1880 February Council ProceedingsRegular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Minutes of last regular and special session was read and motion was approved The petition of P McNamara work done for city some three or four years ago and as he claims was not returned by the street boss referred Petition of F Heer asking council to pay F Pauw for 31 days work on pagodas in the city parks referred Petition of Michael O'Hare stating there has been a good many accidents of late in account of sewers not being covered which is the negelect of the city and asks that a wall be built on the city's side of lot No 2 O'hares subdivision southern Avevnue the city has built walls on said side and on both sides of said lot and would like to know the reason why said petition should not be granted referred Petition of John Nagle, wholesale liquor license referred Petition of the Dubuque Water Co asking to have the water tax paid by them in 1878 refunded as the property is outside the water limits referred Petition of Philip Pier stating that in 1877 when the improvements on Windsor Avenue were made it was necesary to get 30 feet of land belonging to Mrs. John Geiger in order to widen said avenue. All the property owners had previously signed a deed giving to the city the 30 feet frontage but Mr. Geiger refused to sign said deed uness the city would hold him harmless from any damage to his land from the breaking of the sewer in front of his property, and it was so agreed between Mr. Geiger and myself. referred Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Petition of Alex McJlwain asking the city to pay him for 110 yards of filling lot 746 belonging to George Crane he refusing to pay for the same as he claims the damage to his lot was caused by the neglect of the city received and filed Petition of Johanna Broderick subd out lot 703 W 1/3 lot 18 Kelley's subd E pt 16 referred Petition of Ann Sullivan referred Petition of Margaretha Mertz referred Petition of E W Duncan Secty of the Board of Underwriters Union asking the City Council to process and adopt a device enabling the pipman at a fire to stop the supply of water. referred Petition of mrs. A Kauffmann, stating she is a poor widow and owner of N 1/2 lot 40 Drebilbies Addition, same has been sold for city tax and asks to have same redeemed remitted referred Petition of W H Welch referred Petition of F Fretsche asking to have the city engineer instructed to locate the grade on corner of Jackson and 14th streets that I can set the curb stone along my property referred Petition of James Wallis water tax wrongfully paid referred Petition of Will Johnson lot 9 blk 712 in Quigley's addition wrongfully paid tax referred Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Petition of Charles Stafford water tax refund outside the water district referred Petition of John Moran asking compensation for filling alley and sidewalk in front of his property referred Petition of John Mundt asking the right to establish a ferry at Eagle Point referred Petition of Maria Siege referred Pettition of Mrs. Mark Murphy referred Petition of Mary A Aldersen referred Petition of E B Gantert Referred petition of Mary Frausch poor widow owner of lot 200 East Dubuque referred Petition of Mathias Schligal tax lot No 5 Wests addition referred Petition of H Bruning stating that city council placed a hay market on one of his lots agreeing in return to pay city taxes on the N 2/5 of lot 496 on motion prayer of petitioner was granted Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Petition of Mrs. Caroline Ernst referred Petition of Mrs. Florence McCarthy NW 1/4 of lot 28 Kelley's subdivision has been sold for city tax unable to rais money to redeem referred Petition of Mrs. Margaret Tracy lot No 695 in Newmans Cooper & Smyths subdivision Lot No 14 cancelled on motion the prayer of petitioner was granted Petition of Herman Tenhoff referred N C Ryan reported having weighed first ward scales received and filed N C Ryan reported having weighed hogs received and filed F Fossellman reported having weighed 5th ward scales received and filed Police Justice C M Mills reported received and filed Marshal Deckert reported pay the regular police force received filed and ordered paid Wood Inspector Waring reported received and filed Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Market master Welter reported having weighed Central market scales fuel used by two bulls in city hall board of prisoners and lodgers received filed and paid Chs Pitschner reported having weighed West Dubuque scales received and filed Auditor Brandt report salaries of the city officers and fire department received filed and paid Street Commissioner Dowling reported the amount due the several persons named for work done and material furnished for streets and highways street laborer street macadam street teams received filed and ordered paid Recorder Quigley reported number and amount of licenses issued Opera House Peddlers Pork Packers Saloon Lamplighter O'Halloran reported received and filed Petition of F Stiner report in favor of granting the prayer of petitioner report adopted Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill The Ordinance Committee to whom was referred the communication of City Engineer Tschirgi's Jr in relation to the ordinance to regulate the erection of buildings and prevent accidents by fire. Report that your committee have given this matter full consideration and find the ordinance sufficiently strong; it provides that builders shall submit their plans and specifications to the city engineer or other person appointed by the city council and if said plans and specifications conform to the ordinance the city engineer or other such person so appointed shall certify to the correctness of teh same which certificate shall be signed by the mayor and returned to the person applying therefore. Therefore your committee earnestly recommended the enforcement of teh ordinance as provided. report adopted the same reported an ordinance to amend an ordinance passed September 1st 1879 to regulate the sale and inspection of kerosene etc. moved its adoption moved that the matter be referred back to the Ordinance committee with instructions to amend the ordinance so that it will be the duty of the inspector to inspect only the oil used within the limits amendment adopted moved that when the council adjourns it adjourns to meet on Wednesday February 4 at 7 1/2 o'clock pm adopted The committee on ordinance to whom was referred the communication and bill of D J Duane for inspecting oil recommended the bill be paid Ald Linehan moved to amend that the bill be referred to Alds Brown McCann and Lillig to report in the afternoon Amendment adopted Communication of the Dubuque Harbor Co in relation to suits change of grade withdraw suits against the city now pending Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Notice of appeal to circuit court in relation to the assessment of Alice E Woodworth report adopted Costs in the case of Thos Fiers vs James Beach suits referred to has bee cancelled report adopted Petition of Johanna Zacheria for damages sustained by falling on ice covered sidewalk report in favor of allowing this petition to be withdrawn report adopted Bill of P J Quigley's clerk of the courts report adopted and ordered paid Petition of R S West on motion this petition was referred to the committee on claims to examine the records and find out who the property in question belonged to in the year 1876. On motion adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m. the council met at 2 o'clock p.m. as per adjournment Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill the bill of John Pier report adopted Petition of James Downey report adopted Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Petition of Genl G W Jones for improvement of 14th street. report adopted Communication of Capt A McKinzie in relation to the commerce of the city received and filed Petition of F Mertz report they have sold screens to John McCoy report adopted bill of Ham & Carver for printing report adopted and ordered paid Petition of Rev Thos Rowe, for a lamp in West Dubuque report adopted Report of C C Coakley Justice of the Peace report adopted Report of the lamplighter for December report adopted reported in favor paying the bills of the North Western Globe Gas Co report adopted and ordered paid reported in favor of paying the Key City GAs Co report adopted and pay Petition of B Kestler for broken glass in his store on motion the bill was ordered paid Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Petition of Alex Farley in relation to a nuisance on Dodge Street moved to refer to Ordinance committee motion to refer lost On motion the petition of Alex Farley was referred to the ordinance committee to prepare an ordinance in relation to keeping more than three cows on any city lot adopted Petition of Thos J Hepman water tax paid by him erroneously on Lot 782 and 782 McDaniels subd report adopted and pay Petition of John Miller, guardian report adopted Petition of John Scharff Lots 5 and ^ of lot 98 and lot 2 and parts of lots 1 an 3 of lot 97 all in L H Langworthy's addition report adopted Petition of M Ahern for over assessment report adopted Petition of M M Eggleston report adopted Petition of John Corcoran over assessment report adopted Petition of Mary Schause report adopted Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Petition of Michael Enright and city engineer be instructed to prepare a plat of Grand View Avenue showing teh amount of ground taken by said street from each mineral lot through which it runs and a reduction of $500.00 to be made to petitioner report adopted Petition of Martin Theis N 1/2 lot 120 in East Dubuque report adopted Petition of Mrs. Sarah Devine S 17 ft W 1/2 City Lot 121 report adopted Petition of Gottleib Schneider report adopted petition of Rosina Strobel report adopted Petition of Josephine Dubrock lot 351 in East Dubuque report adopted Petition of John Lagen report adopted Petition of Rev C Johannus and J M Werner trustees lots 130 and 131 Finley's addition and part of mineral lot 315 containing 75/100 of an acre report adopted Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Petition of Maria Thomas Lot 13 in Welands Subdivision report adopted Petition of Mary C Norman lot 2 mineral lot 122 report adopted Petition of W W Carr & Co loss by fire report adopted ordinance to amend section six (6) of an ordinance entitled an ordinance to regulate the erection of buildings and prevent accidents by fire etc. which was read the first time at the last regular session was read again by its title and on motion the yeas and nays was called for on its adoption chair declared the ordinance as amended adopted Ald Linehan moved that the commitee on ordinances be instructed to prepare an ordinance on the keeping of cows in the city and report the same at the end of the next regular session of the city council there being a tie vote the mayor voted aye and declared the motion adopted Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that an order be drawn on the treasurer for four hundred dollars ($400.00) in favor of J H Haggerty that being the amount the Finance Committee and city attorney allowed him for injuries received in falling in the sewer on Southern Avenue agreement Haggerty the Finance Committee presented the following agreement which was ratified by the council. This agreement of settlement made by Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill agreement with Haggerty and the city of Dubuque stipulates as follows said city is pay said Haggerty four hundred ($400.) dollars and pay doctors bill and medical in consideration of which said Haggerty hereby releases all claims against said city in consequence of the injury he is now suffering under J H Haggerty Mrs. J Haggerty J J Linehan A McCann J Herod Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that the City Attorney be instructed to withdraw the suit now pending in court vs James Burt and be it further resolved that the treasurer be instructed to redeem from tax sale the west 21 feet being a part of block No one (1) in the Dubuque Harbor Companies addition provided the owners of said 21 feet agree to the change of grade in front of said property if there is any Ald herod submitted the following resolved that a sidewalk be constructed on the south side of Dodge Street between dodge street and Eschange Street 3/4 of mineral lot 62 owned by Michael Ray resolution adopted Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Washingto Street from 11th to 12th streets by James G CArney contractor special tax be levied as follows Frank Brede S 84 5/10 ft 499 jacob Pfiffner S M 40 ft 499 Dominick Nickels M 51 2 ft 499 Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Owners Name Description of Lots Amount of tax Anton Vogler S 30 ft of N 80 ft 499 Susan Naylor N 50 ft of N 80 ft 499 H Lembeck & Co S 2/5 W 1/4 500 Chas Neumann M 1/5 W 1/4 500 John Wittmer S 1/2 N M W 1/4 500 Gustav Joffrey N 1/2 N M W 1//4 Cyprean Kopp N 1/5 W 14 500 Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted resolved by the city council of Dubuque macadamizing washington Street and Tenth Street by James G Carney contractor special tax be levied as follows Rouse and Dean 506 a city Drees Bros 424 City Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted resolved curbing guttering and macadamizing Eagle Point Avenue from Couler Creek to Couler Avenue by James G Carney, Contractor special tax be levied as follows C Busfeld Est N 2/3 100 L H Langworthy's addition T E Frith 85 L H Langworthy's addition peter Oeth 56 L H Langworthy's addition John Mueller E 1/2 35 L H Langworthy's addition Wm Hollnagel 9 a L H Langworthy's addition Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted resolved pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Washington Street from 12th to 13th streets by James G Carney contractor special tax be levied as follows Martin pfiffner 62 east dubuque Chistian Ris 63 East Dub Jacob Grill 64 East Dub James Hayes 65 East Dub James Hayes 66 East Dub Henry nagelmaker 127 East Dub John Parker 128 East Dub Mary A Mulkern 129 East Dub Stephen Steihle W 1/2 130 East Dub Barth Gantert est S 1/2 130 East Dub John Hartman 131 East Dub Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted resolved pay for macadamizing alley from 10th to 11th streets between Jackson and Washington Streets by Martin and Strand contractors a special tax be levied as follows John Friburg 425 City Jacob Botzet 1 1/2 426 City Henry Frank N 1/2 426 City Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill special assessments Jacob Kurz 427 City Mrs. L Thomann 428 City James Downey 429 City Catherine Gerlach 389 City J Pazandack S 1/2 390 City Leonard Miller N 1/2 390 City Fred Broell S 1/2 390 City Ferd Tischer N 1/2 391 City Rudolph Nolte 392 City 393 City Ald Lickie moved to reconsider vote taken last session postponing the improvements of certain streets to April 1, 1880 Chair declred the motion adopted Ald McCann moved that all street work be postponed until petitioned for by the abutters seconded motion lost Ald herod submitted the following and moved its adoption Be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the city engineer be instructed to prepare a plan of the proposed extension of Sanford Street from its present eastern termination to Windsor Avenue and that he proceed in accordance with the ordinance required in case of opening altering or annulling streets alleys and highways in the city of Dubuque Ald McCann moved to amend that this matter be Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill postponed until the committee bring in their plat of said street. chair declared the amendment adopted Ald Jones moved to reconsider the vote whereby the coal ordinance was referred to Alds McCann Brown and Lillig adopted Ald O'Neill moved to suspend rule 29 to put the coal ordinance in its passage chair declared the rule suspended The ordinance was read by its title an ordinance to amend an ordinance passed september 1st 1879 to regulate the sale and inspection of Kerosene oils etc. ordinance adopted On motion the bids for street improvements were ordered opined and read and be referred to the committee on streets and city engineer to report to the council on Wednesday February 4 1880 adopted the following bills were read and on motion were ordered paid James G Carney D W Linehan Dolan & Langworthy J K Graves Hose Co American Smelting Co Fifth Ward Host Co Andrew Drees Ms. Chalinalk T O Sullivan R Miller A Y McDonald Asa Horr Sol Turck Hose Co Larry Daily Ellwange Bros Key City Gas Light Co Schreiber & Strinsky Nat Bell Telephone Co N H Theadinga Mich Downey W Zachina Junkermann & Haas Regular Session February 2, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill R Wallace Joseph Schugert M O'Loughlin J & A Christman Hugh Martin Dubuque Water Co Dan Breen John Bell Key City and Ladder Co Junkerman & Haas Rouse & Dean Dubuque Steam Supply Co Bill of the Dubuque County Bank for 1/2 percent commission on payment of coupons in New York City referred The following bills and petition was referred to the committee on fire to report on Wednesday February 4, 1880 at 7 1/2 o'clock p.m. J Cahill Sol Turck Hose Co Key City Hook & Ladder Co Dub Telephone Exchange Co J K Graves Hose Co John Cahill stating John Pasley and Donelan were present at two fires D J Duane inspecting coal referred B Lugen hauling prisoners to calaboose referred Regular Session February 4, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, McCann and O'Neill Absent Linehan Ald Herod from the street committee and city engineer referred bids for improvement of 14th street from Washington to Pine Streets and 14th street from Washington to White streets J N Foy's bid James G Carney bid James G Carney being the lowest bidder on motion of Ald Herod the contract for improving 14h street from washington to pine street was awarded to James G Carney adopted On the improvement of 14th street from Washington to White streets John Licht bid James G Carney bid Martin & Strand bid James Foy on motion of Ald Herod the contract was awarded to Martin & Strand adopted Ald Doerfler from the committee on fire reported the following Bills of fire department under consideration and find that according to the ordinance we cannot recommend their payment but at the same time we do find that they were on duty at the different times mentioned in their petition and are of teh opinion that they are entitled to pay for the same as asked for. therefore we would respectfully offer the following Whereas we the committee on fire find that the different fire compaies were on duty at the times mentioned in their petition therefore be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that all appropriations be made equal to the amount of the bills presented and orders drawn as follows J K Graves hose Co Fifth Ward Hose Co Sol Turck Hose Co Key City Hook and Ladder Co Submitted adopted Regular Session February 4, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, McCann and O'Neill Absent Linehan Committe of fire petition of John Cahill for the pay of John Peasly and Mr. Donelan for attending two fires report adopted and ordered paid On motion rule 11 was suspended when Mr. Kime addressed the council in relation to a telephone fire alarm and explained the working of teh system in Chicago, Illinois The committee on fire was referred the bill of the Dubuque Telephone Exchange Co report adopted and ordered paid the following bills were read and ordered paid W Dunnebeck bill for salary D Riordan bill for postage stamps The committee on claims to whom was refered the judgement against city and favor of John O'Loughlin with poer report we have ordered the treas to pay John O'Loughlin report adopted and that order be drawn Moved that order be drawn for city treasurer to redeem city lot 212 adopted The bill of Dr. J H Green for services in attending Jas Haggerty ordered paid the committee on claims petition of John Nagle wholesale liquor license report adopted and ordered paid On motion rule 11 was suspended to hear D J Duane in relation to measuring and inspecting coal oil Special committee bill of D J Duane for inspecting coal oil report adopted and ordered paid Regular Session February 4, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, McCann and O'Neill Absent Linehan Ald Jones submitted the following resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that ninth (9th) street from alley between White and Jackson Streets to Washington Street where the same has not already been done be graded guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with ordinance done at expense of owners abutting property not to be commenced before April 1 1880 resolution adopted resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that Tenth (10th) street between White and Washington Streets be graded, guttered curbed and macadmized where the same has not already been done in conformity with the ordinance done at the expense of the owners abutting property the work not to be commended before the first of April 1880 chair declared resolution adopted resolution to improve 12th street between Clay and Washington streets resolution lost not having 3/4 votes The chairman of police submitted minority report on the market masters report Regular Session February 4, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, McCann and O'Neill Absent Linehan Market masters report I would recommend hereafter that the market master submit his report for directing persons and lodgers to the city Marshal each month for his approval and also that the name of each prisoner or lodger be entered in a book in the calaboose with the amount of meals furnished each and the marshal is hereby instructed to make an annual report to the city council of all arrrests, the nature of same and what was done with prisoners the amount of fines collected as is prescribed by ordinance Ald Brown moved the adoption of his report Ald Leckie moved to amend by substituting a majority report of the committee on police as follows To the city council of dubuque your committee to whom was referred the report of Henry Welter Market Master for the mnths of November and December 1879 would respectfully report that they have examined into the matter and find the followin facts that in the beginning of November Capt Ryan and Marshal Deckert being satisfied that the bill presented to the city council by the market master for boarding prisoners and lodgers in the calaboose was in excess of the amount actually expended instructed policeman John Miller to keep a correct account of all the meals given to lodgers and prisoners during the month to which duty we believe Mr. Miller has faithfully performed accoding to Mr. Miller account the market master was entitled to $18.50 at 20 cents per meal for the same month the market master presented a bill to the council for $42.00 making a difference of $23.50 and for the month of December under the same instructions Mr. Miller kept an account of the amount expended by him for the same purpose and according to Mr. Miller's account he is entitled to $9.90 the market masters bill presented against the city amounts to $27.40 making a difference of $17.50 for December and a total difference of $41.00 for the two months We recommend that this matter be referred to a committee of one from each ward Signed C Leckie and Louis Doerfler Police Committee Ald McCann moved that the majority report be referred to the Police Committee Yeas and nays was called for a majority report as amended report adopted Regular Session February 4, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, McCann and O'Neill Absent Linehan Ald Doerfler submitted the following which was adopted Resolved that it shall be the duty of the city marshal to report to the city council each month the number of arrests made by the police by when arrested and the offense for which they were taken into custody Special Session February 23 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, McCann and O'Neill Absent Linehan The mayor stated the object of the meeting was in relation to the visit of Painell and Dillon to the city on Friday July 27 1880 and which would be more fully explained by a communication in the Recorders desk. Whereupon the recorder read the following communication to the mayor and council At a meeting of citizens of Dubuque at the court house on Wednesday eve the 18th instant it was unanimously voted to invite your honors to attend the Parnell reception to take place at the opera house on Friday Eve July 27 1880 It was also suggested that your honors would see the propriety of extending to Mip Parnell and Dillen the freedom of the city on that occassion Ald O'Neill submitted the following Where as Charles Stuart Parnell a member of the English parliment and the great agitator of the Irish land reform league is about to visit our city and Whereas the congress of the United States have invited Mr. Parnell to speak before that August body in council assembled and Whereas the pricipal cities of the United State through their municipal officers have invited Mr. Parnell and tendered him and his co-workers the freedom and hospitality of their respective cities Whereas it be resolved that the city of Dubuque through its Mayor and city council receive and tender to mr. Parnell and his co-workers the freedom and hospitality of the city while in our midst and that this preamble and resolution be engrossed in the records of the city council. The Chair declared the motion adopted. Ald O'Neill moved that a committee of five be appointed to receive Parnell and Dillon and to provide Special Session February 23 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, McCann and O'Neill Absent Linehan for their entertainment and comfort. Motion was carried and mayor appointed the cmmittee adopted Ald Brown submitted the following Resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that Fourteenth Street between Washington and Pine Streets be graded guttered curbed and macadamized resolution adopted On motion of ald Herod the following bids for street work from White to Washington on Ninth and Tenth streets were opened and read and referred James E Foy bid on 9th St James E Foy bid on 10th St Chs Stuck Bid on 10h St Jas G Carney Bid on 9th St Martin & Stano Bid on 9th and 10th Streets