1880 March Council ProceedingsRegular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Absent McCann The following communication was received from Auditor Brandt to the mayor and city council Gentlemen I am not in receipt of the vouchers covering the disbursements for the month of February as yet it was of course impossible for me to hand you my report today as required by ordinance; I shall however be able to present to your honorable body my annual report which forms a part of teh report of the committee on finance by the 15th instant on which day it has heretofor been the custom to call a special meeting for the purpose of receiving said report on motion received and filed Ald Linehan moved that when the council does adjourn it adjourn to March 15 1880 at 7 1/2 o'clock pm adopted petition of M L Beaubine lot 639 referred Petition of m M Walker sidewalk junction of Main and First streets easterly along south side of First street to the East side of alley between Main and Jones street, thence south along east side of said alley to a point west from in opposite the steps at the NW corner of the J C RR Freight Depot referred Petition of Wm Hollnagel liquor license referred Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Absent McCann Petition of Margaret Lehen referred Petition of Hemika Boesfeld granted Petition of J N Foy stating there is no cross street from East Locust to Almond Streets and asking to take steps to have a street laid out and opened referred Petition of Pictinelle Nyvenberg referred Petition of Zeforian Kofep referred Petition of Eliza Tuegel referred Petition of Fred Otley Henion Street referred Petition of Henry Meyer wholesale liquor dealer referred Petition of J Royce referred Petition of Margaret Feeney injury to her hip fall on sidewalk north side of 10th street in front of the Congretational Church referred Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Absent McCann Petition of Henry Lembeck asking council to advance him sum to be deducted from his salary as city assessor granted and pay Petition of Bridget Malloney referred Petiton of Catherin Dolter referred Petition of P Boyne lot S 1/2 220 referred Petition of the Rt Rev John Hennessey los 160 and 161 in Union addition educational purposes exempted referred Remonstrance of John Fitzpatrick extension of Eagle Point Avenue referred Petition of T C Duddy assessment in lot 21 and 22 Harbor Co addition referred Petition of H A Rooney referred Petition of Maria Hayden referred Communication of the census office referred Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Absent McCann Petition of Mrs. A Barnes by her attorneys McCleary and O'Donell stating that she fell on the sidewalk on 3rd street near Ald Harrison house and fractured her arm she thinks the sidewalk was constructed in a dangerous manner being placed on a steep decline without any railing to afford protection and covered with ice was the cause of her injury and asks to have her case investigated and give her such compensation you think she ought to have referred Bill of P J Quigley's court cost in the case of M Dunn vs the city of Dubuque referred Petition of Martin Pfiffner asking city engineer to give him the grade on White and 19th Streets Block 487 referred Petition of Dubuque Telephone Exchange Co offering to furnish the improved district fire alarm boxes and line and all requisite material at an expense of $1.50 each per month referred Petition of Margaret Glennon referred Petition of Mrs Fanny Curtis granted and paid Petition of Ann Stewart referred Petition of Recorder Quigley for equalization of this years salary and compensation for making out the list of registration last year referred Auditor Brandt reported salaires of the city officers and fire department report adopted and ordered paid Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Absent McCann Chs Pitschner reported weighed west dubuque scales received and filed P Even reported weighed Souhern Avenue Scales received and filed F Fossellman reported weighed 5th Ward Scales received and filed N C Ryan reported weighed 1st Ward Scales received and filed N C Ryan reported weighed hogs received and filed Lamplighter O'Halleran reported received and filed Wood inspector W Warring reported received and filed Street Commissioner Dowling reported amounts due for work done and material furnished on streets and highways and his supervision Laborer's Teams McAdam Carpenters Express Hauling received filed and ordered paid Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Absent McCann Marshal Deckert report pay police force received filed and ordered paid Market Master Welster reported having weighed central market scales and expenses for boarding prisoners and lodgers received filed and expense ordered paid Police Justice Horner reported number and amount of fines received and filed Recorder Quigley reported number of births, deaths and infectious disease for fiscal year ending July 1880 births 354 deaths 141 infectious diseases 101 received and filed Marshal Deckert submitted his annual report of cases brought before the police courts during fiscal year ending July 1880 received and filed Marshal Deckert reported all the cases during the month of July 1880 cases of all kinds lodgers in calaboose report received and filed The following from Ald McCann tendering his resignation of Alderman of the 1st Ward was read and on motion was accepted Dubuque March 1st 1880 As I have changed my residence Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill McCann resignation from the first ward to the third which precludes me from representing said first ward I herefore tender your honorable body my resignation thanking you for the many favors received at your hands and the uniform courtesy extended to me during my connection with the City Council and in serving my connection with you Gentlemen rest assured I entertain the kindest feelings toward each and every one of you and if ever in the heat of discussion I have offended any of you I exceedingly regret it as it was not my intention. I also return my sincere thanks to the people of the first ward for many favors conferred on me during my residence of twenty eight years among them and I assure them that their kindness will never be forgotten by me. A McCann Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted Resolve by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that a vote of thanks is hereby tendered by this council to Arthur McCann Esq. for the valuable and efficient services rendered by him as an alderman of the first ward for the last four years during that period it is well known that some of the most valuable and important improvements were made with credit under his direction as the chairman of the street committee his efficient services as a member of the finance committee as well as other important committees has been a credit to himself and an honor to the city. He has guarded the city with his utmost ability from any and every attempt to plunder the same while at the same time we have alaways found him ready and willing to allow any and every just claim that has been investigated and declared just. It is with sincere regret that we have to now sever the connection with him as Alderman on account of his removal from the first to the third ward. We trust however taht a change of location that has brought him nearer than ever to this council chamber will not keep him from having a watchful eye upon us and that he will be ever ready and willing to assist us with his good wishes and good cheer. On motion, adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m. The council met at 2 o'clock p.m. as per adjournement. Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Petition of Ed Blake referred Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Communication from City Recorder asking for help in making out the registration list On motion, the recorder be allowed a clerk adopted Petition of H H Welch W 1/2 Lot 6 Fortunes Subd E P Lyman W 1/2 of said lot 6 in Fortunes Fubs report adopted Bill of the Dubuque County Bank recommend this bill be paid report adopted report of licenses issued in 1876 1877 1878 and 1879 receive and file report adopted Communication for City Treasurer W Huntzinger to redeem lot 64 in Cooks addition lot N 2/3 of 100 in L H Langworthy Addition and lot No 45 in Marsh Addition sold erroneously at tax sale by Treasurer Griswold ordered paid Committee on Ordinance Petition of Alex Farley in relation to nuisance on Dodge Stree draft an ordinance in relation to cows. report that they have met in council with the city attorney and he advises that the committee to report to the council for more definite instructions as city lots differ in size ranging from 20 feet to 4 acres he will draft the ordinance if so directe byt it will have no effect if passed and in his opinion better enforce the present ordinances and if those interested do no keep their places clean and orderly declare them a nuisance and have them abated. moved to receive and file moved to amend hat the report be laid on the table Chair declared the amendment lost original motion was adopted Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Ald Leckie moved that the city treasurer be requested to dispense with his clerk after the 15th of March 1880 Adopted Petition of Parick McNamara report adopted Petition of Mrs. Wall Johnson tax for wrong lot report adopted Petition of F Heer in relation to claim of F Pauw for work done on pagodas referred Petition of Michael O'Hare report adopted Petition of Geo W andrew nuisance report adopted Petition of Peter Greiner report adopted Petition of Philip Pier in relation to agreement made with John Geiger in relation to damage to his property by reason of teh sewer report adopted report of Street Commissioner in regard to sidewalks committee recommend that the street commissioner or marshal notify abutting property owners to have sidewalks complained of brought to proper grade as soon as the weather permits report adopted Petition of Maj D Horr laying petition on the table report adopted Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Petition of Charles D S Jones report adopted Petition of F Fretsche grade of street on corner 14th and Jackson report adopted Petition of M Kingman Secretary of hill and West Dubuque Street Railway Co in relation to the motor house being on the street and C report that they have sufficient evidence to show that there is an error in the deed from mr. Milligan to the city which if corrected would make the street as was originally laid out and would therefore recommend the city attorney be instructed to take the necessary steps to correct said deed Ald Herod moved the adoption of the report chair declared the motion to adopt the report lost on motion the report was received and filed. Petition of F A Augstine in relation to the removal of the motor house from off the street referred Profile of teh grade of Price Street report adopted Profiles of grade of Lemon Street from Millville Street to 27th Street, 27th street from lemon Street to Jackson Street, Peru Road from couler avenue to city limits and Millville Street from Couler Avenue to the City limits Herewith is presented the profiles of Lemon Street from Millville to 27th street, 27th street from Lemon Street to Jackson Street; Peru Road from Couler Avenue to city limits; and Millville Street from Couler Avenue to the city limits and would respectfully recommend that the red lines in said profiles be declared the official grade of said streets City engineer M tschingi Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Whereupon Ald Herod submitted the following resolution which was adopted Be it resolved that the red line in the accompanying profile be declared the official grade of Lemon Street from Millville Street to Twenty Seventh Street also that the red line on the accompanying profile be declared the official grade of twenty seventh (27th) street from Lemon street to Jackson Street also that the red line in the accompanying profile be declared the official grade of Millville Street from Couler Avenue to the city limits And also that the red line in the accompanying profile be declred the official grade of Peru Road from Couler avenue to the city limits Profile of jackson Street from 23rd street to Peru Road Herewith is presented the profile of Jackson Street from 23rd Street to Peru Road recommend that the red line be declared the official grade of said street city engineer M Tschirgi Jr Ald Herod submitted resolution which was adopted Be it resolved that the red line as shown in the accompanying profile be declared the official grade of jackson Street from Twenty third (23rd) street to the Peru Road Profile of the grade of the alley between 3rd and fenelon street Herewith is presented the profile and grade of the alley between third (3rd) and Fenelon streets and recommend that the blue line be declared the official grade of said alley M Tschirgi Jr Eng Ald Herod offered the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the city council that the blue line as the accompanying profile be declared the official grade of the alley between 3rd street and Fenelon Place from Burch St east to end of alley Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Committee on Harbors Petition of John Muriat for right to establish a ferry at Eagle Point Report that they have considered this case and recommend the prayer of the petitioner be granted report adopted committee on printing reported in favor paying the following bills viz Ham & Carver Times Co report adopted and ordered paid Committee on fire petition of James Wallis report adopted and ordered paid Petition of Chs Stafford report adopted and pay Bill of B Lagen committee on police report adopted and ordered paid Bill of Northwestern Gas Light Co report adopted and ordered paid Bill of Key City Gas LIght Company report adopted and ordered paid delinquent taxes petition of mrs. Caroline Ernst report adopted Petition of Mathias Schlegal report adopted Petition of Maria Seige tax lots 134 134a and 136a Langworthy Add report adopted Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Petition of Herman Tenhoff Lot 282 and S 1/2 in Davis Farm report adopted Petition of E B Gantert tax on S 1/2 lot 130 East Dubuque report adopted Petition of mary Trausch report adopted Petition of Margaret Mertz lot 28 Hoopers addition report adopted Petition of Mrs. A Kauffmann report adopted Petition of Geo B Hamilton report as follows that if petitioner pay his tax for 1878 within 30 days he be allowed to do so without interest provided he withdrew his suit against the city and pay all corts in this suit for tax sale of mineral lot 178 the city pay him back the amount originally paid by him at said tax sale without interest or penalty report adopted petition of Mrs. mark Murphy recommend that petitioner be allowed to pay $25.00 in full for the taxes if paid within 30 days report adopted Petition of Ann Sullivan for remission of tax report adopted Petition of Mary A Aldersen report adopted Petition of Mrs. T McCarthy report adopted Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Petition of Johannah Broderick tax E Pt Lot 16 Kelley's subd and W 1/2 lot 18 Subd of out lot 703 report adopted Profile of Grand View Avenue showing the amount of land by said road from each mineral lot referred Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted Whereas at a regular meeting on June 2 1879 it was ordered that an order for $300.00 be drawn in favor of John D Bush to pay the expense of two delegates to Wasghinton City and whereas said project of said committee was abandoned and the expense thereof was not incured and the order for same amount has not been paid and is still in the hands of the city auditor now therefore be it resolved that an order to correct the same that the Finance Committee be ordered to have the same order for $300.00 cancelled Also order No 3321 dated April 14, 1879 to Dave Rierdan Treasurer Ad Herod submitted the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the city council that the change of grade on Fourteenth from Cox Street to Alta vista Street as shown by the green line in the accompanying profile and which has the written consent of the abutting property owners be declared the official grade of said street Ald Leckie submitted the following which was adopted Resolved by the council that the city recorder be and is hereby directed to purchase ten (10) copies of the new city directory for the use of the city officers. Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Ald Herod reported the following bids for improving 9th from alley west of Jackson Street to Washington Street James G CArney Martin Strane James E Foy On motion the contract was awarded to james G Carney lowest bidder adopted On motion the city recorder opened and read the bids for improving 14th street from Washington to Pine Streets On motion the bids were referred It was moved and seconded that the council take a recess adopted Council reconvenes to hear the report in the bids Ald Herod reported on teh following bids for improving 14th Street from Washington to Pine Streets James E Foy James G Carney Martin & Strane On motion this contract was awarded to martin & Strane lowest and best bidders adopted Bills read and ordered paid James Plaister Ins Dubuque Water Co James G Carney Martin & Strane Andrew Tschirgi Dubuque Bell Telephone Ex Co Larry Daily Andrew Treadway & Sons Juke Connant J Butt Bros F Mertz J K Graves Hose Co Philip Pier Morrison Bros D W Linehan Nick Eichmann James G Carney M Tschirgi Jr Mr Haas M O'Loughlin Dubuque Bell Telephone Ex Co Mr. Chalkenalk 5th Ward Hose Co Sol Turck Hose Co Key City Hook & Ladder Co J P Klensch Dubuque Cab Makers Ass James Martin Regular Session March 1 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Bills paid Mr Haas J & A Christman Dr. Staples John Pals C Collius Wemott Howard & Co Bill of Dr. Mengis services in attending Mrs. Zachina referred Bill of F Mertz referred Bill of P J Quigley Clerk of Court for court cost in the case of Dub Harbor Co vs City of Dubuque refered Regular Session March 15 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Petition of Bush Robinson & Co platform in which is weighed hogs in street and in the way of doing business asked to have same removed on motion referred to street committee to have same removed at the expense of city Petition of Burch Babcock & Co asking city council to order 11th Street east of the RR tracks filled up to grade referred Petition of John Melhop asking to have sidewalk graded on Couler Avenue south of Diagonal Street on motion petition granted adopted Petition of Elizabeth Spahn referred Petition of Patrick O'Rourke property over assessed referred Petition of John Muller 101.65 due in E 1/2 lot 35 in L H Langworthys addition property belongs to minor children of late John Sutter they have no means to pay referred Regular Session March 15 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Petition of William Hintrager mineral lot 125 referred Ald Doerfler reported in favor of paying F Mentz report adopted Bill of M Morgan ordered paid Bills of T J Paisley for making out and acknowledging 3 right of way deeds and making out deed and acknowledging same from Woods et al $5.00 and notice to Spear & Lee to execute contract $1.00 total $6.00 ordered paid Bill Julien House for the Parnell :& Dillon ordered paid Bill of Chs H McMasters for assisting City Auditor on his annual report ordered paid the City attorney to whom was referred the bill of P J Quigley Clerk cost in the case of the City of Dubuque vs he Dubuque Harbor Co 18.65 recommend be paid report adopted and ordered paid City Attorney to whom was referred the bill of P J Quigley cost in the case the Dubuque Harbor Co vs the City of Dubuque 14.95 recommend be paid report adopted and ordered paid City Attorney to whom was referred petition of Phil Pier on behalf of John Geiger in relation to the right of way over his property for a sewer Find claimant not entitled to any relief recommned petition received and filed report adopted Regular Session March 15 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Communication from Robert Craig 1st Lieut 4 Artillary in answer to the petition of the Mayor and City Council asking the report of the signal office at this station be published in 11 o'clock a.m. reports refuse to grant said prayer received and filed Committee of teh Whole to whom was referred the petition of F Heer work on the pagodas in favor of receiving this petition report adopted Petition of J P Quigley by City recorder for correction in salary of 1879 and pay for making out registration in favor report adopted Rule 11 was suspended to hear P McColough esq on removal of the platform for weighing dress hogs The Committee on Finance Petition of Margaret Feeney claim vs city for injuries received by falling on sidewalk on corner of Locust and 10th Street report adopted Dubuque March 10th 1880 Miss Magaret Feeney agrees with the City of Dubuque to take one hundred ($100.00) dollars in full for claims she has against the City of Dubuque said claim is for injuries received by her in falling on the icy sidewalk on the corner of Locust Street and 10th Street about six weeks ago. The above one hundred ($100.00) dollars shall be considered in full of doctor bills and all other claims Signed Margaret Feeney her mark Witness J Herod and J J Linehan The same to whom was referred the petitin of Mrs. Asenathia Barnes for her claims vs the City for injuries received by falling on sidewalk on Third Street report adopted Regular Session March 15 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill The following was presented by Ald Herod Dubuque March 12th 1880 Dear sir I have made up my mind not to ask for more than the others receive $100.00 one hundred dollars if paid by the present council yours Asenathia Barnes Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted Resolved one hundred dollars ($100.00) paving and curbing 17th Street abutting lot no 473 in the town of Dubuque assessed aginst Margaret Flynn taxes Ald O'Neill submitted an ordinance entitled an Ordinance to provide for the appointment of a City marshal by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and moved its adoption Ald O'Neill moved that rule 29 be suspended and the ordinance be put on its passage Chair declared the rule suspended Ald O'Neill then moved that the ordinance be read and put on its final passage Chair declared the ordinance adopted the finance committee instructed to cancel orders No 516 amd 3321 Report that they have complied with the instructions on the council report adopted Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that an order be drawn for $100.00 in favor of Margaret Feeney as pay in full for her claim Regular Session March 15 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the City Council that an order be drawn for $100.00 in favor of Asenathia Barnes as payment in full for her claim vs the city The committee on delinquent petition of Bridget Malloney report adopted Petition of margaret Glennon report adopted Petition of Wm McCabe report adopted Petition of Eliza Tuegel Lot 47 L H Langworthy Add report adopted Petition of T C Duddy Lots 21, 22 Blk 15 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's addition 1879 report adopted Petition of Catherine Dolter report adopted Petition of Rev J Hennessey Lots 160 and 161 in Union adition report adopted Petition of Ed Blake report adopted Regular Session March 15 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Petition of Ann Stewart Lot 33 in wests Addition report adopted Petition of P Vyverburg report adopted Petition of M L Beaubiese report adopted Petition of Margaret Lahene E 10 f of lot 21 in S M Langworthys add report adopted Report of H Neter Market Master find that Mr. Miller's book did not contain all of the meals furnished prisoners by said market master Welter as the said Miller came on duty at 7 o'clock in the evening and left his beat sometimes at 4 o'clock and sometimes at 6 o'clock in the morning for home and would not return until 7 o'clock next evening and during such time in Mr. Millers absence the market master furnished the principal part of the meals to the prisoners and lodgers. Your commitee also finds in man cases priosners kept over from Saturday till the next Monday which prisoners should be fed by said market master that Mr. Miller could have no correct account of all the meals furnished the prisoners and lodgers in the city prison. Your committee would recommend that the bill of the market master for December 1879 be paid. On motion report was adopted and ordered paid The following were appointed judges and clerk for the election to be held April 5, 1880 and places designated as voting places First Ward Judges Robert Jess and james Waters Clerk A H Keopfli and A S Bunting Polls Montana Regular Session March 15 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Second Ward Judges George Mehl and William Waring Clerks F Hobbs and Philip Pier Polls Court House Third Ward Judges Chs Voelker and T J Connell Clerks Michael Hour and Henry Nightengale Polls City Hall building Fourth Ward Judgs C C Seward and Edward Mobley Clerks J B Gilmore and John L Vaughan Polls Store on east corner of alley on North side of 8th Street between Main and Locust Fifth Ward Judges Peter Elwanger and Henry Hitton Clerks Paul Traut and Louis Lang Polling Place Iowa Brewery City Engineer annual report adopted Street Commissioner Dowling annual report amount expended on street, highway, sewers referred adopted Chief Engineer of fire dept Peter Fay annual report on motion referred adopted City Attorney H J McNulty annual report of all cases that are in court and the status of each received filed and referred adopted Finance Committee annual report and also city auditors annual report referred Regular Session April 5 1880 Council called to order at 9 o'clock am by the city recorder. No quorum present. adjourned until Thursday, april 8th 1880.