1880 April Council ProceedingsRegular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Absent Brown Petition asking for advancement as part of salary as assistant assessor 1880 received filed and ordered paid Market Master Welter report for month of March showing what was weighed and paid board of priosoners and lodgers received filed and ordered paid City Marshal Deckert reported received filed and ordered paid Wood measurer reported received and filed Certain insurance policies presented by Kingman & Stanley were referred On motion all petitions in the hands of the Recorder were referred to the new council without reading the City Recorder reported peddlers licenses received and filed The lamplighter reported 176 lamps lit received and filed Police Justice Jennings reported number of cases tried in his court fines collected received and filed Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Absent Ald Brown Frank Fosselman reported fifth ward scales received and filed Auditor submitted report of the amounts due the several city officers received filed and ordered paid P Even reported south avenue scales received and filed Charles Pitschner reported West Dubuque scale received and filed M dowling reported the amounts due the several laborers and teamsters for work on streets received filed and ordered paid In relation to the taxes of the Illinois Central Railroad Company the Finance Committee to whom their communication was referred reported that teh matter had been settled report adopted Claim of Dr George Mengis for medical attendance on Mrs. Zachina report adopted City Treasurer presented a claim on motion ordered paid Petiton of R S West and Gilbert Woodruff referred Committee on Claims reported Petition of P Boyne report adopted Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Absent Ald Brown City Engineer and City Attorney presented a report in relation to the right of way for the extension of Eagle Point Avenue over the land of John Fitzpatrick and other which was referred to committee on Streets Communication of Mrs. Maria Hayden proposing settlement of her suit against the City for redemption of her homestead from tax sale referred Statement of Treasurer Riordan showing the amount necessary to redeem the homestead of Geo W Burton from tax sale referred Committee on claims reported petition of Ed J Royce report adopted Petition of Henry Meyer 1873 taxes report adopted Wm Hollnagel liquor license report adopted Committee on streets reported on the petition of Fred Otley and others for the improvement of Henion Street report adopted petition of John Moran recommend it be laid on the table report adopted Petition of M Pfeffner report adopted Street Committee to whom was referred petition of Bush Robinson & Co asking for the removal of the first ward scales to a more convenient place reported that they had made arrangements with Weigh Master Ryan for their removal report adopted Petitio of John W Norton in relation to te sewer on W Locust St referred Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Absent Ald Brown Petition of the Lumbar Merchants asking that Eleventh Street be filled from railroad track to the slough was referred to the same committee with power Petition of M M Walker et. al. for a sidewalk on First street east of Main Street referred Petition of H A Rooney compensation Mineral Lot 78 referred Petition of Cyprian Kopp referred Petiton of J N Foye to open a street from West Locust to Almone Street referred A deed from Thomas Yates and Orlando McCraney for strip of land 20 feet wide from the south side of lots 13 and 14 of outlot No 688 for highway purposes referred Committee on markets reported bill of F Mertz report adopted Committee on Fire reported petition of Dubuque Water Company resevoir report adopted Communication from Dubuque Telephone Exchange Company proposing to furnish additional boxes line and other material reported Communication of E W Duncan, secretary underwriters union in relation to adopting a device enabling pipemen to stop supply of water at fires referred Report of the city marshall in relation to police cases during last month received and filed Delinquent tax committee reported on the petition of Eliza Sahn report adopted Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Absent Ald Brown Petition of P O'Rourke report adopted Petition of John Mueller special assessment against E 72 Lot 35 in L H Langworthy's addition report adopted Ald Linehan offered a resolution that an order be drawn in favor of Mrs. mark Murphy adopted A resolution was submitted as follows and the same was adopted by a full vote of council Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that Henion street between fourteenth st and the north line of lot four in Henion and Baird's Sub be graded guttered curbed and macadamized to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property City Engineer submitted plat showing amount of land taken for highway purposes from the Mineral lots abutting on Grand View Avenue. On motion the Engineer was instructed to make the necessary chnges on the official map of the city to correspond with said plat. adjourned to 3 o'clock this afternoon Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Council met at 3 o'clock pm Communications from John Drehouse, Jeff McGrath and F C Wagner soliciting appointments were referred Bill of Harney & O'Connor referred Bill of R J Quigley for court costs was referred to finance committee and city attorney Bill of Philip Pier referred Bill of Schreiber and Strinsky referred Bills read and ordered paid Time Co Dubuque Telegraph Co F A Griffke Nord Iowa Post Dispatch Publishing Co Gibbs & Co D W Linehan Peter Klauer T O'Sullivan Lawrence Daley T E Frith Peter King Fred Schlupkothen Dubuque Steam Supply Co N H Thedinga Peter Klauer Do C J Rogers L B Tuttle Herman Mauer A Tschirgi Dan Riordan A Baumhofer Rouse Dean & Co Morrison Brothers Key City Gas Co Dubuque Bell Telephone Exch Co Healy Brothers James Kelly A R Staufenbeil Fred Schloz Mrs. P McMahon W H Reed C Mason & Son Asa Roberts Dubuque Water Co Board of Registration John P Quigley Mr. Zachina Morrison Brotheres Nich eichmann Lagen & Sons Philip Boyle T J Paisley Grosvenor & Harger Wood & Gissel S M Langworthy Dub Cabiner Makers Assoc Furniture & Buriel Case Co Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill Ingram Kennedy & Day L B Tuttle John Rals John Swenk J W Newburgh J S Randall Poole Gilliam & Co A Y McDonald Andrew Tredway & Sons Richard Cox Laflin & Rand Powder Co Robt Miller Gilbert Perry Malachi O'Loughlin C W Robinson J K Graves Hose Co Key City Hook & Ladder Co Fifth Ward Hose Co Sol Turck Hose Co Communication to canvass vote Mayor John D Bush A McCann Recorder Martin Kane John P Quigley Treasurer D A Gehrig Auditor F G Brandt Andrew Reilly City Atty James H Schields City Assessor Henry Lembeck G Gmehle Alderman 1st Ward Thos. Kavanagh Alderman 2nd Ward Theodore Altmann Peter Karberg Alderman 3rd Ward George Rath Michael Brown Alderman 4th Ward Joseph Herod John Glab Alderman 5th Ward George Fengler Henry C Deckert Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill On motion the persons having the highest number of votes as appears on the foregoing return were declared duly elected to the office for which they were candidates Ald O'Neill moved that an order for five dollars be drawn in favor of each of the judges and clerks of the late election and of the proprietor of the house in each precinct where the election was held carried Ald Leckie offered the following which was adopted Whereas the official relations which have existed between the members of this body during the past year are about to be severed by the retirment of two of our member Brown and Lilig and where as these relations have been pleasant and agreeable therefore it be resolved that we hereby tender to our retiring betheren our sincere thanks for the uniform courtesy and kineness extended to us throughout our official intercourse and we desire to express our high appreciation of the services rendered by them and our entire confidence in them as faithful public servants and guardians of the best interests of teh city and we tender to them on their return to private life the assurance of our respect and our best wishes for their future success and prosperity. Resolved further that upon the retirement of the recorder treasurer marshal and city attorney who have filled their respective offices most satisfactorily for several years last past we recognize in them competent diligent and faithful officers and worthy of the confidence and respect of their fellow citizens. Mayor Bush then handed the redorder a paper from which he read the following. Valedictory to the Hon members of the city council of Dubuque Gentlemen We have just closed another official year and some of you are about to retire from duty as aldermen and resign your places to others. In your retirement the public will lose the services of faithful and efficient officers. It becomes me at this moment to say to you that your record during the past year as Aldermen has been a good one. To both those who retire and those who remain I can cordially say you have done well. The public affairs of the city have been well and judiciously managed. The expenses of the municipality have been largely decreased during the past year. The rate of taxation has been reduced and a large Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and O'Neill sum paid toward liquidating the public debt. As members of the council our relations have been always of the most harmonious kind and there has been a unity of action upon all matters of public importance. A more propserous year in municipal affairs has scarcely been known in our city and this fact is largely due to the untiring and laborious efforts of you gentlemen of the council. The public I am sure appreciate your efforts and will reward you with their hearty thanks. In parting with the retiring members I must thank you for the assistance so cordially given me in all the details of my official labour. I shall have reason to kindly remember you in the future for your many acts of good will and your many words of cheer and counsel. Not only the retireing aldermen but the retiring city officers are worthy of my most codial thanks for valuable advice and assistance in many important matters. EAch and every one has seemed to devote themselves to the interests of the people they were called to serve. That their efforts to do their full duty will be appreciated by the public as they are by myself I feel quite certain. Mayor John D Bush having been reelected thereupon took the oath of office and then adminstered the same to the aldermen elect viz: Mep Kavanagh, Altmann, Rath, Leckie and Fengler who took their seats. The Mayor handed the recorder a paper from which he read the following Inaugural address To the Hon members of the city council of Dubuque Gentlemen We are about to enter on a new year in the history of Dubuque's affairs. Those who have newly come among us as members of this body are no doubt filled with a strong desire to do valiant work for their respective constituencies and further in every feasible way the best interests of this city. That they will in such endeavors have the hearty cooperation of the order members of the council no one who has a knowledge of their past record as aldermen will for a moment doubt. And thus the influences seem favorable for a year of unexampled prosperity as a municipal body. A unity of action is the most desireable event to be hoped for. Party or nationalistic prejudices should not enter in here among us the servants of the people. Only one thing should be kept in view and that is the protection and furtherance of the public welfare. Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath There are several important matters that should engage the attention of this body during the coming year. The efforts of this council should all lend to the development of the city. Nothing should be done to retard; everything should be done to progress. When money is expended for material improvements, it should be judiciously disbursed and no rash or unnecessary outlays of money should be made. The streets require but little attention beyond the necessary repairs. I would not advise further expenditure in the construction of new streets during the coming year for the reason taht the public money is needed much more in other directions and for the further and more important reason that the expenses of teh city should be curtailed as much as possible. Arguing from the standpoint that everything should be done to develop and improve the business of the city one very important improvement that should receive immediate consideration is the building of a waggon wagon bridge between this city and the Illinois shore. There is nothing in my humble judgement that would benefit Dubuque as much as the establishment of a free bridge across the Mississippi at this city. A population of 50,000 persons whose trade is tributary to this city and the wealth and resources of thousands of fertile acres could be secured to us by this means. As soon as possible I hope to bring this matter before you, Gentlemen of the Council, for your consideration. Fire Department One of the most important matters for our consideration the coming year is an improvement in the Fire Department. The present system is expensive and imperfect. I am in favor of locating a large reservoir in the Fourth ward which shall be filled with water forced up from the level below or from the adjoining land. There are many ways in which the reservoir can be filled. No trouble will be met on that score. What is needed is the large reservoir. When once this place is adopted and perfected a fire on the Bluffs or in any part of the city can be extinguished in a few minutes; for a dozen streams can be turned on from as many different directions. Thus the people on the bluffs as well as those elsewhere who are beyond the reach of fire engines will be afforded the protection they need and for which they pay by taxation. But the most important consideration is the cheapness of the system. The expense of conducting such a protection from fire would be but a mere nominal sum, compared with the Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath cost of the present cumbrous and inefficient system. Thousands of dollars can thus be saved every year and the city given a thorough and sure protection from fire. The manufacturing interests The manufacturing interests of the city should receive atention and every possible effort should be made to develop and conserve them. To this end I would suggest the appoint ment of a standing committee whose duty it should be to give attention to all appeals for assistance from new manufactories that may wish to locate in our city and for the proper transaction of all business with existing institutions of this kind. I would further suggest the propriety of granting to all new manufactories the same favor by way of exemption from taxation that has been granted to others already located here. In conclusion let me say that the coming year may be made one of unusual properity and advancement in all that pertains to the city's welfare, if the numbers of this council will join hands and work together to that end. And knowing as I do, the desire of every members of this body to do all in his power for the good of his constituency, I feel free to say that 1880 will be an era of great growth and advancement for the city of Dubuque. As for myself I pledge you my most cordial support in all that is good and beneficial. But I will oppose as far as I am able all extravagant use of the public funds. Actuated by the one desire to do our full duty as officres of this municipality and holding steadfast to that most excellent purpose we shall be able to do much in the year that now lies before us. Mayor Bush then announced the following standing committees Finance Ordinances Claims Streets Harbors Market Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Public Grounds and Buildings Printing Fire Department Police Delinquent Tax On motion Ald Linehan the matter of fixing the bonds and salaries of the newly elected officers for the ensuing year was referred Council then took recess Upon reconvening council acopted the following as the amounts of the official bonds for the ensuing year City Treasurer $50,000.00 City Auditor $5,000.00 City Recorder $5,000.00 City Marshal $5,000.00 City Assessor $4,000.00 City Engineer $2,000.00 City Attorney $5,000.00 Assistant Assessor $1,000.00 Coal oil Inspector $1,000.00 Market Master $500.00 Wood Measurer $500.00 On mothion the salaries of the several city officers were fixed at the following rates for the ensuing year Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Treasurer $1,300.00 per annum Recorder $1,200.00 per annum Auditor $1,100.00 per annum City Attorney $1,500.00 per annum Marshal $1,000.00 per annum Engineer $1,000.00 per annum Market Master $600.00 per annum St Commissioner $65.00 per month Police Captain $60.00 per month Policemen $50.00 per month The council made the following appointments to the several official positions for the following year City Marshal Dan J Duane St Commissioner Michael Dowling City Engineer Math. Tschirgi Jr Market Master Gottf Gmehle Coal Oil Inspector Frank Parker Chief Fire Department Frank Morgan Asst Chief Fire Dept J H Trieb Wood Measurer Wm Waring Weigher 1st ward scale N C Ryan Weigher West Dubuque Chas Pitschner Weigher 5th Ward Dubuque Frank Fosselman Weigher South Avenue Peter Evan Regular Session April 8 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Ald Leckie was appointed Mayor Pro tem The wood measurer and coal oil inspector to retain all fees of their respective offices as well as full compensation for their services. On motion a committee of three consisting of Leckie Jones and linehan was appointed to examine and report on the bonds of the new officers. On motion the amount and manner of payment of the Saloon licenses was fixed the same as last year. Moved that a committee of one alderman from each ward be appointed to examine the offices of the returning treasurer and recorder before their sucessors were installed. carried adjourned Regular Session April 12 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Petition of Herman Tenhoff lots 357, 358 and 359 Davis Farm granted Michael McCarten and Chas Burchhardt presented applications for appointment on the police force referred Mathias Brewer and others presented a petition for the improvement of the alley between 17th and 18th and Clay and White Streets referred P Morgan and others presented a remonstrance against granting te foregoing petition which was referred Petition of Farley Loetscher & Co asking permission to erect a slide on Third St slough under certain restrictions was referred to the committee on Harbors with power Petition of John H Dunn liquor license refund referred Petition of Catherin Sand, Richard Othy, Mary Gilmore, Mrs. P O'Neill, Bridget mcMahon, John Hunter, Rosa Cadman in relation to assessment and taxes referred Petition of H W Lanford asking the privilege of using the south wall of the Graves Engine House in the new buildings being now erected by him and proposing to pay the City reasonable compensation thereafter referred Petition of H C Deckert asking that the reduction made on the Marshas salary for the past year be allowed him referred Petition of T J Hepman asking to be paid the amount of a judgment which he has aganst the city referred Regular Session April 12 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Petition of John H Rench claiming damages from the city for a dead horse referred Claim of Dr. Connolly for medical attendance on Mrs. Ferry referred Proposal of John Kistler to take charge of the town clock referred Proposition of Philip Motsch to purchase the old Gilbert Fountain referred Petition of N W Boyes et al for sidewalk on Center St in West dubuque referred C L Burt submitted a proposition to move his works from Dunleith to this City provided the city council would grant him exemption from the regular city taxes for five years referred an insurance policy presented by James Plaister Agt referred Claim of Peter Fay referred Claim of H Herancourt for sundries furnished for funer of the late Wm Schumm referred Bills read and ordered paid Globe Gas Light Co Joseph Gehrig Louis Doerfler John McCoy Wemott Howard & Co Joseph Geiger John P Quigley John Collins Theo Meyer Bissel & Bates Mrs. E M Ogilby Julien House Healy Bro's C A Fockler Andrew Treadway & Sons Jos Reinfried Michael Martin Edwward Hackett Krugman & Stanley Regular Session April 12 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The following report was submitted and on motion approved. To the city Council of dubuque Gentlemen Your committee to whom was referred the matter of examining the office and settling with the retiring city treasurer and city recorder beg leave to report That they have given the matter their earnest attention and find both their offices models of neatness and accuracy. The Books of the Auditor and Treasurer balance to a cent. The Recorder's office is so admirably kept that his successor will find no difficulty in conducting the same. All of which your committee respectfully submit Ald Herod offered the following resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that West Locust St from its intersection with Seminary Street to Arch St and that Arch St to Center St and Center st from Arch St to Delhi Rd be improved with macadam 16 feet in width work to be done by the city resolution adopted On motion the matter of awarding the city printing for the coming season was referred The Committee on Bonds through their chairman Ald Leckie reported that they had examined the official bonds of the following offices and had found the same correct and sufficient City Treasurer, Recorder, Auditor, City Attorney, City Engineer, City Marshal, Chief Fire Department, Wood Measurer, Coal Oil Inspector, Market-Master on motion the bonds were approved Ald Fengler offered a resolution for a sidewalk in front of Lot 70 Cooks Add which was lost Regular Session April 12 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Ald O'Neill offered a resolution that for the coming season the street laborers be paid at the rate of $1.25 per day referred report on same at next special session Regular Session April 16 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Petition of M M Gasser et.al. asking the use of the Third floor of the City Hall for military purposes referred Petition of George C Luck et al for opening an alley in Levin's addition referred Petition of Jacob Mathies asking that the city engineer be instructed to give him the grade in front of his property on Jackson St between 18th and 19th Streets referred Petition of Mrs. R McMahon asking for a renewal of her contract for cleaning the central market at a reduced rate from the price paid her last season referred Petition of James T Farley in relation to a nuisance near his property on south Locust St referred Petition of Sisters of the presentation for a lamp in front of their academy on Rush Street referred Regular Session April 16 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Petition of F J Zugenbuhler for a position of the police force referred Petition of Gibson Collison and of Mrs. C Heranlourt tax matters referred Petition of J H Crroll liquor license 1873 referred Petition of Robert Jess and many citizens from the First Ward remonstrating against the continuance of the lumbar yard recently destroyed by fire on the west side of Main street between First and Jones Streets or the erection of buildings contrary to the City ordinance. on motion the petition was granted and the city marshal was instructed to enforce the ordinance in relation to fire in the locality complained of and elsewhere. Geo C Silzer et al presented a petition asking that an ordinance be enacted obliging the city barbers to close their shops on Sundays. Ald Linehan moved that the petition be received and filed. Ald Leckie offered an amendment that it be referred.Tie vote, mayor voted in affirmative and petition was referred Committee on streets reported on teh resolution of Ald O'Neill in relation to the pay of the street laborers Recommend that $1.25 per day be paid Ald Linehan offered the following which was adopted Resolved that an order be drawn on the treasurer for one thousand dollars bearing interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum until paid in favor of Dubuque County Bank and payable on or before january 1st 1881 Regular Session April 16 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Ald Linehan moved for a reconsideration of the action of the council on the resolution of Ald Fengler in relation to a sidewalk in front of Lot 70 in Cooks addition carried Ald Fengler thereupon submitted the following Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque hat a sidewalk be within 30 days of this notice be constructed on the south side of Stafford street between division and the alley west and on the north side of Lot 70 in Cooks addition resolution adopted Ald Leckie submitted the following resolution which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the Daily Times and Herald and Telegraph and the National Demokrat and Nord Iowa Post are hereby declared the official papers of the City on the same terms and conditions as last year Ald Fengler moved that the council appoint a deputy city marshal This matter having been freely discussed resulted in the motion being carried Ald O'Neill offered a resolution to reinstate Malachi o'Loughlin in charge of the parks and moved its adoption An amendment was offered that it be received and filed resolution was ordered received and filed City Attorney stated that Mr. Edward Langworthy had a suit in court against the city in relation to some special assessment and it was possible the case may be settled Regular Session April 16 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath We therefore recommend teh council to invest the Finance Committee with authority to compromise the matter if they should deem the same advisable. On motion the necesary authority was conferred on the commitee. Ald Rath suggested that the basement of City Hall was in a bad and filthy condition and recommend that the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings attend to it Adopted