1989 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1989 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE THE YEAR 1989 MAYOR JAMES E. BRADY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member At Large ............................... DAVID SIMON Council Member At Large ............................ MICHAEL PRATT First Ward ...................................... JAMES ttECKMANN Second Ward ...................................... LORAS KLUESNER Third Ward ......................................... DONALD DEICH Fourth Ward ....................................... DIRK VOETBERG · . MARY A. DAVIS City Clerk ......................................... LEGAL DEPARTMENT Corporation Counsel ........................... BARRY A. LINDAHL City Solicitor .................................. WILLIAM G. BLUM Assistant City Attorney ......................... JAMES A. O'BRIEN CITY MANAGER W. KENNETH GEARHART Administrative Services Manager ....................... PAULINE JOYCE Assistant City Manager .......................... STEPHANI JOHNSON ..... THERON CLARK (til 7/311 Airport Manager ........................ ROBERT O'BRIEN (from 7/31) Building Services Division Manager ...................... DAVID SHURTS Cable Franchise Administrator .................... MERRILL CRAWFORD FRANK FROST City Assessor ......................................... City Engineer ....................................... MICHAEL KOCH ...... ROBERT DRURY Civic Center Manager ........................... JAMES BURKE Community/Economic Development Manager ............... Deputy Finance Director ................................GERALD HIRD Disaster Services Coordinator ..........................ROBERT GOOCH Environmental Sanitarian .................... JOLEEN HUBER (from 12/5) Finance Director ...................................... A.G. HEITZMAN Fire Chief ......................................... WILLIAM MILLER Health Services Supervisor ........................ MARY KLEIN (til 4/28) Human Rights/EEO Director ........................ MATHIAS LORENZ Human Services Manager ................................ RANDY PECK Information Services Manager ....................... CHRIS KOHLMANN Library Director ..................................... NICOLA STANKE Leisure Services Director .................................. GIL SPENCE Parking Systems Supervisor ............................ SHIRLEY LANG Personnel Assistant ......................... DARLENE ttANTELMANN JOHN MAUSS Police Chief ............................................ Public Health Specialist ............... MARY ROSE CORRIGAN (from 7-3) ·, . FRANK MURRAY Public Works Director ............................. · Street Superintendent ............................ MERLE FELDERMAN ., ·WILLIAM KOHLER Transit Manager ................................ Utilities Director ............................. CRAIG OLSON (from 6/19) Wastewater plant Supervisor .......................... PAUL HORSFALL Water Plant Supervisor .................................. JOHN NORTH Regular Meetings of the City Council are bald on the First and Third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE AIRPORT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: .... · .7, 73, 115, 189, 231, 275, 309, 341, 358, 394, 396, 421, 478, 489, 505 Jan. 3--AsbUry Water Storage Tank -- Cle0:ning, repairing, and painting Project ....................... ~ .......... 1, 14, 207, 285 3_Awarding of contract delayed for Asbury Water Steroge 3--Amendment ~o Urban Renewal plan winch would extend the boundaries of the Dubuque Ind. Center Economic Development District to include McFadden Farm ..................... 2 3--Asbury to John F. Kennedy Rd. -- Northwest Arterial Paving 2 Proj set ............................................. Jan. 16_Agrsement of City and estate of D. McDonald for easement over City property in Eagle Point park ....................... 11, 315 ',, 16--Agrsement re: conditions of rezaning at 3606 CresCent Ridge. 11 ,' 16--Amendment No. i to Urban Renewal Plan for Dubuque Ind. Center Economic Development District/(McFadden Farm) -- 12 Discussion etc ....................................... ,, 16--AutomotiVe & Industrial Hardware -- re: Res. of Execution of a CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with them .......... 13, 101 16--Airport Mgr. Theron Clark re: Employment Agreement 14 approved ............................................ 16--Agrsement, Leone, with Fish & Wildlife Service re: two barge 14 sites ........ ........................................ 16_Americau Marine of Iowa, Inc. (Yardarm), Clase C" Liquor L~c, Cigarette Permit ..................................... 16, 243 16--Audlt Report of Swiss Valley Farms ..................... 18 16--Annual Financial Report & Audits for FY ending 6-30-88.. · 18 16--American Trust & Savings Bank re: release & discharge of trust indenture re: Ind. Rev. Bonds for Inland Molasses Co ...... 19 Jan. 31--Agrsement (Precanstruction) re: Highway 61 Project with IA 25 DOT ............................................... Feb. 6--Amended Conceptual Devclopment Plan for PC Planned Commercial district located north of Dodge St. and east of Wackar Dr .......................... .27, 29, 373, 386 " 6--American History Month, proclamation .................. 27 " 6--Arterial {Northwest), Phase III, PCC Paving & Intersection 30 Improvements ....................................... " 6--Arlington St., 623-627, Disposal of City-owned property ..... 37, 81 6--Asphalt Paving Projset, accoptauce .................... 39, 40, 492 6--Asssesment Schedule (Final) for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project. 40-59 6--Assessment Schedule (Final) for 1987 P.C. Concrete Paving 60-70 Project ............................................. 6--Agrsement -- CD Block Grant with HUD for Calendar Year 70 1989 ............................................... 6--Annual Contributions Contract with HUD for Sec. 8 Mod. 71 Rehab Program ...................................... " 6--A & G Elsetric Co., CLAIM ........................... 73 Feb. 20--Arterial {NW), Phase III -- disposition of two parcels of prc~ perty to J. H. Kivinhan ............................... 86 20--Alley vacation west of Kerper Blvd., running south of Farrvgut St. and'disposing of same to Barnstead Thermolyen Corp... ................................................. 87, 109, 324 20--Alley Vacating a portion of 20' wide alley lying between Rive~ front Subd. No. 3 & Lot 60 Ham's Addn ............... 87, 109, 324 20--Amendment of a CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with Dubuque Data Services Co ............................. 94 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 20--Amendment to Loan Agreement between City & Dbq. Stamp- lng & Mfg. Co ....................................... 95 20--Apartments, The, Class "C)' Liquor License ............... 99 20--Althaus, Dennis A. (Family Beverege Center), Class "E' Liquor Lic ................................................. 99 20--Ambulance Medical Officer position, names certified by Civil Se~ vice Cormn~ ......................................... 100, 101 20--Automotive & Industrial Hardware -- re: Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding ....................... 101 20--Annual Financial Report for Dubuque Racing Assn. for period ending 11/29/88 ..... ~ ................................ 101 20--Applications for residential tax exemptions filed under Dbq. Urban Revitalization Program .......................... 102 Mar. 9--Airport Dept. amendment via 1990 budget ............... 120 9--Applicatian Fee for Conditional Use Permits, Zonin~ Reelasai- fications etc. -- Establishment of New Fees ............... 130 Mar. 207-Air System, Compressed, for Keyline Transit Facility, installa- tion project ....................................... 136, 175, 480 20--Alley east of Main St., approval of plat of vacated portion of Main St., 10th St. & this alley .......................... 137 " 20--Alisy east of Main St., disposing of city interest to Interstate Power Co ........................................... 138 20--AIDS (Dubuque Regional) Coalitions' re: Education Project Grant Application .................................... 140 20--Automotive & Industrial Hardware Project, Proof of publica- tion of Notice of intent to file a release of funds ........... 144 20--Annual Purport for FY ending 9/30188 for Swiss Valley Farms. 145 20--Annual Contributions Contract with HUD for See. 8 Program Housing Vouchers, approval to execute .................. 145 Apr. 3--Amdt, Rev. Robert, of First Church of Nazarene, Gave Invo- cation .............................................. 150 3--Asbury Water Tank Location rm Easement for U.S. West Comm. for Underground Conduit System ....................... 154 3--Audit Services Contract with Helle, Klosterman & Co. for FY Years Ending 6-30-89, 90 & 91 .......................... 155 3--Asbestos removal at Eagle Point Park Water Plant ........ 167 3--Agreement re: Preeonstruction re: Hwy. 61 Project with IA DOT ............................................... 168 3--Agreement between City & Dubuque Main St. for Downtown Revitelization Plan ................................... 172 3--Agreement with City & Washington Neighborhood Tool Library for FY 90 ........................................... 172 Apr. 17--Arbor Day, Proclamation .............................. 175 17--American Home Week, Proclamation .................... 175 17--Asphalt Maintenance Project, 1989; documents for construction etc .............................................. 181, 236, 492 17--Amendment to FY 1989 budget ........................ 182, 183 17--Agreement (Professional Engrg.) with Larkln Assoc. re: Swim- ming Pool Projects ................................... 187 17--Agreement (Article) -- Amendment -- 6f Dubuque Met. Area Transportation Study Group re: enable them to oversee regret. of Barge Fleeting Sites ................................ 188 17--Allstete Ins. Co., CLAIM; closure/denial .................. 89, 231 17--A-OK Cab Co. (R. Conrad), Closure of CLAIM ............ 190 17--Anireal Shelter services, re: Agreement with Dubuque Humane Society ............................................. 193 17--Agreement with Dubuque Montessori School for Slattery Center, renewal ........................................ . .... 193 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE 17 _ AiDS Coalltion (Dbq. Regional), suppor ting words Sexual Ori Apr. tatian" being added to Local Human Rights Ordinance ..... 193 17--Amendment to Current Budget for FY ending 6-30-89 ...... 197 May 1--Asbury Water Storage Tank, Rehab., Project .......... 206, 207, 285 1--Awning construction approved by Ord. for 2660 Central (A. 227 Malers) ............................................. 1--ARA Leisure Services, (Dbq. Greyhound Park), Class "C" 231 Liquor Lic ........................................... 1--Amendment to Lease Agreement between City & Katnin Bros. Inc ................................................. 236, 237 " 1--Asbury Road, 3285, request for rezoning of Robert Brown.. 237, 252 1--Amendment to a Memorandum of Understanding between IA Dept. of Inspections & Appeals & City ................... 247 1--Agreement to Emergency Ambulance Service ............. 241 1--Apeil, 1989, Financial Reports .......................... 244 1--Adoleecente/high risk youth, Third Quarter Report ......... 245 1--Amendment to Annual Contributions Contract for Mad. Rehab. 245 Program ............................................ 1--Archdieeeee Place, of Lot 2, final plat approval ............ 246, 359 1--Agreement with Project Concern/Phone A Friend re: minibus 246 operation ............................................ 1--Agreement for Helping Services for Northeast IA, Inc ...... 247 1--AIDS re: IA Dept. of Public Health for Funding of Program. 248 June 5_Asbury, 3285, rezoning of property from R-1 to OR, request of 252 R. Brown ........................................... 5--Agreement with City of Dbq. policemen's Protective Assn.. 272 5--Agreement with City & International Union of Operation Engrs., 272 Local -758 .......................................... 5--Angel Investment Co., Casey's General Store, Cigarette Permit. 273 5--ARA Scrviees, Cigarette Permits ........................ 274 5--Amoco, Dunne & Son, Cigarette Permit .................. 274 5--Arterial, NW, Stage III from Asbury to JFK, Grading & Drainage, Supplemental Contract ........................ 278 June 19--A & B Tap, Cigarette Pernut; Class C L ~1 License .... 305, 505 19--Ameeo at the Bridge, Cigarette Permit ................... 306 19--Ameeo Food Shop, Cigarette Permit ..................... 306 " 19--Asbury Fastop, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer permit... 306, 395 19--Aragon Tap, Cigarette Permit; Ciees "C" Liquor License .... 307, 458 19--American Legion Post 6, Cigarette Permit ................ 307 19--Admlral's Hi-Hat West, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor. 307, 403 19--Adams, Dave, Cigarette permit ......................... 307 19--Althans, Dennis A., Family Beer Store, Cigarette Permit .... 308 19--Apeil, Proof of publication of List of Claims .............. 310 July 5--Alley lying between Bernice Ave. & Blanche Ave. from Vivian Ave. 300 Ft. Easterly, Approval of Plat; Vacation of Aliey.. 314, 324 5--Agreement for easement on behalf of Delos McDonald Estate 315 re: Eagle Point Park area .............................. 5--Airport Inn, Cigarette permit; Class "C' Liquor License .... 318, 320 5--Apartments Ltd., Dbq. Mining Co., Cigarette Permit ....... 319 July 17--AIDS -- Dubuque Regional AIDS Coalition, update for Board 323 of Health ........................................... 17--Airper~ Commission applying for EASTIP Funds for Terminal 330 Improvement Program ................................ 17--Applicatinn to participate in Sec. 8 Housing Voucher Program. 332 17--Agreement ILetter o/) with Martin E. Sagal Co. re: group in- 333 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE July 17--Asbury Road & John F. Kennedy Road, Addition of NW Arterial re: provision of 45 mph speed limits; and prohibition of parking ........................................ 336, 337, 374 Aug. 7--Application to participate in Sec. 8 Housing Program under "Operation Bootstrap". ............................... 354 7--Agreement -- Loan with F. H. Uelner Precision Tools & Dies, Inc. 354 7--Addendum to Project Agreement and IDOT re: Hwy. 61 Project ............................................. 356 7--Ameco Food Shop, Mulgrew Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit. 357 7--Aaseasment Schedule -- Final for Gillespie Street Sanitary Sewer .............................................. 362, 363 7--Asasssment Schedule -- Final for Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer ........................................... 364, 365, 366 Aug. 21--Amended Conceptual Development Plan for PC Planned Comm. Dis. located north of Dodge & east of Wacker Dr .......... 373, 386 21--Arterial, NW from John F. Kennedy to Route 52/3 ......... ............................................ 374, 375, 401, 417 21~Armhruster, Delores, CLAIM; denial/closure .............. 377, 404 21--Annual Contributions Contract for Section 8 Housing Vouchers Program ............................................ 380 Sept. 5--Alley between Rbemberg & Lincoln, from Roosevelt to Shiras, repair & reconstruction of Sanitary Sewer ................ 382 5--Althaus, Denms A., Fanuly Mart, Inc., Class C Beer Pernut. 395 5--Armbruster, Corrine, CLAIM; denial/cieeure .............. 396 " 5--Annual Investment Report within Statement of Investment Policy .............................................. 398 Sept. 18--Award of Financial Reper~ng Achievement preeented ~o Finance Director Al Hsitzman by Debra Neels .................. .. 399 18--Agreement with Sagevilie as to completion etc. of Northwest Arterial .......................................... 401, 417, 423 Oct. 2--Aliey between Euchd & Acquinn Ste., reconstruction of existing Sanitary Sewer. ...................................... 412, 413 2--Alignmem~t change for remaining section of NV/Arterial, re: costs etc ................................................. 418 2--Alignment of NW Arterial, re~ Sheeting Society objecting to that alternative .......................................... 418 2--Awning construction authorized for 76 Main St. -- David & Linda Herbst ........................................ 418 2--August Financial Support submitted by Mir .............. 421 2--Annexation of property requested by Atty. B. Kkne for A.J. Spiegel, property between Rockdale Rd. & Hwy. 151/61 ..... ................................................ 422, 430, 447 Oct. 6--Arterial, NW, re: Joint Meeting with Sageville at Pepsi Cola Plant ............................................... 423 6--Asbury Road, 3435, rezoning from OR to PC & Conceptual Development Plan ................................. 426, 447, 448 Oct. 16--Alloy located between IA St. & Main St. South of W. 3rd St., re: Vacation ......................................... 429 16--Algnna St., from spl of University Ave. to npl of St. Joseph St., designation as "Through Street" via O~d ................. 432 16--Asbury Rd., from npl of University Ave. to epl of NW Arterial, and f~om the wpl of NW Arterial to its westerly terminus at City limits, designation as "Through Street" via Oral ....... 432 16--Avalon Road, from npl af Pennsylvania Ave. to the spl of Hillcreet Rd. and from the npl of Hillcrest Rd. to spl of Asbury Rd., designation as "Through Street" via Ord ............. 432 16--Arllngton St. & Highiand Place, designation of "Yield Sign" via Ord ................................................ 435 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 16--Arbor Oaks Subdivision re.' concerned residents @ Area Residen- tial Care Facility in their area .......................... 439 16--Area Residential Care constructing Group FacUlty in Arbor Oaks area in opposition to neighbors' concerns ................. 439 16--Annual Financial Report for FY ending 6/30/89, Proof of publication .......................................... 439 Nov. 6--Alzheimer Disease Public Awareness Month, Proclamation.. 447 6--American Education Week, Proclamation ................. 447 6--Action Acknowledgement Certificates presented to several City employees ....................................... 447 6--Air,merit of owners re: rezoning of property west of Hwy. 151161, south of Twin Valley Rd. & east of Rockdale Rd .... 447 " 6--Avon & Dell St., water main break, -- CLAIM of Lynn Lampe et al ................................................ 453, 490 6--Agreement, refunding Trust re: defeasance of parking revenue bonds, establielunent of refunding escrow account & appcintment of American Trust & Savings Bank as Trustee ............ 454, 455 6--Agresment re: GDDC (Greater Dbq. Development Corp), for con- sultant to seek funds .................................. 457 6--Audubon Society urging Council to approve Riverboat (Gain bling) Docking at Ice Harbor ........................... 460 Nov. 16--Arterial, NW, Council meeting with County & Sagevilie re: RISE application etc ....................................... 464 Nov. 20--AIDS Awareness Day, Proclamation ..................... 465 20--Ashnry Fastop re: Public Hearing for violation of Liquor License ............................................. 465 20--Amended Conceptual Development Plan for PC Planned Com- mercial District located at 255 John F. Kennedy Rd ..... 469, 484-486 20--Amendment to 1990 Budget re: Police Dept. projects ....... 472 20--Addendum to Preconstruction Agreement with IDOT on US 61 project in City re: storm sewer relocation etc .............. 472 20--Alley east of Blake St., re: Lesas College requesting vacation. 478 Dec. 4--Agustin, Edward R., signing acceptance of Ord. for Venture Stores -- Zoning for 255 John F. Kennedy Rd ............ 486 4--Agreement, with IA Dept. of Economic Develop & Trflog, Inc. & Loan Agreement with Dbq. County & Trilog ............ 487 4--Arnold, Dan (Mr./Mrs.), CLAIM; settlement .............. 490, 505 4--Arterial, NW, re: David Lcifker petitioning for reduced speed limits & more traffic control lights etc ................... 490 4--Asphalt Maintenance Project, 1989, acceptance ............ 492 4--Alcoholic Beveroges re: Prohibiting purchase of same by persons under 21 years old re: Ord. from Arkansas submitted by Coun- cil Member Dalch ..................................... Dee. 18--Adams, John of Adams Co. supporting Urban Renewal District for 4th St./Ice Harbor area ............................. 18--Agreement with IDOT on right, of-way assurance statement for federal aid projects ................................... 495 496 507 1989 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE B Jan. 3--Brutger Hospitolity Group withdrawal from Downtown Hotel Project ........................................ 4~ 291, 353 3--Benks etc. named as Official City Depositories ....... 6 3--Big 10 Mart, Class "C' Beer Permits (9th & Contrail,. 6 3--Brown, Helen, Claim ............................ 7 " 3--Bertsch, Attorney Robert for Barastead-Thermolyue Corp. re- questing vacation of alley between Lot 60 of Ham's Addn. & Riverfront Subd .................................. 8. 87 3-- B arnstead-Tbermelyue Corp. urging Council to vacate aney near Lot 60 in Ham's Addn. & Riverfront Sub ............... 8. 110 Jan. 16--Bitter, Attorney Joseph requesting invorable rezoding for client Gremmal at 3606 Central ............................. ll 16--Barge Sites re: Mgr. giving info and Lease Ag. with Fish & Wildlife Service ...................................... 14. 339 16--Barge fleeting operation re: Corp. Counsel opinion re: Illinois and tax consequeuee~ etc ................................ 14. 339 16--Jueet Busch appointed to Housing Commission .... 15. 352 16--Blilinrds, Main St., (W. Deutschl, Cigarette Permit: Class "C" Liquor License .................................... 15. 16 16--Borbach, Carl, closure/denial of CLAIM .................. 17 16--Bluek Grant Funds for Cal. Year 1989 Various Funds. Proof of publication ........................................ 17 16--Block Grant Funds released for Precision Tcul & Engmeenng, Iue ................................................. 17 16--Bunds (Ind. Rev.) re: release of trust indenture -- Inland Molasses Co ............................................ 19 Feb. 6--Bluff St. (1025), Disposal of real estate ................. 37.81 6--Barge Fleeting -- Permit between City & Dbq. Barge & Fleeting Service Co ........................................... 38, 339 6--Barge Fleeting -- re: future area re: Dbq. County Conservation Society ............................................. 38, 339 6--Blasen Drive, 1987 Asphalt Paving Project, Schedule of Assess. 42 6--Brueek Road -- 1987 A~phalt Paving Project ............. 42, 43 6--Budget, FY 1990, & Supporting Documents .............. 72, 472 6--Barrels, Wm. objecting to McFadden land being taken ...... 73 Feb. 20--Butier, Richard & Sandra -- 1025 Bluff & 623-627 Arlington St. property from the City ................................ 81 20--Bitter, Attorney Joseph re: rezoning of 3606 Crescent Ridge pfc- perry for J. Gremmel ................................. 81 20--Bonds -- Issuance of $400,000 Essential Corp. Purpose G.O. 82, 119 20--Budget, FY 1990, Adoption re: P. Hearing .............. 83, 84, 472 20--Block Grant Loan Agreement with Dbq. Data Services ..... 94 20--Beveroge Vending Machines re: Change of Ordinance ....... 96, 97 20--Braig, Karla, appointed to the Human Rights Corem ....... 98 20--Buechele, David, appointed to the Plumbing Bd ........... 98 20--Brian's, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 99 20--Bries, Duene, CLAIM; elasure/denial ..................... 100, 146 20--Budget (1989-1990), Operation: New View requesting $10,000. 100 20--Block Grant Project: Publication of Notice re: Automotive & In- dustrial Hardware .................................... 101 20--Budget, 1990, Brief sunnnary of 2-11-89 meeting by Mgr... 103 Mar. 6--Barnstead-Tbermalyne Corp., dispesal of City property (Lot 60A of Ham's Addn.) ..................................... 110 " 6--Big 10 Mart, 2100 JFK Road, Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 114 " 6--Block Grant Funds for Automotive & Industrial Hardware Pro- ject, release of $80,000 ................................ 115 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE 1989 Mar. 9--Budget, FY 1990, Publi~ .H. as_~ng, · ..................... 119 9--Bonds, Additional action for issuance of $4,000,000 GO ..... 119 9--Binz, Barbara, requesting Council not to increase taxes ..... 120 9--Block Grant funds -- $50,000, used as matching funds for pur- chase of a shelter house for Battered Women Program ...... ..................... : .................. 120, 360, 379, 397 9--Batsered Women Shelter House, re: funding at Budget Hrg. ............................................... 120, 360, 397 ,, 9--Budget, Annual, adoption of for FY endil~g 6~3~90 ......... 121, 472 Mar. 20--Bue Exhaust Systom & Comp. Air System for Keyline Transit Facility Project ................................... 136, 137, 175 20--Blilboards; re: morotorium of issuance of permits for same.. ........................................... 139, 401, 488 20--Birch Acres, re: Ed Techiggfrle requesting City to secure two easements ........................................... 142, 280 20--B & M Convenient Marts IOky Doky 07), Class "E" Liquor 144 License ............................................. 20--Bleck Grant Statewent of Intent, Amendment to Comm. Deve., submitted to Dept. of Housing & Urban Development for Calen- 146 dar Year 1989 ....................................... Apr. 3--Bunkar Hill Golf Course, Agreement with George Stepbensen. 156 3--B & M Convenient Mart, Class "BE" Beer Permit ......... 169 3--Bartels, Jesse A., CLAIM; denioYcinsore ................. 170, 377 3--Botsfurd, Judith A. (Botsy s), Class Liquor License .... 170 3--Budget, submission of summary materials for adopted 1990. 171 Apr. 17--Board of Health, Regular Quarterly Masting .............. 174 17--Bonds, G.O. issuance for Essential Corporate Purpose ...... 177, 195 17--Ballroom wans of Five Flogs Civic Center, Painting Project. 178 17--Budget, amendment to FY 89 .......................... 182, 183 17--Boge, Steve, re: rezoning of 2349 & 2365 University ........ 183 17--Boat Harbor development at Ch. Schmitt Island, presentation by Deck Bd ......................................... 186 17--Barge Fleeting Sites, re: DMATS overseeing management of them ctc ............................................ 188, 339 17--Bittor, Attorney Joseph -- CLAIM for G. Kramer ......... 189 17--Biil's Place, Lot 1, approval of Final Flat. ................ 192 May 1--Bends, G.O., $650,000 General Obligation (for eesent, corp. purpose) ............................................ 195 1--Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year ending 6130189 ......... 197, 198 1--Budget -- permanent transfer of funds ................... 198 1--Babcock's Addn., Lots I & 2 re: vacating utility easement ss requested by Dubuque Bank & Trust Co. ................ 198 1--Baethke, Chris, (Grand Cafe), Class "B" Beer Permit ....... 230 1--Bonding Co. (Merchants Mutual) re: Cortifidato of Authority & Certification for year 1989 ............................. 232 " 1--Brown, Robert zoni~ request for 3285 Asbury Rd ......... 237, 252 May 15--Bonds, Sale of $4,150,000 Corporate Purpose G.O. Bonds, etc. ................................................ 239, 259-268 15--Brannon, Vincent, re: rezoding request of 2420-2448 Cen/~ral Ave. ................... ~ ........................ 239, 240, 255, 286 15--Barge Fleeting -- long term lease interest purusal ......... 242, 339 15--Beccher Beverage Co., Class "BE" Beer Permit; Refund .... 243, 439 15--Brown, (W.C.), -- Hoffman House Rest aurunt, Class "B" Hotel- 243 Motel Liquor License ................................. 15--Bitter, Attorney Joseph, on behalf of J. Wagner, SHIT ..... 244 June 5--Beecher Beverage #1, Cigarette Permit ................... 273 5--Beecher Beverage//2, Cigarette Permit ................... 273 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE June 5--Billy Buck's East St. Tap, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License. ............................................ 274, 489 5--Butter's Bar, Cigarette Permit .......................... 274 5--Bauer, James E., -- Jerry's Tap, Class "C" Liquor Lic ..... 275 5--Bannett, Nelda L., Old Shang, Cigarette Permit; Class "C' Liquor... ~ .......................................... 274, 438 5--Birch Acres Condemnation settlement (Tsehiggfrie), & approval of two final plats ..................................... 280, 440 5--Brookvlew Square dedication, re: final plat approval with Birch Acres ............................................... 281, 440 5--Busse, remanufucture of six Keyline, application to UMTA etc. 289 June 19--Blefle, Joseph F., A & B Tap, Cigarette Permit ............ 305 19--Busy Bee. Cafe, Cigarette Permit ........................ 305 " 19--Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co., two outlets, Cigarette Permit... 306 19--Breitbach, Robert J., Oky Doky #9, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit ......................................... 306, 437 19--Bcehen, Catherine & Eugene, Gene's Main St. Tap, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Liquor Lic ........................... 306, 309 19--Botey's, (Judy Botsford), Cigarette Permit ................ 307 19--Barge, The, Robert J. Kehl, Cigarette Permit ............. 307 19--B's Cafe, B & B Inc., Cigarette Permit ................... 307 19--Bertollni, Angelina, Mario's Italian Restaurant, Cigarette Per- mit Class "C" Liquor License .......................... 307, 489 19--Brown, Wm, C. Publishers, Midway Motor Lodge, Cigarette Permit .............................................. 307 19--Bowling Lanes, Dbq., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 309 19--Bridge Restaurant & Lounge, Joter Inc., Class "C" Liquor Lic. 309 19--Butter's Bar, Michael J. Sawveil, Class "C" Liquor Lic ..... 309 July 5--Bernlce & Blanche Ave., property between from Vivian Ave., approval of Plat of Vacated Portion lying between ......... 314, 324 5--Brutger Companies, Inc. -- Nullification as Developer of Urban Renewal Disposition Parcel No. 4-2 ...................... 316, 353 5--Brewery (Dbq. Star), transfer of Beer Permit .............. 318 5--Burchette, Carol, Beanie's Cafe, Cigarette Permit .......... 319 5--B & M Convenient Mart, Cigarette Permit ............... 319 5--Beanie's Cafe, Cigarette Permit ......................... 319 5--Beecber Beverage, Cigarette Permit... .................. 320 July 17--Board of Health, Regular Quarterly Meeting .............. 323 17--Benows, Bishop Jeffrey, of Church of J.C. of Latter' Day Saints, Gave Invocation ..................................... 324 17--Beli St., East bf & East Third St., rezoning of property south of there (request of Historical Society) ................ 331, 349, 390 17--Bo~nett, Dave, reappointment to ]~ive Flags Civic Center Comm. 339 17--Bakke, Rod, reappointment to Five Flags Civic Center Comm. 339 17--Buelow, Mike, reappointment to tho park & Recreation Commission ......................................... 340 17--Boultlnghouse, Gil, reappointment to the TV Cable Regulatory Corem .............................................. 340 17--Baker, Brian, reappointment to the TV Cable Teleprogramming Conun ....... ..................... .................. 340 17--Bridge Restaurant/Lounge, Cigarette Permit .............. 340 17--Brutger Hospitality Group requesting $11,000 refund as good faith monies for Downtown Hotel ....................... 342, 353 '" 17--Bridge Restaurant re: access requested clarification by Attorney Fuerste .......................................... 342, 359, 374 Aug. 7--"Bootetrap (Operation)", re: Section 8 Housing Program... 354 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 7--Bob's, Robert J. Helms, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor Lic .......................................... 357, 358 7--Board of Health -- County & City, re: Combined Health Services. 357 7--Brown, Jane A., CLAIM; settlement ..................... 358, 404 7~Brown, Merlin A, CLAIM; denial/closure ................. 358, 396 7 --Bridge Restaurant/Lounge, KAJ, Inc., Claes "C" Liquor License. 358 359 " 7--Bage, Wm., CLAIM .................................. A, ug. 17--Behning, Carl (by Sue Moore), CLAIM ................... 377 ' 17--Barman, Attorney Myles L., for Charlotte Whitaker, CLAIM. 377 17--Block Grant Projects, re: Uelner precision Tculs & Dies, I~c. & Battered Women's Shelter Project ....................... 379, 397 Sept. 5--Block, Daniel, reappointed to Dock Bd ................... 395 5--Baethke, Chris, Grand Tap, Class "B" Beer Permit (14 Day). 395 5--Bainbtldge, James R., Ryan House, Class "C" Liquor License. 396 5--Budget Guidalens for preparing 1991 Guidelines ........... 398, 401 Sept. 18--Banned Books Week, proclamation ...................... 399 18--Billboards re: Moratorium on issuance of Permits, etc ...... 401, 488 18--Brittany Woods, approval of final plat of Lots 18-21 ....... 405 18--Banfire peP rally, permission requested by Wahlert High 408 School .............................................. Oct. 2--Blum, Bill, Jr., CLAIM; denial/cioanre ................... 421, 460 2--Banflre request by University of Dubuque ................ 421 2--Budget summary of public meetings by City Mgr .......... 421 Oct. 6--Board of Supervisors, City Council & Sagevi]le Council, Meeting, 423 re: RISE Funding for NW Arterial ...................... Oct. 16--Board of Health, Regular Quarterly Meeting .............. 424 16--Bluff St., from W. Locust St. to the npl of W. 12th St. and from the spl of W. 12ch St. to the pl of Dodge St., designation as 432 "Through Street" via City Ord ......................... 16--Bryant St., from the npl of Grandview Ave. to the spl of Dedge St. designation as a "Through Street" via City Ord ........ 432 16--Burdan Ave., from the wpl of Windsor Ave. to its northerly ter- · ,, " ' ' rd 432 minus, dceignat~an as a Through Street ~na City O ..... 16--Becker, Joyce, CLAIM; denial/closure .................... 438, 460 16--Burlington Northern Depot, re: Hlstencal Society requesting ex- 440 tension af current leads at 2nd St. Ice Harbor ............. 16--Birch Acres re: approval of final plats of property located north of Kelly Lane and East of Brookview Sq. owned by Tsehiggfrie 440 Excavating .......................................... 16--Burbaeh, Carl & Mary Ann re: final plat approval of Sunset park 5th Addition ......................................... 441, 442 16--Btlttany Woods, Approval of final plat of Lots 1, 2 & 3 .... 443 Nov. 6--Bible Week -- National, Proclamation .................... 447 " 6--Bonds, re: parking Revenue -- approval Of refunding Trust Agreement establishing an irrevocable refunding escrow account 454 eto ................................................. 6--Board of Supervisors/Canvseser s re: primary election returns for 459 Council Member at Large .............................. Nov. 20--Beseber, Bob re: objection for Civil penalties for violations of Liquor License ....................................... 20--Bids rejected for 7.5 MMG Water Reservoir Rchab. at W. 3rd St. 20--Budget (1990) amendment re: Police Dept. Project expenditure. 465 467 472 20--Betteher, Mary, CLAIM ............................... 478 20--Beversdorf, Joan, CLAIM; denial/closure ................. 478, 505 20--Brady, James E., -- Canvass of Votes for rePelection as Mayor. 478 20--Blake St., re: Loras Cullage requesting vacation of section of alley 478 ete ................................................. INDEX -- BOOK 119 INDEX -- BOX 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 20--Block Grant Projects re: publication of notice of Environman- tal Review Findings for several projects .................. 481 " 20--Block Grant Development, Filing of a Statement of Intent.. 482 Dec. 4--Brank, Rev. J. Ehner, of Faith United Methodist Church, Gave Invocation .......................................... 484 4--Billboards re: extension of moratorium of permits in Freeway Corridor ............................................ 488 4--Banm, Wm., ECIA Director, updating Council on happoninge re: RISE application for NW Arterial .................... 490 " 4--Bettcher, Mary, deuisi/elosure et CLAIM ................. 490 Dec. 18--Bhie Moon Development Co. submitting proposal re: downtown hotel ............................................... 503 1989 SUBJECT PAGE CABLE COMMUNITY TELEPROGRAMMING COMMIS- SION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ................ 73, 115, 144, 438 CABLE COMMUNITY REGULATORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ......... 73, 115, I44, 231, 309, 438, 459 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: .................................... 100, 144, 170, 231, 438, 459 Jan. 3--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 3--Contract awarding, delayed Asbury Water Storege Tank.... 1 3--Continental Grain & Port of Dubuque, re: Soo Line RR re: gr~nt- ing easement for construction of track on City property ..... 4 ,, 3--Conagra, Inc. re: Assignment of Lease between City & Pillsbury 3--Chiu, Georgiana, Rusty's Chinese Restaurant, Class "C" Liquor 3--Crippee, Gilbert, denial]closure of CLAIM ................ 7 3--Civil Service Commission appreciation for help during physical agility ~esting.'. ~ ..................................... 7 3--Civil Service Commission certifying entrance level FIREFIGHTER llst .................................. 7 3--Community Development Block Grant rrojocte -- Public. of Notice of Enviromnental Review Finding re: Precision Tool & Engineering ......................................... 8 Jan. 16--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 11 16--Creseent Ridge, 3606 and 3606~/2, possible rezouing etc. .... ................................................ 11, 31, 81, 82 16--Coneeptual Deveinpmant Plan for property n/e of V/acker Dr. & Dodge St., approval by P & Z ...................... I2, 373, 386 16--Coneeptual Development Plan, zoning reclassification, of Mercy Health Center ........................................ 13 16--Commuuity Development Block Grant Loan Agreements with Automotive & Industrial Hardware ...................... 13, 144 " 16--Clark, Theron of Airport, Employment Agreement ......... 14 16--C1ubhnuse, Robert Spiegalhalter, Class "C" Liquor License.. 16 16-Counril Proceedings of August, 1988, approved ............ 16 16--Clark, Louis, CLAIM; deuioJJclosure ..................... 16, 146 16--Corbett, John, CLAIM; danial/closure .................... 16, 77 16--Community Development Block Grant Funds for Precision Tool & Engineering ....... , ............................... 17 Jan. 23--City Council, Special Session ........................... 23 23--City Election, Special re: Swimming Pool Project .......... 23 Jan. 31--City Council, Spedal Session ........................... 25 Feb. 6--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 27 6--Conceptual Development Plan (Amended) for PC Dis. located north of Dodge & East of Wacker Dr .................... 27, 373 6--County Conservation Society requesting to be included in plan- ning process regarding location etc. of future barge fleeting 38 areas ............................................... 6--Cable Services Delivery Franchise, approval of Transfer from TCI to TCI of Iowa, Inc ................................... 38, 39 6--cencrete Paving Project, approval of 1987 Project ......... 39, 60 6--Chaney Road, Asbury to Kanfmann, Final Assessment of 87 Street Proj .......................................... 42, 43 " 6--Community Development Block Grant Agreement with Dept. of Housing & Urban Development For Calendar Year 1989.. 70 6--Conttibutions Contract with HUEr~[or add'l Moderate Rehab Pro- gram funding ........................................ 70, 71 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1~9 SUBJECT PAGE 6--Cue Master Billiards, Class "C" Liquor License ........... 72 " 6--Cedar Lake Addition, Approving the Final Plat of Blocks 9, 10 & 12 ............................................... 74 " 6--City Hall First Floor Restreom Project, acceptance ........ 76, 77 " 6--CLOSED SESSIONS: ................................ .................... 77, 103, 132, 173, 367, 368, 398, 408, 410, 446 Feb. 20--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 79 6--Capitel Improvement Program, Setting Date of Hearing .... 84 6--CD Block Grant Funds -- Publication of Not. of P. Hearing re: Budget ............................................. 84, 85 6--Conceptual Development Plan for Mercy Health Center & Medical Associates Clinic .............................. 90-93 6--CEBA Program Appficatlon to IA Dept. of Econ. Develop. & approving an amendment with Dbq. Data Services Co. ..... 93 6--CD Block Grant Lean Agreement with Dbq. Data Services.. 94 6--CD Funds (Agreement) to Dbq. In-Future, Inc. for grading of Dbq. Ind. Center -- Phase II ........................... 95 6--Concesalon Agreement re: McAlsoce Park with RJ's Concessions. 96 6--Carridor (Freeway), Planning project, report of P & Z etc... ................................................. 96, 355, 472 6--CLAIMS Proof of publication for Dec. 1988 .............. 100 6--Condanmation etc. re IA DOT for Eagle Food Center Land for U.S. 61 ............................................. 100 6--Civil Service Comm. certifying "Ambulance Medical Officer" names .............................................. 100, 101 6--CD Block Grant Project, Public. of Environ. Review far Automotive & Industrial Hardware ........ , .............. 101 Mar. 6--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 104 6--Cannty Historical Society re: Submittal of Recreation Trolls Prc- gram Application on behalf of IA Rails to Trails: Heritage Trail, Inc. & Hist. Society ................................... 112 6--Canndl proceedings for months of Nov. & Dec., 1988, approved. 115 Mar. 9--City Council, Special Session -- Public Hearing for Budget.. 119 9--Capital Improvement Program, Five Year, Proof of publication of Notice of Public Hearing. ........................... 119 9--Council salaries, 4% increase ........................... 120 9--City Manager Salary Increased ......................... 121 9--City Clerk Salary Increased ............................ 121 9--Corporation Counsel Salary Increased .................... 121 9--Capital Improvement Program, 5 Year, Adopted with Budget Process ............................................. 121, 122 9--Charges, Sewer Service, amended ....................... 124, 125 " 9--Chargee for False Alarm, changed via Ord ................ 128, 129 " 9--Cat License Fees increased ............................. 131 9--Compensatlon for Mayor & Council, changud/ralsed via Ord. 132 9--Council salaries raised ................................. 132 Mar. 20--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 134 20--Community Development Week, Proclamation ............. 134 20--Consolidated STA Applicaiton, FY 1990, Sec. 9 Program of Prc- jects to aid in vest of campleting rehab, of TRANSIT GARAGE. 134 20--Compressed Air System & Bus Exhaust System at Keyline Transit Facility, instailatinn project .................. 136, 175, 480 20--City Interest disposed of in certain property (Main St., 10th St. & alley first east of Main St.) to Interstate Power Co ...... 138 20--Citizens for Family Values & Decency, via Sandra Kirkbride, presenting petitions ~luesting that no ordinance re: "Sexual Orientation" be further enacted ........ ................. 142 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 20--Condemnatinn of two Sewer easements to serve Birch Acres (Ed Tschlggfrle) .......................................... 142 20--Cicelarelli, Theresa M., appointed to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment. 143 20--Contributions Contract (Annual) with HUD for Sec. 8 Program Housing Vouchers .................................... ] 45 20--Corp. Counsel re: Release & Indemnity Agreement re: Final Judgement in case of Pauline Dauner vs. City ............. 145 20--CD Block Grant Statement of Intent Submitted to HUD for Calendar Year 1989, Execution of Amendment authorized... 146 " 20--Community Development Grantee Performance report for Calen- dar Year 1988 ....................................... 146 20--Community Development Block Grant Documents, Publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection ............. 146, 147 Apr. 3--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 150 3--Conduit System, Underground, to U.S. West, re: near water storage tank on Asbury Road .......................... 154, 176 3--Concessinns re: Five Flags Civic Center, documents for solicitation .......................................... 154, 241 3--Contract for Audit Services with Helle, Klosterman etc ..... 155 3--CIP, modification to provide for removal of asbestos at Eogle Point Water Plant .................................... 167 3--Canrad, Ronald J., CLAIM, closure ...................... 170, 190 3--Connolly, Patrick L., CLAIM; closure/denial .............. 170, 231 3--Civil Service Commission certifying Entrance Level POLICE OFFICERS ......................................... 171 3--Condemnatinn of certain rights in land by IA DOT for improve- ment of Primary Road U.S. No. 61 ...................... 173 Apr. 17--City Council, Regular Session ........................... I75 17--Civic Center, Palnt'mg of Calling & Ballroom walls -- Project. 178, 256 17--County re: Resolution calling for Election to authorize Local Seles Tax etc. ............................................ 184 17--Conceptual Plan presentation for Boat Harbor & Assoc. Amenities of Chaplain Scinnitt Mem. Island by Dock Bd. Comm. 186 17--Chaplain Sehmltt Memorial Island re: Conceptual Development. Plan for Boat Harbor, presentation etc ................... 186 17--Central Tap, Clair Woodman, Class "C" Liquor License ..... 189 May I--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 1--Centel Cellular Week, Proclamation ...................... 196 1--Cannty Extension Service Day, Proclamation ............. 195 1--Community~Leadcrship Day, Proclamation ................ 195 1--Candy Day, Sertoma, Proclamation ...................... 195 1--Congregational Church Day, Proelanmtion ................ 195 1--Celebrate the Tri-State's First Month, Praclaraatlen ........ 195 1--Crescent Electtic's Supply Co. re: proposed Sign amendment. 205 1--City Hall, Third Floor Renovation, Phase I ............... 209, 257 1--Christopherson, Mrs. Silas, CLAIM; settlement ............ 231, 276 1--Certificate of Authority & Certification for Year 1989 ...... 232 May 15--City Council, Official .................................. 233 15--Close, Rev. Clifford, Gave Invccation .................... 233 15--Conceptual Development Plan, amended, for Kennedy Mall (55 JFK Rd.) ........................................... 237, 253 15--Central .Ave., 2420, 2422, 2438 & 2448, rezoning ete ............................................ 239, 240, 255, 286 15--Conian Construction Co. re: supporting request to veto HF 313 (restricting City's ab'dity to condemn for economic development purpose ............................................. 240 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE May 15--Civic Center Concessions Activity including hiring of Conces- sions Manager ....................................... 241 15--City Garage -- Hazardous Waste Site -- re: Corp. Counsel ad- vising ul process regarding actions ...................... 241 " 15--Contributions Contract, Annual, amendment for Moderate Rehabflitatlan Program ................................ 245 ' 15--Contract with IA Dept. of Public Health for Funding of Local AIDS Education Program ............................. 248 June 5--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 251 5--Cantury Drive & Century Cite area, Driveway easement release. 259, 284 5--Compensation Package for Non-Bargaining Unit employees.. 273 5--Casey's General Store, The Lincoln Co., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit ..................................... 273, 395 5--Clubhouas, The, Robert Splagelhalter, Cigarette Permit ..... 274 5--Creelanes B owlin4~ Inc., Crescent Elec. Supply Ce., Cigarette per- mit; Class "C" Liquor License. ......................... 274, 309 5--Chateau, Klm's, Supper Club, Cigarette Permit ............ 274 5--Clark, George, CLAIM; denial closure .................... 276, 310 5--Carr, Patti, re: letter from IA DOT for soundwaUs on Hwy. 20/St. Joseph area ......................................... 277, 469 5--College St., repairing & painting of 750 MG elevated WATER TANK .............................................. 278, 279 5--Carringe Hill Drive, dedication of streets: Approval of final plat of Lots 4-6, Block 5, Lots 20-27, Bleok 8 in Birch Acres .... 280, 281 June 19--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 284 19--Concrete Surfaces (Sealing) of the Oxygen Aeration Basins of WWTP .......................................... 287, 288, 325 19--Cremer's Groceries, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit. 306, 308 19--Copper Kettle, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License.. 306, 504 19--Cue Master Billiards, Cigarette Permit ................... 306 19--Chung Lim Gee, Monte Carlo Restaurant, Cigarette Permit.. 306 19--Clark, C., Quick Clean Laundry, Cigarette Permit .......... 306 19--Chapman, Kristina L., (Oky Daky #14), Cigarette Permit .... 306 19--CyCace Plaza, Vendors Unlimited, Cigarette Permit ........ 307 19--Central Tap, Clair Woodman, Cigarette Permit ............ 307 19--Civic Center "76", Dave Adams, Cigarette Permit ......... 307 19--Coach House, Elaine Kelly, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 307, 421 19--Chmmel Inn, Carolyn K. Fonck, Class "C" Liquor License; refund. 309, 357 19--Condemnation of Certain Rights of land (re: IA DOT) for im- provement of relocated primary road U.S. 61 .............. 309 19--Chamber of Commerce, Purchase of Services Agreement .... 310 19--Civil Service Commission certifying individuals who passed pre- motional exams for Firefighter: Captains, Corporal, Sergeant: 311 19--Captnin for Fire Dept., certified individuals by Civil Service Coram .............................................. 311 19--Corporni for Fire Dept., certified individuals by Civil Service Corem .............................................. 311 19--Civil Service Commission certifying individuals for Inspector I for Building Dept .................. ' .................. 311 19--Council meeting of July 3rd rescheduled to July 5th ........ 312 July 5--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 313 5--College of Business (Dubuque), Authorizing execution of CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with the Job Market, Ltd .... ............................................ 317, 322, 342, 359 5--Comm. Development Loan Agreement with The Job Market, LTD]The Dubuque College of Business ............ 317, 322, 342, 359 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE July 5--CK (Country Kitchen), Cigarette permit .................. 319 5--Chnpman, Kriztlna L., Oky Doky -14, Cigarette Permit ..... 319 5--City of Dubuque -- Five Flags Center, Class "C" Liquor License. 320 5--Chnteau Supper Club, Klm Reed, Class "C" Liquor License.. 320 5--Condenmation for certain rights in land in relocation of Hwy. 61 (IA DOT) for property owned by Fischer Investment Co., Plastic Center Inc .................................... 321 5--Condenmatlon for certain rights in land in releoation of Hwy. 6I (IA DOT! for property owned by R. Kehi, Masco Indust~las; Mole Oil Co ......................................... 321 5--Comm. Development Block Grant Projects, re: Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Funding .... 321 July 17--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 324 17--Canoeing group (MADRAC), plaque presented from New Zealand for John & Mrxy Miller oI Rivarview Park ................ 324 17--Conerete Paving Project, 1989 ........... 326, 327, 372, 384, 385. 415 17--ConceptualDevelopment Plan for Elderly Nousing(QueonSt.). 329, 347 17--Cedar Cross Road, Property east of, rezoning. ..... 329, 349, 374, 390 17--City residency for city employees, re: Shirley McDermott query. 329 17~-County Historical Society re: Engineer's Ltd. Bldg. on Bell St., rezoning ete ......................................... 331 17--Clark Typist (Parttime) Hiring approved for Housing Dept.. 331 17--City Cede of Ordinances reeodified ...................... 333-335 17--Conventlan & Visitors Bureau, appointment of Council Member Heckmann for their Board ............................. 339 17--County Board of S~pervisors requesting Council to moke applica- tion for RISE Funding for Northwest By-Pass ............ 339, 423 17--Civic Center appointments of Rod Bakke, Dave Bonnett and E. Eugene Perry ........................................ 339 17--Cable Regulatory Comm. appelntmente of Gll Boultinghouse and Doug Hllby ......................................... 340 17--Cable Community Telaprogramming Commission appointment of Brian Baker, Ernestine Kintzle and David Wolf. ........ 340 17--Cross, Dennis, CLAIM; settlement/reimburse .............. 341, 359 17--Condemnation of certain rights of land by IA DOT for Moln Oil Co. and Notice of Appraisement of Damages etc. for R. Kehl property ............................................ 343 17--Colleges, re: MBA Program, Supporting City Cc~Sponsorship of Event for those MBA Students at UD, Clarke College & Loras College ............. ' ................................ 343 July 28--City Council, Special Session ........................... 345 Aug. 7--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 346 " 7--County Fair Week (Dbq), Proclamation ................... 346 7--Crimmlns. Francis, recipient of City SPIRIT Action Certificate. 346 7--Cedar Cross Road, 205, rezoning from AG and R-1 to CS and Wholesale District ................................. 349, 390, 391 7--Conceptual Development Plan re: property north of Dodge St. and west oI Collins St. (Re: Wal-Mart etc.) ............... 351 7--Collins St., west of & east of Princeten, re: rezoning etc. requested for Wal-Mart eto ..................................... 351 7-- Chamber of Commerce requesting money for Sister City delega- tion expense ......................................... 352 " 7--Canrt -- Federal requesting retention of same in Dubuque via Resolution ........................................... 353 7--Community Development Block Grant Loan Agreement with F.H. Uelner Precision Tools & Dies, Inc ............... 354, 361, 379 7--County & City Health Boards re: Joint Meeting @ Combined Services ..................................... 357, 506 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 7--Council Proceedings for month of Febraary, 1989, approved as printed ............... ~ ............................. 358 7--Clark, James N., CLAIM; doufel/elosure .................. 358, 396 7--Connnunity Development Block Grant Project: Battered Women's Shelter ..................................... 360, 379 7--Certification of City that as grantee of HUD, the City will pro- vide a drug-free workplace ............................. 361 7--Community Development Block Grant Project -- Notice of En- vlronmental Review Finding. F.H. Uelner Precision Toels & Dies. 361, 379 Aug. 15--City Council, Special Session -- Closed Session ............ 368 Aug. 21--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 369 21--Cable Cares About Jerry's Kids' Month, Proclamation ...... 369 21--Cedar Cross Road re: part of 1989 P.C. Concrete Paving Project. 372 21--Conciliation Conference & Persuasion Procedures under the Human Relations Ordinance ........................... 376, 393 21--County Historical Society re: Permission to have Fireworks Display ............................................. 377 21--Central/White Ste. re: Freeway Corridor Plan .............. 378, 472 21--Contributions Contract (Annual) for Sec. 8 Housing Vouchers. 380 Sept. 5--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 382 " 5--Constitution Week, Proclamation ........................ 382 5--CEBA (Comm. Economic Betterment Account) Application to IA Dept. of Economic Betterment Account re: TRILOG .... ................................................ 394, 415, 416 5--Citgo/IOCO, Iowa Oil Co., Class "C' Beer Permit .......... 395 5--Collective Bargaining Strategy discussed in Closed Session. 398 Sept. 18--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 399 18--Centennial Celebration by Wartburg Theological Seminary.. 399 18--Council Meeting -- Joint with Sagevilie etc. to discuss NW Arterial from John F. Kennedy Rd. to Rt. 52/3 ............ 401 18--County Supervisors requesting Council Member named to Dbq. County Resource Enhancement Committe~.. ................ 402 18--County Supervisors re: close-captioned r~eetings ........... 404 18--Cable station request to close-caption County Supervisors' Meetings ............................................ 404 18--Claims, Proof of Publication of same for July, 1989 ........ 404 18--Community Development Block Grant Project: Trilog ...... ............................................ 407, 415, 416, 460 Sept. 29--City Council, Special Session -- Closed Session ............ 410 Oct. 2--City Council, Regular Session ................. i ......... 411 2--Crhne Prevention Month, proclamation .................. 411 2--Canopy construction at 76 Main St. for David & Linda Herbst. 418 2--Clayten, Klm, applicant for Human Rights Commission ..... 419 2--City Council, Special Session ........................... 423 Oct. 16--City Council, Special Session ........................... 425 16--Conceptual Development Plan approval & reclassification of pfc- perry located at 3435 Asbury Rd ....................... 426, 447 16--Carter Road from epl of JFK Road to spl of Kaufmaun Ave. & from the npl of Kaufmann Ave. to the sp] of W. 32 St., designa- tion as "Through Street" per City Ord. '. ................. 432 16--Central Ave. from npl of Third St. to its northerly terminus at City limits, designation as "Through Street" per City Ord.. 433 16--Chancy Rd. from npl et Pennsylvania Ave. to spl of Hillcrest Rd., and from the npl of Hillcrest Rd. to the spl of Asbury Rd., and from the npl of Asbury Rd. to the spl of Kaufmaun Ave., and from the npl of Kaufmann Ave. to the spl of Kane St., deelgnasiou as "Through Street" per City etd ............. 433 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE 1989 ~)ct. 16--Clarke Drive from the west property line of Madison St. to W. Looust St., and from W. Locust St. to the epl of North Grand- view Ave., and from the wpl of N. Groudview Ave. to the epl of Asbury Rd., designation as "Through St." per City Ord.. 433 16--Cedar Street and W. 15th St., designation of "Stop Sign" via City Ord ........................................... 435, 436 16--Curler, Barbara J., CLAIM; denial/closure ................ 438, 460 16--Council Proceedings for month of April, 1989, approved as 438 printed .............................................. 16--Callahou, C~Y, appealing City's notice to remove 2 trees at 781 Cleveland ........................................... 439, 452 16--County Historical Society requesting lease extension for former Burilug~on Northern Depot land & building at 2nd Street Ice 440 Harbor ............................................ Nov. 6--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 447 6--City employees receiving Action Certificates .............. 447 6--Certificates IActinn} given to several City employees ....... 447 6--Curbcuts limited on Rockdale Road, agreement by Owners.. 447 6--City Lot 505B, Vacated portion of 64' W. East 10th St., approval 451 of Plat .......................................... 6--Civil Penalty Assessments against Mulgrew Oil Co., Kenneth J. Melloy, Schroby's Inc. and Iowa Oil Co. -- re: violation of beer/liquor license sales ................................ 452 6--Clauer, Sue et al (L. Lampe) re: CLAIM @ Water Main Break. 453 6--Claim of Lynn Lampe & Sue Clauer et al, requested further 453 investigation .................................... 6--Consultant (Englneerir4~) for Design of parking Ramp Faciilty, 456 Contract ......................................... 6--City Hall parking -- enforcement of reserved for employees. 457 6--Cousultant/lobbyist re: GDDC requesting funds for hiring re: Riverboat Gambling etc ............. ~ ................. 457 6--Canvees of Vo~es for,Council Member at Large -- Primary, made by County Supervisors: Winners: Daniel Nicbolson & Emil 459 Stackis ........................................... 6--Civil Service Commission certifying Enwronmental Sam~rian 460 individuals ...................................... Nov. 16--City Council, Special Session ........................... 464 16--Cedar Cross Road Arterial re: CIP funding ............... 464 · . · o local share for 16--County Supervisors approvmg remmnder of 50 Vo NW Arterial ExteNsion Project ......................... 464 Nov. 20--City Council. Regular Session ........................... 465 20--Cooceptoal Development Plan, Amended, for PC Planned Connn. District located at 255 John F. Kennedy Read ......... 469, 484, 485 20--Carr, Patricia requesting up-to-date report from IA DOT re: soundwalls etc. concerning Hwy. 20 reconstruction ......... 469 20--County Democratic Party Ceni~al Committee re: adopted resolu- tion @ racism acts & supporting Task Force .............. 469 20--Corridor, Freeway re: Sign Moratorium ................... 472, 488 20--Crime (Hate) Fund established, re: racism acts ............ 476 20--Chinese Restaurant, Long Yuen, 2600 Dodge., Cigarette Permit & Class "C" Liquor License ............................ 477 20--Council proceedings for May, 1989, approved .............. 478 20--Canvass of votes by County Supervisors for Mayor & Council 478 Members ............................................ 20--Cook, Floyd, re: canvass of votes he got in Third Ward Election. 478 20--Cocayne, Mmwin, re: canvass of vote be gut for Mayoral Election. 478 20--Civil Service Commission certifying individuals for Water plant 479 Operator position ..................................... INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 20--Claims paid for September, proof of publication ........... 479 20--CDBG -- Comm. Development Block Grant Projects re: Publica- tion of Notice of Environmentel Review for same .......... 481 20--Community Development Block Grant Funding, Statement of Intent .............................................. 482 Dec. 4--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 484 4--Certificates -- Recognition, to Water Division Employees... 484 4--CEBA -- Comm. Economic Betterment Account Forgivable Loan Agreement with IA Dept. of Economic Development & Trilog, Inc ........................................... 487 4--Comm. Devel. Block Grant Projects re: Authorizing submission of Request for Release of Funds for: Res. Rehab. Loan; Washington Tool Library; Property Aequisitlon/Demolition Projects ............................................. 491 4--Code of Ordinances -- newly revised, adoption of Supplement No. 1 ............................................... 494 Dec. 18--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 496 18--Conceptuel Development Plans re: P & Z Comrc~ advising of Or& amendment for charging a fee for new or araended ......... 503 18--Conlon, Mike, Pres. of GDDC, supporting selection of Select Development Group for Downtown Hotel Project .......... 503 18--Counell Proceedings for months of June, July & August, 1989, approved as printed ................................... 505 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 ' SUBJECT PAGE D DUBUQUE IN FUTURO, INC. SUBMITTING MINUTES: 170 jan. 3--Delay/defer awarding of contrect for Asbury Water Steroge Tank 1 3--Dubuque Industriel Center Economic Development District, request for amendment to inelud9 area west of town (McFad- den farm) ........................................... 1, 2 3--Downtown Hotel Project, Brutge~ Group withdrawing interest. ................................................ .. 4, 316, 353 3--Dubuque Harbor -- re: Katuin Bros. Inc. right to sub-lease pro- perry known as No. 10 Terminal St. to Mr. J. Underhiil .... 5 " 3--DOT re: Notice of condemnation of property for Primary Rd. U.S. 61 (Dodge House Corp.) ........................... 7, 173 3--Dept. of Natural Resources re: Violation of NPDES Permit Limits for Nov. 1988 .................................. 9 Jan. 16--Dubuque Industrial Center Economic Development Project, Amendment No. 1, re: McFadden Farm west of town ....... 12 16--Dentsch, Wayne A., (Main St. Billiards) Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ................................... 15, 16 16--DOT, IA re: amendment to application to Chief Judge for pro- perty owned by Linehan & Malo, Inc. & Notice of Condenma- tion of right re: U.S. 61 ............................... 18 16--Delinquent garbage & refuse accounts certified to Dbq. County Treasurer ........................................... 20 16--Delinquent sewer accounts certified to Dbq. County Treasurer. 21 Jan. 31--DOT, IA re: Preconstructinn Agreement for Hwy. 61 Project. 25 Feb. 6--Davis, Richard requesting favorable vote for rezanlng: Amend- ed Conceptual Development Plan for PC Planned Commercial District Located N. of Dodge & East of Wacker Dr ........ .................................................. 27, 28, 373 6--Dodge St. (North) & East of Wacker Dr., Amended Conceptual Dev. plan for PC Planned Commercial Dis ............... 27, 28 373 6--Dispesition of parcels of City owned property and granting of access control and temporary easements on ether parcels of prop. to IDOT for construction of relocated Hwy. #61 project ..... 34 6--DOT, USA, Filir4~ of applications with Dept. of Trans. for UMTA Grants .............................................. 35 6--Dubuque Main St.. Ltd., update by Dir. Pat Friedman ...... 37 !' 6--Dept. of Interior (USA) re: Barge Fleeting ete ............. 38 6--Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Service Co., Permit with City... 38 6--Dovnatewn hotel market study, City Mgr. requesting approval of City cost-sharing ................................... 38 " 6--Dubuque Cable Service Delivery Franchise from TCI Cable- vision to TCI of Iowa ................................. 38 6--Delch, Council Member, appointed to Operation: New View.. 71 6--Dubuque Inn, Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Beer & Liquor Lic... 72 6--Dodge House Corp. re: IA DOT advising dismissal of condem- nation for certain properties re: U.S. #61 ................. 73 6--DOT (IA) advising of Dismissal of Condemnation of properties owned by Linehan & Molo for Primary Rd. #U.S. 61 & Dodge House Corp ......................................... 73 6--Do, Inc.' re: IA DOT Notice of Amendment ............... 73 6--Dubuque-Delaware Substance Abuse Services Center submitting 2nd Qtr. FY 1989 report on services to youth ............. 73 6--December, 1988, Financial Report submitted by Mgr ....... 73 Feb. 20--Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency, presentation of check to City ........................................ 79 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 20--DOT, IA, re: Proof of pub. on Notice of Hearing to consider disposing of City's interest on property .................. 79 20--Disposal of Interest in Lot 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Soc. 16, T89N, R2E, 5th P.M. to Interstate Power Co ...... 86, 411 20--Dubuque Industrial Center, Phase II, P & Z approving rezon. lng request to Dubuque In-Future, Inc ................... 85 " 20--Disposing of City Interest in Lot 60A and 60B in Ham's Addn. 88 20--Dept. IIA) of Economic Development, submission of CEBA Pro- gram application with Dbq. Data Services ............ 93 20--Dubuque Data Services, re: CEBA Grant Application ...... 93 20--Dubuque Data Services, re: CD Block Grant Loan Agreement. 94 20--Dubuque In-Future, Inc. loan to, for grading sites in 2nd phase of Dubuque Industrial Center ........................... 94, 95 20--Dubuque Stamping & Mfg. Inc., Amendment to Loan Agree. ment with City ....................................... 95 20--Dubuque Star Brewing Co., Class "B" Beer Permit; Transfer. 99, 318 20--Dubuque Mining Co., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 99 20--D~comber, 1988, List of claims, proof of publication ........ 100 20-- DOT, IA, submitting Notice in condemnation of rights in land for Primary Rd. U.S. 61 re: City for Eagle Food Centers, Jacebsen Realty, Inc. & Sears, Roebuck & Co ..................... 100 20--Dubuque Racing Assn. Annual Financial Report for period end- ing 11/30/88 ......................................... 101 20--Dept. of Natural Resources submitting DPA Pretreatment Per- refinance Audit Inspection for WWTP ................... 102 20--Dubuque Urban Revitalization Program, tax exemptions approved ............................................ 102 Mar. 6--Iinbuque Industrial Center, Phase II, re: rezoning from AG to PI. 106, 107 6--Disposal of City property (Lot 60A of Ham's Addn.) to Barn- stead Thermolyne and Lot 60B of Ham's Addn. to M/M R.J. Kelly.) ............................................. 110 6--DOT (IA}, re: Submittal of Recreational Trails Program App. on behalf of Iowa Rails to Trails: Heritage Trail, /nc. & Dbq. County Hist. Sec ..................................... 112 8--Donna & Kay, Inc., Paradise Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License. 114 6--December printed Council prococdlnge approved ........... 115 Mar. 9--Drainage, unpolluted, prohibited into Sanitary Sewer, via Ord. I26 9--Discharge of storm waters prohibited from going into Sanitary Sewer .............................................. 126 9--Danble parking, Ordinance amending .......... ' .......... 129 Mar. 20--Disposing of City Interest in Lot A of City Lot 38, Lot A of City Lot 37 & LOt C of City LOt 37 in Dubuqco to Interstate Power Ce. 138 " 20--Dubuque Historical Improvement Co., Class "B" Hotcl-Motel License ............................................. 143 20--Dauner, Pauline re: Execution of Release & Indemnity Agree- ment re: final judgement in that case .................... 145, 153 Apr. 3--Donna & Kay's, Inc. (Paradise Inn), Cigarette Permit ....... 169 3--Dubuque Main St., Ltd. & City, Agreement for Downtown Revitalization Plan ............ ,~ ...................... 171 3--Downtown Revitalization Plan, Agreement of Ci{~y with Dubuque Main St ............................................ 171 3--DOT, IA re: Dismissal in matter of condemnation of certain rights in land for improvement of Primary Rd. U.S. 61 ..... 173 Apr. 17--Dubuque Bank and Trust Co., re: vacation of public utility ease- ment located between Lots I & 2 in Babcock's Addn ....... 182, 198 17--Dyersville Mayor requesting City of Dbq. call for election to authorize imposition of Local Sales & Services Tax ......... 184 INDEX ' BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE ~89 APr. 17-Dcok Board presentation re: Conceptual Plan for development of Boat Harbor etc, of Ch. sehmitt Mom. Island ........... 186 17--Dubuque Industrial Center, expansion and improvement authorizing submission of a RISE/Local Development Develop- ment Project Grant Application ......................... 186 ,, 17--Dept. of Transportation (IA) re: RISE Application for construc- tion of Roadway through Dbq. Ind. Center, Phase II ....... 186 17--DMATS Policy Committee submitting Resolution for amend- ment to Article of Agreement of DMATS to oversee man~tge- ment of Barge Fleeting Sites ........................... 188 17--Dubuque First China, Inc. -- Yon Chlng Restaurant, Class "C" Liquor Lic ........................................... 189 17-.Dubuque Regional AIDS Coalition supporting the additional words "Sexual Orientation" to Human Rights Ordinance .... 193 May 1--Dubuque County Extension Service Day, Proclamation ..... 195 1--DubuqueFast Very Special Arts Day, Proclamation ........ 195 1--Disposing of interest in Lot 1 of Lot 16 in J.P. Porter's Addn. 199 I--Dubuque In Future, Inc. -- Payment by them of $330,000 as full payment owed by them re: J.C. Penney Bldg .......... 228 " 1--DubuquoFast -- Nites of the Square Table, Class "B" Beer Permit .............................................. 280 1--Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 230 1--Dubuqco Grayhound Park, ARA Leisure Services Inc., Class "C" Liq. Lic ............................................. 231 1--Dubuque Main St. Ltd. DubuqueFast, Class "B" Beer Permit. 230 May 15--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Cigarette Permit; Class "A" (Club) Liquor License .................................. 243, 807 15--D.B.Q. Inc., Shot Tower Inn, Class "C" Liquor License ..... 244 15--Danny's Lux Club (Beverly A. Larasn), Class "C" Liquor License; Cigarette Permit ..................................... 244, 807 15--Dubuque-Dalaware Counties Substance Abuse Service Center submitting 3rd Quarter FY 89 Report for adalcecent/high risk youth ............................................... 245 June 5--Dodge House Motel, Cigarette Permit; Class "B" Hotel-Motel Lic ................................................. 273, 438 5--Dip, Tlie, Cigarette Permit ............................. 274 5--Dayton-Hudson Corp., Target Co., Cigarette Permit ........ 274 5--Dubuque Greyhound Park, Cigarette Permit .............. 274 5--Dnnne & Son Amoco; Cigarette Permit .................. 274 5--DOT, IA, submitting notices in matter of condemnation of cer- taln rights in land for relocated Primary Rd. No. U.S. 61 with Fischer Investmant Co. & Plastic Center ................. 276 5--Dept. of Natural Resources (IA) submitting Notice of Intent to include property on registry of confirmed, abandoned etc. disposal sites ................................................ 276 5--Datisman vs. DRA & City, closure of CLAIM/SUIT ....... 276 5--Dubuque Golf & Country Club requesting fireworks permission, 276 June 19--Deich, Council Member, sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tern ....... 284 19--Dubuque Racing Assn.'s re: Riverboat Gambling License... 288 19--Demolition permit for Old Strand Theater. 1198 Main ...... 289 19--Daugherty's United, Cigarette Permit .................... 308 19--Dubuqu9 Municipal Airport, Cigarette Permit ............. 306 19--Derby Service Station, Cigarette Permit .................. 306 19--Dog House Lounge, R. Leytem, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor Lic ........................................... 307, 458 19--Demmer, Mary L., Cigarette Permit ..................... 307 19--Dubuque Inn Best Western, Cigarette Permit ............. 307 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE June 19--Dubuqan Bowling Lanes, (J. Ferring), Cigarette Permit ..... 309, 319 19--Dunan & Kay's, Inc., (Paradise Lounge), Cigarette Permit,.. 308 " 19--Dubiak, Lfuda, CLAIM; settlement/closure ................ 309, 321 19--DOT, IA, re: Notice of Condemnation of certain rights in land re: improvement of U.S. 61 -- Fischer properties ........... 309 19--Dock Bd. resignation of Frank D. Gilloon III ............. 310 19--Dept. of Revenue & Finance, IA, settlement of CLAIM ..... 310 July 5--Dubuque Legislative Days, Proclamation ................. 313 5--Downtown Hotel re: Nullification of the Brutger Co.'s as Developer ................. : ...................... 316, 317, 353 5--Dubuque College of Business -- authorization of CDBG Loan Agreement & Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on Environment and Request for Release of Funds .... 317, 322, 342, 359 5--Dubuque Racing Assn. -- approved & applying for a Riverboat Gambling License .................................... 317, 318 5--Drug Enforcement & Education efforts, grant application for funds ............................................... 318 5--Demetri's Restaurant & Lounge, Cigarette Permit ......... 319 5--Dunn, Phyllis, Beanie's Cafe, Cigarette Permit ............ 319 5--Dantsch, Wayne, Main St. Billiards, Cigarette Permit ...... 319 5--Dubuque Mining Co., Apartments Ltd., Cigarette Permit... 319 5--Dietzel, Sandy of Friedman Ins., CLAIM on behalf of Durrant Group; denial/ciosure of CLAIM ........................ 320, 342 5--Durrant Group, Claim submitted by Friedman Insurance; denial/elosure ........................................ 320, 342 5--Dubuque Policemen's Protective Assn. submitting a PrchJbited Practice Complaint ................................... 320 July 17--Dodge St., 2727, rezoning requested by B. Miller d/b/a Sid's Bev. 331 17--Dubuque Convention and Visitor's Bureau, re: Council Member Heckmaun appointed to their Board ..................... 339 17--Dock Board appointment of David Rusk ................. 339 17--DOT, IA re: dismissal of condemnation of certain rights in land for Melo Oil Co. & advising of Notice of Appraisement of Dmnages & time for Robert Kehl property. ............... 343 Aug. 7--Dubuque County Fair Week, Proclamation ................ 346 7--DOT, IA re: Addendum to Project Agreement re: Hwy. 61 Project ............................................. 356 7--Dubuque Fighting Saints Assn., Class "B" Beer Permit .... 357 7--Dubuque/Deinware Substance Abuse Services Center re: 4th Qtr. FY 89 Report on Services to Adolescent/High Risk ........ 359 7--DOT, IA re: Condenmatinn action of Certain Rights in land re: Primary Rd. No. U.S. 61 -- Project No. F-61-8 (22) - 20-31.. 359 7--Drug Free Work Place, re: City providing because of Grantee of HUD ............................................. 361 Aug. 21--Drive for Life Day, Proclamation. i ...................... 369 21--Delhi St. from Graudview to University, re: 1989 Concrete Pay- lng Program ...... ................................... 372 21--Davis Ave., 801, re: Windsor Park Retirement Center designa- tion of Urban Revitalization Area ....................... 373 21--Dubuque Sports Productions, Inc,, Class "B' Beer Permit, . 376 21--Dunlap, Mrs. Carol, CLAIM ............................ 377 21--Dubuque County Historical Society re: permission to hold a fireworks display at 2nd St. Ice Harbor .................. 377 21--Dubuque Industrial Center, 7th Addn., Final Plat Approval. 378 21--Dubuque In-Futero, Inc., accepting final plat of Dbq. Ind. Center, 7th Addu ........................................... 378, 379 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 5--Davis, Richard L. re: Accepting Ord. No. 40-89 Re: Amended Conceptual Development Plan for PC Planned Commercial District, lccated north of Dodge St. & East of Wacker Dr... 388 5--Dock Bd. reappointment of Daniel Block ................. 395 ,, 5--Dragun Boat Festival re: request to set off firecrackers etc.. 398 Sept. 18--Dix, Rev. Wm., Pastor of the Apostolic Christian Church, Gave Invocation .......................................... 399 18--Dubuque County Resource Enhancement Committee, appoint- ment of Council Merabor Deich to that Committee ......... 402 18--Delan, Dennis P., Union Cigar Store, Cigarette Permit ...... 402 " 18--Dubuque County Supervisors re: their meeting on cable being close-captioned ....................................... 404 18--Dubuque Jaycees re: refund on Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 404 Oct. 2--Davis St. 801, Windsor Park Retirement Center, re: designation as Urban Revitalization area ........................... 412 2--Dubuque Shooting Society objecting to Shooting Society alter- native for NW Arterial ................................ 418 2--Delaware, Dubuque & Jackson County Regional Transit Authori- ty, CLAIM .......................................... 421 2--Dubuque County Bd. of Supervisors, City Council & Sageville re: Joint Meeting re: RISE Application for NW Arterial .... 423 2--Dubuque Racing Assn. requesting to use Roce Track Deprecia- tion and Improvement Funds re: settlement repairs ........ 430 Oct. 16--Dog Track re: Race Track special fund for kennel & paddock repairs .............................................. 430 16--Devon Drive from north property line of Dodge to junction with Mineral, designation as "Through Street" via Ord ......... 433 16--Dodge St. from west property line of Locust St. to its westerly terminus at City limits, designation as "Through Street" via Ord ................................................ 433 16--Downtown Motel/Hotel, request for Qualifications from developers ........................................... 436 16--Dalan, Joseph, CLAIM; settlement ...................... 438, 481 16--Depot -- former Burlington Northern, re: Historical Society re- questing extension of lease ............................. 440 Nov. 6--Dispesal of City Interest in E. 10th St. known as City Lot 505B in the City of Dubuque, IA ............................ 452 6--Dell and Avon St., corner, re: water main break "Appeal" of Denial of Claim of L.'Lampe et al ....................... 453, 490 6--Dubuque Main St. P~rking Task Force re: presentation of Report for Improved Parking Conditions ........................ 453 6-Downtown Dubuque re: amending parking Meter area to add certain areas to certain districts via Ord .................. 453, 454 6--Defeasance of Outstanding parking Reveuns Bonds ........ 455 6--Downtown Parking Facility re: Engrg. Consultant Contract for Design .............................................. 456 6--Dubuque Main St. Ltd., submitting Survey supporting need of new Parking Ramp ................................... 456 6--Docklng & shore facilities for Riverboat Gambling Boat re: necessity of hiring lobbyist/consultant etc ................ 457 6--Duster, Robert L. & Roger F., -- Dr. B's., Cigarette Permit. 458 6--Dubuque Jaycees requesting Fireworks Display ........... 460 6--Dubuque-Delaware Substance Abuse Services Center re: 1st Qtr. Report .............................................. 461 6--Dept. of Economic Development (IA) for a Rental Rehab. Pro- gram Grant ......................................... 461 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE , Nov. 20--Dispesal of interest in land 64' wide east of 10t]~ St. & also known as City Lot 505B to Eagle Window & Door ......... 456, 466 20--Demolition permit denial for Sharon Dull Mullen property at 445 Loras Blvd .......................................... 469 20--Demccratic Party of Dbq. County requesting Task Force con- danming racism acts .................................. 469 20--Dock Bd. appointments of Kent Nallson & Ed Ryan ....... 476 20--Dalch, Don, canvass of winning votes for office of Council Member Third Ward .................................. 478 20--Drinking, underage, re: Ord. penalizing individuals for violations. 495 20--Deich, Council Member submitting Ord, penalizing underage per- sons who try to get alcoholic beverages .................. 495 Dec. 18--Downtown Hotel -- discussion and input from individuals, developers ete ........................................ 503 18--Design Center, Inc., Julian Motor Irm, Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Liquor License ....................................... 504 18--Demetri's Rest. & Viking Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License. 504 18--Dubuque Racing Assn. resignation of Dave Simon from Board. ~ 507 INDEX ~ BOOK 119 1988 SUBJECT PAGE £ ELECTRICAL EXAMINING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ........................... 73, 170, 275, 358, 438, 489 jan. 3--Easemant, roadway, across Eagle Point Park property as re- quested by Delos McDonald Estate .................. 3, 11, 70, 316 3--Environmental Review Findings for Precision Tool & Engineer- ing, Inc ............................................. 8 Jan. 16_Employment Agreement with Airport Employee Theron C!ark. 14 jan. 23--ELECTION, Special City, for Proposed Swimming Pool Project. 23 Feb. 6--Engineers (National) Week, Proclamation ................. 27 6--Easemente (Tempor~wy), Res. of Intention of City to Dispose of City's Interest in granting of temporary easements etc. to IA DOT ............................................... 34, 79 Apr. 3--Election Results of Proposition for Swimm/ng Pool Projects. 171 Apr. 17--Easement re: Underground Conduit System to U.S. West Com- municatlons, near Asbury St. Water Tower ............... 176 17--Easement between Lot 1 & 2 in Babcock's Addn., for Dbq. Bank & Trust Co .......................................... 182, 198 17--Edwards Road, west of, & south of Patriela Ann Dr., rezoning. ................................................ 184, 200-201 17--Eagie Point Park area, re: easement for D. McDonald estate. ................................................ 3, 11, 70, 316 17--EconoFoods, Class "E' Liquor License; Ciasa "E" Beer Permit. 72, 99 17--Easement, re: Third Street Overpass ..................... 80 Feb. 20--Eagle Food Centers re: IA DOT Notice for condemnation for im~ provement of U.S. 61 ................................. 100 20--Environmental Review Findings for Automotive &Ind. Hard- ware Project ......................................... 101 20--Exemption applications for texes for property owners in Jackson Park, W. 11th St., & Washlngcon St. Urban Revitalization areas. 102 Mar. 6--Embassy West No. 2. Approval of Final Plat ............. 117 Mar. 20--Eagles #568 (Fraternal Order et), Class "C" Liquor License.. 143 20--Eagle Food Centers, Notice of IA DOT advising of dismissal in matter of condemnation for Primary Road U.S. 61 ......... 144 Apr. 3--East Fourth St. (98) from HI Heavy Ind. to CR Canm~. Rec. -- Zoning .............................................. 150, 185 3--Esgle Point Water Plant, removal of asbestos project ...... 167 Apr. 17--Edwards, D. James re: rezaning of property south of Patricia Ann Drive .......................................... 184 17--Expanditure of up to $3777 in Sec. 8 Program Funds for fur- nishing office at Housing Services Dept .................. 186 " 17--Engineering Agreement with Larkin Assoc. re: Swi~mning Pool Projecte .............................. : .............. 187 May 1--Extension (Dubuque) Service Day. Proclamation ........... 195 1--Electrlc Utility Lines re: issues re: along freeway cooridor... 227 1--Evergreen Drive, petition of residents requesting street rebuilding ........................................... May 15--Economic Development Projects, Requesting Governor to veto Amended HF 313 which limits cities from condemning for same. " 15--Emergency Ambulance Service Agreement by Dbq. County, re: City approval ..................... '. .................. 15--Edwards Road & South of Patriala Ann Dr., approval of final plat of Patricia Ann Acres Sub. No. 2 ................... 15--Economic Development Services Agreement with GDDC for FY June 231 240 241 245 89-90 ............................................... 246, 247 5--Eaecment, Driveway on Century Circle & Century Drive .... 259, 284 5--Econofoods #471, Cigarette Permit ...................... 273 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE June 5--EagleFoedCenter#130, i800Elm, CgarettePermit Class 'E" Beer Permit ........................................ 273, 437 5--Eagle Food Center #109, 200 S. Locust, Cigarette Permit; Class "E" Beer Permit ..................................... 273, 437 5--Eagle Food Center #320, 2050 JFK, Cigarette Permit; Class "E" Beer Permit ......................................... 273, 437 June 29--Eberhardt, Auleen, Day, Proclamation ................... 284 29--Elks Lodge #297, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License. 307, 477 29--Eagles, Fraternal Order of #568, Cigarette Permit .......... 307 29--E1 Toro Lounge, Cigarette Permit ....................... 307 29--Eagle Pt. Associates, The Tollbridge lan, Cigarette permit; Class "C" Liquor License ................................... 308, 396 July 5--Elderhostel Week, procinmatJon ........................ 313 5--Environmentai -- Notice of finding of no Significant Effect for 2 Projects: Neighborhood Related Improvements & Job Market Ltd./Dbq. College of Business .......................... 321,322 July 17--Employee Residency requirements for City employees ...... 329 17--Elderiy Housing Apartments re: Conceptual Development Plan ete .............................................. 329, 247, 392 17--EASTIP Funds, application for same for Airport Terminal Improvement ........................................ 330 17--Engineer's Ltd. Bldg. located east of Bell St., rezening request. 331 17--Employees (Non-bargaining unit), Pay Classification Study.. 335 17--Ehlers, Linda, applicant for Park & Rec. Commission ....... 339 17--Eagle Point Park event sponsored for College s MBA Stude ts. 343 Aug. 7--Elderly Housing Apartments, rezoning of 2217 Queen St .... 347 " 7--E. Third St. & East of BeI1 St., rezoning from HI Heavy In- dustrial District to CR Commercial Rec. District ........ 349, 374, 390 7--Elizabeth Place, 1919, re: Disposal of City Owned Property to Wm. Grove .......................................... 351, 370 7--Environmental Review Finding Notice re: Battered Women's Shelter ............................................. 360 7--Environmental Review Finding Notice re: F. H. Uelner Preci- sion Tools & Dies .................................... 361 7--Electrical System Rehabilitation Project for Keyllne Transit Facility ............................................. 366, 367 Sept. 5--Elderly Housing re: Ordinance for Exemptions ............ 392 Sept. 18--Education Day, National, Proclamation .................. 399 18--Eastridge Estates, Lots 1-10, Block i re: South of W. 32nd St., re: final plat approval ................................. 406 18--Environmental Review Finding for certain CD Block Grant Prc- ject re: Trilng ................................. 407, 408, 416, 439 Oct. 2--Euclid St., between that & Acquinn, reconstruction of Jackson St. sewer ............................................ 413 Oct. 16--Eleventh St., East, from east property line of Central Ave. to west property line of Kerper Blvd., re: designation as "Through Street". ............................................ 432 16--Elm St., from the npl of East Eleventh St. to the spl of E. 20th St., designation as a "Through Street" yin City Ord ........ 433 16--Eagle Point Tavern, Ltd., Windsor Tap, Class "C" Liquor License; Cigarette Permit .............................. 438, 458 16--Eagle Window & Door, Inc., requesting vacation of a 64 x 130' strip of 10th St. to the East .................... 439, 452, 465, 466 16--Engle Point Filter/Pump Station -- Reroofing project, finalization .......................................... 445 Nov. 6--Education (American) Week, Proclamation ................ 447 6--Employees of City received Action Acknowledgement Certificates .......................................... 447 INDEX -- BOOK 119 '--------- SUBJECT PAGE 1989 Nov. 6--Elbo, Inc., Dr. B's, Cigarette Permit ..................... 458 6--Engineering Consultant for Design of parking Ramp Facility -- Contract authorized ................................ 456 6--Enforcement of Reserved parking for City Hall employees. · 457 6--Environmental Sanitarian applicants certified by Civil Service 460 Commission ......................................... ,, 6--Eagle Point Park, west of: approval of Fountain Hill Sabd. No. 2. 461, 462 Nov 20--Excuraien Gambling Boat re: designation of Ice Harbor as 470 location ............................................. 20--Election results by Canvass of Mayor & Council Members for 478 next term ........................................... 20--Envirenmental Review Findings for Certain CD Block Grant Pr~ jects, authorization of Publication of Notice ............... 481, 494 Dec. 4--ECIA Director Bill Baum updating re: RISE App. for NW 490 Arterial ............................................. Dec. 18-- Eighth St., various places, designation for certain parking Meter 502 Districts ............................................ INDEX. BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE FIVE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION SUBMIT- TING MINUTES: ....... 7, 73, 115, 129, 231, 244, 320, 358, 396, 421 FIRE RETIREMENT BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ................................................ 100, 144, 396 Jan. 3--Financlal Institutions approved for City depository of monies. 6 3--Fislmick, Ronald L., CLAIM; closure]denial ............... 7, 17 3--Firefighters, Entrance Level, Certified by Civil Service Comm. 7 3--Firefighter Physical Agility test, appreciation of assistance by Civil Service ......................................... 7 Jan. 16--Financial Report & Audits, Annual for FY ending 6-30-88... 18 Feb. 6--Friedman, Pat, re: Oral report on Dbq. Main St., Ltd ....... 37 6--Franchise -- CABLE, change for TCI Cablevialon of Dbq. to TCI of IA ............................................... 38 6--Fleeting, barge, future site, re: Dbq. County Conservation... 38 6--Final Assessment Schedule of 1987 Asphalt Paving Project. 41-60 6--Final Assessment Schedule of 1987 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro- ject -- LORAS BLVD ................................ 62-70 6--Financial Reports for month of Dee., 1988 ................ 73 6--First Floor City Hall Restrooms, Finalize project .......... 76, 77 Feb. 20--Five Year Capital Improvement Program ................. 84 20--Force Main Relecation Project, from 4th & Central to 3rd & IA ........................................... 89, 134, 135, 249 20--Freeway Corridor Planning Project, reports ............... .................................... 96, 270, 355, 378, 472, 402 20--Feed & Beverage Vending Machines, Ordinance ........... 96 20--Fuerate, Robert, appointed to TRANSIT BD .............. 98 20--Fe~elon's Finer Foods Restaurant, Class "C" (BVfl Wine License. 99 20--Family Beverage Center, Class "E" Liquor License ........ 99 20--Financial Reports for mouth of January, 1989 ............. 100 20--Financial Report for Dubuque Racing Assu. for period ending 11/30/88 ............................................. 101 Mar. 6--Farragut St., ecuth of, re: vacation and sale of property to Barn' stead Thermulyne & M/M Richard J. Kelly ............... 110 " 6--Five Flags Center, proposals for concession services ........ 112 " 6--Five Flags, KC & S, Class "C" Liquor Licanse ............ 114 " 6--Fuller, Marilyn, CLAIM ............................... 115 6--Funds requested for release for Automotive & Ind. Hardware Project ................................... .......... 115, 116 6--Final Plat of Embassy West No. 2, approval .............. 117 Mar. 9--Fiscal year 1990 Budget, Public Hearing ................. 119 9--Five Year Capital Improvement Program, Budget Public Hearing ........ ~..: .............................. 119, 121 9--Fax machine approved for City Mgr.'s Office Budget.~ ...... 121 9--Festivals (Dubuque Area), given 2% of Hotel/Motel Tox Receipts. 121 9--Fees for Water Rates ................................. 123 9--False Alarms, Provision for Service Charge y~a Ord ........ 128 9--Fees for Planning & Zoning applications etc. changed ...... 130, 131 Mar. 20--Felderman, Robert of Dbq. Board of Realters, re: Housing Cede Amendments ........................................ 135 20--Fees re: Residential Housing Code, changed ............... 136 20--Fourth St. 98 East, rezonlng ................ 138, 139, 150, 185, 186 20--February, 1989, Financial Reports Submitted ............. 144 20--Financial Reports for month of February, 1989 ............ 144 20--Fireworks display request by Dbq. Jaycsos ............... 144, 460 Apr. 3--Freeway Corridor Planning, Progress Report .............. 154 3--Five Flags Civic Center Concessions re: documents for solicita- tion of proposals ..................................... 154 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE 154 989 Apr. 3--Fitch, Dottye, communication re: Sign Ord. amendment ..... ,, 3--First & Iowa Sts. re: Addendum to Highway 61 Pre-Construc- tion Agreement providing for widening of intersection ...... ,! 3--Fuerste, Attorney Wm, submitting CLAIM For Marilyn Puller. 168 170 3--February 1989 Claims ................................. 173 Apr. 17--Five Flags Ballroom -- painting of Ceiling/Walls Project .... 179, 256 , 17--Fisch, Bob re: Residential Housing Ordinance, comment .... 185 17--Fourth St., E. Rezoning ............................... 185, 186 17--First China, Inc. (Dbq.), Yen Ching Rest., Class "C" Liquor' Lic. 189 17--Final Plat of Lot I of Bill's Place approved (Owned by Krieg Bros.) .............................................. 192 May 1--Foster Grandparent Program Day, Proclamation ........... 195 " 1--First Congregational Church Day, Proclamation ........... 195 1--"First" Month, (Celebrate the Tri-States), Proclamation ..... 195 1--Foye St., disposal of City property to Wayne & Patricia Whittenbaugh ....................................... 199 1--FDL Foods, (by Attorney T. McKay), requesting partial release of FDL Mortgage ............................. 205, 233, 234, 350 1--Freeway Corridor Planning -- Second Progress Report ...... 226 1--Freeway Corridor, re: undergrannding utility lines etc ...... 227 1 -- Finance Authority (IA) Housing Assistance Fund Program, Sup- porting application of Voorhees Development Group ........ 229 May 15--Front Yard Setback, re: establishment of new Section 2-7.3. ........................................ ; ....... 238, 255, 286 15--French Cafe, New, Class "WB" Wine Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 244, 489 15--Final Plat of Patricia Ann Acres Sub. No. 2 .............. 245 " 15--Food Establishments added to facilities licensed and inspected by City ............................................. 248 June 5--Frlendship Force, gratitude for hospitality by Wessex ...... 251 " 5--First National Bank of Dubuque Week, Preclamation ....... 251 " 5--Fenalon's Market, Cigarette Permit ...................... 273 " 5--Family Beverage Mart, Cigarette Permit ................. 274 5--FDL Foods, Inc., Cigarette Permit ...................... 274 5--Fifties, Inc., WaliyGators, Cigarette Permit ............... 274 5--F.D.L. Foods, (ARA). Cigarette Permit ................... 274 5--Fischer Lanes, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License.. 274, 320 5--Fiscber Investment Co., re: IA DOT & Notices of Condenma- tion for U.S. 61 ................................... 276, 309, 321 5--Fireworks display request by Dbq. Golf & Country Club .... 276 5--Funding Agreement with City & Project Concern: Phone A Friend .............................................. 277 5--Final Plat of Birch Acres for Tschiggfrie, approved etc ..... 280 June 19--Freeway Planning Committee re: Signage in Freeway Corridor. ........ : ....................................... 291, 472, 488 19--Finale Lounge, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License. 307, 458 19--Ferring, James R., (Dbq. Bowling Lanes), Class "C" Liquor Lic; Cigarette Permit ..................................... 309, 319 19--Fonck, Carolyn K., Channel Inn, Class "C" Liquor License.. 309 19--Financial Reports for month of May, 1989 ................ 310 19--Festivals, Land of, Purchase of Services Agreement ........ 310-311 July 5--Five Flags Center, City of Dubuque, Class "C" Liquor License. 320 5--Friedman Insurance, CLAIM (of Sandy Dietzel) ........... 320 5--First National Bank, acceptance of Warranty Deed for propeo ty at 1300 Main ...................................... 336 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE July 5--Five Flogs Civic Co~mnission appointments of Rod Bakke. Dave Bennett and Eugene Perry ............................. 339 " 5--Flynn, Everett, applicant for Dock Board ................. 339 " 5--Fryburger, Don, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm.. 340 5--Fuerste, Attorney Wm., on behalf of The Bridge Restaurant re: freeway traffic access to that property ................ 342, 359, 374 5--Freeway access to The Bridge Restaurant ............. 342, 359, 374 5--Funds released for Neighborhood Related Improvements & Job Market, Ltd./Dubuque College of Business CD Block Grant Projects ...... i ...... : ....... : ....................... 342 Aug. 7--Federal Court Court Retention Resolution ................ 353 7--Fehruary 1989 Council Proceedings approved as printed .... 358 7--Final Plat et Archdiocese Place No. 2, Key West, approved. 359 7--Final Assessment Schedule for Gillespie Street Sanitary .... 362, 363 7--Final Assessment Schedule for Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer. 364, 365 Aug. 21--Fireworks request by Dbq. County Historical Society for Ice Harbor ............................................. 377 21'Final Plat of Dubuque Industrial Center, 7th Addition ...... 378 21--Financisi Reports for June & July, 1989 ................. 381 Sept. 5--Family Mart, Inc., Dennis A. Althans, Class "C' Beer Permit. 395 5--Finanical Reports of Dbq. Fire Retirement System & Police Retirement System ................................... 396 5--Fighting Saints Assn., Dubuque, re: Contract between Five Flogs Center .............................................. 398 5--Five Flogs Civic Center, contract with Fighting Saints Assn. 398 Sept. 18--Finaoce Director A1 Heitzmon given special Financial Award. 399 18--Family Literacy Week, Proclamation ..................... 399 18--Fifth St. Temporary parking Lot Project ................. 399 18--Fiscal Year 1991 Budget Guidelines ..................... 401 18--Freeway Cooridor re: Sign Moratorium ................ 401, 472, 488 18--Freeway Corridor Planning re: issuance of permits for blllbeards. ......................... 401-402, 472, 488 18--Fahey, Richard, CLAIM, denisi/closure ................... 403, 460 Oct. 2--Funds for Trflog, Inc. request for release for CD Block Grant Projects ............................................. 416 " 2--Financial Reports for August, 1989 ...................... 421 Oct. 16--Foothill Road, north of, & east of JFK Read, as requested by Gene Sullivan, rezoning: ............................ 427, 449, 450 16--Fourth St. from east property line of Bluff St. to t~e east pro- party line of White St., re: designation as "Through Street" via etd ................................................ 432 16--Fifth St., West, from wpl of Hill St. to epl of Delhi St. and from the epl of Bluff St. to wpl of Central Ave. re: designation as "Through Street" via etd ............................. 432 16--Fourteenth St., East, from the wpl of Elm St. to the apl of Can~ tral Ave., designation as a "Through Street" via etd ....... 432 16--Fremont Ave., from Spl of Dodge to npl of Simpson, and from spl of Simpson to its westerly terminus, re: designation as "Through Street" via etd ............ . ................. 433 16--Fifteenth St. & Maple St., re: designation of Stop Signs via Ord. 435, 436 16--Feltes, Michael, CLAIM; settlement ..................... 438, 460 16--Financial Report -- Annual, for FY ending 6-30-89, Proof of publication .......................................... 439 16--Final Plat of Lot 1-2-1-1-15, Block 1, Birch Acres & Lot 1-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 Birch Acres, approved ..................... 440 16--Final Plat of Sunset Park Fifth Addn., approval ........... 442 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE 1989 Oct. 16_Final Plat approvui of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Brittany Woods in Dbq. 443 Cry ................................................ Nov. 6_Fischer Co.'s re: settlement of $70,000 ki lieu of construction of ramp across property re: vacating of public alley located between lA St. & Main St. South of W. 3rd St ................... 450 ,, 6--Friedman, Pat presenting report: "Recommendations for Ira- proved parking Conditions in Downtown Dubuque" as prepared by Dbq. Main St. Ltd ................................. 453 6--Financial Reports for month of September, 1989 ........... 461 , 6--Fountain Hill Subd. No. 2, final plat approval ............. 461 " 6--FAUS monies to be utilizied for NW Arterial, Phase IV etc. 464 Nov. 20--Fourteenth St., East, South side, from Jackson St. to White St.; north side, from Jackson St. to the alley east of White St., designation for two hour parldng. ....................... 476 20--Fahey, Richard, CLAIM; denial/closure ................... 403, 460 Dee. 4--Fanrth St. PeninsulaiIce Harbor Urban Renewal District: Establishment of a Tax Increment Financing District ...... 486, 496 4--Freeway Corridor re: Roadside BeautificatiOn Project ....... 490 4--Funds requested for release from CDBG for various City pr(~ jects: Tool Lending Library, Res. Rehab. Loan program; property acquisition relocation demolition projects ................. 491 ,' 4--Five Year Street Construction Program .................. 493, 494 Dec. 18--Fiscber Co.'s opposing Urban Renewal Plan for 4th St./Ice Har- bor area ............................................ 496 18--Fifteenth St., various places, designation of specific Parking Meter Districts ...................................... 502 18--Fee charged for amended Conceptual Development Plan, amend- ed Zoning Ordinance .................................. 503 18--Federal Aid Projects, Agreement with IA Dept. of Trans. for Right-of-Way Assurance ............................... 507 18--Financial reports for month of November, 1989 ............ 507 18--Fiscber Co.'s appealing decision for tree removal on property at 408 W. 5th St ....................................... 507 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 3--Grant Agreement re: Precision Tool & Engineering .Co ...... 8 Jan. 16--Gremmeli Jerry requeetlng favarable rezaning for 3606 Crescent Ridge ............................................... 11, 82-83 16--Gomer's, R. Kunde, Class "C" Liquor License ............. 16 16--Garbage & Refuse Collection Delinquent accounts certified to County Treasurer ..................................... 20 Feb. 6--Giilespie St. Sanitary Sewer Project ..................... .................... 2, 3, 33, 104, 105, 141, 232, 290, 362, 363, 397 " 6--Grants under UMTA re: Filing ~f Applications (Transit: Keyline). 35, 36 " 6--Grant Application for Operating Assistance with State Transit Assist. Program & Authorizing the entering into of a Contxact with IA DOT ................................. ' ....... 36 " 6--Grant Agreement with Dept. of HUD for 12 month program. 70 " 6--Gourhart, City Manager W. Kenneth, appointed to Operation: New View Board ..................................... 71 " 6--Golinvaux, Inc. (Pizza Hut), Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 72 " 6--Grandview Milk House, Class "C" Beer Permit; Cigarette per- mit; Class "C" Beer Permit .......................... 72, 357, 393 6--Geetz's (James Ooetzinger), Class "C" LiqUor License ...... 72 6--Gudenkauf, Lloyd, CLAIM ............................. 73 6--Glab, Deborah, CLAIM; Settlement ..................... 73, 115 Feb. 20--Grading sites in Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc ................. 94 20--Gudenkauf, Lloyd, administrative closure of claim ......... 100 Mar. 6--Gedfather's Pizza, Class "B' Beer Permit ................ 114 Mar. 9--G.O. Bonds, Instituting Proceedings to take add'l actinn for is- suance of these ....................................... 119 9--Glenuon, Joel, objecting to changeover of water meter reading program to Gas Co ................................... 120 Mar. 20--Grant applica~on to IA Dept. of Public Health, re: Dbq. Regional AIDS Coalition ...................................... 140 Apr. 3--Golf Course (Bunker Hill), Agreement with George Stephenson. 156 3--Gender terms deleted in various Sections of Cede of Ordinances. 156-167 3--Grothe, Pattie Rae, CLAIM; closure of claim .............. 170, 190 Apr. 17--GO (General Obligation) Bonds, issuance of $650,000 for essen- tial corporate purpose ................................. 177, 195 17--Gas Co. (People's), re: Meter Reading Service Agreement .... 187 17--Ginter, Donna (West Dubuque Tap), Class "C" Liquor License. 189 17--Grantee Performance Report for Calendar Yoar 1988 to HUD. 189 17--Gelinas, John J., Pelican Pier, Class "C" Liquor License, Cigarette Permit, refund on Cigarette Permit ........... 189, 308, 507 May 1--Grand Cafe, Class "B" Beer Permit; transfer of permit ..... 230, 376 1--Greyhound Park, Dbq., (ARA Leisure Services), Class "C" Liquor Lic ........................................... 231 1--Golinvaux, IA Supreme Ct. re: opinion re: case of him vs. City & Bd. of Police Trustees ............................... 231 1--Gorley, Steve, re: Therp Credit, Inc. submitting petition for foreclosure of real estate mortgage ...................... 231 1--Gould, Win. resignation from Library Bd ................. 231 1--Gfllespie Street Sanitary Sewer, re: Wm. Stierman requesting to assist in paying for the same ......................... 232 May 15--GDDC (Greater Dubuque Development Carp.), re: appointment of City rep~ Boards ................................... 242 15--Gearhart, City Mgr. W. Kenneth, as rep. to GDDC Board... 242 15--Grand Cafe, Transfer of Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 242 " 15--Golf & Country Club. Class "A" Beer & Liquor License .... 243 15--Ginter, Donna, Silver Dollar, Class "C" Liquor License ..... 244 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE May 15--Goffinet, Tom, CLAIM; denial/closure .................... 244, 276 15--GDDC -- Agreement for Economic Development Services for FY 1990 ............................................ 246 Jgne 5--G,O, Bonds, Issuance of $4,150,000 & Levying Tax ........ 259 5--General Drivers & Helpers Union. Local #421, Agreement with City ................................................ 270 5--Goetzinger, James W., Geetz's; Cigarette Permit .......... 273 5--Gerhard, Curtis L., Knickers Escape Tunnel, Cigarette Permit. 274 5-Grandman's Pantry, Inc., (Sfikas), Cigarette Permit ......... 274 , 5--Golf & Country Club re: fireworks display permission etc... 276 " 5--Greding & Drainage for NW Arterial Stage III (from Asbury to JFK) ............................................. 277 June 19--Gambling (Riverboat) licenses ....................... 288, 317, 318 19--Gantz family, re: joint venture group for downtown hotel project. 291 19--Grandview Drug Co., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit. 306, 308 19--Gene's Main St. Tap, Eugene Bechen, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ................................... 306, 309 19--Greund Round, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License. 307, 438 19--Grand Tap, Cigarette Permit; Class "B" Beer Permit; Class "C" Liquor License .................................... 307, 395, 438 19--Ginter, Donna M., West Dubuque Tap, Cigarette Permit .... 308 19--Ginter, Donna M., Silver Dollar, Cigarette Permit .......... 308 19--Gilloan, Frank D., resigning from Dock Bd ............... 310 July 5--Governar's Alliance on Substance Abuse for federal funds for Police Dept. Drug Enforcement ......................... 318 5--Grant applications for funds for Police Dept. Drug Enforcement & Education Efforts .................................. 318 5--Gerhard, Curtis, Knickers Saloon, Class "C" Liquor License. 319 July 17--Gibson, Mark & Donna, re: removal of trees re: Sidewalk Inapec- tion Program ........................................ 330 17--General Requirements re: Street Trees & Landscaping on Public Right of Way ........................................ 330 Aug. 7--Greve, Wm, G., re: 1919 Elizabeth St. property sold to ..... 851, 369 7--Green area es a perk, re: request by Bob Wild re: USSR Sister City Project ......................................... 352 7--Good Faith Deposit Check, request by Brutger (Down. Hotel) for return ........................................... 353 Aug. 21--Graham Circle from Westway to St. John Dr. & Paisley Ct., re: part of 1989 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ................ 372 21--Grants (CD Block) re: funds released for F.H. Uelner Precision Tools & Dies, Inc. Project & Battered Women's Shelter Project. 379 Sept. 5--Grandview Ave. Sewer Reconstruction Project ............ 397 Sept. 18--Gantz, James, Pres. of Lime Reck Springs, re: acceptance of Res. No. 326-89, approval of final plat of Lots 18-21 inclusive of Brit- tany Woods in Dbq. County ............................ 405 '1S--Grand Island Partners, (R. Klauer) acceptance of Resolution of Final Plat approval of Lots 1-10 of Block, Eastridge Estates in the City ............................................ 406, 407 Oct. 2--Gibbs, Wm,, applicant for Human Rights Corem .......... 419 2--Geno's, Gene Kopp, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License, 420 Oct. 16--Garfield Ave., from epl of Elm St. to spl of Fengler St,, and from npl of Fengier St. to the npl of Shires Ave., re: designation as "Through Street" via Ord ............................. 433 16--Grove Terrace & W. 12th St., designation of "Stop Signs" via Ord ................................ :..' ............. 435 16--Gantz, James, Pres. of Lime Rock Springs, Aceep~ance of Res. No. 360-89 re: final plat approval of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Brittany Woods in Dbq. County ................................ 443, 444 1989 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 6--Gambling Riverboat re: Docking & Shore Facilities, re: hiring 457 of lobbyist/consultant ................................. 6--Greatcr Dbq. Development Corporation (GDDC), re: funding for 457 hiring of lobbyist etc. for Riverboat Gambling specifics ..... 6--Goffinet, John, refund on Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 459 Nov. 20--Ginter, Donna, received plaque from Mayor for Community 465 Service ............................................. 20--Ginter, Donna, objecting to penalty for Liquor License violators. 465 20--Goodman, Teri of Democratic Party requesting Task Force re: 469 racism acts .......................................... 470 20--Gambling Boat re: designation of Ice Harbor etc .......... 478 20--Gatena, Robert, CLAIM ............................... 20,Gross, Jim, received 1 vote for Mayor in Canvass of Elections. 478 Dec. 18--GDDC -- Greater Dubuque Development Corp. re: selection of Downtown Hotel & encouraging "Select Develepmant Group". 503 ~989 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE H HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ......... 7, 16, 115, 170, 231,341, 438, 459, 505 niST~si~'~R~SERVATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ....... 7, 100, 115, 189. 244, 320, 358, 403, 421. 459, 439 HOUSING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: .... ..................... 2, 115, 170, 189, 231, 244, 341, 3,77, 438, 459 HOUSING CODE APPEALS BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: .................................... 16, 73, 244, 438 Jan. 3--Hotel Proceedings, Brutger withdrawing interest .......... 4, 342 3--Highway 61 Project, Council Member Heckmann re: staff 5 direction ............................................ ,, 3--Huggins, Ruth, denia~closure of claim ................... 7, 17 3--HUD re: CD Grant for Precision Tool & Engrg ............ 8 Jan. 16--HEALTH BOARD -- Regular Quarterly Meeting ......... 10 16--Haugan, Father John, Gave Invocation for Council Meeting. 11 16--Housing Commission appointment of Janet Busch ......... 15 16--Hallahan, Bill & Peg, CLAIM .......................... 16 16--Henry, Arnold, denial/claim (Milwaukee Ins.) .............. 17 Jan. 31--Hwy. 61 Project -- Proposed Reconstruction Agreement with 25, 472 IDOT .............................................. Feb. 6--History (American) Month, proclamation ................. 27 6--Huewe, Sr. Helen from Mercy Hospital requesting passage of Ord, re: Conceptual Development Plan for Mercy .......... 30 6--Housing Code (Residential), comprehensively revise ........ ..................................... 31, 135, 185, 210-226, 810 6--Hwy. 61 -- Disposition of parcels of City owned property & granting of access control and temporary easements to IDOT for construction of relocated Hwy. 61 .................... 34 6--Hotal (Downtown) Market study, City Mgr. requesting approval 38 of city cost-sharing ................................... 6--Hawthorne St. from Rhomberg Ave. to Volunteer Rd,, Final Assess. Schedule for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project ......... 44-45 6--HUD -- Annual Contributions Contract for additional Moderate 70 Rehab Program ...................................... 6--Human Rights Commission appointments delayed ......... 71 6--HyVee Food Stores, Inc., Class "E" Liquor License ........ 72 6--Hallahan, Wm., CLAIM, Closure of Claim ................ 73, 100 6--Human Rights Ordinance, re: Ralph Scharnau comments re: · . ,, . . ,, 73 adding words Sexual Onentatxon ...................... Feb. 20--Hearing on for 1990 Budget ............................ 84 20--Ham's Addition, Disposal of City Interest In Lot 60A and 60 for Barnstead/Thermolyne & M/Mrs. Kelly ................ 88, 110 20--House File #93, Mgr. requesting support of same dealing with IA Dept. of Revenue's remittance of Lecal Option Tax ..... 97 20--HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION appointments of Karla Bra/g, Roger Ma/ers & Steven Rackis ................... 98 Mar. 6--History Month (Women's), Proclamation ................. 104 6--Heritage Trail, Inc. re: Submittal of a Recreational Trails Pro- gram Application to IA Dept. of Transportation ........... 112 6--Historical Society, re: Submittal of a Rec. Trails Program App. to IA Dept. of Transportation .......................... 6--HUD, application to for Sec. 8 Housing Vouchers .......... 6--Housing Vouchers (Sec. 8), application to HUD ............ 112 113 113 6--Hausen, Sally, CLAIM ................................ 115 6--Hoffman, John. CLAIM; settlement ..................... 115, 170 6--Halle, Martin D. (& Loras Pepe), Acceptance of terms etc. for approval of Final Plat of Embassy West No. 2 in the City. 117, 118 INDEX -- BOOK 119 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 9--Helplng Services of NE Iowa, budget re: adding $1500 for matching grant funds ................................. 121 Mar. 20--HEARING re: Assessment of Civil Penalty for Leonard TeKippe dib/a Avenue T~ .................................... 134 20--Housing Code/0eas, revised..: ......................... 136, 310 20--Heavy Industrial Zoning reclassified for property at 98 E. 4th St. 139 20--Heavy Industrial Zoning reclassified for property at 2400 Kerper. 140 20--Horsfield Construction, Inc. of Epworth, awarded contract for Gflleeple Street Sanitary Sewer ..... 141 20--Hamel, Dirk, petitioning re: Ordinance re: Homosexual rights. 142 20--Homosexual rights, re: Ordinance .... 142, 192 20--Housing Code of Appeals Board appointment of Edward Swift. 143 20--.HUD, Annual Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Program Hans- ~ng Vouchers ........................................ 145 Mar. 20--Haneel, Sally, settlement of Claim 145 " 20--HUD, Statement of Intent, amendment to CD Block Grant Statement .... . ................... 146 Apr. 3:-Harbor Place rezoning (E. 4th St.) ...................... 150 3--Hartig, Ken, requesting favorable rezoning of E. 4th St ..... 150 3--Homeless re: HUD application for Housing Assistance ..... 155 3--Helle, FAostcrman & Co., Contract for City Audit for FY's ending 6-30-89, 90 & 91. .............................. 155 3--HUD apPlication for Sec. 8 Moderate Rehab Program Housing Assistance .......................................... 155 3--Housing Assistance Program, HUD application for Sec. 8 Mod. Rehab .............................................. 155 3--Hwy. 61 Project, Addendum to Preconstruction Agreement with IDOT, providing of intersection at First & Iowa Ste. to accom- modate RR alignment ................................. 168, 472 3--Human Rights: re: Sandra Kirkbride's comments re: Sexual Orientation... · ' ...................................... 168 3--Hartig Drug Co., 157 Locust, Class "C" Beer Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit ......................................... 169, 458 3--Hardees on Dodge, re: IA DOT Notice of Appraisement of damages in matter of condanmation of property for improvement of U.S. 61 ........................................... 173 Apr. 17--Health Board, Quarterly Meeting 174 " 17--Holocaust Victims, Proclamation ........................ I75 17--Home (American) Week, Proclamation ................... 175 17--Highiand Park Sub., easement to Northwestern Bell (U.S. Com- mtmicatiuns for underground Conduit System ............. 176, 177 17--Hanten vs. City of Dubuque, settlement of snit/elalm ....... 177 17--Houslng Services furnishing of Office, Sec. 8 Program expenditure .......................................... 186 " 17--Hinderman, Joseph, settlement of car damage claim ........ 190 17--Humane Society, Agreement with City for Animal Shelter services ......... : .................................. 193 17--Hmnan Rights Ord. re: AIDS Coalition supporting words: "Sex- ual Orientation" being added ........................... 193 May 1--Human Relations Ordinance re: Sexual Orientation definition. ...................................... , .......... 206, 249, 250 1--Hamal, Dirk requesting to address Council re: ' Sexual Orienta- · tion" issue .......................................... 1--Housing Code, Residential -- Revised Ordinance ........... 250 .............................................. 210 226, 310 1--Hans ng Code fees, changed ............................ 226, 310 1--Hansing Assistance Program Funds, application of Voorhees Development Group .............................. ..... 229 ~89 SUBJECT PAGE 1--Heckmann, Council Member travel approval to go to Sister City in Soviet Union .................................. 230 1--Helm, Bridget, CLAIM; denial/closure ................... 231, 244 May 15--Historic Preservation Week (National), Proclamation ....... 233 15--Heckmaun, Council Member re: plaque to Sister City Pyatigarsk while on visit there ................................... 233 15--House File 313, Request for Veto because it severely limits Cities from condemning land for Economic Development Projects.. 240 15--Hazardeus Waste Site -- City Garage, process of actions... 241 15--Hwy. 61 -- Improvement from Maquoketa to Dubuque, Public Hearings etc ......................................... 242 15--HOUSING CODE APPEALS BD. Appnintment of Wm. Kinsella ............................................. 242 15--Hartig, Dick, reappointed to Planning & Zoning Commission. 242 15--Hartlg, Dave, reappointed to Planning & Zoning Commission. 242 15--Hoffman House Restaurant, (Wm. C. Brown), Class "C" Liquor License .......................... ................... 243 15--Hogenderm, Shawn, denial/elosure of CLAIM ............. 244 15--Helping Services for Northeast Iowa, Inc., Purchase of Services Agreement.. 247 15--Health (Public), Contract with IA Dept. of Public Health for Funding of Local AIDS Education Program .............. 248 June 5 --Harbor (Dubuque), Co., Asslgalng of proper ty known as 102 Ter. minal Street & Tract B & C to Sitco....: ................ 251 5--tlappy's Place, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor Lic ..... 273, 396 5--Hartig Drug Co., 4 stores, Cigarette Permits; Class "C' Beer Permits ............................................. 274, 458 5--HyVee Food Stores, Cigarette Permit; Class "BE" Beer Per,nit. 274, 275 5--House of China, Cigarette Permit ....................... 274 5--Hwy 20, letter of Patti Cart to IA DOT re: soundwalls ..... 277, 469 J,u, ne 19--Historic Preservation re: Madison Street Steps rebuilding... 285, 506 19--Hotel (Downtown), re: joint venture group of B. Kehl & Gantz family ..... 291 19--Hotel (Downtown), re: Brutger Hospitality liason ended ..... ................................................ 291, 342, 353 19--ttoliday Oil Dist., Inc., several outlets, Cigarette Permits... 306 19--Hard Times Tavern, Angle Mangeno, Cigarette Permit; Class "C' Liquor License ................................... 307, 420 19--Heartiand Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................ 307 19--Halidey Inn Motel, Cigarette Permit; Class "B' (Hotel-Motel) Liquor License ....................................... 307, 403 19--Helar, Gary & Joanne, Cigarette Permit .................. 307 I-lingtgen, Wayne, CLAIM; settlement/reimbursement ...... 309, 359 July 5--Hoffman, David H., White House Tavern~ Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License .............................. 319, 504 5--Hwy. 61, re: IA DOT submitting dismissal in matter of condem- nation of for rights of land in relocation for R. Kehl property, Masco Ind.& Molo. .................................. 321 July 17--Health Board, Regular Quarterly Meeting ................ 323 17--ItUD application for Sec. 8 Program Housing Vouchers & htr- lng of a parttime Clerk Typist .......................... 331, 332 17--Hansing Vouchers, Sec. 8, HUD application .............. 331, 332 17--Harmon, Edward, applicant for Library Board ............. 339 17--Hammel, Robert, applicant for Five Flags Civic Center ..... 339 17--Hoffman, Paul, appointed to Park & Recreation Corem ..... 340 17--Heathcote, Genevieve appointed to the Transit Bd ......... 340 17--Hilby, Douglas, appointed to the TV Cable Regulatory Comm. 340 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE July 17--Haight, Debra, CLAIM; denial/closure ................... 341, 359 17--Hall, John, owner of The Bridge Restaurant, requesting better Freeway Access ...................................... 342 July 28--House of China, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 345 Aug. 7--Houaing (Elderly), Queen Street Rezoning ................ 347 7--Hanslng Commissinn -- resigning off Board by: Charlotte Kelly, Diane Kelly, & Edward J. Markward ............... 352 7--Housing Commission appointments of Janet Busch, Charles Isenhart, Hozel O'Neal, and Dennis Oneyear .............. 352 7--Hotel (Downtown) re: disposition of Urban Renewal Site for development of Complex ............................ 353, 402, 436 7--Houaing Program (Sec. 8), Application to participate re: "Opera- tion Bootstrap". ..................................... 354 7--HUD re: application for 40 Section 8 Housing Certificates, re~ "Operation Bootstrap". ............................... 354 7--Heires, Robert J., Bob's, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor Lic. 357, 358 " 7--Health Bcords -- Dbq. County & City, requesting Joint Meeting. 357, 506 " 7--H. & J.'s Tap, H: Valentine, Cigarette Permit; denial of Liquor Lic ................................................. 357, 358 7--Haislet, Cathy A., CLAIM, settlement ................... 358, 396 7--Heckmann, Council Member James re: appointed to Sister City delegation ........................................... 352 Aug. 21--Hale St. from Grandview Ave. to Algona St., re: 1989 Concrete Paving Project ....................................... 372 21--Historic Preservation Commission re: Madison St. Steps .... 372 21--Hartig, David re: spoke on Sign Ordinance ............... 374 21--Housing (Elderly), re: example for same re: Zoning?? ....... 375, 392 21--Human Rights Law, re: exemptions for Elderly Housing .... 375, 392 21--Human Rights Ordinance, re: City Mgr. submitting Ordinance re: Concinatinn & Persuasion ........................... 376, 393 21--Historical Society (County) re: fireworks display ........... 377 21--Houaing Commission review of Freeway Corridor Plan & study of housing within the Central-White Com'dor .............. 378 21--Housing Vouchers, Sec. 8, Annual Contributions Contract... 380 Sept. 5--Honkamp, Arnold, reappointed to the Airport Commission. 395 5-- Hird, Gerald, City Treasurer, submitting financial reports of Dbq. Fire Retirement System ............................... 396 5--Hess, John, requesting Council reconsider zoning action re: Wal- Mart request ........................................ 397 5--Human Rights Conunissinn re: resignation of Jo~es Jaycox. 397 Sept. 18--Heitzman, Al, as City Finance Director, received "Award of Financial Reporting Achievement." . .................... 399 18--Holy Trinity Parish, Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 403 18--Hess, Jan, Adm. Asst. for County Supervisors requesting tax suspension f~r City resident ............................ 404 18--Highland Park Drive, east of, re: final plat approval of Lots 1-10, Block 1 Eastridge Estates ............................. 406 Oct. 2--Hughes, Atty. Al, re: Urban Revit. Area for Windsor Park Retir~ ment Center for George & Gary Kennedy. ................ 412 2--Horsfiehi Construction Co. of Epworth awarded contract for 1989 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ........................... 415 2--Herbst Upholstery, (David J. & Linda D.) of 76 Main St. re: con- st~uction of a Mansard Style Awning over city property .... 418, 419 2--Human Rights Commission appointment of Donald Miner... 419, 420 2--Hager, Brenda, applicant for Human Rights Commission .... 419 2--Hall, John, refund for unexpired Liquor License ........... 421 " 2--Hwy. 151/61 & Reckdale Road, property for voluntary aanexa- tion, by Atty. Brian Kane for A.J. Spiegel ............. 422, 430, 431 INDEX -- BOOK 119 ~989 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 16--Health Board, Regular Quarterly Meeting ................ 424 ,, 16--Helle, Ron requesting rezoning of 3435 Asbury Rd ......... 426 16--Hwy. 151/61 -- west of, property rezoning -- South of Twin volley Road & east of Rockdale Rd., requested by Key Gate Center ........................................... 426, 447, 467 16--Hill St. from spl of Ninth St. to npl of Dodge St., designation of "Through Street" via Ord ........................... 433 ,, 16--Hillcrest Road, from spl of Asbury Rd. to epl of Carter Rd. and from wpl of Carter Rd. toepl of John F. Kennedy Rd. and from wpl of John F. Kennedy Rd. to epl of Keyway Drive, and from wpl of Keyway Dr. to its westerly terminus, re: designation as "Through Street" via Ord ............................. 433 16--Highland Place & Arlington St., re: designation of Stop Signs via Ord ............................................. 435, 436 16--Hotel Project in Downtown Dbq., re: scliclation of qualifications for development ...................................... 436, 503 " 16--Happy Joe's Old Fashioned Ice Cream & Pizza Parlor, Class "B" Beer Permit ......................................... 437 16--Histeric Preservation Commission member requested to be on new "planning group" (Planning Comm.) ................. 439 16--Historical Society (Dbq. County) requesting extension of Buy lingten Northern RR Depot & bldg. at 2nd St. Ice Harbor, Lease. 440 Nov. 6--Hartig Drug Co., 703 Town Clock plaza, Class "E" Beer Permit. 458 6--Harvest Savings Bank vs. City et al re: Notice of Foreclosure Petition ............................................. 459 6--Hoyer, Dennis for Scott, CLAIM; denial/closure ........... 459, 481 6--Higley. Howard & Joan, denial/closure of claim ............ 460 Nov. 20--Henry, Attorney Doug, re: penalty for stere owners, liquor license violators ............................................ 465 20--Historic Preservation Comm. reaffirming denial of demolition request for 445 Loras, (Sharon Dnil Mnilen) property ....... 469 20--Hwy. 20 Project re: up-to-date report by Patti Cart re: sound- ~ walls etc. for noise .................................... 469 20--Human Rights Comm. re: forming a Task Force as requested by Democratic Party to deal with acts of racism ........... 469 20--Historic Pres. Commission requesting a Work Session to review & discuss proposed Ordinance .......................... 469, 470 20--Hwy 61 Project, Addendum to Preconstructinn Agreement 87-4-210 with IA DOT ................................ 472 20--House File 745 requested delay for enforcement re: Handi- capped parking ...................................... 473 20-- Handicapped parking (H.F.745) requested delay for enforcement. 473 20--Hate Crime fund for acts of racism, requested establishment. 476 20--Heckmann, James, elected as Council Member for First Ward. 478 Dec. 4--Harbor, Ice area re: establishn~ent of Urban Renewal District Plan & Tax Increment Financing Disttict ................. 486 4--Hwy. 20, Menard Rd., & NW Arterial, request by Attorney Leifker for traffic control measures etc ................... 490 4--Heinricy, Jniins, CLAIM; denial/closure .................. 490, 505 Dec. 18--Hirschy, Rev. Loren, Pastor of Word of Life, Gave Invocation. 496 18--Harbor, Ice, rezoning from HI to CR District ............. 499 " 18--Hwy. 151161, west of, rezoning of property, request of A.J. Spiegel ............................................. 499 18--Hotel, Downtown, re: discussion as to Select Development Group. 503 18--Humke, Patricla A, Class "C" Liquor License ............ 504 18--Helm, Lawrence, CLAIM .............................. 505 18--Heires, Robert, CLAIM ............................... 505 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT 'PAGE Dec. 18--Hoppman, Mrs. Leona, CLAIM ......................... 505 18--Health Services Dept. of City & County re: follow-up comments. 506 18--Historical Society endore/ng efforts towards Ice Harbor redevel- opment etc .... 506 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 3--Industrial Center Economic Development District to include add'l 70 acres (McFadden Farm); amendment to same (not authorized) .......................................... 1, 2, 12 16-- Illindis (State), Corp. Counsel submitting opinion re: authoriza- tion to transact business and tax consequences ............ 14 16--Iowa Oil Co. (IOCO Speede Shoppe), 3200 Central, Class "C" Beer Permit ......................................... 16, 306 16--ID DOT re: an~endment to application to Chief Judge for'pro- perty owned by Lhiehan & Malo, Inc .................... 18 16-- Inland Molasses re: American qYust & Savings Bank ~: approval of Resolution providing for release & discharge of trust inden- ture re: Industrial Revenue Bonds ....................... 19 Jan. 31--IA DOT re: Preconstruction Agreement re: Hwy 61 Project. 25, 472 Feb. 6--IA DOT re: Disposal of City's Interest in granting temporary Easements and in consenting to access control on City owned property ............................................ 34 6--Iowa Dept. of Transportation, Contract entered into & grant ap- plication re: TRANSIT. ............................... 36 6--Iowa Oil Co. -- IOCO Speede Shoppe, Class "C" Beer Permit; Hearing on violation ete ............................. 72, 306, 465 " 6--Investment report (quarterly) for period of 9-1-88 through 12-31-88 ............................................. 73 Feb. 20--Issuance of $4,000,000 GO Bonds re: Proposition .......... 82 20--Interstate Power Co., re: Disposal of intent to dispose of interest in specific Lot (acquired from Salv~-Salas Partnership) ...... 86, 151 20-- Iowa Dept. of Economic Development, submission of CEBA Pro- gram application with Dbq. Data Services ................ 93 20--Industrial Center -- grading, Agreement for Loan of CD Funds to Dbq. In-Futuro, Inc ................................ 95 0--IA Dept. of Revenue s rerruttance of Local Optmn Tax, endorse- ment of House File #93 ................................ 97 20--IA DOT submitting NOT/CE RE: Condemnation of land re~ U.S. 61 for Eagle Food Centers, Jacobsen Realty, Inc. & Sears, Roebuck & Co ....................................... 100 20--IA Dept. of Natural Resources submitting DPA Pretreatment Performance Audit Inspection for WWTP ................ 102 Mar. 6--Industrial Center (Dbq.) -- Phase II, rezoning of property... 107 6--Interstate Power Co., re: disposition of Lot 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 16, T89N, R2E of the 5th P.M. to them from City. ................................ 111, 400, 411 Mar. 9--Isenhart, Chuck, at Budget P. Hearing, questioned usage of Neighborhood Development Funds ...................... 120 Mar. 20--IA Dept. of Public Health, re: Submission of AIDS Education Project Grant Application ............................. 140 Mar. 20--IA DOT advising of dismissal in matter of condenmatlon for Prilnary Road No. U.S. 61 with Eagle Food Centers ........ 144 20--IA Street Parking Ramp -- installation of Security Equipment in Stairwells & Elevator, Replacement of Parking Equipment System, final documents of project ...................... 148, 149 Apr. 7--Interstate Power Co., City property disposed of to them. 151, 400, 411 7--IA DOT, Addendum to Preconstruction Agreement re: Hwy 61 Project ............................................. 168, 472 " 7--Idte Hour, Jeannine A. Kersch, Class "C" Liquor License... 170 7--IA DOT, re: Notice of Dismissal in matter of condanmation of rights in land (Group P -- Parcel 317-38), for Improvement of U.S. 61 ............................................. 173 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 7--IA DOT, re: Notice of Appraisement of Damages & time for ap- peal for Linehon & Mole, Mole Oil, (Hardees) & Dodge House. 173 Apr. 17--Iowa's Sound Economy (Revitalize), -- RISE Application to IA Dept. of Transportation for Construction of Roadway through Phase II of Dbq. Industrial Center ...................... 186 17--Investment Report (Quarterly) f~r period ending 3-31-89, of City. 194 May 1--Iowa Street Parking Ramp, Rehabilitation Project ...... 207, 208, 258 1--Interstate Power Co., re: underground utility lines along freeway corridor ............................................. 227 " 1--In Future (Dbq), Payment of. $330,000 as full payment of obligations .......................................... 228 " 1--Interstate Power Co. CLAIM; settlement ................. 231, 310 May 15--Iowa Public Service Co., Res. approving US Environmental Prc- tection Agency Administrative Order on Consent & Agreement to settle claims ....................................... 241 15--Iowa Finance Autberity's Housing Assistance Fund Program, Application of Voorbeee Development Group for Funding... 229 15--Iowa Public Service Co., Settlement of Certain Claims, US vironmental Protection Agency Administrative Order ..... ,.. 241 15--Iowa Dept. of Inspections & Appeals, Amendment to Memoran- dum of Understanding ................................ 247, 248 15--Iowa Dept. of Public Health for Funding of Local AIDS Educa- tion Prog~ .......................................... 248 June 5--Iowa DOT submitting Notices in matter of condemnation of rights in land for relocated U.S. 61 in City with Fischer Invest~ ment Co. & Plastic Center ............................. 276 5--IA Dept. of Revenue & Finance, CLAIM; settlement ....... 276, 310 5--IA Dept. of Natural Resources submitting Notice of Intent to include property on registry of confirmed, abandoned or uncon- trolled disposal sites .................................. 276 5--IA DOT re: letter from Pa~:ti Carr. @ Soundwalis along Hwy. 20, Concord to Fremont Area ........................... 277 5--IA Rental Rehabilitation Program, application to participate. 282 June 19--Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe (several outlets), Cigarette Permits ............................................. 306 19--Imperial Lanes, Key City Bowling, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Liquor License ....................................... 307, 438 19--Inns of Iowa, Dbq. Best Western, Cigarette Permit ........ 307 19--Inspector I l~sition for Building Services Dept., certified by Civil Service Commission ......................... ' .......... 311 July 5-- IA DOT submitting Notiees of Condemnation fur certain righte of land in releeation of Hwy. 61 te R. Kehl; Masco Ind., Male Off. 321 July 17--Isenhart, Charles, applicant for Park & Rec. Commission .... 339 Aug. 7--fuenhart, Charles, appointed to Housing Commission ....... 352 7--IOCO Speede Shoppe, IA Oil, 1998 Jackson, Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................. 357 7--IOCO Speede Shoppe, IA Oil, 2335 University, Class "C" Beer permit .............................................. 357 Aug. 21--IA DOT, re: execution of RISE Application for completion of NW Arterial from John F. Kennedy Rd. to Route 52/3 ..... 374 Sept. 5--Iowa Oil Co., Citgo/IOCO, 1387 Dodge, Class "C" Beer Permit. 395 5--Internationai Dragon Boat Festival requect for ignition of firecrackers .......................................... 398 5--Investment Poilcy, re: City Mgr.'s report ................. 398 Oct. 16--Interior Walls of Transit Garage -- Rehabilitation ......... 428, 429 16--Iowa St., from the npl of E. First St. to the spl of W. 17th St., designation as a "Through Street" via City etd ........... 433 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE 6--Iowa St. & Main St., alley between, south of W. 3rd, Vacation 450 of alley ......................... .................... 6--Iowa Oil Co. re: Liquor License violation clvfl penalty assessment. 452, 465 ,, 6--Ice Harbor area requested for docking of Riverboat Gambling 460 by Audubon Society .................................. Nov. 20--IOCO Speede Sbeppe 093, Iowa Oil Co., Public Hearing on Beer Permit Violation Civil Penalty Assessment ............... 465 20--Ice Harbor North Shore designated as Excursion Gambling Boat docking area via Resolution ............................ 470 20--IA DOT re: addendum to Preconstruction Agreement on U.S. 61 project associated with W. 3rd St. overpass etc ......... 472 20--Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe, 3270 Dodge St., Class "C" 477 Liquor License ....................................... Dec. 4--Ice Harber/4th St. Peninsula re: Urban Renewal District Plan, re: eetablishment of Tax Increment Financing District ...... ............................................ 486. 496, 497, 498 Dec. 18--Ice Harbor, rezoning from HI to CR District .............. 499 18--Ice Harbor redevelopment supported by County Historical 506 Society ............................................. 18--IDOT re: right of way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid 507 Projects ............................................. INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE J Jan. 3--July Printed Council Proceedings approved ............... 7 Feb. 6--Julien Dubuque Drive from end of curb & gutter to Inland Lane re: final assessment schedule of 1987 Asphalt Paving Project. 46 Feb. 20--Jolmson, Stephani (Assistant City Mgr.), appointed as Alternate to Operation: New View board .......................... 98 20--Jacobsen Realty, Inc., re: IA DOT Notice in matter of condem- nation of rights of land ................................ 100 20--January Financial Reports submitted .................... 100 20--Jacksun Park Urban Revit. area., -- Property Tax exemption applications ......................................... 102 Mar. 6--Jolm F. Kennedy Road, rezoning of property at s/w corner of Kaufmann and JFK .................................. 105 Mar. 20--January 1989 claims paid .............................. 144 20--Jayeeee requesting Fireworks Display on 7/3/89 & 7/3/90 .... 144, 460 Apr. 17--Jim's Web (James J. Webb), Class "C" Liquor License ..... 189 June 5-- Johnson Contracting Co., R.A., awarded contract for Rehabilita- tion of IA Street Parking Lot .......................... 258, 259 5--Jaaree, Jerry Lee, Neighbors Tap, Cigarette Permit ........ 274 5--Jayceee, Dubuque, Class "B' Beer Permit; Refund ......... 275, 404 5--Jerry's Tap, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 275 June 19--JFT Ltd., Oky Doky #i, Cigarette Permit; Class "BE" Beer Permit; Class "E' Liquor Lic ........................ 306, 376, 396 19--Jnlien Motor Inn, Cigarette Permit; Class "B" Liquor License. 306, 504 19--July 3rd Council meeting moved to July 5th .............. 312 July 5--Jena, /nc., Oky Doky #15, Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 319 5--Job Market, Ltd., Dbq. College of Business, re: Notice of En- vironmental Review etc. & release of CDBG Funds ........ 321, 342 July 17--Jochum, Wayne, presented with City Spirit Action Certificate. 324 17--John F. Kennedy Read & Asbury Road -- NW Arterial, pro- riding for 40 mph speed limit .......................... 336, 337 17--John F. Kennedy Road & Asbury Road -- NW Arterial, Pro- hlbiting of Parking. .................................. 337, 338 17--Jones, James & Kathleen, The Bridge Restaurant, Cigarette Permit .............................................. 340 17--Johnson, Clara, Lucky 13 Tap, Cigarette Permit; Class "B" Beer Permit .............................................. 340, 437 17--Jena, Inc., Oky Doky #15, Cigarette Permit ............... 340 17--January Council Proceedings, approved as printed ......... 341 17--Juergans, Douglas, CLAIM ................. ........... 341 Aug. 7-- Jackeen School Subdiviaion Lot 15, Disposai of City Owned Pro. petty: 1919 Elizabeth Place ............................ 351 7--Juergens, Douglas, daniai/ctosure ........................ 359 Aug. 21--Jamea, Jerry Lee, The Neighbors, Class "C" Liquor License. 376 21--June & July, 1989 Financial reports submitted ............ 381 Sept. 5--Juergens, Attorney Steve, for owners of Madison Street Steps, re: reconstruction ..................................... 388 5--Jaycox, James resigning from Human Rights Commission.. 397 Sept. 18--Jolnt Council Meeting with Sageville as to completion of NW Arterial ............................................. 401 18--July 1989, Proof of list of claims ........................ 404 Oct. 2--Jackson Street SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUCTION Project ............................................. 413, 425 Oct. 16--Jackson St. f~om npl of E. llth St. to the spl of E. 12th St., from the npl of E. 24th St., and from the npl of E. 24th St. to the spl of West 32nd St., designation as "Through Street" via Ordinance ..................................... 433 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE i989 6_Junes, Darwin, CLAIM ................................ 459 6--Jackson St. from 9th to 10th & north side of 9th St. from Jackson to Washington, two hour parking ....................... 463, 475 ,, 6--Jackeen Tuckpointing Co. awarded contract for Rehabilitation: Interior Wails Keyline Transit Facility ................... 468 ,, 6--Jonee, Delpha (Beckyl, CLAIM; denial/closure ............. 478, 490 Dec. 4--John F. Kennedy Road ................................ 255 Dec. 18--June Council Proceedings approved as printed ............. 505 " 18--Jnly Council Proceedings approved as printed ............. 505 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE K Jan. 3--King, Martin Luther, Jr., Proclamation ................... 1 3--Kermedy Road from Asbury, NORTHWEST ARTERIAL Pav- ing Project .......................................... 2 3--Katuin Bros., Inc. subleasing property (No. 10 Terminal St.) to Mr. James E. Underhill ............................... 5, 251 3--Kendiker, Guy, deniai/closure of CLAIM ................. 7 3--Kunde, Roger H. (GOMER'S), Class "C' Liquor License .... 16 3--Klaner, James J., settlement 0f rental claim by Corp. Cnal.. 17 3--Kirch, Norman, denial/closure Of CLAIM ................. 17 Feb. 6--Kelly, Wm., Recipient of Spirit Action Certificate .......... 27 6--Keyline Transit re: Public Hearing for grants with DOT, USA under UMTA ........................................ 35 6--Keyllne Transit re: Grant application with State Transit Assist. Program ............................................ 36 6--Keyllne Transit Facility, re: Rehnb. of Walls/Ranf Project... 76 Feb. 20--Klohn, Rev. Franklin of St. John's Episcopal Church, Gave Invocation .......................................... 79 20--Kanfmann & J.F.K. Road, re: rezoning etc. of property s/w of there ............................................... 85 20--Kivlahnn, John H., re: disposal of interest in Lot 2 of I of Helen E. and Mary II. Steward Subd. to him ................... 86 20--Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J., re: vacation & sale of property (alley) west of Kerper Blvd. & disposal of same to Kelly's & Tbermolyne ........................................ 87, 88, 110 20--Kerper Blvd., re: alley west of, vacated & disposed of same to Thermalyne Corp. & Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Kelly .......... 87, 88 20--Kid's World Pizza l~lace & Fun Center, Class "B" Beer Permit. 99 Mar. 6--Kaufmann & Kennedy Road, s/w corner, re: rezoning of property. 105, 106 6--Kivlahan, John H, re: disposition of property in Stewart Sub. to him .............................................. 110 6--KC&SCo. Inc.,for FiveFle~s, Class"C' Liqanr License; refund. 114, 479 Mar. 20--Keyline Transit Facility re: Project; Compressed Air System & Bus Exhaust System .......................... 136, 137, 175, 480 20--Kerper Blvd., 2400, re: P & Z recommending to retoln Heavy Industrial zoning ..................................... 140 20--Kirkbride, Sandra, spokesperson for Citizens for Family Values & Decency requesting to present petitions against any Ord. re: Sexual Orientation .................................... , 142 20--Kerper Blvd., Approval of Plat of vacated portion adjacent to Lot 1, Block 7 in Riverfront Sub. No. 3 .................. 147 20--Keyline Transit Facility, acceptance of project for fuel dispens- ing system .......................................... 147, 148 Apr. 3-- Kirkbride, San&a, re: Sexual Orientation ordinance.' ....... 168 3--Knights of Columbus, Council #510, Class "C" Liquor License. 170 Apr. 17--KriegBoys Ice, rezenlngofpropertyadjoidingNightengaleLaue. 183, 199 17--Kramer, Mayor Robert of Dyersville requesting City call elec- tion re: Local Sales Tax ............................... I84 17--Koppen, Carol objecting to proposed Residential Housing Ordinance ........................................... 185 17--Kegger, The (Kenneth Melloy), Class "BE" Beer Permit .... t88 17--Koch, Thomas, -- park Square Tavern, Close "C" Liquor License. t89 17--Krieg Boys, Inc. re: f'nal plat approval of Lot 1 of Bill s Place. 192 17--Kane, 600 block of, re: final plat approval of Joseph Vogt Sub. No. 4 as requested by Joseph Vogt ...................... 192 May 1--Kennedy Mall, amended Conceptual Development Plan. ................................................ 237, 238, 253 1989 Jone INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE 1--Kramer, John, as Exec. Dir. of GDDC requesting appointments of City rep.'s to Board ................................ 242 1--Kinsella, Wm. appointed to House Code Appeals Bd ....... 242 1--Key West -- Final plat approval of Subd. of Lot 2 in Sec. 11, Twn 88 N., Range 2 East of the 5th Principal Meridian ..... 246 5--Katuin Bros., amendment to Lease Agreement, proof ....... 251 5--K Mart Corporation, Cigarette Permit ................... 274 5--Kegger, The (Kenneth Melloy), Cigarette Permit ........... 274 ~--Knicker's Escape Tunnel, C. Gerhard, Cigarette Permit ..... 274 5--Kim's Chateau Supper Club, Kim Reed, Cigarette Permit... 274 5--Kennel Club, Susan Saffran, Class "C" Liquor License ...... 275 5--Keyllne Transit System, Ventilation System Project ........ 279 June 19--Keyllne buses (6), remanufacturing, submission of UMTA Sec- tion 3 Capital Assistance application ..................... 289 19--Kerrigan Road & Rockdale Rd. intersection, designation of Stop Signs ............................................... 290 19--Kehl, Bob & Gantz family re: downtown hotel joint venture group ............................................... 291 19--Kunde, Roger (Gomer's), Cigarette Permit ................ 306 19--KWIK Stop Food Mart (Rainbo Oil), 3 outlets, Cigarette Permit. 306 19--Kelly, Elaine, Coach House, C~garette Pernut, Class C Liquor License ............................................. 307, 421 19--Keh~ Robert J., The Barge, Cigarette Permit ............. 307 19--Kegger, The (Kenneth Melloy), Cigarette Perxnit ........... 307 19--Kohl, James P. The Grand Tap, Cigarette Perlnit; Class "C" Liquor License ....................................... 307, 438 19--Kersch, Jeannine, The Idle Hour, Cigarette Permit ......... · 307 19--King of Clubs, Sberyl Shireman, Cigarette Permit .......... 307 19--Key City Bowling Co., Imperial Lanes, Cigerette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ................................... 307, 438 19--Kunnert, Walter J., Shot Tower Inn, Cigarette Permit ...... 308 19--Kupferschmidt, Gary L, Whiskey River, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ................................... 308, 477 19--Kennedy, Marvel I., Kennedy's Tap, Cigarette Permit ...... 308, 319 19--Kobe Japanese Rest., Yuen & Chan Ltd., Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 309 19--K & K Foods, Refund on Liquor License ................. 310 July 5--Knicker's Saloon, Curtis L. Gerhard, Class "C" Liquor License. 319 5--Kachevas, dames, Demetri's Rest. & Lounge, Cigarette Permit; CLass C Liquor License ............................... 319, 504 5--Kehl, Robert re: IA DOT -- Notice of Condenmation ....... 321 July 17--Kintzle, Ernestine, appointed to 3 Year term on TV Cable Com- munity Teleprogramming .............................. 340 17--KAJ, Inc., Cigarette Permit ............................ 340 17--Kurt, Attorney Larry, for Leo McMahnn, CLAIM ......... 341 17--Kehl, Robert -- property; IA DOT re: dismissal of condemua- tlon of certain rights in land by IA DOT for Male Off Co. & Notice of Appraisement of damages & time for appeal ............ 343 Aug. 7--Kally, Charlotte F., realgulng from Housing Commission .... 352 " 7--Kennedy, Diane M., resigning from Housing Commission... 352 7 --King of Clubs, Sberyl Ann Shireman, Class "C' Liquor License. 358 7--KAJ, Inc., Bridge Restaurant & Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 358 7--Kehl, Robert J. & Ruth Ann d/b/a Robert's River Rides, re: Notice of Appeal from Condemnation .......................... 359 7--Keyline Transit Facility, re: Electrical System Rehabilitation. 367 Aug. 21--Kelly, Charlotte, re: Congratulations by City for 16 years as a Board]Commission member ............................. 369 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 21--Kennedy, Gary & George, re: development of Windsor Park Retirement Center .................................... 373, 412 21--Kennedy, John F., re: NW Arterial to Route 52/3 -- Execution of RISE Application with IA DOT ...................... 374, 375 ·" 21--KWIK Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit. 376 21--Keyline Submitting Earnings Statements & State for Fourth Qtr. for FY 89 ........................................... 377 Sept. 18--Kene, Jeff, CLAIM; settlement ......................... 403, 460 " 18--Kruae, Michael, CLAIM; deninl/elosure ................... 403, 460 " 18--Klener, Robert E., re: Acceptance of Resointion re: approval of final plats of property south of W. 32nd St. & east of Highland Park Drive -- Final Plat of Lots 1-10, Block 1, Eastridge Estates. 406 18--Kopp, Gene -- Gene's, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 420 18--KWIK Step Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 2360 Central, Cigarette Per- mit; Class "C" Beer Permit ............................ 420 18--Kopples Market, Inc., Class "C" B~er Permit ............. 420 18--Kane, Attorney Brian, for A.J. Spiegel, re: annexation of pro- petty located between Rockdale Rd. & Hwy. 151/61 ........ 422 Oct. 16--Kjeseth, Rev. Peter, Prof. of New Testament at Warthnrg, gave Invocation .......................................... 425 16-- Key Gate Center requesting rezoning for property west of Hwy. 151/61 south of Twin Valley Rd. & East of Rockdale Rd .... 426, 447 16--Kennedy Rd., east of and n. of Foothill Rd., re: rezoning of property ............................................ 427, 449 16--Kennels & Paddock Bldg. repairs at Dog Track, usage of pro- per funding approved ................................. 430 16--Kennedy Road from easterly terminus to northerly terminus at City limits, designation as "Through Street" via etd ....... 433 16--Kane Street from the npl of Kaufrnann Ave. to epl of Carter Rd., designation as "Through Street" via Ord ................. 433 " 16--Kenfmann Ave., from wpl of Central to epl of Carter Rd. and from wpl of Carter Rd. to epl of Crissy Dr., end from wpl of Crlssy Dr. to epl of John F. Kennedy Rd. and from wpl of John F. Ken- nedy Rd. to epl of Bonson Rd., designation as "Through Street" via etd ............................................. 434 16--Kerper Blvd., from East Ninth St to spl of Hawthorne St., designation as "Through Street" via etd ................. 434 16--Kerrigan Rd. from its southerly terminus at City limits north to its junction with South Locust St., designation a~ "Through Street" via etd ...................................... 434 16--KWIK Stop Food Mart, Trensport Sales, 1075 Dodge St., Class "C' Beer Permit ..................................... 437 16--Kelly Lane, north of & east of Brookview Sq., final plat approval of property in Birch Acres owned by Tschlggfrie Excavating. 440 16--Kenendy Road, north of, & east of Rupp Hollow Rd., property owned by Lime Rock Springs Co., final plat approval ....... 443 Nov. 6--Key Club Week, Proclamation .......................... 447 6--KWIK Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil Co., Class "E" Beer Permit. 458 6--Kloft, Donald, CLAIM; denial/closure .................... 459~ 481 6--Klauer, John, re: canvass of votes for office of Council Member at Large ............................................ 459 6--Keylien Trensit Earnings Statements & Stat's for 1st Qtr. of FY 90 .............................................. 459 " 6--Kennedy, Pat re: speaking on two hour parking on Jackson St. 463 Nov. 20--Keyline Transit, re: Rehabilitation: Interior Walls Keyhne Transit Facility Project ...................................... 468 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 20--Kelly, Nell spoke Hendicapped Parking Resolution ......... 473 20--Kress, A.J., CLAIM .................................. 478 Dec. ~.8--Kerrigau Rd. at ramp intersection with Rockdale Rd., designa- tion of a Yield sign ................................... 500, 501 18--Kennal Club, Patricia A. Humke, Class "C" Liquor License. 504 INDEX . BOOK 119 1988 SUBJECT PAGE I LIBRARY BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: .......... .................... 16, 100, 144, 170, 244, 320, 358, 438, 459. 489 Jan. 3--Lease assignment approved by Pillsbury Co. to ConAgra, Inc. 4 3--Lease property by Katnin (No. 10 Terminal St.) to James E. Underhill ............................................ 5 Jan. 16--Langworthy, 1022 and 1016 -- rezoning for .Mercy Health Center/Medical Associates Clinic ID Institutional District... ......................... i ......................... 13, 29, 30 16--Loan Agreement with Automotive & Industrial Hardware (CD). 13 16--Leased barge sites & interest in long term Lease Agreement with the Fish & Wfldiife Service ............................. 14 16--Linehan & Male, Inc. property, IA DOT advising of amendment to application to Chief Judge for property; Notice of Condem- nation etc .......................................... 18, 73, 173 Feb. 6--Loras Blvd., 1987 P.C. Concrete Paving Project, schedule of final assessments ......................................... 61-69 6--Long John Silver's, refund request for Class "B" Beer Permit. 71 6--Litigation discussion re: Closed Session with Council & Corp. Cnsel ................................. 77, 173, 367, 368, 408, 410 Feb. 20--Loan Agreement, amendment of CDBG with Dbq. Data Services. 94 20--Loan of $200,000 CD Funds to Dubuque In-Futoro, Inc. for grading of Dubuque Industrial Center ................... 95 20--Loan Agreement, acceptance of omendment, between City & Dubuque Stamping & Mfg. Co ......................... 95 20--Local Option Sales Tox, re: endorsement of House File #93 re: remittance of same to local governments ................. 97 20--Long John Silvers, Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 99 Mar. 9--Library Dept. re: Budget Hearing request for more "Open Hours" and more books, additional funding ...................... 120, 121 9--Lieense fees for Rental Dwelling Operating Units, amended. 130 9--Lieenee fees for Cats, raised ............................ 131 9--Ligetinn discussed etc. re: Closed Session ................. 132 Mar. 20--Liquor License Civil Pensity assessed for Leonard TeKippe dJbla Avenue Top ......................................... 134 20--Loras Blvd., 445, re: Sharon Dull Mnilen property, requesting to address Council re: purchase of property ............. 69, 142, 469 20--Luensmann, Richard, CLAIM; closure ................... 144, 190 Apr. 3--Library Week, National, Proclamation ................... 150 3--Loras College, temporary transfers of Beer Permit; Class "B" Beer Permit ......................................... 169, 458 3--Liebeld, Timothy & Laurie, CLAIM, closure .............. 170, 190 Apr. 17--Local Ssies Tax, Eleetion calied at request of Mayor of Dyersville. 184 17--Langkamp, Merlin, objecting to proposed Residential housing Code ............................................... 185 17--Local Development (RISE), Project Grant Application to IA DOT, re: expansion & improvemant of Dbq. Industrial Center. 186 17--Larkln Associates Professional Accounting Engineers re: SWIM- MING POOL PROJECT .............................. 187 17--Link, Leo, closure of claim ............................. 190 May 1--Leedershlp Day, Community, Proalamatiun ............... 195 1--Law, Respect for -- Proclamation ....................... 195 1--Looust St. (West), Storm Sewer Rehab Project ............ 196 1--Lugraln, Mary, Mrs., CLAIM; denial/closure .............. 231, 244 1--Leibfried. Wm. & Allstate Ins., re: closure/denial of CLAIM. 231 1 --Library Bd. of Trustees advising Member Wm. Gould resigned. 231 May 15--Lien {real estate) -- Partial release for property owned by FDL Foods .............................................. 233, 234 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE 1989 : 15--Lease Agreement between the City & Katuin Bros ......... 237 ~, 15--Lease in Long Term Barge Fleeting ..................... 242 15--Lux Club (Denny's), Class "C" Liquor License ............. 244 ,, 15--Larsan, Beverly A., Class "C' Liquor License ............. 244 5--Linooln Co., The (Casey's), Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................. 273, 395 ,, 5--Legion (American), Post 6, Class "C" Liquor License ....... 275 ,, 5--Lorenz, Joyce, (Rainbow Lounge), Class "C" Liquor Lieens*. 275 June 19--Loras College, 4 outlets, Cigarette Permits ................ 306, 307 ,,, 19--Lyons, David (River City Tap), Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ....................................... 307, 458 19--Lareen, Beverly (Denny's Lux Club), Cigarette Permit ...... 307 19--Laytem, Robert, Dog House Lounge, Cigarette Permit ...... 307 1g--Love, Kenneth J., The Grand Tap, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ....................................... 307, 438 " 19--Lenny's Ave. Tap, Lenny's Tap, Cigarette Permit .......... 307 19--Lombardi-Schuster, Ms. Pat's, Cigarette Permit ........... 307 " 19--Lloyd, JoAnn, P.J.'s, Cigarette Permit ................... 307 19--Lindecker, Lynn A., Park Square, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ....................................... 308, 477 19--Loyal Order of Moose, Dbq. Ledge #355, Class "A" Liquor Lic. 309 July 5--Legislative Days Dubuque, Proclamation ................ 313 5--Loan Agreement (CDBG) with the Job Market, Ltd./Tbe Dbq. College of Business ................................... 317 5--Liquor License for Magno's, recommendation for denial ..... 320 " 5--LeCocq, Mrs. C.J., re: tree cutting as port of City Sidewalk Inspection Program ................................... 330 July 17--Lammers, Jim re: rezoning of 2727 Dodge St. (Sid's Bev.) . . 331 " 17--Library Board appointments of Diane O'Dell, Sharon Smith and Brian Southwood ..................................... 339 17--Ludwig, Sara, applicant for Library Board ................ 339 17--Lounge, The, Phillip Love, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 340, 504 17--Loras College, refund for unused Cigarette Perndts ......... 342 Aug. 7--Loan Agreement with F.H. Ueiner Precision Tools & Dies Inc. 354 7--Liquor License Dealed for H. & J.'s Tap ................. 358 Aug. 21--Landscaping & Street Tree, re: Revised Section 8 on Public Right of Way Policy ...................................... '. 375 21--Loagne, Lanny, denial]closure of claim ................... 377 21--Library Auditorium re: better microphone installation for lectern. 381 Sept. 5--Loras College Week, Proclamation ....................... 392 5--Lincofu Ave. & Rbemberg-- Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction in alley between Roosevelt & Shiras ....................... 382 5--Lampe, Lynn E., CLAIM; denial & requested further investigation ......................................... 396, 453 Sept. 18--Lime Rock Springs -- James Gantz re: Acceptance of Resolu- tion re: approval of Final Plat of Lots 18-21 Brittany Woods, Dbq. County ......................................... 405 Oct. 2--Loan Agreement (CDBG) with Trilog, Inc ................ 415 2--Larkin, James, CLAIM; closure of claim ................. 421, 439 Oct. 16--Lincoin Ave., from npl of Winsdor Ave. to the spl of Roosevelt St., designation as a "Through Street" via Ord ............ 434 16--Locust St. from its junction with Kerrlgan Road north to its junc- tion'with Locust St., designation as a "Through Street" via Ord. 434 16--Loras Blvd., from the wpl of Central Ave. to the npl of Unive~ sity Ave., designation as a "Through Street" via end ...... 434 16--Lucky "13" Tap, Clara Johnson, Class "C" Beer Permit .... 437 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 16--LaPreli, Judith M., The Pump, Class "C" Liquor License; Cigarette Permit ..................................... 438, 477 16--Lease extension petition by County Hist. Society for former Bur- lington Northern Depot land & bldg. at 2nd St. Ice Harbor. 440 16--Lucy Drive, re: final plot approval of Sunset Park 5th Addn. 442 16--Li~ne Rock Springs Co., (Gantz), re: final plat approval o£ Lots 1, 2 & 3 Brittany Woods, Dbq. County .................. 443 Nov. 6--Learning Together Weekend, Proclamation ................ 447 6--Liquor Licensees: Mulgrew, Melioy, Schrnby's, & Iowa Off re: Public Hearing for violations ............................ 452 6--Lobbyist/consaltant for Riverboat Gambling, request by GDDC for funding ete ....................................... 457 6--Lehnhart, Robert, re: wboclchair curb cuts at corner of sidewalk. 461, 506 20--Leonard, Msgr. Wm., Gave Invocation ................... 465 20--Long Range Plaunfug Commission & separate Zoning Commis- sion, establishment ................................... 474 20--Long Yuen Chinese Restaurant, Cigarette Permit & Class "C" Liquor License.. ..................................... 477 20--Loras College requesting vacation of alley east of Blake St. & portion of Blake St. falling within their property ........... 478 Dec. 4--Loan Agreement executed for Trflog, Inc ................. 486 " ' 4--Legialative Statements, 1990, concurrence with same ....... 489 4--Leitker, Attorney David requesting traffic control measures at - intersection of Menard Rd., Hwy 20 & NW Arterial ........ 490 4--Landecaplng proposals etc. re: Freeway Roadway Beautification Committee. ......................................... 490 Dec. 18--Locust St., South, to Valley St. both sides of Southern Ave., prc- hibltion of Parking ................................... 501 18--Locust St., various areas, change in Parking Meter Districts. 502 18--Laufenberg, Roy, CLAIM .............................. 505 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. Feb. M MECHANICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: 170 3--Martin Luther King Proclamation ....................... 1 3--McFadden farm -- Urban Renewal Plan amendment which would extend boundaries of Dbq. Ind. Center Economic Development District ............................................... 1, 2, 12 3--McDonald IDelos) Estate re: disposal of interest for roadway easement at Eagle Point Park ....................... 3, 11, 70, 315 3--Molo Oil Co., Big "10" Mart, Class "C" Beer Permits.. i... 6 3--Murphy, Steven R., TCI Cable Mgr., re: cable system rebuild & consent to Franchise transfer ......................... 21 16--MERCY HEALTH CENTER & MEDICAL ASSOCIATES CLINIC -- re: rezoniug of Langworthy, Conceptual Devclopment Plan .......................................... 13, 27, 28. 90-93 16--Main St. Billiards (W. Deutech), Cigarette Permit .......... 15 16--Mike's Ten Pin Tap, Class "C" Liquor License ............ 16 16--Main St. Billiards, (W. Deutseh), Class "C' Liquor License.. 16 16--Menning, Paul, CLAIM/SUIT; closure ................... 16, 100 16--Miller, Wm, CLAIM/SUIT; Settlement .................. 16, 77 16--Mills, Anthony J., CLAIM/SUIT; denial/closure ........... 16, 77 16--Milwaukee Insurance Co. for client: A. Henry -- CLAIM/SUIT. 17 6--Mille, Gordie, requested favorable passage of Ord. re: Planned Commercial District located north of Dodge & east of Wacker. 27 6--Melgaard, Dr. Robert, requested favorable passage of Ord. re: Conceptual Development Plan for Mercy & Medical Associates. 30 6--Malo, Bob, requesting favorable passage of Ord. re: Conceptual Development Plan for Mercy Hospital & Medical Associates. 30 6--Mississippi (Upper) Wildlife Refuge re: Barge Fleeting ogreement. 38 6--Market Study, downtown Hotel, re: City sharing cost question. 38 6--Mineral St. from O'Hagen to Devon, Final Assessment Schedule for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project ........................ 47 6--Mederate Rehab Program, Annual Contributions Contract with HUD, re: additional funding award in amt. of $322,920 ..... 70 6--Ms. Pat's, Patrlcia Lombardi Schuster, Class "C" Liquor License. 72 6--Menard Bldg. Fire re: A & G Electric Co. CLAIM~ ........ 73 6--McFadden's re: objection to taking of their farm for expansion of City industrial land ................................. 73 20--Main (Force). Sanitary Sewer from 4th & Central to 3rd & Iowa, Project ............................................. 89 20--Mercy Hospital & Medical Associates signing & agreeing to con- ditions of Ordinance re: Conceptual Development Plan for their entities ..... ' ........................................ 93 20--McAleece Park & Recreation Complex Concession Agreement with RJ's Concessions ................................. 96 20--Maiers, Roger, appointed to Human Rights Commission .... 98 20--Milk House, (L. Zihlke), Cigarette Permit; Class "C' Beer Permit. 98, 99 20--Meyers, Tammy Sue, Claim; settlement .................. 100, 145 20--Marketln~g Progrom, Filing of CEBA re: Dubuque Data Services. 93, 94 20--Mr. Jo's, Inc., Class "C' Liquor License ................. 99 20--Medical Officer/Ambulance re: individuals certified by Civil Ser- vice Commission ..................................... 100, 101 6--March (month) as Women's History Month, Proclamation... 104 6--Mental Retardation, Proclamation ....................... 104 6--Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 2100 JFK Road. Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................. 114 6--Morlontz, Gene, CLAIM; closure/denial .................. 115, 146 6--Mozena, Elaine, CLAIM; closure/denial ................... 115, 146 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE June 5--Manson, Rev. Duane, Chaplain of Luther Manor, Gave Invocation.. Mar. 6--Marina (Dbq.), "Yardarm" requesting Liquor Lic. refund,.,. 116 Mar. 9--Mayor's salary (compansation), raised per Ordinance ........ 132 Mar. 20--Main St. re: plat approved of vacated portion -- 10th St. & alley first east ......................................... 137, 150-151 20--Main St. 10th St. & alley first east of Main St. disposal of same to Interstate Power Co. ............................. 138, 150-151 20--Moratorium provlaiSn on issuance of permits for Billboards in City ................................................ 139, 488 20--Mullen, Sharon Dull & Renee requesting to address Council re: property at 445 Loras Blvd ............................ 142 20--Moriarity, Gene, closureJdedial of CLAIM ................ 146 Apr. 3--McAleece Rec. Field, S & D Conceasions, Class -B,, Beer Permit. 169 " 3--Marco's, Class "C" Liquor License ...................... 170 3--Murph's Southend Tap, Class "C" Liquor License ......... 170 3--Main St. (Dbq.), Ltd. -- AGREEMENT with City ......... 172 Apr. 17--Mills, Chuck, a Seminarian and UD Theological Sem. Gave Invocation .......................................... 175 17--May as "Productivity and Quality Improvement Month", Proclamation ........................................ 175 17--Miller, John and Mary, Management Agreement for Riverview Park ............................................... 187 17--Management Agreement for Riverview Park Campground with John and Mary Miller ................................. 187 17--Meter Reading Services Agreement with Peoples Natural Gas re: reading of water meters for City ..................... 187 17--Melloy, Kermeth J. (The Kagger), Class "BE" Beer Permit; Refund.. ........................................... 188, 459 17--Murphy, Dorothy, CLAIM; closure/deniai ................ . 189, 231 . 17--Mantessori School, Inc., renewal of Slattery Center Agreement with City ........................................... 193 May 1--Mocre, Father Mark, gave Invocation at Council Meeting... 195 1--Mental Health Month, Proclamation ..................... 195 1--Motereycle Awareness Month, Proclamation .............. 195 1--McKay, Thomas (Attorney) requesting partial release of FDL Mortgage with the City ............................ 205, 350, 369 1--Malers, Al, of 2660 Central, construction of awning overhang public right of way. 227 ,, 1--Maid-Rite IJeanne Weber), Cigarette Permit ............... 230 1--Main St. Ltd., C ass B Beer Pernut ................... 230 I--Mareh financial reports submitted ............. : ......... 231 " 1--Merchante Mutual Bonding Co. submitting Certificate of Authority for year 1989.. · · ·232 May 15--Mall (Kennedy), amended Conceptual Development Plan .... 237, 238 15--Madison Street Steps, Rehab. Project .................... .............................. 9, 23, 238, 285, 372, 389, 414, 506 15--McMabon, Thomas F., applicant to Planning & Zoning Comm. 242 15--Maquoketa to Dubuque, re: Hwy. 61 Improvement, p. Hearings. 242 15--McCann's Service, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 243 15--McAtee, Patriaia, CLAIM; denial/closure ................. 244, 310 15--March (1989), List of claims Paid ....................... 244 15--Mayor and Council travel advances report ................. 244 15--Medercte Rehab Program, Amendment to Annual Contributions Contract ............................................ 245 " 15--Memorandam of understanding between IA Dept. of Inspections & Appeals ........................................... 247, 248 15--Minibus operation, re: Project Concern]Phone-A-Friend ...... 246 251 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1~9 SUBJECT PAGE June 5--Manders, Julie & Mark, supporting Zoning Ord. re: front yard setback ............................................. 255, 286 5--McCarthy, Michael D., seller of Valerin Street property to City. 269, 270 " 5--Melloy, Kenneth J., The Kagger, Cigarette Permit; Refund. 274, 439 " 5--Milk House, Loren Zllxlke, Cigarette Permit ............... 274 5--McCan s Service. Inc., Cigarette Permit ................. 274 " 5--Mffacle Car Wash, Cigarette Permit ..................... 274 " 5--Miller, LeRoy A., Whitey's Bar-X, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License . . ..... 274, 403 5--McDonald, A.Y., Cigarette Permit ....................... 274 5--Martin Automatic Car Wash, Cigarette Pernilt ............ 274 5--M~wph's South End Tap, Cigarette Permit; Refund on Liquor Lic. 274, 310 5--Murphy, Laura A., Murph's South End Tap, Cigarette Permit. 274, 310 5--Meyer, Clarence, CLAIM; deninl/closure .................. 276 5--Midway Motor Ledge & Hwy. 20, Stop Lights, request for removal ............................................. 276, 404 June 19--Mayor Pro-Tern sworn in -- Council Member Deich ........ 284 19--Main St., 1198, re: demolition permit .................... 289 19--Meyer's Tavern, Catherine Meyer, Cigarette Permit; Class "B" Beer Permit ......................................... 306, 308 19--Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, several outlets, Cigarette Permits. 306 19--Monte Carlo Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ................ 306 19--Mulgrew Off Co., Amoco at the Bridge, Cigarette Permit .... 306 " 19--Mulgrew Oil Co., Amoco Food Shop, 1450 Loras, Cigarette Per~ mit Class "C" Beer Permit ............................. 306, 357 19--Mulgrew Oil Co., Asbury Fastop, Cigarette Permit; Hearing on Violation of Beer Permit ............................ 306, 395, 465 I9--Melloy, Kenneth, The Kegger, Cigarette Permit ............ 307 19--Mangeno, Angie, Hard Times Tavern, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ................................... 307, 420 19--Maid-Rite, Jeanne Weber, Cigarette Permit ............... 307 19--Marco's Italian & American Food, Cigarette Permit ........ 307 19--Mario's Italian Rest. & Lounge, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ....................................... 307, 489 " 19--Midway Motor Lodge, Cigarette Permit .................. 307 " 19--Mike's Ten Pin Tap, Cigarette Permit .................... 307 19--Mister Donut, Cigarette Permit ......................... 307 19--Moracco Supper Club, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 307, 504 19--Ms.P at ' s C~garette' Pernut..' ' 307 19--Myer's-Cox Co., Cigarette Permit ....................... 307 19--Moose, Loyal Order of, Dbq. Lodge #355, Class "A" Liquor License ............................................. 309 19--Mareov, Mary & Joseph, CLAIM ........ ~ .............. 309 19--Mullen, Sharon Dull, CLAIM ........................... 309 19--May Financial reports (1989) submitted .................. 310 July 5--Municipal Swimming Po~l, reconstruction project .......... 313, 346 5--MapleLealAddn. No. 1, DispesaiofCityInterestteTeresaYork. 315, 325 5--McDonald, Delos -- Estate re: easement Agreement in Eagle Pt. Park ............................................ 315, 316 5--Manedyne/Brutger Hospitality Group -- Nullified selection as Downtown Developer ................................. 316 5--Main Street Billiards, Wayne Deutech, Cigarette Permit .... 319 " 5--My Cap Vendors, several outlets, Cigarette Permits ........ 319 5--Magoo's -- Ran McDonald, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License; recommendation for denial etc ................... 319, 320 5--Masco Industries, Molo Oil Co., re: IA DOT submitting Notices of Condemnation; Notice of Appraisement of Damages ...... 321, 343 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE July 5--Mul]en, Sharon Dull & Renee, update on litigation (property on Loras) .............................................. 321 July 17--Miller, John and Mary, received plaque from New Zealand from MADRAC Canoeing group ............................. 324 17--MADRAC Canoeing group gave plaque to John & Mary Miller. 324 17--Miller, Beverly d/b/a Sid's Beverage re: rezoning request for pro- perry behind 2727 Dodge St ............................ 331 17--Madden, Sally, applicant for park & Recreation Conun ..... 339 17--Michener, Mark, CLAIM; denial/alosure .................. 341, 359 17--Municipal Podi, re: Dept. of Public Health's review of sanitary features ............................................. 342 " 17--May, 1989, Proof of publication of List of Claims .......... 342 17--MBA Students, re: City Co-Sponsorship of Event for those at Clarke, UD and Loras at Eagle Point park ............... 343 Aug. 7--Mentally Handicapped Health Week, Proclamation ......... 346 " 7--Merit Construction Co. awarded Municipal Pool Reconstruction Contract ............................................ 347 7--Moln Sand & Gravel & Mclo Oil Co., re: rezo~ng of property south of East Third St. & East of Bell St ................ 349 7--Markward, Edward J. resigning from Housing Corem ...... 352 7--Mulgrew Oil Co., Amoco -- Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 357 7--Makovoe, Andrew & Diane, CLAIM ..................... 359 7--McMahon, Leo Denial of CLAIM ....................... 359 Aug. 21--Misaisaippi River Revival Days in Dubuque, Proclamation.. 369 21--Moore, Sue, CLAIM; denial/closure ...................... 377, 404 21--Microphone for Library Auditorium Lecturn .............. 381 Sept. 5--Manuincturers Walleye Council World Tournament, Starting numbers shuffled by Mayor Pro-Tern at beginning of meeting. 382 5--Morton, Harold, CLAIM; denial/closure .................. 396, 421 Sept. 18--Moratorium on Permits for Billboards in City ............. 401, 488 " '18--McCauley, JoAnu, re: traffic signal study at Midway Motel and Highway 20 intersections .............................. 404 18--Mutual and Settlement Agreement wtih Zimpro ........... 408 Oct. 2--Mental Illness Awareness Week, Proclamation ............ 411 2--Mauss, Police Chief John, expressing appreciation for use of Shooting Society facilities .............................. 418 2--Miller, Donald, appointed to Human Rights Commission .... 419, 420 2--Main St., 76, re: Ord. Authorizing Linde & David to construct a Mansard Style Awning over sidewalk .................. 418 2--McNeli, James, CLAIM; settlement ........... ~ ......... 421, 439 Oct. 16--McDermott Excavating of Peosta, IA. awardedbid for Jackson Street Sewer Reconstruction ............................ 425, 426 16--Main St. south of West 3rd, & between that & IA, Vacation of Alley ............................................... 429, 450 16--Madison Street, from Main St. to the npl of Clarke Drive, designation as a "Through Street" via Ord ............... 434 16--Main St., from the spl of Jones St. to the spl of W. 5th St. and from the npl of W. 9th St. to the npl of W. 17th St., designation of "Through Streets" via Ord .......................... 434 16--Mineral Street, from its junction with Devon Dr. to its junction with O'Hagen St., designation as a "Through Street" via Ord. 434 16--Maple St. & 15th St., providing for "Stop Sign" via Ord .... 435, 436 16--Malssen, Elmer, CLAIM; settlement ..................... 438, 460 16--Mozena, Jeff, Chair of Historic Pres. Comm. re: consideration of appointment of Hist. Pres. member to new "Planning Commlssion". ....................................... 439 16--Main St., 1300, re: purchase of real estate for City Hall Annex. 446 INDEX -- BOOK 119 ~89 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 6--Mulgrew Oil Co., civil penalty assessments for Liquor License Violations, re: Public Hearing ........................... 452, 465 6--Melloy, Kenneth J., re: Public Hearing for Civil Penalty Assessments ......................................... 452 - 6--Mechanical Bd. appointment of Charles R. Marsden ........ 457 6--Marsden, Charles R., appointed to Mechanical Bd .......... 457 6--McDonald, Robert D., accepting of Resolution which approves Final Plat of Fountain Hill Subd. No. 2 (west of Eagle Pt. Park). 462 6--Main St. Ltd. requested to look at downtown (Jackson St.) park- lng situation ......................................... 463 Dec. 4--Meissner, Wm., CLAIM; settlement ..................... 490, 505 4--Menard Road & NW Arterial & Highway 20 intersection, request for traffic signals etc .................................. 490 4--Mountain Home, AR re: their Ordinance up for consideration as to purchasing of alcoholic beverages by persons under 21. 495 Dec. 18--Malo Oil Co. requesting aid for re~ocation because of Ice Har- bor Urban Renewal ................................... 496 18--Meter (Parking) changes for specific areas -- 7th St., Locust St., Fifteenth St ......................................... 502 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 3--Northwest Arterial, Phase III, Paving and Intersection Im- provements, Project ............................ 2, 3, 30-31, 86-87 Jan. 16--November claims paid, Proof of Publication ............... 17 Feb. 6--Nash-Finch Co., Econofands, Class "E" Liquor License; Class "E" Beer Permit; Cigarette Permit ...................... 72, 273 79 98 Feb. 20--National Wa-Tan-Ye Club Week, Proclamation ............ 20--Neldanghter, Stacie, applicant for Human Rights Connnission. 20--Notice of Environmental Review Findings for Automotive & In- dustrial Hardware Project ............................. 101 Mar. 6--November 1988 Council proceedings approved as printed .... 115 Mar. 9--Nalghborhood Development Funds questioned by C. Isenhnrt re: City Budget Hearing ............................... 120 Mar. 20--Notlce of IA DOT advising af dismissal in matter of condemna- tion for Primary Road No. U.S. 61 with Eagle Food Centers. 144 20--Notice of Availability for Public Inspection Certain CD Block Grant Documents .................................... 146 Apr. 3--Natioanl Library Week, Proclamation .................... 150 3--NE Iowa Regional Coordinating Council, re: ECIA requesting appointment of Council Member ........................ 169 3--Noonan's Tap; (John Nannan), Class "C" Liquor License .... 170 " 3--Notice of Appraisement of damages & time for appeal for Linehan & Mole, Inc., Mole Oil Co., Do, Inc., d/b/a Hardeec; Dodge House Corp. re: Matter of condenmatlon of certain rights in land by IA DOT for improvement of U.S. 61 ..................... 173 " 3--Notice of Dismissal in the matter of condemnation of certain rights in land (Group P -- Parcel 317, 318) by IA DOT for im- provement of primary Road U.S. 61 ..................... 173 Apr. 17--Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. re: easement in Highland Park Subd. for U.S. West Comm. underground conduit system... 176, 177 17--Nightengale Lane -- adjacent property, rezoning as requested by Kriog Boys Ice. ................................ 183, 199, 200 17--Noise Ordinance, variance requested to allow Tschlggfrie's to transport & place fill material from 10 P.M. to 6 A.M. on Southern Ave. for U.S. Hwy. 61 ........................ 61, 187 May 1--Nurses Day, Proclamation ............................. 195 1--Niles of the Square Table, (DbqFest), Class "C" Beer Permit. 230 May 15--NAIW Week, Proclamation ............................ 233 15--New French Cafe, Inc., Class "WB" Wine Permit; Special Class "C" Beer/Wino License ................................ 244, 459 June 5--Non Bargaining Unit Employees, Fiscal Year 1990 Compensa- tion Pkg ............................................ 273 5--Neighbor's Tap, Jerry James, Cigarette Permit ............ 274 5--Neyens, Steve, CLAIM; denial]closure .................... 276, 310 5--Nilles, Duane, CLAIM; denial/closure .................... 276, 310 5--NW (Northwest) Arterial Stags III from Asbury Rd. to JFK, Grading & Drainage, Supplement Contract ............... 277, 278 June 19--Naughton, Attorney Dennis, re: Madison Street Steps reconstruction ........................................ 285 19--Nalghborhood' Grocery & Video I, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit .................................... ~ .... 306, 308 19--Nconan's Tap, John W. Noonan, Cigarette Permit ......... 306 19--Norton Fast Fo~d, Inc., Mister Donut, Cigarette Permit .... 307 19--Niles af the Square Table, Transfer of Beer Permit ........ 309 19--Nees, J. Richard, CLAIM; settlement/ciosure .............. 309, 321 July 5--Notice of IA DOT Condemnation for righte of laud in relocation of Hwy. 61 te Robert Kehl et al, Masco Industries et al, Mole Oli Co .............................................. 321, 359 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE July 5--Notice of Environmental Review Findings for Neighborhood Related Improvements for Job Market, Ltd./Dubuque College of Business Projects .................................. 321 July 17--Nonbargainlng Unit Employees re: Pay Classification Study. 335, 394 " 17--Northwest Arterial between Asbury & John F. Kennedy Road to Code providing for 45 MPH Speed Limit ............... 336 17--Northwest Arterial between Asbury & John F. Kennedy Road, Prohibition of Parking ................................. 337 " 17--Northwest Arterial Intersection with Asbury Road, Change in designation of Stop Signs .............................. 338 17--Northwest By-Pass, County Supervisors requesting application for RISE Funding .................................... 339, 490 Aug. 7--Notice of Appeal from Condemnation Award .............. 359 7--Notice of Environmental Review Findings for F.H. Ueiner Preei- sion Tools & Die ..................................... 361, 397 Aug. 21--Neighbers, The -- Jerry Lee James, Class "C" Liquor License. 376 Sept. 18--Northwest Arterial, re: excess right of way sold to Interstate Power .............................................. 400 18--Northwest Arterial re: Joint Meeting with Sagevilie as to Agreement .......................................... 401, 417 18--Notice of Environmental Review Finding for CD Project: Tcilog. 407, 408 Oct. 2,--NW Arterial -- Agreement with Sagevflle & County of Dubuque. 417, 423 2--NW Arterial re: Dbq. Shooting Society objecting to alternative route via their property ete ............................ 418 Oct. 16--Ninth St., from Kerper Blvd. to University Ave., designation as a "Through Street" via Ord ......................... 432 Nov. 6--November (Month), Proclaimed as "Alzheimer Disease Public Awareness Month" received by Efleen Carr ............... 447 6--Naderman, Gilbert, CLAIM; settlement .................. 459, 481 6--Nagie, Robert, canvass of votes for Office of Council Member at Large ............................................... 459 6--Nichalson, Daniel, canvass of votes and verification of nomina- tion for Council Member at large seat .................... 459 6--Ninth St. from Jackson to Washlngten St., two hour parking. 463 N, ,ov. 16--Northwest Arterial R.I.S.E. Application -- funding of Phase IV. 464 16--Nash, Russell, re: comment @ writing to ieglslators re: sound- barrier request on Hwy. 20 Project ...................... 469 16--Ninth St., East. north side, from White St. to Washington St., re: two hour time zones ................................ 475 16--No Parking at any time zones designated for Jackson St .... 475 16--Neilson, Kent, appointed to Dock Board .................. 476 16--Nicholson, Daniel, canvass of votes for appointment as Council Member at Large ..................................... 478 Dec. 4--New French Cafe, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License .......... 489 " 4--Neyens, Steven, re: Freeway Beautification Committee re: Freeway Corridor Landscaping proposals ................. 490 4--Northwest arterialintersection with Menard Rd. & Hwy. 20, quest by Attorney D. Leifker for traffic lanes etc .......... 490 4--Northwest Arterial, Phase IV, updating on filing of RISE Application .......................................... 490 4--Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on the Environment for various CD Projects ............................... 494 Dec. 18--Newt Marine Service, objecting to proposed Urban Renewal District for Ice Harbor area ............................ 496 18--November, 1989, Financial Reports ...................... 507 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1~9 SUBJECT PAGE 0 Jan. 3--O'Connor, John, Attorney for J. Bruce & R.D. McDonald re: easements over Eagle Point Park ....................... 11 Jan. 16--ORDINANCE NO. 2-89 Amending Zoning etd. by reclassify- ing property at 3606 & 3606 ~/2 Crescent Ridge from R1 to LI Zoning .......................................... 11, 12, 31, 82 16--ORDINANCE NO. 1-89 Providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by approving an amended Conceptual Development Plan for the PC Planned Commercial District located north of Dodge St. and east of Wacker Dr .................... 12, 27-28, 373 16--ORDINANCE NO. 8-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassl- lying property at 1022 and 1016 Langworthy and other vacant property from R-2 Two Family Residential to ID Institutional District & to approve a Conceptual Devalopment Plan for the Mercy Health Center/Medical Associates Clinic ID Institutional District .......................................... 13, 30, 90-93 16--Opinion of Corp. Counsel re: City being authorized to transact business in the state of Illinois and possible tax consequences of barge fleeting operation ............................. 14 Feb. 6--Oppedahl, Rev. Andrew, Pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, Gave Invocation ..................................... 27 6--ORDINANCE NO. 26-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by repealing Chapter 20 and enacting a new Chapter 20 in lieu thereof to comprehensively revise the Residential Housing Code ................................ 31, 97, 98, 210-226 6--O'Hagen St. from University Ave. to Mineral St., Final Assess- ment Schedule for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project ........... 49 6--Operation: New View requesting 3 alternates for Board ..... 71 Feb. 20--Overpass -- Third Street, temporary easement, City property, ete ................................................. 80, 472 " 20--ORDINANCE NO. 5-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance to reclassify property located at the southwest corner of Kaufmarm Ave. & JFK Road from R-1 Single Family Residential District. ................................................. 85, 105-106 20--ORDINANCE NO. ~89 Amendi~4~ Zoning Ordinance by reclassi- fying property known as former Paisley property and now to be known as Dubuque Industrial Center, Phase II, from AG Agricultural Dis. to PI Planned Industrial District ....... 85, 106-107 20--ORDINANCE NO. 7-89 Vacating a portion of 20' wide alley lying between Lot 2 of BLock 9 in River frant Subd. No. 3 & Lot 60 of Ham's Addn., beginning at south property line of Farrogut St., thence southerly a distance of 50 feet .............. 87, 109, 324 20--Oak Ridge Athletics, Agreement with Park & Rec. Comm. 96 20--ORDINANCE NO. 4-89 Amending the City of Dubuque, Code of Ordinances, by repealing Ordinance No. 55-88, relating to Vending Machines .................................... 96, 97 20--ORDINANCE NO. Amending Code by repealing Chapter 20 and enacting a new Chapter 20 in lieu thereof to comprehen- sively revise the RESIDENTIAL HOUSING CODE ....... 98, 135 20--OPERATION: New View appointment of Assist. Mgr. Stephani Johnson as alternate to Board .......................... 98 20--OPERATION: New View requesting $10,000 funding from FY 90 Report ........................................... 100, 120 Mar. 9--ORDINANCE NO. 9-89 Amending Cede by repealing Section 36-161, reinting to Water Rates for Residential, Commersial and Industrial Uses and enacting a New Section 36-161, relating to Water Rates for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Uses in lieu thereof ........................................ 123 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 9--ORDINANCE NO. 10-89 Amending Code by repealteg Section 36-56, Establishing Sewer Service Charges and enacting a new Section 3~56, Establishing Sewer Set,ce Charges, in lieu thereof. 124, 125 9--ORDINANCE NO. 11-89 Amending the Code by repealing Sec- tion 36-29A, relating to Discharge of Storm Waters and other Unpolluted Drainage into any Sanitary Sewer, by repealing said Section, and by adopting a new Section 36-29(A) relating to discharge of Storm Waters and other unpolluted drainage into any sanitary sewer by clarifying said section to specifically in- clude the probibltian of Sump Pumps or Sump Pump Connection. 126, 127 9--ORDINANCE NO. 12-89 Amending Section 30-2 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances by Repealing Section 409(L) of the UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE related to tbe installation of Subsoil drainage systems and by adopting in lleu thereof a new section 409(L) relating to subsoil drainage systems and specificsi- ly prohibiting the installation of sump pumps or sump pump connections .......................................... 127 9--ORDINANCE NO. 13-89 Amending the City Code by repeal- ing Chapter 36, Division 3, Sections 36-145 through 36-154, relating to Water Meters, and Adopting in lleu thereof a new Chapter 36, Division 3, Sections 36-145 through 36-155, relating to Water Meters ..................................... 128 9--ORDINANCE NO. 14-89 Amending the City Code by repeal- ing Section 31-9(c) relating to a service Charge for False Alarms, and by adopting in lieu thereof a new Section 31-9(c) providing for a Service Charge for FALSE ALARMS ............... 128 " 9--ORDINANCE NO. 15-89 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tion 25-274(1) relating to the Penalty for OVERTIME PARK- ING, DOUBLE PARKING AND ANY other Standing or Park- ing Violation, and adopting in lieu thereof a new Section 25-274(1), providing a penalty for Overtime Parking, Double Parking and any other Standing or Parking Violation ................. 129 9--OVERTIME PARKING, Change in code re: Penalty ....... 129 9--ORDINANCE NO. 16-89 Amending the City Code by repeal- ing Section 20-4.03(b) relating to Rental Dwelling Operating License Fees, and by Adopting in Lieu thereof a new Section 20-4.03(b) providing for an increase in Rental Dwel]ing Operating License Fees ......................................... 130 9--ORDINANCE NO. 17-89 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tion 7-35(a) relating to CAT LICENSE FEES, and by Adopting a New Section 7-35(a) in lieu thereof providivg for an increase hi CAT LICENSE FEES .............................. 131 9--ORDINANCE NO. 18-89 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tion 2-21, Providing for the Compensation for the Mayor and Council Members, and Adopting in Lieu thereof a new Section 2-21, Providing for the Compensation for the Mayor and Coun- cil Members ......................................... 132 Mar. 20--ORDINANCE NO. 20-89 Vacating a portion of Main St., 10th St., and alley first east of Main St ...................... 138, 150 20--ORDINANCE NO. 22-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property at 98 E. 4th St. from HI Heavy Industrial District to CR Commercial Recreation District ......... 139, 150, 185 20--ORDINANCE NO. 19-89 Amending Section 3-64, Division 3, Article 3, Chapter 3 of the Code by Providing for a MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR BILLBOARDS IN THE CITY ......................... 139 20--Oky Doky Food #10, Will-Co., Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit. 143 20--Oky Doky Foods 05, Earl E. Schumacber, 2204 Central, Class "B" Beer Permit ..................................... 143 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 20--Oky Doky #7 (B & M Convenience Marts), Class "E" Liquor License ............................................. 144 Apr. 3--ORDINANCE Revising the Zoning Ordinance of the City by repealing Section 4~3, Sign Regulations, and enacting a new Section 4-3, Sign Regulations in lieu thereof to provide regnla- tions for signs ....................................... 153 3--ORDINANCE NO. 21-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa by DEGENDERIZING THE VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES .......... 156-167 3--Oky Doky, B & M Convenient Mart, 3301 Pennsylvania, Class "BE" Beer Permit .................................... 169 " 3--Owens, Vickie L., CLAIM for her daughter Kriste Whirr, closure. 170, 190 Apr. 17--ORDINANCE NO. 25-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property at 2349 and 2365 University Ave. from R-1 Single Family Residential to OR Office Residential District. 183, 204 17--ORDINANCE NO. 23-89 Amending Zoning Ordknance to reclassify property adjoining Nightengale Lane from AG Agricultural District and R-1 Single Family Residential District & R-1 Single Family Residential to CS Commercial Service and Wholesale District .................................... 183, 200 17--ORDINANCE NO. 24-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property located west of Edwards Road and south of Patricia Ann Drive from R-3 Multi-Family Besidential District to R-1 Single Family Residential District ................. 184, 201 17--ORDINANCE NO. ~J~ Amending the Code of Ordinances to comprehensively revise the Residential Housing Code of the City by repealing Chapter 20 thereof and enacting a new Chapter 20 in lieu thereof ................... ~ May 1--ORDINANCE NO. Amending the Code by repealing cer- tain sections of Chapter 21, Human Relations, and enacting new sections in lieu thereof ................................ 206, 376 1--ORDINANCE NO. 23-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property adjoining Nightengale Lane from AG Agricultural District & R-1 Single Family Residential District to CS Commercial Service .............................. 200 1--ORDINANCE NO. 27-89 Authorizing Al C. Malers to construct an Awning over the Pablic Walkway at 2660 Central Ave... 227 May 15--ORDINANCE NO. 28-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property at 3285 Asbury Rd. from R-1 Sin4;le Fami- ly Residential Dis. to OR Office Residential District ........ 237, 252 15--ORDINANCE NO. 29-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by adop- ting an amended Conceptual Development Plan for Keanedy Mall PC Planned Commercial District at 55 John F. Kennedy Road. 238, 253 15--ORDINANCE NO. 31-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by deleting Section 4-9 and Enacting a new Section 2-7.3 to allow for a maximum front yard setback of 50 feet for Single and Two. Family Residential Structures within R-l, R-2 and R-3 Zoning. ............................................ 238, 255, 287, 288 15--ORDINANCE NO. Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property at 2420, 2422, 2438, 2442 Central Ave. from R-2A to C-4 Downtown Commercial District .......... 240, 286 15--Operation: New View, Purchase of Service Agreement ...... 247 15--ORDINANCE NO. Amending Code of Ordinances by pro- viding definition of "Sexual Orientation" and inserting in cer- tain sections thereof .................................. 250 INDEX -- BOOK 119 i989 SUBJECT PAGE June 5--ORDINANCE NO. 30.89 Amending the Code of Ordinances by deleting Certain Areas in the Two Hour Time Zones Designated in Subsection (c) in Section 25-257 thereof and adding certain areas in the Two Hour Time Zone Designated in Subsection (c) in Section 25-257 in lieu thereof providing for TWO HOUR PARKING on certain Streets in the City. ................ 268 5--Operating Engineers Union, Agreement with City .......... 272 5--Oky Doky #11, Periewitz, Cigarette Permit ............... 274 5--Ottng, Eugene A., The Dip, Cigarette Permit ............. 274 5--Old Shang, Nalda Bennett, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 274, 438 5--Odiand Protective Coatings awarded contxact for Rehabilitation of 2.4 MMG Asbury Water Storage Tank ................ 285 June 19--Oxygen Aeration Basins of WWTP, Sealing Concrete Surfaces. ................................................ 287, 288, 325 19--ORDINANCE NO. 32-89 Amending the Code by adding Rockdale Road to Subsection (b) of Section 25-210 thereof pro- viding for the designation of Stop Signs at the Intersection of Rockdale Road and the West Ramp of Kerrignn Road ...... 290 19--ORDINANCE NO. 33-89 Amending Appendix A (Ord. No. 13-85) of the City Code by Repealing Sections 4-3.1 through 4-3.10 relating to On-Premise Sign RegulatiOns and Adopting in lieu thereof new Section 4-3.1 through 4-3.10 relating to On-Premise Sign Regulations, and by Repealing Section 4-3.11, Schedule of Sign Regulations, and Adopting in lieu thereof a new Section 4-3.11 Schedule of Sign Regulations ..................... 291-305 19--O'Connor, John, representing Bob Kehl & Gantz family re: downtown hotel project ................................ 291 I9--On-Premises sign regulations, additional information ....... 291 19--Oky Doky #1, JFT Ltd., Cigarette Permit; Class "E" Liquor License .......................................... 306, 376, 396 19--Oky Doky #6, TFM Co., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Per- mit - 1256 Iowa St ................................... 306, 477 19--Oky Doky #14, Kristna L. Chapman, Cigarette Permit ..... 306 I9--Oky Doky #9, Robert J. Breitbach, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Perndt ......................................... 306, 437 19--Oky Doky #21 Trans-Mis Investments, Inc., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit ................................ 306. 376 July 5--ORDINANCE NO. 35-89 Vacating a portion of 20~ alley lying between Bernice Avenue and Blance Avenue, from Vivian Avenue 300 feet easterly ............................... 315, 324 5--Ordinance -- On Premise SIGN, more information requested by Council Member Pratt ................................. 318 5--Oky Doky Foods #7, B & M Convenient Mart, Cigarette Permit. 319 5--Oky Doky Foods #10, Will Co., /nc., Cigarette Permit ...... 319 5--Oky Doky Foods #14, Krlstina Chapman, Class "C" Beer Permit. 319 5--Oky Doky Foods #15, Jena, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit .... 319 5--O'Connor, Attorney John for Delos McDonald estate re: ease- ment across Eagle Point Park property .................. 315 July 17--ORDINANCE NO. 39-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property at 2217 Queen St. from R-2A Alternate Two-Family Residential District to Pit Planned Residential District & Approve a Conceptual Development Plan for Elder- ly Housing Apartments ............................ 329, 347, 348 17--ORDINANCE NO. 42-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property at and adjoining 205 Cedar Cross Road from AG Agricultural and R-1 Single Family Residential to CS Commercial Service ........................ 329, 349, 374, 390, 391 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE July 17--Ordinance re: Waterfront Districts, request for it to be returned to the table for final discussion ......................... 331 17--ORDINANCE NO. 41-89 Amending Code of Ordinances, Ap- pandix A, by reclassifying property south of East Third St. and East of Bell St. from HI Heavy Industrial District to CR Com- merclal Recreation Dis ......................... 331, 349, 374, 390 17--ORDINANCE NO. Rcudopting the Codification of all Or- dinancce of the City of Dubuque, fA, of a General or Pablic Nature of Imposing a Fine or Penalty including Maps Adopted by Reference, as the OFFICIAL CODE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IA ...................................... 333-335 17--ORDINANCE NO. 36-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Adding the Northwest Arterial Between Asbury Road and John F. Kennedy Road to Subsection (c) of Section 32-321 Thereof Providing for the Establishment of a Forty-Five (45) Miles Per Hour Speed Limit ........................ 336 17--ORDINANCE NO. 37-89 Amending the Code by Adding the Northwest Arterial between Asbury Road and John F. Kennedy Road to Subsection (d) of Section 32-262 thereof providing for the Prohibiting of Parking ............................. 337 17--ORDINANCE NO. 38-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Modifying Subsection (b) Of Section 32-214 thereof providing for the Change in Designation of STOP SIGNS at the Intereec- tinn of the NW Arterial and Asbury Road, and the Designation of Stop Signs at the Intersection of the Northwest Arterial and John F. Kennedy Road ................................ 338 17--O'Dell, Diane, appointed to the Library Board ............. 339 17--Oky Doky//15, Jena, Inc. Cigarette Permit ............. ~ . 340 17--Oky Doky #5, E. Schumacher, Cigarette Permit ........... 340 17--Oky Doky #11, Perlewitz, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 341 Aug. 7--O'Neal; Hazel appointed to Housing Commission .......... 352 7--Oneyear, Dennis, appointed to Housing Commission ........ 352 7--Operalkin Bootstrap Program Funding, Sec. 8 Housing Program. 354 7--O'Hea, Dehner S. & Mary C., Grandview Milk House, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit ......................... 357, 395 Aug. 21--Operation: New View's Continuing War on Poverty; Rededica- tlon re: Proclamation .................................. 369 21--ORDINANCE NO. 40-89 Amendin4?,' Appendix A of the Code by approving an Amended Conceptual Development Plan for the PC Planned Commercial District, located north of Dadge St. & east of Wacker Dr .................................... 373, 386 21--ORDINANCE NO. 43-89 Amending Section 41-101 relating to the duty of abutting property owners to maintain sidewalks by providing that an owner who fails to maintain the sidewalk is llahle to injured persons ............................... 375, 391 21--ORDINANCE NO. 44-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances by repealing the exemptions in Section 27-82 and enacting a new Section 27-82 in lleu thereof providing for exemptions for ELDERLY HOUSING ............................. 375, 392, 394 21--ORDINANCE NO. 45-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances by adding a new Subparagraph "(C)" in Section 27-114 for Concilin- tinn Conference and Persuasion Procedures under the Human Reintions Ordinance ................................... 376, 393 21--01o2 Doky #21, Trans-Miss Investments, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit .......... ~ ................................... 376 Sept. 5--Owner of Property re: Ord. as to Liability for Sidewalks .... 391 INDEX -- BOOK 119 ~89 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 5--ORDINANCE NO. 46-89 Amending Section 3-64, Division 3, Article 3 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, IA. by Providing for a Moratorium on the issuance of permits for BILLBOARDS in the City of Dubuque .................. 401 Oct. 2--October 15th as "White Cane Safety Day", Proclamation... 411 2--ORDINANCE NO. 47-89 Adopting An Agreement between the City of Sageville. the City of Dubuque & the County of Dubuque re: Phase IV of the Northwest Arterial ................... 417, 418 ~ 2--ORDINANCE NO. 48-89 Authorizing David J. & Linda D. Herbet of 76 Main St. to Construct a Mansard Style Awning. 418, 419 Oct. 16--ORDINANCE NO. 58-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property located west of Hwy. 151/61 South of Twin Valley Rd. and east of Rockdale Rd. from AG Agricultural to C-3 General Commercial District as requested by Key Gate Center ........................................... 426, 447, 467 16--ORDINANCE NO. 52-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property at 3435 Ashnry Road from OR Office Residential District to PC Planned Commercial District ..... .......................................... .' ..... 426, 447, 448 16--ORDINANCE NO. 53-89 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property located north of Foothill Court from R-3 Malti-Famlly Residential District to OS Office Service District. ................................................ 427, 449, 450 16--Old Bellevue Road, adjacent to, & remainder of Twin Valley Dr. re: annexation of property between Rockdale Road & Hwy. 61/I51 ........................................... ~.. 430 16--ORDINANCE NO. 49-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Repealing Section 32-213 and adding in lieu thereof a new Section 32-213 Providing for the Designation of THROUGH STREETS ................................ 431-434 16--Orchard Drive -- intersection with Shlras Ave., re: designation of Yield Sign by Ordinance ............................. 435 16--ORDINANCE NO. 50-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Adding a New Yield Intersection to Subsection (2) of Section 32-216 thereof providing for the designation of Yield Signs at the Intersection of Shiras Ave. and Orchard Drive. 435 16--O'Hagen St., from its junction with Mineral St., to the apl of University Ave., designation of "Through" St." via Ordinance. 434 16--ORDINANCE NO. 51-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by adding Certain Streets to Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 thereof providing for the designation of Stop Signs at Grove Terrace and West Twelfth St., Highland Place & Arlington St., Cedar St. and West Fifteenth St., and Maple St. and Fif- teenth St., designation of "Stop Signs" via Oral ........... 435, 436 16--"O" Hara, J & p, Inc., Happy Joe's Ice Cream Parlor, Class "B" Beer Permit ......................................... 437 16--ORDINANCE NO. 54-89 Vacating a Public Alley Located be- tween Iowa St. and Main St. South of W. 3rd St. (Fischer Properties) .......................................... 450 16--ORDINANCE NO. Vacating a portion of 64 foot wide per- tion of East 10th St. lying between a point 220 feet easterly of property line of Washington St. and extending to a point 129.85 feet to the southeasterly corner of Lot 1 of I of 3 of City Lot 505B ........................................ 452, 465, 466 16--ORDINANCE NO. 55-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by deleting certain areas in Parking Meter Districts A, B & C in Section 32-336 the~of and adding certain areas in Park- ing Meter Districts A, C, D & E in Section 32-336 in lieu thereof providing for the Placement of Certain Parking Meter Spaces in other Districts ..................................... 453 INDEX -- BOX 119 SUBJECT PAGE INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 16--ORDINANCE NO. 56-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque by Adopting a new Section 32-275.1 Pro- vidi~4~ for Reserved Parking for City Employees at City Hall. 457 Nov. 20--OttDINANCE NO. 61-89 Revising Appendix A of the Cede of Ordinances by approving au Amended Conceptual Development Plan for the PC Planned Commercial District located at 255 John F. Kennedy Road (as requested by Venture Stores) ...... 469, 484-486 20--Optimists (3) represented by receiving proclamation: "Youth Appreciation Day". ................................... 465 20--ORDINANCE NO. Amending Cede of Ordinances by adopt- ing in lieu thereof a new Chapter 36, "Planning, Zoning: Section 36-15, Providing for a Comprehensive Plan, creating a Long Range Planning Commission and providing for membership and the powers and duties thereof, and creating a Zoning commis- sion and providing for the membership and duties thereof... 474 20--ORDINANCE NO. 59-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, IA by deleting Certain Areas in the Two Hour Time Zones designated in Subsection (c) and No parking at any time Zones Designated in Subsection (d) both in Section 32-262 thereof, and adding certain areas in the two hour time Zones designated in Subsection (c) hi Section 32-262 hi lieu thereof providing for Two Hour Parking on Certain Streets in the City. 474, 475 20--ORDINANCE NO. 60-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, IA by Enacting a new Subsection (g) of Section 32-262 thereto providing for Two Hour parking between 9 and 6 p.m. except Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays and designating Certain areas in Subsection (g) in Section 32-262 providing for TWo Hour Parking on Certain Streets in the City. 476 Dec. 4--ORDINANCE NO. 66-89 Establishing a Tax Increment Finan- cing Disttict within the proposed Fourth Street peninsuin~Ice Harbor Urban Renewal District ...................... 486, 4974499 4--ORDINANCE NO. 62-89 Amending Section 3-64, Division 3, Article 3, Chapter 3, of the Cede of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, IA, by Providing for a Moratorium on the Issuance of permits for Billboards in the City of Dubuque, IA ................ 488 4--October, 1989, Financial Reports submitted ............... 490 4--Ordinance, copy of, submitted by Council Member Deich re: pro- hibition of purchase of alcoholic beverages by underage persons. 495 Dec. 18--ORDINANCE NO. Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property located west of Hwy. 151/61 from AG Agricultural to C-3 General Commercial District ........... 499 18--ORDINANCE NO. Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property adjoining to and including portion of the Ice Harbor fram HI Heavy Industrial to CR Commercial Recrea- 499 tion Disttict ......................................... 18--ORDINANCE NO. 63-89 Amending the Cede of Ordinances by deleting Rockdele Road from Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 thereof providing for the designation of a Stop Sign at the in- tersection of Rockdale Road and the West Ramp of Kertigan and Adding Rockdale Road to Subsection lb) of Section 32-216 thereof providing for the designation of a Yield Sign on Rockdale Road at its intersection with the West Ramp of Kerrigan Road. 500, 501 18--ORDINANCE NO. 64-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, IA by adding Southern Ave. to Subsec- tion Id) of Section 32-262 thereof providing for the Prohibiting of Parking on Both Sides of Southern Ave. from South Locust St. to Valley St., on the South Side of Southern Ave. from Valley St. to Samuel St., and on the north side of Southern Ave. from Valley St. to a point one hundred fifteen feet west of Valley St. 501 ~89 Dec- 18--ORDINANCE NO. 65-89 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by deleting certain areas in parking Meter Distticts A and C in Section 32-336 thereof and eddio4~ certniu areas in park- ing Meter Distticts A, C & E in Section 32-336 in lieu thereof providing for placement of cert0in parking Meter Spaces hi Other 502 Districts .................. : ......................... ,, 18--ORDINANCE NO. Amending Cede of Ordinances by amending Zoning Ordinances by enacting new Sections 3-1.6D41g), Section 3-3.8D4(g) and Section 3-5.2D4(g) to provide for a fee for an amended Conceptual Developemnt Plan for the PR Plonned Residential Disttict, PI Planned Industrial Disttict and ID Institutional District ........................... 503 18--October 1989, List of claims, proof of publication .......... 505 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ............ 7, 73, 144, 189, 275, 341, 358, 396, 438, 459 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ....... 16, 73, 144, 170, 275, 320, 358, 396, 421, 478, 505 PLUMBING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ......... .......................................... 16, 73, 231,358, 459 POLICE & FIRE RETIREMENT BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ............... ' ............ ............. 170, 396 POLICE RETIREMENT BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ............................................ 170, 358, 396, 459 Jan. 3--Pigg, Rev. Elizabeth, Gave Invocation ................... " 3--pillsbury Co. -- assignment of lease to ConAgra, Inc., approved by City ............................................. 4 3--Physical Agility Test of Fireflghters -- appreciation expressed by Civil Service Conunlssinn ........................... 7 3--Precision Tool & Engineering. Inc., Notice of Environmental Review Findings ..................................... 8 3--Permlt Limits (NPDES) violated for month of Nov.. 1988, re: Dept. of Natural Resources ............................ 9 Jan. 16--Purnhage, Eugene, CLAIM/SUIT; denial/closure ........... 16, 77 16--Precision Tool & Engineering, Inc. Project, release of CDBG Funds .............................................. 17 Jan. 31--Preoonstruction Agreement re: Hwy 61 Project with IA DOT. ................................................. 25, 168, 472 Feb. 6--Petitinn o£ Mercy Health Center & Medical Asso. re: "Perfor- manee Standards" contained in proposed Ordinance ...... ~ . 30 6--Pavlng & Intersection Improvements -- NW Arterial, Phase III. 30 6--Public Hearing adjournment re: Crescent Ridge property (3606) rezonlng ............................................ 31 6--Permit, Special Use, of Dept. of Interior -- Fish & Wildlife Ser- vice re: barge fleeting otc .............................. 38 6-- Petitlon of Dubuque County Conservation Society re: including in planning process re: looatinn etc. of barge fleeting areas.. 38 6--Paving Project (Asphalt)~ 1987, Schedule of Final Assessments. 41-60 " 6-- Paving Project (Concrete), 1987, Subedule of Final Assessments. 61-70 6--Plubming Bd. appointments deferred until 2-20-89 Council Meeting ............................................. 71 6--Pizza Hut, Ciass "B" Beer Permit ...................... 72 6--Potter, Lee W., Ciass "C" Beer Permit ................... 72 6--Plat approval of Blocks 9, 10, and 12 in Cedar Lake Addn. 74 6--Plat approval of Block 2 of Tschiggfrie Commercial ........ 75 Feb. 20--paisley property, re: rezoning, now known as Dbq. Ind. Center, Phase II .......................................... 85, 106, 107 20-- Planning and Zoning approving rezoning of property at SW cor- ner oI Kaufmann & JFK ............................... 85 20--Phaee II of Dbq. Ind. Center, approval by P & Z rezoning request. 85 20--Phase III of NW Arterial -- disposition of two parcels of pro- perry between Asbury Rd. & JFK Road .................. 86 20--Park & Rec. Comm. re: Agreement with Oak Ridge Athletlcs. 96 20- Planning & Zoning Comm's. discussion of Freeway Corridor Plan- ning Project ......................................... 96, 355 20--PLUMBING BD. Appointments of David Buechale ........ 98 20-- Primary Road No. U.S. 61 re: Notice re: Condemnation Ior Eagle Food Centers, JaCobsen Realty, Inc. & Sears, Roebuck & Co: 100 Mar. 6--Professinnal Social Work Month, Proclamation ............ 104 6-- Pyatigorsk, District of Stavropol, USSR -- Signing ~)f Protocol Agreement with City of Dubuque ....................... 104, 233 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Mar- 6--Protocol Agrean~ent between City of Dubuque & Pyatigorsk, District of Stavropol, USSR ............................ 104, 233 6--Paradise Lounge, 1602 Central, Class "C" Liquor License... 114 6--pape, Loras A., partner in Westeide Development Assoc., agree- lng to terms of final plat approval of Embassy West No. 2. 118 Mar. 9--Public Hearing for 1990 Budget ........................ 119-133 9--People's Natural Gas Co., comments at P. Hearing for Budget @ them teking over the water meter reading process ....... 120 9--Purchase of Services (Contributions) re: 1990 Budget cotangents otc ..... I ....................................... ~... 121 9--Prohibitinn of Sump Pumps in City ..................... 126 " 9--Plumbing Uniform Code amended, re: sump pumps and other drainage systems ..................................... 127 9--Parking -- Overtime, Double, or other Standing or parking -- Amending City Code .................................. 129 " 9--Planning and Zoning fees, application & fees changed ...... 130 9--Permlts (Conditional Use), Ordinance amending ............ 130 9--Planned Districts & Subdivision Plats, Changed ........... 130 Mar. 20--Plat approved of vacated portion of Main St., 10th St. and Alley first east of Main St .................................. 137 20--Permits for billboards, Moratorium on issuance ............ 139, 401 20--Planning & Zoning recommending to retain HI zoning for 2400 Kerpex property ...................................... 140 20--Petltian of Dirk Hamel re: Homosexual rights ............. 142 20--Petition of Dbq. Jaycee's re: Fireworks Display ............ 144 " 20--Public Inspection re: Notice of Availability for certain CD Block Grant Documents .................................... 146, 147 20--Plat of vacated portion of Kerper Blvd. adjacent to Lot 1, Bloak 7 in Riverfront Sub. No. 3 ............................. 147 ' 20--Parking Equipment & Audio Surveillance Security System at Apr. IA Street Parking Ramp .............................. 148 3--Progress Report on Freeway Corridor Planning, by Mgr .... 154, 355 3--Proposals for Five Flags Civic Center Concessions ......... 154 3--Pronouns etc. changed in City Code -- Degendecizing various sections of the Code .................................. 156 3--Paradise Inn, Cigarette Permit .......................... 169 3--Pofiee Officers -- Entrance Level, certified individuals by Civil Service Commissinn ................................... 171 Apr. 17--Productivity and Quality Improvement Month, Proclamation. 175 17--Painting of Ceiling & Ballroom Walls o£ Five Flage Civic Center. 179 17--Planning & Zoning recommending approval to reclassify property located at 2349 & 2365 University ...................... 183 17--Planning & Zoning Comm. r econrrannding rezoning of property adjoining Nightengale Lane from AG and R-1 to CS, (for Krleg Boys Ice.) .......................................... 183 17--Planning & Zoning Comm. recommending rezoning of property south of Patricia Ann Drive, upon request of D. James Edwards. 184, 201 17--Patricia Ann Drive, south of re: rezoning request of D. James Edwards from R-1 and R-3 to PI Planned Industrial and Con- ceptual Development Plan approval ...................... 184 17--Phase II, Dubuque Industrial Centex, re: RISE Application to IA DOT for construction of public roadway ............... 186 17--Peoples Natural Gas Co., re: Meter Reading Services Agreement to read water meters for the City. ...................... 187 " 17--Palmer Drag Co., 2600 Dodge St., Class "C" Beer Permit... 189 " 17--Planning & Zoffrag fees changed, proof of publication of Resalu- tion No. 91-89 ....................................... 189 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE ,, 17_ Planning & Zoning recommending approval of final plat of Jeeeph 192 Vogt Sub. No. 4 ............... . ....................... 17--Purehnse of Services Agreement between the City & Humane 193 Society ............................................. 17--Parldng Ramp, IA St., major rehabilitation ............... 207, 258 17--Penney Bldg. (J.C.), Payment re: purchase, improvement & 228 operation ............................................ 17--Poliee Trustees, Corp. Counsel submitting opinion of IA Supreme Ct. in Golinvanx, et al vs. City & Police .................. 231 May 15-- Pyatigorsk, USSR Sister City, re: Plaque to them made by Coun- 233 cil Member Heekmann ................................ 15--Peace Officers Week, & Peace Officers Memorial Day, PROCLAMATION ........................... : .... 233 15--Prutt, Council Member, appointed to Greater Dbq. Development 242 Bd ................................................. June 5_Power s, Martha & Philiip E state re: Rezoning classificatlon fur property at 3285 Asbury by Jeanne Quann ............... 252, 253 5-Polsean, Al requesting to address Council re: sewer and street 259 program ............................................ 5--Parking -- Two Hour for certain streets, amendment of City Code ............................................... 268, 474 5--Progress Report, Third, from FreeWay Corridor planning 270 Committee .......................................... 5--Policemen's Protective Assn., Agreement with City ........ 272 5--P.M.S.T., Inc., Happy's Place, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Li- quor Lic ............................................ 273, 396 5--Perlewitz, Inc., Oky Doky #11. Cigarette Permit ........... 274 5--Palmer Drug Co., Cigarette Permit ...................... 274 " 5--Pride Service, Inc., Martin Oil Co., Cigarette Permit ........ 274 5--Pusatari Peppe Pizza, Cigarette Permit ................... 275 5--Pusateri, Sam, CLAIM; settlement/closure ................ 276, 321 5--Primary Road U.S. 61 -- IA DOT Submitting Notices in mat- ter of condemnation of certain rights of land (Fischer Invest. & Plastic Center) ....................................... 276, 321 5--Plastic Center re: IA DOT & Notices of Condemnation re: U.S. 61. 276 5--Peejeet Coneern/Phon*A-Fdend, Funding Agreement with City· 277 5--Public Works Dept. directed re: sanndwall petition by P. Cart along U.S. Hwy. 20 from Concord to Fremont ............. 277 " 5--Plate (final) approved re: Birch Acres (Tschiggfrle) ......... 280 June 19--Pyatigersk, USSR, re: Sister City Committee report ........ 284 19--Potter, Lee W., Neighborhood Grccary & Video, Cigarette per- mit; Class "C' Beer Permit ............................ 306, 308 19--P.J.'s, Peggy Schalier/JoAnn Lloyd, Cigarette Permit ....... 307 19--Perkins Restaurant, Cigarette Permit .................... 308 19--Paradise Lounge, Cigarette Permit ...................... 308 19--Pahner Drug Co., Grendview Drug, Class "C" Beer Permit. 308 19--Paul's Tavern, Wayfle P. Schalhneyer, Cigarette Permit ..... 309 19--Post, Ronald, CLAIM; denial]closure ..................... 309, 359 10--Purchase of Service Agreement with Retired Senior Volunteer 310 Program (RSVP) ..................................... 19--Purchase of Service Agreement with Chamber of Commerce. 310 19--Purchase of Service Agreement for Land of Festivals ....... 310, 311 July 5--POOl, Municipal, Reconstruction, ............. 313, 314, 342, 346, 374 5--Platapprovedofavacatedport~onofa 0 AlleybetweenBer- nice Ave. & Blanche Ave. from Vivian Ave ............... 314 5--Police Dept's Drug Enforcement re: grant application to Gev- ernor's Alliance on Sub. Abuse ......................... 318 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE July 5--Pratt, Council Member, requesting add'l information re: "On- Premises" Sign Ordinance ............................. 318 5--Prohibited Practice Complaint submitted by Dbq. Polieemen's Protective Asan ...................................... 320 July 17--Pillard, Jeff, Presented with SPIRIT Action Certificate ..... 324 17--Pollcy on Tree's, re: purchase of root pruner otc ........... 330 17--Pruner purchased for Trees, re: New City Tree Policy ....... 330 17--Petition of Jeanne Quann re: cutting of trees re: City Sidewalk Inspection Pregrmn ................................... 830 17--Pay Classification Study for non-bargaining unit employees.. 335, 394 17--Purehnse of Real Estate at 1300 Main St. for City Offices etc. 336, 446 17--Paridng Prohibited re: Adding Northwest Arterial between Asbury Road and John F. Kennedy Road ................ 337 17--Paul's Tavern (W. Seholhneyer), Cigarette Permit .......... 340 17--Park & Recreation Commission appointments of Mike Buelow, Paul Hoffmann, and Mark Sullivan ...................... 340 17--Perlewitz, /nc., Oky Doky #11, Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 341 17--Pulmer, Donald, CLAIM; denial/closure .................. 341, 359 17--Petitlon of Brutger Hospitality Group requesting good faith monies refund re: Downtown Hotel ...................... 342 17--Peal, New Municipal, re: Dept. of Public Health re: Sanitary Features ............................................ 342 Aug. 7--Partial Release of Real Estate Mortgage re: FDL Foods, Inc. 350 " 7--Princeton Place -- east of, & north of Dodge; re: possible rezon- ing for Walmart ...................................... 351 " 7--Public right of way Policy (Street & Landscaping), proposed changes ............................................. 352 7--Park requested (some green area) by Bob Wild, re: USSR Sister City Project ......................................... 352 7--Precision Tools & Die, Inc., F.H. Uefuer, re: Comm. Devel. Block Grant Loan .......................................... 353, 361 7--Pinnning Commission re: establishment of that separate from Zoning Commission ................................ 357, 439, 474 Aug. 21--Paving Project -- Concrete, 1989 ........................ 372 21--Persuasinn Procedures re: Human Relations Ordinance amendment ..... ..................................... 376, 393 21--Project Concern/Phone-A-Friend, Inc., summary & statistics. 377 21--Plat approval (final) of Dubuque Industrial Center, 7th Addn. 378 Sept. 5--Parking Lot -- Temporary, 5th Street ................ 383, 384, 400 5-- Petition of Sue Smith re: setting off of firecrackers during Dragon Boat Festival ........................................ 398 Sept. 18--Policy Guidelines for 1991 Budget ....................... 401 " 18--Petition of Dbq. County Supervisors re: placement on Dbq. Coun- ty Resource Enhancement Committee .................... 402 18--Pizza Hut o~ Dubuque. #2, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 403 18--Petition of JoAnn McCauley requesting study of traffic at Mid- way Motor Lodge and Highway 20 ...................... 404 18--Plat {final) approval of Lots 18-21 in Brittany Woods ....... 404, 405 18--Petition of Wahlert High School re: bonfire pep rally ....... 408 Oct. 2--Paul, Steven, CLAIM; denial/closure ..................... 421, 460 Oct. 16--Paddeek Bldge. at Dog Track re: repairs & funding ........ 430 16--Pennsylvania Ave., from npl of University Ave. to epl of NW Arterial, and from the wpl of NW Arterial to its westerly ter- minus at the City limits, designation as "Through Street" via City etd ............................................ 434 16--Peru Road, from its junction with E. 32nd St. to its northerly terminus at City limits, designation as "Through Street" via city etd ................................................ 434 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 16--Primrose St., from npl of Kane St. to spl of Davenport St., designation as "Through Street" via City Ord ............. 434 16--Pump, The, Judith LaPrell, Class' "C' Liquor License ...... 438 16--Parkin, Mary, CLAIM; deninl/closure .................... 438, 460 16--Planning Group, request of Hist. Pres. Comm. to appoint one of their members to new group ......................... 439 16--Petition of Dbq. County Historical Society requesting extension of current lease for former Burlington Northern Depot laud & bldg. at 2nd St. Ice Harbor ............................ 440 Nov. 6--Parking Meter Placement in downtown areas in response to "l~commandation Report" by Parking Task Force etc ...... 453 6--Parking Task Force (of Dbq. Main St. Ltd.) re: reeanunendations and changes of downtown parking via Ord ................ 453 6--Parking Revenue Bonds, approval of defeasance of stone, and approve a Refunding Trust Agreement etc ................ 454, 455 6--Parking Ramp Facility re: Engineering Consultant contracted. 456 6--Parking Ramp re: Survey supporting need etc ............. 456 6--Pauly, Nick, receiving one vote per Canvass for Council Member at Large ............................................ 459 6--Parking petition of business owners on Jackson St. from 9th to 10th & on the north side of 9th St. from Jackson to Washington St ................................................. 463 N,,,ov. 20--People Action Certificates awarded to several City employees. 465 20--Public Heari~gs for Assessment of Civil Penalties for violations of Liquor Licenses: Mulgrew Oil d/b/a Asbury Fastop, Schroby's, /nc., dib/a Schroby's; Iowa Off Co., d/b/a IOCO, Speede Shoppe #93. 465 20--Police Dept. projects, re: amendment to City budget ....... 472 20--Preeanstruction Agreement with IA DOT re: Ralocated 61 Project ............................................. 472 20--Parklng -- Handicapped -- Resolution re: H. File 745 etc... 473 20--Parking -- No Parklr4~ at any time designation -- Jackson St. etc. 474, 475 " 20--Parking -- Two Hour Time Zones re: Ninth St. & Jackson St. etc. 474, 475 20--Parking in the vicinity of 14th & White St ........... , .... 475, 476 20--Park Square Tavern, Lynn Lindeeker, Class "C" Liquor Lic:ense. 477 20--Pregler, Walter, canvass of votes for him for Council Member -- Ward Three (not eIeeted) ............................ 478 20--Pratt, Michael, canvass of votes for him for Mayor ........ 478 20--Petitian of Loras College requesting vacation of section of alley east of Blake St. as well as a portion of Blake St. falling within the Loras College boundary. 478 Dec. 4--Plaques given to City Employees with more than 25 years employed ........................................... 484 4--Petition of Arty. David Leifker re: traffic lanes etc. at intersec- tion of Menard Road, NW Arterial, & Highway 20 ......... 490 4--Policy of Investments Statement ........................ 490 Dee. 18--Park Hill Water Tank Rehabilitation Project .............. 500 " 18--Parking Ramp Facility #3 .............................. 500 18--Prakibiting parking on Southern Ave .................... 501 18--Parking Meter changes for specific ar~as in parking meter d~strlct. ............................................ 502 INDEX -- BOOK 119 i989 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 6-Quarterly Investment Report for period of 9-1-88 thru 12-31-88. 73 Investment Report for period of 1-1-89 thru 3-31-89. 194 5-Quann, Jeanne Marie re: Acceptance of Ord. 28-89 re: rezoding of property at 3289 Asbury Rd ......................... 253 July 17-Queen St., 2217, reclassification of property ............... 329, 347 17-Quann, Jeanne re: Cutting of Trees, City Sidewalk Inspection Program ............................................ 330 Sept. 5-Quann, Brendan, CLAIM; denial/closure .............. ~ · · . 396, 421 Oct. 16-Qualifications for Development of a Hotel Project in Downtown Dubuque, Authorization for Solicitation .................. 436 Dec. 4-Quarterly investment report submitted ................... 490 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 3--Railroad line (Soo Line) requesting Council grant easement for purpose of constructian of track on City proper~y allowing ac- 4 cess into Continental Grain & Port of Dubuque ............ 3--Rusty's Chinese Restaurant, Class C L~quo License ..... 6 Jan. 16--RESOLUTION Approving an Agreement between the City and the estate of Delos L. McDanald to grant a right-of-way ease- ment over City property locatod in Eagle Point park ....... 11 " 16--RESOLUTION Approving Am~ndmant Number One to the Ur- ban Renewal Plan for the Dubuque Industrial Center Economic Development District (re: extondlng boundaries to take in McFed- 12 den Farm west of town etc.) ............................ 16--Request for Release of Funds for CDBG Funds re: Precision Tool 17 & Engineering, Inc ................................... 18 16--Report (Audit) for Swiss Valley Farms Co. for FY ending 9/30/88. 16--Report (Financial) of City for FY ending 6/30/88 ........... 18 16--Refuse Collection accounts, delinquent, attached to toxes (cer- 20 tiffed to County Trassurer.) ............................ Feb. 6--Rezoning of property located north of Dodge St. & east of Wacker 27-29 6--Rezoning of Mercy & Medical Associates etc., re: approve a Con- 29, 30 cept. Devel. plan & Langworthy ........................ 6--Residential Housing Code, revision ............. 31, 135, 185, 210-226 6--RESOLUTION re: Establishment of a new "Schedule A, Residential Housing Code Fees". ....................... 31 6--Restaurant Management Co. (Long John Silver's), re: refund re- 71 quest for unused Class "B' Beer Permit ................. 6--Rehabilitation of Walls/Roof at Keyline Transit Facility ..... 76 77 " 6--Restrooms, First Floor City Hall, Project ................. Feb. 20--Reincation of Existing 30" Force Main from 4th & Central to 89, 249 3rd & Iowa ............................. ' ............ " 20--RJ's Concessions re: Concession Agreement for McAleece Park 96 & Rec. Complex, with City etc .......................... 20--Rackis, Steven, appointed to Human Rights Commission .... 98 20--Racing Assn. (Dbq.), AnnUal Financial Report ............. 101 Mar. 6--Rezaning of property at s/w corner of Kanfmann & JFK from 105 R-1 to OR ........................................... 6--Rezoning of property at Dbq. Industrial Center, Phase II, AG 106 to PI .................................. wide 6--River front Subd. No. 3, Ordinance vacating a portion of 20' alley lying between Lot 2 of Block 9 ..................... 109 6--Recreatinn Trails Program application to IDOT on behalf of Dbq. County Historical Society & IA Rails to Trails: Heritage Trail, 112 Inc ............................................ 114 Mar. 6--Rigel of IA, Inc., Godfather's .......................... 115 6--Rooney, Sheila, CLAIM ............................... Mar. 9--RSVP. additional amount of funding re: Budget ........... 121 9--Rofuse Collection Rates, changed via Ord. -- Budget process. 122 9--Rental Dwelling Operating License Fees, changed via Ord., 130 Budget process ...................................... Mar. 20--Realtors (Bd, of) re: Residential Housing Code etc .......... 134 20--Rooney, Thomas, CLAIM; closure ....................... 144, 170 20--Revelle, Rhanda, CLAIM; settlement .................... 144, 170 20--Riverfront Sub. No. 3, approval of plat of Vacated Portion of Kerper Blvd. adjacent to Lot 1, Block 7 .................. 147 Apr. 3_Rehabillt ation Sin4~,le Room OccupancY Program, Applicati°n to 155 HUD ............................................... ~989 Apr. INDEX BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE 3--Railroad realignment accommodation, re: Preconstruction agree- ment providing for widening of intersection at First & Iowa Sts. 168 3--Revltallzatinn Plan, Downtown, Agreement with Dubuque Main and the City for provisions & implementations ............ 171 Apr. 17--Rotary Days. Proclomatinn ............................ 175 17--RESOLUTION Providing for establishing fees as providing in Residential Housing Code~Fees ......................... 185 " 17--Ryan, Ed, of Dock Bd. giving presentation of Conceptual Development Plan for Boat Harbor ..................... 186 17--Rossitor. Paul, of Dock Bd. giving presentation of Conceptual Development Plan for Boat Harbor area .................. 186 17--RISE/Local Development Project Grant Application to IA DOT for construction of Public Roadway through Phase II of the Dubuque Industrial Center ............................. 186 17--Riverview Park Campground, Execution of Management Agreement .......................................... 187 17--Rockdale Road Bridge Project, acceptance of construction contract ............................................. 190 17--Roof Replacement Project on Sludge Processing Bldg.. at WWTP, acceptance of project .......................... 191 May 1--Respect Law Week, Proclamation ....................... 195 " l--Rehabilitation of 2.4 Million Gallon MMG Asbury Storage Tank. 206, 285 " 1--Rehabilitatinn of Iowa St. Parking Ramp ................. 207, 208 1--Renovatlon of Third Floor, Phase I, City Hall Project ...... 208 " 1--Revco Discount Drug Centers, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit; Cigarette Permit ..................................... 230, 274 May 15--Release (Partial) of Real Estate Mortgage as to Certain Proper- ty Owned by FDL Foods, Inc. and designated for Right-Of-Way Acquisition by the IA DOT. ........................ 234, 350, 369 15--River City Paving of Dubuque, awarded contract for 1989 Asphalt Maintenance Project ........................... 236 15--Report on Adolescents/high risk youth, for FY 90 .......... 245 15--Restaurants, re: Food Establishments inspectedflicensed by City. 248 June 5--Report, Progress, for Freeway from Planning Conmfittee .... 270 5--Riverside Bowl, Inc., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor Lic. 274, 309 5--Rainbow Lounge, Joyce Lorenz, Class "C" Liquor License. 275 5--Reilly, Judy, requesting removal of stop lights at Hwy. 20 & Mid- way Motor Lodge .................................... 276 5--Rockwood Com't, dedication of street (final plat approval of Birch : acres, certain areas) ................................... 281 5--Rental Rehab. Program, Execution of application for participation ......................................... 282 June 19--Riverbeat Gambling License re: DRA applying for one from IA State Racing & Gaming Corem ......................... 288 19--Rockdale Road, re: stop sign change because of U.S. 61 Construction ............................... : ......... 290, 500 19--Regulatinns for "SIGNS". ............................. 291-305 19--Rainbe Oil Co. -- KWIK Stop Food Marts, Cigarette Permits. 306 19--River City Tap & Grill, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 307, 458 19--RSVP (Retired Sas/or Volunteer Program), Pm'chase of Services Ageeement .......................................... 310 July 5--Racing Association re: Riverboat Gambling ............... 317, 318 5--Riverboat Gambling, re: Dbq. Racing Assn ............... 317, 318 July 17--Reimer, Jeff, presented City Spirit Action Certificate ....... 324 17--Reaidency requirement for City employees, re: Shirley McDermott .......................................... 329, 330 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE July 17--Root pruner for trees re: City Sidewalk Inspection Po 'cy re: Trees ............................................... 330 17--Ragsdal, Cathy re: rezoring of 2727 Dodge St ............. 331 17--Real Estate Purchased: 1300 Main, for City Offices ete ..... 336, 446 17--Reisch, Robert, applicant for Park & Rec. Commission ...... 339 Aug. 7--Right of Way Policy, re: Street & Landscaping, clarification. 352 7--Robert's River Rides re: Notice of Appeal from Condemnation of Property award .................................... 359 7--Roosevelt Road Sanitexy Sewer Project ........... 364, 366, 397, 412 Aug. 21--Reddin, Rita re: opposing paving of Hales St. (1989 Concrete Project.) ........................ .................... 372 21--RISE Funds re: application for Completion of Nar t~west Arterial. ........................................ 374, 375, 423, 464, 490 21--Rainbow Oli Co., KWIK Stop Pood Mart, Inc., 2225 Kerper. 376 Sept. 5-- Roosevelt Ave. to Shiras -- alley between Rhomberg & Linceln, sewer repair project ................................... 382, 412 5--Rose, Dr. Craig, applicant for Airport Commission ......... 394 5--Ryan House, James Bainbridge, Class "C" Liquor License. 396 Sept. 18--River City Paving,/nc. awarded bid of 5th Street Temporary Park Lot Project ..................................... 400 18--Reeource Enhancement Committee (Dbq. County), appointment of Council Member Deich to Board ...................... 402 18--Reynolds, Attorney James, CLAIM for Sherrall Welter ..... 404 Oct. 2--Rainbo Oil Co., KWIK Stop Food Mart, Cigarette Permit; 2360 Central Class "C" Beer Permit ......................... 420 2--Regional Transit Authority -- Dbq. & Jackson County, CLAIM. 421 2--Rockdale Rd. property between that & Hwy. 151/6.1, re: volun- tary annexation of property on behalf of A.J. Spiegel ....... 422 Oct. 16--Rockdale Rd., east of, & South of Twin Valley Rd., re: rezoning of property west of Hwy. 151/61 as requested by Key Gate Center ........................................... 426, 447, 467 16--Rehabilitation Project of 7.5 MMG Water Reservoir located on W. 3rd St ........................................... 427, 428 " 16--Rehabilitatlon: Interior Walls of Transit Garage Project .... ............................................ 428, 429, 467, 468 16--Race Track Depreciation & Improvement Funds -- Dbq. Rac- ing Assn. making settlement repairs at Dog Track, also alee., plumbing & walkway repairs at kennels & paddock bldgs... 430 16--Rockdaie Rd., property between there & Hwy 61/151 north of Old Bellevue Road and remainder of Twin Valley Dr. re: valun- tery annexation request ............................... 430 16--Radford Road, from its southerly terminus at the City limits to the spl of pennsylvania Ave., and from npl of Pe~msylvania Ave. to its northerly terminus at the City limits, designation as "Through Street" via City Ordinance .................... 434 16--Rhomberg Ave., from epl of Elm St. to wpl of Lincoln Ave., designation as "Through Street" via City Ord ............. 434 16--Request for Qualification from developers regarding Downtovm Motel/Hotel ......................................... 436 16--Rupp Hollow Road, east ot, & north of JFK Road, re: final plat approval of property Lots 1, 2 & 3 Brittany Woods ........ 443 16--Rehabilitation of Locust St. parking Ramp Project ......... 444 16--Roofing Project of Eagle Point Filter/Pump Station ........ 445 Nov. 6--Radiologic Technology Week, Proclamation ............... 447 6--Rcckdale Road, re: Owners agreement that there be a 40' set- back and limiting new curbcute ......................... 447 6--Refunding Trust Agreement approved re: defeasance of out- standing parking revenue bonds ........................ 454, 455 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 6--Riverboat Gambling re: GDDC requesting funding for lob- byist~consultant etc ................................... 457 6--Rainbo Oil Co., KWIK Stop Food Mart, Class "E" Beer Permit. 458 6--Rundal Machine, Inc., CLAIM .......................... 459 6--Riverboat Gambling -- re: Audubon Society urging docking in Ice Harbor .......................................... 460 6--Rantal Rehab. Program Grant Award, Contract with IA Dept. of Economic Development ............................. 461 6--Riverboat Gambling re: Designation of N. Shore of Ice Harbor for docking of same ................................... 470 6--Ryan. Ed, appointed to Dock Bd ........................ 476 Dec. 18--Reekdale Rd. at its intersection with west ramp of Kerrigan Rd., re: Yield Signs ....................................... 500 18--Rockdaie Road, 2550, 2554, final plat approval as requested by John & LeAnn Ward .................................. 506 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS Jan. 3--1-89 Adopting Plans & Specs. re: Rehab. of 2.4 MMG Asbury Storage Tank ........................................ 1 3--2-89 Preliminary Approval of Plans end Specs. for N/W Ar~ai, Phase III, P.C. Paving & Intersection Improvements ....... 2 3--3-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for N/V/Arterial, Phase III, P.C.C. Paving & Intersection Improvements ..... 2 3--4-89 Ordering bids for Northwpst Arterial, Phase III, Paving and Intersection Improvements ......................... 3 3--5-89 Resolution of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Real Pro- petty by Grant o£ Easement ........................... 3 3--6-89 Resolution Consenting to Assignment of a Lease between the City of Dubuque and Pillsbury Co. to Conagra, Inc ..... 4 3--7-89 Granting Katuin Bros., Inc. Right to Sub-Lease Property known as No. 10 Terminal St. in Area ("D" of Dubuque Har- bor) to Mr. James E. Underhill ......................... 5 3--8-89 Resolution Naming Depositories .................... 5, 6 3--9-89 Grenting issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit .......... 6 " 3-- 10-89 Granting issuance of Class "C" Commercial IAquor License. 6, 7 " 3-- 11-89 Authorizing publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Projects re: Precision Tool & Engrg ............................................ 8 Jan.~16--13-89 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with Automotive & Industrial Hardware ....... 13 16--14-89 Rejection of Bids for Cleaning, Repairing and Painting of the 2.4 MMG Asbury Water Storage Tank ............... 14 16--15-89 Granting issuance of Cigarette Permits ............. 15 16--16-89 Granting issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 16 16--17-89 Granting issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses ...... 16 16--18-89 Authorizing submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for Certain CD Block Grant Projects .................... 17 16--19-89 Consenting to, Joining in, and Approving of, American Trust & Savings Bank as Trustee's Release and Discharge of Trust Indenture and Releasing and Discharging Inland Molasses Co. from all Lien Rights Arising under Loan Agreement, Trust Indenture, Real Estate Mortgage, Security Agreement, Financ- ing Statement and Lease Agreement in Connection with Inland Molasses Co. Project Series 1981 Bonds .................. 19 16--20-89 Authorizing the City to Collect Delinquent GARBAGE & REFUSE Collection Accounts in Accordance with Section 17-37 of the Code ..................................... 20 16--21-89 Authorizing collection of Delinquent Sewer Accounts in Accordance with Sections 36-55 and 36-59 of the Code of Ordinances .......................................... 21 Jan. 23--22-89 Resolution Calling a Special City ELECTION {Swimming Pool) ............................................... 23 23-- 23-89 Authorizing the Mayor to execute a Preconstruction Agree- ment l~lated to the Highway 61 Project with IA DOT ..... 25 Feb. 6--24-89 Adopting Plans & Specs. for NW Arterial, Phase III, Pay- lng and Intersection Improvements ...................... 30 6--25-89 Awarding Contract for NW Arterial, Phase III, Paving & Intersection Improvements to FLYNN CO ............. 31 6--26-89 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Construc- tion of Glllespie Street Sanitary Sewer ................... 32 6--27-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for construc- tion of Glllespie Street Sanitary Sewer ................... 32 6--28-89 Resolution of Necessity for construction of Gillespie Street Sanitary Sewer ....................................... 32, 33 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 6--29-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity for con- struction of Gillespie Street Sanitary Sewer ............... 33 " 6--30-89 Schedule of Proposed Assessments for construction of the Gillespie Street Sanitary Sewer ......................... 34 6--31-89 Resolution of Intention of the City to Dispose of City's interest, in granting of temporary easements, and in consenting to access control on City-owned property to the IA DOT .... 34 6--32-89 Resolution Authorizing the Filing of Applications with the DOT. USA, for Grants under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended .............................. 35 6--33-89 Resalution Authorizing the Filing of a Consolidated Grant Application for Operating Assistance with the State Transit Assistance Program and Authorizing the entering into of a Con- tract with the IA DOT ................................ 36 6--34-89 Resolution of Intention to dispose of City-owned proper- ty: Easterly One-Half of Lot 5 of the Subd. of the East Pm't of Out Lot 655 in the City, Dbq. Connty, IA, commonly known as 1025 Bluff St; and Lot One and Lot Two of Lot 801, McDaniel's Subd. of Town Lots in the City, cmnmonly known as 623-627 Arlington St ......................................... 37 6--35-89 Approval of terms and conditions of Permit between City & Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Service .................... 38 6--36-89 Resolution (1) Approving & Consenting to the Transfer of the Dubuque Cable Services Delivery Franchise, Ord. No. 42-81, from TCI Cablevision to TCI of Iowa,/nc., waiving the election referred to in the Section 4.4 of Ord. No. 42-81; all sub- ject to certain conditinns etc ........................... 38, 39 6--37-89 Accepting improvement for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project. 39 6--38-89 Final Estimate for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project ...... 40 6--39-89 Adopting Final Assessment Schedule for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project ....................................... 40 " 6--40-89 Accepting hnprovement for 1987 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ............................................. 60 6--41-89 Final Estimate for 1987 P.C. Concrete Paving Project. 60 6--42-89 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for 1987 Con- crete Paving Project, ................................. 60 6--43-89 Authorizing the execution of a CD Block Grant Agreement with the HUD ....................................... 70 6--44-89 Authorizing Execution of an Annual Contributions Con- tract & General Depositary Agreement for Sec. 8 Moderate Rehab. Program No. IA05-KO87-005 ..................... 71 6--45-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits ............................................. 72 6--46-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) and Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses and Class "E" Liquor Licenses. 72 6--47-89 Approving the Final Plat of Blocks 9, 10, & 12 in Cedar Lake Addn. in the City ............................... 74 6--48-89 Approving the Final Plat of Block 2 of Tschlggfrie Commercial .......................................... 75 6--49-89 Accepting improvement for Rehabilitation -- Walls/Roof of Keyline Transit Facility ............ ................. 76 6--50-89 Final Estimate re: Rehabilitation -- Walls/Roof of Keyline Transit Facility ...................................... 76 6--51-89 Accepting improvement for Restrooms -- First Floor City Hall ............................................ 77 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 6--52-89 Final Estimate for Restrooms --' First Floor City Hall. 77 Feb. 20--53-89 Approval of disposal of interest in real estate associated with property re: Freeway 561/Relocated 61 Project, re IA DOT. 79 20--54-89 Approving the Sale of Property in McDaniel's Subd. to Richard & Sandra Butler .............................. 81 20--55-89 Fixing Date for meeting on the proposition of issuance of $4,000,000 GO Bonds for an essential corporate purpose re: street repair etc ........................................... 83 20--56-89 Setting the date of Public Hearing on FY 90 Budget. 84 " 20--57-89 Setting the date of Public Hearing on Five Year Capital Improvement Program ................................ 84 " 20--58-89 Authorizing publication of Notice of Public Hearing for the use of CD Block Grant Funds ....................... 84 20--59-89 Intent to dispose of Interest in Lot 2 of i of Helen E. & Mary H. Stewart Subdivision to John H. Kivlahan ......... 86 20--60-89 Intent to dispose of Interest in Lot 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 of the SW 1/4 - SW 1/4 - SW 1/4 of Section 16, T89N, R2E, 5th P.M. to Interstate Power Co .................................. 86 20--61-89 Approving plat of a vacated portion of 20~ alley lying between Lot 2, Block 9 in Riverfront Subd. No. 3 & Lot 60 in Ham's Addu., beginning at SPL of Farragut St. thence southerly a distance of 50 feet ......... , ......................... 87 20--62-89 Disposing of City interest in Lot 60A and 60B in Ham's Addn. in the City .................................... 88 20--63-89 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for Relocation of Existing 30" Force Main from 4th & Central to 3rd & Iowa. 88 20--64-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs, for Raloca- tion of Existing 30" Force Main from 4th & Central to 3rd & Iowa ............................................... 89 20--65-89 Ordering bids for Relocation of Existing 30" Force Main from 4th & Central to 3rd & Iowa ....................... 89 20--66-89 Authorizing the filing of a CEBA on beh~ff of The Dubuque Data Services Co. Marketing Project .................... 93 20--67-89 Authorizing the amendment of a CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with The Dubuque Data Services Co ........... 94 20--68-89 Authorizing Acceptance of an Agreement Providing for the Loan of $200,000 CD Funds to Dubuque In-Future, Inc. for grading of Dubuque Industrial Center, Phase II ........... 95 20--68-89 Authorizing Acceptance of an Amendment to a Loan Agreement between the City of Dubuque & Dubuque Stamp- ing & Mfg. Co ....................................... 95 20--70-89 Endorsing House File No. 93 which relates to Remittance of the Local Option Sales Trax to Local Governments ....... 97 20--71-89 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits ........... 98 20--72-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B", Class "C" & Class "E" Beer Permits ........................................ 99 20--73-89 Authorizlngissuance of Class "C" Liquor & Special Class (BW) Wine License and Class "E" Liquor License ......... 99 20-- 74-89 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Envieenenmtal Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Project (Automotive & Ind. Hardware) ........................................... 101 20--75-89 Approving Realdentiai Property Tox Exemption Applica- tions, submitted by Property Owners in the Jackson Park, W. 11th St., and Washir~-ton St. Urban Revitalization areas .... 102 Mar. 6-- 76-89 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resalution of Neeessi- ty Proposed for the Construction of the Giliespie Street Sanitary Sewer .............................................. 104 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE M~r. 6--77-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Construction of Gillespie St. Sanitary Sewer .................................... 105 6--78-89 Ordering bids for construction of Giliespie Street Sanitary Sewer .............................................. 105 6--79-89 Disposal of interest of City in property in Ham's Addn. to Barnstead Thermolyne Corp. & to Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kelly be approved ......................................... 110 6--80-89 Disposal of property (part of Helen & Mary Stewart Sub.) to John Kivlahan be approved .......................... 110 6--81-89 Disposal of interest of City property (Lot 1-1-1-1-1-1,1 of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Sec. 16, T89N, R2E of 5th Principal Meri- dian, approved ....................................... 111 6--82-89 Approving the Submittal of a Recreational Trails Frogram App. to the IA DOT on behalf of IA Rails to Trails: Heritage Trail, Inc. and the Dubuque County Historical Society ...... 112 6--83-89 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Application to Par- ticipate in the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program ........ 113 6--84-89 Approvai of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permlte .... 114 6--85-89 Approval of Class "C" Liquor Licenses ............. II4 6--86-89 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for the Automotive & Industrial Hardware Project... 115 6--87-89 Approving the Final Plat of Embassy West No. 2 in the City ................................................ 117 Mar. 9--88'89 Institeting Proceedings to take Additionai Action for the Issuance of $400,000 GO Bonds ........................ 119 9--90-89 Adoption of Five Year Capital Improvement Program. 121, 122 9--91-89 Rescinding Res. No. 30-88, whicb approved A Schedule of Planning and Zoning Fees and providing for new Application Fee for P & Z fees and Conditional use Permits etc ........ 130 Mar. 20--92-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Relocation of Existing 30" Force Main from 4th & Central to 3rd & IA .............. 134 20--93-89 Awarding contract to Tschiggfrle Excavating for Reloca- tion of Existing 30" Force Main from 4th & Central to 3rd & IA. 135 20--94-89 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for Compressed Air System & Bus Exhaust System -- Keyline Transit Facility. 136 " 20--95-89 Fbdng Date of Hearing on Plwas and Specs. for Compressed Air & Bus Exhaust System for Keyline Transit Facility .... 136 20--96-89 Ordering bids for Compressed Air System & Bus Exhaust System -- KEYLINE TRANSIT SYSTEM ............... 137 20--97-89 Approving Plat of Vacated portion of Main St., 10th St. & Alley First East of Main St .......................... 137 20--98-89 Disposing of City interest in Lot A of City Lot 38, Lot A of City Lot 37 & Lot C of City Lot 37 in the City ....... 138 20--99-89 Endorsing the Educational Efforts of the Dubuque Regional Coalition and Authorizing the Submission of an AIDS Education Project Grant Application to the IA Dept. of Public Health .............................................. 140 20--100-89 Awarding Contract to Horsfiald Con. for Gillespie Sanitary Sewer ....................................... 141 20--101-89 Instituting eminent domain proceedings for acquisition of a Sanitary Sewer Easement across lot in Glllespie Subd.. 141 20--102-89 Eminent Domain proceedings for acquisition of sanitary easements for Ed Tschiggfrie, in development of Birch Acres. 142 20--103-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. 143 20--104-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) & Class "C" and Class "E" Liquor License ...................... 144 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 20--105-89 Approving Execution of an Anhual Contributions Con- tract for Section 8 Housing Vouchers Program No. IA05-VO87-006 ...................................... 145 20--106-89 Authorizing the Execution of an Amendment to a CD .Block Grant Statement of Intent Submitted to the Dept. of Hous- ing and Urban Development for Calendar Year 1989. ~. .... 146 20--107-89 Authorizing publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection Certain CD Block Grant Documente ...... 146 20--108-89 Approving Plat of vacated portion of Kerper Blvd. Ad- jacent to Lot 1 Block 7 in Riverfront Subd. No. 3 ......... 147 20--109-89 Accepting in~provement for Installation of the Fuel Dispensing System at Keyllne Transit Facility ............ 148 20--110-89 Final Estimate for Project: Installation of Fuel Dispens- ing System at Keyline Facility .......................... 148 20--111-89 Final Estimate for IA Street Parking Ramp -- Installa- tion of Security Equipment in Stairwells & Elevator, Replace- ment of Parking Equipment System ..................... 148 20--112-89 Acceptin~g Improvement for IA Street Parking Ramp, Installation of Security Equipment in Stairwells & Elevator, Replacement of Parking Equipment System ............... 149 Apr. 3--113-89 Approval of disposal of property (Lot A of City Lot 38 & Lot A, B, C of City Lot 37 in the City, to Interstate Power Co. 151, 152 3-- 114-89 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for W. Locust Street Storm Sewer Rehabilitation ....................... 152 3-- 115-89 Fixing Date of Hearhg on Plans and Specs. for W. Locust Street Storm Sewer Rehabilitation ....................... 152, 153 3--116-89 Ordering bids for the W. Locust St. Storm Sewer Rehabilitation ........................................ 153 3--117-89 Granting an Easement for an Underground Conduit System to U.S. West Communications ................... 154 3-- 118-89 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Application to Par- ticipate in the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program .................................. 155 3-- i19-89 Approving an Addendum to a Preconstructian Agreement related to the Highway 61 Project with the IA Dept. of Transportation.. 168 3--120-89 Granting issuance of Cigarette Permits ............ 169 3--121-89 Granting issuance of Class "B" Beer, Class "C" Beer, & Class "BE" Beer Permits to various outlets ............ 169 3--122-89 Granting issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses to several outlets .............................................. 170 3--123-89 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Dubuque Main St. Ltd., and Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to execute Said Agreement on behalf of the City. 172 3--124-89 Approving Funding Agreement by and between the City and Woskington Neighborhood Tool Library, Inc ...... 172 Apr. 17--125-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Compressed Air System and Bus Exhaust System -- Keyline Transit Facility ....... 175 17--126-89 Awarding Contract te Schwartz Plumbing & Heating for Compressed Air System & Bus Exhaust System at the Keyllne Transit Facility ...................................... 176 17--127-89 Granting of right-of-way permit (easements) by City on the W. 6~ of property described as the west 5' of Lot 1, all of Lot 2 and the west 130' of Lot 3 all located in Highland Park Subd ............................................... 177 17--128-89 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of the Is- suance of $650,000 GO Bonds .......................... 177 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. ,, 17--129-89 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Painting of Ceiling & Ballroom Wails of the Five Flags Civic Centex. 178 17-- 139-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Painting of Ceiling & Ballroom Wails of the Five Blags Civic Center. 179 " 17--131-89 Ordering bids for the Painting of Ceiling & Ballroom Walls ~.~ of the Five Flags Civic Center .......................... 179 17--132-89 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for Southern Ave. Sanitary Sewer Relocation ......................... 179, 180 17--133-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs· for Southern Ave. Sanitary Sewer Relocation ......................... 180 : 17--134-89 Ordering bids for Southern Ave. Sanitary Sewer Relocation ........................................... 180 17--135-89 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for 1989 Asphalt Maintenance Project .................................. 181 17--136-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. -- 1989 Asphalt Maintenance Project ........................... 181 17--137-89 Ordering bids for the 1989 Asphalt Maintenance Project· 181 ' 17--138-89 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Lot 2 of Lot 16 in J.P. Porter's Addn. to Wayne Wkittenbough .............. 182 17-- 139-89 Directing the City Clerk to Publish Proposed Amendment ·' to the Fiscal Year 1989 Budget and Date of Public Hearing. 183 17--140-89 Calling for an Election to Authorize the Impoaition of a Local Sales & Services Tax in Certain Cities of Dubuque County at the Rate of One Percent (1%) ........................ 184 " 17--141-89 Endorsing the Submission of a Revitilize Iowa's Sound Economy (RISE~ Application to the IA DOT for the construc- tion of a Public Right Roadway through Phase II of the Dubuque Industrial Center. .................................... 186 17--142-89 Authorization of the City Manager to execute a Meter Reading Services Agreement with Peoples Natural Gas Co. 187 17--143-89 Approving amendment to Articles of Agreement of Du- buque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (DMATS)... 188 17--144-89 Granting issuance of Class "BE" Beer Permit and Class "C" Beer Permit.: ................................... 188, 189 17--145-89 Granting issuance of Class "C" Liquor License ...... 189 17--146-89 Accepting Improvement for Rockdaie Road Bridge Project ............................................. 190 17--147-89 Final Estimate for the Rockdale Road Bridge ....... 190 17w148-89 Accepting improvement for the Roof Replacement Pro- ject on the Sludge Processing Bldg. at the WTTP ......... 191 17--149-89 Final Estimate for the Roof Replacement Project on the Sludge Processing Bldg. at. the WWTP .................. 191 17--150-89 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1 of Bill's Place in the City ................................................ 192 17--151-89 Approving the Final Plat of Joseph Vogt Subd. No. 4 in the City .......................................... 192 17--152-89 Approving a Purchase of Services Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Dubuque Humane Society and Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Execute Said Agree- ment on behalf of the City ............................. 193 May 1-- 153-89 Instituting Proceedings te teke Addltinnal Action for the Issuance of $650,000 G.O. Bonds ....................... 195 1--154-89 Adopting Plans and Specifications for the West Locust Street Storm Sewer Rehabilitation ....................... 196 " 1--155-89 Awarding Contract for the West Locust Street Storm Sewer Rehabilitation .................................. 196 1--156-89 Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1989 ................................. 197 INDEX -- BOOK 119 '~ INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE May 1--157-89 For the Permanent Transfer of Funds .............. 198 1--158-89 Approval of Vacancy and Release of 10~ wide Utility Easement in Babcock's Subdivision, as requested by Dbq. Bank & Trust Co .......................................... 198 1--I59-89 Approval of disposal of interest of property in Porter's Addn. (Foye St. area) to Wayne & Patricia Wblttenbaugh.,. 199 1--160-89 Declarlng the intent of the City of Dubuque, IA to dispose of Interests in Certain Real Estate, re: FDL Foods ......... 205 1--161-89 PraHminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Rehab. of 21.4 MMG Asbury Storage Tank ....................... 206 1--162-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Rehab. of 2.4 MMG Asbury Storage Tank ...................... 206 " 1--163-89 Ordering bids for Rehab. of 2.4 MMG Asbury Storage Tank ............................................... 207 1--164-89 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for Ralmb. of Iowa Street Pm. king Ramp.... ~ ........................ 207 1--165-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Rehab. of IA St. Pm'king Ramp ............................... 208 1--166-89 Ordering bids for Rehab. of IA St. Parking Ramp... 208 1--167-89 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Third Floor Renovation, Phase I, City Hall ......................... 209 1--168-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Third Floor Renovation, Phase I, City HaH .................... 209 1--169-89 Ordering bids for Third Floor Renovation, Phase I, City Hall ................................................ 209 1--170-89 Resolution Providln4~ that "Schedule A. Residential Hous- ing Code Fees" establishing Fees as Provided in the Realden- rial Housing Code and Enacting a "Schedule A Residential Hous- ing Code Fees". ...................................... 226 1-171-89 Resalution Acknowledging the Payment by Dubuque In- Futuro, Inc. of $330,0~0 to the City as Fall Payment of all Obliga- tions Owed by Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. to the City under Cer- tain Promissory Notes and Loan Agreements ............. 228 1--172-89 Resolution Supporting Application of Voorhees Develop~ ment Group for Funding under the Iowa Finance Authority Housing Assistance Fund 'Program ...................... 229 1--173-89 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 230 1--174-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits ............................................. 230 1--175-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License .... 231 May 15--176-89 Endorsing Presentation of a Plaque to Officials of Our Sister City of Pyatigersk on behalf of the Council, such presen- tatinn to be made by Mayor Pro-Tern Heckmmm on his trip with Sister City Committee durin~ May, 1989 ................. 233 15--177-89 Authorizing the City to execute a Partial Release of Real Estate Mortgage as to certain Property owned by FDL Foods, Inc. and designated for Right-Of-Acqdisition by IA DOT .... 234 15--178-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Southern Ave. Sanitary Sewer Relocation ..................................... 235 15--179-89 Awarding Contract for Southern Ave. Sanitary Sewer Relocation ........................................... 235 15--180-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. tot 1989 Asphalt Maintenance Project ............................................. 236 15--181-89 Awarding Contract for 1989 Asphalt Maintenance Project ............................................. 236 15--182-89 An Amendment to Lease Agreement between the City & Katdin Bros ....................................... 237 1989 SUBJECT PAGE 15--183-89 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Madison Street Steps ......................................... 238 " 15--184-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Madison Street Stops ......................................... 238, 239 15--185-89 Resolution Directing Sale of $4,150,000 Corporate Pur- pose GO Bonds ...................................... 238 15--186-89 Requesting Governor Terry Branstad to Veto Amended HF 313, An Act Severely Limiting Cities from Condemding Land for Economic Development Projects ..................... 240 15--187~89 Approving of US Environmental Protection Agency Ad- mihistrative Order of Consent, and Agreement to Settle Certain Claims between Iowa Public Service Co. and the City ...... 241 15--188-89 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permit ........... 243 15--189-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "BE" Beer Permit .... 243 ' I5--190-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "A" (Club) Liquor License and Class "B". ...................................... 243 15-- 191-89 Authorizing Execution of an Amendment to the Annual Contributions Contract for Section 8 Moderate Rehab. Program No. IA05-KO87-001 ................................... 245 ' 15--192-89 Approving the Final Plat of Patricia Ann Acres Sub. No. ' 2 in the City ......................................... 245 15--193-89 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Arch- diocese Place -- Key West in Section 11, Township 88 N., Range 2 East of the 5th Principal Meridian ..................... 246 15--194-89 Approving an Agreement for Economic Development Se~ vices with the Greater Dbq. Development Corp. for FY 89-90 : and Authorizing & Directing Mayor to Execute ........... 246 15--195;89 Approving an Amendment to a Memorandum of Understanding between the City & IA State Dept. of Inspec- tions and Appeals which Adds Food Establishments to the Facilities Licensed and Inspected by the City ............. 248 15--196-89 Authorizing the City Mgr. to Sign Contract with IA Dept. of Public Health for Fanding of Local AIDS Education Program. 248 15--197-89 Accepting Improvement for Relocation of Existing 30" Force Main, 14th to llth St ............................ 248 15-- 198-89 Final Estimate of Relocation of Existing 30" Force Main, 14th to llth St ...................................... 249 June 5--199-89 Resolution Granting Katuin Bros, Inc. the Right to Assign Property Known as No. 102 Terminal Street and Known as Tract "B" and Tract "C" in Dubuque Harbor Co. Addition to Sitco Inc ......................................... 251 5--200-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Painting of CEILING & BALLROOM WALLS OF THE FIVE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER ........................................... 256 5--201-89 Awarding Contract for PAINTING OF CEILING & BALLROOM WALLS OF FIVE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER. 256 5--202-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the THIRD FLOOR RENOVATION, PHASE I, CITY HALL ................ 257 5--203-89 Awarding Contract for the DUBUQUE CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR RENOVATION ....................... 257 5--204-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the REHABILITATION OF IOWA STREET PARKING RAMP ................. 258 " 5--205-89 Awarding Contract for the REHABILITATION OF IOWA STREET PARKING RAMP ..................... 258 5--206-89 Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance of $4,150,000 G.O. BONDS & LEVYING A TAX to pay said Bonds ..... 259 5--207-89 Approving the Acquisition of REAL ESTATE OF VALERIA ST ....................................... 270 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE June 5--208-89 Accepting the AGREEMENT between the City and the GENERAL DRIVERS & HELPERS UNION, LOCAL #421, & Authorizing the Mayor to sign ....................... 270 5--209-89 Accepting the AGREEMENT between the City & The Dbq. PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTERS ASSN., LOCAL #353, and authorizing the Mayor to sign ................. 271 5--210~89 Accepting the AGREEMENT between the City and the Amalgamated TRANSIT UNION, Division 329 & Authorizing the Mayor to sign .................................... 271 5--211-89 Accepting the Agreement between the City & Dbq. POLICEMEN'S PROTECTIVE ASSN. & Authorizing the Mayor to sign ....................................... 272 5--212-89 Accepting the Agreement between the City & Int. Union of OPERATING ENGRS, Local #758, & Authorizing the Mayor to sign .............................................. 272, 273 5--213-89 Adopting the Fiscal Year 1990 Compensation Package & Wage Plan for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees ......... 273 5--214-89 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to several outlets ..... 273, 274 5--215-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "BE" Beer Permits ............................................. 275 5--216-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses... 275 " 5--217-89 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City and the Project ConceyNPhone-A-Ftiend, Inc. and Directing City Mgr. to execute ...................................... 277 " 5--218-89 Accepting Improvement for the Northwest Arterial Stage III from Asbury Rd. to John F. Kennedy Road, Grading & Dralnsge, Supplemental Contract ........................ 277 5--219-89 Final Estimate for NW Arterial Stage III from Asbury Road to John F. Kennedy Road, Grading & Drainage -- Sup- plemental Contract ................................... 278 5--220-89 Accepting hnprovement for CLEANING, REPAIRING & PAINTING OF THE 750 MG Elevated WATER STORAGE TANK -- College Street ............................... 278 5--221-89 Final Estimate for the CLEANING, REPAIRING & PAINTING OF THE 750 MG ELEVATED WATER STORAGE TANK -- College Street ..................... 279 5--222-89 Accepting Improvement for the VENTILATION SYSTEM FOR KEYLINE TRANSIT FACILITY ......... 279 5--223-89 Final Estimate for the VENTILATION SYSTEM FOR KEYLINE TRANSIT FACILITY ....................... 279, 280 5--224-89 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1-1-1-15, Block 1, Birch Acres and Lot 1-2-1-1-1-1-1 Birch Acres in the City. ........ 280 5--225-89 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 4-6, Block 5, Lots 11-14, Block 7, Lots 20-27, Block 8 in Birch Acces in the City ..... 280, 281 5--226-89 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Application in the Iowa Rental Rehabilitation Program ..................... 282 June 19--227-89 Approval of release of Easement on Century Dr. & Cen- tury Circle .......................................... 284 19--228-89 Adopting Plans and Specifications for Rebab. o£ 2.4 Million Gaflon ASBURY STORAGE TANK .............. 285 19--229-89 Awarding Contract for 2.4 MMG Asbury Storage Tank to Odland Protective Coatings, Inc ...................... 285, 286 19--230-89 PrelLminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Sealing of Concrete Surface of the Oxygen Aeration Basins of the WWTP. 287 19--231-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Sealing the Concrete Surfaces of the Oxygen Aeration Basins of the WWTP ............................................. 288 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE 19--232-89 Ordering bids for the Sealing of the Concrete Surfaces ~ .:: of the Oxygen Aeration Basins of the WWTP ............. 288 19--233-89 Authorizing the Filing of Applications with the Dept. of Transportation, United States of America, for Grants under UMTA ............................................. 289 19--234-89 Approval of petition of addition of Wm. J. Stierman re: GiHespie St. Sanitary Sewer assessment schedule .......... 290 ~" 19--235-89 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permit ........... 305-306 ~, 19--236-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B", Class "BE", Class "C" Beer Permits .................................... 308 " 19--237-89 Author~zmglssuance et Class A Liquor License, Class "C" Liquor Licenses .................................. 309 July 5--Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for MUNICIPAL POOL RECONSTRUCTION ........................... 313 5--238-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for MUNICIPAL POOL RECONSTRUCTION ............... 313 .'! 5--240-89 Ordering bids for the MUNICIPAL POOL RECONSTRUCTION ................................. 314 !! 5--241-89 Approving Plat of a Vacated Portion of a 30~ Alley Lying between Bernice Ave. & Blanche Ave. from Vivian Ave. ~ 300' Easterly ........................................ 314 " 5--242-89 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 162A in Maple Leaf Addition No. 1 in the City ............................. 315 5--243-89 Approval of disposal of interest of City in property in Eagle Point Park for easement to estate of Delos McDonald. 315, 316 '~' 5--244-89 Nullifying the Selection of the Brutger Companies, Inc. as Developer of Urban Renewal Disposition Parcel No. 4-2.. 316 5--245-89 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant Loan : ~ Agreement with the Job Market, Ltd./The Dubuque College of Business ............................................ 317 " 5--246-89 Endorsement of proposed referendum to authorize River- boat Gambling in Dubuque County ...................... 318 5--247-89 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 317, 318 , 5--248-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 319 5--249-89 Author/zing issuance of Class "C" and Class "E" Liquor Licenses ............................................ 319, 320 '~ 5--250-89 Autliorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License .... 320 ~' 5--251-89 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Projects ....... 321 July 17--252-89 Approving disposal of interest of City in property known as Lot 162A in Maple Leaf Addition No. i to Teresa York.. 325 17--253-89 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Speces. for 1989 P.C. : Concrete Paving Project ............................... 326 17--254-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specifications for 1989 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ...................... 326 17--255-89 Resolution of Necessity for 1989 P.C. Concrete Paving Project .................................. ........... 326 17--256-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity for 1989 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ...................... 327 17--257-89 Approving of Proposed Schedule of Assessments for 1989 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ........................... 327 17--258-89 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the SCHMITT ISLAND WETLAND EXCAVATION PROJECT. 328 17--259-89 FL, ting Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for SCHMITT ISLAND WETLAND EXCAVATION PROJECT. 328 17--260-89 Ordering bids for the SCHMITT ISLAND WETLAND EXCAVATION PROJECT ............................ 328 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE July 17--261-89 AuthoriZing Application for Essential Air Service Ter- mlnal Improvement Program (Eastip) Funds .............. 330 17-- 262-89 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute au Application to Par- tielpate in the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program ........ 332 17--263-89 Approvio~ the Purchase of Real Estate at 1300 Main St. in the City of Dubuque ................................ 336 17--264-89 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits to several outlets .............................................. 340 17--265-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 340, 341 17--266-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C' Liquor Licenses... 341 17--267-89 Authorizing submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for the Neighbor:hoed Related Improvements and Job Market, LTD./Dubuque College of Business Community Develot~ ment Block Grant Projects ............................. 342, 343 17--268-89 Supporting City Co, Sponsorship of Event for MBA Students at University of Dubuque, Clarke College and Lores College ............................................. 343 17--269-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses to House of China Restam.ant ............................ 345 Aug. 7--270-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for MUNICIPAL POOL RECONSTRUCTION ................................. 346 " 7--271-89 Awarding Contract for MUNICIPAL POOL RECONSTRUCTION to Merit Construction Co ........... 347 7--272-89 Declaring the Intent of the City of Dubuque, IA to Dispose of Interests in Certain Real Estate re: Partial Release of Real Estate Lien -- FDL ............................ 350 7--273-89 Of Intention to Dispose of City-Owned Property: Lot 15 Jackson School Subdivision, City of Dubuque, Known as 1919 Elizabeth St ......................................... 351 7--274-89 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with F. H. Uehier Precision Tculs & Dies, Inc... 354 7--275-89 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute au Application to Par- ticipate in the Section 8 Housing Program under "Operation Bootstrap" Program Funding .......................... 354 7--276~89 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Three Addendum to Previously Executed Project Agreements with the IA Dept. of Transportation Associated with the 61 Project ............ 356 7--277-89 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 357 7--278-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits ............................................. 357, 358 7--279-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses... 358 7--280-89 Approving a Final Plat of Archdiocese Place No. 2, Key West in Dubuque County, IA .......................... 360 7--281-89 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Projects ....... 360 7--282-89 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain C.D. Block Grant Project ....... 361 7--283-89 Accepting Improvement for GILLESPIE STREET SANITARY SEWER. ................................ 362 7--284-89 Final Estimate for the GILLESPIE STREET SANITARY SEWER ................................. 362 7--285-89 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for GILLESPIE STREET SANITARY SEWER ......................... 362, 363 7--286-89 Accepting Improvement for the ROOSEVELT ROAD SANITARY SEWER ................................. 364 7--287-89 Final Estimate for ROOSEVELT ROAD SANITARY SEWER ............................................ 364 INDEX -- BOOK 119 i989 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 7--288-89 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for ROOSEVELT ROAD SANITARY SEWER ........... 364, 365, 366 7--289-89 Accepting Improvement for the ELEC. SYSTEM REHABILITATION, DUBUQUE KEYLINE TRANSIT FACILITY .......................................... 366 7--290-89 Final Estimate for the ELEC. SYSTEM REHABILITA- ' TION, DUBUQUE KEYLINE TRANSIT FACILITY ...... 367 Aug. 17--291-89 Supporting Retention of The Federal Court in Dubuque, IA .................................................. 353 17--292-89 Authorizing The City of Dubuque, IA to Execute a Par- rial Release of Real Estate Mortgage as to Certain Property Owned by FDL Foods, Inc ............................. 369 17--293-89 Approving the Sale of the Following Legally Described Property -- 1919 Elizabeth Place (to Wm. R. Grove) ....... 370 17--294-89 Adopting Plans and Specifications for the SCHMITT ISLAND WETLAND EXCAVATION PROJECT ......... 371 ' 17--295-89 Awarding Contract for the SCHMITT ISLAND WETLAND EXCAVATION PROJECT to TSCHIGGFRIE EXCAVATING ...................................... 371 17--296-89 Finding that the Designation of the "WINDSOR PARK RETIREMENT CENTER" as an Urban Revitalization Area is Necessary in the Interest of the Public Health, Safety and Welfare of the Residents ............................... 373 " 17--297-89 Authorizing Application for RISE Funds for the Com- pletion of the NORTHWEST ARTERIAL ................ 374, 375 " 17--298-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B", Class "C", and Class "BE" Beer Permits ................................... 376 " 17--299-89 Authorizing issuance of Closs "C' Beer & Liquor Licenses. 376, 377 " 7--300-89 Approving the Final Plat of Dubuque, Industrial Center, 7th Addition in the City ............................... 378 7--301-89 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for CD Block Grant Projects ..................... ~ 379 7--302-89 Approving Execution of an Annual Contributions Con- tract for Section 8 Housing Vouchers Program No. IA05-VO87-007 ...................................... 380 Sept. 5-- 303-89 PrelLminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUCTION, ALLEY BETWEEN RHOMBERG & LINCOLN. FROM ROOSEVELT TO SHIRAS ............................................ 382 5--304-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUCTION, ALLEY BE- TWEEN RHOMBERG & LINCOLN, FROM ROOSEVELT TO SHIRAS ............................................ 382 5--305-89 Ordering bids for SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUC- TION, ALLEY BETWEEN RHOMBERG & LINCOLN, FROM ROOSEVELT TO SHIRAS ..................... 383 5--306-89 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for 5TH STREET TEMPORARY PARKING LOT ................ 383 5--307-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for 5TH STREET TEMPORARY PARKING LOT ................ 384 5--308-89 Ordering bids for 5TH STREET TEMPORARY PARK- lNG LOT ........................................... 384 5--309-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for 1989 P.C. CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT .................................. 384 5--310-89 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the 1989 P.C. CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT .......................................... 385 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 5-311-89 Ordering bids for 1989 P.C. CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT ......................................... 385 5--312-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for MADISON STREET STEPS ............................................. 389 5--313-89 Ordering bids for MADISON STREET STEPS ..... 389 5--314-89 Authorizing the Filing of a Community Economic Bet- terment Account Program Application on Behalf of Trilog, Inc. 394 5--315-89 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Perarite .......... 395 5--316-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" & Class "B" Beer Permits ............................................. 395 5--317-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" & "E" Liquor Licenses. 396 5--318-89 Accepting Improvement for GRANDVIEW SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUCTION ......................... 397 5--319-89 Final Estimate for the GRANDVIEW SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUCTION ......................... 397, 398 Sept. 18--320-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for 5th STREET TEM- PORARY PARKING LOT ............................. 399 18--321-89 Awarding Contract for 5th STREET TEMPORARY PARKING LOT to RIVER CITY PAVING, INC ......... 400 18--322-89 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Lot 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 of the SW 1/4 - SW 1/4 of Section 16, T89N, R2E, 5th P.M. to INTERSTATE POWER CO ........................... 400 18--323-89 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 402 18--324-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permits ..... 403 18--325-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Liquor Licenses ............................................ 403 18--326-89 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 18-21 Inclusive of Brit- tory Woods in Dubuque County, IA ..................... 405 18--327-89 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-10 of Block 1, Eastridge Estates in the City of Dubuque, IA ............. 406 18--328-89 Approving the City of Dubuque Fiscal Year 1989 STREET FINANCE REPORT ......................... 407 18--329-89 Authorizing publication ot Notice of Environmental Review Finding for certain Community Development Block Grant Project (Trilag, Inc.) ............................. 407, 408 Oct. 2--330-89 Approval of disposal of interest of property (Lot 1-1-1-1-1-1-1) of SW 114 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 16, T89N, R2E, of the 5th Principal Meridian to Interstate Power Co ....... 411 2--331-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUCTION, ALLEY BETWEEN RHOMBERG & LINCOLN, FROM ROOSEVELT TO SHIRAS ........... 412 2--332-89 Awarding Contract for the SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUCTION, ALLEY BETWEEN RHOMBERG & LINCOLN, FROM ROOSEVELT TO SHIRAS to Tscinggfrie Excavating .......................................... 412 2--333-89 Approval of plans and Specifications for JACKSON STREET SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUCTION ...... 413 2--334-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for JACKSON STREET SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUCTION ...... 413 2--335-89 Ordering bids for the JACKSON STREET SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUCTION ......................... 414 2--336-89 Awarding Contract for the MADISON STREET STEPS to Portzen Construction ............................... 414 2--337-89 Awarding Contract for the 1989 P.C. CONCRETE PAV- ING PROJECT to Horsfield Construction Co., Inc. o£ Epworth, IA ................................................. 415 2--338-89 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with Trflag, Inc ............................ 415 Oct. INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE 2-339-89 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for Certain CD Block Grant Projects (Trilog) ........ 416 2--340-89 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 420 2--341-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits ..... 420 2--342-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses... 420, 421 16--343-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for JACKSON STREET SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUCTION .............. 425 16--344-89 Awarding Contract for the JACKSON STREET ~'- SANITARY SEWER RECONSTRUCTION .............. 425 16--345-89 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the REHABILITATION OF 7.5 MMG WATER RESERVOIR LOCATED ON W. 3RD STREET ...................... 427 16--346-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the REHABILITATION OF 7.5 MMG WATER RESERVOIR LOCATED ON W, 3RD STREET ...................... 427 16--347-89 Ordering bids for the REHABILITATION OF 7.5 MMG ~ WATER RESERVOIR LOCATED ON W. 3RD STREET. , 428 16--348-89 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the REHABILITATION OF INTERIOR WALLS OF TRANSIT GARAGE ........................................... 428 16--349-89 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the ~ REHABILITATION: INTERIOR WALLS OF TRANSIT GARAGE ........................................... 429 16--350-89 Ordering bids for the REHABILITATION: INTERIOR WALLS OF TRANSIT GARAGE ...................... 429 : " 16--351-89 PROVIDING FOR HEARING OF THE VACATION OF AN ALLEY LOCATED BETWEEN IOWA STREET & MAIN ST. SOUTH OF W. 3RD STREET ............... 429 ~ 16--352-89 Annexing all of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 482, all of OLD BELLEVUE ROAD lying adjacent to this Lot and the Remainder of Twin Valley Drive to the City of Dubuque. 430, 431 16--353-89 Authorizing the solicitation of Qualifications for the Development of a Hotel Project in Downtown Dubuque ..... 436, 437 16--354-89 Granting issuance of Cigarette Permit ............. 437 16--355-89 Granting issuance of Class "B", Class "C'~ & Class "E" Beer Perlnite ........................................ 437 16--356-89 Granting issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" & Class "E" Liquor Licenses ...................................... 438 16--357-89 Authorizing Approving the Final Flat of Lot 1-2-11-15, Block 1, Birch Acres and Lot 1-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 Birch Acres in the City ................................................ 440 16--358-89 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-13, Blcck 4, Lots %11, Block 5, Lots 1-10, Block 6 of Birch Ac~es in the City of Du- buque, IA ........................................... 440 16--359-89 Approving the Final Plat of Sunset Park Fifth Addn. in the City of Dubuque, IA ............................... 442 " 16--360-89 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1, 2, & 3 of Brittany Woods in Dbq. County ................................ 443 16--361-89 Accepting improvement for the REHABILITATION OF LOCUST STREET PARKING RAMP ................... 444 16--362-89 Final Esgimate for the REHABILITATION OF LOCUST STREET PARKING RAMP ................... 444, 445 16--363-89 Accepting improvement for the Roofing Project at Eagle Point Filter/Pump Station ............................. 445 16--364-89 Final Estimate for the ROOFING PROJECT AT THE EAGLE POINT/FILTER PUMP STATION .............. 445 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 6--365-89 Approving Plat of a Vacated Portion of 64' Wide East 10th St. knowl~ as City Lot 505B Located from a Point 220 Ft. Easterly of Easterly Lot Line of Washington St. and Extending to a Point 129.85 Feet to South Easterly Corner of Lot 1 of 1 of 3 of City Lot 505B ................................. 451 6--366-89 Disposing of City Interest in East 10th St. known as City Lot 505B in the City of Dubuque, IA .................... 452 6--367-89 Approving the Defeasance of Outstanding Parldng Revenue Bonds ...................................... 455 6--368-89 Approving the Refunding Trust Agreement Dated Nov. 15th, 1989 and Authorizing its Execution ................ 455 6--369-89 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Contract with au Engineering Consditant for Design of a Parking Ramp Facility ............................................. 456 6--370-89 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 457, 458 6--371-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits ............................................ 458 7--372-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor and "C" Beer- Wine License ........................................ 458, 459 6--373-89 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Contract with the State of Iowa Dopartment of Economic Development for the State Rental Rehabilitation Program ..................... 461 " 6--374-89 Approving the Final Plat of Fountain Hill Subd. No. 2 in the City of Dubuque, IA ............................ 462 6--375-89 Accepting improvement for the 5TH ST. TEMPORARY PARKING LOT Project ............................... 462, 463 6--376-89 Final Estimate for the 5th ST. TEMPORARY PARK- ING LOT Project .................................... 463 Nov. 20--377-89 Approving Disposal of property (City Lot 505B) to Eagle Window & Door, Inc .................................. 466 20--378-89 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the REHABILITATION: INTERIOR WALLS OF TRANSIT GARAGE ............ 468 20--379-89 Awarding Contract for the REHABILITATION: IN- TERIOR WALLS OF TRANSIT GARAGE ......... : .... 468 20--380-89 Designating the North Shore of the Ice Harbor as the Approved Location for the Excursion Gambling Boat and Direc- ting the City Manager to Suhinlt a Rezomi~g Application... 470 20--381-89 Resolution of Necessity Finding that the Fourth Street Peninsula/Ice H~rbor is a Blighted Area and that Redevelopment of said Area is necessary in the interest of the Residents of the City of Dbq., IA ..................................... 471 20--382-89 Approving Addendum to Preconstraction Agreement 87-4-210 with IA DOT relating to Ralocated 61 Project ..... 472 20--383-89 Objection to House File 745 -- Handicapped Street Parking ............................................. 473 " 20--384-89 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 476, 477 20--385-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits ..... 477 20--386-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License .... 477 20--387-89 Accepting improvemant for the Town Clock Plaza Tile and Terrazzo Repair .................................. 479 20--388-89 Final Estimate for the Town Clock Plaza Tile and Ter- razzo Repair ......................................... 480 20--Accepting improvement for the Compressed Air System and Bus Exhaust System -- Keyline Transit Facility .............. 480 20--390-89 Final Estimate for the Compressed Air System and Bus Exhaust System -- Keyline Transit Facility .............. 480 20--391-89 Author/zing Publication of Notice of Enviromnental Review Findings for Certain CD Block Grant Projects ...... 481 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 20--392-89 Authorizing the Filing of a Statement of Intent for a CD Block Grant for the City .............................. Dec. 482 4--393-89 Author/zing the Execution of a Community Economic Betterment Account Forgivable Loan Agreement with the IA Dept. of Economic Development of Trilog, Inc ............ 486, 487 4--394-89 Authorizing the Execution of an Economic Development Forgivable Loan Agreement with Dbq. County Supervisors & Trilog, Inc .......................................... 487 4--395-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses... 489 4--396-89 Authorizing submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for Certain CD Block Grant Projects ............... 491 ' 4--397-89 Accepting Resolution re: 1989 Asphalt Maintenance Project ............................................. 492 4--398-89 Final Estimate for 1989 Asphalt Maintenance Project. 492 4--399-89 Accepting Improvement for Schmitt Island Wetland Ex- cavation Project ...................................... 493 4--400-89 Final Estimate for Schmitt Island Wetland Excavation Project ............................................. 493 ' 4--401-89 Approving a Tentative Five Year Street Construction Prc- gram and Submitting same to the IA Dept. of Transportation. 494 4--402-89 Adopting Supplement No. 1 to the Code of Ordinances. 494 Dec. 18--403-89 Approving a Plan for the Ice Harbor Urban Renewal District ............................................ 496 18--404-89 Author/zing issuance of Class "B' Beer Permit ...... 504 [8--405-89 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Liquor & Class "C" Liquor License ....................................... 504 [8--406-89 Author/zing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License .... 505 I8--407-89 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Annie Waller's Subd. No. 2 in Section 1 and 12, Township 88 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P.M ......... 506 I8--408-89 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with the IA Dept. of Transportation for right-of-way assurance State- menu for Federal Aid Projects .......................... 507 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE $ Jan. 3--Soo Line RR Co. requesting Council to consider granting ease- mont of Soo Lines for purpose of constructing a track on City property allowing access into Continental Grain and the Port of Dubuque ......................................... 4 3--Sublease property at 10 Terminal St. (Katain Bros. Inc.) to Mr. James E. Underhill .................................. 5 3--Scott, Patricia, denial/closure of CLAIM .................. 7 3--Stiles, Jeff, denial/closure of CLAIM ..................... 7 Jan. 16--Schrup, Mrs. Jean (Mitzl), re: easement on Eagle Point Proper- ty for Delos McDonald estate ......................... 11 16--Spiegaihalter, Robert (Clubhouse), Class "C' Liquor License. 16 16--Scott, Patricia & Jerry, Sxnall Claims Ct ................. 16 16--Sexual Orientation, re: objection by David Woodyard ....... 17 16--Swiss Valley Farms Co. submitting Audit Report for FY ending 9-30-88 ............................................ 18 Jan. 23--Swimming Pools Project -- Special Election approved for this. ................................................ 23, 171, 346 Feb. 6--SPIRIT Related Action Recognition to Wm. Kelly ......... 27 6~Schroeder, Jim requestnig favorable passage of Mercy Hosp. & Medical Assoc. rezoning (Concept. Development Plan) ...... 30 6--SEWER Project re: Gillespie Street.. ·. 32, 33, 104, 141, 232, 290, 362 6--State Transit Assistance Program, Filing of Grant Application. 36 6--Study (Market) for Hotel re: City Cost sharing ............ 38 6--Street Project, 1987 Asphalt & Concrete Paving Program, ac- ceptance of same ..................................... 39 6--Scbedule of Assessments for 1987 Asphalt & Concrete Paving Project ............................................. 40-70 6--Schuster, Patricia Lombardi (Ms. Pat's), Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 72 6--Scharnau, Ralph re: comments @ Sexual Orientation ....... 73 6--Sexuai Orientation re: comments @ adding to Human Rights Ord ...................................... 73, 168, 208, 249, 250 6--Subetance Abuse Services Center (Dbq-Delaware), 2nd Qtr. FY 89 Report ........................................... 73 Feb. 20--Sale of 1025 Bluff St. to R. & S. Butler .................. 81 20--Stewart, Helen & Mary -- Lot 2 of 1, Sale of property to John Kivlahan ............................................ 86, 110 20--Sanitary Sewer Force Main, 30", conalxuction of relocation. 88-89 20--Stamping & Mfg. Co., Dubuque, re: Acceptance of Amendment to Loan Agreement ................................... 95 20--Stcphenson, George M. (Bunker Hill Golf Course), Class "B" Beer Permit ......................................... 99 20--Star Brewing Co. (Dbq.), Class "C" Beer Permit ........... 99 20--Schroby's, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License; Violation etc ..... ................................................. 99, 452, 465 20--Shakey's Pizza & Buffet, Class "C" Liquor License ........ 99 20--Stout, Charles~ne, CLAIM; closure/denial; settlement/closure. ............................................... 100, 115, 321 20--Sears, Roebuck & Co. re: IA DOT submitting NOTICE in rights of condemnation ...................................... 100 Mar. 6--Stavropol, District of, in USSR -- Protocol Agreement with our City and th. elf City of Pyatignrsk ....................... 104 6--Social Work (Professional), Prcclamation ................. 104 6--Submittal of a Recreational Trails Program Application to IA DOT on behalf of IA Rails to Trails: Heritage Trail, Inc. and Dbq. County Hist. Society ............................. 112 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE i989 6~Sec. 8 Housing Vouchers, application to HUD ............. 113 , 6--Scott, Joan, CLAIM; closure/denial ...................... 115, 146 ~I~. 9--Shelter House, federal grant & matching funds from CD Block Grant funds ......................................... 120 ,, 9--Solid Waste Manager position re: budget process .......... 120 9--Saiaries of Mayor & City Council, upgraded..~ ............ ~ 120, 132 9--Substance Abuse organization, adding to Purchase of Services funding for 1990 Budget ............................... 121 9--Servlce Charge for Faise Alarms, amendment of Cede ...... 128 9--Subdivision Plats, re: Zoning fees changed ................ 130 Mar. 20--STA Application (Consolidated), re: funding for Rehab. of Tran- sit Gar sge ........................................... 134 " 20--Stotmalstcr, Rev. Sheldon, Gave Invocation for Council ..... 134 " 20--Sewer easements re: Ed Tschiggfrie & Birch Acres ..... 142 " 20--Sexual Orientation, re: Sandra Kirkbride requesting no Ordinance be enacted upon by the City ........................... 142 20--S & D Concessions, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 143 " 20--Swift, Edward A., reappointed to Housing Cede of Appeals Bd. 143 " 20--Schumacher, Earl E. (Oky Doky #5), Class "C" Beer Permit. 143 " 20:-Sidewalk Policy re: Melvin Tbein submitting comments ..... 144 20--Swiss Valley Farms submitting Annual Report for FY onding 9/30/88 ............................................. 145 20--Sec. 8 Program Housing Vouchers, Annual Contributions Con- tract with HUD ...................................... 145 20--Securlty/Survalllance System at IA Street Parkin4~ Ramp... 148 " 20--Street Parking Ramp (IA St.), re: installation of Security Equipment .......................................... 148, 149 A,,pr. 3--Sewer, W. Locust Storm, Rehabilitation, Project ........ 152, 153, 196 3--Sign Ordinance Amendment (Zoning Ord.) ................ .................................... 153, 154, 205, 318, 374, 401 ". 3--Section 8 Mod. l~hab. Program Housing assistance for homeless persons, application to HUD ........................... 155 " 3--Single Room Occupancy Program, application to HUD, Sec. 8 Mod. Rehab Project ................................... 155 " 3--Stephenson, George M., Operating Ageeement with City for Bunker Hill Golf Coarse etc ............................ 156 3--Sexuai Orientation re: Sandra Kirkbride's comments ....... 168 ' ... 169 3--S & D Concessions Inc. Class "B" Beer Permit ....... '. 3--Sunshifle Mart of Dubuque, Ltd., Class "C" Beer Permit .... 169 3--State Farm Insurance Co. on behalf of Tim Leibold etc., CLAIM; closure .............................................. 170, 190 3--Swinnnfug Pool Project, election results etc ............... 171, 346 Apr. 17--Schwartz Plumbing & Heat~ing of Dubuque, awarded contract for Compressed Air System & Bus Exhaust System at Keyline. 176 17--Soutbern A'~e., Sanitary Sewer relocation for Hwy. 61 ...... 179, 235 " 17--Sewer (Sanitary) relocation on Southern Ave., re: Hwy. 61... 179, 180 " 17--Safes & Service Tax, (Locai), Resolution Calling for Election at request of Dyersville Mayor Kramer ..................... 184 17--Schmitt (Chaplain) Memorial Island, re: development of Boat Harbor presentation by Dock Bd ........................ 186 17--Sec. 8 Program Fands Expenditure for furnishing office at Hous- ing Services ......................................... 186 17--Skidge Processing Bldg., Roof Replacement Project at WWTP. 191 17--Slattery Center Agreement with Dubuque Montessori School, renewal ............................................. 193 May 1--Sertoma Candy Day, Proclamation ...................... 195 1--Schantz, Mark, comments @ moratorium for off-premise signs. 205 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE May 1--Second Progress Report on Freeway Corridor Planning ..... 226, 378 1--Sister City in Soviet Union, rs: travel to by Council Member Heckmann .......................................... 230, 233 1--Supreme Court (IA), opinion in Golinvaux, et al & Bd. of Police Trustees ............................................ 231 1--Stierman, Wm., petitioning to be added to special assessments to assist in payhig for Gillespie Sanitary Sewer ......... 232, 362-363 May 15--Speer Financial, Inc., recommending to award bid to Northern Trust Company & Assoc. re: $4,150,000 GO Bonds ........ 239 15-cShot Tower Ilm, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 244 15--Silver Dollar, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 244 15--Substance Abuse Services Center submitting 3rd Quarter FY 89 Report on services to adolescents/high risk ynuti~ ....... 245 15--State, re: Food Establishments added to list of places inspected & licensed by City .................................... 248 June 5--Sitco Inc., re: Granting Katnin Bros. right to assign property known as No. 102 Terminal St. and known as Tract "B" and Tract "C" in Dubuque Harbor Co. etc ................... 251-252 5--Strub Construction awarded contract for City Hall Third Floor · Renovation ......................................... 257, 258 5--Sawvell, Michael J., Butter's Bar, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ....................................... 274, 309 5--Spiegelhalter, Robert, The Clubhouse, ~igarette Permit ..... 274 5--Shang, Old, Cigarette Permit ........................... 274 5--Sfikas Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ..................... 274 5--Sid's Beverage Store, Cigarette Permit; Class "BE" Beer Pu~ mit; Class "E" Liquor License ....................... 274, 358, 438 5--Saffren, Susan Jean, Kennel Club, Cigarette Permit ........ 275 5--Spinoso, Shirley, CLAIM; denial/elosure .................. 276, 310 5--Stop lights at Midway Motor Lodge, petition for removal... 276 5--Substance Abuse Services Center, Purchase of Services Agreement .......................................... 276 5--seundwalls requested for Hwy. 20 by Patti Carr to IA DOT. 277, 469 5--Supplemental Grading Project, NW Arterial Stage III from Asbury to JFK ...................................... 277, 278 June 19--Stockeland, Rev. Dave of Dbq. Community Church, Gave Invocation .......................................... 284 19--Sealing of Concrete Surfaces of Oxygen Aeration Basins of WWTP ............................................. 287, 288 19--Strand Theatre, re: demolition permit .................... 289 19--Schedule of Assessments, amendment, for Gillespie St. Sanitary Sewer, adding in Wm. J. Stlerman ...................... 220, 362 19--Stierman, wininm J., added to Schedule of assessments for Glllespie Street Sanitary Sewer project ................... 290, 362 " 19--Stop Sign change on Rockdale Road because of construction of U.S. 61 ............................................. 290 19--Sign Regulations, Ordinance ................ 291, 305, 318, 374, 401 19--Sunshine Mart of Dubuque, Cigarette Permit ............. 306 19--Swanson Corp., Dbq. Municipal Airport, Cigarette Permit... 306 19--Sunnycrest Manor, Vendors Uni., Cigarette Permit ......... 306 '. 19--Shireman, Sheryl Ann, King of Clubs, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ................................... 307, 358 19--Saffran, Sue, Kennel Club, Cigarette Permit ............... 307 19--Schuster, Patricia Lombardi, Cigarette Permit ............. 307 19--Schaller, Peggy, P.J.'s, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 307 19--Super 8 Motel, Cigarette Permit ........................ 307 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE June 19--Schroby's Inc., Cigarette Permit ........................ 308 " 19--Sliver Dollar, Cigarette Permit .......................... 308 19--Shot Tower, Cigarette Permit. .......................... 308 19--Steve's University 76, Cigarette permit .................. 308 19--sehollmeyer, Wa~;~ne Paul, Cigarette Permit ............... 309 19--Stout, Charlesen~;-CLAIM...: ......................... 309 19--Selken, Marcia, CLAIM; settlement ..................... 309, 321 19--Seuth End Tap (Murphy's), Refund on Unexpired Liquor License. 310 · 19--Sergeant for Police Dept., Individual certified by Civil Service Commission ......................................... 311 July 5--swimming Pool Project (Municipal) on Hawthorne St ....... ............................................ 313, 314, 346, 347 5--Substance Abuse (Governor's Alliance), funds for Police Dept. Drug Enforcement & Education Efforts .................. 318 5--Star Brewery, transfer of Beer Permit to Eagle Point Park for Legislative Days ..................................... 318 5--Schwartz, Ethel K., Airport Inn, Class "C" Liquor License. 320 , 5--Schiesl, Robert, CLAIM; denivl/elosure ................... 320, 342 July 17--Schrnltt Island Excavation Project ...................... 328, 371 17--Sidewalk Policy Inspection Program re: cutting of trees policy etc., challenged by J. Quann et al ................ 330, 352, 375, 391 17-Street Tree & Landscaping Policy amended ............ 330, 352, 375 17--Scho]z, John, re: rezoning of 2727 Dodge St. property ...... 331 17--Sid's Beverage (B. Miller) re: rezoning of 2727 Dodge ....... 331 17--Segal, Martin E. (Co.), re: Agreement as to Insurance Program. 333 17--Study on Pay Classification for Nen-Bargalning Unit Employees. 335 17--Signs (Stop) at Northwest Arterial & Asbury Road Intersection. 338 17--Supervisors (County) requesting applicatinn for RISE Funding for NW By-Pass ...................................... 339 17--Shearer, Kelth, applicant for Library Board ............... 339 17--Scharnau, Ralph, Applicant for Library Bd ............... 339 17--Smlth, Sharon, appointed to Library Bd .................. 339 17--Southwood, Brian, appointed to Library Bd ............... 339 17--Sullivan, Mark appointed to the Park & Recreation Commission. 339 17--sehumacher, Earl, Oky Doky #5, Cigarette Permit ......... 340 17--seholimeyer, Wayne P., Paul's Tavern, Cigarette Permit .... 340 17--Strizak, Susan, CLAIM; settlement/reimbursement ......... 341, 359 17--Swimming Pool (New Municipal) re: Dept. of P. Health advis· ing of their review of sanitary features ................ 342, 346, 347 17--Students (MBA) of Colleges (3), re: Event at Eagle Point Park, co-sponsored by City ete ............................... 343 Aug. 7--Sweeney, Father Michael of Nativity Catholic Church, Gave Invocation .......................................... 346 " 7--SPIRIT Action Certificate to Employee Francis Crimmins. 346 7--Sutten, Nicholas J., name of Swimming Pool Reconstruction Project ............................................. 346, 347 7--Shive-Hattery Engrs. for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., rezoning etc. of property north of Dodge, near Collins ete .............. 352 7--Sister City (Pyatlgersk), request for $ for delegation's visit etc. 352 7--Sister City (Pyatigersk), appointment of Council Member Heckn~ann to Board .................................. 352 7--Sister City (Pyatigecsk) request by Bob Wild for green space for park ................................................ 352 7--Supervisors (County) requesting Joint Health Board Meetings. 357 7--St. Columbkille's Church, Class "B" Beer Permit; Refund... 357, 421 7--Schmitt, Janet, CLAIM; denial/closure; requesting further investigation ...................................... 359, 404, 453 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 7--Substance Abuse Services Center, 4th Qtr. Report on Services to Adolescents/High Risk Youth, ....................... 359 7--Sewer (Sanitary), Roosevelt Street Project ................ 366 Aug. 21--seouting -- School Night for Scouting, Proclamation ....... 369 21--Sale of 1919 Elizabeth Place to Wm. Grove ............. :. 370 21--sehmitt Island Wetlm~d Excavation Project ............. . 371, 493 21--Study of impact of Housing within the Central White (Freeway) Corridor & Flats' neighborhood by Housing .............. 378 Sept. 5--Sanitary Sewer project in alley between Rhomberg Ave. & Lincoln Ave. from Roosevelt Ave. to Shirrs ............ 382, 383, 412 5--Schiesl, Mr. & Mrs. Roger, re: Madison Street Steps repair & property vacation etc ................................. 388, 389 5--Sidewelks re: Ord. re: Duty of Owner to property maintain. 391 5--Schuppener, Mark, applicant for Airport Commission ....... 394 5--Scott, Charles Jr., applicant for Dock Bd ................. 395 5--Specht's Pipe Inn, by Joseph Specht, Cigarette Permit .... 395 5--sehroeder, Sbirley, CLAIM; deniel/elosure ................ 396, 404 5--Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Project, Grandview Ave ..... 397, 398 5--Statement of Investment Policy, reported by City Mgr ..... 398 5--Smith, Sue of American Dragon Boat Assn., requesting to ig- nite a 50" string of firecrackers ......................... 398 Sept. 18--Sageville City Council & Dbq. Council re: Joint Meeting ,on NW Arterial .......................................... 401, 417, 423 18--Sigo Moratorium along Freeway Corridor ................. 401, 472 18--Smith Management, CLAIM; deniel/closure ............... 403, 460 18--Settlement (Mutual) Agreement with Zimpro .............. 408 Sept. 29--Special Session of the City Council re: Discussion of litigatiun (Closed Session) ...................................... 410 Oct. 2--Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Project -- Jackson Street... 414, 425 2--Shooting Society objecting to NW Arterial alignment through their property ........................................ 418 2-- Spiagel, A.J. requesting voluntary annexation of property located between Ro~kdale Rd. &Hwy. 151/61 ................. 422, 430, 431 " 2--Sullivan, Gene, re: rezoning of property located north of Foothill Rd. and east of John F. Kennedy Rd .................... 427 Oct. 16--Streets designated as "Through Streets" via Ord .......... 431-434 16--Sixteenth St., East, from Elm St. to its easterly terminus at the City limits, designation as "Through Street" via Ord ....... 432 16--Shlras Ave., from hhe npl of Rhomberg Avg. to Eagle Point Park, designation as "Through Street" via Ord ................. 434 16--Shiras Ave. & Orchard Drive, intersection, Provision for designa- tion of Yield Signs via Ord ............................. 435 16--Stop Signs Designated at Grove Terrace & W. 12th St., Highland Place & Arlington St., Cedar St., & W. 15th St. & Maple & 15th St., via Ord ......................................... 435, 436 16--Solicitation of Qualifications for the Development of Hotel Pro- ject in Downtown Dubuque ............................ 436 16--Second St./ce Harbor re: request for extension of lease by Hist. Soc. for Burlington N. Depot land and bldg ............... 440 16--Sunset Park 5th Addn., (s. of peunsyl. Ave., owned by Carl Bur~ bach), approval of final plat ........................... 441, 442 Nov~ 6--Smith, Dr. Linda, Director of Contextual Education of UD Theological Seminary, Gave Invocation .................. 447 6--Survey re: Dbq. Main St. Ltd. for a new Parking Ramp .... 456 6--Saudt, Irmina, CLAIM; denial/closure .................... 459, 481 6-- Stackls, Emil re: Canvass of Votes for office of Council Member at Large ............................................ 459 6--September 1989 Financial Reports Submitted ............. 461 INDEX -- BOOK 119 ~89 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 6--Substance Abuse Services Center First Qtr. '90 Reports .... 461 6--Sidewalk sections re: Wheelchair curbeute ................ 461, 506 6--State Rental Rehab. Program, re: Execution of State of IA Dept. of Economic Development ............................. 461 Nov. 16--Supervisors (County) approving 50% local share for NW Arterial Phase IV etc ........................................ 464 Nov. 20--Schrobilgen, Tom, objecting to penalty for owners for liquor license violators ...................................... 465 " 20--Scott, Charles R., applicant for Dock Board ............... 476 20--Sun's Corp., Yen Ching Restaurant, Class "C' Liquor License. 477 20--Streff, Chad Alan, -- Whiskey River, Class "C" Liquor License. 477 20--Supervisors as Board of Canvassers re: Canvass of Council Elections ............................................ 478 20--Stackis, Emil re: canvass of Votes for Council election ...... 478 20--September claims paid, proof of publication ............... 479 20--Statement of Intent for CD Block Grant for City of Dbq... 482 Dec. 4--Service Recognition to City employees with more than 25 years of service ........................................... 484 ~' 4--Supervisors & City re: Forgivable Loan Agreement with Trilog. 487 4--Sexton, Sandy, CLAIM ................................ 490 4--Statement of Investment Policy repo~'t .................. 490 4--Street Program: re: 1989 Asphalt Maintenance Project ..... 492 4--Street Construction Program for next 5 years ............. 493, 494 " 4--Supplement No. 1 to the Code of Ordinances, adopted ...... 494 Dec. 18--Spiegel A.J., requesting for rezoning of property west of Hwy. 151/61 from AG to C-3 ................................ 499 " 18--Slattery, Steve & Phyllis re: appealing decision to remove tree in front of 1955 Delaware St ........................... 500 18--Stop Sign designation removed at intersection of Rockdale Rd. & west romp of Kerrigan Rd. and replacing it with a Yield Sign. 500 18--Southern Ave. re: Prohibition of Parking on both sides from S. Locust to Valley St. ete ............................... 501 18--Seventh St., various places, changes to certain Parking Meter Districts ............................................ 502 18--Select Development Group for Downtown Hotel development. 503 18--Scbesal, Anton, CLAIM ............................... 505 18--Sisco for Roy Laufenberg -- subrogation rights ............ 505 " 18--Sprague, Terry, CLAIM ............................... 505 18--Sexton, Sandy, settlement of claim ...................... 505 18-- Simon, Council Member David resigning from Dbq. Racing Assn. 507 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE T TRANSIT BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: .......... .................................... 73, 170, 231, 377, 489, 505 Jan. 3--Tigges, Arthur C, CLAIM/SUIT; closm'e/denial ........... 7, 17 3--Thermolyne (Barnsteed), re: vacation of alley between Lot 60 in Ham's Addn. & a lot in River Front Subd ................ 8 Jan. 16--Trust Insurance ~lease & discharge re: Ind. Rev. Bonds for land Molasses Co ..................................... 19 Feb. 6--Tranalt (Keyline), State Application & FY 90 Program of Projects .............................. ............... 35 6--Transit (Keyline) re: Teaualt Assistance Program, Consolidated Grant Applicatlon for Operating Assistance ............... 36 6--TCI Cablevision of Dubuque, transfer of franchise to TCI of Iowa. 38 6--Tenth St., from Jackson St. to Central Ave., Schedule of Assessments for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project ............. 51 6--Thirty-second St. from Central Ave. to JFK Road, Schedule of Assess· for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project ................. 52 6--Tschlggfrie Co~nmercial, final plat of Block 2 .............. 75 " 6--Transit Facility, Walls, Roof -- Rehabilitation Project ...... 76 Feb. 20-- Third St. Overpass, temporary easement for land nearby, re: IA DOT .............................................. 79, 80, 472 20--Temporary Easements re: .IA DOT for Relocated 61 ........ 79, 80 20--Thermolyne (Bamstead), re: vacation of portion of alley in River- front Subd .......................................... 88, 110 20--TRANSIT BOARD -- Appointment of Robert Fuerste to Bd. 98 20--Timmermau, Mary, applicant for Human Rights Cotton ..... 98 20--Town Clock Inn, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 99 20--Thein, Melvin petitioning re: lifting parking restrictions on Valeria St ........................................... 100 20--Tax Exemptions for Urban Revitalization areas (W. 11th St., Washington St. & Jackson Pm'k area.)..i ................. 102 Mar. 6--Thermolyne (Bamstead). re: disposal of property in Ham,s Addn. to them ............................................. 110 6--Tranalt Dept. certification as UMTA grantee will provide a drug, free workplace ....................................... 113 " 6--Taylor, Raymond, requesting Council & staff consider re- establishing the 1970 Zoning Ordinance .................. 116 Mar. 20--Tekippe, Leonatd, civil penalty of $300 for Avenue Top, viola- tion of Liquor License ................................. 134 20--Tranalt Garage Rebub... re: FY 1990 Consolidated STA App. 134 20--Tschiggfriz Excavating of Dubuque, awarded Contract for Relocation of Existing 30" Force Main from 4th & Central to 3rd & Iowa .......................................... 135 20--Tenth St., approval of plat of vacated portion and disposal of City interest to Interstate Power Co .................. 137, 138, 150 20--Tschiggfrie, Ed, developer of B/rch Acres, re: easements in order to serve Birch Acres .................................. 142, 280 20--Thein, Melvin, comments re: Sidewalk Policy .............. · . 144 20--Transit (Keyline) Facility, re: acceptance of project: Installation of Fuel Dispensing System ............................. 147, 148 Apr. 3--Tool Library, (Washiugten Neighborhood), Fundlng Agreement FY 1990 ............................................ 172, 491 " 3--Transit Dept. (Keyline), re: Compressed Air System & Bus Ex- haust System -- Project ............................... 175, 176 Apr. 17--Tax, (Local Sales & Service), request of alection by Dyersville Mayor .............................................. 184 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 17--Tschiggfrie, Excavating requesting Noise Variance which would allow transporting & filling at U.S. 61 Reconstruction Project on Southern Ave ..................................... 187 May 1--Teacher (National) Day, Proclamation .................... 195 1--Tri-States "First" Month (Celebrate), Proalamation ......... 195 1--Tcansfer of Funds -- Permanent ........................ 198 1--Thfl'd Floor -- Renovation, Phase I, City Hall .......... 208, 209, 257 1--Town Clock Plaza, re: Payment re: purchase, improvement of former J.C. Penney Bldg. (Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc.) ....... 228 1--Travel to Sister City in Soviet Union by Council Member Heckmann, approval ol pay ............................ 230 1--Thorp Credit, Inc., CLAIM ............................ 231 May 15--Tourism Week, Proclamation ........................... 233 15--Taste of France, New French Cafe, Class "WB' Wine Permit. 244 15--Travel advances of Council etc., report by Fin. Director ..... 244 June 5--Terminal St., No. 102, re: Katuin Bros. granted right to assign this property in Dubuque Harbor to Sitco ................ 251, 252 5--Tox levied to pay G.O. Bonds (issuance of $4,150,000) ...... 259 5--Two hour tline zones for parking, amendment of Ordinance. ............................................ 268, 269, 474, 475 5--Transit (Union) Agreement with the City ................. 271 5--Tressle. Al, Fenelon's Market, Cigarette Permit ............ 273 5--Target Store, Cigarette Permit .......................... 274 5--Tili, Dale, denial]closure of claim ........................ 276 5--Transit Facility, Ventilation System Project .............. 279 " 5--Tschiggfrie, Ed, re: Brich Acres Condemnation and approval of final plats of two lots in Birch Acres .................... 280, 281 J,u, ne 19--Traus-Mis Investments, Inc., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer. 306, 376 19--TFM Co. Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit... 306, 477 " 19--T & T Welsh, Inc., (Finale Lounge), Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ....................................... 307, 458 19--Tekippe (Lem~y's Top). Cigarette Permit .................. 307 19--Thunderbirds of Dbq., Ltd., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor Lic ................................................. 308, 376 19--Tollbridge, Inn, The, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor Lic. 308, 396 19--Town Clock Inn, Cigarette Permit ....................... 308 July 5--Tigges, Mike. Magoo's, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor Lic. 319, 320 July 17--Tree policy (Sidewalk Inspection Program), challenged etc. by J. Quann et al ....................................... 330, 375 17--Tree Pruner purchased ................................ 330 17--Terminal Improvement for AIRPORT, Application for EASTIP Funds .............................................. 330 17--Third St. (East), south of, re: rezoning of Engineer's Ltd. Bldg. ................................................ 331, 374, 390 17--Traffic control regulations for NW Arterial between Asbury & JFK ................................................ 336 17--Tranalt Board appointment of Genevieve Heathcote ........ 340 17--TV Cable Regnlatory Commission reappointment of Gil Boultinghouse and Douglas Hilby ....................... 340 17--TV Cable Taleprogrmnmlng Commission appointments of Brian Baker, Ernestine Kintzle and David Wolf ................. 340 Aug. 7--Toals & Dies, Inc. (Uelner's), Envlronmental Review Finding for CD Block Grant Project ............................... 361 " 7--Transit (Keyline) Facility, re: Electrical System Rehabilitation. 367 Aug. 21--Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded contract for Schmitt Island Wetland Excavation Project ............................ 371 21--Third St. reconstruction (1989 Concrete Program), objections etc. 372 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 21--Third St. (East), & east of Bell St., Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance for property ................................ 374 21--Tree (Street) Policy, Ordinance amending re: duty of sidewalk owner etc ........................................... 375 Sept. 5--Thompson, Rev. Dennis, Pastor of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church ............................................. 382 5--Town Clock Pl~za, east side, re: temporary Parking Lot Project. 383 5--Trilog, re: Comm. Economic Betterment Account Program Application ....................................... 394, 407, 486 5--Ternent, Charles requesting Council reconsider rezoning action re: Wal-Mart steres ................................... 397 Sept. 18--Trick or Treat Night, Proclamation ..................... 399 18--Traffic Signal at Midway Motor Lodge & Hwy. 20, petition by JoAlm McCauley ..................................... 404 18--Tax suspension requested by County for City resident ...... 404 18--Trilog, re: Notice of Environmental Review Finding ..... 407, 408, 439 Oct. 2--Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded contract for Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Alley between Rhomberg & Lincoln, from Roosevelt to Shiras ................................... 413 2--Trllog, Inc., -- Execution of CDBG Loan Agreement & Release of CDBG Funds for project ......................... 415, 416, 460 Oct. 16--Twin Valley Road, south of, & east of Rockdale Rd., approval to rezone property located west of Hwy. 151/61 -- requested by Key Gate Center .................................. 426, 447, 467 16--Tcausit Garage -- Rehabilitation of Interior Walls ......... ............................................ 428, 429, 467, 468 16--Through Street Ordinance adopted ...................... 431-434 16--Third St., from wpl of Bluff St. te epi of Hill St. and from wpl of Hill St. to epl of North Grandview Ave ................ 432 16--Twelfth St., west, from wpl of Central Ave. to wpl of Bluff St., designation as "Through Street" via Ord ................. 432 16--Twentieth St., East, from the epl of Central Ave. to epl of Elm St., designation as "Through Street" via Ord ............. 432 16--Twenty-Second St., East, from the epl of Central Ave. to the wpl of Windsor Ave., designation as "ThroUgh Street" via Ord. 432 16--Thlrty-second St., west, from its junction with Peru Rd. to the epl of John F. Kennedy Rd., dealgnation as "Through Street" via Ord ............................................. 432 16--Transport Sales, KWIK Stop Food Mar~, Class "C" Beer Permit. 437 16--Tschiggftie Excavating Co., re: final plat approval of property in Birch Acres located north of Kelly Lane & East of Brookview Square .............................................. 440 Nov. 6--Taegel, Aau, presenting perdition objecting to rezoalng requested by Key Gate Center for property west of Hwy. 151-61 south of Twin Valley Road & East of Reckdale Rd ................ 447 6--Tenth St., East, Vacated portion of 64' wide known as City Lot 505B located from a point 220 Ft. easterly of easterly Lot Line of Washington St. and Extending to a Point 129.85 Ft. to southeasterly Corner of Lot I of i of 3 of City Lot 505B .... 451 6--Tree appeal etc. by Cy Callaban on Cleveland Ave ......... 452 " 6--Trust Agreement -- Refunding, re: parking defeasance of out- standing parking revenue bonds etc ..................... 454, 455 6--Travalers Insurance Co., re: Notice for client (CLAIM) ...... 459 Nov. 20--Task Force requested to be formed by Human Rights Comm. re: Democratic party's reaction to acts of racism ........... 469 " 20--Two Hour time zones designated for Ninth St. & Jackson St. 474, 475 " 20--Two Hour Parking for Fourteenth St. & Wldte St ......... 475, 476 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 20--Town Clock Plaza Tile & Terrazzo Repair Project .......... 479, 480 20--Third Street overpass re: addendum to Preconstruction Agree- ment. with IA DOT ................................... 472 Dec: 4--Trilog re: Comm. Economic Betterment Account Forgivable Loan Agreement .......................................... 486, 487 4--Tax Increment Financing District re: 4th St. Peninsdi~/Ice Harbor Urban Renewal District Plan ................. 486, 497, 498 4--Toal Library, re: Release of Funds for CDBG ............. 491 Dec~ 18--Tree appeal from Steve & Phyllis Slattery in front of their home ~ 1955 Delaware St .................................... 500 18--Traffic sign modification of U.S. 61 construction project .... 500 18--Tree removal appealed by Fischer Co.'s for their property at W. 5th St .............................................. 507 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE 0 Jan. 3--Urban Renewal Plan Amendment re: extension of boundaries to take in McFadden Farm to Dubuque Industrial Center Economic Development District ................................. 1, 2, 12 3--Underhill, James E., sublease of property (No. 10 Terminal St. -- Harbor area), from Katuin Bros ...................... 5 3--U.S. 61 -- re: Claim re: condemnation of property of Dodge House, eto ........................................... 7 3--U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development re: Notice of En- viron. Review Finding for certain CD Block Grant Project for Precision Tool & Engrg ........... : .................... 8 Feb. 6--UMTA re: Filing of Applications with DOT, USA for Grants Re: Transit, Keyline .................................. 35 6--U.S. Dept. of Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service, grm~ting perlnis- sion to provide barge fleeting on Mississippi .............. 38 6--U.S. #61 RE: IA DOT advising of Dismissal of condemnation of cot rain properties owned by Linehan & Molo & Dodge House, & Do re: Relocated U.S. 61 ........ Y .................. 73 Feb. 20--U.S. #61 re: IA DOT re: temporary easemente of city for 2nd/3rd St. re: construction of Third St. Overpass ................ 80, 472 " 20--U.S. #61 re: IA DOT submitting Notice re: condemnation of cer- tain properties for U.S. 61, Eagle Food Centors, Jacobsen Real- ty & Sears .......................................... 100 20--Urban Revitalization Areas (Jackson Park, W. llth St. & Washington St.) Property Tax exemption ................. 102 Mar. 6--USSR, re: Pyatigersk, Distrlct of Stavropol, re: Protocol Agree- ment with City & them ................................ 104 6--UMTA -- re: Transit Dept. providing Drug Free Workplace. 113 Mar. 9--Uhiform Plumbing Code re: Subsoil Drainage Systems & Pro- hibiting Sump Pumps -- Ordinance amended .............. 127 Mar. 20--US 61 (Primary Roadl, with Eagle Food Centers, NOTICE of IA DOT advising of dismissal in matter of condemnation... 144 Apr. 3--U.S. West Communications at Asbury Water Tank Location, granting of an easement for Underground Conduit System.. 154 3--Underground Conduit System for U.S. West Conma., Easement at Asbury Water Tank Location ........................ 154, 176 3--Utility Easement between Lots 1 and 2 in Babcock's Addn., re: Dubuque Bank & Trust Co ............................. 182, 198 Apr. 17--University Ave., 2349 & 2365, rezoning of property at request of Steve Boge ........................................ 183, 204 17--U.S. 61 Reconstruction Prpject -- Southern Ave., request by Tschiggfrie for Noise Variance to put in fill material from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m ............................................ 187 May 1--Uitility lines (electric -- underground), re: issues with Interstate Power along Freeway Corridor .......................... 227 1--US Environmentdi Protection Agency Administrative Order on Consent, Agreement to setele Claims between IA Public Service Co. & City .......................................... 241 i --Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Dubuque, Petition re: Sexual Orientation inclusion in Human Rights Ord ............... 249 June 5--U.S. 61, re: IA DOT submitthig Condemnation notices -- Fischer Invest. & Plastic Center, Inc ........................... 276, 321 5--Uppor Mississippi Development Co. et al submitting notice for Iorecinsure of real estate mortgage ...................... 276 June 19--Utilities Director Craig Olson introduced to Council ........ 284 " 19--UMTA Section 3 Capital Assistance Application for remanufac- turing of six Keyline buses ............................. 289 INDEX -- BOOK 199 1989 SUBJECT PAGE June 19--Union 76 Car Wash, Cigarette Permit .................... 306 19--Unge, David, Copper Kettle. Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 306, 504 19--Uhiversity of Dubuque Union, Vendors Unl., Cigarette Permit. 306 19--Uhitod Auto Workers (UAW). Cigarette Permit; Class "B" Beer Permit .............................................. 308, 504 19--U.S. 61 re: Notice of Condemnation of land by IA DOT, re: Fischer Investment Co ................................ 309, 321 July 5--Urban Renewal Disposition Parcel No. 4-2 Ifor Dov~town Hotel) Developer "Brutger' Nullified ........................... 316, 402 Aug~ 7--University of Dubuque property re: Waimart requesting rezon- ing (north of Dodge, east of Collins St.) .................. 352 7--Urban Renewal Site for development of Hotel Complex, Disposi- tion ete ............................................. 353, 402 7--Ue,lner, F.H. -- Precision Tools & Dies,/nc., re: CD Block Grant Loan Agreement etc ........................... 354, 361, 379, 397 !' 7--U.S. 61 -- Primary Road, re: IA DOT, Dismissal of actions of Certain Rights in laud ................................. 359 Aug. 21--Urban Revitalization Area re: Windsor Park Retirement Center. 373, 412 Sept. 5--Union Label Week, Prochunation ........................ 382 !' 5--Urban Renewal Site for hotel development ................ 402 Sept. 18--Unlon Cigar Store, Dennis P. Dolan, Cigarette Permit ...... 402 18--Urban, Mark, CLAIM; denial/closure ................. 403, 404, 421 Oct. 2--University of Dubuque requesting permission for bonfire .... 421 Oct. 16--Uhiversity Ave., from its junction with Ninth St., to the epl of N. Grandview Ave., and from the wpl of N. Grandview Ave. to epl of Asbury Rd., and from the wpl of Asbury Rd. to its north- eriy terminus at John F. Kennedy Rd., designation as "Through Street" via Ord ...................................... 434 Nov. 20-Urban Renewal District re: establishment in Ice Hm'bor/4th St. area ................................................ 471, 496 !' 20--U.S. 61 re: Preconstruction Agreement addendum re: 3rd St. over- pass etc ............................................. 472 Dec. 18--U.S. 61 Construction Project, traffic sign modifications ..... 500 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE ¥ Jan. 3--Vacation of alley lying between Lot 60 in Ham's Addition and a lot in Riverfront Subd, at request of Barnstead-Thermolyne Coq) ............................................... 8 3--Vinlatinn of NPDES Permit Limits for month of Nov. 1988, with Dept. of Natural Resources ............................ 9 Feb. 6--Voetberg, Council Member Dirk, appointed to the Operation: New View Board ......................................... 71 Feb. 20--Vacagion of 20' wide alley west of Kerper Blvd. & south of Far- ragut St. & disposing of same to Thermolyne & M/M R. J. Kelly. 87, 109 20--Vending machines, repeal of Ordinance ................... 96, 97 Feb. 20--Valerin St., re: Petition of Melvin Thein re: Parking ........ 100 Mar. 6--Vango AMOCO, Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 114 Mar. 20--Vacated portion of Main St., 10th St. & Alley First East of Main St., Approval of plat .................................. 137 20--Vacating a portion of Main, 10th St., & alley first east of Main -- ORDINANCE ..................................... 188 20--Vacating portion of Kerper Blvd. Adjacent to Lot 1, Block 7 in Riverfront Sub ....................................... 147 Apr. 3--Victims Rights Week, Proclamation ..................... 150 3--Voinnteer (National) Week, Proalamation ................. 150 Apr. 17--Vacating an existing public utility easement leeated between Lots 1 and 3 in Babcock's Addn., for Dubuque Bank & Trust Co. 182, 198 17--Vogt, Joseph & Martino~ requesting final plat approval of Joseph Vogt Subd. No. 4 ..................................... 192 May 1--Very SpeciaL Arts Day (DbqFest), Proclamation ........... 195 1--Voorhees Development Group Application for Funding under Iowa Finance Authority's Housing Assistance Fund Program. 229 June 5--Valeria St., 272, re: City purchase of real estate ........... 269 5--Ventilatlon System got Keyline Transit Facility project ..... 279 June 19--Vendors Unlimited, various outlets, Cigarette Permits ...... 306 19--Vango Amoco, Cigarette Permit ........................ 306 July 5--Vivirn Ave. re: Plat approved of vacated portion of a 20 ~ alley lying between Bernice Ave. and Blanche Ave., from Vivinn Ave. 314, 324 5--Vacation of portion of 20' alley between Bernice Ave., Blanche Ave. from Vivian Ave., 300' Easterly .................... 314 July 17--Vivian Ave. re: Portion of 20' alley laying between Bernice & Blanche Ave., from Vivian Ave. easterly, approved vacation. 324 " 17--Vislters Bureau (& Convention), appointment of Council Member J. Heckmann to their Board ............................ 339 " 17--Voetberg, Council Member requesting City Co-Sponsorship of Eagle Point Park Event for MBA Students ............... 343 Aug. 7--Vulcan Tool Coq)oratinn re: F.H. Ueiner Precision Tools ete. acquiring. ........................................... 354 " 7--Vnientine, Henry J., H & J's Tap, Cigarette Permit; Denial of Class "C" Liquor License; Refund of Cigarette Permit ...... ................................................ 357, 358, 495 Aug. 21--Vouchers re: Annual Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Housing Program ............................................ 380 Oct. 16--Vacating of au Alley leeoted between Iowa St. and M~n St. south of W. 3rd St ......................................... 450 16--Vacating of 64 x 130 foot strip of 10th St. to the East, on behalf of Eagle Window & Door, Inc .......................... 439, 452 Nov. 6--Vacated Portion of 64' Wide East 10th St. known as City Lot 50~B located from a Point 220 Ft. Easterly of Easterly Lot Line of Washington St. and Extending to a Point 129.85 Ft. to South Easterly Corner of Lot 1 of 1 of 3 of City Lot 505B ..... 451, 452, 465 INDEX -- BOOK 119 ~-989 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 6--Vedi Associates, Inc. of Minneapolis chosen for Engrg. Consul- rant for Design of Parking Ramp Facility ................ 456 Nov. 20--Vacatinn of section of alley east of Blake St. as well as a portion of Blake St. falling within the Loras College boundm'ies ..... 478 Dec. 4--Venture Stores, re: rezoning of 255 John F. Kennedy Road -- approvni of Amended Conceptual Development Plan ..... 484, 485, 486 Dec. 18--Viklng Lounge, Demetrls Restaurant, Kachevas ........... 504 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE W Jan. 16--Weber, Michael J. (Mike's 10 Pin Tap), Class "C" Liquor License. 16 16--Wo~dyard, David, objecting to "Sexual Orientation" amendment. 17 Feb. 6--Wacker Drive. (east of) re: PC Ptanned Commercial District & north of Dodge St ........................... 27, 28, 373, 386-388 " 6--Whelan, Mary Ann (Grandview Milk House), Class "C" Beer Permit.. 72 6--West Locust Mart, Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 72 6--Walls/Roof of Key//ne Transit Facility, Rehab. Project ...... 76 Feb. 20--Wa-Tan-Ye Club Week, Proclmnation ................ 79 ' 20--WWTP Audit Inspection re: IA Dept. of Natural Resources sub- mitring DPA Pretreatment Performance .................. 102 20--Washington St. Urban Revitalization Areas, re: Property Tax Exemptions ......................................... 102 20--W. 11th St. area, Urban Revital. Areas, Property tax exemption. 102 Mar. 6--Women's History Month, Proclamation .................. 104 6--Weaver, Crystal, CLAIM for her mother, Wanda Ortiz. closure/denial ........................................ 115, 146 6--.Westside Development Associates, (M. Helle & L. Pape) re: agree- lng to terms and conditions of approval of Final Plat of Embassy West No. 2 .......................................... 117, 118 Mar. 9--Water meter reading, takeover by People's Natural Gas, discussion ........................................... 120 9--Water rates, changed via Ordinance ..................... 123 " 9--Waters, Storm, Discharge & Drainage etc., clarification of disposal via Ordinance (& prohibition of sump pumps) ...... 126 Mar. 20--Waveco Systems of IA, Class "C" Beer Permit .......... 143 ' 20--Will-Co, Inc. (Oky-Doky #10, Class 'C Beer Permit ....... 143 20--Wardie, Lisa, CLAIM; Closure .......................... 144, 170 20--Weidemann, Bill, CLAIM; denial ................ , ....... 144, 190 20--Willman, Robert, CLAIM; settlement .................... 144, 170 Apr. 3--West Locust St. Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project ....... 152, 153 3--Whitt, Kristie R., CLAIM; closure ...................... 170, 190 3--Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Agreement with City for FY 1990 ......................................... 172 Apr. 17--Whittenbaugh, Wayne & Pat, requesting to purchase portion of J.P. Porter's Addn .................................... 182, 199 17--Wnifekuhle, Phil, objecting to proposed Code amendment re: Residential Housing Code .............................. 185 17--Whaien, John, requested proposed Residential Housing Code Or- dinance change ....................................... 185 " 17--Water meter reading change from City to Peoples Natural Gas Co ................................................. 187 17--West Dubuque Tap, Donna Gintor, Class "C" Liquor License. 189 17--Woodman, Clair, Central Tap, Class "C' Liquor License .... 189 17--Wastewater Treatment Pleat -- Roof Replacement Project on Sludge Processing Bldg .......... 191 May 1--Weber, Jeanne A. (Maid-Rite), Cigarette Permit ............ 230 1--Waste Site, City Garage, Hazardous Site re: Agreement to set- tle certain claims between City & Iowa Public Service Co... 241 1--Walgreen Co., Closs "BE" Beer Permit .................. 243 1--Wagner, Joseph, Claim by Attorney Bitter; denial/closure... 244, 276 June 5--Wa/greens Co., Cigarette Permit ........................ 274 5--Whitey's Bar X, Cigarette Permit; LeRoy A. Miller, Class "C' Liquor License ....................................... 274, 403 5--Waily Gators, Fifties, Inc.. Cigarette Permit .............. 274 5--W.C. Brown, Inc., ARA Services, Cigarette Permit ......... 274 INDEX -- BOOK 199 1989 SUBJECT PAGE June 5--Werner, Helen, CLAIM; denial/closure ................... 276, 310 5--Winfrey, Wendy, CLAIM; denial/closure .................. 276, 310 5--Water Storage Tank, Cleaning & Repairing of 750 MG Elevated on College St ........................................ 278, 285 June 19--Wastewater Treatment Plant: Sealing Concrete Surfaces of Ox- ygen Aeration Basins ................................. 287 19--Wareco System of IA, Cigarette Permit .................. 307 19--Woodman, Clair, Central Tap AND Aragon Tap, Cigarette Per- mits; Class "C" Liquor License ......................... 307, 458 19--Weber, Mike, Cigarette Permit .......................... 307 19--Weber, Jeanne, Maid-Rite, Cigarette Permit ............... 307 19--Weiland, Steve, Steve's University 76, Cigarette Per,nit ..... 308 19--Whiskey River, Gary Kupferschmidt, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ................................... 308, 477 19--Wolfe, Charles, CLAIM; settlement/closure ............... 309, 321 July 5--Wcitz, Larry, re: Sign Ordinance concerns ................ 318 5--Webb, Jim's, Cigarette Permit .......................... 319 5--White House Tavern, (D. Hoffman), Cigarette Permit; Claas "C" Liquor License ....................................... 319, 504 " 5--Will-Co. Inc., Oky Doky #10, Cigarette Permit ............ 319 July 17--Wastowator Treatment Plant, re: Oxygen Aeration Basins... 325 17--Wetlands -- Sehmitt Island Excavation Project ........ 328, 371. 493 " 17--Waterfront Discussion ................................. 331 17--Warranty Deed from First National Bank for 1300 Main St. property ............................................ 336 " 17--Wolf, David, appointed to TV Cable Community Teleprogram- ming Corn ........................................... 340 " 17--Walnut Tap, Craig Weiner, Cigarette Permit; Class "C' Liquor Lic ................................................. 340 17--Warner, Erin, CLAIM ................................. 341 Aug. 7--Wal-Mart Stores, re: request for rezoning of property north of Dodge & East of Ca/line St ......................... 351, 352, 397 7--Wild, Bob re: Sister City Pyatigersk, re: dedicating some green space as park etc ..................................... 352 7--Wild, Bob, for Dbq. Area Chamber of Commerce requesting money to cover portion of Sister City's delegations expenses. 352 7--Wllli~uns, Aaron C., & Jackie, CLAIM; settlement ......... 359, 377 Aug. 21--Walsh, Father John, of St. Joseph's Parish, Gave Invocation. 369 21--Wacker Drive, east of & North of Dodge St., rezoning of property. 373 21--Windsor Park Retirement Center, designation as Urban Revitalization Center .................................. 373, 412 21--Whiteker, Charlotte (by Atty. Berman), re: Notice of Attorney's Lien ................................................ 377 21--Wagner, Erin E., deniai/closure of CLAIM ................ 377 Sept. 5--Walleye, (Manufacturers) Council World Tournament re: shuff- ling of Starting Nos. at Beginning of Council Meeting. ..... 382 Sept. 18--Wartburg Seminary re: Centennial Celebratinn ............ 399 18--Welter, Sherrall, CLAIM by Attorney J. Reynolds; denial/closure. 404, 421 18--Wahiert High School, requesting permission for a bonfire... 408 Oct. 2--White Cane Safety Day, Proclamation ................... 411 Oct. 16--Water Reservoir, 7.5 MMG Rehabilitation located on W. 3rd St. 427, 467 16--W. 3rd St., Rehabilitation of 7.5 MMG Water Reservoir Project. ................................................ 427, 428, 467 16--W. 3rd St., south of, between Main & Iowa, ALLEY Vacation re: Fischer Co.'s ................................... 429, 430, 450 16--White St., from the npl of East 4th St. to npl of E. 21st St., designation as "Through Street" via Ord ................. 434 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 16--W. 12th St. & Grove Terrace, designation of Stop Signs via Ord. 435, 436 16--W. 15th St. & Cedar, designation of "Stop Signs" via Ord. 435, 436 16--Woolworth, F.W., Co., Cigarette Permit .................. 437 16--West Side Athletic Club, Class "B" Beer Pennlt .......... 437 16--Windsor Tap, Eagle Pt. Tavern, Ltd., Class "C" Liquor License; Cigarette Permit ..................................... 438, 458 16--Walu Drive, re: final plat approval of Sunset Park 5th Addn. 442 Nov. 6--WashlngtonSt.,re:Platapprovalofvacatedportionof64' wide E. 10th St. known as City Lot 505B located from a Point 220' Easterly of Easterly Lot Line of Washington St. & Extending to a Point 129.85 to South Easterly Corner of Lot 1 of 1 of 3 of City Lot 505B ..................................... 451, 465 6--Water main break at corner of Avon & Dell Sts. -- claim in- vestigation of L. Lampe ............................... 453, 490 6--Winger, Cindy (Garner), CLAIM; denial/closure ............ 459, 481 6--Wheelchair curb cuts re: R. Lehnhacdt's comments etc., Mgr.'s response ............................................ 461, 506 6--Weigand, Dale re: petitioning as to 2 hour parking on Jackson St. from 9th to 10th St. & on the north side o~ 9th St. from Jackson to Washington St ............................. 463 6--Walls -- Interior, of Transit Garage, Rehabilitation ........ 468 " 6--Wock Session requested with the Council to review & discuss the proposed Historic Preservation Ordinance ............. 469 Nov. 20--White St. & 14th St., re: Parking in that vicinity via Ord... 475, 476 20--Water Plant Operator position certified by the Civil Service Commission ......................................... 479 Dec. 4--Water Division City Employees: Action Acknowledgement Certificates .......................................... 484 4--Washington Tool Library, re: Release of CD Funds ........ 491 4--Water Tank Rehabilitation, Park Hill, switched from FY 1992 Budget to FY 1991 Budget ............................ 500 Dec. 18--Ward, John and LeAnn, re: final plat approval of Sub. of Lot 2-1-2 of Annie Waller's Subd. located at rear of 2550-2554 Rockdale. 506 1989 INDEX -- BOOK 119 SUBJECT PAGE INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Y Jan. 16--Yardarm, Class "C" Liquor License; Refund requested ...... 16, 116 Apr. 17--Youth In Government Program, swearing in of high school program ........................................... 175 17--Yen Ching Restaurant, Class "C" Liquor License .......... 189 May 15--Yardarm, (American Marine of IA, Inc.), Cigarette Permit... 243 15--Yacht Basin, Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 230 June 19--Yuen & Chan Ltd., Kobe Japanese Rest., Class "C" Liquor License ........................................... 309 July 17--York, Teresa, purchaser of property Lot No. 162Ain Maple Leaf Addn. No. I (Property near Bernice Ave., Blanche Ave. & vian Ave.) ......................................... 325 Aug. 7--Young, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, CLAIM; denial/closure ...... 359, 377 7--Youth, Adolescent & High Risk, re: Dbq./Delaware Substance Abuse Services Center submitting a 4th Qtr. FY '89 Report. 359 Oct. 16--Yield Intersection added to Subsection (2) of Section 32-316 to provide for designation of Yield Signs at the intersection of Shires Ave. and Orchard Drive ............................... 435 Nov. 20--Youth Appreciation Day, Proclamation ................... 465 Dec. 18--Yield sign designated for Rcckdale Rd. intersection with ramp of Kerrigan Rd ...... · ................................. 501 INDEX -- BOOK 119 ~'~89 SUBJECT PAGE Z ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MINUTES: ............... 7, 100, 189, 275, 341, 358, 459, 478, 489 Jan. 16--Zoning -- amended Conceptual Development Plan for Mercy Hosp./Medical Associates ........................ 13, 27, 28, 90-93 " 16--Zoning reclassification at 3606 Crescent Ridge etc ...... 11, 31, 81, 82 Feb. 20--zoning reclassification of s/w corner of Kaufmann & JFK... 85, 105 20--zoning, Dbq. In-Futuro, Inc. for Phase II of Dubuque Industrial Center ................. ............................. 85, 107 20--ZiLhke, Loren E. (Milk House), Cigarette Permit ........... 98 Mar. 9--Zoning (& Planning) Fees, amended via Ordinance ......... 130, 131 Mar. 20--Zonfug reclassification of property at 98 E. 4th from HI to CR District ...................................... 138, 139, 150, 185 20--ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT appointment of Theresa Cicelarelli ........................................... 143 Apr. 3--Zoning Ordinance SIGN AMENDMENT ................. 153, 472 Apr. 17--Zoning Ordinance reclassification for property at 2349 & 2365 University ........................................... 183, 204 17--Zoning Ordinance reclassification for property adjoining Nightengale Lane from AG and R-1 to CS, upon petition of Krieg Boys Ice ............................................ 183, 200 17--Zoning Ordinance reclassification for property west of Edwards Road & south of Patricia Ann Drive ..................... 184, 201 May 15--Zoning Ordinance reclassification of property at 3285 Asbury Rd. from P~i Single Family Residential Dis. to OR Office Residential District ................................... 237 15--Zoning Ordinance Amendment by adopting an mnended Con- ceptual Development Plan for Kennedy Mall PC Planned Com- mercial District at 55 JFKennedy Rd .................... 238, 253 15--Zoning Ordinance Amendment by deleting Section 4-9 and enact- ing a new Section 2~7.3 to allow for a maximum front yard set- back of 50 feet for Single and Twa-Family Residential Structures within R-l, R-2, and R-3 Zoning Ordinance ........ 238, 255, 286, 287 June 5 --Zoning reclassification of property at 2420, 2422, 2438, 2442 and 2448 Central Ave. (re: Mr. Brannon) ..................... 255, 286 5--Zihlke, Loren, Milk House, Cigarette Permit .............. 274 July 17--Zoning reclassification at 2217 Queen St .... ~ ............ 329 17-Zoning reclassification of property east of Cedar Cross Rd. from AG to CS etc. (re: Ben Erschen) ..................... 329, 349, 390 17--Zoding reclassification of property at and adjo'u~ing 205 Cedar Cr~ss Road .......................................... 329, 349 17--Zonflq~ reclassification of property south of E. Third St. and east of Bell St. from HI Heavy Ind. Dis. to CR Comm. Rec. District. ................................................ 331, 349, 374 17--zoding reclassification request etc. behind 2727 Dodge St. (Sid's Beverage) ........................................... 331 Aug. 7--Zoning reclassification & Conceptual Development Plan sought ete. for Walmart for property north of Dedge & west of Co]]fus St. 351 Sept. 5--zoning re: amended Conceptual Development Plan for the PC Planned Commercial District, Located North of Dodge St. and East of Wacker Dr ................................... 386 Sept. 18--Zimprb, re: Mutual & Settlement Agreement .............. 408 Oct. 16--Zoningchangerequestedby Key GateCenter for propertylocated west of Hwy. 151/61, south of Twin Valley Rd. & east of Rockdele Rd ................................................. 426, 447 16--Zoning change for property at 3435 Asbury Rd. from OR Office Res. to PC Planned Comm. District as requested by Ron Helle. ................................................ 426, 447, 448 INDEX -- BOOK 119 1989 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 16_Zoning change for property located nor th of Foothill Road & east of John F. Kennedy Rd. from R-3 Multi-Family Residential Dis. to OS Office Service Dis. as requested by Gene Sullivan .... 427. 449 Nov. 20--Zoning re: designation of Ice Harbor as location for Excursion Gambling Boat ....................................... 470 20--Zoning Ordinance amendment re: off-premise algnage ....... 472 20--Zoning Commission & Planning Comm., separate -- recommen- dations etc .......................................... 474 Dec. 4--Zonlng re: amended Conceptual Development Plan for 255 John F. Kennedy Rd. -- Venture Stores ...................... 494 Dec. 18--Zoning portion of Ice Harbor from HI to CR District ...... 499 18-- Zonln4~ change of proper~y located west of Hwy. 151/61 from AG to C-3, request of A.J. Spiegel .......................... 499 18--Zonlng clmnge providing for a fee for amended Conceptual Development Plan for PR Planned Res. District, PC Planned Cormn. District, PI Planned Ind. Dis. & ID Institutional District. 503 18--Zirkelbach, Sandy, The A & B Tap. Class "C" Liquor License. 505 ._____________~ular Session, January CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regular Session, January 3, 1989 Council Met at 7:30 p.m., at tbe Publlc Library Auditorium. :present--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, simon, Voctberg, City Manager W~ Kenneth Gearhart, Corporation Counsel Barry A. Lindahl. Mayor Brady read the call and stated this is the REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the City Council called for act upon such business may properly come before the Invocation was given by Rev. Elizabeth Pigg, Associate Paster of First Congregational Church. PROCLAMATION: January 15, 1989 as "Celebrating in honor of the birth of 4artin Luther King, Jr." Council Member Deich moved that the rule be suspended to allow anyone pre- sent to address the Council. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Proof of publication, certified to by the Publisher, on Notice of Public Hearing on proposed plans and specifications for the cleaning, repairing and painting of the Asbury Water Storage Tank, presented and read. There were no writ- ten objections received and no oral objec- tors present at the time of the Hearing. Council Member Kluesner moved that the proof of publication be received~and filed. Seconded by Council Member Heckmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 1-89 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of November, 1988, phnm, specifications form of contract and estimated cast were 3, 1989 I filed with the City Clerk of Dubuque, Iowa, for the Rehabilitation of 2.4 MMG Asbury Storage Tank; WHEREAS, notice of hearing on plans, specificiations, form of contract, and estimated cost was published as re- quired by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the said plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost are hereby approved as ti~e plans, specifica- tions, form of contract and estimated cost for said improvements for said project. Passed, approved and adopted this 3rd day of January, 1989. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Heckmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Proof of publication, certified to by the Publisher, on Notice to Bidders of the receipt of bids for tbe cleaning, repairing and painting of the Asbury Water Storage Tank AND Communication of City Manager recommending to proceed with the public hearing, receive and file this communication and bid results and to delay action on the award of a contxact until January 16, 1989, presented and Council Member Kluesner moved that the proof of publication and communica- tion be received and filed and approved recommendations. Seconded by Council Member Heckmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Khiesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager recommending a public hearing be set on Urban Renewal Plan Amendment which would extend the boundaries of the Dubuque Industrial Center Economic