1879 December Council ProceedingsRegular Session December 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
On motion Ald Herod Rule 11 was suspended to hire Capt Rood. Captain Rood stated
he came to invite the Mayor and City Council on behalf of the old veterans to join with
them in procession in honor of Genl Grants visit to the city this afternoon.
On motion, the invitation was accepted and the city council adjourned until tomorrow
December 2nd 1879
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
The communication from Wood inspector W Warring calling the attention of the council
to the violation of the ordinance in relation to measuring and inspecting of wood in
the city
Petition of Peter Greiner stating he has a lot of broken rock or macadamizing on Couler
Petition of Martin Scherer
Petition of Fred Murschel curbing on eagle point avenue
Petition of L H Langworthy relation to paying second time for macacamizing 3rd street
from hill to Alpine Streets
petition of R Clark asking to have the water tax assessed against him cancelled and he
paid the water tax for 1878 which he asks to have refunded as he claims he had no
protection from fire
Petition of Philip pier asking council to reestablish teh scales for weighing hogs on
eighth street
Petition of H Brunning city lot 496 used as a hay market
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of H B Herald to build a small frame house inside the fire limits east corner of
12th and White street
Petition of John Treuzel obstruction in road and asking to have said obstruction removed
Petition of Noah H Faush asking Council to appoint policeman in their locality
Petition of mrs. E A Buell
Petition of Adam Pier
notice of appeal to circuit court Dubuque County Iowa in regarding assessment of Alice
E Woodward
recorded and filed
Petition of John W Norten asking to have the sewer on West Locust Street in front of his
property covered
Petition of Chs J Muller
Report of the Street Commissioner Dowling in relation to grade of sidwalk and water
spouts that discharge on sidewalk
On motion adjourned until 2 O'clock pm
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Council met at 2 O'Clock PM
Petition of Patrick McNamara
Petition of Miss M J Coats
Petitiono f D H Conyngham stating they had paid a wholesale liquor license in 1873
with the understanding if all did not pay they would have their moey refunded and asks
to have the same refunded as all the liquor dealers di dnot pay.
The petition of Frank Pauw stating he is a carpenter and was injured during the summer
which liad him up so he was unable to earn anything since asks to reduce his taxes
Petition of Mrs. Ann McLaughlin widow
Petition of Mrs. B Maloney widow large family to support owns a small homestead
east Dubuque that she is unable to pay tax of 1878 the same has been sold for tax of 1878
and asks you to reeem, same as the purchaser is willing to surrender it without penalty
or interest
Street commissioner Dowling report
Rock &Macadamizers
Received and filed and ordered paid
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Police Justice Jennings reported
received and filed
Wood inspector Waring reported
received and filed
Lamplighter O'Halleran reported
report adopted and filed
Recorder Quigley reported number of licenses issued
two Saloon licenses
Two Teams licenses
received and filed
Chs Pitschner reported West Dubuque scales
received and filed
Frank Fessellman reported 5th ward scales
received and filed
Market Master Welter reported central market scales and board of prisoners and lodge
in the calaboose
P Even reported southern avenue scales
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
N C ryan eported having weighed 1st ward scale
received and filed
N C Ryan reported having weighed hogs
received and filed
Auditor Brandt reported salaries of city officers and fire department
received filed and ordered paid
Marshal Deckert reported hogs sold out of hog pound
received and filed
Marshal Deckert reported pay for the regular police force
received filed and ordered paid
Petition of George Burden
report adopted
Communication of the Dubuque Co Bank
report adopted
Petition of Mary Fallen
report adopted
Matter of M S Robinson
report adopted
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of H Stecher and T O'Sullivan
report adopted
Petition of C W Bittmann
Report adopted
Committee in claims referred the bill of Dub Cab Makers
report adopted
Petition of M N Allison
petition indefinitely postponed
report adopted
Profile of the grade in Peabody avenue and James Street. Recommend the red lines on said
profiles be declared the official grade of said street and avenue
report adopted
Petition of Adam Glab report having instructed the engineer to make profile of suitable
grade of Lemon and 27th street and report at the next regular meeting
report adopted
Petition of Joseph Platz
report adopted
bill of John McCoy
Cains house
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Wm Murphy
report adopted
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Bill of B D LInehan
report adopted
Petition of John Fitzpatrick
received and filed and report adopted
Committee on Public Grounds and buildinds submitted the following
In conformity with a resolution of the city council passed November 22.79 instructing your
committee to submit plans and specifications for the construction of a flight of stairs on
the south side of the city hall building. Respectfully report and submit the accompanying
profile and the estimate cost of said stairs with the necessary improvements therein.
1st estimate
2nd estimate
3rd estimate
received and filed
Petition of F A Greiffke
report adopted
Bill of Ham & Carver
report adopted
Bill of Fisher Wheeler & Co
report adopted
Bill of A.Y. McDonald
report adopted
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
The bill of Northwestern Glob Gas Light Co
report adopted
Bill of he Key City Gas Light Co
report adopted
Petition of D Hoffmann be paid in full for extra services as acting Marshal
report adopted and ordered paid
Petition of D H Conyngham asking fo a policeman in West Locust Street
report adopted
Petition of P J McGrath for a change of lamps.
Report adopted
Petition of Peter Scharff for a lamp
report adopted
Petition of F W Kringel for a lamp
report adopted
Petition of Jas Woodward for lamps
report adopted
Ald McCann moved that a Globe Gas Lamp be placed at the intersection of Dodge Street
and Grand View Avenue
Petition of E A Giles for lamps
report adopted
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of James Flynn
report adopted and ordered paid
Petition of Mary Egglesten
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Chs V Parke
report adopted
Ald Linehan submitted a minority report on the petition of mrs. Chs V Parker
Report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Chs V Parker
Ald Linehan moved its adoption which was lost
Petition of Gottlieb Kusche
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. M Horr
Report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Mary Gillmore
report adopted
Petition of Ed Black
in favor of petitioner to be applied toward the redemption of lots 1 and 2 in S M Langwothy
report adopted
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Nick Kaufmann and Aug Kaiser W 1/2 City Lot 580 and machinery
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Ann O'Hare Lots 1 to 19 of Min Lot 146
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Eliza A Burden
report adopted
Petition of William Rebman recommend city attorney be instructed to withdraw the suit
Nuemeister suit
report adopted
Petition of J P O'Brien
report adopted
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that the Finance Committee be instructed
to borrow three hundred dollars for the City of Dubuque
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city Council of Dubuque that the salary of the mayor be placed ata four
hundred dollars and the salary of the aldermen be placed at two hundred dollar each
for the year ending April 1880 and that orders be drawn on teh treasurer for the several
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City council of Dubuque that a reduction of five per cent be
allowed to all parties paying their tax for the year 1879 provided that said tax
be paid before the first of January 1880
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that an order be drawn on the treasurer
for fifteen hundred dollars in favor of the Dubuque Water Company said order to be
made payable in or before January 12, 1880 and to draw interest from November 7 1879
at 8 per cent until paid also an order for seven hundred dollars in favor of D W Linehan
payable in or before January 1 1880 said order to draw interest at the rate of 8 per cent
from November 11 1879 until paid
Treasurer Rierdan submitted the following
orders for the following amounts
Paid Hintger to redeem Robinson property
to redeem W 1/2 4 and E 1/2 Lot 5 in Neumans Subd double apessment
to redeem property assessed to Dan Koehler est
to refund R Cox tax
Clerk salary
received and filed and ordered paid
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city Council of the City of Dubuque that the red lines on the
accompanying profile of James Street and Peabody Avenue be declared the official
grade of said james Street and Peabody Avenue
Ald Herod submitted the following
REsolved that the ordinance committee be instructed to amend an ordinance entitled
an ordinance to regulate the erection of Building and to prevent accidents by fire
by adding the following clause at the end of sections six (6) of said ordinance without
the consent of two thirds of the council (2/3) of the abutting property owners
There being a tie vote the mayor voted yea and declared the resolution adopted
Ald Leckie submitted the following which was adopted. Resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque that the third story of the City Hall be and is hereby declared
to be a nuisance the same not being in conformity in relation to regulating the erection
of buildings and to prevent accidents therein and that the same be closed as a place
of public entertainment.
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that to pay for curbing, guttering
anbd macadamizing washington street from 13th to 14th streets by James G Carney
special tax
Margaret Jordan Lot 71 East Dubuque
Margaret Jordan Lot 70 East Dubuque
Margaret Jordan Lot 69 East Dubuque
P Maloney Lot 68 East Dubuque
P Maloney Lot 67 East Dubuque
J Kissler Lot S 1/2 122 East Dubuque
J O'Neill Lot N 1/2 122 East Dubuque
J Kissler Lot N 1/2 123 East Dubuque
J Bechtel Lot S 1/2 123 East Dubuque
J Bechtel Lot N 1/2 124 East Dubuque
A Turner Lot S 1/2 124 East Dubuque
A Turner Lot N 20 ft 125 East Dubuque
M McMahon Lot S 31 2/10 ft 135 East Dubuque
City Lot S 38 2/10 ft 126 East Dubuque
Nic Kauffmann Lot N 13 ft 126 East Dubuque
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted Resoved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Washington
Street form 10th to 11th streets by James G Carney contractor
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
J D Downing city lot 429
Mrs. Thoman City Lot 428
Jacob Kurtz city Lot 427
H Franke City Lot N 1/2 426
Jacob Botzet City Lot S 1/2 426
John Friburger Sr city Lot 425
John Friburger Sr city Lot N 1/5 W 1/4 505
Novelty Iron Works City Lot S 4/5 W 1/4 505
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque that to pay for laying a plank sidewalk on Fifth Street by John McCoy
special tax
Wm Kelly Sr No 2 out Lot 720
undivided 1/3 R A Kelley Wm Kelley Sr. and R Stanton Lot 3 out lot 720
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted Resolved by teh city council of the
city of Dubuque that to pay for laying a plank sidewalk four feet wide on Wilson Avenue
John McCoy contractor
special tax
Joseph Roy Lot 28 Wilsons Add
Wm Rebman Lot 31 Wilsons Add
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald Jones submitted the following resolution which was on motion referred
grade curb gutter and macadamize
11th st between jackson and washington streets
12th street between clay and washington streets
10th street between white and washington streets
9th streets from alley between white and jackson to washington streets
Ald Herod submitted the following
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the first floof of this building
be hereafter used for church fairs or festivals in place of the upper floor and that the
committee on public grounds and buildings prepare the same for such uses.
resolution adopted
Ald McCann moved that the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings be
instructed to make arrangements with the butchers in the market house to have them
leave the building
Ald Leckie presented the resignation of J W Stair as policeman at West Dubuque
on motion accepted
Ald Doerfler nominated John Kinzinger for policeman at West Dubuque
Ald O'Neill nominated Patrick Hanlen
Ald Brown nominated James Flynn
Mayor appointed Ald Herod and Brown tellers
1st ballot no one received majority
another ballot was ordered
Ald Brown withdrew the name of James Flynn
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
end ballot
There being a tie vote the mayor voted for Patrick Hanlen
P Hanlen elected as Policeman for West Dubuque
Ald McCann moved that the council proceed to the election of an assessor and assistant
Nominated Mr. H Lembeck R O Anderson Gottfried Ganahl T O'Sullivan for Assessor
Ald Linehan withdrew the name of T O'Sullivan
Mayor Appointed Ads Herod and Brown tellers
Ballot resulted as follows
Lembeck having received the majority of all the votes cast was declared elected as
assessor to fill the vacancy
H Lembeck nominated T O'Sullivan as his assistant assessor
on motion the appointment was confirmed
Bill against James G Carney for removing material and cleaning Eagle Point Avenue
received and filed and auditor instructed to open an account with James G Carney
and charge him with this bill
The following claims were read and on motion were ordered paid
Martin & Strane grading 3rd street
D W Linehan
T O'Sullivan
O'Brien & Cumings
Bell Telephone Co
Westphal & Hinds Co
Schrieber & Strinsky
C C D & M RR
C McDonald
Henry Stecker Est.
W K DeLorimier
John M Linehan
Fred Schloz
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
B D Linehan
J Connant
Burch Babcock & Co
A Tschirgi
Chs B Dorr
Chs H McMasters
Grosvenor & Harger
T W Ruete
Jak Connant
T E Frith
Larry Daley
Peter Vogel
J Jaclay & Co
Morrison Bros
Key City Gas Co
AY McDonald
Hansen & Linehan
W H Torbert
Dan Breen
Vogel & Ferguson
Morrison Bros
Mrs. Ment
Mrs. McMahon
Ingram Kennedy & Day
M OLoughlin
Morrison Bros
Chs McMasters
Harney & O'Connor
Dubuque Wter Co 5 fountains 6 new
Dubuque Water Co hydrants
Am District Telegraph Co
Joseph Sahm
Raymont Bies
Dan Breen
Jacob Klauer
Key City Hook & Ladder Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
fifth Ward Hose Co
J K Graves hose Co
J Strinksy
T F Koepfli
A Baumhover
Morrison Bros
Mrs. Willett
John Nagle
Larry Daley
T O'Sullivan lot book
Nor Sachine
Special Session December 22, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Lillig,
McCann and O'Neill
Absent Alds Leckie & Linehan
Ald Doerfler moved that an order be drawn on the treasurer for the sum of eighteen
dollars and eighty five cents to redeem lot no 154a in L H Langworthys addition
wrongfully sold
Ald Doerfler moved that the City attorney be instructed to collect from John McCoy contractor
the sum of $18.85 money paid him for sidewalk which the claim was not laid as they
laid their own sidewalk