1880 May Council ProceedingsRegular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath correction of resolution submitted in regard to improvement of Henion Street between Fourteenth Street and the north line of lot 4 in Henion and Bairds subdivision were approved Petition of RAchel Davis referred Petition of Louis Trapp for a saloon license indefinitely postponed Petition of mary Enright asking for taxes cancelled referred petition of Mrs. J T Howard asking for lamp near the Home for the Friendless referred Petition of M A Alderson referred Petition of P Schrafl for a new street on lots 102 and 103 L H Langworthy's referred Petition of John Mundt for donation of $100 toward his Eagle Point ferry boat referred Petition of John O'Neill for cleaning around the market referred Petition of Mrs. Margaret Jordan referred Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Petition of Key City Furniture Co referred Petition of Daily Dispatch asking a portion of the public printing referred Petition of John Wolff remonstrating against teh improvement of Jackson Street between 18th and 19th Streets laid on the table. Petition of M Hoffmann asking to have alley between 12th and 13th and between White and Jackson Streets improved referred Petition of Thos Mulqueeny to have his sidewalk tax refunded referred Petition of Alex Alderson for damages sustained by him on the death of a horse referred Petition of Catherine Phelan for remission of taxes referred Petition of James Glab for extension of the Railroad sewer 20 feet east of Ninth Street referred to street commitee with power Petition of Robert Jess asking that he be refunded fifty dollars, the amount of a liquor license paid in 1873 referred Petition of H Fockler for crossing on Seventh and Bluff Streets referred Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The petition of Eugene Harrington asking to have his liquor license amounting to fifty dollars paid in 1873 refunded referred Petition of Thompson & Douglas for the corrcection of errors in the assessment of 1869 and 1870 referred Petition of F Pann asking for pay done over the pagodas referred Petition of Joseph Gehrig asking the repeasl of the hotel license referred Petition of Margaret Carr Sr referred Petition of Mary Clark referred Petition of Bridget Keogh referred Petitiono f Mrs. M L Beaubien referred Petition of George Wiedmer for improvement of Jackson Street from 17th to 19th Streets referred Petition of Frank Carberry asking for an allowance of twenty five dollars Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Petition of Louis Schmitt asking to be exempt from saloon license on account of sickness referred Petition of Mrs. Cunningham in relation to erroneous assessment referred Petition of Chas Luther protesting against granting the improvement of Jackson Street from 17th to 19th Streets refered Petition of W C Wood and C J Walsh proposing the codification of the city ordinances referred Petition of J Michel for improvement of Fifth to seventh Street abutting lots 1 2 and 3 in Corriells addition referred Petition of T J Donahue asking a sidewalk to be placed on Rush Street referred Petition of P Klauer claiming that the dance house in the Central market building was a nuisance, that the building was erected for market purposes and asking that it be reopened to butchers, hucksters, etc. referred The Market Master G Gmehle reoted that he had weighed from the date of his apointment up to Mary 1 1880 100 drafts received and filed and ordered amount due be paid Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Recorder reported teh number and amount of licenses issued April received and filed City Marshall reported amount necessary to pay regular and special police for services rendered in April received and filed P Even Weighmaster of the Southern Avenue Scales reported received and filed Wm Warring Wood Inspector reported received and filed Auditor Brandt reported the amount required to meet the salaries of officers for the month of April received filed and ordered paid N C Ryan weighter of the first ward scales reported received and filed Chas Pitschner reported West Dubuque scales received and filed Lamplighter O'Halloran reported gas lamps extinguished and lit received and filed Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Police Justice C C Coakley made his report for month of April showing that he had received $54.00 as fines and paid that amount into the treasurery and that $10.00 was due him on costs received and filed and ordered paid Frank Fosselman reported on the Fifth Ward Scales received and filed Henry Welter Ex Market Master reported expenses in boarding prisoners certified H C Deckert received filed and ordered paid Street Commissioner Dowling submitted report showing the amount of money expended and where it was expended and the amounts required to be drawn as follows Laborers Teams Stone Masons Carpenters Received and filed and orders to be drawn and any person owning for taxes or license required to pay the same or have amounts deducted from their pay Council adjourned until 2:00 o'clock p.m. Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Council met at 2:00 o'clock p.m. Petition of Frank Adams presented by Ald Leckie for the improvement of Wilson Avenue from Fifth to Eighteenth Street referred Report of Frank Morgan giving an inventory of goods transferred to him by Peter Fay Ex Chief of the Fire Department referred Finance Committee to whom was referred the bill of P J Quigley for costs of the court in the cases of Hepman vs. the City. City for use of Dunn vs. P H Burt and Thos Conklin vs. the City reported in favor of drawing an order upon the Treasurer in behalf of P J Quigley as payment in full report adopted and ordered paid The same committee to whom was referred the Assessment of G W Burton of $8,000 moneys and credits reported that they had settled the claim and recommended that an order be drawn upon the Treasurer and in the latter's favor Mr. Hintrager in settlement of said claim report adopted and ordered paid Committee on ordinances to whom was referred petition of John Silzer and other barbers asking to have the barber shops of the city closed upon Sundays by enacting and enforcing an ordinance to that effect; reported in favor of laying the petition on the table adopted Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Petition of T J Hepman asking that the asking that the judgment had against the city be paid refered and payment recommended adopted and ordered paid Committee to whom was referred the petition of Jm H Carroll reported in favor of drawing an order for fifty dollars to refund that amount paid by Mr. Carroll as a liquor license in 1873 adopted Petition of J H Dunn referred asking to have fifty dollars refunded paid in 1873 as a liquor license recommended its payment adopted Bill of Mrs. Feeny referred for medical services rendered by Dr. Connolly in favor of placing it in the hands of the committee of the whole adopted Petition of H C Deckert asking for an increase in his salary referred adopted Petition of Ziprian Kopp asking to be given steady employment in order to pay his special taxes recommend it be received and filed adopted Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath report of the City Engineer and the Ex City Attorney recommending that a settlement be made with John Fitzpatrick offered the following resolution which was adopted Resolved That the committee on streets be empowered to settle with John Fitzpatrick for property proposed to be taken for street pruposes through Mineral Lot No 210 in such manner as they may deem best whether by arbitration under the statute or otherwise Petition of N W Boyes and twenty three others asking for a sidewalk on South and Center Streets in West Dubuque recommends that the prayre of the petitioners be granted adopted The same committee to whom was referred the petition of Geo Luck asking the opeing of the alley between Alta Vista Avenue and Spring Sreet running south from Fourtheenth to Martha Street in Levin's addition to the city of Dubuque recommended that the marshal be instructed to notify the property owners to open the alley within ten days report adopted Petition of Jacob Mathis asking for the grade in front of his residence on Jackson Street between eighteenth and Nineteenth streets reported that they had granted the prayer of the petitioner and had required the city engineer to give the grade report approved Petition of M M Walker for a sidewalk from the junction of First Street to the T C R R depot recommend that it be received and filed adopted Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Petition of John Mehlkop for the sidewalk grade on Couler Avenue south of Diagonal Street of lots Nos 22,12,14,16,18 and 20 in Kings first and second divisions reported that the work was being done report approved The bill of Harney & O'Connor for repairing done on street articles recommended that the bill be paid adopted Petition of M Brewer to have the alley between Clay and White and between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets macadamized. Recommend that it be received and filed. adopted Petition of P Morgan remonstrating against the improvement of teh alley between seventeenth and eighteenth and white and clay streets recommended granting the same adopted Petition of W Norton asking to have the sewer near his property on Mineral Street planked asked for further instructions in regard to it rules were suspended and Mr. Norton allowed to address the council matter referred with power Committee on Markets reported that they had received several bids for cleaning around the market bids opened and read and on motion of Alderman Linehen were all rejected Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Petition of Ph Motsch in regard to the sale of the Gilbert Fountain by the City reported that they had sold the same to Messrs Schulte and Wagner for the sum of $10.00 report approved The same committee to whom was referred the condition of the basement of the City Hall reported that they had been through the cellars and had found the floors, joists, etc in a rotten state. The committee recommended at that the floors be grouted and the walls painted. report adopted The same committee to whom was referred the petition of John Kistler offering his services as the superintendent of the Town Clock receive and file petition adopted PG and B committee Bill of James Plaister for insurance on the Twon Clock and Tower reported that the rate of insurance had been raised to one percent per annum recommend payment of the bill adopted Bill of the Times Printing Company and found it to be correct recommending its payment adopted and ordered paid Bill of Ham and Carver recommended that it be paid adopted and ordered paid Petition of M M Gasser, military, for use of third floor of City Hall referred Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Committee on Fire to whom was referred the bill of Peter Fay for services as Chief of Fire Department favored payment of the bill adopted and ordered paid Petition of E W Duncan Secretary of teh board of underwriters in regard to the adoption of a plan enabling firemen to stop the supply of water at a fire reported in favor of receiving and filing adopted Petition of the Dubuque Telephone Co., for an increase of district-boxes for fire alarm purposes reported in favor of accepting the proposition; to give the committee power to order ten additional fire alarm boxes the same to be distributed where directed and to have the Sol Turck and J K Graves Engine Houses connected with the Dubuque Telephone Exchange. Adopted Committee on Police to whom wsa referred the bill of Philip Pier for wood reported having examined it and recommend its payment. adopted Bill of the Key City Gas Co recommend its payment adopted Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The petition of John T Farley in regard to a nuisance reported its removal report approved Bill of A Y McDonald reported that they had examined the same and recommend its payment adopted Bill of the Globe Gas Light Co. recommend its payment adopted Bill of Wm Marshall recommending it be paid adopted Petition of Michael McCarten for a position on the police force recommending it be received and filed adopted Petition of Chas. Burckhardt for a position on the police force recommending it be received and filed adopted Petition of the Sisters of the Presentation asking for a lamp near their academy on Rush Street reported the prayer had been granted report approved Petition of Gibson Collinson asking to have his taxes on Lot 76 West Dubuque cancelled reported in favor report adopted Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Petition of Richard Ortey to have his taxes cancelled on stock of the motor waiting room in favor of receiving $2.00 as payment in full adopted Petition of Rosa Cadman to have taxes cancelled report in favor adopted Petition of Bridget McMahon to have her taxes cancelled reported adversely thereto adopted The same reported in favor of tranting the petotopm pf Catherine Sand adopted the same to whom was referred the petition of mrs P O'Neill reported in favor of granting the remission of the tax on Lot 23 but against granting the tax on Lot 26 Kelly's subdivision. Adopted the same to whom was referred the petition of Mary Gilmore asking to have seven dollars of her taxes remitted the whole amount being $14.00 reported in favor of the same adopted The same reported in favor of receiving $4.00 from John Hunter as taxes of 1876 Adopted the same to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. C Herancome reported in favor of cancelling delinquent tax against lot 500 for 1857. Also that the city auditor be instructed to correct the description Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath of the special asseessment for 1864 so as to read the west one half of N 1/5 of City Lot 500 adopted The special committee consisting of Aldermen O'Neill, Linehan, Jones, Leckie and Fengler to whom was referred the petition of Chas Burt, asking to have his machine and agriculture works about to be removed to this city exempt from tax for five years reported in favor of remitting the tax on $12,000 for five yeras $4,000 on the building to be erected and $8,000 on the machinery to be placed therein but does not apply to the exemption from tax of any of the real estate or machinery now in the possession of the novelty iron works co report was adopted Special committee petition of F E Augstine to remove obstruction near the motor house referred Communication read from the census commissioner of the interior Department Washington DC requesting documents from this city and on motion was referred to the recorder to atend to the information wanted Ald Linehan, Chairman of Finance Com offered the following resolution which was adopted Resolved by the City Council of the City of Duuque That two orders be drawn on the treasurer in favor of Dubuque County Bank being money advanced by them to pay coupons that were due February 1st and march 1st 1880 Cancel gas warrants Nos 728 974 1225 1452 1963 and water warrants Nos 1463 1660 1884 1885 2103 2252 122 issued in 1879 and now Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath held by them said orders to be paid on or before the first day of January 1881 with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from April 1st 1880 the Engineer submtted a report on the cost of improving Clay street from Second to third a resolution therein was also offered by Ald Linehan referred Ald Herod chairman of the street com offered the following which was adopted Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that a sidewalk be constructed and laid along the east side of Center Street from delhi street to south street and on the north side of south street from center street to Gilliam street at the expense of the owners of the abutting property Also a resolution to have fifth street between main and locust and the alley improved referred Also to have a sidewalk laid on the north side of eleventh street between prairie and walnut street referrred Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted resolved That to pay for curbing and guttering and macadamizing fourth street from washington street to jackson street by James G Carney contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and for the several amounts set opposite each Regular Session May 3, 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Special assessments Lot herein after named Owners names description of lots amt tax Rudolph Nolte City Lot 393 69 30 R Walter City Lot 394 136 01 A Drees City Lot 424 146 46 John K Freiberg City Lot 425 135 36 Ald O'Neill offered a resolution to lay a sidewalk on Rush Street referred Ald Jones offered the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the basement of the city hall building be cleaned of all that is rotten and bad and that the foundation walls be protected and painted and the floors well grouted and covered with cement. On motion of Ald Herod the council adjourned for five minutes to examine the basement Upon the return of the aldermen, Ald Linehan moved to refer the matter to the committee on public grounds and buildings Ald Herod offered an amendment to appoint one alderman from each ward adopted The mayor appointed the following as such committee: Aldermen O'Neill, Herod, Jones, Linehan and Fengler Ald Jones offered a resolution to improve and open Jackson Square referred to commission of the whole