unnumbered Paragrffph to Section
5-7 thereof establishing the Legal Age for Selling, Giving or
Otherwise Supplying Alcoholic Beverages to Persons Aged
Nineteen and Twenty ................................ 321
" 18--ORDINANCE NO. 65-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City by Repealing Section 5-21, Subsection (b) of Sec-
tion 5-23, and Section 5-29 in lieu therof providing for the revi-
sions of Fees and Bonds for a Liquor Control License and
Establishing a Class "A" Liquor Control License ......... 322-324
" 18--ORDINANCE NO. 66-86 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec~
tlon 2-114 and 2-122 thereof and Enacting a new Section 2,114
in lieu thereo providing for a City Clerk and a Deputy City Clerk 325
" 18--ORDINANCE NO. 67-87 Amending the Code by Enacting a
new Unnumbered Paragraph to Section 25-260 thereof pro-
viding for Parking in Designated Bus Stops when City Tran-
sit Buses are not Operating ........................... 325, 326
" 18--ORDINANCE NO. 68-86 Amending the Code of the City by
Repealing Section 25-190 thereof eliminating Weight Restric-
tions on the Rockdale Road Bridge over Catfish Creek .... 326
Aug. 18--ORDINANCE NO. 69-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City by Repealing Section 36-165 thereof eliminating the
Imposition of a Lien on Real Estate for Delinquent WATER
" ' ........................................ 326, 327
18--Osborne, Roger R., appointed to Historic Pres. Corem ..... 327
Sep. 2--ORDINANCE 73-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances by
repealing Section 38-16 thru 38-23 and Sections 38-31 thru 38-40
thereof and enacting new Section 38-16 thru 38-25 and Section
38-31 thru 38-45 in lieu thereo providing for the Regulating of
" ' ........................................ 340, 352
2--ORDINANCE NO. 59-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by Enacting new Section 1-I5, 1-I6 and 1-17 thereto providing
for Procedures and Civil Penalties for MUNICIPAL
INFRACTIONS ..................................... 345, 346
Sep. 15--ORDINANCE NO. 76-86 Amending the Zoning Ordinance by
reclassifying property at 2275 Elm St. from R-2A Alternate
Two-Family Residential District to CS Commercial Service and
Wholesale District
" ' ............................... 359, 369-370
15--ORDINANCE NO. 75-86 Amending the Zoning Ordinance and
Zoning Map of the City by reclassifying property at 4300
Asbury Road from AG Agricultural District to R-1 Single Fatal-
ly Residential District.
" ' .............................. 359, 368
15--ORDINANCE NO. 78-86 Amending Zoning Ordinance by
repealing Sect. 4,4.1B and enacting a new Section 4,4.1B in lieu
thereof, and repealing Sec. 4-1.5 (3) and enacting a new Sec. 4-1.5
(3) in lieu thereof, by clarifying the regulations for Satellite
~{eceiving Dishes and to allow roof-mounted Satellite Receiv-
ing Dishes in non-residential areas with certains provisions 359, 372
" 15--ORDINANCE NO. 77-86 vacating the alleys North of Pearl
St. and West of McCormick St. and disposing of same to the
......................... 360, 370
15--ORDINANCE NO. 74-86 vacating the alley between Elm St.
,,and Pine St. North of 14~h St. a Distance of 103.48 feet... 361
15--Overpass, W. Third St., questions ete ................ 351,360, 361
15--Ohmert Farm, Final Plats approved of Lots i and 2 365, 367
" 15--Orris, JoAnn, Claim; Denial.. ' .....
......................... 366
Oct. 6--ORDINANCE NO. 79'86 Amending the Code by Daleting Cer_
taln Areas in the Two Hour Time Zones designated in Subsec-
tion (c) in Section 25-257 thereof and adding certain areas in
the Two Hour Time Zone Designated in Subsection (c) in Sec-
tion 25-257 in lieu thereof providing for two hours Parking on
certain streets in the City .......................... 375, 376
6--ORDINANCE NO. 80-86 Amend ng the Code by Deleting Cer-
rains Areas in the "No Parking at Any Time" Zone designated
in Subsection (d) in Section 25-257 thereof and adding certains
Areas in the "No Parking at Any Time" Zone designated in
Subsection (d) in Section 25-257 in lieu thereof providing for
No Parking at any time on certain streets and portions of
Streets in the City ................................... 376, 377
6--ORDINANCE NO. 81-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City by Enacting a new Subsection (3) to Section 25-257
thereof Providing for Fifteen Minute Parking Zones on Portions
of Fifth St. and Rhomberg Ave.
....................... 377, 378
6--ORDINANCE NO. 82-86 Amending the Code by Enacting a
new Subsection (f) to 25-257 thereof Providing for No Parking
from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Monday through Saturday, ex-
cept Holidays, on Portions of 9th St. and Main St ....... 378
Oct. 6--ORDINANCE NO. 83-86 Amending the code by Deleting Cer-
tain Areas in Parking Meter Districts A, B & C in Section
25-326 tt~ereof and Adding Certain Areas in Parking Meter
Districts A, B & C in Section 25-326 in lieu thereof providing
for Placement of Certain Parking Meters in one, two or ten hour
Parking Districts .................................... 378
" 6--ORDINANCES NO. 84-86 Amending the Code by Repealing
Subsection (h) of Section 5-29 thereof and enacting a new un-
numbered Paragraphs to Section 5-4 and 5-7 and a new Subsec-
tion (h) to Section 5-29 in lieu thereof prescribing FEES, Sun-
day Sales and the Age of Persons who may handle or Sell
Alcoholic Liquors of a Holder of a Class "E" Liquor Control
License ............................................ 380
" 6--ORDINANCE NO. 85-86 Change the Name of Tschiggfrie
Drive to McDonald Drive in Plats of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of
Block 1 "Tschiggfcie Co~nmercial" in the City ........... 380, 381
6--Oky Doky #5, Cigarette Permit ........................ 381
6--Oky Doky #9, Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 382
6--OPTION (Local) Tox, copies of Resolutions subn~tted by Dubu-
que Federation of Labor .............................. 383
6--Operation: New View, appreciative of City Commitment . . . 383
6--ORDINANCE NO. 86-86 Amending the Code by Adding Center
Grove Drive to Subsection (b) of Section 25-210 thereof pro-
viding for designation of a Stop Sign at the Intersection of
Center Grove Drive and Wacker Drive .................. 384
Oct. 20--ORDINANCE NO. 87-86 Amending Zoning Ordinance to
reclassify property in the 5200 Block of Pennsylvania Ave. from
AG Agricultural to C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District,
220 feet parallel to Pennsylvania Ave. and remainder to CS
Commercial Service and Wholesale District, with conditions
................................................ 390, 397-398
" 20--ORDINANCE NO. 88-86 Amending the Zoning Ordinace to
reclassify property at N/E Corner of J.F. Kennedy and Foothill
from R-3 Multi-Family Residential to C-2 Neighborhood Shop
ping Center District ............................... 390, 398-399
" 20--Optinn Tax (Local), presentation of Citizens for Dubuque .. 390
" 20--O'Hara, J & P (Happy Joe's), Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 391
" 20--Old Shang, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 392
" 20--O'Neill, Mrs. Walter, Claim ........................... 392, 421
" 20--Ochs, Thomas, Claim; Denial .......................... 392, 421
Nov. 3--Olsen, Gary - Appreciation Day, Proalamatinn ........... 397
" 3--ORDINANCE NO. 89-86 Providing that the Code of Or-
dinances be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by ap-
proving and Amendment to the Conceptual Development Plan
TIONAL DISTRICT at 2005 Asbury Road ........... 399, 406-408
3--ORDINANCE NO. 93-86 Adopting the Codification of all Or-
dinances of the City of Dubuque, IA of a general or public nature
or imposing a fine or penalty including codes and maps adopted
by reference as the Official Code of the City of Dubuque, IA
................................................ 400, 414-416
3--ORDINANCE NO. 92-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City by enacting a new Section 9.1 of Chapter 19V~
authorizing the City Manager' to issue Certificates of Ap-
propriateness in Special Emergency Situations ........... 401, 413
Nov. 17--Osborne, Don, Director of Hillcrest, requesting favorable rezon-
lng at Hillcrest, 2005 Asbury .......................... 406
17--Oberhausen, Jalm requesting favorable Hilicrest rezoning (2005
Asbury) ............................................ 406
17--ORDINANCE NO. 94-86 Providing that the Code of Ordi-
nances be emended by Revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassi-
fying property located West of J.F. Kennedy Road and one Lot
North of Foothill Road from OR Office Residential District to
OS Office Service District .......................... 408, 423-424
17--ORDINANCE NO. -86 Providing that the Code be amend-
ed by revising Appendix A thereof by repealing Section
3-4.1E(1) by deleting the temporary use of Asphalt or Concrete
adopted ,,
" ' .......................................... 408, 425
17--Operations Report of the Transit Department ........
"17--ORDINANCE NO. 90-86 Amending the Code by repeali~ ~ 409
the definitions of Airport Hazard and Structure in Section 4-63
and enacting new definitions .......................... 412
" 17--ORDINANCE NO. 91-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City by Repealing Section 16-28 thereof and enacting a
new Section 16-28 in lieu thereof providing for the use of the
latest United States Public Health Service Regulations for Milk
and Milk Products ................................... 412
" I7--Oky Doky #6, Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 416
" 17--October Financial Reports submitted
" 1 .................... 417
7--Old Mdi Sanitary Sewer Request by G. Swift ............ 419, 440
Dec. 1 --Our Redeemer Lutheran Church re: rezaning of Kennedy Road
(one lot north of Foothill Road) ....................... 423
" I--Optlon Tax Repeal by Central a, Holy Cross and Sherrill .. 432, 433
"' 1--ORDINANCES submitted to formally record 6 Park and Rec.
Facilities in Code .................................... 434
1 --ORDINANCE NO. 102-86 Amending the Code by enacting new
Section 27-116 throught 27-121 thereof providing for the
designation of certain Park & Rec. areas (Madison Park, Louis
Murphy Park, Veterans Memorial Park, Eagle Point Park, Ham
H.ouse Museum, Bunker Hill Golf Course and Municipal Swim
mmg Poul ................. 434,
" ' ..................... 435, 459
1--ORDINANCE NO. 101-86 Amending the Code by adding a new
Yield Intersection to Subsection (3) of Section 25-212 thereof
providing for Traffic Eastbound on Shanley Drive to Yield
before Entering the Intersection with Admiral Sheehy Drive 434, 459
1--ORDINANCE NO. -86 to Nan~e a Street on Schmitt
Memorial Isinnd as Shanley (not adopted) ............... 434, 435
Dec. 15--ORDINANCE NO. -86 Amending the Code by revising Ap-
pendlx A thereof by reclassifying property at 3100 Raven Oaks
Dr. from PR Planned Res. District to R-4 Multi-Family Residen-
rial District (adopted in 1987~ 445
15--ORDINANCE NO. -86 Amending the Code by revising Ap-
pendix A by reclassifying property at the NW Corner of the
Junctions of Highways 52, 61 & 151 from AG to C~3 Commer-
clal District (adopted in 1987)
" ' ........................ 445
15--ORDINANCE NO. -86 Amending Zoning Ordinance by
reclassifying property located South of Asbury Road, North
of Dana Drive and East of Santhway Dr. from R-4 Multi-Family
Residential District and OR Office Rest, Dist. to PC Planned
Commercial District ladopted in 1987) .................. 446
" 15--ORDINANCE NO. -86 Amending Appendix A of the Code
of Ordinances by reclassifying property at the Northeast Cor-
ner of Cox St. and W. 17th St. from R-2 Alternate Two Family
Residential Dist. to ID Institutional Dist.; by reclassifying pro-
perty at 1407, I065 & 1091 Lorfis Blvd. from R-1 Single Fami-
ly Residential Dist. to ID Institutional Dist., by reclassifying
property South of W. 16th St. and West of May Place from R-3
Multi-Family Residential District to ID Institutional District
and to approve a Conceptual Development Plan roi' the LORAS
COLLEGE Institutional District (adopted in 1987) ....... 446
Dec. 15--ORDINANCE NO. -86 Amending the Zoning Ordinance by
revising Appendix A thereof to reclassify property at 468-470
Lincoln and adjoining railroad right-of-way from R-2A Alter-
nate Two-Family Residential District to CS Commercial Set-
vice and Wholesale District (not adopted) ............... 447
" 15--ORDINANCE NO. 95-86 Amending the Code by deleting Sec-
tions 14-25 and 14-28 thereof and enacting a new Section 14-25
in lieu thereof prohibiting Fire Service outside the City except
to Protect City-Owned Property or Pursuant to a Mutual Aid
Agreement ......................................... 452
" 15--ORDINANCE NO. 96-86 Amending the Code by enacting new
Sections 25-380, 25-383, 25-386, 25-387, 25-388, 25-389, 25-391,
25-392, and 25-293 thereof provldlng for the Towing of Vehicles
having Five Outstanding Unpaid Violations or left Unattend-
ed in or about Public Ways ........................... 453
" 15--ORDINANCE NO. 97-86 Amending the Cede by Repealing Sec-
tions 26-1 thru 26-7, 26-9. 26-11, 26-15 through 26-17, 26-29
through 26-32 and Sections 27-47, 27-48, 27-52 and 27-53 thereof
and enacting new sections 26-1 through 26-16, 26-29 and 26-39
in lieu thereof providing for the updating of the Criminal Sec-
tions of the Code of Ordinances ........................ 455
" 15--ORDINANCE NO. 98-86 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec-
tions 26-84 through 26-88 thereof providing for Regulating Sale
and use of MODEL GLUE ............................ 457
15--ORDINANCE NO. 99-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by Repealing Sections 26-69 through 26-72 providing for PRO-
HIBITING GAMBLING ............................. 458
15--ORDINANCE NO. 100-86 Amending the Code by Repealing
Sections 8-1 through 8-6 and Sections 8-27 through 8-32 thereof
prohibiting for Regulating Auctions and Auctioneers ...... 458
15--ORDINANCE NO. 101-86 Amending the Code by Adding a
New Yield Intersection to Subsection (3) of 25-212 thereof pro-
viding for the designation of Yield Signs at the Intersection
of Admiral Sheehy Drive and the Unnamed Street 220 Feet
South of U.S. Highway 61-151 ......................... 435, 459
15--ORDINANCE NO. 102-86 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City of Dubuque by Enacting new Sections 27-116
through 27-121 thereof Providing for the Designation of Cer-
tain Park and Recreation Areas ........................ 435, 459
15--October List of Claims, Proof of Publication ............. 463
Jan. 6-Petition of Bob Krayer of ECIA re: Joint Application for
R.I.S.E. Funding for N/W Arteried ..................... 4
6--Park & Rec. Commission Chs/rperson re: representation of Com-
mission re: development of Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island 6
MINUTES: ..... 7, 57 66, 101, 119, 160, 260, 286, 328, 363, 392, 463
6--Pusateri, Lois objecting to closing of road in front of barn at
Flora Park ...................................... 9
Jan, 20--Planning and Zoning re: Conceptual Development Plan for PR
Res, District of "Oak Meadow" (west of Brunskill road) ... 13
" 20--Pasko, Kurt, Chaplain of U.D., gave Invocation .. ~ ...... 13
" 20--Planning & Zoning approving rezoning request of Continental
Baking Co. for property located at 503-507 Garfield ....... 13
" 20--Park & Rec. Comm. Chairperson recommending the entire
Schmitt Island Park & Rec. Complex to be named in honor or
Red McAleece and baseball filed be named in honor of J.
Petrakls ...................................... 16
" 20--Petrakis, John re: naming of new baseball field at Rec. Complex 16
" 20--Parking for law enforcement vehicles on 8th St. near Law
Center, Ordinance providing for ....................... 17
20--Parking Meter elimination, 8th Ave. North Side, from Central
Ave. to Alley, West, Ord. 3-86 ........................ 17
20 Petition of Group W Cable requesting the Council to consent
to sale & transfer of control of Group W Cable to the buyers'
consortium ....................................... 25
" 20--Planning & Zoning approving final plat of Subd. of Block 2 in
Henschel's Addition .................................. 28, 29
Feb. 3--Petition of John Moore requesting to purchase Lots 13 & 14
of Roger's Subd. Hill St. Addition .................... 43
3--Park & Rec. Complex and Baseball Filed - officially recording
same .............................. , ............ 44, 45
3--Peddlers & Transient Merchants License, revised ......... 51, 52
3--Parking (Reserved) for Fire Prevention Division, north side of
9th St. from Centrai Ave. east to the Fire Headquarter's
driveway .......................................... 52
3--Parking violations for Parking in Reserved City Service Areas
or City Owned Vehicle Parking Areas ................. 53
3--Potter, Lee W. Sr., Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 55
3--Public Hearing for the use of CD Block Grant Funds 56, 57
MINUTES: ........................................ 57, 328
.............................. 57, 119, 160, 204, 311,328, 347
3--Pfiffner, Theodore, Claim ......................... 57
3--Proof of publication, on Notice to release CD funds for a specific
project ............................................ 57
3--Property purchased by the City on Brunswick St ....... 60
Feb. 17--Proof of publication for UMTA financiai assistea~ce for Keyline
Bus Garage Project ............................. 62
" 17--Planning & Zoning Comm. approving reclassification of pro-
perty located at 554 W. 8th St. from R-2 to OR District . 63
MINUTES: .......... 66, 84, 185, 204, 223, 265, 311, 383, 402, 436
" 17--Proof of publication of List of Claims paid for Month of
December, 1985 ............................... 67
" 17--Park & Rec. Commission submitting copy commending Terry
Trueblood, Past Director ....................... 69
Feb. 24--Police Dept. Budget, Council Review .......... 71, 72
'~ 24--Park and Rec. Dept., Council Review .................. 71
" 24--Pubilc Works Dept., Council Review ............. 71
Feb. 24--Parking Division, Council Review ...................... 71
24--Purchase of Services, Council Review for Budget ........ 71, 72
Mar. 3--Poland, Paster Wm., Invocation ..................... 79
3--Petition of Dbq. Auxiliary Police requesting to address the
Council re: portable two-way radios ..................... 80
" 3--Park & Rec. (McAleece), purchase of bleachers ........... 81
3--Park Development (for Riverside), status/discussion held .. 82
3--Phlilips, M., Applicant for Airport Corem ............... 83
3--Park Square Tavern, Cigarette Permit, Class "C' Liquor Lic. 83
3--Proof of publication re: Copy of Grantee Performance Report
to HUD is on file in various offices within the City ....... 84
Mar. 17--Plannlng & Zoning approving amendment to Zoning Ordinance
to establish Bed & Breakfast Homes as a conditional use in the
R-3 Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential District and
providing for definition of same ........................ 86
17--Pfiffner vs. Roth et all, Case, report by Corporation Counsel 92
17--Proof of publication of List of Claims for January 1986 .. 92
17-- Police/Fire Pension Board appointments of Daniel E. Welu and
Donald W. Wand ................................... 90
Apr. 7--Park & Recreation Complex - Agreement with Oak Ridge for
concession rights at McAleece Park & Rec. Complex ..... 99
7--Pension Board, request of J. Burdt & Bill Husemau to address
Council concerning Bd. and "Conflict of Interest" law .... 99
" 7--Promotional Exam results certified, Firefighters ......... 102
" 7--Proof of publication, on Notice that Summary of adopted budget
showing uses of Gen. Rev. Sharing Funds is available for
inspection .......................................... 103
7--Petition of U.D. submitting vacation plat at Auburn St. and
requesting vacation of same .......................... 103
7--Petition of M/Mrs. Steve Grutz {42 signatures) requesting "No
Parking" on either side of PARK STREET ............. 103
7--Pension Boards (Police & Fire), resignation of Daniel Welu. 105
Apr. 21--Publlc Health Nursing Services, regulations revised, etc... 107
" 21--Proof of publication, on Notice of P. Hearing to consider the
FY '87 STAApplication and the Section 9 Program of Projects
consisting of the FY '87 Operating Assistance Application and
a Capital Assistance application in aid in purchase of one han-
dicap accessible minibus, computer terminals and shop
equipment ....................................... 108
21--Proof of publication re: P. Hearing to consider Ordinance re:
change in zoning re: SIGNS ............... . ..........
" 21--Planning & Zoning Commission re: SIGN REGULATIONS
.................................. 97, 109, 156, 175, 178
21--Planning & Zoning re: Zoning change request of FINLEY
HOSPITAL {Allison St. & N. Grandview) ........... 109
' 21--Planning & Zoning re: rezoning of property at 3320 Crescent
Ridge ............................................ 110
" 21--Plumbing Board tUniform) re: adoption process ........ 111, 128-143'
" 21--Petition of Karen Lyness of Four Mounds re: report on FOUR
MOUNDS ........................................ 111
" 21--Park & Rec. Commission & Four Mounds & Riverview Task
Forces re: discussion of park system in general ......... 112
" 21--Prohibiting of Parking on PARK St. from Mt. Pleasant to
Lawndaie .......................................... 113
" 21--Project Concern contract re: minibus Operation ......... 113
" 21--Policemen's Protective Assn., Agreement with City ...... 116
" 21--Palmer Drug. Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ........... 118
21--Petition of Dr. & Mrs. E. O'Neill re: vacation of public utility
easenment at 965 Indian Ridge ........................ 120
Apr. 21--Police/Fire Pension Bd. Application of Linde Roepsch
......................................... 120
21--Petitions of residents of Tyler Road & Erie Court requesting
relief from rain/runoff damage ......................... 120
21--Petition of Donna Beresford to investigate instellation of stop
lights at intersection of N/W Arterial and Pennsylvania Ave. 121
" 21--Pennsylvania Ave. & N/W Arterial, re: stop lights requested 121, 177
May 5--Plat approved of a vacated alley parallel to and approx. 150
feet north of Grace St. from EPL to Auburn St. approx. 117.5'
easterly ............................................ 150
5--Planning & Zoning Commission re: Urban Renewal Project for
Coul~r Valley Redevelopment Area ..................... 155
5--Park & Recreation Facilities, Ordinance setting out "Open"
Hours .............................................. 157, 158
5--Pennsylvania & N/W Arterial re: petition ................ 158
5--Pauly, Nancy (Brewing Co.), Class "C' Liquor License .... 159
" 5--Parking Lots (Rotman), Third & IA St. Project, acceptance 161
May 19--Planning & Zoning approving rezoning requiest by E. Tschigg-
frle for 23 acres of and located north of Hwy. 20 ......... 173
19--Petltinn of T. Beresford re: N/W Arterial intersection ..... 177
19--Petition of D. Moody re: billboards on Kennedy Road ..... 178
19--Petitions submitted re: billboards ...................... 178
19--Pinnning & Zoning Commission appointments of Dick Hartlg
& Dave Hartig ...................................... 184
' 19--Palice/Fire Retirement Pension Board appointment of Larry
Herrig ............................................. 184
" 19--Proof of publication on List of Claims for March 1986 ..... 186
' 19-- Petition of B, Tegeler re: north side of W. 23rd from Central...re-
questing "No Parking" . .............................. 186
' 19--Purchase of Service Agreement for Helping Services for N/E
Iowa, Inc ........................................... 187
19--Purchase of Services Agreement with Substance Abuse Ser-
vice Center for Fiscal Year ............................ 187
June 2--Pinnning & Zoning re: final plat approval of Mt. Carmel Subd.
for sale of Lot 2 to Zephyr ............................ 191
2--Parking Permit District (Residential) requested for Universi-
ty Ave., N. Algnna, Custer & Auburn ets ................ I93
2--Petitinn of Brendan T. Quann, on behalf of F. Hardie Adver-
rising re: billboard issue .............................. 196
2--Petition of Sandra J. Kirkbridge re: billboard issue ....... 197
2--Petitinn of Dbq. County Bd. of Directors "Right to Life" re:
billboard advertising etc .............................. 197
2--Perition of Barney Bishop re: "placing moratorium on all sign
construction in the City and requesting sign at 1755 J.F.K.
Road be removed because of its location, i.e. contiguous to an
R-1 District ........................................ 197
2--Parking prohibited on W. 23rd St: from Central to 190 West
of Central 198
2--Petitinn of Substance Abuse Services Center re: Council
Member be appointed to their Board of Directors ......... 203
2--Palmer Drug, Cigarette Permit ........................ 203
2--Peoples Natural Gas submitting 1985 Annual Report ..... 204
June 16--Pusateri Bros, Inc., Class "B' Beer Permit .............. 224
' 16--Petirion re: billboard issue ............................ 225
" 16--Peoples Natural Gas requesting excavation permission on W.
3rd St.
.... : ........................................ 226
" 16--Phone-A-Friend Agreement with City ................... 226
" 16--Pint (final) approved of George 0hmert Estate ........... 229
J ,u, ly 7--Peoples Natural Gas, oppositinn of rate increase by R. Krowzack 243
7--Purchase of Services Agreement with Chamber, approval of
same for City's interest in Convention and Visitor's Council 243
July 7--Purchase of Services Agreement with Operation: New View 243
" 7--Perkins, Cigarette Permit ............................. 264
" 7--Project Agreement with IA DOT for rights-of-way re: City
Streets and Alleys to Highway 61 ...................... 269
7--Property conveyed by Quit Claim Deed by Burlington Northern
RR in proximity of 1st, 2nd and 3rd ets ................. 269, 270
July 21--Planning and Zoning Commission re: Arbor Oaks Plat .... 288
Aug. 4--Port of Dubuque name favored for 4th St. Area etc ....... 294
4--Parking Meter Districts, deletion of certain area in 2 hour time
zones and providing for metered parking in the 4th & 5th St.
areas ..............................................
4--Property purchased for the Couier Valley Redevelopment Area
Project ............................................. 301
4--Petition by L. Michels re: Sewage System up Roosevelt Road 312
4--Petition re: W. 8th and Fire/Safety Hazards ............. 312
4--pollce/Fire Pension Fund Board of Trustees submitting Annual
Financial Report ..................................... 312
4--Petition of Pete Jenner at A.Y. McDonald's re: renaming of
Tschiggfrle Drive to McDonald Drive ................... 313
Aug. 18--Prism Corp. awarded Contract for Dubuque Wastewater Treat-
ment Facility Maintenance Building .................... 317, 318
' 18--Petitinn of 20 residents re: Concerns @ Zoning reclassification
and Conceptual Development Plan for University of Dubuque 319
" 18--Petition of D. Leifl~er for residents in W. Locust and Rosedale
ets. re: deficiency in storm sewer system in that area ..... 319
' 18--Petition of Dan Nicholson updating activities of Human Rights
Commission ......................................... 319
" 18--Petltinn of 20 residents of Tyler Road and Erie Court re: cover-
lng entire expense of public right-of-way instead of 50% .. ~ 319
' 18--Printed Council Proceedings for April, 1986 ............. 328
" 18--Petition of U.D. re: vacation of Lot A in Herbst's Subd .... 329
" 18--Planning and Zoning Commission approving plats of Buena
Vista Subd. No. 4 & 5 owned by Carl Bur'bach ........... 329
" 18--Pints of Buena Vista Subd. No. 4 & 5 approved (Carl Burbach) 329
18--Plat approved for Adam's Co.'s 1st Addition ............ 331
18--Planning and Zoning Commission approving Final Plat of
Adams Co.'s First Addition-. .......................... 381
18--Petition of Residents of Nightengale Lane re: Assistance on
Several Concerns in that area .......................... 332
18--Planning and Zoning approving final plat of Reisen Subd. owned
by Charles and Linde Relsen and located at 517 E. 24th St. &
2401 Queen St ..................... : ................. 332
Sep. 2-Pearl Street (and 796 Auburn) property rezoned (re: Universi-
ty of Dubuque) ...................................... 337-340
2--Paving Project (ASPHALT) #3 ........................ 342, 358
2--Post, Lynda and Dennis re: Claim of Paula Post Selchert etc. 347
2--Petitinn of Dubuque County Institutional Acc'ts re: Tax
Suspensions for 4 .................................... 348
Sep. 15--Plannlng and Zoning approving rezoning at 4300 Asbury Rd,
re: Resurrection .................................... 359
" 15--Planning and Zoning approving zoning request of M. Menders,
2275 Elm ........................................... 359
" 15--Planning and Zoning re: zoning to allow roof-mounted Satellite
Dishes ere .......................................... 359
" 15--POW/MIA Day, Proclamatinn ......................... 352
" 15--Pearl St., re: alleys North of same, request of University of
Dubuque to vacate same .............................. 360, 370
15--Parking Ramps, Agreement with Walker parking Consultants
to conduct a structural system appraisal update ~ ......... 361
Sep. 15--Pine Sts. (alley between Elm & Pine) re: Plat approved .... 362
ii 15--Phillips, Michael J., applicant for Airport Corem .......... 362
,, 15--Petitian of Wahlert High requesting permission for Bonfire Pep
Rally ....... ,, 362
15--Pizza Hut of Dubuque #2, Class B" Beer License ........ 363
" 15--Police Officer(s cer~fied by Civil Service - 2nd listing from tests
,, g~ven in 9/85 ..........................
............ 364
15--Pint (Final) approved of Ohmert Farm (Lots 1 & 2), Sect. 3, etc. 365, 366
" 15--Petiti°n °f T' Trausch and C. Murphy re: Annexation of Key
,, Gate Center ......................................
. · 366
15--Planning and Zoning approval Final Plat of G. Ohmert Estate 367
Oct. 6--Polsean, Al, petitioning re: Crescent Ridge, Truck Traffic, etc. 373
6--Parking - Two Hour Zones on certain streets set out..
.... 375
6--Parklng (No), setout for Certain Streets, by Ordinance .... 376
6--Parking Zones on portions of 4th St. and Rhomberg Avenue 377, 378
" 6--Parking (No), on portions of Ninth St. and Main St ....... 378
6--Porking Meters in One, Two or Ten Hour Parking Districts 378
6--Pump, The, Class "C" Liquor License
6--PIue~ner, Lloyd, Cl~m; Denial .................. 382
6--Pluemer, Mike, Claim ......................... 384, 464
6--Paul, Carol, Claim; Settlement ....................... 384, 405
6--Pins, Lawrence, Claim; Settlement
6--Poliack, Helen, Claim ..................... 385, 421
Oct. ' . ' ............................... 385
20--Piannmg and Zoning Comm. re: Rezonlng of 5200 Block of Penn-
sylvania Ave., West of Radford Road.
" ................. 390, 397
20--p & Z re: Zoning reclassification of property at N/E Corner of
J.F.K. and Foothill Road
" 20--Petition for Citizens for D~ .......................... 390
,, que re: LOCAL OPTION TAX 390
20--Pregler, Waiter re: LOCAL OPTION TAX
.............. 390
20--p & Z re: Denial of Rezoning at 3195 Jackson etc ......... 391
" 20--Palice Promotionals certified by Civil Service Commissian .
" 20--Proof of Publication of August Claims ..................
,, 393
20--Planning and Zoning Commission re: Joint Work Session with 393
Council on 4th St. Area Development Plans
............. 395
20--Petltian of Smith Excavating re: Excavation of Water at 1745
J.F. Kennedy Road
.................................. 395, 400
Nov. 3--Pigg, Elizabeth, gave Invocation.
...................... 397
3--Pennsylvania Ave., 5200, rezoning from AG to C-2 ....... 397, 398
3--Petition of Hillcrest Family Services re: Rezoning of 2005
Asbury Road ................................... , .... 399
3--Princeton Place re: University of Dubuque agreeing to 40 set~
back from property llne re: Conceptual Development Plan . 403
" 3--Petitlon re: Replacement of Guard Rail on East side of Ken-
nedy Road .......................................... 403
Nov. 17--Planning and Zoning reclassifying property West of J.F.K.
Road and one lot North of Foothill from OR to OS as requested
by R.E. and J.F. Klauer
" 17--Petition of Attorney p. Kanfman for R.J. Pothoff, Pres. of
Miracle Car Wash re: vacation of 8' Sanitary Sewer Easemente
across part of Barrel's Place.
.......................... 409
17--Petitian of J. Edelman re: Safety HOzard on East Side of 3923
Aurora to 3877 Aurora St ........................ 409
" 17--p & Z re Denial of Rezon ng at 468-470 Lincoln ......... 410
" 17--Petltion of R. Sudmeier for lower Southern Ave. area residents
requesting temporary sign placement at Rockdale Road and
Southern re: Street Closed ..... : ......................
" 17 Petition of Councd Members Kronfeldt, Manning, Krleg and
-- ' ' ' 410
Simon re: Discussion of Worksession re: Budget
Gnidelines/Sales Tax etc.
"17--Ph°ne-A-Friend re: Amendment to Current rundi~'~.~a~
.................. 411
Nov. 17--Plat approved for Sylvan Place (1665/1645 Bies Dr.} ...... 419
" 17--Plat approved for Subd. of Lot I of the East 1/2 of Lot 1 of
Lot 3 of Wilson's Dubuque in The City ................. 420, 421
Dec. 1--Park and Recreation Facilities, recorded in Code ....... 434, 459-460
1--Petition of Dir. of Sub. Abuse appointing Pat Qninn as Board
Member ............................................ 435
1--Planning and Devel. Division submitting Report on site visit
of 10-21 ............................................ 436
1--Petition of Delos Dorweiler re: Zoning on Kennedy Road . . 438
1--Peabody Barnes, Settlement for Wastewater Case ........ 442
Dec. 15--P & Z and Rezoning of Raven Oaks (3100) ............... 445
" 15--P & Z re: Rezoning of Property at Hwys. 52, 61 & 151 (owned
by Key Gate and Trausch Realty) ...................... 445
" 15--Parking Tickets Unpaid (5), Procedure for Towing (Street
Storage) ............................................ 453-455
" 15--Police - Refusing to assist, set out by Ordinance ......... 456
" 15--Parade (assemblies), Permit required by Ordinance ........ 457
" 15--Prchibiting Gambling, Providing for in Ordinance ........ 458
" 15--Park Square Tavern, Cigarette Permit .................. 462
June 2-Quann, Brendan for Frank Hardie re: Billboard Issue ..... 196
2-Quo Warranto Petition re: Civil Service & Police & Fire Pen-
sion Bd. of Trustees..
................................ 205
Aug. 18-Queen St., final plat approved (Reisen Subd...owned by C & L
Reisen) ............................................. 332
Oct. 6-Quilici, Gino, Claim .................................. 384
" 6--Quade, Ernst, Claim .... : ............................ 385
Dec. 15-Quit Claim Deed to Swiss Valley Farms Co .......... 465
Jan. 6--Richards Road Extension - Zoning Change from AG to PR
Planned Residential ................................. 2
6--R.I.S.E. funding for Northwest Arterial ................. 4, 15, 36
6--Right-of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Project,
Agreement with IDOT ............................... 5
6--Rusty's Chinese Restaurant (Wm. C. Tam & Steven Tong),
Class "C' Liquor License ............................. 6
6--Rib Tickler, Inc., Cigarette Papers .................... 6
6--Risley, Joyce, Claim .................................. 7
6--Rupert, Colleen, Claim; Denial ......................... 7, 92, 286
6--Road Closure of public road front Flora Barn, response to let-
ter of objection ...................................... 9
Jan. 20--Removal of Silt Project from the 32nd St. Detention Basin 14, 15
20--Refuse Collection receptables by BFI, re: regulation, Ordinance 16
20--Repair of Sidewalks, recovering of Costs by the City ...... 20
" 20--Racing Assn. Ltd. Board of Directors, appointment of Council
Member Kathryn Krieg ............................... 25
" 20--Removal of Arch. Barriers, request for Release of Funds for
city Hall project ..................................... 28
" 20--Richards Road Extension, P & Z approving final plat of Subd. 28
of Block 2 ..........................................
Feb. 3--Riverside Park, status of plans for improvement ......... 44
3--Recreatlon Complex (& Park), official name of same ....... 44, 45
3--Reserved Parking for Fire Prevention Division Vehicles on 9th
3--Rusty's Chinese Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ............ 54
3--Rhodes, Earl, Claim; Settlement ..................... 57, 93
3--Risley, Joyce, settlement of claim ...................... 58
3--Routley, Ramona, claim denial ......................... 58
Feb. 17--Ryan House, Cigarette Permit ......................... 65
17--Richter, Melitta F., Claim ............................. 65
" 17--Robey, Stanley, refund on Cigarette Permit .............. 67
Feb. 24--RESOLUTION Adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscal
Year ending June 30, 1987 ............................ 70
" 24--RESOLUTION Providing for the Adoption of the Five Year
Capital Improvement Program for period beginning July 1,
1986 ...............................................
" 24--Rates for Sewer Charges etc. revised per budget ......... 76
Mar. 3--Riverside Park Development, discussion ................ 82
3--Racing Assn., Annual Audit report .................... 85
3--Routley, Lowell, claim; settlement ...................... 84, 160
Mar. 17--Rental Rehab Program, application for additional funds .. · 88
' 17--Roepsch, Linde, applicant for Police/Fire Pension Board;
withdrawal of application ............................. 90, 120
17--Redstone Inn, Class "E" Beer & Liquor License ......... 95
17--Roeth; Dolores, refund on Cigarette License ............. 92
Apr. 7--Revenue Shoring Funds, Proof of publication, showing
availability for inspection ..................... :... .....
" 7--Reihle, Dolores resigning from Civil Service Commission... 104
Apr. 21--Riley's Auto Sales re: Sign Regulations ................. 109
' 21--Revco Discount Drug Center, Class "C' Beer Permits .... 113
" 21--Rothenberger, Bruce, CloJm; Denial, Closure ............ 119, 366
' 21--Roeth, Dolores (Estate), refund request for Liquor License . 120
May 5--Rossiter, Paul, resignation from the Historic Preservation
May 5--Rotman Parking Lots Project, Acceptance of Project etc...
May 19--Resolutlons Repealed approving plat of vacated Kennedy Cir-
cie, etc. . . ........ . . .
" I ................... , ·. 180
9--Rockdale Road & Old Mill Road, rezoning of Foot Leveler
" 19--Repealing Ordinance No. 71-79 vacating portion of Kennedy
Property ......................................... 173
" 19--Riverview Park, recorded/designated in City Code ......
,, Circle, etc ........................................... I80
19--Reports, Annual, by City Officers eliminated ............ 183
" 19--Ryan, Ed, applicant for Po)ice/Fire Pension Board 184
" 19--Randall Foods #1359, Cigarette Permit
ii 19--Riverside Bowl, Inc. Cigarette Permit ................. 184
· ' ................. 184
19--Rusty's Chinese Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ............ I84
19--Roosevelt Road homeowners requesting sewer service ....
· 186
June 2--Rockdale Road, 190I (& 1897 Old Mill Rd.), mzo~ng of property 189
2--Riverfront Subd. #4, Intention of dispose of City Owned Pro-
perty City Lot 503, City Lot 504, City Lot 507 & Lot of the
Riverfront Subd. #4
.................................. 195, 215
" 2--Richman, John T., Avenue Tap Liquor License Suspension. 196
2--Right to Life issue on billboard, Petition of Dbq. County Bd.
of Directors re: billboard advertising and proposed permit
...................................... 197
2--Revco Drug Center #3016, Cigarette Permit
2--River City Tavern, Cig,,a,~r,e,tte Permit ....... ::::::::::::: 203
2--Riverside Bowl, Class C Liquor License ............... 203
" 2--Report (Annual} of Peoples Natural Gas, 1985 .. 204
......... 204
2--Roosevelt Road...street assessment info., comm. not objecting 208
2--Ramona St., street assessment infor., communications of assess-
Ju,,ne 16--Residential Parking Permit District ne~ University of Dubuque
16--Red Cross (American}, rezoning of University Park on Asbury 212
Road .
"16--Rhombg;2' ~il~'~' '2.~ ','.' ' ': ]' '~..' '. ................. 218, 233-235
16--Ryan, Ed. W., Dock Bd. applicant ..................... 222
July 7--Redst°ne Mgr. re: Bed & Breakfast slgnage reqnirements, zon-
lng change, etc.
..................................... 238
7--Rose Hi)l Add., Granting Easement across City Owned Lots
to Richard W. & Janet C. Trees ........................
" 7--Runoff problem near Evergreen Drive 242
7--Rings Fine Foods, Cigarette Permit .................. 243
7--Rib Tickler, Cigarette Permit. ' ................... 263
......................... 264
7--Ring, Richard J., Cigarette Permit
7--Ready, B., Cigarette Pernfit ..................... 264
7--Reilly, Charles, Claim ........................... 264
............................... 266
7--Roepsck, Linda re: W. 3rd Street problems .............. 276, 349
July 21--Roger's, Cathy L., Settlement
" 21--Rahe, Jolene, Clakn; Denial ......................... 286
........................... 286, 329
Aug. 4--Rockdale Road, 1600-1700 block, den/al etc. of zoning change 294
4--Rubbish Collection Charges for the elderly, establishing same 299
4--Rainbow Oil Co., (Kwik Stop), Class "C' Beer Permit . 311
4--Railing John J., Claim; Denial/Closure ....
4--Ruby Investments, Claim; Denial .................. 311,385
...................... 311, 348
Aug. 18--Rosedsle Street, property owners objecting to sewer system
deficiency ................
18--Rockdale Road Bridge, lifting of weight restrictions ......
18--Rainbow Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License 326
" 18--Reisen Subdivision, Final Plat approved ............. 327
332 ~ ~
Sep. 2--Randall Foods, Class "E" Beer Permit .................. 347
Sep. 15--Resurrection Church requesting rezoning at 4300 Asbury Road 359
" 15--Rose, Dr. Craig, applicant for Airport Commission ....... 362
Oct. 6--Racing Assn. re: KENNEL improvements ............... 373
6--Rhomberg Ave., providing for 15 minute PARKING by
Ordinance .......................................... 377
" 6--Rainbo Oil Co., Cigarette Permit .................... 382
6--Roads re: IA DOT reviewing programming etc ........... 383
6--Remakal, Donald, Claim; Denial ........................ 384, 439
6--Rooney, Marie, Claim ............................... 384
6--Rogers, Pat, Claim; Settlement ........................ 385, 405
6--Roos, Philip, Claim; Settlement ........................ 385, 405
6--Rizzo, Margaret, Claim; Settlement ..................... 385, 440
6--Restaurant Sanitation re: State of Iowa Memorandum of
Understanding ...................................... 387
6--Report on Tourism by tke Chamber of Commerce ........ 388
Oct. 20--Reuter, Ruth, Claim ................................. 392
" 20--Reisch, Mrs. Albert, Claim ............................ 392
Nov. 3--Radialogic Technology Week (National), Proclamation ..... 397
3--Rafoth, Andrea resignation from Civic Center Commission. 402
3--Rosedale St. & W. Locust, Sanitary Sewer system update . 405
Nov. 17--Rockdale Rd. - Petition of Attorney R. Sudmeier for Southern
Ave. residents requesting temporary placement of signs at
Rockdale Rd. & Southern intersection indicating street is closed
to thru traffic ....................................... 410
" 17--Rainbo Off Co., Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 416
17--Raclng Assn. Meeting Minutes, submission of ruling in the
Telegraph-Herald case ............................... 422
I7--RECESSED SESSION - City Council ................. 422
Dec. 1--Repeal Local Option Tax by Centralia, Holy Cross & Sherrill 432, 433
1--Repair of Ice Harbor Floodwall Gates .................. 433, 434
1--Recreation (& Park) facilities formally recorded in Code 434, 459, 460
1--River City Tavern, Class "C" Liquor License ............ 435
1--Report of Site Visit of Dir. of Comm. Planning & Development 436
1--Release of Funds for Certain CD Block Grant Projects .... 437
Dec. 15--Real Estate disposed re: FDL Foods, IA DOT etc ......... 444
" 15--Raven Oaks, 3100, Rezoning .......................... 445
" 15--Rib Tickler, Class "C' Liquor License .................. 463
" 15--Richman, J., Class "C" Liquor License.' ................. 463
" 15--Ryan, Dennis of KDTH re: matching Airport Marketing funds 464
" 15--Recertification of eligibility for UDAG Program, by HUD . 464
Jan. 6--1-86 Reaffirming the Appointment of the City Manager . .. 1
6--2-86 Providing for the Appointment of a City Clerk ....... 1
6--3-86 Providing for the Appointment of a Legal Staff ...... 1, 2
6--4-86 Designating the Official Newspaper of the City ...... 2
6--5-86 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with
IDOT on Right-of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid
projects ........................................... 5
6--6-86 Authorizing ECIA Business Growth, Inc. to Loan $53,000
from the City of Dubuque's Portion of the EDA Revolving Loan
Fund to Dubuque Data Services Co ..................... 5
6--7-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses ... 6
6--8-86 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits ........... 6
6--9-86 Accepting Improvement of contract for Five Flags Theatre
HVAC Retrofit ...................................... 8
6--10-86 Approving final estimate of cost & payment method of
Five Flags Theatre HVAC Retrofit ..................... 9
Jan. 20--11-86 Approval of plans, specs, etc. for the Removal of Silt from
the 32nd Street Detention Basin ....................... 14
" 20-- 12-86 Fixing date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Removal
of Silt from the 32nd St. Detention Basin ............... 14
" 20--13-86 Ordering Bids for Removal of Silt from the 32nd St.
Detention Basin .................................... 15
" 20--14-86 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 26
' 20--15-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "C' Beer Permits .... 26
" 20--16-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "C' Liquor Licenses . . 26
" 20--17-86 Authorizing submission of a Request for Release of Funds
for the Removal of Architectural Barriers - City Hall ..... 28
" 20--18-86 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Block 2
in Henschel's Addition in the City ..................... 29
" 20-- 19-86 Approving an Amendment to tbe Agreement between the
City of Dubuque and the IA State Dept. of Agriculture for En-
forecement of the Food Service Sanitiatinn, Hotel Inspection
& Vending Machine Laws of the State of IA ............. 29, 30
' 20--20-86 Accepting improvement for reconstruction of John F.
Kennedy from Pennsylvania Ave. to University .......... 30
" 20--21-86 Final Estimate for Reconstruction of John F. Kennedy
Road from Pennsylvania Ave. to University Ave... ...... 30
" 20--22-86 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for Reconstruc-
tion of John F. Kennedy Road from Pennsylvania Ave. to
University Ave ..................................... 31-33
Jan. 30--23-86 Authorlzing Application for RISE Funds for the Com-
pletinn of N/W Arterial ............................ 36
Feb. 3--24-86 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the removal of Silt from
the 32nd Street Detention Basin .................... 42
3--25-86 Awarding Contract for removal of Silt from the 32nd
Street Detention Basin Project ........................ 42
3--26-86 Authorizing the filing of applications with the Dept. of
Trans. USA, for Grants under UMTA, as amended ....... 43
3--27-86 Establishing the Policy and Procedure for Out-of City
Travel for the Mayor and Members of the City Council .... 46
3--28-86 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 54
3--29-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "B' & "C" Beer Permits 55
3--30-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C' LIQUOR
LICENSES ...................................... 55
3--31-86 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on the Fiscal year
1987 Budget for the City ............................ 56
3--32-86 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on the Five Year
Capital Improvement Program ......................... 56
Feb. 3 _ 33.86 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Public Hearing f°r
the Use of Community Development Block Grant Funds .. 56
3--34-86 Authorizing the execution of a Community Development
Block Grant Agreement with the Dept. of Housing & Urban
Development for Calendar Year 1986 ................... 58
3--35-86 Accepting Improvement for Main & 14th Street Storm
Sewer Rehabilitation Project .......................... 59
3--36-86 Final Estimate for Main & 14th Street Storm Sewer
Rehabiliatinn Project ................................. 59
3--37-86 Acceptance of Warranty Deeds for properties acquired
for the reconstruction of the Cedar Cross Road Bridge .... 60
3--38-86 Acceptance of Warranty Deeds for property purchased 60
by the City on Brunswick St ...........................
Feb. 17--39-86 Selection of Architectural/Engineering Firm for Design
and Construction Services Associated with Rehabiliatinn of the 6~
Bus Maintenance Garage .............................
17--40-86 Authorizing ECIA Business Growth, Inc. ~o Loan $60,000
fi'om the City of Dubuque' s Portion of the EDA Revolving Loan
Fund to Dubuque Tool and Die, Inc .................... 64
17--41-86 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 65
17--42-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" & "E" Beer Permits 65
' 17--43-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License . · · 66
" 17--44~86 Authorizing publication of Notice of Availability for
Public Inspection of Certain Community Development Block 67
Grant Docttments ....................................
" 17--45-86 Approving Tax Exemption Applications Submitted by
Property Owners in tile W. 11th St. and Washington St. Ur-
ban Revitalization Areas and Authorizing the Transmittal of
the Approved Applications to the City Tax Assessor ...... 68
Feb. 24--46-86 Adopting tbe Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year ending
June 30, 1987 ....................................... 72, 78
" 24--47-86 Adoption of a Five year Capital Improvement Program 73
24--48-86 Calling an Election on the Imposition of a Local Sales
and Services Tax in the Amount of One Percent (1%) for the City 73
Mar. 3--49-86 Selection of Architectural/Engineering Firm for Design
and Construction Services for the Installation of an Elevator
and Associated Remodeling work in CITY HALL ........ 80
3--50-86 Granting issuance of Cigarette License ............ 83
3--51-86 Granting issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 88
3--52-86 Granting issuance of Class "C" Liquor License ..... 83
Mar. 17--53-86 Authorizing the Filing of a Grant Application for
Operating Assistance with the State Transit Assistance Pro-
grmn and Authorizing the Entering into a Contract with the
IA Dept. of Transportation ........................... 87
' 17--54-86 Authorizing tile Filing of Applications with the Dept. of
Transportation, USA, for Grants under the Urban Mass
Transportation Act of 1964, as Amended ................ 87
17--55-86 Approving the Submission of an Application for $200;000
of Additional Funds under the IA Rental Rehab. Program and
Authorizing and Directing Certain Actions in Support thereof 88. 89
17--56-86 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 90, 91
" 17--57-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" & Class
"E" Permits (Beer etc.) ............................... 91
,, 17--58-86 Authorizingissuance of Class "C" & "E' Liqu°r Licenses 91
Apr. 7--59-86 of Necessity Finding that the Couler Valley Redevelop-
ment Area is Blighted and Designating said Area as Ap-
propriate for an Urban Renewal Project ................
7--60-86 Authorizing issuance of Cigarettes to outlets ...... 100
7--61-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "B!' Beer Permit and Class 100
"E" Beer Permit
7-62-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License and
Special Class "C" Beer-Wine License
................. 101
7--6386 Adopting Supplement No. 26 to the Code of Ordinances 104
7--64-86 Accepting Improvement for the Chaplain Schmitt
Memorial Island Ballpark Complex, Facilities Bldg. Piling. 105
" 7--65-86 Final Estimate for the Chapla/n Schmitt Memorial Island
Ballpark Complex, Facilities Building Piling ............. 105
Apr. 21--66-86 Authorizing the filing of an Application with the U.S.
Dept. of Transportation
............................. 112
" 21 --6786 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubuque,
IA and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local
#758 and Authorizing the Mayor to sign said Agreement .. 114
" 21 --68-86 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubuque,
IA and the General Drivers mad Helpers Union, Local #421
Authorizing the Mayor to sign said Agreement
......... 115
21 --6986 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubuque,
Ia and the Amalgamated Transit Un/on, div. #329 and Authoriz-
ing the Mayor to sign said Agreement .................. 1 I5
" 21 --70-86 Accepting the Agreement between the City and the Dubt~-
que Policemen's Protective Assn. and Authorizing the Mayor
to sign said Agreement .............................. 116
21--71-86 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubuque,
IA and the Dubuque Professional Fffefighters Assn., Local #353
and Authorizing the Mayor to sign said Agreement ....... 116, 117
" 21--72-86 Adopting the Fiscal Year 1987 Compensation Package
" 21--73-86 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Per
and Wage Plan for Non-Bargaining Unit Emoloyees ...... 117
" 21--74-86 Authorizing issuance of Class r~its to 2 outlets 118
Permlte "B' & Class "C" Beer
" 21--7586 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses .. 119
May 5--76'86 Appr°ving the plat of a Vacated alley parallel te and Ap_
proximately 150 feet north of Grace Street, from the East Pro-
perty Line of Auburn St. approximately 117.5 feet easterly 150
5--77-86 Disposal of real estate described as Lot 41A in Reche's
Subd. to the University of Dubuque (near Grace/Auburn St.) 152
5--78-86 Preliminary approval of Plans and specs, for the I986
Asphalt Paving Project and 1986 P.C. Concrete Paving Project 152
5--79-86 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the 1986
,, Asphalt Paving Project & 1986 P.C. Concrete Paving Project 152, 153
5--80-86 Resolution of Necessity for 1986 Asphalt Paving Project
and 1986 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ................ 153
5--8186 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution on Necessity for
1986 Asphalt Paving Project and the 1986 P.C. Concrete Pav-
~ng Project .......................................
5--q2-86 Schedule of Assessments for 1986 Asphalt Paving Pro- 154
leer and P.C. Concrete Paving Project ............... 154
5--8386 Directing the Cty Clerk to publish Proposed Amendment
to the Fiscal Year 1986 Budget and Date ,o,f p. Hearing ...
5--84-86 Authorizing issuance of Class, '?" & 'C" Beer Permits 159154
5--85'86Author;zn/gissuanceofClass C Beer&LiquorLizenses 159, 160
5 --86-86 Accepting improvement for Rotman Parking Lot Project 161
5--87-86 Final Estimate for Rotman Parking Lot Project ..... 161
May 12--88-86 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and specs, for Asphalt
Paving Project & P.C. Concre ·
" 12--89-8 . . . te Paving Project (1986) ..... 163
~ 6 F~xmg Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity for
the 1986 Asphalt Paving Project and the 1986 P.C. Concrete
Paving Project ...................................... 163
May 19--90-86 Approval of proposal to vacate and release a 10' wide
public u~/lity easement located at 965 Indian Ridge (re: request
of E. O'Neill) ..................................... 165
May 19--91-86 Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal year ending
6/30/86 ............................................. 166, 167
" 19--92-86 For the Permanent Transfer of Funds ............. 168
" 19--93-86 Approving URBAN Renewal Plan for Couler Valley
Redevelopment Area Urban Renewal Project (see Project File) 169
" 19--94-86 Fixing Date for a Meeting of the proposition of the Is-
suance of $2,200,000 G.O. Bonds (For an Essential Corp. Pur-
pose) and providing for publication of notice thereof ...... 171
" 19--95-86 Fixing a Date for a meeting on the Proposition of the Is-
suance of Not to Exceed $10,000,000 G.O. Bonds (for an Essen-
tial Corporate Purpose) of Dubuque, IA and Providing for
Publication of Notice thereof .......................... 172
' 19--96-86 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for Elevator In-
stallation & Office Renovation ......................... 174
19--97-86 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Elevator
Installation & Office Renovation in City Hall ............ 174, 175
19--98-86 Ordering Bids for the Elevator Installation and Office
Renovation in City Hall .............................. 175
19--99-86 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Struc-
tural Modifications of the Transit Garage ............... 175
19--100-86 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the
Structural Modifications of the Transit Garage ........... 176
19--101-86 Ordering Bids for the Structural Modifications of the
Transit Garage ...................................... 176
19--102-86 Resolution of Intention to dispose of City Interest in
property in Mt. Carmel Subdivision, Lot 2 in the City ..... 176, 177
19--103-86 Authorizing ECIA Business Growth, Inc. to Loan
$51,000 from the City of Dubuque's Portion of the EDA Revolv-
lng Loan Fund to ABASYS, Inc ....................... 179, 180
" 19--104-86 Repealing Resolution No. 310-79 Approving the Plat of
Vacated Kennedy Circle, and Resolution No. 311-79 Approv-
ing the Conveyance of Vacated Kennedy Circle to Richard V.
Hansel, Eleanor J. Rafoth, Woodrow H. Wernstern (HRW
Associates) ......................................... 180
" 19--105-86 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits to several
outlets ............................................. 184
" 19--106-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C' & Class
"E" Beer Permits ................................... 185
" 19--107-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "A" and "C" Liquor
Licenses ........................................... 185
June 2-- 108-86 Approving the Final Plat of Mou~t Carmel Subdivision
in the City of Dubuque, IA ........................... 191
2--109-86 Approval of disposal of property (lot 2 in Mt. Carmel
Subd.) to Zephyr Aluminum Products Co ................ 192
2--I 10-86 Instituting proceedings to take additional action for tke
issuance of $2,200,000 G.O. Bonds ..................... 192
2--111-86 Instituting Proceedings to take additional action for the
issuance of not to Exceed $10,000,000 G.O. Bonds ........ 193
2--112-86 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the proposition of the is-
suance of not to Exceed $400,000 Urban Renewal Tax Incre-
ment Revenue Bonds of Dbq., IA and Providing for publica-
tion of Notice thereof ................................ 194
~pROPERTY City Lot 503, City Lot 504, City Lot 507 & Lot
i of Riverfront Subdivision #4 ......................... 195
2--114-86 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits ......... 203
2--115-86 Authorizing Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 204
2--116-86 Authorizing Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to several
outlets ............................................ 204
June 9--117-86 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the P.C. Concrete Paw
lng Co .............................................. 210
June 9-118-86 Resolution with Respect to the Adoption of the Resolu-
tion of Necessity Proposed for the 1986 Asphalt Paving Pro-
ject and the 1986 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ........ 210
9--119-86 Ordering Bids for the 1986 Asphalt Paving Project and
1986 Concrete Paving Project ....................... 210
June 16--120-86 Adopting Plans and Specs for Elevator and Remodai-
lng Work in City Hall Project ......................... 212
" 16-- 121-86 Awarding Contract for Elevator and Remodeling Work
in City Hall Project .................................. 213
" 16--122-86 Adopting Plans mad Specs. for Structural Modifications
of the Transit Garage ................................ 213, 214
" 16--123-86 Awarding Contract for Structural Modifications of the
Transit Garage ...................................... 214
16--124-86 Approval of Disposal of City Property (City Lot 503,
City Lot 504, City Lot 507 and Lot 1 of Riverfront Subdivi-
sion #4, to IDOT .................................... 215
16--125-86 Resolution Instituting Proceedings to take additional
action for the issuance of not to exceed $400,000 Urban Renewal
Tax Increment Revenue Bonds ........................ 215, 216
" 16--126-86 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for 1986
STREET PROGRAM ................................ 216
" 16--127-86 Resolution approving a Cooperative Agreement with the
Iowa State Conservation Commission ................... 221
" 16--128-86 Authorizing Issuance of Cigarette Permits to many
outlets ............................................. 223
" 16--129-86 Authorizing Issuance of Class "B", Class "C" and Class
"E" Beer Permits ................................... 224
" 16--130-86 Authorizing Issuance of Class "A" & "C" Liquor License 224
" 16--131-86 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City of
Dubuque and the Phone-A-Friend, Inc. Information and Refer-
ral Service and Authorizing and Directing the City Manager
to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City of Dubuque, IA 226
" 16--132-86 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City of
Dubuque and the Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Inc.
and Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute
Said Agreement on bal~alf of the City of Dubuque ........ 227
" 16--133-86 Authorizing the Filing of Amendments to Section 5 Ap-
plication (IA-05-0046) and Section 9 Application (IA-90-0023)
with the Department of Transportation, USA, for Grants under
the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as Amended . 227
16--134-86 Accepting Improvement for the Schmitt Island Recrea-
tion Complex Sanitary Sewer .......................... 228
16--135-86 Final Estimate for Schmitt Island Recreation Complex
Sanitary Sewer .................................... 229
" 16--136-86 Approving Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 1 of the SW
1/4 of the SE 1/4 Section 34 T89N Range 2 East and the Subd.
of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 5 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 3 T88N East located
in the Table Mound Township. (***Original Resolution not in
book, check Res. file) ................................. 229***
July 7--137-86 Adopting Plans/Specs for 1986 Asphalt and Concrete
Progranl ........................................... 237
7--138-86 Awarding Contract for 1986 Concrete Street Program
to Flynn Co., Inc .................................... 237
7--139-86 Awarding Contract for 1986 Asphalt Street Program
to Horsfield Construction ............................. 237, 238
7--140-86 Preliminary Approval of Plans/Specs for 1986 Asphalt
Paving Project No. 2 ............................... 239
" 7--141-86 FLxing Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for 1986 Asphalt
Paving Project No. 2 ................................. 239 l"
" 7--142-86 Ordering Bids for 1986 Asphalt Paving Project No. 2 239
July 7_ 143.86 preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Dubu'
que Wastewater Treatment Facility Maintenance Building. 240
7--144-86 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for the Dubu-
que WWTP Maintenance Building ................... 240
7--145-86 Ordering Bids for the Dubuque WWTP Facility
Maintenance Building ................................ 240, 241
7--146-86 Authorizing the Filing of an Application with the DOT,
USA, for Grants under UMTA ........................ 241
" 7--147-86 Granting Roadway Easement across City Owned Lots
Identified as "Any and All Parte of Lots 1 and 2 of Rose Hill
Addn." to the City ................................... 242
7--148-86 (1) Approving the Appraisal of Market Value of the
Couler Valley Redevelopment Area Reuse Properties; (2) Ap-
proving the Redeveloper Proposal submitted by Swiss Valley
Farms Co., Inc.; and (3) Directing Publication of Notice of the
City's Intent to enter into a Contract for Sale of Land for
Private Redevelopment by and between the City and Swiss
Valley Farms Co., Inc ................................
7--149-86 Authorizing the Execution of a Memorandum of Agree-
ment with SWISS VALLEY FARMS CO., INC .......... 245
" 7--150-86 Approving the use of up to $100,000 of CD Block Grant
Funds to Supplement Available Funds for the Couler Valley
Redevelopment Project ............................... 245
7--151-86 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental
Review Finding for Certain Community Development Block
Grant Project .......................................
7--152-86 Authorizing the Issuance of $350,000 Urban Renewal
Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Series 1986, and Providing for
the Securing of such bonds for the purpose of carrying out an
Urban Renewal Project in the City of Dubuque, IA, designa-
tion as the Couler Valley Urban Renewal Project ........ 247-259
7--153-86 Directing the Advertisement for sale of $500,000 Street
Improvement Bonds .................................
7--154-86 Authorizing Issuance of Cigarette Permits {several). 263-264
" 7--155-86 Authorizing Issuance of Class "C" & "E" Beer .... 265
7--156-86 Authorizing Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses. 265
7--157-86 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City of
Dubuque and Dubuque Main Street, Ltd. and Authorizing and
Directing the City Manager to Execute said Agreement on
behalf of the City ....................................
7--158-86 Accepting Improvement for Windsor Ave. and Burden
Storm Sewer ....................................... 267, 268
7--159-86 Final Estimate of Windsor Ave. and Burden Storm
Sewer .............................................
7--160-86 Accepting Improvement for the Reconstruction of M~r- 268
phy Park Tennis Courts ..............................
7--161-86 Final Estimate of Murphy Park Tennis Court Project 269
" 7--162-86 Approving the IA DOT to execute Project Agreement 269
re: right-of-way condemnation .........................
7--163-86 Approval of Delivery of Quit Claim Deed by Burlington
Northern RR conveying interest in Property in the Proximity
of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Streets ...........................
July 21 --164-86 Adopting Plans/Specs. for Asphalt Paving Project No. 2 273
" 21--165-86 Awarding Contract for Asphalt Paving Project No. 2 274
" 21--166-86 Granting of Roadway Easement for parts of Lots 1 and 274
2 of Rose Hill Addn ..................................
" 21--167-86 Preliminary Approval of plans/Specs, for Skywalk con-
necting the IA St. Parking Ramp and Kresge Building .... 275
" 21--168-86 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for Skywalk con-
necting the IA St. Parking Ramp and Kresge Building .... 275
July 21 --169-86 Ordering Bids for Construction of Skywalk between IA
St. Ramp and Kresge Building .......................
" 21--170-86 Directing Sale of $500,000 Street Improvement Bonds
" 21--171-86 Directing Sale and Delivery of $350,000 Urban Renewal
Tax Increment Bonds ........... : ............. ;.: ....
" 21--172-86 Approval of Conveyance of Lot 2 of Mt; Carmel Subd.
to Zephyr Aluminum Products, Inc .....................
" 21--173-86 Authorizing Issuance of Cigarette Permits ........
21--174-86 Authorizing Issuance of Class "B" Beer and Liquor
License and Class "C" Beer and Liquor License ..........
21--175-86 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of
Funds for the Couler Valley Redevelopment Project .......
21--176-86 Accepting hnprovement for Ch. Schmitt Memorial
Island Ballpark Complex Facilities Building .............
21--177-86 Final Estimate of Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island Ballpark
Complex Facilities Building ...........................
21--178-86 Accepting Improvement for N/W Arterial from Penn-
sylvania Ave. to Asbury Road, P.C.C. Paving & Street Lighting
21--179-86 Final Estimate for N/W Arterial P.C.C. Paving and
Street Lighting ...................................... 289
Aug. 4--180-86 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the
Dubuque WWTP Facility Maintenance Building .......... 293
" 4--181-86 Ordering Bids for the Construction of the Dubuque
WWTP Facility Maintenance Building .................. 293
4--182-86 Declaring the Intent of the City of Dispose of Interests
in Certain Real Estate and to enter into a Subordination Agree-
ment with SANWA Business Credit Corporation (re: FDL). 295-296
4--183-86 Authorizing the Filing of a Community Economic Bet-
terment Account Program Application for the CYCARE
SYSTEMS, INC. Expansion Project .................... 296, 297
4--184-86 Approving the Loan of $200,000 of CD Block Grant
Funds for the CyCare Systems, Inc. Expansion Project .... 297
4--185-86 Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Real Property for
the Couler Valley Redevelopment Area Project ........... 301,302
" 4--186-86 Providing for the Issuance of $500,000 Street Improve-
ment Bonds ......................................... 302-310
4--187-86 Authorizing Issuance of Cigarette Permits ........ 310
4--t88-86 Authorizing Issuance of Class "B" and Class "C' Beer
............................................ 311
" 4--189-86 Authorizing Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses. 311
" 4--190-86 Authorizing the Execution of an Amendment to a CD
Block Grant Agreement with the Department of Housing and
Urban Development for Calendar Year 1986 ............. 313
Aug. 18-- 191-86 Auti~or/zing the City of Dubuque, to Dispose of Interests
in Certain Real Estate and to Execute a Subordination Agree-
TION in Connection with a LOAN to be made to FDL Foods,
Inc. to Refinance Certain Long Term Debt .............. 315
" 18--192-86 Approving Plans/Specs. etc. for WWTP Facility
Maintenance Building ................................ 317
" 18--I93-86 Awarding Contract for Dubuque WWTP Maintenance
Building to Prism Corp. of Hazel Green, Wt ............. 317, 318
" 18--194-86 of Intention to Dispose of City Interest in Property in
Mt~ Carmel Subd. Lot 2 in the City .................... 318
" 18--195-86 Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Real Property for
the Couler Valley Redevelopment Area Project ........... 320
" 18--196-86 Authorialng lssuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses. 327
" 18--197-86 Authorizing Issuance'of Class "B" Bee} Permit .... 328 - ·
" 18--198,86 Approving the Final Plat of Buena Vista Subdivision
No. 4 in the City of Dubuque.. i ..... : · ................ 329
Aug. 18--199-86 Approving the Final Plat of Buena Vista Subdivision 330
No. 5 in the City of Dubuque ..........................
" 18--200-86 Approving the Final Plat of Adams Co.'s 1st Addition 331
in the City ..........................................
18--201-86 Approving the Final Plat of Reisen Subdivision .... 332
Sep. 2_202.86 Approving Disposal of Interest in Lot 2 of Mt. Carmel
Subd. Zephyr Aluminum Products Co ................... 334
2--203-86 Preliminary Approval of plans and Specs. for the
SKYWALK Connecting Iowa Street Parking Ramp to the
Gallery Court .......................................
2--205-86 Ordering Bids for the SKYWALK Connecting Iowa St.
Parking Ramp ......................................
2--206-86 Preliminary Approval of Plans/Specs. for the Asphalt 342
Paving Project No. 3 .................................
2--207-86 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for Asphalt Pay-
lng Project No. 3 ....................................
2--208-86 Ordering Bids for Asphalt Paving Project No. 3 .... 342, 343
2--209-86 Approving the Form and Content of an Agreement for
Sale of Land for Private Redevelopment by and between the
City and Swiss Valley Farms Co., Inc. and Authorizing the
Mayor and City Clerk to Execute said Agreement with such 344
Changes as shall be necessary .........................
2--210-86 Authorizing Issuance o{ Cigarette Permits ....... 346
...... and"E"Beer Permit 346, 347
2_211-86 Authorizmg Issuance of Class C
2--212-86 Authorizing Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License,
Special Class C" Beer Wine License, Class "F" Liquor L cense 347
2--213-86 Adopting Supplement No. 27 to the Code of Ordinances
of the City ..........................................
2--214-86 Approving City of Dubuque Fiscal year 1986 Street
Finance Report ......................................
Sep. 15--215-86 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Asphalt Paving Project 357
" 15--216-86 Awarding Contract for Asphalt Paving Project No. 3 357
" 15--217-86 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the SKYWALK Connec- 358
ting Iowa St. Ramp to Gallery Court ...................
" 15--218-86 Awarding Contract for SKYWALK Connecting Iowa
St. Parking Rtunp to the Gallery Court to Total Structures, Inc. 358
" 15--219-86 Approving Plat of Vacated Alleys North of Pearl St.
& West of McCormick St ............................ 360
15--220-86 Approving Plat of a Portion of an Alley between Elm
and Pine Streets from 14th St. to Lot 187.A ........... 362
" 15--221-86 Authorizing issuance of "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits 363
15--222-86 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License . . 363
" 15--223-86 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1 & 2 of Ohmert Farm,
Section 3, Township 88 North, Range 2 East of the 5th Prin-
cipal Meridian & of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of the Southeast
One Quarter of the Southeast One Quarter, Section 34,
Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th Principal Meri-
dian, Dubuque Co., Iowa. ~ ........................... 365
Oct. 6_224_86 Approval of disposal of interest in property - L°t A in
Herbst's Subd. to the University of Dubuque for $827.64 plus
costs ..............................................
6--225-86 Approving the Statement of Investment Policy for City 374
6--226-86 Annexing Lot I of Lot1 of Lot 1 of ]Key Gate Center
and Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Key
Gate Center ........................................
6--227;86 Authorizing Cigarette Permits to several outlets 381, 382
6--228-86 Authorizing Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits ...... 382
6--229-86 Authorizmg Class (Hotel-Motel) & Class "C" Li-
quor Licenses .......................................
Oct. 6--230-86 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 3, Block
1 of Tschiggfrie Commercial. 386
6--231-86 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 2 of Asbury Springs
Subd. No. 5 ........................................ 387
" 6--232-86 Approving a Memorandum of Understanding between
the City and the Iowa State Dept. of Inspections and Appeals
for Enforcement of the Food Service Sanitation, Hotel Inspec-
tion, and Vending Machine Laws ....................... 387
6--233-86 Authorlzhig Cigarette Permits ................... 391
6--234-86 Authorizing Class "B" Beer Permits ............. 391
6--235-86 Authorizing Class "C" Liquor License ............ 392
6--236-86 Accepting Improvement for Asphalt Paving Project No
................................................. 394
6--237-86 Final Estimate for Asphalt Paving Project No. 2... 394
6--238-87 Accepting Improvement for Structural Modifications
for Transit Garage .................................. 394
6--239-87 Final Estimate for Structural Modifications for Tran-
sit Garage with M.P. Kluck & Sons, Inc ................. 395
Nov. 3--240-86 Issuance of Class "E" & "C .....
3--241-86 Authorizing Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License.. 402
3--242-86 Accepting Improvement of the Reconstruction of Three
Reinforced Concrete Dome Structures for the Wastewater
Treatment Plant .................................... 403
3--243-86 F nal Estimate for the Reconstruction of Three Rein-
forced Concrete Dome Structures for the WWTP ..... 404
3--244-86 Accepting Improvement for the Cedar Cross Road
Bridge Replacement ....
,, ' ............................. 404
3--245-86 Final Estimate for the Cedar Cross Road Bridge
Replacement .
....................................... 4O4
Nov. 17--246-86 Authorizing ECIA Business Growth, Inc. to Loan
$102,000 from the City of Dubuque's Portion of the EDA
Revalving Loan Fund, to Tucker Industries, Inc .......... 410, 411
17--247-86 Class "B" and Class "C" and Class "E" Beer Permits 416
" 17--248-86 Class "C" and ClaSs "E" Liquor Licenses ......... 417
" 17--249-86 Authorizing the Filing of a Statement of Intent for CD
Block Grant
,, ' ....................................... 418
17--250-86 Authorizing Publication o£ Notice of Environmental
Review Findings for Certain CD Block Grant Projects .... 418, 419
" 17--251-86 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 2-1-1
of "Sylvan Place" in the City of Dubuque ............... 419, 420
17--252-86 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1
of the East 1/2 Lot i of Lot 3 of Wilson's Subd. in the City
of Dubuque, IA .................................... 420, 421
Dec. 1--253-86 Approval of vacation and release of 8' wide Sanitary
ewer Easement thru Center of Lot 2 of Sara S. and Edward
R. Bartals Place in Center Grove (3199 Universlty/ ....... 424
1--254-86 Ratifying, Confirming and Approving Publication of
.Notice of P. Hearing and Relating to holding of a Public Hear
lng and Resolution Approving Proceeding with the Issuance
and Sale of not to exceed $5,200,000 Aggregate Principal
Amount of Floating Rate Weekly Demand Industrial Develop-
ment Revenue Bonds (Swiss Valley Far,ns Co., Inc. Project)
Series 1986 ..
....................................... 425, 426
1--255-86 Authorizing the Issu~n~ce of $5,200,000 in Ag. Prin.
Amount of City Floating Rate Ind. Development Rev. Bonds
(Swiss Valley Farms) Co. Project etc .................... 426-430
1--256-86 Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of an Indem-
nity Agreement by and between Swiss Valley Farms Co. Inc.
and the City .....
................................... 431
1--257-86 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Construc-
tion of Transit Garage ................................ 431
Dec. 1--258-86 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for Transit
Garage Office Cons ................................... 431
" 1--259-86 Ordering Bids for the Construction of Office at Transit
Garage ...........................................
" 1--260-86 Calling and Election on the Repeal of a Local Sales and
Services Tax Imposed in some Areas of Dubuque County.. 433
1--261-86 Approval of Emergency Repair to the Ice Harbor Gate 434
Structure ...........................................
1--262-86 Authorizing Class "C" and "E" Liquor License .... 435
1--263-86 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of
Funds for Certain CD Block Grant Projects ............. 437
1--264-86 Adopting Supplement No. 28 to the Code of Ordinances 439
1--265-86 Acceptance of Ownership of a Waterline from 3141
Brunswick St. to 612 Peru Road ....................... 440
1--266-86 Exercising of Option Agreement by Thermalyne Corp. 441
1--267-86 Approving a Tentative Five year Street Constructinn
Program and Submitting same to the IA Dept. o~
Transportation ...................................... 442
Dec. 15--268-86 Declaring the Intent of the City of Dubuque, IA to
Dispose of Interests in Certain Real Estate ............. ..
" 15--269-86 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Economic
Betterment Grant with the State of IA Dept. of Economic
Development ........................................ 447, 448
" 15--270-86 Authorizing Acceptance of a Subgrant Agreement Pro-
riding for the Grant of State of IA Community Economic Bet-
terment Funds to CYCARE SYSTEMS ................. 448
" 15--271-86 Authorizing Acceptance of an Agreement Providing for
the Loan of CD Block Grant Funds to CYCARE SYSTEMS,
INC ................................................
" 15--272-86 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental
Review Finding for Certain Comnmnity Development Block
Grant Project ....................................... 449
" 15--273-86 Authorizing the Execution of a Loan Agreement with
The Country Wagon ................................. 449
15--274-86 Authorizing the Execution of a Grant Agreement with
The Country Wagon .................................
15--275-86 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental
Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Project ...... 450, 451
" 15--276-86 Authorizing the Execution of a Loan Agreement with
Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc ............................... 451
" 15--277-86 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental
Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Project ...... 452
~' 15--278-86 Approving an Agreement between the City of Dubuque,
Iowa AND Dale R. Cooper, d/b/a Manchester Milk Sanitation
Unit, and Authorizhig and Directing the Mayor and City Clerk
to execute Said Agreement on behalf of the City of Dubuque, IA 461
" 15--279-86 Appointing Medical Directors for the City of Dubuque's
Advanced Emergency Medical Care AMBULANCE SERVICE 461,462
" 15--280-86 Issuance of Cigarette Permits ................. 462
15--281-86 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits: ............. 462
15--282-86 Issuance of Class "B" (Hotal-Motel) Liquor License and
Class "C" Commercial Liquor License .................. 463
15--283-86 Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of an Indem-
nity Agreement by and between Swiss Valley Farms Co. and
the City of Dubuque, IA .............................. 464, 465
" 15--284-86 Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Quit Claim
Deed from the City of Dubuque, IA to Swiss Valley Farms Co. 465
Jan. 6--Snow Removal Work Session set up .................... 9
Jan. 20--Simon, Dave (Council Member), nominated as Vice-Chair of Bd.
of Health ........................................... 11
20--SchooI Nurse Day (Dubuque), Proclamation .............. 13
20--Schmltt Island Park & Recreation Complex be nmned in honor
of Red McAleece & John Petrakis.. 16
" 20--Snow prohibited (placement) on private property ......... 18, 19
" 20--Snow, ice & slush, removal of accumulations by City & recovery
of costs ............................................ 19
" 20--Sidewalk repairs, recovery of costs by the City ........... 20
" 20--Successors, emergency interim for positions of City Mgr., Ci-
ty Clerk & Corporation Counsel ........................ 23
" 20--Spiegelhalter, Robert, Class "C" Liquor ................. 26
" 20--Sawvell, Michael J., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 26
20--Schroeder, Bill, Claim 27
20--Stewart (W.C.) Construction Co. vs. City, Claim .......... 27
20--Spatz Malones, refund for Cigarette Permit .............. 27
20--State Dept. of Agriculture & City, Amendment to Contract for
Food Service & Hotel Sanitation ....................... 29
20--Schedule of Assessments for reconstruction of John F. Ken-
nedy Road from Pennsylvania Ave. to University Ave ..... 31-34
Feb. 3--Silt rem°val project from 32nd St. Detention Basin Project 14_15, 41.42
3--Schenker, Thomas, of Kennedy Mall, objecting to Ordinance
prohibiting property owners to allow Transient Merchants w/o
proper permit ...........................
3--Schromen, Ruth, (1900 Tap), Class "C" LiquOr ~i~e~ i::: 51
" 3--St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Claim 57
3--Spatz Malones, Refund on Liquor License ............... 58
3--Storm Sewer Rehabillation Project at M~n & 14th, acceptance
of Project .......................................... 59
Feb. 17--Swiss Valley Farms requesting assistance for expansion of their
facility at 3510 Central Ave. 64
17--Sunshine Mart, (Do Inc.) Cigarette Permit ............... 65
17--Schroby's, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ............... 66
17--State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance, Claim of Jeanette L.
" i7--Spangler, Richard, Claim ................. i ........... 66
" 17--Sidewalk request by Merlyn Atkinson for area near St. An-
thony's, Senior, etc.
,, ' ................................. 67
17--Schmltt Apts. & Maiers, tax exemption for revitalization area
in W. 11th St,.
" I7--Salchert, Stephen & Judy, tax exemption for revitalization area
in W. 11th St...
.................................... 68
Feb. 24--Street Division, City Budget before Council ............. 71
24--Sewer Rates, Revision of Charges ...................... 76
Mar. 3--Seabee Week in Dubuque Proclamation ....... 79
3--Suspension of Water Plant Employee, re: affirmation ..... 82
3--Styer, H., applicant to Airport Cmnmission ............. 83
3--September 1985 Printed Council proceedings approved .... 84
3--State Racing Commission lawsuit of City against, dismissed
w/o prejudice ........................................ 84
Mar. 17--State Transit Assistance and UMTA Operating & Capital
Assistance, Public Hearing held ....................... 87
" 17--Smith, Robert W. appointed to Historic Preservation Comm.
for unexpired telun which will expire 6-29~86 ............. 90
" 17--Super 8 Motel, Cigarette Permit 91
17--Schumacher, Earl .....
E., Class C Beer Permit ............ 91
17--Sordahl Enterprises, Class "E" Permit (Nabors Drug) ..... 91
M, ar. 17--Stuer, John, Claim ...................................
' 17--Spangler, Richard J., Denial of Claim. 92
Apr. 7--Sign Regulations - re: Zoning Ordinances, etc..97, 109, 156, 157, 178
" 7--Swiss Valley Farm Urban Renewal, designation of such area
as blighted and appropriate for Urban Renewal Project ....
............................................ 98, 168, 226, 244
7--Steve's University "76", Cigarette Permit ............... 100
7--Sulllvan, Terry, appointed to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment. · · 100
7--Sm~shine Mart of Dbq., Ltd., Class "C" Beer Permit, Refund 100, 204
7--Schrobilgen, Thomas, Refund on LiqUor License ........ 103
7--Shanahan, Francis, Refund ............................ 103
7--Spechtenhauser vs. City of Dubuque, re: Supreme Court gran-
ting further review ................................... 104, 160
7--STA Application re: UMTA funding .................... 108
" 7--Supervisors (Dubuque County) re: intent to terminate Agree-
ment with City regarding fines and court costs in respect to
MOVING TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS .................... 119
7--Steichen, Robert, Claim ............................... 119
Apr. 21--Stop Lights at intersection of NE Arterial and Pennsylvania 121
Ave ................................................
" 21--Sidewalks on N. Grandview between Ungs St. and Kaufmann
Ave., recommendation for ............................. 121
May 5--Sail and Water Stewardship Week, Proclamation ......... 123
5--Sears 100th Birthday, Presentation ..................... 123
5--Schmitt, Mrs. Rosella, re: letter from Finley Hospital & per-
raining retaining wail ................................
5--Sale of property to UD re: vacated alley near Grace/Auburn St. 152
5--STREET PROGRAM, 1986 ..................... 152-154, 163-164
5--Sail & Water Conservation Commissioner R. Fluhr re: protec-
tion of both soil & water sources ....................... 155, 156
5--Shulan, John for Emco Investors re: vacating alley between
17th & 18th St., west of Elm for possible purchase ....... 157
5--Soupy's Inc. (Hudson's), Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. 159
5--Shot Tower Inn (DBQ. Inc.), Class "C" Liquor License .... 159
May 19--Shaw, Martha re: Couler Valley Redevelopment area....state- 169
ment hoping to be treated "fair". ......................
" 19--Speed limit on the N/W Arterial ....................... 177, 199
19--Sign regulations re: Kennedy Road etc .................. 178
19--Schrup, Vim. appointed to Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. Board. 183
19--Styer, Harold appointed to Airport Zoning Commission . · ·
19--Sfikas, Cigarette Permit ..............................
19--Silver Dollar, Class "C" Liquor License .................
19--Sunshine Mart, Cigarette Permit .................... .' · '
19--Substance Abuse Service Center, Purchase of Serwces
June 2--Small Business Award (National), Proclamation honoring Bob
& Ruth Kehl ........................................
2--Sale of Lot 2 in Mt. Carmel Subd. to Zephyr Aluminum Pro-
ducts Co., Inc ............................... ~ .......
2--Spiegel, Robert, re: 14 day Liqnor License Suspension .....
2--Suspension of Liquor License of R. Spalgel & J. Richman d/b/a
Avenue Tap ........................................
2--Substance Abuse Services Center, Petition for Council Member
on their Board .....................................
2--Sharp Photocopier purchased for City Clerk's Office ......
2--Soupy's Inc., Cigm'ette Permit .........................
2--Schumacher, Earl E. & E. Thomas, Class "C" Beer Permit
"2--Saffran, Susan Jean, Class "C" Liquor License ...........
"2--Setter, Attorney David for D.J. Herbst requesting to purchase
former City Garage property and alley near 14th St. etc...
June 16--Suspension P- Hearing for Avenue Tap Liquor License ....
June 16--Strub Construction awarded contract for installation of elevator
and office renovation in City IIalI ...................... 213
" 16--State Conservation Commission, approval of Cooperative
Agreement re: improvements on Chaplain Scinnltt Memorial
" 16--Super 8 Motel, Cigarette Permit .......................
16--Sunnycrest Manor, Cigarette Permit ....................
16--Sehollmeyer, Wayne, Cigarette Permit ..................
16--Sandidge, Judith M., Cigarette Permit ..................
16--Sound 'N Vision, Cigarette Permit .....................
16--Sehumaeher, Earl, Cigarette Permit ....................
16--Sawvell, Michael J., Class "C" Liquor License ..........
16--Sehollmeyer, Class "C" Liquor License ................. i
16--Spiegelhalter, Melvin A., Class "C" Liquor License .......
16--Schwartz, Ethel, Class "C" Liquor License denied ........
16--Swiss Valley's monies objected to by Linehan & Mole .....
16--Schmitt Islm~d Recreation Complex Sanitary Sewer, Accep-
tance of Project etc ...................................
" 16--Sewer project on Sd~mitt Island Rec. Complex, Acceptance etc.
" 16--Signs requested of IA DOT to our City attractions .......
July 7--Signage for Bed & Breakfast Homes in OR District .......
7--Southern Ave. m~d English Lane, Easement across City Own-
ed lots for Richard W. & Janet C. Trees .................
7--Swiss Valley Farms Co., re: Market Value Approval of Couler
Valley Redevelopment Area Reuse Properties etc. & Entering
into Sale of Land . 244
7--Street Improvement Bonds, Advertisement for Sale ....... 259-261
7--Sunday Sales re: Alcoholic Beverages - Ordinance etc ...... 262
7--Sewer Accounts, Dalinquent...Ordlnances amending Code .. 263
7--Schnalder, Sharon appointed to TV Cable Teleprogramming
Comm. 263
7--Shot Tower, Cigarette Permit ......................... 264
7--Saffran, Sue (Kennel Club), Cigarette Permit ............. 264
7--Schrobilgen, Thomas, Schroby's, Cigarette Permit ........ 264
7--Schrodt, Charles II., Cigarette Permit .................. 264
7--Schuster, Patricia Lombardi, Cigarette Permit ........... 264
" 7--Smith, Sgeve, Cigarette Permit ........................ 264
" 7--Soupy's, Inc., Cigarette Permit ........................ 264
7--Spiegelhalter, Melvin A., (Dbq. Bowling Lanes), Cigarette
Permit ............................................. 264
7--Sordahl Enterprises, Cigarette Permit .................. 264
7--Sewer Accounts, delinquent, Ordinance enacting assessment 263, 284
7--Soens, Michael R., Cigarette Permit .................... 264
7--Specht's Pipe Inn, Cigarette Permit .................... 264
7--Sawvell, Michael J., Cigarette Permit ................... 264
7--Sheppley Co., W.S., Cigarette Permit ................... 264
7--Steve's University 76, Cigarette Per,nit ................. 264
7--Sfikas Restaurant, Cigarette Permit .................... 265
7--Steel, Vivian, Claim .................................. 266
7--Southern Ave., re: David Hartig requesting vacation of
"Township Road", a lane at the southerly end of Southern Ave. 266
" 7--Storm Sewer of Windsor & Burden Ave., acceptance of project 267, 268
" 7--Schwers, Jim re: Land in Arbor Oaks & rezoning problem . 270
7--Sewer Service on Roosevelt Road, request for san~e etc .... 270
July 21--Schaefer, Pastor Jeffrey, gave Invocation ............... 273
" 21--SKYWALK Project between IA St. Parking Ramp & Kresge
Bldg ................................ 275, 276, 317, 340-341, 358
" 21--Street Improvement Bonds, Directing Sale etc ............ 277
" 21--Smith, Shawn & C. Patrick & Donna, Claim; Dismissal. 286, 287, 329
Aug. 4--Stocher, Victor P. re: denial of zoning change 1600 Block of
Rockdale Rd ....................... ................. 294
4--Subordination Agreement with SANWA Business Credit Corp.
(re: FDL) .......................................... 295, 315
" 4--SANWA Business Credit Corp. re: FDL, Subordination
Agreement ......................................... 295, 315
4--Snow Removal enforcement Ordinance submitted ......... 297
4--Sci~wartz, Ethel K., Cigarette Permit ................... 310
4--St. Columbkille's Church, Class "B" Beer Permit; Refund . 311, 383
4--Spechtenhauser suit, submission of Supreme Court opinion 312
4--Sewer extension up Roosevelt Road, objection ........... 312
4--Safety hazards at 649 W. 8th St ....................... 312
4--Schilling, James, attorney for Kennedy Mall (Cafaro Co.) re:
No Notice of Special Street Assessment ................. 312, 332
4--Second St. area, re: Fireworks Display .................. 312
Aug. 18--Sewer problem in area of W. Locust & Rosedale .......... 319
" 18--Saul, Nicholas, Claim ................................. 328
" 18--Siebe, Wesley, Claim ................................. 328
" 18--Sawvel, Lawrence, Claim; Settlement .................. 328, 348
18--Saints Hockey Team, contract with Five Flags ........... 329
Sep. 2-- Sale of Land Agreement for private redevelopment between City
and Swiss Valley Farms Co ............................ 344
2--SWISS VALLEY Farms Co., Sale of Land between City etc. 344
2--Spiegelhalter, Melvin, Class "C" Liquor License .......... 347
" 2--Selchert, Paula Post, Claim; Dismissal .................. 347, 438
" 2--Streff, Chad, Claim .................................. 347
2--Supplement No. 7 to Code or Ordinances, adopted ........ 349
2--Street Finance Report (1986) submitted ................. 350
2--Satellite Dishes, changes in Zoning .................. 359, 371, 372
2--Structural System update of IA St. & Locust St. Ramps .. 361
2--Schlarmann, Brian, Claim; Denial ...................... 364, 439
Oct. 6--Statement of Investment Policy set out for City ......... 373, 374
6--STOP Contract (Serious Traffic Offender Program) Contract etc. 374
6--Sunday Sales etc. clarified Class "E" Liquor License ...... 379, 380
6--Spiegelhalter, Robert, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor
License ............................................ 381, 382
6--Schumacher, Earl, Cigarette Permits ................... 382
6--Sandidge, Judith (The Pump), Class "C" Liquor License... 382
6--State Funds for roads, IA DOT reviewing their programming
etc ................................................. 383
6--Self-Insurance Plan of City's Workers Comp., annual financial
statement .......................................... 383
" 6--Schrodt, Charles, refund on Cigarette Permit ............ 383
6--Stop Sign at Commr of Center Grove & Wacker Drive ..... 383, 384
6--Schlarman, Darleen, Claim; Settlement .................. 385, 421
6--Schlueter, Thomas, Claim; Settlement ................... 385, 421
" 6--Schmit, Joseph, Claim; Settlement ..................... 385, 421
" 6--Schmitt, Kenneth, Claim; Settlement ................... 385, 421
" 6--Schmit, Ray, Claim; Settlement ........................ 385, 464
6--Streinz, Julie, Claim; Settlement ...................... 385, 405
6--Schuto, James, Claim; Settlement. .............. · ...... 385, 464
6--Sweeney, Jan, Claim; Settlement ....................... 385, 440
6--Schroeder, Randy, Claim .............................. 385
6--Siebe, Wesley, Claim ................................. 385
6--Sanitation of Restaurant, IIotel & Vending Machine re: State,
Mem. of Understanding ............................. 387
Oct. 20--Saberinn, Janet, Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 391
" 20--Substance Abuse Services Centers re: Quarterly Report . . . 392
" 20--Schmltt, Garry, Claim ............................... 392
" 20--Schroeder, Wanda, Claim ............................. 392
Oct. 20--Sergeant (Police), individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. 393
20--September Financial Reports .
" :i:5 393
ii 20--Structural Mod ficatlons etc. for TRANSIT GARAGE .... 394, 395
20--Smith, Steve (or Ron Smith Constructlon) requesting excava
tlon of J.F. Kennedy Road (1745} to provide water servlce395, 400, 409
Nov. 3--Sauser, Mary, Claim
,, ' ................................ 402
3--Schnee, Ronald, settlement of claim
3--Sewer system problems in area of W.' ~'o~ '~ 'R~i~' i i 402
3--Streinz, Joel, Claim; Settlement ........................ 405
Nov. 17--Sewer easements across portion of Sara & Edward Barrels Place 405
at Center Grove, requested for Miracle Car Wash ......... 409, 424
' 17--Southern Ave. area residents requesting signs for street clos-
ed to thru traffic
" ' ................................... 410
17--Statement of Intent of CD Block Grant Funds for City ...
" 17--Swift, Gerald petitioning for sewer along Old Mill Rd ..... 418
" 419, 440
IT--Sewer (Sanitary) petition along Old Mill Road ............ 419, 440
17--Sylvan Place, Lot 2-I-1 approval of Final Plat
17--Smith, William, Settlement of Clailn ......... :::i:::": ' 419
Dec. 1--Swiss Valley Farms Projects, /nd. Dev. Rev. Bonds.. ..... 425-430
1--Swiss Valley Farms Co., Inc., Indemnity Agreement; Correc:
tion on name, etc ................................... 431
1--Sherrlil, IA re: repeal of Local Option Tax ............. ·. 4321 464
i--States Con~tructlon, contract for repair of Ice Harbor 433
Floodgates ..........................................
1--Shanley - street name on Schmitt Mem. Island. 433
1--Sign (Yield} at intersection of Shanley & Ad. Sh;e~ ~;.':: 434, 435
................................................ 434, 435, 459
1--Substance Abuse Services Center appointment of Pat Quinn 435
1-Signs on Hill St., removal, comm. of Hardle Adv. 436
1--Schlueter, Thomas, Claim . ' .......
............................ 436
1--Site Visit report by Dir. of Comm. Planning & Development
Div ................................................ 436
1-Stetcher, Randall requesting to rename former section of U.S.
52 from Rockdale Road to present Hw . 61 to" '
Drive" . ..... Y Twin Valley
1--Supplement No. 28 to Code, adopted ................... 439
1 --Shaw, Keith A., M.D., reslgnfl~g from Dir. of Ambulance Service 438
1--Street Construction Program for next five year period ..... 442
Dec. 15--State of IA. Community Economic Betterment Funds to
CyCare Systems ...................... ~ ............... 448
15--Street storage of Vehicles - procedure for (I~OWING), when
5 or more unpaid tickets.
............................. 453
" 15--Slingshots, etc., unlawful by Ordinance
................. 456
" 15--Singsank, Dr. Mark, designated as Co-Medical Directors for
Ambulance Servic,e,. ~ ..............
" 15--Spiegel, R., Class C ' Liquor License ................ 461
15--Sauser, Mary, Claim ................... 463
' ~5--Swiss Valley Farms Co., Execution & Delivery of Indemnity
................. : ....................... 464
" 15--Swlss Valley Farms Execution & Delivery of Quit Claim Deed 465
Jan. 6--Talegraph Herald - Designating the Official Newspaper of the
City ............................................... 2
6--Tam, Wm. & Steve Tong (Rusty's Chinese Rest.), Class "C"
Liquor License ...................................... 6
& STATISTICS .................................... 7, 311,402
6--Theatre, Five Flags, HVAC Retrofit, ete ................. 8, 9
6--Thlrty-Second Street Detention Basin, Removal of Silt Project
............................................... 14, 15, 41, 42
Jan. 20--Tigges, Benny, applicant for Human Rights Corem ........ 25
" 20--TFM Co., Class "C" Beer Permits ...................... 26
................................. 26, 84, 101, 160, 185, 383, 436
Jan. 27--Transit Board & City Council - Special Meeting to conduct a
Joint Meeting to present and discuss Dubuque Transit System
Opinion Survey ...................................... 35
" 27--Transit System Opinion Survey ....................... 35
Feb. 3--Transit Dept. (Keyline) re: Applicatlons with UMTA for Gr ants 43
3--Travel, out of city, for Mayor and City Council Members, policy
and procedures etc. set out by Resolution ............... 46
3--Transient Merchants License, re: Ordinance prohibiting pro-
perty owners to permit individuals to conduct business on their
property ........................................... 41
3--Tam, Win, & Tong, Steven, (Rusty's Chinese Restaurant),
Cigarette Permit .................................... 54
3--Ten Pin Tap (Mike Weber), Cigarette Permit ............. 54
3--Thoms, Allan T., resigning from AIRPORT COMMISSION 58
Feb, 17--Transit Dept. (Keyline), re: Arch. firm for design/construction
of Bus Maintenance Garage .......................... 62, 23
17--Tool & Die Co. (Dbq.) ECIA Business Growth, Inc. Loan
$60,000 from City's portion of the EDA Revolving Loan Fund
to same ............................................ 64
17--Town Clock Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 66
17--Tax Exemption Applications submitted in Urban Revit. Areas 68
17--Trueblood, Terry, commendation for 16Vg years of service to
the City .......................................... 69
Feb. 24--Transit Dept. Budget before Council .................... 71
" 24--Tax - Option - Calling an election for same in amount of 1% 73, 74
Mar. 3--Turner, Mary L. (Park Square), Cigarette Permit & Class "C"
Liquor License ..................................... 83
Mar. 17--Transit Dept. - Filing of Grant Application for Operating
Assistance with the State Transit Assistance Program and
authorizing the entering into a Contract with the IDOT ... 87
" 17--TV Cable Teleprogramming Commission appointment of Den-
nis Corso .......................................... 90
" 17--Tourlsm Bureau resignation of C.M. Kronfeldt & appointment
of Council Member Kronfeldt and Manning .............. 90
Apr. 7--Transit Dept. Fare Increase ........................... 98
" 7--TCS, /nc., Class "E" Beer Permit ...................... 100
7--Tm':, Local Option, opposition of Dbq. Federation of Labor. 102
Apr. 21--Table Mound School Week, Proclamation ................ 108
" 21--Transfer of control regarding Group W Cable from
Westinghouse, Inc. to the Buyers' Consortium, fnc ........ 112
" 21--Transit Union, Agreement with City ................... 115
" 21--Tyler Road residents (& Erie Court) requesting relief from runoff
damage ............................................ 120
May 5--Transportation Week, Proclamation ................... 123
May 5--Telegraph Herald, certificate of insurance covering vending
machines ....
May 19--Transfer of Funds (City Budget) ....................... 168
" 19--Tax Increment Financing District, re: Urban Renewal District 169
' 19--Tschiggfrie Excavating, rezonlng request for 23 acres N. of
Hwy. 20 ........................................ 173, 174, 190
" 19--Transit Garage, Project of Structural Modifications 175, 176, 213-214
" 19--Tam, Wm. & Steven Ton, (Rusty's), Cigarette Permit ..... 184
" 19--Tim Gee, Monte Carlo, Cigarette Permit ................ 184
" 19--Tegaler, Mark & Gary, (Grandview Milk House), Cigarette
Permit ...................... ....................... 185
" 19--Tegeler, Barry, requesting No Parking area on W. 23rd St. from
Central Ave. west for 190 feet. 186
June 2--Timmerman, Al for Zephyr Products requested approval of final
plat of Mount Carmel Subd..
.......................... 191
2--Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Issumlce of not to Exceed
$400,000 ........................................... 194
2--Town Clock Plaza, regulation of use, change in Ordinance.. 200-202
June16--Thompson, Winnle, appointed to Historic Pres. Comm. for
Cathedral area ..............
16--TCS, Cigarette Permit ......... i.. ii:i. ::i:ii::ii::ii: 222
16--Thompson's Food Market, Cigarette Permit ............. 223
16--Ternent, W~n. A., applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm. 222, 223
16--Trueblood, Terry, Claim; Settlement .................... 225, 385
16--Torres, Vincent, Claim; Settlement ..................... 225, 385
16--Tool Library (Washington Neighborhood), Funding Agreement
.................................. , ............ 227
July 7--Trees, Richard W. & Janet C., easement across proper ty granted
to them {near Southern & English Lane} ................ 242, 274
7--Tyler Road, petition re: drainage proble~ns .............. 243
7--TV Cable Teleprogrammlng Commission appointment of
Sharon Schneider .
................................... 263
7--Tigges, A., Cigarette Permit ........................... 264
7--The Tallbridge Inn, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License 264, 347
7--Townclock Inn, Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
7--TraviS; Barbara, Cigarette Permit ...................... 264
7--Tri-State Blind Society, Cigarette Permit ................ 264
7--Turner, Maylo, Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
7--TFM Co., {Oky Doky's), Cigarette Permits .............. 264
7--Township Road, David Hartig requesting vacation of same 266
July 21--Tscnhiggfrle Excavating awarded contract for 1986 Asphalt
Paving Project No. ~
21--Thfrd St. (West), re: petit/on for relief of heavy truck traffic and
leaking water tower .................................. 276, 349
" 21--Traffic Signal request at intersection of Hiway 61/151 &
Greyhound Park Road. 277
" 21--Transit Board of Trustees reappalntment of Genevieve
Heathcote ..................................... ..... 285
Aug. 4--Taxicab Service, application for new owner provision . .292, 340, 352
4--Thompson, Winnie, presentation for naming of Ice Harbor area 294
4 Travls, Barbara J. refund for Beer Permit ............ 312
4--Tschlggfrie Drive, request to be changed to A.Y. McDonald
Drive .............................. ~ .............. 813, 380-381
Aug. 18--Tyler Road & Erie Ct. requesting City to cover full ex ense etc. 319
" 18--Thomas Place, purchase of property by City (that of ~J. Kane) 320
18--Transit Buses, re: Ordinance defining parking in designated Bus
Stops .............................................. 325
18--TV Cable Regulatory Commission appointment of Wm. A.
.......................................... 327
Aug. 18--Ternent Wm. A., appointed to TV Cable Regulatory Comm. 327
" 18--24th (Twenty-Fourth) (East) St. final plat approved of Relsen
Subd ............................................... 332
Sep. 2_Trltsch, Ralph & Juanita requesting deletion of Lots 31 & 32,
Finley, Waples & Burton Addn. (on Pearl St.) for use as Park-
ing Lots for U.D ..................................... 337
2--Tax Suspension requested by County for 4 .............. 348
Sep. 8--Third Street overpass ............................... 351, 361
Sep. 15--Toxic Clean-Up Week, Proclamation ................... 352
" 15--Taxicab Ordinance - Regulating of T~dcabs, Toxicab Operators
& Taxicab Drivers ................................... 352-356
" 15--Three D (3D) Co., Access Easement Ag-reement tin'ough Gallery
Court Bldg .......................................... 357
' 15--Total Structures, Inc., contract for SKYWALK .......... 358
" 15--Turnmeyer, Myron, Claim; Settlement .................. 364, 421
" 15--Trausch, Thomas & C. Murphy re: annexation of portion of Key
Gate Center ........................................ 366
" 15--Travis, Barbara, refund on Cigarette Permit ............. 366
Oct. 6--Traffic Code (City) amended with five Ordinance re: Providing
for timed parking on certain streets, No Parking etc ....... 375-379
6--Two hour parking on certain streets, updating Ordinance .. 375
6--Transport Sales Co. (Kwik Stop Market) ................ 382
6--TI Investments, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 382
6--Target Store Mgr. Michael Toskey, requesting STOP SIGN at
corner of Center Grove and Wacker Drive ............... 383
6--Tschiggfrie Commercial, P & Z approving Final Plat of Subd.
of Lot 3, Block I .................................... 386
6--Tourimn, update report by Chamber of Commerce ........ 388
Oct. 20-qklrner, David D., Claes "C" Liquor License ............. 392
" 20--Transist Garage, Structural Modifications, acceptance of
project ............................................. 394, 395
Nov. 3--Tucker, Ruth, Claim ................................. 402
Nov. 17--Task Force bf Airport Committee ...................... 409
" 17--Transit Dept. - Quarter Operations Report .............. 409
" 17--Tucker Industries, Inc., ECIA Business Growtth Inc. to Loan
$102,000 from the City's EDA Revolving Loan Fund ..... 410, 411
" 17--TV Cable Teleprogramming Commission appointment of Mary
Jaycox ............................................. 416
" 17--TFM Co., (Oky-Doky), Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 416
" 17--Toal Lending Library re: Environmental Review Findings . 418
" 17--Telegraph Herald case. re: ruling of providing minutes of Dbq.
Racing Assn. Meetings ............................... 422
Dec. 1--Transit Garage, Construction of Offices Project ......... 431,432
1--Twin Valley Drive, Randall Stecher petition for name change
to that 439
1--Thermolyne Corp., exercising purchase Agreement for proper-
ty in Riverfront Sub. No. 3 .......................... 441
Dec. 15--Trausch Realty - reclassification of property at Hwys. 52, 61
& 151 445
" 15 Trespass, iJnlawfullness established by Ordinance 457
" 15--Tigges, Allan, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 463
" 15--Turner, Mary, Refund on Cigarette Permit .............. 463
Jan. 20--U.S. 20 re: review of decision as to the selection of Alternate
from Bluff St. to Concord St ........................... 15
Feb. 3--UMTA - Filing of Applications for Grants ............... 43, 62
Feb. 17--Urban Revitalization Areas, Tax Exemption applications, etc. 68
Mar. 17--UMTA re: Filh~g of Grant Application for Operating Assistance
with the State Transit Assistance Program and Authorizing
the Entering into a Contract with IDOT ................ 87
17--UMTA re: Resalution authorizing the Piling of Applications
with the Dept. of Trans. USA, for Grants under UMTA of 1964,
as amended ......................................... 87
Apr. 7--URBAN Renewal Project, Swiss Valley Farms, etc..98, 155, 169-171
7--Udelhofen, James L., Claim; Denial .................... 101, 120
7--University of Dubuque re: vacation plat at Auburn St., pur
chase of property ................................. 103, 151,152
7--University of Dubuque requesting fireworks display ...... 103
Apr. 21--Uniform Building Code, adoption of same .............. 110, 127
" 21--Uniform Mechanical Code, adoption of same ............ 110
" 21--Uniform Plumbing Code .......................... 111, 128-142
" 21--UMTA, Grant Application, supplemental agree~nent authoriz-
ing ECIA to expend the funds ........................ 112
" 21--United Fire & Casualty Co., Claim .................... 119
" 2I--Utility Easement, 965 Indian Ridge ................ 120, 155, 165
May 5--University Ave., 2196-2198 rezoning for J. Bonnette (Hardees
etc.) ............................................ 155, 294, 321
June 2--University Ave., re: Residential Parking Permit Discussion, etc. 193, 212
2--Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Instituting of Pro-
ceedings to take additional action of issuance of not to ex
ceed $400,000 ................................. 193-194, 215-216
June16--UNIVERSITY PARK - rezoning from R-1 Single Family
Residential District to ID Institutional District and approve
a Conceptual Development Plan for AMERICAN RED CROSS
................................................ 218, 233-235
16--Ungs, David, Cigarette Permit ......................... 223
16--University of Dubuque, Cigarette Permit ............... 223
16--Union Bus Depot, Cigarette Permit ................... 223
16--UMTA, filing of amendments to Section 5 Application & Sec-
tion 9 Application with the IDOT, USA, for Grants ...... 227
July 7--UMTA Application for renovation of Keyline Garage ..... 241
7--URBAN Renewal T&x Increment Revenue Bonds, Issuance of
$350,000 for Couler Valley Urban Renewal Project .......
................................................ 247-259, 301
7--U.S. 20 (Julien Dbq. Bridge), overlay notice by IA DOT... 266
July 21 --Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Directing Sale
to Ti~e First National Bank ........................... 277
Aug. 4--University Ave., 2196-2198, rezoning request by J. Bonnette
etc .......................................... 294, 321, 335-336
4--University IOCO, Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 311
Aug. 18--Universlty of Dbq. rezoning property at 796 Auburn ....
................................................ 319, 337-340
" 18--Universlty of Dubuque requesting vacation of Lot A in Herbst's
Subd ............................................... 329
" 18--University of Dubuque re: area residents concerned about Con
ceptual Development Plan ......................... 319, 337, 403
Sep. 1--Union Labal Week, Proclamation ....................... 334
S,e,p. 1--United States Constitution Day, Proclamation ........... 334
1--University of Dubuque, re: vacating of alleys north of Pearl St.
· 360
& West of McCormick St .............................
Sep. 15--U.S. Highway 52 and 67, annexation petition by T. Trausch
and C. Murphy located between Met. Heights (Old Bellevue 366
Road) and this area ..................................
Oct. 6--UNICEF Month in Dubuque, Proclamation .............. 368
- 6--Union Cigar Store, Cigarette permit ............
6--U.S. Highway 20, property north of Tschiggfrie Drive (approval 386
of final plat) ........................................
Dec. 1_U.S. 61, re: iA DOT advialng of Dismissalin condemnati°n °[
.. 436
rights of laud by IDOT .............................
Dec. 15--UDAG Program, City eligible for recertification .......... 464
June 16--Wagner, John M. re: Claim of Lomas & Nettleon Co. etc... 225
" 16--Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Funding Agree~nent
July 7--Wastewater Treatment Plant Maintenance Bldg. Project .. 240
" 7--West Dubuque Tap, Cigarette Permit ............... :.. · 264
" 7--Wkiskey River, Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
7--Woodman, Clair, Cigarette Permits ................... 264
7--Welland, Steve, Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
7--Weber, Mike, Cigarette Permit ........................ 264
7--Webb, James, Cigarette Permit 264
7--W-I Canteen Service, Cigarette Permit (Airport, WEB
Restaurant & Sheppley Co.) ........................... 264
7--Warec0 Systems of IA, Cigarette Permit .
............... 264
7--Worley, Richard, Claim; Settlement .................... 266, 348
" 7--Windsor & Burden, Storm Sewer Project ................ 267, 268
July 21 --Water Service Charges, Delinquent, Providing for Assessment
of same ..................................... 263, 284, 285, 326
" 21 --W. Third St., problem with truck traffic & water tower drainage
ete .............................. ~ .................. 276, 349
" 21 --WCB Restaurants, Inc., Class "B" (Hotel.Metal) Beer & Liquor
Aug. 4--Wastewater Treatment Plant Maintenance Bldg., construction
-- eel i~en~oval enforcement Ordinance..
................ 297
4--Wacker Drive Special Assessment, Kennedy Mall (Cafaro CO.)
stating they did not receive proper notice
............... 312, 332
4--W. Locust & Rosedale; re: petition @ sewer problems ..... 319
4--Weight Restrictions on Rockdale Road Bridge over Catfish
Creek ......
· .................... 326
Aug. 18--Wahlert High Schoal, contract with Five Flags Center .... 329
Sep. 2--Wulfekuhle, Phil, reappointed to Housing Commission .... 346
Sep. 15--Walker Parking Consultants of Minneapolis, MN for structural
system appraisal update of Iowa St. & Locust St. PARKING
RAMPS .......................................... 361
15--Wahlert High petit on ng for Bonfire for Pep Rally ....... 362
" 15--Whitey's Bar-X, Class "C" Liquor License
................ 363
15--Wilkinson, Darrell, Clabu; Settlement ................... 364, 421
" 15--Wilson, Marilyn, Claim; Denial/Closure.
" I5--Walz, Judith A., Claiin . ' ................ 364, 385
.............................. 366
Oct. 6--Welch, Pastor Ted gave Invocation ..................... 368
6--White Cane Day, Proclamation
" ' ....................... 368
6--Walnut Street, 1051, denial of Bldg. permit, appeal ruling of
His. P.C.
.......................................... 373
6--Worker's Compensation Self-Insurance Plan, Financial
Analysis, (City) .....
6--Wacker ................................. 383
Drive & Center Grove Drive, STOP SIGN provided 384
6--Walker, Carolyn, Claim; Settlement .................... 385, 421
6--Weber, Albert, Claim; Settlement .................. 385, 421
6--Weiss, Philip, Claim; Settlement ....................... 385, 405
6--Wheaten, Kevln, Claim; Settlement ..................... 385, 421
6--Wild, Robert, Claim; Settlement ....................... 385, 421
Oct. 20--Windsor Tap, Class "C" Liquor License.
20--Weidemann, LeRoy, Jr., Claim; Denial.. :::::i:::::::::: 392, 439
" 20--Work Session With Council & p & Z re: Development Plans in
4th St. area.
20--Water Service being provided (street cut) at 1745 J.F. Kennedy
(S. Smith) .......................................... 395, 400
Nov. 3--Woodman, Clair A. (Aragon Tap), Class "C" Liquor License 402
3--Wastewater Treatment Plant, re: reconstruction of concrete
dome structures ..................................... 403
3--Work Session request re: City Mgr.'s conunents, Sales Tax, etc. 411, 422
3--Washington Tool Library, re: environmental review findings,
etc ................................................. 418
3--Wilson's Dubuque, approval of Final Plat of Subd. of Lot 1 of
the East 1/2 of Lot I of Lot 3 ......................... 420
Dec. 1--White House, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 435
1--Welsh, Marion E., Claim .............................. 436
1 --Waterline servicing at 612 Peru Road (re: Brunswick/Elbow St.) 440
1--Water & Wastewater case settlement proposals, approved by
Council ............................................. 442
1--Waldlnger, settlement of water case, etc ................. 442
1--Westphal, settlement in water case ..................... 442
Dec. 15--West 17th, Zoning (re: Lores College area) ............... 446
Apr. 7--Youth Leadership Day, Proclamation ................... 95
" 7--Yen Ching Restaurant, Class !'C" Liquor License ......... 101
Apr. 21--"Youth in Government" sworn in ...................... 108
" 21--Yard Arm (New Harbor Devalopment Co.), Cigarette Permit 118, 391
Oct. 6--Yeldon, Pat, Claim; Settlement ........................ 385, 421
Dec. 1--Yield Sign at intersection of Shanley & Admiral Sheehy Drive 434, 435
Jan. 6--Zoning change - south end of Richards Road Extension from
AG to PR Planned residential District .................. 2
Jan. 20--Zoning change re: adoption of Conceptual Development Plan
forpropertyonBrunskillRoad, knownas OakMeadow an
currently zoned PR Planned Residential District ......... 13, 40
MINUTES ............. 7, 57, 66, 100, 160, 265, 328, 347, 436, 463
Feb. 3_Zoning, change at 503-507 Garfield from R-2A Alternate Tw°'
Family Residential District to C-2 Neighborhood Shopping 39
*Center District .....................................
Feb. 17--Zoning change at 554 W. 8th St., from R-2 to OR District .
................................................... 63, 79, 80
Mar. 17--Zoning change, amendment to establish Bed & Breakfast
Homes at a conditional use in the R-3 Moderate Density Multi-
Family Residential District and providing for definition of same 88, 95
in Section 8 definitions ............................ : ' '
" 17--Zoning Change re: amendement to Ordinances to establish
Nursery School Day Care Centers as a conditional use in the
OS District ......................................... 86, 96, 97
Apr. 7--Zoning Board of Adjustment appointment of Terry Sullivan 100
A,p,r. 21--Zoning change re: Sign regulations etc .................. 109, 156
21--Zoning reclassification of property at 1460 Allison St. from R-2
to ID Institutional District ......................... 109, 123-126
" 21--Zoning change, 3320 Crescent Ridge from AG to CS ...... 110, 126
May 5_Zoning request/change for 2196-2198 Universlty requested bY
J. Bonnette .............................. 155, 294, 321, 335-336
May 19--Zoning request by E. Tschlggfrie for 23 acres north of Highway
....... 173, 174, 190
20 ....................................... 173
19--Zoning change for property at 1897 Old Mill ............. 176
" 19--Zephyr Aluminum, disposal of property to same ..........
" 19--Zoning change etc. at 1703-1751 Elm St .............. 179, 198, 225
" 19--Zielke, Stephen & Judy, Claim ......................... 186
June 2--Zoning re: property at 1897 Old Mill Road and 1901 Rockdale 189
Road ..............................................
2--Zephyr Aluminum Products Co., Inc., sale of Lot 2 in Mt.
Carmel Subd ........................ : ........ 191, 278, 318, 334
June 16--Zoning re: Kennedy Mall Conceptual Development plan for PC
Planned Commercial District .......................... 216, 231
16--Zonlng change of properties north of Pennsylvania Ave. and
adjoining Northrange Court from R-1 Single Family Residen-
tial Dist. to R-2 Two-Family Residential District & R-3 Multi- 217, 236
Family Residential District ...........................
" 16--Zoning re: Amendment to signage requirements for Bed &
Breakfast Homes in OR Office Residential District ....... 217, 236
" 16--Zayre Corp. #24, Cigarette Permit ...................... 223
July 7--Zoning Change for University park, for RED CROSS ..... 233-235
7--Zoning change for property east of Harrison St. & Mt. Carmel
Rd.. south of Dodge St. and west of the Soo Line RR right of
way from HI Heavy Industrial District to LI Light Industrial
District ............................. 238, 279, 291-292, 343, 344
Aug. 4--Zonlng - 2196-2198 University as applied for J. Bonnette re:
PC Planned Commercial District & Conceptual Development
.155, 294, 321,335-336
Plan ...................................
Aug. 18--Zephyr Aluminum Co., Disposal of City interest in property in
Mt. Carmol Subdivision Lot 2 ......................... 318, 334
Sep. 2--Zoning Change re: University of Dubuque ID Institutional
District ............................................ 337, 338
2--Zoning change re: 2275 Elm St ......................... 359, 369
2 --Zoning change at 4300 Asbury Road from AG Agricultural Dis.
to R-1 Single Family Residential Dis. re: Resurrection Church 359, 368
2--Zirkelbach, Dennis J. (Happy Hour), Class "C" Liquor License 363
Oct. 6--Zoning re: regulations for Satellite Receiving Dishes etc... 371,372
6--Zoller, Mae, Claim ................................... 384
6--Zuccaro, Joseph, Claim; Settlement ..................... 385, 421
Oct. 20--Zoning of 5200 Block of Pennsylvania Ave. from Ag Agriculture.
to/C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District ........ 390, 397-398
" 20--Zoning reclassification at N/E corner of J.F.K. & Foothill..
........................................ 390, 398-399, 408, 423
" 20--Zonlng denial at 3195 Jackson from C-2 to C-3 ........... 391
Nov. 17--Zoning change - amendment to Conceptual Development Plan
for Hillcrest Family Services - 2005 Asbury Road ........ 406
' 17--Zoning change to delete Concrete & Asphalt Batch Plnnte as
temporary use in the LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT408, 424, 425
17--Zoning denial of P & Z for F. Boyes for property at 468-470
Lincoln etc .......................................... 410, 447
17--Zoning changed re: Airport Hazard & Structure in Sec. 4-63 412
Dec. 15--Zonlng change re: 3100 Raven Oaks .................... 445
" 15--Zoning change re: property at NW Corner of Hwy. 52, 61 &
151 (owned by Key Gate Center & Trausch Realty ........ 445
" 15--Zoning reclassification & Conceptual Development Plan for pro~
perry south of Asbury Road north of Dana Dr. & east of
Southway .......................................... 445
" 15--Zonlng - re: Loras College & nearby properties ........... 446
" 15--Zoning - Cox St. & West 17th St ....................... 446