06 26 23 City Council Proceedings Official_SpecialCITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA
The Dubuque City Council met in special session at 6:00 p.m. on June 26, 2023, in the
second-floor Council Chambers of the Historic Federal Building, 350 W. 6th Street,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Present: Mayor Cavanagh; Council Members Farber, Jones, Resnick, Roussell,
Sprank, Wethal; City Manager Van Milligen, City Attorney Brumwell (attended virtually).
Mayor Cavanagh read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council
called for the purpose of conducting a work session on city support of economic
City Support of Economic Development
City of Dubuque and Greater Dubuque Development Corporation (GDDC) staff made
a presentation on economic development incentives, housing incentives, city
development assistance policies, and development practices. City Manager Van
Milligen made introductory comments, and then presentations were made by the
following individuals: Jill Connors, Economic Development Director; Rick Dickinson,
President and CEO of GDDC; Crenna Brumwell, City Attorney; Wally Wernimont,
Planning Services Manager; Shena Moon, Associate Planner; Nate Kieffer, Civil
Engineer and Land Surveyor; Justine Hull, Traffic Engineer; Nate Steffen, Civil
Engineer; Duane Ritcher, Traffic Engineer; Max O’Brien, Civil Engineer II; Brant
Schueller, Water Distribution Supervisor; Kevin Esser, Fire Marshall; Michael Belmont,
Assistant Housing Director and Building Code Official; Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer;
Alexis Steger, Housing and Community Development Director; Chris Kohlmann,
Information Services Manager; Gina Bell, Sustainable Communities Coordinator;
Anderson Sainci, Director of the Office of Shared Prosperity and Neighborhood
Support; and Bryan Moose, Data Analyst. The presenters responded to questions from
the City Council following the presentations. City Manager Van Milligen outlined the
process for the developer’s roundtable that will be facilitated by GDDC and will have
certain meetings open to the public. City Manager Van Milligen stated that a developer’s
roundtable report would be provided to the City Council every six months via a work
session. City Council Members discussed various proposals that could be beneficial to
the city, such as a detailed a guide to the development process. City Council Members
also expressed a willingness to continue the conversation and encouraged residents
to contact the City Council with input.
There being no further business, Mayor Cavanagh declared the meeting adjourned at
10:15 p.m.
/s/Adrienne N. Breitfelder, CMC, City Clerk