1917 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE FOR THE. YEAR 1917 Chi #g Oftiarg for War 1017 Mayor -JAMES SAUL. Recorder -J. J. SHEA. Treasurer- GEORGE D. WYBRANT. Auditor -CYRIL D. LAGEN. THOS. H. CALLAHAN. LOUIS PLAMONDON, First Ward. J. J. McLAUGHLIN, Second Ward. CHARLES LEIST, Third Ward. Mayor Pro Tem -J. H. WALLIS. Fire Chief - JOSEPH REINFRIED. Chief of Police -JOHN GIELLIS. Committee Clerk -J. W. LAWLOR. Electrician -W. P. HIPMAN. Finance- Wallis, Strobel, Leist. Ordinance- McLaughlin, Callahan, Plamondon. Streets- - Frith, Plamondon, Leist, McLaughlin, Wallis. Police and Light- Callahan, Plamondon, Frith. Sewers- • Plamondon, Leist, Strobel. Printing - McLaughlin, Strobel, Leist. Claims - Strobel, Callahan, Wallis. Fire- Leist, Wallis, McLaughlin. Markets - Frith, Callahan, Plamondon. STANDING - Public Grounds and Buildings- - Callahan, Wallis, Strobel. ELECTIVE OFFICERS. Attorney -M. H. CZIZEK. Engineer -F. J. McNULTY. Assessor -FRED J. HELLER. ALDERMEN AT LARGE. ALDERMEN J. H. STROBEL. APPOINTIVE OFFICERS. J. H. WALLIS, ;Fourth Ward. E. E. FRITH, Fifth Ward. Street Commissioner -J. MAHONEY. Market Master -C. J. McCARTHY. Harbor Master and Sidewalk Inspect- or -JAMES LYNCH. COMMITTEES. Delinquent Tax - Wallis, Frith, McLaughlin. Sprinkling - Plamondon, Frith, Callahan. Harbors - Leist, McLaughlin, Callahan. Supplies- Strobel, McLaughlin, Plamondon. Electrical Construction- McLaughlin, Leist, Frith. Board of Health - Council Members -Mayor Saul, Ald- ermen Callahan, Leist. Citizen Members -W. C. Fosselman, Richard Kolck. Health Officer -Dr. E. L. Reinecke. Meat and Milk Inspector -Dr. J. N. Graham. Sanitary Policeman -Otto Newman. Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first and third Thursdays of each month at 8:00 o'clock p. m. 1917 SUBJECT Jan. 4- Armory Hall, petitiont of, High Spl,pA, relative to using " 18- Ayers, Oscar, M., petition of, asking, Council; for, permission of erecting a house along the slim, of Lake Peosta Feb. 1- Armory Hall; petition of. Spanish - American War. 27 Veterans relative to , using. " 17- Automobile. Fire Engines, Recorder to advertise for bids 41, 50, 53, 64, 181 27- Appropriations for. ensuing year, resolution. adopt- ed 42, 45 Mar. 1- Athletic Field, bills of, allowed 54 15- Alley, to improve, between Seminary and Leibnitz Sts., from. Paul. to Clifford Sts...61, 65, 76, 84, 90„ 103, 112, 137 1.5 ,-Andricks, Grace, taxes corrected 63 " 15 -Auto for fire chief, to purchase 69 Apr. 5- Agreement of Oscar Ayers on erecting house on 88 Seventh Avenue 5, -Alley first east. of South Booth St., profile of, showing grade 90 e.- 5 -Alley between Seminary and . Leibnitz Sts., profile of, referred 9•Ai 5 -Alley first south. of Delhi St., from , Louisa ,St. to Hall St., to 96, 151, 160, 163, 166, 167, 173, 269, 420, 427, 429, 437 5 -Alley between Nevada and Booth Sts., relative to grading 105 " 16- Asbury .St., engineer to re- arrange house numbers 110 " .19- Armory Hall, lease and agreement of, on rent of Hall by Governor Greys 118 May 3- Arnold, Victor, petition of, on erecting a frame dwelling at the foot of Eleventh St. 169, 331 3- Artus, Mrs. Lena, petition of, relative to taxes 159, 453 3- Annual report of Chief of Police 162 3- Arlington St., work accepted by street committee 163, 173, 178, 189 17- Alley, from the intersection of Cora St., petition of property owners relative to vacating 169, 331 17 Alley first east of Asbury St., petition .of Ed. Mc- Evoy, relative to vacating 169 17- Atlantic Ave., improvement of, accepted by Com- mittee on Streets 175, 190, 199, 202, 254, 269 17- Alley, between Kaufman Ave. and Valeria St., en- gineer to give lines 176, 257 17- Alderson, Jno., relative to connecting with water pipe 17S 24 -Auto Fire Engine, to 'be named James Saul 181 June 7 -Adams Co., petition of, relative to vacating cer- tain streets in Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add. and Booth's Add. 195, 251, 254 7- Annual report of City Treasurer 198 21- Annual reports of City Auditor and City Attorney 212 22 -Alley running into Hayden's Lane, petition of property owners, relative to opening 230, 263 July 5- Aureden, Eliz., ordered to have sewer connections made 261 19- Alley, relative to vacating, between Leman and Davenport Sts. 262 " 19- Alley, relative to re- opening, closed by the West Third St. improvement 263 19- Annual report of City Engineer 264 19- Aprons on streets ordered removed 262 di SS Ed INDEX -Book 47 A. Page, 1 11, 88 1917 INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT A Aug. 2- Alley'in Block 19, Dubuque Harbor Co. Add., rela- tive to vacating " 2- Asbury St., to improve, from St. Ambrose St. to City Limits " 2-Alice St., engineer to prepare grade " 16- Argyle St., petition of property owners, relative to improving " 16- Angella St., property owners, petition of, relative to improving, from . present improvement to Cox St. " 16- Angella St., to improve, from end of present im- provement to Cox St. Sept. 6- Assessor's report on having tax list ready " 6- Alley, between Sixth and Seventh Sts., between White and Clay St., relative to vacating " 20- Agreement of Wm. P. Slattery on Nevada St. im- provement Oct. 18- American Surety Co., relative to bond of Iowa Telephone Co. " 18- Agreement of Windsor Ave. property owners on their assessment Dec. 10 American Defense Society, Inc., petition, relative to safeguarding country " 10- Alderson, Jno., petition, relative to reduction in assessment Page 290, 332, 333 297 299 302 302 305 328 331, 333 348 395, 420 396 454 454 1917 Jan. 4 -Bills allowed and referred 4- Blake, Nettie,• petition of, relative to her West Locust St. assessment 4 -Bonds of N. J. Staner and F. J. Heller 4 -Bank cases, settlement of court costs 4 -Bonds of Ross and McLain, Water Works Trustees 4- Bonds, maintenance, of Jas. F. Lee 4 -Board of Health, report of 18- Blake, Nettie, relative to West Locust St. assess- ment 18- Bithulithic pavement, Mr. Davidson addressed the Council relative to use of 13 18 -Bluff and South Bluff, to improve, from Third St. to Dodge St. - 13, 76, 84, 89, 103, 111, 124, 138, 159, 310, 351, 355, 371 " 22 -Bush, C. F. relative to making settlement for spe- cial assessment 15, 63, 176 22- Beutin, F., ordered to remove wood from street 15 22- Bowen, E. E., notice of suit 15 1 -Bills allowed in February, 1917 27, 36, 44 1- Bathing Beach Committee, petition of, relative to Council making appropriations for beach 27, 269 1- Bowen, E. E. and J. V., relative to having tax title cleared 31 1 -Board of Health, report of 34 1- Beyer, Amanda, protest of, on West Locust St., re- ceived and filed 35 15 -Bour, John, petition of, on the assessment of Louisa St. 37, 177 15- Beutin, F., petition of, relative to connecting with sewer at the corner of Garfield Ave. and Kniest St. 37 1 -Bills allowed in March, 1917 53, 60 1 -Bills against Athletic Field allowed 54 1 -Barr, E. R., objecting to Cora and Exchange St. improvement 54 1 -Bond of A. Curtis & Son, for excavating 55, 88 1- Blake, John, Est., relative to West Locust St. as- sessment 57 1 -Board of Health, report of 57 15- Beyer, Wm., application of, for soldier's exemp- tion[ 61, 177 15- Banks, depositories named for funds of City 63, 88 15 -Blake Milling Co., petition of, relative to erecting factory and taxes thereof 70, 117, 121 5 -Bills allowed in April, 1917 81, 114 5- Breson, Marie, notice of suit 83, 196 5- Breson, Wm. J., notice of suit 83, 196 5- Banks, depositories of City funds, bonds of 88 5 -Board of Health, report of 95 " 5- Bathing Beach, report of committee on purchas- ing Rhomberg property at Eagle Point 95, 122, 128, 181 " 5- Bathing Beach, bills of, allowed 95, 122 " 19- Bithulithic pavement, agreement of Warren Bros. 115 " 19- Breithaupt, Phil., petition of, relative to excavat- ing in certain streets 19- Bonds, surety, of E. T. Cleaver, H. B. McCarten, for excavating 19 -Bonds of Phil. Schwinn and F. B. Ross, Water Works Trustees 19- Board of Health, report of 19- Bathing Beach Committee, report of, on building float Ad Si id di id Feb. Mar. Id Apr. id INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT B Page 1, 10 2 2, 31 6 6 5 7 ' 13, 67 116, 129 116 116 122 122 1917 INDEX-Book `4 7 SUBJECT Page 'B May 3 -Bills allowed in May, 1917 158, 162, 167, 1$1 " 3 -Bills for "macadam 'paid from First 'Ward Vriird ordered' trarisf erred "to Second Ward 162 " 3 -Board of' Health, report of ' 163 " 3- Burke, R. 'J., petitio'n,''i•elative to his' assessment, received and 'filed 1 64 " 17- Buettel, Emma, relative to a reduction 'in 'Her' as- sessment 177 24 Brandt Cashier 'Co., bill of, 'fOr '$171.'00, 'allowed._ 181 " 24- Bathing Beach, 'property purchased by City 181 " 24- Beutin, P., 'petition "of, asking for pernii'ssion 'to use River Street, between Tower and 'BeIL'Sts 181 " 24- Barrels 'used' at Bathing 'Beach, 'bill ''of, ''ord'ered paid 181 " 24•Boats, 'notice to dealers and "Owners 190 " 24- Bathing suits, - notice to dealers 190 June 7 =Bills allowed In June, 1917 '195, 196, 210 " 7 Bell St., petition of 'Adam's Co. on Vacating 195, 251, 254 " 7- Becker, Dr., bill of, allowed 198 " 7-Bigelow,' Dr., bill' of, allowed '199 7- Bradley' &'lVIaclay, ei•rbr in' taxes 'cbrrected 1 99 " 7- Bonds, Liberty, Loan, 'relative to 'purchasing 207, 208, 209 " 21 Board of l Health, report of 213 July 5 -Bills allowed arid referred in July, 1917 254, 261 " 5 -Bonds Of 'Masters, Pape & Son and 'P. Breithaupt for excavating 254, 264 5- Breithaupt, P., bond of, for excavating ' 254, 264, 382 5 -Board of Health, report' of 260 5- Bauer, Lena, ordered to have sewer connections made 260 " 19 Bond of Iowa Telephone'Co., for excavating 263 ' Aug. 2 -Bills allowed in August, 1917 289, 300 " 2- Buettel, Emma 'L., petition of, relative to taxes ' 290 " 2 -Berg, Valentine, petition of, relative to special as- sessnient'on Rhomberg 'AVe. 290 2- Becker, Louise Van Buren, petition of, relative to reducing her assessment 291 2- Breithaupt, Phil., bond of, for "excavating 291 2- Blake, Nettie, allowed a reduction on east 90 ft. of 1 of' 7 of Ellen Blake's Add. 293 2 -Board Of' Health, report of 295 16 -Burd, Bridget, petition of, relative to the assess- ment for sewer in Foye St. 302 " 11 -Bond of L.' O. Papin, for excavating 302 Sept. 6 ± Bills allowed and referred in September, 1917 325, 345 " 6 -Bush, C. T., petition 'of, relative to sidewalk as- sessment 325 6 -Board of Equalization appointed, 'report - 328, 374, 454 6 -Board of Health, report of 331 6 Bendel, Geo., relative to sewer'as'seSSment 332 20- Becker'_ Hazleton Co., petition 'of, relative to debris in 'lot on Third and Iowa Sts. 347 Oct. 4 -Bills allowed in October, 1917 378, 394 4 -Board of ''Health, 'report of 383 4- Becker, 1 IVIrs., communication 'of, relative''to a 'Set- tlement for the death of her son, Eniil Flentje 392 Nov. 1 -Bills allowed in November, 1917 - 417, 423 1 Board of Health, report of 421, 452 Dec. 6 -Bids for 'Street Flusher, 1917 445 " 6 -Bills allowed in December, 1917 445, 458 " 20 -Bills allowed in December, 1917 459 " 20 -Bean, B.''F.,'petition, 'relative to caricel'$'90'0'.'00 'as- sessment 460 " 20 -Bills allowed for last half of October, 1917..473, 474, 475, 476, 477 1917 if INDEX - Book :47 SUBJECT Page 'C Jan. 4- Counters for offices at City Hall, bids of, referred 1 4- Cooper, A. A., remonstrance of, on Jones St. im- provement, • 2 4- Casey, Bridget, settlement of special assessment 5 4 -Court costs in bank cases and railroad cases or- dered'paid '5 4- Connelly, Margaret H., relative to, her assessment on West Locust St. 6, 122 16 -City Attorney Czizek, warrant ordered draWn for, expense of witness Stolteben in Lentz case 9 18- Council Proceedings of November approved of 10 18- Crotty, Susan, petition of, relative to taxes 11, 122 18- Cullen, Mrs. A. A., petition of, relative to taxes 11, 331 'Feb. 1-Council' Proceedings of December, 1916, approved of 27 " 1- Council Proceedings, to have bound in book form 27, 36 " 1- Custer St., from Auburn Ave. to Atlantic Ave., to improve 35, 80, 84, 90, 98, 113, 125, 139, 235, 265, 271, .287 " 15- Cleveland Ave., opening of, warrants ordered . drawn 40, 296 " 27- Counters in various offices, bids returned 43 Mar. 1- Council Proceedings for January approved of 53 " 1- Curtis &' Son, bond of, for excavating' 55, 88 " 1 -Cole, Sarah, notice of, suit for personal injuries 55 " 15- Cooper, G. H., petition of, relative to taxes 61, 269 " 15- Clark, G. R., granted soldier's exemption 63 " 15 -Cora and Exchange Sts., to widen 64, 160, 165, 170 " 15- Cherry St., to improve, from Asbury St. to Avoca Ave. 66, 78, 84, 97, 125, 137, 268, 285, 294, 298 " 15 -C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., notified to 'plank crossings 68 " 15 -C. G. W. R. R. Co., notified to plank crossings 69 Apr. 5- Council Proceedings for February approved of 81 " 5- Connolly, Susan, Adm., petition of, relative to the taxes of A. W. Seeck Estate 82 5- Cooper St. property owners, petition of, relative to dumping refuse 83 5- Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. Co., petition of, relative to vacating the alley between Sixth and Seventh, between White and Jackson Sts 83 5- Clean -up Day, report of Mayor Saul on setting date for said day 85 5 -Clay St., report of City Engineer on salvage 89 5- Couler Ave., to improve, from Peru Road to the City Limits 100, 128, 154, 160, 212, 215, .231, 249, 251, 253, 254, 296, •395 " 16- Cleveland Ave., Engineer to re- arrange house numbers 110 " 19- Council Proceedings for March approved of 111 " 19- Cleaver E. T., bond of, for excavating 116, 171 " 19- Courtney, Geol. L., tax petition, received and filed 122 " 19- Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. Co., in- structed to build a crossing across tracks on Lime St. 123 " 30 -City employe, Mayor given power to discharge ._ _ 130 May 3 -Clay St. and Cooler Ave., petition of property owners, on the way street is being improved 139, 196, 211, 254 3- Cunningham, Mrs. Mary, petition of, relative to special assessment 159, 173 3- Cooper, Herman, granted permission to operate a merry -go -round 160 3 -Court costs in Lentz case ordered paid 162 3 -Clay St., remonstrances received and 164 1917 17- Cooney, J. P., resignation of, as Weighmaster 169 17- Connors, Maud, notice of claim 170, 263 17- Chickens, report of City Attorney, relative to damage done by them 171 June 7- Cleaver, Edw. T., petition of, relative to excavating in alley between Second and Third, between Main and Locust Sts. 196 7 -Court costs in Tuegel case ordered paid 198 7 -Clay St., 18th and Couler Ave., improvement of, accepted by Street Committee..201, 211, 217, 231, 248, 254, 276 7- Cleveland Ave., Engineer to prepare grade 201, 294 21 -Cora and Exchange Sts., grade of 212, 294 21 -Cox St., to improve, from West Fourteenth to West Seventeenth Sts. 214, 263, 264, 270, 285, 287 21 -Cora and Exchange Sts., to improve 215, 269 21 -C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., notified to clean sewer under tracks on Seventeenth St. 216 21 -C. G. W. R. R. Co. notified to clean sewer at Seventeenth St. 216 22- Connolly, Mrs. L. A., et al, petition of, relative to opening alley leading into Hayden's Lane 230 July 5- Council Proceedings for April approved 253, 261 19- Council Proceedings for April and May approved 261 " 19- Courtney, Dan, petition of, relative to taxes 263 " 19- Cooper, A. A., relative to repairing .Second and Locust Sts. 269 19- Cleveland Ave., grading of, Engineer to prepare plans 275, 286, 289 " 19 -Cora St., to improve 269, 286, 291, 296, 323, 326, 333, 345, 371, 373, 378, 400, 422, 450 di di IS Aug. 2- Council Proceedings for June approved of 2- Coleman W., petition of, relative to over payment for a trench on Bluff St. 2- Cleveland Ave. extension, jurors award of 16- Council Proceedings for July, 1917, approved of 16 -Camp St.,, petition of Standard Oil Co., relative to vacating} 16 -Cox St. property owners, petetion of, relative to improving " 16- Chicago Great Western R. R. Co. notified to plank crossings at Rhomberg Ave. and Eagle Point Ave. 16- Council Chamber, telephone to be installed 16 -Cox St., to improve, from end of present improve- ment to Angella St. 16 -Check Protecting Machine, to purchase, for Treasurer Sept. 6 -Clay St. and Couler Ave., contractor notified to repair defects 6 -C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., relative to vacating alley between Sixth and Seventh Sts. 14- Czizek, M. H., appointed delegate to attend League of Iowa Municipalities convention 20- Connelly, Lizzie, appeal of, on West Third St. as- sessment Oct. 2- Carpenter, City, B. Cain appointed' 4- Council Proceedings for August approved of 4- Chapman, Wm., bill of, against Thos. R. Lee 4- Crotty, Susan, petition 'of, relative to reducing taxes id Id INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT C Page 289 291 296 300 302, 332, 349 302 304 304 306 309 331 331, 333 344 348 377 378 378 379 1917 4 -C. M. & .St. P. and C. G. W. R. R. Co.'s notified to construct box sewer under their tracks on Sev- enteenth St. 18 -Cora St., plat and deed of McCarten, of property sold to City " 18 -Clay St., bonding company of contractor notified to repair defects Nov. 1- Council Proceedings for September approved of Dec. 6- Connolly, NI. J., petition, relative to reduction in special assessment 6 -In regards to Lots 1 of M. L. 29, Lot 2 of M. L. 24 6- Cooper, A. A., petition, relative to assessments against Lot 179A 6- Carnegie -Stout Free Library, relative to r/z mill appropriation for library purposes 6- Curtis Plumbing & Heating Co., bond for excavat- ing in streets and alleys 6 -Camp St., petition, relative to property owners va- cation 20- Cooper, A. A., petition, relative to reduce valua- tion in regard to Somer System on Jones St. property 20- Couler Ave. improvement INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT C Page 392 397, 450 400 417 472 446, 454, 455 446 446, 456 446 452 459 461, 478 1917 INDEX - Book; 47 SUBJECT: Page. D Jan. 4- Dubuque Real Estate Board, petition of, relative to having all offices at City Hall open continu- ously 1 " 4 -Deed of Wm: P: Slattery to City 4 " 18- Dawson, Margaret, petition of, relative to taxes 11 " 18- Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co:, petition of, relative to repairing street leading to bridge 11 " 18- Dubuque Electric Co., relative to new boulevard lights 11, " 18-Drees, Andrew, relative to West Eleventh St. as- sessment 13 " 22- Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, relative to storm sewer at harbor 15 " 22- Dubuque Commercial Club, relative to street lead- ing to Eagle Point bridge 15 Feb. 1- Deming, J. K., petition of relative to the taxes of Judge Shiras . " 15- Dubuque Electric Co., bill of, fo $57.00, referred 37 " 15- Datisman, Chas. A„ petition of, relative to taxes " 15- Dubuque Humane Society, relative, to annual do- nation 37 Mar. 1- Dorgan Place residents, relative to,. placing, light 5 " 1- Delaney, Maria and Albert, 'taxes reduced 57 " 15- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, petition of, relative to holding carnival in May, 1917 61 " 15- Delaware Ave., to improve, from Avoca to Audu- bon Ave...67, 79, 84, 89, 90, 98, 113, 125, 139, 352, 372, 382, 383 Apr. 5- Delaney, Mr. and Mrs. A., petition of, relative to taxes 82, 122 5- Davis, Geo. petition of, relative to salary increase 83, 121, 122 5- Dubuque Baseball and Amusement Ass'n., petition of, relative to making payment for an assess- ment 83, 118 " 5- Dubuque Typographical Union, petition of, rela- tive to Council not allowing Electric Co. to op- erate one -man cars 83 5- Detention Hospital, Recorder to advertise for bids for taking care of 95, 190 19- Dubuque Commercial Club, petition of, relative to building dock on river front 115 19- Dempsey, T. D., petition of, asking to be allowed to tap manhole with sewer on Hill St. 115, 178 19 -Dean, Geo., taxes reduced 123 May 3- Dubuque Sanitary Mfg. Co., petition of, relative to Jackson St. improvement and their petition on erecting sidetrack 159 3- Dubuque Electric Co., communication of, on their work on Jackson St. 160 3- Detention Hospital, Recorder to advertise for bids for taking care of 163, 213, 296 3- Dubuque Park Board, relative to tax levy 164 3- Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co., comumnication of, relative to making monthly scale reports 17- Dubuque Commercial Club, petition of, relative to inspectors on streets 169, 268 17 -Dock at Levee, petition of Commercial Club, made a matter of record " 17 -Dock at Eagle Point accepted by Council June 7- Dubuque Electric Co., relative to bill for $57.00 " 7- Dubuque Commercial Club, relative to donation for Fire Works 164 176 177 196 196 1917 D July 5- Dubuque Electric Co. on their work on Couler Ave. " 19 -Deeds of Spielman, M. W., of T. and Minnie Jac- obson and of H. F. 'renk to City " 19- Dubuque Commercial Club, relative to care of Grandview Ave. " 19- Dubuque Autombbile Club, on taking' care of Grandview Ave. " 19- Dubuque Real Estate Board, on blinding sewer in West Third St. Aug. 2- Dubuque Mbose Lodge, petition of, relative to holding carnival 2- Dubuque Park Board, r'esblution of, relative to tax levy 2 -Deed of Win. A. McClain to City 2- Dairyman ordered not to sell dirty milk in the city 2 -Delhi St. Engine House chimney repaired 16- Dolan, Mary' A., petition of, relative to taxes 16- Dubuque German College, petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 6- Dehing, Jno., given contract to clean alleys 6 -De Lorimer, Mary, taxes cancelled 6- Dubuque Boat- and Boiler Works, relative to ex- tending sewer in Third St. Extension 20- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, petition of, relative to Market Ordinance 20- Davis, Geo., resignation of, as Roller Engineer 20- Dubuque Automobile Club, petition of, relative to widening street at-the corner of West Fifth and Alpine St. 20- Dubuque Automobile Club, petition of, relative to resurfacing Alpine St. 20 -Deery Estate, appeal of, on West Third St. assess- ment Oct. 18- Dickinson, E. H., petition of, relative to soldier's exemption 18- Doyle, Mary J., petition of, relative to taxes 18 -Deed of M. McCarten to City 30- Dubuque College and Seminary, petition of, rela- tive to taxes " 30- Dubuque Electric Co., relative to one -man cars Dec. 6- Dubuque College and Seminary, relative to cancel - taxes for the years 1912, 1913, 1914 of Lots 3 and 4, Reche's Sub.; also Lots 1, 5, and 6, No. 2, Lot 38 " 6- Duenser, Fedilo, cancel assessment on N. 1 /2 of Lot 164, East Dubuque Add.; also Lot 5 for 1914, 1915, 1916; Lota 1 and 2, Glendale Add., for year 1913, assessment $600.00 instead of $6,000.00; Lots 102 and 103, Union Add., to be reduced .r S'ept. di INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT Page 254 264 268 269 269 290, 302 291 293 296, 321 299 302 302 331 331 332 346 347 347 347 348 395, 425 396 397 404 404, 423 446 450 1917 SUBJECT Page Jan. 18- Ellis, Mrs. J. M., notice of claim Feb. 27- Edwards, Capt., notified to take care of filling on levee front Mch. 1- Engle, H., appointed roller engineer 59 " 15- Exchange St. and Cora St., to widen 64, 160, 165, 170 " 15- Excavations, engineer instructed to get data for attorney for the filling of trenches Apr. 5- Eagles' Building, petition of relative to taxes " 5- Engineers of roller, petition of on salary increase " 5- Engineer Hoffman, of Major Corps, relative to filling at levee 5- Enzler, Jos. A., ,remonstrance of on Asbury St sewer 5- Enzler, Jos. A., remonstrance of on Willow St. improvement, 5- Excavation in streets and alleys, report of attor- ney and engineer on ordinance INDEX -Book 47 E 12, 28, 87 43 70 82 83, 121, 122 83 84, 105 84 87, 93 5 -Eagle St., to improve from Viola St. to Althauser Ave. 102, 116, 126, 146, 147, 168, 163, 164 " 12- Exchange St., to improve 109, 212, 294 " 19- Enzler property on Willow and St. Ambrose Sts , attorney to prepare deeds " 30 Employe of city, mayor given power to discharge May 17- Early, J. P., notified to clean vaults on East Rock St. " 17 -Eagle Point Wharf, accepted by Council June 7 -Elks' Home Bldg. Co., petition of relative to their taxes 7- Eichman, Mrs. Ida, petition of, relative to grading alley off Cherry St. " 7- Eighteenth St., accepted by Street Committee " 22- Excavations, relative to refilling and replacing, re- ferret July 5- English Lane, petition of property owners, relative to widening said street 19- Engineer McNulty, annual report of " 19 -East Grove Terrace, relative to building stairway " 19- Excavations in streets and alleys, Engineer to pre- pare specifications for filling trenches and re- placing pavement 275, 287, 289, 305 Aug. 2- Enzler, Katie, petition of, relative to special as- sessment on Rhomberg Ave. Sept. 6 -Eagle Point Lime Works, claim of, against Tom Lee " 6 -Even, Peter & Co., claim of, against Tom Lee " 6- Equalization Board appointed Oct. 4- Eulberg, Geo., notice of, vs. John and Josephine Trexler " 30- Election, special notice of, Mayor's Proclamation Nov. 1- Elliott children, petition of, relative to their taxes " 1- Eberhardt, L., petition of, relative to cancelling interest on his assessment Dec. 6 -Eddy, Lawrence, petition to install an oil pumping station at 385 West Fifth St. 10- Equalization Board petitions, relative to said peti- tions filed by Geo. Joseph Roepsch, Edward Norton, John Rumple, Thomas Barry, Mary Ernsdorff, T. G. Efferding, Dr. Wm. P. Slattery, Dubuque Realty Co. and the Corn Belt Packing Co., A. A. Cooper 127, 173 130 176 177 196 196 201, 211, 217 235 254 264 268 290 326 326 328 379 414 418 424 446 455 1917 SUBJECT Jan. 4- Farrell, Edw., petition of, relative to being placed under civil service and on fire payroll 1 4- Fourth St. Imp., petition of H. B. Spensley to have remonstrance withdrawn 1 " 16- Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., petition of, relative to building shipping platform 9, 38 " 18 -Fink, Emma L., notice of suit 12, 87 ,Feb. 1 -Fire Department, members of, asking for an in- crease in salary 27 " 1 -First Baptist Church, taxes cancelled 35 " 17 -Fire Apparatus, Recorder to advertise for bids....41, 50, 53, 64, 181 " 28- Fourth St. Imp., from Locust to Bluffs Sts., war- rants ordered drawn 44 " 28- Fourth St. Extension Imp., warrants ordered drawn - 44 Mar. 15 -First National Bank, petition of, relative to use of street - 62, 95 " 15 -Feed for city horses, Recorder to advertise for bids 64, 75, 81, 190, 305 " 16 -Fire Chief, relative to purchasing auto 69 Apr. 5- Fitzgerald, W. J., petition of, relative to being al- lowed to use part of Sixth and Seventh Sts. for building material 83, 123 5- Finley St., profile of, showing grade 90 " 5-Fumigator,. official, Recorder to advertise for bids 95, 122, 137 19 =Fruit Dispatch Co., petition of, relative to sloughs on South Main St. 115, 163 " 19 -First St., to improve, from Bluff to Locust Sts 129, 169, 268 May 3- Frumkin Bros., petition of, relative to erecting sign 159, 331 " 17- Firemen, relative to salary increase 169, 263, 310 " 17- Foremen of Wards, petition of, on salary increase 170, 207, 268 June 7- Fourth St., Bell St., Fifth St., petition of Adams Co. on vacating 195, 251, 259, 267 7 -Fire Works, petition of Dubuque Commercial Club, relative to donation 196 21- Fischer, Mrs., petition of, relative to her assess- ment on Rhomberg Ave. 211 22 -Fresh Air Camp allowed to tunnel under Rhom- berg Ave. 235 " 22 -Fire horses, auction sale of 251 July 19 -First Baptist Church ordered to build stairway on East Grove Terrace 268 Aug. 2- Fritschi, Anna, petition of, relative to building wall on Delaware Ave. 290 2- Fluckiger, Albert, petition of, relative to sidewalk at Fifth and Clay Sts. 290, 400 2 -Fire Dept., relative to wearing summer clothing 295 2 -Fly traps, relative to placing on sidewalks 296 16 -First Ward Fund credited with $98.20, macadam sold to Third Ward 303 Sept. 6- Forward, Dr., bill of, for $12.00, referred 325 " 6- Farley & Loetscher Co., relative to vacating alley between White and Jackson, between Sixth and Seventh Sts. 331, 333 20- Fettgather, Jos., petition of, relative to installing gasoline tank 347, 398 20- Fluckiger, Albert, petition of, relative to install- ing gasoline tank 347, 398 20 -Fire horses and apparatus, notice of auction sale 374 4- Flentje, Emil, communication of his mother, rela- tive to a settlement for his death 392 Oct. INDEX -Book 4 7 F Page 1917 INDEX —Book .4 7 SUBJECT F " 18 —Fire Auto Engine Saul, relative to placing, at 18th street house " 18 —Fire Department to hold one drill day one day each week Nov. 15— Flusher, Recorder to advertise, for bids " 15 —Fifth Ave. property owners' remonstrance receiv- ed and filed Dec. 17 —Fire Dept. Fund, relative to change " 20— Faherty, Eva W., petition, relative to West Sev- enth St. sewer of 1910 and to accept the sum of $26.00 in full payment Page 400 400 428, 438 INDEX —Book 47 1917 SUBJECT Jan. 4— Gmehle, A. -E., petition of, asking to be appointed delinquent personal tax collector " 4 —Gates at railroad crossings, relative to raising of Feb. 28— Grading fund, warrant ordered drawn for $167.76 " 28— Gregory, W. E., settlement of claim Apr. 19 —Grant Birthday Assn. of Galena, invitation , of 428 " 19 —Gere, Wm., petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 45,6 " 19— Geitz, George, agreement of, for erecting a small building at the foot of Fourteenth St. 19— Governor Greys, lease and agreement of, on use , 459 of Armory Hall May 3— Grigg, J. J., petition of, asking to have O'Hagan St. improved " 3— Gildea, Anna, relative to resurfacing Bluff St. " 17— Gregory, Frank, petition of, relative to erecting gasoline station " 17— Ganvin, J., bill of, for $105.00, ordered Paid June 21— Graham, W. J., petition of, relative to' his assess- ment on Union St. July 19— Gellespie, John, petition of, relative to an assess- ment " 19— Grandview Ave., relative to taking care of " 19— Grandview Ave. property owners, petition of, on extending car line Aug. 2— Geisheker, Mary, petition of, relative to special assessment on Rhomberg Ave. " 2— Gmehle, Emily, petition of, relative to city , ac- cepting $100.00 in full for special assessment Sept. 6— Gengler, J. C., relative to erecting signs Oct. 18— Gasthoff, J. P., bill of, referred " 18 —Glab, Nic., Estate, petition of, relative to Dela- ware Ave. assessment Nov. 1— Graham, John, petition of, relative to an error in in his assessment on North St. Dec. — Grundy & Hird, petition of, relative to improve- ment of North St. Page 1 8 45 87 115 116 116 118 160 164 169, 172 181 211 268 268, 269 269 290 302 331 395 397 417, 427 445, 460 1917 4— Heller, F. J., City Assessor, bond of 2, 31 4— Hassett, T. J., warrant ordered drawn for balance due on Rosedale Ave. contract 4 18 —Hird, Jos. L., petition of, relative to taxes 11, 331 18 -11111 and West Third Sts., relative to widening 11, 14, 28, 34 18 —Hoag, E., notice of suit 12 18 —Hein, William, settlement of claim 12 Feb. 1 —Hann, James H., notice of, claim for personal in- juries 28, 37, 398 " 15 —Heeb St., grading, warrant ordered drawn for $260.00 " 28— Hintrager, Emily, relative to special assessment for b'ourth St. Extension Imp. 44 Mar. 1 —Heim, John, bill of, ordered paid 54 " 15— Hertzman, Max, petition of, relative to cancelling special assessment 61, 177 Apr. 5— Hughes, Miss, addressed Council, relative to blast- ing done by T. Welch 8 " 5— Horen, Peter, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 82 " 5— Hintrager, Emilie, petition of, relative to exempt- ing taxes " 5 —High Bluff St., petition of property owners on im- proving street 5 —Hoag, Endvine, notice of, suit for damages to horse 5 —Hann, James H., notice of, suit for personal in- juries 83 5 —High Bluff St., to improve 101, 152, 159 " 5— Helmets, to purchase, for policemen 105, 140 " 19— Hoerr, Peter, tax petition of, received and filed 122 May 3 —Hein, Geo. L., remonstrance of, on improving al- ley first south of Delhi St. 160, 269 " 3— Hassett, F. W., blasting bond expired 160 3— Holler, Marie H., protest of, on constructing sewer in Martha St. 3 Haupert, J. P., et al, petition of, relative to hav- ing cement steps erected leading from Kauf- man Ave. to Napier St. " 17— Herron, Ed., bond of, Water Works Cashier 170, 293 n 17 —Horse Shoe alley property owners allowed to con- nect with sewer June 7— Hogan, Sarah C., petition of, relative to adopting an ordinance relative to private sewer 7 —Heeb St. improvement, contractor notified to start work at once 7— Hassett, F. W., notified to start work on Heeb St sewer " 21 —Holy Ghost Church, petition of, relative to con- structing driveway " 21— Horses of Fire Dept., auction sale of July 5 —Hurd, L. M., et al, on building stairway on East Grove Terrace 19 —House of Good Shepherds, statement of, relative to cost of sewer in Asbury Road Aug. 16 —Hird, Jos. L. and Bertha, realtive to Delhi St. as- sessment " 16— Hancock, Dr. J. C., appointed library trustee Jan. if SS IS Si SI IS INDEX —Book 47 SUBJECT H Page 40 82 83 83, S7 164 120 178 196, 381 201, 268, 352 201, 393 211 251 254 264 305 305 1917 H Sept. 6— Hogan, Maud, petition of. relative to taxes " 6 —Heeb St., change of grade along with waiver of property owners " 20— Hinde, Richard, petition of, relative to an assess- ment against City Lot 457 " 20 —Hird, Jos. L., petition of, relative to reducing ,taxes " 20— Horses used on Fire Dept., notice of auction sale Oct. 4 —Hird, Bertha, notice of, appeal on O'Hagan St assessment " 4— Hannig, Mrs., relative to assessment on North Booth St. " 18— Handel, Joseph, petition of, relative to taxes " 18— Hemmer, F., notice of, claim for damage done to his car 18 —Hose, Recorder to advertise for bids 400, 414, 417, 429 Nov. 1— Hanson, Mr., addressed Council relative to sewer in Heeb St. " 1— Hayden, Florence, petition of, relative to West 418, 42C Third St. assessment Dec. 6— Homan, John, relative to accepting his taxes for years 1914, 1915 and 1916 on basis of 1917 as- 445 sessment 6 —Hurd, Norman, petition of, relative to release of an agreement entered into by him in regard to 446 gasoline station at Central Garage 6— Harbor Master report, receipt for $439.50 for year 1917 " 20 —M. Hollnagle, petition of, relative to taxes on Lot 67 and 68 20— Heller, Fred, petition of, relative to $200 for the completion of assessing by January 1, 1918, or 459 completion of Tax List 20— Heller, Fred, petition of, relative to B. F. Bean, 460 cancel assessment of $900.00 INDEX —Book 47 SUBJECT Page 325 320 347, 381 347 374 378 393, 426 397 397 417 450 459 INDEX —Book 47 1917 SUBJECT I Jan. 4— Irwin, professor of High School, addressed the Council relative to use of Armory Hall for basketball practice " 4 —I. C. R. R. court cost ordered paid Apr. 30 —Iowa Telephone Co. granted permission to exca- vate in alley between Clay and White Sts. May 24— Insurance on new fire apparatus June27 —Iowa Telephone Co., petition of, relative to con- structing an underground conduit on the north side of Julien Ave. July 19 —Iowa Telephone Co., bond of, for excavating Oct. 18 —Iowa Telephone Co., communication of Surety Co on their bond " 18 —Iowa Telephone Co., report of Street Commission- er on money collected Dec. 20—Interstate Mercantile Co., application for collect- ing Delinquent Taxes Pagn INDEX —Book 47 1917, SUBJECT J Page Jan. 4 —Jones St., relative to improving Feb. 1— Jelinski, Mrs. Ida, petition of, relative to cancell- ing taxes 5 1— Jurors award on widening of Hill and West Third 130 Streets 181 Apr. 5— Jackson St., to improve, from, Twenty- fourth St to Peru Road 99, 106, 107, 111, 118, 126, 145, 148, 157, 169, 160, 163, 165, 178 12— Jackson St., to improve from Tenth to Twenty - 211, 289 fourth Sts. 108, 111, 115, 152, 159, 163, 166, 167, 189, 268,, 263, 293 " 19— Jones, Robt., error in taxes corrected 118 May 3— Jacobson Thos., relative to his assessment on West 395 Second 'St. 164 399 3— Julien Ave., to improve, from Alpine St. to Alta Vista St. ' 165, 169, 270 3— Julien Ave. property owners, protest of, on im- 459 1 provement 169 17— Jungferman, Margaret, petition of, relative to withdrawing plat 169 17— Jurors report on widening Cora and Exchange Sts 170 June 7— Jackson St. property owners, petition of, on im- proving street - 196 July 19— Jacobsen, T. and Minnie, deed of, to City 264 Sept. 6— Jansen Ave., petition of, property owners, against improving street $ 25, Oct. 18 —Jess, J. F., petition of, relative to Bluff St. assess- ment 3 2, 7 27, 121 28 1917 K Jan. 4- Kretschmer Mfg. Co., petition of, relative to taxes " 4 -Klee, Mary, petition of, relative to taxes " 18 -Key City Gas Co., bill of, for $50.00 referred " 18- Kohlman, Leo F., - petition of, relative t� taxes " 18- Kemler, A. W., return of service and remonstrance of, for widening Hill and West Third Sts " 18- Kenety & Son, relative to liability insurance " 18- Kaufman, Nick, relative to West Eleventh St. as- sessment 'Feb. 1- Knights of Columbus, taxes cancelled Mar. 1- Kormann, G. L., petition of, relative to improving Rosaline Ave. 54, " 1- Keller, Miss, petition of, relative to Welch & Co blasting " 15- Kingsley, Mrs. Wm., petition of, relative to her taxes " 15 -Key City Furniture Co., petition of, relative to taxes " 15- Klauer, Peter, notified to tear down walls on building situated at 1345 Iowa St. " 19- Keckevoet, John, petition of, relative to ferry boat license " 19- Keatly, Ellen, relative to a 'reduction on West Lo -, cust St. assessment May 3- Kaufman Ave., remonstrance of property, owners received and 'filed 3- Kemler, J. E., petition of, relative to his assess- ment for a sewer in West Fourteenth St. " 17- Kaufman Ave. property owners, petition of, rela- tive to placing water plugs " 17- Klauer Mfg. Co., petition of, relative to switch track " 17- Kearney, Dr. C. A., petition of, relative to con- structing a cement approach July 5- Keatly, Ellen E., petition of, relative to West Locust St. assessment " 5- Kemler, Mr., ordered to remove debris on Rock St " 19- Keckevoet, John, petition of, asking for permis- sion to erect a building on the north side of harbor " 19 -Kolb, John, remonstrance of, on sewer assessment on Gold St. Aug. 2- Klingenberg Terrace property owners, petition of, on improving street " 2 - Klingenberg Terrace, from North Main to Klein Sts., to improve 297, 323, 326, 333, 345, " 16- Klauer, Peter, appointed Library Trustee Sept. 6- Klingenberg Terrace, petition of, property owners on condition of street, between Klein and Rosa - line St. " 6- Kearney, Rose, petition of, relative to taxes " 20- Keane, J. J., appeal of, on West Third St. assess- ment Dec. 6- Kabat, Joseph, petition of, relative to reduce valu- ation, also special assessment on Lots North 2 -3 of 1 of 73, Glandale Add. " 10- Kemler, A. W., Estate, petition of, relative to re- duction on Kelly Sub. " 20- Kaufman Ave., in regard to improvement INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT Page 1, 35 1, 122 11, 35 11 11, 34 11 13 35 123, 254, 325 55 61, 123 61, 178 69 115 123 164 164 169 169 170, 332 254 261 263, 331 272 291 370, 400, 422 305 325 325 348 446 455 460, 478 1917 L Jan. 4- League of Iowa Municipalities, asking for a sum of money to defray expense to carry on work at Des Moines 4 -Lee, Jas. F., bonds of, on 6th, 7th, West 3rd, 5th, 4th, 2nd and 3rd Sts. 5 " 4 -Levy tax, resolution of, sent to County Treasurer 6 " 18 -Lime St., Engineer to lay out lines to see if they are using street for wood 11 " 22- Linwood Cemetery Assn., remonstrance of, on Windsor Ave. Imp. 15, 27 " 22 -List of City Warrants Feb. 1- Linwood Cemetery Assn., notice of appeal, on Windsor Ave. Imp. 27 1- Lentz, N. T., settlement of claim against City 31 1 -Lee, Jas. F., bills of, for use of his roller, received and filed 35 1 -Lee, John, protest of, on West Locust-St., receiv- ed and filed 35 1- Lange, J. W., protest of, on West Locust St., re- ceived and filed 35 " 28 -List of City Warants drawn in January, 1917 46 Mar. 1- Leicht, John, bill of, for $10.00 for rent, referred 54 "' 1- Light, relative to placing, on Dorgan Place 54 " 1- Light, relative to placing, on Summit St. 55 1- Lattner, S. B., notice of, claim for personal in- juries 55 1 -Lee, John, relative to West Locust St. assessment 57 " 15- Library Trustee McFadden, resignation of 61, 62 1- Loper, Wm., notice of, claim for personal injuries 62, 172, 198 " 15- Library Trustee, John W. McEvoy appointed 62 " 26 -List of City Warrants drawn in February, 1917 71 Apr. 5- Lights on Washington St. at 28th and 30th Sts , relative to installing 81 " 5- Leahy, Bridget, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 82 5- Lippert, Mary, petition of, relative to remitting taxes 82, 123 5- Litscher, John, petition of, relative to reducing his assessment 82 5- Laborers, petition of, relative to an increase in wages 83, 163 5- Levee, communication of Major Hoffman on re- moving piling 83 " 12- Linehan & Molo granted permission to excavate 105 " 19- Lattner, S. B., notice of, suit for injuries received 116 " 19- Laborers on sewers, relative to salary increase 55, 121 " 19 -Lime St., relative to an ordinance on opening 123 " 19 -List of City Warrants 131 May 3 -Lentz case vs. City, court costs ordered paid 162 " 17- Light, relative to placing, on Kaufman Ave 169 " 17 -Lee, Jas. F., purchased old roller from City 177 " 24 -List of City Warrants 183 " 24- License, notice of, of whom required 193 June 7- Lawndale, petition of Voelker Co., relative to im- proving 197 7- Loizeaux, Dr., bill of, allowed 199 7- Liberty Loan Bonds, relative to purchasing 207, 208, 209 7 -Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for grading West Third St , referred 211 21- Linehan & Molo, bond of, for excavating 211, 257 21- Lights, list of, which were ordered erected 214 21- Laborers on streets given an increase in wages 216 INDEX -Book 4 7 SUBJECT Page 1 20 INDEX —Book 47 1917 SUBJECT L " 21 —List of City Warrants drawn in 'May, 1917 July 5— Lehman, A., petition of, relative to 'cleaning cess pool 19— Light, relative to erecting, on Nineteenth and Couler Ave. " 19 —Lee, Jas. F., notified to complete work on West Third St. " 19 —Light at harbor, relative to moving " 19 Lee, Jas: •F., bills of water company against him for water " 19 Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for work on 'Fourth Street, amount $7.50, allowed " 19— Light, to install, on Fourth St. Extension " 19 —List of City Warrants drawn in June, 1917 Aug. 2— Lange, Jos. W., petition of, relative to installing gasoline tanks " 2— Library Board, certificate of, of tax levy " 16— Library Trustees appointed, Helen Sauer, Peter Klauer and Dr. Hancock " 23 —List of all City Warrants issued in July, 1917 Sept. 6 —Lee, Thos. R., claims of parties for material fur- nished " 14— League of Iowa Municipalities convention dele- gates appointed " 14—London & Lancashire Indemnity Co. notified to complete sidewalks on Lemon St. contracts let to Tom Lee " 20 Lavery, Ernestine, 'petition of, relative to taxes.... " 20 —Light on Nevada St., relative to installing " 20 —Light on Dodge St., relative to installing " 20 —List of City Warrants drawn in August, 1917 Oct. 4 —Love, R. J., petition .of, relative to his taxes " 4 Light, relative to placing, on West Fifth St. " 18 —Lease of A. Ring on mining under city property " 18 Linwood Cemetery, report of Street Commissioner on money collected " 30 —Lee, Thos. R., bills of various firms for material furnished " 30 —Lits of all City Warrants issued in Sept., 1917 Nov. 1— Langworthy Estate, petition of, relative • to reduc- ing assessment against Lot 88 in East Du- buque Add. " 15 —List of City Warrants issued in October, 1917 Dec. 20 —List of City Warrants issued in November, 1917 SIT Page 236 254, 268 263 268 268 269 269 276 277 290 291 305 311 326 344 344 347 347 347 363 379 379 395 399 404 405 418 432 473 1917 Jan. IS INDEX —Book 4 7 SUBJECT M 4 —Mink, C. E., waiver of, on sewer in O'Neill Ave assessment Feb. 1— Muntz, Edward, petition of, relative to his assess- ment for improving West Seventeenth St Mar. 1— Minges, Mrs. Carolina, petition of, relative to her special assessment 1— Milligan, E. F., petition of, relative to cancelling weed assessment 1— Meyers, Geo., notice of, claim for personal injuries 1— Matrons' quarters, repairs needed 15— Miller, Mary F., petition of, relative to taxes 15— Meyer, P. H., petition of, relative to taxes 15 —Muntz Motor Co. awarded contracts for fire appa- ratus Apr. 5— Mason - Wheeler Co., petition of, relative to taxes 5— Mashur, Fred, petition of, relative to 'cancelling, taxes 5 —Mount Pleasant Home, remonstrance of, on Wood St. improvement 5— Merchants Lane, profile of, showing grade 12— Midland Chemical Co., petition of relative to be- ing granted permission to erect a housing over their boiler v Page 6 27, 164 54 55, 165 55, 160 57 61, 89, 269 62, 123 64 82, 118 82 84 89 105 ' " 19— Market Stands, Recorder to advertise for sale of May 3 —Mara, Joseph, remonstrance of, on Jackson St improvement 3— Macadam paid for by First Ward Fund ordered transferred to Second Ward 3— Michel, Mr., relative to making sewer connections 17— Memorial Day committee, petition of, on annual donation to defray expenses for exercises 17— Market, cleaning around, Recorder to advertise for bids 176, 190, 195 17 —Muntz Motor Co., bill of, for $5,500.00 allowed 181 24 —Metz Mfg. Co., petition of, on taking care of water on Seventeenth St. June 7— Muntz, Edward, petition of, relative to West Sev- enteenth St. assessment " 7— Madden, Miss B., protest of, on Atlantic Ave. Imp. " 21— Mauer, W. L., bond of, for excavating July 5— Meehan, Mary, petition of, relative to taxes " 5— Masters, Geo., bond of, for excavating " 19— Mettel, Peter, petition of, asking for permission to build stairway " 19 —Mole, W. S., relative to erecting derrick on the levee " 19 —Mt. Pleasant Ave. property owners notified to make connections Aug. 2 —Milk dealers ordered not to sell dirty milk in the city Sept. 6— Mauer, Wilkin, bond of, for excavating " 6— Mulgrew, T. J., claim of, against Tom Lee " 6— Murphy, Cath., relative to interest= on her assess- ment 20— Murray, P. H., appeal of, on West Third St. as- sessment Oct. 4— Mississippi Valley Waterways Assn., relative to an appropriation of $250.00 for expense of Assn Nov. 1— Mulgrew, Thos. J., petition of, relative to using Charter and Wall Sts. 1— Maynard, Mr., of Electric Co., addressed Council relative to using one -man cars Dec. 6— Manhoff, I., petition of, relative to an electric light on Fifteenth St. 6 —Muntz Motor Co. repairs on James Saul fire engine 122, 148 159 162 163, 176 170 181 196 202 211, 257 254 254, 264 263 269 276 296, 321 326, 349 326 332 348 379 417 423 446 452, 456 1917 INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT Mc Jan. 4T- McNamara, C. B. & Co., bill of, for brick, referred " 4- McCullough, Mary, notice of, claim for personal injuries " 4- McLain, Wm. A., bond of, Water Works Trustee " 18- McNamara, C. B. & Co., bill of, for $49.88 referred Feb. 1- McCullough, Mary, notice of suit " 28- McCarthy, M. H., report of City Treasurer on spe- cial assessment against lots for improvement of Fourth St. Extension Mar. 15- McFadden, J. M., resignation of, as Library Trus- tee " 15- McFadden Bldg. Co., petition of, relative to taxes " 15- McEvoy, John W., appointed Library Trustee Apr. 5- McGrath, Jeffrey, petition of, relative to cancell- ing assessment " 5- McClain, Wm., appointed Water Works Trustee " 19- McCarten, H. B., bond of, for excavating May 3- McGrath, Dennis and Lena, petition of, relative to their West Locust St. assessment " 17- McEvoy, Ed., petition of, relative to vacating the alley first east of Asbury St. 17- McCarten, Mr., given permission to excavate in certain streets June 21- McNamara, C. B. & Co., statement of, relative to name of firm July 5- McMullen, W. A., ordered to have sewer connec- tions made " 5- McNamara & Co. purchased old roller of city " 19- McFadden, E. W., petition of, relative to an error made in a deed made to City Aug. 2- McClain, Wm. A., deed of, to City of Lot 5 of Lots 147 and 237, Union Add. Sept. 6- McGivern, Robt., reduction in taxes granted " 6- McKinlay, Helene, relative to taxes " 6- McCarthy, D. H., addressed Council relative to Wales Hotel Oct. 4- McLean, Elizabeth, petition of, relative to West Third St. assessment " 18- McCarten, M., deed and plat of, to City " 18- McNamara, C. B. & Co., notified to repair Windsor Avenue " 18- McNamara, C. B. & Co., notified to repair Clay St. and Locust St. Nov. 1- McLaughlin, Mrs. Maud, petition of, relative to cancelling taxes Dec. 6- McCabe, H. ;F., petition of, relative to cancelling taxes ' of Reliance Oil Co. for the year 1916 " 20- McNulty, T. J., in regard to resignation of Jos Schleuter, Albert Eitel Page 2 5 11, 176 27 44 61 61, 118 62 83 84 166, 171 160, 177 169 170 217 261 261 263, 425 293 328 331 343 378, 404 397 449 46J 1 400 400, 458 424 1917 N Jan. 4 -North St., relative to improving, from present im- provement to Louisa St 2, 7, 10, 12, 25, 352, 372, 382, " 22- Neyens, Mathias, notice of suit " 22- Notice to tenants and owners of property Feb. 1- Norton, P. S. and J. W., protest of, on West Lo- cust St. received and filed " 15- Nicks, N., application of,, for roller engineer " 15- Nevada St., opening of, warrants ordered drawn Mar. 15 -Ninth St. Engine House, relative to repairing steps " 26 -Nagle Park, relative to filling, referred " 26- Notice to hay and grain dealers " 26- Notice to applicants for positions on police and fire _ departments " 26- Notice to Water Works bondholders 78 Apr. 5 -North St. property owners, petition of, on extend- ing water mains 5 -Nank, Carl, petition of, relative to special assess- ment 5- Neyens, Mathias, notice of suit for personal in- juries 5 -Nagle Park on Julien Ave., relative to sanitary condition of 95, 12- Nesler, Mr., relative to being allowed to excavate 105 19- Noonan, John, petition of, relative to taxes 116 19- Nevada St., to improve, from West Fifth St. to Julien Ave...125, 253, 257, 305, 322, 329, 337, 350, 353, 370, 400 30- Nevada St., improvement of, from Julien Ave. to Martha St. contract awarded 130, 212, 216, 248, 249, 330 May 3 -North Main St., remonstrance of property owners, received and filed " 17- Neumeister, J. W., relative to a reduction in his assessment 1 • 177 July 5- Notice of appeal of property owners on Clay St assessment " 19- Nading, A., et al, petition of, relative to sidewalks on Pine St. Aug. 2- National Refining Co., petition of, relative to va- cating the alley in Block 19, Dubuque Harbor Company Add. 290, 332 " 16- National Refining Co., petition of, relative to in- stalling sewer in Seventh St. Extension 302 " 16- Nevada St., Engineer to prepare specifications for re- surfacing from West Fifth to Julien Ave 309, 310, 321 " 16- National Refining Co., petition of, relative to building sidetrack across Seventh St. Extension 310, 33? Sept. 6 -North Main St., contractor notified to repair de- fects 331 " 20 -Noel, Prank J., petition of, relative to taxes 346 " 20- Notice of meeting of police and fire commissioners 374 Dec. 20- Notice of vacating alley in Block 19 of the Du- buque Harbor and Improvement Co. Add., Sev- enth St. to Cypress, between Pine and Wall Sts. 459 " 20- Notice of vacating alley between White and Jack- son; from Sixth to Seventh Sts. 459, 479 " 20- Notice return of vacation, relative to C. M. & St. Paul R. R. Co. and Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co. 459 " 20- Notice of return, vacation of E. J. Voggenthaler and C. G. W. F. R. Co. 459 " 20- Dubuque and Dunleith Bridge Co., F. A. Rumpf, National Refining Co., in regards to vacation of alley, Block 19, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add. 459 INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT Page 393 15 25 35 37, 176 40 69 70 75 75 82 83, 129 83, 87 164 254 262 1917 id INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT N 20- Notice of improving Kaufman Ave. 20= Notice of special assessment, pay for improving Couler Ave. 20- Notice of special assessment, in regards to sani- tary sewer in West Sixteenth St. 20- Notice of special assessment, in regards to sani- tary sewer in West Sixteenth St. 20- Notice of special assessment, for constructing side- walks abutting lots on Bennett St. Sub., assess- ed to M. J. and T. Lyons; Westaby's. Sub. to Howard Graham Est. Page 462, 478 469, 473 471 473 479 L 1917 SUBJECT Jan. 16- Ordinance relative to granting the right to Ro- shek Bros. the right to erect a bridge in alley between Seventh and Eighth Sts. 9, 13, 15 18- O'Meara, Dennis, notice of claim 12, 87 Feb. 1- Ordinance relating to taxis, carriages, etc., re- pealed - 32 " 1- Ordinance repealing Sec. 2 of an ordinance to pro- vide for the assessment and collection of taxes 32, 50 1- Ordinance prescribing rules and regulations to the business of automobiles, other vehicles for con- veyance of passengers 33, 49 " 15- Ordinance granting Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co the right to erect and maintain a shipping plat- form 38, 51 " 27- Office fixtures, relative to furnishing, in the vari- ous offices at the City Hall 43 " 27- Offices at City Hall, relative to repairs, needed 43 Mar. 26- Olinger, John, petition of, relative to excavating in Couler Ave. 70 " 26- Ordinance, City Attorney instructed to draft, rela- tive to making gas, sewer and water connections 70, 120, 151 Apr. 5 -Odd Fellows, petition of, relative to taxes 82, 332 " 5- O'Connor, Jas., petition of, relative to taxes 82 " 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Bluff and South Bluff Sts. 90, 144 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Seminary St 91, 142 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Merchants Lane 91, 143 5- Ordinance establishing grade on th'e alley first east of South Booth St., from Curtis St. south to the end 92, 143 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Finley St. 92, 143 5-Ordinance relative to excavating in streets and alleys 93, 140 5- O'Hagan St., to improve, from Delhi St. to Min- eral St. 97, 153, 160, 163, 166, 167, 189, 193, 216, 257, 330, 350, 360, 370 " 19- Ordinance establishing grade on Delaware Ave 118, 119, 149, 150 " 19- Ordinance establishing grade on Willow St ' 119, 144 " 19- Ordinance providing for making sewer, water and gas connections by property owners 120, 151 " 19- Ordinance in relation to taxes of Blake Milling Co. 121, 149 " 19- Ordinance relative to licensing ferry boats, etc 123, 150 " 19- Ordinance establishing grade on Custer St 92, 142 May 17- Ordinance relative to chickens running at large referred 171 17- Ordinance establishing grade first south of Delhi Street 174, 191 17- Ordinance establishing grade on Jackson St., from Twenty -fifth St. to Peru Road 174, 191 17- Ordinance establishing grade on O'Hagan St. 174, 191 17- O'Connor, Jos., relative to lines on Rowan St 178 17- O'Leary, Mrs. J., et al, petition of, on erecting frame building 181 June 7- Ordinance changing grade on Pfohl St 200, 247 " 7- Ordinance changing grade on Ungs St. 200, 247 21- Orvis, J. G., error in taxes corrected 212 21- Ordinance relative to appointing Market Master 212 21- Ordinance relating to street traffic 214, 231, 243, 311 July 5- Ordinance changing the name of Exchange St. to Cora St. 257, 266, 285 " 5- Ordinance providing for the placing shrubbery, etc., in control of Park Board 257 Id di INDEX -Book 47 0 Page 1917 INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT O 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Couler Ave , from Peru Road to City Limits 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Cora and Ex- change Streets 5- Ordinance amending an ordinance providing for appointment of Market Master defining his duties 5- Ordinance for the vacation of Fourth St., Fifth St., Bell St., Market St., in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co.'s Add.. " 19- Oppelt, S., petition of, relative to being allowed overtime " 19- Ordinance establishing grade on Cora Street Aug. 2 -Otto, Ernestine, petition of, relative to reducing her assessment 2- Ordinance establishing grade on Cox Street, from West Fourteenth to West Seventeenth Streets " 2- Ordinance establishing grade on Cherry Street " 16- Ordinance establishing grade on Cleveland Ave- nue, from State to South Dodge Streets Sept. 6- Ordinance amending and ordinance providing for issuing permits for excavating in streets and alleys " 14- Ordinance changing grade on Heeb Street, from Kaufmann Avenue south " 20- O'Connor, James, appeal of, on West Third St assessment " 20- Ordinance establishing grade on Seventh St. Ex- tension Nov. 1- O'Hern, John, petition of, relative to an assess- ment against Lot 69, Union Add. " 15- Ordinance prohibiting the running at large of chickens, etc. Dec. 6- Ordinance of Standard Oil Co., granting permis- sion of pipe line " 20- Ordinance vacating alley in Block 19,; in Dubuque Harbor and Improvement Co. Add. " 20- Ordinance vacating alley from Seventh to Sixth Sts., between White and Jackson Sts. " 20- Ordinance relative to repeal Section 1 of Chapter III, in regards to changing precincts voting places Page 258, 265, 286 258 259, 283 259, 267, 283 263, 305 266, 284 291 294. 320 294, 321 304, 322 330, 373 344, 375 348 351, 372 418, 427 428 449, 480 461, 481 461, 481 472, 479 1917 Jan. 4 -Pfohl St., improvement of, contract awarded to J. M. Kenety & Son 1, 173, 304, 322, 325, 329, 339, 397 " 4- Palmer, Wm., Estate, relative to an assessment levied against Inlot 235 4, 5 Feb. 1- Policemen, petition of, asking for an increase in salary " 1- Papin, O. C., petition of, relative to taxes 1 -Peck, Ernestine, notice of suit 1 -Pitch Filler, relative to using referred 1- Pleins, Julia, relative to personal injuries petition received and filed " 15- Pitschner, L. and A., petition of, relative to taxes " 28- Printing fund increased Mar. 1 Pine St., to improve, from 31st to 32nd Sts. 58, 62, 65, 75, 77, 81, 89, 326, 330, 350, 354, 369, 426 " 15 -Park Ave.,•petition of Abe Urbach, relative to curb 70, 164 " 26- Plugs, Sidewalk Inspector instructed to have all removed Apr. 5 -Peru Road, to improve, from Jackson St. to Coul- er Ave. 101, 105, 106, 153, 160, 163 " 5- Policemen, committee to purchase helmets 105, 140 " 12 -Pape, Chas., relative to being allowed to excavate 105 " 12 -Pohl, Louis, petition of, relative to installing gas- oline tank " 12- Patients, hauling to Detention Hospital contract awarded " 19- Perry, Gale T., tax petition of, received and filed 122 May 3- Police Chief, annual report of 162 " 3 -Park Ave., bids of, for curbing made a matter of record 3- Potter, Mrs. E. M., petition of, relative to personal injuries " 17- Pickett St., improvement of, accepted by Commit- tee on Streets ..175, 192, 201, 330, 350, 362, 369, 383, 454, 456 " 17- Phillips, John, taxes reduced 176 June 7- Parkway, petition of, relative to improving " 21 -Park Ave., contractor notified to repair curb July 5 -Pape & Son, bond of, for excavating " 5- Pfiffner, A, C., ordered to have sewer connections made 19 -Pine St. property owners, petition of, relative to sidewalks 19- Peters, Anna, petition of, relative to erecting re- taining wall Aug. 2- Police Dept. given power to purchase summer clothing " 16- Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Anton, petition of, relative to building a retaining wall on Atlantic Ave " 16- Papin, L. 0., bond of, for excavating " 16- Parkway, Engineer instructed to prepare grade Sept. 6 -Park Board, annual report of " 20- Putnam, Ellen White, petition of, relative to in- terest on sewer assessment 20- Police and Fire Commissioners, notice of meeting INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT P Oct. 4- Polsean, T. A., petition of, relative to his assess- ment on Pine St. 4 -Pond, A. M., petition of, relative to taxes 4 -Plat of Lot 2 of 7 of Bonson and Stewart's Sub. to City 30- Police Dept., relative to purchasing overcoats and Page 27, 122 27 28 31 35 37 45 70 105, 117 122, 137 164 170, 325 197 216, 268 254, 264 261 262 263, 305 295 302 302, 382 309 328 346 374' 378 379 397 1917 INDEX —Book 47 SUBJECT P caps " 30— Proclamation of Mayor on special election Nov. 15—Policemen, City to stand one -half cost of new overcoats Dec. 6— Pollock, J. L., et al, petition of, relative to appeal Section 1 of Chapter III " 20 —Pay Roll, police, firemen and city employes Page 413 414 431 446 473, 474, 475, 476 1917 INDEX —Book 47 SUBJECT Page R Jan. 4— Rellihan & Mullen, notice of, claim for loss of 2, 62 horse " 4— Reports of Officers for the last half of Dec., 1916 2 " 4— Roehl, Wm. petition of, relative to taxes 5 4 —Ross, Frank B., bond of, Water Works Trustee 8 " 4— Railroad Gates, relative to taking proper care of " 16— Roshek Bros:, relative to an ordinance for the right to erect an enclosed bridge in alley, be- tween Seventh and Eighth Sts. 9, 13, 15 " 18— Reports of Officers for first half of January, 1917 12 Feb. 1— Reports of Officers for last half of January, 1917 28 " 1— Robinson, J. H., awarded contract for cleaning 34 vaults " 15— Rhomberg, A. L., petition of, relative to ground 37 used for beach at Eagle Point " 15— Reports of Officers first half of February, 1917._ 38 " 28— Reports of Officers last half of February, 1917 44, 62 Mar. 1— Reports of Officers first half of March, 1917 57 " 1— Rodgers, G. W., personal tax cancelled 57 " 5— Robinson, J. E., bond of, on Detention Hospital " 15— Reddin, Mrs. T., petition of, relative to, taxes 61, 123 " 15— Rusch, Margt., granted soldier's exemption 63 " 15— Rebman, Emma, granted soldier's exemption 63 " 15— Railroad companies notified to plank Fourth St , 69 Lime St. and Eagle Point Ave. Apr. 5— Rotary Club, petition of, on flushing streets 81 " 5— Ruchte, Mrs. A., petition of, relative to reducing taxes 82, 123, 263 " 5— Roller Engineers, petition of, on salary ,increase 83, 121, 122 " 5 —Ross, F. B., 'appointed Water Works Trustee 84 5— Reports of Officers for last half of March, 1917 85 5— Rhomberg property at Eagle Point, relative to purchasing for Bathing Beach purposes._..95, 122, 128, 177, 181 " 19 —Ryder Bros., petition of, on erecting gasoline tank 115, 172 " 19— Reznick, Max, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 116, 176, 196, 425 19 —Ross, F. B., bond of, for Water .Works Trustee 116, 171 " 19— Reports of Officers for first half of April, 1917 116 " 19— Rosaline Ave., relative to improving 123, 125, 169, 254 May 3— Reports of Officers for last half of April, 1917 160 " 3— Rafferty, Thos., extension of time given on making sewer connections 163 3— Reeder, Miss, communication of, relative to con- ditions on Rock St. 163 3 —Ring, A., relative to an assessment for a walk on Union St. 165 " 17— Rausch, W. H., et al, petition of, relative to vacat- ing the alley at the intersection of Cora St 169 17— Reports of Officers first half of May, 1917 171 " 17— Roller, old, sold to Jas. F. Lee 177 " 17— Registration notice, relative to locations and those who are required to register, relative to select- ive draft 192 June 7— Reports of Officers for last half of May, 1917 197 " 21— Reinecke, Dr. E. L., notice of suit 211, 326 " 21— Reports of Officers for first half of June, 1917 212 " 21— Refreshment dealers, notice of 248 July 5— Reports of Officers for last half of June, 1917 255 " 5— Rhomberg, Magdalena, ordered to have sewer connections made 261 5 —Ruff, Chas., ordered to have sewer connections made .., 261 1917 Dec. INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT R " 5- Roller, old, sold to McNamara & Co. " 19- Reports of Officers for first half of July, 1917 Aug. 2 -Ring, Andrew, petition of, relative to mining un- der Lots 31 and 32 and street abutting thereon in Union Add. 2- Rodgers, Charles and Flora, petition of, relative to special assessment for sewer in Foye and Seminary Sts. 2- Reports of Officers for last half of July, 1917 " 16- Reports of Officers for first half of August, 1917 Sept. 6- Rellihan & Mullen, bond of, for excavating " 6- Reports of Officers for last half of August, 1917 " 6- Rebman, Emma, relative to building retaining wall " 20- Reynolds, Mrs. Owen, petition of, relative to taxes " 20- Reports of Officers first half of September, 1917 Oct. 4- Reports of Officers last half of September, 1917 " 18- Reports of Officers first half of October, 1917 " 18- Registration, notice of, on special election Nov. 1- Rumple, John, petition of, relative to reducing taxes " 1- Rumple, John, guardian of Elliott children, peti- tion of, relative to allowing taxes for 1916 re- main lien on property 1- Reports of Officers last half of October, 1917 1--Reliance Refining Co., petition of, by H. F. Mc- Cabe, trustee, relative to their taxes 1- Russell, Anna, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 1- Reports of Officers first half of November, 1917 6 -Ryan, Dennis, petition of, relative to taxes against Lot 2 of M. Lot 28 6 -Rex Credit Co., petition of, relative to assessment on money capital from $1600 to $5000 for year 1917 6- Reports of Officers last half of November, 1917 6- Report of Road Fund, relative to change Page 261 263 290, 332, 395 290, 332, 349 291 302 326, 349 326 331 346 348 379 397 415 418 418 418 424 424 425 446, 454, 455 446 446, 447, 448 456 1917 S Jan. 4- Spensley, H. B., asking to have remonstrance withdrawn against the improvement of 4th St. 4- Staner, N. J., maintenance bond of, on North Main St. " 4- Slattery, Wm. P., deed of, to City " 4- Street Signs, relative to amount needed....6, 14, 110, " 4- Schmid, O. NI., assessment corrected on O'Neill St. 4- Sewer, sanitary, in O'Nei11, College and Walsh St assessments corrected " 16- Stolteben, Frank, warrant ordered drawn to pay expense for witness in the Lentz case " 18- Snyder, Evelyn, petition of, relative to taxes " 18 -St. Pious Alphonse Society, petition of, relative to beginning and letting contract work earlier Feb. 1- Spanish - American War Veterans, petition of, rela- tive to being allowed to use Armory Hall 1- Sullivan, James M., petition of; relative to reduc- ing his assessment 27 1- Shiras, Judge O. P., petition of, relative to taxes 1- Swimming Pool and Playground on Fourteenth and Elm Sts., petition of property owners, rela- tive to an appropriation 1- Staner, N. J., maintenance bond of, on Park Ave. 31 (see official, book) 1- Smedley Pump Co., tax petition received and filed 34, 403 1 -Shuh, Angeline, taxes reduced 15- Sewer, Bee Branch, property owners asking for 37 an appropriation for the building of sewer 15- Sewer, sanitary, to construct in Foye St., Seminary St. and Harold St. 40, 58 18 -Sewer in Avoca Ave., warrant ordered drawn 44 Mar. 1 -Sewer Dept., relative to an increase in salary 55, 121 " 1- Summit St., relative to installing light 55 " 1- Schmidt, Fred, notice of, claim for personal in- juries 57 1- Sprinkling Wagons, to repair 1- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Foye St., Gold St , Seminary St. and Merchants Lane 58, 62, 68, 77, 81, 260, 265, 272, 288 " , 1- Sewer, Bee Branch, at 28th St., to construct 59, 60, 78, 201, 383 " 1- Sewer, storm, to construct, in Angella St 59, 60, 78, 213 " 15- Scheppele, E. H., petition of, relative to his spe- 61, 290, 303 cial assessment " 15- Scherrer, Margt., remonstrance of, on Pine St improvement " 15- Schwaegler, John, settlement of claim for person- al injuries " 15- Sewer, storm, to construct, in Grandview Heights 64, 79, 81, 201 " 15- Seventeenth St., to improve, from the alley be- tween Clay and White Sts. to C. G. W. R. R. Co.'s tracks 64, 75, 84, 103, 112, 124, 138, 352, 372, 383, 387, 428 " 15 -Sewer in Asbury St., from St. Ambrose St. to Wil- low St., to construct 68, 80, 84, 98, 105, 113, 127, 138, 176, 190, 199, 201 " 26- Sewer, sanitary, relative to constructing, in 28th St. between Washington and Elm Sts. 70 " 26- Sewer, storm, in Dodge and Locust Sts., relative 70 to enlarging " 26- Sidewalk Inspector instructed to have all plugs 70 removed INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT Page 1 2, 31 4 146, 157, 176 6 6 9 11 11, 34 27 27, 123 27 55, 116 62 63 1917 Apr. S 5- Streets, relative to flushing, 'petition of Rotary Club 5- Schneider, Fred, protesting against blasting done by T. Welch 5 -Star Taxi Co., petition of, relative to installing gasoline tank 5- Schon, Edward G., petition of, relative to install- ing fire plugs on Kaufman Ave. 5- Sprinkling, Engineer and Street Commissioner in- structed to report the per cent charged to each ward 5- Sprinkling to be done on West Locust St. by elec- tric sprinkler 5- Schwinn, Phil., appointed Water Works Trustee 5- Street Traffic Ordinance, report of City Attorney 5- Seminary St., profile of„ showing grade 5- Sidewalk, resolutions ordering walks adopted 12- Scanlan, Mr., addressed Council relative to being granted permission to excavate 12 -Sheet Asphalt, representative' of, addressed Coun- cil 12 -Sewer connections, Engineer to notify all to make connections 16 -Sheet Asphalt, relative to inserting in specifica- tions 16- Saunders Ave., to improve 19 -St. Paul's Church protesting against the improve- ment of Jackson St. 19- Smedley Steam Pump Co., petition of P. Schwinn, receiver, relative to their taxes 19- Schwinn, Phil., bond of, Water Works Trustee 19- Schmidt, Fred, notice of, suit for personal injuries received 19- Sullivan, Mrs. C., tax petition received and filed 19- Specifications on asphalt, Engineer instructed to change May 3- Schwind, B. J., petition of, on improving Custer St 3- Schwind, B. J., petition of, relative to using min- ing shaft received and filed 3- Sewer, sanitary, in Park Ave., bids of, made a matter of record 3 -Sewer in Hennipen St., remonstrance of property owners, made a matter of record 3- Stoltz, Theresa, relative to her assessment on West Locust St. " 17- Sewer, sanitary, ,relative to constructing in the alley between Rhomberg Ave. and Lincoln Ave , petition of property owners " 17- Steps, petition of property owners relative to erecting, leading from Kaufman Ave. to Napier St. 17 -St. Mark's English Lutheran Church, petition of, relative to interest on special assessments 17- Steadman, B. F., bond of, Water Works Book- keeper 17- Scheidecker, M. H., bond of, Water Works Cashier 17- Sidewalks, to construct, on Iowa St. and 3rd St., on Bluff St., on Lemon St., return of service of 17 -Storm sewer in Fifth Ave. accepted by Committee 17- Stapleton, Mrs. M., petition of, relative to West Locust St. assessment received and filed 17- Sisters of Mt. St. Joseph, relative to cancelling taxes di El INDEX -Book 4 7 SUBJECT Page 81 S.1 82, 117 83, 169 84 84 84; 171 87 90 104, 171 105 109 109 110 110, 127 115 116, 403 116, 171 116 122 110, 123 164 164 164 164 165 169 170 170, 268 170, 293 170, 293 171 175 • 177 177 1917 " 17- Spiegelhalter,' C. F., relative to his assessment for sewer in Queen St. " 24 -Saul, Jas., new auto engine to be named after him 181, 400 " 24- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Cora St. and Ex- change St. 181, 212, 215, 249, 250, 253, 295, 304, 308, 320 June 7- Siege, Jos. J., Sr., petition of, relative to assess- ments levied against lots in Wood's Add. 195, 257 " 7- Scales First Ward, relative to appointing caretaker 199 7- Staner, N. J., notified to start work on Bee Branch Sewer and Heeb St. improvement " 21- Standard Oil Co., petition of, relative to erecting a gasoline tank on 2nd and Locust Sts. 211 " 21- Scharle, Barbara, petition of, relative to taxes 211 " 21- Sidewalk abutting Lot 160, Glendale Add., accept- ed 213,' 251, 261, 264, 274 " 21- Staner, N. J., notified to repair curb on Park Ave. / 216 " 22- Sidewalks abutting lots in Fairmont Add., G. R. West's Dub. Add., 'on Lemon St., notice of, 'for bids 248, 253, 344, - 352, 399, 401, 413 " 22- Sidewalk 'abutting City Lot 193 and Lot 5, Lori - mer's Sub., notice of 248, 253 July 5-Stairway o'n East Grove Terrace, relative to build -, ing " 19-Sewer, relative to constructing in Elm St., petition of property 'owners 262, 304 " 19- Schneider, ,Sophia, petition of, on constructing sewer in Elm St. " 19- Standard Oil Co., petition of, asking for permis- sion to erect a gasoline tank at 153 Fifth St 263, 299, 305 " 19- Spielman, M. W. and Ella, deed of, to City 284 " 19 -Sewer in Asbury Road, statement of 264 " 19- .Sidewalk resolutions 'adopted 270 Aug. 2- Slattery, Dr., protest of, on telephone company excavating on Julien Ave. 289 2- Sidewalk abutting Lot 193 on Third and •Iowa Sts. accepted 295, 303, 307, 320, 321 2- Sewer, sanitary, in West Sixteenth St., to con- struct 2- Standard Oil Co., petition of, relative to, vacating Camp St. 16- Scheppeley, E. H., warrant ordered drawn for $18.00 refund for gutter laid in front of his property 303 16- Sauer, Helen, appointed Library Trustee 305 16- Sewer, sanitary, in Elm St., from 20th to 21st Sts 306 16- Sidewalk resolutions adopted ordering walks 307 23- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Seventh St. Ex- sion 310, 324, 326, 333, 345, 371, 420, 427, 429, 437 " 23- Steffens, John, relative to reducing taxes 310, 454 Sept. 6 -Spahn & Rose, claim of, against Tom Lee 326 " 6- Sidewalk returns of service presented 326 " 6- Seventh St., grade of, from Wall St. east 329 " 6 -Sewer in Third St. Extension to be extended 332 " 20- Standard Oil Co., bills of, referred 346 " 20- Standard Oil Co., petition of, relative to installing pipe lines on Camp St. 34 " 20- Slattery, Wm. P., agreement of, on Nevada St. im- provement " 20- Sewer in Heeb St„ bonding company notified to do work • " 20- Sidewalk resolutions adopted ordering walks on Louisa St. INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT S Page 177 201, 268 254, 268 262 298, 373 302, 332, 349 348 352 362 1917 " 20- Sewer, sanitary, to .St. " 20- Sidewalks notice to in Kringle'.s, Sub. Opt. 4 Sidewali�s abutting. Ham's Add., bids of " 4- Sidewalks, abutting Kringle's Sub., bids of " 4- Sisters of St. Francis, petition of, relative, to taxes W " 4- Sidewalks abutting lots in, estaby's and Ben-,. nett's Sup„ ,and Michel's Sub. and Oxford Heights, return of service of 379, 394, 413, 414, 417, 428 4- Seventeenth St. property owners, remonstrance of , 387, 428 4- Sidewalks, relative . to constructing, on, South Alta •.. Vista St. 393, 397 4- Sidewalk on Fifth and Clay, Sts. referred 393 4- Signs, relative to placing, on Rhomberg Ave. and on Julien Ave. , 18- Specht, Matilda, petition of, relative to taxes 395, 426 " 18- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, ,in•Heeb•St 401, 414, 417, 418, 42 423, 437, ,438, 445, 450 " 18- Sidewalks, cleaning snow and repairing, special assessment of 402, 411 " 18- Smedley Steam Pump, Co., petition of, relative to taxes granted 403 " 18- Sidewalks in Oxford Heights Add., bids of 417 Nov. 1- Sisters of St. Francis, petition of, relative to their - taxes " 1- Sullivan, Mrs. C., petition of, relative to, reducing assessment 424, 454 " 15- Sidewalk abutting Lot 485, Ham's, Add., accepted, by Council' 428, 438 " 15- Street Flusher, Recorder - Co advertise for bids 428, 438 ■ Dec. 6- Street Flusher bids • 445 " 6- Schmidt, Emil, petition of, relative to, special as- sessment for the' improving of Willow Street against Lot 122, Finley Add. 446 6- Standard Oil Co.; petition of, relative to lay pipe line from Mississippi river to connect with their plant on lower Main St. 449 6-Sidewalks, cost of constructing, on or abutting Lot 485, Ham's Add. 450, 452 6- Snyder, Evelyn, petition of, relative to amend as- sessment of Lot 2, 1 of 2 of Kelly's Sub., 1914 and 1915 6-Sidewalks, recommend that said be accepted, abutting Lot 30, Oxford Heights; Lot 2 of 2 of M. Lot 79, Lot 10, 'Bennett's Sub.; Lots 6, 7, 8, Westaby's Sub:; Lots 7, 24, Michel's Sub. 45'; SI INDEX, - Book 47• SUBJECT. S; construct, in West Sixteenth 373,, 383, ,,39,4, 413, 4,52, 460, 478 contractors fol; bids on, walks 374; 378, Page 412 428 378 379 393 424 453, 454 1917 Jan. INDEX -Book '4 7 SUBJECT Page T 4 -Tax levy, resolution of, copy of sent to County Treasurer 6 " 22- Traveling Men's Club, relative to Roshek .petition 15, 332 Feb. 1- Twaites, John W., petition of, relative to cancell- ing taxes " 1- Taxes, City Treasurer instructed to sell all prop- erty delinquent in taxes 34 " 15 -Town Clock, bids of, for taking care of 36, 52 " 15- Tredway, Elizabeth, petition of, relative to taxes 37 Mar. 1- Turner, A., appointed driver of carpenter wagon 59 Apr. 5- Twenty - fourth St., to improve, from Couler Ave to Jackson St. 99, 105, 106, 15.1 May 3- Trudell, Rose and Joe, petition of, relative to taxes 159, 299 3 -Team Owners, petition of, relative to an increase in wages 160, 199, 201, 332 3 -Tenth St., petition of property owners, on kind of material to be used 164 June 7- Treasurer, annual report of 198 " 7- Tuegel, Cecelia, vs. City, costs of 198 July 5- Twaites, John W., petition of, relative to taxes 254 " 19- Trenk, H. F. and Mary, deed of, to City 264 Aug. 2- Trenches, filling of, contract. awarded 289, 305 16- Telephone, to install in Council Chamber 304 Sept. 6- Trader, T. W., relative to building retaining wall 331 " 6- Trudell, Rose, relative to her assessment 332 " 20- Tibey, John, petition of, relative to remitting $37.00 for Cora St. rolling 347 " 20- Trewin, C. B. , appeal of, on West 3rd St. assess- ment Oct. 4- Trueb, Anna and Josephine, remonstrance on North St. improvement 390 Nov. 1- Trades and Labot Congress, remonstrating against using one -man cars 423, 424 " 15 Tax List of 1916 to be sold at tax sale 439 Dec. 20- Taxes, list for 1917 462, 463 27, 55, 176 348 ] 9 17 INDEX —Book 47 SUBJECT Page U Jan. 4 —Ungs St., improvement of, contract awarded to J. M. Kenety & Son 1; 159, 173, 176, 177, 305, 324, '325, 329, 340, 393, 397, 399 Mar. 26— Urbach, Abe, petition of relative to curb on Park Ave. Aug. 16 —U. S. Engineers, relative to piling at levee Oct. 18 —Ungs St., assessments of, property owners 'corrected ' 70, 268 305 399 INDEX —Book 47 1917 SUBJECT V Jan. 4— Vaults, cleaning of, to, advertise for bids 7, 25, 34 Feb. 15 —Van Valkenberg, F., error in taxes corrected 38 Apr. 5 —Viola St., to improve, from Pleasant St. to the end 102, 116, 127, 146, 147, 158, 163, 164 " 19— Voelker Realty Co., tax petition of, received and filed 122 June 7— Vacation of Fourth St., Bell St., Fifth St. in „Har- bor and Booth's Add., petition of Adams Co 195, 254, 259, 267 7—Voelker Realty Co., relative to improving Lawn - dale and Parkway 193 7— Voelker, John C., protest of, on Atlantic Ave. Imp. July 5— Visiting Nurse Assn., relative to sewer connections ” 19— Vacation of the alley between Lemon and Daven- port Sts., petition of property owners Aug. 2— Voggenthaler, E. J., petition of, relative to repair- ing Windsor' Ave. 2— Voggenthaler, E. J., petition of, relative to vacat- ing an alley in Block 19, Dub. Harbor Co. Add. Sept. 6— Vacation of the alley in Block 19, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Add. 6—Vacation of the alley between White and Jackson from Sixth to Seventh Sts. 6— Vacation of Camp St., from South Main St. to rail- road .tracks 6— Vacation notice, alley between Sixth to Seventh St Page 202, 211, 305 261 26.: 289 290, 332 333 333 349 479 1917 INDEX -Book 47 SUBJECT Page w Jan. 4- Water Works Trustees, annual repoi't of 2 4- Waiver of C. E. Mink -on O'Neill St. sewer assess- ment 6 4- Windsor Ave. paving accepted by Council 7, 15, 19, '25, 27, 289, 396, 400, 427 18 -West Third and Hill Sts., relative to widening 11, 14, 28, 34 1- Western Union Telegraph Co., report of City At- torney relative to underground conduits of other telephone Companies 30, 35 1- Waller, Mary L., petition of, on Fourth St. Exten- sion improvement received and filed 35 15- Welty, Jacob, petition of, realtive to sewer assess- ments - 87 " 15 -Water Works, quarterly report, Oct. 1st to Dec. 31st, 1916 38 " 15- Wheat, Mrs. C. M., allowed soldier's exemption.... • 38 " 15 -Water Works, report of, special committee on re- port ending Sept. 30th, 1916 40 Mar. 1- Wimmer, Geo., petition of, relative to his taxes 54, 176 " 1- Welch & Co., objections of property owners rela- tive to their blasting 55 " 15 -Wood St., to improve, from present improvement to Rosedale Ave. 66, 79, 84, 98, 113, 125, 140, 400, 412, 420, 421 " 15- Willow St., to improve, from St. Ambrose to As- bury St. 67, 79, 84, 89, 97, 112, 125, 127, 140, 330, 351, 352, 369 " 26 -Water Works Bondholders, notice to - 78 Apr. 5- Welch, Thos. R., petition of, relative to blasting on Union Ave. and Rosedale Ave. 82, 110, 116 " 5- Walnut St., petition of property owners, asking to have street improved 82 5 -West Locust St. sprinkling to be done by electric sprinkler 84 6Water Works Trustees McClain, Ross and Schwinn appointed 84 " 5- Walnut St., to improve, from present improvement to West Fourteenth St. 95, 114, 116, 127, 145, 147, 157, 159, 275, 289, 330, 349, 359, 369, 395 5- Water, Engineer to notify all property owners to connect 109 " 19 -Water Works Trustees, relative to excavation or- dinance 115 " 19- Warren Bros., agreement of, for bitulithic pave- ment 115 " 19 -Water Works Trustees, bonds of 116 May 3 -Wood St., old bids of, received and filed 164 " 3 -West Locust St., remonstrance of, received and filed " 17- Weber, Theo., petition of, relative to alley line between Twenty - fourth and Twenty -fifth Sts., between Washington and Elm Sts. 169 " 17 -Water plug on 4th St. Extension, relative to re- moving " 17 -Water Works, quarterly report of " 17- Weitz, John, relative to taking care of water on Twenty- second and Jackson Sts. 177 " 17- Wallis, Mary B., relative to assessment levied against Lot 1, Stewart's Sub. June21 -Wall between West Fourteenth and Grove Ter- race ordered repaired July 5- Waiver of O'Hagan St. property owners di Feb. di 164 170 171 178 214 257 1917 " _ 5- Wallig, Anna, ordered to have sewer connections made 19 -West Third St. improvement, contractor notified to complete work 19- Wenzel, Fred, completed buildings at Bathing Beach 19- Walnut St. property owners notified to make con- nections 19- Weeds, notice of, relative to cutting 285 Aug. 2 -Wales Hotel, petition of Bluff St. residents on tearing building down 290, 343 2- Wilbur Ave., Engineer to prepare grade 299 16 -Water Works, quarterly report of, April 1st to June 30th, 1917 2 -West Third St., improvement of, accepted by Council 305, 323, 329, 334, 348, 418, 423 16-Wales Hotel, owner notified to remove unsafe walls Sept. 6- Waite, A. R., •petition of, relative to installing gasoline tanks 326 6- Western Union Telegraph Co., petition of, relative to 'the sale of conduits of Iowa Telephone Co 325, 347, 381 6- Waiver and agreement of Pine St. property owners 326, 426 20- White, Mary J., petition of, relative to interest on sewer assessment 346 20- Weihe, F. H., communication of, relative to in- surance on fire apparatus 347 20- Wilkinson, Mrs. W. W., remonstrance of, on Wal- nut St. assessment 359 20- Walker, Rose, Estate, remonstrance of, on O'Hag- an St. assessment 360 Oct. 4- Walker, Rose, Estate, notice of, appeal on O'Hag- an St. assessment 378 4 -Water Co., bills of, against contractors 378, 397 4- Wright, Mr., addressed Council relative to con- structing walks on Alta Vista St. 392 4- Warning Sign, relative to placing on Rhomberg Ave. and Julien Ave. 393 4- White, Mrs., addressed Council relative to Walnut St. assessment 395 18- Western Union Telegraph Co. notified to remove guy line on Fifth St. 401 Nov. 1 -West Third St. property owners, petition of, rela- tive to City standing part of their assessment_.._ 418 1- Wallis, John R., petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 424 " 1 -Water Works, report to Sept. 30, 1917, referred._ _ 425 Dec. 6Wallis, John R., petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 449 " 6 -Water Works, petition relative to 1 mill tax 453, 456 id Id Id id INDEX-Book- 4;7 SUBJECT Page 261 268 268 275 302 305, 309 1917 INDEX —Book 47 SUBJECT z July 5— Zolffcoffer, Sophia, ordered to have sewer connec- tions made Page 261 CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) - Regular session, January 4, 1917. Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro- bel, Wallis. Ald. Wallis moved to take from the committee of the whole the bids for the improvements of Pfohl street and Ungs street and act on them in the council meeting. Carried. Ald. Wallis moved to award the contracts for the improving of Pfohl street and for the improving of Ungs streets to J. M. Kenety & Son, they being the lowest bidders and their bond placed at one - fourth the amount of the contracts. Carried. Ald. Wallis moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing Mr. Irwin, professor at the high school, to address the council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. ' Nays —None. Mr. Irwin addressed the council asking for permission to use the Ar- mory hall for basketball practice for the high school students. Ald. Mc- Laughlin moved that the high school students be granted permission to use the Armory hall for basketball prac- tice Monday and Tuesday afternoons until the Governor Greys return and after that date the high school to make arrangements with the Gover- nor Greys for the use of the Armory hall. Carried. BIDS. Bids for furnishing counters in the office of the city treasurer, city auditor and city recorder. Bid of Geo. A. Kampmann, furnish and in- stall fixtures in the offices of the city treasurer, city auditor and city re- corder for the sum of $605.00. Bid of R. Herrmann & Sons, furnish and install fixtures in the offices of the city treasurer and city auditor for the sum of $350.00. BILLS. Gus. Schultz, macadam $ 28 48 Frank Maroney, macadam 3 32 Jim. McLaughlin, macadam 2 22 C. B. McNamara & Co., widen- ing street at 18th and Clay streets 49 17 C. B. McNamara & Co., drive- way in public alley on Ju- lien avenue 1st west of Wil- son avenue 33 60 On motion of Ald. McLaughlin all bills properly O. K. were _ ordered paid. On motion of Ald. Frith the bill of Regular Session Jan. 4, 1917. C. B. McNamara & Co., in the sum of $217.50 for discount lost of brick used on 4th street extension improve- ment was received and filed. Petition of Dubuque Real Estate Board asking the city council to have all city offices open continuously frcm 9 a. in. on and not be allowed to close for the dinner hours presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist the petition was referred to the commit- tee of the whole. Petition of Edward Farrell, driver of the city ambulance, asking the city council to have his position taken from the control of the board of health and that he placed upon• civil service rules and regulations and that he be enrolled as a member of the fire department and paid out of the fire fund presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist the prayer of the petitioner was granted. Petition of Kretschmer Mfg. Co., per Fred • Kretschmer, asking the city council to place the valuation on their property for the years 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915 and 1916 at $5,000.00 ac- cording to ordinance passed by the city council in February, 1912, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith the petition was referred to the committee of the whole. Communication of the League of Iowa Municipalities asking the city council to pay a sum of money suffi- cient to give the legislative committee the necessary funds to carry on its work before the state legislature pre- sented and read. AId. Frith moved to refer the communication to the com- mittee of the whole. Ald. Wallis amended Ald. Frith's motion to grant the prayer of the , communication. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Leist, Mc- Laughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays Ald. Frith. Petition of A. E. Gmehle asking the city council to re- appoint him the col- lector of delinquent personal taxes for the year 1915 and prior at 15 per cent commission presented and read. On motion of Ald. Callahan the prayer of the petitioner was granted. Ald. Wallis moved that a warrant in the sum of $20.00 be ordered drawn on the city treasurer in favor the League of Iowa Municipalities as the city of Dubuque's share toward the work of the legislative committee. Carried. Petition of H. B. Spensley asking to have his remonstrance withdrawn against the improvement of Fdurth street from Main street to Locust street presented and read. On mo- tion of Ald. McLaughlin the petition was made a matter of record. Petition of Mary Klee asking the city council to reduce the assesstnent against lot 14 Sister's Add., presented