1880 January Council ProceedingsRegular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of W W Carr & Co rebate on tax property destroyed by fire
Petition of Henry Kroll refund of water tax illegally charged as his propety outside the
water limit
Petition of F Mertz screens used in the butchers stalls
Petition of May D Horr asking the privilege of sinking a mineral shaft in the alley
running north from the Delhi Road to Green Street.
Petition of John Corcoran
Petition of R S West he was assessed on personal property he did not have
property of G Woodruff
Unjust to place same against said Woodruff's property
Petition of Maria Thomas
Petition of Mary E Norman subd out lot 2 of mineral lot 122
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Catherine Bannon N 1/3 Lot 506
petition granted
Petition of M Ahern board of equalization
Petition of Martin Theis N 1/2 of Lot 120 East Dubuque
Petitiono f Thomas J Hepman water tax on his property which is outside of the water
Petition of Mrs. Sarah Devine tax on her homestead
Petition of John Muller guardian of teh minor heirs of John Sutter tax cancelled on the
east 1/2 lot 35 in L H Langworthys addition
Petition of Mary Schause
Petition of Johanna Zachina stating that on or about Dec 22, 1879 while following her
usual occupation was required to go up 8th street Hill or Julien Avenue while going up
said street she used the sidewalk and said sidewalk was covered with sow and ice
and said sidewalk was in a dangerous condition by reason of the neglegence of said
city and its officials and from this cause she fell fracturing and breaking her arm and she
asks as compensation for such hurt the sum of $5,000.00
Petition of Mip M Eggleston
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Rev. C Johanus and J M Wernerlots 130 and 131 in finley's addition and pt
of mineral lot 315
Petition and bill of John Piers stating that the city men in blasting on Bluff Street
extension brok a pitching kettle valued at $6.00
ordered paid
Petition of N L Alden Lot No 762 and N 6 ft of 761
Petition of Rev Tho Rowe asking that a lamp be placed at the intersetion of Arch
and Mineral streets near the West Dub Catholic Church
Petition of Genl Geo W Jones asking for a lamp to be placed near his residence on
Cox Street
Petition of Josephine Dubrock
Petition of John Lagen South 33 feet of Lot 658
Petition of Rosina Strobel
Petition of Gottlieb Schneider N 1/4 of S 1/5 and S M 1/5 of City Lot #98
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of John Scharff
Petition of J F Stiner erroneously assessed with water tax and claims he is outside the
water district
Petition of James Downey claiming five dollars for filling street in front of lot 429 city
Petition of B Kestler asking the sum of twenty five dollars for broken pane of glass in
his store on the day of Genl Grant's celebration
Petition of Michael Enright stating he is assessed with 5 acres of land that he deeded
to the city fo rhte Grand View Avenue road and asks to have the same corrected
N C Ryan reported the number of dressed hogs weighed on the city scales
received and filed
N C Ryan reported having weighed 1st ward scales
received and filed
Market Master Welter report
Wood measurer Waring report
received and filed
T Even reported having weighed southern Avenue Scales
Received and filed
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Street commissioner Dowling reported several persons named for work done and material
furnished on streets and highways
Laborers, teams, carpenters, McAdam Masons and expenses
received filed and ordered paid
Frank Fosselmann reported having weighed the 5th ward scales
Marshal Deckert reported pay the salaries of police force
received filed and ordered paid
Auditor Brandt reported salaries of the city officers and fire department
received and filed and ordered paid
Communication from D J Duane coal oil inspector
Communication from M Tschirgi Jr City Engineer in relation to enforcing the ordinance
relating to the erection of buildings and to prevent accidents by fire and suggesting that
all persons proposing to build be required to secure a building permit from the
City Engineer before they are allowed to build.
Chs Pitschner reported having weighed on the west dubuque scales
received and filed
Lamplighter O'Halleran report
On motion referred to the committee on Police to get possession of the bond and
collect the money for the lamp that was broken on corner of Main and 1st Streets.
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Recorder Quigley reported licenses issued
One Auctioneer
Five Hotel Boarding House and Restaurant
Four Peddlers
One Pork Packers
One Team
Henry Lembeck City Assessor and F OSullivan assistant assessor presented their official
bonds for one thousand dollars each
on motion the bonds were approved
Adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m.
Council met at 2 o'clock pm
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Genl Geo W Jones asking countil to complete the improvements commenced
on 14th Street from Prairie Street west
communication from A McKinzie U.S. Engineers Corps Rock Island Illinois asking for
statistics of the commerce and business of the city of Dubuque for 1879
The committee on finance to whom was referred the communication of Francis Guerin
report in favor of making a reduction on special assessment S 105 feet of city lot 747
N 207 feet as measured on Levee of said lot 747
report adopted
Communication from treasurer Riordan in relation to the taxes of J C R R
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
The committee on ordinance to whom was referred the petition of H B Herald repor they
find in examining the city ordinance that no frame buildings can be erected within the fire
limits, therefore report adverse to this petition
report adopted
The same submitted an ordinance to amend Sec 6 of an ordinance entitled an ordinance
to regulate the erection of buildings and to prevent accidents by fire which was read the
1st time on motion to suspend rule 29 teh ayes and nays was called for and lost
therefore the ordinance laid over until the next regular session of the council
The committee on claims to whom was referred the petition of D H Coyngham, H H Smyth,
W H Rumpf wholesale liquor license
report adopted and ordered paid
petition of Miss M J Coats
report adopted
Petition of L H Langworthy
reprt adopted
Petition of Fred Musschel
resolution reducing the price of curb
report adopted
Petitionof John Frenzel
reported adopted
Resolution for improving Tenth Street between White and Washington Streets; Eleventh
Street between Jackson and Washington Streets; Twelfth Street between Clay and
Washington Streets; and Ninth Street from alley between White to WAshington and Jackson
Streets. Recommend adoption of the resolution
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Resolution to postpone work alluded to in the report of the street commissioner
until April 1880
motion adopted
warranty deed from Thomas Yates and Wife and Orlando McCraney and wife to a strip
of land 211 ft wide for street purposes from S side of lots No 13 and 14 of Subd of
out lot No 688.
The committee on public grounds and buildings who have been instructed to make
arrangements with the Butchers to vacate the Central Market report that they could make
no arrangements with them, therefore your committee caused a partitiion to be erected
and fenced them out.
report approved
The committee on printing to whom was referred the petition of F A Griffke in relating to
printing by the Nord Iowa Post; your committee recommended that the sum of twenty five
dollars ($25.00) be deducted from Pete Karberg's next bill for failing to publish all official
report adopted
the same reported in favor of paying the bills of Times Co for printing
report adopted
the same report in favor of paying the bill of Ham & Carver
report adopted
The same report in favor of paying the Dubuque Daily Telegraph
report adopted and ordered paid
The same report that the bill of Peter Karberg for printing is correct according to
contract and recommend it be paid less twenty five ($25.00) dollars for neglect in
not complying with the contract
report adopted and ordered paid
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
The committee on Fire to whom was referred the petition of R Clark asking to have
water tax refunded
report adopted
Petition of F J Benson Manager of Fire district alarm service
report adopted
Committee on printing having examined the Key City Gas Light Company for the month
of December 1879
report adopted
Committee on police to whom was referred the communication of the wood measurer
report adopted
the petition of Noah H Faust petition be granted by placing a policeman there from the
regular police force
report adopted
committee on delinquent taxes to whom was referred the petition of Chs T Muller
report adopted
Petition of Adam Pier guardian asking to have the city tax for 1879 cancelled on the
south half of Lot 120 East Dubuque
report adopted
Petition of Patrick McNamara lot 149 and N 1/2 of Lot 148 in East Dubuque
report adopted
Petition of H Burning N 2/5 of City Lot 496 fo rthe use of the N 1/5 by the City as a
hay market
report adopted
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
the same to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. B Maloney redemption of her
property from sale for 1878 tax
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. E A Buell tax on furniture and water cancelled
report adopted
Petition of Frank Pauro
report adopted
Petition of Martin Scherer
report adopted
Petition of mrs. Ann McLaughlin Lot 39 Kelleys subdivision
report adopted
Marshal Deckert submitted the following: to the honorable mayor and city council,
Gentlemen, I am under the necessity to report to your honorable body that I have found
police officers Michael Halpin and William Pickley intoxicated while on duty and
consequently unfit for duty according to chapter 31 section 4 of the city ordinance and I
would now recommend tht they be suspended from service and two other men appointed
to take their places.
Ald Linehan moved that the Marshals report be referred to a special committee
Tie vote mayor voted nay and declared motion lost
Moved and seconded to adopt the Marshals report
report adopted
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald McCann moved that the vacancies in the police force be filled for the present
Ald Linehan moved to amend that we now proceed to elect two policemen
amendment was adopted
Mayor appointed Ads Jones and Linehan as tellers
the following gentlemen were put in nomination
John Kintzinger
J Muekel
John O'Dea
Joseph Watery
John Kintzinger having received a majority of the votes was declred elected policeman to fill
the vacancy
It was moved that we now proceed to elect the other policeman; adopted.
The following men were put in nomination:
J Muekel
John O'Dea
Joseph Watery
John Kintzinger
John O'Dea having received a majority of all the votes was declared elected policeman
Ald Brown moved that all special policemen be dispersed with
not adopted
special committee referred petition of Philip Pier in relation to locating scales in the
2nd and fourth wards report and recommend that a scale be located at west dubuque
and one in the second ward at such place as the city weigher may select. The report
was amended that teh scales in the 2nd ward be located on eighth street between
main and iowa streets
yeas and nays called for on the adoption of the report as amended
tie vote mayor voted ay and declared the report as amended adopted
M Tschirgi Jr city engineer submitted the profiles of grade of Lemon and 27th streets
and Prine Road and Profile grade of Jackson Street from 23rd street.
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
The City recorder presented the bids for improving 14th street from White to Washington
Streets and also 14th street from Washington to Elm Streets
bids were laid over until next session of council
Ald Leckie moved to reconsider vote by which market master Welters report for the month
of November 1879 was received and filed
motion to reconsider adopted
Moved that the report of the market master for November 1879 be referred to committee
on police
be it resolved that the tax on the west half of lot 62 in Cooks addition be canceled for
year 1879 it being the estate of the late Henry Stecher
be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that an order be drawn in
favor of the city treasurer for the sum of twenty weven dollars and seventy cents ($27.70)
to redeem lot 4 in S M Langworthy addition wrongfully sold
the following bills were read and on motion ordered paid
Morrison Bros
Joseph Schuckert
F Heer
Joseph Schugert
E M Ogilby
C Mason & Son
Genl Warner Lewis
Dubuque Water Company
Am Dist Telegraph Co
M O'Loughlin
Mike Martin
Frank Gangler
John McCoy
Larry Daily
John Mint
M Chackenalk
John McCoy
Joseph Sohn
Wulwebers Bro
E V Hayden
J S Randall
N H Theadinga
L B Tuttle
P Kiene & Son
Wood & Gissel
Burch Babcock & Co
E Donnelly
H Haas
J Duhouse
Ths Monte
Nick Buer
J W Halpin
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Healy Bev
Hugh Martin
James G Carney
T O Sullivan
Jacob Klauer
N C Ryan
Danl Rirden
P Domenig
H Honak
Asa Roberts
Pfiffner & Krieb
Joe Howard
B D Linehan
Dan Breen
John McCoy
Peter Klauer
T Nowlin
Phil Pier
Harney & O'Conners
James Kelley
James G Carney
E Smyth
Phil Pier
W G Watters
P Klauer
H Jungk
Farley, loetscher & Co
Lagen & Clare
D Grant
Joseph Sohn
Nick Eichmann
O'Grien & Cummings
Laflin Rand & Co
F E Moser
Peter Klauer
D W Linehan
Bill of John Pier for rope
Judgement John O'Loughlin vs city of dubuque
Regular Session January 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, and O'Neill
Absent Altman and McCann
The petition of Alex Farley in relation to a nuisance existing on Dodge Street and asking
to have same abated
Committee to whom was referred the several bills of the Fire Department
Report in favor of paying same as corrected
J K Graves Hose Co Genl Grant Reception
Key City Hook & Ladder Co Genl Grant Reception
5th Ward Hose Co Genl Grant Reception
Sol Turck Hose Co Fire
5th Ward Hose Co Fire
Key City Hook & Ladder Co Fire
J K Graves Hose Co Fire
Sol Turck Hose Co Fire
report was adopted
Bill of F A Griffke for advertising for 9 months bill correct according to contract and recommend
report adopted
D J Duan inspector of coal oil
bill ordered paid
Petition of George B Burch President of Dubuque Building and Loan Association asking
the city to join with them in subdividing the old fair grounds into building lots
Bill of P J Quigley Clerk D C for court costs
Ald Leckie moved that it is the sense of the council that the ordinance in relation to
inspecting coal oil shall embrace only oil that is consumed and offered for sale in the
city limits